1939 Arrow

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HIRTY years ago a handful of hopefuls descended from an antiquated interurban car to attend college amidst a grove

of stunted blackjacks.

The one building that served as their

home is gone and in its place stands a nationally accredited college with an extensive curriculum. Three decades have passed, and with the years has come development; where once stood the blackjacks, sturdy oaks and spreading maples now dot the campus; where a small stone auditorium was once the pride of the school, eight spacious buildings form a military square; where marshlands once scarred the scenery, curving sidewalks and spacious lawns roll lazily under the noon day sun . This progress has been made possible through the agency of the church which has so faithfully stocd as the mother of all I ight to a newly born institution, warming, invigorating, and imparting life giving energy.

Now the school is giving back.

to its initial source men and women of sterling character, trained minds, and regal souls.

Because of this perennial reciprocity,

1939 celebrates a year of mutual activity and understanding between the church and college. There could be no more appropriate object for dedication of this volume than the scores of graduates who have departed from these walls . This group is the Alumni of Bethany-Peniel College. Few realize the extent of the organization's influence


the development of our Alma Mater. Just as the college has inculcated within their minds certain Christian ideals which are enabling them to cope with the intricate problems of I ife, so they are working silently but efficiently to give other young men and women the same favorable opportunities. It is then to the Alumni of Bethany-Peniel College, unobtrusive and unparalleled, that the 1939 ARROW is respect-

fully and proudly dedicated .



gacufty •





gine Jlrts

e Jlctivities


Jlthfetics •



OME behind the doors and live again with us another year of college life. We shall introduce to you each member of our facult y and each member of student body.

We shall introdu ce

to you our board of regents which is the administrative nucleus of our school.

We shall intro -

duce to you the pastor of our college church and let you talk wi th him awhile . You will see us at work and at ploy. Yo u will see us in our various activities clubs

in our organizations . . . our

. . and perhaps you will meet some of us rather informally on the athlet ic field . We shall toke you to spots of worthwhile interest an d acqua int you with the spiritual and ed ucotiona! program which is carried on here on our campus. We shall endeavor to make you feel at home and as though you ore still a port of us. We shall plan for you, as you leaf through the pages of this annual , to enjoy with us the numerous privileges we hove shored together while in school this year . May we begin by . . .


P 'zesident • 93usiness ~g'z.


!Regents •


Our President



history of Bethany-Peniel College has been characterized by contin-

uous improvement in the following ways:

first, in enrollment; second,

in material equipment; third, in the level upon which her work is done ; fourth, in recognition and accreditation; fifth, in the improvement of the scholarship of the faculty; sixth, in its accessibility to its constituency; seventh, in its list of friends and acquaintances; eighth, in its contribution to the vital forces of Christianity and in service to the church . We turn our face toward the future with expectancy. The school is not full grown . We depend upon you, alumni and friends, to help us build for a greater future .

Our Business Manager


pAST successes of Bethany-Peniel College have been accounted for very largely through an unquestioned and widely recogn ized loyalty on the part of our constituency. The student bodies of the institution from year to year have made such contr ibutions as must be reckoned as vital factors in attain ing successes. With the minimum of exceptions there has been on every hand evidence of a genuine friendliness existing between BethanyPeniel students and the college. The financial interests of the college have been supported most commendably through cooperation afforded by the students in connection with their accounts. The enviable pa yment record made by the student bodies of Bethany-Peniel College is a real compliment to the student groups. It is the intent of this article merely to convey to our constituency and the student body an expression of our whole-hearted and full appreciation for assistance provided the business office of Bethany-Peniel College. You have been exceedingly good in your friendship for BethanyPeniel. In addition to human agencies working, I am always ready to acknowledge the divine assistance that comes as a result of much prayer.


•. I

Our Trustees ACK behind the curtain is a body of men that we see little of but hear a great deal about. They are literally the "power behind the throne" . . .. the Bethany-Peniel College Board of Regents. Once a year they sit upon the throne of judgment to weigh the problems of the institution and find solutions to complexing situations . One thinks of such a body as austere, firm , and de-


termined . . . . without heart or sympathy. But this organization is the personification of sympathy and cooperation. They are interested in the welfare of their school and all decisions are controlled by sympathetic and magnanimous motives. The students of Bethany-Peniel College look forward to their coming each year, for it means that they will hear Spirit filled speakers and Godly men . These judges have the capacity to be at ease around the student body, and make the student body feel at ease around them . They combine humor w ith a serious nature to make a body of which the constituency, the Church of the Nazarene, as well as the college, is justly proud . In their conference room, policies are formed, administrative action taken , teachers hired, and problems discussed . This is the body that seeks for the welfare, safety, and continued ex istence and development of Bethany-Peniel College.





Dean , History

Education, Bota ny

Problem solver . trul y a Democratic dean.

Student burden -bea rer . . . she enjoys her re lig ion .

Dean Emeritus of Rei igious Education



D. R. GISH M .A.


Act ing Registrar , History, Ph ilosoph y

Modern Lan gu ages

Philosophy, Ger ma n

Reg istrar, Engli sh

Foreign ambas sador .. a friend at ho me, at home on foreign soil.

On Ieave of absence fo r graduate study.

On leave of absence fo graduate study.

Rei igious Educa tion Spiritual giant . . I ntellect in common garb .

Brilliant h isto rian . a Webs ter in ca rnate .

· :~=.:.:( .· !-':;.····=.:·

Example supreme . . he and God ore broth ers.





Speech, Expression


Science, Mathematics


Personality builder . sees the water lily in the stagnant pool .

Literature's Iighthouse . .. the beams of poetry shine from out the past.

Mathematical wizard . . . adds Christ to every problem .

Laboratory genius test-tubes are his fingers.






Science, Mathematics



Music maker . . she tunes us with the Infinite .

Resigned at close of fir st semester.

Storybook queen personal escort to the knowledge seeker.

Efficient nurse ... she takes care of the Fresh men 's English .





Theory of Music, Piano



Vo ice technic ian never forgets the student is human like himself.

Israel's harp . . . her soul is strung with music .

Musical fair y .. . leads the dance out upon the keyboard .

Musical poet .. . wr ites rhymes with the notes of song .





Business Secretary

Congenial hostess she shares in the joys and sorrows of all .

Assistant Registrar


Right hand lady . . proves her dependability by honest effort.

Refined art ist . .. f in& a real delight in teach 路 in g .

Office necessity ... her presence keeps us out of the red .



Seniors •

fluniors •







Second Semeste'l

H. H. SPENCER .. . Class President

Class of 1939


H. H. SPENCER Th .B. Major : Religious Education A book fascinating in its resplendent display of its various interests, a never ending series of pleasing surprises.

HELEN LARSON A .B. Major : French A fountain of clear, bubbling l ife, overflowing and touching everything about it.


Rei igious Educat ion

A steady beacon I ight usefu l and reassuring by its constanc y a11d bri II iance.


Religious Education

A lake so calm and clear and bright that stars shine out of it all the night.

EDNA PH I LLI PS A. B. Major: English A flash of summer I ightningr beautiful/ swift/ and blindingwithal illuminating .

GLENN HICKS A.B . Major : History A j ewe II ed watch moving m quietness and smoothness in its purposeful way .





A door, sometimes open and sometimes shut, never at the same angIe, a Iways revea Iing new and startling possibilities.



A spring day with its sunshine, flowers and joy, its warmness tempered by the cool of winter to a sturdy growth .


Biological Science

A delicate set of balances, exact and definite in its workings, weighing and deciding accurately.

OSCAR FERGUSON REED Th . B. Major: Religious Education A young pine tree twisted and bent by the passing winds, yet ever springing erect after the tempest.

RUTH HALL A . B. Major : Speech A little red rose, full of lovely, alluring petals, piercing-sharp, but sweet.


Major: Religious Education A stone mansion, sturdy in construction in which the interiordecorator has completed his work.



HAROLD MORRIS A . B. Major : History A ship moving before the w inds of life with Christ as the captain and pilot.

AVA LOU HALL A .B. Major : English A gentle rain , sweet and cool, lending itself graciousl y to making the world a more beautiful place in which to l ive .

ROY RAY A .B., Th .B. Major : History, Religious Education A steel spring wound to t ightness and ready to ex pand with a tremendous display of usefu l energy.

ESTHER SEARS B.F.A . Major: Public School Music A fern in a sec I uded nook, just out of reach of the passing

crowds, accessible only to those who strive to reach it.

LORENZO McNALL Th . B. Major : Religious Education A rugged butte towering above the commonplace plain , scarred and toughened by win ds and rains .

VIRGINIA GROFF A . B. Major : English A pearl of rarest beauty that g lows against a background as the full moon in a deep blue sky.



RUTH INGRIM A .B. Major : History A I i ly of purest white h iding away in shady places to gladden the heart of the careful seeker.

PAUL CHAPMAN A .B. Major : English A sparkling brook gurgling, laughing, and swirling along to join the great, deep river .

HARIETTE BAILEY A .B. Major : Speech A broad, smoothly flowing river that goes on, unchec ked by any obstacle, toward its goa l.


Major: English A vivid picture giving joy and happiness always to the passerby, with its shades and tones of color.

RUSSELL ANDERSON B.F.A . Major : Voice A thermometer of mercuric changes that are unexpected and joyfully surprtsmg .

RAY ALDRIDGE Th .B. Major : Religious Education A polished mirror which in quietness ref lects the love and Iight of Christ in consistent Christian living.



GLADYS WILLIAMS A.B . Major : Philosophy An indirect light which wor ks tirelessly to transmit its velvet rays without making itself conspicuous .

ARCHEL MEREDITH A.B . Major : Philosophy A dam holding back the lifegiving water that it might be distributed to those who need it.

BEULAH SULLIVAN A .B. Major : History A smooth maple tree standing the tests of wind and rain with head lifted toward the heavens.

VERLA BRUNKAU Th.B . Major : Religious Education A viol in, beautiful in its workmanship, reproducing the beautiful in life through its mellow tone .

NORMAN WALKER A . B. Major : Chemistry A sparkling gem revealing in its multitude of glistening facets the many-sidedness of versati 1ity.

ALENE WELCH A.B . Major: English A flower of the sun spreading sunshine in the hearts of o t hers as its lofty head sways and nods in the breeze.


SADIE BOUNDS A.B . Major: History A soft west wind that brings comfort and cheer singing joyfully as it goes.

FRANCIS WAGES Th .B. Major : Religious Education A highly polished magnifying glass tho t enlarges the glory and the power of God through serv1ce .

LORENE GRANT A .B. Major : History A pane of glass, tinting the rays of I ight that pass through it and giving to them a soft and glowing lustre.


Class of 1940



Y, ISSouri Closs President





Bethany, Oklahoma

Marshall, Texas

Bethany, Oklahoma

Sherman, Texas

LUCY LITTRELL Bethany, Oklahoma

WILMER LAMBERT Cheyenne, Wyoming

HELEN E BORREL Marksville, Louisiana

RAY FI NGER Dallas, Texas





Piedmont, Oklahoma

Hamlin , Texas

Blackwell , Oklahoma

Dallas, Texas





Marshall , Texas

Broc kwa y, Pen n.

Sh reveport, Louisia na

Betha ny, Oklahoma

BOYD HA N COC K Conwa y' A rk onsos Closs Vice-Presiden t

RUTH WiESE Arlington T ' ex.as Secretary and T reas .



Norman, O kl ahoma

Bonham, Texas

HAROLD HOYT Wellington , Kansas

FREDRICK PATZEL Bethany, O kl ahoma





Texhoma , Oklahoma

Portales, New Mex ico

Kansas City, Missouri

San Benito, Texas





La Junta, Colorado

Bethany, Oklahoma

Norman, Oklahoma

Sherman, Texas





Bethany, Oklahoma

Bethany, Oklahoma

Bethany, Oklahoma

Bethany, Oklahoma


Kansas Cit Student



Y, ISsouri Council R






Capitan, New Mexico

Ropesville, Texas

Bethany, Oklahoma

Newark, Ohio





Wingate, Texas

Bethany, Oklahoma

Bethany, Oklahoma

Copperas Cove, Texas



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HOYLE THOMAS . . . Class President

Class of 1941

Paul Moore Cecil Crawford Hoyle Thomas Virginia Bacchus Jock Welty Florence Roy

William Fisher

I rene Schooley

Audrey Edwards

Marjorie Croo ks

Edward Gilbert

Willis Lambert

Hazel Por ker

Kathleen Sadowsky Evelyn Littrell Herbert Hicks Mary Ella Weaver

Allen Miller Aleta McShane Ponder Gilliland

Marjorie Wheeler

Maxine Chose John Ed Roberts Henry Crawford



Kathleen Macron Melton

Thoma ~

Rolph Carlone Margaret Mi ll e Virginia Collowo'


Lucille Branson

Ruth Williams

Rebecca Moores

Edward Deboard

Gladys Lusk

Juanita Cook

Jessye Collins

Beulah Pope

Evelyn Ester

Clastine McBee Ruby Martz

Sybil Grissom Grady White Paula Parish Lois Yarbrough

Louise Bean

Sadie Vaughn Nannie Jo Graham

Martha Sm ith Beatrice Hinds

Harold Hill

Francine Johnson

Phyllis Cole

Lucena DeGroodt

Willie Voight

Claude Beck

Ralph Simpson Herman Parrish Clyde Owensby

Estel Bowers Eva Mae Wilson

Jane Nichols

Ruth Milligan

Bessie Lee

Marvin Stockett Juanita Hepburn


CHARLES TAYLOR ... Class President

Class of 1942





Burbank, California

Ballinger, Texas

Dallas, Texas



Miami , Florida

Shreveport, Louisiana




Kansas City, Missouri

Kansas City, Missouri

Houston, Texas



Beatrice, Nebraska

Olmito, Texas




Mitchell , South Dakota

Waco, Texas

Albuquerque , New Mex ico



Miami , Florida

Vilonia , Arkansas




San Antonio, Texas

Marshall, Texas

Osage, Oklahoma



Kansas City, Missouri

Dallas, Texas




Pine Bluff, Arkansas

Bethany, Oklahoma

Norman, Oklahoma



Kansas City, Missouri

Pilot Point, Texas




Roswell, New Mex ico

Henryetta , Oklahoma

Bradley, O k lahoma



Prescott, Arkansas

Forgo, Oklahoma




Shawnee, Oklahoma

Crowley, Louisiana

Goldthwaite, Texas




Forgo, Oklahoma




Woodward , Oklahoma

Waukee, Iowa

Norman , Oklahoma



Bethany, Oklahoma

Bethan y, Oklahoma






路 Dodge City, Kansas

San Antonio, Texas

Vinson, Oklahoma



Henderson , Texas

Wellington , Texas




McKinney, Texas

Bethany, Oklahoma

Vona , Colorado



Antlers, Oklahoma

Waco, Texas




Magno! ia, Mississippi

Cave City, Arkansas

Crystal City, Texas



Newark, Ohio

Ballinger, Texas




Wichita, Kansas

Bartlesville, Oklahoma

Anthony, Kansas



Enid, Oklahoma

Iota, Louisiana





Durant, Oklahoma

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

El Dorado, Arkansas



Henryetta, Oklahoma

Kansas City, Missouri




Bethany, Oklahoma

Bethany, Oklahoma

Cisco, T exos



Chi II icothe, Texas

Bethany, Oklahoma



Hot Springs, Arkansas

Shelbyville, Arkansas

LAWRENCE FISH Wellington, Kansas



Stanford, T exos

Beaumont, Texas




Bethany, Oklahoma

Bethany, Oklahoma

Elk City, Oklahoma



Bottle Creek, Iowa

Bethany, Oklahoma





Roscoe, Texas

Shawnee, Oklahoma

Rotan , Texa s



Enid, Oklahoma

Erick, Oklahoma




Imboden , Arkansas

Nido, Oklahoma

Cisco, Texa s



Ponca City, Oklahoma

Donalsonville, Georg ia




Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Ardmore, Oklahoma

Bethany, Oklahoma



Sulphur Spring s, Texas

Clinton, Oklahoma




Mankato, Kansa s

Marshall , Texas

Waco, Texas



Blackwell , Oklahoma

Eldon, Missouri

Science building .. . Erected in 1927 this is the seat for class and lecture rooms, together with t he science and chemical laboratories.

College Specials Second Semester Students

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MARVIN SIMPSON College Special Vi ionia, Arkansas

LLOYD CORNELISON Freshman Dallas, Texas

ALICE STEGALL Freshman Little Rock, Arkansas

RAYMOND HANTLA Junior Meade, Kansas

MAXINE PICKENS Freshman Bethany, Oklahoma

GEORGE RICHEY Freshman Beatrice, Nebraska

MILDRED MURPHY Special Bethany, Oklahoma

MARGARET WILLIS Junior Amarillo, Texas

FERN BROCK Freshman Erick, Oklahoma

VIRGIL TERRY Freshman Bethany, Oklahoma

ROY DARDEN Freshman Sharon , Oklahoma LORENE HUSKEY Special Roswell , New Mex ico

EULAH BRISENDINE Special Canon City, Colorado

BEULAH BRISENDINE Special Canon City, Colorado

ALPHA LEWIS Jun ior Portales, New Mexi co

OTHAR McDONALD Special Bethany, Ok lahoma WILLIAM GILBREATH Freshman Denver, Colorado

BLANCHE VAUGHN Sophomore Atoka, Oklahoma

ROY PARKS Freshman Hot Springs, Arkansas

BYRD ELL BISHOP Junior Do Ihart, Texas MARGARET STEGALL Freshman Little Rock, Arkansas

DARWIN FAUSS Freshman Bethany, Oklahoma

ELVIS BATES Freshman Bethany, Oklahoma

GENE ANDERSON Freshman Wichita , Kansas

JETTIE HAIR Freshman Wichita Falls, Texas JUDSON HAIR Freshman Wichita Falls, Texas

CHARLIE ROBERTS Intensive M inisterial Erick, Oklahoma

BEULAH SLIGER Freshman Williamsville, Missouri

INTENSIVE MINISTERIAL MAJOR SHARP Intensive Ministerial Crockett, Texas

JOHN HULCY Intensive Minister ial Bethany, Oklahoma

J. C. WARRICK Intensive Ministerial Grassland, Texas

WALLACE KORNEGAY Intensive Min isterial Dallas, Texas

LEVERT WEAVER Intensive Minister ial Wewoka, Oklahoma

ARTHUR MERRIMAN Intensive M inisterial Berne, Indiana

CHARLES KING Intensive Ministerial Bethany, Ok lahoma

H . M . CURTIS Intensive Min isterial Telephone, Texas

ALICE BLACKSHEAR Bethany, Oklahoma ANNIE BLACKSHEAR Bethany, Oklahoma DOROTHY RIDINGS Bethany, Oklahoma

GERALDINE BALES Bethany, Oklahoma VIRGINIA TIDWELL Bethany, Oklahoma LORA SHAW Bethany, Oklahoma

DELLA DAWSON Bethany, Oklahoma GUYON YARBROUGH Bethany, Oklahoma VERA BLACK Bethany, Oklahoma

JEAN KING Bethany, Oklahoma JOE TURNIPSEED Bethany, Oklahoma RUDENE HALL Bethany, Oklahoma



ROY EAGAN Special Bethany, Oklahoma MENDELL SMITH Special Bethany, Oklahoma

LEONA McCONNELL Special Bethany, Oklahoma LOTTIE TAYLOR Special Bethany, Oklahoma

VEVA HARRIS Special Bethany, Oklahoma ZELMA ORTON Special Bethany, Oklahoma

LEOLA HAYES Special Kansas City, Missouri CATTOLENA PETERS Senior Grandfield, Oklahoma

Boy's dormitory ... where Christian fellowship is invaluable .

EDWARD TAYLOR . .. Freshman Representative BOBBIE MERRILL ... Secretary CLYDE OWENSBY .. . Sophomore Representative MILFORD SODOWSKY ... President RUTH HALL . .. Senior Representative -

First Semester

ROY RAY .. . Senior Representative- Not Pictured- Second Semester RUSSELL ANDERSON ... Vice Pres id e nt BETTY LUNN ... Junior Representati ve



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ANY thanks Mr. Editor for this opportunity of expressing my deep appreciation to the students of Bethan y-Peniel College for

their loyalty, support, and cooperation in the carrying on of student activities this year. It is my belief that the council of th is year has spo nsored a program which has been a means of bringing the adm inistration and the student body to a reciprocal understanding of each other's problems .

Our goals have been twofold :

first , to inspire within each

s tudent a wholesome school spirit, and secondl y, to sponsor onl y those activities which would be for the best social, educational, and spiritual interests of our college. I have greatl y enjoyed my work as pres ident of the council. will never forget the joys that have been mine in serving the student body this year . The future alone can fully measure the personal value I have received from working with members of the administration , the Student Council, and the student body. Milford Sadowsky.

Alpha Rho

Gamma Rho

Beta Rho


three chapters of Delta Rho were

led this year by Paul Moore, president of Alpha , Ponder Gilliland, president of Beta, and Alfred Minyard , president of Gamma .

Each Saturday night these

three societies alternated in the presentation of a literary program . Each program was graded and at the end of the semester the total points were tab ulated .

It is also a pract ice that the

chapters spons?r once each year a voice contest, a piano contest and a men and women's declamation reading contest. The three sponsors for the respective societies included Professor Crill , Gamma ; Professor Newsome, Beta; and Miss Corlett, Alpha .


TWO occasions of the school year at Bethany-Peniel College which hold much interest for the student body are the two series of Aycock Lectures. The series of lectures were founded five years ago by Reverend Jarrette E. Aycock who has shown a true interest in the future of the college and its students. Since the beginning of the lecture series, Reverend I. C. Mathis and Reverend Mack Anderson have also assisted in providing the lecturers for the occasion. Twice each year leaders in Christian service, and leaders in the Church of the Nazarene bring to the college, and more especially to the ministerial students, messages concerning the doctrines and basic principles of the church. Lessons in the various phases of Christian work gained from years of experience and observation are 1n this way made available to the students by the lecturers. The speaker for the tenth series of lectures was Rev . Roy Smee, superintendent of the Northern California district. Rev. Smee drew from twenty years of active work in the ministry when he delivered the practical messages of this series, October 3-7 . At the 路 chapel services each morning, Rev. Smee brought out many gospel truths which were both spiritual and enlightening. In the afternoons he spoke to the ministerial group on the different phases and duties of the minister's life. The speaker for the second semester lectures was Rev. Hugh Benner, pastor of the First Church of the Nazarene at Spokane, Washington. Both the morning and afternoon messages were characterized by the enthusiasm and the scholarly manner in which the speaker presented them . Among the chapel messages were "Christ or Chaos" and "The Key to the Puzzle of Life." The afternoon messages were based on the duties and responsibilities of the leadership of the ministry.





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A T I 0 N


First Row:

Margaret Kirby, Valda Waddle, Glenn Hicks, Prof. Smith , Aleta McShane.

Second Row: Th ird Row:

Evel yn Littrell , Ruth Wiese, Mary Mae Wi llia ms.

W ilmer La mbert, Charles Smith, W illis Lambe rt , Oscar Reed , Claud Chilton , Ernest Moore, Prof. Floyd, Margaret Miller.

Second Semester: Alfred Minyard, Ava Lou Hall , Kyle Cri st, Elizabeth Reed, Marion Co rlett .

DURING the past year, the Reveille Echo has been pub I ished by the staff of students whose picture appears on this page. Realizing both its limitations and possibilities


journalism, this group has at-

tempted to make this publication a meaningful and purposeful contribution to student I ife.

By carrying

articles of news value, and by giving expression to student thought and opinion, the Reveille Echo has hoped to fu lfi II the duties of a bi-weekly college newspaper in as effective a manner as possible . Glenn Hicks


IMAGINE Bethony-Pen iel College without its religious organizations! The vital ity of the college is centered in the intensity and emphasis which it places on a spiritual program. The Gospel Teams ploy a major role in the development and stabilization of the spiritual life of the school. They ore permanent organizations which meet every Thursday evening for short inspiring devotional periods of worship . Wherever opportunity has opened her doors, the Gospel Teams hove sent student pastors and preachers. Under the leadership of Haro ld Morris and Lewis Ingle in the men 's group and Ruth lngrim and Florrie Wheeler in the women's group, the Gospel Teams hove enjoyed on active and successful year.

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THOSE students who are entering into definite religious work together with Rev. Macrory and the elders in the college faculty compose the Ministerial Association.


young men and women through the various agencies of the school carry on an active part in spreading the glorious gospel truth. As ministerial students, this group or association is privileged to enjoy the Aycock Lectures twice each school year.


training these youthful leaders in the work of spreading a full salvation the Association finds its objective and reNard. To forego satisfaction of physic;al appetite for food and to spend the noon hour every Friday in prayer and praise,- these are the activities of our devoted Prayer and Fasting League . The group led by Frankl in Keesee has rende~ed invaluable aid during our revival campaigns and has contributed liberally toward lifting and strengthening the spiritual morale of the college .



The Measure of Our Gratitude

incident is related in the fortyA Nfirstinteresting chapter of Genesis. Pharaoh, king of Egypt, had dreamed a dream which all the magicians and wise men of Egypt were unable to interpret. The embarrassment of Pharaoh brought Rev. H. B. Macrory back to the mind of his chief butler a simi lor incident that occurred two years before. The chief butler and chief baker were prisoners at the time and each had dreamed a dream that seemingly no one could interpret. The unexpected happened. When Joseph, who was then a steward over the prisoners, came to see them he found the butler and baker downcast and sad . Upon learning the cause of their sorrow he called upon God to help him, and in~ terpreted their dreams for them . Three days later the butler was restored to his position, while the baker was hanged, as Joseph said would take place. Joseph made but one request in return for the kindness he had shown. Addressing the butler he said, "Think on me when it shall be well with thee and make mention of me unto Pharaoh, and bring me out of this house." But two years passed by and Joseph was forgotten. The heart of the butler doubtless was filled with gratitude at the time of his release, but in his joy and prosperity, he had forgotten Joseph. How easy it is to forget. Pharaoh's dilemma brought the butler to himself, and addressing the king, he said, "I do remember my faults this day ." At last he remembered Joseph and his obligation to him . Doubtless the chief butler had many faults. Back of his forgetfulness was ingratitude. Gratitude is a grace. A grace all should cultivate. Indeed no characteristic of God, Himself, is more wonderful than that of His gratitude. He is pleased with our praise, made happy by our service, and rejoices in our obedience. One cannot as much as give a cup of cold water in His name without receiving a reward . What a beautiful example He has set. 0, to be like Him! The dedicating of this issue of the Arrow to the Alumni of Bethany-Peniel College is a token of appreciation for the many and sp Iend id contributions you have made your Alma Mater. She is grateful to you for the past. She has not forgotten the years you spent together and is proud of you and of your record since leaving her halls of learning. Like Joseph she has a request to make. She would ask you to remember her today, and, in the midst of your joys and prosperity across the tomorrows, may you not be overtaken by the faults of the chief butler.

The Church ... spiritual pulse of the col lege .

• ell Cappella • fl)ebate • Cho'lal Speaking • illee Club • Qua'ltets • 93and



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L L A THIS year the A Cappella choir has made a definite contribution to the aesthetic and advertising values of the college. Professor Crill, in his first year as director of the organization, placed it on a technical par with other coll~ge choirs. The success of its work has been due primarily to a fine sense of appreciation for a better type of rei igious mus ic, together with the deep spirituality of its members. }he high point of the choir's activities came when the organization made an Easter concert tour to Sapulpa, Oklahoma , and Kansas City, Missouri . With a repertoire of fifteen numbers the programs were given in three divisions with an intermission between each division . According to Professor Crill , the trip to Kansas City will become an annual affair with all the five Kansas City churches combining in what will be called "Easter Vespers." The A Cappella choir has given to the students and friends of BethanyPeniel College a deeper and more ref ined appreciation for this, a different type of vocal expression .

DURING this year Bethany-Peniel College has been represented in debate tournaments at Arkansas City, Kansas, Winfield, Kansas, and Norman, Oklahoma . Under the supervision of Mrs. Mendell Taylor, debate in our school, has made rapid progress . The men's Junior team composed of Lawrence Fish and William Fisher won five out of six debates at the W infield , Kansas Tournament. In the tournament at Oklahoma University, Charles Smith won third place in after-dinner speaking . The outstanding debate of the year was between the Pasadena Nazarene College team, composed of Charles Guss and Wayne Brown and the college team, Lawrence Fish and Oscar Reed.




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THE Choral Speaking Club has been under

the ca pable supervision of Mrs. Mendell Taylor for the past three years. Her experience in this type of speech work has been invaluable in increasing the interest and enrollment in this particular organization . The aim of the group has been to learn the use of the speaking voice to effectively interpret the printed page . This year the club has made a special study of group scripture reading which has proved to be very effective as well as interesting .



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THE Girls Glee Club is on organization for the development of better group singing . The first public appearance of this group came in the earlier part of the first semester when it appeared on an ensemble program sponsored by the fine arts department. At the beginn ing of the second semester however, a new procedure was adopted in that membership in the club was limited to only those young ladies not registered in the A Cappello choir. In this manner Professor Crill hopes to give direct attention to those whom he feels have promise for more advanced group courses . Special emphasis is placed upon sight reading, stage po ise, and the benefits derived from group participation .

IN her fourth yeor as director, Mrs . Alline Swann has led the college orchestra into a prominent and elevated level in the fine arts field. Combining leadership and technical knowledge this organization , has under the baton of its director, made definite contributions toward the forwarding and encouragement of a well balanced musical program .









During the first semester, this group in collaboration with the A Cappella choir, appeared in a public ensemble program. The orchestral selections included were the Quartet from " Rigo letto" by Verdi, the "British Grenadiers" and the entire "Atlant is Suite ." Also a musical accompaniment was furnished the choir in "Largo" from the New World Symphony by Dvorak, and " Send Forth Thy Spirit" by Schuetky. Dur ing the commencement season the orchestra brough t a cl imax to its activities by presenting a special group of num bers including " Finlandia " by Sibelius, and "The Evolut ion of Dixie" by Lake. Throughout the entire year Professor Morri s Yadon served as concert violinist, with Willo Mae Beresfo rd a s piano accompanist.




u A


E T NDER the supervision of the Voice department this year there has come the organization of two commendable male quartets. It has prev iously been customary that some such group represent the school each summer in the interest of student enrollment. This year, however, each of these two organizations, together with a faculty member, will tour the comprising districts of the Bethany-Peniel educational zone in behalf of the building expansion program, which was launched at the local church here last November. Pending schedules call for eight successive weeks of travel with each quartet appearing in approximately eighty services.


ADIES' quartet work reached a new peak this year with

L the formation of two accreditable such women ' s organizations. Adhering to a strict practice schedule these two groups have proven quite efficient as singers as well as popular representatives of the voice department , and also of the school . They have appeared in numerous pub Iic serv ices, assemblies and conventions . Composed of only sophomores and freshmen , these groups give a bright prospective future to this particular medium of the fine arts field.





u A R T




HIS year the band under the baton of William Fisher has made itself popular

by adding a touch of school spirit to the basketball games with its music .

This or-

ganization meets regularly for the benefit of credit as well as for tlie development of a better class of instrumental music. One commendable feature of this particular group is the decided increase in membership over similar groups of the preceding years .



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A NEW movement was inaugurated this year with the selection of six outstanding students as mem bers of the Who's Who of American Colleges and Universities. Meeting in joint session, the Administrative council, the Student council, and the two editors of school pub Iications elected six students, who in their opinion, most efficiently represented Bethany-Peniel College. These were Oscar Reed , Lewis Ingle, Milford Sodowsky, Glenn Hicks, Eunice Phillips, and Bobbie Merrill. Each year the University of Alabama g1ves each member of the Association of Amer ican Colleges and Universities the privilege of choosing from their student body outstanding students on the basis of scholarship, sportsmanship, and leadership. Our own Administrative Council added to these qualifications a further one . . . that of spirituality. After election the student submits his name, classification, and a brief resume' of activities in which he has participated . This information is compiled and published in book form which serves as a reference guide fo r commercial firms and other Universities throughout the nation.


• 93 Club • Jill School

• 93asketball • qennis • Softball


c L


Ro bin son, Ro ber t s, Sull ivan , Prof. Ri ce, Smith, An de rson, Ra y, In gle, Mi ller, Reed , G ill ila nd , M ac rory, Mo rr is.


THE Lettermen's club is the athletic hub of the school.

Around it revolves the sports program for the entire year. In its fifth year of operation, the club is composed of those students who have lettered in either basketball, track or tennis. Meeting once each week the club is opened to round table discussions which formulate the sports policies of the school. Here crit icisms and suggestions are rejected and adopted , schedules prepared, tournaments arranged, dates fixed, and standards set up which govern athletic activities in a most efficient manner. Not only is the Lettermen's club the administrative medium for Intramural sports activities but it stands for the ideal in sportsmanship. It maintains that one can be every ounce a Christian gentleman on the baseball field or basketball court as well as in the more quiet circles of society. Fellowship, good will, and the ability to take as well as to give are therefore emphasized as objectives of this organization . Under the leadership of Oscar Reed as president, and Professors Rice and Ernest Hall as sponsors, the Lettermen's Club has been aggressively active in fostering a clean and well rounded curriculum of sporting ideals.

With the gala opening of the fall Jamboree, came the launching of the most colorful and successful basketball season in the history of Bethany-Peniel College. The uniformity of dress, reconditioning of the gymnasium floor, installation of a new heating system, and the construction of a multi-colored score board all contributed to making the 1938-39 season one of outstanding years in the development of local basketball. Under the faculty supervision of Professor Kenneth Rice and Mrs. Alice Crill the organization of the athletic schedule has attained a new level of efficiency. Credit must be given to the Director of women's athletics for her untiring efforts in the emphasis and development of a proper recreational program for the young ladies of the college. Professor Rice, who was suceeded at mid-term by Professor Ernest Hall, did an excellent piece of work in the elevation and revision of the entire athletic program. At the close of the season a basketball commission met and selected eight men to constitute an all school basketball team. These players were chosen on the merits of offensive and defensive ability, floor play and team work, scholarship qualification, and sportsmanship. The players receiving this distinction were: Charles Smith, Senior; Ceci I Crawford, Sophomore; Oscar Reed, Senior; Russell Anderson, Senior; Ponder Gilliland, Sophomore; John Roberts, Sophomore; Henry Crawford, Junior; and Alfred Sullivan, Junior.


Robinson Corlett Sullivan Miller Orton Yarbrough Keesee

Sandlin Littrell Pate Young Taylor


N I 0 R









!XING plenty of fight with on aggressive team spirit the Junior team was no set-up for any team in school. Once they shoved the sophomores over and they put a real score into the Senior five by carrying one game into an over time period. With only a few lucky breaks the Juniors would hove been riding hard on the heels of the winner. Rob inson, Sullivan and Henry Crawford played fine boll as their team took four and lost five for the season .


The Freshmen team was a team of seemingly good promise at the beginning of the season, but a lock of coord ination and consistent team work got them off to a bod start from which they did not recover. Although unable to push over a singl e vistory t hese lads of t he green and white were always out with a hustle and often thrilled the crowd with a commendable brand of basketball. Littrell, Young , Anderson, and Pate proved to be good boll players.


UTPOI NTED in total scoring by other teams, the Seniors had the ne-

cessary punch it took to win when it was needed. Led by Reed, Smith , and Anderson in a fast breaking style of play the Senior hoopsters rang down the basketball season with a total of eight victories and one defeat to their credit. Whipped into shape by early practice sessions the Sophomores ap peared to be the team to watch this year. Strengthened by a capable roster of substitutes this flashy aggregation carried their colors to second place in team standings winning six and losing three. Gilliland, Roberts,

Crawford, Stockett and Gilbert deserve mention .


E N I 0



Sodowsky Ingle Smith Anderson Reed Chilton Ray



0 p H


Stockett Roberts Parrish Lambert Crawford Gilbert Gilliland

Top row : Sullivan Bounds Smith Eagan Bottom row : Groff Orton Collins McAnich DeGroodt




R Collins Wilson Edwards Crooks Wheeler Ray Martz


0 p H


Top row : Gaines Peck Myers Haley Knippers Bottom row : Smith Moore Garrison Magness


R 0




lVI NG into three hard fast rounds of ball play

the Freshmen girls upset all pre-season dope records to walk off with the softball championship. Strong at the bat as well as afield these lassies proved their abilities to score in the pinches, a characteristic which was prevalent in quite a few of their games . Pictured below, first row : Horn, Roberts, Moore, Sayes, Second row: Magness, Morris, Reed , Corlett, and Magness.

s 0 F T B A L


ENNIS is rapidly becoming one of the most


popular sports of the athletic curriculum .

Although handicapped by lim ited playing room, still a comparative large number find time to participate in this pastime. As was predicted, the fall tennis tournament brought together again numerous young aspirants and seasoned veterans all out to win the coveted crown .

In the singles division for men Allen

Miller came out at the big end of the bracket pa irings to win his first letter in any competitive sport, as well as to fill the shoes of last year's champion who was lost by graduation . In the doubles division for men, two senior veterans of racket wielding, Paul Macrory and Harold Morris came through

to win high

honors in their respective division.



HARACTERIZED by on altogether unexpected amount of interest and enthusiasm the women's tennis tournament soared to a new high this year. This was conspicuously notice -


able in the increased number of entries, foster t ype of ploy, and a definite smoothness in style . The final match in the singles division drew on eager and supporting group of spectators, something which has hitherto been rather unusual . With Lauro Groce Roberts in the lead all the way the championship was this year brought into the Freshman class. In the doubles divis ion for w omen , Miss Roberts teamed with Marjorie Crooks to form a comb ination which won for them the doubles title .

s 0 F

Smith, Mccrory, Sadowsky, Anderson, Morris, Ray, Hicks, Reed, Ingle, McNall.


L L LTHOUGH not classified as a major sport, softball occupies one of the top-notch positions as for as the recreational program of the school is concerned. Each year the athletic program gets under way with the opening of the annual fall softball tournament. This year the Senior nine coasted through to be crowned the softball kings of the diamond. Led by the effective hurling of Russ Anderson and backed by a tight defensive field the Seniors suffered only one defeat while


hammering out eight victories. The remaining three classes were never out of the running but could always be counted on to put up a good fight. Final standings closed with the Sophomores, Juniors and Freshmen finishing in that order. As a climatic gesture, on all school softball team was chosen by five secretive judges. Final tabulations showed the following choices: Russell Anderson, p; Glenn Hicks, c; Fronk Keesee, 1b; Chester Rob inson, 2b; Harold Morris, 3b; Milford Sodowsky, ss; Ponder Gilliland . If; Cecil Miller, cf; Lewis Ingle, rf; Charles Smith, r; and Alfred Sullivan, utility.

Our Advertisers

FRIENDS are those who when tried, prove true. This new ARROW is yours- the year-boo k of your college. Its friends are your friends; they have stood by you . They are your advert isers. Hold your old friends and gain new ones. Gi ve your advertisers a t rial, and let them know you read their advertisements. For they are true friends .

- J . Henry Crawford Advertising Manager

BethanlJ Peniel r-'

Collec_re Church

REv. H. B.



spc Bethan-q, Oklahoma

Nazarene lJoung People,s Societl] WESTERN OKLAHOMA DISTRICT Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity. l Timothy 4:12



Do You Know? 1.

That the N .Y.P.S. constitutes over one-third of the entire Church of the Nazarene .


That the N.Y. P.S. furnishes Bethony-Peniel Col lege most of its students.


That the N.Y.P .S. sponsors most of the home mission work of our church and especially of our district by N .Y. P.S. plan of "Penny A Week" and "A Home Mission Campaign on Each Zone."


That the future of the Church of the Nazarene is just as safe as the present N.Y.P .S. makes it, and no more .

ERNEST ARMSTRONG, Th.B. District President

A Responsibility

A Challenge

WE KNOW That God with us, God in us, God above us, God Beneath us, God behind us, and God going before us




Easy Monthly Payments

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We Handle Entire Deal Building New Homes, Roofing, Remodeling, Repairing, Painting, Wall paper








Bethany Phone # l Okla . City Phone 4-4100

KIOWA LUMBER COMPANY 417 N. Western, Okla. City






Phone 2-7151

KIOWA LUMBER COMPANY l 01 S.E. 29th, Okla. City







Phone 3-2311

CAPITOL HILL LUMBER YARD 2700 S. Robinson, Okla. City






Phone 3-4731

FAIR GROUNDS LUMBER YARD l l 03 N. Eastern, Okla . City






Phone 2-8196


1410 S. Agnew, Okla. City



Phone 7-6609

KIOWA LUMBER COMPANY 415 E. 13th Street, Tulsa







Phone 4-3168












Ask Your Grocer!

Compliments of

Bethany Mill

AN 0

f=eed Co.


Giving 13 Years of Dependable Service to Bethany and Surrounding Territory

\V. F. Weiszbrod, Prop.


Bill Merritt

Pauline Merritt

Compliments of


Merritt Funeral Hmne "Our Service Renders Beauty and Dignity Without Extravagance"



Catering to Those Who Care Compliments of





Co1n plirnents



Bethany Tribune

Swann Service Sta. Conoco BETHANY, OKLA. Phone 97


Compliments of

Western States Grocery Co. OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA.

Donation from


Moores Serv. Sta.


9 years of dependable sermce

Life - Fire - Auto

Phone 7


INSURANCE Paul Haag - and - J. Harr is Creech


1600-14 W. Main St.

Phone 3-4497

Compliments of



The College Hangout C U at Earl's EARL


Compliments of

HERMANS FOOD STORE " A lways a pleasure to serve you" MR. and MRS. HERMAN BEAVE R

110 E. Main St.

Phone 224


We Deliver

Wolf and Company




716 Petroleum Bldg .

路 Phone 5-3482


531 N.W. 23rd STREET

19 39







Wi th a R ecord of 47 Years of Dependable Service


Compliments of


Brack McLain

We resto re your soles o nd hee l yo u BETHANY

Will take care of your needs in houses, lots and acreage INSURANCE and RENTALS Phone 14 or 218-J



Glens Transfer


Phone 261-J

BETHANY GARAGE A Special Price to All


Best Wishes to Arrow Staff 100 '/o for Bethany Peniel College

Ministers and Students

Ed Fauss 路 Plumber


Phone 70




FINE ARTS COMPANY MANUFACTURJERS a n d lENGRA VJER搂 Graduation Announcements Diplomas

520 N .W . THIRD ST.

P ersonal Cards



Compliments of



Hardware Dry Goods and Nations

Dealers in HAY, FEED, SEED and PRODUCE



Phone 45




Competent, Experienced Engineering Staff For-

Structural Steel -

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FENCING Chain-Link and V-Mesh Wire Fabrics For-

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Custom-Built Ornamental Iron Fences CONSULT US WHEN IN THE MARKET FORStructural Steel .. Reinforcing Steel .. Ornamental Iron .. Meta 1 Windows . . Metal Screens .. Metal Doors .. Wire Mesh .. Steel Joists .. Steel Roof Deck . . Safety Treads .. Metal Lath and Accessories . . Grilles and Registers .. Coal Chutes . . Fireplace Dampers .. Garbage Receivers .. Found ati on Ve nts .. Sash Weights

Everything Steel for Buildings, Bridges and Roads

J.B.I{lein Iron & Foundry Co. OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA.


1401 N.W. Third

L.D. 434

Compliments of II



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Phone 12




Griffin Grocery Company


PRINTING For 50 years we have met the most exacting printing requirements of a growing Oklahoma.

In 1939 We Offer• The best quality that good craftsmanship and modern equipment can produce. • Twenty-four hour a day operation, msunng rapid delivery. • Reasonable prices consistent with good workmanship, made possible by high efficiency and large volume.

Times-Journal Publishing Co. Established in 1889

100-106 N.E. Second St.

Oklahoma City, Okla.

!Pifone Fifty



3-7377 Printing



This advertisement appeared in the Fiftieth Anniversary edition of the Daily Oklahoman dated April 22, 1939-lt seems only fitting that it should also appear in the Sixteenth edition of the Arrow, since Bethany College and the Southwestern Engraving Company of Oklahoma City have pioneered together. It has been our privilege to produce the art and engraving in the entire sixteen editions of the Bethany Arrow.

ALUMNI DIRECTORY Dear Alumnus : The following pages represent an effort to measure the contribution that our Alma Mater is making to modern society. It is also an endeavor to bring a closer unity between those of a common heri tage . Finally, it is an attempt to solidify our loyalties into a compact organization. We recognize that there are many imperfections in this pioneering project, but we anxiously hope that our future activities along this l ine will overcome these initial problems. We have made four attempts to contact every member of our association. Yet, we are conscious of the fact that many were not reached through these channels. Thus, the following represents the most complete record which we can compile from our files and information . We would appreciate receiving any corrections that would improve our permanent records. On account of inadequate materials, it is necessary to publish the D i rectory in two sections. The first part represents those who returned the information which the questionnaire requested . The second part is made up of those who failed to receive a questionnaire or failed to return it. We sincerely hope that your perusal of this hall of memories will revtve a multitude of pleasant scenes. Yours for a greater Alma Mater, Directory Committee. Mendell Taylor, Chairman Mrs. E. G. Theus, Secretary Mrs. Carol Lundy, Treasurer B. M. Hall, Contract Mgr.

Dr. A. K . Bracken Dr. C. A . McConnell Omah McArthur Mrs. Vernal Dobbs David Neely J. Kline House

ABERNATHY, ELLEN; teacher; born Kuerseong Br., India Sept., 1908; A.B. degree B. P. C., 1935; graduate work U. of S. Calif. and Ariz. State Teach. Coli.; teacher at Cow Creek, Ariz., 1936-38; Scottsdale, Ariz., 1938--; address, Scottsdale, Ariz. AKIN, GEORGE M.; minister; born Scotsville, Ky ., May 4, 1891; g . english theolo(Jical course Peniel Coli. 1919; married Ina Hughes Aug. 1919; pastorates Wolf C1ty, Tex., Ash Grove, Tex., Copeville, Tex., Denison, Tex., Peoria, Ariz., Shrevepo rt, La ., 1922-27 ; Monroe , La ., 1934- -; Supt . La . Dist. 1927-34; address, 2806 Gordon Ave., Monroe, La. AKIN WALTER FLOYD; minister; born Culleoka, Tex., Dec. I I, 1907; Th.B. degree B. P. C., 1933; married Ina Childres, May, 1934; children Ina and Floyd; pastor Konawa, Okla., 1938- -; address, Konawa, Oklo. ALLER, FLORENCE I SNOWBARGERl; teacher; born Sylvia, Ko., Sept. 1908; A.B. degree B. P. C. 1929; student of music at Bethany Coli. in Lindsborg, Ko.; taught grade schools Lambert, Mont., Abbeyville, Ko., Covert, Ko., H. S.; Bresee Coli. 1933-36; english and speech, Northwest Nazarene Coli., Nampa, Idaho, 1936--; married Alvin Aller, June, 1930; son, Wayne; husband's occupation, teacher N. N. C.; address, Nampa, Idaho. ALLGIRE, BESSIE MAE telephone evecut1ve , born Nov 8 , 1902, g from B P Academy, 1924; manager for S. W. Bell Telephone Co., Bethany three years; at En1d, Okla. 1938- -; address, 1402 Vz W. Elm, Enid, Okla. AL TAFFER, CLARA ( HOUNSHELL); teacher; born Hobart, Oklo., Jon. 10, 1910; A.B. degree, 1931; graduate work at U. of Oklo., 193 1 and N . E. State Teach. Coli. 1938; married Roy AI tatter, Nov. 1934; taught Altus, Oklo., 1931-33; Salina, Oklo . 1937-- ; address, Salina, Oklo. ARMSTRONG, ROBERT ERNEST; minister and young people's executive; born Horse Branch, Ky. Sept. 4, 1906; Th.B. dewee B. P. C. 1934; M.A. Phill ips. ( Enid, Oklo. l , 1937 ; married Pearl Morris, 1926; children, Kenneth, Delton, and Ernestine; pastorates Stillwater, Oklo., 1934- 36; Enid, Oklo., 1936 - - ; taught course in Religious Education, Oklo. A. & M. Coli . 1934-'16; dist. pres. of Western Okla. N. Y. P. S., 1936; address, 326 E. Broadway, Enid, Okla.

BATES, BERTHA ( PAYNE ! ; born Aug. 14, 1897; g. from B. P. C. 1924; married F. M. Bates, May, 1924; sons, Alvin and LeRoy; address, Bethany, Oklo. BEAVER, DONALD EARL; teacher; born Bethany, Oklo . Dec. 10, 1913; A.B. degree B. P. C. 1937; graduate work at Okla. U. 1938; teach. address, Gotebo, Oklo. BEAVER, HERMAN; merchant; born Racine, Ohio, May 29, 1904; g. from B. P. C., 1922; further work with La Salle Extensio n U.; married Prebble Peck , June, 1923 ; daughters Joy and Doris; store manager 1924-36; grocery owner 1936 - - ; address, Bethany, Okla. BEAVER , HOBART; electrical worker; born Boshan, Ohio, Apr. 6, 1902; g. from Okla. Holiness Coil.; married Mildred Thorrelton, Dec. 1928; daughters lnaleoh and Donna路 em ployee construction dept. of Oklo. Gas and Electric co:; address 1633 N. E. I I th, Oklo. City, Oklo. BEAVER, PREBBLE ( PECK l ; born Duncan, Oklo. Feb. 19, 1904; g. from B. P. C. 1921; piano certificate, B. P. C. 1923; married Hermon Beaver, June 1923; daughters Joy and Doris;

address, Bethany, Oklo. BECK, DELOS ELBERT; 28 , 1913; Th.B. degree Nov. 1936; pastor at F. Miami, Oklo., 1939--

m inister; born Dodge City, Ko ., Feb. B. P. C. 1937; married Louise Hall, C. Lexington, Okla., Pawhuska, Oklo. , ; address Miami, Oklo.

BERESFORD, WILLO MAY I CALLAWAY l ; teacher of piano; born Monett, Mo., April 19, 1907; B.F.A . degree B. P. C. 1938, teacher of p i ano, B. P. C. 1938- - ; address Bethany, Okla. BERRY, ROBERTA; teacher; born Temple, Oklo., Oct. 27 , 1915; A.B. degree B. P. C. 1938; assist. to Registrar, B. P. C. 193 8 - -; address, Bethany, Oklo. BIGHAM, THOMAS; minister and former; born Ind. Terri t ory, ( Oklo.) April 26, 1899; g. from Central Nazarene Academy 1922; marr ied Vera Lou Garrett, 193 1; children, Buford, and Joy; address, Hamlin, Tex. BIGHAM, VERA LOU I GARRETT I ; born Hamlin, Tex ., Feb. 21, 1904; g. Central Nazarene Academy 1923; married Thomas Bigham 1931; children, Buford and Joy; address, Hamlin,

ARMSTRONG, WILLIAM TORBETT; minister; born Merkel, Tex. Aug. 25, 1907; A.B. degree, 1929; graduate work at U. of Okla.; married Claro Swope, May 1933; son, Billie; pastorates, Salt Lake City, Utah; Huston, Idaho; North Powder, Ore.; Okla. City (South Side ) 1938--; address, Okla. City.


ATTAWAY, ELLA IMUNSINGERl; born Waupaca, Wis., Apr., 1893, g. B. P. Academy.; g. from Theological Course, Peniel Coli.; Nurse's Training Course, Oklo. State Hospital; married Chas. Attaway; address, Rt. 5, Box 6o, Norman, Okla.

BOHLKE, GLEN H.; teacher and clerk; born Kenesaw, Neb., May 3 1, 1911; A.B . degree B. P. C. 1933; Th.B. degree B. P. C. 1934; graduate work at Neb. State Teach. Coli. married Dora McQuay, May 1934; daughter, Patricio; pastorates Litchfield, Neb., 1934-35; Cozad, Neb., 1935-36; supt. of Star H 5., Hershey, Neb., 1937 - 38; emoloyed bv Heney meod Products Co., 1938- - ; address, 1120 B 3rd St., S. W. Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

ATTEBERRY, ALTON FLETCHER; graduate student preparing for teaching field; born Sherman, Tex., Sept. I, 1916; A.B. degree B. P. C. 1938; M.A. conferred 1939 by U. of Okla.; address, Norman, Okla. AUSTIN, LOIS ( CLAYTON I ; teacher; born Corsicana, Tex. , Aug. 1903; g. B. P. Jr. C. 1921; attended La. Tech., and La. U.; taught school three years; married William J. Austin , June, 1927; children Carolyn, Horace, and Lois; husband's occupation, prin. of Weston H. S.; address, Jonesboro, La. AYCOCK, JARRETTE; evangelist, author, voung peoples' ex ecutive; married Dell Davis; member of General N. Y. P. S. Council 1923 - 26; author, "The Nightinpale of the Psalms", "The Grand Old Book", "The Crimson Stream", "The Story of Two Prod igals'', and "Win Them 11 ; theological certif icate , B. P. C. 1923; daughter, Maridel; evangelist 1915- - ; ad dress, Bethany, Ok Ia. AYRES, LILLIAN I SOUTHALL); teacher; born Terrell, Tex. , June 22, 1899; finished B. P. Jr. C. 1922; A.B . degree Okla. City U., 1923; 10 hrs. graduate work U. of Okla.; marned Lloyd Avres. Dec. 1929; daughter, Shirley; taught B. P. Acod emv 1923-24; prin ciool high school Jackson Co., ( Okla. ) 1924-28 ; address, 303 E. B, Altus, Okla. BAGGeTT, DALLAS WILLIAM; evanaelist; born Fayetteville, Ark. Oct .. 1914; Th.B. degree B. P. C., 1937; A.B. degree B. P. C., 1938; address, Bethany , Okla. BAILEY, HARRY LEE; t eacher; born Hoyt, Ka., Sept. 26 , 1889; q. from B. P. C., 1926; M.A. degree Okla. City U.; married Nettie Brown; children, Russell and Harriette; teach -

er; address, Bethany, Okla. BALL, OSCAR ALPHUS; teacher; born Hayes, Ka., April, 1915 ; A .B. degree B. P. C. 1938; graduate wo-k at Ka., State Teach. Coli. leading to master's degree; address, 615 Church St., Neodesha, Ka. BARTON, IDA I HENSON I ; born at Pilot Point, Tex., Jon . I S, 1906, g. from B. P. Academy, 1923; married Mr. Barton, Oct. 1930; children Bruce and Jeannette; address, 5820 Priory, Bell Gardens, Calif.

BOHLKE, DORA (McQUAY I ; born Dauphin, Manitoba, Can ado, April 17, 1912; A.B. degree B. P. C. 1933; married Glen Bohlke, May 1934; daughter Patricio; Neb. N. Y. P. S. treas . 1937-38; address, 1120 B 3rd St., Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

BOLERJACK, LEE ANDREW; minister; born Mt . V iew, Mo ., Dec. 7, 1885; g. in theology at Peniel Coil. 1918; married Elsie Brooks, 1918; children, lnolee, Geneva, Naomi, Ray mond, Roy T.; pastor fo r 27 years; pastor at Bartlesville, Okla. 1930- -; address, 301 S. Seminole, Bartlesville, Oklo. BORDELON, CHALMETTE EDWARD; minister and young people's execut ive; born New Orleans, La., Jon . 8, 1907; Th.B. degree B. P. C. 1932; married Romo Boldt, Sept. 1932; pastor Baton Rouge, La., 1932-- ; La. Dist. N. Y. P. S. pres . 1932 - 35 and 1938-- ; address, 536 France St., Baton Rouge, La. BORDELON, ROMA ( BOLDT I ; teacher; born Chose, Ko. Feb. 8 , 1907; A.B. degree B. P. C. 1931; M.A. degree La. State U. 1939; married Chalmette E. Bordelon, Sept. 1932; taught rural schools at Chose, IKo. l 1931 - 32; W. F. M. 5. pres. 193 8- - ; address, 536 E. France St., Baton Rouge, La. BRACKEN, ARCHIE KAY; minister, educator, rel igious ad ministrator; born Inmon, Tenn., Sept. 1884; g. Peniel Acad -

emy, 1907; A.B. degree Greenville (Ill. I Coil., 1917; M .A . degree U. of Oklo., 1925; graduate student of U. of Calif. 1927; D. D. degree Pasadena Coli.; married Mattie Emma Green, Aug. 1908; teacher of history and languages, S. E. Nazarene Coli., Donalsonville, Go., 1917 - 18; acting-ores. of Peniel Coli., 1918-1 9; pastor Hamlin, Tex., 1919-20; pres. of B. P. C., 1920-28; vice-pres. and dean Olivet ( Ill. I Coil., 1928-30; pres. B. P. C., 1930- - ; member of Phi Delta Kappa Educational Ass'n.; pres. of Gen. Board, 1937- - ; member of General Boord of Church of Nazarene, 1932--; Who's Who '36- ' 37; address, Bethany , Oklo. BRACKEN, MATTIE I GREEN I ; teacher; born Texas; g . Peniel Academy, 1906; A.B . degree Greenv i lle ( lll.l Coil. , 1917 , M.A. degree U . of Okla. 1925; graduate student U. of Calif ., 1927; married Archie K. Bracken , 1908; taught in grade school and h. s.; teacher of Education, psychology and botan y in B. P. C. , 1920-27 and 1930- -; address, Bethany , Oklo .

BRADY, RUTH I UPCHURCH I; edito r , instructor, and secret a ry; born Waco, Tex., July 1896; g. Peniel Academy 191 5; three yea rs in Peniel and Asbury in fin e arts; married Marcus W. Brady, Oct. 1927; office manager, executive sec ., associate ed ito r, and instru ctor at Berechoh Home 1924 - -; address, Box 403 8, Dallas, Tex . BRANDYBERRY, OLIVER PAUL ; mini st er ; born in Iowa , Feb . 21, 1908; Th .B. degree B. P. C. 1936; married Ruth Ewing , Jan . 1935; pastor Decatu r, Ind ., 1936--; m ember of Sing ing Preachers' Quartet of Ft. Wayne, Ind .; address 410 N . 7 th St ., Decatur , Ind. BRA NDY BERRY , RUTH l EWl NG !; telephone operator ; born Moun ta in Park, Okla ., Dec. 2 1, 1907; g. f rom B. P. Ac adem y, 1927; married Paul Brandyberry, Jan . 1935; t e lephone ope r ator Decatur, Ind . 1936--; address 410 N. 7th, Decatur, Ind. BRANON, GEORGE W IL BUR ; minister and young peopl e's exec utive; born Denver, Colo. Oct. 4, 1900; g. from B. P. Jr. Coli., 1928; married Eva Messer, June 1928; children Wilbur and Betty; pastorates Junction City, Ka., 1928-30; Dodg e City, Ka ., 1930-31; Eldorado, Ka., 193 1-36; Winches t er , Ind ., 1936--; dist. pres. N . Y. P. S., Western Okla., 1926 - 28; add ress, 40 5 S. Main, Winchester, Ind . BRASW ELL, A. L. ; mini st er ; born Sent ine l, Okla., Dec. 17 , 1905; intensive ministerial certificate, B. P. C. 1936; marri ed Verna Sisk, Oct. 1927; pastorates Calumet, Okla. 1936-38; Crysta l City, Tex. 193 8 - - ; add ress, Crystal City, Te x. BRAY, IRA ERNEST; minist er and t eache r ; born Ava, Mo ., Feb . 21, 1892; A.B. degree, B. P. C. and Ok lo City U .; married Lucille Anderson, 1914; chi ldren Ruth and Floyd; taught, B. P. C.; pestered; present pas t or, Ava, Mo .; address, Rt. I , Ava, Mo. BRAY, LUCILLE I AN DE RSON I; teacher and T able Rock, Mo ., Jan. 1895 ; A.B. degree B. writer of primary church schoo l lessons; chu rch in " Th e Children 's Worker"; married Ira Bray, chi ldren Ruth, Floyd; address; Rt . 1, Ava, Mo.

writer; born P. C. 1929; school helps Sep t . 1914;

BR I DGMEN, CLAUD DEVER; in su ran ce agency executive; born Fonta n ella , Iowa, Jan . 8, 189 1; g. from greek theological cour se in Okla. Holiness Coil., 1917; married Manda Rixse, Dec. 1916; children , Haro ld , Ivan, Ja rrel l ; pos t a l employee 19 18- 1925; owner Bridgman Insu rance Agency in Ponca City, Okla., 1928--; address 308 E. M aple, Ponca City, Okla. BROWN, D. ROY; business executive; born Meridian, Te x., Feb . 16, 1906; g. from B. P. Jr. Coli. , 1926; mar ri ed Veri A lyea , 1927; sons, Royce a nd Donald ; manager of Kiowa Lumber Co ., Bethany, Okla .; address, Bethany, Okla . BROWN, EDITH ( FR ANK LIN I; musician ; born Mt. Vernon, T ex., May 11, 1902; certifi cate from Peniel Conservatory of Music 1920; m a rr ied Fred H . Brown , May 1926; private teacher of music in Bonham , T ex.; at present evange li stic singer; aff il ia ted with A rt Pub lica t ion Society of Music, St. Loui s, Mo .; address, Bonham, T ex. BROWN, V ERL I ALYEA I; born Mutual , Okla., March 20, 1909; g. from B. P. Jr. Coli. married Roy Brown, 1927; sons, Royce and Donald ; address, Bethany, Okla. BUCK, EDITH I ASKEW I; m ini st er ; born Norman. Okla ., Ap r il 14, 1913 ; married Lee Buck, Jan . 1937 ; daughter , Ba rbara ; pastor Freeport , Tex ., 1936 - - ; add ress West Columbia, T ex. BUGH, FR ANK HE N RY; mm1ster, born 1n Ka. Ma rch 9, 1885, B S deg ree Ru skm Cove Coli. I T enn I 1910; B.D . decree Pen ie l Coli.; m arri ed Pearl Lawrence. June 1911 ; ch il clren , Leon, Mabel , Luc ile; teacher Peniel Call. 1912-18; pastorates Greeley, Colo. 1918-21; North Little Rock, 1921-23 ; Hutchinson , Ka . 1923 - 26; Okla . City, Fi rst Ch urch, 1926-32 ; Wichi ta , Ka. 1932-37; Waco, Tex . 1937- - ; address, Waco, T ex. BURTON , JUSTINE ; t eacher; born Er ick, Okla . Aug. 25, 1908; A .B. degree B. P. C. 1935 ; teacher in elementary sch ool , Hominy, Okla., 1935--; address, H ominy, Ok la . BUSSEY, LAURE N E; m' ni ster and teac her ; born Pla invi ew, T ex., Sept. 12, 1910; A.B. degree T ex. T ec h . Coli. 1930; Th .B. degree B. P. C. 1933; M.A . degree T ex. T ec h . Coli. 1931; pastor and evangel ist , 1930-38; t eacher of speech, Dic k ens, T ex ., 1938--; address , Dickens, T ex. BUTT S, ABBI E I DODDSI ; born Clayton, N . Mex ., Feb. 12, 191 1; g . f rom B. P. Academy 1927; ma r ried, May 1929 ; children Marilyn, Ann , Jane; add ress Clayton , N. Mex .

CA L VARY, HERBERT 0 .; scien tist ; born Eddy , Tex. , Dec. 9 , 1897; g . Penie l Academ y, 1917; B.S. deg ree Greenville Coli. 1919; A.B., M .S. , and Ph.D ., U . of I ll. , 1921, 1923, 1924, respectively ; asst. prof . chem ., U . of Lou isville ; instructor chem ., John Hopkins Medical School, 1925-27 ; ass t . p rof .

chem ., U . of Mich ., 1927-35 ; sen ior pha rmacologist in Food and Drug Adm. of the Dept . of Agri. , 1935- 36; chief of di v. of Pharmacology in Food and Drug Adm . of Dept. of Agri., 1936--; Guggenheim Memorial Founda ti on for study in Prague and Dresden , 1932-35; author of 54 scientific works ; children : Kath eri ne and George; add ress, 5 165 S. Ag. Bldg., Wash., D. C . CAMFIELD, ERNEST ; teacher; born Grandtown, T ex., Jan . 20, 1915; A.B. degree B. P. C., 1936; M .A. degree U . of S. Calif ., 1937; married Kathryn Wollin , Oct ., 1937; daughter, Jean; t eacher Upland, Calif . public schoo l, 1937- - ; address, 122 Euclid Ave., Apt . 4, Upland, Calif. CAMFIELD, KATHRYN ! WA LLI N I; born T exarkana, Te x., July 10, 19 13; A.B . deg ree B. P. C. , 1935; married Ernes t Camfield, Oct. 1934; daughter, Jean; address, 122 Euclid Ave ., Ap t . 4, Upland, Calif . CAMP, OLETA ; teacher : born Wi lli ngton, T ex., July 24 , 1912; g. B. P. Academy, 1930; A.B. degree Okla . Central State T each. Coil., 1934; graduate work at t he U . of T ex.; t eac her o f elementary g rades, Dodson, T ex ., 1934- -; address ; Dod son, Te x. CAMPBELL, J. CAREY; minister ; born Pilot Point, T ex., June I , 1907 ; A.B. degree B. P. C., 193 6; g rad ua t e stud en t Oberlin Seminary, Oberlin , Ohio ; married Ruth Kern, 1934; pastor Lakewood, Ohio, 193 6 -- ; address, 1713 Nelson St., Lak ewood, Ohi o. CAM PBELL, MAD IE I McCLESKY I; teacher ; born Lipan, Te x. , March 11, 1899; g . from B. P. Jr . C .. 1924 ; A.B. degree U . of Oklo ., 1928 ; graduate work Tex . Tech . Ca ll. ; married S. M . Campbell , 1936; step-chi ldren: Ernes tin e. Ri chard , V irg in ia; t each er rural schoo ls, Rotan , T ex ., 1919-21 ; Skedee, Ok lo . H . S., 1924-27 ; Olden , T ex ., 1929-32; Lubbock, T ex. , 1932-36; address; 10 19 E. Second , Cush ing , Oklo. CAMPB ELL , MARY LEE ; teacher ; born Manitou, Oklo., March 10, 1910; A .B. degree B. P. C. , 1937; t eac her in e lementary sHades, Chatta nooga, Oklo ., 1937-- ; address, Chattanooga , Okla . CAMPBELL . RUTH I KERN I; teacher : born Blackwell, Oklo. , Nov . 6, 1908; g . B. P. Academy, 1927 ; married J. Corey Campbel l, 1934; grade school teacher, Kay County, Okla ., 1930- 3 6; address, 17 13 N e lson St ., Lak ewood, Ohio. CAMP BELL, S. MOODY; educato r ; born Bonham , T ex., Nov . 6, 1897; A.B. degree B. P. C., 1924 ; A .B. degree Oklo . Cit y U . 1924; M .Ed. degree U . of Oklo ., 1936; marr ied Modie Loi s McCiesky, May, 1936; chi ldren : Ernest ine, Richard, Virg inia ; teacher Cushing, Okla. H . S. , 1924-27 ; Supt. Ag ra , Oklo ., 1927-29; principa l Ward School , Hobart , Oklo ., 1933-36; pr incipa l Jr. High , Woodwa rd , Ok lo ., 1936-37; principal word sc hool, Cushing , Oklo ., 1937-- ; add ress, 747 E. Oak, Cush ing, Okla . CARAWAY , JAMES E.; physician; born Vildo, T enn., June 12, 1899; g. Peniel Academy, 191 6 ; A .B. degree Greenville Coli., 1919; M .D. degree U. of Mich ., 1925; physic ian Wayne, Mich ., 1927- - ; address; Wayne, Mi ch. CARTER, WILLIAM AUGUSTUS; mini ster and religious ex ec uti ve; born Greenville, Te x., April, 1895; g. from Peniel Academy, 1917; ma rri ed Ruby Connon, Sept ., 1917 ; chil dren : Lou ise, Em me tt , Reginald, Ruth, James, Charles, Lois; pastorates Orange, Tex ., 1921-24; Bonham, T ex., 1924-26 ; Durant, Okla ., 1926-28; Shawnee, Oklo ., 1928-31; Supt . of Eastern Okla . Dist. , 1931--; address, 1008 N. Griffin, Ok mu lgee, Okla . CAVETT, GRACE : min ister; born Green City, Mo., Feb . 25 , 1885; g. from Okla. Holiness Academy, 1917; A.B. degree Pasadena Co li. , 1926; g raduate work in Ko .; minister; add ress; Watonga, Okla . CH APMAN. JAM ES BLAIN; minister, author, editor, religious administrato r ; born Ya le, Ill., Aug., 1884; B.D . degree Pen ie l Co li. , 191 5; D.D . degree, Penie l Coli. , 1918; D.D. degree , Pasadena Ca ll ., 1925; married Maud Frederick, Feb., 1903 ; ch ild ren: Lois, Groce, Haro ld, Gertrude, Pa u l ; ed ito r of Hera ld of Hol: ness; General Supt ., 1928- - ; a utho r of "So me Est imates of L i fe", " History of Church of the Nazarene", " Thirt y Th ouscnd Miles of Missionary Tr ave l"; add ress, Indian Lak e, Vicksburg , Mich. COOKSON , THOMAS J.; librar ian ; born Tahlequah , Okla ., April 3 , 1885; g . from Penie l Academy, 1913 ; A .B. degree Oh io U ., 191 6; married Rochoel Cox, Aug., 1919 ; ass t . lib rarian Ohio U ., 19 14-19 ; libra r ian A r iz. Stat e T each. Coli., T em pe, Ariz., 1919---; address, T empe, Ar i z . COON ER , GERVAYS E EL V ILDA ; tea ch er ; born Jasper, A la ., Nov. 24, 1916; A .B. degree B. P. C. , 1938; teacher of Engli sh a nd mus ic, Dora , A la ., 1938-- ; address, Box 56, Dora , Ala .

CORDINGLEY, MARY E.; editorial writer; A.B. degree B. P. C., 1931; graduate work U. of Chicago; lessons in voice at Amer. Conservatory of Music; editorial work for Laidlaw Bros., Educational Publishers, Chicago, 1934--; address, 6332 University Ave., Chicago, Ill. CORLETT, DAVID SHELBY; editor, author, minister; born Homestead, Penn., Jan. 28, 1894; A.B. degree Pasadena Coli., 1930; D.D. degree B. P. C., 1934; married Lydia F. Stiddard, Sept., 1917; children: David, Marion; business mgr. Pasadena Coli. , 1917 - 18; service in U.S. Army in World War, 19 18- 19; evangelist 1919-20; pastorates Upland, Calif., 1920-24; Yakima, Wash ., 1924-25; Dallas, Tex., 1927-28; Gen. Sec. of N. Y. P. S., 1923-36; managing editor of Herald of Holiness, 1934- 36; editor of Herald of Holiness, 1936--; managing editor of Preacher's Magazine, 1937--; author of "Keeping Faith With the Past", "The Risen Christ", "Prohibition at the Cross Roads", "A. B. C.'s of Holiness", "Baptism With the Holy Spirit", "Forward With Christ", address, 2923 Troost Ave ., Ka. City, Mo. CORLETT, LEWIS T.; educator, minister, author; born Homestead, Po., Feb. 8, 1896; A.B. degree B. P. C., 1918; graduate student Evangelical Theological Seminary, Dallas, Tex., 1928-30; D.D. degree B. P. C., 1938; married Ella Simpson, Sept ., 1919; son: Paul; teacher in Peniel Coli., 1918-19; pres. Ark. Holiness Coil., 1920; teacher Pasadena Coli., 192224; pastorates Los Angeles Grace Church, 1920-24; Billings, Mont., 1924-26; Grand Junction, Colo., 1926-27; Dover, N. J., 1927-28; Dallas, First Church, 1928-34; dean of Religious Education, B. P. C., 1934--; regular contributor to Preacher's Magazine, Young People's Journal, and Bible Teacher's Journal; address, Bethany, Okla. CRAWFORD, NAOMI ( BOSTJ; teacher; born Meridian, Tex., June 21, 1908 ; A.B. degree B. P. C., 1928; married W. Lawrence Crawford, May, 1933; teacher Bethany public school, 1928-33; address, Greenville, Tex. CUTTING, MERLE I CULCOCKJ; office clerk; born Ryan, Okla., April 16, 1902; g. from B. P. Academy, 1921; Ka. City Jr. Coli., 1924; married Keith Cutting, June, 1925; children: Charles, Keith, Virginia; clerk in subscription dept. of Nazarene Publishing House; address, 5212 E. 28th Terrace, Ka. City, Mo. DAMERON, DORA ! KING ! ; minister; g. from B. P. Ac:ademy; A.B. degree Central State Teach. Coli.; graduate student U. of Okla.; married Walter Dameron, Nov., 1913; children: Ralph and Walter; address, Bethany, Okla. DAVIS, FLORENCE ( PECK ) ; minister, missionary society executive; born Nov. 26, 18 90; A.B. degree B. P. C., 1919; married C. W. Davis, June, 1913; general vice-pres. of W. F. M.S.; pres. W. F. M. S., Colo. Dist., 1921 - - ; evangelist, Cola. Dist., 1919- - ; regular contributor to Other Sheep; address, 920 E. Willamette, Colo. Springs, Colo. DAVIS, OPAL ( FAUSS ! ; stenographer; born G::>ge, Okla., Oct. 13, 1910; g. from B. P. Academy, 1928; married Gene Davis; stenographer; address, Bethany, Okla. DE JERNETT, VEVA; nurse; born Greenville, Tex.; g. from Pen1el Academy, 1906, A B degree Pen1el Academy, 1911; s'upt of hosp1tals at Commerce and Arlmgton, Tex, 1924-27; address, PenieJ, Tex. DENT, MARY ISABELLA; teacher; born Oct., 18 89; A.B. degree Peniel Coil., 1908 ; A.B. degree B. P. C., 1937; graduate work A. N. Palmer Penmanship School, East Tex. State Teach. Call. and U. of Okla.; member Beta Lambda chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma; member and chairman of various educational organizations; teacher in Greenville, Tex. public schools, 1914 - - ; address. 3601 W. Washington St., Greenville, Tex. DICKERSON, LAWRENCE HENRY; minister and clerk; born Hermitage, Mo ., Feb. 17, 18 89; theological certificate. Peniel Coli .; married Rubie Keeton, Jan., 191 0; children: Artis, Derral, Maurine, Marjorie; pastor Amarilla, Tex., 1934--; address, 611 E. 14th St., Amarillo, Tex. DOBSON, WILLIS BORING; educator; born Shreveport, La., June 29, 1906; A.B. degree Centenary Coil., 1928; M.A. degree U. of Tex ., 1929; graduate study U. of Tex., summers of 1930, 1934; married Naomi Wisler, June, 1933; son, Willis Jr.; instructor in english, Tex. A. and M. Coli., 1929-31; prof. of english and registrar, B. P. C., 1931--; leave of absence for graduate study, \938-39; address, Ill W. 19th St., Austin, Tex.

DRAKE, VERNON P.; minister; born Jan. 21, 1881; ministerial certificate, Peniel Coli., 1903; married Linnie Sanford, April, 1903; children, Lionel, Lindell, Mary; pastorates Hom iny, Okla ., 1912-16; Blackwell, Okla., 1916- 20; Garden City, Ka., 1920-23; Fairbury, Neb., 1923-25; San Diego, Calif. , 1925- -; address, 868 23rd, San Diego, Calif. DUNN, LESTER; musician and educator; born Atwood, Okla., Oct. 25, 1912; B.F.A. degree B. P. C., 1936; graduate work , U. of Okla.; married Margaret Middleton, April, 1936; music t each er and princ ipal of King ston, Okla . H. S., 193 8- - ; pres. Marshall County Teach. Ass'n; address, Kingston, Okla. DURHAM, LEWIS ( JACK!; minister; born Pratt, Ka., April 3, 1913; Th.B. degree B. P. C., 1937; married Zuma Cozby, Sept., 1936; pastorates Quanah, Tex., 1937 -38; Center, Tex., 1938--; address, Center, Tex. DURHAM, ZUMA !COZBY I; born Greenville, Tex., June 10, 1913; A.B. degree B. P. C., 1937; married Lewis (Jack) Durham, Sept., 1936; address, Center, Tex. EPPERSON, WILLIAM SHERMAN; minister; born Ararat, Va., May, 1869; A.B. and Ph.D. degrees, Fort Worth U.; B.D. degree Peniel Coli.; M.A. degree U. of S. Calif.; diplomas Columbia Theological Seminary and Union Theological Seminary; married Jennie Gallager; minister in the Presbyterian Church; commissioned chaplain in the U. S. Army; address, Ararat, Va. ERDMANN, H. A.; educator and minister; born Afton, Iowa, Jan. 12, 1887; theological course Central Nazarene Coil., 1917; A.B. degree U. of Okla., 1923; married Frieda Dirks, 1913; Zelia Benton, 1935; children, Esther and Fred; teacher Northwest Nazarene Coil., 1924-27; pastorates in Tex., 191420; in Okla ., 1920-23; in Idaho, 1927-29; in N. Do., 193235; Sayre, Okla., \937-- ; author of "Handbook in English Grammar", "The Sin Question", "The Carnal Mind"; address, Sayre, Okla . ESTES, VIRGEAN ( ENGLAND ) ; concert pianist and teacher of piano; born Commerce, Tex., Nov. 8, 1898; certificate in p iano, Peniel Coil., 1915; B.Mus. degree Chicago Musical Coli., 1924; scholarship student of Percy Grainger; married Di liard Estes; former head of piano dept. Burleson Call ., Tex. Women's Coli., 1930-31; New York debut at Town Hall , March 29, 1932; concertizing in Calif., 1937-3 8 ; concertizing through Southwest, 1938- - ; address, 544 S. Andrews Pl., Los Angeles, Calif. cVANSON, OSCAR JULIAN; minister; married Elizabeth Webb; children, Ernestine and Wendell; present activity, pastor First Methodist Episcopal Church, Muskogee, Okla.; address, 516 Housto11, Muskogee, Okla. FAIN, ALBERT JEFFRIES; business executive; born Cleveland, Okla., April 8, 1905 ; g. from B. P. Academy, 1924 ; A.B . degree U. of Okla., 1929; married Jewel Neal, Aug ., 193 2; daughter, Shirley; dept. executive at Montgomery Ward & Co., Okla. City; address, Bethany, Okla. FAUSS, PAUL WILLIAM; clerk; born Des Moines, N. Mex. , Oct. 26, 1917; A.B. degree B. P. C., 1938; employee of Okla . City Drug Co., 1938-- ; address, Bethany, Okla. FAUVER, MYRTLE GRACE; teacher; born Dublin, Tex., May 28 , 1915; A.B. degree B. P. C., 1936; graduate work U. of San Antonio; teacher at Campbell, Tex., \936- -; address, 1317 W. Laurel, San Antonio, Tex. FITZ, RUDOLPH GUILFORD; m issionary and minister; born Triumph, Minn., Aug. 26, 1887; diploma in theology, Peniel Coli., 1915; M.D. degree U. of Okla.; married Lura Witten , May, 1915; children, Elizabeth, Orma, Maxine, and Guilford ; medical missionary, To Ming Fu, China, 1920-36; on furlough; pastor Fairbanks, Alaska, \936--; address, Box 439, Fairbanks, Alaska. FORBES, LEONA MAE; minister; born Salt Lake City, Utah , April I, 1897; A.B. degree B. P. C., 1937; teacher, 1915-20; pastor Ropesville, Tex., 1937--; address, Buffalo Gap, Tex. FRANCIS, CATHRIN ELIZABETH; teacher; born Conway, Ark ., Oct. II, 1911; A.B. degree B. P. C., \938; graduated with cum laude; teacher of math. at Standard - Omsted, Ark.; 1938--; address, 528 Wesson St., El Dorado, Ark.

DODDS, VERNAL (BLACK); born July, 1905; certificate in Fine Arts B. P. C., 1928; married Marion Dodds; address, Bethany, Okla.

FRANKLIN, WILLIAM S.; minister; born Atlanta, Miss., Oct. I, 1888; A.B. degree Peniel Coli., 1913; B.D. degree Drew Seminary, 1920; married Edna Hudspith, 1913; children, Grace, Eunice, Esther, William, and Ruth; pastorates in Methodist Church; present address, Geary, Okla.

DOWNEY, IVAN L.; police patrolman; born Fairview, Ind ., Oct. 8, 1901; g. Okla. Holiness Academy, 1917; married Lora Rumer, Nov., 1926; son, Donald; patrolman, Pasadena Police Dept.; at present disabled; address, 2094 Garfias Drive, Pasadena, Calif.

FRITZLAN, ANDREW DAVID; missionary; born in Ka ., Oct . 1880; g . from Okla. Holiness Coli. 1921; missionary in India 20 years; six years of that time supt. of dist.; married Daisy Skinner, 1913; sons, Andrew , Leslie, Kenneth; address, Wi 1more, Ky.

FRI TZL A N , DA ISY (SKINN ER ); missionary; born Greenv il le, T ex., July 26, 1884; g . f rom B. P. Jr . C. 1922; g. f rom N. N . C. (Nampa), 1924; m arried A. D. Fri t zl an, June 1913; sons, David, Les lie, Ken neth ; missiona ry to India 1912-1932; a d d ress, 517 N. Lex ington, W ilmor e, Ky. GALLOWAY, FLETCHE R; m iniste r; born Baxter, T ex., N ov. 1899; g. f rom Pen ie\ Academy 1916; A.B. degree Pasa dena Co il. 192 1; married Clai re Kalfur, 1923; chil d ren , Edmund, Virginia, James; pastorates Mercer, Ca li f.; Anaheim , Cal if. ; Pueb lo, Colo.; Sal em , Ore.; presen t Por t land, Oregon; address, Portland, Oregon . GA LLOWAY, JO H N BU RR ITT; ed ucato r and autho r ; born Jena, La., Feb. 1885; B.S., Ph.B., B.D. degrees Penie l Coil.; graduate work Sou thern Methodist U . and U. o f Ka.; ma r ried Maud Akin ( died 1926), Annie Johnson, 1933; ch ildren, Maome, Elmer, Ella; twenty-five years past or ; teacher of Bible in holiness col leges at Des Arc, Mo.; Bresee Coli.; Ham li n, T ex.; Ol ivet , Ill.; Red Deer, Ca n ., 1930- - ; autho r "Whole Bible of Who le Year", "Climax of Divine Revela ti on", "Su rvey of New T estament 11 ; address, Red Deer, Alberto, Canada. GA LLOWAY, PEAR L CARO LI N E; musician; born T ulip, La.; cer t ifica t e in music f rom Penie l Co li .; m usic teacher; add ress 1 I I 5 N. Pix ley St., Orange, Ca lif. GARDNER, GEORG E; evange list; born C lyde, T exas; Oct . 6, 19 12; T h.B. deg ree B. P. C. 1937; ma rr ied Theda A ttebe rry, Dec. 193 6; evangelist 1937--; address, I 022 S. Bish op, Dallas, Tex. GAR LAND, MARY LE E; t eacher; born Mansfield, Tex., Jan. 9, 1914; A .B. degree B. P. C., 193 8; attended summer o f '38 at Commerce, Tex.; taug ht Asta la, Tex., 1934-36; Alanreed, Tex ., 1938--; a d d ress, A lan reed, T ex.

GATLI N, CH AR LOTTE (W H ITE l; barn Pen iel, Tex., June 29, 1908; g. f rom Cen tra l N a za rene Co li. 1926; married J. B. Gat lin, Ja n . 1929; husband 's occupa t ion , m inister; address, Peoria, Ariz. GI BSON, CATHERI N E (S IDLES!; born Brittan, Ok la., Oct . 26, 19 14; g. fro m B. P. Aca demy 1930; 3 year s wo rk Cent ra l Sta t e Teach . Ca ll. ; marr ied Richard Gibson; son, Rich a rd Jr.; address, Bri ttan, Okl a. G ISH , CAROL (S PELLI ; t each er ; born Penie l, Tex., Jan. 23, 1906; diploma in pia no 192 5; B.A. degree B. P. C. 1930; M.A. deg ree U. of Ok la. 1932; B.F.A. deg ree B. P. C. 1938; married De lbert Gish, 1927; ch ildren, Ba rbaro and De lbert Jr.; ta ught Bresee Coli. 1927-28; Bethany H . S. 1933-36; B. P. C. 1938- -; address, Bethany, Okla. GIS H , D ELBERT R.; minister and educator; born Juanita, Neb., Feb. 5, 1906; A.B. degree B. P. C. 1932; M.A. degree U . of Ok la., 1934; graduate student Boston U. 193839; marr ied Ca rol Spe ll , March, 1927; chi ldren, Barbara a nd Delbert Jr.; teacher of phi losophy B. P. C. 1932--; address, Bethany, Ok la. GLEATON, WI LLIAM LEON; painter and decora t or; born Dadevil le, Ala., Oct. I , 1898; m in isterial cer tif icate B. P. C. 1936; married Annie Potts; son, William; address, Be t hany, Ok la . GOODW I N, L EON ARD JEFFE RSO N ; teacher; born Rantou l, Ka., Aug. 26, 1911; A. B. deg ree B. P. C. 1932; M .A. degree U. of Ok la. 1935; graduat e work at U. of Il l. ; married Una Eagan, Feb. 1934; son, Edwa rd; teacher B. P. C., 1932- 34; tea cher of modern languages, Olivet, ( I ll. ) Coli., 1936--; address, Olivet, Il l. GRA H AM, MA U DE (SP EAR E); born Clear Creek, Ka .; g. from Peniel Academy, 1916; married J. C. Graham; address, 6 12 E. 7th Ave., Winfie ld, Ko.

GARNER, BLANC HE ISABEL LA; teacher and music ian; ba r ~ Detroit, Tex.; diploma in piano, B. P. C. 1925; g. from N. Eng. Conservatory of Music, 1930; B.Mus., Iowa State U., 1934; B. F.A. degree U. of Okla., 1935; M.A. degree U. of Ok la., 1939; head of music dept ., Bresee Co li., 1935-37; teacher in Texas T ec h . Col i. , 1930-33; school music superviso r Hoba r t, Ok la., 1937-38; address, 783 DeBa rr , Norman, Okla.

GRAY, C. PAU L; min ister; born Vilon ia, Ark. 1914; T h.B. degree B. P. C. 1938; M.A. degree Pasadena Coli. 1939; pastor Ca rt hage, Ky. 1935; address, 1554 E. Washington, Pasadena, Calif.

GARN ER, JAM ES RO E; agr icu ltural eco nomist and ed uca t or; born Detroit, T ex., Jan . 24, 1903; A .B. degree B. P. C., 1925; M.A. deg ree U . o f Ok la., 1927; Ph.D. deg ree U. of Iowa, 1934; married Jewel Stewart, Sept., 1934; ch i ldren James Jr. and Virgin ia; t a ught B. P. C. 1928-32; research asst . U. of Iowa 1932-34; Nort hwest Nazarene Coli. 1934- 37; regiona l economic specialist of U. S. Farm Security Admin. 1938--; address 138 W. 7th, Dal las, Tex.

GR EE N, QUENTI N ELV IN; teac her and business opera t or; born Fai rview, Ok la., Oct. 17, 191 I; A.B. degree B. P. C., 1936; ma rr ied Geneva Smi th , May 1937; manager filli ng stat ion; trave led fo r La Salle Extension U.; address, I 014 W. Nob le, Guthrie, Ok la.

GARRETT, AY LIF FE; teacher; born Di ll City, Okla., May 15, 1903; A.B. deg ree B. P. C. 1929; graduate studen t U. of Ok la.; teacher of sc ience Bet hany H . S. 1929--; add ress 114 N. Mueller, Bethany, Okla. GARRETT, PAU L HAM IL T ON ; teacher and m inister; born Erick, Ok la., Jan . 26, 1908; A.B. deg ree B. P. C. 1931; g rad uate work a t U. of Ok la.; married Sylvia Smith, Jan. 1933; supt. of schoo ls, H ays, Okla. 1931-32; Erick, 1933 - 35; A lfa lfa, Okla. 1935-37; pas t or H ouston, T ex., 1937--; sec .t rees. of Da llas Di st.; add ress, Box 116, Centra l Pork Stat ion, H ous t on, T ex. GARRETT , SY LVIA (SM ITH ); teacher; born Cameron, T ex., Nov. 15, 1910; B. F.A. degree B. P. C., 1932; married Paul H . Garrett , Jan. 1933; taught in Ok la. schoo ls, 1933 - 35; f~rst v1ce - pres. of W. F. M. S. of Dal las Dist .; add ress Box I 16, Central Po rk St ation, Houst on, T ex. GARRISON, HARR ELL EDM U ND; educator ; born H ugo, Ok la., Nov. 4, 1908; A. B. deg ree B. P. C. 1932; M.S. degree Nort h western U ., 1936; ma rr ied Clar ice T ay lor, Mar. 1933; daug h ter, Linda; principa l of West Irving Schoo l, Durant, Okla., 1937--; address, 319 W. Elm St ., Durant, Okla. GARSE E, JOS EPH W.; m in ister; born Alexa ndria, La., Sept. 1887; g. from B. P. Academy , 1921; theolog ical cer tificate B. P. C., 1923; m a rr ied L i llie Mae H a ll , May, 1924; son , Jarrel l; pastora t es Law t on, Ok la., Edmond, Ok la., Cherokee, Okla., Sa lina, Ka., Libera l, Ka., A rk. City, Ka., Gay lord, Ka.,

Dodson, Tex., Quan ah, Tex.,

T ex.


add ress, Quanah ,

GARSE E, L ILLIE ( H A LU; minist er ; born H il lsboro, T ex., Nov. 1900; theo logical certi ficate B. P. C., 1923; ma rri ed Joseph W. Gorsee, May, 1924; son, Ja rrel l; co-pastor in Churc h of the Nazarene since 1924; add ress, Quanah, T ex.

GATES, ROB ERT MA U RIC E; sa lesman; born Rogers, T ex., Nov. 28, 19 16; A.B. deg ree B. P. C. 1938; salesm an in who lesale stor e Okl a . City, 1938--; address, Bethany, Ok la.

GR EE N, MARY ( R I DINGS !; born Ivanhoe, Tex., Nov. 25, 1907; g. f rom B. P. Academy 1928; married Leland Green, Oct. 1935; daug h ter, Mar ie; address, Bethany, Ok la.

GR IM, A L D EN DEW EY; minister; born Rumneyde, Ka. March, 1899; Th.B. degree B. P. C., 1937; married Elmo Preston, Ju ly, 1918; daughter, Mar jo rie; pastorat es in Ko . and Okla. ; Cherokee, Ok lo., 193 8- - ; address, 421 S. Kansas, Cherokee . Okia. GRIM, ELMA (PR ESTON!; born Norwich , Ka., Aug., 1899 ; A.B. degree B. P. C., 1937, (cum laude ); married A. D. Grim, July, 1918; daug hter, Marjorie; Sec'y W. F. M. S. Wes t . Ok la. Dist.; add ress, Cherokee, Ok la. GRUNEWA L D, CHAR LES C.; min ister; born Van Wert, Oh io, Dec. 30, 1890; g. f rom B. P. C., 1921; m arr ied Blanc he L. H eckart , Dec. 1915; ch i ld ren, Ross, Lela nd, Ray, Mi ld red, Bi ll y, Be t ty, Ma ry, Ken net h, Ru t h; severa l pastorates on West. Okla. Dist., now local preac her; add ress, Mutua l, Okla. GUST AFSON, EM ILY; missionary, educator ; born Stockho lm, Sweden; B.L. degree T revecca Coli.; A .B. deg ree Penie l Co li. ; M .A. degree U. of S. Calif.; g raduate work at Peabody Col i. ; research work in Brit ish Museum; seven years missiona ry t o India; taught T revecca Col i. ; Rusk in Cove Co l i.; B. P. C., Northwest Naza rene Co li. , in Pasadena Co l i. since 1926--; address, 1525 Wesley Ave., Pasadena, Calif. H A LL , BAI LE Y M.; educa t or a nd financia l execu t ive; born Abbot t , T ex., Feb. 25, 1903; A. B. deg ree B. P. C. 1928; fou r sum mers graduate student U . of Ok lo.; married Lois Green, Sept. 1922; chi ld ren, Ru d ene, Maurice and Donald; teacher B. P. C. 1926-32; business manager B. P. C. 1932-- ; o f fice manager in b ra nch of Mo li ne Pl ow Co., 1922-24; address, Beth a ny, Ok la. HALL , ERNEST C.; ed ucator ; born Me rke l, T ex., Aug. 20, 1905; g. f rom B. P. Aca d emy 1922; A.B. deg ree U. of Okl a. 1928; M .Ed. deg ree U . o f Ok la. 1938; married Vera Mc Donald 1928; son, Ca rl ; sup t . of Fr iends Sch oo l, Chickasha, Ok la. 1928-33; supt. Bradley, Okla. pub lic sch ools 1933-39; teacher B. P. C. 1939--; add ress, Bet ha ny, Okla. H A LL, LO IS (GR EEN I; libra ri an; born Kingston, T ex. Nov. 28, 1902; A.B. degree B. P. C., 1930; ce rtificate in L ibrary Science U . of Ok la.; marr ied Bai ley M . Ha l l, Sept. 1922; chil d ren, Rudene, Mauri ce, Dona ld; teacher, Bet hany grade sc hool, 1929-31; librarian, B. P. C., 1931--; add ress, Be th any, Okl a .

HALL, VERA ! McDONALD ! ; teacher; born Alva, Okla., Jan. 29, 1905; g. from B. P. Academy 1922; married Ernest Hall 1928; son, Carl; teacher Chickasha, Oklo. 1928-33; address, Bethany, Oklo. HARCOURT, HAROLD ; min ister; born Rock, Ko., March 25, 1914; A.B. and Th.B. degrees B. P. C. 1937; married Nella Bohling Oct . 1938; pastorates Farmersvil le, Tex., 1937; Overton , T ex. 1937~~ ; address, Overton, Tex. HARDING, MAR I DELL lAYCOCK I ; evangel ist; born Los Ange les, Calif., Aug. 19 13; certif icate in speech, B. P. C. 1937; married Whitcomb Harding, 1933; evangelist 1937 ~--; address, I I 0 N. College, Bethany, Okla. HARDING, WHITCOMB BRESEE; evangelist; born Olivet, I ll., March, 1913; Th .B. degree B. P. C., 1937; married Moridell Aycock, 1933; evangelist 1937 ~~; address, 110 N. College, Bethany, Okla. HARPER, KENNETH; chemist; born El Campo, Te x., Sept. 4, 1914; A.B. degree B. P. C. 1935; M.S. degree U. of Okla. to be conferred 1939; marr ied Thelma Isaacs, Aug. 1937; address, 419 E. Apache, Norman, Okla. HARPER, THELMA I ISAACS I ; musician; born Council Grove, Ka. Nov. 8, 1914; certif icate in violin B. P. C. 1937; A.B. degree U. of Okla., 1939; married Kenneth A. Harper, Aug. 1937; taught v iol in in B. P. C. 1937 - 38; taught violin in Jr. Dept. at U. of Oklo. 1938 ~~ ; address, 212 S. Flood , Norman, Okla. HAWKINS, 9, 1914; g. Okla. 1938; ried Gladys

HAROLD; attorney; born Carnegie, Okla., Apr il from B. P. Academy 1931; A.B. degree U. of senior in law school, U. of Okla., 1938~~; marBalch, Sept. 1939; address, Norman, Okla.

HENDRI X, ESTHER I ERDMANN I ; born Hamlin, Texas, June 10, 1917; A.B. degree B. P. C. 1938; married Hershall Hendrix, Jan. 1939; address, 1 137 N. W. 42nd, Oklo. City, Okla. HENDRIX, SPURGEON L.; minister; born Kanima, Okla., Nov. 20, 1911; Th.B . degree B. P. C., 1935; married Foe Litell, 1935; son, Arlen; pastorates Columbia City, Ind. , 193537; Berne, Ind., 1937 ~~; add ress, Berne, Ind. HERRELL, PAUL MORRIS; evangelist; born Olivet, Ill., Oct. 1, 1912; Th.B. degree B. P. C., 1936; married Lois Dye, May, 1937; son , Jerry; evange li st 1936~~; address 858 Truman Ave., Hammond, Ind. HERRICK, THELMA MYRTLE ; teacher; born Johnson, Ka ., June 16, 1911; A.B. degree B. P. C. 1937; teaching rural school, Johnson, Ka., 1938- - ; address, Johnson, Ka. HILDIE, DWAYNE W .; minister; born Buda, Ill ., Aug. 1, 1915; A .B. degree B. P. C. 1936; Th.B. degree B. P. C. 1938; married Nina Pierson# Nov.

193 8, pastorates Pueblo, Colo.

1936- 37; Woodland, St., Woodland, Calif.




904 North

HOOPER, SIBYL AUDREY; telephone operator; born Hastings, Okla. A.B. degree B. P. C., 1928; comp leted business college course; present telephone operator; address, Bethany, Okla .

HOOVER, LORELLE; teacher; born Gaffney, S C., Feb., 1904; A.B. degree B. P. C., 1929; graduate work in Okla . City U.; teacher in Bethany public school, 1930~~; address, 500 N. Redmond, Bethany, Okla. HOUSE, CORA I SIMPSON I ; teacher; born Vilonia, Ark ., July 28, 1901; g. from B. P. Jr. C.; married J . Cline H ouse Dec . 1920; daughters, Mary and Janet; taught Bethany pub lic sc hools 1921-28; address, Bethany, Okla. HOUSE, J. CLINE; postal clerk and union executive; born Eulogy, T ex. Nov. 26, 1896; g. from Peniel Academy 1916; A.B. degree Okla. City U. i 922; graduate student U. of Okla. 1923; married Cora Simpson, Dec. 1920; daughters, Mary and Janet; teacher three yea rs ; railroad employee t wo years; post

office clerk, Oklo. City, 1921 ~~ ; state pres. of Okla. Federation of P. 0. clerks 1926- 30; Oklo. representative on Natl. Fed. of P. 0. clerks 1930- 36; vice-pres. of Natl. Federation of P. 0. clerks 1936 ~~; address, Bethany, Okla. HOUSE, LETHA IPAYNE I ; teacher and nursery executive; born Winnsboro, Te x., May 12, 1904; g. B. P. Academy 1922; g. Edmond Jr. Coil. 1926; married Fred E. House; taught ele mentary schools; head teacher "Oury Park Nursery", T ucson ,



address, Box 288 1, Tucson, Ariz.

HOWARD, MAURICE LLOYD; boy scout executive; born Greenville, Tex ., Jan., 1914; Th .B. degree B. P. C., 1936; A.B. degree B. P. C. 1937 ; field execut ive, Boy Scouts of America; address, Corpus Christi, T ex.

HUGHES, HENRY; m inister; born Bollinger, Tex., Oct. 7, 1907, Th. B. degree B. P. C. 1932; married Kathrene Webb, Aug. 1935 . pastorates San Angelo, Tex. 1932-35; Clovis , N. Mex. 1935-37; San Angelo, T ex. 1938 ~~; address, Son Angelo, Tex. INGLE, JOSEPH P.; min ister; born Grandview, Tex., Feb . 20, i 893, theological graduate Central Nazarene Coli. 191 8; A.B. degree Olivet Coli. 1932; married Rosa Lewis, Aug. 19 16 ; chi ldren, Joseph, Geneva, Roy, Rosa; pastorates, Okla. 191 7 19; T ex. 1919-21; Ind. 1921 - 24; Tex. 1924-28; Des Mo ines, First Church, 1928-29; Tex. 1929-34; Wichita Falls, Tex 1934- 36; Duncan, Okla. 1936- 37; Shreveport, La . 1937~- -; add ress, I 059 Eustis St. Shreveport, La . INGRAM, MARY N ELMA I CAMFIELD ! ; born Mingus, Tex., June 13, 1912; A.B. from B. P. C.; 1933, married Buford In gram, June 1933; son Jerry; address, Bethany, Okla. JERN IGAN, JOHNNY; teacher and musician; born Green vil le, Tex .; g. 0. H. C., 1919; g . in violin Word-Belmont School; teacher violin Jere Baxter School, Nashville, Tenn ., head of piano and violin dept., T rey ecca CoiL; present tutor of theory of music, Ward-Belmont school; state chairman of Religious Education for T enn. Fed . of Music Clubs; address ,

9 47 McClurkan Ave., Nashville, Tenn. HILL, IRENE WEDA; teacher; born Sulphur, Ok lo., Feb. 18, 191 5; A.B. degree B. P. C. 1938; teacher of third grade at Jones, 1938~~ ; add ress Jones, Okla. HILL, WALTER MERRITT; radio engineer; born Sulphur, Okla., June 13, 1912; A.B. degree B. P. C., 1937; engineer, radio sta ti on KTOK, Oklo City, 1938 ~~; address, Jones, Okla .

JERNIGAN, KATHERINE; teacher; born Bethany, Okla. Dec. 16, 1916; A.B. degree B. P. C. 1938; teacher Quay, N. Mex . 1938~~ ; address, Quay, N. Mex. J ERNIGAN, MARGARET; teacher and music ian; born Green ville, Tex .; g. from B. P. Academy, 1920; A.B. degree George Peabody Coil. fo r Teachs. 1929; work ing on master's degree

at Peabody Coli.; celloist Nashville Symphony; director of HILLIARD, JAMES W.; minister; born Tyler, Tex., April , 1916; Th.B. degree B. P. C., 1937; married Ruth Corley, 1937 ; son, James; pastor Crown Point, Ind. 1937 ~~; address , Crown Point, Ind. HOAG, JESSIE I CREECH I , teacher; born Buckhorn, Ky., 1903 ; A.B. degree B. P. C. 1924; teacher of voice in B. P. C., teacher in Bethany public schoo l 1937 - 38; married Pau l Hoag, Aug. 1924; daughter, Virgin ia; address, 701 N. College, Bethany, Okla. HOAG, PAUL M.; realtor; born Sedalia, Mo. Aug. 1904; A.B. degree B. P. C. 1930; Oklo. City representative of Prudential Ins. Co. 1933 - 38; pres. B. P. C. alumni ass'n 1932-33; mar ried




ner, Bethany Realty Co.



1938 ~~ ;



address, Bethany, Okla .

HOFFPAUIR, ADAM; minister; born Feb. 8, 1908; Th.B. degree B. P. C. 1937; married Vera Faulk, April 1927; gin em ployee in Crowley, La . 1928- 32; custodian Bethany H. S. 1933 - 37; pastor Jefferson, Oh io 193 7- - -; address, Jefferson, Ohio. HOLLY, BEULAH I SPELL!; t eacher ; born Colo. Springs, Colo., Dec. 28, 1910; g. from B. P. Academy 1927; A .B. degree B. P. C. 1931; teachers certifi cate from U. of Ar i z .; mar ri ed Joe Holl y, May, 1933; children, Keith, Kelly, Carroll; substitute tea ching in Glendale I Ariz. ) public schools; address, Glendale, Ariz.

music primary dept. Davidson Co. schools; stenographer Banker's Trust Co., N. Y . ; present, principal, Edenwald ,

Tenn.; address, 947 McCiurkan Ave., Nashville, Tenn . JONES, CHARLES WESLEY; minister; born Los Angeles, Calif ., Mar. 30, 1909; A .B. and Th .B. degrees B. P. C., 1931; married Velte H. Smith, 1931; children, Velte and Maynard ; pastorates Webb City, Mo., 193 1-32; Amar il lo, Tex, 1932-34 ; Van Nuys, Calif. 1935-38; Ama r illo, T ex. 193 8~~; address, 2511 N. W. 1st Ave., Amarillo, Tex . JONES, DAN D.; min i ster; born Bee House, Tex., May 17, 1891; g. A.B. deg ree Pen ie l Coli., 1920: married Onida Merle Shock, Sept., 1925; ch i ldren, Lul a, Clarence, Sue; has been pastor sinc e 1925; pastor Corpus Christi, Tex. , 1939 ;

address, 1214 McKinzie, Corpus Chr i sti, Tex. JONES, GLEN CARROLL; evangelist; born Coa lgate, Okla. Apri l 26, 19 1 1; Th.B. degree B. P. C., 1938; evangelist 193 8 address, 630 W. 9th, Ada, Okla.










1911; A.B. degree B. P. C., 1931; certificate in piano B. P. C., 1929; married Wesley Jones, 1931, chi ldren, Vel to and Maynard; address, 2311



Ave., Amarillo, Tex.

KEETON, THELMA I EMERSON I ; born Fanshawe, Oklo, Aug . II, 1899; g . from B. P. Academy, 1921; married Chester W. Keeton, Dec. 1921; chi ldren, Geraldine and Grant; address, Bethany, Oklo.

KEIMEL, HAROLD WILLIAM ; eva n gelist ; born H utchinson, Ko ., Nov . 19, 1907; A B. degree B. P. C. 1930; mode a tr ip to the Hol y Land :n 1937 ; o ddre:s, 1535 Spru:e St., Bou lder, Colo .

LEWIS , HAZEL I JACOBS I; bookk eeper ; bo rn Ox f ord, A ck ., M e r :h, 190 9; g. Central Nazarene Acad emy, 1926; studen t B. P. C. ; morn ed Oscar Ro y Lewi s, Oc t ., 1930; so n Ken neth ; address, Haskell, Tex.

KIEHN, ANNA !SCHMIDT ! ; mi ssionary ; born Tindol , S. Dok ., Nov. 14, 18 84; four years in the L ight & Hope ceo:oness training school, Cleve land, Ohio; finished m issiona ry training course, Oklo. Holiness Coli., 1913; married Peter Kiehn, Nov., 1908 ; children, Arnold. Naomi, Helen, G:>rdon . Hester; mis sionary to Chino 1906 - 1912, 19 13 - 1923, 1928- 193 8 , fur lau c h 193 8- --; address, II 09 N . Michigan Ave. , Pasadena, Calif .

LEWIS, V. H .; evangelist; born Maxwell, Neb., O: t. 1911 ; A.B. degree B. P. C., 1934; married Esth er Lambert, Ju ly 1933; evangelist, 1934-- ; address, Cheyenne, W y o.

KIEHN , PETER ; missiona ry; born Durham , Ko ., Feb. 2 5, 188 5; fini shed course for missionar ies o t Okla . H o nn ~ss Col i. 1913 ; married Anno Schmidt . N ov. 1908: chi ld re n . A rn o ld . Naomi , Helen , Gordon . and H ester · se rved a s m iss ionary to Chino 1906- 191 2, 19 13 - 1923 , 1927- 1938; on furlough 1938- - ; c ddress; I I 09 N . Mi ch igan A ve., Posod enOJ , Ca li f . KING, SADA BETH I GIFFORD !; t each er ; bo rn Ingalls, Ko , April 12, 1912; g. from B. P. A c adem y, 193 1; I year at B. P. C.; married Gerold Kino, Dec ., 193 4 ; son , H a rold , valedictori a n in H . S., husband' s occu pati on, mini st er in Pilorim Holin ess Church; address, Bellaire, Ka . KIRBY. CHARLE<; BAI<RETT; minister ; born Dallas, Tex ., Feb . 17, 1916; Th.B. degree B. P. C. 193 7 ; di stri c t ci rcu la tion mgr. for Ok lo . Pub . Co .. 1937 ; po <t or Arcata, Calif. 193 7 - -; oddrecs, Box 18 4, Arcata, Calif . KIRKPATR ICK , CARL DONALD ; postal c lerk ; born Denton , T ex. Jul y 16, 1892; B.S. degree Pen ie l Co li ., 19 13; one sum m er at U. of Texas ; married La uro Andr ew s. May, 1921; rhrldren , Kothry ne and Charles; served U . S. M o rine Corp s, 1917 - 18; fmonc 1ol clerk , U . S. Po't Office, 191 9- - ; ad dress, 24 14 Wa sh ington St ., Amar ill o, T ex. KIS TLE R, DA ISY . I McCLENDON l; bor n Elg in . T ex ., Oc t , 1885; t eachers d10lomo. Pen ie l Co li ., 1917; morriP.d Ro lo'1 K1 stler, June, 1909 ; children . Mildreti . Rolph Jr., Rober t; ad dress, 1928 S. Co llege Ave. , Tul sa , Oklo . f':I STLER . RALPH PRATHER; o il operat o r ; bo rn Greensboro , N . C., Nov. 1886 ; A.B. decree Pen 'el Co li . 1909 : married Dai sy M cClendon, June, 1909; children, Mildr ed. Rolph Jr. , Ro ber • ; lndepend·, nt o roducer of petro le um; address, 1928 S. Co li. Ave. , Tu lsa, Oklo . K'- 10X, BERNARD W .; m ini s• er : bo rn Oza rk , A r k . Mar . 2 , 1'106; Th.B . decree B. P. C. 19 30; m a rrie d Eno Wright June, 1928; childr en M n retta and James; p as t orates Sublett e, Ka . 1934-37; Tnn1t v Church , Ko n. Cit y 1937- --; address, 440 7 Fra n•:es, Ke n . C1t y, Kan. L A NE, NEVA; m issionary; bo rn Kensi ng t on , Ko . Aug. 22, 1887; 9. from Peniel A c adem y; diplom a . Con ser vatory of N eb. Wes leyan 19 19· mi ss ion a ry Cobon , Guatema la 1921--; address, Caban , Guatemala , Central America.


L A N GFORD . LLOYD ; mini ste r ; bo rn Mu ldrow . Oklo, Ma•ch 6, 1911 ; T h .B. degree B. P. C. 193 4 ; marri ed He len Ri ce, June _1934 ; douqhter Veto ; past o r K earney . N eb . 1934- 37· chaplin f o r d 1vls1on of U . S. Arrnv , Iow a Cit y , Iowa 193 7 address, 122 Evans, Iowa, City, Iowa. I ANGFORD, RUTH I O'BR l EN I ; ho rn Ro ss t r n . Ok lo . Aoril 2 1, 19 10; g. from B. P. Acnd em v 1930; m a rri ed Ve stal Longford N ev. , 1931; children, Elden, Edwina , a nd Pau lo; address, 11 8 S.E. Colo ., Portales, N . M ex . I ANG FORD, V ESTAL JAMES; m ' ni ste r ; bo rn Mu ldrow , Okla ., Morch 15. 19 09 ; A.B . dec ree B. P. C. 1930; ma rr ied Ruth O' Br ien , N ov. 193 1 · ch ildren . Elden . Ed w ina. a nd Paul a; oasto rntes H a rmon , Okla .. Fowler . Colo . , Port ales, N. Mex. 1938--; address, 118 S.E. Co lo., Po rta les, N. Mex. I A N PHER , GERTRUDE ! CH A PM A N I· horn Peni el, Te x ., June 25, 19 14 ; a . from B. P. A ca d em y 1930 ; A.B . degree Eastern Nozoren,e Co li. , 1934; married Wi lson R. Lon e>h er . Jul y, 1937 ; husba nd s occupat1an , m1n. ; a ddress, 502 W . Main, North Manch es ter, Ind. LARSON . VIV I AN; educator ; born Round Lake, Minn .; A.B. degree B. P. C. . 1931 ; M A . deg ree Iowa Sta t e U 1938 · t eacher . of speech and ~upervi sor Of the campus at Wessing ~ ton Spnn o s Call., Wess 1nqton Sprin gs, S. D., 1932- -; address, W essington Springs, S. D . LE JEUNE, BYRON EDWARD; rni ni <>Pr a nd voung peoole' s P.xe-uti v e; born Iota, La .. Oc t. 2 , 19 13; Th .B. degree B. P. C . 1936 .: married M a mi e Bate s, Au a ust 193 4 : oos tor at Fit z oerold, Go .; co - editor of " Th e Geo rq io Nazarene"; Ga. Dist .

N . Y . P. S. pres.; address, 40 2 N . Lee St ., Fitzgerald, Go . LEWIS , ESTHER I LAMB~RT I; evanoe listi c si n 9er ; born Deep mg Water , Neb , March 1912: A .B. deg ree B. P. C. , 193 3; married V. H . Lewis . Julv. 1933; eva ng eli sti c si nger, 1934 - - ; address, Chey enne , W yo .


IS IBLEYl; born Hall sburg , T ex. July , 19JI;

9· from B. P. A cadem y, 1927.; A .B. deqree Oklo . Citv U ., 19 29; married William A. Lock , May 1930; daughters, Kath leen and Co ra ; taught in rural school in Greer Cuunty Ok !o , 19 26- 30; address, 21 5 E. Fulton , Mangum , Okl o. LONDON , A. S.; educator, Sunday Schoo l evan ge li st , a nd au th o r ; mus. certificate Okla . Holiness Co li . 19 17 ; teacher Ok lo . Hol in ess Coli . 19 15-21 ; pres. Central Naza r ene Coli .; pres. Br ese-~ Co li .; tea cher T rovecco Coli.; a t presen t Sunday Sch oo l evangeli st ; regular contributor t o H era ld of Holiness a nd Sunday School literature ; address, Li ttl e Ro:; k , A rk . LONDON , HOLL AND B.; evange list and reli g ious exe: utive ; born Oklo. City, Jon. 1908; A.B . d egree B. P. C. 1938; married Lela Dillingham , May 1927 ; son , H . B. Jr .; evangelist 1925- 36; supt ., Ark. Dist., 193 6 - - ; autho r, " The In com parable Chri st " ; address, Little Ro ck, Ark . LONDON, LELA ! D ILLINGHAM ) ; g. from B. P. Jr. C. 1926; marri ed Ho ll and London, May 1927 ; son , H . B. Jr. ; address , Little Rock, Ark . LU N DY, BERT FINLEY; postal clerk ; born Pawn ee, Oklo ., Sept . 3, 1907 ; A.B. deg ree B. P. C. , 1930 ; marri ed Carol Spruce, Dec. 1933; chi ldren, Bever ly a nd Ro na ld ; clerk in Okla . Ci t y pos t o ffi c e, 1930-- ; address, Bethany, Okl a. LUNDY, CAROL I SPRUC EI; t eacher ; born Flo resvi lle , Tex., Dec . 20, 19 10; A. B. deg ree B. P. C. , 193 1; M .A. deg ree U. of T ex . 193 2; graduate wor k in U. of Ok lo ., 193 4 ; m ar ried Ber t Lundy, Dec. 1933; chi ldren Beverl y a nd Ronald ; teach er of Speech , B. P. C. 1932-3 5; address, Betha ny, Okla . LUNDY, FLORENCE ; office secretory; bo rn Pawn ee, Oklo. , June 3, 1902; A.B . deqree B. P. C., 193 1; offi ce sec retory B. P. C., 1926 - -; add ress, Bethany, Oklo . LUNDY, RUBY MARY; teacher; born Pawn ee, Oklo . Jon. 25 , 1901; A .B. degree B. P. C., 1934; M .S. de 0 ree U . of Oklo . 1937 ; t ea cher of home economics, A rapah o, Okl a. , 1937--; address, Arapah o, Oklo. LUNSFORD , ROBERT LLOYD ; min ist er ; bo rn Carneg ie, Okla .; June 9 , 19 13; A.B . degree B. P. C. , 193 5 ; M .A. degree Marion Coli . Ind ., 1937; married Esther Stri ckland , N ov. 1935; past o rates Logansport , Ind. , 1935-36; Mari on , Ind., 1936- 37; Dunkirk, Ind ., 1937- -; address, Dun kirk, Ind . M cCLUNG, JOSEPH FR A NKL I N; m in ister ; bo rn Ha rm o n , Oklo ., Jan. 2 2, 19 13 ; Th.B. deg ree B. P. C. , 1937; pas t or Forgo, Oklo . 1937-38; address, Harmon , Oklo. M cC LUNG , W . RAYMOND; m iniste r ; born Ca rt er, Ok lo ., May 7, 19 11 ; A.B . deg ree B. P. C., 1933; Th .B. d eg r ee B. P. C. , 1934 ; m a rri ed Erma Gilbert . May, 1935; da ughter , Faith ; pa st orate s Hamm c nd. Ind.; Ossian. Ind .; Lak e Char les, La. , 1938--; address, 322 Oakland, Lake Char les, La. McCLURE , NAOMI I KEMPER ! ; teacher and nurse; born Des Ar c, M o .. Dec. 1889 ; g. of Pen;el Acad em y, 191 0 ; married W . R. M cClure, Dec. , 192 1; sons, Wend e ll , Willia m, and James; public sc hool teacher and nurse, 19 10-1920 ; address ; 405 Ba lti more St ., Pla inv iew, T ex. M cCLURE . RUFUS WILL IAM ; min ister ; born H illsboro, Te x. , Oct . I I , 189 0; A .B. degree B. P. C. , 19 23; married N aomi Ke mper, Dec. 19 2 1; sons, Wendel l, Will iam , Jam es; past or pl a inv iew, T ex., 1938-- ; address, 405 Ba lt im ore St ., Pla in view, T ex. M cC ON N ELL , CH A RLES ALLE N; edito r , au th or. t eac her ; born V alparai so, Ind ., June 1860; A.B . degree Pen ie l Coli. ; Th .D. deg ree B. P. C. ; dean emeritus of T heology, B. P. C. children , Wm ., Edward, Eff ie, Mary, Al a n, Eileen ; author, " Book's Own Story", " The Lost Frontier" , and oth e rs; weekly con t ri buti on s to T eachers Journal, member of G eneral Board, Church of Nazarene. 1912--; edited "Penteco stal Advocat e" , " Oth e r Sheep", and other religious public a tion s; teach er Peniel Co li . 191 8 -20; B. P. C. 1920- - ; address, Bethany, Okla . M cCON NELL, FRANK R.; m' ni st er ; bo rn Su nset, T ex., A B. degree . T ex. H oli ness Co li. 1912; Low S: hoo l. Ka . Ci t y, Mo .; m arr ied Leta Lee leffries Cde:ea sed ) May, 19 14; sons, James a n d l h f'"lrl~s: bookkeeper Noz . Publi shing H ouse; sol es man ag er Fi sk Rubber Co ., K . C. ; salesman Sin: lair Oi l Co.; pas t or ates, Covert , Kon . 192 1-25 ; Sapulpa , Ok la ., 192 5 - 30; Spokrne . Wash ., 1930-35 ; Yak ima, Wash ., 1935- - ; address, 12 1 Ea st B. St., Yakima , Wash .

McCONNELL, LEONA I BELLEW); teacher and missionary; born Attalla, Ala., June 28, 1896; A.B. degree, B. P. C. 1923; Th.B. degree B. P. C. 1933; M.A. degree U. of Oklo. 1925; married Chos. A. McConnell July 1931; teacher Bresee Coil. 1923-23; missionary Africa 1924-27; address, Bethany, Oklo. McCONNELL, WILLIAM THOMAS; obstetrician; born Avon Springs, S. Dok., Sept., 1885; A.B. degree, Peniel Coil., 1906; M.D. degree, U. of Louisville, 1918; married Mary Connor; son, Charles; resident physician Ky. Tuberculosis Sanitorium; Obstetrical staff U. of Louisville; associate clinical professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology; chairman Obstet. Dept., U. of Louisville; chief Obstet. Dept. Norton Memorial Infirmary; present active Obstet. staff Ky. Baptist Hospital; Honor Fellow American Medical Ass'n.; Fellow Gynecologists and Abdominal Surgeons; address, 2739 Virginia; Louisville, Ky. McDONALD, WAYLAND WALDER; financial executive; born Jonesboro, La., April, 1890; g . Tex. Holiness U., 1909; married_ Martha McBride, June 1915; children, William, Mary,

and Ruth; cashier, Jackson Parish Bonk, 1925-28; sec-treas. and General Manager Jonesboro Gin Co., 1926--; address, Jonesboro, La.

McEACHERN, LILLIAN !CARAWAY); teacher; born Jon. 18, 1895; B.S. degree Peniel Coil . 1914; B. of Oratory, Peniel Coil. 1917; A.B. degree U. of Mich. 1924; married Wolter McEachern 1918; daughter, Virginia; primary teacher Peniel public school 1914-18; substitute teacher Detroit 1918; address 259 W. Harriet St. Altadena, Calif. McEACHERN, WALTER STARR; attorney; born Pontotoc, Miss.; Dec. 16, 1893; g. from Peniel Academy; A.B. degree Pasadena Coil. 1917; LL.B. degree U. of Mich. 1924; married Lillian Caraway July, 1918; daughter, Virginia; attorney I Pasadena, Calif.) 1924-- ; address, 259 W. Harriet St. Altadena, Calif. McGRAW, JAMES PAUL; minister; born Peniel, Tex., Oct. 25, 1913; Th.B. degree B. P. C. 1936; married Elizabeth Dobson, Nov. 1935; son, James; evangelist two years; pastorates Bollinger, Tex. 1936-39; Ft. Worth, Tex. 1939- - ; address, 1207 E. Richmond, Ft. Worth, Tex. McNALL, LORENZO; minister; born Limo, Ohio, Feb. 8, 1914; A.B. degree B. P. C. 1937; Th.B. degree to be conferred by B. P. C. in 1939; assist teacher B. P. C. 1938-39; address, Bethany, Oklo. McQUAY, ALVIN LLOYD; minister and young people's executive; born Dauphin, Manitoba, Feb., 1905; A.B. degree B. P. C., 1932; graduate work State Teach. Coil., Chadron, Neb.; married Stella Doris Myers, Aug. 1933; pastorates Chadron, Neb., 1932-37; Bowling Green, Iowa, 1937 -38; Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 1938- - ; address, 110 2nd St. N. W., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. McSHANE, HELEN; born Gordner, Ko., Oct. 17, 1916; A.B. degree B. P. C. 1938; address, 1452 N. Chestnut, Colo. Spr., Colo. MAHARD, LAURA; teacher; born Rockhill, Tex., June 29, 1884; A.B. degree Peniel Coil. 1911; received General Secondary Certificate and Life Diploma; teacher Peniel Coil. 1911-16; Pasadena Coil. 1918- 19; Bresee Coil. 1922-23; Los Angeles Elementary Schools 1923-35; member of Pasodena Gorden Club and Pacific Rose Society; address, 1179 Bresee Ave., Pasadena, Calif . MARKWELL, ALVIN MELROSE; machinist; born Oklo. City, Oklo., Dec. 1, 1908; g. from B. P. C. 1927; student at Oklo. A. & M. Coil. three years; married Etta Holland, April 1936; civil engineer Oklo. and Beaver counties 1930-34; machinist Overhead Door Co., Oklo. City, 1934--; address, Oklo. City, Oklo. MARKWELL, GRACE !MELROSE!; born Benton Ko., Sept. 9, 1880; g . from B. P. C. 1927; sons, Alvin and Delbert; taught for 13 years in rural schools, address R. 3, Box 193, Oklo. City, Oklo. MARTIN, BERNICE !SIMPSONI; married Eddie Martin; husband employee of Bell Telephone Co.; address, Conway, Ark. MARTIN, CHARLES IRVIN; postal clerk; born Stamford, Tex., Feb. 2, 1902; g. from B. P. C. 1925; married Elsie Gosselin, April 1926; son, Jerome; clerk in Oklo. City post office, 1926-- ; address, Route 3, Oklo. City, Oklo. MAY, EVA ICOXl; teacher and musician; born Paris, Tex., June 10, 1895; Theological certificate 1919 and voice certificate 1921 from B. P. C.; teachers certificate U. of Oklo. 1922; married L. M. May, Oct. 1917; son, Warren; teacher of voice B. P. C. 1922-27; address, Tahlequah, Oklo.

MAY, L. M.; minister and teacher; born Bolivar, Mo., Jon. 21, 1884; A.B. degree B. P. C. 1921; B.S. degree 1923 and M.A. degree 1925 Phillips U., Enid, Oklo.; married Eva Cox , Oct. 1917; son, Warren; dean at B. P. C. five years; pastorates Artesia, N. Mex.; El Paso, Tex.; Ponca City, Oklo.; Capitol Hill, Oklo. City; Tahlequah, Oklo. 1936--; address, Tahlequah, Oklo. MEREDITH, ARCHEL ROWLAND; minister; born Amarillo, Tex., March 26, 1915; g. Eastern N. Mex. Jr. Coil. 1936 ; A.B . degree B. P. C. 1938; graduate work at B. P. C., 193839; address, Bethany, Oklo. MILLER, BASIL W.; author, teacher, minister; born Laconia , Ind., Feb. 26, 1897; A.B. degree Peniel Coil. 1917; B.D. degree Peniel College 1919; M.A. degree U. of S. Calif. 1920; S.T.M. degree Pacific School of Religion 1921; Th.M. degree Pittsburg Theo. Seminary 1929; S.T.D. degree Biblical Seminary 1939; married, Esther Kirk, Aug. 1921; children, Estherbello, Kirk, Basil, Jr., Murtelle; author of 10 pamphlets, best known; "Putting the Sunday School Across", "Bible Readings on Holiness"; author of 9 books, best known: "God's Great Soul Winners", "Growing into Life"; contributed 1500 articles to religious magazines; in last 12 months articles appeared in 23 different religious magazines; served as pastor 20 years

in the Church of the Nazarene; in Central Church, Pasadena , Calif. 1937--; address, Colo. at Grand Oaks, Pasadena , Calif. MILLER, JANE ISHELLl; speech arts instructor; born Evening Shade, Ark., Sept. 19, 1894; A.B. degree Central Nazarene Coil. 1915; special student in speech arts; married Knight Miller, Nov. 1917; son, Harnett; conducted Speech Arts Institutes in Rochester, Tex., Abilene, Tex., Sweetwater ,

Tex.; address, 2817 S. 11, Abilene, Tex. MONTANDON, CARLOS MORRISON; educator; born Bongs, Tex., Dec. 2, 191 0; A.B. degree, B. P. C. 1934; M.A. degree, U. of Oklo.; married Marilee Roberts, 1934; children, Jenn y and Carlos, Jr.; supt. of schools, Oscar, Oklo., 1934- - ; directed the chorus for the annual Easter pageant at Lowton, Oklo. 1937- - ; Vice-chairman of hist. deportment for Central Educational Assn.; address, Oscar, Okla.

MONTFORTE, MARY JANET; teacher; born Oxford, Ko., Dec. 23, 1913; A.B. degree, B. P. C., 1936 graduate work at Oklo. A. & M. College; teacher of hist. and moth., Quay, Oklo., 1937--; member of Phi Alpha Theta, Notl. Honorary Hist. Society; address, Quay, Oklo. MOORE, BONNIE; educator; born Lawton, Okla., June 7, 1913; A.B. degree B. P. C. 1933; M.A. degree U. of Oklo. 1934; taught Hammond, Oklo., 1934-35; Oilton, Oklo., 1935-36; principal and teacher Mountain, IN. Mex.) H. S. 1936--; address, Mountain, N. Mex. MOORE, C. OLAN; educator; born Corter, Oklo., July 1, 1904; A.B. degree Oklo. City U., 1925; A.B. degree B. P. C., 1925; Ed.M. degree U. of Oklo., 1933; summer school at Edmond, Oklo. and Greeley, Colo.; married Mottilee Neely, Oct., 1925; children, Billy and Katherine; taught B. P. C. ; principal at Guymon, Oklo.; graduate asst. at U. of Oklo.; vice- prin. of Webster Jr. H. S., Oklo . City, 1935--; address, 2529 N. W. 27th, Oklo. City, Oklo. MOORE, JOSIAH ERBEN; minister; born Prescott, Ark., July, 1889; g . B. P. C., 1925; married Lino Westmoreland, May, 1911; children, J. E. Jr., Mark, Adona, Roxie Ann, George, Billie; served as pastor, evangelist, and dist, supt.; present

activity, pastor First Church, Suffolk, Dallas, Tex

Dallas, Tex.;

address, 426

MOORE, JOSIAH ERBEN, Jr.; minister; born Prescott, Ark., June 22, 1914; Th.B. degree B. P. C. 1937; graduate work at San Antonio U.; married Mary Virginia Moore, August,

1936; pastorates Oakland, Calif., Groce Church, San Antonio, Tex., 1938--; dist. sec.-treos., Son Ant.; address, 116 N. Polorio St., Son Ant., Tex. MOORE, MARK REYNOLDS; minister; born Vilonia, Ark., Sept. 30, 1916; A.B . degree B. P. C., 1937; Th.B. degree B. P. C., 1938; pastor Goose Creek, Tex., 1938--; address, Goose Creek, Tex.

MOORE. MATTI LEE I NEEL Yl; teacher; A.B. degree B. P. C., 1925; B.F.A. degree U. of Oklo., 1933; married C. Olon Moore, Oct., 1925; children, Billy and Kathryn; taught B. P. Academy and Guymon, Oklo.; address, 2529 N. W. 27th, Oklo. City, Oklo. MORGAN, ARTHUR CALVIN; minister; born Paul's Volley, Oklo., Sept. 13, 1903; Th.B. degree B. P. C., 1929; A.B . degree B. P. C., 1930; married Opal Moler, June, 1930; children, twins, Dell and Don; evangelist, 1930-32; pastorates Henryetta, Oklo., 1932- 36; Oskaloosa, Iowa, 1936--; address, Box 168, Oskaloosa, Iowa . MORGAN, BERYLE; office clerk; born Crowley, La., Aug. 29, 1913; A.B. degree B. P. C. 1935; A.B. degree Central State Teach . Coli.; cashier and office clerk, Amer. Not'l Ins. Co. 1937- -; address, Galveston, Tex.

MORRIS, EDNA I TA TEl; teacher ; born Vion, Okla., Sept. 19 14; g . from B. P. Academy, 1931; mamed Robert Morris, July, 1935; children Dorette and Rose; taught elementary grade Bethany public school 1934- 36; address, 317 Dunbar St. Fai rmont, W. Va. MORRIS, HAROLD WILBUR; minister; born Cushing, Okla. July 16, 1914; Th.B. degree B. P. C. 1938; evangel1st1c 1938- - ; address, Cushing, Okla. MORRIS, ROBERT THOMPSON ; minister ; barn Waxahachie, T ex., Jan. 10, 1910; Th .B. degree B. P. C., 1936; graduate work in Fairmont State Teach . Coli. ! W. Va.l; married Edna Marie Tate, July, 1935; daughters, Dorette and Rose; pastor at Fairm ont, W. Va., 1936--; member of Sigma Pi Rho, Nat'! Latin Honor Society; address, 317 Dunbar St., Fairmont, W. Va . MORSE , BERTHA OLENE; born Plainview, Tex., Sept. 18, 191 0; A.B . degree B. P. C., 193 8; address, Floydada, Tex. MORTIMEYER, WENDELL K. ; minister ; born Brunswick, Mo., May 2, 1912; Th .B. degree B. P. C., 1938; address, Brunswick, Mo. NASH, FORREST WESLEY; minister and si nger ; born Hutchinson, Ka., March 29, 1915; Th .B. degree B. P. C., 1938 ; graduate work Southern Methodist U . (Dallas, Tex. I 1938 - - ; choi r director Dallas, First Church, 193 8 - - ; address, Dallas, Tex . NATION, MARGARET LOUISE; secretary; born Arlington, T ex., Jan . 2 1, 1917; A.B. degree B. P. C. , 1937; secretary and stenographer for Tex. Chain Stores Committee, Dallas, T ex.; 1937--; address, Dall as, T ex. N EA L . LAC IE ! McLAIN ); teacher ; born Jasper, Ala., Jan. 19, 1904 ; g. from B. P. Jr . C., 1926; A .B. degree Okla. City U. 1928; married Lyster Neal , May, 1928; children Robert and Mary; primary teacher Bethany public schools 1934--; address, Bethany, Okla. NEELY, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN ; pastor, evanqelist, business executive; born San Saba, Tex ., Nov., 1876; A.B. and B. of Oratory degrees Peniel Coli., 19 16; D .D. degree B. P. C.; married Sophonia Belle Wren, Jan., 1895; chil dren, David, Mattil ee, Zonabelle, Ruby, Hunter, Loraine, Marv. Essie, Pauline, Edgar; business manager of B. P. C., 1923-25; pres. Central Nazarene Coli., 1927-1930 assisted in the union of Peniel Coli. and Central Nazarene Coli . with the Okla. Ho li ness Coli.; served as evangelist 25 years; college pastorates Ha mlin, T ex., Bethany, Okla ., and Peniel , Tex.; pastor, Ada , Okla ., 1937--; address, 31 1 N . Oak, Ada, Okla. NEELY, DAVID; postal clerk ; g . from Peniel Academy 191 6; A.B. d eg ree Central T each. Co li . ( Okla .) 1925; married Myrtle Jones, 192 1; daughters Elna and Madie; tea cher seven years; post office clerk, Okla . City, 1929- - ; address, Bethan y, Okla. NE ELY , MYRTLE !JON ES I; g. from B. P. Academy 1921; A.B. deg ree Central Teach . Coli. ! Okla. ) 1928; married David Neely, 192 1; daughters, Elna and Madie; address, Bethany, Okla.

NORWOOD, ALONZO; teacher; born Hughes Springs, Tex ., Feb . 23, 1900; g . from B. P. Academy 1921; A.B . degree Central State Teach. Coli. 1931 ; graduate student Stout Insti tut e, !Wis. I; married Ida Green, June 1920; industrial arts teacher Webster Jr. H. S., Oklo C1ty 1929--; address, Bethany, Okla. NORWOOD IDA !GREEN I; teacher; born Kingston, Tex., Sept. 15, 1'899; g. from Peniel Academy 1917 ; A.B. degree Central State Teach. Coli. 1929; graduate student Stout Institute, !Wis. ); married Alon zo Norwood, June 1920; taught Bethany public school 1920-29; Okla. City public school 1929-33; Bethany H . S. 1935- - ; address, Bethony, Okla. OVERSTREET, PAUL C.; educator; born Camp Nelson, Ky. , Sept. 5, 1891; certificate in speech , Hamlin Call. 19 14; M.S. from Iowa State U . 1925 ; married Louise Hayburst, June 1915; children, Ralph, Paula, Rachel; teacher and regi st rar at Central Nazarene Coli. 1913-17 ; prof. and reg ist rar Fl etcher Coli . 19 17-28; prof. and regi strar B. P. C. 192832; farmer at Springdale, Ark . 1932-36; prin. ot Farmington , Ark . 1936-37; principal at Cane Hill, Ark. 1937-38; address, Cane Hill, Ark. PALMER , MARY I BALES I; teacher; born Carnegie, Okla. 19, 1912 ; A.B. degree B. P. C. 1936; married Clifford mer, 1938; taught in Canadian County (Ok la .) 1933 - 35 Washita County !Okla.) 1937 - 38; address, 1712 N. W. St ., Okla. City, Okla. PARKER , INA !GA DDY I; field, S. C. Aug. 21, 1888; emy, 1924; married Will Royal and Amy; operates address, Hamlin , Tex.

Oct. Paland 8th

business operator; barn Chesterg. from Central Nazarene AcadA. Parker, Dec. 1906; children, Parker's Shoe and Harness Shop;

PARR , ZULA ! MARTIN I; teacher; born Blossom , Tex., July 1884 ; g . from Peniel Academy ; A .B. degree North Tex. T each. Coli, 19 14; graduate work in Okla . City U . and U. of Okla .; married George Par r ( deceased), Dec., 1923; son, Wi lliam ; teacher in public schools Blosso m, Paris and Dallas, Tex . for 20 years; address, 16 I 3 Harri so n St., Amarillo, Te x. PARRISH, RHODA; secretary; g. from B. P. Academy; employed by Federa l Govt. since 1925; Okla . City 1925-38; Muskogee, Okla. 1938--; address, Muskogee, Okla. PARRISH, VIOLA; t eac her; A.B. degree B. P. C. 1937; teacher in Bethany public school 1937- - ; address, Bethany, Okla. PARROTT. ALONZO L.; educational executive and minister; born Monterey, Tenn. , May 20, 189 1; A.B. deg ree Southwestern. Memphis, Tenn ., 1921; M .A. degree Memphis, Tenn., 1922; B.D . degree Trevecca Coli ., 1922; B. of Oratory degree B. P. C., 1925; married Luc ile Elli ott, Dec . 1913 ; children, Lorene, Les li e, John ; pastorates Clarksv ille, T enn ., 1917-22; Bethany, Okla ., 1922-3 1; Springfield, Ill., 193 1-38 ; pres. Oli ve t Coli . 1938--; address, Olivet, Ill. PAYNE, THALIA CHRISTINE; teacher; born Campbell, Tex., April 7 , 19 14; A.B . degree B. P. C. and Central State Teach. Coli ., 1938; primary teacher, Barnsdall, Okla ., 1938--; address, Barnsdall, Okla. PETERS, CATTOLENA IVAN WEELDEN I; born, Tipton, Okla.;

NEUENSWANDER, GLEN ALBERT; minister; born Canton, Ka., Jan. 28 , 1905; Th.B. degree B. P. C., 1932; married Margaret Jeter, May, 1934; son , James; pastorates in La . and Okla.; Dill City, Okla., 1938--; address, Dill City, Okla.

certificate in piano, B. P. C., 1924; diploma in piano, B. P. C., 1925; attended Boston U. 1937-38; B.F.A. degree B. P. C., 1939; married John L. Peters, 1928 ; son, Dona ld ; address,

NORSWORTHY, ARC HIE NEWTON ; mini ster ; born Sh reveport, La ., Nov . 13, 1902; Th .B. degree B. P. C. 1935; A.B. degree B. P. C. 193 6; married Essie Riding s, May , 1933; pastor Benson Church , Omaha, Neb., 193 8 -- ; address, 6505 Wirt St., Omaha, Neb.

PETERS, JOHN LEL AND, JR.; minister; born Van Buren, Ark., Oct . 6. 1907; A.B. degree B. P. C. ; M .A . degree U . of Okla ., 193 8; married Cattolena Van Weelden, April, 1928; son, Donald ; postal c lerk, Okla. City post office 1928- 1936; pastorates Edmond, Okla. 1936; Lake Charles, La ., 1936-37; student Boston U ., School of Theology, 1937- -; address, Norman , Okla.

NORSWORTHY, ESSIE IRI DINGS I; teacher; born Ivanhoe, Tex ., Jan. 8, 1904; A.B. degree B. P. C., 1929; graduate work at Okla. City U .; married Archie N . Norsworthy, May 1933; teacher in Bethany public schools, 1926-1938; address, 6 505 Wirt St., Omaha, Neb. NORSWORTHY, LOUISE; teacher; A .B. degree B. P. C. 1933; elementary teacher Ida, La., at present; address, 2837 Jud son St., Shreveport, La . NORTON, JOSEPH SHELDON; mini ster ; born Carmen, Okla., March 6, 1910; Th.B. degree B. P. C., 1932; married Margaret Armstrong, June 1933; sons, John and Robert; pastorates Medford, Okla. 1932-36; Walters, Okla. 1936--; address, Walters, Okla . NORTON, MARGARET !ARMSTRONG I; born Merkel, Tex., April 27, 1914; g. from B. P. Academy, 1930; attended B. P. C. 1930-33; married Joe Norton, June 1933; sons, John and Robert ; address, Walters, Okla.

Norman , Okla.

PH ILL IPS, DORA ( HOUGH I; teacher ; born Parks, Ark ., Jan. 18, 1900; g. from B. P. Academy 1921; elementary life certifi cate, Central State Teach . Coli.; married D. T . Phillips, May, 1922; children, Robert and Denni s; proof reader of Okla. News; teacher Okla. City public schools 1922; address, Cowlington, Okla. PHILLIPS, MAUD IE ( HOOVER I; born Illinoi s Bend, Tex ., April 10, 1903; g. from B. P. Academy, 1925; married Wendol Phillips, July 1927; daughter, Janelle address, Bethany, Okla. PHILLIPS, RUTH (B LACKLOCK I; minister; born Sheridan , Ark ., May 15, 1908 ; Th .B. degree B. P. C. , 1934; A.B. degree B. P. C. ( magna cum laude I 193 5; married Matthew Phillips, June 1926; founder and pastor of Knapp Memorial Church of Nazarene, 1935-39; pastor Alix, Ark. 1939--; address, Alix, Ark.

PITTS, PAUL ER NEST ; mmister and church adm 'nistrator; born Haleyv ille, A la. , May 6, 1904; must: certtftcate B . P. C.; A.B . degree Central State Teach . Coil.; marrted Mtldred Tanton, 1929; children, Virginia and Rodney; pastorates Edmond, Okla., Yukon, Okla., Richmond, V.; supt. of Ala . Dist. 1938-- ; address, I 014 W. Graymont Ave. , Btrmtngham, Ala. POTEET, HENRY THEODORE; teacher and minister; born Rotan, Tex. , March 3, 1911; Th .B. degree B. P. C. 1937 ; married Ruby Dallas, May, 1938; prtnctpal of school near Rotan, Tex., 1937-38; pastor Watonga, Okla. 1938---; ad dress, Watonga, Oklo. POTEET , WILLIAM IVA ; minister ; born Rotan, Tex. , Oct . 28, 1908 ; Th .B. degree B. P. C ., 193 3; pastor Stamford, Tex . 1937 -38; at present a con va lescent; address, Rotan, Te x. PRICE , HERMAN HENRY ; educator and athletic d irector; born Catchings, Miss. , April 9, 1894 ; A .B. degree B. P. C. , 1920; M .A . degree U . of Mich. , 1929; married Dorothy Peake , Nov. 1918; ch ildren , Herman Jr ., Charlette, Dorothy, and Paul · musi cian in U. S. Navy during World War; prof. of math and director of athletics at Olivet Coli. I Ill. I, 1921 - - : pres . of board of directors of Olivet publ ic schools ; ch apla in of Amer Legion Po st at Georgeton, Ill.; address, Olivet, Ill. PYLES, CLARICE EUDORA ; teacher; born Pave, G:>. Oct. 2, 19 16; A .B. degree B. P. C. 193 8 I magna cum laude!; teach cc Pleasant H i ll elementary schoo l 1938- - ; address, Stone wa: l, Okla . REED LOUIS ARCHIBALD· m inister, author, educator ; bo-n Brooklyn, N.Y., May, 189,2 ; A .B. degree Penie\ Coil., 1913; B.D. degree Drew Seminary ; M .A . degree of S. Caltf . & Brown U .; D.O. degree B. P. C., 1937; marrted Ruth Fergu son , 19 16 ; children, Oscar , Elizabeth , Ronald; v tce-pres . Ka. City Ministerial Alliance ; author, " The Second _Man", " Th e Challenge of Chino" ; Religious News of week tn Herald of Holiness · served as vice-pres. E. N. C. and Posaden:J Coli. eight y.;ars; pastorates, Oakland, Calif ., Long Beach, Calif. , Ka . City, Mo. 1931 - - ; address, 4002 Charlotte, Ka. Ctty , Mo .


REED, RUTH I FERGUSON I; executive in W. F. M. S. and teacher; born Leonard, Tex. , Oct., 1892; g. Pentel Conserva tory of Music., 1913 ; married L.A . Reed, , Aprtl, 191 6; r.htl dren, Oscar, Elizabeth, Ronald; teacher Vtlonta, Ark. 191415· member General Council W. F. M . S., 1932--; vtcepr~s. Rest Cottage Ass'n in Ka . City ; address, 4002 Char lotte, Ka . City, Mo . RHODES , A L VA H MITCH ELL ; business executive; born at Midloth ian , Tex ., Sept. 30, 1896 ; g . from Hamltn Nazareno Academ y; mo• ried Pauline McCrary, July 1918; children , Pauline , Vic toria , Jenny, Alvah, Eva, Oresa, Shtrley; dtd publi: accounting in Dalla s, Tex . for twelve years; vice-pres . and se:. of E. W. Jones, Inc ., oil drillers and producers, Tul sa, Ckla. 1933-- ; address, 1307 Philtower Bldg., Tulsa, Okla. RICE BESSIE I BECK I· born Muskogee, Okla . Nov. 20, 1898 ; g . fr~m B. P. Acaderr{y 1927; married A. I. Rice, 1930; reg ular contributor to Children's Worker 1927-33; address, Bethany, Okla. RICE, FRANK L. ; commercial chemi st ; born Brady, Neb. June 19, 1911 ; A.B. degree B. P. C. 1933; 24 hours graduate work at U . of Okla. ; married Nettie Traub, Aug., 1937; store manager 1933 - 35; principal Alfalfa , Okla . H . S. 193537; chemist , Skelly Oil Co ., 1937- - ; address, 824 W . Fifth , El Dorado, Ka. RICE, KENNETH A.; obse rver in meteo r,., lcgy; born Mu5'e l fork, Mo ., Dec. 22, 1908 ; A .B. degree B. P. C. 1930 ; M .S. deg ree U . of Okla. 1930; married Jewel l McAntnch, June I 931; r hilrlron. Everrett and Irene; taught physi cs and math . B. P. C. I 932-39 ; observer in meteorology with U . S. Dept . of Agri . 1939--; address, 411 8 M en tone, El Paso, Te x. RICE. t'-IETTIE I TROUBI ; teacher, born Carnegie, Okla ., March 23. 1912 ; A.B. degree B. P. C. 1933; 8 hours grad uate wor k U . of Okla.; married Frank Rice, Aug. 1937 ; tau ght Alder. Okla. 1934-35; Hobart, Okla. 1935-37; ad dress, 824 W. Fifth , El Dorado , Ka. RIDINGS , ELBERT PAUL ; de : orator; born Penie\, Tex ., Feb . II, 1910; A.B. degree B. P. C. 1935 ; married Lois Uirkvitz, Aug. 193 8, interior de:orating , 1936--; address, Bethany , Okla. RIDINGS . LO !S I URKVITZ I; teacher; born July 3, 1910; A.B. degree B. P. C. , 1932; U . of Okla., married Paul Ridings , Aug . rural schools Watonga , Okla . 1934---; Okla .

Gu ide Ro:k , Neb . aroduate work at 1938; teacher in address, Bethany,

RIGGS, LLOYD EARL ; merchant; born Cisco, Te x., Aug . 1905; g . from B. P. Academy 1923; married Eula Patterson ; children, La Dono, Earl, Jerry, Roger, Marelene; man ager grocery store ; address, Bethany, Oklo. ROBERTS, GEREN COPE ; minister; born Prichard, W. Va., June 20, 1907; A.B. and Th .B. degrees B. P. C.; A.B. degree Okla. City U., 1928; graduate work towards M.S. and Th.D.; married Kathleen Carfrae, Dec. 1935; taught Spanish in B. P. C.; pastorates Guthrie, Okla. and Port Arthur, Tex. ; assist. pastorates San Antonio, T ex., and St . Loui s, Mo .; Chapla in Reserve in U. S. Army; evangelist 1936-- ; address, Pilot Point, Tex . ROBY , MONLEY REX; educator ; born All anreed. Tex . M ay 10, 1903 ; g . from B. P. Academ y 1925 ; A.B. degree West Te x . State Teach . Coil., 1935; married Ste lla Dun:an , May, 1928 ; children, Rex, Jr. and Delara ; taught six years in Tex .; three years high school principal in N . Mex .; supt. of Quay H . S., 1938- - ; address, Quay, N . Mex. ROSY, STELLA I DUNCAN I; teacher ; born Woodson, Tex ., May 29, 1906; g. from B. P. A ca demy, 1925 ; married Rex Roby, May 1928; children Rex, Jr. and Delara ; taught six years in primary grades; address, Quay , N. Mex . ROGERS, BESSIE I DOUGLAS !; t eac her, born Van Alstyne, T ex., Jul y , 1894; g. Bethany Jr . Coli.; g . from Peniel roll . 1917; B.S. degree Southeastern T each. Coli ., June, 1939; married J. L. Walker, 1917, and Guy Rogers, 1930; chil dren, Arjoree and La Verne, and Billie ; twenty years teaching in elementa~y schools; at present teaching in Simpson, Ark.; address, Simpson, Ark . RUSS ELL , THEO I STEWART ! ; born Ladonia, Tex. , March 23, 1902; g . from Peniel Academy 1920; ma rr ied Melvin Russell , Oc t . 1922; children, Melvin, Lloyd and Wendell; address, Dallas, Tex . SAN FORD, EDN A I HOUSE l; born Eulogy, T ex., Feb . 23, 1892; g. from Pen iel Academy; married N . W . Sanford , Sept . 1917 ; children , N. W. Jr. , Luther, Mary, Marion ; address, Bethany, Okla . SANFORD, NEWPORT W. ; educator, civic administrator, postal executive; born Bingen , Ark ., Jan. 31, 1878; B.S. , A.B., B.D ., and B.C.S . degrees Peni e\ Coil.; M .S. degree U. of Ark.; married Edna House, Sept. 1917; children, N. W. Jr., Luther, Mary, Marion. Hillis; pres. Peniel Coli ., 1919- 20; pres. Olivet Coli. 1922- 26; pres. Bresee Coli. 1926-27; business manager, N . N . C. I Nampa) 1935- 37 ; member General Board. Church of Nazarene, 1922-26; mayor of Bethany, 1933-35; postmast er, Bethany post office, 1937--; address, Bethany, Okla . SAUER , HELEN I SANDY I; 12, 19 13; A .B. degree B. Nov. 1934; instructor in 1934-35 ; address, Zen ;th ,

teacher ; born at Cov ert, Ka ., Feb . P. C. , 1934; married R. A . Sauer, english a nd music, Covert , Ka ., Ka .

SCHWAB , OTHO ROBERT; minister ; born Ingersoll , Okla. , Dec. 11, 1905; g. from B. P. Academ y; two years in B. P. C. ; two te rm ' at East Central T each. Coli m a rried Billie Bell, Dec . 1926; son, Otho, Jr .; evange li st, 1930-38; pastor Compton , Calif. , 1938--; author "Sanctificat ion, What, When, How"? address, 605 N . Crane, Compton, Calif. SCORSONE. CHRISTINE I BALLI; born Pilot Point, Tex ., April, 1915; A.B. degree B. P. C., 1935; married Ant·honey S--orsc n e. Auo . 1938 ; corre-:~ond en t for Sears, Roe!J u: k & Co .; address, 401 S. Colorado, Ka. City, Mo. SEAL, EVA I REED I; teacher ; g . from B. P. A cadem v; married John Sea l 1917 ; children, John, II a , and Allen ; formerly h ead of Teacher 's Tra ining Courses at John Brown U .; address, Eox 97, M : Aiester, Okla . SEAL , JOHN ; minister and educator ; born W ea therford, Tex. , July 5, 1886; g . from B. P. A c ademy 19 18; A.B . degree Okla. City U ., 1921 ; M A . deg ree Okla . A . & M . Coil . I 932; married Ev a Reed, 1917 ; children, John , lla , and Allen; worked as evanaelis t end pastor ; taught Okla . A. & M. Coil. 1932 - 36; Chaolin of Okla . State Penitentiary 1938 - - ; address, Box 97, McAlester, Okla . SHAN N ON , ERNEST BOYD: analytical chemist; born Morgan County, Tenn ., July 17, 19 11; A.B. degree B. P. C., 1932; qraduat e work at the U. of Okla.; married Fran : es Bra-:ken, Au a. 1933; daughter, Madalyn ; prin:ipal of Ladessa H . S. 1931 - 32 ; teacher in Bethany oublic schools, 1934- 35 ; asst. in chem .. U . of Okla ., 1935-3 6; chief cnalytica l chem ist for Skell y Oil Co., El Dorado, Ka., 193 6- -; articles published in " Th e Refiner and Natural Gasoline Manufacturer"; add ress, 1202 Douglas Road , El Dorado, Ka . SHANNON . FRANCES I BRACKEN I; born Newton , Ka . March 3, 1912; A.B . degree B. P. C. 1935 ; married E. Boyd Shannon , August 1933 ; daughter, Madalyn; address, 1202 Douglas Road , El Dorado, Ka.

SHEEKS, ELLIOTT I DEBOE I; minister and teacher ; born Fre donia, Ky ., Jan. 8, 1872; theology c ertifi cate Peniel Coli. 1916; B. of Oratory Peniel Coli. 1918 ; A .B. degree Sterling Coli. 1926; married E. H. Sheeks, Oct. 1891; taught Peniel Coli.; Bresee Coli. 1927- - ; member of Committee f or church uni on in 1907 at Chicago; address, 512 N. Plu m, Hutchinson, Ka. SI DLES , MARY ALICE; minister and social welfare wo rker ; born Cerro, Gerda, Ill., June 4, 1878; A.B. degree B. P. C. 1930 ; married Artemas Sidles; daughter, Catherine; federal welfare worker; address, Britton , Okla. SIMPSON, EFFIE IBO UNDS I; teacher; born McRae, Ark. April 28, 1890; A.B. degree Ark. Holiness Coli., 1915 ; married Jesse S. Simpson 1916; children, Ralph, Richa rd, Raymond, He len; taught in Bible School at Hutchi nson, Ka . 19 16-17; taught in public schools several years; address,

STAHLY, LETHA I PUMM ILLI ; born Buffalo, Mo., Jon. 18, 1911; B.F.A. degree B. P. C., 1938; married Elmer Stahly, A ug. 1934; address, 607 E. Podon , Longview, Tex. STIPES, MARGUE RITE IVAN WEELDENI; barn Tipton , Okla. Oct. 6, 1905; g. from B. P. Academy, 1925; married Clarence Stipes, Sept., 1928; children ; Robert and Morgy rette; address, Leve lland , T ex. STOCKTON, FRED G.; minister; born Chi co, Tex ., Feb. 21 , 1893; A.B. degree B. P. C. 1925; graduate y;ork at Phillips U. Enid, Okla.; married lma Hurst, May 1917; children , Grant, Fern, Hazel , Wilmer, Wando; pastor since 1921 ; pas t or at Alamosa, Co lo . 193 8 -- ; address, Alamosa, Colo . STOCKTON , JOHN L. ; financial administrator; born Chico, Tex., Sep t . 21, 1899; g. from B. P. C. 1923; graduate work in banking, commercial low, and business economics, mar-

ried Ruth Bost, Sept. 1924 ; daughter, Delene ; employed as

Vi lon ia , Ark


SIMPSON, JESSE SANFORD; tea cher ; born Vilon ia, Ark., Sept. 3, 1886; g. Ark. Holiness Academ y 1910; A.B. degree B. P. C. 19 17 ; graduate work at Phillips U., Enid, Oklo., married Eff ie Bound s; children, Ralph, Richard, Raymond, and H e len ; teacher Ark. Holiness Coli. 1919-21 and B. P. C. 1922-27; pr esent activity forming; address , Vilonia, Ark . SMITH, A L A N B. ; musicia n and teacher; born Ponca City , Ok la., A ug . 6, 1913; A.B. degree B. P. C. 1936; graduate work, Tu lsa U.; m a rried Ruth Lang Aug. 1938; teacher vio li n B. P. C. 1932-37; teacher instrumental music Sand Springs public sc hools 1937-- ; student of Harry Ryan; fi rst vio linist Tul sa Symphony Orchestra 1938; address, Sand Springs, Okla.

SMI TH , M 'L TON ; minister voung peop le's e xecutive; born Prescott, Ark. Nov. 23, 1903; A.B. degree B. P. C. 1928; M.A. deg re e U. of Okla.; married Opa l Gilbert, May 1929; ch ildren, Joanne an d Norma ; Dist. N . Y.

P. S. Pres. Wes t .

Ok la. 1929- 34; member General N. Y. P. S. cou nc i l 1932 - - ; pastor Norman, Oklo. 1929--; address, 406 E. Comanche, Norman, Okla. SM ITH , OPAL I GILBERT I; born Odell, Tex. May 23, 1909; A.B. degree B. P. C. 1929; married Milton Smith, May 1929; children , Joanne and Norma; address, 406 E. Comanche, Norman, Oklo. SM ITH , ROYAL CUR TIS ; m inister or:~d young peoples executive : bn'n Camoron. T ex . Feb . 3. 1915 : A B ct~ore o B P C. , 1936; Th .B. degree B. P. C. 1937; married Margaret Camfield, Feb. 1937; pastor Greenv i ll e, T ex. 1937- - ; address , 3008 P1 ck ett, Greenville, T ex. SMI TH , RUTH I LANG I; t eache r o f piano; born, Sylvia, Ka ., Dec. 16, 1914; A.B. degree B. P. C.; student o f Fay Trumgk_li~. teacher of piano, B. P. C. 1936--; address, Bethany, SNOWBARGER, V ERNON AN DREW; teacher; born Sylvia, Ka., May 15, 1915; A .B . degree B. P. C., 1938; graduate work at Ka. State T each. Coli.; married Lois Roeber, June _1938; teacher in Bresee Academy, 1938--; address, Hutch Inson, Ka .

SPEA KES , JOS EPH ; pastor, evangelist; born Lake City, Ark., Jan., 1879; engli sh theo logical diploma, Okla. Holin ess Coli., 1918; D.O. degree; married Jessie Tate, June, 1902 ; chil dren, Mildred, Wilma, Edwin , Elizabeth, Roy, Mary Lou , Eu-

qene Clyde; has served as dist. sunt.; sec. and trens. of Church Extension; author of "Si nful Flesh "; present activity; pas t o r


Wenatc hee,





Ave .,

Wenatchee, Wash.


agen t ;





duction Credit Ass'n. 1938--; address, 1402 W. Elm , En id , Okla. STOCKTON, RUTH I BOST I ; stenog rapher ; born Fate, Tex ., March 3, 1904; g. from B. P. Academy; g. from B. P. C. ; married John Stockton, Sept. 1924; daughter, Delene ; ad d re ss, 1402 W. Elm , En id, Oklo. SUTTON, BENJAMIN F.; educator; born Shelburne, Vt., May 9, 1868; g. from Peniel Coli. and Burlington, Wyo. Seminary; rece ived B. of Oratory and Ph.D . degrees; married Hattie Bell Reeves, July 190 1; children , Lucy and Charles; teacher at Inst itute ; Peniel Coli.; A rk. Methodist Coli.; Pasadena Co li. ; retired; address, 246 So. Mentor Ave., Pasadena, Calif. SWAN, FRED ANDREW; educator; born Stroud, Oklo., Sept. I, 1901; g . from B. P. Academy; 1924; A.B. degree Oklo . Central State Teach . Coli., 1935; married Mary Smyers, May 1929; daughters, Eleanor and Mary; principal of sc hool near

Sapulpa, Oklo. 1929--; address, Route I, Sapulpa , Oklo . SWAN. MARY I SMYERS ! ; t eac her ; born Grenola, Ko., Sept . 21, 1903; g. from B. P. Academy, 1923; A.B. degree Oklo . Central State T each . Coli. 1933; marr ied Fred A. Swan, May 1929; add re ss, Sapulpa, Oklo. SWANN, ALLINE I M cGRAW I, musician and teacher; born Lufk in, T ex. July 19, 1908; cert . in piano, B. P. C. 1929; degrees from Tex. Women's Coli. 1931 and Southern Methodist U .; qraduate work U . of Ok lo. : married Wallace Swann ,

Sept. 193 1; teacher of piano, B. P. C. 1935--; head of piano dept ., B. P. C. 193 8 - - ; address, Bethany, Oklo. SWIM, CHAS . A.; accountcnt ; born S Do. Jon. 19, 1886 ; A.B. degree Peniel Col i. 1908; ma rried Ella G. Mulcock 19 12 ; children, Merle, James, Meritt; head accountant Wesbanco

Office Supply Co., Oklo. City; 1936-Okla.

; address, Bethany,

TATE , CLARA V IRGI NIA; teac her; born V ian , Oklo. Ja n . 1913; A.B. degree B. P. C. 193 5; elementary grade teochec Bethany Public Schools 1936--; address, Betha ny, Oklo . TATE, GUY FR ANK LI N; educa tor and athletic director; born Am ity, Ark., Jan. 8, 19 10; A.B . degree B. P. C. 1931 ; summ er studen t Ouachita Coli. 1935; also Henderson State T eac h . Coli. 1938; married Flay Cope land, Aug. 1937 ; dist . pres. N. Y. P. S. Ark. four years; at present H . S. principal end coach Saratoga, Ark.; address, Saratoga, Ark.

TAYLOR, MENDELL LEE ; minister and teacher: born Paducah , Te x ., Oct. 17 , 1912; A.B. deoree B. P. C., 1933; M.A. degree U. of Okla ., 1934; married Gertrude Pendergraft, June 1935 ; dist. pres . N. Y. P. S. East Oklo. 1933-35; pastor Hamilton , Ind ., 193 5-36; teacher of phi I. and hist. B. P. C. 1936--; address, Bethany, Oklo . 路

SPRU::E, FLETCHER CLARKE ; minister and young peoples' exec uti ve; born Floresv ille, T ex. Feb. 28, 1913 ; Th.B . degree B. P. C. 1936; pastorates, Favet t evi ll e. Ark., 193 6; Littl e Rock, Ark .. 1936-37; Searcy, Ark ., 1937-- ; N . Y. P. S. ~rr路 A rk . Dist., 1937- - ; address, 408 W. Academy, Searcy,

THEUS, ETHEL I GREEN I; teacher ; born Snyder, T ex., Nov. 12. 1890; g. from Peniel Coli., 1920; A.B. degree B. P. C. 1937.; araduate student U. of Okla., two summers ; married E. G. Theu s Dec. 191 I ; sons, Edgar, Harold , Rolph; tauaht Com'Jbe ll Free M ethodi st Seminary, ! Campbel l, Te x . l 19101912 ; Bethany H. S. 1930-38; address, Bethany, Oklo.

SPRU CE, H EARNE WEBS TER : minister; born Floresv ill e, Te x. O:L 22, 1907; A.B. degree B. P. C., 1931; married Ophe li a Hilliard, July 1934; son, Kay; pasto rates Sulphur Springs, Tex. 1932-33; T emp le, T ex. 1933-35: Wabash, Ind. 1935-38; evan ge l1st, 1938- -; add ress, 1816 N. Colo. St., San An1onio, Tex.

THEU S, H AROLD CULVER; m in ister; born, Homer, La ., Sept. 26, 19 15: Th .B. degree B. P. C., 1937; married Imogene Dawson . Seat . 1936; daughter, Janet , pastorates Polo Alto, Ca lif., 1937 -38; Poteau , Oklo., 1938--; address, Poteau, Oklo .

STAHL, ANNIE I MONTGOMERY1; teacher of expression : born Vi lonia. A路k.; A. B. degree B. P. C. 1924; Currey roll. of Expressi<'n, 1928: mar r ied E. Wayne Stahl , Feb. 1926; tauaht at Olivet Co li. , B. P. C. and Ea st ern Nazarene Coli.; address, 300 Varnum Ave., Lowe ll , Mass.

STAHL Y, ELMER HAROLD : teacher an-i mini -~ e r 路 b~,n Don vers, Ill. , May 1, 1909; A.B . degree B. P. C .. 1932 ; Th .B. degree B. P. C., 1933: g raduat e work at U . of Okl'l ., 1933; m or ri ed Letha Pummil l, August 1934; teacher, B. P. C., 1934-38; po~to r Longview, Te x. 1938- - ; address, 607 E. Pcdon, Longview , T ex.

TILDEN, EDA I M cCONNELL>; teacher, born Copp, N. Do . Oct. 9, 1887; A.B . degree Peniel Coli., 191 2; B.E. degree Okla. City U .; married C. F. Tilden , 1919; sons, M ike ond Tob ert; teacher in public sc hool s of Te x. 2 veers 0 nd in Calif. on e yea r ; teacher in Bethany Public School 193 1- - ; cddress, Bethany, Okla . TODD , GRAC E IRENE I W H ITEHURST I; musician ; born Buf falo , T ex.; A.B. degree Peniel Coli., 19 10; odvon : ed private piano pupil of Miss Biems , Ma ri on , Ill. ; pupi l of Prof. Kle :n

Schmidt, McKendall Co li. , Lebanon, Ill. ; married Clyde H . Todd ; children. Ellen , H a ro ld , Grace; tea che r in N. Me ~. one yea r ; teacher in Tr evecco Coli. 4 years; address, 2 16 S. Second St ., Greenville, Ill.

TONEY, C. E.; evangelist and pastor; ministerial certificate, Peniel Coli . 1915; married Marjorie Tousley, March 1925; children Amy and Eldon; pastorates in Ala., Ariz., and Cal if.; evangelist 1938-; address, 2122 Browder, Dallas, Tex. TONEY, MARJORIE I TOUSLEY I; minister and teacher; born Peoria, Ill., Aug. 1896; g . from B. P. Jr. C.; married C. E. Toney, March, 1925; children, Amy and Eldon; cashier and stenographer; taught schoo l in Tenn. and Ala.; pastorates in Ala ., Ariz., and Calif.; evangelist 1938--; address, 2122 Browder, Dallas, Tex . TOWNSEND, JEANETTE; teacher; born Irving, Tex., Aug. 10, 1898; g . from Peniel Academy 1919; B.S. degree Eastern Tex . State T each. Coli ., 1935; teacher in Lamesa Tex., public schools, 1938--; member of Delta Kappa Gamma, National Honorary Sorority far teachers ; address, Lamesa, Tex. TROUB, RUTH; teacher; born Carnegie, Okla., Nov. 8, 1909; A .B. degree B. P. C. , 1934; teacher in public school, Ryan, Okla. 1934--; address, Ry an , Okla . TWYEFFORT, WALTER; educational executive and minister; barn Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct . 1880; g. from Central Nazarene Coil. 1920; married Edith Jones; chi ldren, Muriel, Ben, John, James, Charlotte; p res. Central Nazarene Coli., 1923-24; teacher and principal in H. S., 1924--; address, Cedarvale, N. Mex. VENABLE, GENEVIEVE I PIERCE ! ; teacher; born Dallas, Tex., June 1913; A.B. degree B. P. C., 1934; g . work U. of Okla. ; married Robert Venable, Dec. 1935; taught Mounds, Okla ., 1935-37 ; Greenfield, Okla ., 1937- - ; member of Kappa Delta Pi, Nat. honor society in education; address, Greenfield , Okla. VENABLE, ROB ERT C.; educator; born Camden, Ark., Dec . 1904; A .B. degree B. P. C. , 1934; M .A . degree U . of Okla ., 1936; married Genev ieve Pierce, Dec . 1935; member of Phi Delta Kappa, honorer eyducation organization; principal of Ale x , Okla . H . S. and teacher of English 1937--; address, Alex, Okla. WA LKER, WILLIAM BRUCE ; minister; born Athens, La., Nov. 1894 ; g . from Peniel Coli .; married Annie Smith, April, 1911; children R::>y and Dorothy; pastorates, Wichita Falls, Tex ., Ashland, Ky., Haverhill, Mass. 1935-; author, "The Value of the Sou l;" and " The Thorn in the Flesh"; address 8 Taft Ave., Haverhill, Mass. WALLI N , HENRY BRADFORD; minister and educational ex ecutive ; born Vernon, Te x. , May, 1890; A.B . degree Peniel Co li ., 191 0 ; g. work U . of Chicago and Moody Bible Institute ; D .D . degree Pasadena Coli . 1937 ; married Pearl Threadgill , Aug . 1908 ; daughters, Kathry n and Virg inia; for five years director of religious education in Crittendon House, Spokane, Wash.; pastorates, Spokane, Wa sh .; Houston , Tex ., San Francisco, Cal., and Los Ange les, Col. , First Church , 193 4 - -; pres. Board of Directors , Pasadena Coli. 1936 - - ; addr ess, 3625 Harriam Av e. , Los Angeles, Cal. WALLIN , PEARL I THREADGILL! ; born Hunt Co., T ex ., Sept ., 188 9 ; certificate in piano, Peniel Coil., 191 0; special work in voice and Bible, Moody Bible lnst .; married Henry Wallin , Aug ., 1908; daughters ; Kathryn and Virginia; address, 3 6 25 Harnman Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. WALTERS, CLEDRA I WOODSON I ; T ex. , Feb . 1898; g. from Peniel gree Ka. St. T eacher's Co li . 1924; March 1930; t eac her Hill sboro, N. Hot Springs, N. Mex.

teacher; born Georgetown Academy 1916; A.B. de~ married Thomas Walters, Mex. , 1938-- ; address,

WALTON, MILDRED ETHEL; teacher; born Loyal, Okla., Jan. 1908; A .B. degree B. P. C. , 1930 6 hrs. f . work; present act iv ity teaching elementary school Delaware, Okla. address, Nowata, Okla .

WHI TA KER, ELIZABETH I RICE I ; teacher ; born Goodwell, Okla . Feb . 14, 191 0 ; A.B. degree B. P. C. 1935; married Paul Whitaker, May 1936; son, Paul ; elementary teacher Pilgrim Ho liness Coli. 1938- -; dean of women , Pilgrim Holiness Coli. 1939--; address, 1559 N. Hill, Pasadena , Calif. WHITAKER, JOHN PAUL; educat o r; born Nov. 3, 1909; A.B. degree B. P. C., 1936; graduate student U. of S. Calif. ; married Elizabeth Rice, May 193 6 ; son , Paul; teacher Pil grim Holiness Coil., 1937--; address, 1559 N. H ill , Posedena, Calif. WHITE, KENDALL S.; minister and musician ; born Burnsville, Miss. , Dec . 24, 1896; A.B . degree B. P. C. 1933; married Ola Fisher, June 1925; director of Bethany Church choir, 1925- 32; pastorates Ki lgore, T ex ., 1935- 38; Olivet, Ill. !coli . church I 193 8- -; address, Olivet, Ill. WHITE, MARY ! McCONNELL!; teacher; born Sunset, T ex., Nov . 3, 1892; A.B. degree Peniel Coli ., 1912; A .B. degree Vanderbilt U .; graduate work U . of Okla . and U. of S. Calif.; married Stephen White, Sept . 1914; children, Virginia and Stanton; taught Tex. public schools, 1912-14; B. P. C., 1926-30; Eastern Nazarene College, 1935-39; address, 106 Wendell Ave., Wollaston , Mass. W H ITE, OLA I FISHER I; musician; born Feb . 14, 1900; g. Peniel Academy 1918; married K. S. White , June, 1925; a ssist . in piano, B. P. C., 1924-35; address, Olivet, Ill. W H ITE, STEPHEN S.; minister and educator ; born Walnut Springs, Tex ., Jan. 25, 1890 ; A.B. degree Peniel Coli ., 1911; M . A. degree Brown U. ; B.D . degree Drew Seminary; Ph.D. degree Chicago U ., 1938; married Mary McConnell, Sept., 1914; children , Virginia and Stanton ; pastorates Olivet, Ill. ; Toro nto, Ohio; Canton, Ohio ; Woll a ston , Mass., 1935--; tau!'lht Trevecca Coli. ; B. P. C. ; Ea stern Nazarene Coli., 193 5 - -; address, 106 Wendell Ave ., Wollaston , Mass. WHITE, WIL LI AM TH URMAN; minister; born Prescott, Ark., Sept . 10, 1901; Th.B . degree B. P. C. , 1933 ; married Josie Kennedy, 1918; children, William, Inez, and Billie; pastorates Hugo, Okla ., 1933-34; Center, T ex ., 1934-37; Durant, Okla . 1937--; add ress, Durant, Okla . WHITEHURST , Ell ZABETH I FERGUSON I; born Valley Creek, Tex .; A .B. degree Peniel Coli. 1911 ; married James Whitehurst , 1914; children, Christine and James; address, 4410 Mead owbrook Dr. ; Ft. Worth , T ex. WHITEHURST, JAMES NELMS ; business ex ecuti ve; born Santa Anna , Tex ., April 12, 1893; A .B. degree Tex . Holiness U . 19 11; graduate studen t of U . of Chica go, summer 1912; married Mary Ferguson 1914; children , Chri stine and James ; office cler k and accountant 1912- 20; sal esman Burroughs Add ing Mach . Co. 1920-21 ; automobile dealer 1921-39; present activ it y manager of C. S. Hamilton Motor Co., Dallas, Te x.; address, 4410 Meadowbrook Dr., Ft. Worth , Tex. W IDMEYER, CHAR LES BRENTON ; religiou s education execu tive, minister, song writer; born Berkley Springs, W. Va., July, 1884; certificate in music, Okla. Holiness Coli.; A.B. degree, Kingswood Coli.; D.D. degree Oklo. Nazarene Coli. 19 18 ; graduate work , U. of S. Calif .; married Maud Logue, 1907 ; children, He len and Brenton; teacher and pres. Okla. H o li ness Coli., 1914-20; pres. Pasadena Coli. , 1923-26; prof. Religious Education, Pasadena Coli ., 1926- - ; worked on 17 gospel song books; author "500 Bible Questions", "Church Catechism "; member General Boord, Dept . Church Schools ; member Pacific Geo. Society ; address, 11 8 5 Bresee Ave., Pasadena, Ca lif.

WA LTON, MILDRED I HICKS I; teacher ; born Perry, Okla ., Oct . 1907 ; g. from B. P. C. Jr . Coli. 1927; married Reuben Walton, July 1924; children , Norene, Rase, Jimmie; teacher Perry, Okla. 1928-30; address, Centralia , Okla .

WIDMEYER , MAUD I LOGUE I ; teacher; born Toronto, Ka ., A.B . degree Okla . Hol iness Co li. , 1917; M .A. degree U . of S. Calif. ; married C. B. Widmeyer, June, 1907 ; children, H elen and Brenton ; editorial writer for S. S. journals, 1920--; teacher Pasadena Coli. , 1922--; member of Browning Club ; address, Pasadena, Calif.

WATERS, ST AN LE Y TALCOTT; farmer and gardener; born Belleville, Mich., Nov. 1902; g. from Peniel Academy, 1920; A.B. degree Mich. St. Normal Coli ., 1926; math. teacher, Detroit, 1926; married, Myrtle Morningston, Dec. 1932; daughters, Eulala, Shirley, Marjorie, general farmer and gardener ; address, Route 3, Be lleville, Mich .

WI ESE, FRANK EUGE N E; minister and chi ld welfare supt. ; born Riley, Ka., Feb., 1888; g . Peniel Academy, 1915; married Allie Upchurch , Nov., 1916; ch ildren, Frances, Ruth, Lois, Eugenia, Frank; sup t . Dallas Dist., 1926-27; sup t . Berachah Child Institute, 1920-26, and 1927--; address, Drawer C, A rl ington , T ex.

WEED, CLEMMA I SIMPSONI; born Vi lonia, Ark., March 30, 1903 ; g. from Ark. Holiness Academy, 1923; graduate work in Ark. Teachers' Coli .; married Ezra Weed 1925; children , Myrtle, Mary, Thomas, and William ; taught in Ark. Holiness Academy, 1924- 25 ; address, Glendale, Ariz.

W IESE, HARRY ALVIN; missionary; born Bodaville, Ka. , Sept. 1885; g. Peniel Academy, 1918; A.B . d egree B. P. C .. 1927 ; missionary to China, 1920-26, furlough 1926-29; pastorate Marsing, Idaho 1927-28; returned to China, 1929--; supt. of China Dist., 1932--; married Katherine McAleer; chil dren , Florence, Pauline, Clarence, James, and Mae Lura; in 1920 helped distribute $5,000 .00 from our Church to poor in Ch ino ; w r itten one book an Chino; over 300 articles to " Other Sheep" ; address, Taming , Hopei , China .

WEISINGER, REXIE L EE ; minister; born Burke, Tex., Oct. 9 , 1914; Th.B. degree B. P. C. 1937; pastorates Lufkin, Tex ., Cedar H ill, Tex. , 1937--; address, Cedar H ill , Te x .

WILCOX, SIDNEY WHITFIELD; graduate assis. in U. of Okla.; born Marshall, Tex., May 28, 1914; A.B. degree B. P. C., 1937; graduate student and assist. in engl., U. of Okla., 1937--; M.A. degree to be conferred in June 1939; address, Norman, Okla.

WOODRUFF, EVA MAY; teacher; born Forreston, Tex., Dec. 8, 1895; A.B. degree B. P. C., 1929; taught mathematics and science in Inola, Okla. H. S., 1929-30; Hastings, Okla. H. S. 1931-33; address, Cloud Chief, Okla.

WILKE, LYDIA CLEVENA; graduate nurse; born Hazard, Neb. Feb. 3, 1907; A.B. degree B. P. C., 1932; three years nurse's training in a Canadian hospital, 1934-38; formerly

YARBROUGH, DWIGHT A.; teacher ; born Noxapater, Miss., April 3, 1908; certificate in voice B. P. C.; A.B. degree Central State Teach. Coil. 1932; head of music dept., Trevecca Coil. 1936--; address, Nashville, Tenn.

teacher and home mission worker; nurse, General Hospital,

Kearney, Neb. 1938- -; appointed as Medical Missionary to Africa, 1939--; address, 320 E. 23rd St., Kearney, Neb . WILLIAMS, EUNICE (HARVEY I; teacher; g. Peniel Coli., 1905; married Roy Williams, 1901; children, Reginald and Roy T., Jr.; taught Peniel Coli., 1906-1 1; address, 2923 Troost Ave., Kansas City, Mo. WILLIAMS, ROY T.; minister, author, religious administrator; born Many, La.; A.B. degree Peniel Coil., 1905; B.D. degree Peniel Coil.; graduate student Chicago U.; married Eunice Harvey, 1906; children, Reginald and Roy T. Jr.; teacher Peniel Coil. 1907-11; pres. Peniel Coil. 1911-13; evangelist, 1913-15; Gen. Supt. Church of the Nazarene, 1915--; books "The Perfect Man" "Temptation" "Glimpses Abroad 11 11 Sanc'tification 11 , 11 Attitud~s and Relati~ns"; address, 2923 Troost Ave., Kansas City, Mo. WILLIS, ELIZABETH (ALEXANDER I; librarian; born Reynolds, Tex.; A.B. degree B. P. C. 1930; married Shelby Willis; librarian Potter County Library, Amarillo, Tex., 1933--; address, Amarillo, Tex. WISLER, FRANCES DEE; postal clerk; born East Palestine, Ohio, March 10, 1916; A.B. degree B. P. C., 1938; recreational director, Children's Welfare League, Okla. City, 193839; postal clerk 1939--; address, Bethany, Okla. WOOD, VIOLA (NANCE I; born Chattanooga, Okla. July 3, 1909; g. from B. P. Academy, 1927; address, Bethany, Okla.

YARBROUGH, JOHN FLET CHER; minister; born Noxapater, Miss., Sept. 22, 1909; A.B. degree B. P. C. 1932; married Esther Bollke, Aug. 1936; pastorates Attica, Ind.; Montpelier, Ind.; Gary, Ind., 1938--; address 1509 Waite St., Gary, Ind. YARDY, CHARLOTTE (ADAMS I; born in Ka., Oct. 22, 1888; g. from Peniel Academy, 1907; A.B . from Pasadena Coil. , 1915; married George Yardy, 1919; children, Paul, John, James, Mary; address, Rt. 2, Box 1284; Turlock, Calif. YOUNG, ISAAC W.; minister; born Saltillo, Miss.; g. Peniel Coil. 1918; English theological certificate; preceptor of men , Peniel Coil. 1915-17; pastorates Newton, Ka., 1918-19; Hutchinson, Ka., 1920-25, Calgary, Con., 1924-25, San Francisco, Calif., 1925-27, Sacramento, Calif., 1928-32, Okla . City, Okla., 1933-36; Houston, Tex., 1936--; married Margaret Mahard, Sept. 1916; children, Thomas and Laura; address, 46 Waugh Drive, Houston, Tex. YOUNG, LEAH (TAYLOR I ; teacher; born Whatley, Ala., Oct. 15, 1907; A.B. degree, B. P. C. 1930; married C. B. Young, July 1938; teacher in public grade schools 1930-38; address, Culvert, Ala. ZIMMERMAN, ESTHER (GUEST I; born Comanche, Okla. Oct. 20, 1894; g. from B. P. Academy, 1928; married J. E. Zimmerman; son, James; address, Custer City, Okla.


C.N.C.-Central Nazarene College C.N.H.S.-Central Nazarene High School P.H.S.-Peniel High School P.C.-Peniel College A H. C.-Arkansas Hoi iness Coli ege A.H .H.S. - Arkansas Holiness High School O.H.C.-Oklahoma Holiness College O.H.H.S.-Oklahoma Holiness High School Abbott, Mrs. Tom P. H. S.; '02 Greenville, Tex.

Arnold, Edith A. B. Mus.; P. C.; '08 Teach-piano; Peniel, Tex.

Acres, Alpha H. S.; '27 Okemah, Okla.

Aston, Almira P. H. S.; '07 Missionary; India

Adams, Alfred W. A. B.; P. C.; '09 San Jose, Calif.

Atkinson, J. P. C. N. H. S.; '22 Henryetta, Okla.

Adams, Elsie 629 N. Lakewood, Chicago, Ill.

Averill, Edna C. N. H. S.; '22 Chicago, Ill.

Airhart, Jewel Piano; P. C. Peniel, Tex.

Bailey, Mrs. Leonard

Alger, George A. B.; '34 Insurance; Okla. City, Okla.

Ball, Christine A. B.; '35 Kansas City, Mo.

Anderson, Gertrude H. S.; '23

P. H. S.; '08

Mena, Ark. Anderson, Joe Th. B.; '37 Pastor; Bay City, Tex. Armstrong, Bernard

H. S. Vilonia, Ark.

Ballard, Mrs. James Shreveport, Lo. Ballinger, Mrs. Clyde H. S.; '21 Fairbanks, Tex. Barker, Mrs. Ruth Spell H. S.; '27

H. S.; '28 Bethany, Okla.

Orange, Tex.

Arnold, Altha Z. B. Mus.; P. C.; '1 0 Teach-piano; Peniel, Tex.

Barnett, Mrs. Lloyd A. B.; '28 Bradley, Okla.

Barney, Mrs. Charles Piano; P. C.; '11 Nashville, Tenn. Bates, Mary Mahard Voice; P. C. Phoenix, Ariz. Bauerle, Rose E. A. B.; '31 Teacher; Sells, Ariz. Beach, Lilly Mae C. N. Jr. C.; '23 Pasadena, Calif. Benton, Clara Coughran P. H. S.; '15 Ontario, Calif. Bierachback, Martha Warkentin A. B.; '33 Newton, Ken . Biggers, Mildred Bundy Fine Arts; '1 2 Bethany, Okla . Bigham, Hattie C. N. H. S.; '22 Hamlin, Tex. Bishop, Mark R. Min路 '21 Past~r; Crawley, La. Black, Edna Smith H. S.; '21 Bethany, Okla. Black, Forrest H S 路 '21 M路ast~r mechanic; Bethany, Okla. Blanton, Minnie

0. H . H. S.; '19 Norman, Okla. Blythe, lsam Com. C. N.C.; '14 Corpus Christi, Tex. Bolerjack, Henry (deceased I P. H. S.; '16

Crawford , Milton

Bowman, May

Dunn, Margaret Middleton Piano· '36 Teacher ; Kingston, Okla.

H. S.; ' 24

H. S.; '28

Bethany, Okla.

Delta, Colo.

Breeding, Vaug hn Standifer Voice; P. C.; '06 Betha n y, Okla.

Crassthwaite, Ora Wood

H. S.; '28 2410 Young Ave ., Bronx, N.Y.

Durfree, Janet Sh epherd Piano; P. C. '1 1 Bennington, Ky.

Brillh a rt , Clifford L

Crow, Reuben

Eckel , Elva

( deceased)

B. S.; P. C.; '13 Broadbooks, Mildred Voice; '3 5 Sten .; Beatrice, Neb.

P . H. S; ' 17

H. S. '24

Houston, T ex.

Bethany, Okla .

Cunningham, Clark

Ei chol z, Bertha

0. H. H . S.; '10

H. S.; '25

Okla. City, Okla.

El Reno, Okla.

Bonham, T ex .

Cunnin qham, Perry I M. A.l A. B. ' 29 Civil Servic e; Wcsh in;Jtcn, D . C.

Elli s, Fa ye Com.; C. N.C.; '14

Brown, Ha l l ie M i ldred B. P Jr. C ; '25 T each.; Morgan, T ex .

Dallas, H aze l Nickels

Brown, Ed ith Frank li n

P. H . S.; ' 19

P. H. S.; '20 ~an

Brown, H omer B. P . Jr. C.; '25 Supt. o f Schools; Morgan, Te x.

Bucy, Oscar Min .; P. C.; '20 Methodist M:n ; Koncwa,

Elton, Gibson A. H . H . 5. Velon:o, Ark .

Angelo, T ex. Em merson, May

H. 5., '22

Dance, Jennie Fine Arts; C. N.C.; '18 M i n den, La.

Bethany, Okla.

Davis, Charles

C. N. H. S.; '26

H. 5.; '29

Bethany, Okla.

Emme rso n, Winnie Sparkman Ok ~ a.

M in.; Duback, La. Bundy, Esther Crooks

A. B; '33 B. F. A.; '38 T eac h. ; Bethany, Okla .

Erw in, Virgean Fine Arts; C. N. C.; '22 Austin, T e '·

Davis, John L P. H. S; '05 Methodist M 'n

Bundy, S. H . Piano; '35 Bookkeeper; Enid, Okla.

Esther, Pr iscilla Cain

Davis, Rhea H~well H. S; ' 13 L ittle Rock, Ark.

Okla. City, Oklo .

Dawson, Aug-:1

A . H. H . S.

H. 5.; '27

Velonio, Ark.

Evatt, Dora

Burc h , Lorado

H. S.; '28 Chickasha , Okla.

Well i ngton, T ex. Burns, Mrs. Victo r F. Com. P. C.; '10 Okla. City, Okla.

Fagan, Mrs. Loi s Fine Arts

Dean, Clem


C. N . C.; '23

H. S; '14

M i n.; Calvary, Arnold Com .; P. C.; '19 Pen ie l, T ex.

P asadcn~.


Dean, Mrs. Wil li e

C. N . H. S.; '23 Haml in, T e-<

Calvin, Lou ie H ough ( deceased I B. P Jr. C.; '23 Camp, Sybl o Piano; '31 Wellington, T ex. Campbell, I. L Min .; 0 . H . C.; '16 Peniel, Te x.

Deboard . F. N. Min .; '21 Newark, Oh:o DeJerne ~t,

Brodie 0.

A B.; P . C., '10

5539 Wi ll is Ave.; Da llas, Te x. D~ w !i n.

M rs Edna Sloan

P H. S; '05 Carlilsee, Dove Or gain H S · '22 D~pe;., Okla.

Burkburn ett, T ex .

Chapmen, Haro ld Fine Arts; '24 Musician; Vicksburg, M ic h.

Min.; Pasadena, Calif.

Childress, Urban e C. N. H. S.; '23 Abilene, Te x.

H. S.; '27


Dikes, Wi l liam R.

H. 5.; '27

Pampa, Te x. Fi sher, Lo la Com.; C. N. C.; '13 Fisher, Vi rg il H . A. B.; P . C.; '17 Methodist Min .; Dallas, T ex . Floyd, Venus Hudson

C. N. H. S.; '17 Los Ange les, Calif. Fortner, Creath Hi nes

P H . S.; '18 Bethany, Okla. Fortner, 5. L

H. S. '2 1 Contractor; Bethany, Okla. Foste r, John T unne l

Dillingham, Bessie M:C iusky Min; '21 M ' n ; Shreveport , La.

P. H. S.; '07

D itzler, Ruth K emper

P. H. 5. ; '04

Accountant; Okla. City, Okla. Foster, Marion H.

H 5.; '29 Ci~y.


C layton, Alice Riggs H. S. '29 Muskogee, Okla.

Ok la.

Cole, W. J.

Rancher; Dodsonville, T ex.

0. H. H . S.; '18 Morrisville, Vermont

Connally, Ida Reed

H. S.; '28 W ra y, Colo. Connally, Joe H. S.; '29 Wray, Col o. Cook, Pauline Mickels

P . H. 5.; '17 Okla. City, Okla . Corey, M a ri e Riggs Piano; '24 Bethany, Okla .

Couchman, Grace Williams ! dec eased ) Piano; P. C.; '11

Dodson. Murray

H. S.; '24 Douglas, Jackie Lanier Com.; P. C.; '19 Ojai, Calif. Downs, Mine Marion B. P. Jr . C.; '26 Dodsonvil le, Texas

Droke, Mrs. C. P. C. N.H . S; '13 San Anton io, T ex.

Foster, W. D. Fin e Arts; 0. H . C.; '1 4 Franklin, Harold

H. S.; '25 Bethany, Okla. Franklin , J.D . ( deceased ) Min.; P. C.; '14 Franklin , Ruth Douglas

H . S.; '20 Bethany, Oklo. Freeland, W. M.

H . S.; '20

Driskill, Low:-an:e C. N . H. S.; '22 Wellington, Te x.

Chicago, Ill.

Driskill, T homes

Fullbright, W . A. P . H. 5.; '13 Methodist Min .; Bracketville , Te x.

H. S.; '23 Dodsonvi ll e, T ex.

Driskill, Willie

Galbraith, El zy

C. N. H S.; '14

H. S.; '24

Hollis, Ckla .

Lo• Angeles, Calif.

Galloway, Lily Exp .; P. C.; '19 Venice, Cal if .

H amman, H i lda Cherry Los Angeles, Calif.

Hoover, Ed i th A. B.; '36 Teach. ; H ammond, Okla .

Galloway, Moe Pasadena, Ca lif.

Hardborger, Lottie Com.; 0. H. C.; '15 Erick, Oklo.

Bethany, Oklo .

Garrett, Charles Wolter B. P. Jr. C.; '25 Supt. of Schools ; Arapaho , Oklo .

Harris, Earl

House, Vida

H. S.; '21

H. 5.; '23

Prin. of grade school; Bethany, Okla .

Penie l, T ex .

Garrett, Clarence C. N . Jr. C.; '23 Arapaho, Okla.

Harri s, Emma

A. H . H S. Teach. ; Bethany, Oklo.

Howard, Edgar H. S.; '31 Min.; Bethany, Okla .

Garrett, Mrs. Clarence Fine Arts; C.N.C. ; '26 Arapaho, Okla.

Harris, Eun ice

Howa rd, Ruth Pa rr ish

A . H . H. S. Ve lonio, Ark.

Bethany, Oklo .

Garrett, Mrs. H enry

Harris, Flay Simpson

H. 5.; '29

P . H. S.; '17

C. N . H . 5.; ' 17 Monterey Pork , Cal if .

H. S.; '2 1

Hoover, Opal Simpson

H. S.; '26

H. S.; '27 Hughes,

Beatri ce

Fine Arts; 0. H . C. ; 'I 5

Bethany, Okla. Hunter, Gale Simms

Garrett, Zoncbel Neely B. P. Jr. C.; '2G Arapaho, Oklo.

Hatchell, Lorene Neely H. S .; '25 Longview, Tex.

Gates, Jessie Mae

H ear ne, John Pay ne

H. S.; '30 Ada, Okla.

P. H. S.; '19 Dramatist; Hollywood, Calif.

Gilmore . Annis

Henderson, Sarone lle Rycn

H . S.; '21

H. S.; '25

Mount Ve rno n, Ark.

Gi Imore, Era Botts B. Mus.; ' 19 Winthrop, Moss. Gilmore, lmo Irene

A. B.; '38

P. H. S.; 'OS Hurdle, Moe P. H. S; '06 Goldthwaite, T ex. Hyden, Mrs. Davie 0. H . H . S; '19 Stratford, Oklo . J osep~

Oklo. City, Oklo.

Hyden ,

Hens ley, Pearl G Jrrison C. N. H. S.; '1 6 Teach .; Bethany, Oklo .

Stratford, Oklo .

Hensley, Thelm a E.

Bethany, Oklo .

A. B.; '36

H . S.; '24 Ingl e, Kittie May Stockett

A. B.; '38

T eac h .; Collinsville, Tex .

Strong City, Oklo.

Gilmore, R. E. G:lmore A. H . H. S. Congregational Min.; Winthrop,

Ingle, Lewis A. B.; '38

Herrell, Elizabeth Nease B. F. A.; '35 Pasadena Colleg e, Pcsodeno, Cal i f .

Graduate Student , B. P. C.

Herrell, Joseph Winford Th. B. '35 Pasadena, Calif.

Salesmen; Lufki n, T ex.

Hervey, J. W. A. B.; P. C.; ' 19 Springfield, Mo.

Austin, T ex.


Goodal, !no Hicks H. H .; '24 Oklo. City, Oklo. Gookin, Lena Averill Piano; P. C.; '07 Olivet, Ill. Gookin , Thomas Min .; P. C. ; '09 Olivet, Ill. Goozee, Effi e Min .; P. C.; '09 Calgary, Alberta , Canada Gramling, Gladys

Hickey, Ethe l

H. S ;'24 Bonner, Okla. Hickey, Lena

H. S.;'23 Putnam, Ok~a .

H. S.; '27 Hill s, James A. B. L.; P. C.; '06 Min.; Sauk Center, Mi ,s.

El Reno, Oklo. Gratton, Louise

H. S. ; '29 Greeley, Colo. Green, Beulah

Hines, Lorenn:1

I de: eased I

P . H. S.; '12 Green, Gladys C. N. H . S.; '23 Hamlin, T ex. Green, Willie

P. H. S.; '08 Cushing , Ok lo. Gceer , Bob W.

B. S. H.; '16 Rancher; San Angelo, Te x.

Gre,ham , P路oul L. I M. A., Okla. U. l

A . B ; '33 Treve:co Col lege, Nashville, T enn. Griffith, Velda

H. S; '23 Son An ton io, Tex. H cgz rmcn. Stella Armstrong

P. H. S; '18 Haag, Orv ille J. Th . B.; '30 Pastor; Seligmcn, Ariz. Hobgood, Th e lma Min路 '36 Hot .Sp ring s, Ark. Hodges, Annis King

A. B. ; '36 Teach. ; San Antonio, Tex . Hodges, May Crawford P. H. S.; '06 Shreveport, La. Holt, Wolter H. S.; '31 Bethany, Okla. Holten. El len Whithurst

P. H. D.; P. C.; '13


Raym ond

H. S.; '28 Irwin, S. H . 0. H . H. S ; '17 James, Art hu r

B. C. S.; P. C. ; '09 Gordon, Tex. James, Roberta White

H. S.; '25 2614 Sichel ; Los


A. B.; '32 Teach. ; Gould, Oklo. Jernigan, Olive Norto n

H. S.; '22 Bethany, Oklo. Jernigan, Robert

P. H. S. '18 Attorney; Port Arthur, Tex . Johnson, Alvis

H . S; '27 Merchant ; Oklo . City, Oklo . Johnson, Joyce P. B. P . Jr. C. ; '26 Salesman ; Oklo . City, Oklo. Johnson, Morvin Gerold

A. B; '38 Bethany, Okla . Johnson, Olney C. N. H . S; '25 Hamlin , T ex.

Johnson, Phillip A. B.; '38

Th . B , '33 Pastor; Al ine, Oklo.

Fort Worth , Tex.

Minister; Chautauqua , Ka.

H o i! , Ruth Fayette Spee:h; '38 Stillwater, Oklo.

Holtry, Melville P . H . S.; '07 Wichita, Ken .

Johnson, Troy

H ammon, Eva Moe A . B.; '31 Teach .; E:k City, Okla .

H oover,

Johnson, W.

C. N. H. S; '26 Salesmen; Bethany, Okla.


Calif .

Jarvis, Chloe

P . H . S.; ' 19 Dallas, Tex. I.

H. S.; '28 Pastor ; Ti shomingo, Oklo.

Jones, Mrs. Harry

McArthur, Omah

C. N. H. S.; '22 Oilton, Okla.

Teach. B. H. S.; Bethany, Okla.

Morse, Delbert L. P. H. S.; 'OS Trent, Colo.

A. B.; '23 Postor; Sioux City, Iowa

McCalan, Verdie May Fain A. B.; '31 Teach.; Piedmont, Okla.

Myers, W. W. P. C.; B. of Oratory; 'OS Ojai, Calif.

Jordon, Annie Whithurst A. B.; P. C.; '13; P. C. Birmingham, Ala.

McClain, Glen Voice路 '26 Contr~ctar; Bethany, Okla.

Newsom, Mildred Stipes H. 5.; '22 Tipton, Oklo.

Josephson, Evelyn

McClain, Ruth Peck B. P. Jr. C.; '26 Teach.; Bethany, Okla.

Newsom, Oliver Th. B. & A. B.; '37 '38 Pasadena, Calif.

McConnell, Leta Jeffus (Deceased) P. H. S.; '12

Newton, John 0. H. C.; 'IS Minister; McAlester, Okla.

Jones, Marvin J.

H. S.; '26 Kansas City, Mo. Karnes, Bertie Haynes

A. B.; '30

A. B.; '3S

Missionary; Kyoto, Japan

Karstadt, Glen B. P. Jr. C.; '26 Assaria, Ko. Keeton, Euple A. B.; '38

McCrary, Joe C. N. Jr. C.; '21 Dentist; Hamlin, Tex.

McCrary, Josephene Johnson C. N. Jr. C.; '21 Hamlin, Tex.

Bynum, Tex. Keeton, Florie

A. B.; '38

McCrary, Pauline C. H. H. S.; '17 Hamlin, Tex.

Kilgore, Mrs. B. M. A. B.; C. N. C.; '24 Denison,


Nickels, Kathleen Yarbrough P. C.; '17; Exp. Peniel, Tex. Northcutt, Gertrude Arnold

P. H. S.; '04

Bynum, Tex.

Keifaber, Zelma Harris B. P. Jr. C.; '2S

Newton, Pearl P. C.; '14 Minister; Gary, N. Y.

Lakebluff, Ill. McGregor, Robert B. A. B.; P. C.; '06 Raskin, Tenn. McGrew, Mrs. E. W. H. S.; '2S Osceola, Mo.

Northcutt, J. Edward A. B.; P. C.; '10 Lakebluff, Ill. Nowlin, Minnie Vaughn B. of Oratory; P. C.; '18 Minister; Cushing, Okla.

Kilgore, Carver C. N. C.; A. B.; '22 Policeman; Los Angeles, Calif.

Tuscon, Ariz.

Olin, Gartha Isabell F. A.; '24 Wilmington, Calif.

Kilgore, John Paul C. N. H. S.; '23 Holtville, Calif.

McWilliams, Henry Min.; P. C.; 'OS Minister; Meriden, Calif.

Ollivy, Mrs. Harold

Kirby, Edna Christian H. S.; '2S Hollis, Okla.

Machenheimer, Mrs. 0. J. Fine Arts; P. C.; '18 Shawnee, Okla.

Kirkpatrick, Carl D. B.S.; P. C.; '14 Civil Service; Amarillo, Tex.

Maedgen, Mrs. Leo F. Fine Arts; P. C.; '16 Peniel, Tex.

McMahon, Edna Huckabee

P. H. S.; '08

H. S.; '30 Webb City, Okla.

Kiser, Carl A. B.; '34 Cozad, Nebr. Kopcho, Pauline A. B.; '37 York, Nebr. Langford, Ellen Phillips A. B.; '3S Okla. City, Okla. Lansford, Clara

H. S.; '24 Bethany, Okla. Leoger, Robert

A. B.; '33 Ranching, Nebr. Lehrer, Lois Chapman B. P. Jr. C.; '21 Wichita, Kansas

Martindale, Lloyd 0. H . H. S.; '13 Highland Park, Mich. Martindale, Lorene Williams Com.; 0. H. C.; '10 Bethany, Okla. Mendell, Fred H. A. B.; P. C.; '09


Metcalf, A. I. C. N. H. S.; '23 Belview, N. Mex. Middleton, J. R. 0. H. C.; '18 Mena, Ark. Miller, George W. H. S.; '2S Bethany, Okla. Minyard, Alfred B. Th . B.; '38 Graduate Student B. P. C.

Lewis, Beverly H. S.; '26 Delhi, Okla.

Mizelle, Durard Acad C. H. S. Sweetwater, Tex.


llo Cornelius H. S.; '2S Delhi, Okla.

Mizelle, Lois H. S.; '2S Hamlin, Tex.

Lewis, Winfred Tabler, Okla.

Mizelle, Willie Mae Flannigan C. N. H. S.; '21 Sweetwater, Tex.

Logsdon, Dorothy H. S.; '31 Bethany, Okla.

Montandon, Marilee Roberts A. B.; '32 Oscar, Okla.

Ludlam, J. A. Min.; 0. H. C.; '16 Alamogordo, N. Mex.

Moore, Harry B. L.; P. C.; '06 Methodist Minister; Birmingham , Ala.

Ludlam, Ruby 0. H. H. S.; '18 Alamogordo, N. Mex.

Morrison, Cecile

H. S.; '23

A. H. H. S.; Beebe, Ark.

Orgain, George L. H. S.; '23 Teach. H. 5.; Clinton, Okla. Owen, George Frederick 0. H. C.; '16 Minister, Lecturer, Author; Colorado Springs, Colo. Pace, Dewey Min路 '37 Beth~ny, Okla. Parks, R. M. A. B.; '18 Pastor; Hot Springs, Ark. Parrish, Amanda Spurlin

H. 5.; '27 Bethany, Okla. Parrish, Claude

H. S.; '27 Accountant; Bethany, Okla. Parrish, J. D. 0. H. C.; '17 Plumbing Contractor; Bethany, Oklo Pate, Blanche A. H.; H. S. Vilonia, Ark. Paylor, Mary Elizabeth B. P. Jr. C.; '21 Teacher; Nampa, Idaho Paylor, Rachel H. 5.; ' 21 Nampa, Idaho Peck, Hester Fisher Voice路 '21 Betha'ny, Okla. Peck, Roy

H. 5.; '28 Bethany, Okla. Penderoraft. Garner F. B. C. 5.; '08 Ada, Okla.

Pheni x, Carl C. N. H. S.; '21 Hamlin, Tex.

Riggs, Lloyd Bethany, Okla .

Selkin, Bernice Brown H. S. ; '2 1 Bethany, Oklo

Phenix, H oman C. N . Jr. C.; '23 Annson, Tex.

Roane, Holden H. S.; '22 Salesman, Okla . City, Okla.

Selman, Mrs. Paul J. B. P. Jr. C.; '24 Hollis, Okla.

Phenix , Ruby C. N . H. S.; '22 Teacher ; Stamford, T ex.

Robbins, Pearl C. N. H. S.; '14 Hot Springs, Ark .

Settle, Annie Piano; P. C. ; '1 0 Forestburg , Tex.

Pheni x, Vera Sparkman C. N. H. S.; '21 Hamlin , Te x.

Roberts, Jamie liggett Piano; P. C. ; '06 San Diego, Calif.

Settle, Lula Min.; P. C. ; ' 15 Forestburg, Tex.

Phenix, Ward C. N. H. S.; '23 Wichita Falls, Texas

Robertson, Mrs. Wiley B. P. Jr. C.; '25 Shreveport, La.

Shackleton, Beatrice Vawter H. S.; '22 Los Angeles, Calif .

Pierce, Byrdee Ryan A. B.; '30 Ryan, Okla.

H. S.; '30

A. B.; '34

Artesia, N. Mex.

Teacher; Bethany, Okla.

Rogers, Alma Cabot

H. S.; '22

Rockwell, Vera Pior

Shannon, Bessie

Pinson, Gladys A. B. ; P. C.; '17

A. B.; '29

Teacher; Ranger, Texas

Marshall, Tex.

Sharp, Mrs. Boyd C. N. H. S.; '27 Holtville, Calif.

Pitts, Pearl Jackson H. S.; '29 Le xington, Ky .

Rogers, Elsie Benton Piano; P. C.; '09 Peniel, Tex.

Sherrill, Earnest H. S. ; '28 Civil Service ; Hale, Colo.

Posey, Allene Gilmore A. H. H . S. Wellington , Te x.

Rogers, Faye H. S.; '30 Pasedena, Calif.

Sherrill, Horace A. B.; '32 Bethany, Okla.

Powell, Katie

Rogers, Granville A. B.; '3 1 Minister; Marshall, Tex.

Sherrill, Mary Reed Speech; '31 Hale, Colo.

Rogers, Janie Sullivan

A. H. H. S. Vilonia, Arkansas Pri nce, Lula Verner 0. H . H . S.; '17 Los Angeles, Calif.

H. S.; '23 Bethany, Okla.

Sherrill, Ray A. B.; '37 Norman, Okla.

Pults, Clarence H. S.; '25 Tuttle, Okla.

Roundtree, Mrs. H. G. Fine Arts; C. N. C. ; '21 Hamlin, Tex.

Shields, Mrs. Fred P. H. S.; '12 Wolleston, Mass.

Ram sey, Vera

Rutherford, W. F.

Short, Lillian Cole Min.; 0. H. C. ; '15 Missionary to Africa; Albany, Ore.

A. B.; '33

A. B.; C. N. C.; '20

Shelton, Neb.

Minister ; Hamlin, Tex.

Ranquist, Grace Chapman H. S.; '23 Wichita, Ka.

Rutledge, Maggie Jackson Independence, Mo .

Shorten, Katherine A. B.; '3 1 Sells, Ariz .

Reed, Loula Ta y lor Walsh, Colo.

Ryan, Fern Hook H. S.; '24 Bethany, Okla.

Shull, Hazel A. B. ; '30 Sylvia, Kan .

Reed, Osca r A. B.; '38 Graduate student, B. P. C.

Ryan, Raymond H. S.; '28 Ryan, Okla .

Shumate, Nettie Jane B. P . Jr. C.; '24 Clovis, N. Mex.

Reed, Paul A. B. ; '35 Walsh, Colo.

Salter, Ruth Birkley

A. B.; '35

Reedy, Edna A. H . H . S. Vi lonia, Ark. Reedy, Lilly A. H. H. S. Vi loni a, Ark. Reynolds, D. C. H. S.; '22 Pastor; Port Arthur, Tex. Rhodes, Merle H. S.; '23 Pa vi llion , Wyo.

P. H. S.; '08

P. H. S.; '19 Wilmer, Tex. 路 Samp, Ruby Rasmuser Piano; P. C. ; '1 5 Granfield, Okla . Sanders, Cleo C. N . Jr. C.; '23 Sandy, Helen A. B.; '3 4 Sylvia, Ka. Sanford, Lora Boarman Piano; P. C. ; '08 Loneoak, Tex.

Rhodes, Orien C. N . H. S.; '22 Petersburg, Tex.

Scott, Ethel McAnally

Rh odes, Virgie Slemmons A. B.; '21; C. N. C. Abernathy, Tex.

Seals, Lois Jeanes C. N. H. S.; '23 Ballinger, Tex .

Rice, Bird A. H. H . S. Waldron, Ark.

Sears, Bernice

H. S.; '20 Hugo, Okla .

H. S.; '28 Tishomingo, Okla.

Sifferd, Bertha Wright

H. S.; '26 Okla. City, Okla. Simpson, Luna

H. S.; '25 Secretary; Bethany, Okla. Slemmons, Evalee

C. N . H. S.; '23 Brad, Texas Smee, John Earl Com. P. C.; '19 Lindsay, Calif . Smith, Harold H. S.; '28 Electrician; Bethany, Okla. Smith, Juliet A. B. ; 0. H . C.; '15 Teach. ; Ponca City, Okla . Smith, Leo H. S.; '28 Litchfield, Ariz.

Rice, Eunice Rhodes Fine Arts; C. N. C.; '23 Borger, Tex .

B. P . Jr. C.; '24 Okla. City, Okla .

Smith, Mary Kemper H. S.; '25 Bethany, Okla.

Richardson , William Edgar H. S.; '25 Salesman ; San Antonio, Tex :

Secrist, Ruth H. S.; '24 Woodward, Okla .

Smith, Nadine Fine Arts; 0. H. C.; 'I 5 Teacher; Ponca City, Okla.

Sears, Vera

Thompson , Howard L. P . H. S.; ' 13

Smith, Odessa Wright H. S.; '30 Bethany , Oklo.

I De:eased l

Thrasher, Charles Ro ys ter A. B. ; '36 T eacher; Bethany, Oklo.

Smith, Sylvester A. B.; '31 Teacher; Olivet College

Thrasher, Ruby Shaw A. B.; '36 Teacher; Bet hany, Okla.

Smyers, Elm er W . H. S.; '25 Wh ea tland , Okla .

T insley, Edna Radebaugh H. S.; '23 Walla Walla, Wash.

Snyder, Regin a ld H. S.; '30 Insurance; Son Anton io, T ex.

Sorl ey, Em il , A. B. ; C. N . C.; 14

Verner, T. E. H. S.; '28 Litchfield , Ariz.

Spinks, Thomas

Vi nson , Florence

P. H. S.; '17

Ex p.; P. C. ; '16 Cooledge, Tex.

Whitfield, Mary Haybush Fine Arts; C. N. C.; '14 Chillicothe, T ex. Wickens, Nan:y Kemper A. B.; '25 Yukon, Okla. Wiese, Clifford, L. Th. B.; '37 Past or; Irvi ng, T ex . Wigginton, Lucy Powel l P . H . S.; '20 Fort Worth, T ex. Willey, B. L. H. S.; '29 Mechanic;

Pe lican, La.

B. P. Jr. C.; '24 Method ist Min.; Pelican La.

Voorhees, Fann ie H. S. ; '23 Pasadena , Calif.

Spurlin, Lauro Christine

Wadley, J. D.

Spinks, Thurman

Will ia m s,


A. B.; '30 McAlester, Okla . Wil liam s, Reginald A. B.; '31 Secretary; McAlester, Okla.

A. B.; '34; Th. B. ; '37

H. S.; '17

Mi ssionary, Egypt

Machinist; San Gabriel, Ca lif.

Staggs, Esther Oliver H . S; '29 Beth a ny , Oklo .

Wadley, Mae Martindale Min .; '16 335 N. Vista, San Gabriel , Calif.

Stephens, L u lo A. B. ; '32 Tea cher ; Bethany, Ck~ o.

Wales, Chester H. S.; '25 2334 E. Haye lon , Stockton, Calif .

Com. ; C. N. C.; '12

Stiverson, Harold H. S.; '29 Cl erk ; Oklo . City , Oklo .

Wales, Dav ie Henson

Wim a n, M_ary

Stiverson, Jasper

Wallace, Edna Fain A. B.; '32


H. S.; '22


Stock ton, Eth • l B. P. Jr. C.; '23 Pqmpo, T ex. Stoke, Harold P. H . S.; '20 Prof essor; Kn oxville, T enn .

Sutton, Laura

C. N.C.; A. B.; '18

Plainview, T ex.


Warkentin, Clarence A . B.; '32 Pasto r; Webb City, Mo.

Wisler, Charles B. P . Jr. C.; '23 S. W. Bell T e le'Jhone Co., Okla. City, Oklo

Weathersby, Norman Com.; C. N . C.; ' 13

Wood, Viola Nan:e H. S; '28 Bethany, Ok la. Woodson, Cleona

Min .; 0 . H. C.; ' IS

P . H. S; '17 Teoche~ 1312 56th St ., Chicago, Ill.


Tate, Fay A. H . H. S. T eacher; Blivins, Ark . Tayl or, Lottie

A. B.; '34 Clerk; Oklo . City, Oklo .

H . S.; '17

Evang e li cal Mini st er; Lin::o lnville, Ka.

Mahaska, Ka.

Webster, Harry B. P. J r. C.; '24 Edm ond, Okla.

Woolsey, Byron F. Com.; P. C.; ' 19 Floresv ill e, Te x. Wretting, Eula Ben son H . S.; '21 Okla. City, Okla .

Webster, Ola H. S; '24 Edm ond , Okla. f .~

Wright, Elme r Wel·h, Rav B. P . Jr. C. Civil Service; Washington, D. C. Welch , Sallie Robinson Piano; P. C.; 'I I Rich Grove, Calif.

Pal ec ios, Tex.

Swim , Cecil P. I Deceased I Fine Arts; P. C. ; ' 11

Hamlin, Te x.

Roscoe. Tex .

Weaver, Carl

Stoke, Ruth

Th . B.; '38 Pa sto r ; M eri dian , Miss .


Wi lson, Mrs. Ruby

Winkles, Mrs. Ballard C. N. Jr. C; '23

T exan, Tex.

Stoke, Marv P . H . S.; '20 Olivet , Ill.

Stover, Le ona rd Emm itt

Wilson, Lill ian Bla ck Min.; 0. H . C.; ' 16

C. N. H . S.; '21

Stockton, Calif.

S · '27

Professor-Autho r; South Hadley,

Wilson, A. W. Min .; 0. H. C.; ' 16 Grandfield, Okla.

Pastor; Longmont, Colo.

M.erc..'; Cosper , Wyo .

Stoke, Stuart P . H. S.; ' 13

Oklo .

Evangeline Lillenas

Westbrook, Chessie C. N. H. S.; '25 Ham lin, Tex. Westbrook,

Mrs . Cora

H. S.; '27

H. S.; '27 Okla. City, Okla . Wright, M early Alyea H. S.; '22 Bethany, Oklo . Wyland, Mrs. R. 0. Piano; P. C.; '06 25 Clermont Av., New York, N. Y . Y oung , Effi e Ogden H. S.; '25

Atlanta, T ex .

Young, Lily Com .; C. N. C.; '12

Westbrook, Erma C. N. H. S.; '27 Hamlin , Tex.

Young, Margare t Mayhord

Hamlin, Te x.

Voice; P. C.; '08 H oustcn , Te x.

Ta y lor, Ruth Sears H . S; '28 Bet h a ny, Okla.

White, Harrison

P. H. S.; '07 Business Exec uti ve;

Hanniba l, Mo.

Young. R<'ymon-:1 E. I De:eased I B. L.; P. C.; '07

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