1931 Arrow

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Arrow District Assembly The E ighteenth Annual Assembly o f the Western Oklahoma District, Church of the Nazarene, convened in the Church of the Nazarene, Bethany, Oklahoma, with General Superintendent J. W. Goodwin presiding. Dr. Goodwin opened the Assembly with a very inspiring address, in which he expressed deep regret that Dr. Will iams was unable to hold the Assembly as he was seriously ill at that time. Dr. Goodwin was de­ lighted, however, to serve for Dr. Williams and the Assembly responded with expressions of appreciation for set-vices rendered by Dr. Goodwin. W ednesday a fternoon a motion prevailed to send Dr. and M rs. Williams a telegram expressing our sympathy for them during his present i llness, and our heart felt ap­ preciation 0 f them and their work. Among the vi sitors at this time were Mrs. J. W . Goodwin, wi fe 0 f our General Superintendent ; M r . H aldor Lil lena o f Kansas City, Mo. : A . F . Balsmier, Superintendent o f Kansas District ; C. W. Davis o f Color­ ado ; Mark Whitney, Superintendent of Eastern Okla­ homa District. DR. J . '0/ . GOOD W I N Special music was rendered b y Mr. Lillenas. Jack General SUIJerintendent and R uby Carter, Mr. and Mrs. K. S. White and Mrs. Oti s Peck. Friday morning Dist rict Superintendent Hall gave his annual report a fter which he was again elected Superintendent of our great district. B rother Hall has proved himsel f to be a true f riend o f Bethany-Peniel College, and o f the Church, for which we are thank ful. A fter M rs. Hall had been called to the platform and introduced to the Assembly by Dr. Goodwin, B rother Hall very graciously accepted the responsibility , speaking words of kindness and appreciation for the people o f Western Oklahoma District, pledging his faithful services t o t h e people a n d Church. Saturday morning a motion prevailed that the Assembly extend to Dr. and M rs. Williams its appreciation for them, and to express to them the great j oy that was felt because Dr. W illiams was able to return home. This sentiment was beauti fully expressed by a floral offering presented to them by Rev. A. L. Parrott in the name of the Assembly . At n ine-thirty Sunday morning 9-1-7 were present in the Sunday School. At the morni ng preaching hour, our hearts were blessed with a message i n song by a trio, Mr. and Mrs. K . S . White, and Mrs. Oti Peck. Before the hour arrived for the preaching service, all o f the seats were taken and scores o f people were standing. General Superintendent Goodwin brought a very inspiring message on "The Field I s White Unto H arvest. " The hearts of the people were touched and they went away inspi red to do greater things during the coming year. Sunday a fternoon Dr. Goodwin conclucted a very beauti ful bapti smal service at which time nine children were baptized. Fol lowing the baptismal service came a very i mpressive ordination ervice, i n which seven ministers were ordained. One was a Bethany-Peniel student : Chalmette Bordelon . The District Superintendent of the Colorado District, Rev. C. W . Davis, brought the message o f the evening on the "Unpardonable Sin." The altar was fil led with earnest seekers, ancl the Assembly closed with a t ide of spiritual victory. -A. L. TAYLOR.

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