June 2024 Issue - Small Business Showcase Magazine

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Success Stories: Meet Laura Dennison Health Markets: Guiding Michiana Through Health Insurance p. 6

Riverbend Apparel and Promotions: A Family’s Journey Through Adversity to Success p. 8

The PC Doctor Is In: Joe Lightner’s Prescription for Small Business Tech Health p. 12

Stockroom East: A Hub of Creativity & Music in South Bend p. 14

Valerie Baker-Wynn: The Heartbeat of Windblown Travel p. 18

RESTAURANT OF THE MONTH Monterrey Mexican Bar & Grill: A Community Hub with Authentic Flavors and Charitable Heart p. 26

ARTIST OF THE MONTH Joe Baughman: Crafting Harmonies in Music and Motion p. 30

Going Up? Have you created your Elevator Pitch yet? p. 34 & More...

June 2024
Guerrilla Marketing
Emotions in


TOC & Our Sponsors

Letter form the President

Letter from the Editor

Guiding Michiana Through Health Insurance: Laura Dennison’s Proactive Approach

Riverbend Apparel and Promotions: A Family’s Journey Through Adversity to Success

FINANCIAL FOCUS® Financial tips for widows and widowers

The PC Doctor Is In: Joe Lightner’s Prescription for Small Business Tech Health

Stockroom East: A Hub of Creativity and Music in South Bend

Guerrillapedia: Emotions in Guerrilla Marketing

The Five Goals of Business Owners

Valerie Baker-Wynn: The Heartbeat of Windblown Travel p.18


Unlock Your Business Brilliance: Maximize Potential

“10X IS Easier Than 2X” Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy” Book Report Written by Mike Ronchetti

The Inventive Legacy of Beulah Louise Henry


Monterrey Mexican Bar & Grill: A Community Hub with Authentic Flavors and Charitable Heart p.26

Mastering Facebook Marketing: What Every Business Owner & Entrepreneur Needs to Know… p.28

ARTIST OF THE MONTH Joe Baughman: Crafting Harmonies in Music and Motion p.30

How To Build A Strong Freelance Network Freelancer Synergy: Connecting, Collaborating, and Conquering the Gig Jungle p.33

Going Up? Have you created your Elevator Pitch yet? What is an elevator pitch?

Overcoming Impostor Syndrome and Embracing Self-Worth: A Small Business Owner’s Journey p.35


Greetings from the President

Dear Readers,

As a business owner, I’ve always looked forward to the midyear evaluation. Whether managing a company or owning it, this period fills me with a unique excitement. It’s the thrill of assessing whether our grand plans are on track.

Midyear is an ideal time to review every aspect of our business, ensuring we’re aligned with our annual goals. It also serves as an opportunity to rekindle the enthusiasm we had at the start of the year.

I understand that our team members have lives beyond the workplace, especially as summer arrives. With children out of school and family vacations, our focus often shifts more towards personal lives. Recognizing that my team members are real people with real concerns is essential.

To break the monotony and celebrate the season, I’ve found it beneficial to host a summer event for the staff. This could be a family-inclusive gathering or a simpler staff-only event. For example, I once organized a pizza and soda pop party to revamp our store. I invited everyone to stay after work, promising pizza and soda, and together, we transformed the store back to its showroom quality. It was a voluntary activity, yet every single employee chose to participate. It was a fantastic way to foster camaraderie and ensure our store looked its best.

Celebrating our progress, whether we’re on track, slightly behind, or ahead of our targets, is vital. It’s a way to show appreciation and work towards a common goal. Recognizing and valuing our team as individuals enhances their dedication and makes them want to work better for you.

Let’s enjoy the summer and continue to support each other in achieving our goals.

Best regards, Andy Garza President, Small Business Showcase Magazine

Dear Small Business Showcase Magazine readers,

I am thrilled to introduce you to the June 2024 issue of Small Business Showcase Magazine! As we dive into the summer season, this edition is packed with enriching content aimed at providing you with valuable insights, practical tips, and inspiring stories to support your journey as a small business owner.

In this issue, you can look forward to our signature Artist of the Month and Restaurant of the Month articles, where we shine a spotlight on talented individuals and unique dining experiences that deserve recognition. Whether you are looking for inspiration in music or seeking a new culinary adventure, these articles are sure to captivate your interest.

Our dedicated sections on networking, finance, entrepreneurs in history, freelancing, book reports, and more, offer a wealth of knowledge to help you expand your skill set, enhance your business acumen, and stay informed about the latest trends in the industry.

I am excited to share that our front cover showcases Laura Dennison, with HealthMarkets, whose innovative approach to wellness insurance assistance has been making waves in the industry. Inside the magazine, you will also find compelling features on other remarkable entrepreneurs, including Valerie Baker-Wynn of Wind Blown Travel, Becky Mackewitz of River Bend Apparel, and Joe Lightner the PC Doctor. Their stories of resilience, creativity, and success are truly inspiring.

As we navigate business ownership, it is essential to stay connected, informed, and motivated. Small Business Showcase Magazine is committed to providing you with the tools and knowledge you need to thrive in today’s competitive market.

I invite you to share your feedback on this issue by emailing me at deb@smbizshowcase.com. Your thoughts and suggestions are invaluable to us as we strive to enhance the quality of our content and serve you better. Additionally, feel free to recommend local business owners you admire and would like to see featured in future editions of the magazine.

Thank you for your continued support and readership. Your engagement with Small Business Showcase Magazine is what drives us to deliver excellence with each issue.

Wishing you a month filled with growth, opportunity, and success!

Warm regards,

Small Business Showcase Magazine

From the Editor-in-Chief

Guiding Michiana Through Health Insurance: Laura Dennison’s

Proactive Approach

I had the opportunity to sit down with Laura Dennison, an agent with HealthMarkets Insurance, to learn how she uses her expertise to help the local Michiana community. For the last decade, she’s been navigating the complexities of Medicare and health insurance, so we don’t have to. Laura is deeply committed to her clients and provides a personalized touch that sets her apart in the industry. Her journey is one of dedication, community involvement, and a relentless drive to simplify the often-confusing world of health insurance for her clients. Through her proactive approach and unwavering support, Laura ensures that individuals and small businesses have the coverage they need to thrive. Her story shows how she is making a tangible impact on the lives of those she serves.

Q&A with Laura Dennison

Q: Can you tell us about your journey to start a business with HealthMarkets?

A: I began my health insurance career when I was recruited by someone I knew, who happened to be a top producing agent in the industry in 2014. I spent the first few years working with this agent to learn everything I could about HealthMarkets while preparing to build my own agency. In 2019, I transitioned into owning my own agency, and I immediately added staff to support my growth. We’ve been serving clients in our community ever since.

Q: Tell me a little bit more about HealthMarkets and what you do in your role as an insurance agent.

A: HealthMarkets is an insurance agency that allows individual agents to be self-employed while still having the support of the company to guide them. As an agent, I help people acquire health insurance on the individual market, particularly those who are self-employed or do not have insurance through their workplace. Additionally, I provide Medicare products for people over 65 or those with certain disabilities. My role involves guiding people through their coverage options for medical, hospital, prescription drugs, and other benefits like life insurance, dental, and vision.

When the Affordable Care Act was implemented, it created a large need in the market, and agents, like me, are here to help fill that need.

Q: What sets HealthMarkets and your agency apart from other insurance agencies?

A: At my agency, we prioritize being proactive rather than reactive. My staff is very knowledgeable, and we have established procedures to ensure continuous client care, from follow-up calls to being readily available for any questions. Unlike call centers where you might never speak to the same person twice, we are a local agency with deep roots in the community. We have an established office in Mishawaka, and we will be moving into a new office in Granger this summer. I prioritize making myself available for face-to-face interactions with my clients as much as possible. It’s my goal to make it known that we are here to help our neighbors, family, and friends.

Q: A question that I hear a lot is which doctors accept certain insurance plans. Do you advise people on that?

A: Yes, absolutely. With the volatility in the hospital systems, having a trusted advisor to navigate these changes is crucial. We help our clients understand which plans will be accepted by different providers, ensuring they receive the best possible care.

Q: Are there any other questions you get regularly?

A: Many people don’t realize that you can have insurance that isn’t through an employer, especially if they’ve had employer-sponsored healthcare their entire lives. So many people get jobs or stay with jobs specifically for insurance. Because of that, there’s often a fear of starting your own business or making a job change. I’m here to tell people that

they can go it alone. They can get health insurance when they’re self-employed or working for an employer that doesn’t offer benefits, and it can even be affordable.

Q: Yes, I’ve seen health insurance deter people from starting small businesses. It’s great to know there are options for them.

A: Definitely. When small companies try to recruit or retain employees, saying that they don’t offer insurance is the quickest way to deter hiring. Instead, they can say that instead of a group health plan, they have Laura with HealthMarkets who can help get them set up on the individual market. That’s a much better recruitment strategy.

Q: What challenges have you faced in this business, and how did you overcome them?

A: One of the significant challenges is the seasonal nature of health insurance. Open enrollment periods are incredibly busy, and managing the workload in such a short window was initially difficult. To overcome this, I added staff to ensure I could meet clients’ needs effectively. I have one licensed agent who assists me with the under 65 market, and I have two additional assistants to help with follow-up, phone calls, and appointment setting.

Q: Work-life balance is something that many people are looking for these days. Does the seasonal nature of health insurance provide flexibility outside of work?

Q: Do you have any advice for aspiring entrepreneurs?

A: Know your strengths and work on your weaknesses. You must be honest with yourself about what those weaknesses are. Tackling challenging tasks early in the day can help you focus on your strengths later. It’s essential to understand yourself, admit when something is difficult, and seek help when needed. I’ve been blessed to be part of an organization where support is readily available. Find people you can trust to turn to for advice and let go of what you can’t control.

Q: You mentioned having young children when you were getting started. Can you talk a little more about having a career and a family?

A: During open enrollment, my schedule is packed. However, I have more flexibility outside of this season. It’s similar to a CPA during tax season. You have to be willing to put in the hours during the busy season to earn that free time when it’s over.

Q: Can you share a turning point for your business?

A: A significant shift occurred when I transitioned to being 100% on my own in 2019. When I first started out with Health Markets, I was assisting another agent and building my own business at the same time. On top of that, my children were still young, so I was dividing my time in multiple ways. It made a huge difference when I stopped assisting the other agent. I had more time to focus on my clients, and my business quickly grew. Adding staff and office space further enhanced our ability to serve clients better.

Q: Do you have any future goals for growth or expansion?

A: We plan to add more licensed agents to our team to be able to serve more clients. With our new office opening this summer and a growing number of referrals, we aim to expand our reach and continue providing excellent service. My goal is always to help as many people as possible. Any time you have a life event like losing a job or planning to retire is a great time to discuss health insurance or Medicare plans with me. It’s not uncommon to start planning a year or two before retirement. We are available for consulting throughout the year.

A: As women and mothers, we have more emotional responsibility to our families. When our children are sick, we have to tend to them. When they’re hungry, we need to make sure they’re fed. Good mothers want to be the one fulfilling their needs. We find little ways to put our family first and balancing that with a demanding career is an art that takes patience, determination, and strength. It’s important to know that raising children is a season as well, so don’t miss out on doing every little thing for your children. My children are now in their 20’s, so a new season of parenting is upon us. Of course, I wouldn’t have gotten this far without a supportive spouse. My husband is a wonderful father, extremely supportive of my business and I am very grateful for him. Entrepreneurship is much more difficult without support at home, someone to bear the load and share in all the responsibilities of family life. I also had an excellent role model. My mother worked as a nurse for Memorial Hospital for over 40 years, and raised eight children at the same time, so I saw how strong women can be. It can be done. You can have success in both. I find myself mentoring working mothers now because I’ve made it through a challenging balancing act and figured out a thing or two along the way.

Continued Growth and Community Impact

Laura Dennison’s HealthMarkets agency continues to grow, promising to be an invaluable resource for individuals and small businesses seeking health insurance solutions. Her dedication to personalized service and community engagement sets her apart. Follow Laura on Facebook at facebook.com/LauraDennisonInsurance, her website at lauradennison.net, or you can book an appointment by calling the office at 574-440-5556.

Written by Eleni Owens Photos by Gary Riggs Photography

Riverbend Apparel and Promotions:

A Family’s Journey Through Adversity to Success

When Becky Mackowicz decided to take a leap of faith in October 2019 and purchase Riverbend Apparel and Promotions with her husband John, she had no idea what challenges lay ahead. As a branding company specializing in embroidery and screen printing on promotional items like coffee mugs, tumblers, and pens, Riverbend built a reputation for quality and service in the business-to-business market. But just months after their acquisition, the world would be plunged into a pandemic that threatened to unravel their dreams.

From Humble Beginnings to Bold Ambitions

Becky spent nearly two decades building an embroidery and screen-printing business from the ground up. She was inspired when she purchased a small embroidery machine, and she quickly expanded her endeavor by diving into new techniques. She originally focused on small orders for schools, coaches, and individuals with customization needs. Her garage was a bustling hub of activity, filled with heat presses and embroidery machines, where she crafted custom designs for PTAs and sports teams.

In a move to reclaim their garage and their family’s privacy, Becky and John purchased a building that served as the location of their business until an encounter with the former owner of Riverbend Apparel and Promotions provided Becky an opportunity she couldn’t pass up. The decision to purchase Riverbend was driven by a desire to expand and transition to larger business-to-business orders, leaving behind the labor-intensive small orders that consumed so much of their time and energy.

“We wanted to move away from small, one-off orders and into business-to-business clients,” Becky recalls. “It was completely different how things needed to rotate through the office. Riverbend already had the systems and structure for us to transfer into doing large business-to-business jobs.”

A Leap of Faith Amidst Uncertainty

The timing of their purchase couldn’t have been more precarious. Just as Becky and John were settling into their new roles as owners, the COVID-19 pandemic hit, and the world came to a standstill. “The phones went silent,” Becky remembers. “Businesses were focused on survival, and the demand for promotional items plummeted.”

For many, this would have been a crippling blow. But Becky saw an opportunity in the silence. “We leaned into learning how this new business worked,” she says. With fewer orders to fill, she spent her days speaking with vendors and suppliers, asking questions, and absorbing as much knowledge as she could about the business she had purchased.

“When the world went silent, they had the time to teach me about my business, the industry, and all the things that we were paying for that we had no idea how to utilize,” Becky explains. “That helped us a great deal in the long run.”

Learning and Growing Through Adversity

The early months of the pandemic were a period of intense learning and growth for Becky. She used the time to understand the intricacies of the business, from the supply chain to customer relations. This foundation of knowledge proved invaluable when the world began to open up again.

“It wound up being about a year with very little business. I spent that time picking the brains of anyone who called,” Becky says. “By the time life started happening again, I felt confident in the business I had acquired. I felt like I had a grip on it.”

One particularly poignant moment came when a former client, now working for a different company, reached out for promotional items. Despite the challenges of supply chain disruptions, Becky managed to fulfill the order, which led to more business from this client. It was a turning point that reassured her they were on the right path.

The Strength of a Family Business

Riverbend Apparel and Promotions is truly a family endeavor for Becky and John. Two of their sons, both with business degrees, work full-time in the office. The close-knit nature of their team allows them to offer a level of personalized service that sets them apart from larger competitors.

“Every person in our office knows what’s going on with each client,” Becky says. “We’re big enough but not too big. It helps us offer personalized service versus reaching some random customer service line that doesn’t even have a human answering the phone.” This dedication to personalized service has been a key factor in their success. They continue to build strong relationships with small and large businesses while ensuring every client feels valued and attended to.

Looking to the Future

As Becky and John look to the future, their goals are clear: continue teaching their sons the business, expand operations, and maintain the elevated level of service that has become their hallmark. They hope that one day their children will take over the business, continuing the family legacy.

“We want to build a strong foundation to be able to pass it down,” Becky says. “It’s great working with my children because they choose to be here. I get to see them grow and they get to see me grow. We’ve all grown so much in this business.”

Words of Wisdom for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

For those considering the entrepreneurial path, Becky offers candid advice. “You need to know if this is truly for you because entrepreneurship is crazy,” she says. “You have to sacrifice so much to make it work. Reach out to other entrepreneurs while building your business and figure out what works for you.”

Her journey with Riverbend Apparel and Promotions is a testament to the power of resilience, adaptability, and the strength of family. Through the challenges of a global pandemic, Becky and her family have survived and thrived, turning adversity into an opportunity for growth and learning. Their story is an inspiring example of what can be achieved when you face challenges head-on and work together toward a common goal.

How to Partner with Riverbend Apparel and Promotions

If your business needs exceptional branded merchandise, Riverbend Apparel and Promotions is ready to help. Their commitment to personalized service and high-quality products makes them a standout choice for businesses of all sizes. Whether you need custom embroidery, screen printing, or other promotional items, Riverbend has you covered.

To learn more about their offerings or to start a partnership, visit their website at www.riverbendap.com. For direct inquiries, you can contact Becky Mackowicz via email at becky@riverbendap.com.

Allow Riverbend Apparel and Promotions to elevate your brand with their top-notch products and dedicated service.

Photos by Gary Riggs Photography


Financial tips for widows and widowers

Losing a spouse is one of the most painful experiences anyone can have. Unfortunately, widows and widowers have to deal with more than just the emotional trauma — they also must consider a range of financial issues.

If you’ve recently been widowed, what financial moves should you consider?

For starters, don’t rush into any major decisions. If you’re still in the grieving process, you are unlikely to be in the best shape to make significant choices affecting your finances and your life.

But once you feel ready to look at your situation objectively and make appropriate choices, consider the following steps:

• Review your finances. Look at your entire financial picture — your assets, investments, debts and income. If you and your spouse had communicated well about your finances, and you shared decisions, you hopefully won’t encounter any big surprises. But if your spouse was the partner who mostly handled financial matters, you may need to get up to speed quickly on what you have and what you owe. And if your spouse had provided a large amount of your household income, you will also need to determine what changes you may need to make to your lifestyle.

• Address insurance issues. If you will receive a death benefit from your spouse’s insurance policy, what will you do with the money? It may prove helpful in funding your own retirement or meeting other financial goals. But you’ll also want to be clear about what other beneficiaries, such as your children, might receive. And while you’re looking at insurance, you also might want to look at your own policies — do you need to change beneficiaries?

• Review your Social Security options. If you are at least 60 and you were married at least nine months, you may be entitled to Social Security survivor benefits. (If you remarry before age 60, you typically cannot receive survivor benefits, but you can reinstate them if this subsequent marriage ends.) The amount of your survivor’s benefits depends on your age and the age of your deceased spouse. You can’t claim your deceased spouse’s benefits along with your own retirement benefits, so if you qualify for survivor and retirement benefits, you’ll receive the larger amount. Depending on your situation, you might come out ahead by delaying your retirement benefits, giving them the chance to grow, while you accept survivor benefits. For more details on receiving Social Security benefits, visit the Social Security Administration’s website at www.ssa.gov.

• Review your estate plans. The death of a spouse can certainly affect your family’s estate plans. So, it’s a good idea to review these plans to see what changes, if any, need to be made. When conducting this review, you’ll benefit from working with an estate-planning professional.

Finally, keep in mind that you don’t have to go it alone during this difficult time. If you’re already working with a financial professional, they can help. If you aren’t currently working with one, now might be the time to start. By looking at your finances and your family situation holistically, a financial professional can provide guidance that can help ease the stress you are naturally feeling.

Few events are as sad as losing a spouse. But when you feel ready, start taking the steps necessary to continue forward on your life’s journey.

11590 McKinley Hwy, Ste B Osceola, IN 46561 Office: 574-329-5326 Mobile: 574-536-0710

Fax: 888-677-0742


As an Edward Jones financial advisor, I seek to serve my community and help to change lives. I want to learn about you and understand what’s most important to you. I want to take the time to know what you need now and what you need to prepare for in your future. By doing that, we can work together to build personalized strategies to help you achieve your goals through our established process. I want to build a relationship with you and partner with you throughout your life, helping you stay on track to meet your goals.

This article was written by Edward Jones for use by Jon Rolón, Edward Jones Financial Advisor. Edward Jones, Member SIPC

The PC Doctor Is In: Joe Lightner’s Prescription for Small Business Tech Health

In the rapidly evolving world of technology, where change is the only constant, Joe Lightner, known affectionately as The PC Doctor, has carved out a niche in the small business sector. His journey from a radio broadcaster to a computer technician exemplifies a story of reinvention and resilience, resonating with anyone needing to adapt in their career.

From Airwaves to Computer Waves

Joe’s career began in the vibrant world of radio broadcasting. With a background in music and years of experience as both an on-air talent and in advertising sales, Joe was well-entrenched in the industry. However, as the landscape of radio began to shift in the nineties, Joe saw the writing on the wall. “It wasn’t going to be fun anymore,” he recalls. “I decided if it wasn’t going to be fun, then I didn’t want to do it.” This realization prompted a pivotal discussion with a longtime friend and colleague, leading to a suggestion that would change his path. “Why not Computers?”

Embracing Change

In 1997, Joe transitioned his skills and network from radio to technology, founding his business, The PC Doctor. His early days were filled with significant client transition—from managing radio advertising to managing computer systems. Over the years, Joe witnessed the technological transformation within businesses, from simple setups to complex networks requiring sophisticated solutions. In the 27 years he’s operated as The PC Doctor, his clients have gone from having a single PC in their buildings to multiple servers with a computer for every employee. Change happens quickly in the tech world, and Joe is tasked with keeping up with it all.

Overcoming Challenges

There are definitely challenges with being a one-man business. Finding new clients is something that needs to be done every day. Joe runs a business-to-business operation which limits his advertising options. He discovered early on that fixing computers in people’s homes was a futile way to grow his business because the jobs were small, and he couldn’t charge the fees that would make it worth his time. Businesses have complex networks that require technical expertise, and Joe is up for the challenge.

Success Stories

Joe has had numerous success stories, but one in particular stands out. He helped a local business completely overhaul its IT infrastructure when the owners purchased an old building not designed for modern networking. This project modernized the business and centralized its critical data, enhancing efficiency and security. “I don’t think they’d be able to do the kind of business they’re doing now without that infrastructure,” Joe says. “I’m happy with how it turned out for them.”

One of Joe’s strengths lies in his personalized approach. Unlike larger companies where customers might get lost in a sea of support tickets, Joe is directly accessible. “I don’t have a secretary. When you call, you get me,” he states proudly. When his clients have an issue, he can be there right away. They don’t have to wait days for a tech to find time in their schedule. If he can fix an issue remotely, he’s even faster. The individualized touch and swift response times set him apart in a competitive market.

The Ideal Client: Small Business Needs

Joe’s target clientele is small businesses; typically, with fewer than fifty employees. These businesses often lack the resources to employ full-time IT staff but have enough complexity in their systems to need expert help on demand. Joe fills this gap, providing expert advice and timely interventions that small businesses rely on to function smoothly. “I’m looking for businesses with multiple PCs that have network or internet issues,” says Joe. “Not every business is big enough to hire a full-time IT specialist. If you don’t have anyone on staff to call on, I’m your guy.”

Looking to the Future

At 71, Joe is focused on maintaining a stable roster of clients rather than expanding his business into a larger enterprise. His experience has taught him the value of a lean operation, which allows him to minimize overhead while maximizing personal connection and service quality. “I’ve been very fortunate to meet people that are smarter than I am,” says Joe. “If you come to me with a problem I can’t solve personally, I have people I can turn to. I trust their advice.”

Words of Wisdom

For those looking to venture into entrepreneurship, Joe advises finding a niche and serving it well, rather than competing broadly. When he started working on computers, it was still a niche industry, but it developed very quickly. He also emphasizes the importance of starting with adequate capital, a lesson he learned from his early days without it. “Make sure you have some financing in place,” he advises. “Credit cards are not capital, and it could be a while before money is rolling in.” Joe hopes this advice will help others avoid the mistakes he made when he started his company.

Joe Lightner’s journey from radio to IT illustrates the enduring power of adaptability and personalized service in the swiftly evolving tech landscape. As The PC Doctor, Joe troubleshoots issues and ensures that small businesses have the support they need to prosper in the digital age. Are you ready to give your business the tech health check it deserves? Connect with Joe at www.thePCdoc.com or reach out directly via text at: 574-339-1266 for immediate, expert advice.

Written by Eleni Owens | Photos by Gary Riggs Photography

Stockroom East: A Hub of Creativity and Music in South Bend

In the heart of South Bend’s East Bank District, you’ll find a dynamic creative community space called Stockroom East. Officially opening its doors in 2021, this multifaceted venue offers a blend of coworking, event hosting, and live music performances, attracting a diverse crowd from the Michiana area and beyond. With a mission to foster an intentional creative community, Stockroom East provides an environment where professionals, artists, and entrepreneurs can thrive.

A Space Designed for Collaboration

Stockroom East offers multiple event spaces designed to cater to diverse needs. The coworking space is popular among professionals who work from home but occasionally need a change of scenery. For a reasonable monthly fee, members gain 24/7 access to the shared space, including conference rooms, a podcast studio, and a private call center. This setup is ideal for freelancers, remote workers, and small business owners who want to hold meetings without the overhead cost of renting or owning office space.

The recent addition of a bar has further enhanced the venue’s appeal. It provides a relaxed atmosphere where members and visitors can unwind and network with other professionals. Combining a practical workspace with social areas fosters community and collaboration, making Stockroom East a place to work, connect, and grow.

Versatility at Its Best

Beyond co-working, Stockroom East provides an excellent location to host events. From shower parties and corporate gatherings to family get-togethers, the venue’s modern, industrial vibe is trendy and versatile. The 4,200 square feet of customizable event space can be tailored to suit any occasion, ensuring that each event is unique and memorable. This flexibility has made Stockroom East a sought-after location for social and professional events, enhancing its reputation as a premier venue in South Bend.

A New Era with Stockroom Live

What has proven to be the most exciting development for Stockroom East is the launch of its concert promotions arm, Stockroom Live. This initiative has transformed the venue into a vibrant hub for live music, attracting notable artists and creating a unique concert experience in South Bend. I had the pleasure of sitting down with Matt Ingle, a member of the Stockroom Live team, to discuss how they’re bringing this vision to life.

An Intimate Concert Experience

Matt Ingle is a pivotal force behind Stockroom East’s recent growth. Originally from Goshen Indiana, Ingle spent the last 17 years in the music industry promoting artists in Nashville before joining the Stockroom East team in 2024. When Matt came on board, he brought a wealth of experience and a vision to make Stockroom East a premier stop for musical talent. The intimate concert space, accommodating around five hundred people, offers a unique, up-close experience that contrasts with larger arenas.

Ingle emphasizes the venue’s potential due to its strategic location. “South Bend could be bringing in even more musical talent because of its proximity to locations that are popular stops on artists’ tours,” he explains. This vision is reflected in the high-caliber acts that Stockroom East has already hosted, including UMPHREY’S McGee, Colony House, Grant-Lee Phillips, Josh Rouse, and Matthew Perryman Jones.

Stockroom East’s success is a collaborative effort. The venue is run by an exceptional team, including Michael Yoder, Lindsay Yoder, Matt Ingle, Nathan Kain, and Rachel Kain while Matt Ingle, Michael Yoder, Gary Riggs, and Justin Heron spearhead concert promotions, under the banner of Stockroom Live. Each member brings unique skills and experiences, creating a constructive collaboration that elevates the venue’s profile. Their collective dedication ensures that Stockroom East hosts remarkable events while fostering a supportive community for artists and patrons alike.

Future Aspirations

Looking ahead, the immediate goal for Stockroom East is to increase its visibility and become a well-known fixture within the community. In the long term, Ingle and the team aim to fill the concert space every weekend, creating a vibrant cultural hub in South Bend. Stockroom East is poised to become a cornerstone of South Bend’s music scene by building a robust calendar of events and continually attracting top-tier talent.

Words of Wisdom

Matt Ingle’s journey from Goshen to Nashville and back to Michiana highlights the power of passion and collaboration. Emphasizing the importance of learning from others, he advises entrepreneurs to “find people who are doing what you’re interested in and be willing to learn from them.” This wisdom has been the cornerstone of his success, as he sought opportunities to gain experience and learn throughout his 17-year career in the music industry. Now, as he helps transform Stockroom East into a premier concert venue, his experience and insights are invaluable.

Follow Their Journey

Be the first to know about upcoming concerts and events at Stockroom East by visiting their website www.stockroomeast.com, following them on Facebook, and discovering their updates on Instagram at @stockroom.east.

The dedicated team at Stockroom East is creating a vibrant cultural hub that brings together creativity, collaboration, and community. The future looks bright for this South Bend gem as they continue to innovate and inspire.

Team Effort
Written by Eleni Owens | Photos by Gary Riggs Photography

Guerrillapedia: Emotions in Guerrilla Marketing

In our last issue, we explored the use of senses in guerrilla marketing. Now, we’re diving into one of my favorite tactics: leveraging emotions.

I’ve always believed that buying is an emotional decision, and this principle is particularly effective in guerrilla marketing. Human emotions, managed by the amygdala in the limbic cortex of the brain, play a crucial role in decision-making. Out of the 12 basic human emotions, 95% of marketing efforts target three: happiness, sadness, and frustration. These emotions are where guerrilla marketing really shines.

Focusing on one of these three emotions can make your marketing tactics significantly more impactful. The key is to trigger the desired emotion that aligns with your product or service. Typically, happiness is the most commonly used emotion, followed by frustration, and finally sadness. Although sadness can be effective, it’s generally not the preferred emotion to target. Happiness and frustration tend to yield better results.

Once you’ve successfully triggered the desired emotion and linked it to your brand, product, or service, acquiring new clients or customers becomes a much smoother process. Emotions are a vital part of the buying process, so the question becomes: which emotion should you and your business utilize?

Using emotions in your marketing efforts is extremely effective and should be a cornerstone of your strategy. In our next issue, we’ll discuss anchors, which I describe as emotions on steroids. Stay tuned!

Andy Garza is well known as the Guru of Guerrilla Marketing. He has over 30 years of experience using Guerrilla Marketing to launch 4 businesses. Andy has also reached top-level sales status in 4 different industries including Flooring, Auto, Furniture, and Senior Financial Planning.

Presently the President and CEO of Big Gorilla Sales and Marketing Training, Andy has become a sought-after speaker for entrepreneurial groups, including a featured speaker for Notre Dame’s Entrepreneurship and Adversity Program as well as his own training seminars in both Marketing and Guerrilla Sales.

Andy has extensive experience in Magazine Publishing having owned New Homeowners Guide and Senior Financial Digest. Now one of the Founding Partners and the President of Small Business Showcase.

The Five Goals of Business Owners: Cash Flow,

Profit, Growth, Satisfaction, & Harmony

As a business owner, navigating the world of entrepreneurship is like managing a small, unpredictable zoo. Every day brings new challenges and rewards, and I’ve found that focusing on five key goals helps keep things running smoothly: cash flow, profit, growth, satisfaction, and harmony. Let’s dive into these goals with a light-hearted yet informative perspective.

Cash Flow: The Essential River

First up, cash flow. Think of it as the river that keeps my business ecosystem alive and thriving. Without a steady stream of cash coming in, everything grinds to a halt. It’s like trying to run a coffee shop without coffee beans—impossible! Managing cash flow means keeping a close eye on invoices, expenses, and making sure there’s always enough money to keep the wheels turning. It’s a delicate balance, but when done right, it ensures that my business can survive and thrive through thick and thin.

Profit: The Sweet Reward

Next, we have profit. This is the sweet reward for all the hard work. Profit is the difference between what my business earns and what it spends. It’s that moment of pure joy when you realize you’ve made more money than you’ve spent. But it’s not just about the numbers; it’s about making smart decisions and avoiding unnecessary expenses. Profit keeps the business sustainable and allows for reinvestment and growth. Plus, it’s always nice to see those positive figures in the bank account!

Growth: The Exciting Journey

Growth is the exciting journey that keeps things interesting. Expanding my business is both thrilling and nerve-wracking, much like watching a plant grow from a seed. It requires nurturing, patience, and a bit of luck. Growth means reaching new customers, entering new markets, and continually improving products and services. It’s about taking calculated risks and learning from mistakes. Seeing my business grow is incredibly rewarding and provides a sense of accomplishment that’s hard to beat.

Satisfaction: The Fulfilling Achievement

Satisfaction is the fulfilling achievement that makes all the effort worthwhile. This goal is about more than just financial success; it’s about feeling proud of what I’ve built. It’s the joy of seeing happy customers, a motivated team, and a positive impact on the community. Satisfaction comes from knowing that my business is making a difference and that I’m doing something I love. It’s that warm, fuzzy feeling that keeps me going, even on the toughest days.

Harmony: The Balanced Life

Finally, harmony. This goal is about finding a balance between work and personal life. Running a business can be all-consuming, but it’s crucial to make time for family, friends, and hobbies. Harmony means creating a healthy work environment, fostering good relationships with my team, and ensuring that I’m not burning out. It’s about maintaining my well-being while still pushing my business forward. Achieving harmony is like finding the perfect rhythm, where work and life complement each other beautifully.

In conclusion, focusing on these five goals—cash flow, profit, growth, satisfaction, and harmony—helps me navigate the everchanging landscape of business ownership. It requires a blend of strategy, passion, and a good sense of humor. While the journey is full of ups and downs, the rewards are well worth it. So, here’s to all the small business owners out there, striving to achieve these goals and enjoying the adventure along the way. Cheers! - Written by Deb Ammerman

Spotlight on Valerie Baker-Wynn: The Heartbeat of Windblown Travel

From Passion to Profession

Valerie Baker-Wynn, the driving force behind Windblown Travel, LLC, in South Bend, Indiana, discovered her calling in the travel industry through a serendipitous turn of events. She found herself traveling with friends on a trip that was very poorly planned by someone else, and it went terribly. Knowing that Valerie usually plans fantastic trips, her friends promised to listen to her travel advice from then on. Encouraged by her travel companions and supported by her husband, Valerie transitioned from organizing trips for friends and family to establishing a full-fledged travel agency. She’s been in the industry for over eight years and has learned a lot along the way.

Building a Business from the Ground Up

Launching a travel business requires more than a love for travel; it demands dedication, continuous learning, and formal training. Valerie stands out in the industry due to her extensive certifications and training. She holds certifications such as the Certified Travel Associate (CTA) and the Verified Travel Advisor (VTA) from the American Society of Travel Advisors (ASTA), along with accreditations from CLIA (Cruise Lines International Association).

Valerie’s commitment to excellence and personalized service has earned her a loyal client base, with numerous five-star reviews attesting to her expertise and client care. “Booking vacations online can be tricky because you can’t always speak to a human being without sitting on hold for hours,” she says. “When booking with me, I’m the one who will sit on hold for you.” She emphasizes the importance of professional training and continuous education to differentiate herself from less qualified agents in the field. She warns anyone interested in a career in travel planning to do their research. Many companies promise excellent training but don’t deliver on that promise.

Adapting and Thriving Through Challenges

As a business owner, Valerie faces many challenges, but the COVID-19 pandemic may be the most significant one. For years, the travel industry was completely decimated. Many travel agencies shut down, but Valerie’s adaptability and knowledge allowed her to pivot from cruise bookings, which were largely halted, to all-inclusive resorts, particularly in Mexico. Her prior experience in this area enabled her to continue serving her clients effectively during the pandemic. Even those who canceled their travel plans during shutdowns returned for Valerie’s expertise when restrictions were lifted.

Valerie also stresses the importance of legal and operational infrastructure for any aspiring entrepreneur. Over the last two years, she has fortified her business with legal terms and conditions, service fees, professional liability insurance, and automated processes. These measures provide an extra layer of security and streamline operations, allowing Valerie to focus more on her clients

Specializations and Unique Offerings

Windblown Travel offers a broad spectrum of travel services, but Valerie has particular expertise in river cruises, high-end luxury cruises, and all-inclusive romantic getaways. She is passionate about river cruising, describing it as a leisurely way to explore multiple cities and countries without the hassle of unpacking at each destination. Her favorite destinations include the scenic landscapes of Ireland and the historical richness of Budapest.

Valerie’s ability to plan complex group trips is another hallmark of her service. Whether it’s organizing river cruises for multiple cabins or coordinating extensive land tours, she handles every detail to ensure a seamless experience for her clients. Her group travel planning spans diverse destinations, from Arctic expeditions to cultural tours of Europe

Personal Touches and Client Care

What truly sets Valerie apart is her commitment to personalized service. She ensures direct communication with her clients, offering tips and insights from her own travel experiences and leveraging a network of fellow travel agents to provide the best recommendations. Her approach includes thorough consultations to understand her clients’ needs and preferences, making each trip a tailor-made experience Valerie’s dedication extends to handling the logistical headaches that come with travel planning. She takes on the burden of dealing with cancellations, airline issues, and other challenges, ensuring her clients can focus on enjoying their travels without stress. This level of care and attention has fostered deep trust and long-term relationships with her clients, many of whom return for multiple bookings

Looking Ahead

Valerie’s vision for the future of Windblown Travel includes expanding into more high-end, inclusive travel experiences such as world cruises and luxury land tours. She aims to offer more intimate, high-quality tours that provide unique experiences, ensuring her clients receive personal attention and access to exclusive locations.

Final Thoughts

Valerie Baker-Wynn exemplifies the qualities of a dedicated and knowledgeable travel professional. Her journey from an impromptu travel planner to the owner of a successful travel agency showcases her resilience, expertise, and unwavering commitment to her clients. For those seeking a travel advisor who goes above and beyond, Valerie and Windblown Travel offer an unparalleled experience.

For more information, you can visit her website at Windblown Travel, join her private Facebook group “The Travel Society with Valerie,” or contact her directly via email at valerie@windblowntravel.com.

Storytelling is more than a skill, it’s my passion. I dive into the heart of Michiana, seeking out the rich, often overlooked tales of small businesses and the people behind them. My goal is to craft stories that not only inform but resonate deeply, connecting readers with the diverse and heartfelt narratives that define our community. Each article I craft is a tribute to the diverse and vibrant stories that make Michiana unique.

Unlock Your Business Brilliance: Maximize Potential

So, you are putting in 60 or more hours per week in making your business successful.

How is that going for you?

Are you seeing results that you recognize as success or are you just doubling down looking to make an impact to claim as a win and take a victory lap occasionally?

Stop following the crowd and look closely at yourself. Most likely you are in the habit of focusing on quantity, not quality and by doing so you are competing rather than standing out. What about You?

• Are you living exponentially or linearly?

• Are you focused on effort or volume or are you creating something qualitatively different and better than anything else out there?

• Are you spread thin, doing five or more different jobs, or do you have a growing team of people handling your non personally essential opportunities items. (like 80% of our life stuff).

Discovering Who You Are

Here are eight areas I coach my clients to keep revisiting and growing as their business change.

1. What is your DISC Behavioral Style?

Behavioral styles like DISC models helps us understand what drives us and who we are. Behavioral styles help us understand and communicate with others better.

They are several similar behavioral models like DISC. The advantage of each is they make communicating and increasing your insights quicker, easier, and repeatably.

DISC helps classify a person’s communications styles situation into dominant, influencers, stability-orientated and compliance-oriented.

We have all four in each of us - one or two are stronger impactors.

Once you learn how these communications styles work, you can modify your behavior based on who you are communicating with. This process ultimately leads to reduce overall stress in your business dealings.

2. How do you prefer to learn?

From the age of small children, we all learn differently.

Learning in today’s knowledge focused world being fast and getting faster at establishing basic knowledge. AI is now helping that become true. Search Engines and YouTube sure make things less complicated to access new facts, fresh information, and diverse approaches.

We all know our individuality comes about from our past experiences. Each of our life adventures colors our methods of how we learn. Left versus Right Brain thinking, visually, hands-on, or audibly all come into play. Understanding how to use multiple approaches, especially your left and right brain abilities is valuable.

Accessing the right tools comes easier once you know how you learn best.

3. How much Power do you have in your life?

I use a model called Point of Power. It demonstrates where power comes from, both in our lives and in our organizations.

While simple to explain, becoming fluid in engaging it takes commitment and effort.

There are two zones. On the top are ownership, accountability, responsibility (OAR) versus on the bottom are blame, excuses or denial (BED).

In the bottom zone (“Below the Point” is how many refer to it) you are the victim who has no power over your choice or life; it’s always others fault (that dang timer alarm app didn’t work!).

Above the point it goes into your heart, you own your choice and your life. You take responsibility for what you have accomplished or where you have failed.

With accountability, you measure your results so you can assess where you are in your life and act if you don’t like the direction it is heading.

Becoming aware of whether our actions and thoughts are above or beyond the Point of Power will help us change our thinking to have a better life.

4. Do you Find it Easy to Make Changes in Your Life?

We will always have problems that will require change.

As our business skills grow, we need to identify problems and then address them and make the necessary changes to resolve the problem.

Is it easy for you to make changes? Why is change easy or difficult for you?

Use a tool called the identity Iceberg, a model that governs how long-term change occurs.

• Most of a human is below the water line.

• Like the Titanic what is below the water is what sinks the ship.

• On the surface, we see BEHAVIOR (actions and decisions)

• Below the surface we have SKILLS, our BELIEFS, our VALUES, our IDENTITY(who I am) or ENVIRONMENT.

• You change from the bottom up. Change your ENVIRONMENT, and you change your IDENTITY. Change your SKILLS, and you change your BEHAVIOR longterm.

How to Learn, Grow and Change

5. Using Both Sides of the Brain in Conjunction

In 1. above, I referenced that both sides of the brain working together makes you more effective.

Time spent working on this topic removes disconnects between the two sides of your brain. Disconnects are evident when you’re unable to express what you are feeling; assign that what you are learning does not align with your experience.

This is why at work you and associates attend the same training, but often remember different things.

6. Confusion and Questions

Sooner or later we all get confused. But confusion is not a bad thing. Depending upon your response, it may help you expand.

When you enter a state of confusion, you may shut down or wait to be told the answer.

A better approach to when you get confused, stop, and ask a new (and maybe better) question. We know that if the brain asks a weak question, it won’t find an answer quickly. If it asks a different or better question, you might remember the answer more quickly.

Example (Weak question): “What was that guy’s name from that one thing?”

Your brain draws a complete blank and you end up spending the next hours scrolling through social media and IMDB trying to jog your memory, only to be sidetracked by click bait videos.

Example (Better question): What was the name of that actor who played the lead in “The Office” and starred in a movie where he was a secret agent?”

Instantly your brain lights up with “Oh, Steve Carell!”

You get the idea. The association with better questions and starting to take better action is almost inseparable.

7. Failure

Yes, this is not a popular topic.

Why that is so isn’t so surprising. Think about the bragging rights deficit: Sharing business success stories is like winning a gold medal- you get to brag. Talking about business failure is like winning a participation trophy in a contest you didn’t event want to enter.

It’s not that you failed, the challenge is the attitude. The question is: do you learn the lesson and apply that knowledge the next time around?

Fail fast is not a cliche. Today it is a business planning element. Having more iterations means cost effective real market engagement learnings. Budgets need contingencies to allow stretching and risk managed experiments.

If you give 100% every day, you will get 100% back, if you 50%, you get 50% back.

Avoid being that person who tends to live photocopy lives, doing the same thing every year. If you falter or fail, you won’t know what went wrong.

Face it, we all want to get our attitude right to change our future. One of the biggest challenges to success in life and in business is people on the sidelines being scared of failing.

Greats don’t let their failures define them. Instead, they kept going, often humorously imagining alternative paths, but ultimately sticking to their true passions. Their persistence paid off, and now we can’t imagine a world without their contributions.

Becoming aware of whether our actions and thoughts are above or beyond the Point of Power will help us change our thinking to have a better life.

8. Isn’t that Interesting

“I know” – the two impactful words in the business dictionary. Sometimes we just cross our arms and say it to ourselves.

Learning involves curiosity and inquisitiveness. When we use “I know“ we cut off all the ability to learn something new. Instead of cutting off all possibility of learning, it’s better to say, ”Isn’t that interesting.”

Things change and what worked for you last year or when you were younger, may not be right now, so we need to stay open to hearing old ideas perhaps in a different way, or a different time.

By changing our response, you will dramatically shift how you listen to others and how you respond.

Article Takeaway. Jim Rohn, business coach and leader, said. “Never wish your life were easier. Wish YOU were better.”

Work harder on yourself than you do on your job!”

Want to change yourself and your approaches? Contact me for a complementary conversation to discuss accelerating your goals and visions. – Coach Mike

Column inspired by Karen Callahan, ActionCOACH Foundation. Copyrighted to ActionCOACH ONE and ActionCoach FOUNDATION.

Who is Mike Ronchetti?

With more than thirty-five years of real-life, on-the-ground small business experience across various industries, Mike has owned, operated, and successfully exited seven businesses. Mike lived in Plainfield, IL, St. Paul, MN, Anchorage, AK., and returned in 2013 to Plainfield. In 2020 Mike and Becky, his wife, relocated to South Bend to be closer to family. In 2021 he became an ActionCOACH certified business and executive coach and opened a local office. His mission is to work with businesses owners to create vivid dreams, establish aggressive goals and then crush them.

“10X IS Easier Than 2X” Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy”

Congratulations. You are a rare person. By reading this book review you already exhibit one of the foundational elements of this book –you are looking for more and want to change.

Sullivan and Hardy, two highly regarded business experts propose a bold proposition: aiming for tenfold growth is easier than trying to double your business. This concept challenges the business owner reader to improve their vision and think deeper about their strategies.

Instead of making minor tweaks, Sullivan, and Hardy advocate for radical transformation. As Sullivan humorously notes, “If you’re just trying to double, you might end up only being twice as tired.” For business owners, this means looking beyond immediate tasks and envisioning what their businesses could become on a much larger scale.

We have all done 10X efforts in life before – many times – learning to: speak, read, make friends, drive a car, or become an entrepreneur. The authors explain once you go 10X you no longer operate as the same person you did prior to the 10X.

Disclaimer: Prior business experience is an essential condition to implementing this book. Why? This book assumes you are highly dissatisfied with your current state of missed opportunity, working on a smaller scale and want to overcome the resistance of doing business as usual.

Visionary Leadership: Improving our vision is crucial for 10X growth. Sullivan suggests we spend more time imagining our business’s future and then work backward to develop a strategic plan. This helps us identify opportunities and create a roadmap for long-term success.

Principles and Applications Focuses: The 10X versus 2X concept is based on the 80/20 rule premise - 20% of our efforts get game changing results (increased personal freedoms). While 80% of our efforts are just complying with our past successes and fear of making those around us uncomfortable (avoiding buying into a loud culture agenda that says don’t want more than what you need).

The goal is to clarify the 20 percent that if you develop greater mastery in, you’ll experience your desired 10X jump in freedom of time, money, relationships, and overall purpose. At the same time letting go of the 80% percent and allowing yourself to explore your curiosities and interest. Note: the sections on “Unique Ability” alone are a valuable read.

Application Examples:

Sarah’s Bakery with $1,800,000 annual revenue. Instead of merely expanding her menu or opening another location (a 2X strategy), she envisioned her bakery as a community hub. She started offering baking classes, partnered with local farmers, and launched a line of baking kits. Her business transformed, and her revenue soared, illustrating the power of deep strategic thinking.

Steve Jobs and the creation of the iPhone vision. Jobs didn’t settle for incremental improvements; he envisioned a groundbreaking product that changed the world. This example encourages thinking beyond small enhancements and consider how we might revolutionize our industries.


By enhancing our vision and thinking deeply, we can discover new opportunities and drive significant success. However, it’s crucial to balance this ambitious approach with a realistic assessment of our resources and capabilities. The journey to 10X growth can be challenging but incredibly rewarding with the right vision and strategic thinking.

The Inventive Legacy of Beulah

Louise Henry

As a passionate entrepreneur with a penchant for innovation, I have always admired individuals who have left an indelible mark on the world through their ingenuity and creativity. One such trailblazer who continues to inspire me is Beulah Louise Henry, a remarkable woman whose inventive spirit and entrepreneurial drive revolutionized the world of household gadgets and appliances. Join me on a journey as we delve into the captivating story of this pioneering inventor and delve into her lasting impact on the small business landscape.

Early Beginnings and Entrepreneurial Vision

Born in 1887 in North Carolina, Beulah Louise Henry exhibited a natural curiosity and flair for innovation from a young age. Her relentless drive to tinker and create led her to pursue a career as an inventor, defying societal norms and expectations along the way. As a female entrepreneur in a male-dominated industry, Beulah faced numerous challenges and obstacles, but her unwavering determination and resilience propelled her forward.

The “Lady Edison” of Invention

Often referred to as the “Lady Edison” of invention, Beulah Louise Henry earned a reputation for her prolific output of practical and ingenious creations. With over 110 patents to her name, she revolutionized the way people interacted with everyday household items, from kitchen tools to sewing machines. Her inventions, ranging from the first bobbin-less sewing machine to the vacuum ice cream freezer, showcased her visionary approach to problem solving and her commitment to enhancing the lives of everyday consumers.


Beyond her inventive prowess, Beulah Louise Henry possessed a keen business acumen that set her apart in the world of entrepreneurship. Recognizing the importance of marketing and commercializing her inventions, she established successful partnerships with major corporations and manufacturers, turning her ideas into profitable products that reached a global audience. Her ability to blend innovation with strategic business development cemented her legacy as a pioneer in the small business landscape.

Enduring Legacy and Impact

While Beulah Louise Henry passed away in 1973, her innovative spirit and entrepreneurial legacy continue to resonate with aspiring inventors and small business owners today. Her trailblazing achievements serve as a testament to the power of perseverance, creativity, and tenacity in overcoming obstacles and achieving success in the business world. From her groundbreaking inventions to her trailblazing approach to entrepreneurship, Beulah’s story is a source of inspiration for anyone seeking to make their mark in the world of small business.

Reflections on Inspiration and Entrepreneurial Spirit

As I reflect on the remarkable journey of Beulah Louise Henry, I am reminded of the transformative power of passion, innovation, and entrepreneurial spirit in shaping the future of small business. Her story serves as a beacon of hope and encouragement for those who dare to dream big, defy conventions, and forge their own path in pursuit of their entrepreneurial ambitions. May we all draw inspiration from Beulah’s pioneering spirit and unwavering commitment to turning ideas into reality, one inventive creation at a time.

Beulah Louise Henry’s legacy as a pioneering inventor and savvy entrepreneur serves as a timeless testament to the transformative potential of innovation and determination in the world of small business. As we celebrate her enduring impact and entrepreneurial achievements, let us honor her memory by continuing to push the boundaries of creativity, resilience, and ingenuity in our own entrepreneurial endeavors. Here’s to Beulah Louise Henry, a true visionary whose inventive spirit continues to inspire generations of aspiring entrepreneurs around the world.

Success and Business Savvy
Photo credits to Wikipedia - Colorized by Marc Helman


Monterrey Mexican Bar & Grill: A Community Hub with Authentic Flavors and Charitable Heart


Monterrey Mexican Bar & Grill, located in Mishawaka, IN, highlights the vibrant flavors of Mexican cuisine and is rich in community spirit. Owned and operated by Megan Ramirez since 2013, the restaurant has become a beloved spot for locals and visitors alike. Megan’s journey from a law office to the heart of the food industry is a story of serendipity, passion, and a commitment to authentic culinary experiences.

Megan’s decision to purchase the restaurant was driven by her desire to preserve a cherished local establishment. The previous owner was ready to either sell or close down the business. Megan, who had experience in the food industry and was working in a business law office at the time, saw an opportunity she couldn’t pass up. She made an offer, secured the deal, and eventually moved the restaurant to a new location that came with a coveted liquor license. This move not only expanded the restaurant’s offerings but also ensured their continuity, much to the delight of its loyal patrons

Authentic Culinary Delights

Monterrey Mexican Bar & Grill prides itself on offering an authentic Mexican dining experience. Megan highlights that the menu features genuine flavors and dishes that evoke the experience of dining in Mexico while on vacation. The menu is a blend of traditional Mexican dishes and American Tex-Mex favorites, catering to a wide array of tastes.

The restaurant’s commitment to authenticity is evident in its meticulous preparation methods. Every dish is made fresh daily, with ingredients sourced and prepared to maintain the highest quality. For instance, beans are soaked overnight and simmered all day, while large cuts of meat are slowly cooked to create flavorful carnitas. This dedication to freshness and authenticity ensures that diners receive meals that are not only delicious but also reminiscent of home-cooked Mexican food.

Among the standout dishes is the Burrito Monterrey, which features grilled chicken, chorizo, and rice, topped with a rich cheese sauce. Another favorite is the Burrito California, a unique offering with French fries, guacamole, and cheese that’s grilled to perfection. The restaurant also excels in seafood dishes, made fresh to order, and their sizzling fajitas are a crowd-pleaser. These dishes are experiences that elicit excitement as they are brought to the table with vibrant presentation and aroma.

In addition to the main menu, Monterrey Mexican Bar & Grill offers seasonal specials and unique culinary creations. During Cinco de Mayo, they introduced a Star Warsthemed taco called “May the Fiesta Be With You,” combining carnitas meat with grilled vegetables, which was a hit among patrons. Megan’s innovative approach to menu planning ensures that there is always something new and exciting for regular customers to try.

The Event Space: A COVID Project Turned Community Hub

During the COVID-19 shutdown, Megan saw an opportunity to transform the restaurant’s unused second floor into a vibrant event space. This venue can now host up to 120 people and has become a cornerstone for community events. From weddings to foster parent appreciation meals, the space has hosted a variety of events, reflecting Megan’s passion for community involvement.

One of the most heartwarming initiatives is the pay-what-you-can parties. These events cater to families who might not have the budget for a traditional celebration. Megan shared a touching story about organizing a Sweet 16 party with a DJ who donated his time, creating a memorable experience for a girl who otherwise wouldn’t have had such a celebration. This initiative has extended to graduation open houses, baby showers, and more, highlighting the restaurant’s role in giving back to the community

Challenges and Triumphs

Running a restaurant is not without its challenges. Megan cites the COVID-19 pandemic as the most significant hurdle. The transition to carry-out-only services was fraught with supply chain issues, including a shortage of to-go containers. However, the local restaurant community’s camaraderie helped them navigate these tough times, with owners sharing resources and support. Staffing has also been a critical challenge. Retaining and training staff to align with the restaurant’s mission and culture is an ongoing effort. Despite these challenges, many staff members have been with the restaurant since before Megan took over, contributing to the family-like atmosphere that regular customers cherish

Monterrey Mexican Bar & Grill has overcome challenges to achieve significant triumphs, showcasing Megan’s vision and resilience. The successful renovation of the event space not only provided a new revenue stream but also reinforced the restaurant’s role as a community hub. Despite difficulties, Monterrey Mexican Bar & Grill has maintained high standards of food quality and customer service, earning a loyal customer base. The introduction of innovative dishes and themed events has kept the menu fresh and exciting, attracting both new and returning patrons. These successes are a testament to Megan’s dedication and the strong support from her team and the community.

Future Aspirations and Community Engagement

Looking ahead, Megan dreams of expanding the restaurant’s reach with a food truck. This venture was initially planned before the pandemic, and she hopes to revisit it once market conditions stabilize. Additionally,

she is always experimenting with new menu items, like the Cheesy Chorizo Fries that she has in the works, to keep the offerings fresh and exciting. Moreover, Monterrey Mexican Bar & Grill has added live music every other Tuesday night, enhancing the dining experience with a lively and festive atmosphere. To stay up to date with these events and other special activities, patrons are encouraged to follow their Facebook page. This online presence helps keep the community informed and fosters a sense of connection and engagement

Insights for Aspiring Restaurateurs

Megan’s journey offers valuable lessons for those looking to enter the restaurant industry. She emphasizes the importance of building a strong community and network. Surrounding oneself with diverse perspectives can provide support and innovative ideas, especially during challenging times. Megan also highlights the need for passion and dedication, as the restaurant business is demanding and often unpredictable.

Monterrey Mexican Bar & Grill is a community hub that embodies the spirit of togetherness and generosity. Under Megan Ramirez’s leadership, it has become a pillar of support for the local community and the perfect place to find authentic Mexican cuisine. Whether you’re indulging in their delicious dishes or participating in a charitable event, Monterrey offers a warm, welcoming experience that feels like home. For more information, visit their website www.monterreymexican.com. Experience for yourself the flavors, warmth, and community spirit that make Monterrey a cherished destination for all.

Written by Eleni Ownens / Photography by: Elite Red Media

Mastering Facebook Marketing:

What Every Business Owner & Entrepreneur Needs to Know...

Engaging with Your Audience

Building a community around your brand is perhaps the most rewarding aspect of Facebook marketing.

In today’s digital age, navigating the expansive world of social media is crucial for any business owner or entrepreneur aiming to thrive. Among the myriad platforms available, Facebook remains a heavyweight champion. With over 2.9 billion monthly active users, it’s a vast ocean of potential customers. Here’s what I’ve learned about mastering Facebook marketing to elevate your business.

Understanding the Basics

When I first dove into Facebook marketing, I quickly realized that simply having a business page wasn’t enough. It’s about leveraging the platform’s robust features to engage with your audience effectively.

Here’s the groundwork:

Create a Compelling Business Page: Your Facebook page is the face of your business on the platform. Ensure it’s complete with a professional profile picture, a captivating cover photo, and detailed business information. Consistency in branding across your social media and website helps establish credibility.

Content is King: Regularly posting high-quality, relevant content is non-negotiable. Whether it’s engaging articles, eye-catching images, or informative videos, your content should resonate with your audience. I found that a mix of content types—such as behind-thescenes looks, customer testimonials, and industry news—keeps the feed fresh and engaging.

Utilizing Facebook Ads

One of the game-changers for my business was understanding and effectively using Facebook Ads.

Here’s how I approached it:

Define Your Goals: Whether you want to increase brand awareness, drive traffic to your website, or boost sales, clearly defining your goals is crucial. This clarity helps in designing targeted ad campaigns.

Audience Targeting: Facebook’s advanced targeting options allow you to pinpoint your ideal customers based on demographics, interests, and behaviors. I often create custom audiences from my existing customer lists and lookalike audiences to reach people similar to my best customers.

Ad Design and Copy: Compelling visuals and persuasive copy are the heart of any successful ad. I test different images, headlines, and calls to action to see what resonates most with my audience. Utilizing A/B testing helps refine these elements over time.

Monitor and Optimize: Tracking the performance of your ads through Facebook’s analytics tools is vital. I regularly check metrics such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and ROI. This datadriven approach allows me to tweak my campaigns for better results continually.

Here’s how I stay engaged:

Respond Promptly: Whether it’s comments on your posts or messages in your inbox, responding promptly fosters a sense of community and trust. It shows that you value your customers and are attentive to their needs.

Host Live Sessions: Facebook Live is a fantastic way to interact in real-time. I use live sessions for product launches, Q&A sessions, or to share valuable insights. It’s a direct and personal way to connect with your audience.

Encourage User-Generated Content: Motivating your customers to share their experiences with your products or service can significantly boost your brand’s authenticity. I often run contests or feature customer stories to encourage this type of engagement.

Leveraging Facebook Insights

Finally, understanding and utilizing Facebook Insights is essential. This tool provides a wealth of information about your page’s performance and your audience’s behavior.

Here’s how I use it:

Analyze Post Performance: By reviewing which posts garner the most engagement, I can tailor future content to better meet my audience’s preferences.

Audience Insights: Understanding the demographics and interests of my followers helps in creating more targeted and effective marketing strategies.

Adjust Strategy Based on Data: The data from Facebook Insights informs my overall marketing strategy. If certain types of content or ad campaigns perform exceptionally well, I allocate more resources towards them.


Facebook marketing is a powerful tool for any business owner or entrepreneur. By creating compelling content, leveraging targeted ads, engaging with your audience, and using datadriven insights, you can significantly enhance your brand’s presence and reach. Embrace the dynamic nature of this platform, and you’ll discover an invaluable ally in growing your business.

I encourage every business owner to dive into Facebook marketing with curiosity and an open mind. The potential for growth and connection with your audience is immense — don’t miss out on harnessing this incredible platform.


Joe Baughman: Crafting Harmonies in Music and Motion

In this feature, we dive deep into a conversation with Joe Baughman, an artist whose work includes music, filmmaking, and a harmonious blend of the two. Known for his meticulous stop-motion videos and evocative musical compositions, Joe went from a small-town artist to a notable figure in the indie scene. Follow along as we explore his artistic process, inspirations, and the collaborations that have shaped his career.

Q: Tell me a little bit about the kind of art that you create.

A: “I split my time between music and filmmaking. At the moment, I’m focused on putting out an album by the end of this month. So far, I’ve created three music videos for the album, and I’m working on a fourth. Before that, my work consisted mostly of music videos for other bands around the country and a lot of stop-motion pieces. When I need to fund my own projects, I’ll take on corporate clients as well.”

Q: Can you describe how you first became interested in stopmotion animation?

A: “I started when I was a kid building Legos. My parents got this little Steven Spielberg Lego Jurassic Park set with a stop-motion camera. I made little videos from that, animating little things I would find around the house. Being from a small town, I didn’t have many people to work with. Stop-motion videos were something that I could do on my own or with a small group.”

Q: What was one of your earliest professional projects in music and videography?

A: “One of the first music videos I did was recording a record with my fourth-grade teacher. He used to sing when I was a kid, and because he had a lung disease called pulmonary fibrosis, it was taking away his ability to sing. I wanted to capture his songs while he could still sing. During that process, I emailed the band My Morning Jacket for some production advice. They had a website where they would answer production questions and help DIY musicians like myself. Throughout that communication, their guitar player learned that I make videos, and he asked me to make a music video for him. It gave me my first taste of creating music videos for bands. From there, I worked at a studio in Fort Wayne, and I would create animations and videos after hours. I posted a video on YouTube, and one of the few people who saw it was the artist Sufjan Stevens. He reached out to me to make a video for him, and my filmmaking career took off from there.”

Q: What other bands have you had the opportunity to create videos for?

A: “I’ve worked with Sufjan Stevens, Houndmouth, Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr., The Roots, Questlove, and other indie bands. All these connections have opened the door to more work that funds my passion for making music.”

Q: In addition to filmmaking, you’re in a band as well?

A: “I have two different bands. One of them is The Flying DeSelms. It’s a pseudonym that I use when I want to explore music styles that are different from my main band. The other one is Joe Baughman + The Righteous Few. We’re an all-local band that performs around the Michiana area. Right now, we’re working on an album in collaboration with a Chicago band called OK Cool. Our collaboration is called Pocket -boy Solid, and we created it in response to Covid Isolation.

This was an opportunity to move away from solo work to something collaborative. We brought on OK Cool to play bass and drums on the record while Joe Baughman + The Righteous Few filled in the rest. We made this big, fun album out of it. It’s cool working with additional band members who bring their own flavor to the project.”

Q: When can fans expect Pocketboy Solid’s upcoming album?

A: “The album’s set for release on June 28th. It was going to be the 14th, but we had a really interesting opportunity present itself. Our first single is about character actors, and it’s titled “Close Encounters of the Richard Kind.” The actor, Richard Kind, heard the single when his son sent it to him. He reached out to the band and said he’d be up for doing anything for us. We couldn’t pass up an opportunity like that, so we had him record a funny reaction video to the single. It was great, so I asked him if he wanted to record with us. I went to LA and recorded him doing a verse for the last track on the album. We just finished the mixing process and need a little more time to push the album out. It’s worth it to have an interesting, bizarre feature on the record.”

Q: Where can people find this album and any other music your bands have put out?

A: “Our music videos are on YouTube and we’re on most streaming platforms. Search for:

Pocketboy Solid, The Flying DeSelms, and Joe Baughman + The Righteous Few to see what’s out there.”

Q: Looking forward, where do you see your career heading?

A: “It’s hard to plan for music because you have to get a good break, but this record’s been exciting, and a lot of people have been listening to it. I’ve gotten better at marketing it than I have in the past. I’d love to be able to connect with a record label that would help us with marketing so that I wouldn’t have to do so much self-funding and promoting. I’d love to be able to tour and play more shows. On the filmmaking side, I’m writing a feature that I’d love to be able to film, and I have documentary ideas I’m interested in. I’m pulled in many directions, but the new album and the music are my main focus right now.”

Q: Do you have any words of wisdom for aspiring musicians and filmmakers?

A: “Find joy in the process of making your art. If you don’t enjoy that, it’s not worth the time it will take to grow and find an audience. If you love what you’re doing, then keep going no matter what. You can always figure out a way to make it work. There’s nothing wrong with working a full-time job or side jobs to support yourself and your ability to do what you love.”

Q: How can fans support you and your band?

A: There are many ways to show support which are all invaluable to independent artists like us. Purchasing our records, attending our shows, and streaming our music are direct ways to help. Adding our songs to your playlists and sharing our music on social media increases our visibility. For those who want to stay connected with the latest on our projects and performances, I recommend following our updates through my link tree at https://linktr.ee/jbaughmanmusic. Every bit of support makes a significant difference and allows us to keep creating and sharing our art with the world.

Reflecting on a Journey of Artistic Integrity

Joe Baughman inspires others through his unique blend of music and film. From the meticulous frames of his stop-motion animations to the heartfelt chords of his music, Joe’s creations are a testament to the power of perseverance and passion. As he continues to explore new dimensions of his crafts, the future holds promising opportunities for growth and expression. For those captivated by Joe’s innovative work, follow his continued evolution, and stay updated on his groundbreaking projects by following him on social media and checking out his latest music and films. His story shows aspiring artists that creativity knows no bounds.

Album Artwork/Design by Joe Baughman Photos by Gary Riggs Photography

How To Build A Strong Freelance Network

Freelancer Synergy: Connecting, Collaborating, and Conquering the Gig Jungle

Let’s face it, the freelance life can be a thrilling rollercoaster. One day you’re basking in the glory of landing a dream client, the next you’re wrestling with rogue invoices and wondering where the next project will come from. But fear not, solopreneur pals! In the midst of this wild ride, there’s a secret weapon waiting to be unleashed: the power of freelancer networking.

Think of it as your secret sauce, the magic dust that sprinkles opportunity and collaboration onto your solo hustle. Building connections with other freelancers isn’t just about swapping war stories and commiserating over patchy Wi-Fi. It’s about opening doors to potential clients, valuable partnerships, and a much-needed support system.

So, how do you tap into this network nirvana? Buckle up, because we’re diving into a treasure trove of tips:

1. Online Oasis: Dive into the Digital Pool

The internet is your oyster, your virtual watering hole for freelancer mingling. Join niche Facebook groups, hop onto Twitter threads specific to your industry, and explore LinkedIn communities catering to your skill set. Don’t be a lurker! Engage in discussions, offer helpful advice, and showcase your expertise. Remember, online visibility breeds real-world connections.

2. IRL FTW: Venture Beyond the Screen

Put down the laptop and step into the sunshine! Attend industry events, workshops, and conferences. Strike up conversations, exchange business cards (yes, they’re still a thing!), and participate in panel discussions.

Remember, face-to-face interaction can spark lasting collaborations and unexpected opportunities.

3. Collaboration Station: Team Up for the Win

Sometimes, two freelance forces are better than one. Identify projects that could benefit from a team approach and reach out to fellow freelancers with complementary skills. Brainstorm together, divide and conquer tasks, and share the spoils of victory. Bonus points for building a killer portfolio piece that showcases your collaborative prowess.

4. Client Catch: Cast a Wider Net

Networking isn’t just about fellow freelancers. It’s about connecting with potential clients too! Share your expertise at local business meetups, offer free consultations in your niche, and guest blog on industry websites. The more your name gets out there, the more likely clients will come knocking (or, more likely, sending an email).

5. Mutual Aid Society: Lend a Hand, Get a Hand

Remember, what goes around comes around. Be generous with your knowledge and support other freelancers. Offer referrals, recommend tools and resources, and celebrate each other’s successes. Building a strong network of mutual support means you’ll always have someone to bounce ideas off of, share leads with, and commiserate with during those inevitable tech meltdowns.

Networking isn’t a one-time event, it’s an ongoing journey. Nurture your connections, be genuine, and always offer value. By building a strong network, you’ll transform your freelance hustle from a solitary sprint into a collaborative marathon, with a cheering squad of fellow solopreneurs at your side. So, go forth, connect, and conquer the gig jungle with the power of freelancer synergy!

Melissa(Mel) believes in the power of design and has a Bachelor of Science in Design from Full Sail University. She has worked as a Freelance Designer since 2020 and works as a visual designer for M&D Advertising. When not working on design projects, she spends her free time crocheting and spending time with her husband of over 20 years.

1. It is a way to share in less than 60 seconds enough about your company that invites someone to want to learn more.

2. It is NOT a way to “sell” your products, services, or you to anyone.

Think of it as a “tease” to get people asking you more questions. You know, become a person of mystery who seems to have a great secret that I must have or know too.

In the book “Networking Like a Pro” by Ivan Misner, Ph.D. and David Alexander & Brian Hilliard, they share the definition of a Unique Selling Proposition (USP) that you can use at all your networking events.

“Your USP is basically a brief description of the purpose of your business, stated in the most succinct and compelling way possible in order to get others to understand the unique value of what you do.”

Going Up?

Various USP’s that have been successful will invite questions about that company or person drawing them in to learn more about that company.

Examples created for you:

“I consult and provide solutions for women between the ages of 18-80 to address their skin care challenges. I also coach women how to provide solutions, in order to pay for extras beyond the family budget or supplement their retirement.” -Cosmetic Consultant

“Working with families to find the right fit for their caregiving needs is what we provide. That can range from rehabilitation after surgery to a full time residence with extra care.” —Senior Residence Marketing Director

“I help design your marketing plan with a strategy that may include lumpy mail, to specialty gifts, and a simple promotional item that leaves a lasting impression. Our goal is to increase client retention and brand recognition by 20-40%.” —Advertising Specialties Consultant

These made up examples illustrate that you want to provide enough information without “boring” them with all your stories. Now the person you are speaking with also has a good picture of who your target audience will be. Be brief and to the point. These USP’s also invite the follow up question… “How do you do that?”

I challenge you to create and practice your USP for your business. That way you are prepared for your next “elevator” ride.

Independent Sales Director with Mary Kay, Inc.

Director Consultant Northern Indiana Region of BNI Kathy’s Connection Hub: https://linktr.ee/kathyhoover Email: Kathy@kathyhoover.com

Kathy has traveled the world to begin businesses for others. She is an experienced Sales Director with over 35 years of experience in Finance, Marketing, Business Management, Inventory Management and is a CEO of her Mary Kay Organization. She leads teams of women and men in both her Consultant Roles and coaches them to success. She is highly skilled in Interpersonal/ Public Communications, Teaching, Sales, Retail, Business Coaching, Skin Care, and Color Applications. She is also a sought after arts and design professional with numerous professional certifications and awards. Kathy enjoys giving back to the community. She has been instrumental in building an Adult Day Care program from the ground up that is still in operation today, serving as a volunteer, Board President and Fundraiser. She has worked with the Optimist Organization as well as mission trips.

Photos: Gary Riggs Photography gary@gprphotography.com / www.gprphotography.com Elite Red Media Photos for Monterry Mexican Grill / www.eliteredmedia.com Small Business Showcase Magazine For advertising info call: 269-414-0204 www.smbizshowcase.com Email: deb@smbizshowcase.com © 2023 Small Business Showcase Magazine, All Rights Reserved Authors:
Andy Garza, Deb Ammerman, Eleni Owens, Melissa Rowe-Lane, Mike Ronchetti, Jon Rolón, Kathy Hoover
Have you created your Elevator Pitch yet? What is an elevator

Overcoming Impostor Syndrome and Embracing Self-Worth: A Small Business Owner’s Journey

Once upon a time, in a quaint little town, there was a small business owner named Jamie. Jamie ran a cozy bookshop that was a haven for book lovers, complete with comfy chairs and the smell of freshly brewed coffee wafting through the air. On the surface, Jamie seemed like the epitome of success, but underneath the calm exterior was a swirling storm of self-doubt and impostor syndrome.

You see, Jamie often felt like an impostor in the world of business. Despite the shop’s growing popularity and loyal customer base, Jamie couldn’t shake the feeling that it was all just a stroke of luck, and that any day now, someone would come along and reveal the truth: Jamie was just pretending to be a successful business owner.

One particularly stressful day, Jamie confided in a fellow business owner, Alex, over a cup of tea. Alex listened patiently and then shared a secret. “You’re not alone, Jamie. I’ve felt the same way many times. It’s called impostor syndrome, and it’s more common than you think.”

Intrigued and a bit relieved, Jamie asked, “But how do you deal with it?”

Alex leaned back and smiled. “Let me tell you a story.”

Alex recounted the early days of starting a tech startup. The business struggled at first, and every small success was overshadowed by the fear of failure. But Alex learned a few tricks to keep impostor syndrome at bay.

“First,” Alex said, “I started keeping a ‘win journal.’ Every time something went right, no matter how small, I wrote it down. It could be a great customer review, a successful event, or even just finishing a tricky project. Over time, I had a whole collection of achievements to look back on whenever doubt crept in.”

Jamie loved this idea and decided to start a win journal right away.

“Second,” Alex continued, “I learned to talk back to my inner critic. Whenever that voice in my head said, ‘You’re not good enough,’ I countered it with facts. ‘Actually, I am good enough because look at all I’ve accomplished.’ It sounds silly, but it works.”

Jamie chuckled. “I’ll have to try that. Anything else?”

“Lastly,” Alex said, “I built a support network. Surround yourself with people who believe in you. Join a local business group, find a mentor, or simply talk to friends who understand your journey. Sometimes, just hearing someone else say, ‘You’re doing great,’ can make all the difference.”

Feeling more hopeful than ever, Jamie thanked Alex and decided to put these tips into practice. Over the next few months, Jamie’s win journal filled up with achievements, from hosting a successful book club meeting to securing a feature in the local newspaper. Every time impostor syndrome reared its ugly head, Jamie would flip through the journal and remember all the successes, big and small.

Jamie also started attending a local entrepreneur meet-up and found comfort in sharing stories with others who faced similar challenges. Slowly but surely, the impostor syndrome began to fade, replaced by a growing sense of self-worth and confidence.

One sunny afternoon, as Jamie looked around the bustling bookshop, it was clear: this success wasn’t an accident. It was the result of hard work, dedication, and a passion for books. Jamie wasn’t an impostor; Jamie was a thriving business owner who deserved every bit of success.

And so, dear reader, if you ever find yourself doubting your worth or feeling like an impostor, remember Jamie’s journey. Keep track of your wins, silence your inner critic with facts, and surround yourself with a supportive community. Embrace your achievements, no matter how small, and know that you are truly deserving of your success.

A Short-Story Written by Deb Ammerman.

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