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Susanne Bohne studied German literature and worked as a designer before - inspired by her daughter - she began to write and illustrate children‘s books starring “Wilma Weekworm”. She thinks that humour is a good survival strategy and that the little things in life are often bigger than they seem. This is also the story of her novel, “The Crooked House”, published by Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag in December 2019. On her blog, “Hallo liebe Wolke” (Hello, my dear cloud), Susanne Bohne talks to clouds about her everyday life between being a writer and being a mom, and makes many of her stories available to children free of charge.

Wilma Weekworm explains:

Virus & Co A learning story for children at kindergarten and primary school by Susanne Bohne

Bibliographic information from the German National Library: The German National Library lists this publication in the German National Bibliography; detailed bibliographic data are available on the internet at dnb.dnb.de. Š 2020 Susanne Bohne / Hello dear cloud Text & illustrations: Susanne Bohne All rights reserved. Production and publishing: BoD – Books on Demand GmbH, Norderstedt, Germany ISBN 978-3-751-91382-9

Hey you! I am Wilma Weekworm and today I am going to tell you the story of how I was sick once and had a bad runny nose. On these pages, you can read all about the people who helped me to get fit and healthy again, what viruses are all about - and how people – you, too - can protect themselves from getting sick in the first place. Ready to start?


„Aaaachoooo!“ Oh, dear! Who sneezes so loudly that it can be heard all over the park at the end of the street?

oooooo! h c

You hear it again and then someone blows their nose very loudly. “Oh dear, oh dear!” someone sobs, and then we see who it is: The small, colourful Wilma Weekworm is sitting in the park, wearing a thick scarf.Her nose is as red as a tomato and she looks very miserable. She blows her nose again and then drinks a large sip of hot camomile tea from her favourite flowered teacup.

a Aaaa



Yesterday, Wilma was still bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, and played the whole afternoon with her friend, Mona Monthworm. In the evening, she had a sore throat - and - hey! - a little while later, her nose started to run. Wilma has really got it bad. The little Weekworm is sick. And now she’s going to sneeze again - achoo! “This isn’t any fun at all”, Wilma thinks, sniffing a little unhappily. Because when you’re sick, you don’t feel very well. Wilma already knows that, because she has been sick a few times already in her worm life. Last summer, for example, she had a bad tummy and diarrhoea, and in winter, she usually gets a cold and cough and a bit of a sore throat, and sometimes even a fever. And now her head hurts and she has a sore throat and her nose is dripping and dripping.


Have you ever been sick? Draw a picture here of yourself when you were sick.


“Oh my, oh my!”, Wilma sobs again, because sometimes when you are sick you have to complain a little. Since Wilma is sobbing a little, and often has to sneeze very loudly, her friend Sebastian hears her and sneezing from the other side of the park and knows immediately what‘s going on. Just like Wilma, Sebastian is not an ordinary worm. Sebastian went to Worm University and studied medicine.

did - do Sebas n . e r ctor worm tian Spl D His name is Dr. Sebastian Splendid, and he is a doctor worm. A doctor can, of course, hear from a distance what is going on when someone has to sneeze so often. That’s why Sebastian immediately grabbed his doctor’s bag to help Wilma.


Poor Wilma Weekworm has a runny nose and a cough. Her head is very hot and she doesn‘t feel well at all. Wilma Weekworm is sick. Her friend, the doctor worm, Sebastian Splendid, explains: A virus probably gave her this runny nose. And because Wilma is a clever worm, she naturally wants to know exactly:

What is a virus? Why can viruses make you sick? How do you get well again? How can you avoid getting infected by a virus? Child-friendly, and with hands-on pages (e.g. the “virus puzzle” with an exercise on the shapes of circles, squares and triangles), Wilma and Sebastian explain the topic, “Virus & Co” to children in nursery, kindergarten and elementary school.

With a learning poster about the most important hygiene rules To Print

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