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ROOM Ten Novels to Read in Class


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2014-12-15 09:52

Thirteen Reasons Why By Jay Asher thirteen reasons why







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This young-adult novel is set in the US and centres on the suicide of a teenage girl. The novel has two narrators: the boy, who is sent 7 cassette tapes from the deceased girl, and the girl’s own voice telling her story on the tapes. Both are told in the first person in accessible, straight-forward and informal language. The narrative style can be called “epistolary”, as the narrative moves forward through the content of the cassette tapes. The novel is aimed at young-adult readers and focuses on the relationships and missed communications in an ordinary American high school.


About the book

Approximate page extent: 290

The author Jay Asher was born in California in 1975. He started writing already in high school, then studied to become an elementary school teacher before decided to take up writing full-time. Thirteen reasons why, which is his debut novel, was published in 2007. He built the story of Hannah on experiences form his own life: “the main issue in the novel was something of interest to me because a close relative of mine attempted suicide when she was Hannah’s age. Since then, she and I have had many conversations about her state of mind at the time as well as how she may not have seen things exactly for what they were.” Asher claims that even though the novel is strictly fictional, many of the scenarios are built on experiences and emotions told by Asher’s female friends and according to the author, the setting, a fictional city, is based on the two Californian cities where he grew up himself. Asher got the idea of using a recorded voice as one of the narrators from an audio tour at a museum.

Further studies Literary references: Holden Caulfield – the catcher in the rye. (p 122) Romeo and Juliet 197 Themes: Guilt; reputation/rumours; suicide/death; betrayal

teacher material

Website: www.jayasher.blogspot.se www.thirteenreasonswhy.com

Reading Room © AnnChristine Ström och Natur & Kultur isbn 978-91-2743308-3



thirteen reasons why

Hannah Baker The deceased girl. The narrative voice on the cassette tapes. Clay Jensen The boy who receives the tapes. The main narrator of the novel. Tony Clay’s friend; the owner of the tape recorder. Justin Foley

Hannah’s first kiss.

Alex Standall Hannah, Jessica and Alex hang out when they are new in town.

Jessica Davis Hannah, Jessica and Alex hang out when they are new in town.

Tyler Down

Takes photos through Hannah’s window.

Courtney Crimsen

Friend and enemy of Hannah’s.

Marcus Cooley

Dates Hannah.

Zach Dempsey

Steals Hannah’s notes of encouragement.

Ryan Shaver

Bryce Walker

Steals one of Hannah’s poems. A bully at school.

Mr. Porter English teacher and Hannah’s guidance counsellor.

Skye Clay’s childhood crush.


Reading Room Kopieringsunderlag | © AnnChristine Ström och Natur & Kultur isbn 978-91-2743308-3

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Plot part

1 • Preface – Cassette 2: side A (1–68)

Points to consider: Do students know what a cassette tape is?


2 • Cassette 2: Side B – Cassette 3: Side B (69–148)

Cassette 2: side B is about Tyler Down. Hannah realizes that someone is taking pictures of her through her window (a Peeping Tom). Another girl, Courtney Crimsen, stays the night with her in order to find out who it is. Courtney starts talking dirty and pretend to massage Hannah, they open the blinds to expose teacher material

part 3 • Cassette 4: Side A – Cassette 5: Side A (149–219) Cassette 4: Side A is about Zach Dempsey. After Marcus has left Hannah at the restaurant (after their failed Valentines date) Zach approaches her. It seems to be an attempt at helping her but when Hannah turns him away he becomes angry and resentful of Hannah. Later in school students are asked to give notes of encouraging comments to each other in Peer Communication. Zach steals Hanna’s notes. Hannah begins to consider suicide. Anonymously she submits a note to their teacher, wanting to discuss the subject of suicide in class. The discussion is cut short. The other students comment that whoever handed in the note was just asking for attention. Tony arrives at the restaurant where Clay is (having followed Hannah’s map). Tony wants to know where his Walkman is. Cassette 4: Side B is about Ryan Shaver. Hannah

Reading Room © AnnChristine Ström och Natur & Kultur isbn 978-91-2743308-3


thirteen reasons why

Clay Jensen receives a set of cassette tapes from Hannah Baker. She has recently committed suicide. On the tape Hannah says the there are 7 tapes with 13 recordings, one for each reason (or person guilty) for her suicide. Each person on the list should pass along the tapes to the next person on the list. There is a second set of tapes somewhere which will be made official unless the tapes continue to be passed on. She has also distributed a map marking important places. The first person mentioned (Cassette 1: Side A), is Justin Foley. When Hannah is new in town, she goes on a date with Justin. They kiss (Hannah’s first kiss). Later on Justin spreads a rumour that they did more than kissing and Hannah starts to get a reputation. Clay goes to his friend Tony to borrow a tape recorder. He takes one from Tony’s car without asking. The second person mentioned (Cassette 1: Side B) is Alex Standell. Alex makes a list entitled “Best Ass in Freshmen Class”. Hannah tops the list. Jessica Davis, a former friend of Hannah’s, is listed as “Worst Ass”. Hannah is later abused in a shop by Bryce (not mentioned by name here), who grabs her bum, offering the list as his excuse. Clay remembers how he once noticed a girl only after she had appeared on a similar list, “Best Lips”. Cassette 2, Side A, is about Jessica Davis. She came to the school at the same time as Hannah and the two of them were “set up” by the guidance counsellor, Ms Antilly. Jessica and Hannah started hanging out and were soon joined by Alex, who was also new in town. Eventually the group breaks up and, when the “Best Ass” list turns up, Hannah is sure it is Alex’s way of trying to hurt Jessica and Hannah. Jessica and Hannah get into a disagreement and Jessica hits Hannah. Clay follows Hannah’s map, and gets on a bus.

the viewer. They do not see his face, but the next day Hannah notices Tyler’s nervous behaviour. Cassette 3: Side A is about Courtney Crimsen. Being very pretty, Courtney is used to attention. After the Peeping Tom incident Courtney and Hannah do not speak again until one day when Courtney asks Hannah to go to a party with her. At the party Courtney makes Hannah feel awkward. Courtney tells the story of the night she stayed in Hannah’s house but she also says things which are not true. This adds to Hannah’s reputation for promiscuity. While on the bus (following Hannah’s map) Clay meets Skye, a girl he used to have a crush on, who now seems lonely. The map leads Clay to Tyler Down’s house. A window is broken as if someone has thrown a stone at it. Here Clay runs into Marcus Cooley. Marcus is also on Hannah’s list. Cassette 3: Side B is about Marcus Cooley. A Valentine survey is arranged in order to raise money for the High School cheerleaders entitled “Oh My Dollar Valentines”. After filling in a survey, students receive a list of potential soul mates in the school. Marcus Cooley is at the top of Hannah’s list. Marcus asks Hannah out for Valentine’s Day, but turns up late for the date and starts groping her, forcing her to push him away. Clay remembers working with Hannah at the cinema. He also remembers an incident when Bryce abused a girl at the cinema.

thirteen reasons why

joins a poetry club. So does Ryan Shaver, editor of the school gazette. Hannah and Ryan share their poems with each other. Ryan steals one of Hannah’s poems and publishes it anonymously in the school gazette. Cassette 5: Side A is about Clay himself. Clay is on the list, not because he has caused Hannah’s suicide but simple because she wants to tell the whole story. Hannah has been attracted to Clay, as he was to her. During a party they had started to express these feelings but Hannah, unable to handle it, had asked Clay to leave. Tony collects Clay in his car and admits that he has the second set of tapes. He makes sure that everyone on the list passes the tapes on. 4 • Cassette 5: Side B – The next day (220–288) Cassette 5 is about Bryce Walker. Hannah tells the story of how Jessica, who is very drunk, gets raped in the room where Hannah and Clay have been kissing. Hannah doesn’t say who the rapist is but Clay realises it must be Bryce. Hannah, hiding in a closet, and Justin, outside the room are both aware of what is going on but neither of them tries to stop it. Clay gets sick from reading about the raping. The next chapter focuses on Jenny Kurtz (Cassette 6: Side A). Hannah is walking home from the party (after kissing Clay and after Jessica has been raped). Jenny offers to drive Hannah home, and Hannah accepts. Jenny slides off the road and knocks down a road sign. It is a stop sign at an intersection. Hannah wants to report the knocked-down sign to the police but Jenny refuses. She gets annoyed and asks Hannah to leave the car. Eventually, Hannah reaches a payphone and calls the police, but it is too late. There has already been an accident at the intersection and a part


Reading Room © AnnChristine Ström och Natur & Kultur isbn 978-91-2743308-3

student from their school has been killed. Tony tells Clay why he has received the second set of tapes. They talk about what signs there were that Hannah would commit suicide and about feelings of guilt. Cassette 6: Side B is about Courtney Crimsen and Bryce Walker. There is a party at Courtney’s house. Hannah is staying in a neighbours’ house, looking after a dog. When the party has died down Hannah walks past the house and is invited to sit in the hot tub with Bryce and Courtney. Courtney leaves the pool and Bryce has sex with Hannah who is disgusted but does not say no. The last tape (Cassette 7: Side A) is a recording of a conversation Hannah has with her teacher and guidance counsellor, Mr Porter. Hannah turns to him for help but he does not offer her the help she is looking for. She leaves his room. She ends her recording with: “And I’m sorry”. On the next side (Cassette 7: Side B) there is also a “Thank you”. The last chapter narrates the day after Clay has listened to the cassettes. Clay returns to school, quite apprehensive and a bit late. In the corridor he sees Skye, the girl he used to have a crush on. Again, Clay is struck by how unsecure and lonely Skye seems to be, but this time he is going to talk to her. The novel ends with Clay calling out for her.

teacher material

Open up “Rumours” thirteen reasons why

1 One of the themes in this book is “rumours” Read the below quotes. 2 In groups of four or five, choose one of the quotes each and consider if you disagree or disagree with it. Write down you reason. Then, in your group present your reasons and discuss the quotes one at a time.

“You can hear rumors. But you can’t know them.”

“I don’t have to listen to rumors about a man when I can judge him for myself.”

Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher

Different Seasons by Stephen King “And everyone knows you can’t disprove a rumor.” “Don’t forget this, too: Rumors aren’t interested in the unsensational story; rumors don’t care what’s true.”

Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher

In One Person by John Irving

3 What types of rumours are people interested in hearing and passing on? Make a list of five topics which would spread quickly and rank them from the most interesting topic to the least interesting topic. If possible; compare your list with a class mate.

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Reading Room Kopieringsunderlag | © AnnChristine Ström och Natur & Kultur ISBN 978-91-2743308-3


Part 1

Text check-up Preface–Cassette 2: side A (1-68) Check that you have understood what has happened in part 1 of the novel. thirteen reasons why

1 From where does Clay get the tapes?

FF From school. FF Through the mail.

5 Hannah gives a motive for disliking the “Best/ Worst” lists, which are circulating at the school. What is her motive?

FF They create jealousy between people.

FF From Tony.

FF They are untrue and unfair. FF They make people treat you differently.

2 How does Clay get hold of the Walkman?

FF From the garage where his father keeps old stuff.

6 Read the below extract.

FF It arrives with the set of tapes.

So I spun the steering wheel as hard as I could to make it rattle. You took a step back, looked up, and called my name. But don’t worry, even though I wanted to live out my dream, I didn’t expect you to know every single line and tell me to stop playing with the trees and come down.

FF He takes it from Tony’s car. 3 Why does the teacher (Ms. Antilly) set up a meeting between Hannah and Jessica?

“Be right down,” I said.

But you told me to stop. You’d climb up to where I was.

So I shouted back, “No! Let me take the slide.”

4 When Clay finds the first red star on Hannah’s map, her old house, he realized he has visited the house In connection with another, more recent, situation. Which?

FF A car accident.

Who is talking? Where are they?

FF A party.

FF A visit to a childhood crush.


Reading Room Kopieringsunderlag | © AnnChristine Ström och Natur & Kultur isbn 978-91-2743308-3

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Part 1

Language focus Preface–Cassette 2: side A (1–68)

Vocabulary – Synonyms thirteen reasons why

1 Combine the word with the correct synonym.

a) porch (n)


b) tale (n)


c) betrayal (n)


d) aisle (n)


e) scribble (n)


f) hollow (adj)


g) solid (adj)


h) cautious (adj)


i) anxious (adj)


j) doubtful (adj)


2 Individually or in pairs, write a short paragraph including ten of these words.

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Reading Room Kopieringsunderlag | © AnnChristine Ström och Natur & Kultur ISBN 978-91-2743308-3


Grammar – Prepositions and adverbs Fill in the correct preposition/adverb in the gap. Choose between: at, down, in, of, off, on, out, up thirteen reasons why

1 A package was propped against the front door 2 Inside the envelope was a folded

an angle. map of the city.

3 You betrayed me, even though you did not mean to let me 4 He obeyed her


of fear.

5 What did she see in him? She was unable to put her finger


6 Even though you mean no harm, other people may act


7 The choice of new student counselor was very unfortunate, as it turned 8 I don’t want to talk to her. We have nothing 9 My stomach was unable to hold


common. anything solid.

10 When he opened his mouth to deny it, Jessica cut him


11 What happened to Justin? Has he just been wiped out

the picture?

An extract Read the below extract from Part 1 of the novel carefully. Then choose to either: A Translate the extract into Swedish. B Rewrite the text and simplify the language as much as possible

(using short sentences, simple vocabulary and straightforward grammar). I make my way down the center aisle, buttoning my jacket against the cold, giving each button more attention than required. Any excuse to avert my eyes from the other passengers. I know how I must look to them. Confused. Guilty. In the process of being crushed. I choose a bench that, as long as no one else boards, is situated between three or four empty seats all around. The blue vinyl cushion is ripped down the middle, with the yellow stuffing inside about to burst out. I slide over to the window. (59)


Reading Room Kopieringsunderlag | © AnnChristine Ström och Natur & Kultur isbn 978-91-2743308-3

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Book Club

Part 1

Preface–Cassette 2: side A (1–68) Answer the questions about part 1 of the novel. 1 What do you think Hannah wants to achieve with the tapes? 2 Clay follows Hannah’s instructions – do you think that he is right in doing so? What would you have done in his situation? 3 Hannah has just moved to town and on the first side of the first tape she says: “And this time, I was going to be in control of how people saw me. After all, how often do we get a second chance?” What do you think she means by this? What does this say about her previous life? 4 What do you think of the friendship between Hannah, Jessica and Alex? What kind of friendship is it? What goes wrong? 5 Pick a sentence or a scene that in your opinion sticks out or is worth mentioning. Read it aloud or summarize it, and explain why you chose it.


Part 2

Text check-up Cassette 2: Side B - Cassette 3: Side B (69-148) Check that you have understood what has happened in part 2 of the novel. thirteen reasons why

1 What do Hannah’s parents do for a living?

6 Read the below extract.

“You want to throw something?”

The icy chill comes slicing back. I spin around, ready to hit someone and run.

“Hold it. It’s me.”

Marcus Cooley, from school.

2 Clay meets Skye on a bus. What is their previous relationship?

I lean forward, resting my hands on my knees. Exhausted. “What are you doing here?” I ask.

Marcus holds a fist-sized rock just below my eyes. “Take it,” he says.

I look up at him. “Why?” “You’ll feel better, Clay. Honest.”


3 Clay has a part-time job. Where?

FF The Crestmont Cinema. FF Monet’s Garden. FF The attendance office.

Where are Marcus and Clay? Why is Clay so upset?

4 Why does Courtney Crimsen stay the night in Hannah’s house?

5 Why does Hannah agree to go to a date with Marcus Cooley?

FF Because he thinks he is attractive. FF Because he tops her Valentine list. FF Because the cheerleader listen to their conversation.


Reading Room Kopieringsunderlag | © AnnChristine Ström och Natur & Kultur isbn 978-91-2743308-3

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Part 4

Text check-up Cassette 5: Side B – The next day (220-288) Check that you have understood what has happened in part 4 of the novel. thirteen reasons why

1 What happens to Jessica in the bedroom at the party?

FF She has sex with Justin. FF She is raped by Bryce. FF She is left on her own to sleep off her drunkenness.

2 What does Jenny Kurtz hit with her car on her way home from the party?

FF A young student from school.

5 How did Clay deliver the tapes to Jenny Kurtz? 6 Read the below extract.

FF A stop sign.

Coming out of Mr Porter’s class, Steve Oliver nods his head at me and smiles. The student from the other locker rounds the corner into the hall, almost colliding into Steve.

FF Another car. 3 Hannah sends the second set of tapes to Tony and by doing so she involves him in the passing on of tapes. What is the catch she has on him in trusting him to accept this role?

She whispers, “I’m sorry,” then moves around him to get by. Steve looks down at her but doesn’t respond, just keeps up his pace, moving loser to me. “All right, Clay!” he says. Then he laughs. “Someone’s late for class, huh?”

FF They have classes together in school. FF She gives him her bike. FF He has lent her a tape recorder. 4 Hannah turns to Mr Porter, her teacher and guidance counsellor, for help after her own incident with Bryce. Mr Porter gives her three options of how to act. What options?

Beyond him, in the hall, the girl turns.

Who is the girl? Do you remember who Mr Porter is?


Reading Room Kopieringsunderlag | © AnnChristine Ström och Natur & Kultur isbn 978-91-2743308-3

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Part 4

Language focus Cassette 5: Side B – The next day (220-288)

Vocabulary – Expressions and antonyms thirteen reasons why

1 Answer the questions in a way which explains the meaning of the expressions/words in italics.

a) Against whom might you hold a grudge? b) When is it a good idea to take a hint? c) If a person slams a door shut, in which mood is he/she? d) What mood are you in if your jaw is clenched? e) Where are you going if you reverse? f) When do you tuck someone in? g) When do you do something if you do it once in a while? h) When do you arrive if you arrive you are right on cue?


Combine the words with their antonyms.

a) add


b) absent


c) tangled (adj)


d) sober


e) damp


f) public


g) narrow (v)


h) remain


i) descend


j) content


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Reading Room Kopieringsunderlag | © AnnChristine Ström och Natur & Kultur ISBN 978-91-2743308-3


Grammar and an extract – Reported speech 1 This passage is dialogue between Mr Porter and Hannah. In a dialogue the text is written in direct speech. 2 Imagine the emotions inside Mr Porter’s head. thirteen reasons why

3 Rewrite the passage in reported speech. I.e. write it in the past tense, without dialogue from Mr Porter’s point of view (“then she said …, then I asked …”).

– Hannah, it’s okay. I’ve got as much time as you need. Whenever you’re ready. – It’s just … things. Everything’s so hard right now. I don’t know where to begin. I mean, I kind of do. But there’s so much and I don’t know how to sum it all up. – You don’t need to sum it all up. Why don’t we begin with how you’re feeling today. – Right now? – Right now. – Right now I feel lost, I guess. Sort of empty. – Empty how? – Just empty. Just nothing. I don’t care anymore. – About? – About anything. School. Myself. The people in my school. – What about your friends? – You’re going to have to define “friends” if you want an answer to that question. – Don’t tell me you don’t have friends, Hannah. I see you in the halls. – Seriously, I need a definition. How do you know what a friend is? – Someone you can turn to when … – Then I don’t have any. That’s why I’m here, isn’t it? I’m turning to you.


Reading Room Kopieringsunderlag | © AnnChristine Ström och Natur & Kultur isbn 978-91-2743308-3

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Book Club

Part 4

Cassette 5: Side B – The next day (220-288) Answer the questions about part 4 of the novel.

1 Neither Hannah nor Justin tries to stop Bryce from raping the unconscious Jessica. Why? 2 Why does Jennifer get so upset when Hannah wants to report the run-down stop sign? 3 Hannah despises Bryce, still she has sex with him. Why? 4 Hannah turns to Mr Porter, teacher and counsellor, for help. Do you think Mr Porter should have been able to see that she needed more help than he gave her? What signs did she give him? 5 Pick a sentence or a scene that in your opinion sticks out or is worth mentioning. Read it aloud or summarize it, and explain why you chose it.


Literary focus 1:Tone thirteen reasons why

Tone is a way to convey attitude towards subject or audience. Since tone is something mainly connected to spoken language, tone in choice of vocabulary and style. Tone is the attitude or feeling of the voice which is speaking. For example we might assume that a person in authority (such as a principal) would speak with a certain tone, and a child might have a different tone. a) Does Jay Asher manage to catch the tone and feelings of teenagers? How? Why not? b) Choose a passage with dialogue from the text. c) Describe the tone in this paragraph with as many adjectives as you can. d) Rewrite the paragraph with a different tone.

2: Point of view In a novel, point of view is the angle from which the reader is presented with a certain situation. If the narrator tells the story in first person (“I was nervous when I went to the shop.”) then it is the narrator’s point of view the reader gets. However, a third-person narrator can show different points of view by describing how different characters feel (“She was nervous when she went to the shop”). Sometimes the narrator changes in a book (as in 13 Reasons Why) so that the reader is presented with several points of view in a first-person narrative. a) When do we (the readers) get Hannah’s point of view? b) When do we get Clay’s point of view? c) Is any other point of view given in the novel? If so, when? 26

Reading Room Kopieringsunderlag | © AnnChristine Ström och Natur & Kultur isbn 978-91-2743308-3

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Ten Novels to Read in Class reading room är ett lärar- och kopieringsmaterial i engelska

för gymnasieskolan och vuxenundervisningen. reading room innehåller lättillgänglig vägledning och praktiska

uppgifter ( inkl. facit ) för att arbeta med tio engelskspråkiga romaner i olika genrer.

•  Amy and Roger’s Epic Detour  Morgan Matson, USA •  13 Reasons Why  Jay Asher, USA •  The Kite Runner  Khaled Hosseini, USA /Afghanistan •  Jellicoe Road  Melina Marchetta, Australien •  Purple Hibiscus  Chiamanda Ngozie Adichie, Nigeria •  The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time  Mark Haddon, UK •  The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon  Stephen King, USA •  Neverwhere  Neil Gaiman, UK •  The Murder of Roger Ackroyd  Agatha Christie, UK •  The Great Gatsby  F. Scott Fitzgerald, USA

Till varje roman finns : • Snabbfakta om författaren, sammanfattning av handlingen och länkar för mer information. • Motiverande introduktionsuppgift. • Praktiska övningar som rör lässtrategier, läsförståelse, ordförråd och grammatik. • Spännande diskussionsfrågor för seminarier. • Konkreta uppgifter som rör litteraturanalys. • Muntliga och skriftliga uppgifter för bedömning.

ISBN 978-91-27-43308-3

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