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Anne Helene Røise Bade Maria Dreyer Pettersen

Join the Quest Join the Quest är ett grundläromedel i engelska för åk 1–6. Join the Quest 4–6 innehåller: olika texttyper som ger alla elever en bra läsupplevelse modelltexter som stödjer elevernas eget skrivande tydliga språkinlärningsstrategier strukturerat arbete med ord och begrepp rikt bildstöd: färgstarka och varierade illustrationer som ger bra stöd vid läsningen samt vid bildsamtal • varierade uppgifter och aktiviteter som gör det lätt att individualisera • strukturerat arbete med de grundläggande färdigheterna: läsa, höra, tala och skriva • utvärderingsmaterial

Join the Quest 4–6 har följande komponenter i varje årskurs: Join the Quest Textbook – textbok med olika textertyper, nivåindelade i röda och gula texter med tillhörande uppgifter kopplat till de grundläggande färdigheterna

Join the Quest Teacher’s Guide – en lärarhandledning som ger hjälp och stöd i undervisningen, i arbetet med utvärdering och bedömning, hur du kan individualisera och ämnesintegrera, dessutom tester och kopieringsunderlag

Join the Quest Lärarljud – texter, sånger och hörövningar Join the Quest Webbapp – här kan eleverna lyssna på texter, träna på och befästa ord och grammatiska strukturer. Finns på Liber.se

Join the Quest

Join the Quest Workbook – arbetsbok med uppgifter av varierande slag,



Bade • Pettersen • Tømmerbakke

• • • • •

Join the


Kumi Tømmerbakke


Best.nr 47-12313-1 Tryck.nr 47-12313-1

4712313_Join the Quest 6 wb_omslag_korr 1.indd Alla sidor

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Join the




Anne Helene Røise Bade Maria Dreyer Pettersen Kumi Tømmerbakke


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2017-05-15 10:22

ISBN 978-91-47-12313-1 © 2017 Anne Helene Røise Bade, Maria Dreyer Pettersen, Kumi Tømmerbakke och Liber AB Originaltitel: Quest 7 Workbook © H. Aschehoug & Co. (W. Nygaard) 2016, 1. utgave / 2. opplag 2016 Projektledare: Anna Karlberg Redaktör: Ulrika Wendéus Grafisk formgiving: Marit Jakobsen Omslag: Marit Jakobsen Omslagsbild: Jenny Karlsson Produktion: Eva Runeberg Påhlman Bildredaktör: Marie Olsson Acknowledgements: Tack Ellen Marie Kvaale för bidrag och inspiration till uppgifterna på s. 29–33 Första upplagan 1 Repro: Repro 8 AB, Stockholm Tryck: People Printing, Kina 2017

KOPIERINGSFÖRBUD Detta verk är skyddat av upphovsrättslagen. Kopiering, utöver lärares och elevers begränsade rätt att kopiera för undervisningsbruk enligt BONUS-avtal, är förbjuden. BONUS-avtal tecknas mellan upphovsrättsorganisationer och huvudman fö utbildningsanordnare, t.ex. kommuner och universitet. Intrång i upphovsmannens rättigheter enligt upphovsrättslagen kan medföra straff (böter eller fängelse), skadestånd och beslag/förstöring av olovligt framställt material. Såväl analog som digital kopiering regleras i BONUS-avtalet. Läs mer på www.bonuscopyright.se.

Liber AB, 113 98 Stockholm tfn 08-690 90 00 www.liber.se kundservice tfn 08-690 93 30, fax 08-690 93 01 kundservice.liber@liber.se

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ILLUSTRATIONER: Ros Asquith 118, from Letters from an Alien Schoolboy by Ros Asquith, First published in Great Britain in 2010 by Piccadilly Press, an imprint of Bonnier Publishing. Text and illustration ©Ros Asquith, 2010, Thomas Balle 156, 157, 171, Jim Borgman 114 Zits, copyright King Features/Bulls. Jim Davis 107 GARFIELD © 2015 Paws, Inc. Reprinted with permission of UNIVERSAL UCLICK, Thomas Fröhling: figuren Zoom, 2, 3, 6, 7, 17, 21, 22, 23, 24, 29, 35–37, 41, 58, 60, 61, 63, 66, 76, 79, 99, 111–113, 119–121, 126, 130, 142, 148, 152, 157, 159, 172– 173, Jenny Karlsson 1, 12, 25, 28, 30, 32, 34, 68, Mats Minnhagen 15, Tora Marie Nordberg 103–105, 109, 128, Chris Riddell 115–116, 128, from Fortunately the Milk ©Text by Neil Gaiman, Illustrations by Chris Riddell, 1973, Bloomsbury Publishing Plc. Tony Ross 169–171, from Awful Auntie by David Walliams. Reprinted by permission of HarperCollins Publishers Ltd Text © David Walliams 2014, Illustrations © Tony Ross 2014, Lars Rudebjer 60, Lars Tothammer 106, Tiril Valeur 69, 70, 77, 80–82, 85, 93, 94, 102, Erik Ødegaard 129, 134, 137, 147, 149, 150 BILDFÖRTECKNING 2 Maskot/Johnér bildbyrå 26 Fine Art Images/Heritage Images/IBL Bildbyrå 27 Bridgeman/IBL Bildbyrå 34 (1) Universal History Archive/Getty Images 34 (3) Fine Art Images/Heritage Images/IBL Bildbyrå 49 Pierre Tostee/ZUMA/IBL Bildbyrå 50 Ian MacNicol/Getty Images 56 Eoin Noonan/Getty Images 64 (4) Eoin Noonan/Getty Images 62 Bridgeman/IBL Bildbyrå 72 Bernard Weil/Getty Images 76 (1) Bob Martin/Getty Images 76 (2) Imago/IBL Bildbyr 87 (3) Gerard Julien/AFP/TT 95 Reuters/TT 97 Capital Pictures/TT 98 (1) Capital Pictures/TT 98 (2) IBL Bildbyrå 98 (3) Buena Vista Home Video/Zuma/TT 99 Buena Vista Home Video/Zuma/TT 102 (4) Buena Vista Home Video/Zuma/TT 102 (2, 8) Heiko Junge/NTB/TT 102 (5) Imago/IBL Bildbyrå 102 (6) Gerard Julien/AFP/TT 102 (7) Peter Still/Getty Images 110 The Asahi Shimbun/Getty Images 128 (1) The Asahi Shimbun/Getty Images 147 Auscape/Getty Images 171 (2) Peter Hermes Furian/Alamy/IBL Bildbyrå Övriga foton: Shutterstock

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• EV

Everyday Practice 3 1 Big Dramas 12 2 English-speaking Countries 1 35 3 English-speaking Countries 2 65 4 Let’s Read 103 5 Tell Us About Tellus 129 6 Mysteries 151 Your Final Quest! 172

Learning new words


• Ask someone – a pupil, a friend or your teacher: What does pollution mean?

• Use a dictionary – online or book

• Make word maps

• Make a word bank

pollution förorening


oil spills litter trash junk waste

Pollution makes the air dirty. 2

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Everyday Practice

Conversations a Put the sentences in the right category. Several sentences might belong together. A



Starting a conversation

Keeping up a conversation

Ending a conversation



No, I don’t play any more. Team sports are so tiring. Did you know that I have started playing tennis? It is so much more fun.



Oh, hi there! I have been busy. I’m on the basketball team now. We have practice three times a week.



Right. What do you like about tennis?



Long time no see! What’s up?



We play every Saturday, but sometimes on Sunday. How about you? Do you still play ice hockey?

C ______

8 ______

Sorry, I have to go. See you later, alligator!



I like testing my skills against another player. Maybe we could play together right now?



Really! Hm, that’s a lot of practice! When do you play matches?

b Put the conversation in the correct order. Number the sentences. c Read the whole conversation with a partner. 3

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Talking about a topic you know Imagine you are speaking to a new friend you have met on holiday. a Make up three questions you could ask about these topics:


s hobbie


b Get a partner to answer the questions. c Try to keep up one of the conversations for at least two minutes.

Discussion Time – Zoos A class of children have brainstormed on the topic of zoos. For zoos Against zoos

Zoos are fun to visit. Zoos are unfair to many animals. Zoos make people interested in animals. Zoos allow people to see animals they would never see otherwise. They keep animals in small spaces. They don’t give animals a natural life. People can learn about animals by visiting zoos. Animals have a safer life in the zoo than in the wild. Zoos cost too much and people can’t afford to go to them. Zoos have saved many animals from extinction. People can see wild animals on TV, they don’t need to go to the zoo. Zoos breed endangered species so that they can keep these species alive. a Sort the arguments into the headings: For zoos

Against zoos

b Role-play this discussion in groups of two or three. Use the phrases on page 6 in your textbook. 4

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Discussion Time Brainstorm a topic from Discussion Time in your textbook on page 6. Discuss the topic.


Play the opinion game Each player gets five cards. The goal is to keep the cards with the opinions that you strongly agree with and get rid of the cards with the opinions you disagree with. 1 2 3 4 5

Walk around the classroom. Read one of your cards to a classmate. Ask if he or she agrees with the opinion on the card. If he or she agrees, give him/her the card. Listen to what is on your classmate’s card. Do you agree with the opinion? If so, the card is yours. 6 When the game ends, each player reads out their cards. Were there any cards that no one wanted?

I like … because …

I dislike …

because …

I think … because … I agree … cause … e b … k in h t t ’ n o Id I disagree …


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Be a Star Reader a Skim the text on page 30–31. What is the film Jajantaram Mamantaram about? b Scan the text on page 55. Who invented basketball? c Read the poem on page 150. Did you enjoy it? Why? Why not? d Read the fact card on quaggas on page 184. Say one thing you learned about quaggas.

Chapter Headings The chapter headings below tell the story of Jasper Finlay and his Formula One race for the world championship. Number the chapter headings in the right order to read Jasper’s story from start to finish. ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______

Second race Training Crash Winner Jasper joins the team The world championship begins Jasper gets better First victory


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Story outline a Read the story outline. 1 Poppy Jenkins wants to play tennis. She gets onto the British team. 2 Her parents don’t have enough money to pay for her training. A local company sponsors her. 3 Poppy wins her first big match. 4 During her second match, Poppy collapses. 5 Doctors are sure she’ll never play tennis again. A new treatment is found. 6 Poppy gets well, retrains and goes on to win the British championship for the under 15s. b Make six chapter headings to explain what happens in each chapter. c Discuss with a partner. Is this a story you would read for pleasure or read to learn? Why? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________


Write a book review

Title, author, year Characters The story is about … My opinion


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Write a Complete the table. Topic: Living things Question



What are reptiles?

Animals that are cold-blooded, have scales and lay eggs.

snakes, lizards, crocodiles, turtles, tuataras

What is a mammal?

Animals that are fed on their mother’s milk when they are young.

What are insects? What is an amphibian?

bees, … Cold-blooded animals that spend their time partly in the water and partly on land. They lay a lot of eggs. Living things that are not animals. They have leaves, stems and roots.

sunflowers, …

b Make a mindmap about mammals. EXAMPLE:




reptiles lay eggs

Examples: snakes, lizards, crocodiles, turtles, tuataras

c Write a paragraph about mammals. Reptiles are cold-blooded animals that have scales. They lay eggs. Examples of reptiles are snakes, lizards, crocodiles, turtles and tuataras. EXAMPLE:


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Write a short text Look at the Venn diagram below.

The Arc tic

is in the north the centre is a frozen sea has polar bears minerals are mined

The Antarc tic

there is no light in the winter icebergs are a common sight the number of tourists is increasing they are home to large numbers of fish minerals have been discovered there there are long, dark, freezing nights scientific stations are found there both regions are overfished

is in the south is frozen land has penguins is now a world park is colder than the Arctic

Use the information in the Venn diagram. a Write a short text in which you describe the Arctic. b Write another short text describing the Antarctic.


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Special Days and Holidays – mini-talk Use the questions and give a mini-talk about a special day or holiday. When is …? Who celebrates this day? Why do people celebrate this day? How do people celebrate this day? What kind of special food do people eat? Use your notes (keywords, mind map, etc.) to help you in your presentation. Practise your presentation beforehand. Look at the audience and keep eye contact. Speak loudly and clearly. Do your best to show your audience that this is a fascinating or interesting special day or holiday.


Independence Day Easter Christmas

Waitangi day Sweden’s National Day United Nations Day Australia Day


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Example of mini-talk New Year’s Eve is on 31 December. People all over the world celebrate New Year’s Eve. In Scotland, the holiday is called Hogmanay. People celebrate with family and friends. They eat nice food and drink fizzy drinks. Just before midnight people count down to the New Year. They hug each other and wish each other Happy New Year! Some people link arms and sing an old Scottish song called Auld Lang Syne. Afterwards, they let off fantastic fireworks. Many people make New Year’s resolutions. They plan what to do or what to give up to be a better person in the new year. One year is ending and a new year is beginning.


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Big Dramas

1:1 Focus Read the Bus stop learning goals. Colour in the goals as you work through the topics in chapter 1.

1:2 Write 10 words for what you see in the picture ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Make 3–5 speech bubbles with these words.

12 1 2

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1:3 Match word and meaning 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

shipyard shipping company launch length width height knot capacity


a measurement of how long something is how many people can be on a ship a measurement to measure a ship’s speed a place where ships are built or repaired to put a ship into the water a company that makes, buys or sells ships a measurement of how high something is a measurement of how wide something is

1:4 Use the facts and write sentences EXAMPLE:

shipyard – Harland and Wolff was a shipyard in Northern Ireland.

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


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1:5 Write a diary entry or letter Use the “Did you know” facts on page 15. Choose one of the facts and write a diary entry or a letter. Dear diary, ship … Today I met a boy on the

Dear S u 10 Apr san, il I still h ave a w 1912 eird fee ling …

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

1:6 What can you see and do at Titanic Belfast? Visit the website at titanicbelfast.com and find the following information: • The prices for adults and children: A _______________________ C


• The opening hours are: _______________________ • Three things you can experience at the centre: 1_________________________________________ 2 _________________________________________ 3 _________________________________________ • Two things you can buy from the gift shop: _______________________________________________________ • Look at the different galleries and the discovery tour. Present to a partner two things that you would like to have a closer look at and give reasons for your choices.


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1:7 What would you ask a Titanic survivor? Make up five questions. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

1:8 Packing for the journey a Many of the passengers on the Titanic were planning to make a new life in America. Imagine your family is moving to a new country and that you can only take one bag. What would you bring? Write or draw the items. b Present your bag in groups. Explain why some of the items are important to you.

1:9 Read these words from the and look at how they are spelt

join noise point text voya boiler employ ge y boy royal o j voice n e

a The words have one sound in common. Which sound is it? __________________________________ b Find the two spelling patterns for that one sound. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


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1:10 Put the sentences into reported speech 1 “I will not do my homework!” Dave said. ____________________________________________________________________________ Dave said he wouldn’t do his homework. 2 “Dinner is ready!” Dad shouted. Dad shouted ____________________________________________________________________________ 3 “I could swim when I was 5,” Lisa said. Lisa said ____________________________________________________________________________ 4 “Peter loves ice cream,” said Grandmother. ____________________________________________________________________________ 5 “I will tell you a joke,” said David. ____________________________________________________________________________

1:11 Fill in the correct punctuation 1 “ Someone’s been eating my porridge,” said the baby bear. 2 Will you all be quiet Mr Smith shouted to the class 3 Can you hand me the salt please asked Mum 4 When are we going home Peter yawned

1:12 Put the sentences into direct speech 1 She asked him where he lived. ____________________________________________________________________________ “Where do you live?” she asked him. 2 Jack asked why she was crying. ____________________________________________________________________________ 3 Peter said that his mum was 41 years old. ____________________________________________________________________________ 4 The teacher said it was time for lunch. ____________________________________________________________________________


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1:13 Create a comic strip Create a comic strip using direct speech between two characters. Do you want to go to the cinema tonight?

Which film would you like to see?

1:14 True or false? 1 2 3 4 5 6

The film was directed by Steven Spielberg. _______________________ False The main actors are Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio. _______________________ The story takes place in April 1915. _______________________ The main characters of the film are Rosetta and Jack. _______________________ The film begins with the Titanic leaving the port of Southampton. _______________________ The film is recommended for 12 year olds and older. _______________________ Talk to a partner about what is wrong in the false sentences. 17

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Anne Helene Røise Bade Maria Dreyer Pettersen

Join the Quest Join the Quest är ett grundläromedel i engelska för åk 1–6. Join the Quest 4–6 innehåller: olika texttyper som ger alla elever en bra läsupplevelse modelltexter som stödjer elevernas eget skrivande tydliga språkinlärningsstrategier strukturerat arbete med ord och begrepp rikt bildstöd: färgstarka och varierade illustrationer som ger bra stöd vid läsningen samt vid bildsamtal • varierade uppgifter och aktiviteter som gör det lätt att individualisera • strukturerat arbete med de grundläggande färdigheterna: läsa, höra, tala och skriva • utvärderingsmaterial

Join the Quest 4–6 har följande komponenter i varje årskurs: Join the Quest Textbook – textbok med olika textertyper, nivåindelade i röda och gula texter med tillhörande uppgifter kopplat till de grundläggande färdigheterna

Join the Quest Teacher’s Guide – en lärarhandledning som ger hjälp och stöd i undervisningen, i arbetet med utvärdering och bedömning, hur du kan individualisera och ämnesintegrera, dessutom tester och kopieringsunderlag

Join the Quest Lärarljud – texter, sånger och hörövningar Join the Quest Webbapp – här kan eleverna lyssna på texter, träna på och befästa ord och grammatiska strukturer. Finns på Liber.se

Join the Quest

Join the Quest Workbook – arbetsbok med uppgifter av varierande slag,



Bade • Pettersen • Tømmerbakke

• • • • •

Join the


Kumi Tømmerbakke


Best.nr 47-12313-1 Tryck.nr 47-12313-1

4712313_Join the Quest 6 wb_omslag_korr 1.indd Alla sidor

2017-05-15 14:11

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