SloVino Vinsko kulinarični trendi - Slovenian Wine News - 2015

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Postrežba vode v gostinstvu je vsakodnevno opravilo. Redkokdaj se zgodi, da gost vode ne naroči, ob hrani pa je skorajda nepogrešljiva. Iz tega razloga moramo gostinci postrežbi vode posvetiti toliko pozornosti, kot jo namenjamo postrežbi hrane. Vodo v restavracijah gostom obvezno strežemo v steklenicah, ki nam ob pravilni hrambi zagotavlja kakovost organoleptičnih lastnosti vode. Pri strežbi moramo izbirati primerne kozarce in poskrbeti, da se voda hrani na primerni temperaturi. Ko jo gost naroči, mora na mizo dobiti zaprto steklenico, pravilne temperature in nato nalito v pravi kozarec. Natakar gostom vodo na kratko predstavi, odpre pred gostom in natoči. Temperatura vode, ki jo postrežemo, je odvisna od vrste vode. Kako postrežemo mineralne vode z naravnimi mehurčki CO2? Vodo, kot je Radenska Classic,, postrežemo nekoliko manj ohlajeno, a ne pretoplo. Pri preveč ohlajeni vodi bo namreč prevladoval občutek CO2, ki bo prekril osvežilni okus mehurčkov. Priporočamo postrežbo med 10 in 12 stopinjami Celzija. Postrežemo jo lahko v tako imenovane štuc kozarce, v restavraciji pa vsekakor v kozarce, ki so spodaj širši in proti vrhu zoženi. Vode, ki vsebuje naravne mehurčke CO2, je priporočljivo po odprtju čim prej porabiti. Mehurčki imajo namreč karakter, ki se s časom lahko izgubi. Za ta namen je uporaba manjših stekleničk, 0,25 in 0,5 litra, za gostince primernejša.

Kako postrežemo naravne negazirane mineralne vode? Naravne negazirane mineralne vode, kot je nova voda Radenska Naturelle, postrežemo ohlajeno med 8 in 10 stopinjami Celzija. Za njeno postrežbo je najbolj primeren kozarec tulipanaste oblike, priporočamo pa tudi serviranje v iste kozarce kot Radenska Classic.

Serving water is an everyday activity in catering. It rarely happens that a guest does not order water, and it is almost indispensable with food. For this reason, caterers have to put as much effort in serving water as in serving food. In restaurants, water must be served in bottles – it provides quality of organolepitic water characteristics if stored appropriately. When serving water, we must choose appropriate glasses and take care that the water is kept at appropriate temperature. When a guest orders water, he must get a closed bottle on the table, of the right temperature, and then poured into an appropriate glass. The waiter should make a short presentation of the water, open it and pour it in front of the guest. Temperature of water, when served, depends on the type of water. How to serve mineral waters with natural CO2 bubbles?

How to serve natural mineral spring waters? Natural mineral spring waters, such as Radenska Naturelle, are served chilled between 8 and 10 degrees Celsius. It is best served in the glass in which the bowl is narrower at the top than at the bottom, we also recommend serving it in the same glasses as Radenska Classic.


Water, as Radenska Classic, must be served a bit chilled and not too warm. If water is too cold, then the feeling of carbon dioxide shall prevail and it shall hide the refreshing taste of bubbles. We recommend it to be served between 10 and 12 degrees Celsius. It can be served in highball glasses, whereas in restaurants, glasses which are narrower at the top than at the bottom must be used.Waters containing natural CO2 bubbles are recommended to be used soon after opening. The bubbles are namely of such character that may be lost with time. For this reason, the use of small bottles, that is 0.25 and 0.5 litres, is more appropriate for caterers.

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