Sky Magazine - Episode 5

Page 1


Solve this secret code for a goodie bag.Check pg.37

Editor’s note

Do Your Thing

Strict parents? we can relate 12

I choose




Real girl stories


Insta Sky


Letter to my 16 year old self 24

Grown -ish


Chill out


Victory parade


Wasn’t me


Flaunt your band


Your school dey?


Confidence proof 32

Girl Power

No Yawa zone


Choose You




SKY Live


“Dancing shaku shaku” Hey Amigos, I am super hyped because the

journey has been worth it. Our previous edition was a blast. Thank you all so much for the great reviews. From the cover to the read was muaah! That was our best yet but put on your helmet because this edition is about to blow your mind. It’s the long vacation already – the BECE and WASSCE is over. Wheeww, what a relief! But while we wait for the results bomb to drop, let’s have some fun, shall we? The SKY Do Your Thing Talent Competition was a blast!!! It leaves us with a nostalgic feeling anytime we recall it. The amazing talents displayed were one of a kind. There’s no size for SKY Girls. We do this all day errday. Anyway, you can see the pictures of the grande finale and the winning school - Motown on our social media pages Facebook & Instagram (@skygirlsgh). Congratulations to all those who participated. You rock!

talking in here. Hollup! Don’t flip yet. This issue is packed with advice about being comfortable with who you are and how to go through making tough choices. We all get there sometimes. How confident are you? Take our quiz on pg. 32 & 33. Even if you feel like you can conquer the world, it doesn’t hurt to boost your confidence. We got a few tips for you. Oh my gosh, we can all relate to the strict parents syndrome, we get to share our struggles right here. We’ve tackled two of the things you said you like and didn’t like, check out the thirds. By the way, for you

In other SKY news, the Sugar Spice N’ Sauce movie showings in schools were so lit. Check if your school dey. And yipee!!! We featured Charles from the movie. Was he acting out the “playboy” character or he actually is? Find out here! You know those people that you follow on social media and tell all your friends about them

because they are so lit? Well, SKY is that cool. We got Nadia Gyimah and Regina Van-Helvert


lovers of fashion, this issue has us blown away with two pages in all of its glory! This edition carries the voice of girls that make choices that represent their true personalities. See how we make saying no to things you’re good without so easy like smiling! So SKY Girls, remember to make the right choices and choose you always. Enjoy!



1. Achimota Senior High School

2. Faith Baptist Senior High School 3. Frafraha Senior High School

4. Ebenezer Senior High School 5. Action Senior High School

6. Accra High Senior High School 7. LA Presec Senior High School

8. St. John’s Grammar Senior High School

Whaaaatttttt!!! SKY Girls don’t play! Talent be what! Singing, acting, dancing, drawing, rapping etc. It’s been a whole month of mixed feelings because we were super excited to see those beautiful performances and sad because they all couldn’t make it to the finals. Our participants from the various schools were on fire and nailed it from their costumes to the excellence displayed during their performances at the auditions. And the way every school rooted for their reps were dope. Can you us?

9. Frafraha Senior High School 10. Springboard College

11. Preset Senior High School

12. Oreilly Senior High School

13. West African Senior High School 14. Labone Senior High School

15. Ordogonno Senior High School 16. Galaxy International School

17. Osu Presec Senior High School 18. St. Mary’s Senior High School 19. Holy Trinity Cathedral Senior High School

If you’re lost, chill! Here’s is the break down. Twenty schools participated in the talent competition. Check out the list to see if your fave schools repped:

After 4 weeks of auditions, 4 amazing schools made it to the grand finale, along with 2 lucky wildcard winners (Achmota School & St. John's Grammar School) who were chosen because of their dope performances! It was a real lituation. Our winner was Vibranium Energy - 6 power girls from Achimota Senior High School who rocked their dance performance. Top prize is to be SKY Ambassadors so watch out for them in the next edition. Energy Congratulations Vibranium winning the (from Achimota School) for ition 2018. SKY Do Your Thing compet

ergy V i b r a nchiimuotamSchooEl)n

See their pictures on



the left

There’s always that point in our lives where we can’t wait to grow up to do certain things. “I can’t wait to grow up and move out of my parent’s house”, "I can’t wait to grow up and buy anything I want”. But charle, echeck like we’ve been waiting since. Hahaha. On the other hand, some of us are not really sure if we are ready for this whole adulthood thing. But duuhh , nobody wants to be treated like a kid. Neewaez, take it from us, the SKY community, owning this big girl ish is all about knowing the things you want and standing up for them! So let’s get it girl, let’s own the big girls status.


Keep your cool Naah sis, big girls are not about that life. They don’t throw tantrums at every petty thing. Whenever trouble comes, put yourself together and act like you got this! Acting in rage only makes you susceptible to making wrong decisions which are costly. Using vulgar words is also not courteous. Chillax and don’t lose your head.

You do this! A great way to know that you’re really growing is feeling good about yourself. You slack if you keep putting yourself down. Accept yourself, flaws and all, while working to improve yourself daily. Once you feel good about yourself, you will make others feel good too. People will find it refreshing hanging around you because you’re a breath of fresh air and positive vibes only, they’ll know they don’t have to be fake around you. A true version of yourself is all it takes to be there!

Yolo We rhyme this every day. YOLO- You only live once! We are living our best lives right now, which is exciting and vibrant. But the choices we make will go a long way to determine if the joy will be kept forever. Who wants to wake up in 2 years with no friends and blackened lips? Not us! Shunning yawa things you know you’re good without, like backstabbing, gossiping and smoking is your best bet to living your best life. Now that’s a grown-ish! Be your own kind of beautiful. Be you and do you. Everybody can see it when you’re your true self, so don’t just form, actually own the big girl status. That way you won’t need validation from anybody.

Nice for what Contrary to what some think, nice people DON’T carry last. Offering a kind word to someone, or being helpful when someone is in need are seeds that you’ll reap later. A little kindness goes a long way and grown girls are definitely nice girls. But remember, you can’t and shouldn’t try to be everything to everyone if not you’ll wear yourself out.


Styled by



W no e lo ar t re ve St e a all to s yle fe y s la y w u d by fa re w una @ shi ha po M on t t lo iz _W sty o w get eb le i ea ical be ns r to ly. po r t Ne th he xt at oc tim ca ca e y s n he ion ou' lp , h re . er e



1. Who is Regina Van Helvert ? I am a bubbly girl, who believes hard work is the only way to achieve success. I attended Morning Star for basic

school, St. Mary’s Senior High School and Ghana Telecom University. I am currently a television/radio presenter by profession.

2. What made you decide to go into the entertainment industry? I never thought I’d be in the Entertainment industry. On a random day, I was called to sit in for a someone who was absent for a show and I nailed the role so well that the producers decided to give me opportunities to host shows and that’s how it all began. I got it right the first time! 3. What are the two things people don’t know about you? I am a phone addict! I am very busy but through it all, I always take short breaks to be on my phone and I know this is gross but I can’t keep my nails long. I tend to bite them often.

6. What’s the one thing you definitely say no to? Drugs. People are not their best selves when they are on drugs. 7. How will your friends describe you in three words? Fun, loyal, kind 8. Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years? Mmm, we are hoping to pick up the Nobel Peace Prize. It’s the highest achieveable award in this world and nobody in Ghana has ever won it. 9. Do you have any words for the SKY Nation? Keep working hard and always stay ready, cause you never know when an opportunity is going to come your way. So always stay ready!

4. What influences your style of fashion and your choices in general? Elegance and decency always. As long as it projects the idea of a powerful woman. 5. What do you enjoy doing most? I enjoy listening to music a lot and I’ve recently discovered reading books is my thing! I also love listening to Chimamanda, a powerful female activist.


If you watched the movie ‘Sugar, Spice N’ Sauce’, one of the most interesting characters you’d have seen is Maame’s dad. Eeeiii this man was super strict!! One look from him could let you run away! We found him so relatable because some of us have strict parents who can be hard on us chale! It could be about not making an A in the Mathematics exam or getting home at 6pm – curfew tinz which is basically non-negotiable. E no easy but be rest assured you’re not alone! Here are things girls with strict parents can relate to.



Your parents don’t understand that word. Which one is that sef? You have a bed in your house. Why do you have to go to a friend’s place to sleep? The only time you get to have a sleep over is when they are travelling and your granny is also unavailable to stay with you. Even with that, they have to know your friend’s parents and call them on phone to chat for over twenty minutes drawing the night itinerary. Lol




They follow you on your Facebook and Instagram and they are the first to comment on the pictures you upload on your WhatsApp status including asking why you didn’t post their picture. Lmao for the where? You laugh in your friends’ faces when they tell you to block your parents on social media because you know that’s a No No! We complain but we know social media wouldn’t be as fun without our loving stalkers?



They are the first to ask you who that boy is in your profile photo. Imagine your crush coming to visit. There noor Daddy appears with his questions-”How do you know my daughter?” “What university are you planning to attend?” “What course are you studying?” You just want to disappear but you lie bad! Can you strict parents? They are full of surprises!



Your friends find it cute that your parents are always willing to take you to a place you have to go to by themselves. But you just know in your heart it’s because they want to keep tabs on you. Smh.



When the party is jorrmming and more people are coming, that is when you have to leave because your mum must have called you a thousand times and sent you messages to scare you about how mad your dad is at you. Only to get home and your dad isn’t even there. In the end, you know it’s all love. You’ll look back in a few years and you’ll just laugh and shake your head at everything. And they are mostly right …but are we ever gonna tell them that to their faces? Errm NOOOO!!!!


I choose to slay because that's my thing

I choos et because o listen to mus ic it calms me down

I choose not to smok e because I like to smell nice

y our a r t r o p s e Our choic eck h C . s e i t i l a n true perso e of our som out what ices. o h c ' s r e t s i SKY S ys sitive alwa

be po I choose to use beca ss d r y ha ucce stud key to s o t the oose I ch tion is a educ

I choose not to smoke Sh isha because it's tobacco


out e a sell b o t t o n I choose ve my friends lo I e s u a bec

I choose not to do dr ugs because it kills

se it

ecau tease b o t t o en I choos ple feel bad eo p s make

I choose not to cheat bec ause I want to be real

I choose to eat well bec ause it's healthy

I choose not to fight because it is embarrasing

e becaus e fake b r me o o f t e t e no ike m s l o oo t h c s I nd my frie I want


1. Hello Charles, what is your real

4. What do you do apart from acting?

name and tell us more about the real

I work in the digital marketing field. I am


currently a social media community

My real name is Mikey Elias Ashkar. I am

manager at a great creative agency called

an actor and a digital marketer. I’m usually

Social Ghana. My role is to manage the

very laid back and kept to myself especially

social media accounts and create contents

in new environments or around strangers,

to execute.

but will strike up a good long conversation

5. Twitter, Facebook or Instagram.

when engaged. My friends think I’m a clown

Which one would you choose and

which I won’t deny. I like making people



Twitter for life! I feel twitter was tailor made

2. Does your role in the movie depict

for me. I can express myself in real time. It’s

your true character? If no why?

okay to tweet more than 40 times a day

Naaah, I value experiences and moments

but that will come across as annoying on

while Charles comes across as a little

Facebook and Instagram plus twitter

materialistic. We almost had something in

peeps are the funniest.

common- getting away with anything using

6. What’s your thing?

our charms and good looks, but *shrugs* I

My 3 loves are reading, football and music,

have left those days behind me now!

and still remain my favourite things to do in

3. What was your favorite part about

my spare time. Over the years I’ve added

shooting the movie?

watching (and makingđ&#x;˜‰) movies to the list,

My favourite part was meeting everybody

as well trying and failing several times to be

on the cast. It was like the first time for

consistent in the gym.

most of us so we learnt a lot of new stuff.

7. And what’s not your thing?

It was super fun working together.

I don’t like dishonest people because it really gets to me when I trust someone and the person is not transparent with me too.


8. If you found yourself in a situation

9. You have so many fans in the SKY

where people are trying to force you

Nation now, what message do you

into something that you really don’t

have for them?

want to do, how would you handle

My number 1 advice is be disciplined and


believe. People may not see the struggle

I would handle that by being very firm with

and preparation, but don’t lose hope and

my “No,� even if it means leaving the place.

never stop working.

I think over time my friends know the things

One day, the opportunity you’ve been

I’ll say no to and don’t even bother asking.

waiting for will come. When it does, it’s in

That’s the consistent and firm with

your best interest to be prepared. Always

your “Nos� and eventually everyone will

remember, you make your own luck. You

know and not bother you

can watch the Sugar, Spice N' Sauce movie on Youtube channel (SKY Girls GH). đ&#x;˜‰

Mikey Elias Ashkar aka CHARLES (The playboy from the Sugar, Spice N' Sauce movie)


You can always count on the SKY nation to have your back. A few of our SKY sisters opened up to their SKY sisters about their issues. Check out how the SKY nation worked it out like ABC. Koko kraa

1. Dear SKY, my bestie doesn’t know her boyfriend is cheating on her. But if I tell her and she breaks up with him, she will go after the guy I like (which she doesn’t know of course) what do I do? -Your

SKY sister, Georgina

Okay first of all let her know the guy is cheating. Then in your conversation with her, let her know you really like a certain guy. In case she asks about the guy,

mention his name and give a few details so she gets to know him - Hannah

You definitely have to tell your bestie, so that she sorts things out with her bf. And as for the boy you like, make you no fear, if the boy really likes you back, your bestie cannot come between the two of you. Stuff will just work out - Georgina How do you know for sure that she will go after the guy you like? Simply let her know the truth that her bf is cheating on her, after all you have to have her back as a bestie. Be prepared to support her through the tough times - Lucy


2. I look up to my sister in every way. One day she took me to her friend’s birthday party and we are all hanging out. One of the boys was smoking, and suddenly my sister was smoking too. I was surprised by this, and when I asked her about it, she said she only took it because she thought it might impress him.


I don’t want to smoke, but what should I do if a boy offered me one? -

Hey sis, you know your thing and what is not as well. You don’t want to smoke; it’s not your thing. Don’t try to impress anyone if you don’t like it. I also advise that you look up to people who bring a positive impact in your life - Adama

Never compromise for company. That’s something you should have in mind always. So if someone offers you shisha, be yourself and politely reject it firmly. He will respect your decision - Benedicta

You don’t have to try to impress someone by doing something you don’t want to do. Please stick to your values no matter what and you will fit into the right crowd when you find them - Patricia

3. I was enthused about getting a boyfriend when I was about to complete SHS and I actually did. Now after two months in a relationship with my boyfriend, I realize that it’s not worth the hype and I’m not ready. But I don’t know how to ask for a break up because I think he really loves me. I don’t want to hurt his feelings. Help sisters! -Your

SKY sister, Vivian

Girl, If you’re able to tell him that you’re not ready for a relationship, that will be super brave and I bet he’s gonna respect you forever. You will leave an impression on his heart. He will always remember the girl he once dated who was so confident and focused - Suzzy

Huh, it’s great that you discovered at an early stage that you’re not ready. I believe we are still discovering ourselves and it’s okay to want to back out. I think you should have a conversation with him and let him understand that you genuinely love him, but you need a break to discover yourself better so that when you actually date, it will be because you actually want it - Lilian

Just tell him you’re not ready. If he truly loves you like you believe, he will understand and readily let you go without making things long. Of course, you guys can remain friends and still vibe till you’re ready - Adwoa




Nadia Gyimah Ol



My love! Before I begin this pep talk you should give yourself an applaud girl! You deserve some accolades! You have no idea where you’re going, how much you’re blossoming and the kind of influence you’re going to have on people especially young girls like you. At this point you are stuck in timidity and disbelief in yourself. Even though you ace those grades and you stand out in a lot of activities (athletics, high jump, modeling, entertainment), you still find yourself with a pretty low self-esteem. I’m glad you took that bold step to walk down the runway on your first entertainment night in school because that is the beginning of a more confident you! You’ve started getting attention from boys and you are just so confused how this relationship thing works but don’t get carried away because most of these boys are still finding themselves like you are. I know this sounds cheesy but the right one will come eventually. You care too much about your looks! No! You’re not too skinny or ugly! Those are just games your mind is playing on you. The best thing you can do at this point is to love yourself unconditionally because there can only be one you! I love how humble you are because it is going to be a super trait that will take you places. HUMILITY IS KEY! You will build good relationships with some of your friends from school and they will become great advisers too. Most importantly take family really seriously especially your sister because soon you will become like twins and help build one of the biggest companies in the country, The HairSenta. You will become a great asset to the company and be treated like a boss! I know you like that. You have something special in you girl! You don’t see it but I do and who else would better inform you than your older self? Very soon you will shine wherever you go and even be rewarded on things you feel you don’t deserve. Keep God closer to you and stay confident and true in all your moves. I’m right here with you every step of the way! You’ve got this!

Older you,


Nadia G.

This is probably the most exciting time of our lives where we are free to make all our dreams come true. But between school work, friendship drama, sibling struggles, and boys wahala. This exciting life could go cray-cray and get very stressful. Check out a few tips to help you unwind and release stress.

GET YOUR SQUAD Linking up with your friends always leaves you with great vibes and a merry heart. Besides, talking to them can help you get a second opinion about the next steps you should take or how to solve a problem and that makes everything. What is a girls’ squad for

muscles that stress comes along with. You can even take one with a friend who can distract you from the things that are stressing you out. Observe the environment around you; enjoy the flowers, trees and nature.

when you can’t gist about basically everything with



One of the best ways to combat stress is to exercise.


I know girl, sometimes it feels like the last thing you

Listen to some good tunes. A music beat can get you in all your feelings and calm nerves you never knew existed. Good music can “keek” you up and make you feel ready to take on the world. So go ahead and make that playlist. One for sleeping, one for eating, one for everything literally!

need. But we promise you, nothing beats the feeling after skipping, running, volleyball etc. Even if it’s just for ten minutes, exercising can elevate your mood and make you feel healthy. Do a little stretch here and there every while, especially right before you sleep at night. It’ll help you sleep better. Remember, releasing stress is as important as


making an A in your exam. Take it easy on yourself and take a break when you need to.

We sit down almost the entire time of our lives - sit for classes, sit for dining, sit to watch tv. Taking a brisk walk can improve your mood and relax tense


of May and June, with the We had an exciting time in the months Check out some of the SKY Do Your Thing talent competition. schools that made it to the finals.


I was super enthused when I joined SKY in 2017. Getting to know more about SKY and participate in the activities got me more interested in the movement. It was just what I needed in my life. I used to think to myself, “Where has SKY been my whole life?” Before, I would say yes to anything, just so I could fit in or my friends will not find me

A true story by a SKY Sister who almost lost her true self.

weird. I just wanted to be accepted. But now, I have the courage to say no when I want to or when it is needed. I am confident about my choices. I quite remember when I was fresh in high school, I was always using my break periods to sit at the canteen, just to eat and chat with my school mates. Well, SKY encouraged me to consider the things that matter - my passions. Now I finish eating my meals quickly and have more time to read – that’s so my thing! Well, I like talking too but it depends on what’s being talked about, that is why I am active in the debate club and participate in debate competitions. So yea, I’m not into the kinda talking that involves talking about people or behind their back, that’s gossiping and it’s so not cool. SKY has helped me stay away from so many yawa things. Somehow, all my friends have joined the bandwagon too. I am so glad my friends are an awesome bunch of girls who are themselves and have fun being themselves. You barb? No negative pressure, no yawa things. We’re just lit!

Ophelia Dzidzornu.


SKY Girls fl aunt their lucky c harms everywhere they go!




One of the elements to make all your dreams come true is confidence. Lack of confidence can stop you from being your peak self. But for some who don’t even know whether you are confident or not, here’s a little test for you.

You see others smoking shisha at a hang out, what do you do?

Confidence level – how confident are you You see a really cool ad for models entry, but it’s judgmental out there for a plus size girl, you get it? go for auditions and get so nervous that you leave A. You again before it even starts go for it, but spend the entire time worrying about B. You how you look for sure! You only live once, and you'll probably do C. Yes, great D. You consider it, but end up chickening out. Oh well. How do you feel in front of a video camera?

A. No way! I look too ugly in videos B. Let me wear makeup or use filters to hide my flaws C. If it’s being recorded, then let me do my thing and stunt D. I’m nervous at first, but ain’t so bad after all You meet your crush, who approaches you and starts talking to you? giggle sheepishly the entire time and don’t say A. You anything back to him B. You just blurt stuff out immediately that makes no sense C. You exchange contacts with them to get to know them more D. You smile more and try to remember to speak firmly


don’t want to feel odd and so you just do whatever A. You everyone else is doing B. You nervously say no thank you firmly tell them it’s not your thing, you don’t need C. You shisha to strut your stuff! tell them it’s not your thing and excuse yourself, D. You because you don’t want to smell of smoke It’s the night before a really important test. How do you sleep?

A. You don’t, you just stay up all night tossing and turning definitely feel nervous while lying in bed for a bit, B. You but then probably sleep OK. stay up for a bit just to double check you're fully C. You'll prepared, but then sleep pretty well, get up, and boss it You are positive about the test and you know D. Perfectly. you’ll nail it It’s the first day at your new class. The teacher asks the class a question and you think you know the answer, what do you do? silent, you will probably make it obvious by answering A. Stay that you were an average student in your former school for the teacher to answer the question and just nod B. Wait in agreement, hoping he sees you. for it! This is probably your best chance to impress C. Go your teach and be a favourite student If no one else answers, then maybe you’ll give D. Sitit a tight. go.

Hope that little test helped!

Scores If most of your answers were: have some work to do sis. Let’s drop that low A. We self-esteem vibe B. It matters that you have confidence, don’t neglect it! C. Go girl! You got your confidence on D. Darling you’re almost there but you need a little boost If you’re just not feeling yourself but you still wanna unleash your inner Beyonce, this is how we do it!

Slay Hard!

There’s no better feeling than wearing what you like and rocking your style. It kinda puts a spring in your step, so strut your stuff with your head held high!

Positive Vibes Only

Think positively about yourself. When you look into the mirror, say positive things to yourself like I am beautiful, I am pure gold and I am worth it. Say it to yourself again and again and you will fully believe it.

Cut It, Cut It Avoid friends who do not exude positive energy when they are around you. Friends who discourage you or make you feel bad for being you should be kept at a distance. If you’re not sure, check out SKY Magazine edition from last August on how to deal with toxic friendships.

Be Nice! When you’re kind and generous to others, it makes you feel good about yourself and makes you have a good self- image about yourself. This works wonders on your self-confidence. We really can’t explain why but try it!

Look Back Everything you’ve ever done in life is an accomplishment including making an A in that Maths test or doing a presentation in front of the whole. So whenever you’re feeling low, remind yourself of all these achievement and be proud! It’s time to realize that you’re the bomb and kick at your goals hard. Confidence can help you to take on every day with more vim!


You know us, at SKY we’re all about following our passions. But it’s just as important to be able to reject what’s not our thing. One of the hardest things to do is to turn down a friend or say no to a friend. We all want to be liked and accepted, but it’s never cool to be pressured into something or find yourself in a situation you don’t like. But it’s not always easy to find the words or have the confidence to say no. Don’t worry girl, we gotchu. We’ve got a few tips to help you own the moment and let that choice define you. So here are a few ways to say no without looking like a jerk.

Do Say it again People are persistent when they want something or want you to do something. And more often than not people cave in when they are asked again. Just because someone is persistent, doesn’t mean you have to give in. Smile politely, and say no a second time, just more firmly than the first. E.g When someone tries to offer you shisha Them: Want to try some? Me: No thank you Them: C’mon try it Me: No I don’t want to Them: We are all smoking Me: No, I don’t want to Them: Okay then

Do Say it’s not your thing People can look at you in a weird way when you say ‘no’ to what everyone seems to be into. But no shaking.


E.g: if someone wants to find out why you don’t post twerking videos on social media You stand up tall and say “it’s just not my thing”

Do Change the subject Sometimes, the best option can be to say no, and then move on conversation to something else. This could be as simple as asking whether they had seen the latest movie “Avengers”, or what they are planning on wearing to the next school hangout. By giving them something else to talk about, you’re moving the heat away from you, and on to something more important that you can all take part in! E.g Them: Can we talk about how too colourful Sally’s outfit combo looks? Me: No lovies, how about we play the “you laugh you lose” game

DON’T Explain yourself too much

DON’T Delay

In some cases, it’s best not to explain why you’re saying no. If you justify your ‘no’ too much, it can seem like you’re lying – or worse still, it can allow the asker to find a workaround to try and make you say yes.

There’s no point in making someone wait for an answer if you know that your answer will be no. Making time elapse will give the person hope that you’re actually considering it. Don’t say ‘I’ll think about it’ if you won’t.

E.g If I go for that hangout, I won’t be able to finish my house chores on time before my mum comes back and she’s gonna shout on me which I don’t want.

E.g Them: Let’s go to the Botanical gardens this afternoon with my new friends Me: Uuuhhmmm, I might not be able to come. I don’t know, let me think about it maybe I will.

DON’T Stay Most of the time when you still stick around when your friends want to influence you, you’re more likely to consider their suggestions. So simply walk away when you don’t want to agree with their choices. Them: If some friends want you to skip school Me: I can do my homework later, let's go.




Create your look by choosing the option that best describes you. Draw a lines through to match.


Every number in the barcode is represented by an alphabet. Use the cipher below to crack the

Body size

code and get the message in it. Write the message on the line below, take a screenshot and send to us on WhatsApp number 054 012 4008 for a goodie bag. Good luck!

Cool hand gesture


___ __ ___ ____ ____





Did you miss the last editions of the SKY magazine? If you did dier you slack! We asked over 15,000 of you what’s your thing and what’s not your thing. In May, we covered dancing (yes girls!) and no to gossiping (no thank you!). This time y’all said reading is the ish for you and stealing dier yawa kraa! So let’s break it down. You ready? Let’s GO!

READING • The more you read, the more you know. You’ll learn new words, increase general intelligence and be able to form opinions for yourself instead of taking opinions from others. Most influential people in the world say they read. Bill Gates reads 50 books a year and Oprah reads a book every month. Maybe success is linked to reading after all. • Reading a good book is an amazing stress-reliever! A million things draw our attention at the same time in our social media crazed world. You can be chatting on

a WhatsApp group, doing your homework, eating your dinner and thinking of what to wear to the after-exams party at the same time. This doesn’t help much because you’re not fully concentrated on one thing. But when you’re stuck into a good book all of your attention is focused on the story and the rest of the world just becomes invisible. • You know we love catching up on social media in the evenings as much as the next SKY girl, but did you know staring at screens late into the night can actually stop you from sleeping?! No one likes waking up feeling sleep deprived. So pick up a good book before bed, let your mind wind down, and get ready for the best night sleep of your life ;)


STEALING • Stealing is one of the things that makes

• Your friends will be to you what you are to

you less of who you are and tarnishes your

them. If you show your friends kindness,

image almost like, FOREVER. Well somehow,

they will also be kind to you. But you can

people will just end up being careful with

lose some pretty good friends if you steal

their stuff around you and that’s not cool.

from them. They will be unable to trust you

They may even tag you with a name. What

anymore and will withdraw from you. If

is a healthy friendship without being free

you need anything that your friend has, be

around each other? Your friends are never

polite enough to just ask. After all, friends

going to give you the respect you deserve

are there to help if they can.

because you dishonor yourself by stealing. • Stealing stems from jealousy because you don’t have what your friend has and you want it. But know that your worth as a person is not based on possessions. What you have or don’t have doesn’t define who you are. Instead of getting jealous rather be inspired! Be happy that your friends have such great things happening to them and take it as a sign that it makes it even more possible to happen to you! So next time, your friend releases a new relee, give her fans and be genuinely happy for her, cause yours is on its way too!


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