Accountable Development

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Why Accountability



Accountable Development Through Community Engagement

The App

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Why Accountability

The App

Who We Are We are a group of architects, developers and community members dedicated to the betterment of our neighborhoods through strengthening existing communities. Today, most development is done in areas of economic stability or of economic promise, which only keeps those areas thriving but forgets about the rest. This model of development is problematic for reasons such as gentrification and even problematic in our currant state of climate change.

Statement of Intent What we need to do as architects and developers is follow a system where development can help an area, never hinder it. All development from this point on needs to be chosen carefully and a system where we can choose the type of development and be matched with the area that would best reap the benefits, is how we can do it.

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Values This project was started by people who were fed up with their neighborhoods being gentrified, friends being displaced, and the culture of the area disappearing. Traditionally speaking, development can cause gentrification. This is because with development comes property tax increases which low income families can’t always afford so they become displaced. However, this tax increase leads to better school systems, safer neighborhoods, cleaner streets etc. We as designers wanted to find a way to filter development so that we would get the ‘clean’ version that comes without displacement.

Have Regard for Others That’s right Mr./Ms. Architect Developer, we are talking to you. It’s easy to convince civilians that development should take into consideration the lives and opinions of those who live there, the hard part is convincing Architects and developers to be. So we have listed some reason to develop with accountability. 1. Displacement 2. Unbalanced Population (Overcrowding) -Crisis in disaster -Rise in unemployment 3. Because you don’t want to be a dick.

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Why Accountability

The App For development to benefit a neighborhood, resident input is necessary. The app is a way for people to give input about what they want to see in their neighborhoods; they can express what isn't working as well. We realize that not everyone uses smart phones or tablets so there are two other ways for them to give input; The Add Campaign and The Structure.

The Workshop Add Campaign These are interactive signs posted all around public spaces in neighborhoods. They give people the chance to vote by quick and simple interventions. They also encourage people to download the app and give input from their phones. The Structure One of the best ways to get involved in you community is by meeting the other people who live there. Our touring structure is a temporary platform for meetings and gathers to take place. We want to encourage conversations about what should be done within the neighborhoods through the help of our skilled leaders who is there to start conversations and submit data into the application.

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Why Accountability

The App

Request A Workshop Do you think you community could benefit from what we do? If we agree, we will send one of our skilled mediators out to your neighborhood to get the conversations started. With them they will bring advertisement posters to inform the rest of the community of what’s going on as well at the Structure where all meetings and conversations will be had. In addition they will bring the knowledge of how development works so they can best inform the residents of what’s possible, while listening to what the residents want. It is okay if the you or your neighbors don’t know exactly what they want or how to put it into words. These leaders are skilled in asking the right questions so anyone can give input. Request

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