Bulk Handling News - Bruks Siwertell Customer Magazine issue 1, 2020

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It pays millions to choose equipment based on value, not cost







CONTENTS 4 News in brief 6 Planned service stops keep Brazil’s grain unloaders in their prime 10 Choose an unloader based on value, not cost 14 Holiday hotspot dictates excellent environmental credentials


16 Air-cushion conveyors deliver a competitive edge 20 Enclosed unloader opens up new opportunities for US bulk terminal 24 Operator training unlocks unloader potential 28 Rapid delivery keeps long-term customer competitive 31

Our People: Alicia Fonseca da Silva


ABOUT BRUKS SIWERTELL GROUP Bruks Siwertell is a market-leading supplier of dry bulk handling and wood processing systems. With thousands of installations worldwide, our machines handle raw materials from forests, fields, quarries and mines, maintaining critical supply lines for manufacturers, mills, power plants and ports. We design, produce and deliver systems for loading, unloading, conveying, storing, and stacking and reclaiming dry bulk materials, alongside equipment for chipping, screening, milling and processing wood for the biofuel, board, sawmill, pulp and paper industries. An extensive global service team offers support to Bruks Siwertell customers whenever and wherever it is needed. bruks-siwertell.com

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Bulk Handling News is a customer magazine for the dry bulk handling industry. The opinions expressed by the authors or individuals interviewed do not necessarily represent the views of Bruks Siwertell. Publisher: Siwertell AB, P.O. Box 566 Gunnarstorp SE-26725 Bjuv, Sweden Editors: Emily Brækhus Cueva (emily.cueva@siwertell.com) Malin Pekberg (malin.pekberg@siwertell.com) Lindsay Gilliland (lgd@bruks.com) Editorial assistant: Anette Andersson (anette.andersson@siwertell.com) Layout and production: Metamorf Design Group AB Cover: Bruks Siwertell Printed by: Tryckaren Engelholm

Keeping critical services running Dear reader, These are extraordinary times. The global Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic that is affecting us all is not only revealing some of humanity’s flaws, but its greatest strengths too. We are seeing repeated efforts from individuals and companies around the world doing everything they can not only to help those directly affected, but also keep the fundamental wheels of our society turning. We know that bulk handling and wood-processing industries are one of those wheels; critical services that keep elements such as power and food flowing. Bruks Siwertell is therefore doing all it can to support these industries at this time. We are using digital technology to its greatest effect, and carrying out much of our service support remotely if we are unable to be face-to-face. We are here to help however we can. Many customers already have a good stock of spare parts, and have some contingency plans, but this situation is unprecedented. Currently our deliveries have remained largely unaffected. Customers that have planned service agreements and contracts already in place, will remain our priority, but we will of course do what we can to support everyone that turns to us for help. Throughout this issue you can read how our systems, new and existing, innovative spirit, dedication to environmental protection and good service are unwavering, and how we continue to serve the industries that call upon our expertise. This only leaves me to wish you well, to pass on our thoughts to those affected, and to thank all our employees, customers and partners for their understanding and support during these challenging times.

This magazine is printed on sustainable UPM-produced paper.

Peter Jonsson, Group CEO BULK HANDLING NEWS  3

NEWS IN BRIEF “Together, we are developing solutions that both protect each other, and keep businesses up and running at levels as close to normal as we can. This is made possible by our incredibly dedicated employees, and we thank them and our customers and partners for their understanding and continued cooperation during these challenging times.

Coronavirus: health and safety comes first Bruks Siwertell is monitoring the development of the ongoing coronavirus (COVID-19) situation closely, which includes strictly following World Health Organization (WHO) guidance across all business units. “The most important thing right now is everyone’s health,” says Peter Jonsson, CEO, Bruks Siwertell Group. “Our role is to help critical bulk handling and wood processing industries remain operational and we are finding ways to support everyone.

“This is a changing situation and we are continuously updating our response; adapting operations and services to the challenges of the current situation, so that we can continue to meet our customers’ needs and maintain the supply of our products and services,” he continues. “So far, we have not experienced any major delays to our services or deliveries, and we are doing everything in our power to maintain this. However, we cannot rule out that the current situation may impact our business in the future. “I feel confident that we will be able to handle the challenges that COVID-19 brings in a cautious and professional way, and maintain our commitment as a responsible, caring and committed employer and supplier,” says Mr Jonsson. “Our thoughts are with those directly affected by the virus.”

LIMITING RISKS AND OPERATIONAL IMPACT Bruks Siwertell is taking all necessary measures to help limit the spread and impact of COVID-19 across its operations. The health and safety of employees, customers and partners remains its number one priority, and it is working hard to ensure that any risks are minimized. In accordance with WHO guidance, Bruks Siwertell is undertaking various preventative and protective measures: • We are asking that no one enters any Bruks Siwertell premises if they have been in contact with someone who may have been exposed to the coronavirus, or are themselves experiencing even mild cold or flu symptoms. This applies to Bruks Siwertell employees, customers and partners in all countries worldwide.


• We are carrying out our service support remotely through live video links, emails and phone calls whenever we cannot visit customers face-to-face. • We have implemented precautionary travel restrictions. This also includes recommending that everyone at Bruks Siwertell is to avoid any non-business travel. • We continue to promote rigorous personal hygiene practices and increased deep-cleaning routines in our manufacturing locations and offices. • We promote ‘social distancing’ and ask that all close personal interactions are limited, along with the number of personnel in any common workspace. • To limit exposure levels, wherever possible, we have made appropriate work arrangements and encourage employees to work from home.


Quezon specifies enclosed Siwertell ship unloader for new power plant Quezon Power Ltd Co, based in the Philippines, has ordered a high-capacity Siwertell screw-type continuous ship unloader to serve the country’s first supercritical power station. “Excellent environmental performance was a top priority,” says Ola Jeppsson, Sales Manager, Bruks Siwertell. “The Siwertell screw-type ship unloader is the most efficient and environment-friendly type of unloader on the market. Quezon is very focused on its environmental responsibility and our totally enclosed material handling technology is likely to have influenced its decision.” The San Buenaventura power plant is a new 500 MW coalfired facility located in Mauban and is being built adjacent to an existing Quezon power plant. Both the new and the old plant will share the coal import jetty, which is expected to double in intake to around three million metric tons of coal a year. The jetty is already served by a rail-travelling Siwertell ST 790 D-type unloader, which has been in operation for more than 20 years.

Quezon’s new ship unloader will join an existing rail-travelling Siwertell unit, which has served the company for over 20 years

“Quezon is very satisfied with its existing unloader,” adds Mr Jeppsson. “We have worked with the company for a number of years. It has an excellent maintenance team, which means its old Siwertell is one of the most well-maintained ‘Siwertells’ in the world.” Like its existing counterpart, which was delivered in 1998, the new rail-travelling Siwertell ST 790 D-type unloader will have a continuous rated capacity of 1,400t/h and will be able to discharge vessels up to Panamax size. It is scheduled to be delivered, fully assembled via heavy-lift ship, to the site in early 2022.

“The delivery timescale was one consideration for the order, the others were that the unloader had to compete on three platforms: price, power consumption and operational costs,” says Per Karlsson, Siwertell President. “In an open, international bidding process, the equipment that offered the lowest total cost, across all three factors, was awarded the contract; and that was us. The Siwertell ship unloader excelled in all areas.”

Several rail-mounted Siwertell 940 D-type unloaders already serve Taiwan Power Corporation facilities

Taiwan Power Corporation returns for repeat ship unloader contract Taiwan Power Corporation has specified a high-capacity coal unloader for its 5,000 MW Taichung power-generation facility. A condition of the contract is that the Siwertell screw-type ship unloader will be delivered completely assembled by February 2022.

The rail-travelling Siwertell 940 D-type unloader will have a rated coal-handling capacity of 2,200t/h, with a guaranteed average capacity of 1,650t/h, equivalent to 75 percent efficiency. It will replace two existing coal grab crane unloaders and will be delivered by heavy-lift ship. “Taiwan Power Corporation knows what to expect from a Siwertell unloader,” Mr Karlsson adds. “This is a returning customer with the first two units sold to the operator in 1982. After this we delivered two unloaders to its Hsinta power plant and then a further two to the Talin power station, both in Taiwan.” The Hsinta and Talin power stations also operate Siwertell 940 D-type unloaders, putting Taiwan Power Corporation at an advantage when it comes to servicing and parts. BULK HANDLING NEWS  5


Fertile soils and high rainfalls make Brazil one of the world’s largest agricultural powerhouses; booming trade sees its ports working round-the-clock to some of the tightest operational schedules, and serving them are Siwertell ship unloaders TEXT

Örjan Westerberg and Patrik Henryson  PHOTOS Bruks Siwertell and Shutterstock


HANDLING GRAINS BRAZIL HAS VAST AGRICULTURAL RESERVES and is a world-leader in food production. Technological advances coupled with its natural resources means that Brazil is a strong competitor with the US as the world’s largest soybean and corn producer and exporter.

Much of Brazil’s farming and cultivation is in the south of the country, and the use of barges to transport the huge volumes of grain and agri-bulk to northern areas, where it is unloaded and reloaded for export, is widespread.

A strong competition Ports in Brazil are booming, and like the advances in the country’s agricultural equipment and infrastructure, their in-port grain handling systems have had to step up to the challenge too. Today, Bruks Siwertell has four highcapacity grain unloaders operating in the country, with each machine running for about 3,500 hours/year. All four privately-owned operators compete for business in southern Brazil: Unitapajós (formerly Bunge Brazil) and TGPM (formerly ADM de Portos Pará), serve the Port of Barcarena; Cargill Agricola, operates in Santarém; and Amaggi (formerly Hermasa Navegação da Amazônia) in Itacoatiara, both on the River Amazon. Across the sites, the Siwertell systems handle millions of metric tons of grain each year. Apart from Amaggi, all operate Siwertell ST 790-M ship unloaders with continuous rated grain handling capacities of up to 1,500t/h for foodstuffs such as soybean and corn. Amaggi opted for a Siwertell ST 790-F barge unloader and ship loader configuration and also has a rated loading and unloading capacity of 1,500t/h. “The Siwertell equipment is strategically situated in northern Brazil, where grain is received for export. All the operators have different equipment configurations, which

Amaggi operates a Siwertell ST 790-F barge unloader and ship loader configuration with a rated loading and unloading capacity of 1,500t/h

have been specifically tailored to suit their locations and operations,” explains Patrik Henryson, Sales Manager, Bruks Siwertell. “But they also have a great deal in common.”

Essential service stops “With such a large intake of grain, the unloaders are running all of the time, throughout the whole year, so to be able to guarantee this continuous operation they all must have a planned maintenance stop for service once a year,” continues Örjan Westerberg, Service Contract Engineer, Bruks Siwertell.

With such a large intake of grain, the unloaders are running all of the time, throughout the whole year ÖRJAN WESTERBERG, SERVICE CONTR ACT ENGINEER, BRUKS SIWERTELL BULK HANDLING NEWS  7


Our systems offer minimal environmental impact, which is crucial for operating in some of the world’s most scrutinized environments such as the Amazon River PATRIK HENRYSON, SALES MANAGER, BRUKS SIWERTELL

“The length of time for this service period varies depending on what is scheduled, but on average it is usually between two to three weeks, and typically involves the replacement of wear parts, mostly conveyor screws and casings. “During this time, a specialist Siwertell equipment surveyor is always present and, on each occasion, a barge docks with all wear parts and the necessary machinery needed to carry out the service work,” adds Mr Westerberg. “Many of our customers are dependent on their unloaders being able to handle one year’s full intake of grain,” he notes. “Several customers do not have any other equipment to unload incoming material, or their supplementary equipment is simply not suitable, as grain unloading has to happen so quickly and frequently that only their Siwertell unloader is up to the task. “The remoteness of some of these operations means that these customers often carry a large stock of critical spare parts as well. This prudent approach is intended to minimize the risk of unplanned downtime.”

Meeting specific needs “We understand that all our customers need maximum operability from their equipment,” says Mr Westerberg. “However, grain operators have particular needs. They have to meet massive surges in intake from the seasonality of crop harvests. Additionally, this is organic material that must be handled in a sensitive way to avoid spoilage, and there are other considerations as well.” Bruks Siwertell is the only manufacturer of grain-unloading systems that can deliver on all the needs of these operators. “Although the current suite of unloaders in Brazil peak at a continuous rated capacity of 1,500t/h, we can deliver systems up to 2,000t/h. Grain-handling attributes also include the highest continuous rated loading capacities, which are in excess of 3,000t/h. Also, the same machines can handle soybeans, meals and other non-free flowing foodstuff materials at these high capacities,” notes Mr Henryson. “Our systems offer minimal environmental impact, which is crucial for operating in some of the world’s most scrutinized environments such as the Amazon River. The

A single Siwertell unloader can handle multiple materials such as soybeans, meals and other non-free flowing foodstuffs with minimal degradation



Because of their light weight and size, Siwertell unloaders can operate on floating structures and fit inside protective canopies

systems are quiet and totally enclosed, which minimizes any dust creation, which is often associated with this type of material. “Grain is also not wasted through spillage or spoilage. Grains are delicate and need not to be exposed to crushing forces if an operator wants to maintain the quality of a shipment and secure the highest price for it. Siwertell unloaders are renowned for this capability and their extremely low degradation rates are proven many times over,” he adds.

Lightweight unloader advantages Many Siwertell grain unloaders operate on barges or floating pontoons. “For Cargill’s Amazon operations in Santarém, a key consideration was a tidal range of eight meters, so a floating jetty was needed,” Mr Henryson explains. “A lightweight unloader was therefore required to minimize the size of the pontoon and it also had to be small enough to fit inside a canopy designed to protect the cargo operations from the elements. “For TGPM, a barge-mounted unloader was needed. It also has a small physical footprint and weighs only 254 metric tons, complete with its counterweight, so was an ideal solution. “In the case of Amaggi, the installation scope included a Siwertell barge unloader and ship loader mounted on a

catamaran-type pontoon. The unloader is rail-mounted and operates along the length of the pontoon, which plays an important role in a floating grain transhipment terminal installed at Itacoatiara on the Amazon River. “All these are only made possible because, despite their high-capacity capabilities, they are lightweight – in fact, considerably lighter than any other equivalent capacity system,” he notes. “This delivers benefits in terms of load-bearing requirements and lower investment costs for new jetties.”

Other bulk in Brazil “Our worldwide references for unloaders, loaders and complete terminal solutions offer an impressive demonstration of Siwertell technology’s superior grain-handling capabilities, and these examples in Brazil really add to the picture. “We also have other Siwertell unloaders that work very hard in the country,” says Mr Westerberg. “This includes a ST 790-D ship unloader that handles coal for Itaqui in Sao Luis and a ST 940-D ship unloader for SEINFRA (Secretaria da Infra-Estrutura), in the Port of Pecem. Both these operators have recently turned to Bruks Siwertell; Itaqui for a series of new operator training sessions and SEINFRA now has plans in place for an upgrade that will enable its unloader to handle coking coal as well as thermal coal.” BULK HANDLING NEWS  9

CHOOSE AN UNLOADER BASED ON VALUE, NOT COST It is a false economy to select an unloader without considering operational parameters and performance, through-ship efficiencies, and through-life costs; value-for-money should always be the aim, explains Juha Huovilainen, Sales Director, Bruks Siwertell TEXT

Juha Huovilainen  PHOTOS Studio e


CHOOSING AN UNLOADER WE ALL WANT VALUE FOR MONEY, but this is rarely just about the cheapest price. Our equipment lasts for decades, so our aim is to ensure an optimum long-term investment by helping an operator choose a system that best matches its needs.

Many customers, when designing or buying a new unloader, or in fact the whole import terminal, still consider price as the main factor in their decision-making process. Price is important, but if you only look at price, you stop looking at value, and to achieve the best long-term investment we need to look at value. There is a lot to be gained from understanding what a product can ultimately deliver to a business. Knowledge is key; without accurate information available about different technologies – which might be real gamechangers, offering completely new possibilities and directions – operators are condemned to lose money. This is because they miss out on the possibility of developing and lifting operations to more profitable levels, or designing a completely new, optimized terminal from the outset.

Long-term profitability We have developed a value calculation method that enables us to accurately simulate the impact of different technical solutions on the long-term profitability of an operator’s terminal. The model is based on combining the total cost of investment in relation to the unloader, including factors such as the cost of the jetty, conveying system, and wider operational figures such as demurrage, personnel, energy consumption and material handling waste, for example, spillage.

The cost of a state-of-the-art Siwertell screw-type ship unloader, of which the largest model can offer continuous rated capacities of up to 3,000t/h, is often higher than the cost of a bucket chain, pneumatic unloader, or a grab/ mobile harbor crane. However, as soon as you compare its higher capacity and efficiency against the need to purchase two or three of the other types of machine to achieve the same work rate, this is where operational profitability really starts to take a hit. It is also where the value calculation model can be a powerful tool to help demonstrate how an optimum equipment arrangement can generate the best results in terms of capacity, efficiency, and profits. Calculations are also considered at such an early stage that an operator can access the commercial feasibility of options before any investment commitments are made. This can save costly project changes further down the line.

Different needs, different solutions For all projects, we work together with our customers to find the right and best combination of equipment. We also have our own design and project management department and are often able to offer reference visits for customers to see a machine or terminal in operation. Projects tend to be divided into two main categories: the optimization of an existing terminal, and the construction of a completely new one. In the case of terminal optimizations, like other projects, the value calculation method enables us to accurately simulate the impact of different technology options

The size of the jetty, material transportation logistics, personnel requirements, and capacity, all have a major impact when calculating a terminal’s optimization



on the long-term profitability of an existing terminal. The modeling takes into consideration all investment and operating costs, the benefits of different equipment and how best to integrate it into existing infrastructures.

Faster material turnarounds Projects within existing terminals are typically capped to keep capacity at the same level, because of limitations in downstream conveying systems. However, a clear market trend, in new cement, fertilizer and grain projects in particular, is to build up capacity on the jetty, and within the terminal. This is to maximize the speed at which material can be discharged from a vessel and then transferred to an onward receiving system, minimizing the time the vessel stays at the jetty and any dry bulk material spends in storage. The faster the terminal moves material on from storage, or bypasses it altogether, the quicker its financial turnover. In these scenarios, the value calculation model proved to be an unbeatable tool, simulating alternative options and effectively showing the impact of different solutions and their combinations. Again, all this happens at such an early stage, when no money has been invested, and all options are still open. It genuinely delivers the power

of knowledge, improving the understanding of different choices to enable decisions based on fact, not fiction.

Optimized from the outset For customers building a complete terminal, the value calculation model is an even more critical tool because it can help the customer optimize the entire terminal environment right from the beginning. For these projects, again we consider all factors, because the size of the jetty, material transportation logistics, personnel requirements, and capacity, all have a major impact. Just taking jetty costs, for example: as higher capacities are needed, dry bulk material handling systems like cranes and continuous unloaders must either get larger or more numerous – in both cases, adding weight or traffic to the jetty. Jetty reinforcements to accommodate heavy bulk handling equipment can easily correspond to fifty percent of the cost of the actual equipment. Therefore, reducing any additional machine weight is advantageous for customers as significant savings can be made in terms of the need for quay reinforcement work – but also, a proportionately higher-throughput machine can be selected for a given strength of quay, delivering impressive returns on investment and securing capacity for any future growth.

High-capacity Siwertell unloaders ensure the shortest possible unloading times, enabling a terminal to potentially increase its annual through-put and therefore its profitability



ANY INVESTMENT STARTS WITH NEEDS Value is influenced by many factors, but it starts with what an operator actually needs. The most important factors that Bruks Siwertell takes into consideration when designing new dry bulk handling equipment for a customer are as follows:

• Terminal intake volumes

• Desired through-ship capacity

• Properties of materials, for example, ATEX-rated, abrasive, corrosive

• Typical vessel types and sizes that will need to be accommodated • Quay height above the waterline, tidal ranges and conditions • Existing equipment locations such as rails, conveyor, roads or other machines that share the jetty space

Throwing money away I should also mention a third project group, those operators that run their traditional machinery day-in and day-out, never even realizing that their terminals are quite literally throwing money away in inefficiencies and wasteful practices so normal as to be regarded as ‘acceptable’. We have had many cases where we have been able to show the customer how an existing system, based mainly on several low capacity grab cranes, operated by 50 to 100 personnel per day, can be converted to a highcapacity terminal operated by just ten personnel and one high-capacity machine; paying the whole investment back in just a few years. These ‘sleeping’ customers need to be woken up to the amount of money that they are saying goodbye to. There is an increasing need to upgrade operations that take one to two weeks to unload a vessel with grab or mobile harbor cranes, which have a cargo spillage rate of one to two percent, leading to huge material losses and unacceptable levels of environmental damage. There is technology available, like an enclosed high-capacity screw unloader, which can not only unload the same vessel in two to three days, saving up to USD 20,000 a day in vessel costs, but also saves all the material losses from spillage and keeps the jetty clean and dust-free. Furthermore, the shorter unloading time, the greater the possibility that the

• Rail limitations in relation to load • Type of materials to be handled and if several materials need to be handled by the same machine

The only way to really know what value operators are looking to add to their businesses is to work closely with them. This ensures the best results in terms of meeting performance expectations, and long-term profitability and sustainability.

terminal has to increase its annual through-put and by that, also increase the profitability of the terminal itself.

Millions in savings We have been able to show that we can easily make USD 2-3 million worth of operational savings per year depending on the annual volumes and existing equipment of the terminal. This is especially relevant to those terminals who have been satisfied, or have accepted existing set-ups and operational cost levels, because they have never had enough factual information to challenge them. Until now, it has been difficult for these existing terminals to develop a plan to improve their profitability, but we can now offer this and show different options with our value calculation model. An additional feature in the model is that we can offer customers financing with very low interest rates and long pay-back times. With these favorable conditions, we have even been able to show that the investment generates the money to pay back the financing, and also generates a positive cashflow, shortly after the operation’s start-up. Also, what we can often demonstrate is that a solution will not only pay for itself in a few years, but it will continue to deliver better value to the operator over the lifetime of the investment, making good business sense to consider all options from the outset. BULK HANDLING NEWS  13

HOLIDAY HOTSPOT DICTATES EXCELLENT ENVIRONMENTAL CREDENTIALS A new jetty, extending 2,500m into the protected waters of the Bohai Sea, is home to a pair of Siwertell unloaders that now work side-by-side, delivering high-capacity coal handling and environmental protection to the Suizhong power plant TEXT

Per Wahlström  PHOTOS Bruks Siwertell


the innermost north west extension of the Yellow Sea, named after the annual phenomenon which coats its surface in the fine sands of the Gobi Desert, is the beautiful Chinese province of Liaoning. The Yellow Sea, which separates mainland China and the Korean Peninsula, is home to some of China’s most prized fishing grounds and is an important staging area for migratory seabirds. Against the backdrop of this delicate ecosystem, any industrial activity that occurs along its coastline must meet stringent environmental protection regulations. However, China’s population is close to 19 percent of the world’s total and its energy requirements are therefore huge; balancing this demand with supply is a complex task. In 2016, Suizhong Power Generation Co Ltd and former state-owned mining and energy company, Shenhua Group, turned to Bruks Siwertell for a high14  BULK HANDLING NEWS

capacity coal handling system that would serve a large expansion project at the 3,800MW coal-fired Suizhong power plant in Suizhong, Liaoning. “Suizhong needed to increase its annual intake of coal to around six million metric tons in the most environmentally friendly way possible,” explains Per Wahlström, Bruks Siwertell Contract Manager for the Suizhong project.

No spillage, no dust “Liaoning is the most populous province in the region, and its seaside resorts are particularly popular holiday destinations for people living in Beijing. This being the case, absolutely no spillage or dust emissions from handling coal were allowed. “This is why we were initially approached, to see if our enclosed Siwertell unloaders would meet the standards required, and they did,” adds Mr Wahlström.

A year after the order, Shenhua merged with another large Chinese energy company, Guodian; forming China Energy Investment Corporation, and following a settlement period for the newly merged entity, two high-capacity Siwertell 790 D-type unloaders were delivered to the Suizhong power plant at the end of 2019. This takes the number of Siwertell unloaders within the energy group to three, as a smaller Siwertell unloader was delivered in 2018 to the Suqian power plant, formerly part of Guodian. The unloaders were transported fully assembled on a barge from Nantong. They are now installed on a 300mberth along with transfer towers and new conveyors on a new jetty that extends 2,500m out into the Bohai Gulf. “The most critical phases of the project were loading and unloading the completely assembled units from the barge onto the power station’s new jetty using a floating crane,” says Mr Wahlström. “For these types of

H I G H - C A PA C I T Y C O A L H A N D L I N G

The efficiency improvements are very significant for this operator and enable Suizhong to meet all its performance goals PER WAHLSTRÖM, BRUKS SIWERTELL CONTRACT MANAGER FOR THE SUIZHONG PROJECT

operations, safety, effective preparation and good communication involving all parties is crucial.”

Large efficiency gains The unloaders have now been in operation for several months and early feedback is positive. Li Lun, a representative of the Engineering Department of Suizhong Power Plant, told Bruks Siwertell: “By using Siwertell ship unloaders, our through-ship capacity has significantly increased, which substantially reduces ship berthing fees.” “We are very satisfied,” continues Mr Li. “The two ship unloaders have proved their good performance and reliable operation since they were installed. All technical targets and requirements in the contract are fulfilled and they are the essential part in our jetty construction accomplishment. With their totally enclosed design, we have also gained a clean jetty, hence environmental protection is hugely increased.

“Meanwhile, the excellent screw conveyors simplify the whole unloading operation, all costs are reduced, and they make it safer, so both our operators and maintenance personnel feel more comfortable in their daily duties,” he says. “Previously the coal was handled with grab cranes,” adds Mr Wahlström. “In comparison, our unloaders offer significantly higher rates of through-ship efficiency, environmental protection, shorter turnaround times for vessels, and cost savings.” The screw-type unloaders each offer a continuous rated capacity of 1,500t/h, serving vessels up to 50,000 dwt. “They have a throughship efficiency significantly higher than an equivalent capacity grab crane,” he notes.

“The efficiency improvements are very significant for this operator and enable Suizhong to meet all its performance goals, which were not achievable through the application of standard systems. Furthermore, what this project also demonstrates is that, although seaside resorts and large coal handling facilities are not natural companions, they can happily exist side-by-side. This is likely to be ever more relevant as busy ports, space constraints and growing populations increase the likelihood of these shared-space scenarios,” concludes Mr Wahlström. BULK HANDLING NEWS  15

AIR-CUSHION CONVEYORS DELIVER A COMPETITIVE EDGE A new Bruks Siwertell installation at the Port of Saguenay, Canada, featuring innovative air-cushion conveying, is helping forestry industry operator Barrette-Chapais improve sustainability on both a local and global scale TEXT

Christopher Duffy  PHOTOS Bruks Siwertell


C O N V E YO R S CLIMATE CHANGE and a growing urgency to protect the environment also comes with the responsibility to reduce waste and make the best possible use of existing resources.

Environmental protection is built into Bruks Siwertell’s design philosophy and was seen as an effective option for Canada’s Barrette-Chapais, who was looking to implement extraordinary levels of efficiency and environmental protection at its new 210,000 metric tons/year wood pellet production plant, Granule 777, in Quebec. Here, offcuts and residuals from its sawmills, which would have been regarded as a waste product as little as a decade ago, will be converted into usable biomass pellets which can offset the use of fossil fuels at power stations. Integral to Granule 777’s operation is a new air-supported conveyor system with a rated capacity of 800t/h for carrying wood pellets. It comprises a 100m-long Bruks The Belt Conveyor™ and a 250m-long Tubulator™. The Belt Conveyor carries material from the facility’s two pellet storage domes, before transferring it to the Tubulator system which feeds it to the dock where the pellets are loaded onto bulk carriers bound for Europe.

Significant operational advantages In selecting this system, and as an early adopter of The Belt Conveyor, Barrette-Chapais has elected to go steps ahead in its effort to maximize efficiency and value at the plant. “The Belt Conveyor stands significantly apart from any other ‘belt’ conveyor on the market,” explains Bruks Siwertell Area Sales Manager, Christopher Duffy. “It is a new technology that mimics the geometry of a 35-degree idler conveyor, but combines the use of pressurized air with standard Bruks belt conveyors. This removes idlers from under the belt and delivers low-friction, high-capacity conveying with minimal equipment wear and very low operating costs.

Granule 777’s new air-supported conveyor system has a rated capacity of 800t/h for carrying wood pellets

“As for the Tubulator, it also uses air support to deliver low friction conveying and achieves capacities up to 40 percent higher than comparable conventional idler belt conveyors. However, its configuration is different to the belt conveyor. Instead of a common header of pressurized air for each 3m section, as in the case for the belt conveyor, the Tubulator uses a series of low-pressure fans at intervals of around 60m to create the air cushion.” The Tubulator employs Bruks Siwertell’s innovative suspension cable tower technology, reducing foundation requirements and minimizing construction costs. “For this application we were able to span 250m down to the dock over very difficult terrain,” Mr Duffy explains. “These long spans, up to 75m, are easily managed with the Tubulator and meant that we only needed to use three cable tower supports over the entire length. This is also a downhill conveyor so it is regenerative in nature, requiring a new braking system on the drive unit.

...it achieves capacities up to 40 percent higher than comparable conventional idler belt conveyors CHRISTOPHER DUFF Y, BRUKS SIWERTELL AREA SALES MANAGER BULK HANDLING NEWS  17


Air-supported conveying removes idlers from under the belt and delivers low-friction, high-capacity material transfer with minimal equipment wear and very low operating costs

“Ultimately, Barrette-Chapais liked the advantages that low-friction conveying offered, and opted for a system that capitalized on the distinct advantages that both products could offer,” he adds. “This is an excellent example of how we are able to customize a solution based on operational needs with technology that is inherently designed to offer a competitive edge.”

Good industry recommendations “Barrette-Chapais is a new customer, but we came highly recommended by other contractors and partners working at the site,” Mr Duffy continues. “The company was looking for an economical installation that could accommodate these long spans over rough ground. Also, particularly because of the material it would handle, Barrette-Chapais wanted to reduce the risk of fire all the way from the infeed to the discharge point, by minimizing moving parts. “As neither of these air-supported systems use idlers along their conveyor lengths, the risk of friction fires from rollers jamming whilst in operation has been eliminated, along with the need for maintenance walkways and the huge associated costs of idler maintenance. 18  BULK HANDLING NEWS

“Other advantages of the enclosed system include dust control, as they prevent stray sawdust emissions from impacting the environment, as well as keeping the product dry, which is important for integrity because water ingress spoils the pellets. “The air-supported conveyors also ensure the quality of the material in terms of degradation. Ordinary conveyor belts use interstitial rollers to maintain their flat surface, but only up to a point; typically, with around 1.2m between them, the belt sags in the middle, causing a series of fractional bumps to the cargo as it travels along. The interference is minor, but over long distances, cargo – particularly when sensitive, such as with biomass pellets formed of compressed sawdust – can break down and degrade. The consistent quality of biomass fuel is essential for destination boilers, as degraded pellets do not burn evenly and reduce the efficiency of the combustion process. “Transporting biomass pellets over long distances can be difficult without causing material degradation,” he continues. “Crushed pellets produce a fine powder that has to be removed from the cargo at the destination, is more easily picked up and spread around by the wind, creating pollution, and increases fire risk during various phases of transit.


With the system now in place and onschedule, Barrette-Chapais is set to meet the huge and growing demand for biomass CHRISTOPHER DUFF Y, BRUKS SIWERTELL AREA SALES MANAGER

“It is possible to overcome all these challenges,” Mr Duffy notes. “With our air-supported conveyor systems, the belt glides over a cushion of air like an ice hockey puck, moving material smoothly along and preventing the bumps you would get from repeatedly going over idlers.”

Final project stages All conveyor equipment was delivered to the Granule 777 plant at the end of 2019. Bruks Siwertell assembled the conveyors in 12m modular segments, and transported them by truck to Quebec’s Port of Saguenay for assembly, saving considerable time and installation costs. “The modular design of both the Tubulator and The Belt Conveyor are particularly well-suited to this construction method,” he says. “For the Tubulator conveyor, sets of 50m conveyor segments were assembled and hoisted into position by cable towers.” Installation and dry commissioning of the system followed shortly after delivery and the plant became fully operational in Spring 2020. “With the system now in place and on-schedule, Barrette-Chapais is set to meet the huge and growing demand for biomass, which can be used to replace coal at the European power plants for which it is destined,” concludes Mr Duffy. The percentage of biomass generated as waste by industrial timber production will not be enough to completely offset the demand for coal at these types of facilities; however, there is still considerable potential for better utilization of this valuable residual product across the lumber and forestry supply chains. With help from Bruks Siwertell, Barrette-Chapais has been able to make the best possible use of existing resources; but with the help of companies like Barrette-Chapais, so will the world’s energy industries, as well.

The Belt Conveyor system carries material from the facility’s two pellet storage domes


ENCLOSED UNLOADER OPENS UP NEW OPPORTUNITIES FOR US BULK TERMINAL The unexpected market downturn in 2009 meant that a new ship unloader never entered service; ten years on, it now has new owners, and after an ambitious assembly project, it is up and running, doing what it does best, efficient, environmentally friendly unloading TEXT

Anton Ekberg  PHOTOS Bruks Siwertell


CASE STUDY TESTAMENT TO THE EXCELLENCE of the overall concept and the initial design work, a modern Siwertell ship unloader does not look very different to the first unit built in 1974. Despite outward appearances, substantial incremental improvements have been incorporated over the years, particularly relating to control and maintenance systems, which have undergone a revolution over the last decade, with further substantial developments continuously considered.

Quiet and totally enclosed, Siwertell unloaders have proved the ideal solution for populations near ports, and their excellent environmental credentials only help to secure their place in the market as ever-stricter regulations come into force. They are also known for their longevity, along with the capability to carry out major, cost-effective upgrades and refurbishments. With many Siwertell units serving their owners for more than two, even three decades, older models are still very capable of competing in today’s market.

Unused unloader potential The East Coast of the US yields one such case study. Here, a Siwertell VST 790-D screw-type ship unloader, designed specifically for handling sulfur, lay unassembled and dormant at the Port of Morehead City, North Carolina, since its delivery in 2009; a year after the financial crash of 2008, which caused a drop-off in demand for many imported bulk cargoes. For ten years, the unloader’s components – and the additional 1,500t/h of unloading capacity, available if had

... the machine will increase flexibility and environmental protection at Keystone ANTON EKBERG, SERVICE MANAGER, BRUKS SIWERTELL

Anton Ekberg: “We worked closely with Keystone’s contractors to carry out the work in the bare minimum of time and with a good mix of people”

it been assembled – were unused. But last year, the bulk terminal specialist, Keystone, at the Port of Jacksonville, Florida, acquired the parts second-hand for its own use, taking delivery in July 2019. The facility is already familiar with Bruks Siwertell, as it has operated a Bruks truck dump system for its processed wood intake for a number of years. Although designed with the specific purpose of handling sulfur, Keystone had witnessed the flexibility of Siwertell unloaders across the globe, and was confident that it could bring the machine into use for cement, synthetic gypsum, and agromax – a mix of old and new slag and fly ash from coal burning facilities – to meet its future expansion plans. “This is an unusual case, requiring a different approach from both us and the customer, to what we usually see for a newly-built machine,” explains Anton Ekberg, Bruks Siwertell Service Manager. “We have assisted with various second-hand installations in the past, but assembling older parts that have never been used is rather different from our typical processes.” BULK HANDLING NEWS  2 1


We understand that the market brings unexpected changes and we always strive to do whatever we can to get the most from available equipment ANTON EKBERG, SERVICE MANAGER, BRUKS SIWERTELL



Rapid assembly project “Rather than utilizing our standard new sales installation and commissioning team, the customer had a general contractor already doing other work at the site. Keystone wanted to use this company, together with Bruks Siwertell’s supervision, for the electrical and mechanical work. “Not surprisingly after ten years lying idle, a fair amount of work was necessary to restore the unloader to an ‘as new’ condition, including a detailed inventory of parts to ensure nothing was missing,” explains Mr Ekberg. “We worked closely with Keystone’s contractors to carry out the work in the bare minimum of time and with a good mix of people both with electrical and mechanical specialisms,” he continues. “I think, in the end, all involved were impressed by what we had accomplished. The customer was also very pleased with the installation work and the efforts we put in. “To ensure that Keystone makes the most out of its new unloader, training was undertaken throughout the whole installation process, and more training will be purchased when the machine is in full operation,” adds Mr Ekberg.

New bulk opportunities “Keystone wants to be able to use this machine for as many different materials as possible, and at decent capacity. In fact, in due course, it may even be used to unload sulfur,” he notes. “It is still being tested with the various new materials, but early results are promising. Assuming the moisture content can be kept under five percent, the unloader can be used for agromax, as well as synthetic gypsum. Cement, ground slag, and fly ash present no issues as a result of their lower moisture contents.” Fly ash, one of the products that Keystone plans to expand into with its new unloader, brings mixed benefits. Its alkalinity makes it useful in the production of organic fertilizer and biofuel, and it can be used as a replacement for Portland cement, or baked into bricks to reduce the amount of clay needed. However, it is also a harmful pollutant and regulations ban its release into the atmosphere.

During the installation process, the unloader was restored to an ‘as new’ condition

The new unloader will be essential in replacing open-air handling procedures currently taking place at Keystone, and both Bruks Siwertell and the customer are confident that this eleven-year-old machine will still deliver a competitive edge. “Its screw-type conveying technology is proven, very reliable, and most importantly, delivers fully enclosed, dustfree operations, with zero spillage,” explains Mr Ekberg. “This is beneficial to the environment and extends to all the materials that the unloader is able to handle, regardless of their individual properties. So, it stands to reason that the machine will be able to increase flexibility and environmental protection at Keystone, irrespective of the original intent behind the design. “It will also increase unloading efficiency and capacity, which will decrease the time a ship spends at the dock, and will also take away a lot of handling equipment, including trucks and payloaders, being used for unloading now. “We understand that the market brings unexpected changes and we always strive to do whatever we can to get the most from available equipment. This can involve repairs, upgrades, modifications and even moving entire systems to new locations to meet new needs. We are proud of our ‘can do’ approach and customers should always get in touch with us when, as in Jacksonville, they are faced with an interesting challenge,” concludes Mr Ekberg.



From day one, Bruks Siwertell believes that customers should be able to make the most of their new equipment, so it delivers the best return on investment from installation and throughout its service life; effective training goes a long way to ensuring this TEXT

Örjan Westerberg  PHOTOS Studio e


O P E R ATO R T R A I N I N G GOOD TRAINING DELIVERS THREE CRUCIAL ELEMENTS for any operator: improved safety levels, higher efficiencies and cost savings. This powerful trio drives Bruks Siwertell to ensure that, prior to or once a ship unloader has been delivered, operator training becomes a key area of focus and that it continues to be throughout the service life of the unloader.

“It is not enough just to hand over equipment,” says Örjan Westerberg, Service Contract Engineer, Bruks Siwertell. “It is essential that all operators are trained properly. This increases equipment familiarity, which means that users are not only able to perform routine unloading operations at an expert level, but respond far more effectively in emergency scenarios, as well. “Also, to ensure the continuity of performance, it is important that everyone who uses the equipment is trained to the same standard,” Mr Westerberg continues. “Depending on how large a terminal is, there might be a significant number of different personnel operating an unloader or multiple unloaders over the duration of discharging a ship. Each has to be as knowledgeable as the next.

“As our Siwertell ship unloaders are tailored for specific operational needs, Bruks Siwertell has matched this accordingly this with customized operator training programs. Their main purpose is to train personnel to operate a ship unloader in a safe way to ensure peak unloading efficiency and extended equipment service life. They also aim to smooth and improve start-up procedures, minimizing the time it takes to bring equipment online,” he says.

Effective training helps operators get off to the best start possible ÖRJAN WESTERBERG, SERVICE CONTR ACT ENGINEER, BRUKS SIWERTELL

Efficient unloading techniques For example, there are four main techniques when it comes to unloading patterns within a hold – long travel parallels, slewing concentric lines, pendulum parallels and fan-shaped pendulum. Long travel is the most common and efficient technique for unloading dry bulk material. However, any of these travel patterns can be used. The choice of unloading pattern can be determined by the ship unloader’s mobility, which is, in turn, dictated by hatch cover types, obstacles on the jetty and material characteristics. “In the long-term, the efficiency and condition of a ship unloader depends on how well the user operates and maintains it,” explains Mr Westerberg. “The position and operating angles of the vertical conveyor arms, unloading schedules, the strategic use of final-stage clean-up vehicles and troubleshooting; all have an impact on an unloader’s efficiency and condition.

Johan Olsson, Senior Mechanical Engineer, Bruks Siwertell, testing a newly installed operator’s cabin

“The unloader should be started with the inlet feeder just above the material, and when it starts to rotate, it should be moved directly down into the cargo with the vertical arm in an upright position, at zero degrees. Operations BULK HANDLING NEWS  25


The long-term efficiency and condition of a ship unloader depends on how well the user operates and maintains it

should continue as much as possible in this position. To reach into the corners of a ship’s hold and under hatch coamings it can be operated at an angle of +/- 30 degrees. “Furthermore, the conveyor arm should be kept moving at all times with the inlet feeder head submerged and its wings not visible, but not too deeply as to cover the complete inlet unit itself, as material could then start to impact the gearbox, which sits a short distance above the inlet feeder. “It is important to note that the vertical conveyor screw should not run without material in it for long periods of time as this can cause excessive wear and heat build-up; material in the conveyor stabilizes and transfers heat from the vertical conveyor screw set,” Mr Westerberg stresses. 26  BULK HANDLING NEWS

Coordinated EMV operations “Learning how to coordinate the use of earth moving vehicles (EMVs) such as a payloader, excavator or bulldozer also has a significant impact on through-ship efficiency,” Mr Westerberg continues. “EMV operators collect material and move it into a pile where the conveyor arm can operate vertically. This should be done as early as possible and before cargo levels in the hold are too low. Also, to speed up hold clearance, EMV operators could begin piling up low-level material while the ship unloader operates in another hold. “It takes time and experience to expertly learn these techniques, and the efficient coordination of unloading together with EMVs, but effective training helps operators get off to the best start possible.


“To ensure that the broadest knowledge base is covered, all our programs consist of both theoretical classroombased learning and practical hands-on training at an operator’s site, or using a suitable equivalent system at another site. “The central focus of these sessions is about training personnel to operate an unloader to get the most from it. But we also cover topics such as the mechanics, hydraulics and the electrical system. We also look at troubleshooting. In all areas of training, safety is a key concern and is discussed throughout our programs.”

Passing on knowledge “It is essential that the delivery of any training ensures that all participants have the ability to learn and absorb the information discussed in the sessions,” he says. “We use experienced trainers to make certain this happens and have a good understanding of participants’ positions and responsibilities within their companies and their level of background knowledge, as this impacts the training. “The size of the group is also significant and an optimal number is up to eight trainees. All our training programs are scheduled over five days. From our experience this is the ideal set-up to cover all the material and also make sure that the course leader’s attention is not too diluted.

BENEFITS OF TAILORED TRAINING Training is tailored to ensure that all customers make the most of their equipment by operating and maintaining it in the right way from installation and throughout its lifetime. Benefits of customized training include: • The best unloading methods are used depending on the vessels and materials handled • Unloader runs at peak efficiency at all stages, including final clean-up coordination with earth moving vehicles • Faster, more effective troubleshooting • Effective knowledge transfer between operators and maintenance personnel • Extended service life of machinery • Reduced downtime

“Training manuals for use during the program are customized specifically for each project and we can, of course, tailor the content and depth of the program to a customer’s knowledge and requirements,” Mr Westerberg concludes.

All programs include practical hands-on training at an operator’s site, or using a suitable equivalent system at another site



Occasionally customers require delivery and installation schedules far beyond traditional timescales and when these are needed Bruks Siwertell responds; Martin Operating Partnership’s Texas terminal is one such operation to benefit from this capability TEXT

Ken Upchurch  PHOTOS Bruks Siwertell


SULFUR HANDLING MARTIN OPERATING PARTNERSHIP, part of Martin Midstream Partners LP, is a major name in the handling of sulfur prill, which is used across a wide variety of industries including agriculture, water treatment works and food processing. Comprising sulfur baked into hemi-spherical pellets, and exported through its facility in Beaumont, these high-purity, split-pea sized pellets require specialist handling systems.

including engineering, fabrication, assembly, transport and installation, all of which needed to be completed within an extremely aggressive schedule.

In 2019, Martin Operating Partnership approached Bruks Siwertell for a new set of bulk handling equipment, including belt conveyors and a rail-travelling ship loader, for its sulfur prill facility in Beaumont, Texas.

“We were able to complete the project in seven months, and by January 2020 it was fully operational,” he says. “This is a very short deadline for the installation of a loader and conveyors that handle sulfur prill at 1,500t/h.”

Accelerated delivery schedule

Protecting the environment

Martin Operating Partnership has been a customer for over 15 years and turned to Bruks Siwertell as a partner that it knew it could rely on. Weighing up its experience of previously purchased Bruks loaders, as well as positive reports from other customers, Martin Operating Partnership made the decision to once again put its faith in this equipment.

Sulfur prills can be left safely in the open air, as indeed Martin Operating Partnership does at its Beaumont site. However, when handling this dry bulk material, every measure should be taken to prevent the formation of sulfur dust.

“The terminal’s existing machinery needed to be replaced,” explains Bruks Siwertell Sales and Marketing Vice President, Ken Upchurch. “This was a turn-key project

“By using local subcontractors and fabricators, which we supervised, we were able to meet the timeframe, delivering major subcomponents of the installation to the site for the final assembly,” Mr Upchurch continues.

The new loader and conveyors are fully enclosed with dust-removal systems, which eliminate spillage and emissions from the export process. “The environmental design features minimize the impact of sulfur on the local environment and reduce material losses during loading

The Bruks loader offers uninterrupted, extremely efficient sulfur prill loading operations, minimizing the time a vessel spends in port



The new loader and conveyors are fully enclosed with dust-removal systems, which eliminate spillage and emissions from the export process

to an absolute minimum,” explains Mr Upchurch. “While the machine is in operation, it offers uninterrupted loading and is the most efficient way of loading sulfur prill into a vessel. In turn, this reduces loading and transport costs, because the vessel spends less time in port. “We design all our machines to be able to handle sulfur with care – in the case of Martin Operating Partnership, the new loader also avoids the crushing forces which would turn the prills into dust,” he adds.

addition to loaders, such as the one delivered to Martin Operating Partnership, the company offers high-capacity Siwertell unloaders. These are the only continuous ship unloaders able to handle extremely volatile, powdered sulfur in a totally-enclosed environment. To achieve this, they are fitted with the Siwertell Sulfur Safety System (4S), which detects and extinguishes fires early, shutting down the system to stop their spread. “So, you could say that sulfur is something of a speciality for us,” he notes.

Specialists in sulfur

A better normal

“Working on an accelerated timeline is something that we are often asked to do, but there are never any shortcuts. Sulfur is a sensitive material and we specifically design our equipment to handle it,” Mr Upchurch says.

Following the completion of the contract – and a short celebration to inaugurate the system going from planning to full operation in just a few months – Martin Operating Partnership can now continue its exports using high-performance, safe equipment that protects the environment. “In the end, our relationship is stronger than ever,” Mr Upchurch reports.

Bruks Siwertell has a huge collective experience of handling sulfur from contracts around the world. In

Working on an accelerated timeline is something that we are often asked to do, but there are never any shortcuts KEN UPCHURCH, BRUKS SIWERTELL SALES AND MARKETING VICE PRESIDENT




Research and development mean that Bruks Siwertell can make technological leaps in a relatively short space of time; but to do that, it relies on the indispensable expertise of people like Mechanical Engineer, Alicia Fonseca da Silva I AM BASED IN BJUV, SWEDEN , and work with Siwertell ship loaders and unloaders, and in particular on the mechanical design of gantry structures. As a member of the gantry team, my work concentrates on the design of structures such as the main beam, lower turret, legs, end-carriages, platforms, consoles, and electrical equipment.

Many personnel are focused on the ‘business end’ of Siwertell equipment, for example, the vertical screw conveyors or the chutes and slides. But the gantry supports the machine – it is pivotal to operation and so we cannot afford to ignore it when we are developing these products. It is not just a static structure; we improve the gantry incrementally, just as much as any of its other components. Coming up with solutions that fulfil customer requests and guarantee engineering standard compliance is also a big part of the work. The focus is to provide what our customers need with high-quality engineering.

and clips are welded in the structure where necessary and after that consoles, platforms and electrical equipment are assembled. Then, the drawings are prepared for our manufacturers and the bill of materials is sent to the purchasing department. We start with an idea, design it, send it to be manufactured, and see it working in reality. When someone identifies a better way of doing things, they are rewarded, not ignored – that is the thrill of this kind of work. Personally, the challenge involved in developing innovative solutions to such complex problems is appealing to me.

Cultivating career options At Bruks Siwertell there are opportunities for many different careers. Design, project development, applications, project management, sales, and purchasing are all career objectives that can be pursued. The company is big, but it supports and practices internal recruitment among employees. Expertise in engineering and design is of course fundamental, and Bruks Siwertell has a huge knowledge base in this respect, but we still do everything we can to further cultivate and grow that.

Start with an idea

Within engineering, as with all departments, cooperation between business units and with internal and external stakeholders is important if you want to succeed in this career. The work requires an interest in constant development and in finding creative solutions for problems.

Our design work is supported by a computer-aided design (CAD) software, and it begins with 3D-modeling of the steel structure, which we can use to determine the areas of high load and the dynamics of stress and wear. Beams

The appeal with Bruks Siwertell is that this company allows professional development for anyone who is interested in a career in the technology of complex projects. BULK HANDLING NEWS  31

BRUKS SIWERTELL GROUP Bruks Siwertell is a market-leading supplier of dry bulk handling and wood processing systems. With thousands of installations worldwide, our machines handle your raw materials from forests, fields, quarries and mines, maintaining critical supply lines for manufacturers, mills, power plants and ports. We design, produce and deliver systems for loading, unloading, conveying, storing, and stacking and reclaiming dry bulk materials, alongside equipment for chipping, screening, milling and processing wood for the biofuel, board, sawmill, pulp and paper industries. We are global and local. You will find our main offices in the US, Sweden, Germany, China, the Philippines, Russia and Taiwan, supported by a dedicated network of hundreds of representatives and dealers worldwide. An extensive global service team offers support to all Bruks Siwertell Group customers whenever and wherever it is needed.



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