Snow White

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Snow White

Once upon a time, in a very busy city, there was a mother who wanted a daughter. One day she gave birth to her beautiful daughter Snow White, but sadly she passed away while giving birth. Snow White was living with her evil step-mom.

Evil mom asked her phone, “O dear phone in my hand, who is the fairest in this land?” and the phone

answered, “O my lady, you’re the fairest in this land”.

This went on for a while, until one day...

Evil mom asked, “O dear phone in my hand, who is the fairest in this land?” and the phone answered, “O my lady, you’re very fair, it’s true but Snow White is even fairer than you”.

The evil mom was very mad. She decided that she wanted to kill Snow White, so she hired a Hitman to do the job for her.

Evil mom asked Antonio, the Hitman to come there, to go and find Snow White in the streets and kill her. He answered, “Okay my lady, your wish is my command”.

Snow White was walking around when the Hitman found her and told her that he had to kill her. Snow White was shocked. He told her that she was so beautiful and he couldn’t kill her. He asked her to run far away and not to come back.

Snow White ran away and opened the door of the old couple’s home. She looked around a bit and went to sleep. Then the old couple came into the house and they were shocked.

Jack asked why there was someone in their house. Jones answered that he didn’t know and asked if they should wake her up or let her sleep. He said that it was not even a question, of course they woke her up because she had broken into their house.

Jack shook Snow White and she woke up. It made him tired. Jones asked Snow White why she was in

their house. Snow White told them that she had run away from her evil stepmom, and she hadn't had a place to stay. She had seen that that door had been open so she had thought she would be welcome there.

Jones told her that she was welcome.

Jack told her, “Nooo, she's not welcome here. You broke into our house and now you want to stay? Never of my life”.

Jones told Jack that she was such a beautiful girl and they couldn't leave her in the streets. She told him that maybe they could adopt her. Jack said no and asked Snow White who she was. She answered

that she was Snow White and asked them if they could keep her in their house. Jack told her he wasn't sure. Jones told him, ”Cmon Jaaack, Pleaasee for meeee”.

Jack agreed and said he wanted her to help them with the tasks at home. He said that he was too old to wash his clothes so she was the perfect solution for his problems.

Evil mom asked her phone, ”Phone, phone in my hand, who is the fairest in this land?”. The phone answered, ”O my lady, you’re very fair, it’s true but Snow White is even fairer than you”.

Evil mom becomes very mad for the second time. She disguised herself in scout and went to a gay couple house with delivery.

A disguised evil stepmom shouted, “Hello, Miss! I am from the scouts and we sell home-made cookies, would you like to buy them?

Snow White wasn’t sure but evil stepmom begged her, “Please! I need the money for a camp. They taste very good.”

Snow White agreed to buy and guessed that one wouldn’t hurt.

Evil stepmom asked her to pay one euro and she got it.

Snow White thanked her, bit the cookie… and died.

When the couple came home with groceries, they saw Snow White and were really shocked.

Jack and Jones cried and asked if she was dead. Jack asked Jones not to cry and said that she was going to heaven. Jones added that she was such a nice and beautiful girl. He kept weeping. Jack asked him what he wanted to do with her. Jones didn’t know but he wanted to leave Snow White there so that she could be remembered. He kept crying.

Suddenly a handsome Boy came in, greeted and asked his uncle how he was. He noticed a girl dead on the floor. The handsome Boy asked if she was

dead. Jones nodded. The handsome Boy was sad but started to give Snow White heart massage. All of a sudden Snow White opened her eyes. Everybody was happy.

The handsome Boy said, “ O Lady, you’re so beautiful. I wish I can be with you forever.”

Snow White answered, “O Boy, you’re so handsome as well. We can stay together forever.”

The handsome Boy said, “O, beautiful Snow White, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you please marry me?”

Snow White answered, “Oh, but of course, my dear! I love you.”

At the same time evil stepmom had a phone and asked, “ Phone, phone in my hand, who is the fairest in this land?” and the phone answered, “O my lady, you’re very fair, it’s true but Snow White is even fairer than you”.

And the evil stepmom become mad for the third time…

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