Little red Riding Hood

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Little Red Riding Hood

Once upon a time there was a teenager infulencer who lived in an apartment in the big city Paris. She was known for always wearing a red hoodie, so everyone called her Little Red Hoodie.

Next Gen in Europe of 2020’s

Next Gen in Europe of 2020’s

One day her mother told her to come there for a sec and ordered her to go and give a pizza she handed to Little Red Hoodie to her grandmother.

Mum said it was pretty late so she hadn’t had time to make anything. Grandmother was ill and weak, it would do her good if she kept her company. Mother said she had a yoga class she had to attend so Little Red Hoodie had to go alone.

Little Red Hoodie said there was nothing to worry about because she was old enough to take care of herself.

But little did she knew about the dangers that the big city hid. You could meet all kinds of people.

Next Gen in Europe of 2020’s Some people just had less luck. In a deserted alley she suddenly ran into a homeless woman.

The woman recognized Red Riding Hoodie and stopped her. She said that Little Red Hoodie was even lovelier in person and asked where she was heading.

Little Red Hoodie didn’t think there was anything weird in asking something like that and answered excitedly.

She said she was going to take a pizza to her ill grandmother who lived on the other side of Paris.

The homeless woman showed her concern and asked where she lived exactly.

Little Red Hoodie was happy that someone was showing interest and was eager to answer. She told her she lived on theChamps-Elysees next to the Disney Store.

The homeless woman suggested that Little Red Hoodie should go and check out the Eiffel Tower first since she was an influencer and the tower was prettier at night.

Next Gen in Europe of 2020’s Little Red Hoodie thought that was a wonderful idea and decided that her grandmother could wait a bit.

What she didn’t know was that the homeless woman was planning to kidnap her grandmother.

It didn’t take long for Little Red Hoodie to reach the Eiffel Tower. She started the livestream and started talking about her encouter with the homeless woman to her viewers. She thought the view was very pretty but it would have been even prettier if she had been high up, so she bought a ticket to climb the Eiffel Tower.

At the same time her grandma was relaxing at her house, reading a book and drinking tea.

Next Gen in Europe of 2020’s Then suddenly she got attacked.

Little Red Hoodie had no idea what was going on while she was preparing to end the live stream. She told her viewers that it was quite late so she had to go to see her grandma and as it was not far they could stay online. She reminded them to press the LIKE button as well.

Little Red Hoodie reached her grandma’s house and saw what had happened. She met the homeless woman again. She realised the real goal that the woman she met in the alleyway had had.

Little Red Hoodie called for help. A fan from Red Hoodie’s livestream called the police and said that there was a kidnapping happening in the neighborhood of the Champs- Elysees.

Next Gen in Europe of 2020’s Luckily, the police could track down the homeless woman’s location very quickly and they arrived in less than 5 minutes at an abandoned barn. The police threatened the woman by saying that the gun was loaded and the woman had no chance to run.

After that Little Red Hoodie and her grandma regained consciousness and everything went back to normal. But Little Red Hoodie never talked to strangers again, she had learned her lesson.


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