Sleeping beauty

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Sleeping beauty

Once upon a time, in a republic far, far away, a beautiful little girl was born. She was the daughter of the Prime Minister who loved her very much. To celebrate her birth, he threw a baby shower for all the important people in the country.

Prime minister, a crazy guru and Rosemund were sitting around a table. The Prime Minister stood up and had a toast. He welcomed everyone. He

said he was so happy that they could all come to his daughter’s baby shower and told them to enjoy the grand buffet and the lovely music. He also added that they could leave their presents on that table over there.

Suddenly A Crazy Guru started to act crazy and shouted at him that he was a foolish man. He told him he shouldn’t have mocked him on television all those years. A crazy Guru shouted that he would curse his daughter because that would be his only gift for her. He added that on her sixteenth birthday she would prick herself and fall into a deep sleep and nothing would ever wake her up.

The Prime Minister got up and he shouted that he was just a crazy old man and asked him to get out of his house. Those yoga gurus with their idiotic spirituality...

A Crazy Guru left the room while saying one last thing...

He warned the Prime Minister just to wait until she would turn 16 and then the Prime Minister would see that Crazy Guru wasn’t as crazy as he thought.

The Prime Minister disregarded the guru’s warning and went on to live his life, as did Rosa, the little girl. Years later, when the girl was about to turn sixteen, the Prime Minister was hanging out with his daughter while he was knitting, a hobby he had picked up during the lockdown.

Rosa greeted his dad and asked how he was doing. Rosa’s dad answered he was doing great.

Rosa sighed and said she was so bored and she had absolutely nothing to do.

His dad said he could tell her a story about her baby shower if she wanted.

Of course Rosa wanted to know what had happened. Then the Prime Minister told his daughter all about the curse and the crazy guru. The Prime Minister was pleased that he had explained everything to his daughter. To finish his story the Prime Minister said, „...and then he left yelling like an absolute nutcase.“

Rosa thought that the story was really intense but she sighed and said that luckily the guru had been just a crazy man and the whole curse wasn’t actually true. The Prime Minister was sure that it would ever be possible and would never let that happen to his daughter.

Then Rosa said, "So, you are still busy with that quarantine hobby. I have always wondered how you did it, could you teach me, please?“

The Prime Minister agreed to teach her, "Under the loop, over the other needle and wrap the thread around, like this...“ He handed the needles to Rosa. She took them and started knitting but quickly pricked her finger and fell asleep. The

Prime Minister started to panic and cried for his daughter but then he also fell asleep.

Everybody was getting sleepy and the guru’s curse actually came true. The whole republic fell into a deep, deep sleep that they wouldn’t wake up from. The republic got overgrown by weeds with huge thorns that grew thicker and thicker each year. The Crazy Guru laughed,“ They didn’t listen to me and look what happened to them! Haha, finally some peace in this awful city.“ And he left. But after 100 years, a brave young man dared to venture to the villa where Rosa was still vast asleep.

Prince showed up in his cool car, came out and locked his car. He was proud of the car which could go very fast. Then he spotted Rosa and asked who was that sleeping beauty over there. He couldn’t take his eyes off her.

He said,“She is just as beautiful as they said she’d be. Now it’s my turn to try and wake her up. What did the old man say? I didn’t pay that much attention to his story. I guess I have to kiss her?“

He kissed the princess, Rosa woke up and was confused.

Rosa asked how long she had been sleeping. She had thought she would never wake up. She wanted to know what had happened and where everyone was. She called her dad.

The Prince didn’t listen to her and understood that he had been victorious. He said that he had known he could lift the curse.

Now the Prime Minister also woke up and wanted to know if her daughter was okay. He was glad that they finally woke up.

Rosa told him that everything was okay and wanted to know how the curse had got lifted. The Prince told her that it had been him who had lifted the spell. He was amazed by the beauty of the princess. The Prime Minister thanked the Prince for saving him and the rest of the republic. After Kevin woke up Rosa and the rest of the republic, the two grew closer and closer. They went on a lot of dates, and in the end, they lived happily ever after.

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