What is Lumbago? Learn About the Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment of Low Back Pain

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What is Lumbago? Learn About the Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment of Low Back Pain


“What is Lumbago?” This is what patients experiencing low back pain are asking. Lumbago is a general term that most doctors and specialists use to refer to lower back pain. When a patient is diagnosed with Lumbago, it means that the patient may be suffering from mild or severe lower back. This lower back pain may be acute or chronic depending on the cause of the low back pain. Lumbago can be caused by several factors such as bad posture, obesity, and pregnancy. It is characterized by pain that settles in the lower back. Lumbago is a condition to be found among all age groups.

What Are The Causes Of Lumbago (Low Back Pain)?

Lower back pain is a common condition that some doctors refer to as Lumbago. It may be caused by the inflammation of the lumbar vertebrae and other structures such as ligaments, tendons, and muscles. In addition to mild or moderate pain, patients may also experience muscle strain, stiffness, tingling or weakness in the back. If you are suffering from lower back pain or lumbar pain, then below are some of the main causes.

Ligament or muscle strain, stiffness, or injury




Spinal stenosis (compression of the spinal nerves)

Degenerative disc disease


Spondylitis or Spondylosis

Common Risk Factors For Lower Back Pain:

Patients diagnosed with Lumbago may have the below risk factors for low back pain:




Kidney or Bladder Problems

Heavy Lifting or Extreme Exercises

Poor sleeping and sitting posture

Lumbago Symptoms

Here are some of the most common symptoms of Lumbago.

Chronic Pain: Chronic pain in the lumbar region may also radiate to other parts such as the buttocks, back of the thighs, and the groin.

Stretching and Movement: Back pain may worsen by sudden movement or stretching of the muscles. Bending forward, backward, or sideways may increase the lower back pain.

Muscle Spasms: Spinal muscle spasms can lead to stiffness, inflammation, and soreness in the back.

Body Posture: Due to muscle spasms and acute back pain, the body posture of the patient is more likely to get affected.

Tingling Sensations: It maybe possible that the patient suffering from Lumbago feels debilitating tingling sensations in the buttocks, lower back, and legs.

Effective Treatment For Lumbago (Lower back pain)

In order to get the best effective treatment for Lumbago, it is beneficial to book an appointment with a professional pain management doctor like Dr. Silky Patel MD. Being a well-experienced and skilled back pain doctor, Dr. Silky Patel may suggest the most suitable low back pain treatment for you.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy also referred to as physiotherapy, may effectively help alleviate lower back pain. Dr Silky Patel may recommend exercises to perform for improving your body posture and strengthening your back muscles.

Pain Medications


Dr. Patel may also recommend pain-relieving medications depending on the intensity, frequency, and cause of Lumbago or low back pain. Acetaminophen or Ibuprofen may work well for back pain management and get rid of the pain in the lower back.


Depending on the underlying cause of Lumbago, Dr. Patel may suggest pain relieving injections for lower back pain treatment. Nerve Block Injections, Facet Joint Injections, or Epidural Steroid Injections will help reduce inflammation around the spinal nerves, muscle stiffness, soreness, and pain.

Get Exceptional Lumbago (Low Back Pain) Treatment By Dr. Silky Patel!

Dr. Silky Patel is a renowned and trusted interventional spine and sports specialist that can offer the best Lumbago treatment in Houston, Texas. After physical therapy, Dr. Patel may recommend other effective treatments after diagnosing the root cause of the lower back pain. If you are suffering from mild to moderate pain in the lower back, schedule a friendly appointment with Dr. Silky Patel today. Feel free to ask any questions related to Lumbago or back pain at 832-522-8535. To get more information and updates, kindly follow her social media profiles on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube.

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