The Vertiflex Procedure and Its Effective Treatment For Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

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The Vertiflex Procedure and Its Effective Treatment For Lumbar Spinal Stenosis


The Vertiflex Procedure is a great treatment option for people who are suffering from lower back pain or lumbar spinal stenosis. For several years, patients diagnosed with lumbar spinal stenosis had only two options – living with lower back pain or choosing spine surgery. Fortunately, the Vertiflex procedure treatment, or as some professionals call it, Vertiflex Superion Implant helps people alleviate consistent and unbearable pain in their lower back, legs, and spine.

Basically, the Vertiflex Procedure treatment is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that is used to decompress the spinal canal and alleviate pressure on the spinal cord caused by lumbar spinal stenosis. The vertiflex procedure is mainly used for those who have a spinal condition that involves spinal stenosis. This kind of spine surgery is usually done to reduce the significant pain, numbness, tingling, and weakness in the lower back and legs. If you are experiencing debilitating pain and numbness in your lower back and legs due to spinal stenosis, then it may be beneficial to get the Vertiflex Procedure as soon as possible.

What is involved in the Vertiflex Procedure?

The vertiflex procedure is an FDA-approved minimally invasive surgical procedure mainly used to expand or decompress the narrowed spinal canal. During the procedure, a professional spine specialist inserts a


tiny and thin surgical needle to place a small spacer to create a little space between the vertebrae..

This lumbar spinal stenosis treatment involves a small incision in the skin and hence, will only need a few days to recover fully. The procedure does not generally require general anesthesia and the incision is only about a quarter inch. After performing the vertiflex procedure, you should experience lesslower back pain. The goal of the vertiflex procedure treatment is to restore spinal range of motion andrelieve pain.

During the process, a Vertiflex Superion Interspinous Spacer is used to restore the normal space between the vertebrae. Although the vertiflex procedure may slightly vary depending on the spine specialist that performs the vertiflex treatment, here are the main steps of the Vertiflex Procedure.

At first, the patient must lie down on the table with their face down

Then, the professional physician or specialist will give you local anesthetic

A tiny quarter-inch incision will be made to insert a small device between the vertebrae

Using an X-Ray, the physician will push the tissues aside and cut through them between the selected vertebrae

In order to relieve the pressure and expand the vertebrae, the Vertiflex Superion implant wings will be adjusted and placed between the vertebrae to create space

The incision is properly closed and the patient is asked to rest for a while

Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

The abnormal narrowing or shrinking of the spinal canal surrounded by the vertebrae is known as Lumbar Spinal Stenosis (LSS). The spinal canal is located inside the spine and is surrounded by several nerves. With age, the joints of the spine in the body begin to break down and thereby, cause degeneration. Due to the degeneration of the spine joints, conditions such as bulging discs, thickening of spinal ligaments, and bone spurs take place. When such conditions arise, it reduces the amount of space between the vertebrae. The spinal canal narrows down gradually and starts pinching nerves that send pain signals to the brain. Narrowing down the spinal canal alleviates pressure on the nerves and therefore, causes lumbar spinal stenosis.

Lumbar spinal stenosis is a condition where the pressure on the spinal cord nerves is high which causes pain, numbness, and tingling in the arms, legs, or lower back. The normal space between the vertebrae shrinks and results in pinching the nerves causing mild to moderate pain in the lower back down to the buttocks and legs.

Causes of Lumbar Spinal Stenosis (LSS)

One of the major causes of Lumbar Spinal Stenosis is aging. LSS can be seen among people at an age of 60 or above. It may also be diagnosed among youngsters with developmental issues. The normal wear and tear of the spine while aging is what causes lumbar spinal stenosis. However, some other LSS causes include,

Spine Tumors


Paget’s disease (A disease that influences bones)


Inherited narrowed backbone and curved spine conditions

Spinal injuries

Calcium deposits on ligaments

Excess fluoride in the body

What Are The Symptoms Of Lumbar Spinal Stenosis?

For most people, lumbar spinal stenosis symptoms will develop gradually over time. But it will be beneficial to visit a professional physician if you are experiencing any symptoms mentioned below

Debilitating pain in the lower back and legs while walking

Feeling dizziness, loss of balance, and aching

Reduced endurance while doing any physical activities or playing sports

Pain, weakness, and numbness in the legs, lower back, and buttocks.

Vertiflex Procedure Benefits

There are several benefits of choosing the Vertiflex Procedure for spinal stenosis treatment. This procedure helps reduce pain, improve function, and prevent further deterioration of the spine. The vertiflex procedure may help alleviate pain in the lower back and legs . Here are the main benefits you should read about before opting for Vertiflex Procedure.

Minimally invasive spine surgery

Quick surgery and recovery period

Minimal loss of blood during the procedure

Fewer chances of surgical infections and side effects

High success rate

No need for a hospital stay

How Long Does the Vertiflex Procedure Last?

Generally, a Vertiflex Procedure can take place as quick as half an hour to as long as 3-5 hours. The time taken to perform a Vertiflex Procedure also depends on the physician and the number of spacers needed to be implanted inside the spine.

Is the Vertiflex Procedure Right For You?

In case you have already tried epidural steroid injections, nerve blocks, or physical therapy to get rid of the consistent spine and lower back pain, you should think of giving the Vertiflex procedure treatment a try for lumbar spinal stenosis.

Is the Vertiflex Procedure Painful?

A vertiflex procedure is a minimally invasive surgery that helps patients eliminate consistent spine pain caused by the narrowing down of the spinal canal that exerts pressure on surrounding nerves. It maybe possible for you to get a pain-free Vertiflex Procedure treatment as the physician will give a local


anesthetic. Also, if the lumbar spinal stenosis is left untreated, the pain in the lower back mayworsen over time and result in further narrowing down of the spinal canal.

Need the Vertiflex Procedure For Lumbar Spinal Stenosis? Book An Appointment!

Are you suffering from acute and chronic low back pain due to lumbar spinal stenosis? Do you need to get an effective Vertiflex Procedure in Houston, Texas? If so, then Dr. Silky Patel MD – A renowned sports and spine specialist can help you eliminate pain associated with the spine, nerves, legs, and hips. Dr. Silky Patel is double board-certified in Pain Management and Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. She can provide her valued patients with an effective Vertiflex Procedure treatment to get rid of lumbar spinal stenosis and any conditions related to the spine, back, legs, arms, and hips.

To schedule a friendly appointment with Dr. Patel, please give her a call at 832-522-8535. For the latest updates and information about the various treatments she offers, kindly follow her official social media handles on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube.

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