How Do I Know If My Hip Pain Is Serious?

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How Do I Know If My Hip Pain Is Serious? Hip Gives Out Suddenly! ⋮ 13/6/2022

“How do I know if my hip pain is serious?” is what most patients are concerned about while experiencing mild to severe hip pain. When your hip gives out suddenly, a situation may arise where it will be a little difficult for you to stand, walk, or even sit. Hips, as you know, are one of the most complicated joints in the body as they have to support your entire body weight and withstand a lot of stress apart from balancing the legs and upper body bones. More than half of the population in the US has been suffering from chronic hip pain and hip pain problems. There are many different types of hip pain, but which one you are experiencing will help determine what type of hip pain treatment you need. If your hip pain is sudden and alarming, it may be a sign that it’s time to see a doctor. We always recommend any person dealing with hip pain to visit a doctor if the pain doesn’t go away within a few days or if the anti-inflammatory medicines are not effective. The causes of hip pain may be as varied as the people who experience it. There are a few different areas to look at when trying to determine what’s causing your hip pain. But some of the most common causes of hip pain include Osteoarthritis, Femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) or hip impingement, Hip infection, Hip dysplasia, and Muscle injuries. Osteoarthritis is one of the most common causes of joint pain in people over 50 years old, affecting more than 27 million Americans each year. Diagnosing the hip pain cause, a specialist or doctor may recommend the effective treatment accordingly.


Hip Pain Diagnoses By A Professional Pain Management Specialist For a professional hip pain specialist, it is essential to diagnose the root cause of hip pain in order to provide effective and efficient treatment and care. There are a lot of things and conditions that lead to serious hip pain. Hence, to offer proper pain-relieving treatment for the hip, Dr Silky Patel may ask the following questions: -> Do you experience sudden and sharp hip pain or dull aching in hip joints? -> Did you have a fall or accident recently or are you having hip pain without any physical injury? -> Is the pain concentrated in the inside area or outside of the hip? -> Along with hip pain, do you experience joint stiffness, skin tenderness, or reduced range of movement -> Do you feel extreme pain while climbing stairs or putting weight on your leg?

When To Visit A Doctor Knowing Your Hip Pain Is Serious? For minor hip pain and problems, you may not have to visit a pain doctor for the non-invasive treatment. It may be possible to take care of yourself at home by taking proper rest. Hip pain treatment at home includes taking proper rest, over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medication, and by applying hot and cold packs. Avoid bending down, lifting heavy weight, and prolonged sitting. If you are still dealing with pain after trying the above treatment, then it is recommended to schedule a consultation with a hip pain management expert. Seek immediate attention if you are experiencing serious hip pain along with the following: -> Inability to move your legs or hips freely -> Fever and/or Bleeding and Exposed Bone -> Extreme pain when putting pressure or weight on the affected leg -> Deformed joints -> Intense pain and swelling -> Any signs of infection

Weak Hip Flexors The hip flexors are a group of muscles that attach from the pelvis to the femur. The main function of the hip flexors is to bring your leg up and towards your body, as well as rotate your leg inwards. Hip flexor muscles are often used in activities such as running, climbing stairs, sitting for long periods, or getting out of a chair. They can be prone to injury if they are overworked or strained by poor posture. Weak hip flexors can lead the surrounding muscles to overcompensate and thereby, resulting in walking with pain. Underuse of the muscles and sitting for prolonged hours can be the reason behind weak hip flexors.


Weakness in these muscles can lead to pain in various areas including the back, groin, and knees. This condition is known as “Psoas Syndrome” and is caused by a combination of poor posture, hip flexor muscle imbalance, and tightness in the iliopsoas muscles. The iliacus, psoas major, psoas minor, and iliopsoas muscles are all hip flexor muscles.

Hip Flexor Weakness Symptoms Hip flexor weakness is a condition in which the hip flexors are not strong enough to do their job, so they cannot properly lift the thigh up and out from under the body. This can lead to a number of problems and conditions such as: -> Herniated disc -> Sciatica -> Lower back pain -> Hip pain -> Knee pain Hip flexor weakness is often caused by a number of factors including sitting too much in an inappropriate position, lack of physical self-care, and genetic condition, among others. Muscle weakness can be caused by a lack of exercise as well. Some of the most common hip flexor weakness symptoms are as follows: -> Pain in the Hip or Groin -> Muscle Stiffness -> Swelling -> Tenderness -> Acute/Chronic Limping

Sudden Sharp Pain In the Hip that Comes and Goes Many things can cause sudden sharp pain in the hip. If you feel prolonged, sharp pain, we recommend you see a professional and experienced doctor. This doctor can help if you experience hip pain or weak hip flexor symptoms. Although there are many reasons for sudden sharp pain in the groin, the most common ones are: -> A pulled muscle -> Arthritis -> Inflammation from conditions such as gout, an infection, or Lyme disease -> Fractured femur -> Perforated intestines -> Constriction in the blood vessels caused by a tumor

What to do if your Hip Gives Out Suddenly With Sharp Pain When a hip gives out suddenly with sharp pain, then one should consider it an alarm to visit a pain doctor. Hip injury often occurs among athletes and it can happen to anyone who does repetitive motions, like running or walking.


An individual will suddenly feel mild to extreme pain in the hip in such a condition. Sharp pain in the hip joint can be found among runners, racquetball players, football players, hitchhikers, swimmers, and anyone who exercises consistently in one form or another. The cause of the pain is usually from a torn labrum which causes sudden friction as the ball moves through the socket in the hip. Here’s what one of the patients told the pain doctor while approaching for hip pain treatment and care. “I had been having pain in my lower back for a while, but it was getting worse. It was just a dull ache but I started having sharp pains in my hip which I could only stand for a few seconds before they got to be intolerable. I couldn’t sleep the night before because of it and it hurts to get out of bed.”

Dr. Silky Patel Can Help Alleviate Severe Hip Pain Dr. Silky Patel is double board-certified in Pain Management and Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. Being a leading and experienced hip pain specialist, she can offer treatment and care for a wide variety of conditions such as Osteoarthritis and Avascular Necrosis, AVN, to alleviate severe hip pain. She has helped many people to relieve severe hip pain and find relief from their symptoms. Schedule a friendly consultation with Dr Silky Patel to get long-lasting hip pain solution and live a painfree life. Contact her at 832-522-8535 or through her social media handles on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube.


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