Sigma Alpha Sorority - Emerald Times October 2018

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With fall in full swing, we’re enjoying the start of a new semester and reflecting on a great year for Sigma Alpha! One of our main goals as an organization is to create positive dialogue between the agriculture community and the general population. Thanks to the generous sponsorship we received from Bayer Crop Science, we kicked this into high gear with a focus on AgVocating – the act of positively representing modern agriculture. From leadership seminars to AgVocacy trainings, it’s been a fun year of training and development as we learn how to educate our peers and communities about modern ag. We all know what makes ag special and necessary, but now we’re able to communicate that with those who may not experience farm life!

Q1: What drives your passion to be involved in agriculture? A: (Bailey Munday) What drives our [chapter’s] passion to be involved in agriculture is the fact that this industry connects individuals from all walks of life. Some of our members found their passion for agriculture on their family farm, as a member of 4-H or FFA. A: (Emily Bartusiak) Every day, I feel grateful for Sigma Alpha and my sisters who have made me infinitely more appreciative of where my food comes from and the hard work, care, compassion and lifestyle required to provide food for the world. They are the reason that I am so passionate about agriculture because they introduced me to knowledge that I honestly do not know if I ever would have received had I not joined Sigma Alpha and that I realize a lot of people from communities like mine may never know.

To remind us all why we love agriculture and why sharing our perspective with others is important, we asked three of your fellow Sigma Alpha sorority sisters: Bailey Munday (Cal Poly; 2017-18 Chapter President), Emily Bartusiak (Purdue University; 2017-18 Region 7 Chapter Consultant) and Lindsey Liebig (Cal Poly; 2012-2016 Sigma Alpha National President) to

reflect on and share their biggest takeaways on AgVocating.

President’s Message Creative Budgeting for Convention 2018 National Conclave Recap Sisters in Action


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Scholarship and Grant Opportunities 9 Giving for the Future 13 Join the Sigma Alpha Greenhouse 14 Collegiate Fundraising Challenge 15

It’s hard to believe fall is already here, and chapter MC Education Programs are in full swing. Back in August, sisters gathered in Dallas to do the great work of the National Sorority! We had a record 93% of our collegiate chapters represented at this year’s National Chapter Congress! Important committee work was accomplished and the National Sorority Bylaw revisions were reviewed and approved. I was so impressed by all the delegates and alternate delegates and their enthusiasm for the future of our National Sorority. Their input for how we can improve national programming was well received by the entire National Leadership Team, and we have already started working on their suggestions. We concluded the day in Dallas with a great message from professional rock climber and wing suit jumper, Steph Davis, celebrated the six chapters receiving their charters, and presented countless other awards to chapters and sisters from across the nation.

At the start of the fiscal year, we launched our new member-portal, The Greenhouse, and its corresponding officer portal. This new technology will help connect our alumnae and collegiate members to one another and keep all members connected to the Sorority. If you haven’t already, please set up your user account today (see page 14).

And, as we look ahead to summer 2019, be sure to mark your calendar for the 2019 National Convention, which will be full of professional development, sisterhood and committee work, as well as our Annual Chapter Congress. Convention will be held in amazing Scottsdale, Arizona - July 19th to the 21st - hope to see you there! In Sisterhood,

Kelly Kelly Lawler National Sorority Board President

Are you attending the National FFA Convention this month? If so, we would love to see you!  Stop by our expo booth in the Collegiate Connection section, booth #2578, near Ford Trucks.  We have a small appreciation gift for our alumnae  If you would like to volunteer in the booth, contact Kim Stassen at  Expo hours: 12:00 Noon - 5:00 PM 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM

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Wednesday Thursday Friday

You’ve seen the pictures, videos and social media posts of sisters having a ball at Sigma Alpha Convention. Convention is an incredible experience that can further develop relationships with your sisters, but finding the money for convention can sometimes be challenging.

2) Scholarships Sigma Alpha Educational Foundation offers scholarships for chapters to send a delegate to Convention. Take advantage of this by applying! There are 67 $200 scholarships available for chapters to send a delegate to Convention in 2019! Applications open March 1, 2019. That’s an easy way to get additional funds! Also, check with your university’s Greek life, the ag department, or any other campus department such as student life or student organizational support that may provide funding for leadership or professional development. They often have a budget to help student organizations and their members take advantage of personal growth opportunities, but the deadline may be early so check with them now.

Each collegiate chapter is required to send at least one representative to convention to serve as the chapter’s voting delegate during Chapter Congress. Whenever possible, the chapter should fund the necessary costs (registration, transportation, hotel and meals) of the trip since the delegate is representing the chapter on official business. The best way for the chapter to ensure it can fund its delegate is to plan for the expense and include it in the chapter’s budget. Additionally, get creative to find ways to help additional members attend. The more sisters who are able to take advantage of this leadership development and training event while forging stronger connections with sisters nationwide, the more the chapter will benefit. Check out these 5 examples of ways your chapter can generate funds to send its delegate to convention and to offset member costs for Sigma Alpha Convention!

3) Alumnae Reach out to your alumnae chapter or chapter alumnae, if there is no active alumnae chapter. Some alumnae chapters offer scholarships for collegiate members to use. If there is no scholarship, it is still worthwhile to ask for their assistance. The alumnae chapter may be willing to do a joint fundraiser with the chapter to help raise some money, or alumnae sisters may be willing to donate money to help offset the cost or even sponsor members to go to Convention. Remember these are your sisters, too. They’ll likely be more than happy to help, as they are excited to reconnect with Sigma Alpha. Be sure to recognize and thank them for their generosity.

1) Build the cost into next year’s budget The best way to build the cost of convention into the budget is to look at spending from the previous year. Are there any places you didn’t spend what you thought you would? Places where extraneous expenses could be cut? Those are two easy places to find extra money your chapter could use to send members to convention.

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4) Fundraising Often fundraising appears to be a daunting challenge. Asking people for money is not easy. A simple approach is to enlist the help of your WHOLE chapter. Give everyone a small and achievable goal to raise by leveraging their personal network. This approach takes the financial burden off the chapter and your sisters. Remember to share the professional development, leadership, and sisterhood opportunities Convention offers. Many people (parents, grandparents, other family and friends) would be happy to donate to help you get there. 5) Plan ahead Typically, the two biggest costs of convention are travel and registration. The best way to minimize these costs is to PLAN AHEAD. Typically, airfare is more expensive the closer you get to the travel date. If you must fly, plan your travel in early spring to get some of the best rates. If driving is an option, take a few sisters and split gas and driving time. Who doesn’t love a fun road trip!? Do take the time to compare the costs of driving and airfare. Driving is not always cheaper.

Depending on your location and gas prices, it could be a pricier option. You can also minimize the expense of hotel accommodations by planning ahead. Did you know the price per person decreases when you share a hotel room? Consider sending four sisters to convention instead of just two to lessen the per person expense! If your chapter can only send one or two sisters, reach out to other chapters in your region. They are likely looking for ways to cut expenses as well! If you each send two sisters who share a room, the hotel room price is less for both of you. If your members are driving - is there a nearby chapter to carpool with to share travel expenses as well? Sigma Alpha Convention is an unforgettable experience. Taking the time to plan ahead for convention can seriously cut down on associated costs. Do your research and take advantage of funding opportunities and enlist the help of your sisters. Need more ideas? Reach out to your chapter consultant for suggestions. The memories, learning opportunities, and friendships from Sigma Alpha Convention are truly priceless. See you in Scottsdale!

$290/person (on or before May 31st) $350/person (between June 1st - June 19th)

Guest rooms are $105/night plus applicable taxes. Reservation need to be booked by June 26th, 2019. Stacy Nadeau

Scottsdale Resort at McCormick Ranch 7700 E McCormick Parkway Scottsdale, AZ 85258 Reservations: (800) 540-0727

Scholarship opportunities are available for collegiate and alumnae chapters. Page 4


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Sigma Alpha National President, Kelly Lawler, pictured with recipients (left to right): Outstanding Advisor - Deborah Grusenmeyer* (Alpha Psi); Outstanding New Member Allyah Perez (Alpha Iota); Outstanding Senior - Jenna Maltbie* (Beta Psi); and Outstanding Leader - Breanthony Baker * (Phi Chapter). * Chapter member accepted on behalf of recipient.

(Left to right): Outstanding Scrapbook - Theta Outstanding Website - Lambda Outstanding Social Media - Pi

(Left to right): Jennifer McMillan Community Cooperation in Agriculture - Alpha Kappa Jennifer McMillan University Cooperation in Agriculture - Alpha Chi Outstanding Scholarship - Alpha Chi

Charters were presented to six chapters that activated or reactivated during 2017-18 (left to right) Row 1: Phi Texas A&M-Commerce; Beta Psi - Oklahoma State University; Beta Omega - Washington State University. Row 2: Gamma Alpha - Wilmington College; Gamma Beta - Montana State University; and Alpha Nu - Arizona State University.

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(Left): Outstanding Leadership Alpha Upsilon Not pictured: Outstanding Service - Alpha Epsilon and Outstanding Fellowship Beta Lambda.

Gamma Delta Epsilon Eta Theta Lambda Upsilon Psi Alpha Gamma

Alpha Epsilon Alpha Lambda Alpha Mu Alpha Chi Alpha Psi Beta Epsilon Beta Kappa Beta Upsilon

The Emerald Chapter award recognizes chapters that meet all mandatory requirements by the prescribed deadlines.

(Left to right): 2nd Place (tie): Alpha Chi; 1st Place: Gamma; 2nd Place (tie): Alpha Epsilon. The Founders’ Cup recognizes the chapter that has gone above and beyond the call of duty to fulfill the requirements of a Sigma Alpha Chapter while striving for excellence in the areas of scholarship, leadership, fellowship and service.

Congratulations to all Sigma Alpha collegiate and alumnae chapters that received a Conclave scholarship. In total, 62 scholarships were awarded - 59 of the 64 collegiate chapters in attendance received a $200 scholarship, as did 3 alumnae chapters. Special thanks to Monsanto for their sponsorship of this important scholarship program.

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Abigail Rule of the Epsilon Chapter at Penn State University helped honor Penn State’s White Out tradition with the Berkey Creamery’s creation of its new “White Out” flavor – and just in time for the big game against Ohio State. No one knows a White Out better than a Penn State student — that’s why Penn State’s Berkey Creamery brought in a student intern to help create its new White Out ice cream flavor. Rule and other student interns bounced ideas off of each other and tested potential flavors with a handful of other Creamery employees. After tasting more than 20 options, including flavors like coconut, marshmallow, and even a clear jalapeño, the team finally settled on the vanilla-based popcorn flavor. Getting to test and create Creamery flavors is a pretty sweet gig for Rule, who’s studying food sciences. She began working for the Creamery in January after starting her college career as a lab technician in the food science department involving dairy and ice cream.

McKenzie Schneider (center) with sisters Regan O’Donnell (left) and Breelynn Frank (right).

Katherine Thompson

Congratulations to Nu Chapter (Colorado State University) sisters, McKenzie Schneider who was elected to serve as Colorado FFA 2018-2019 State Reporter, and Katherine Thompson who was elected to serve as Virginia FFA 2018-2019 State Sentinel.

Rule took a tour of Penn State’s food science department while she was still in high school before deciding to attend Penn State. “I think every kid’s dream is to eat ice cream every day for a living,” Rule said. “The opportunities I’ve had with the Creamery have been wonderful, and I’m so thankful that I’ve had them.” Rule wasted no time starting the project after she joined the Creamery’s product development team as an intern. She’s worked on this project from the very beginning, so seeing it culminate in the release of a new flavor to the public is extremely gratifying. “We kind of just jumped right into this project,” Rule said. “I’ve really gotten to develop this flavor and work on this project with the rest of the product development team since January. It was really wonderful to see everything kind of come to this stage, so we’re really excited about the flavor.” Jim Brown, the Creamery’s assistant manager, said the Creamery tries to involve student interns as much as possible in the creation of new flavors and gave Rule the responsibility of testing each flavor. 1

Amanda Brantley, Alpha Pi Chapter (Texas A&M University) alumna, will oversee the direction of the agriculture, food and natural resources program as statewide career and technical education specialist for the Texas Education Agency. In addition to her responsibilities with agriculture, food, and natural resources, Amanda will provide agency support and serve on the board of directors for the Texas FFA Association and the Texas FFA Foundation.

Share your chapter story today! Want to see your chapter highlighted in the next Emerald Times? Submit a chapter update only using the 2018-19 Chapter Highlight submission form in the forms section of the officer portal. Page 8


Mandarino, Mikey “Student Intern Plays Crucial Role In Creating ‘White Out’ Creamery Flavor.’” Onward State, PSU news, 24 September 2018,

The Sigma Alpha Sorority Educational Foundation wants to help you grow professionally to obtain successful careers in the food, fiber and natural resources fields! Apply for the following scholarships and grants.

2019 Leadership Seminar Registration Scholarships    

Applications Open Applications Close Scholarship Amount Number of Scholarships

Apply Now! November 15, 2018 $145 67

Eligibility: One per Collegiate Chapter sending at least 1 representative to one of the seminars

2019 Professional Development Grants    

Applications Open Applications Close Grant Amount Number of Grants

Apply Now! November 15, 2018 $500 4

Eligibility: Collegiate and Alumnae Chapters and Individuals

Give her the recognition she deserves nominate her for the Spirit of Ruth Award today! The Spirit of Ruth Award was created to recognize Sigma Alpha Alumnae who embody the spirit of Ruth through active involvement, leadership, and commitment to the field of agriculture. Recipients of this award demonstrate the ideals of Sigma Alpha by living the four pillars: Scholarship, Leadership, Fellowship, and Service in their personal and/or professional lives.

Application Information   

Applications Open Applications Close Number of Awards

Apply Now! November 15, 2018 Four (one per Leadership Seminar)

Eligibility: Alumnae In Good Standing

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A: (Lindsey Liebig) This industry is built upon hard work and dedication; it is truly a labor of love. Those involved in agriculture pursue this lifestyle because they believe in being stewards of the land, cultivating food and fiber for the world around them and carrying on longstanding traditions of generations before them. This is not simply a job: it is a livelihood that requires drive, determination and an unending passion for crops, livestock and the land.

responses in a way that demonstrates common ground with them, proves the validity of my knowledge through my involvement in an agricultural sorority and interests them in a conversation about a new topic they haven’t been exposed to. A: (Liebig) My favorite way to AgVocate is to have simple one-on-one conversations with people. It is amazing how little people know about our industry, and it is rewarding to see them gain a new understanding of how their food is grown and where it comes from. Q3: What’s the best way to connect with those with little to no knowledge of ag?

Q2: What’s your favorite way to AgVocate?

A: (Munday) Our favorite way to AgVocate is through our “Ag In the Classroom” workshops. Our philanthropy committee in our sorority puts together a lesson plan about a specific segment in agriculture that can be taught to students from the 1st-4th grade. It is our hope that this knowledge may spark the students’ passion to learn more about agriculture and become a proponent for AgVocating in the future. A: (Bartusiak) My favorite way to AgVocate is to mention a tidbit of information during conversations with my family and friends. Normally, they provide the perfect segue themselves, such as mentioning that they bought something new at the grocery store. In these moments, I realize they have some confusion surrounding the topic and that I can help them to understand it better! I think I am in a really good position to AgVocate because I know both sides really well; I grew up (and still am) a city girl, so I know what most of my family and friends probably think [about agriculture], and I have been taught and informed by the best in the agriculture world. Because of this, I can tailor my Page Page 10 10

A: (Munday) As an organization built on excelling women in agriculture, we believe the best way to connect with those who have limited knowledge of agriculture is by not only teaching those individuals about the industry, but showing them how the industry functions as well. It is through our outreach that we truly have the capability to reach those with underserved knowledge of agriculture, while providing an interactive activity to keep them engaged with the information we are presenting. A: (Bartusiak) The best way to connect with those with little to no knowledge of ag is to have conversations with them. I find that my family and friends, who are mostly from the city and very far removed from the farm, normally do not want to be lectured or informed of agriculture topics unless they demonstrate curiosity themselves. When they do indicate interest though, I jump at the opportunity! I always make sure to present my ag information in an interesting way that sparks their curiosity rather than makes them feel uninformed. A: (Liebig) The best way, in my opinion, is recognizing that it is not a single approach. We must use multiple channels, whether that is social media; traditional print and radio advertising; articles; blogs; panel discussions; presentations; and one-on-one conversations [to promote modern agriculture]. The key is making agriculture a familiar subject in multiple forums and having it be a common topic of conversation. Agriculture needs to be woven into our everyday rhetoric.

(Left to right): Kate Hadley (secretary), Megan Lutrick (collegiate membership director), Jessica Graham (professional development director), Kim Stassen (vice president), Kelly Lawler (president), Megan O’Connell (outreach director), Molly Lass (communications director), Christine Phipps (treasurer) and Brianna Shanholtzer (development director).

(Left to right): Makenzie Deputy (region 3), Lisa Ecker (region 5), Alacyn Cox (region 4), Megan Lutrick (collegiate membership director), April Burg (region 8), Jennifer Webster (region 6) , Sarah Hetrick (region 1), and Celine Beggs (region 2). Not pictured: Stephanie Taylor (region 7) and Skylar Peters (region 9).

Collegiate and alumnae sisters, the National Sorority Board is looking for charter class pictures from each chapter to collect and put into our archives! If you happen to have your charter/ founding class picture, please scan/take a picture of it (no flash and not blurry) and send it to Molly Lass, National Communications Director at

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February 1-2, 2019 February 8-9, 2019 February 15-16, 2019 February 22-23, 2019

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Salt Lake City, Utah Indianapolis, Indiana Richmond, Virginia

By partnering with Alpha Gamma Rho to present the 2019 Leadership Seminars, Sigma Alpha provides its members an opportunity to develop personally and professionally and to network with other young professionals dedicated to the agriculture industry. Start making plans with other members from your chapter to attend one of these programs.

Aimee Ellinger

Carrie Blain

Aimee, an alumna of the Omega Chapter, graduated in 2016 from South Dakota State University with a bachelor’s degree in agriculture leadership. She is an early childhood family educator in the Ortonville, MN public school district. “I'm excited to be a part of the 2019 leadership seminars. During my time in Sigma Alpha, I had the opportunity to attend leadership seminars, growing personally and professionally through those experiences. I'm excited to be able to create an impactful experience for current members, Alpha Gamma Rho and Sigma Alpha as one of your facilitators. See you in February!”

Carrie, an alumna of the Alpha Pi Chapter, graduated in 2009 from Texas A&M University with a bachelor’s degree in poultry science. She is a divisional training manager for Pilgrims in Waco, TX.


While in Sigma Alpha, she built strong relationships and friendships that still remain today. In her spare time, Carrie loves being outdoors, traveling, and spending time with her nephew.

*Photo not available at time of publication.

See page 9 for more details Page 12

Brad’s substantial history with Sigma Alpha includes sharing knowledge with Sigma Alpha sisters as a Leadership Seminar facilitator in 2008 and 2009 and later chairing the Leadership Seminar Steering Committee. Over the years, he’s also developed friendships with many Sigma Alpha sisters, board members and chapter consultants.

Brad Garrison, Alpha Gamma Rho (AGR) alumnus, volunteer and former Chief Development Officer recently notified the Sigma Alpha Educational Foundation of a gift commitment he is making through his estate plan.

While on AGR’s staff, Brad provided encouragement and guidance by sharing fundraising expertise with the Sigma Alpha Foundation Board and staff and was continually exploring ways for the two organizations to work more closely together for mutual benefit. His mentorship, advice and strategic guidance in growing the Foundation has been invaluable.

Having recently joined the Executive Team of AgriVision Farm Management in Hartley, TX, as Director of Special Projects, Brad used this life change as an opportunity to re-evaluate his estate plan, specifically the philanthropic priorities included. Mississippi State University, his alma mater, and Alpha Gamma Rho have long been a part of his plan as their missions align with his values, and they have both made a significant impact on his life. While re-evaluating his philanthropic priorities, Brad recalled Sigma Alpha’s mission and pillars also align with his values. Given his connection to the Sorority over the last decade, he felt compelled to support the future of the Sorority by adding the Sigma Alpha Foundation to his will.

AGR/Sigma Alpha 2017 Leadership Seminar in Reno, NV

As a former fundraiser, Brad recognizes the value of estate gifts to the future of an organization and is proud to formally demonstrate his support for Sigma Alpha and his belief in its values through his planned estate gift which is “unrestricted for the Sigma Alpha Educational Foundation to use as it sees fit, with priority direction for leadership seminars or similar experiences.” According to Brad, “When I reflect on my Alpha Gamma Rho volunteer and staff roles supporting AGR’s Purpose of Making Better Men, I truly believe partnership with Sigma Alpha enhanced the experience for AGR men so it’s only fitting for me to support Sigma Alpha women in a similar fashion. If you’re considering Continued on page 16 Page 13

Sigma Alpha's new, member portal, The Greenhouse, is open and waiting for you to join the nearly 2,000 sisters who have already set-up their user accounts.

The Greenhouse serves to assist in facilitating a more robust lifelong membership connection to Sigma Alpha and the many opportunities and benefits available for her sisters.

This new tool provides a forum for Sigma Alpha chapters to keep collegiate and alumnae members up to date on chapter events and allows alumnae and collegians to more easily connect across membership types (i.e. alumna to collegian) and geographic boundaries (i.e., chapter to chapter/state to state).

The simple instructions below will help you to activate your account.

It's a place for all sisters to cultivate relationships, grow connections, and harvest career opportunities through nationwide networking.

Note: We have uncovered some gaps in our data. If you get a message stating that your records can’t be located, it’s likely because some of your data is missing or doesn’t match what you’ve entered. If this happens or if the email address we have on file isn’t correct, please *contact HQ so they can correct your information.

Set up your personal user id and password Information you’ll need: Greek Name of Chapter at Initiation  Last Name at Initiation  First Name at Initiation  Year of Initiation 

You will receive an email with a link for you to complete the process and give you access to your account.

* If you have trouble or questions, please call (262-682-4690) or email Ann ( or Angelle ( at Sigma Alpha Headquarters. Office hours are: 9am - 5pm CST, Monday - Thursday.

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At the 2018 National Conclave, the Sigma Alpha Educational Foundation announced a fundraising challenge for Sigma Alpha Collegiate chapters. The challenge is a fun way to serve the Sorority and the Sigma Alpha Educational Foundation while working together as a chapter to meet a goal. The Sigma Alpha pillar of service includes volunteering time, money or a combination of both to support a cause, mission, or organization that values and promotes something important to you. What better way to kick-off the school year than by supporting the Sigma Alpha Educational Foundation. The Foundation funds scholarships and grants to Sigma Alpha chapters and sisters to assist in facilitating or attending leadership and agricultural educational programs. The Foundation also supports the Sorority through national grants. In 2017-18, the Foundation provided more than $42,000 in grants and scholarships to the Sorority and its members. Help us continue to grow these opportunities and make a big difference with a small donation!

Make a big difference with a small $5 donation What:

$40,000 by 40 Years Collegiate Chapter Challenge


November 30, 2018


Collect a donation of at least $5 from each chapter member


Complete the 2018 Sigma Alpha Foundation Chapter Giving Challenge form in the FORMS section of the officer portal. Select the “All Members” option when asked who the form is being completed for; and enter the donation amount next to each members name (if someone didn’t donate, enter a zero). Submit the form and print a copy to mail with the check. (Checks should be made payable to Sigma Alpha Educational Foundation).


Mail the donations with a copy of the completed form to: Sigma Alpha Foundation PO Box 1604 Milwaukee, WI 53201


Participating chapters will be entered into a drawing for a Chapter Sisterhood Celebration. Use the entry guidelines below (9 prizes available):  50% - 74% of Returning Members Donate = 1 entry  75% - 89% of Returning Members Donate = 2 entries  90% - 99% of Returning Members Donate = 3 entries  100% of Returning Members Donate = 5 entries

Bonus Entry: The chapter receives a bonus entry when at least 75% of activated fall member candidates donate at least $5 each. Page 15

Continued from page 13

an easy yet impactful way to support the future of Sigma Alpha, I strongly encourage you to join in taking the easy step to formalize your own support.”

A planned gift through your will or estate plan is a simple way to make a meaningful impact and Brad’s is the first of which the Foundation has been notified. If you already have a will, it can be as simple as making a revision to include a statement allocating a specific dollar amount or remainder percentage directly to the Sigma Alpha Sorority Educational Foundation (legal name). You’ll also need to include the Foundation’s Federal Taxpayer ID Number/EIN (20-3449981) and address (PO Box 1604, Milwaukee, WI 53201). If you’ve already included Sigma Alpha in your estate plans or plan to do so in the future, please inform us so that we can properly thank and acknowledge you. If you have any questions about including Sigma Alpha in your estate plan, contact Angelle Bujol at (262) 682-4690 or

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