Sigma Alpha Sorority
June 2021
Photo Credit: Eastern Kentucky University Sigma Alpha- Beta Chi Chapter
Congratulations to all of our members who graduated this Spring! Good luck to you in your future endeavors, whether it is starting your career or continuing your education in graduate school. Remember to keep your contact information up-todate in the Greenhouse so we can stay connected with you.
Table of Contents Presidents Message: pg. 2 Alumnae, Here Are Three Ways to Engage!: pg. 3 Sprit of Ruth Application: pg. 4 Leadership Seminar Facilitator Application: pg. 4 Congratulations, 2021 Seniors!: pg.5 Sister Highlights: pg. 6 National Convention: pg. 7-9 Chapter Anniversaries: pg. 10-11 Alumnae Spotlight: pg. 12 Chapter Philanthropy Spotlight: pg. 13 Regional Pillar Awards: pg. 14-15 FFA American Degrees Recognition: pg. 16-20
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I am extremely proud of all of our chapters and members! Despite all of the challenges they faced this past year, they have continued to be creative with events and meetings, and chapters had remarkably successful recruitment for new members. The virtual Leadership Seminars were a huge success with every collegiate chapter having registered at least one member for one of the two seminars offered. Collegiate and alumnae members attended multiple National Professional Development webinars throughout the spring semester. Webinar topics included managing conflict, agriculture and energy, and careers in animal science. We even held a trivia night which was a lot of fun! Keep an eye out for the fall webinar schedule for more opportunities for you and your chapters. The National Sorority Board (NSB) has continued to work on several projects to better serve our chapters and members. You may recall from the January issue of Emerald Times the announcement about the launch of the Sorority’s learning management system (LMS). The first module added to the platform was a National Risk Management Training Course, which was created to help all members better understand the Sorority’s risk management policy. All collegiate chapter officers completed this training in February, and to-date, almost all spring 2021 Member Candidates have also completed the training. We are on track for a 100% completion rate by May 31st. This training is now a national requirement for all member
candidates in order to be eligible for activation, and beginning fall 2021, all collegiate members will be required to complete this training annually. There are several more training programs currently in development. This system and the courses provided through it will allow Sigma Alpha to implement more consistent training across all of our chapters and the entire membership. In addition to the training programs, we are nearing completion of a National Collegiate Code of Conduct that will help enable our chapters to adjudicate conduct issues with fairness and consistency. Be on the lookout for more details and additional training programs as we get closer to fall. But, before we get too far ahead, I’d be remiss not to talk a little about this summer’s convention. Although we were all looking forward to seeing everyone in-person at this year’s National Convention in Omaha, the NSB decided to shift to a virtual convention due to the uncertainty for our chapters and members. The program is full of great content for both you as a member and for your chapter, so make sure to check out the schedule on our website and register to attend. We are looking forward to seeing you virtually in July! On a personal note, in the midst of a busy planting season, my husband, Brad, and I welcomed our daughter and first child, Emma in April. We have been adjusting to this new chapter in our lives, and I am getting all the snuggles I can get while I am on maternity leave. Kim Neumann National President | Sigma Alpha Sorority
Provided By: Alyssa Clements Sigma Alpha Outreach Director Sigma Alpha Alumnae are vital to our sorority! We are working hard to provide opportunities that are valuable, entertaining, and fun for alumnae to engage. Here are three ways you can engage with Sigma Alpha to make the most of your alumnae membership: Volunteer. The National Leadership Team is looking for volunteers for judging opportunities and speakers for professional development events. If you’d like to get involved, keep an eye out for opportunities through your email, social media and on the Sigma Alpha website. Network. Based on a recent Sigma Alpha alumnae survey, alumnae shared their interest in networking and mentorship opportunities. We’re working on ways to put your interests into action for better networking and mentorship across the sorority. Keep us up-to-date on you. To keep you informed on ways you can engage with Sigma Alpha, we have to be able to contact you. The best way you can help us is to make sure your information is up-to-date in the Greenhouse at Updating alumnae information in The Greenhouse is simple.
b. Select the name of the chapter in which you were initiated. c. Enter your last name and your first name at the time you were initiated. d. Enter the year you were initiated.* e. Select the next button. i. The system will now search the database for the information you entered – if any item does not match what is on file – OR – if there is not a current email address on file for you, the system will indicate that your record could not be found. Please call HQ to resolve.
f. If your data matches, then you will see a screen with the email address we have on file, if this email is correct, hit submit, and the system will send you a verification link. Follow the instructions on the link to log-in. 4. Select the My Information tab, review and update your contact information as needed. a. Alumnae can also link their LinkedIn profile to their Greenhouse account, this will update your current job in the Greenhouse and will add future jobs when the systems sync. *Many database records from the Sorority’s early years did not include the initiation date so a default year of 1900 has been used – you may want to try this if your first attempt is not successful.
1. Visit and click on the Greenhouse button in the upper right-hand corner of the home page or navigate directly to the portal at 2. If you already have credentials, simply sign-in with your username & password and skip to number 4. a. If you do not remember your credentials or are not sure if you’ve set them up, contact Sigma Alpha Headquarters, or 262-682-4690. 3. If you know you have not set up your credentials, you can do so from the log-in screen: a. Select “If you do not have an account, click here to get your account.” Page 3
The Spirit of Ruth Award was created to recognize the Sigma Alpha Alumna who embodies the spirit of Ruth through her active involvement, leadership and commitment to the field of agriculture.
Each year, Sigma Alpha Sorority & Alpha Gamma Rho host multiple, regionally based Leadership Seminars throughout the month of February. Facilitators must be dues paying Sigma Alpha Alumnae members with 1-2 years of facilitating experience. Attendees are exposed to alumni/alumnae and Corporate Partners who continue to make Leadership The recipient of this award demonstrates the ideals of Seminars possible. The goal of these Seminars Sigma Alpha by living our four is to provide a high-energy environment for pillars—Scholarship, Leadership, Fellowship, and Service—in her personal and/or professional members to actively learn alongside their peers, as well as from their peers, on ways to further life. The recipient of this award will have the strength and determination to rise to achieve the enhance their personal capacity for leadership. goals we have set as leaders in agriculture. These Seminars are led by four Facilitators – two representatives from Sigma Alpha Sorority. One Spirit of Ruth Award will be presented at each Leadership Seminar. Nominations can be Facilitators will work with the Curriculum. submitted by any alumna of Sigma Alpha Consultant to create, edit and finalize Sorority and should demonstrate how the curriculum through email, conference calls, and nominated sister has proven to be a role model training sessions. with outstanding contributions and/or exceptional service that has bettered the Sorority or agriculture community as a whole. Time Commitment Requirements • Award recipients will be required to attend a Leadership Seminar (travel, accommodations, and registration will be provided) • Sigma Alpha Alumna in good standing (life member/current dues paid)
• Must demonstrate the four pillars in personal and/or professional life • Preference will be given to alumnae aged thirty years or older to promote the lifelong bonds of sisterhood • Active in the agriculture industry, either personal or professional Nominate someone today in the Greenhouse! Nominations are due October 31st, 2021 Page 4
Facilitators are required to attend two in-person meetings. The orientation/training meeting in September 2021 (Friday-Sunday) and the run-through weekend in November 2021 (FridaySunday). 2022 Leadership Seminars Tentative Dates
February 3-6, 2022 February 10-12, 2022 February 17-20, 2022 February 24-27, 2022
For more information on Leadership Seminars and applying to be a Facilitator, visit the Sigma Alpha website. Applications Due July 15th, 2021
Congratulations to the sisters who graduated this
The National Sorority Board sends congratulations
spring! COVID–19 caused senior year to look a
to all graduates on their accomplishments and
little different, however, you stepped up to the
invites them to continue to stay active within the
challenge and continued to strive in scholarship,
sorority as an alumnae member.
leadership, fellowship and service within your sorority, on your campus, and in your community.
Learn more on the Sigma Alpha website!
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The Sigma Alpha Pi Chapter at Virginia Tech held their first virtual open house event this past fall Jessica Wesson, a Sigma Alpha alumna, received
semester! We recently made the switch to only hold
the Agricultural Relations
recruitment during the spring semesters, so the goal
Council 2021 ARC/C.O.nxt
of this open house was to spread the word about
Scholarship. She is currently a
Sigma Alpha and share some information pertaining to who we are and what we do!
University of Arkansas agricultural communica-
Unfortunately, there were some technological
tions graduate student.
hiccups along the way, and this contributed to not
The Agriculture Relations
having as many potential girls attend as we were
Council awards one,
hoping for. However, we still had a small group turn
$1,500 scholarship for
out, along with a solid group of current sisters to offer
college students studying ag communications and
support, answer questions, and meet new girls! This
public relations.
event was a lot of fun, and consisted of a short PowerPoint presentation, followed by questions, and
Jessica joined the Sigma Alpha Iota chapter at the
finished with small breakout rooms grouping active
University of Arkansas in the fall of 2017. She
sisters and interested girls.
earned a bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Education, Communication and Technology from
The idea of holding a fall open house began with
the University of Arkansas in spring of 2020.
Abby Davis, a now alumna, who served as recruitment chairperson the year prior. Abby organized an outdoor, potluck-style event where active sisters and interested members could meet each other and hang out in a relaxed environment while playing lawn games. The event was extremely successful, and we hoped to continue it for many fall semesters in the future. COVID-19 threw a wrench in those plans this year, but we overcame as best we could, and are hoping for the best for next year’s open house! - Jessica Thompson, Pi Chapter Recruitment Chair
The Sigma Alpha Pi Chapter at Virginia Tech Hosted a Virtual Open House last fall.
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Sigma Alpha has made the decision to host the 2021 National Convention, “Leagues & Legacies,” as a 100% virtual event. While we can’t be in-person for this National Convention, we are working hard to create a meaningful and fun virtual event. And, we have something for everyone: an alumnae-only event, student conditioning sessions and an Emerald Banquet for all! Sign-up by June 14 to get the Early Bird Rate. Individual collegians and all alumnae should register in the Greenhouse! *Each collegiate chapter is required to purchase a Collegiate Chapter Delegate Package that covers registration for both the Chapter Delegate and the Alternate Delegate. Collegiate Chapter Delegates and Alternate Delegates will be sent a link to register once delegate names are submitted by the chapter.
Early Bird Registration When registered by June 14, 2021: •
Collegiate Chapter Delegate Package – $150 (*Includes registration for both the Official Voting Delegate and the Alternate Voting Delegate)
Collegiate Individual Member Registration – $65
Alumnae Registration – $45 Includes: - Alumnae Event on Monday, July 19th - Industry Panels on Thursday, July 22nd - National Chapter Congress Saturday, July 24th - Emerald Banquet on Saturday, July 24th
Regular Registration When registering after June 14, 2021: •
Collegiate Chapter Delegate Package – $200
Collegiate Individual Member Registration – $90
Alumnae Registration – $70
Registration Closes July 7, 2021. Page 7
(Subject to change) All times appear in Central Daylight Time
Monday July 19th
Saturday July 24th
Alumnae Team Building Event: 7 pm
Pillar Committee Meetings: 9 am
Gather remotely with alumnae from across the country to compete in a series of online mental, physical, skill, and mystery challenges.
Wednesday July 21st
National Chapter Congress: 10 am Sisterhood Symposium:1 pm
National Awards Competition: 2–7 pm
Lunch Program: 12 pm
Thursday July 22nd
Team Conditioning Sessions: 1- 5 pm Now that we’ve mastered our personal conditioning, let’s come together to learn and practice skills to build a stronger team that works in sync towards a common goal. Together through the wins and the losses: De-escalating conflict in a group Beyond the locker room speeches: Bringing back civil discourse Celebrating the wins: Positive leadership and fun ways to recognize member achievement Timing is everything: Meaningful meetings, led efficiently
Agriculture Industry Panels: 7 pm
Friday July 23rd Delegate Orientation: 3:30 pm Individual Conditioning Sessions: 5–8:30 pm Through participation in these fast-paced workshops, participants will gain and practice tools to build the individual strength, resiliency, and skills needed to excel as leaders and professionals. Control: Awareness and control over one’s emotional responses Discipline: Time management and work/life balance; Practice leads to habits Resilience: Self-care and growth Sharp Minds: Critical thinking and problem solving Vision: Knowing where you are headed, and how to get there
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Round 1: 5:15 – 6:00 pm Round 2: 6:15 – 7:00 pm Round 3: 7:15 – 8:00 pm Wrap Up: 8:00 – 8:30 pm
Round 1: 1:15 – 2:00 pm Round 2: 2:15 – 3:00 pm Round 3: 3:15 – 4:00 pm Wrap Up: 4:15 – 5:00 pm
Emerald Banquet: 6 pm
Former US. Army Black Hawk Pilot, Elizabeth
You will leave the presentation knowing how to:
McCormick, shares the professional and/or
Unlock the key to boosting YOUR confidence,
personal development secrets for success with
elevating your effectiveness with customers and
her stories of overcoming overwhelming obstacles
co-workers (even your family)
as a helicopter pilot while inspiring YOU to
Soar 2 Success!
Unlock the key to boosting YOUR confidence, elevating your effectiveness with customers and co-workers (even your family!)
Interactive- out of the seat exercise to prove the
power of language on your personal power and your impact on those around you •
Discover the #1 success principle while learning to FLY a helicopter (YES, REALLY!)
Leadership- CAN Leadership a simple framework to greater levels of leadership with prioritization and delegation strategies
All Sigma Alpha Alumnae are invited to join in on the virtual convention fun! Register for convention now and join with alumnae from across the country on July 19th for an alumnae team building event.
In small groups, you will work together to tackle a series of mental, physical, skill, and mystery challenges, earning points for each one successfully completed. This exciting activity will allow alumnae to learn new things about one another, discover hidden talents,
Compete in a series of online mental, physical, skill, and
and strengthen collaboration while having fun.
mystery challenges. Outback Teambuilding and Training will host a Virtual Team Pursuit, allowing alumnae from anywhere in the world to participate in the challenge.
Be sure to pre-register for the 2021 Virtual National Convention by June 14th, 2021. Registration includes: Alumnae Event, Industry Panels, National Chapter Congress & The Emerald Banquet . Page 9
Sigma Alpha wants to celebrate each anniversary chapter during the Emerald Banquet. Please share your pictures and favorite memories using the form in the Greenhouse.
25 Years Alpha Beta Alpha Gamma 20 Years Alpha Mu Alpha Nu Alpha Xi Alpha Omicron 15 Years Beta Delta Beta Epsilon
25 Years Alpha Delta 20 Years Alpha Pi Alpha Rho Alpha Sigma Alpha Tau Alpha Upsilon Alpha Phi 15 Years Beta Zeta Beta Eta Beta Theta 10 Years Beta Mu 5 Years Beta Upsilon Page 10
We are so excited to recognize chapters that are celebrating some big anniversaries this quarter! Sigma Alpha is not just for 4 years, but for a lifetime. As we all continue to cultivate a lifetime of purpose as Sigma Alpha members and alumnae, we look forward to the future of the sorority and the many anniversaries to come.
Pictures: Beta Upsilon (top left); Beta Theta (top right); Beta Mu (2nd row, left); Alpha Pi (2nd row, right); Alpha Rho (3rd row ,left); Delta (3rd row, right); Beta Zeta (bottom); Beta Eta (no picture available)
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The week of October 26th, 2020, Sigma Alpha-Nu
she asked Sigma Alpha members to think of other
Chapter at Colorado State University virtually
Breast Cancer Survivors within agriculture that
hosted, “Ropin’ for a Reason” to raise money for
would be willing to share their story.
their chosen beneficiary, Cowboy’s for Cancer Research. The women chose this beneficiary to support their Alumni sister, Briana Tangredi in her current journey as a breast cancer survivor.
A big highlight from this event was the Panel of Breast Cancer Survivors. At this night, the panelist consisted of a veterinarian, a daughter of a poultry farmer, Equine Gestalt
Coaches, the Treasurer for
Initially, the goal for this
Cowboys for Cancer
event was to raise $1,000.
Research, and the Nu
The Nu Chapter was not
Chapter’s alumnae sister,
sure how successful this
Briana Tangredi. When
event would be due to the
reflecting on the night of
challenge of limited
the event, it was not just
resources when trying to
an event to bring
stay virtual. Not only were
awareness to the
they able to raise $1,000,
community and to be
they were able to collect
inspired by the strength
over $5,400 at the end of
and wisdom these women
the event.
had to offer, but also the
The Philanthropy Chair,
sense of community that
Macey Westbrook, had a
took place. The panelists
budget of $500 and was
listened to each other’s
able to stay under budget.
stories and continued to lift
For the Virtual Paint Night,
each other up.
she used a family friend who was skilled enough to lead a class. For the Silent Auction, she had visited booths at the National Western Stock Show to collect items for the event, sent out members of her committee to local stores around Fort Collins, and utilized her resources within the College of Agriculture at Colorado State University. For the Virtual Panel of Breast Cancer Survivors, she reached out to past connections such as former teachers, veterinarians she had worked with, and Page 12
There was a connection between the panelists and the women who had attended the panel, a connection that was empowering. When thinking about the core values of what Sigma Alpha stands for, this chapter had exemplified what it looks like to strive to be professional and to help advance the agricultural industry. -Macey Westbrook, Nu Chapter Philanthropy Chair
The Kansas Soybean Association (KSA) board of directors elected Teresa Brandenburg of Osborne, KS, as president of the board Jan. 5, 2020 at its annual meeting. This is a big milestone for the association, and for Brandenburg, as she is its first woman president.
Brandenburg is an alumna of the Delta Chapter, and a 2007 graduate of Iowa State University where she studied Agricultural Education. After nearly 10 years as a teacher, in 2019 she joined the Headquarters staff of Sigma Alpha where she works full-time as the Chapter Operations Manager.
She initially joined the board in 2010 as a Young Leader, after moving to Kansas from Iowa. She became involved with planning KSA’s Annual Soybean Expo upon joining and has enjoyed watching it grow and improve every year.
Over the course of volunteering on the KSA board, Brandenburg’s family grew, which has given her perspective on the work-life balance challenges many mothers navigate. She and her husband, Luke, Brandenburg credits watching and learning from her have three boys, and in addition to off-farm jobs, are peers and asking lots of questions as keys to success the fourth generation working Luke’s family farm in that advanced her to a leadership role. She also central Kansas. Brandenburg often says she won’t credits passion for the organization, and encourages travel for KSA meetings until the boys are in bed, and other women to seek out involvement in organizations she has ensured that the house is stocked and they are passionate about. everyone is cared for. The balance works, she says, because her husband is supportive and her boys are “Think about what skills you can offer and just start understanding. reaching out to organizations that would fulfill your passion,” she advises. “Don’t be afraid to try different “I’m lucky in that aspect, but there’s still a level of guilt groups until you find one that shares your heart and involved as a mom,” she says. “But, I’m a better shares your mind, and then dig in with your whole mother and better person. I am happier; I am more heart.” focused; and I am more fulfilled because of the time I spend away in this professional capacity.” As for KSA, the organization shares Brandenburg’s heart and mind because it is forward thinking, she She also hopes that her experience on the board says, adding that it looks to protect the future of shows her kids that they, too, can do whatever they American agriculture and serve farmers and families want to do. that grow soybeans. “We get to be a voice and create meaningful change,” she says. Looking forward, Brandenburg’s primary goal as president of the KSA board is to successfully navigate Reflecting on her decade involvement in KSA, the political climate in a way that serves the KSA Brandenburg highlights expanding the Kansas membership. “I want to put my energy into making Soybean Expo and influencing policy work as sure that the American farmer and the Kansas successes. Much of the policy work led by the board soybean grower has the ability to produce a safe, serves an important role for soybean growers, she abundant food supply.” says. Page 13
We would like to congratulate the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners for region in each of the four pillar categories! Each of the 1st place regional winners for all four pillars have been invited to deliver a presentation for a panel of judges to highlight the chapter’s programming. The scoring from the presentation will be combined with the scoring from the regional written judging to determine a national winner in each pillar.
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These sisters have gone above during their time with Future Farmers of American (FFA) and we want to take time to congratulate those who received their 2019 American FFA Degrees. Recipients were recognized and awarded at the 2020 virtual 93rd National FFA Convention & Expo. As the highest degree achievable in the National FFA Organization, the FFA American Degree shows an FFA member’s dedication to her chapter and state FFA association. It demonstrates the effort FFA members apply toward their supervised agricultural experience (SAE), as well as their leadership abilities and community involvement through their FFA career. To receive an American degree, FFA members need to meet significant requirements in their activity with FFA, level of education and community and leadership involvement. Mallory Anderson Chapter: Phi
Anna Baker Chapter: Gamma
College Major: Agricultural leadership and Communication
College Major: Horticulture
FFA SAE: Entrepreneurship in sheep, goat, pig breeding, market sheep and paid placement. Favorite FFA memory: My favorite memory is very broad, but it would have to be my time as a state officer. I was able to help advocate for all of my favorite things, agriculture, as a National FFA #speakag ambassador. I had the opportunity to present a workshop at the 2019 National FFA Convention and continue the workshop throughout the year to over 2,000 members and guest as to why advocation for ag is so important. Although my year of service didn’t allow me to finish how I would have hoped, it allowed me to see the good in every situation we encounter, because no matter what we still have to push forward.
FFA SAE: Diversified Livestock Production Favorite FFA Memory: My favorite FFA memory was serving on the Michigan FFA 2019-2020 State Officer Team. Over my year of service, I made friends across the state of Michigan and gained leadership skills that will help me succeed during college and my future career. Becca Merrill Chapter: Alpha Mu College Major: Agricultural Education FFA SAE: Outdoor Recreation, Ag Education, Ag Mechanics Repair and Maintenance Favorite FFA Memory: I loved being able to attend different conferences to meet different people from all over the country, especially the Washington Leadership Conference. I got to develop as a leader more so than I ever thought and I am so thankful for that opportunity.
Page 16
Savannah Douglas Chapter: Beta Eta
Chloe Hyde Chapter: Gamma Alpha
College Major: Animal Science
College Major: Animal Science
FFA SAE: Feeder Steer and Agriculture Sales Favorite FFA Memory: One of my favorites was National Convention in 2017, competing in the Horse Judging CDE. As we were all new to the contest, we were shocked to have won the state contest. Our team shared a bond like no other. With the knowledge and guidance of our advisors we became the reserve national champions in Horse Judging. The memories made with that team is truly something I will cherish forever. Joanna Frankenberg Chapter: Alpha College Major: Agriculture Communications FFA SAE: Dairy Production Placement Proficiency Favorite FFA Memory: My Favorite FFA memory is attending State and National Convention and being able to meet other chapters, attend the trade shows and listen to keynote speakers. Julie Griffin Chapter: Beta Tau
FFA SAE: Tractor Supply, Show Hogs, Custom Corsages Favorite FFA Memory: Going on my chapter’s four-day National Conventions. Katie Koeppel Chapter: Beta Zeta College Major: Ag Education FFA SAE: Agriculture Sales, Fruit & Vegetable Production, and Agriculture Education Favorite FFA Memory: The opportunity to help and create an Agricultural Education Club for our elementary school. Working with other FFA members we were able to create lesson plans.
Kayli Long Chapter: Gamma Alpha College Major: Ag Education & Animal Science FFA SAE: Beef and Sheep Production Entrepreneurship Favorite FFA Memory: Having the opportunity to attend the 2015 Washington Leadership Conference.
College Major: Ag Education FFA SAE: Dairy Production Entrepreneurship
Lydia Mary Martins Chapter: Delta
Favorite FFA Memory: Serving on the 2019-2020 Arkansas State Officer Team.
College Major: Animal Science, Pre-Vet FFA SAE: Goat Production Favorite FFA Memory: Competing at the National Level for Parliamentary Procedure. Page 17
Kyla Baldridge Chapter: Alpha Gamma College Major: Rangeland Ecology and Watershed Management FFA SAE: Swine Production Placement Favorite FFA Memory: My Favorite FFA Memory is bus rides to events. I loved all the events as well but there was no better environment than the bus after a CDE, celebrating how we did. We did not win or place every time but every CDE we learned something new and grew as people so we took that as a win. We all had a very positive attitude that no matter how the CDE went we were proud of each other. Being a part of that environment was so uplifting and positive. We would rock out on the bus, tell jokes and laugh ’til it hurt no matter how the CDE went. FFA taught me so much, but the best part was people and the connections I made; those memories last a lifetime. Cheyenne Baldwin Chapter: Gamma Alpha College Major: Animal Science FFA SAE: Job Interview Favorite FFA Memory: My favorite FFA memory has to be our dog wash fundraiser we held at the local feed store. We raised money for the victims affected by hurricane Harvey. It was so much fun because I was with all my fellow FFA members and raised money for a great cause. Ashley Lynn Carns Chapter: Beta Delta College Major: Dairy Science FFA SAE: Equine Science Entrepreneurship and Dairy Production Entrepreneurship Supervised Agriculture Experiences
Page 18
Favorite FFA Memory: My favorite FFA memory is attending my final in-person Wisconsin State FFA Convention in 2019. I had many irons in the fire that week with being a Wisconsin State Farmer Finalist, and Equine Science Entrepreneurship Proficiency Gold Finalist, receiving my State FFA Degree, running for State FFA Office and participating in the State FFA band. This convention was a testament to all my years of hard work within the FFA organization, and although it didn’t turn out how I hoped it would, it was an experience that I will always cherish. Hannah Chumchal Chapter: Alpha Pi College Major: Agriculture Communications & Journalism FFA SAE: Entrepreneurship Animal System- Beef Favorite FFA Memory: My Favorite memory was receiving my Texas FFA Lone Star Degree at the State Convention in 2018. My hard work, perseverance and record keeping paid off when I received this award. I will always cherish my gold chain. Caitlin Grace Condon Chapter: Beta Delta College Major: Animal Science and Ag Business FFA SAE: Sheep Production Favorite FFA Memory: One of my all-time favorite memories was attending the Washington Leadership Conference. I traveled to Washington D.C. with three girls from my high school, no chaperone and only one of us had been on a plane before. On that trip we learned so much about our country’s past, how to be leaders and to advocate for agriculture.
Hannah Sykes Chapter: Gamma Alpha
Megan Walton Chapter: Alpha Zeta
College Major: Agriculture: Concentration Animal Science
College Major: Agricultural Services and Development with a teaching degree
FFA SAE: Showing market steers and breeding heifer. Favorite FFA Memory: Traveling to National Convention. Carly Thompson Chapter: Alpha Beta College Major: Nursing FFA SAE: Food Service, Specialty Animal and Agriculture Mechanics: Repair and Maintenance. Favorite FFA Memory: One of my top favorites was when my Parliamentary Procedure team was competing at state convention and we ended up placing third and I was named secretary. One of my goals for my four years of high school was to win a state contest and have my name on a banner in our classroom like so many of the older students that I looked up to. Accomplishing that and just getting to compete with my team at a higher level is definitely one of my favorite memories. Tiffany Vannoy Chapter: Chi College Major: Agribusiness Management & Agriculture and Extension Education FFA SAE: Livestock Entrepreneurship, Ag Communications Favorite FFA Memory: Attending California State FFA Leadership Conference and representing the Napa FFA chapter as a delegate for the 88th & 91st State Convention.
FFA SAE: Goats, Sheep, Pigs Favorite FFA Memory: It’s hard to pick but it is between the trips in the mini-bus with my teams to different places around Oregon or my last county fair.
Brianne Shannon Chapter: Alpha Iota College Major: Ag Education FFA SAE: Steers, Sheep, Pigs, Turkeys, and broilers for market. Small animal showmanship and husbandry. Favorite FFA Memory: I competed in Veterinary Science and we had a competition that fell on my birthday. I showed up at the school bright and early to leave for the competition to be surprised with a whole birthday set up. My parents, advisor and fellow FFA members had streamers set up, cake waiting and gifts. It was such a fun surprise! When we went to competition I felt the most prepared that I ever had. I ended up placing 1st individual and my team placed 1st place high team! Michelle Stangler Chapter: Beta Zeta
College Major: Agricultural Marketing and Communications FFA SAE: Agriculture Education, Dairy Production, Poultry Production Favorite FFA Memory: My favorite memory was being scared of chickens and then excelling in the Poultry Evaluation Career Development Event four years later and receiving 1st place individual at the state competition. Page 19
Madison Michels Chapter: Alpha Mu College Major: Ag Leadership, Education and Communication FFA SAE: Agriculture Sales, Poultry Production and Beef Production
National FFA Convention and seeing the enormity of FFA on a national level. I knew how my charter worked and recognized people from the state, but seeing people from almost every state was mind blowing. Keeley Poloni Chapter: Lambda College Major: Animal Science
Favorite FFA Memory: My favorite FFA memory would be competing in the Parliamentary Procedure LDE at the National FFA Convention. The team experienced many laughs and a few tears throughout the event and it will be something that I will remember forever. Adrianne Moran Chapter: Alpha
FFA SAE: Sheep and Horse Showmanship
Favorite FFA Memory: Winning a couple CDE Veterinary Science Contest during field days. Kate Schoenberg Chapter: Alpha Omega
College Major: Marketing FFA SAE: Working as a county office administration intern for Adams, Brown, Clermont, and Highland Country Farm Bureaus Favorite FFA Memory: At the National FFA Convention in 2018, I competed in the Agriscience Social Systems Division 5 category about youth in the agriculture industry and I ended up winning. Walking on stage in front of 66,000 people to be announced as the winner was super exciting and uncomfortable. Kaitlin Elise Pescinski Chapter: Beta Zeta College Major: Food Science FFA SAE: Nursery Operations Proficiency
FFA SAE: Nursery Operation Placements-paid, Equine Entrepreneurship, Equine Placement Unpaid, and Vegetable Entrepreneurship. Favorite FFA Memory: When our poultry team went to nationals I got to tag along as an “example support human” to help with studying, hand out stress snacks and help pump up the team. Also, to give my advisor a break since it was her first time taking a team to nationals. It ended up being so much fun for me and National Convention was an amazing experience. Madyson Thill Chapter: Alpha Beta College Major : Agribusiness FFA SAE: Cow Calf Operation
Favorite FFA Memory: There are so many memorable times! Honorable mentions have to include Washington Leadership Conference, my Nursery Operations SAE, being the teddy bear toss chair and hanging out in the agriculture department every day after school. Specifically, the most memorable time has to be my first Page 20
Favorite FFA Memory: Gaining lifelong friends while organizing events and traveling to CDE’s.
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