2019 Vol 6 BBU! Magazine

Page 33



Shacolby S.


Little Introduction... I am Shacolby Shentell. I am an actress, singer, writer, and poet amongst other things. I have had the opportunity to be apart of many great productions such as When Temptation Comes, Da Dealership, Christmas is Tomorrow, Xclosures, Jook Joint Blues and more. I have also produced music for many of the plays and Men Talk Women Listen. I’m enjoying every Avenue when it comes to the arts because I love them all; the stage, film, directing, and writing. What drew you to pursue a career in acting? I always loved acting every since joining the Drama Club at the age of 11. I stopped after high school but still had the desire to do so. I didn't know I could not only just dream but actually pursue my hearts desire. I'm going after the desires of my heart that being acting. What are you long term acting goals? My long term goals would be to have my face on the big screen one day as well as produce my own films. Generally speaking, is there a certain type of scene that's harder for you to act out than others? Love? Action? Racy? I actually just dealt with the challenge of playing a particular role in the play “When Temptation Comes “. Her name was Lashes. She was an extremely sexual being; she was free. I struggled because I was so not her. In acting you have to portray many characters. I had to just let go and really become this character.

So our readers can get to know more about you as a writer. I have a few more questions we love to call “We Asked You Answered”.


Which type of character was/is the most difficult to portray? The most difficult thus far has been the overly sexy character. People think it’s easy for me but little do they know I’m that silly, clumsy girl (lol).


If you had a magic wand, what show would you do next? If I had a magic wand, I would probably do a movie with my favorite comedic actors Adam Sandler, Eddie Murphy, and Jim Carey.


If someone was going to make your life into a movie, who would play you? It would have to be Taraji Henson.


What makes a good scene partner? What makes good partner is someone who has just as much passion in bringing the characters to life like me.


What advice do you have for other aspiring actors? Never give up on yourself. Always work on your craft. Always Network.

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