Caleb Fritz, Penn & South (2024) 104 Sells Rd. Beech Bluff, TN 38313
Ashley Fuss, Penn & South (2026) 12737 Woodsboro Pike Keymar, MD 21757
Jim Gruenhagen, N Central (2024) 7622 Jersey Ridge Rd. Davenport, IA 52807
Jason Heeg, West (2025) Po Box 217 Shepherd, MT 59079-0217
Mary Anne Keck, South West (2025) 665 Niangua Rd. Niangua, MO 65713
Adam Moore, South West (2024) 27568 Morgan Way Greentop, MO 63546
Jon Nicholson, NY/New Eng. (2024) 906 Main St. South Windsor, CT 06074
Jared Poynter, Illinois (2025) 8 N 215 McGough Rd. Maple Park, IL 60151
Danny Rogers, Indiana (2025) 2435 W McCracken Rd. Monrovia, IN 46157
Charlotte Stephenson, Wis/Mich (2025) E8977 Pierce Hill Rd. Viroqua, WI 54665
Rick Whiting, Ohio (2024) 1779 Green Rd. Martinsville, OH 45146
American Shropshire Registry Association
All registrations and payments should be made to The American Shropshire Registry Association office. Payments are also available via credit card. Visit
Breeder’s Directory (3 Voice issues and 12 months on the website ...... $30
Add your website link $20
February Voice .............. Jan. 15
May Voice March 15
October Voice ................ Sept. 1
Voice Advertising Manager (217) 474-9365
P.O. Box 475, Sidell, IL 61876
ASRA Office Hours:
Mon.-Thurs.–11 a.m. to 2 p.m. EST Mon. & Thurs. evenings –8-11 p.m. EST
Secretary Becky Peterson will be near the office at most other times and will return calls as soon possible. She will make the best effort to process registrations and transfers within a day or two of receipt.
Contact her at: American Shropshire Registry Association
Becky Peterson, Secretary 41 Bell Rd., Leyden MA 01337 Phone/Fax –(413) 624-9652
Shropshire Voice & Website
If you need to place an ad or news item in the ShropshireVoice, or on the Shropshire website,, contact Rinda Maddox, Voice Publisher/Web Coordinator.
For questions on any of the junior events for the Shropshire Association, contact:
“The American Shropshire Registry Association does not necesarrily endorse paid advertisement published in this publication.”
Taylor Young, Junior Assoc. President 913 Brothers Rd. Bell Buckle , TN 37020
Shropshire Voice
Hello to all Shropshire Breeders.
As my time as your Shropshire president and board representative from Illinois comes to an end, I wanted to take a look at some of the things that have been accomplished. I am happy with our efforts to improve the quality of the sheep. I have strived to bring breed character to the forefront. There has been some improvement in breed character, but we need to keep striving to make it better.
We have gotten a lot of outside influence that has been the cause of a lot of our problems. It has brought in detrimental genes and a lot of variation in our breed character. We have tried to address some of these problems but haven’t been able to do enough about stopping the root cause. As long as we keep using outside genetics to make our sheep better for the showring we will continue to have these problems in our breed.We might be producing better sheep but we are losing our breeds identity in the process. It is hard to legislate honesty. Some think
we are trying to do too much and others think we aren’t doing enough. If we could trust everyone to have true pedigrees and be honest it would be easy. Making rules to force the honesty may result in a lot of unwanted consequences. It is a difficult balancing act.
Rick and Brenda Adams at their son Brad’s wedding with a medieval theme.
We have been meeting on this issue several times and are finding it hard to find common ground. I hope that as we move forward we can find that common ground and solve some of these problems. Not solving these problems makes it hard to attract new members. If we all work on this together we can prosper as a breed. I have enjoyed my time on the board and as the president. I have been on the board for 12 years and president for the last two. As the board moves forward, lets work on new ideas with open minds. I like my Shropshire sheep and the people I have met and became friends with over my time in the breed. I will continue to be part of the breed and keep working on Breed Character.
Welcome to the October Voice here in 2024. The year has flown by and the office felt busier than in other years though the stats remain largely unchanged. The home front had its trials and tribulations that slowed progress down for a bit but we seem to be on the upswing and moving forward.Your patience at these moments was much appreciated.
Sale results held pretty steady as well with 92 head averaging $919 at the Ohio Showcase and a $552 average on 32 head at the Indiana Premier. An additional 24 head sold at four online sales at an average of $717. State fair entries were strong as well and 199 head were shown and placed at the All-American Junior Show.
females at the Ohio Showcase Sale. They continue to be enthusiastic and will both be active owners and promoters of the breed.
We welcomed two new young Shropshire owners in the Starter Flock Program, 11-yearold Paisley Epple of Hillsboro, Missouri and Hunter Robbins of West Point, Tennessee, age 10. Both received stipends and purchased their
NAILE is right around the corner and we expect a good sized show in both the open and junior divisions. The junior show will be on Saturday, Nov. 16, judged by John Mrozinski, followed by the open show on Monday, Nov. 18 with Jeff Held making the selections. Junior Showmanship will be on Friday Nov. 15 and sorted by Heidi Barkley.
The Junior Association meeting is scheduled for Friday evening. The ASRA Board will meet on Sunday morning, Nov. 17, followed by the Annual Meeting of the members at 6 PM. We hope to see lots of Shropshire breeders at ringside viewing the judges’ choices. Exhibitors are reminded to send the matching entry fees of $12 per head entered to the office to boost our obligatory premium fund. The ASRA is committed to provide a portion of the premiums awarded with $2172 `spent for the 2023 Junior Show and $1628 for the Open Show. And for those exhibiting sheep in our National Shows in Louisville, please remember to follow the Shropshire breed standards and leave no wool in the flanks, from the poll backward and above the knee and hock joints.Your cooperation is much appreciated.
Numerous state fair results are included in this issue. We may try to limit the space needed to publish these by limiting the number of placings and/or some group classes. We hope you will help promote our shows by sending in results from other shows and we will use them as much as possible. I would like to utilize the Shropshire Facebook page more but I do not spend a lot of time glued to my phone. If you have class winner show photos from your adventures, you may email them to me and I will share them on the page whenever possible. Meanwhile, I look forward to seeing you in Louisville or somewhere else in 2025. We hope you will continue to promote and support this breed!
Becky Peterson has decided to step down as the Executive Secretary of the American Shropshire Registry Association.
We would like to thank her for her 17 years of service.
The board of directors will be conducting a search for a replacement. Please look to our Facebook page and our website, shropshires. org, for more information in the near future. Please reach out to any of the board members for more details.
Shropshire Futurity as
Minutes of Board of Directors’ Meeting
May 5, 2024 via Zoom
Meeting was called to order at 8:04 p.m. by President Rick Adams. Also present were Mary Anne Keck, Jim Gruenhagen, Charlotte Stephenson, Jason Heeg, Jon Nicholson, Ashley Fuss, Jared Poynter, Bill Bryant, Rick Whiting and Mike Elsbury. Not participating were Danny Rogers, Caleb Fritz and Mandy Curtiss.
Secretary’s report – Becky had emailed the minutes of the January 28 meeting.There were no additions or corrections. Jim Gruenhagen moved to accept the report with a second by Jared Poynter. Motion carries.
Treasurer’s report – as of April 30, 2024 Balance sheet showed total assets of $54,643.51. Becky noted that interest income will be slightly higher due to higher interest rates on the CD’s. Also noted that the Voice income included February and May book and some ads not included in 2023. But Voice expense was only for February Profit & Loss statement showed a profit of $496.04 at this time. Becky noted that the office work statistics showed slight increases in all areas. Ashley Fuss moved to accept the report with a second from Jon Nicholson. Committee reports
Budget – Jim Gruenhagen More advertising support is needed. Charlotte Stephenson
helped to get more vendor ads for last issue. It was thought that registrations would increase this year. More Starter Flock donations need to be found. Junior Association Funding needs to increase to keep those programs going. It is hard to reduce expenses. Proposed budget shows a small net loss of $627. Other suggestions included adding a donation line to the work order form. Junior board members should be encouraged to contact breeders for program support. Mary Anne Keck moved to approve the budget presented. Charlotte Stephenson seconded. Budget approved.
Voice & Promotion – Charlotte Stephenson reported that she had contacted 66 companies by email to try to get more advertising and. $2127 was committed from feed and supply vendors for three issues. She encouraged board members to try to solicit ads from their regions and also to help gather show results. Thank you to Charlotte for her work. Becky noted that she is trying to include animal ID in some show results when available.
Junior Association – Sandy Kovacs has been helpful in coordinating the Junior Association and organized a successful Online Sale hosted by Breeders World. $1308 was raised for the Junior Association from 13 donated lots. There was a recent Zoom meeting for the juniors where new officers were elected: Emily Stevens president, Addisen Nicholson vice president. These two older juniors will do a great job organizing and promoting. Sandy has discussed proposing a Showmanship Derby (similar to a Futurity) but details are not available. We’ll try to get more going on that for the November meeting and 2025.
Futurity – Caleb was not present. Becky presented stats so far: 41 ewe lambs and 10 yearling ewes from four online sales and the Indiana Premier Sale. The Ohio Showcase Sale is the only major sale left for nominations. There was discussion regarding charging a second nomination fee for “buy back” animals and offered again at a later sale. Also is a “floor bid” in an online sale considered Have something to share in the
an actual bid? Should the Shropshire Futurity program offer a special rate for breeders who nominate several ewes over the course of several sales? Should the Shropshire Futurity program consider a “Bred & Owned” Program? Discussion followed. It was decided to submit those questions to the Futurity Committee to discuss in advance of the November meeting so that any updates are ready for 2025.
DNA/Competition – The two committees were assigned to investigate pedigree integrity by BOD meeting in January. There have been four meetings. All have agreed that DNA testing is a complex issue and the only way to verify parentage is through DNA testing. It is not the intent to discourage breeders or create financial burdens but sustainability and longevity of the breed is important. The was a question & answer session at the Indiana Premier Sale and this is planned for the Ohio Showcase, as well, and the committee is listening and taking all input to heart. Another meeting should be held prior to the November meeting.
Hall of Fame – the 2024 inductee will be Farrell Schultz of Ohio. His family will be present at the Ohio Showcase Dinner. Nominees for 2025 are requested.
Star ter Flock – Mike Elsbury reported that there were two applications and both were chosen. Paisley Epple of Missouri will receive a $1000 stipend. Hunter Robbins of
Tennessee will receive a $500 stipend. There was discussion about the low number of applications and the success of the program as a whole. In its history there have been a few recipients that appeared to become inactive fairly quickly. Does there need to be changes to the application process? The committee will discuss at the Ohio Sale.
Royalty – there are three Bo-Peep/Boy Blue applications and one Princess. They will all be present at the Ohio Sale. They will be asked to submit a little story for the October Voice.
National Sale – Bill Bryant reported that there will be a dinner on Friday evening. Charlotte Stephenson will be the person to look at the leg/belly wool in the sale consignments.
New Business
Jared Poynter mentioned that John Albin of Newman, Illinois recently passed away. He had been an ASRA president from 1965 to 1967. Jared will find an obituary and contact info for the family.
Mike Elsbury asked the Dwarf gene testing protocol look at the random draw method. Committee will discuss and report at next meeting. Next meeting to be via Zoom in September or October for those whose committees that have business in advance of the NAILE meeting.
Bill Bryant and Rick Whiting moved to adjourn this meeting at 9:48 p.m.
When the show matters, the feed matters.
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2024 Shropshire Hall of Fame
The Ohio Shropshire Breeders Association provide the sole nomination to this year’s induction that took place during the dinner at the Ohio Showcase Sale on May 10 in Greenville, Ohio.
Farrell Shultz’s son, Bill Shultz, and his wife, Susan, were present at the dinner to receive the Shropshire Hall of Fame plaque presented by Committee Chair Ashley Fuss. We applaud Farrell and his family for his contribution to the Shropshire breed and the sheep industry.
his sale catalogues.
From 1950 through 1956 one of his ewes “Tracy 792” (by an imported sire) established a Shropshire production record that has never been equaled – in seven years she raised two sets of quadruplets, three sets of triplets, a pair of twins and a single; 20 lambs for a lifetime 286%.
From the Shropshire history book, “The First Hundred Years,” Farrell Shultz of Bunker Hill Farm, DeGraff, Ohio, ultimately established a reputation as one of the premier all-around purebred men in America. From the late 40s until his dispersal sale in 1962 nobody seriously challenged his superiority as a breeder, showman or Shropshire promoter, but Farrell ‘paid his dues’; starting at the bottom as a rank 4-H boy, he tried for 10 years before getting his first county fair blue ribbon. He came into the national circuit against skilled, long-established flockmasters like McKerrow, Iroquois, Rotter, Brown and Moore at a time when Shrops were still the biggest, most competitive classes. Gradually he gained a ‘toe-hold’ and then his ‘foot in the door’ and ultimately domination. At many shows in the late 1950s if it wasn’t Shultz, it wasn’t winning. He began biennial production sales in 1952 that soon were setting record prices.
Farrell was a pioneer, a believer, and a promoter for the judicious use of production records as one tool in the selection process toward functional breed improvement. His record system was a model for the times and he worked closely with Professor Ralph Grimshaw and the Ohio State Improvement Program. Performance scores were listed in
He routinely exposed his ewe lamb replacements to rams and thus, he felt, identified his most prolific strains. The genetically superior but ‘milked-down’ yearlings were unattractive to prospective buyers who visited the farm, allowing him to replenish the ewe flock from his most productive bloodlines.
If a ram lamb had satisfactory performance scores, was well grown-out, correct in his makeup and considered a purebred stud prospect, Farrell christened him with a ‘Flockmaster’ trademark. He maintained 100 brood ewes and bred them to five stud rams so he could offer variations of type and lineage to his customers.
He was topping many shows with his ‘American Type’ by the time the first McKerrow imports became available but he immediately began experimenting with some of these bloodlines. Not wholly satisfied, he went to England in December, 1951, he hand-picked two rams that had a lasting influence on the breed. Imported ‘Sir Winston’ sired the first modern International champion ram with English breeding and his picture was used as the proto-type Shropshire for 20 years. ‘Tern Cambridge’ had been Champion at the British Royal and weighed 314 pounds on arrival out of quarantine. When mated to Farrell’s battery of ewes he proved to be pre-potent for his performance, uniformity’ and breed type, and his progeny brought then-record
Farrell Shultz
prices and influenced nearly every progressive Shropshire flock in the United States.
At the 1957 Ohio State Fair the top three Shrops in every class, with two exceptions, were sired by ‘Flockmasters’ and his 1958 sale catalogue listed as reference sires nine International champions that had been used at Bunker Hill in the last 10 years. In 1962, at the pinnacle of his success, Farrell was forced by physical problems to disperse his flock and quit farming, He moved to town and became an insurance executive.
For 30 years his often-humorous, always provocative articles in sheep publications have
delighted readers. Respected and popular nationwide, his portrait hung in the Ohio State University Agricultural Hall of Fame in the early 1950s. He has always stressed, and lived by, his code of integrity.
His reputation as a breeder and skill as a showman contributed more than anything else to the ultimate integration and acceptance of the (old) ‘new-type English strain’ modern American Shropshire.
The deadline for nominations for the Class of 2025 Hall of Fame is January 30. Information and the form is available on the Shropshire website.
Special Moments by Jessica
Hello, I am Jessica Lindow, I am 17 years old and a Junior in high school. Besides raising show sheep, pigs and rabbits, I own my own photography business. I do wedding, graduation and more special events, but in the livestock industry I do show pictures, online sales and more. If you need a photographer for your next project I would be happy to help you out.
715-819-6027 • Facebook: Special Moments by Jessica N5147 Hiline Ave., Chili, WI 54420
Bill Shultz, and his wife, Susan, receive the Shropshire Hall of Fame plaque in honor of Farrell Shultz, presented by Chair Ashley Fuss (center).
All American Thank You
Thank you to all of the sponsors of the Class Winner Awards at the 2043 All-American Junior Show!
Fall Ram Lamb –Tom Slack
January Ram Lamb – City Limits Sheep Farm
February Ram Lamb – McKinstry Shrops
March Ram Lamb – Step Ahead Shrops
Pair Ram Lambs – Mrozinski Farms
Champion Ram – Jason Heeg
Reserve Champion Ram – Jim Gruenhagen
Yearling Ewe (Class 1) – Mike & Carol Fox
Yearling Ewe (Class 2) – Bryant Shrops
Yearling Ewe (Class 3) – Sand Meadow Farm
Pair Yearling Ewes – Land Run Shrops
Fall Ewe Lamb – Tom Slack
January Ewe Lamb (Class 1) – Schoolhouse Shropshires LTD
January Ewe Lamb (Class 2) – Street Shropshires
February Ewe Lamb (Class 1) – Evans Shropshires
February Ewe Lamb (Class 2) – Poynter Stock Farm
March Ewe Lamb – Orchard Valley Farm
Pair Ewe Lambs – Epple Family
Champion Ewe – Jason Heeg
Reserve Champion Ewe – Falch Farms
Young Flock – BWB Farms
Best 4 Head of Ewes – Jason Heeg
Champion Market Lamb – Mark McCabe
Reserve Champion Market Lamb – Luke Raudebaugh
Top Gun Award Poynter Stock Farm
Show Results
A note about show results: Every effort is made to publish results of state fairs and other major shows. Results are downloaded from the shows’ websites. Occasionally results are confusing or incomplete and will not be used. Whenever possible the identification of the sheep will be included if it is provided in a consistent manner. In the interest of space, placings are limited to the top 10 for major shows and not all group classes may be included. The exception is that results from the AAJS and NAILE will be complete. Members are welcome to submit results from other shows and we will do our best to include them as space permits.
Delaware State Fair
July 24 Judge: Brady Campbell
Yearling Ram
1. Larry Larimore Champion Ram
2. Brandon Gouge
3. Ashley Gouge
Sr. Ram Lamb
1. Larry Larimore Res. Champion Ram
2. Larry Larimore
Early Jr. Ram Lamb
1. Melissa Mitchell
2. Shawn Mitchell
3. Late Jr. Ram Lamb
4. Ashley Gouge
5. Shawn Mitchell
6. Jeffrey O’Day
7. Ashley Gouge
Yearling Ewe
1. Ashley Gouge
2. Larry Larimore
3. Larry Larimore
4. Ashley Gouge
5. Shawn Mitchell
6. Shawn Mitchell
7. Jean Wilson
Pair Yearling Ewes
1. Ashley Gouge
2. Larry Larimore
3. Shawn Mitchell
Sr. Ewe Lamb
1. Larry Larimore
Res. Champion Ewe
Early Jr. Ewe Lamb
1. Larry Larimore
2. Sharon Larimore
3. Larry Larimore
4. Sharon Larimore
5. Melissa Mitchell
6. Shawn Mitchell
7. Shawn Mitchell
Late Jr. Ewe Lamb
1. Robyn Hunter
Champion Ewe
2. Ashley Gouge
Young Flock
1. Larry Larimore
2. Shawn Mitchell
North East Youth Sheep Show
July 21 Judge: Phil Crome
Yearling Ram
1. Rachel Olver
Res. Champion Ram
2. Florian Jaracz
Intermediate Ram Lamb
1. Laney Klinger
2. Rachel Olver
Junior Ram Lamb
1. Addisen Nicholson
Champion Ram
2. Florian Jaracz
Best Headed Ram
Rachel Olver
Yearling Ewe
1. Harmony Wheaton
Champion Ewe
2. Addisen Nicholson
3. Maggie Basbagill
4. Annabelle Miller
5. Elizabeth Lantz
6. Florian Jaracz
7. Thea Tantral-Johnson
8. Florian Jaracz
9. Elizabeth Lantz
10. Laney Klinger
Pair of Yearling Ewes
1. Florian Jaracz
2. Elizabeth Lantz
Intermediate Ewe Lamb
1. Addisen Nicholson
Res. Champion Ewe
2. Addisen Nicholson
3. Taylor Ruitto
4. Henry Freidenstine
5. Alison Roles
6. Rachel Olver
7. Harmony Wheaton
8. Sophia Carletto
9. Sophia Carletto
Junior Ewe Lamb
1. Florian Jaracz
2. Florian Jaracz
3. Laney Klinger
4. Kaz Jaracz
5. Laney Klinger
Best Headed Ewe
Florian Jaracz
Exhibitors Flock
1. Addisen Nicholson
2. Rachel Olver
3. Florian Jaracz
4. Laney Klinger
Freedom Fest
Springfield, IL May 26
Judge: Jaleigh Oldenburg
Yearling Ram
1. Jaedyn Slutz
2. Westin Poynter
3. Ross Doyle
4. Callie Bailey
Fall Ram Lamb
1. Kassidy Schakel
Res. Champion Ram
2. Westin Poynter
3. Lane Falch
4. Brooke Glander
5. Paige Glander
Spring Ram Lamb
1. Drake Slutz
Champion Ram
2. Kassidy Schakel
3. Landree Street
4. Quincy Moore
5. Lane Falch
6. Lane Falch
7. Lane Falch
Early Yearling Ewe
1. Lane Falch
2. Londyn Andrews
3. Jaedyn Slutz
4. Hayze Klotz
5. Leila Street
6. Ross Doyle
7. Lane Falch
8. Ashton Daniels
9. Callie Bailey
10. Miley Williams
Late Yearling Ewe
1. Lainey Popp
Champion Ewe
2. Kassidy Schakel
3. Kade Beckmier
4. Westin Poynter
5. Quincy Moore
6. Alivia Porter
7. Kassidy Schakel
8. Paisley Epple
9. Chloe Nicolaus
10. Clara Bailey
Fall Ewe Lamb
1. Westin Poynter
2. Brody Belt
3. Kassidy Schakel
4. Leila Street
5. Maggie Morris
6. Lucas Glander
7. Paige Glander
8. Makenna Glander
Early Spring Ewe Lamb
1. Emma Chandler
2. Drake Slutz
3. Miranda Moneyheffer
4. Leila Street
5. Jaedyn Slutz
6. Westin Poynter
7. Landree Street
8. Ross Doyle
9. Brody Belt
10. Lane Falch
Late Spring Ewe Lamb
1. Miranda Moneyheffer Res. Champion Ewe
2. Delaney Crouch
3. Lane Falch
4. Kassidy Schakel
5. Jaedyn Slutz
6. Quincy Moore
7. Westin Poynter
8. Penelope Moore
9. Westin Poynter
10. Quincy Moore
Eastern States Expo
Sept. 15 Judge: Alex Wolf
Yearling Ram ( 4 shown)
1. Brady Clark - Clark 2310
Senior & Grand Champion Ram, Supreme Shropshire
2. Ronnie Miner, Miner 2301 Machine
3. Florian Jaracz
Sand Meadow 2326
4. Mandy Curtiss
Convict 299
Senior Ram Lamb (3 shown)
1. Caiden Daugherty
High Life Farm 2401
Res. Senior Champion Ram
2. Mandy Curtiss
Convict 1661
3. Mandy Curtiss
Convict 1669
January Ram Lamb (4 shown)
1. Brady Clark - Clark 2409
Jr. & Res. Champion Ram
2. Addisen & Oliver
Nicholson - Fritz 2401
Res. Junior Champion Ram
3. Colby Clark - Clark 2415
4. Connor Priest - CLSF 24022
February Ram Lamb (8 shown)
1. Brady Clark - Clark 2475
2. Britt Hallet
Hallet 441 Daytona
3. William Weston
Wm Weston 363
Best Headed Ram
4. Colby Clark - Clark 2461
5. William Weston
Wm Weston 362
6. Brendan Pimm
Maple Lawn Farm 2410
7. Eva Di Garbo
Ledyard 2401 Smokey
8. Florian Jaracz
Jaracz 2407
March Ram Lamb (2 shown)
1. Addisen & Oliver
Nicholson - Sand Meadow 2451
2. Brendan Pimm
Maple Lawn Farm 2444
Yearling Ewe Group 1 (13 shown)
1. Brady Clark
Clark 2369
Res. Senior Champ Ewe
2. Brady Clark
Raudebaugh 2303 ET
3. Caiden Daugherty
High Life 2333
4. Addisen & Oliver
Nicholson Sand Meadow 2331
5. Brady Clark - Clark 2350
6 Brendan Pimm - Poynter 23-2
7. Addisen & Oliver Nicholson
Sand Meadow 2327
8. William Weston
Wm Weston 360
9. Connor Priest -Harris 0556
10. William Weston
Wm Weston 358
Yearling Ewe Group 2 (14 shown)
1. Colby Clark - Clark 23106
Senior Champion Ewe
2. Colby Clark- Clark 23107
3. Raegan Stam
Sand Meadow 2337 Willow
4. Ronnie Miner - Miner 2304
5. Britt Hallet - Hallet 439 Ash
6. Caiden Daugherty
High Life 2349
7. William Weston
Wm Weston 361
8. Brendan Pimm
Raudebaugh 2316
9. Mandy Curtiss -Inmate 303
10. Brendan Pimm-CHCL G23-95
Senior Ewe Lamb (6 shown)
1. Caiden Daugherty
O’Neill 23-99
2. Brady Clark - Clark 23195
3. William Weston
Mrozinski 23-38
4. Mandy Curtiss-Inmate 1663
5. Brendan Pimm
Mrozinski 23-37
6. Mandy Curtiss-Inmate 1667
January Ewe Lamb (9 shown)
1. Brady Clark Clark 2412
Jr. & Grand Champion Ewe
2 Addisen & Oliver Nicholson
Sand Meadow 2445 – Res.
Junior & Res. Grand Champion Ewe
3. Caiden Daugherty O’Neill 24-02
4. Addisen & Oliver Nicholson
Sand Meadow 2442
5. Brady Clark - Clark 2450
6 Addisen & Oliver Nicholson
Sand Meadow 2446
7. Wade Garges-Clark 24009
8. Connor Priest-Harris 0504
9. Brendan Pimm
Maple Lawn Farm 2414
Feb. Ewe Lamb Group 1 (11 shown)
1. Brady Clark-Clark 2491
2 Addisen & Oliver Nicholson
Sand Meadow 2450
3. Connor Priest-CLSF 24065
4. William Weston
Mrozinski 24-12
5. Ronnie Miner-Miner 2404
6. William Weston
Mrozinski 24-13
7. Taylor Ruitto
Second Star 0210
8. Brendan Pimm
Maple Lawn Farm 2411
9. Eva Di Garbo
Ledyard 2402 Ember
10. Mandy Curtiss-Inmate 1665
Feb. Ewe Lamb Group 2 (12 shown)
1. Colby Clark-Clark 2493
2. Caiden Daugherty
High Life Farm 2426
3. Wade Garges-Clark 24079
4. Britt Hallet
Hallet 445 Fury
Best Headed Ewe
5. Britt Hallet
Hallet 442 Zenyatta
6. Ronnie Miner-Miner 2405
7. Connor Priest -Harris 050
8. Britt Hallet -Hallet 443 Lilly
9. Brendan Pimm
Maple Lawn Farm 2421
10. Kaz Jaracz, - Jaracz 2410
March Ewe Lamb (8 shown)
1. Brady Clark -Clark 24115
2. Caiden Daugherty
O’Neill 24-109
3. Britt Hallet
Hallet 448 Breezy
4. Colby Clark-Clark 24118
5. Brendan Pimm
Maple Lawn Farm 2432
6. Britt Hallet
Hallet 447 Felix
7. Florian Jaracz -Jaracz 2408
8. Florian Jaracz-Jaracz 2409
Exhibitor’s Flock (10 shown)
1. Brady Clark
2. Addisen & Oliver Nicholson
3. Caiden Daugherty
4. Colby Clark
5. William Weston
6. Britt Hallet
7. Connor Priest
8. Brendan Pimm
9. Mandy Curtiss
10. Florian Jaracz
Premier Exhibitor
Brady Clark
Premier Breeder
Brady Clark
Indiana State Fair
Aug. 14 Judge: Dustin Cruit
Yearling Ram
1. Kassidy & Kaitlyn Schakel
Senior & Res. Grand Champion Ram
2. Erik Mrozinski Res. Sr. Champion Ram
3. Duane Elsbury
4. Timothy Elsbury
5. Dave Elsbury
6. Midnight Star Farm
Fall Ram Lamb
1. Abigail Hughes
2. Kassidy & Kaitlyn Schakel
3. Logan Elsbury
4. Zachary Rife Rife
January Ram Lamb
1. Jaedyn Slutz - Junior & Grand Champion Ram
2. Kassidy & Kaitlyn Schakel Res. Jr. Champion Ram
3. Street Shropshires
4. Erik Mrozinski
5. Erik Mrozinski
6. Midnight Star Farm
7. Timothy Elsbury
8. Dave Elsbury
9. Timothy Elsbury
10. Michael Elsbury
February Ram Lamb
1. Jaedyn Slutz
2. Jaedyn Slutz
3. Zachary Rife
4. Kassidy & Kaitlyn Schakel
5. Katelyn Elsbury
6. Timothy Elsbury
7. Dave Elsbury
8. Timothy Elsbury
9. Mark Wisehart
10. David & Sunshine Harrell
March Ram Lamb
1. Nicholas Rife
2. Steve And Nancy Elsbury & Family
3. Logan Elsbury
4. Mark Wisehart
5. Timothy Elsbury
6. Jaedyn Slutz
Pair Ram Lambs
1. Jaedyn Slutz
2. Kassidy & Kaitlyn Schakel
3. Erik Mrozinski
4. Timothy Elsbury
5. Logan Elsbury
6. Dave Elsbury
7. Mark Wisehart
Class 1 Yearling Ewe
1. Nicholas Rife
2. Londyn Andrews
3. Dylan Miller
4. Drake Slutz
5. Abigail Hughes
6. Timothy Elsbury
7. Duane Elsbury
8. Michael Elsbury
9. Mark Wisehart
10. Midnight Star Farm Class 2 Yearling Ewe
1. Jaedyn Slutz
2. Miley Williams
3. Kenyon Buckland
4. Abigail Hughes
5. Erik Mrozinski
6. Dave Elsbury
7. Katelyn Elsbury
8. Steve And Nancy Elsbury & Family
9. Timothy Elsbury
10. Mark Wisehart Class 3 Yearling Ewe
1. Kassidy & Kaitlyn Schakel
Sr. & Grand Champion Ewe
2. Kenyon Buckland
3. Jaedyn Slutz
4. John And Matt Dirlam
5. Michael Elsbury
6. Camden Cory
7. Stetson Williams
8. David & Sunshine Harrell
9. David & Sunshine Harrell
10. Steve And Nancy Elsbury & Family Class 4 Yearling Ewe
1. Jim Gruenhagen Premier Exhibitor Rueber Shropshires
Kansas State Fair
Sept. 11 Judge: Matt Anderson
Fall Ram Lamb
1. Christi Keeton
Res. Champion Spring Ram Lamb
1. Christi Keeton
Late Spring Ram Lamb
1. Olivia Graves Grand Champion
2. Christi Keeton
3. Olivia Graves
4. Hagan Martin
Yearling Ewe
1. Olivia Graves
Res. Champion
2. Olivia Graves
3. Hagan Martin
4. Christi Keeton
5. Hagan Martin
6. Christi Keeton
Spring Ewe Lamb
1. Carleigh Abeldt Grand Champion
2. Olivia Graves
3. Olivia Graves
4. Hagan Martin
Late Spring Ewe Lamb,
1. Olivia Graves
2. Christi Keeton
3. Hagan Martin
4. Christi Keeton Flock
1. Olivia Graves
2. Christi Keeton
3. Hagan Martin
Maryland State Fair
Sept. 1 Judge: Taylor Plank
Yearling Ram
1. Ashley Fuss - CLSF 23089
2. Shawn Mitchell - SM 302
Fall Ram Lamb
1. Taryn Stem
Show Motion 23-109 Champion Ram
2. Taryn Stem
Show Motion 23-108
Early Spring Ram Lamb
1. Tim & Sarah Fleener Fleener 2410
Res. Champion Ram
2. Taryn Stem
Show Motion 24-120
3. Ashley Fuss
Greenbrier 2407
4. Shawn Mitchell - SM 312
5. Ashley Fuss - Greenbrier 2406
6. Shawn Mitchell - SM 311
Late Spring Ram Lamb
1. Ashley Fuss -Greenbrier 2426
2. Jason Mazepink-JDCL 2426
3. Jason Mazepink-JDCL 2424
4. Shawn Mitchell-SM 316
5. Ashley Fuss-Greenbrier 2437 Yearling Ewe
1. Tim & Sarah Fleener Fleener 2353
2. Shawn Mitchell - SM 304
3. Ashley Fuss-Greenbrier 2303
4. Elliot Weishaar Weishaar 1407
5. Ashley Fuss-Greenbrier 2327
6. Taryn Stem Show Motion 23-98
7. Shawn Mitchell-Triple J 307
8. Lisa Maxwell-Powell 2248
Fall Ewe Lamb
1. Ashley Fuss Greenbrier 2405
Early Spring Ewe Lamb
2. River Lease
JKE 2408 – Champion Ewe
3. Tim & Sarah Fleener Fleener 2426 – Res.
Champion Ewe
4. Tim & Sarah Fleener Fleener 2437
5. Taryn Stem Show Motion 24-119
6. Jason Mazepink-JDCL 2404
7. Wade Garges-Clark 2409
8. Alison Roles-Fleener 2408
9. Ashley Fuss-Greenbrier 2432
10. Ashley Fuss-Greenbrier 2431 Flock
1. Ashley Fuss
2. Shawn Mitchell
Ohio State Fair
Aug. 3 Judge: Evan Snyder
Yearling Ram (8 shown)
1. Brenna Hubbard “Glitch” Land Run 742
Champion Ram
2. Brady Clark -Clark 2310
3. Kassidy Schakel Flanders VIP 2380
4. Kinley Tenney Sargent Shire 2314
5. Kennedy Algire
Bryant 23-086
6. Pence Farms PF 23-103
7. Bo Wolford Flanders VIP 2645
8. Pence Farms PF 23-104
Fall Ram Lamb (9 shown)
1. Caiden Daugherty
High Life Farm 2401
2. Kassidy Schakel Flanders VIP 3633
3. David High-High Life 2407
4. Brady Clark -Clark 23196
5. Mike Fox-LaFramboise 187
6. Caiden Daugherty O’Neill 2389
7. Robert Sando LaFramboise 189
8. Bo Wolford -Wolford 23-63
9. Alli Wolford -Wolford 23-64
Early Spring Ram Lamb (12 shown)
1. Jaedyn Slutz City Limits 23-016 Enigma Res. Champion Ram
2. Luke Raudebaugh Raudebaugh 2405 Stay Frosty
3. Brady Clark -Clark 2409
4. Kassidy Schakel Flanders VIP 4205
5. Brady Clark -Clark 2452
6. Kennedy Algire Bryant 24-0059
7. Ben Isler -Isler 2426
8. Jaedyn Slutz City Limits 24030 Hollow Point
9. Kennedy Algire
Bryant 24-0043
10. Pence Farms PF 24-04
Late Spring Ram Lamb (13 shown)
1. Brady Clark -Clark 2475
2. Kennedy Algire
Bryant 24-0093
3. Brenna Hubbard Land Run 813
4. Jaedyn Slutz
City Limits 24093
5. Kinley Tenney
Highlife 2420
6. Brady Clark -Clark 24121
7. David High -High Life 2424
8. Kennedy Algire
Bryant 24-0107
9. Kassidy Schakel Flanders VIP 4245
10. Jaedyn Slutz City Limits 24081
Yearling Ewe Class 1 (18 shown)
1. Luke Raudebaugh Raudebaugh 2303
Champion Ewe
2. Jaedyn Slutz
City Limits 23050
3. Brady Clark -Clark 2350
4. Brenna Hubbard City Limits 22134
5. Kennedy Algire
Bryant 23-016
6. Kinley Tenney -Fritz 2309
7. Kassidy Schakel Flanders VIP 2777
8. Brady Clark -Clark 2315
9. Jaedyn Slutz City Limits 23004
10. Chloe Lake -McDaniel 331 Yearling Ewe Class 2 (10 shown)
1. Kassidy Schakel -R&A 8
2. Brenna Hubbard Land Run 734
3. Brady Clark -Clark 2369
4. Jaedyn Slutz City Limits 23094
5. Kinley Tenney Sargent Shire 2306
6. Mike Fox -JEM 2350
7. Tim McKinstry McKinstry 23-05
8. Sophia Wolford Wolford 23-07
9. Robert Sando Sando Gal 23-5
10. Matti Wolford Wolford 23-05
Yearling Ewe Class 3 (11 shown)
1. Brady Clark -Clark 23104
2. Brenna Hubbard Land Run 2304
3. Emily Stevens
Bechtold 23139
4. Tate Stevens
Flanders VIP 3593
5. Kennedy Algire
Bryant 24-087
6. Jacqueline Kadel KJB 2336
7. Jaedyn Slutz City Limits 23115
8. Kinley Tenney
Sargent Shire 2312
9. David High High Life 2345
10. Kennedy Algire
Bryant 23-078
Fall Ewe Lamb (4 shown)
1. Brady Clark Clark 23195
2. David High High Life 2405
3. Caiden Daugherty O’Neill 2399
4. Kassidy Schakel Flanders VIP 3623
Early Spring Ewe Lamb (25 shown)
1. Brenna Hubbard
Land Run 798
2. Luke Raudebaugh
Raudebaugh 2411
3. Brady Clark -Clark 2450
4. Kinley Tenney
Sargent Shire 2401
5. Jaedyn Slutz
City Limits 24010
6. Brady Clark -Clark 2412
7. Caiden Daugherty O’Neill 2402
8. Porter Clark -Fritz 2402
9. Drake Slutz -Street 2405
10. Brenna Hubbard Land Run 810
Intermediate Spring Ewe Lamb (15 shown)
1. Brady Clark -Clark 2464
2. Kassidy Schakel
Flanders VIP 4240
3. Jaedyn Slutz
City Limits 24057
4. Luke Raudebaugh Raudebaugh 2436
5. Brenna Hubbard Buckham 4-78
6. Brady Clark -Clark 2471
7. Emily Stevens -ES 2327
8. Kinley Tenney
Sargent Shire 2409
9. Jaedyn Slutz
City Limits 24071
10. Zane Melvin
Melvin 24-120
Spring Ewe Lamb (12 shown)
1. Colby Clark -Clark 2477
Res. Champion Ewe
2. Drake Slutz
City Limits 24087
3. Kinley Tenney
Sargent Shire 2418
4. Brady Clark -Clark 2492
5. Luke Raudebaugh
Raudebaugh 2406
6. Jaedyn Slutz
City Limits 24080
7. Brady Clark -Clark 2491
8. Brenna Hubbard
Land Run 2409
9. Dave Evans -Evans 2421
10. David High -High Life 2426
Late Spring Ewe Lamb (12 shown)
1. Jaedyn Slutz
City Limits 24102
2. Luke Raudebaugh Raudebaugh 2409
3. Brenna Hubbard
Land Run 815
4. Colby Clark -Clark 24118
5. Brady Clark -Clark 24115
6. Drake Slutz
City Limits 24101
7. Caiden Daugherty O’Neill 24109
8. Kellen Algire
Bryant 24-093
9. Kinley Tenney
Sargent Shire 2430
10. Jacqueline Kadel
Schindel 2403
1. Brenna Hubbard
Premier Exhibitor
Brady Clark
Ohio State Fair
Aug. 3 Judge: Evan Snyder
Yearling Ram (8 shown)
1. Brenna Hubbard
“Glitch” Land Run 742
Champion Ram
2. Brady Clark
Clark 2310
3. Kassidy Schakel Flanders VIP 2380
4. Kinley Tenney Sargent Shire 2314
5. Kennedy Algire
Bryant 23-086
6. Pence Farms -PF 23-103
7. Bo Wolford Flanders VIP 2645
8. Pence Farms -PF 23-104
Fall Ram Lamb (9 shown)
1. Caiden Daugherty High Life Farm 2401
2. Kassidy Schakel Flanders VIP 3633
3. David High High Life 2407
4. Brady Clark -Clark 23196
5. Mike Fox -LaFramboise 187
6. Caiden Daugherty O’Neill 2389
7. Robert Sando LaFramboise 189
8. Bo Wolford -Wolford 23-63
9. Alli Wolford -Wolford 23-64
Early Spring Ram Lamb (12 shown)
1. Jaedyn Slutz City Limits 23-016 Enigma Res. Champion Ram
2. Luke Raudebaugh Raudebaugh 2405 Stay Frosty
3. Brady Clark -Clark 2409
4. Kassidy Schakel Flanders VIP 4205
5. Brady Clark -Clark 2452
6. Kennedy Algire Bryant 24-0059
7. Ben Isler -Isler 2426
8. Jaedyn Slutz City Limits 24030 Hollow Point
9. Kennedy Algire Bryant 24-0043
10. Pence Farms -PF 24-04
Late Spring Ram Lamb (13 shown)
1. Brady Clark -Clark 2475
2. Kennedy Algire Bryant 24-0093
3. Brenna Hubbard Land Run 813
4. Jaedyn Slutz City Limits 24093
5. Kinley Tenney Highlife 2420
6. Brady Clark -Clark 24121
7. David High -High Life 2424
8. Kennedy Algire
Bryant 24-0107
9. Kassidy Schakel Flanders VIP 4245
10. Jaedyn Slutz City Limits 24081
Yearling Ewe Class 1 (18 shown)
1. Luke Raudebaugh
Raudebaugh 2303
Champion Ewe
2. Jaedyn Slutz
City Limits 23050
3. Brady Clark Clark 2350
4. Brenna Hubbard City Limits 22134
5. Kennedy Algire
Bryant 23-016
6. Kinley Tenney -Fritz 2309
7. Kassidy Schakel Flanders VIP 2777
8. Brady Clark -Clark 2315
9. Jaedyn Slutz
City Limits 23004
10. Chloe Lake McDaniel 331
Yearling Ewe Class 2 (10 shown)
1. Kassidy Schakel -R&A 8
2. Brenna Hubbard
Land Run 734
3. Brady Clark -Clark 2369
4. Jaedyn Slutz
City Limits 23094
5. Kinley Tenney Sargent Shire 2306
6. Mike Fox -JEM 2350
7. Tim McKinstry
McKinstry 23-05
8. Sophia Wolford Wolford 23-07
9. Robert Sando
Sando Gal 23-5
10. Matti Wolford Wolford 23-05
Yearling Ewe Class 3 (11 shown)
1. Brady Clark -Clark 23104
2. Brenna Hubbard
Land Run 2304
3. Emily Stevens
Bechtold 23139
4. Tate Stevens
Flanders VIP 3593
5. Kennedy Algire
Bryant 24-087
6. Jacqueline Kadel
KJB 2336
7. Jaedyn Slutz City
Limits 23115
8. Kinley Tenney
Sargent Shire 2312
9. David High
High Life 2345
10. Kennedy Algire
Bryant 23-078
Fall Ewe Lamb (4 shown)
1. Brady Clark -Clark 23195
2. David High -High Life 2405
3. Caiden Daugherty
O’Neill 2399
4. Kassidy Schakel
Flanders VIP 3623
Early Spring Ewe Lamb (25 shown)
1. Brenna Hubbard
Land Run 798
2. Luke Raudebaugh
Raudebaugh 2411
3. Brady Clark -Clark 2450
4. Kinley Tenney
Sargent Shire 2401
5. Jaedyn Slutz
City Limits 24010
6. Brady Clark -Clark 2412
7. Caiden Daugherty
O’Neill 2402
8. Porter Clark -Fritz 2402
9. Drake Slutz -Street 2405
10. Brenna Hubbard
Land Run 810
Intermediate Spring Ewe Lamb (15 shown)
1. Brady Clark -Clark 2464
2. Kassidy Schakel
Flanders VIP 4240
3. Jaedyn Slutz
City Limits 24057
4. Luke Raudebaugh Raudebaugh 2436
5. Brenna Hubbard
Buckham 4-78
6. Brady Clark -Clark 2471
7. Emily Stevens -ES 2327
8. Kinley Tenney
Sargent Shire 2409
9. Jaedyn Slutz
City Limits 24071
10. Zane Melvin
Melvin 24-120
Spring Ewe Lamb (12 shown)
1. Colby Clark -Clark 2477
Res. Champion Ewe
2. Drake Slutz
City Limits 24087
3. Kinley Tenney Sargent Shire 2418
4. Brady Clark -Clark 2492
5. Luke Raudebaugh Raudebaugh 2406
6. Jaedyn Slutz
City Limits 24080
7. Brady Clark Clark 2491
8. Brenna Hubbard Land Run 2409
9. Dave Evans Evans 2421
10. David High
High Life 2426
Late Spring Ewe Lamb (12 shown)
1. Jaedyn Slutz
City Limits 24102
2. Luke Raudebaugh Raudebaugh 2409
3. Brenna Hubbard
Land Run 815
4. Colby Clark -Clark 24118
5. Brady Clark-Clark 24115
6. Drake Slutz
City Limits 24101
7. Caiden Daugherty O’Neill 24109
8. Kellen Algire
Bryant 24-093
9. Kinley Tenney Sargent Shire 2430
10. Jacqueline Kadel Schindel 2403
1. Brenna Hubbard
Premier Exhibitor Brady Clark
Oregon State Fair
Aug, 25 Judge: Steve Reid
Yearling Ram
1. Sue Kalina
2. Timothy Clayton
3. Timothy Clayton
Senior Ram Lamb
1. Sue Kalina
Champion Ram
2. Sue Kalina
3. Laurie Benson
4. Laurie Benson
Intermediate Ram Lamb
1. Darrell Dockter
2. Timothy Clayton
3. Timothy Clayton
Junior Ram Lamb
1. Jill Pallin
Res. Champion Ram
2. Darrell Dockter
Yearling Ewe
1. Darrell Dockter
Champion Ewe
2. Sue Kalina
3. Darrell Dockter
4. Sue Kalina
5. Jill Pallin
6. Jill Pallin
7. Timothy Clayton
8. Timothy Clayton
Senior Ewe Lamb
1. Darrell Dockter
2. Jill Pallin
3. Sue Kalina
4. Darrell Dockter
5. Sue Kalina
6. Laurie Benson
7. Emily Anderson
8. Addison Booren
Intermediate Ewe Lamb
1. Darrell Dockter – Res.
Champion Ewe
2. Darrell Dockter
3. Jill Pallin
4. Timothy Clayton
5. Timothy Clayton
6. Ashten Helms
7. Tristan Helms
Junior Ewe Lamb
1. Darrell Dockter
2. Sue Kalina
3. Timothy Clayton
4. Timothy Clayton
5. Laurie Benson
6. Laurie Benson
Young Flock
1. Darrell Dockter
2. Sue Kalina
3. Jill Pallin
4. Timothy Clayton
5. Laurie Benson
Tennessee State Fair
Aug. 22 Judge: Danny Westlake
Early Jr. Ram Lamb
Jan. 1 - Feb. 14, 2024
1. Dakota Robbins-BAILEY 126 Champion Ram
2. Brooke Young-JEM 2405
Res. Champion Ram
Late Jr. Ram Lamb
1. Brooke Young JEM 2434
2. Dakota Robbins Robbins 0326
Sr.Yearling Ewes
1. Skilar Burch - Fritz 2313
2. Brooke Young CCS -KOVACS 23-02
3. Kylie Porter O’Neill 2228
4. Dakota Robbins Robbins 0206
Jr.Yearling Ewes
1. Brookelyn Hart Fritz 2319
2. Kylie Porter McCabe’s 0324
3. Dakota Robbins Robbins 0209
Sr. Ewe Lambs
1. Spencer Fowler Poynter F23-2
January Ewe Lambs
2. Skilar Burch -Fritz 2408 Champion Ewe
3. Hunter Robbins Second Star 020
4. Elliot Griffin Fowler 24-1
5. Brooke Young Adams 24020
6. Spencer Fowler Adams 24013
February Ewe Lambs
1. Brooke Young Flanders VIP 4251 Res. Champion Ewe
2. William Taylor Fleener 2452
3. Skilar Burch Fritz 2416
4. Elliot Griffin Rudicel 24079
5. Dakota Robbins CHCL G24-25
6. Hunter Robbins BWB FARMS 2432
7. Alexis Morales CCHS FFA 0099
March Ewe Lambs
1. Skilar Burch Fritz 2417
2. Dakota Robbins
Robbins 0318
3. Jessie Hooks
1. Dakota Robbins
Wisconsin State Fair
Aug. 10 Judge: Jeff Repasky
Yearling Ram
1. Dave Elsbury
Double Doc 23-40
Res. Senior Champion Ram
2. James&Terri Kipp Kipp 534
3. Vivian Stephenson
Sugar Ridge 23-26 Captain Jack
4. Tim Elsbury
Double Doc 23-08 Ai Fall Ram Lamb
1. Vivian Stephenson
Sugar Ridge 23-98 Wildthing
Sr. & Grand Champion Ram
2. Logan Elsbury
Poynter F23-9
3. Colton Riggs
Step Ahead Shrops 428
January Ram Lamb
1. Vivian Stephenson
Sugar Ridge 24-02 Coolcat
2. Dave Elsbury
Elsbury Acres 366 Dopey
3. Tim Elsbury
Double Doc 24-16
4. Tim Elsbury
Double Doc 24-19
February Ram Lamb
1. Tim Elsbury
Double Doc 24-35
Res. Junior Champion Ram
2. Vivian Stephenson
Sugar Ridge 24-41 Sirwinston
3. Dave Elsbury
Elsbury Acres 367 Gutsy
4. Tim Elsbury
Double Doc 24-37
March/April Ram Lamb
1. Vivian Stephenson
Sugar Ridge 24-61 Friday
Junior & Res. Grand Champion Ram
2. Logan Elsbury
EFSS 101 El Chapo
3. Tim Elsbury
Double Doc 24-45
4. Vivian Stephenson
Sugar Ridge 24-60 Jokerswild
Yearling Ewe
1. Wyatt Nixon J
FSS 23087 - Senior & Grand Champion Ewe
2. Vivian Stephenson
Sugar Ridge 23-54 Zelda
Res. Senior & Res. Grand Champion Ewe
3. Logan Elsbury
Rockin K 3284
4. Colton Riggs
Step Ahead Shrops 272
5. Colton Riggs
Step Ahead Shrops 269
6. Dave Elsbury
Elsbury Acres 359 Mary
7. Tim Elsbury
Double Doc 23-03
8. Vivian Stephenson
Sugar Ridge 23-66
9. James&Terri Kipp Wi84712
10. James&Terri Kipp
Kipp 2970
Pair Yearling Ewes
1. Vivian Stephenson
2. Colton Riggs
3. Tim Elsbury
4. James&Terri Kipp
Fall Ewe Lamb
1. Vivian Stephenson
Sugar Ridge 23-101 Cinnamon
2. Colton Riggs
Step Ahead Shrops 426
January Ewe Lamb
1. Colton Riggs
Step Ahead Shrops 430
Junior Champion Ewe
2. Vivian Stephenson
Sugar Ridge 24-01francesca
3. Dave Elsbury
Poynter 24-7
4. Tim Elsbury
Double Doc 24-13 Ai
5. Vivian Stephenson
Sugar Ridge 24-03apricot
6. Tim Elsbury
Double Doc 24-15 Ai
7. Dave Elsbury
Elsbury Acres 364 Dory
8. James &Terri Kipp
Kipp R542
9. Tenley Cory
Double Doc24-24
February Ewe Lamb
1. Vivian Stephenson
Sugar Ridge 24-40 Laura
Res. Junior Champion Ewe
2. Colton Riggs
Step Ahead Shrops 436
3. Vivian Stephenson
Sugar Ridge 24-30 Cora
4. Tim Elsbury
Double Doc 24-27
5. Dave Elsbury
Elsbury Acres 368 Coral
6. Tim Elsbury
Double Doc 24-40
7. James & Terri Kipp
Kipp 2997
March/April Ewe Lamb
1. Vivian Stephenson
Sugar Ridge 24-59 Portia
2. Colton Riggs
Step Ahead 437
3. Vivian Stephenson
Sugar Ridge 24-67 Fern
4. Tim Elsbury
Double Doc 24-46
5. Dave Elsbury
Elsbury Acres 372 Squirt
6. Whitlee Cory
CSC 24-20 Nova
Exhibitor’s Flock
1. Vivian Stephenson
2. Colton Riggs
3. Tim Elsbury
4. James&Terri Kipp
Premier Exhibitor
Vivian Stephenson
~ In Memoriam ~
John S. Albin, 95, of Newman, Ill. died April 20, 2024 at home surrounded by his loving family.
John was born on Oct. 28, 1928, in Newman, to Leonard B. and Grace H. (Harrington) Albin. He married Marjorie A. Albin on Sept. 10, 1949, and spent 71 wonderful years together until her passing in 2021. He was also preceded in death by his parents and one son, Marty Albin.
John is survived by two children, Perry (Cathy) Albin and David Albin; five grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren, with one on the way; and a very close family friend, Will Coolley.
John graduated from Newman High School in 1946. He was the captain of the football team his senior year and had an undefeated season. After high school, he continued his education by attending Millikin University for two years and played for the Millikin football team. He transferred to the University of Illinois, where he was a member of the FarmHouse Fraternity and graduated Bronze Table and received a B.S. degree in agriculture.
John was a farmer for over 50 years and was involved in agriculture all his life. John was honored as The News-Gazette’s Farm Leader of the Year and received the Prairie Farmer Master Farmer award. He was the national president of the American Shropshire Sheep Association, president of the Illinois FBFM board for many years and was elected to the Newman CUSD 303 school board for several years, where he served as president for part of his tenure. He also dedicated 30 years to Parkland College’s board as board chairman.
John and Marjorie founded Longview Capital Corporation in 1978, a multi-bank holding company focused on agriculture in rural areas. Beginning as one of the smallest banks in Illinois, it has grown to a financial institution with 17 locations through purchas-
ing and branching. John and Marjorie were awarded the Cozad Entrepreneur of the Year Lifetime Achievement Award.
John attended Wesley Chapel Church all his life. He was also a member of the UI Foundation and was a loyal fan of the Illinois football team. John and Marjorie traveled to Mexico for many years.
Memorial donations may be made to Wesley Chapel Church or the Albin Cemetery.
Frederick W. Heaton age 78 of Russia, Ohio, died on Friday, May 31, 2024 at Ohio Hospice Inpatient Unit, Troy, Ohio. He was born on June and Helen (Roegner) Heaton. He married Pamela Trappe on August 14, 1981 and she survives. He is also is also survived by children, Brad and Angie Heaton, Mel Beckner, Piqua, Mike Heaton, Russia, Angie Hiegel, Piqua, eight grandchildren, six great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents, granddaughter, Shelby Bey, sister Geri and Nelson Roberts.
Fred graduated from Houston High School in 1963 and attended Eastern Kentucky University. He retired from Hobart Brothers after 37 years and was a lifelong farmer. He was a member of the American Shropshire Association and the Ohio Shropshire Association for over 60 years. He was a past member of the American Hampshire Association and the Montadale Sheep Breeders Association.
Donations may be made to the charity of the donor’s choice. Condolences may be left at
Rober t Glenn “Bob” Johnson of Marshfield, Mo., was born Nov. 3, 1944, in Oak Ridge, Tenn. to William and Helen Morris Johnson. He departed this life on June 16, 2024, at the age of 79.
Bob worked as a field agent for the USDA for 35 years before working as an agricultural loan analyst for Southern Missouri Bank until fully retiring in 2016. He served as a 2nd Lieutenant in the United States Army during the Vietnam Conflict stationed in Vilseck, West Germany. Bob was a member of the Marshfield United Methodist Church where he served as an Elder, served the Marshfield School and Webster County boards and was an Assistant Sheep Superintendent at the Missouri State Fair. He also was a member of the American Shropshire Sheep Association where he served as President and on the Board of Directors during a pivotal time in that organization.
Bob loved raising livestock passing this love to his children and grandchildren. He raised Hereford cattle as a youth in Texas County and Shropshire and Suffolk sheep in Webster County with his family. He
and Karen provided many great memories showing sheep across the Midwest at county, state, regional and national sheep shows and for that Kari, Russ, Gina, and Mary Anne and their children will be forever grateful.
Bob’s greatest role in life was being Karen’s primary caretaker for 13 years. He embodied the promise he made to Karen, “to have and to hold… for better for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish from this day forward.” Bob and Karen were a formidable team, quite possibly the greatest teammates to have ever lived.
He was preceded in death by his parents, and his wife, Karen.
Bob is survived by four children, Kari Johnson and Rob Hill, Marshfield, Mo., Russ Johnson and Molly, Wooster, Ohio, Regina Wilson and Kalen, Bentonville, Ark. and Mary Anne Keck and Jason, Niangua; eight grandchildren Colby Chastain, Morgan Johnson, Mason Johnson, Mallory Johnson, Margo Johnson, Milo Johnson, Kirsten Keck and Hunter Keck; one brother, Bill Johnson and JoAnn, Houston; brother-in- law, Ted and Eva Marie Morse, Marshfield; sisters-in-laws, Elsie McColgin, Raymondville, and Jolene Carson and Gregg, Rolla as well as many nieces, nephews, and friends that became family.
Inurnment with military honors was held July 18, 2024, at Missouri Veterans Cemetery, Springfield. Memorial contributions may be made to TLC Programs or the Ark at UMC in care of Fraker Funeral Home.
Shropshire Royalty
This program enjoyed reviewing the applications of four youngsters this year. Applications were received and reviewed early in the spring. Presentations were made at the National Sale event at the Ohio Showcase in Greenville, Ohio on May 11. The new BoPeeps are: Gracelynn Camp, Canton, Ohio, age 6; (Boy Blue) Andrew Camp, Canton, Ohio, age 10; and Michaela Haudenschield, Kenton, Ohio age 10. The 2024 Shropshire Princess is Landree Street, Alexandria, Ind., age 11.
(past Shropshire Princess) and Isabella Camp (2023 Shropshire Princess) went to Malvern Headstart and advocated for Shropshires and other breeds as well! They passed out cookies for kids to feed sheep and goodie bags! Gracelynn also attend a few jackpot shows as well!
Michaela Haudenschield is very much all about her Shrops, also as 2023 Starter Flock recipient, and was busy in the ring helping with awards at July’s AAJS as was Princess Landree Street.
We look forward to introducing them once again in Louisville in November.
The Camp family sent an update earlier in the summer: Gracelynn Camp 2024 Bo Peep with her older sisters Abbigale Cattrell
Applications for the 2025 Royalty are relatively simple and will be available on the Shropshire website during the winter. The deadline for submissions is March 15
Your Lamb Checkoff
■ Building demand for American Lamb
■ Increasing domestic production and supply
■ Improving quality and consistency of American Lamb
■ Supporting contributors and industry partners
Andrew Camp, Gracelynn Camp and Michaela Haudenschield.
2024 Starter Flock recipients
Two Shropshire Starter Flock stipends were awarded this year and the recipients each purchased lambs for their projects at the Ohio Showcase Sale.
Hunter Robbins of West Point, Tenn. is a 10-year-old fourth grader and lives on a farm with a variety of livestock. He showed sheep with his brother last year and decided that he would like to have his own animals and show them to state and national levels and raise his own lambs. He received $500 toward the purchase the beginning of his flock.
He writes: “I have been working hard with the sheep I bought with the starter flock money. I began showing them at 4-H shows and fairs in July. I use one for showmanship. Both sheep have placed in the top five in their classes at most shows. I won Reserve Champion Ewe at the Tennessee State Fair with the January ewe I bought. I enjoy getting up early to work with my sheep and getting them ready to show.”
Paisley Epple is 11 years old and lives in Hillsboro, Mo. and received $1000 toward her purchases.
“I purchased two ewes from the Ohio Showcase Sale, one yearling ewe and one junior ewe. I have shown them all summer long at many places. My favorite shows this summer that I got to attend with my ewes were Freedom Fest, All-American Junior Show and the Missouri State Fair. I look forward to showing at NAILE in November.
“My yearling ewe was purchased from Raudenbaugh Family Farm. She and I won Grand Champion Shropshire ewe at the Missouri State Fair.We were in the top five in the Supreme Overall Drive! My junior ewe was purchased from City Limits Sheep Farm and was second in class at the Missouri State Fair. I have had an amazing summer full of shows, clinics, learning, traveling, and LOTS of fun!
I have met so many wonderful people that have helped teach, guide, and influence me. I can’t thank the Falch Family enough for all their help and guidance with my Shropshire ewes this year. I would need several more pages to write about all of the amazing experiences that winning the Starter Flock Grant has given me. I am so grateful and appreciative of the opportunity that the grant has awarded me. Thank you to every supporter of the Shropshire Starter Flock Grant. My yearling ewe is back in Ohio with the Raudenbaugh
Hunter Robins
Paisley Epple
Family Farm breeding to their buck, “Stay Frosty.” I am so excited to continue to grow my flock and be a part of the National Shropshire Association.”
The Starter Flock Program began in 2014 and was initiated by the National Shropshire Junior Association. Funds are raised each year, sometimes enough, sometimes short.
In 2024 the following made outright donations totaling $373: Windswept Crest Farm Petzel Family, Wisconsin; Dave Huston, New Hampshire; and Sand Meadow Farm,
Connecticut. The income from the paid email blasts is also directed to this fund. Thank you to: Brad Slutz, Indiana Premier Sale, Erik Mrozinski, Sugar Ridge Ranch, SS Shrops, Step Ahead Shrops and Nob Hill Shrops for utilizing this promotional tool. It provided $500 to the fund. In 2023, $312 was unused by the Futurity Regional Awards and was redirected to help with this cause.
Thank you to all who support this program and congratulations to those who are growing their flocks with their help!
Annual Meeting of the Members –November 17 at NAILE and via ZOOM
Official notice is hereby given to all members of the American Shropshire Registry Association, Inc. that the 2024 Annual Meeting of the Members will be held on Sunday November 17 at 6 PM EST during the North American Livestock Exposition. A zoom link will be available for those members unable to attend in person. The purpose of said meeting is to hear and approve the reports of the President and Secretary/Treasurer; to ratify the acts of the Board of Directors since the last annual meeting of the members; to act on any old or new business which may be brought before the meeting; and to elect directors for districts having directors whose terms expire in 2024. A light meal is planned.
Article VI, Section 2 of the By Laws allows for the direct election of a director for a district if that district has an active, recognized Shropshire association. All Directors for districts not having an active state or regional Shropshire association shall be elected at the annual meeting of the members.
Directors whose terms will expire at this time are:
Rick Adams – Illinois District (3 year term)
Jim Gruenhagen – North Central District (2 year to adjust terms according to recent Bylaw amendment)
Caleb Fritz – Pennsylvania & South District (3 year term)
Adam Moore – South West District (3 year term)
Jon Nicholson – New England/New York District (3 year term)
Rick Whiting – Ohio District (3 year term)
Each membership in the American Shropshire Registry Association, Inc. is entitled to one vote at the Annual Meeting of the Members. Such vote must be cast in person or via the Zoom link. Those members attending the Annual Meeting shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of transacting the business of the Association. All members are encouraged to attend and participate.
Zoom note: Each Senior member who has paid dues since 2022 is entitled to one vote at the Annual Meeting of the Members and they are encouraged to attend and participate. If you have paid your Senior dues in the past three (3) years, you will receive an email with a Zoom link during the week prior to the meeting.There will be a link to click on or paste into your browser on a smart phone or a computer and you can attend with or without a camera or you can phone in to a number specified in the invitation. Feel free to call with questions
Becky Peterson, Secretary
All-American Junior Show at Michigan State was bursting at the seams
By Deb Hopkins, Show Chairman
The 31st Annual All-American Junior Show just recently completed its fifth visit to the Michigan State University Livestock Pavilion in Lansing, MI from July 4-7, 2024 and it broke the record of sheep entered at this show site by over 1500 head. So, needless to say we did have to implement a hard entry deadline this year and rent additional tents for housing.
We would like to thank all the exhibitor families for their understanding and cooperativeness in dealing with these special circumstances.When all the dust finally settled at the show, we had 578 exhibitors showing 2,536 head of sheep in 35 breed categories. This is 200 more exhibitors and 1000 head more than in 2016 when the show was last held in Michigan.
The show this year also featured the 2024 National Tunis Junior Show, National Suffolk Junior Show, National Junior Romney Show, National North Country Cheviot Junior Show and National Junior Corriedale Show. It was the third year for our Supreme Champion Ram and Ewe drives. This year the Champion Southdown Ram was Supreme Ram shown by Carson Knittel, IL and the Supreme Champion Ewe was the Slick Shorn Hampshire ewe exhibited by Jacee Johnson, WI. Congratulations!
The total numbers shown by breed are as follows: Southdown 398; Hampshire 283; Polled Dorset 249; Shropshire 214; Suffolk 152; Dorset Advantage 104; Natural Colored 108; Dorper 107; Tunis 97; Oxford 89; Lincoln 82; White Dorper 73; Katahdin 72; Border Leicester 60; Cheviot 57; Romney 56; Horned Dorset 52; Corriedale 41; Rambouillet 38; Cotswold 34; Babydoll Southdown 31; Mon-
tadale 29; Columbia 28; Merino 27; Texel 19; Targhee 15; North Country Cheviot 10;Valais Blacknose 6 and Shetland 5. We had the inaugural Valais Blacknose show this year at AAJS and are looking forward to the future growth of this breed at the show.
We were expecting a large show in the Great Lakes section of our country and things came together for a very nice event. A SPECIAL THANK YOU goes to the local Michigan organizational committee co-chaired by Karen Scovill and Donna Averill. They and their committee went above and beyond to host another quality AAJS in Michigan.
The All-American Show is a sheep show where the major focus is on the exhibitors and their families. Even though many awards are given out over the course of the weekend the show is designed for our junior exhibitors and their families. The exhibitors participated in many events besides the breeding sheep and market lambs shows including cornhole games, Blome pizza party, the popular Ag Olympics, skill-a-thon, judging contest, ice cream & pie social, lamb camp, wool show, promotional contests, grab-n-go complimentary breakfasts, virtual shearing contest, Saturday night Lamb Brat dinner, individual and team showmanship competitions, scholarship programs, lead line and dress-a-sheep contests. It is an action-packed weekend for sure and it seems like there is never a dull moment.
This show would not have been possible without the help of the many volunteers that helped us out during and prior to the show. It basically takes a village to successfully put this show on.
The All-American Committee would once again like to thank all the National Breed Associations for their financial support. Many individual donors and sheep breeders across the country supported the show in one way or another by sponsoring classes, selling ewe lambs, buying raffle tickets, donating items to be auctioned off, donating raffle items, donating ram semen straws or donating gift baskets. Your support is truly greatly appreciated!
We have had many special corporate/business supporters that either donated finan-
Mike Callicrate, the owner of No-Bull Enterprises based in St. Francis, Kansas, has introduced a humane and innovative method for the non-surgical removal of testicles in smaller livestock. It’s called the Callicrate WEE Bander. Let’s explore the details:
What is the WEE Bander?
• The WEE Bander is a castration tool designed for calves, kids (young goats), and lambs.
• It offers a bloodless and effective method of castration without the need for manual cutting or crimping of the loop.
• When stretched, the WEE Loop™ opens to approximately a 1 ½-inch triangle.
• If the testicles fit within the loop, the WEE Bander works effectively.
Advantages of the WEE Bander:
• Achieving adequate tightness during banding is crucial for reducing stress. The WEE Bander combines simple technology with proper tension, resulting in complete ligation.
• Unlike traditional elastrator rings, which lack sufficient tension and cause stress, the WEE Bander provides an alternative that meets humane animal treatment standards.
• Studies have shown that hightension banding triggers a natural analgesic effect, blocking pain while minimizing swelling and complications.
• The WEE Bander is a step toward improved animal care and well-being.
Kit Details:
WEE Bander™ Kit for early castration (newborn) includes the WEE Bander tool and 5 WEE Loops™. Additional WEE Loops™ are available in bags of 25 or 100.
The WEE Loop Stretcher™
The Callicrate WEE Bander provides a humane and stress-reducing solution for castrating young animals, promoting their well-being
cially or through supplying us with products and services for our Michigan show. They are: Sydell, MacCauley Suffolks, Tractor Supply Co., Honor Show Feeds, Weaver Leather, Benchmark Graphic Co., Reproduction Specialty Group, Kalmbach Feeds, Dutchess County Sheep & Wool Growers, Stock Show Secrets, Associated Sheep Registries, Novel Designs, Thiesen Designs, Integrity Livestock Sales, American Lamb Board, Premier 1 Supplies, Ringside Sheep Magazine, Heartland Group, Sullivan Supply, Profiles Livestock Show Supply & Embroidery, Stockyard Style, Select Livestock Services, Wolf Brothers Livestock, Little Hooves Romneys, Mt. Salem Suffolks, Milton Mobile Animal Care – Dr. Richard & Judy Schambow, Lightning Ridge Farm, Pine Knoll Acres, Snowcap Cheviots, Stock Show Gear, Mumm Equipment, Willoughby Sales, Warren Finder, Phil Crome, Gene Check, Ewe-Nique Products, Edwards Oxfords, Kyle Farms, Carp Ferrari, ZoLo Halters, Texel Sheep Breeders Society, Emily Adcock Photography & Design, GreenStone Farm Credit Services, Michigan Sugar Company, State Line Cryogenics, Michi-
gan Sheep Producers Association, Michigan Cherry Growers, Oakland County Farm Bureau, Rincker Southdowns, Plank Family, Scovill SSC/SBL and American Farm Mortgage. As you can see it was truly an organized cooperative effort and THANK-YOU to you all!
Plans are under way for next year’s show, which will be taking place at the Illinois State Fairgrounds, Springfield, Ill. from July 3-6, 2025. Melanie Hall will be heading the local organizational committee. Her contact information is (217) 454-5751, They have already had a preliminary meeting at this year’s show and are getting organized to host a fantastic event back in Illinois. The show broke records the last time we were there and are looking forward to another large show there next year.
If anyone is interested in helping out with the show in any way or has any ideas please feel free to contact Deb Hopkins (401)8291360, email: allamericanjuniorshow@gmail. com. As you can see it takes a lot of willing people to assist and we welcome all. Look forward to seeing everyone next year in Illinois!
All-American Junior Show
East Lansing Michigan
July 7 Judge: Dan Spilde
Fall Ram Lamb
1. Kassidy Schakel Flanders Vip 3633
2. Westin Poynter Poynter F23-7
3. Vivian Stephenson
Sugar Ridge 23-98
4. Zachary Rife Rife 23-17
5. Lane Falch Falch 23-1003
6. Kate Bodell Lpss 2323
January Ram Lamb
1. Skilar Burch -Fritz 2401 Grand Champion
2. Drake Slutz
City Limits 24016
3. Drake Slutz
City Limits 24030
4. Luke Raudebaugh Raudebaugh 2405
5. Kassidy Schakel Flanders Vip 4205
6. Landree Street Street 2403
7. Braden Buckland Buckland 4022
8. Vivian Stephenson Sugar Ridge 24-02
9. Addisen Nicholson Sand Meadow 2444
10. Avery Vasko Vasko Shrops Oh11162Av8009
11. Victoria Kovacs
CCS Kovacs 24-02
February Ram Lamb
1. Drake Slutz City Limits 24081
Res. Grand Champion
2. Drake Slutz City Limits 24093
3. Kenyon Buckland KJB 2404
4. Brenna Hubbard Land Run 813
5. Ben Isler Isler 2426
6. Vivian Stephenson
Sugar Ridge 24-31
7. Westin Poynter
Poynter 24-14
8. Kassidy Schakel
Flanders VIP 4245
9. Miranda Moneyheffer
Leininger 4061
10. Zachary Rife -Rife 24-6
11. Vivian Stephenson
Sugar Ridge 24-41
12. Addisen Nicholson
Sand Meadow 2447
13. Tahia Ames -BWB 2420
14. Leah Petersen
Ledyard 2401
March Ram Lamb
1. Vivian Stephenson
Sugar Ridge 24-61
2. Drake Slutz
City Limits 24103
3. Vivian Stephenson
Sugar Ridge 24-60
4. Nicholas Rife
Rife 24-15
Pair Ram Lambs
1. Drake Slutz
2. Kassidy Schakel
3. Westin Poynter
4. Vivian Stephenson
Yearling Ewe Group 1
1. Luke Raudebaugh
Raudebaugh 2303
Senior & Grand Champ
2. Drake Slutz
City Limits 23050
3. Leila Street
Street 2307
4. Brenna Hubbard
City Limits 22134
5. Jaedyn Slutz
City Limits 23004
6. Kassidy Schakel
Flanders Vip 2777
7. Olivia Graves
Ebert 3202
8. Kenyon Buckland
KJB 2302
9. Vivian Stephenson
Sugar Ridge 23-01
10. Blake Toneges
Land Run 719
11. Quincy Moore
Mobo Junction 22056
12. Lane Falch
Belt 2223
13. Nicholas Rife
14. Michaela Haudenschield
Greenbrier Acres 2304
15. Landree Street
Street 2303
16. Ross Doyle
Doyle Brothers 2307
17. Victoria Kovacs
Evans 2315
18. Tahia Ames LPSS 2226
Yearling Ewe Group 2
1. Jaedyn Slutz
City Limits 23094 Res
Sr. & Res. Grand Champ
2. Kassidy Schakel
R&A 8
3. Skilar Burch
Fritz 2313
4. Westin Poynter Poynter 23-12
5. Landree Street
City Limits 23104
6. Kinley Tenney
Fritz 2309
7. Paisley Epple Raudebaugh 2308
8. Alivia Porter
FP Livestock 23029
9. Quincy Moore
Mobo Junction 2317
10. Westin Poynter Poynter 23-13
11. Addisen Nicholson
Sand Meadow 2331
12. Kirsten Cummings
Miller 427
13. Hayze Klotz
Mobo Junction 2315
14. Miley Williams Elsbury 23-031
15. Lane Falch
Belt 2308
16. Camden Cory JEM 2336
17. Klynt Verhaeghe KWV 3347
18. Kirsten Keck
19. Elizabeth Lantz
Sala 0029100
Yearling Ewe Group 3
1. Lainey Popp
JFSS 23087
2. Riggin Klotz Rockin K 3273
3. Brenna Hubbard Land Run 2304
4. Adriana Wendland NSLS 23127
5. Drake Slutz City Limits 23115
6. Tate Flanders VIP 3593
7. Adriana Wendland NSLS 23143
8. Vivian Stephenson Sugar Ridge 23-66
9. Emily Stevens Bechtold 23139
10. Chloe Nicolaus Fritz Show Lambs 2380
11. Kenyon Buckland Mrozinski 23-27
12. Kirsten Keck ROKAJO 2331
13. Olivia Graves OSC 206
14. Kinley Tenney Sargent Shire 23-12
15. Seth Ariens TLF 805
16. Kate Bodell Mrozinski 23-28
17. Zachary Rife Rife 23-11
18. Leah Petersen Sand Meadow 2337
19. Elizabeth Lantz Sala 0030
Pair Yearling Ewes
1. Kassidy Schakel
2. Drake Slutz
3. Brenna Hubbard
4. Westin Poynter
5. Adriana Wendland
6. Kenyon Buckland
7. Vivian Stephenson
8. Olivia Graves
9. Lane Falch
10. Kinley Tenney
11. Elizabeth Lantz Fall Ewe Lamb
1. Kassidy Schakel Flanders VIP 3623
2. Westin Poynter Poynter F23-1
3. Westin Poynter
Poynter F23-2
4. Leila Street
Fleener 2358
5. Blake Toneges
Flanders VIP 3632
6. Zachary Rife Rife 23-16
7. Lane Falch
Falch 23-1005
8. Landree Street Mrozinski 23-40
9. Kirsten Keck
10. Nicholas Rife
Rife 23-19
11. Victoria Kovacs
CCS Kovacs 24-01
12. Kayden Verhaeghe
KWV 1218
13. Zachary Rife
Rife 23-18
January Ewe Lamb Group 1
1. Kenyon Buckland Bechtold 24012
Junior Champion
2. Jaedyn Slutz 1021
City Limits 24010
3. Brenna Hubbard
Land Run 798
4. Drake Slutz
Street 2405
5. Kassidy Schakel
Flanders VIP 4206
6. Landree Street Street 2406
7. Skilar Burch
Fritz 2408
8. Westin Poynter Poynter 24-1
9. Luke Raudebaugh
Raudebaugh 2411
10. Ross Doyle
JFSS 24103
11. Addisen Nicholson
Sand Meadow 2442
12. Vivian Stephenson
Sugar Ridge 24-03
13. Emma Chandler
City Limits 24014
14. Leila Street
Street 2404
15. Miranda Moneyheffer
Leininger 0206
16. Tahia Ames
CCS 0401
17. Blake Toneges
Land Run 800
18. Avery Vasko
Vasko Shrops Av8010
19. Olivia Graves
OSC 0210
20. Miley Williams
SS Shrops 24-1
21. Lilian Kovacs
CCS Mccabe’s 0412
January Ewe Lamb Group 2
1. Drake Slutz
City Limits 24040
2. Kenyon Buckland Bechtold 24064
3. Jaedyn Slutz
City Limits 24051
4. Kinley Tenney Sargent Shire 24-01
5. Westin Poynter Poynter 24-2
6. Brenna Hubbard Land Run 810
7. Seth Ariens
Smith Show Stock 2189
8. Victoria Kovacs
CCS Kovacs 24-03
9. Victoria Kovacs R&A 24-02
10. Olivia Graves
Belt 2406
11. Ainsleigh Mrozinski Mrozinski 24-02
12. Lane Falch Falch 24-109
13. Vivian Stephenson
Sugar Ridge 24-24
14. Addisen Nicholson Sand Meadow 2445
15. Paisley Epple
Oak Ridge 0102
16. Tenley Cory Double Doc 24-24
17. Zachary Rife Shroyer 3181
18. Michaela Haudenschield Greenbrier Acres 2412
19. Hadley Epple
Oak Ridge 0101
February Ewe Lamb Group 1
1. Kassidy Schakel
Flanders VIP 4240
2. Miranda Moneyheffer Leininger 2438
3. Drake Slutz City Limits 24057
4. Kinley Tenney Sargent Shire 24-09
5. Ainsleigh Mrozinski Mrozinski 24-06
6. Brenna Hubbard Buckham Farm A4078
7. Delaney Crouch Shroyer 316121
8. Westin Poynter Poynter 24-3
9. Zachary Rife Rife 24-4
10. Lane Falch City Limits 24059
11. Addisen Nicholson Sand Meadow 2450
12. Vivian Stephenson Sugar Ridge 24-30
13. Nicholas Rife Rife 24-5
14. Lane Falch Falch 24-202
15. Reed Etling Buckland 4042
16. Emily Stevens ES 2327
17. Michaela Haudenschield ES 2404
18. Camden Cory CSC 24-2
19. Camden Cory CSC 24-1
February Ewe Lamb Group 2
1. Jaedyn Slutz City Limits 24087 Res. Junior Champion
2. Jaedyn Slutz City Limits 24071
3. Drake Slutz City Limits 24080
4. Luke Raudebaugh Raudebaugh 2436
5. William Taylor Fleener 2452
6. Miranda Moneyheffer Slack A11001
7. Brenna Hubbard Land Run 2408
8. Kinley Tenney Sargent Shire 24-18
9. Vivian Stephenson Sugar Ridge 24-40
10. Quincy Moore
Mobo Junction 2427
11. Westin Poynter
Poynter 24-16
12. Penelope Moore
Mobo Junction 2426
13. Stockton Klotz
Diamond Arrow G2406
14. Leila Street
Street 2416
15. Victoria Kovacs
CCS Kovacs 24-04
16. Ross Doyle
DBSL 2403
17. Michaela Haudenschield ES 2402
18. Kate Bodell
Flanders VIP 4235
19. Leah Petersen
Ledyard 2402
March Ewe Lamb
1. Westin Poynter
Poynter 24-5
2. Drake Slutz
City Limits 24101
3. Luke Raudebaugh
Raudebaugh 2409
4. Westin Poynter
Poynter 24-6
5. Kinley Tenney
Sargent Shires 24-30
6. Drake Slutz
City Limits 24102
7. Miranda Moneyheffer
Leininger 2417
8. Kenyon Buckland
KJB 2418
9. Quincy Moore
Mobo Junction 2430
10. Vivian Stephenson
Sugar Ridge 24-67
11. Brenna Hubbard
Land Run 815
12. Vivian Stephenson
Sugar Ridge 24-59
13. Blake Toneges
Flanders Vip 4270
14. Emma Chandler
High Hopes VLV 08
15. Tahia Ames
BWB 2444
16. Nicholas Rife
Rife 24-11
17. Miley Williams
Williams 24-07
Pair Ewe Lambs
1. Drake Slutz
2. Kenyon Buckland
3. Kassidy Schakel
4. Brenna Hubbard
5. Westin Poynter
6. Kinley Tenney
7. Vivian Stephenson
8. Ainsleigh Mrozinski
9. Emma Chandler
10. Olivia Graves
11. Lane Falch
12. Ross Doyle
13. Michaela Haudenschield
14. Miley Williams
Young Flock
1. Drake Slutz
2. Kassidy Schakel
3. Kenyon Buckland
4. Westin Poynter
5. Brenna Hubbard
6. Lane Falch
7. Vivian Stephenson
Best 4 Ewes
1. Kassidy Schakel
2. Drake Slutz
3. Kenyon Buckland
4. Brenna Hubbard
5. Westin Poynter
6. Kinley Tenney
7. Lane Falch
8. Vivian Stephenson
Market Lamb
1. Carter Bills - Champion
2. Cole Knittel
Res. Champion
3. Milo Bacon
4. Lainey Popp
5. Colt McCoy
6. Elizabeth Hartmann
7. Davie Sheller
8. Kinley Tenney
9. Brenna Hubbard
10. Katie Drum
11. Reed Etling
12. Braelynn Buescher
13. Klynt Verhaeghe
14. Victoria Kovacs
15. Jackson Crisp
Shropshire Top Gun Winner
Drake Slutz
Land Run 2405 RRNNFF
Summit x Grey Goose
Reserve Champion Ram at The Ohio Showcase Sale
Sold to Jonathan Peterson, MN
Land Run 720 RRNNFF
Summit x Entourage
Land Run 2201 x Grey Goose
Land Run 743 RRNNFF
Champion Ram at The Ohio Showcase Sale
Sold to Laframboise Livestock, MO
Gravy x Mythical
Land Run 768 RRNNFF
Reserve Supreme Ewe at The Oklahoma State Fair
Reserve Champion Ewe at The Ohio Showcase Sale
Sold to Lane Falch, MO
We had the 1st Place Flock at the Ohio State Fair
• 3D Sheep Company, WA • Jane Strand, MN • Taylor Stock Farm, KY
• Bridger D. Baker, MA • Southern Tier Shropshires, NY • Larry Mefford, IL
• Kali Hall, TN • Midnight Star Farm, OH • Kennedy Algire, OH • Blake Toneges, IN
This list is a paid subscription published both in the Voice and on
Adams Shropshires
10828 W 1000 S Rd Bonfield, IL 60913 (815) 228-2903
Anderson Farms
Matthew, Christie, Emily & Andrew 15884 W State Hwy NN Grant City, MO 64456 (660) 988-3503
Askelsen Croft
Colin Askelsen 1434 C Ave. Ogden, IA 50212 (515) 490-3439
Averill, David Village Farm 115 Cape Cod Hill Rd. New Sharon, ME 04955 (207) 778-9421
Avery, Dennis & Nancy Avery Shropshires 151 Beechwood Dr. Bremen, IN 46506 (574) 209-0988
Geerts, Natalie & Jeremey Diamond Arrow G Livestock 3982 St Rte 38 Richmond, IN 47374 (765) 561-1673
Graves, Wyatt, Trey & Olivia Outlaw Sheep Company 3010 E 1370 Rd. El Dorado Springs, MO 64744 (417) 876-7013