Spring 2010

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The only magazine entirely dedicated to Short Mat Bowls” “

The grass roots magazine that publishes your stories, news & views

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SPRING 2010 ISSN 1456 - 0606 Annual UK subscription £9.95 Europe £11.95 (Sterling) Rest of the World £13.95 (Sterling) for four full issues per year

Editor: Bob Weafer bobw@short-mat-magazine.com

Short Mat International Incorporating Short Mat World

2 Preston Close, Redditch, Worcs, B98 8RU, England Tel: 0121 - 286 - 9449


PLEASE NOTE: the entire staff of the magazine amounts to just one person - me! The magazine is put together in my often non-existant “spare time”. I regret I do not have the time to reply to letters. If you want to contact me either email or telephone me. I’m not looking for any sympathy, just the understanding that I am often very busy and do not have much time, especially for Hot Shots. The magazine comes out when it comes out and I’ve managed 18 years so far. Whatever our eventual publication dates, you get the full number of 4 issues per year that you have paid for. Your patience and understanding is greatly appreciated, as the alternative is no magazine at all. The views expressed in SMI are not necessarily those of the publishers nor any of the sport’s controlling bodies and no responsibility can be accepted for them. No part of this publication may be reproduced, copied or stored on any retrieval system without the prior and express approval of the Editor.

Bob Weafer


Whilst reasonable care has been taken in regard to the bona fides of advertisers. Readers are recommended to take their own precautions before making any payments.


Short Mat Chat








The Editor’s ramblings. A report on the Cheshire Villages league LlangeNnith are the Champions The Scottish Championships and open weekend

BODELWYDDAN CASTLE The story of this great holiday tournament


Nick Truscott’s Championship roundup


IIBA ZONE CHAMPIONSHIPS Who won the Ladies & Mens top team events?


A catchup on the Super 6 & 8 winners


My personal thanks to those who donated


Hutton raise £1,100 for Charity


A report from this great hotel’s holiday break


News from the Northwich Indoor League


Aberporth are League Champions

24 CORK ZONE Michael O’Shaugnessy’s competition reports

26 MANX NEWS The Ronaldsway Fours tournament

27 CHESHIRE & PEVENSEY NEWS Reports on two local events

28 ESMBA - A COMMITTEE AT WAR The concluding comments from the Editor


The Invitation Triples Tournament


The Three Wood Pairs Competition

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SHORT MAT CHAT Being away for 7 out of 8 weeks, producing this magazine has been a very big struggle but I finally got there. I find it very difficult to start each edition with 32 blank pages and emails all over the place, some on my computer at home and some on my laptop downloaded whilst I’m away. Add to this the hard copy I’m sent through the post (which I don’t always get chance to file in the right place) and with all this all over the place I do miss items, which I hate doing but it happens! So if I’ve missed something of yours in this issue please let me know ASAP!

Since commenting in the last issue on the postal cost rise from 47p to 76p over a relatively short time, it has now gone up again to 81p for each and every magazine sent out and even more for those abroad. I must correct my comment about the Summer being the most difficult issue to fill, it is actually the Autumn edition as the Summer issue gets the late stuff at the end of the season. The next issue will contain reports on the World Championships, the big money International event organised by Craig Burgess and Barry Hedges, plus Zone plate finals from Ireland and some Cork tournament news. Despite the ESMBA’s lack of co-operation I may also be able to include an article on the winners and losers at the ESMBA National Championships, although no photos at this point unless they mysteriously appear. However, I do need more

club and County news to 3 ensure a better balance in the magazine, as I think the grass roots news is THE most important in the Mag. So how about your end of season reports, club Competition News and Charity event reports? Also, good or reasonably good photographs are also VERY important. I have had to leave out only one from this issue as it was impossible to use. There are many compact cameras around, so please use one or encourage others to do so! I have already commented Ad Nauseam about how our great sport is basically publicity shy. Perhaps someone will explain this to me. Also, where have all the letters writers gone? I don’t mean those that write to me about their county or club team selection, which I have to leave out, I mean those about our sport in general and the rules.


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CHESHIRE VILLAGES INDOOR BOWLS TOURNAMENT The Cheshire Villages Indoor Bowls Tournament reached its conclusion in March at Vale Royal Memorial Hall, Northwich. Lach Dennis was, once again the winning team of the Tournament. It was their fourth consecutive win! After so many wins who was to collect the Shield? It seems that Colin the Bear was pushed to the front to carry off the trophy! As always, there were some interesting encounters in the qualifying leagues. In group one, an improved Comberbach team, in spite of having more wins than Guilden Sutton, had to settle for second place. They just held off Padgate by five points to reach

the quarter finals. In group two, Chorley Village Hall completed their games and had an anxious time, waiting to see if Rixton 'A' could catch them. They didn't, so Chorley V. H. went to the quarter finals behind Antrobus. No such luck for Rudheath. Rudheath are new to Cheshire Villages, this year. They had played all their matches and were sitting at the top of group three for some time but eventually they were caught by both Farndon and Tarporley. Rudheath are determined to be back next season. Lach Dennis led group four, from day one to the completion of the leagues. They did, however, have a defeat at home by Rixton 'B'. Rixton won six of their eight matches. Croft 'A' only managed five wins but gained enough points to overhaul Rixton. John Hardman of Lach Dennis receives the In the quarter final, Comberbach just couldn't trophy from Jack Stant the tournament hold off Lach Dennis . Tarporley had a difficult time founder and Past Chairman against Antrobus and had to bow out of the tournament. Croft 'A' and Farndon had a very close battle, which Farndon just failed to win. Guilden Sutton and Chorley Village Hall were nip and tuck all the way through their match. It was eventually decided on the last end of the last game that Guilden Sutton should play in the semi final. In the semi finals, Guilden Sutton went down heavily to Lach Dennis and Croft 'A' beat Antrobus. Croft 'A' only managed to win one game in the final and conceded to Lach Dennis, after five games. Well done Lach Dennis again! It wasn't left to Colin, the Lach Dennis mascot bear, to collect the Shield; we see John Hardman receiving the Trophy from Jack Stant, the founder of the tournament and past chairman. We want some more village teams to join in the Tournament, somewhere there must be one that can take on Lach Dennis Pairs knockout winners David Haynes and beat them. and Kath Downs

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Alongside the semi finals and final, a pairs knockout competition was held, organised by Ron 5 Dunbavand. The pairs are arranged so that members of the same club do not play together as a pair, resulting in some interesting combinations! The final was played between Kath Hankey with David Buckley and Kath Downs with David Haines. There was a rush to the betting shop to place a bet on Kath and Dave to win! Dave Haines and Kath Downs proved worthy winners after a close competition, well done! Anyone interested in bringing their team into the Cheshire Villages Indoor Bowls Tournament in the 2010-2011 season could they please make contact with jkkd@uwclub.net as soon as possible please.

John Downs

BY A SHORT HEAD Llangennith are the Swansea Short Mat Champions Llangennith have waited for twenty two years to be champions and during that time, have never been out of League Division One of The Swansea Short Mat Bowls Association. At last the Gower Club have won the league by the narrow margin of half a point! Three clubs broke away from the opposition at the beginning of the year and Llangennith, who were in the lead, said, “Catch us if you can”. On the final evening, mathematically, anyone of the three clubs could have won the League but Llangennith having lost only two away games in the season of eighteen matches, managed to hold their nerve, gaining twenty two points out of twenty four in their final three games, which were all played away from home. In a relatively small and remote village (at the end of a very long road) it is quite an achievement. Many players have been members throughout the club’s history and continue to play at a high standard. The oldest player to represent Llangennith this season is aged 91. Over the years, several groups within the village have formed and folded but the Short Mat Bowls Club has both survived and grown in membership. Whilst Llangennith has the largest membership of any club in the Swansea Association not all members wish to play in the league competitions. Recognising this, the club values the ability to meet together in friendship and while accepting peoples differing abilities, encourage individual skill development. Meeting for two hours twice weekly throughout the year, internal club competitions and a tournament for all Gower Clubs are organised annually. The club were also successful in being awarded a Lottery Grant which enabled members to go to the Isle of Wight for a week together. (Yes, including playing bowls). The club has always held the social cohesion of the group as being a more important measure of success rather than that of winning competitions but it is a very good feeling to have finally achieved the Top Spot in the League!

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SCOTTISH NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS The Championships were staged at the brand new DG1 Leisure Centre in the heart of Dumfries and opened up with a surprise presentation of a set of bowls by Stella Klyne to Founder and President Bob Barr in recognition of his great work and long 16 year service given to the Scottish Short Mat Federation. Scottish President Bob Barr with his suprise gift flanked byVice President Lawrence Moffat and Stella Klyne of the Ex-pats. onships tuned out to have a dramatic ending in a final that first swung one way and then the other. Dave Harrigan of Kyleakin faced James Watt of the Ex-pats. A quiet opening saw the match level at 2 apiece after four ends. Dave Harrigan then seemed to take charge with a 2 - 1 - 3 scoring sequence to put him 8 - 2 up after seven ends. Watt then closed to 5 - 8 after a two and a single but by the eleventh end Harrigan led 10 - 5 with just four ends to go. James Watt then set about a remarkable comeback with three singles and a two on the last end to level the match and force a sudden death finish. He then took a single to snatch the Championship title with an 11 - 10 victory, having almost seemed out of contention.


JAMES WATT TAKES THE SINGLES The Singles event in the Scottish Champi-

Singles Champion James Watt with Scottish President Bob Barr.

Donald & Jamie Johnstone of Springfield Gretna faced Declan Farrow and Sam Simpson of Sanquhar in the Pairs final. An even start saw both teams level at 2 - 2 after three ends but a run of three singles and a two saw the Johnstone pair take a 7 - 2 lead after seven ends with two ends to go. A two to Farrow and Simpson gave them a glimmer of hope but Donald & Jamie Johnstone took the last end and with it the Pairs Championship title.

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Pairs Champions Jamie and Donald with Scottish President Bob Barr.


Father & Son Billy & Lawrence Moffat along with Nephew Rob McNeil of Amisfield & District recorded a very comfortable victory over Doreen Brown, June & Len Dinnell of Twynholm. The latter trio had fought hard to get to the final but the vast International experience of Lawrence Moffat and Rob McNeil told in the end. The Twynholm trio took a single on the first end but conceded a five on the next. A single made it 2 - 5 but a 2 - 4 - 1 scoring sequence put the Moffat’s & McNeil 12 - 2 up. An exchange of shots saw the Twynholm trio improve their position but the lost 14 - 6 in the end.

SANQUHAR QUARTET LIFT THE FOURS TITLE The Sanquhar four of Jimmy Broatch, John Marchbank, Stuart & John Hiddleston scored a two on the opening end of the final against Kenny McPherson, Lennie Chiffers Chris & Jill MacKinnon of Kyleakin. The Kyleakin four then struck back with a single and then rocked the Sanquhar four back on their hells with a stunning five on the third end to lead 6 - 2

Triples Champions Rob McNeil, Billy Moffat and Lawrence Moffat Scottish President Bob Barr.

Fours Champions Stuart Hiddleston, Jimmy Broatch, John Marchbank & John Hiddleston, flanking Scottish President Bob Barr.

However, this proved to be a false dawn as the Kyleakin four never scored again. Firstly the Sanquhar team replied with a four to level the match at 6 all and they then finished off with a 2 - 4 - 1 scoring sequence to win 13 - 6. A big thanks is due to the efforts of Amisfield & District Short Mat Bowls Club and thanks are also due to the Dryside staff for their help over the long weekend. The Scottish Championships were staged on the Friday of this long weekend and this led neatly into the “open” weekend, with the Scottish Open Triples and the British Isles open Pairs.

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The Triples is open to everyone in the World and you don’t have top be registered with any Association as this is a promotional event for Short Mat Bowls. The British Isles Open Triples is open to all players who are part of their National Associations. Along with the Scottish Championships these open events have been run for a number of years.


OPEN TRIPLES TITLE TAKEN BY SANQUHAR Having disposed of last years Champions (England’s Darran Beardmore, Chris Willies & Dominic Reed), the Sanquhar triple of Stuart Hiddleston, Jean Patterson and Ronnie Bonnar were certainly fired up for their final with the Ex-pat team of James Watt, Willie McGinn and Ron Flood. This quick 6 end final was very sudden death and it was the Sanquhar team that edged ahead 5 - 1 after four ends. The next end was a no score end leaving the Ex-pats needing a four on the last end to level the match and force an extra end but in the finish they only managed a single to go down 5 - 2. There was some consolation for the England trio of Darran Beardmore, Chris Willies & Dominic Reed British Isles Open Pairs Champions as they took 3rd place in the 3rd & 4th England’s Nick Tideswell & Gareth Stanway place play off. TIDESWELL AND STANWAY WIN THE OPEN PAIRS Gareth Stanway& Nick Tideswell eased their way through their semi 11 - 3 over Stuart & Yvonne Hiddleston after scoring two fours in the opening three ends. In the other semi leading 5 - 3 Tom Hamilton & John Kinghorn dropped a two on the last end to Kevin Penman & Ivor Dobson but managed to edge through with a single on the extra end. The final was a hard fought affair and there was even no score on the opening end However, Tom Hamilton & John Kinghorn were 4 - 6 down going into the last end but were held to a single shot giving Stanway & Tideswell the Open Pairs Title. Yvonne & Stuart Hiddleston won the 3rd & 4th place play-off. British Isles For dates and details of next Open Pairs Runners-up years event contact Bob Barr Tom Hamilton & on 01387 - 710892 John Kinghorn Scottish Open Triples Champions Stuart Hiddleston, Jean Patterson and Ronnie Bonnar

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In the semi-finals they were in outstand9 ing form against Sheila & John Page and Over 150 club bowlers from as far afield as Dundee stormed home 13 - 4. Michael & Kathleen took part in this excellent bowling break run over 5 Mann also made it to the final days at Warners Bodelwydby 11 - 8 with the match in dan Castle. The first evening doubt right up to the last end. was given over to a Drawn In the final Julie & Alan Fun Bowls Drive, with John Thornhill kept up their outPage, Bob Wherry, Pauline standing form and despite all Collins & Alan Thornhill the efforts of Michael & winning with a 10 shot plus. Kathleen they couldn’t preAt the Quarter final vent Julie & Alan from lifting stages of the 2-bowl singles the Pairs title. Clive Younger romped home In the Triples Quarter over Bernard William 10 - 2 finals Gareth Richards, with ends unplayed. Joan Finalist David Taylor with Neville Ruff & Steven Dick Taylor had a comfortable 8 Champion Clive Younger were pushed hard by Margaret 3 victory over George EverLeslie but the Welsh triple ton and. Joan’s husband Dave edged through 7 - 5. A simibeat Richard Kitchener 8 - 4. lar 2 shot margin saw Completing the semi-final Lawrence Oates, John Parline-up Arthur Hunt edged sons & Ray Whalley beat Jo through over Steven Dick. Holm, Maria & Richard The inevitable hapKitchener 9 - 7. pened in the semi-finals with Sandy Goodenough, Joan & Dave Taylor facing Geoff Cox & Margaret Jones each other. A cracking match beat Dorthy Walker, June ensued that went right to the Foster & Dorothy Wise 8 - 5. last end with Dave winning 7 Steve Harper, Chris & Arthur - 5. An identical scoreline Hunt stormed into the semi’s saw Clive Younger through beating Fred Dalby, John to the final with victory over Cook & Evelyn Pritty. Steven Dick. Seated Champions In the semi’s Steve, The final was a very Julie & Alan Thornhill with Chris & Arthur lost out 6 - 8 tight affair with every end Finalists Michael & Kathleen Mann to Sandy Goodenough, Geoff being a single score, with Cox & Margaret Jones in Clive Younger ending as a very hard fought match. Champion by 6 shots to 3. Gareth Richards, Steven In the Pairs the only Dick & Neville Ruff were really tight game was the also pushed hard but had very high scoring match enough to beat Lawrence that saw Alan & Sandy Oates, John Parsons & Goodenough snatch a last Ray Whalley 8 - 4. end 14 - 12 victory over In the final Gareth, Molly & Fred Douglas. Steven & Neville scored a Sheila & John Page three on end two and a beat Kay Reeves & Tony four on end seven, which Woodbridge, Alan & Julie basically gave them a 10 Thornhill beat Joyce & 5 victory over Sandy Standing Champions Gareth Richards, Trevor McBain, whilst Goodenough, Geoff Cox Steven Dick & Neville Ruff with seated Michael & Kathleen & Margaret Jones as both finalists Margaret Jones, Geoff Cox & Mann beat Kenneth Stout sides won 5 ends each of Sandy Goodenough & Lucille Warwick.

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COUNTY TWO WOOD SINGLES & FOUR WOOD PAIRS The first of the County Finals were contested on at the Dragon Leisure Centre, Bodmin. First up was the Two Wood Singles. The quarter finals saw Graham Reeves of Saltash defeat Jim Stanley of St Newlyn East 13-10, to set up a semi final against Nigel Nicholls of Newlyn Trinity who needed an extra end to defeat Liskeard’s Peter Spargo 10-9. The bottom half of the draw saw Boscastle’s David Hudson take a comfortable 12-2 win against Carol Ford of St Newlyn East, to set up a semi final against Peter Hore of Holmans, who had to come from behind to beat Blisland’s Max Burden 11-10. In the semis Nicholls eased past Reeves 12-2 with Hore defeating Hudson 11-5. The final, involving two County Premier Team singles players, went the way of Nicholls who took the win 12-8. The County Four Wood Pairs finals followed with play continuing through the day until 5:30pm. The quarter finals saw Roy Christophers & Percy Tripp of Helston progress through to the semi finals with a 153 win over Dobwalls Jean Roper & Brenda Sleep, to set up a match against Rosemary Pengelly & Ronald Thomas of Newlyn Trinity who claimed a 15-8 win over Henry Kendall & Roger Edwards from Withiel. Camilla Cawrse of Lostwithiel and Phillip Hicks of Luxulyan were 9-4 winners against Holmans Elise Daniell & Peter Hore, thus setting up a semi final against Sheila Collins & Pam Williams of St Newlyn East who had defeated Helston’s Fran Phillips & David Hickey 12-5. The semi finals saw Collins & Williams claim a comfortable 16-5 win over Cawrse & Hicks. The second semi provided plenty of drama with Pengelly & Thomas coming from behind to level the scores on the last end 6-6 against Christophers & Tripp. An extra end was called for and with the option to bowl first Tripp opted to lead and attempted to play the jack into the ditch with his first bowl but missed the target. His second wood passed the jack on the other side but he managed to catch the jack on the third attempt but the jack and bowl finished in opposite corners of the ditch leaving the end to be played out in a bid to draw closest to the jack. At the conclusion of the end both pairings thought they held the winning wood so the umpire was called but he was unable to separate the two scoring bowls and a further end was required. Tripp again opted to bowl first and ditched the jack I F YOU CAN BUY CHEAPER with his wood finishing close in the ditch. Despite ELSEWHERE WE WILL MATCH best efforts of Pengelly & Thomas to draw a closer wood Christophers and Tripp went through to the IT AND REFUND final 7-6, where they recorded a comfortable win THE DIFFERENCE! 15-3 over Collins and Williams to claim the title they last won in the 2004/5 season.


COUNTY FINALS The County finals were played over a weekend at the Dragon Leisure Centre Bodmin, with the Singles and Fours on Saturday and Pairs and Triples on Sunday. First up on the opening day was the County Mixed Fours. The Quarter Finals saw Jim Rule, Pam Hamley, Betty Temple-Smith and Arthur Hambley (Lostwithiel) defeat Linda Higgins (Perranporth), Elise Daniell, Nicholas Truscott & Peter Hore (Holmans) 10-7 to set up a Semi Final against Marion Keers (St Agnes), Joyce Ward (Withiel), John Keers (St Agnes) & Norman Ward (Withiel), who

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11-5 winners against Margaret Goodwin, Jean Sampson, Graham Reeves and Darren Woolner 11 (Saltash). Meg Horrell, Joan Boddy, Eric Boddy & Ken Horrell (Withiel) were 13-6 winners against Camilla Cawrse (Lostwithiel), Gillian Cawrse (Lostwithiel), Phil Hicks (Luxulyan) & Chris Cawrse (Luxulyan) setting up a last four game against Christine Coxall, Margaret Jenkins, Ronnie Thomas & Nigel Nicholls (Newlyn Trinity) who eased past Margaret Menhenick, Mary Moynihan, Peter Morrish & John Menhenick 16-2. The semi finals went the way of both Withiel teams with Ward’s team defeating Lostwithiel 12-9 and Horrell’s team defeating Newlyn Trinity 14-4. The 15 end final was a game of two halves with the score tied at 5-5 between the two Withiel teams. Horrell’s team seized control of the game over the next five ends with scores of 2, 4, 3, 3 and 2 to establish a 14 shot lead with two ends to play. Ward recorded a couple of consolation shots to leave the final score Horrell 19 Ward 8. The Under 25’s, run for the first time in five years saw eight entries from two clubs, Treviscoe and Holmans. The eight bowlers were split into two groups of four with the group winners meeting in the final. Group One went the way of Peter Hore (Holmans) winning all three games to finish with 6 points +28 shots, second in the group went to Luke Jolly with 4 -8. Group Two went the way of Elise Daniell (Holmans) again winning all three games to finish with 6 points +17 shots, second went to Ashley Davies with 5 +6. The final was won by Peter Hore defeating Elise Daniell by 20 shots to 4. The afternoon saw the County Champion of Champions contested for the first time in five years with 16 entries. Players were split into four groups of four with two qualifiers going through to a knockout competition. Group One qualifiers were Stewart Hambley (Camelford) and Peter Hore (Holmans). Group Two saw Ted Penland (Luxulyan) and Fran Phillips (Helston) progress. Peter Spargo (Liskeard) and Carol Ford progressed from Group Three with the line up completed by Roger Edwards (Withiel) and Keith Williams (Penlee) from Group Four. The Quarter Finals saw Peter Spargo defeat 14-6 setting up a semi final against Stewart Hambley who was a 12-4 winner against Fran Phillips. Roger Edwards defeated Keith Williams 11-6 and Peter Hore claimed the final semi final spot with a 12-4 win over Carol Ford. The semi finals saw Spargo defeat Hambly 9-6 and Edwards take a comfortable 12-2 win over Hore. Edwards went on to claim the title defeating Spargo 15-1 in the final with three ends to spare. On Sunday Central Area league winners Lostwithiel claimed the Bebbington Cup title at Bodmin. Playing each of the Area League winners Lostwithiel scored a total of 8 points from their 6 games played. Newlyn finished second on shots difference from Lanteglos with Liskeard in fourth Place. Lostwithiel 8 pts +19, Newlyn Trinity Jowsters 6 +1, Lanteglos A 6 -12, Liskeard 4 -8.

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IRISH INDOOR BOWLING ASSOCIATION Mid Ulster emerge as Zone Champions after a truly magnificent bowls final

What a dramatic finale to what must surely rank as one the best ever zone finals, with the holders Armagh, who had won five times, facing Mid Ulster, the Zone with the most wins, 8, including five successive wins from 1999 to 2003. Despite all the comments made about who might win, those from both zones knew there was going to be no runaway winner and so it proved with the winner in doubt until the last penultimate bowl was delivered.


Short Mat Bowls was undoubtedly the winner with both teams and sets of supporters showing the greatest respect and a great appreciation of good bowlers by both teams. In the first half Mid Ulster always had the slight edge though little separated the sides. On mat 1 the Armagh front end had particularly good games making it difficult for the Mid Ulster rink of Mark Wilson, Trevor Turkington, Sean Davidson and Damian Grimes. After 4 ends it was all square at 3 each but the Armagh rinks skipped by Alan Roberts moved into a 2 shot lead after 6 ends. Mark Wilson played some excellent deliveries when heads were against him and the rink began to get the weight of the mat they put pressure on the Armagh rink to move into an 8 – 6 lead after 9 ends. The Armagh rink squared the game on the final end. On mat 2, the Armagh lead had an excellent game especially over the first 6 ends. The Mid Ulster rink of Danny McStravock, Tommy Johnston, Clarke Hill and Seamus McGlinchey were always ahead leading 6 – 4 after 7 ends. They moved ahead of Danny McDonald, Sean Conroy Snr, Nigel Uprichard and George Crothers to lead 8 – 5 after 9 ends but Armagh picked up 2 to finish 8 – 7 down. On the final mat, Mid Ulster’s Alan Paul, Glen Smith, Chris McKnight and Joe Martin played Andrew Leckey, Paul Moore, Cyril Lecky and Colin Deering. The Mid Ulster rink were always ahead with the rink having their best performance of the season. They led 7 – 3 after 7 ends and went on to win 9 – 5. They were unfortunate not to win by a greater margin with the Armagh skip saving his rink on a couple of vital occasions. At the interval Armagh who have been 10 shots down closed the gap to just 5, 28 – 23. The early ends of the second half were crucial for both sides, Mid Ulster could move away or the momentum could swing Armaghs’s way. It was Mid Ulster who made the more impressive start. Colm McHugh, Dwayne Jordan, Brendon Kyne and Gary Merron picked up 3 against Martin Trainor, Derek Wright, Paul Whittle and Ian Irwin, whilst Damien McElroy, Liam McHugh, Seamus Kyne and Colin Hogg picked up 2 against Joe Beattie, Sean Conroy Jnr, Laurence McCarten and David Beattie while

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Sean Quinn, Liam Conway, Anthony Bradley and Damien McAllister did likewise against Andrew Hughes, Ian Perry, Raymond Hunter and Jack Moffett. Suddenly Mid Ulster were 12 ahead and 13 looking good for a win. However, after 4 ends Armagh had managed to reduce the deficit by 1 shot. After 5 of the 10 ends had been completed, Colm McHugh’s rink were unlucky to drop a 4 on the 3rd end to be 6 – 5; Damien Mc Elroy’s rink were 6 – 4 and Sean Quinn was 5 – 1 up. The lead at this stage was still 12 shots for Mid Ulster. While Quinn’s rink continued to dominate and forge ahead with 4 singles from the 6th to 9th ends, the situation began to change on the other mats. From leading 7 – 6 after 6 ends, Colm McHugh lost four singles with Martin Trainor in impressive form leading his rink home 10 – 7. The last end between Quinn and Hughes favoured the Armagh rink but a superb bowl by Liam Conway managed to keep Armagh restricted to a single shot to finish deservedly 10 – 4 up having controlled the game throughout. On mat 2, the game was all square after 6 ends. A combination of excellent bowling by the Armagh back end of Beattie and Conroy, and some missed opportunities by Mid Ulster saw the Armagh rink picked up 8 shots to lead 14 – 6 after 9 ends. With the other games completed and just one end to go the scores were tied at 47 each.


The entire final hinged on this last end between McElroy and Beattie. Mid Ulster lay 4 shots with Armagh having just one back bowl. Conroy made no change to the head nor did Beattie with his first bowl. McElroy closed a gap with his first delivery and like everyone else waited anxiously hoping not to have to play his last bowl. It was a difficult shot for Joe Beattie, too little weight and he would not reach the head or make no change, too much and he could have taken out his back bowl. He played controlled weight and disturbed the head but the Mid Ulster back bowls won the day. It was a tragedy for either side to have lost. Armagh at one stage looked doomed with a 14 shot deficit but deserve great credit for their comeback which nearly paid off as they got within one shot at 48 - 49. Mid Ulster, while not quite reaching the standard of play of their Oriel game, were never behind and would have been shattered to have lost the lead at the death. After 7 bleak years they have reclaimed the Boomer Cup and the question now is can they do what others in recent years have not been able to do and that is retrain it. In the meantime the team now goes to Wales in December to attempt to reclaim the Top Team trophy they have already won on six occasions. It was an excellent afternoon, a credit to both sides in a final that kept everyone on tenterhooks until the very end and an excellent advertisement for the game of Short Mat bowls.

Seamus Kyne

FIRST HALF RESULTS MID ULSTER - 25 M Wilson 8 D McStravock 8 A Paul 9

ARMAGH - 20 A Roberts 8 D McDonald 7 A Lecky 5

SECOND HALF RESULTS MID ULSTER - 24 ARMAGH - 28 C McHugh 7 M Trainor 10 D McElroy 7 J Beattie 14 S Quinn 10 A Hughes 4

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As anticipated the ladies inter-zone final between Oriel and South Tyrone was a close run affair. After three ends South Tyrone opened an eight shot advantage but the pressure eased on the next end as Oriel’s Michelle Martin, Marion Martin, May Flannagan & Bernie Keehan scored two shots to open their account against an enthusiastic Peggy Cairns, Michelle Campbell, Catherine Quinn & Maggie Mary Quinn. A four on the same end for Jill Roullier’s foursome took them into the lead on mat 2. Half way through the 10 ends South Tyrone were in front by 14 shots to 9. IIBA President Ronnie McDermott  The momentum then swung in favour of Oriel when presenting the Zone trophy  Peggy Cairns rink lay five shots for South Tyrone but Michelle Martin held her nerve and calmly drew shot for a six shot turnaround. Peggy Cairns offered her hand in genuine display of congratulations for such an important bowl. Sportsmanship at its optimum. On the next end Martin ditched the jack and claimed a count of five. Cairns battle back and the scores were level entering the 10th end. Martin picked up a three and in her rink Margaret Carroll’s rink claimed a two with the jack in the ditch to give Oriel a two shot interval lead.

Oriel immediately extended their advantage to 7 shots after the first end of the second period. South Tyrone hit back and by the middle of the second half had cancelled out Oriel’s advantage and edged ahead at one stage by a single shot. A count of six for Carol McMahon, Patricia Hanlon, Tracy Martin & Maureen Conlon put Oriel in control as Rachel Brennan, Mary O’Hare, Briege McAleer & Briege Duffy converted several heads into ones and twos to lead 13-1 going into the final end. The scoreline was harsh on the South Tyrone front end but also an indication of how well skips Mary O’Hare and Rachel Brennan were playing. Brennan’s use of precise weight was phenomenal throughout the whole game. South Tyrone did claim four shots on the final end to give a truer reflection of the quality that both rinks had displayed. That four a single and a two on the other mats brought Oriel’s advantage down to only four shots with two games finished and two individual ends remaining. However, Oriel got over the line 59 - 50 as South Tyrone were forced to chase shots. Patricia Hanlon was instrumental in Oriel seeing out the victory when the pressure mounted. Skip Margaret McGrath was the stand out performer for South Tyrone in the second period she guided her rink to an impressive 8 shot win. Seamus Kyne With additional data from Ronnie McDermott

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for teams scoring a full house 6 on a single end

Arthur Cuff Janet Cuff Alan Shere Woodbury SMBC Scored in the East Coker Charity Triples Tournament in a match against Ditchet SMBC

Albert Clark, Elsie & John Berry Of Broadway SMBC Scored in a match against Martock SMBC

Tom Primett, Bryan Pudney, Tony Miles Of St. Andrews “Sinners” Scored in a Clacton & District league match against Holland-on-Sea Hawks

HOT SHOT SUPER 8 CLUB for teams scoring a full house 8 on a single end

Jack & June Smith, Brian & Jo Claesson Lea Short Mat Bowling Club Scored in the Macmillan Charity Trophy

Brenda McKenzie, Nigel Reed, Dave & Matt Sifford Woodlands SMBC Scored in thE Cliff Hercock Tournament against Sanguine SMBC


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Potters, Carrington House, Bodelwyddan,  Gunton Hall, Langstone, Lakeside

EVENING  ENTERTAINMENT Bodelwyddan Castle, Gunton Hall, Lakeside, Potters Leisure

BEAUTY SALON/ HAIRDRESSER Bodelwyddan, Gunton Hall, Potters Leisure, Langstone, Lakeside

FITNESS SUITE Bodelwyddan Castle hotel, Gunton Hall, Langstone Cliff hotel,

INDOOR POOL Bodelwyddan, Gunton Hall,  Potters Leisure, Langstone, Lakeside,  Carrington House

SPA BATH/SAUNA Bodelwyddan Castle, Gunton Hall, Potters Leisure, Langstone, Lakeside,

CANOEING/ BOATING The boating Lakes  at  Gunton Hall  and Lakeside

TENNIS Bodelwyddan Castle hotel,  Langstone  Cliff Hotel, Lakeside

AIR RIFLE SHOOTING Bodelwyddan Castle, Gunton Hall,  Lakeside, Potters

SHORT MAT BOWLS HOLIDAYS We have been organising bowls holidays for 18 years and have taken over 15,000 bowlers on Short Mat holidays. Our holidays are aimed at club bowlers and have been designed to offer plenty of bowling with time off to do other things.


Our pre-timed scorecards let you know exactly when you are due to play, enabling you to plan your free time. All games are played to a set number of ends, thus ensuring that everybody plays the same. We do not organise timed games, so you can play at your normal pace without any time pressures.

DARTS Bodelwyddan Castle, Gunton Hall, Langstone Cliff, Lakeside

CROQUET Bodelwyddan Castle,   Gunton Hall Lowestoft,  Lakeside

ARCHERY Bodelwyddan  Castle,  Gunton Hall, Lakeside, Potters

SNOOKER Bodelwyddan Castle, Gunton Hall, Potters Leisure, Langstone Cliff, Lakeside

POOL Lakeside, Gunton Hall, Bodelwyddan,  Potters Leisure.

SQUASH Potters Leisure Resort and Local to  Gunton Hall  Lowestoft

TABLE TENNIS Bodelwyddan, Gunton Hall, Potters, Lakeside, Langstone Cliff, Carrington Hse

BOWLING ALLEY Bowleasy at Gunton Hall,  Lakeside.  Potters have several fully automatic lanes

LAWN OUTDOOR  BOWLING Bodelwyddan Castle, (Crown) Potters Leisure, Lakeside



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SINGLES & NEW BOWLERS You don’t need a partner to enjoy our holidays. We not only find you a partner, we ensure that you are welcomed and can join in (as much or as little as you wish), with the activities on your bowling break. Single occupancy rooms are (as ever), on a limited supply, so its first come first served. For new bowlers we can organise coaching to help you learn and improve your game. One of the most popular and outstandingly different holiday destinations in the UK. This superb Warner Hotel is very popular and our spring holiday can be sold out months in advance. An average of 8 mats are used in the indoor bowls hall, which provides a great short mat arena. Bodelwyddan Castle - North Wales Lakeside - Hayling Island

Langstone Cliff - Dawlish Warren Acclaimed as “the best of the best”, this very popular hotel is superbly set in its own grounds. The hotel has a heated indoor pool, fitness suite, snooker room and a great reputation for its food. The ballroom takes 5 mats and up to 80 bowlers.

Wessex Hotel, Street, Somerset A well positioned hotel in Street just a short walk from the very popular Clarks Shopping Village. Refurbished bedrooms and plenty of parking.

FOR MORE DETAILS Call Bob Weafer on 0121 286 9449

A very popular Warner venue on the South Coast, with all of the facilities you would expect. including, evening entertainment, a heated indoor pool and a large indoor bowls complex in which to stage our holiday events..

Situated near Bideford in North Devon, this refurbished hotel has over 100 bedrooms and is planning an indoor heated pool. The large ballroom takes up to 4 mats.

Durrant House, North Devon

Set in a quiet location but within easy reach of some great shopping. Plenty of parking, light and airy public rooms, with a large area for your Carrington House - Bournemouth Short Mat holiday.

Please note: the details in this publication were correct at the time of compilation. Current availability of facilities should be re-checked if you are placing reliance on any specific items. We will be pleased to help with enquiries. See our booking forms for booking conditions.

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A very special Thank You!

It is difficult at times to get motivated to start compiling the magazine, I do believe that without the magazine publishing events, we would all live in our little isolated Worlds, Country by Country, without knowing what the rest of the World is doing. I have previously explained the finances and that it basically costs (with the new postage) around £18 to produce SMI’s four editions, whilst each subscription is basically £9.95. The shortfall is partly made up with some advertising, some donations and the balance is absorbed by Breakaway Leisure, i.e. my personal pocket. I would like to give a very special thanks to all the following for their additional contributions towards the running of the magazine, one donation of which was quite stunning, that YOU have directly helped to keep SMI going. Although I would point out the list does not include the latest renewals, which I have yet to work through and will also list. Mr & Mrs J&H Muttock, Mrs M Russell, Mr & Mrs Smith, Mr & Mrs Crisp, Mr & Mrs Hayward, Mr GW Lazell, Mr BA Rust, Mr & Mrs Davies, Mr & Mrs Mellows, Mr & Mrs Carpenter, Mr JK Downs, Mr & Mrs Herschy, Mr RG Fincham, Mr E. Harries, Mrs K Beauchamp, Mr & Mrs French, Mr & Mrs Culverwell, Mr & Mrs Sheather, Mr K P Harrison, Mr H Kendall, J & K Downs, Mr & Mrs Buck, Ms K Gamlin, Mr & Mrs Rose, Mr W Lewis, K Hamilton, Cuffley SMBC.



The basic answer to this is no and this especially applies when Christian names are shortened, as we all tend to do. Mr & Mrs Bull named their son Terence. No problem there except where it becomes Terry Bull. Barbara is a straightforward name as is Dwyer but shorten this and it becomes Barb Dwyer, see what I mean? How about Stanley Still, Timothy Burr, Christopher Cross, William Power, Raymond Gunn and Joseph King? All of the above and the following were registered in Britain: Helen Back, Pearl Button, Paige Turner, Sonny Day, Anna Sasin, Justin

Case, Doug Hole, Lee King and Barry Cade. I don’t believe for a second that all of their parents didn’t know and understand what they were doing. In the US and elsewhere the following were also registered. Anna Prentice, Annette Curtain, Carrie Oakey and Abbie Birthday.

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The Hutton Charity Fours was held in aid of the Dorset & Somerset Air Ambulance and raised a stunning £1,100. A well attended event saw 16 teams of four from Avon, Somerset, Devon, Dorset, Wiltshire and Wales playing in groups of four with the group winners progressing on to the semi-finals.

Nick Pearce the Dorset & Somerset Air Ambulance Co-ordinatorreceives the cheque from the Hutton Players

Winterbourne then progressed to the final after an 8 - 5 win Mark Village. In the other semi, Skewen from Pembrokeshire beat East Coker 18 - 2. The final was watched by an enthusiastic crowd and saw Winterbourne get off to a dream start by taking four shots on the opening end. On the second end Skewen hit back with three shots and so the battle ensued and by the eighth end the Nick Pearce presents the trophies to the teams were level at 9 shots Winterbourne and Skewen players apiece. Winterbourne then picked up a single to lead by one going into the last end. The Winterbourne lead then bowled two great shots to put the pressure on Skewen who try as they might couldn’t quite rise to the challenge and Winterbourne picked up a five to win 15 - 9, a larger winning margin than the hard fought final suggested. Dave Sawyer Reproduced from the Natterjack with Dave’s kind permission

Just another rock and water picture? This, if it’s real and some doubt it and think its a painting, is apparently only visible properly with the right angle of the sun, calm water and the light is just right. If you think it’s just another rock and water picture then bend your head to the left, or turn the page up to your right and take another look.

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the Langstone Cliff hotel has played host to Bob & Yvonne Weafer’s Tournaments for over 14 years and is certainly a hotel with a difference, including a free pre-dinner drink and a free newspaper of your choice every morning. In the Quarter finals Michael Keevil beat Gary Axtell but Mum Lorraine Axtell beat Carol Robbins. Joyce Howe also made it to the semi’s beating Eric Hasker. Les Woodward completed the Semi-final line-up. Les then faced Lorraine Axtell but proved to good on the day and made it into the final 10 - 2. Making it an all-male final, Michael Keevil beat Former Singles winner Joyce Howe. Bill & Michael come from the same Oxfordshire Club and Michael Keevil struck first taking a 5 - 0 lead after 4 ends. After nine of the ten ends Les Woodward had closed the gap to just a single shot at 5 - 6 but Michael, former National Pairs Champion held his nerve and took a single for a 7 - 5 victory. In the Pairs Quarter finals Allen Marriott & Nicky Tricket took a 7 - 1 lead against Bill & Les Woodward, who fought back to 6 - 7 and only lost to a single on the last end. All other Quarters ended in comfortable wins. Edith & Rodney Knight beat Michael & Helen Keevil; Anne & Don Sirett beat Evelyn & Reg March and Penny Keevil & Carol Robbins beat Dawn & Eric Sanders.

In the semi-finals Penny & Carol kept up their good form and beat Allen Marriott & Nicky Trickett 8 4. Don & Anne Sirett got off to a flyer in their semi and despite all the efforts of Edith & Rodney Knight they couldn’t stop Anne & Don progressing to the final by 9 shots to 6. In the final Anne & Don took first blood and went 4 - 0 up after three ends, not to be outdone Penny & Carol levelled the score after six ends. By end 9 of the10 end final they were leading 9 - 7, Finalist Les Woodward with however Anne & Don had a winner Michael Keevil stunning last end and took a full house four to win 9 - 7. In the Triples, Ray Clark, Stewart & Joyce Howe recovered from 2 - 6 to win their quarter final against Carol Robbins, Bill & Les Woodward 9 - 6. Margaret Strang, Marion & Norman Beeden beat Anne Sirett, Eric & Doreen Hasker 7 - 4. A similar three shot margin saw Pat Griffiths, Dennis & Jean Gooch beat Dawn Sanders, Jean Hallier Seated Champions & Evelyn March 8 - 5. MarAnne & Don Sirett with Finalists ian Clark, Shirley & Garth Carol Robbins & Penny Keevil Willis stormed in against Margaret Long, Kath & Melvyn Curtis. In the semi-finals Margaret Strang, Marion & Norman Beeden beat Pat Griffiths, Dennis & Jean Gooch 8 - 6 after being 0 - 5 down. Ray Clark, Joyce & Stewart Howe scraped hop 7 - 6 with a single on the last end. in a ding-dong final Margaret Strang, Marion & Seated Margaret Strang, Norman & Norman Beeden put in a Marion Beeden with Finalists Stewart storming finish to beat Ray, & Joyce Howe and Ray Clark Joyce & Stewart 14 - 8.

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JOIN US IN THE 21 WINNINGTON PARK, NORTHWICH INDOOR BOWLS LEAGUE Here we have the Socialites, winners of the 2009 - 10 league competition. Eight teams of six competed for 14 weeks, playing six singles and three triples, to decide the winners. Two weeks are taken to decide a Team Knockout Event, which is handicapped and then there is a Pairs Round Robin over the last four weeks. That is the end of another Season! What happens next season? Teams like Aces, Blasters, Unpredictables are looking to topple the So-

The Socialites from left to right, John Hardman, Peter Kelly, Tony Milburn, Ron Venables, Ted Haddock and Alan Whitelegg cialites and need new members. Wouldn't you like to be in that Socialite toppling team? Winnington Park Social Club has county standard mats and a friendly ambiance. If you would like to join us in the fray of 2010 - 11, e-mail jkkd@uwclub.net or phone Alan Whitelegg on 01606 46241. It is amazing, how quickly the short-mat bowls season passes. "Yes", I can hear you saying, "it's his age". Nevertheless, here we have the results of the competitions at Vale Royal Memorial Hall, Northwich. The winner of the 1st division was Davenham, with 1229 points; only 45 points behind was Hartford and Warriors made it to third place. The second division winning team was Bandits, a mere 8 points ahead of Oddbods, who in turn was 10 points better than Rudheath. What a promotion battle that was!

Knockout Champions :- Jack's Lads: l to r John Downs, Mike Blackmore, Mike Cagna, Alan Whitelegg, John Hardman, Ron Venables & Tony Milburn.

Tim Hume Singles Champion

The knockout competition team winner were Jack's Lads, taking full advantage of their handicap points. Geoff Barlow and George McMahon, after some close encounters of the "extra end" kind, took the pairs knockout title. The singles knockout title was won by, {and I am sure he will not mind me saying} a refreshingly, young Tim Hulme from Rudheath. It's great to see young bowlers enjoying the game and succeeding in the tournaments. Well done everyone!

John Downs

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ABERPORTH Ceredigion Short Mat Bowls – Seasons Summary As a brief introduction to our League, for those not familiar with the area, Ceredigion lies on the western coast of Wales. It is a long stretched-out county, bordering Machynlleth in the north and Pembrokeshire in the south. As a result, the settlements are sparse. The league is based primarily in the south, with two clubs actually in Pembrokeshire, because they are too far from other Pembrokeshire clubs. There are a number of clubs in the north, like Borth and Pontrhydfendigaid (I deliberately put that one in for you English folk!!) but they don’t have a league as it would be too far for them to travel each week. There are ten clubs in the league, with three of them putting out two teams. Our season starts in September and ends before Easter. The winning team goes on to represent the County at a national level, with those games normally played in Llandrindod Wells.

A Runaway Success? Not Quite With twenty-six weeks of games played the season has ended much as it was half-way through – with two teams battling it out to win this years’ trophy. Apart from a brief fling from Manordeifi, for the first two weeks, attention was focussed on Rhydlewis, the title-holders, who then took over the running. For a while it seemed that several teams could be in with a chance, but by the 8th week a two-horse race was developing. Aberporth’s efforts were initially low-key; gradually succeeding in winning nearly all their games, without pushing total victory down their competitor’s throats. It was not until the twentieth week however, before they took control and timed a perfect home-run to grab the title. Having won the previous season, it was thought that Rhydlewis would have a good chance to retain the title, and indeed for quite a few weeks that’s the way it was looking. However Aberporth were determined and would not allow Rhydlewis to get a clear lead. Eventually it was three weeks in February and March that made the difference – with Rhydlewis having to rest for one week and Aberporth gaining maximum points. The Coachmen never recovered and the title was won by the Seasiders. Odd how it was planned that the two should meet in the final game of the season.

So congratulations to Aberporth on securing their victory. As for the other teams, there was a bunching of eight teams that led to much juggling for position, with more attention towards the end on working out who would take the third slot. This was really more exciting as the results on the final night were needed before the ‘winner’ of the bronze medal position (if one exists) was claimed by Manordeifi who defeated their rivals, Llandygwydd, by a total victory over their club-mates, Tygwydd. However Capel Dewi and Pencnwc were also close by that stage. There were groupings amongst these eight teams, which changed every now and then, but it was always a contest between Llandygwydd, Dolphins and Manordeifi to secure the third place – along with a late surge by Pencnwc.

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The other teams in the group of eight, Tygwydd. Penrhiwllan, Llechryd and Capel Dewi had var23 ious chances of securing greater things, but none could master the consistency that appears to be needed to succeed. Finally, and there has to be a ‘finally’, there were three teams that struggled throughout the season, and in each case there were moments of glory when onlookers (well me anyway) might have been thinking “at last”. But any flashes of inspiration could not be maintained. Personally I was surprised by the poor results of Cilgerran. Particularly towards the end of the season, they had some exciting and rewarding games and just as one was thinking that their competitors would be hard-pressed the next week, they succumbed to the usual poor result. As an umpire, I do get to see various clubs play and watched Mydroilyn several times. It always seemed like lady luck was not smiling as the various members of the teams played so well, only to have the opposition play a final wood to spoil it all. Orllwyn went through a very poor spell towards the beginning of the season – in fact I remember being asked not to umpire them as I seemed to bring bad luck, when I witnessed three weeks of 8-0 results go against them. Of course this season was marred by the loss of one of the club’s more able players who will be much missed. Various teams appear to be suffering from lack of members, whilst it seems that others are awash. Pencnwc are very low, having only seven players to choose from at the end – and needing seven to field a team. However it would appear that Manordeifi, Cilgerran and Llechryd are also in need of new blood. So, personally, I think it a shame to hear rumours, already, about people wanting to change clubs for, presumably, a whole lot of reasons. “Transfer Season” appears to be upon us with the end of the League and no doubt there will be some changes when we all meet again in September. I just hope that all the clubs will be around when that time comes, which means that some clubs need to think seriously about recruitment into, what is after all, an enjoyable and sociable game. It would be a shame if some clubs cease to be part of this League because of a migration towards the bigger, more successful (?) teams. All teams go through cycles; and who knows, next season, who will there be to resist Tygwydd’s challenge for the title (apart from Llandygwydd of course)! Enjoy your summer.

Michael Martin


Back, left to right - Sophie Fry & Charlie Law (Penally), Winner - Aaron Lloyd (Penally) - Pembrokeshire Chairman Eileen Hodgson - Runner up Tom Windsor (Narberth) - Huw Owen (Penally) Kneeling front - Carwen Pratt (Tabernacle) - James John-Davies (Hook)

Encouraging young bowlers to take up and play the sport in in Pembrokeshire, this event was organised early in the season and was held at at St Elidyr bowls club. Eight under 16s took part in a very keen competition and the winner was Aaron Lloyd from Penally who beat Tom Windsor from Narberth in a closely fought final. The youngsters went on to represent Pembrokeshire in the National junior pairs competition in Carmarthen, where they played other junior players from all over Wales.

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CORK ZONE NEWS CATHEDRAL PARISH TAKE  THE WEST CORK TRIPLES West Cork Bowls Triples Tournament hosted by Cox’s Hall, St. Colums & Skibbereen B.C. and held in Bandon Grammar School Sports Hall. At the Quarter-final stage Carrigaline GAA, skipped by Maurice Hayes beat Frances Kingston, M .Jennings & John Ellis from Cox’s Hall. Cathedral Parish skipped by Sam Cooke made their way into the semi-finals with victory over Little island’s Bridie Harty, Phyllis & John Long. John O’Driscoll skipped Douglas Community School to victory over Conna’s Catherine O’Regan, Dave Feeney & Michael O’Regan. Completing the semi-final line up Barrs, skipped by John Long, beat Conna’s George Tanner, Paddy O’Leary & Adrian Tanner In the Semi-finals Cathedral Parish’s Sam Cooke once again led his team to victory, beating Mary Galvin, Paddy Tierney & Maurice Hayes of Carrigaline GAA by 7 shots to 5. Barrs completed the final line-up with a close 5-4 victory over Shelia O’Driscoll, Clare Cremen & John O’Driscoll of Douglas Community School. In the final Cathedral Parish’s Eileen Murphy, Ted Murphy & Sam Cooke got off to a flyer with a four on the opening end, which they followed up with a two. For Barrs Frances Long, Marie O’Leary & John Long struck back with two singles but a single and then a no score end earned Cathedral Parish a well deserved victory. The Umpires on duty were John Hill, Sam Jennings, Eddie Mills, John O’Brien & Gerty Stroker and the prizes were presented Frances Kingston, John Hill & Mike Wigston.

ing it to the final Conna, skipped by Adrian Tanner beat I.C.I.C.Y.M.A.’s Keith Shellard, Bernard Logan & Ricky Foott 7 - 6 in a close finish. In the final Conna’s Noeleen Tanner, George Tanner & Adrian Tanner struck first with a two on the opening end. Ballincollig GAA’s Eithna Linehan, P.J. Hagan & Jerry O’Donoghue struck back with a single. An exchange of singles eventually took the score to 5-4 in favour of Conna but with just one end to go all was still to play for but the Conna triple held their nerve to score a two for a 74 victory. The Umpires on duty for the final session were Hazel Foley, Marie O’Leary, Eddie Mills, Sean O’Suileabhain & Hazel Payne. The President of I.C.I.C.Y.M.A., Mervyn Kerr presented the prizes and also the Perpetual Trophy to Adrian Tanner the Skip of the winning team.



Highfield Bowls Club staged their Annual week long Triples Tournament for the Highfield Perpetual Trophy. The event was held in the Rugby Pavillion with 98 teams participating through the week. In the semi-finals Crosshaven’s Pat Casey led his team to victory over Carrigaline Community’s Jean Lynch, John Todd & Val Todd. Ballincollig Community led by Danny Twohig also made it through to the final beating Watergrasshill’s Josie O’Riordan, Eddie Mulholland & Sean O’Riordan. In the best of 9-ends final, Crosshaven’s Ann Farrell, Ann Casey & Pat Casey took an early lead and led by 2/1 after three ends but Ann Twohig, Miah Buckley & Danny Twohig of Ballincollig Community responded with three singles to lead by 4/2 after six ends. In the seventh end Crosshaven scored a single but in the eight end Ballincollig Community regained the initiative with a two and led by 6/3 with one end to go. In the ninth end Crosshaven staged a great comeback to score 3-shots to level the match at 6/6 and thus take the game into an extra end. In CONNA TRIUMPH IN THE a very thrilling finish Crosshaven scored a single to take the Highfield Triples Title in a most exciting ICICYMA LICENSED TRIPLES and sporting game. I.C.I.C.Y.M.A. Bowls Club staged the final session The Umpires on duty were Mary Boyde, of their Annual Licensed Triples Competition for Teresa Burke, Hazel Foley, Hazel Payne & Michael the I.C.I.C.Y.M.A. Perpetual Shield at the Garryduff Sports Centre in Rochestown. At the semi- J. O’Shaughnessy. The prizes were presented by final stage Ballincollig GAA, led by Jerry Maurice Noonan the Highfield Club Captain and O’Donoghue beat I.C.I.C.Y.M.A.’s Betty Shellard, Carmel Eadie the club’s Chairperson presented the Chris McCarthy & Martin Bracken 9-5. Also mak- Perpetual Trophy to the winning Skip Pat Casey.

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WATERGRASSHIL ARE DOUGLAS GAA CHAMPIONS Douglas G.A.A. Bowls Club staged their Annual week long Triples Tournament for Douglas Credit Union Perpetual Trophy in the GAA Pavilion. The competition was once again a great success and attracted over 320 bowlers from City/County clubs over a wide area. Battling through o the semi-finals, Watergrasshill, led by Skip Sean O’Riordan continued on their way beating Wilton’s K. McCarthy, B. O’Keeffe & P. McCarthy. Completing the final line-up Adrian Tanner led Conna into the final beating Ballincollig G.A.A.’s Eithna Linehan, P.J. Hagan & Jerry O’Donoghue. In the final Watergrasshill’s Josie O’Riordan, Eddie Mulholland & Sean O’Riordan conceded a single on the opening end to Conna’s George Tanner, John Martin & Adrian Tanner. Watergrasshill struck back with a two but were then rocked back on their heels as Conna scored a stunning five leaving them 6-2 up. At this point Watergrasshill managed to step up a gear and scored a four to level the match and then followed this up with a single a two and three singles for a 12-6 victory. The Umpires on duty for the final session were Hazel Foley, John Long, Eddie Mills, Marie O’Leary, Hazel Payne, Michael J. O’Shaughnessy & Albert Ruxton. The prizes were presented by Betty Kenneally the Douglas GAA Club Captain and the Perpetual Trophy by Michael O’Connell, the Director of Douglas Credit Union, to Sean O’Riordan the Skip of the winning team. Congratulations are due to the to the organising Committee and Club Members for their outstanding work during the seven days of the tournament.

CATHEDRAL PARISH EMERGE AS BARRS CHAMPIONS Barrs Bowls Club staged their 7 day annual licensed Triples competition for the Barrs Perpetual in the St. Finbarrs H.&F. club pavilion. Ryan Higgins led Ballinlough through their semi-final with victory over Highfield’s Paddy Ahern, Mary O’Connor & Billy Moloney. Joining Ballinlough in the final, Cathedral Parish, led by George Fenney, beat Little Island’s Bridie Harty, John Long & Joe Kirby. Ballinlough struck first in the final with Gladys O’Keeffe, Dan Swanton & Ryan Higgins

taking a two and then a single for a 3-0 lead. Not to be outdone, Cathedral Parish’s May 25 O’Callaghan, Eileen & George Fenney struck back with a single and a three to go one shot ahead. Ballinlough then evened up the score with a single but Cathedral Parish took a decisive 9-4 lead with two two’s. With just the last end to play Cathedral Parish closed out the final by conceding just a single to win 9-5. The Umpires on duty for the final session were Mary Boyde, Theresa Burke, Dick Dowling, Bob Jennings & Shelia O’Driscoll. At the conclusion of play the prizes were presented by Kay O’Shaughnessy Barrs Hon. Sec. and Dermot Crowley the club’s Vice Captain, with Dermot also presenting the Perpetual Trophy to George Fenney the Skip of the winning team.


Wilton Short Mat Bowls Club staged the final session of their annual licensed fours competition for the James Gilmore Perpetual Trophy in the S.M.A. Hall, Wilton. In the semi-finals Mitchelstown, skipped by Tom Lawton eased their way into the final with victory over Cathedral Parish’s Eileen Egan, Eileen Fenney, George Fenney & Billy Egan. Wilton also made it through to the final with Sonny Hudson)leading his team to a win over Paddy O’Regan, Josie O’Riordan, Eddie Mulholland & Sean O’Riordan of Watergrasshill. In the final scheduled for 7-ends Wilton’s Carmel Hudson, Betty O’Keeffe, Neil O’Keeffe & Sonny Hudson took an early lead and led 3/0 after two ends but Mitchelstown’s Veronica Caplice, Phil Lawton, Jim Caplice & Tom Lawton responded with three singles and a three to lead by 6/3 with just one end to go. In the final end Wilton staged a great comeback to score three shots to level the match at 6/6 and force the final into a sudden death extra end, in which Wilton scored a vital single to take the Title. The umpires on duty for the final session were Bob Jennings, Tom Liston, Eddie Mills & M. J. O’Shaughnessy and the prizes were presented by Pat McCarthy Wilton’s Chairperson and Captain Margaret Moynihan. Kathleen Gilmore presented the Perpetual Trophy to the winning Skip Sonny Hudson.

Michael J. O’Shaughnessy P.R.O. Cork Zone I.I.B.A.

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Collin Holland steered his fours side to victory with Chris Holland, Clare Holland, Clare Holland & Seamus Whelan, after a closely fought round-robin competition at Ronaldsway Sports and Social Club. Holland's team started off with a loss after going down 13-9 to last years champions, skipped by Jayne Kinley, with Sam Peel, Emma Smith & Josh French which put the reigning champions in a strong position. The Holland's team hit back well however with 16-6 win over Stephen Gale's side which put them top of the table. In the final game, Gale's side started off strongly and looked like they could snatch an unlikely victory, with Kate Mulhern, David Hetherington and Robin Teare all playing well, however Kinley's team fought back well, eventually losing 12-7 to Gale's side, leaving Collin Holland's four as champions by 5 chalks. Thanks go to Ronaldsway Short mat Bowls Club for hosting the event.

THE NEW MANX WEBSITE Along with most other National Associations in this growing internet world, the Manx Short Mat Bowling Association, which was formed in 1987, now has its own website at www.manxshortmatbowls.com. This and all the other websites I know about are listed on www.short-mat-bowls.com. If yours is not listed or has changed address please let me (Bob Weafer) know by email, snailmail or telephone me on 0121 286 - 9449

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27 ERIC COOPER RETIRES QUIT WHILE YOU ARE AHEAD? Prior to the first match of this season, against Shropshire, Eric Cooper announced that this was to be his last season as captain of the Cheshire 'A' team. "Could we do something for Eric" was the feeling that went through the squad. The season started well but the shine came of the bowls towards the end of the campaign. Cheshire 'A' only managed the Consolation Plate competition. However, counties came and went from the Caroline Chisholm Centre for Learning; with, eventually, Cheshire narrowly beating Buckinghamshire in the final! A shield for Eric in his final year as Captain, Ypipee! Eric is taking this next year out of bowls to prepare himself for his retirement from his job in commercial vehicle sales. A very sensible move, the dedication to retirement has to be well planned, you just don't get any days off. Eric has been Captain of the Cheshire 'A' team for (he thinks) twelve years, lifting the Consolation Plate once before. Many of you will have met Eric, he was a member of the England squad in the 90's. He played at many venues throughout the country and abroad. "Qualifying [for England] in those days, was much more difficult than it is now" was the quote from Eric as he described the strain of travelling the length and breadth of the country. The Cheshire 'A' Team, a happy and successful squad thanks to Eric Cooper, will miss his cheery banter but nevertheless wish him all the best and thank him for his dedication to the 'A' Team. Thanks Eric, from the Squad and all that have had the pleasure of bowling with you.

John Downs

PEVENSEY MEMORIAL HALL SMBC Pevensey Annual Triples Tournament, formerly known as the Millenium Trophy, was re-named the Derek Rudkin Memorial Trophy, in memory of the late club member Derek Rudkin, who was a long standing and well respected member of the club. Clubs from all over Sussex were invited and 16 teams competed on the day. The event went very smoothly and the final was fought out between two teams from the Hollington Club. The final was a tremendous match won in the end by David Hunt, Gavin Wood and Alec Martin who beat Club mates Sammy Wood, Pat Mason and Peter Shoesmith. The trophies were presented by Derek Rudkin’s Widow Pam and a good day bowling was had by all.

Jean Bradley


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THE ESMBA A Committee at War with itself - Conclusion

Hopefully this will see a final closure from the politics as I do not want to waste any more pages on the current ESMBA Committee. I long ago accepted that in effect, without openly saying so, they were more or less boycotting the magazine. I can only assume this is because they don’t control it. As an example, the Bowls Development Alliance, who, as the name says are there to promote all forms of bowls, had a big launch day in early April. I got an invitation on a Sunday afternoon to say it was taking place the following Tuesday. So I got about one and a half days notice of what was an important event and this from a Committee who claim to want to promote Short Mat Bowls. The ESMBA must have known of the event weeks in advance! As it happens I was driving down to the South Coast to run a Tournament and it was impossible to organise a one-day stand in on such Short Notice. I was promised a publicity write up but as expected I’ve received nothing yet. I have in the past offered the ESMBA as many pages as they want and a Chairman Comment Column or a Presidents Comment column etc. etc. but to no avail. The only person who regularly contributed was Herbie Bowden but he effectively did this as an individual and not part of his ESMBA duties. Returning to the motion of no confidence, which started all of this off, the motion was defeated by 50 votes to 10 but this does not tell the whole story. Most if not all Committee members voted so removing them from the equation this leaves us with a majority of 30 odd to 10, still a healthy majority but not as much as first appeared. The Committee also showed a high degree of cynicism or a lack of professionalism, take your choice. Firstly, the vote was not taken by a show of hands as usual, so we could not tell the committee members votes, it was conducted with ballot slips that actually had the counties names on the back so it was possible to see who had voted for and against. I’m not suggesting that this was done, as I believe it wasn’t but it didn’t look well organised. Secondly, the votes were not counted in front of the delegates, it was done in a separate area. I would stress that scrutineers were appointed from the County Delegates to ensure everything was OK but not doing it in front of the room needlessly fuelled some people’s suspicions. The vindictiveness of the committee was further seen in the sacking of England Manager Barry Hedges, who had been a supporter of the no-confidence motion. His contract was due up at the end of March, shortly after the World Championships. Presumably the Committee was afraid that England might do well at the Worlds so they informed him in the week preceeding the Championships that his contact was not being renewed. Call it what you like but as it was done before the Championships sacking is the word I would use. There must have been some relief that England did not do so well at the Worlds. In the past I have never published any of the mistakes of the Committee but will do so in future. Take the case of the ESMBA’s trailer, which was stolen a few short years ago I was informed that a committee member had been given the task of sorting out insurance for the trailer and despite having sufficient time to do so had not done it. The trailer was stolen and it cost the members of the ESMBA several thousand pounds to replace it. This was confirmed by the ESMBA Chairman. The Committee member concerned did not resign and seems to have adopted a holier than thou attitude to recent problems. After the publication of Committee details on the money paid to Keith Hawkins on the Julian Haynes website, I now understand that there is a secrecy agreement amongst the committee members but I do not have the exact details as even this appears to be a secret. I can think of one Committee member who will find it impossible to keep to this agreement! I would add that a very senior member of the Committee has openly stated that he believes the Committee should be replaced. Another Committee member has apparently been described as a tyrant and a bully by an outside agency, which does not reflect well on the ESMBA. A Committee member at the recent World Championships seems to have openly agreed with the bully element of the comment. As to the motion for a full time admistrator/Admistration, the Special General Meeting asked the Committee to withdraw the motion as as it stood they would have to vote against it. Not surprising as it was full of waffle and the financial argument did not look good. I pointed out that some elements of it were rubbish but all I got was a facetious remark from the ESMBA Chairman. As far as I and others are concerned, the committee has been tainted by recent developments and I would still replace them all. I feel the members of the ESMBA should take back control, especially where the finances are concerned.

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Beer Mariners Invitation Triples Tournament


Sixteen teams from across three counties took part in the event and were drawn into two leagues with each one playing five games. The day progressed with some surprising results, with both happy and glum faces bringing result cards to the table. In section 1 Ottery St Mary got off to a flier, recording a win with a 12 shot advantage, but then suffered a loss and a draw before recovering with two additional victories to take them to seven points and the 12 shot difference intact. Broadclyst started badly with a 12 shot deficit, but overcame this setback with a draw and three wins to finish on seven points and a plus four advantage. However, Cerne Abbas began with two victories, suffered a one shot defeat, but continued with two further wins to win their section with eight points and plus 18 shots. In section 2 St. Teresas went down by five shots in their first game, but recovered to win the next four to end with a 12 shot surplus and eight points. Crewkerne began with three straight wins before an eight shot loss pegged them back, but a four shot win in their final game gave them eight points too, with a 16 shot advantage. Colyton set out of the starting blocks at express pace winning the first three games and collecting a massive 32 shot advantage. A one shot loss impeded them a little but a ten shot surplus in their final game made them the section winners on eight points with a 41 shot advantage. The final was to be eight ends as the earlier games, but with no time limit. Cerne Abbas, with Anna Booth as lead, Eugene Balbinski as second and skip June Balbinski, went into the lead gaining two shots in the opener, and with a four, led 6-0 after two ends. A further double in the next end put them 8-0 ahead after three ends. A change between lead Audrey White and second Ken Spiller at the start of the fourth end changed their fortune, enabling skip Pete Morgan to add a second to help reduce the deficit, and another two on the next, followed by two additional singles brought Colyton to within two shots with one end to play. With slight movement in the head, the count favoured one then the other, with one wood each to bowl, Pete Morgan inched just beyond the shot wood June Balbinski drew into the head to keep the score to one against and emerged from an intriguing and tense final as champions by 8-7. It was a very exciting game to witness and truly worthy of a final. Hard luck to Colyton.

Colin Timms

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East Hanningfield’s three wood pairs competition was contested by 20 teams playing a round robin format of four groups of five with the winners & runner ups of each group going through to the quarter finals. Each game was played over nine ends or 35 minutes whichever came first, in the first round of matches there were big wins for E.H Horseshoes by 13 shots to 6, Judas & Son 13–5, Woodlands Two 14–4 & St Andrews 10–2. After the second round of matches the Winners Anthony and Peter Fautley flanking the leaders of the four groups were the teams alChairman of East Hanningfield Paul Cairns. ready mentioned with the following wins in the second round E.H Horseshoes 8-1, Judas & Son 13-5 again, Woodlands Two 14-5 & Saint Andrews 13-3. All four teams went on to win there groups & qualify for the quarter finals, but only St Andrews won all there games to get maximum points, the other three teams all lost a game. The runner –up in group A went down to shots with G.P.C.A snatching it with two wins & a shot difference of plus 3 against Warren Heath One who also had two wins & minus 2 shots. E.H Windmills made it through from group B with three wins as did Rayleigh Grange in group C, the runners- up of group D was very close with two teams on five points & a shot difference of plus14 each, but “Here 2 make the number up” made it through with a shot total Runners-up Val & Tony Miles of 39 to Warren Heath Two’s 37. In the Quarter finals Rayleigh Grange & Judas & Son both won 11-3, G.P.C.A beat Woodlands Two with an extra end required & St Andrews went through with an 8-7 win over E.H Horseshoes after being 7-3 down with two ends remaining. In the Semi finals Judas & Son (Anthony & Peter Fautley) were up against G.P.C.A (Keef Paxman & Ian Arthur). G.P.C.A started off well & after 4 ends were 4-0 up then on the 5th end they dropped a 5 & from that point Judas & Son never looked back finally winning 12-4. The other semi was between St Andrews (Val & Tony Miles) & Rayleigh Grange (Margaret & Dave Hews), St Andrews raced into a 82 lead after 4 ends & despite Rayleigh Grange wining the last 4 ends St Andrews won by 8 shots to 7. The Final turned into a superb game which was enjoyed by everyone who stayed onto watch it. In a very close game the first four ends were shared with the score at 3-3 & by end 7 the score was still equal at 5 a piece, then on end number 8 P. Fautley was 3 feet short with his first wood which let Val & Tony Miles to build a head which by the time A. Fautley came to bowl the last wood of the end he was 5 down, he decided to bowl his wood with plenty of weight to try & cut the shots down. However, when he hit the head somehow the jack managed to come backwards & Peters short wood took shot to give them a one shot lead into the final end which was just as interesting with the jack ending on the edge of the mat with Tony & Anthony both attempting a perfect draw to the jack with Anthony coming out on top to gain one shot & win the competition by 7 shots to five. A big thank you goes to all the helpers on the day that made the competition such a successful & enjoyable day.

Steve Killington

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4th - 8th Monday to Friday - Gunton Hall Village Lowestoft 11th - 15th Monday to Friday - Carrington House, Bournemouth 18th - 22nd Monday to Friday - Durrant House Hotel, North Devon


1st - 5th Monday to Friday - Langstone Cliff Hotel, Devon 8th - 12th Monday to Friday - Langstone Cliff Hotel, Devon

Price £209 £229 £179 £249 £249

* NOTE: Both Langstone dates include a free pre-dinner drink every evening. 15th - 19th Monday to Friday - Wessex Hotel, Street, Somerset


FEBRUARY 21st - 25th


Monday to Friday - Bodelwyddan Castle, North Wales

28th Feb - 4th Monday to Friday - Langstone Cliff, Dawlish, Devon 7th - 11th Monday to Friday - Langstone Cliff, Dawlish, Devon


Price £239 £249 * £249 *

* NOTE: Not only are the Langstone prices held, but both dates still include a free pre-dinner reception drink every evening. 14th - 18th 21st - 25th


Monday to Friday - Wessex Hotel, Street, Somerset Monday to Friday - Carrington House, Bournemouth

29th Mar - 1st Apr Monday to Friday - Lakeside, Hayling Island


£189 £239 £199

11th - 15th Monday to Friday - Bodelwyddan Castle, North Wales £249

Prices are per person based on two people sharing a room. Some holidays have single occupancy supplements and some do not - please ask. All breaks are half board. Short Mat Competitions - we usually organise 3 different competitions on each holiday, all starting on a round robin basis, thus ensuring that you get plenty of games. Round robin games are played to a set number of ends. We do not run timed events with whistle blowing etc. This ensures that everyone can play at their natural pace without any rushing about. BOWLING TOURS - We also arrange tours with matches against local players.


Tel. 0121 - 286 - 9449 www.short-mat-holidays.com

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