Attention: Library and Learning Services Annual Report 2016/17

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Library and Learning Services Annual Report 2016/17


To Academic Success

A LETTER TO OUR COMMUNITY I recently came across an Inside Higher Ed article by Steve Kolowich that refers to the “curse of prior knowledge” and how it shows itself in higher education. He remarks that when it comes to understanding the way students engage with their studies “career academics might have a hard time putting themselves in the shoes of a student who walks into the library knowing practically nothing” about the way it works and how it can help (2011). What seems second-nature to many of us who work in the academic world is often a real challenge to the students we serve. The “curse of prior knowledge” is something we are aware of in Library and Learning Services and our team strives to avoid falling victim to it when supporting our students. We find ways to ackowledge the shoes our students are walking in and do the best we can to understand the academic world as they may encounter it. We actively connect with community members to better understand the teaching, learning and research needs of our students and faculty and respond by adapting our spaces and services to meet the unique challenges and opportunities facing our academic community. Help is needed all along the way. First year students require unique attention as they transition to university-level academic expectations, whereas senior year students need assistance developing more advanced research and academic skills. It is our mission to ensure everyone finds a place in the Library, and with the help of our extraordinary team, learns to demystify research and advance the development of academic skills to better ensure student success. Please join us as we look back over the efforts and accomplishments of Library and Learning Services this past year.

Joan Sweeney Marsh Director, Library and Learning Services Kolowich, Steve. “What students don’t know.” Last modified August 22, 2011. https://www. university_libraries_reveals_alarmingly_poor_information_literacy_and_skills

Library and Learning Services Annual Report 2016/17 3 Library and Learning Services Annual Report 2016/17 3


Library and Learning Services Annual Report 2016/17


Library and Learning Services Annual Report 2016/17


Creative Library Services From the Library Learning Commons service desks to information literacy workshops in the classroom, our approach to user services is to remain proactive, inclusive, nimble and responsive to faculty and student academic needs. Community engagement is essential to understanding how Library services may best contribute to student learning outcomes. In response to consultation with Deans and faculty members, 2016/17 saw the expansion and refinement of the First Year Academic Skills Librarian role. The role has expanded from a focus on Library orientation and citation assistance to the larger focus of academic integrity. In our increasingly complicated digital world, students need help navigating questions around the ownership, sharing and attribution of ideas. The First Year Academic Skills Librarian supports new students as they take their first steps towards academic success. After year one, the Liaison Librarians are tasked with advancing information literacy skills to prepare students for more demanding coursework. The Liaison Librarians work in partnership with faculty and the Centre for Teaching and Learning in scaffolding information literacy skills throughout the curriculum in both established programs and in the program development phase. In one example, our FHASS liaison librarian collaborated with a coordinator in General Education to create a toolkit of resources on research skills that can be easily embedded into SLATE. Once completed, this toolkit will align with the Framework for Information Literacy, adopted by the Association of College and Research Libraries, and can be incorporated by faculty when most relevant to related coursework. In another example, recent work has been done on mapping research skills as part of the development of the Honours Bachelor of Computer Science program. Across faculties, our liaisons scaffold skills by creating teaching modules at the program and assignment level. This integration, specifically at the assignment level, ensures that the teaching and learning is highly relevant and delivered at time of need. User Services continue to reevaluate what it means to offer services in an inclusive environment. During the past year, we created new research guides, multilingual library orientation videos and customized information literacy workshops for user groups like international students, students with disabilities, Indigenous students and LGBTQ+ students in an effort to build more robust services accessible to all users. Knowledge sharing within our profession is important to the Library Team and this year, among numerous professional development activities, our faculty librarians took a lead role in organizing and presenting at the Connect5 conference – an opportunity to share knowledge and best practices with GTA College libraries. As we head into 2017/18, our continued focus on close integration with the academic community will provide us with the necessary foundation to align with Sheridan’s new academic plan and remain committed to thoughtful and impactful services in support of teaching and learning.

Library and Learning Services Annual Report 2016/17






• Relocation of the Tutoring Centre to main floor areas • Improved wayfinding through multilingual and accessible signage • Increased square footage of assistive technology spaces • Incorporation of art that reflects our community and values • Offering of extended hours during exam periods • Upgraded our chat service to assist students offcampus • Research guides dedicated to Indigenous studies, LGBTQ+ studies and Accessibility studies • Library services orientation to departments such as International and the Indigenous office • Increased collections and space dedicated to ESL learners • Developed student point of view videos to help orient first year students to Library services.

• Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) initiatives • Universal Design for Learning (UDL) initiatives

Library and Learning Services Annual Report 2016/17


Tutoring: The Spirit of “What if?” The spirit of “What if?” inspired Tutoring Services this year, motivating us to further customize and adapt our services to meet the needs of students and faculty. A highlight from our 2016/2017 year is bringing a faculty member’s idea for additional student support to fruition—the introduction of Exam Crams. We customized group study sessions to include Exam Crams for Java. Exam Crams are all-day drop-in study sessions hosted by tutors where students work on sample exam problems created by both the tutors and faculty members. Many students stay for the day and work through entire sample sets, happy to have the practice, space and tutor support complete with pizza and pop to fuel them along the way, as well as faculty member visits to cheer them on. Professors know our students best; responding to faculty member requests and drumming up solutions that might work for them is what we work towards in our Centres. Some examples of our responses include: We created Physics drop-in sessions for students in PHYS19554, Physics for Chemical Sciences, a course that runs in several Faculty of Applied Science and Technology programs. We reimagined a set of group tutoring sessions to be hosted by Punjabi-speaking students in order to support learning in a Communication course; even the Professor attends! Entrusted by the Pilon School of Business to employ additional academic supports for an unexpected surplus of 300 students late in the Winter term, we connected to faculty for a list of recommended students to be employed as tutors; interviewed and trained new hires within two weeks; scheduled the tutors in our Centres; and advertised the new supports to the faculty and students.

Library and Learning Services Annual Report 2016/17


In 2016/2017, the Tutoring Centres completed its two-year goal of moving to distinct, ground floor locations on each campus. This year the Davis and HMC Tutoring Centres moved, while Trafalgar’s Tutoring Centre completed its move in 2015. The spaces are flexible, bright, welcoming and collaborative, and filled with students each day. The renovations were made possible by a generous donation from international insurance. All three Centres feature the word “tutoring” in 18 languages on its entrance walls to welcome members of the Sheridan community. In addition, the new spaces accommodate other types of tutoring that in the past had to take place outside of the Centres, such as our Peer-Assisted Learning support, a program that embeds Sheridan students in historically difficult first-year courses to host weekly review sessions for the class. These new spaces bring awareness to our services. A central location dedicated to helping students in their academics communicates that courses will be challenging, but getting help is an option; it’s an accessible service that promotes belief in their success.

Sheridan Students by Numbers:

Appointments by Numbers:

220 participated in Conversation Circles

4,529 English

218 received online English tutoring

2,224 Math

174 were employed as Peer Tutors

2,403 Java/Computer Programming

410 received help from Peers

1,480 Business Math

60 were employed as Peer-Assisted Learning Leaders

Library and Learning Services Annual Report 2016/17 Library and Learning Services Annual Report 2016/17

9 9

A Unique Culture of Academic Integrity: Laying the Foundation Library and Learning Services launched the Academic Integrity Office (AIO) this year to provide a physical and highly visible reminder of academic integrity’s importance at Sheridan. The office promotes Sheridan’s unique model of academic integrity, which incorporates culture, outreach, support and data at its core. Three Academic Integrity Offices were created within each of the Library and Learning Commons. The signage on each office displays the six values of academic integrity, as defined by the International Center for Academic Integrity (2014): honesty, fairness, trust, respect, responsibility and courage. Student Academic Integrity Ambassadors and Sheridan’s first-ever Academic Integrity Facilitator work out of these spaces. In Fall 2016, Sheridan’s Academic Integrity Tutorial, a course that encourages students to reflect on the importance of academic integrity, and ethical behaviour in research and scholarship, took root. Beginning in November 2016, the Academic Integrity Facilitator held 12 unique small-group workshops that were attended by over 35 faculty members from the Pilon School of Business. These workshops provide the opportunity to examine and discuss current practices around academic integrity, gain an overview of the current research on cheating in higher education, and learn about teaching strategies designed to reduce cheating and increase learning. Finally, an academic integrity webpage was created within the Library and Learning Services website that includes sections on the role of the Academic Integrity Office, a definition of academic integrity and its importance, and faculty and student responsibilities. Sheridan’s revised Academic Integrity Policy, Procedure and Breach Form were made available in in Fall 2016. Faculty are now encouraged to report academic integrity breaches in order to determine the true nature and scope of infractions. Academic integrity breach data is collected to measure how the Sheridan community is adapting and responding to academic integrity initiatives, and to enable the office to target outreach efforts in order to build tools that better support our students in the future.

Number of Students Who Enrolled in Academic Integrity Remediation Number 200


150 100 50



Hazel McCallion Campus

Trafalgar Campus

0 Davis Campus

International Centre for Academic Integrity. “The Fundamental Values of Academic Integrity.” Last modified April 30, 2014. Library and Learning Services Annual Report 2016/17


“The guidelines are clear and we need to instill the importance of honesty and integrity in our students. The workshop helped tremendously and great to know there is help and guidance available.� - Pilon School of Business faculty member

Reported Academic Integrity Breaches by Breach Type 900 800


700 600 500


400 300 200 29



Improper Research Practice





0 Plagiarism


Reported Academic Integrity Breaches by Offense 1400 1200












Reported Academic Integrity Breaches by Sanction Type 1400




174 20


1st offense 2nd offense 3rd offense Greater than 3rd offense


200 0 Level 1

Level 2





Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

Level 6

Library and Learning Services Annual Report 2016/17



Library and Learning Services Annual Report 2016/17


Events/Creativity/Exhibits Something was always happening in our Library spaces in 2016/17 proving once again that learning doesn’t always come from a database or book. Library staff made citation learning fun at the 2nd Annual Citation Campaign while our Library Awareness Week created awareness of academic integrity by featuring an intriguing contest on the nature of originality. Library Awareness Week also gave students a chance to experience our new PS 3 and 4 consoles and during Science Literacy Week, students got to experience aspects of the scientific discovery around sound and sound waves through an augmented reality exhibit at Trafalgar and Davis, jointly created by the Library and the Centre for Teaching and Learning. Indigen:US, a photography exhibit, which featured discussions at Trafalgar and HMC with the artist, Elijah Monroe, and Creative Campus Curator, Catherine Hale, gave students an insight into how government-issued status cards affect First Nations identity. The Trafalgar Library also made space for students to exhibit their artwork and for two student-run Zine Festivals.

Material ConneXion Room Opened in January 2017 in the new HMC B-wing, the Library’s new Material ConneXion collection – the first Material ConneXion library in Canada – gives Sheridan students building or designing with materials a creative advantage. Translucent concrete, ultra-thin glass that bends, and tiles created from recycled skateboards are just some of the 750 materials in a library that will grow to 1,500 by 2018.

Special Collections Room Innovative academic programs benefit from the availability of unique special Library collections to support research, teaching and learning. Sheridan’s Library Team took a big step forward this past year with the acquisition of their first special collection, Material ConneXion. With the opening of the Special Collections Room in Trafalgar Library, the Library began to build the necessary infrastructure to acquire and maintain other relevant special collections.

Scholars and Creators Hub The Scholars & Creators Hub in C104 Trafalgar Library opened in 2016. The space will take shape in 2017 as we develop services and programming around open access, OER and all things scholarly engagement with tools and services for our academic community to gather inspiration, build relationships and do the work they want to do.

Library and Learning Services Annual Report 2016/17


New Library Learning Commons A new Library Learning Commons opened in January 2017 at Sheridan’s Davis Campus A-Wing in Brampton. Designed in consultation with the Faculty of Applied Science and Technology, the new Commons features: • an additional 5,020 square feet of study space and 149 seats. • three bookable group study rooms with monitors. • a new Tutoring Centre (opening Fall 2017). • large study tables, appropriately sized for technical drawings. • twelve PC computers and one printer. • power and data are available throughout the space.

Photo above by Johnathan Bielaski. Library and Learning Services Annual Report 2016/17


Updates for the main Library Learning Commons at Davis A redesign of the Davis J-Wing Library Learning Commons features: • a new and more spacious Tutoring Centre that is on first floor next to Tim Hortons. • a space specifically tailored to support our expanding population of English language learners in our new ESL Centre study area. • study carrels seating on the first floor to offer more private and quiet study space. • an Academic Integrity Office in the Library Learning Commons.

Library and Learning Services Annual Report 2016/17


Expanded HMC Library Learning Commons The expansion of the HMC Library Learning Commons across two floors features: • more space for the Tutoring Centre on the first floor and for the Assistive Technology room for students registered with Accessible Services. • six computers and one printer on the first floor. • 108 additional seats in designated collaboartive and quiet study spaces. • a redesigned service desk with more space for research consultations. • a group study room with a capacity of eight students. • better signage and wayfinding for our services and spaces. • an Academic Integrity Office in the Library Learning Commons.

Library and Learning Services Annual Report 2016/17


Library and Learning Services Annual Report 2016/17



Library and Learning Services Annual Report 2016/17


Purposeful Collections Sheridan continues to be a leader in the college sector in acquiring industry-leading Library resources to better prepare students for their future careers. New digital collection highlights in 2016/17 include Luerzer’s Archive, Building Green, LawSource, and VetMed. Our collection innovation is not only in digital content, as in January 2017 we opened the Material Connexion Library. The first of its kind in Canada, this Library houses over 1,000 creative, future-forward materials source from around the world with a focus on sustainability giving Sheridan’s Design, Architectural and Visual Merchandising faculty and students a distinct advantage over other institutions. The Library’s Strategic Plan set forth Universal Access as a key guiding value in the development of services and collections. To this end, over the past year the Library consulted with The Centre for Indigenous Learning and Support to identify and acquire Indigenous resources and materials. Similarly, the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Liaison Librarian made a concerted effort to support ESL learners across Sheridan with the acquisition of additional resources and the launch of our first ESL Centre at the Davis Campus. In December 2016, Library collections were on the move with the expansion of Sheridan’s Hazel McCallion Campus (HMC) and the move of several existing programs to the new campus building in Mississauga. 2,577 items were moved from the Trafalgar and Davis Libraries to the expanded HMC Library space.

Print and Electronic Book Collection 450000 400000 350000 300000 250000




150000 100000 50000 0 2010-11







Library and Learning Services Annual Report 2016/17


Technical Services Improving the experience of student, faculty and staff with Library systems and technology was a continued focus in in 2016-17. To help ensure users continue to have positive experiences with Library systems and technology, members of the Technical Services Team looked closely at the way it works. This year the team examined its processes, streamlined work-flow processes where possible, and actively documented procedures to help ensure work, or troubleshooting of systems, can be performed in a standardized way. These documented procedures allow for continuity and quality of work, and help staff resolve systems or technical issues sooner, rather than later. Seamless discovery of print and online resources continue to be a high priority for members of the technical services team. In 2016/17, the team began the process of setting up and running a variety of quality assurance tests for projects such as when specific journal packages were renewed in January, and when the Library’s authentication server, Ezprozy, was upgraded.

Key Library Technology Projects 2016/17 • Launched Ares e-reserves system pilot in January 2017 • Introduced a new online chat service, LibChat, to provide better statistics and a FAQ knowledgebase • Integrated the CLEAR Lisencing Database to inform users of how an e-resource can be used within copyright and licensing agreements • Implemented Kanopy Streaming Service platform for hosting subscribed or owned videos • Upgraded Refworks to version 3.0 • Enhanced Summon performance on mobile devices with an upgrade of the system • Installed an SSL Certificate for the Library OPAC • Executed a major server and software upgrade for the Library’s authentication system, Ezproxy, enabling on and off-site access to Library resources

Library and Learning Services Annual Report 2016/17


Material ConneXion Library Library and Learning Services loves being first! Opened in January 2017 in the new HMC B-wing, the Library’s new Material ConneXion collection – the first Material ConneXion library in Canada – gives Sheridan students building or designing with materials a creative advantage. Translucent concrete, ultra-thin glass that bends, and tiles created from recycled skateboards are just some of the 750 materials in a library that will grow to 1,500 by 2018. All materials are sourced from innovative companies pushing the boundaries on existing production processes, and many feature sustainable properties such as being biodegradable or recyclable. Material ConneXion, a New York-based company well-known in the worldwide design community for its material science knowledge, chose materials specifically for Sheridan based on the advice of Sheridan faculty in the Industrial Design, Architectural Technician, Interior Design, Interior Decorating and Visual Merchandising programs. The company’s database of over 8,000 materials, available on the Library’s website, allows students to further research materials they find in the Material ConneXion Library. The Library is supported by Digital Curator and Special Collections Librarian Patricia Buckley and Liaison Librarians Gouthami Vigneswaran (FAST) and Shelley Woods (FAAD). Students visit the library to complete assignments based on the collection, but they also visit simply to touch, feel, and “Get Creative” with the materials.

Photo by Johnathan Bielaski. Library and Learning Services Annual Report 2016/17


SOURCE/SRCA This was a year for steady building and creative imaginings in Library and Learning Services when it came to moving scholarship, research and creative activities forward. SOURCE, Sheridan’s institutional repository service, continued to grow with unique materials from our academic community and downloads arriving from around the world. With over 7,000 total downloads – including art, books, journals, conference proceedings and videos - more people are discovering the incredible work being done at Sheridan. Professors and staff from across Sheridan visited their faculty librarians for consultations on all parts of the scholarship and creative process. We gave guidance on securing research and arts grants, doing effective literature or systematic reviews, choosing a venue to display or publish work, navigating the juried and peer review processes, editing for publication, and negotiating author and artist contracts. Open Access (OA) is blowing the lid off of traditional research dissemination and academic publishing, and we will be investigating OA publishing models – including for Sheridan publications - and opportunities in the next year. During Open Access Week 2016 we hosted a webinar series from the State University of New York which highlighted some of the big ideas in the OA movement. Sam Cheng, Copyright Coordinator, created a guide to Open Educational Resources in response to the growing interest and potential open textbooks and educational materials have for teaching and learning. We are committed to building unique library collections that support research and creativity. A new guide to Understanding Research Methods was created by Kathleen Oakey, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Librarian to help faculty and students. The Library’s new subscription to SAGE Research Methods means that the Sheridan community now has access to high quality, world renowned quantitative and qualitative research methods guides, datasets for classroom use and SAGE’s video library. Susan Shepley, Research and Scholarly Engagement Librarian presented on “Top Research Trends for 2017” at Sheridan Creates and represented SOURCE at various college events and will continue to explore new ideas for outreach and education.

Library and Learning Services Annual Report 2016/17


The Scholars & Creators Hub is setting up in a revamped space in C104 Trafalgar Library with tools and services for our academic community to gather inspiration, build relationships and do the work they want to do. We’ll be developing services and programming around open access, OER and all things scholarly engagement. 2017-2018 will be a time of bold ideas and creative inspiration for SRCA at Sheridan and Library and Learning Services look forward to being a part of the story.

Library and Learning Services Annual Report 2016/17




Integrity Awareness with Citation Campaigns. OLA

Claire Wollen (November 2016), Socrative: Bears, Bees

Superconference, Toronto, Ontario.

& Bicycles Race for Information Literacy. eLearning in


Libraries Symposium, Toronto, ON.

Sam Cheng (December 2016), Chair of the organizing

Kathleen Oakey with Humaira Siddiqui (October 2016),

committee for the Ontario Library Association Copyright

Layering Reality to Enhance Learning & Special Events.


Learning Technology Symposium, McMaster University,

Karen Lints (Member), Connect5 Conference.

Hamilton, Ontario.

Sheridan Committee Work

Madeleine Crew (November 2016), Captioning and DIY Accessibility. eLearning in Libraries Symposium,Toronto, Ontario.

Claire Wollen and Joan Sweeney Marsh (Members) Senate. Claire Wollen (Member), IT User Experience Governance

Sam Cheng and Lingling Jiang with Yanfei Ma and Farzana Jiwani (March 2017), eCore: Electronic Course


Reading. Sheridan Creates Conference, Mississauga,

Danielle Palombi and Shelley Woods (Member), Teaching


and Learning Senate Sub-Committee.

Sam Cheng with Mark Swartz (December 2016), Libraries

Danielle Palombi (Member), Grading Policy Committee -

as Copyright Educators & Advocates. OLA Copyright

Implementation Phase.

Symposium, Toronto, Ontario.

Danielle Palombi (Chair), Joan Sweeney Marsh and

Sam Cheng with Mark Swartz and Michael Ciccerone

Marian Traynor (Members). Tutoring Centre Steering

(February 2017), Your Copyright FAQs Answered. OLA


Superconference, Toronto, Ontario.

Gouthami Vigneswaran and Holly Ashbourne (Members),

Sandra Shoufani (April 2016), Expanding Library Liaison

Sheridan Social Media Partnership Group.

Programs to Non-Traditional Faculties: Hurdles and

Elizabeth Schembri and Johnathan Pring (Members),

Opportunities in Continuing Education. OCULA, Jordan,

Occupational Heath and Safety Committee.


Irene Sillius (Member), Privacy, Records Information

Presented again at Connect5 (June 2016), Humber

Management Committee.

College, Toronto, ON.

Jennifer Hance and Gouthami Vigneswaran (Members),

Sandra Shoufani (February 2017), Getting Down to

Intranet Refresh Project.

Business Librarianship: Networking Event Hosted by

Joan Sweeney Marsh (Member) and Susan Shepley (Non-

ABLE. OLA Superconference, Toronto, Ontario.

voting member) SRCA Subcommittee of the Senate.


Joan Sweeney Marsh (Co-chair) Sheridan’s Academic

Jamie Goodfellow and Gouthami Vigneswaran (February 2017), Getting our First Year Exam Jam on at Sheridan Library. OLA Superconference, Toronto, Ontario. Karen Lints (February 2017), Promote Academic

Freedom Policy Review Team. Joan Sweeney Marsh (Co-chair), Claire Wollen, Gouthami Vigneswaran, Kathleen Oakey, Madeleine Crew and Pamela McBride (Members), Digital Discovery Day

Library and Learning Services Annual Report 2016/17


Planning Committee.

(OCLS) Bibliographic Standards Working Group.

Joan Sweeney Marsh (Member) Sheridan Refugee

Irene Sillius and Shelley Woods (Members), OCLS

Program Committee.

CUCLDR Steering Group. Irene Sillius (Member), OCLS eBook Project Steering

Karen Lints (Member), Social Responsibility and


Community Engagement Working Group for the

Irene Sillius (Member), OCLS eBook Technical Task Force:

Academic Innovation Strategy. Committee disbanded

Metadata, Outreach Working Groups.

November 2016.

Irene Sillius and Shelley Woods (Members), OCLS

College Committee.

CUCLDR User Interface Working Group (Collect). Irene Sillius and Lingling Jiang (Members), OCLS Sirsi Planning Committee.

Jennifer Hance and Lingling Jiang (Member), Information Jennifer Hance and Lingling Jiang (Member), OCLS Sirsi Technology Support Services’ Change Advisory Board.

Steering Committee.

Marian Traynor and Madeleine Crew (Members), Advisory

Joan Sweeney Marsh (Chair), Ontario College Libraries

Council for Sheridan Accessibility.

eBook Consortium. Term ended December 2016. Joan Sweeney Marsh (Special Advisor), Oakville Public

Marian Traynor and Madeleine Crew (Members),

Library Board of Directors.

Accessible Teaching and Learning Committee.

Joan Sweeney Marsh (HLLR Advisory Member), OCSL

Marian Traynor (Member), President’s Challenge Committee. Marian Traynor (Member), Long Night Against

Board of Directors. Karen Lints (Member), OCLS eBook Consortium Selection Subcommittee. Karen Lints (Member), Ontario Health Library Association

Procrastination Planning Group.

(OHLA) Executive Committee.

Shelley Woods (Co-chair), Academic Integrity Policy

Lingling Jiang (Member), OCLS eBook Technical Task

Working Group. Completed work October 2016, Shelley Woods (Member) Academic Appeals Policy Team.

Force: Repository Working Group. Madeleine Crew and Marian Traynor (Members), HLLR AODA Committee.

Susan Shepley (Member), SRCA Working Group on

Madeleine Crew, (Member) HLLR AODA LEAP Project

Faculty Engagement.


Susan Shepley (Non-voting member), Pilon School of

Marian Traynor (Member) , First Year Experience Awards Committee (in association with Case Western University

Business Research and Partnership Local Area Council

and Credo.)


Pamela McBride (Secretary), Heads of Library and

External Committiee Work

Learning Resources.

Angela Clark, Danielle Palombi, Joan Sweeney Marsh,

Lingling Jiang (Member), OCLS eBook Technical Task

Jamie Goodfellow, and Shelley Woods (Members),

Force: Repository Group.


Kathleen Oakey (Member), General Education Cross

Academic Integrity Council of Ontario Conference Planning Committee.

Sam Cheng (Chair), OLA Copyright Users’ Committee.

Claire Wollen, (Member) Heads of Libraries and Learning

Sam Cheng (Member), OCLS CLEAR (College Libraries

Resources (HLLR) Learning Portal Working Group. Irene Sillius (Member), Ontario College Library Servce

Electronic Access Rights) Research Committee. Sam Cheng (Member), HLLR Copyright Committee.

Library and Learning Services Annual Report 2016/17


Library Expenditures Growth (Dollar Amount) $6,000,000.00 $5,000,000.00 $4,000,000.00 $3,000,000.00


$2,000,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $0.00

Library Budget 2016-2017 Other 2% Collections 37% Staffing 61%

Total Library Expenditure $5,295,976

* Financials in the charts above do not include Tutoring expenditures.

Library and Learning Services Annual Report 2016/17



VISION Commit to new approaches in the design, delivery and integration of services to support our rapidly changing academic and information environments.

MISSION Support Sheridan’s vision by providing access to relevant collections and services, advancing teaching and learning, nurturing academic excellence, and cultivating creative spaces for research, study, collaboration and discovery.

VALUES Knowledge Sharing Academic Integrity Universal Access Exceptional User Experience

Library and Learning Services Annual Report 2016/17


CONTACT US | 905-845-9430 ext. 2482 | Illustrations included in this report have been created by Kristine Villeneuve, a fourth-year student in Sheridan’s Bachelor of Illustration program. All photos by Pamela McBride unless otherwise noted in the report.

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