Spooky Tales from PS354

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Written by: P.S.354Q Sheltering Arms

Taylor F., Charleigh M., Ryan S., Arabella H.,Sirelle F., Rebecca H., Kiery I, Makayla B., Aaliyah T.,Emily B, Dylan M, Jacob B, Tajai H.,Ireoluwatomi B, Aaliyah S., Irvina A, Osean B.,Miracle D, Donecia P., Ericka S., Autumn P.,Daniel J, Daniel C, Tayvion G, Davina R.,Ryley W, Ethan P, Brianna J, Israel O. Illustration by: Shaquana Oliver Special Thanks to Sheltering Arms

BeingEgypt books for young readers

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Table of Contents The Haunted Forest: Page 4-5 The Abandoned Circus: Page 6-7 The Deadly Robbers: Page 8-9 Dog Ninja: Page 10-11 The Abandoned Cemetary: Page 12-13 The Cursed Adventure: Page 14-16 The Challenges: Page 17-18

The Haunted Forest


The Haunted Forest

“Wake up King and Queen, are you guys all packed?” Mom said. King wipes his eyes, Queen stretches her arms, and they both murmur “Yes Mom” in unison. Today is moving day, and it also happens to be Halloween.

Hours later in their new house the doorbell rings and King opens the door to the sounds of tricker treaters asking for candy. “Trick or Treat.” King drops candy in each of the kids’ bags. King and Queen have their Halloween costumes sitting on their beds. They beg their mom to take them trick-or-treating saying they want to get to know the new neighborhood and GET CANDY! Mom agrees and tells them to get dressed, and King and Queen to run to their rooms to put on their costumes.

King and Queen are having a great time collecting candy and introducing themselves to kids in the neighborhood giving and receiving compliments on their costumes. There’s one house left Queen says, but there seems to be some woods in between the house. Mom tries to end the trick-ortreating but King and Queen beg to go to every house tonight because it is their first night in the neighborhood. Their mom agrees and they begin walking through the woods.

While inside the forest they feel like they’re being followed. King asks his mom and Queen, “did you hear that?” Mom says stop playing boy you are making me nervous. Queen thinks she sees someone behind them and screams. They instantly look up at their mother and she yells RUN! The three are holding hands but Mom can’t keep up. She lets their hands go and tells them to keep going until they reach a house. So, King and Queen keep running.

After running to exhaustion King and Queen realize that they can’t find the path anymore. They yell for their mother but don’t hear anyone responding. The two begin to argue about whose fault it is and that they’re stuck in the woods. Finally, King says, let’s try to retrace our steps. Every shadow, wind crackling through the trees, and animal running in the woods makes them feel like someone is watching them but the two bravely keep walking until they find the old house on the hill. They see their mom at the gate and run toward her. She gives them a big hug. What an adventure our first night in town. They all agree they wouldn’t be visiting the haunted forest again.


The Abandoned Circus


The Abandoned Circus

One evening while Karen and Starkeysha are walking home from school with their friends, they begin arguing about who is the bravest. As they walk past the old, abandoned circus, Chris dares Karen and Starkeysha to walk through it and meet them on the other side. They both were scared but refused to back down from a dare after boasting seconds ago that they were the bravest, so they agreed.

Karen and Starkeysha hold hands and start walking. The first thing they see is an old wooden roller coaster. This isn’t so bad they laugh. As they get deeper into the circus, they see a scary house. Karen says let’s go inside.

Chris and the rest of the kids follow the girls into the circus to try to scare them. They see them walking into the house and decide this would be the perfect opportunity and hide outside waiting. Inside Karen sees two dolls and kicks one out of the way. Starkeysha says, “Those things are scary, you shouldn’t have done that.” Karen shrugs her shoulders and says, “let’s just get out of here.” They get to a section of the scare house that they can’t walk through holding hands and have to go one at a time. Strakeysha is scared so Karen says she’ll go first. While Karen is crawling through the corridor, she sees the doll she kicked but this time it is holding a knife. The doll stabs at Karen putting a hole in her shirt and giving her a small cut. Karen punches the doll and it drops the knife.

Starkeysha hears Karen screaming and tries to run out of the scare house the way they came in but is blocked by the other doll standing in the middle of the walkway. She tries to walk around the doll and it bites her leg. Starkeysha punches the doll in the face and it scurries up a wall. She runs out of the house screaming and bounces into Karen.

Let’s get out of here they scream and start running to the exit. As they are running Chris and his friends jump out from behind their hiding spots and try to scare them. But the joke turns on them when they notice two dolls chasing them. RUN!!!!! The girls scream and they all take off. They don’t stop until they are out of the circus. As they stop to catch their breath, they agree that maybe they aren’t that brave, well brave enough to enter that circus again.


The Deadly Robbers


The deadly robbers

Everybody put your hands up! were the words everybody heard inside the bank. The two masked men jump over the counter and steal all the money their bags can carry. They then head to the exit and tell everyone to look at the floor before they get hurt. As they leave the bank, they shoot the glass of the door for exaggeration purposes.

In the palace, the king gets notified by one of his guards that another royal bank was robbed today. The king says we have to find these people no matter what it takes. The kings’ advisors suggest a reward. The king agrees and says let’s make a $500 reward for the capture of these robbers.

Roku and Lukkane wake up to wanted sign flyers all over with their pictures for the bank robberies. The two men decide they should lay low and hide out. As they grab a wanted poster off the wall Rose sees them and realizes they are the wanted criminals the King is looking for.

Rose immediately thought about all the ways she could spend the $500 reward money and came up with a plan to capture the two wanted men. The next night she snuck into their room while they were asleep and tied them up for the king’s soldiers. The king was so happy he doubled the reward.

The next day the king tried to have a trial for the two men but the people were upset because Roku and Lukkane had done so much to help them. During the trial, Roku and Lukkane challenged the king to a dual but it had to be at night. The prize would not only be their freedom but the kingdom. The king was cocky and thought no one could ever beat him so he agreed.

As the dual began the moon shone on Roku and Lukkane. Suddenly, the two men turned into skeleton warriors. The King trembled in fear. The crowd gasped, were they men or ghosts? They fought long and hard until Lukkane was able to cast the victory blow. The people cheered. Roku and Luke became the new kings and the people rejoiced to have their new kind but strange leaders.


Ninja Dog


Ninja Dog

There was a legend of a great Ninja who trained and went on missions with his pet dog. In the town was a samurai who was jealous of the ninja. He wanted to be known as the greatest warrior in New York during his time. So, he decided to attack during the ninjas sleeping hours so he would have an advantage.

After a long day of training while the two were tired and asleep the samurai made his move. He let off smoke bombs that made it hard for the ninja to fight at his best. Needless to say, the samurai won the battle and damaged not only the ninja but his dog.

For the two to survive, a witch doctor put their bodies together creating one great warrior. When the ninja and his dog woke up from surgery, they were shocked that they were now joined.

The new ninja dog person had to relearn to walk, talk, eat, and of course fight. So, day and night the two worked extremely hard to live with their new normal. First, they learned to speak not just to each other but to the world. Then after mastering that they learned to walk. Next to get their revenge they learned to fight using their newfound gifts. They combined talents to create the greatest fighter ever.

They didn’t want to cheat the samurai the same way he did them so they decided to send him a hologram note challenging him to a fight. They practiced and meditated day and night seeing themselves as the victor against the samurai. Finally, the day of the big fight came and because the samurai couldn’t cheat, he was defeated by the ninja dog. The ninja dog lived happily ever after training daily with an updated security system so they could never be caught by surprise again.


The Abandoned Cemetery


The Abandoned Cemetery

Stacey, the leader of the mean girls decides she wants to play a trick on Lilli one of the poorest girls at school. When Lili gets to school, Stacey and the mean girls decide to befriend Lili and make her a part of their group. All day the mean girls are being nice to Lilli letting her eat with them at lunch and even laughing at her jokes.

While walking home from school Stacey and the mean girls take Lilli to an abandoned cemetery. They act like this is their normal hangout spot, and tell Lilli they want to play a game similar to hide and seek. They tie Lilli to a tombstone and all start to laugh, point, and make fun of her. They let Lilli know this was all a prank. Stacey even tells her there’s no way you thought you could have been one of us. Then the group leaves Lilli in the cemetery expecting her to figure a way out.

Lilli falls asleep in the cemetery and gets possessed. Lilli becomes a demon with a thirst for blood. While Stacey and her friends start their night routines and head to bed Lilli who is now demon-possessed attacks them in their homes. One by one the demon haunts each member of the group who played the evil trick on her and left her in the cemetery.

The next day one of the girls who helped trick Lilli to go to the cemetery feels guilty and decides to try and free her from her chains. So, after school, she heads to the cemetery to save Lilli, but the demon scares her before she can get to Lilli causing her to run home and cry.

Two months passed and Lilli never returns to school. Stacey and her crew decide to go to her house and tell Lilli’s mom what they had done. The girls haven’t been able to sleep the entire time because of the demon haunting them every night. They confess to Lilli’s mom what they did and reveal where her daughter is. Lilli’s mom records the group of girls saying their sorry for what they did and then kicks them out of her house.

Lilli’s mom is afraid to go to the abandoned cemetery alone so she calls the police. The police head to the cemetery and find Lilli. They call an ambulance and take Lilli to the hospital. News that Lilli was found is all the kids are talking about in the school. Then the police show up to arrest Stacey and her friends. Lilli and her parents sue the rich girls and their families and take their fortunes from them.


The Cursed Adventure


The Cursed Adventure

Three friends decide they want to go camping during the spring. The boys pick a beautiful park away from the cityscape to hike, fish, and most importantly get away from the noise of the city. But being cheap they pick a camping site that is known to be haunted.

The boys don’t think the tales of the park being haunted is real and decide to embark on their adventure into the wilderness. Daniel J. is the most experienced nature man. His dad taught him to fish growing up so he will lead the group through the camping trip. His bag is packed with food, camping supplies, and a first aid kit.

On the other hand, Daniel C. who is poor, plans to just go with the flow while on the camping trip. He has barley packed enough food for the three days and thinks the fish and berries on trees will be enough to take care of him while on the trip.

Tayvion is the last boy on the trip. His bag is full of supplies and his prize possession is his fishing pole and his knife. He tells the guys this knife will fight all evil and keep him safe. The three boys embark on a journey of self-reflection and adventure.

After driving for hours, they reach the edge of the camping trail and unpack their things to walk into the wilderness. They feel a sense of fear of the unknown as the beauty of the forest and the lake seem to be over shadowed by a sense of pure evil. The lake had a cloud of fog covering it, the fruits hanging from the trees seemed to be half ripened and half rotten.

After walking to exhaustion, the boys decide to set up camp. They set up a tent big enough for everyone to sleep in. Then split up for tasks. Daniel J and Daniel C. go to the lake to catch fish for dinner while Tayvion goes to collect wood for a fire to cook the fish. When the two boys head back to camp expecting to see Tayvion and impress him with their fishing skills, they see nothing but a fire about to burn out and a few stacks of wood.

They began to call out for Tayvion but then decide maybe he is still gathering fire wood or playing some sort of game on us. Daniel J said let’s just start cooking this fish I’m sure he’ll join us once the smell of this fish hits the air. The two boys began cooking and setting up dinner for everyone but Tayvion still had not returned. Daniel J said this is getting weird and its starting to get dark we have to find Tayvion. The boys began searching and noticed some tree branches broken and a dirt trail like


someone had been dragged. Daniel C said I told you the reviews said this place was haunted now we’ve lost Tayvion. The two boys follow the trail to a house that wasn’t on the map. They creep up and looked into the windows of the house to find Tayvion tied up and a witch cooking a brew. The witch named Daniela said the only thing this brew is missing is you as she points at Tayvion.

The two Daniels came up with a plan. They go back to camp and grab Tayvion’s knife. One boy jumps through the window while the other kicks down the door and attack the witch. The plan works and the witch is tied up on the ground begging for mercy and Tayvion is freed. The three boys ran as fast they could back to their car in order to save themselves from the haunted forest. In the car the boys decide their sticking city life from now on.


The Challenges


The Challenges

School was closed for winter break and four friends decided it was time to get revenge on the people who teased them. So, they decided to break into their school and raid the principal’s office and change their grades. Jacob broke a back window and jumped through it then opened an exit door for everyone else to get in. Before heading to the principal’s office, they made their way to the nurse’s office to bandage the cut on Jacob’s hand. When the kids try to leave the nurse’s office, they discover the hallways lit up with lasers. Jessica thought she could walk through them but Mike grabbed and stopped her. They took a piece of paper and put it in the route of the lasers and it burned the paper. This is when the kids realized they were trapped. Their idea to raid the principal’s office had now changed and they all just wanted to go home.

Suddenly, from the loudspeaker, a voice said it was now time to play a game. The kids were trapped and now had to follow instructions to make it out of the haunted school, each of them was given a task. The first challenge was a dancing challenge the kids had to beat the high score on dance revolution and they only had three chances. During the first attempt, Mike missed a step and the game electrocuted him and caused him to pass out. Jacob played the game next and was able to beat the high score without punishment.

The next challenge was a fashion challenge. Sara and Jessica attempted to complete this one. They had to use a pile of clothes on the floor and make a dazzling outfit out of them. Sarah put together her best version of an outfit but it wasn’t good enough. So, Jessica decided to just put all the clothes in order by color. They realized this worked because the door that locked them in the room opened.

In the new room was a big box with a key. If you win the last challenge, you will get the key to turn off the lasers and you will be set free. On top of the box was a puzzle. The four friends decided to work together on this challenge. They built the puzzle together which read “See you next Year” in an evil eye. The box popped open and they got the key. The four friends ran out of the school bruised from the challenges but happy to be alive.


BeingEgypt books for young readers Copyright © 2022 BeingEgypt, LLC.


FROM P.S. 354Q

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