Shelf Unbound - June/July Issue: Summer Reads

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INTERVEIW WITH CONSCIOUS STEP Tell us how the idea for Conscious Step came about. CS: Conscious Step was started on a simple

belief - that we can all do our part to make a positive impact on the world. We work to take an everyday product, a pair of socks, and give it an extraordinary purpose. One pair of socks can plant trees, give water, or provide books. We make our socks with organic, Fairtrade Certified cotton and use recycled packaging. Our goal is to give consumers better options for products they're spending their money on, and make a difference through their everyday purchases. We all have the ability to bring change to the world.


BOOKS PROVIDED FOR KIDS IN SCHOOL. THESE BOOKS ARE WRITTEN SPECIFICALLY FOR THEM, IN THEIR LANGUAGE. Tell Us About Room to Read. CS: Room to Read was one of our first four partners! Room to Read recognizes that knowing how to read makes people safer, healthier and more self-sufficient. They collaborate with local governments and communities to transform schools into kidfriendly learning environments equipped with libraries full of engaging books. They're also fighting against gender inequality in education. Unfortunately, girls are still far behind boys in their completion of secondary school. Keeping a girl in school not only improves her life, but the quality of life for her future family as well. So far, we have been able to provide 37,485 for kids in school. These books are written specifically for them, in their language. This helps to make reading fun for kids and keep them engaged while learning. Tell us about the socks themself. CS: The blue and yellow colors used are all inspired by the Room to Read logo. Each pair is embroidered with a small book by the ankle, so that every time you wear them you remember the impact you've made in a child's life. For every pair of Socks that Give Books, one book is provided to children in Asia.


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