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Shelf Media Group
Everything has changed. Publishing and reading will never be the same. And that is cool. But there was a problem. With all of this incredible access and content, finding the really great stuff, the unexpected and unusual and self-published and indie stuff, was harder than ever. It took a lot of time and searching and slogging through unremarkable stuff. When at the end of the day, all either of us wanted was a really good magazine. About books. That was full of the really great stuff. And, we thought, what if the magazine was digital, so that it was portable and green and responsive? And what if it was hot-linked so that you could order the books you wanted with a click? And what if it incorporated reviews and excerpts and author interviews, so that it would be the next best thing – or dare we say, even better – than spending an afternoon in our favorite indie bookstore? So we made it. And we really like it. And we hope you do, too. Because we’re just getting started.