Shelf Unbound February/March 2016

Page 30

AMERICA IS DEAD...and the Democratic Unity killed it. After catastrophic wars and the Meltdown, the triumphant Unity is content to rule from its east coast citadel and leave the outlands to its savages and strangely altered plants.

With free healthcare, full employment, frequent plebiscites and ThiZ (the rec-drug of any really civilized society), the Unity retires everyone at forty before fatigue and error can contaminate the society’s youthful vigor. Malila Chiu, a rising star within the armed forces and newly famous for her exploits, nonetheless finds her career in tatters due to senseless vandalism in the outlands. Her only hope is to fix the mess herself. Repairs are going well when she finally succumbs to fatigue. She awakes to find her platoon murdered and a knife at her throat, wielded by an impossibly old Senior Citizen

...making her the Outland Exile.

W. Clark Boutwell, although a long time resident in Alabama, was born in Chicago and raised outside Philadelphia. An avid solo hiker and backpacker for over fifty years, he picked up mountain climbing in his forties. He is a pediatrician and continues to provide intensive care for sick newborn infants in America and has done so on four continents and eight countries.

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