BE'OF Magazine Fall/Winter Issue #2

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Editor's Notes December 2020 Celebrating Christmas & Family


Finding Inner Peace in this Season Sharon Gulley

Jesus says, “I have you told you these things so you may have peace. You may have trouble in the world but take heart I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33) The world is often crazy, chaotic, and in general not a fan of Jesus and his teaching. But that is not where we find our peace. Jesus also warns us about how the world can make us lose our faith, in the parable of the sower. He says that when some tribulation or persecution comes, we may fall away from Him immediately if we don’t have strong roots. And then “worldly anxiety and the lure of riches choke the word” such that it won’t bear fruit (Matthew 13:21-22). If we never make time for God, and we don’t try to make our lives pleasing to him, we will never be able to discover His peace. Push onward. Do not sit bogged down by life’s difficulties, large and small. Keep in mind that everyone has hard, things they go through in life, and that working with them through the gifts of Hope & Faith will help your mental state much more than bitterness and resentment. Jesus told his disciples that anyone who wanted to come after him must deny himself and “take up his cross and follow me.” (Matthew 16:24) Suffering can make sense, and we can even find peace in it or despite it, but only in Him do we find the peace he promised. Simplify your life. Be generous with those around you. The more we are generous, the more detached we can be, then the more at peace and free we can feel.

Jesus says invite the poor to your banquets (Luke 14: 13), give expecting nothing in return, (Luke 6:35), give to everyone who asks you for something (Matthew 5:42), sell what you have and give to the poor. (Matthew 19:21) Giving away what we have helps us to become less preoccupied with acquiring and more focused on what’s actually important in life. Do not be anxious. Jesus asks, “Can any of you by worrying add a single moment to your life-span?” (Matthew 6:27) We will never find peace if we are constantly concerned with what tomorrow will bring. Trusting in God is tough. Without trust in God, we have to rely on ourselves. And that is just exhausting and stressful. Pray instead about it. Spend some time in quiet reflection. Ask for what you need in prayer and it will be given to you if you believe; “For everyone who asks, receives.” (Matthew 7:8) Jesus himself would often “withdraw to deserted places to pray.” (Luke 5:16) If Jesus prayed while he was on this earth, we certainly need to. Maybe in this New Year, take a week or so and pray with and reflect on each phrase of the Our Father. Whether it’s your to do list, your work-life balance, your relationships, or job is stressing you out; inner peace is possible. Look at your priorities for the coming year. When you can prioritize Him and trust Him, while getting rid of resentment, excess stuff, and distractions, you might still find yourself as busy as before. But in that you choose to do, you should be able to remain rooted and calm — secure in the peace only God can give. Sharon Gulley Beautiful Expectations of Faith This is based on my own beliefs and anyone reading this is free to their own belief, without predigest.

Article Spotlight

Sherry Wurgler The Founder of Transformational Leadership

What has 2020 taught us? We entered into 2020 with hopes, dreams, goals, strategies, and grand expectations! And then what…. what happened along the way? We were met with a virus that brought us to our knees. Covid-19 caught us unaware and unprepared. We have suffered immeasurable loss and our way of life has been uprooted, making everything familiar seem uncertain and unstable and leaving us wondering, where this new course of life is taking us. Wondering where is hope? Where is strength? Where is courage? How we handle difficult circumstances makes all the difference. Times moves on whether we are stuck, or not.

The path to take is ours to choose. For those of you who lost loved ones, my deepest sympathies. My heart aches for you. No one deserves to die without loved ones by their side. What has 2020 taught us. What glimmers of hope can we gain from this past year? Yes, we have faced loss, and we have also conquered our fears and moved forward in ways we may never have imagined we could. We are stronger than we ever could have imagined. We have isolated and quarantined to the confines of our home and found solace and peace within; Maybe not at first. Yes, we faced the challenge of not being able to be social involved in all our usual activities. We missed our social interactions and connections. We missed seeing the faces, smiles and mannerisms of the people we cherished and called friends. And then we did something else. We grew new plans! We made things work a different way! No, it wasn’t in the same familiar way. It was different. It caused us to stretch and adapt to find different ways of staying connected. But adapt we did! We are such a mobile universe we may have just forgotten what family life is all about. It all came crashing down on us when mandated quarantines became the new temporary norm. Togetherness took on a new meaning. All of a sudden, we were spending most of our time together, within the walls of our home; when before we were all about the hustle and bustle of going to this after school activity and that one racing against time to not be late. Sitting around the table enjoying a meal together was replaced

with drive through. Granted, school and social activities are important and needed in our day to day lives. We definitely need social connections and those bonds we cherish to the fullest. But where has the priority gone. Covid-19 has slowed us down in many ways. Not in the ways we wanted. Not ones we necessarily chose. But we rallied! We discovered family bonds were the strength and unity that kept us feeling strong. Kept us feeling at peace, Kept us feeling united, Kept us feeling valued, Kept us feeling whole and alive. Family became a new meaning of trust and strength. We started playing family games around the table. We went for walks together as family. We exercised together as family. We talked together and found ways to strengthen the bonds of communication. We found ways to stay connected to the “outside” world. Face time became the usual. We found ways to claim the silver lining. That silver lining is ours to claim, to hold onto, to cherish, and it makes the best outcomes from uncertain situations. I dare to say that every one of us has been touched in some way by the pandemic, Covid-19. Staying positive and connected to those who bring us laughter, peace and joy is what it’s all about. We have not lost our connection to what we value and consider important. We have simply, and not so simply as times, needed to revise and adjust to different ways to accomplish those goals.

All of our efforts have grown our resilience and made us stronger, more compassionate, more giving and more loving. We’re OK. And we’re going to be OK! We have learned and we have grown! We are going to take all of that and move forward with passion, conviction and love in our hearts. We’re not just surviving a pandemic, we’re THRIVING!

Best wishes, Sherry Wurgler

About the Author - Sherry Wurgler I am a mother of 4 amazing children and a grandmother to 5 wonderful grandchildren that are near and dear to my heart. I am a practicing RN working in the field of psychiatry. I am the founder of Transformational Leadership; my primary focus is helping women connect with their core values and to be able to express themselves with courage and compassion. I am motivated to help empower others to live the best version of themselves. I want to help women live their lives with moral character, renewed strength, and fearless courage. I want to offer personal development tools to help them elevate their personal growth mindset and help them be the leader of their own life. During my life’s journey, I have worked with women empowering women to become the leaders of their own lives. My memoir, “Surviving Ritual Abuse,” received #1 best seller on Amazon. I have also co-authored several other international bestsellers and been featured in 2 magazine articles discussing leadership, WomLead and New and Noteworthy. Tough times are best met with a resilient spirit. As I expand my coaching presence, I am ready to help women soar through life’s adversities with courage and resilience. Social Media & Contact Information Website: Face book link: LinkedIn:

Poetry Corner November Collaboration 2020 BE’OF Podcast & Magazine Spotlights The Poetry & Prose - Anthology Collection Co-Authors

Published January 17, 2021

BE’OF Podcast & Magazine Spotlighting - Co-Author

Co-Author - Marian Evans The Beauty of Poetry & Prose – Anthology Collection ‘Thank You for Your Beautiful Contribution

Tell us about you. I am enjoying my retirement. I have my daughter Susan and my grandkids Dustin age 31 Amanda 26. My son Aaron & his wife Lisa my grandkids Aliya 13 & Cameron 17 Texas Grandkids Mikayla 18 & Kalea 16

What does Poetry mean to you? Expression of my thoughts, feelings & desires What inspires you to write? It’s something I’ve done since the 70’s. I am just starting to share as I’ve kept my writing personal working thru emotions and life transitions and life’s joys and discoveries. Can you share with us some of your other Authored Books or Co-authored anthology writes? To All My Tomorrows written by Marian Evans Pictures by Mel Rocca donated to San Jose State College. Contributor - Under the Red Roof: A Hundred Years of Northern State Hospital by MJ Mcgoffin (2002) Resilient – Compiled By Kellie Fitzgerald & Lisa James (2016) (Anthology) Published by Kellie Fitzgerald of

Spiritual Spectrums - ‘Our Journey to the Light Within’ co-authored Anthology, Compiler, Book cover (photography Design) by Sharon Gulley, Publishers Sharon Gulley (BE’OF) & Teresa Hawley Howard (WOM) (2020)





The Beauty of Poetry & Prose, Anthology Collection (2020-2021) with Sharon Gulley of BE’OF – Beautiful Expectations of Faith

Co-author Podcast Interview:

Where can we find them? Amazon

What is your word for 2020? Isolation/Resilient What is Your 2021 Wish? That the world will come together with a shared goal of addressing all the issues that face in our world and in our country; having open minds and willingness to listen and participate with integrity. *What encouraging words do you have for someone wanting to write? Keep writing and worry about editing later. Let your imagination & thoughts come together on the page. Have fun with your thoughts. Explore & play with words. ~Marian Evans

Where can we find you? •

Marian Evans – Facebook

Pages: Prayer, Unofficial Elvis, Politics, It’s a Dog’s Life by Issabella Griffith

Groups: Quotes: Life in Process, Moments in time.


About the Author – Marian Evans

Marian Evans has Co-authored written in the anthology ‘Resilience,’ Compiled by Kellie Fitzgerald & Lisa James & Published by Kellie Fitzgerald of, and, She is a 3-cateragory, Bestselling Co-author in the anthology ‘Spiritual Spectrums – Our Journey to the Light Within’ Complied by Sharon Gulley of ‘BE’OF’ Beautiful Expectations of Faith and Published by Teresa Hawley Howard of WOM Enterprises, LLC And a Bestseller in her written Co–authored Poetry in ‘The Beauty of Poetry & Prose’ – Anthology Collection, compiled by Sharon Gulley of BE’OF and Published by WOM Enterprises, LLC. She is an Avid Poetry Writer and loves spending time with her Family, Friends & Amazing dachshunds, Izzy (Isabella) & Lucy; while enjoying retirement after 20 ½ years with GTE (phone company)

BE’OF Podcast & Magazine Spotlighting - Co-Author

Co-Author - Madeline Deguilio

The Beauty of Poetry & Prose Anthology Collection ‘Thank You for Your Beautiful Contribution’

Madeline Deguilio is a mother of 3 amazing kids. She enjoys helping others on their journey; she also loves travelling, and keeping in shape, writing and making healing journey. What is poetry to you? It's therapeutic to our souls. What inspires you to write? My life experiences

When did you know that you had a gift? “I first learned of my gifts at the early age of 2.” “My uncle whom I never got the chance to meet was the first spirit I seen and I would communicate with him daily.” “My parents would find me talking away to him in my bed and when asked who I was talking to I replied “uncle ken” As I grew older I tried to shut down my gifts; I finally stopped running from them and now dedicate my life to helping others find peace and clarity in their lives.”

How long have you been writing? Since, I was a kid. Can you share with us some of your other Authored books or Co-Authored, Anthology writes?

With Sundi Sturgeon as Compiler ‘Warrior Women Born to Love,’ ‘Warrior Women illuminate your joy,’ ‘Warrior Women with Angel Wings,’

‘Spiritual Spectrums - Our Journey to the Light Within’ in (2020) With Sharon Gulley of (BE’OF) Beautiful Expectations of Faith as Compiler, & copublisher with (WOM Enterprises)

Spiritual Spectrum Co-Author Podcast Interview:

The Beauty of Poetry & Prose Anthology Collection in (2021) Sharon Gulley of (BE’OF) Beautiful Expectations of Faith as Compiler& co-publisher with (WOM Enterprises)

Podcast Interview:

With Teresa Hawley Howard of WOM Enterprises, LLC as Compiler & Publisher, Movers & Shakers – Entrepreneurial Anthology (2021)

Where can we find your books? Amazon, Facebook: Insights with Madeline Who or what has been a great source of inspiration to/for you in 2020? I’d say my clients! It's a beautiful thing watching someone grow. What is your word for 2020? And what is your 2021 wish? Transformation and my wish is; for our world to find peace. What encouraging words do you have for someone wanting to write? Writing is the best therapy for our souls. Where can we find you? On face book at ‘insights with Madeline’

About the Author - Madeline Deguilio

Madeline Deguilio is an Author, a Co-author in 6 Anthology books, a Life Coach,









Public Speaker. She comes from 5 generation’s of psychic mediums none of which did it professional. She is the first in her family to do this professionally.

You can find Madeline Deguilio at: Listen to Madeline Deguilio’s Interview on BlogTalk radio and her Podcast Interviews at,

BE’OF Podcast & Magazine Spotlighting - Co-Author

Gail Alexander

The Beauty of Poetry & Prose – Anthology Collection ‘Thank You for Your Beautiful Contribution’

Tell us about you. I am an Artist, Intuitive, Energy worker and Therapist. What does Poetry mean to you? Poetry to me is a way to express myself and get my deepest thoughts out on paper. What inspires you to write? I just feel called to write at times, other times I have a specific purpose and feel like it is important to put out into the world. How long have you been writing? I have been writing- For Years

Can you share with us some of your other Authored Books or Co-authored anthology writes? The Little Book of Eating Disorder Wisdom: I don’t Know How I Know. . . I Just Know I Still Know What I Know Be Free To Be Yourself” The Magical Unicorn Energy Mandela Coloring book Faces Behind the Pages Volume 1 Energy Mandalas of Crystals and Stones Mandalas Created for the World and Humanity The Beauty of Poetry & Prose Anthology Collection with Sharon Gulley of (BE’OF)

Where can we find them? Amazon, Barnes and Noble Links on my website: Who or What has been a Great source of Inspiration to/for you in 2020? The Human Spirit and the compassion that many people are showing right now is inspiring. What is your word for 2020? Perseverance & Faith What is Your 2021 Wish? Peace, Grace and Hope. What encouraging words do you have for someone wanting to write? Just start, have compassion and don’t judge what is coming out. Just let it flow. It only has to make sense to you. Its’ just about you finding your voice. Where can we find you? @gailnrgmandalas (twitter) @gailsmandalas (instagram) @gailalexanderenergymandalas (Facebook)

About the Author Gail is an Artist, Intuitive, Energy worker and Therapist. Gail understands how to access this information and bring it forward whether it is through her art, intuitive readings, healing Sessions, energy mandalas or traditional therapy. Gail’s hope is that one day everyone will be able to access all of this information as well. Gail’s Books:

Mandela Calendars & Journals

Co-Authored Anthology with Sharon Gulley of (BE’OF) Beautiful Expectations of Faith as Compiler & co-publisher with Teresa Hawley Howard of (WOM Enterprises)

Podcast Interview:

BE’OF Podcast & Magazine Spotlighting - Co-Author

Jody Doty The Beauty of Poetry & Prose – Anthology Collection Nov. 2020 – Dec. 2020

‘Thank You for Your Beautiful Contribution’

Tell us a little bit about you. I am a dreamer, a writer, a seer and a healer. My passion is providing inspiration through divine messages received during meditation and prayer. My business is Jody Doty Soul Reader. I am a spiritual counselor, minister, and intuitive. I have authored two of my own books and have two in the works. What does Poetry mean to you? Poetry is sharing from the soul your deepest insights, messages, emotions and divine truth.

What inspires you to write? Nature of all kinds… divine, human, animal, Earth. Love in all forms inspires me. How long have you been writing? I began sharing my insights through meditation and prayer in 2015. I had an epiphany that it was time to be seen, to let my words be an inspiration to more than just my immediate circle of family and friends. I meditated on creativity releasing barriers and ever since the words flow easily. I capture them best in my recliner on my cell phone and then share them to my desktop; if Inspiration comes any time. One of my poems came to me while in line at a Pizza Hut. I grabbed a napkin, wrote it down, and then got my pizza. If you read it, you would never guess I was standing at a fast food restaurant when I wrote it. We can be inspired any place and at any time. What we choose to do with the inspiration is our creation.

Can you share with us some of your other Authored Books or Co-authored anthology writes? "Give Me Crayons to Color My World,” a children’s empowering story- color book, "Divine Explorations and Moon Soul Musings... a Poetic Wandering Along the River." 365 Ways to Connect with Your Soul, 365 Moments of Grace, 365 Life Shifts, 365 Soulful Messages: The Right Guidance at the Right Time. I am a contributing author in the book “Beyond the Loss: Breaking the Stigma of Depression and Suicide.” I am also a contributing author in “The Beauty of Poetry & Prose” Anthology Collect with Sharon Gulley of (BE’OF) Beautiful Expectations of Faith & Teresa Hawley Howard of WOM Enterprises

Where can we find them? My books are available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble, on-line at Walmart, as well as, at other independent book stores and through the publisher,, and my website Who or What has been a Great source of Inspiration to/for you in 2020? Each of us; ‘We the people’ who survive incredible obstacles and rise above them. My heroes have been the frontline workers who selflessly put on their courage every day and are the epitome of compassion, strength, perseverance and human kindness in action. What is your word for 2020? Transformation What is Your 2021 Wish? My wish is always the same. I have a passionate desire to end tiresome battles and encourage humankind, through word, deed, divinity and example, to create a kinder, more peaceful and loving world for all sentient beings and those to follow.

What encouraging words do you have for someone wanting to write? Start. Quiet your body. Take time to listen to your soul and let the words just come as they are. You can tweak, correct, perfect later. Often the raw truth that comes first is the most poignant, truthful and heartfelt. Release fear about being seen, heard or felt by others and listen to the voice within yourself that says “I am a writer and here are my words.” Where can we find you? Website: Email: Facebook Pages: Jody Doty Soul Reader, Meditations and Musings by Jody Doty, and Poetry and Moon Soul Musings Linked In: Twitter:

Jody’s Amazing Books:

Podcast Interview:

BE’OF Podcast & Magazine Spotlighting - Co-Author

Karen Tants The Beauty of Poetry & Prose – Anthology Collection Nov. 2020 – Dec. 2020

Author, Co-Author, Publisher, Healer

‘Thank You for Your Beautiful Contribution’

Tell us a little bit about you. I love to read, write and am pretty much a homebody. I’m in my 60’s now with my youngest child still at home. I wrote three books in three years… between 2012 and 2014. After my third book was published, which was In the Presence of Angels, I collaborated in anthologies with Sundi Sturgeon as Sundi compiled her Warrior Women with Angel Wings book series. Sundi encouraged me and was a mentor for me to start my business, Healing Pen Publishing, where I work with

authors and compilers in graphic design for book covers and social media graphics, editing, formatting, and getting books to the publishing stage, and beyond. I love helping others to share their own voices, as I am encouraged to share my own.

What does Poetry mean to you? Thank you, Sharon. Even though previously I had only written one poem… for my book, In the Presence of Angels, after I was asked to contribute to The Beauty of Poetry and Prose, I found it didn’t take me long to channel a couple more to go along with my first. I truly felt that it needed to be three poems. My thoughts on what poetry means is that it is a form of expressing the innermost ‘wisdom-directed’ insight that is contained within everything. Life itself is a form of poetry if we allow ourselves to view it that way… and Life calls forth poetry from itself in a deeply profound way.

What inspires you to write? I have been inspired to write since I studied one of my psychic development lessons on dreams and journaling, way back in 2006. Around that time, I also fulfilled a deep desire to read as much as I could by many well-known spiritual and self-help authors. I would often have three to five books open at various stages and reading from all books at the same time, gathering and correlating the knowledge and wisdom shared for my understanding from what each different author had to teach.

How long have you been writing? If you include my journaling, from 2006… and in 2012, I received a sudden knowing that I would write a book, before I even had an idea that I would. It hadn’t even been a thought for me up to that point. What followed was three books in succession. So, they were my trilogy.

Can you share with us some of your other Authored Books or Co-authored anthology writes? My own books are: “Soul Magic: spiritual alchemy.” (2012) “In Silence Your Garden Grows.” (2013) “In the Presence of Angels” (2014) My Anthology: “Soul Illuminations: Dreams, Visions, and Insight” (2020)

Karen Tants Many other, co-authored anthologies: From Fear to Freedom (2016), and Angels Among Us Devotional: Whispers of Love, Light and Blessings (2017), compiled by & published by Teresa HawleyHoward of WOM Enterprises. Angel Anthologies by Sundi Sturgeon as Compiler and Teresa Hawley Howard of WOM Enterprises as Publisher a) Warrior Women with Angel Wings-Stories of Love, Hope, Faith, Courage & Angels (2017) b) Warrior Women with Angel Wings for the Soul (2018) c) Warrior Women with Angel Wings-Born to Love (2018), compiled by Sundi Sturgeon Reading Between the Signs (2019), compiled by Jill Rhiannon Calling All Earth Angels and Healers (2019) compiled by Geri Magee, Ph.D. Life is a Gift: Loving You (2020) compiled by Karamjeet Kaur Spiritual Spectrums – ‘Our Journey to the Light Within’ Anthology with Sharon Gulley of (BE’OF) Beautiful Expectations of Faith (2020), as Compiler, copublisher with Teresa Hawley Howard of WOM Enterprises The Beauty of Poetry & Prose – Anthology Collection (2021,) with Sharon Gulley of BE’OF as Complier & co-publisher with Teresa Hawley Howard of WOM Enterprises Movers & Shakers Entrepreneurial Anthology with (WOM) (2021)Compiler & Publisher

Where can we find them? They are all available globally and are listed on amazon, online bookstores, and Ingram. Who or What has been a Great source of Inspiration to/for you in 2020? It has been a year for me that feels like; one of holding space. I credit my Faith in God, higher guidance and the support of my family and friends. Especially because I have been caring for my husband who has end stage emphysema and lung cancer, and also still being available to my clients and the services I provide to my authors and compilers. What is your word for 2020? I can’t come up with just one word for 2020. What is Your 2021 Wish? I only wish for 2021 to be one of healing and renewal, and inner peace and joy for all. What encouraging words do you have for someone wanting to write? Intent and purpose, then just write. Begin with journaling and acknowledging your thoughts and feelings onto paper. You will be amazed with what flows, and it can be cathartic and healing to get your thoughts out of your head. If you have a problem or issue with something or someone, ask your inner guidance for the answer to flow through your pen… and inner wisdom answers. Your written words are between you and the pen, then at some future point you will develop the desire to share with others in order to guide.

Where can we find you? I am available on Facebook through my page, Healing Pen Publishing. Or send me a friend request on my personal profile: Karen Tants The Beauty of Poetry & Prose - Anthology Collection with BE’OF with Sharon Gulley

Podcast Interview: & Movers & Shakers with WOM Enterprises, LLC Teresa Hawley Howard

BE’OF Podcast & Magazine Spotlighting - Co-Author

Rachael Polskin The Beauty of Poetry & Prose – Anthology Collection Nov. 2020 – Dec. 2020

‘Thank You for Your Beautiful Contribution’

Tell us a little bit about you. My name is Rachael. I am 32 years old, stepping into myself more fully every day. I am an entrepreneur, an artist, and everyday human. I have always been drawn to nature and the spiritual realm. What does Poetry mean to you? Poetry is a means of expression. Sometimes our regular way of speaking and conversing doesn’t allow for the true essence of our thoughts and emotions to come through. The form of poetry is such an open, forgiving space to experiment

with expressing our true essence- and likewise, getting a glimpse into the true essence of each other. What inspires you to write? My own thoughts, feelings, and emotions, most of the time. Also nature, beauty, relationships and the mystery of it all.

How long have you been writing? I have been writing in journal, making up songs and writing all forms of poetry since I was very young. However, only recently have I allowed myself to share and be vulnerable with my poetry.

Can you share with us some of your other Authored Books or Co-authored anthology writes? I had the pleasure of writing in “Spiritual Spectrums - Our Journey to the Light Within” earlier this year and I have the New and upcoming co-authored anthology ‘The Beauty of Poetry & Prose’ Anthology Collection, Coming Soon!! I am looking forward to publishing and sharing more of my writing and poetry with the world. It has been a personal journey for me to open up to the light within and feel comfortable in sharing that with others.

Where can we find them? My website You can find “Spiritual Spectrums Our Journey to the Light Within” in the Gift Shop. I aspire to have a full book shop in the next year with more of my own published books, as well as many others.

Who or What has been a Great source of Inspiration to/for you in 2020? Sharon, YOU have been a great inspiration to me! And many others out there who are vulnerable with their truest essence, and who strive to bring forth the light of this world. I am inspired by people who follow their heart and have the courage to share themselves authentically. I have also looked to nature, the elements, astrology, and sacred geometry for inspiration this year. What is your word for 2020? For 2020 my word is Trust. Trust in spirit, trust in others, trust in myself, trust in my own intuition and discernment, trust in nature, and trust in Love. What is Your 2021 Wish? For 2021, my wish is Liberation. That we can individually and collectively feel a sense of liberation from our own critical minds, as well as the oppressive systems and judgments that surround us.

What encouraging words do you have for someone wanting to write? Be inspired, but don’t compare yourself to others. If you have a writing that wants to be expressed- just do it, just write it. Even if no one sees it, the universe will thank you for singing its song and it will liberate your soul.

Where can we find you? and on Instagram @feelgoodcoffeehouse

Rachael’s Co-Authored Books:

The Beauty of Poetry & Prose - Anthology Collection with Sharon Gulley of BE’OF as Compiler & co-publisher Co-author Podcast interview:

Podcast Interview:

Movers & Shakers with Teresa Hawley Howard 0f WOM Enterprises, LLC

BE’OF Podcast & Magazine Spotlighting - Co-Author

Toni E. Washington

The Beauty of Poetry & Prose – Anthology Collection Nov. 2020 – Dec. 2020

‘Thank You for Your Beautiful Contribution’

Tell us a little bit about you. My name is Toni Washington, My trade name is the “Inner City Guru”, and I am the mother of 3 beautiful children and 2 grandsons. I am the founder of Guru Marketing Group, Where we develop the vision of others through business, mentorship and training.

What does Poetry mean to you? Poetry means life to me, every word spoken or written is a means of creating a way out for most or a reign of hope for others. I love mixing positivity and realness in my written works.

What inspires you to write? LIFE…My children and grandchildren, but most importantly the individuals I touch on a day to day basis…The neighborhoods and communities I served. How long have you been writing? I’ve been writing since age 14…. Can you share with us some of your other Authored Books or Co-authored anthology writes that are coming Soon? PURPLE (Powerful Urban Really Passionate Ladies Excelling) Mentoring Program Curriculum and program guide for young ladies ages 11-21. Toolkit for Urban and Inner-City Youth Mentoring. Am I a Friend or Parent? Understanding My Role in My Child’s Life. My Autobiography- A Chameleon State of Mind… (Work in progress) Where can we find your books? Amazon Who or What has been a Great source of Inspiration to/for you in 2020?

My mom, in our daily or weekly chats…it is understood that quitting is never an option no matter the age or the stage of resources. What is your word for 2020? Platform for 2020 What is Your 2021 Wish? My Wish is for Destiny to be fulfilled for 2021 What encouraging words do you have for someone wanting to write? Don’t stop, even if you write a word a day… Where can we find you? IG: Inner City Guru FB: Guru Marketing Group Co-Authored Anthology with Sharon Gulley of (BE’OF) as Compiler & co-publisher with Teresa Hawley Howard of WOM Enterprises Publishing

Podcast Interview:

BE’OF Podcast & Magazine Spotlighting - Co-Author

Laverne Denyer

The Beauty of Poetry & Prose – Anthology Collection Nov. 2020 – Dec. 2020

‘Thank You for Your Beautiful Contribution’

Tell us about you. Dr. Laverne E. Denyer has been writing for decades. Some material has been for fun or inspiration. Much has been for her books, classes, conferences, and lectures about life and spirit. A great deal of her technical writing experience was for the public-school system; all levels from local to national. Most importantly, Laverne has always written about the metaphysical and spiritual realms. She has amassed many manuscripts in a variety of genres and topics.

Laverne has worked in multiple settings throughout her life in both the mundane and esoteric worlds. She has been dubbed a true Renaissance woman. As a retired (mostly) teacher, she finally has time and desire to strengthen and expand her holistic and spiritual work. In the mundane world, she has a dual religious PhD in Religious Studies and Psychological Counseling; she has a B.A. with dual majors in Psychology and Religious Studies, and a minor in Philosophy. Prior to that, she earned an A.S. in Architectural Technical Design. Added to that is a dual major M.A. in Curriculum and Instruction, and Educational Technology. She also holds Tier I Educational Leadership degree and credential. Applying what is learned through all modalities is the continual pattern of her life. What does Poetry mean to you? My world is filled with wonder, adventure, and I love to share it through Poetry as an outlet to others. What inspires you to write? Helping people build healthy lives and follow their soul’s purpose. My life motto is “I touch the stars with my feet on the ground. Through this I gain strength and stability.”

How long have you been writing? I have been writing for years.

Can you share with us some of your other Authored Books or Co-authored anthology writes?

Warrior Women with Angel Wings Musings & Memories The Magic Key Meditations Living Energy Systems Reading Between the Signs Solstice Shift Energetic Processes A Medical Intuitive’s Approach to Working with Subtle Energies, And More… Where can we find them?, Amazon in eBook, Paperback, and even in Hardcover formats. Who or What has been a Great source of Inspiration to/for you in 2020? Being a retired (mostly) teacher, I finally have time and inspirational desire to strengthen and expand my holistic and spiritual work. What is your word for 2020? Strength What is Your 2021 Wish? To continue to Apply what is learned through all modalities.

What encouraging words do you have for someone wanting to write? Follow their soul’s purpose. Where can we find you? The Beauty of Poetry & Prose – Anthology Collection with Sharon Gulley of (BE’OF) as Compiler & co-publisher with Teresa Hawley Howard of WOM Enterprises Publishing,




BE’OF Podcast & Magazine Spotlighting - Co-Author

Teresa Hawley Howard The Beauty of Poetry & Prose – Anthology Collection Nov. 2020 – Dec. 2020

‘Thank You for Your Beautiful Contribution’

Tell us about you. Teresa Hawley-Howard’s mission in life is to help others find their voice and share their stories! She also wants to help them walk through their pain, limitations, and their own doubt to live the life they deserve. She knows their words, stories, scars, and their pain can inspire, heal and give hope to another woman. She is an empowerment/writing coach, speaker, #1 international bestselling author, radio host, and CASA volunteer. She is CEO of WOM Enterprises, Publishing Company! She is also Co-Founder of Tribute Magazine,

spotlighting Entrepreneurs. Founder of Women on A Mission, inspiring and uplifting women to live the life they desire. Radio Host of WOM Radio show, and host of Modern Day Woman Podcast, and host Words have Power Podcast. Teresa’s goal is to help 10k people share their stories! Reach out and let Teresa help you share your story. What does Poetry mean to you? It is a way for you to share your most inner feelings and thoughts in a new way. What inspires you to write? My goal is to help 10k people share their stories! How long have you been writing? For a long time Can you share with us some of your other Authored Books or Co-authored anthology writes? Women on a Mission: Stories of Trials, Tribulation & Triumphs Speaking God's Word Into Your Life The Power of Story Devotional Anthologies by Teresa Hawley Howard; Fear to Freedom Echo’s in the Darkness I Am Worthy Blessed By Grace I Matter The Power of Our Voices Unbreakable From Broken to Beautiful Angels Among Us

Paw Prints On My Heart His Grace is Sufficient Heartfelt Business Lessons Women On A Mission – Sisterhood of Stories 3P’s To Success – Purpose, Passion & Profit I Am Beautiful Hearing God’s Voice – Above the Chaos Breaking the Cycle Women of Inspiration Spiritual Spectrums – The Journey To The Light Within’ with Sharon Gulley of (BE’OF) (2020) ‘The Beauty of Poetry & Prose’ Anthology Collection with Sharon gulley of (BE’OF), (2021) Where can we find them? Amazon Who or What has been a Great source of Inspiration to/for you in 2020? Scripture, because no matter what this world does or says; God never leaves or forsakes us. What is your word for 2020? Intentional What is Your 2021 Wish? That we take the lessons learned and choose to be more loving, more kind and more giving in 2021.

What encouraging words do you have for someone wanting to write? Just do it! Someone is waiting for your Story. Leave a legacy behind for your family. Where can we find you?

Podcast Interview:

Congratulations!!! On Movers & Shakers’ WOM Enterprises

BE’OF Podcast & Magazine Spotlighting - Co-Author

Kellie Fitzgerald

The Beauty of Poetry & Prose – Anthology Collection Nov. 2020 – Dec. 2020

‘Thank You for Your Beautiful Contribution’

Tell us about you. Kellie Fitzgerald has arrived at this particular point in her life by taking the scenic route, often filled with pratfalls and new beginnings. After a life spent experiencing trials by fire while simultaneously navigating choppy waters, she is passionate about helping others navigate their own paths and become the very best version of themselves they can be.

Always a passionate writer and lyricist she has recently created a children's book series and is currently working on several screenplays. Having been told early in adulthood that as an employee she would make an excellent entrepreneur, Kellie, has started, grown and/or run several small businesses. Currently, she is an author and publisher, real estate broker specializing in vineyard properties and a Reiki Master and life coach in southeastern Arizona. As usual, she lives with a rather large menagerie of rescued animals and way more gardens and other projects than any truly sane person would attempt to handle. What does Poetry mean to you? I've always written poetry and many other things, so it's just what I do, it's just me being me.

What inspires you to write? I've always written so it's just what I do, it's just me being me. Publishing came along as a result of my trying to get my first book "When on the Road to Enlightenment, Don't Forget to Take out the Trash" published. A publisher actually told me I should really just do my own publishing company rather than shop my book to publishers. So I did.

How long have you been writing? I have been writing for as long as I can remember. Can you share with us some of your other Authored Books or Co-authored anthology writes? Lyrics & Lines From Another Life When on the Road to Enlightenment - Don't Forget to Take out the Trash

Resilient – Domestic Violence Anthology ‘Laehli & the Elephants,’ A Children’s Book Beyond the Loss – Breaking the Stigma of Depression and Suicide The Beauty of Poetry & Prose – Anthology Collection with Sharon Gulley (BE’OF) Beautiful Expectations of Faith – Coming Soon!!

Where can we find them? & Who or What has been a Great source of Inspiration to/for you in 2020? My grandmother used to say "in 50 years none of this will matter" anytime something had gone wrong, I tend to use that quote. Then again I quote my grandmother quite a bit. So I would have to say, my Friends and the words of my Grandmother.

What is your word for 2020? Renewal What is Your 2021 Wish? I'd just like to wish people peace. There's too much hostility and frustration going on in the world right now, I'd really like people to realize what's truly important and that love really is the answer.

What encouraging words do you have for someone wanting to write? Just write it and worry about editing later. Share your story with the world, you never know who you could help.

Where can we find you? Amazon FB: Kellie Fitzgerald FB: or &

Honorable Replay Of Empowering Women of 2020

Podcast Interview:

Kid’s Corner

BE’OF Magazine Presents Children’s Author

Jody Doty Author, Intuitive Soul Reader, Spiritual Counselor-Teacher

Jody’s writing is inspired through daily meditation on the divine that every moment guides us on our journey. Her words flow from the deep heart that beats within each of us. Jody's “soul” writings, musings and poetry are focused on living your best life through the lens of the divine perspective. Her prose, poetry and musings are shared with the hope that they will speak to the heart and soul and help light a path providing hope, encouragement and inspiration.

Children’s Publication: “Give Me Crayons to Color My World” (A children’s color-storybook) Jody Doty ( July 2017).

Jody Doty’s, Many other Amazing Writes include: “Divine Explorations and Moon Soul Musings...a Poetic Wandering Along the River & quote; Jody Doty ( Nov (2016) Contributing Author “Beyond the Loss: Breaking the Stigma of Depression and Suicide,” Kellie Fitzgerald ( (Nov 6, 2015) Contributing Author “365 Ways to Connect With Your Soul,” Jodi Chapman (DandiLove Unlimited, (Nov 2015)

Contributing Author “365 Moments of Grace,” Jodi Chapman (DandiLove Unlimited, (June -2016) Contributing Author “365 Life Shifts,” Jodi Chapman (Feb 2017) Contributing Author “365 Soulful Messages: The Right Guidance at the Right Time,” Jodi Chapman (2019) The Beauty of Poetry & Prose Anthology Collection with Sharon Gulley of BE”OF as Compiler & co-publisher, and Teresa Hawley Howard of WOM Enterprises as Publisher (2021)

Books are available on-line through and Barnes and Noble

Social Media: Face book: Meditations and Musings by Jody Doty, Poetry and Moon Soul Musings, Jody Doty Soul Reader

BlogTalkRadio – Podcast: “Divine Explorations with Jody Doty” Positive Transformation Network, BlogTalkRadio

About the Author Jody Doty Soul Reader is known in the Pacific Northwest and internationally as a “soul whisperer.” A gifted clairvoyant, psychic-intuitive, spiritual counselor and teacher for over two decades, Jody has helped hundreds to rediscover their soul’s essence, recall their divine purpose, and facilitate a return to center, the place of mindful inner peace in the present moment. Jody offers soul readings and healing sessions in person and via Face book video chat, skype and telephone.

You can find Jody Doty at: Website: E-Mail: Linked In: Twitter: Instagram: WordPress








BE’OF Magazine Presents Children’s Author

Kellie Fitzgerald

Children’s Author, Author & Publisher Tell us about yourself.

Kellie Fitzgerald has arrived at this particular point in her life by taking the scenic route, often filled with pratfalls and new beginnings. After a life spent experiencing trials by fire while simultaneously navigating choppy waters, she is passionate about helping others navigate their own paths and become the very

best version of themselves they can be. Always a passionate writer and lyricist she has recently created a children's book series and is currently working on several screenplays. Having been told early in adulthood that as an employee she would make an excellent entrepreneur, Kellie, has started, grown and/or run several small businesses. Currently, she is an author and publisher, real estate broker specializing in vineyard properties and a Reiki Master and life coach in southeastern Arizona. As usual, she lives with a rather large menagerie of rescued animals and way more gardens and other projects than any truly sane person would attempt to handle. What inspired you to write ‘Laehli & the Elephants,’ a child’s Book? I've always been sort of an animal activist and it is projected within the next 15 years wild elephants will be gone from Thailand forever. When I thought about writing a book about the Thai elephants I thought maybe it should be a children's book. Since my youngest grandson is deaf I decided it should be a children's book with a deaf hero...or heroine in this case.

What are you hoping children will get out of your book? Mostly a love for nature and for protecting nature, also knowledge that those who are "differently-abled" are very capable and can do anything they want.

You have a series of these Beautiful books, am I correct? Yes. The first three have been published; there are a total of 18 planned.








& ‘Laehli & the Elephants,’ (A Series of 18 planned)

Other Amazing writes can be found at; Amazon, & Resilient – Domestic Violence Anthology Lyric & Lines from another Life When on the Road to Enlightenment, Don't Forget to Take out the Trash Beyond The Loss – Breaking the Stigma of Depression and Suicide The Beauty of Poetry & Prose - Anthology Collection with Sharon Gulley of BE’OF as Compiler & co-publisher and Teresa Hawley Howard of WOM Enterprises as Publisher

Where can we find you?,, And on ‘Facebook’ of course!

BE’OF Magazine Presents Children’s Author

Gail Alexander Artist, Intuitive, Energy Worker, & Therapist Gail Alexander believes that everything in the universe has its own vibration, frequency, energy pattern and signature and she understands how to access this information and bring it forward whether it is through her art, intuitive readings, healing sessions, energy mandalas or traditional therapy sessions. She hopes that one day everyone will be able to access all of this information as well. What inspires you to write? I just feel called to write at times, other times I have a specific purpose and feel like it is important to put out into the world. How long have you been writing? Years

Tell us about your book. Be Free To Be Yourself” The Magical Unicorn A whimsical and wise children's tale of being, acceptance and uniqueness

Gail Alexander’s many other Amazing Authored Books or Co-authored anthology writes? The Little Book of Eating Disorder Wisdom: I don’t Know How I Know. . . I Just Know I Still Know What I Know Energy Mandela Coloring book Faces Behind the Pages - Volume 1 Energy Mandela’s of Crystals and Stones Mandela’s Created for the World and Humanity The Beauty of Poetry & Prose- Anthology Collection

Where can we find them? Amazon, Barnes and Noble Links on my website: Who or What has been a Great source of Inspiration to/for you in 2020? The Human Spirit and the compassion that many people are showing right now is inspiring.

What encouraging words do you have for someone wanting to write? Just start, have compassion and don’t judge what is coming out. Just let it flow.

Where can we find you? @gailnrgmandalas (twitter) @gailsmandalas (instagram) @gailalexanderenergymandalas (Facebook)

BE’OF Magazine Presents Children’s Author

John Williams John Williams is an Author and he is his own illustrator. John Williams is from Australia and enjoys sharing his love of poetry in his Amazing Children’s books What inspires you to write? Showing children what fun they can have with rhyme poetry is fundamental in developing in children a love of literature. How long have you been writing? I have been writing for children for 30 years.


Tell us about it? Animals Come Alive most of all is a fun poetry book for children. It has all kinds of different animals getting up to antics with each other. They also get up to their tricks with us humans too. This is a rhyme poetry book very suited to younger children. It also features large colored illustrations. These poems can be learnt for recitals while others are suitable to be acted out on stage by groups of children. Many of these poems have already been used in classrooms in Australia.

Where can we find it and your many other children’s books at? o %2

Contact Information:

Coffee Talks With Rachael Polskin

Congratulations! Rachael Polskin for becoming a Bestselling Co-Author in these three Amazing Anthologies!!!!

Feel Good Coffee House is steady moving forward and evolving all the time. Most recently, I added a Gift Shop to the online store. I am thrilled about the Gift Shop- knowing this is just the beginning of an ever-evolving outlet. I created coffee and tea gift sets that are unique and different. I also added creative and artist-inspired gift sets which feature books, canvas art, jewelry, aromatherapy, and pyrography- (wood burned art). I am experimenting with ways in which I can support other creative’s, artists, light workers and small business- since I genuinely believe that is our future! I aim to bring a sense of connection between myself and my customers by supporting what I believe inboth in my personal and professional life. I am gaining more confidence and a greater willingness to be vulnerable which I believe is helping immensely with my business decisions and overall outlook. My core values remain the samehelping myself and others Feel Good! That is an ever expanding and evolving pathway- the one to feeling good. This excites me moving forward because I know the possibilities are endless. For 2021- I am inviting in more

collaboration and more vulnerability. I am inviting in an open heart and mind, as well as a confident discernment. I am releasing the need to compare myself to others in business, and I am releasing the feeling of unworthiness. I hope to be an inspiration for others to follow their hearts and dreams and a center of creativity and integrity.

PS: If you would like to collaborate- feel free to reach out, I would love to hear from you!

You can find some Fresh & Fantastic Roasted Coffee and Specialty Teas.

Gift Shop: T-shirts, Mandela’s, Coffee Cups and more. … Be sure to stop by the Beautiful gift shop where you can find an array of gift packages or individual gifts for your coffee loving Friends & Family.


Recipes Slow Cooked Pork Tenderloin and Apples This is a great and easy winter recipe that smells amazing and feels comforting.

What you will need: 1) Pork tenderloin 2) Fuji Apples 2) Red Onions Flour Salt Pepper

For Sauce: 2) Cloves of garlic ¼) cup Tangy BBQ Sauce 2) Cups of Apple or Blackberry Juice Water 2) Tablespoons cornstarch

1. Take your pork tenderloin and fully coat in flour, salt and pepper- all sides. 2. Coat the bottom of a pan with oil and warm up over med-high heat, brown the pork tenderloin on all sides. About 3 minutes per side. Turn off heat. 3. Slice apples and onions and place in bowl. Fill the bottom of the crock pot with the apple and onion mixture. 4. Place the pork tenderloin on top of the apples and onions in the crock pot- fat side up. 5. Make the sauce by whisking together 2 cloves of garlic- crushed, BBQ Sauce (I prefer the tangy kind because the sweet and spicy combination, but you can use any kind), Juice (Blackberry juice works nicely, but apple juice works great too!), and enough water to fill your crock pot at least half way. 6. In a separate glass whisk together 1/2 cup of cold water and cornstarch. Whisk this into the sauce you just made and pour the whole thing into your crock pot. If you need to add a little water- just make sure the liquid is halfway covering your pork and apple/onions. 7. Cover the crock pot and cook on low for 6.5 hours. 8. Slice the pork tenderloin and serve over mashed potatoes.

Rachael Polskin Brick, NJ

Best Ambrosia Salad without Cool Whip Fruits 1 cup Grapes, fresh green (or red) seedless 1 cup Mandarin orange, slices 1 cup Pineapple tidbits Drain fruit juices, place in a mixing bowl ADD Spices 2 tbsp Sugar ADD Nuts & Seeds 1 cup Coconut flakes, sweetened 1/2 cup Pecans, toasted ADD Dairy 1/2 cup Heavy cream 1/2 cup Sour cream Dessert additions if desired; Drained, 8 1/4 jar Maraschino cherries 3 cups Marshmallows, mini Sharon Gulley Jacksonville, Fl.

Faith in Business Forum

Julie Ann Guthrie-Smulson The Potter Ever since I was 8 years old, I recall wanting to become a wealthy and successful entrepreneur. As I look back to my childhood, I can recall trying to create that certain “something” that I could sell. As an adult, I have worked hard and have held various positions from being an entry level employee, supervisor and manager. I was even a domestic goddess for a few years where I took a hiatus from the working world in order to be a wife and mother to my sons. Like many women in society, I felt that I sacrificed a part of myself in order to be a domestic goddess/wife/mother. It’s a job that doesn’t provide monetary income. Whether you are a mother, father or other human that takes on the role of domestic engineer that gets the on the job training that one experiences through caring for others young/old and running a household is something very valuable to bring to the working world. When my boys were in school most of the day, I yearned to be able to contribute monetarily to my family. I also had the desire to feed that entrepreneur within me. I knew that I didn’t want to work outside of the home at full time job that would take

me away from fulfilling my duties as a wife and mother. In the mid 2000’s I would listen to the dial up and search for any type of telecommuting job. At that time there weren’t ample opportunities in telecommuting like there is today. My idea to become a resume writer lasted a few months and I decided that it wasn’t for me. I continued to look for something else. I decided that I wanted to go back to school to become a web designer. I had been an off and on Junior College student prior to going back to school. Here I was in my early thirties and one of the classes that I had put off earlier was public speaking. Through all the nervousness and terror of public speaking – I got through that class. Going back to school was a blessing, because I was doing something for me. My courses to complete my degree in Computer Graphics Applications included a lot of art and technology. I enjoyed learning and interacting with other students. Amidst earning my degree, I had to find a part time job to make ends meet. I checked the job board at the college and found a couple that I thought might be a fit for me. Low and behold I found a part time job working for a Real Estate Broker in their home, which was only two blocks from my boy’s school. The pay was good, and I really enjoyed it. I was filling out Broker Price Opinions online. As the housing market crashed the Broker became very busy and I found myself working overtime. My kids were calling me at work asking me when I would be home. I was torn between the working and caring for my family. I left and took a year hiatus. A year later a former co-worker from that Broker’s office called me and asked if I was interested in doing some Broker Price Opinions from home. Collectively I had filled out Broker Price Opinions from home for eight years. I had given thought to getting my Real Estate License. I had some concerns about my safety in becoming

a Real Estate Agent, which held me back from getting my license for years. I took an online Real Estate class, got my license and sold Real Estate for a little over two years. While I was selling Real Estate, my life changed. My oldest boy had moved out of the house and my youngest was a senior in high school. My husband and I divorced. I had a relationship with another man which lasted a few months. I was deeply heartbroken. I turned to alternative and spiritual healing to help heal my heart. I have been on this healing journey for last few years now. I have since become a spiritual healer and started my healing business in early 2018. I mainly worked out of my home and at events. I relocated in 2019. I gave thought of working out of somebody else’s office space but decided that opening my own brick and mortar office would be a better option for me. I had a vision of bringing all kinds of different healers into my office either to work or teach others. I opened my office in December 2019. Unbeknownst to me and the rest of the world that a Pandemic was about to change the way that we lived and how we conduct business. I was unable to conduct business as I had before or to even think about investing in marketing and advertising my new business. I turned to writing my next book and working on my author platform. Early in the Pandemic I was joining Face book groups and making online connections to build my platform. As I did this, I was approached by a Group member to be a guest on their podcast. This gave me the idea to start my own podcast. I saw the podcast as a way to carry out the vision I had for my business by bringing other healers into my space to heal and teach.

The fear of public speaking was still there. I had to get out of my comfort zone and try something new. In the beginning I was concerned about filling my schedule with guests. I had, had a conversation with my youngest son. He doesn’t remember this, but he told me not worry about it and that I would have people coming to me. He was right. I have closed my healing office, but it was not with a heavy heart. I don’t feel a sense of failure or loss. I am working on several large projects that are all directly connected to my business. Through my life experiences I have gained knowledge and business experience. I have had to learn how to change gears, positions and jobs. I have had work hard. Not give up and to keep trying to reach my vision and goals. I have learned not to compare myself to others. I have had to learn to have boundaries and to try to balance my personal life with my work life, which required me to learn to say NO. I have had to learn how to get out of my own way. I have to learn to inch out of my personal comfort zone. I have learned how to be risk taker. I have learned that succeeding doesn’t always look like what we may have initially envisioned. I have learned that having to close my business was not a failure – it was an experience. I have learned to use my creativity to come up with solutions to problems. I have learned how to let go of control and allow God to step in and guide me to where I need to be. All along this long and winding road God the creator, the potter has been there with me. Through the most mundane to the major events – he was there creating experiences, so that I would grow and blossom as a person and an entrepreneur.

I am God’s clay creation, just as you are! Reflect upon where you have been and what you have learned through your life of learning. Those are the moments that God has been working and shaping the clay. Each of us is also the potter and creator of lives and our businesses with the Almighty Potter right there alongside of us. Through our experiences we learn how to manipulate the clay, what pressure to apply and when and where to apply that pressure as we mold our own business creations. By Julie Ann Guthrie-Smulson

About the Author- Julie Ann Guthrie-Smulson Julie is an Author, Spiritual Healer & Podcaster. As an author Julie is passionate about sharing her lifetime and lifetimes of experiences with the world. Julie’s intention in all that she does is to help others overcome their personal traumas and challenges so they can become happy and thriving individuals. Through Julie’s own personal traumas and challenges she has been endowed with the gift of being a highly sensitive empath. Julie’s empathic abilities allow her to help others through her business Spiritual Alchemy Energy Transfigurations as a Reiki Master/Teacher and Sound Healer. Julie developed a strong belief in spiritual healing from her own healing journey. Julie’s journey has led her to start her podcast Spiritual Alchemy Energy The PODCAST with Julie. Julie’s podcast highlights other healers, light workers and authors. Julie believes that everyone possesses unique and special gifts that they are sent here to share with others. Julie believes that the healing process takes many different forms and paths to find that golden gift within each one of us, but when that golden gift is found a nd utilized in the world - the world is forever changed for the better. Social Media & Contact Info:

Facebook: Twitter: Linkedin: Instagram: YouTube: h_name_ex Websites:

Julie Ann Guthrie-Smulson Author, Healer, Teacher & Podcaster, Spiritual Alchemy Energy Transfigurations 209.604.5576 |

Local, Small Business Support

Atlantic Eastern Coast Services LLC. – Handyman Services Owner/Operator – Randall Blalock (904) 713-3016 or (904) 802-1910 Hours 9am – 5pm EST Jacksonville, Florida 32219

A.E.C. Services offers a wide variety of handyman services, to many to list. Reach out today and talk with them to see if they can be of service to you today! Tell Them, Sharon Gulley Sent You.

Spotlighting Bestselling Books & Authors Congratulations Authors!! Teresa Hawley Howard – The Power of Story

International Bestseller January 2021 &

#1 Bestseller January 2021 Dez Williams - I WIN - An Overcomer’s Journal

Norma McLauchlin’s The Voices from Mothers with Black Sons January 2021 January 2021 Regina Kenan’s – A Mother’s Love Raising Kids in a Pandemic


BE’OF Podcast Spotlights Leah Dulce V. Salmorin – President & Founder Of

Breast Cancer Survivor Paddles for a Cure

Leah Dulce V. Salmorin Leah’s journey as a breast cancer survivor is a primary motivator in her life. As part of her role as President/Founder, she frequently reaches out to other charitable organizations, government, and support groups to find ways of pooling resources and collaborating on projects.

Paddle for the Cure is a special support organization for breast cancer survivors/ supporters. We offer a unique survivorship program that uses recreational dragon boat paddling to manage side effects of treatment for breast cancer survivors and promotes a positive and healthy lifestyle.

Organized by survivors, we paddle our way to recovery with each other and a tremendous group of supporters and paddling enthusiasts along our side. Our on-water season is May through October. Off-season indoor practice is available November through April. We plan to practice weekly in the World’s Fair Marina during the warm weather and participate in dragon boat races along the East Coast. Our team events are open to all and promote a healthy lifestyle, a way of getting life and movement back through exercise, as well as emotional support and team spirit. Since Paddle for the Cure is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization, donations and tickets at our fundraisers and events are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Mission Statement •

To create a special sisterhood of breast cancer survivors.

To provide hope and support to other cancer survivors and their families.

To enrich our lives through dragon boat paddling.

To grow the sport of dragon boating in our community.

To unite our community for charitable purposes through dragon boat paddling and racing. Vision Statement

We want to make history. We want to bring and promote dragonboating out of town and internationally.

Team Slogan P– eople oriented with the passion to give back for a good cause F– uture leaders in the community C– UREmitment D-IG deep B-IG dreams T– otal recovery E– xecute properly A– ct accordingly M-ove forward

Team Mantra Love yourself, unconditionally. Nurture your inner strength. Embrace your situation, whatever it may be We find camaraderie and a common bond to fight breast cancer. Simple words bring comfort, faith and hope of healing.

Why Dragon Boating for Breast Cancer? Dr. Don C. McKenzie , a sports medicine physician at University of British Columbia (1996) , dispelled the myth that women with breast cancer treatment refrain from upper body exercise for fear of developing chronic lymph edema ( a permanent/sometimes incapacitating swelling of the arms/chest.) His study concluded that women who paddle marked improved physical and mental health with no recurrence of lymph edema. Paddling increases flexibility, aerobic capacity and strength. A team sport that is fun, builds harmony and a feeling of togetherness.

Video Link to Dr. Don C. McKenzie’s Video: 4th Annual Paddle for the Cure video:

Board of Directors Breast Cancer Survivor, President/Founder – Leah Dulce V. Salmorin

Leah’s journey as a breast cancer survivor is a primary motivator in her life. As part of her role as President/Founder, she frequently reaches out to other charitable organizations, government, and support groups to find ways of pooling resources and collaborating on projects. She is a lector at St. Patrick’s Cathedral and St. Joan of Arc Church, former patient navigator for The American Cancer Society, and volunteers at Elmhurst Hospital. She hails from the Philippines and from a medical family. She has a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting and was awarded “outstanding employee” and “top financial consultant “at the Philippine National Bank and Marketing by Prulife-UK, respectively. An honor and scholar student, she was a member of various clubs: Toastmaster Club, Lions Club, and Kiwanis Club. Other notable contributions are: SHARE hotline volunteer (2006), NY State Breast Cancer Network Advocate -Albany (2007), Creative Center Visual Diaries Exhibition participant at the University Settlement (2009), National Breast Cancer Coalition Project Lead Graduate – Boston (2010) and Susan G. Komen Pink Honor Roll (2013). Her other involvements include: Cancer Care, Gilda’s, Stupid Cancer, Young Survival Coalition, Livestrong, Casting for Recovery, Libby Ross Foundation, SASS Foundation, Stowe Weekend of Hope, American Cancer

Society, You Can Thrive, United Breast Cancer Foundation, Moving for Life, Strength for Life, Speed Rack, Earth Celebrations -Ecological City and Social change through the Arts and Pink Glove Dance. Vice- President- Nancy Taylor

Mrs. Taylor is a Board Member at Tender Care Human Services, NYC Licensed Notary Public, Joint Labor/Management Committee Member at Elmhurst Hospital. Nancy is a strong and motivated individual with a notable and successful career with NYC Health +Hospitals in Queens New York. Marie has worked as a Coordinating Manager in the Department of Social Work Services at Elmhurst Hospital since 1982. Marie served as a mentor at Inwood House for over a decade mentoring young adults to find a path leading to independent living. Inwood House is a Maternity Residence, on the Upper Eastside of Manhattan, offering a haven for pregnant teens and mothers in foster care who have nowhere else to turn. She established herself as a self-starter and a leader through her volunteer experiences. She also serves as a team captain at her place of employment raising money each year to support breast cancer research. She attended and graduated from Drake Business School where she engaged in the course work of administrative leadership and business law; more recently, she attended the School of Professional Studies at

CUNY studying a range of key health issues that confront and impact on the health of urban residents. Marie loves being with her family, especially spending time with her grandchildren. She also enjoys fishing, working out at the gym and losing herself in a good book. She also hails from Haiti. Breast Cancer Survivor, Secretary – Carleen Moscati

Carleen Moscati, Breast Cancer Survivor. Secretary & Director of Holistic Lifestyle Programming Carleen Moscati is a Certified Life Purpose and Holistic Life Coach, Spiritual Guide and Reiki Master. After a career in the legal field and a tough battle with Breast Cancer, she founded the Legacy Lifetime Community where she now dedicates her time to helping others to overcome Major Life Obstacles [M-LOs], discover their truth, Live Their Legacy, and Become Their Greatest Self. Carleen believes wholeheartedly in the power of the human spirit and its ability to actualize its full potential. She utilized principles of Holism, Life Balance and Conscious Connection to help empower and guide Survivors on their journey to wellness and recovery.

Treasurer – Joel A. Quirk

Joel Quirk, CPA, is the audit partner at Ernest D. Loewenwarter & Co. LLP. He is responsible for overseeing the company’s various audit, review, and compilation engagements as well as administering the firm’s peer review program. Mr. Quirk’s clientele includes the firm’s roster of investment counselors and investment companies as well as wholesale distributors, high net worth individuals and not-for-profit companies. Mr. Quirk’s responsibilities within the firm include quality review of attest engagements, assigning and supervising personnel and reviewing all phases of engagements.

Mr. Quirk is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants. Mr. Quirk has been with the firm since 1992 and has more than thirty-five years of experience in public accounting. Mr. Quirk’s range of experience includes but is not limited to distribution, manufacturing, real estate, financial services, publishing, entertainment, and a variety of non-profit organizations. Mr. Quirk received a B.S. in accounting from the State University of New York at Binghamton in 1980

Breast Cancer Survivor, Event Coordinator – Maria Assis

Maria Asis is a veteran dancer, zumba and fitness instructor who performs in parades, schools and hospital events. She was born and raised in Brazil. She actively participates in Dance for the Cure and Paddle for the Cure through the supervision of Susan G. Komen fundraising events in New York City. Being a two year breast cancer survivor, she continues to grow strong and wanted to give back to the community not only as a performer but also as the Event Coordinator for Paddle for the Cure in New York City.

Breast Cancer Survivor, Health and Wellness Coordinator- Dr. Erika Landau

Dr. Erika Landau was born and educated in Romania. She has BA degree in Fine Arts. She completed her medical education at The Albert Einstein College of Medicine and The Rockefeller University in New York. Presently, Dr. Landau is an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at The Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. Paddle for Cure NYC is proud to have Dr. Landau to be its health and wellness coordinator. Being a 13 years breast cancer survivor herself, she is very grateful and wanted to help all women and families who are going through difficult situation by teaching them to live a healthy and full life.

Breast Cancer Survivor, Health and Wellness Director - Annie Urag

“Annie Urag is currently working at NYC Health + Hospitals/Elmhurst as a level 2 dietitian. Annie is active in her parish being a lector for 8 years now and she is also a member at large of the Lourdes organization. She graduated from the University of the East in Manila, Philippines with a Bachelor’s degree in Food and Nutrition and she also worked in Macy’s for a while when she first arrived in New York. As a survivor herself, she knows how her patients feel. Annie believes that family has taught her that God is your ultimate savior and that with a healthy lifestyle, one will be able to survive”.

Website: Twitter: @paddle4curenyc Instagram: @paddleforthecurenyc

BE’OF Podcast Spotlight On Leah Salmorin of Paddle for the Cure - with BE’OF Podcast (Beautiful Expectations of Faith) & Host Sharon Gulley. Link:

Host: So what do we have to look forward to this year from Paddle for the cure? Guest: We are working on several projects at this time you can stay updated by visiting www. or at

Host: You can connect with and find out more about at this Amazing Organization at

Support PFC through AmazonSmile! Please support us while you shop! Make us your charity of choice and Amazon will donate to Paddle for the Cure Inc. for every Amazon Smile purchase!

Support PFC through eBay For Charity! Please support us while you shop! Make us your charity of choice.

Host: I just want to say Thank you Leah Salmorin, for coming on BE’OF Podcast today and sharing your Awesomeness with us. I know there are so many people and will be happy knowing you’re Organization is out there and available to assist in healing forward. Thank you for giving back, it means so much to me and I am sure to many others. Be Sure to Stop by and Visit, today. It is a Great cause to Support. All of us here at BE’OF Podcast & Magazine, Wish Leah & Everyone at, many Blessings. Thank you for joining us here and sharing with our listeners. Much Love & Light My Beautiful Friends,

A Big Thank You To, Laurie Wheatman Zoock PR Specialist (Facebook)

You can find my podcast with Julie Ann Guthrie-Smulson of ‘Spiritual Energy Alchemy’ at

You can listen to my podcast #147 and Join Michele Swinick & Everything Home Talk Show where I will be a Feb. guest speaking on Healing Forward. Join us, When: Wed Feb 10, 2021 2:06pm – 2:13pm (EST) Where: BLOGTALKRADIO.COM Who: Michele Swinick & The ‘Everything Home’ Talk Show

Congratulations!! & Thank you, To All the Amazing CoAuthors in ‘The Beauty of Poetry & Prose’ Anthology Collection Gail Alexander Jody Doty of Jody Doty Soul Reader (facebook) Website: Rachael Polskin @feelgoodcoffeehouse (Instagram) Madeline Deguilio

Dr. Laverne Denyer FB: Toni E. Washingon @Gurumarketing (Instagram) Teresa Hawley Howard of WOM Enterprises Marian Evans - Facebook Pages: It’s a Dog’s Life by Ms. Isabella Griffith, Unofficial Elvis, Prayer, Politics Karen Tants – (Facebook)

Kellie Fitzgerald of (Facebook)

Thank you to our Article Writers;

Sherry Wurgler of Transformational Leadership Website: www., www.

Julie Ann Guthrie–Smulson of ‘Spiritual Energy Alchemy’ for her contribution to the ‘Faith in Business’ column. 209.604.5576 |

To All the Children’s Authors Jody Doty Gail Alexander Kellie Fitzgerald John Williams Thank you to @FeelGoodCoffeeHouse – Coffee Talks with Rachael Polskin Thank you to – Leah Dulce V. Salmorin Thank you to WOM Enterprises, LLC – Teresa Hawley Howard Special Shout Outs: Congratulations Karreecha Newby!!! Making #1 Bestseller And Estela Kelly @Sharetheflippinfun- for her Beautiful, January Accessories Reveal Laura Ratliff – Miss Australia for her Beautiful Heart & Soul.

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