iPad User Guide

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SFDS iPad User Guide 2012-2013

The pedagogical practice comes to play with a thoughtful use of tool sets. Having the apps sitting on your [iPad] on your desk in and of itself isn’t going to make you smarter, and it won’t make the classroom more anything. It’s what you do with it, and how it’s supported, how teachers and students know to learn, to use those tools. It’s part of a complex nature of learning.” -Shirley Pasnik, Director The Center for Children and Technology

Find online handbook at: www.sfds.net/School_Life/ iPadHandbook.pdf For technical support, you should contact Chris Coorigan, ccorrigan@ sfds.net, or Aaron Brill, abrill@sfds.net, in the Tech Department. For questions or issues concerning responsible use, you should contact the Head of Upper School, Michael Mancini, mmancini@sfds.net.

Contents Technology Purpose Statement & Guiding Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Frequently Asked Questions Regarding iPads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Quick Tips for Managing Technology at Home. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 SFDS Technology Acceptable Use Policy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 SFDS iPad User Agreement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Technical Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Technology Purpose Statement •

To develop an integrated communication system between teachers, students, and parents.

To enhance skill development, student content creation, and assessment strategies.

To further our commitment to differentiation.

To enhance our ability to develop critical thinking skills.

To promote student-centered learning, engagement, inquiry, and exploration.

To create digital citizens and develop media fluency.

Technology Guiding Values Grounded in Human Experience Supports Sound Teaching Extends the Classroom Meets Multiple Learning Modalities No Ceiling, No Threshold


Frequently Asked Questions Regarding iPads Q. Why iPads? A. Mobile learning enhances collaboration, communication, creativity, critical thinking, differentiation, engagement, and interactive and individualized learning. (See our iPad Purpose statement for further explanation.) Q. What applications (apps) will be on the iPads? A. Each iPad will be outfitted with the same menu of apps, researched and tested by SFDS teachers, students, and the tech department. Certain apps, including iBooks for English/humanities, math textbooks, etc., will be grade and discipline specific. The tech department has set up a streamlined system for volume purchasing and app deployment and management. Q: Can my child purchase apps on the iPad? A: No. At this point, SFDS will manage deployment of apps on the iPad. However, we will have a suggestion box for teachers, students, and parents to identify potential new apps. Q. Can a student iPad be synced with a home computer? A. There is no need for a student to sync his or her iPad with a computer, though there may be occasions to connect the two to transfer data. Make sure that the academic iTunes account is in the iTunes library of the computer in question. Q. How will students learn how to use the apps? A. During regular class time, students will use the various apps in the context of learning. Our technology coordinators, Chris Corrigan and Aaron Brill, will coordinate with the upper school teachers to help students learn how to use apps in different academic classes. 2

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding iPads Q. Where will students save their work? A. iPads are designed to be “personal� academic devices, with documents stored locally within each app. Students will use the iPad as a virtual notebook and save their work in an app called eBackpack. Because this is an Internet-based application, students will be able to access their work from any device. Students and teachers each have accounts with private folders, folders set up for turning in assignments, and folders set up for distributing handouts and graded work. Q. What about the use of a planner? A. In the beginning each student will continue to use their printed planner issued by SFDS. As the year progresses, students will have the opportunity to transition to the iPad as their student planner. Students will use an electronic calendar to help keep track of homework assignments. Q. What if a student is too young to create the email for the academic iTunes account? A. Most email accounts will not let a minor under age 13 create an email account, which is why we ask that the student and parent create both the email account and the iTunes account together. Q. What happens if a student’s iPad breaks or stops working? A. As stated in the iPad contract, after families pay an annual $75 insurance fee, all breakage is fully covered. If a student breaks his or her iPad more than twice in a school year, additional costs will apply. Theft is not covered by insurance. When an iPad breaks, a student should immediately tell his or her advisor and bring the iPad to the tech department. 3

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding iPads Q. How does a student print from an iPad? A. Our goal is to be a print-free school as much as possible. Printing of homework and projects are expected to be completed at home, if required. At home, students have several choices for printing from their iPad: Via email: Students can email their iPad documents to their own SFDS accounts and download them onto their home computers through their Google account. To a printer connected to a Mac: Purchase Printopia to install on a home Mac for $20. This allows one to share any printer attached (or networked) to your Mac with your iPad. A simple, elegant solution. To a printer connected to a PC: Use Print Central Pro app combined with WePrint server (install on a home PC). This allows a computer to share printers with an iPad. Use Printer Pro app combined with helper app installed on a home computer. Q. How do students use email? A. Student iPads are primarily configured to send and receive via SFDS email accounts. We are currently using gmail in Google Apps for education for all SFDS email. Students are expected to use their SFDS email account for all school-related email communications. Students should configure email to sync a range of days back to avoid having email disappear from the iPad. Students can also access email via any web browser from any device from anywhere. Students should share their email and iPad passwords with parents. Website passwords and email passwords should remain the same. 4

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding iPads Q. How should a student backup data? A. Backing up data is a vital part of keeping electronic documents. Students will sign up for an iCloud account and set the iPad to backup essential documents automatically. Families may choose to increase the storage space in the iCloud account, but students who keep their files organized and photos/videos trim should have plenty of space in iCloud. Also, eBackpack allows the permanent storage of portfolio quality work and should be used for such. Q. Is the Internet browsing experience filtered and how can sites be monitored at home? A. The SFDS network automatically monitors and filters all users and activity on the Internet. We have the filter settings to protect students against inappropriate material. In addition, our digital citizenship initiative is designed to teach students responsible habits and provide topics of conversation between students, teachers and parents. It is likely that students will encounter inappropriate material on the Internet and it is important for them to know how to manage it. If a parent would like to monitor Internet usage at home, he or she should consider OpenDNS (http://www.opendns.com/), an inexpensive, user-friendly filtering system.


Frequently Asked Questions Regarding iPads Q. How are iPads configured and what can be changed? A. Student iPads are configured with profiles that limit access to certain apps and content. Most content accepted by these profiles is PG/TV-PG or below. This simply means that apps or multimedia content that are rated above these criteria are inaccessible. One can see the restrictions in: SETTINGS > GENERAL > RESTRICTIONS Student iPads are configured with their SFDS email accounts. We ask that no other email accounts are added. iCloud accounts are OK because they allow backup. Student iPads are all configured to use their academic iTunes account. Please do not change this setting and/or add another iTunes account. Q. Can students purchase their own cases? A. No. Part of the SFDS iPad insurance requires that students use the school-provided iPad case. Students may purchase external keyboards, but not use cases with keyboards. The iPad comes with an internal, on-screen keyboard. However, some students may prefer to use an external keyboard. We will have a supply of Bluetooth external keyboards on campus in a few classrooms. Q. Should a student have an external keyboard? Suggestions? A. You are welcome to purchase an external keyboard, separate from the case, and we suggest that the student leave these at home to do extended writing when required and to keep the backpack bulk down. Suggested keyboards are the Logitech tablet keyboard and the Apple wireless keyboard. Both are sturdy and work well. Make sure your student pairs the keyboard with his or her iPad at home to prevent cross-talk if ever brought to school. 6

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding iPads Q. Can a student use other iTunes accounts (in addition to the academic iTunes account) to download apps? A. No. Q. Does an iPad need to be connected to the Internet for a student to complete assignments? A. Most content for classes (e-textbooks, e-workbooks, assignment calendars, and shared documents) are available offline if a student makes sure to download the content using the wireless network at SFDS or one at home. An exception is an assignment that requires online research. Q. What technology at home is required to support the iPad? A. Students are expected to be able to access the Internet at home and to be able to print. Access to a home computer is helpful for typing of long assignments and/or to use as a backup device. If a student is using Google Docs on an iPad, he or she also has full access to Google Docs using a web browser on a home computer. Q. Who owns the iPad? A. SFDS owns each student iPad. There will be a buy-back option at the end of eighth grade if the family would like to purchase the iPad from the School.


Frequently Asked Questions Regarding iPads Q. How can a parent support a child with an iPad at home? A. Make sure your child develops good habits regarding storing and charging the iPad. It works best if there’s a place in the house where an iPad is placed when arriving home from school and then charged at night. Ask your child what she or he is doing - take an active role in helping, notice how they are using the iPad and what they may need help with. For instance, if you notice your child typing with one hand, suggest using two. Ask if a child needs help, what is going well, or what is challenging. Be patient and withhold judgment. Sometimes what seems challenging might be a first experience with a particular app or a way of working. Students often find that when they overcome obstacles, the work becomes more rewarding for them and they have learned something. Q. What kind of parent education will SFDS provide? A. We will be working in close partnership with you to ensure a smooth home-school transition with the iPads. At the GradeLevel Coffees and informational evenings, we will discuss home management strategies. For now, you can start to engage your child around technology, and ask them to show you new and interesting tools. As your child begins to use the iPad in classes, ask your child to show you what they are doing and how to use different applications. Also, create a conversation around screen time and location and use of electronic devices at home. We will provide more specific examples to help guide the home conversation at the Roundtables. Q. Will there be games and music on the iPad? A. Only games that reinforce academic skills and music selected by teachers and the tech department will be installed on the iPad. 8


Q. What happens if my child commits a transgression online at home? A. Recognize that the School can and will help you work through tricky situations. Maintain an even tone of voice. Honor the mistake. With middle school kids, you actually want them to misstep when the stakes are not as high as they could be later on. When mistakes happen, recognize that important learning can take place. Ask your child what the appropriate consequences should be. Kids tend to be much harder on themselves than adults are. If the transgression involves other students from SFDS, call the School, even if the transgression occurred outside of school hours. The School wants to know, as online incidents play out offline at school. Q. May students let friends and family use the iPad? A. No. The iPad is intended for use by the student only and for only educational purposes. Q: What if our family already owns an iPad? A. That’s great. However, because the School is issuing iPad devices to all sixth grade students with the same app menu, web filtering, and restrictions on app purchasing, we are requiring that students use the School-issued iPad for all of their SFDS work.


Frequently Asked Questions Regarding iPads Q. What recommendations do you have regarding the best way to set up my home network so that my child’s experience with this device is as seamless as possible? A. Optimally, you need high speed Internet access with wireless capabilities. If creating a wireless home set up is a financial hardship, please contact Carolyn Sasser, csasser@sfds.net. Q. Whom should we contact if we have questions about the iPads? A. For technical support, you should contact Chris Corrigan, ccorrigan@sfds.net, or Aaron Brill, abrill@sfds.net, in the tech department. For questions or issues concerning responsible use, you should contact the Head of Upper School, Michael Mancini, mmancini@ sfds.net. We will update these FAQ’s on the website as new questions come up during the year.


Quick Tips for Managing Technology at Home Agree on a time limit (20-30 minutes), use a timer, and stick to it. Kids pay attention to what you say you’ll do and what you actually do. •

• Use one device at a time and have your kids do the same. If you are watching a family movie, make sure all family members are fully engaged in the movie, and not texting or checking email. • Have a Cell Phone Computer Curfew (CCC). Agree as a family or with a group of families on a set time each night to shut down devices. This could be at 9:00 p.m. and could be called “9CCC.” • Review email and social network settings as a family to make sure adequate privacy boundaries are established. Remind your child that life online is “public by default, and private through effort.” • Check and recheck search histories (even if your child knows how to clear the search history). • Discuss media creation vs. consumption. Kids need to understand and monitor their use of digital media and distinguish between creating and consuming. There is a difference between playing Xbox and making an iMovie.


Quick Tips for Managing Technology at Home • Recognize that digital media is social. Playing Minecraft is a social experience and offers engagement. Just because your child is on a screen does not mean that they are not interacting with their peers. • Text and email as a family so that your child sees you modeling appropriate language and information sharing on electronic devices. • Have your child teach you about new applications and programs. Play the novice, and allow your child to be in the driver’s seat. • Be open with where you stand on safety and privacy. Have your child place their passwords in a sealed envelope. Tell your child that if you become worried about their safety, you will open the envelope and look at their accounts. • Be upfront with your child that you will read and check their email, in the same way that you will be sitting next to them in a few years when they learn how to drive. Make it clear that you are there to support and guide your child as he or she learns how to email and text. • Talk to the parents of your child’s friends. Agree on a set of norms to be used on play dates and sleepovers. If you are uncomfortable with your child seeing a PG-13 movie or playing an M-rated game, tell the other parent. Better to be open in the moment than frustrated later.


SFDS Technology Acceptable Use Policy The fundamental expectation for technology use is that all activity remain consistent with the School’s behavioral expectations and policies. Use of technology should be aligned with the School’s mission and goals: Technology resources are provided to help realize the School’s educational purposes. Academic and behavioral policies and expectations are applicable to all technology use on and off campus. Each student in fifth through eighth grade must agree to abide by the Technology Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) in order to have access to San Francisco Day School’s networks, technology and Internet services, and to receive an iPad. Standards of Conduct Students and parents are reminded that each user is a representative of the school when on a public and global network. All computer users are expected to abide by standards of behavior, which will be an ongoing part of computer instruction throughout the grades. These standards include, but are not limited to, the following: • Courtesy: Users may not send, or encourage others to send, discourteous or abusive messages. Remember that humor and satire are subject to misinterpretation. • Use of Appropriate Language: Vulgarity, obscenity, and other language that might be offensive or harmful to others are strictly prohibited. • Being Considerate: Users should be mindful of their responsibility to avoid practices which may disrupt or disturb others. • Honesty: Academic integrity, on-line citizenship, and individual responsibility are cornerstones of appropriate use. 13

SFDS Technology Acceptable Use Policy Waiver of Privacy Rights Users expressly waive any right of privacy in anything they create, store, send, or receive using SFDS technology and network. Users consent to allow school personnel access to and review of all materials created, stored, sent, or received by a user through any SFDS network or Internet connection. Teachers can and do monitor internet activity and files for inappropriate use. Student technology devices, including cell phones, may be reviewed as a part of this process and any disciplinary investigations. Personal Computers and Technology Since the School is providing an academic technology tool, we ask that students manage their academic experience through their school iPad. The use of personal laptops, iPads, and other electronic devices (Kindles, e-readers, etc.) should be consistent with this acceptable-use policy. Security Security on any computer system is a high priority. If a security problem is found, a teacher should be notified at once. Students should never use another individual’saccount. Students should never reveal their home addresses, personal phone numbers, or the addresses and phone numbers of other students and members of the SFDS community. Unauthorized installation of programs or software on iPads is forbidden.


SFDS Technology Acceptable Use Policy Plagiarism As the Internet has made vast quantities of information available, it has also increased opportunities for plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonesty. SFDS’s academic integrity policy extends to all forms of online information gathering and use. Unauthorized use of copyrighted material, failure to cite references for online material, and all other unapproved practices are strictly prohibited. Copying other people’s work, whether intentionally or unintentionally, is considered plagiarism and will result in academic and disciplinary consequences. Wireless Network Students will have access to the School’s wireless network. Use of the wireless network must be consistent with the School’s educational purposes and school standards. All expectations outlined in the School’s Technology Acceptable Use Policy apply. Internet Use Even though SFDS’ Internet is filtered and monitored, we recognize that anyone logging on has potential access to (1) a worldwide network of computer users (through email, social network sites, etc.); (2) public/private databases; (3) a vast array of library/academic resources; as well as (4) various kinds of offensive/dangerous material. Although all network access is subject to monitoring and regulation by the tech department and administrative staff, SFDS cannot guarantee that its supervision measures will prevent improper student usage or student access to objectionable online material. Our goal is to develop students’ internal judgment by educating them about responsible and appropriate use.


SFDS Technology Acceptable Use Policy Home Use of Technology At home parent and child should communicate about acceptable use of technology for recreational purposes including the amount of time using technology, types of websites visited, and the frequency and content of email, chat, and IM communication. School devices are not filtered when off campus. Filtering and monitoring applications for your home network (eg. OpenDNS) are available. Such tools should not replace open and consistent conversation about responsible use. Email Accounts Students should use their SFDS-provided email account for all school communications. No other email account is allowed. Social Media Students may not use social networking sites at school (e.g., Facebook) unless directed by their teacher for academic work. In addition, online chatting, videoconferencing, etc. with classmates requires teacher permission. Students who post inappropriate material about other individuals on social networks and personal web pages, whether in or out of school, are violating our standards of acceptable behavior. Students are responsible for all that they say and do online. Posting personal communications without the author’s or subject’s consent is not acceptable. School Community Students will be held responsible for anything they post on the Internet that involves the School and its community. The School may take disciplinary action as a result of inappropriate or offensive postings, even if this activity occurred off campus. 16

SFDS iPad User Agreement Academic iTunes Account Parents and students will create an academic iTunes account for their SFDS iPad with the guidance of the tech department. Your academic iTunes account is for apps and content related to your school work at SFDS. We encourage you to explore new apps that will enhance your learning, curiosity, and passions. Games (unless approved by your teachers or the tech department) should not be put on your school iPad. This iTunes account should not have a credit card associated with it. Using an iTunes card will be most appropriate. The school will notify you when it is necessary to purchase an app. Management iPads are configured by SFDS. In order for the School to provide resources to students, management profiles are installed. Under no circumstances should a student remove these profiles. If a student discovers that these profiles (see Settings> General>Profiles) are missing, he or she should report to the tech department immediately. Photo, Videos, and Audio Recording iPads are equipped with a camera and microphone, allowing student content creation through video, image, and audio capture. At no time should a student record anyone without permission from the individuals involved. To do so is considered a serious offense. In addition, you must receive permission from the parties involved before publishing content.


SFDS iPad User Agreement Content and Communication The iPads should be used to access and store appropriate materials only. Students should be aware of the potential for their communication to be shared and/or misinterpreted. Any use of the iPad that involves inappropriate, unkind, or mean behavior will result in disciplinary action. All online communication is a reflection on you. If as a student you wouldn’t write it or say it in front of a parent, teacher , or other adult, it is better left unwritten and unsaid. Software Students are prohibited from using unlicensed software and audio or visual material. Jailbreaking, and other unauthorized use and/or modifications of the iPad will result in disciplinary actions. iCloud and Backup Because you will have your own iTunes account, you should back up your iPad to iCloud. This will enable periodic backups so that if your iPad breaks or is lost, your data is recoverable. Understand that there is limited space in an iCloud account so you should purge data from your iPad from time to time. You will use eBackpack as permanent storage for your school work. SFDS is not responsible for lost work or backed up data on iCloud.


SFDS iPad User Agreement Insurance We require that all parents purchase iPad insurance through SFDS for $75.00 a year before you receive an iPad. If you break your iPad or if it stops working, inform your Advisor and the tech department immediately. If you break an iPad more than two times, you will be charged an additional fee. Loss or theft is not covered by insurance. In case of loss or theft families will be asked to purchase a new (or used at a discounted price if available) iPad through the School for their child. Out of Classroom Use Do not use your iPad during recess or break unless you are doing work in a classroom required by your teacher. Carrying and Storage iPads should not be stored or carried in backpacks. This is the most common way to break an iPad. Keep iPads stored securely in your locker. Charging You are expected to come to school everyday with a fully charged iPad. Make sure that you set up a charging station at your house that will help you easily charge the device and remember to bring it to school each day. There is not enough time in the day for you to charge your iPad at school. You are still responsible for doing your work even if your iPad is not charged.


SFDS iPad User Agreement Cases You are required to use a school-provided case. You can customize your case so that you can recognize it when it is closed. You may not use keyboard cases but you are allowed to bring in a personal external keyboard if you prefer. eBackpack eBackpack is a digital workflow solution which allows students and teachers to exchange work without printing. Teachers can assess, grade, and comment on student work digitally. Students can keep track of past work and move his or her best work into a digital portfolio. Parents can access eBackpack to see what a student has turned in.


Technical Support For technical support, you should contact the tech department: Chris Corrigan, ccorrigan@sfds.net Aaron Brill, abrill@sfds.net For questions or issues concerning responsible use, you should contact the Head of Upper School: Michael Mancini, mmancini@sfds.net.










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