2017-2018 Sioux Falls Catholic Schools Annual Report

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Our Mission

To form a community of faith and learning by promoting a Catholic way of life through gospel values and academic excellence.

SIOUX FALLS CATHOLIC SCHOOLS BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2017-2018 Cathedral of St. Joseph Fr. James Morgan Jarrod Muller

Holy Spirit Fr. Chuck Cimpl Brad Shoenfelder, Past Chair

St. Katharine Drexel Fr. Gregory Tschakert Mike Jaspers, Board Chair

Christ the King Parish Fr. Richard Fox Matt Mueller

Our Lady of Guadalupe Fr. Kristopher Cowles

St. Lambert Parish Fr. Andrew Young Dan Johnson

St. Mary Parish Fr. David Desmond Jeanne Kappenman St. Michael Parish Fr. Terry Weber Julie Norton

St. Therese Parish Fr. Kevin O’Dell Deb Witte OGHS Representative Mark Shlanta, Vice Chair

At-Large Representative Dan Fritz Diocesan Representative Daryl Thuringer SFCS Foundation Representative Brandi Kowalczyk

FROM THE SFCS BOARD CHAIRMAN Living Stones. I have heard and used these words many times over the past few years. To whom are we referring when we think of the Sioux Falls Catholic Schools’ ‘Living Stones’? Many come to mind, with the primary focus being our students, children and our great Cornerstone, Jesus Christ. The rest of us basically fall into the Living Stones categories of parents and family, faculty, staff and administration, volunteers, supporters and contributors. As you will see in this annual report, each of us is vitally important to the success of our mission. Whether you are family members of current or former students, whether your active life’s work has brought you to serve as faculty or support staff in our schools, or whether your passion and calling is to support the mission and values through your time, talent or treasures, you are called to be part of this mission — to be a Living Stone — to help us as we form a community of faith and learning by promoting a Catholic way of life through Gospel values and academic excellence. Our system’s success absolutely depends on you, and we are so fortunate to have you, your involvement and your support! The element that pulled my family to the Sioux Falls Catholic Schools, much more so than even the academic excellence that is achieved, is the community of faith. We all know how formative the years spent as a student are to the rest of each child’s journey. Knowing that each child entrusted to us is surrounded with examples of Christ-like living as each of them travel that path for themselves is rewarding and inspiring. The formation of the lives of our students is the guiding factor of every decision made by our school system and, with your continued involvement and support, it will continue to be the guiding factor indefinitely. Our system is alive with Living Stones and, together, we are helping great lives grow in incredible ways. Thank you for all that you continue to do to make this possible! May God bless you all abundantly,

Mike Jaspers SFCS Board Chairman

FROM THE BISHOP OF THE SIOUX FALLS DIOCESE Dear Parents, Alumni and Friends of SFCS, Our children are a most treasured gift. It is our Baptismal responsibility to educate them in the faith. We know how important our Catholic schools are to the Church as well. Here in Sioux Falls, we are blessed to have eight vibrant Catholic schools which provide a ‘community of faith and excellence’ where Gospel values are integrated into lessons and activities every day. Living in a world of increasing unrest, it is even more important that our students feel safe and loved — safe in a community of people who are invested in them and their well-being, safe to express their faith and their values. One expression of their faith that affects many is these students having the opportunity to learn to serve others through Christian service projects throughout the year, as well as learning that Christian service is a way of life. We will all be enriched by this important lesson as they graduate and become active adult members of our parishes and community. Your support of the Sioux Falls Catholic Schools makes a Catholic education available, accessible and affordable to Catholic parents and their children, regardless of financial status. Your financial assistance also aids efforts to increase salaries for SFCS teachers. Work continues in this important task so that we might pay our teachers a just salary and, in so doing, honor their extraordinary sacrifice and commitment to our students and families. Thank you for your generosity and love for our students, teachers and families. May God bless you and your families for your support and prayers. Yours in Christ, Most Reverend Paul J. Swain Bishop of Sioux Falls

FROM THE PRESIDENT Dear Friends, Parents and Alumni, It’s impossible to look at the past year without reflecting on all the people who helped make it successful. Our excellence occurs in the areas of faith, academics and activities. Whether celebrating the ordination of graduates, participating in service events that promote Catholic values or cheering on our students performing on stage or in the athletic arena, we strive for excellence. An example of utilizing our God-given talent is through the academic excellence that occurs within our schools. Each year our schools, staff and students are challenged to improve upon what they have done the year before. A task that is easier said than done! However, our students continue to raise the bar and meet the expectations we set forth before them. We are incredibly proud of our students and the many outstanding accomplishments they receive. Whether we are talking about receiving a Superior rating with our State One-Act play or promoting Students for Life, these opportunities are made possible through the talents of our students, the outstanding leadership of our teachers and the support of our parents and benefactors. So many of you understand that your investment today helps us build a stronger future for the students in Catholic schools. That is why we take this opportunity to thank you for your investment in the 2600 students of the Sioux Falls Catholic Schools. It is amazing what your generosity has accomplished. Please keep us in your daily prayers, as you are in ours. May God continue to bless you and your family.

Kyle L. Groos SFCS President

SFCS Operating Key Figures


Revenue Tuition/Fees Tuition Assistance Parish Subsidies Development Staff Salary Initiative Investment Income Other

2017-2018 Distribution of Revenues & Expenses *

67% -3% ** 23% 5% 3% 2% 3%

Salaries & Benefits 86% Plant 3% Instructional 2.5% Extra Curricular 2.5% Office & Administration 3% Technology 2% Tuition Assistance 1% ***

* Represents preliminary information. For more detailed financial information, contact the SFCS Business Office at 605-335-6557. ** Tuition Assistance which consists of the Multi-Child Discount, St. Francis Grants, SFCS Grants and Preschool Registration Rebates are a reduction to revenue as opposed to an additional expense to SFCS. *** O’Gorman High School Work Program

FROM THE DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT When I go around to our schools or meet with people in our community, I’m often asked, “What is a development office? What do they do?” Our primary focus is raising dollars for our schools, teachers and tuition assistance. We also work very hard to develop community within our schools. This is done through a number of events and campaigns throughout the year. Some of the larger events you may have been to include Dakota Bowl, Extravaganza, Golf Classic or Shamrock Run. Some of our campaigns include the SFCS Annual Appeal, the 10x12 Alumni Giving Program and our Go Give O’G Day, which is a day set aside to ask our alumni from across the country and around the world to contribute to tuition assistance. One of the reasons we were able to raise nearly $900,000 this year is because of the many volunteers who gave of their time to help. From Dakota Bowl committee members to auction chairs to people setting up for events or moving “You’ve Been Knighted” signs, it truly takes a village to raise the kind of funds needed to keep our schools operating and be able to award the tuition assistance dollars needed to help some of our families. We were blessed to have volunteers from all eight of our schools helping at our events. No matter what school your children attend, know that YOU are invited to volunteer at these events. It’s a great opportunity to make new friends and help our schools at the same time. Please feel free to email me at: sgale@sfcss.org for more information. Thank you to all of you for your support of our schools and GO KNIGHTS!

Susanne Halverson-Gale ‘94 Director of Development

Total Development Revenue - $887, 200 2017-18 Development Revenue for Operations SFCS Gift Card Program Annual Appeal Bob Burns Dakota Bowl Tuition Assistance Extravaganza* Athletic Boosters SFCS/Elementary Magazines Opening Knighter SFCS Connections

$625,000 $125,000 $120,000 $151,000 $40,000 $100,000 $50,000 $14,000 $8,000 $17,000

2017-18 Development Revenue for Programs & Tuition Assistance: $262,200 Bob Burns Founders Club $2,200 Extravaganza* $32,000 Athletic Boosters $35,000 OGHS One Goal: $71,000 OGJH One Time Fund Time $34,000 Performing Arts Boosters $4,000 Go Give OG $50,000 St. Elizabeth Seton Tuition Assistance $28,000 10x12 Alumni Giving Program $6,000 * Total net for Extravaganza was $132,000.


When Alisha and Adelyn Mueller got sick in early February, it wasn’t a huge deal. With six children and one on the way, parents Rachel and Matt have seen lots of sick kids over the years. But while Adelyn got better, Alisha got sicker. Her temps were spiking near 105 degrees. After two days of calling back and forth to their doctor’s office and watching her very closely, Rachel was headed to the ER with Alisha, whose limbs had gone limp and who was struggling to breathe. While doctors were working on her daughter, Rachel grabbed her phone and called for backup and prayers from family members and Fr. Richard Fox, pastor of their parish of Christ the King. “He was there in five minutes and immediately anointed her,” says Rachel. He then contacted his parish staff and CTK principal Julie Kolbeck with the urgent message: get those kids praying. “Mrs. Kolbeck stopped everything and got all of the students over to the church and they did a whole rosary for Alisha.” Doctors quickly discovered Alisha had pneumonia and a strep infection in her blood that sent her into cardiac arrest shortly after their arrival at the hospital. Doctors performed CPR on her for over an hour. Alisha was placed on an ECMO machine (which functioned as her heart and lungs) and eventually airlifted to a Minneapolis hospital. There were incredibly scary days — with evidence of bleeding on the brain, strokes and her lungs were full of fluid. They weren’t sure she’d survive. They had everyone they knew, and many more who they didn’t know, offering prayers for them. Finally, Alisha turned the corner and they saw improvement overall. However, there had been damage to her extremities. Blood flow had been limited

and tissue was damaged to the point where Alisha had to undergo two surgeries to amputate her lower leg, then above the knee. Tough stuff for a young girl. A special visit from contemporary Christian artist Matt Maher — who happened to be in Minneapolis the day Alisha had the amputation — brought a much-needed boost. The family says “Someone who knew someone who knew someone’ contacted Maher, who just happened to be in Minneapolis and had a window of time open, which just happened to be right after Alisha had come out of anesthesia,” says her dad, Matt. Maher walked into her hospital room, sang songs to her and prayed with the family. It was a bright spot in what had been weeks of struggles for the Mueller family. Their family listens to a lot of Christian music, including Maher’s, so this was an incredible gift. More gifts came to the family courtesy of the Muellers’ Christ the King parish and school community, as well as the greater Sioux Falls Catholic Schools community. Groups rallied to help the family through prayer and monetary support. The Christ the King Knights of Columbus had planned their first-ever fish fry, but decided to turn it into a fundraiser for the family. St. Lambert Knights came to help and quickly pointed out that they were ‘going to need a lot more fish.’ Word spread amongst the Catholic community and groups from all over the city came to eat and donate. The O’Gorman basketball team came after their practice. An event that organizers initially hoped would bring in 100 people raised more than $14,000. Christ the King School had wristbands made and sold them, bringing in nearly $4,000. Students in Alisha’s class made a prayer tie blanket for her in the school colors, saying prayers for their classmate and friend with every tie they made. Students and staff at the school said

countless prayers and made a large spiritual bouquet for her. St. Mary School (where Alisha’s aunt teaches) held a dress down day and raised nearly $4,000. St. Katharine Drexel Knights also did a fish fry, and Holy Spirit Parish sent a donation to help the family. Meal trains were set up so the family didn’t have to worry about dinner each night. People just showed up every time it snowed to make sure that the Muellers’ driveway and sidewalks were cleared. The blessings for their family went on and on. “People just offered so much!” “The Catholic community has been amazingly supportive,’ says Matt. “Not surprisingly, but overwhelmingly. We’re very humbled to say the least. And very appreciative,” says Rachel. “Neither one of us is from here (Sioux Falls) originally. We’re both from small towns and had concerns moving to the ‘big city’, but we experienced a real small-town ‘feel’ and sense of community when we went to our first Dakota Bowl,” says Matt. Now that they’ve faced the biggest challenge ever as a family, the Muellers say they are even more grateful for the true sense of family they have experienced with the SFCS and Catholic communities.

Alisha still has a very long road ahead, but is now back home. She was recently fitted for a prosthetic leg and hopes to be running around with her friends soon. Her kidneys are not yet functioning and doctors are considering a transplant. She is blind in one eye due to her optic nerve being damaged while they were performing CPR on her, but the family is so grateful she is HERE with them and back to her old self for the most part. They are also extremely grateful for the prayers offered for their family and know that their faith and this SFCS community is what got them through the toughest of times.

GIFT CLUB LEVELS The names listed on the following pages represent gifts to SFCS and the SFCS Foundation during our 2018 fiscal year from July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018. • Total annual gift contributions of $3,000 or more entitle the donor to an invitation to the SFCS Donor Recognition event, held in conjunction with the O’Gorman spring musical, as well as a SFCS “gift pack” including a family athletic booster pass and family performing arts booster pass. • Total annual gift contributions of $1,500-$2,999 entitle the donor to an invitation to the SFCS Donor Recognition event held in conjunction with the O’Gorman spring musical. In addition, the donor receives two tickets to two SFCS special events of his/her choice, including the OGHS fall play, the children’s play or the O’Gorman homecoming football game tailgate party. • Total annual gift contributions of $500-$1,499 entitle the donor to two tickets to one SFCS special event of his/her choice. Options include the OGHS fall play, the children’s play or the O’Gorman homecoming football game tailgate party.


Avera Miles and Lisa Beacom Dalsin Development Foundation Charitable Gift Fund Greg and Phyllis Heineman Gene, Jr. and Cynthia Jones Orthopedic Institute Sanford Health Jim and Angie Soukup The Gas Stop - Tom and Melissa Howes Thomas and Kathleen Walsh

EXECUTIVE DIAMOND CLUB Gifts of $25,000 - $49,999 Anonymous (1) Bryan and Shelly Hammer Alfred and Linda Hartmann Mary Ann Peterson - Trust U George and Joan Sercl Fr. Andrew Young


Gifts of $10,000 - $24,999 Anonymous (1) Bill and Peg Baker Jeff and Jamie Barnett Ken Berger and Molly McCarthy Coca-Cola Bottling Co Paul and Mary Ellen Connelly CorTrust Bank Daniel and Janet Costello Stan and Elaine Deelstra Earl Earley Eide Bailly LLP Susan Evans Friessen Construction Daniel, Jr. and Katie Fritz Bob and Marge Good Ester Gubbrud and Charles Ross James and Deb Heine Tony and Erin Hericks Robert and Tina Hillman Boyd and Dody Hopkins Jesse and Chelsea Johnston Audrey Jones Scott and Lisa Jones

Donald and Carol Kelpin Richard and Cindy Koch David and Patricia Kopp Patrick and Kaye Lawler Craig and Pat Lloyd Maguire Iron, Inc Birdie Millette U Richard Molseed Presentation Sisters Central Adm. Svcs. Frank and Barbara Rance Keith and Ann Schaefbauer William and Valerie Schroeder Eric and Jaclyn Schuler Mark and Peggy Shlanta Ben and Trish Solomon Splitrock Landscaping & Nursery, Inc Tomasz and Cynthia Stys Patrick and Jana Sweetman Thornton Flooring - Matt and Beth Thornton Bernard and Mary Ann VanWassenhove Robert and Deb Winkels Marlene Winker

U Denotes deceased


Gifts of $5,000 - $9,999 Aaron and Dua Anderson Brent and Phanthip Bargmann Cathy Bielen Jeff and Traci Boyle Rita Briscoe Maurice Bruggeman Donald and Sylvia Brule Clint and Erin Brunner Joseph and Christine Burla David and Nancy Byron Leo and Sandy Carson Terrence R. and Barbara Caster Richard and Kari Clark Kevin and Ashley Crouch Dennis Culey Verlyn Curley Marvin Dammann Leonard and Joanne Dankey Bob and Kara Dougherty Don Drake, Drake Orthodontics

Aaron and Jennifer Dykstra James, Jr. and Barbara Eppel David and Julie Ermer Fiegen Construction Co Julie Frederick Scott and Mary Gibson Michael and Gracia Gillespie Norma Gross Casey and Sarah Hillman Jack and Gina Hopkins Jason and Susan Hurd Interstate Office Products, Inc Justin and Chrissy Johnson Ron and Lisa Johnson Tim and Jeanne Kappenman Mike and Michelle Katen Rob and Nicole Keisacker Rory and Amber Kelly Henry and Christine Knapp Brian and Kristin Knutson

Tony and Kerri Konshak Steve and Deb Labahn Mark’s Music Studio Tom and Susan McDowell Michael and Jean McHale Paul and Michelle Micka Thomas and Cynthia Monnin John and Patty Nohr Dennis and Marvia O’Dea Vinod Parameswaran and Sabina Kupershmidt Matthew and Paula Pardy Marian and Andrea Petrasko Pizza Ranch - Todd and Patty Pharis PREMIER Bankcard, Inc./First PREMIER Bank Judy Radermacher Dennis and Donna Rensch Neil and Breanne Rohe Corey and Thalia Rothrock William Schaefbauer and Evie Sautner Jon and Nancy Schulte

SDN Communications David Starks and Katherine Wang Brady and Kelly Stocklin Sydney Jones Memorial Advised Fund Travis and Michelle Thie Tim Allex Realty Bill and Teresa Townsend Matthew and Sarah Tschetter Tom and Claudia Vucurevich Jerry and Carol Ward Donna Weinacht Wells Fargo Wells Fargo Educational Matching Gift Program Hal U and Jane Wick Michael and Monica Wilde Matthew and Deborah Witte Todd and Sheila Zimprich Joe and Kristen Zueger

U Denotes deceased


Gifts of $3,000 - $4,999 Jayme Adrian and Jessica Clarey Anonymous (2) Beverly Armfield Greg and Cindy Assman Jeff and Linda Baka Thad and Nicole Barnes James Becker John Becker Big Rig BBQ - Bob and Nichole Brenner David and Erika Billion Joel and Dar Blanchard Scott and Raquel Blount Bruce and Cathy Bohms Robert and Diane Buysse James and Donna Cannon Carl V Carlson Company Catholic Community Foundation for Eastern SD CellOnly Jason and Amy Chase Adam and Molly Christianson Fr. Chuck Cimpl Randy and Ann Cowan Ross and Lisa Crist Michael and Julie Dalsin Steven Dennison and Rose Riley Robert and Jane Denny Mary Sue Donohue David and Jennifer Edwards Shawn and Becky Emerson First National Bank of Sioux Falls Don and Janet Fischer Jared and Chantelle Friedman Warren Friessen Jeff and Shay Gebauer Steve and Kelly Gellerman Guarantee Roofing & Sheet Metal of South Dakota, Inc Doug and Anne Hajek Mike and Susan Heineman John and Ann Henkhaus

David and Tonia Honner Kevin Horner, Horner Orthodontic Marie Hovland Lee and Shirley Hroza George and Clare Johnson Jay and Lisa Jorgenson James and Lynn Josten Daniel and Rose Kennelly Kent Insurance, Inc Dave and Brandi Kowalczyk Matt and Anne Koziara Fr. Al Krzyzopolski U Gregory and Kaye LaFollette Patrick and Kathy McGreevy Tom and Marilyn Meyer Steven and Brenda Mitzel Mount Marty College Nasser Law Greg and Maria Neely Dan and Judy Norman Julie Norton Jeffrey and Heather Oakland Duane O’Connell Mike and Janice O’Connor O’Connor Company John and Renae Pekas Brian and Jennifer Pistulka Prairie Automation & Controls, Inc Brian Reilly and Katherine Van Demark Thomas and Kristin Ripperda Emmet and Mary Gayle Rogers Thad and Elizabeth Rogers Tony and Judy Rokusek Patrick Ronan and Sarah Flynn Mike and Mary Runge Robert and Lori Santella Arvin and Anna Clarissa Santos SC Johnson Fund Scheels All Sports Jon and Jessie Schmidt

“Together... we can do great things.” Terry and Trish Schulte Mark and Pamela Sechser Keith, Jr. and Becky Severson Mark and Beth Shashikant Sioux Falls Ford Lincoln Luxury Auto Mall Regan Smith Scott and Constance Smith Bryant and Tammie Soberg Barry and Carol Solomon Matt and Sarah Sorrell Carl and Marietta Soukup

St. Mary Parish Steve and Julie Statz Mark and Kelly Stearns Stockwell Engineers, Inc Jeff and Reneece Strand Michael and Chris Thompson Dennis and Linda Van Overschelde Brian and Patricia Vognild Roger and Michele Weber John and Bridget Wenande Darwin and Dawn Wolf Woods, Fuller, Shultz & Smith P.C.

U Denotes deceased


Gifts of $1,500 - $2,999 Scott and Patricia Abdallah Roberto Anel and Editha Liu Anonymous (3) Mitchell and Erin Arends Mark and Amy Arndt Brett Baloun and Jennifer White Bard Davol, Inc Barnett-Lewis Funeral Home Charles and Mary Beatch Bill and Tracee Beck Beef O’Brady’s John and Katy Billion Boen & Associates Thomas and Kerry Boetel Michael and Carri Bornitz Greg and Denise Branaugh Kevin and Rebecca Branick David and Michelle Bruhn Larry and Mary Canfield Sharon Carlson Century Business Products Cimarron Label Tom and Mary Cink James and Sue Clark Combined Pool and Spa Concrete Materials Steven and Jennifer Condron Robert and Bonita Cook Jason and Pamela Cox Culligan’s Soft Water Service Michael Cunningham Dakota Dental Dakota Plains Ag Center Dakota Vision Center Nathan and Mary Dally Andrew and Tricia DeMore Corey and Paula Denevan Dennis and Carol Dingman Herbert and Sharon Doll Kevin and Karen Doyle Dana and LaDawn Dykhouse Jon and Jenny Ellenbecker Richard Elmen and Elvia Espinoza-ayala Todd and Christine Ernst

Family Eye Care Center, PC Maureen Flynn Jon and Emily Friedman Thomas and Ann Garry David and Teri Geiver Joseph and Audrey Gillen Dennis and Emily Sue Glatt Ryan and Lesley Good Ben and Molly Graham Joanne Grasser Jeffrey and Anne Gross Archbishop Thomas Gullickson Dustin and Anne Haber Ryan Haiar and Andrea McCann Keith and Toni Halverson Steve and Karen Haney Donald and Julie Hanson Joe and Debbie Hayes Peter and Marilyn Hegg Ron and Ann Heiman Nick and Renee Heineman Kirk and Jill Hinrich Elliot and Erin Hitt Fr. Jerome Holtzman Nick Houge and Amy Krie David and Marilyn Hoversten Mark and Fran Jansa Marvin and Michele Jensen Matthew and Annette Johnson Troy and Nicole Johnson Fr. Paul Josten Bernard and Adele Josten Trust U Thomas and Rachael Junck Jay and Caryn Kappenman Will and Amanda Kappenman Kappenman Dental Clinic Matthew and Ashley Kayser Bishop Donald Kettler John Knudtson and Sadie Dardis-Knudtson Kevin and Nancy Kohler Donald and Shelly Kosiak Bryan and Dana Kouri Lon and Sandy Kouri Eric and Stacy Krouse

Brad and Emily Laible Brian Landry David and Connie Landry John and Natalie Lavender Doug and Julie Lindner Lloyd Companies Gene and Joan Loos Tom and Sarah Madison Tarek and Heidi Mahrous Msgr. Charles Mangan Regan and Julie Manning Ken and Kathy Martinec Scott and Pam Mattecheck James and Lois McCormick Becky McGillivary Shane and Angela McKay Duane and Darlene McMahon Jasmine McMaster McNally’s Tom and Nancy Meinen Troy and Jaime Miller John and Dawn Mohr Fr. James Morgan Kirby and Nicole Muilenburg Mary Jean Murphy Chris and Amy Nelson Adam and Brooke Nichols North Central Commercial Kenneth and Diane O’Connell Charles and Emily O’Hara Brad and Lori Olson Ophthalmology, Ltd Jerrod and Elizabeth Otta Chris and Barbara Paa James and Nicole Paasch Eugene and Ruth Parker Jason and Nicole Picconi Robert and Ladda Poirier Power/mation In Memory of Danielle Price Vincent and Laurie Price Jerry and Dana Priebe Brendan and Tiffany Reilly Dave and Liz Reimer

Lori Reischl Preston and Nicole Renshaw Mary Retka Michael and Suzanne Reuter Todd and Jolene Roecker David and Anlee Rola Jon and Kim Ryckman Joe and Sue Salem Paul and Jane Schaben Dean and Donna Schaefers Jeff and Linda Schartz Casey and Cindy Scheidt Scherling Photography Charlie and Sara Schoenfelder Todd and Terri Schuver Robert and Connie Scott SD Corn Utilization Council Joe and Andrea Seurer Tim and Jamie Sheridan Sioux Equipment Sioux Falls Skyforce Jeffery and Lori Skinner Steven and Lisa Small Pete and Mary Sonstegard Jeremy and Tracy Sorenson South Western Dental St. Michael Cemetery Raed Sulaiman and Christiane Maroun Gerald and Mary Pat Sweetman Tom and Rochelle Sweetman T-Brothers Logistics Daryl and Anita Thuringer Stuart and Pamela Tiede Pat Townsend Thomas and Barbara Travis US Bank Christine Waldrop Wermerson Orthodontics Prof, LLC Kay Widdis Tim and Sara Wishard Thomas and Lynne Zimmer

U Denotes deceased


Gifts of $500 - $1,499 AAA Collections, Inc Jeff and Lisa Abbott Joseph and Susan Adams ADESA Sioux Falls Adrian Tile Plant Dean Ahrendt and Lois Sears-Ahrendt All City Pet Care South AlphaGraphics Rick and Mary Althoff Amazon Smile Foundation Ameri/Star Real Estate, Inc Chad and Amy Anderson Ann Den Boer Real Estate Group LLC Anonymous (5) Aaron and Jennifer Arbogast Dave and Kara Arend Gary and Ann Arendt Richard and Jeanette Arndt Robert and Julie Arnold Augustana University Augustana University Booster Club Avera Heart Hospital of South Dakota AXA Advisors B. Scott Reardon Endowment Bagel Boy Ryan and Alison Bailey Scott and Mary Bakken Terry and Sheryl Baloun Bank of America Michael and Mary Kay Bannwarth Matthew and Rebecca Barker Don and Kate Barnes Andy Barnett Barnett Vision, Jim and Laura Barnett Don J and Marilyn Barnett George Louis and Maggie Barnett U Max, Jr. and April Barnett Charles and Amy Barr Bridgett Baumiller Daniel Beacom and Ann Roemen

Clare Becker Kristine Becker Bell Inc. Edgard Bendaly and Lynn Khoriaty Matthew and Chanda Bender Frank Bendewald Kevin and Susan Benson Mary Berg Fennella Bergeson James and Theresa Berman Bimbo Bakeries USA, Inc Corey and Joni Blauwet Aric and Heidi Blom Ed and Heidi Bloom Board & Brush Linda Bolger Todd and Karen Boone Boyce, Greenfield, Pashby & Welk, LLP Joseph Bozied and Ashley Dekraai Brandt, Solomon, & Anderson, LLP Fr. James Bream Dianne Breen Don and Marylana Breit James and Mary U Breit Daniel and Jennifer Brendtro Dennis and Marie Breske Dale and Phyllis Breuer Jeffrey and Maureen Brooks Bea Bruggeman Chris and Laura Buller Alex Butterfield Cambia Employee Giving Campaign Fran and Mary Lou Campbell Daniel and Stephanie Canfield Brad and Sue Carley CarrierNet Group Financial, Inc John and Mary Carroll William and Jennifer Cartwright Michael and Ciony Catangui Catholic Diocese of Sioux Falls

Celtic Steps School of Irish Dance CenturyLink Chef Dominique’s Catering Children’s Dental Center Daniel and Jennifer Ching Chris Dickes Family Dentistry Prof LLC Virgil and Cheryl Cihak James and Phyllis Clark Class of 2017 Corbin Cleary Nolan Cleary Shawn and Julie Cleary Climate Systems, Inc Paul and Kathryn Clinton Gregory and Peggy Connolly Mark and Jeanie Conzemius CornerStone Bank Brooks Cory Pat and Shawn Costello Friends and Family of Duane Cox CR Management, Inc Creative Surfaces, Inc Crist & Wenande Orthodontics, LLC Jon and Jonel Crow William and Asella Crum Cutler Law Firm, LLP D1 Sioux Falls Dacotah Bank Carla Dandurand James and Rita Daniels Kirk and Lisa Davis Kory and Jocelyn Davis Tom and Leisa Davis Allen and Mary Delaney Jerry and Darlene Delker Delta Air Lines Foundation Russ DeNeui Richard and Janet DeVaney Gustavo and Claudia Diaz Diesel Machinery, Inc

Craig and Kristy Dillon Dimensions Hair & Tanning Tony and Kori Dinges Mike and Brenda Dinsmore Kurt and Heather Doeden Timothy and Amy Donelan Dan and Vickie Donohoe Donald and Patricia Dorn John and Cindy Dougherty Tom and Kareen Dougherty Veronica Duffy Brad and Karen Dumdie David and Maggie Eastman Jeff and Hattie Edman Kevin and Rita Eggert Ehrhart Griffin & Associates Troy and Kimberly Eichmann Michael and Teresa Eide Electric Supply Co. Electronic Systems, Inc David and Julie Elson Beverly English Evans Portrait Gallery Eyesite Cory and Erin Faber Donn and Patricia Fahrendorf Fahrendorf Family Chiropractic & Wellness, P.C. John and Cheryl Faundeen Jeff and Jackie Fiegen Rusty and Brenda Fiegen Rod and Julie Fieldsend First Bank & Trust First National Bank South Dakota First Rate Excavate, Inc Fischer Rounds & Associates Inc Michael and Kari Fitzgerald Flowerama David and Sharon Flynn

U Denotes deceased

Patrick and Janet Flynn Shawn and Stephanie Foy Patrick Frankman Lance and Jennifer Fredrickson Thomas and Nancy Free Brian and Barbara French Chad and Michele Fritz Wallace and Pamela Fritz Nate and Andrea Fuhrer Susette Fujan David and Carol Galbavy Kevin and Melissa Garry Nick and Sara Garry Andrew and Lindsey Gaspar Gary and Theresa Gaspar Joe and Katy Gaspar Jack and Jayne Gaspari Keith and Anna Gauer Getty Abstract- Midwest Title Co William and Eileen Gilles Patrick Gillespie Jesse and Maimee Gomez Reynaldo and Jennifer Gonzales Grand Prairie Foods, Inc Great Western Bank Damian and Becky Greble Lisa Greenfield Marian Gresslin Kyle and Theresa Groos Kim and Suzanne Gross Phillip and Kristen Gundvaldson Stephen and Denise Guzzetta Tim and Tiffny Hagan Michael Hanlon Tom and Lisa Hanlon Phil and Georgia Hanson Jerry and Carol Hanten Judy Hauck Hauge Associates, Inc Dennis and Susan Hedge John and Molly Heisler Jeff and Allison Heitmann HenkinSchultz, Inc Rich and Barb Hennies Lon and Dora Henning

Douglas and Mary Herron Tim and Pam Hilber Robert and Molly Hillman Hillman Plumbing & Heating Carolyn Hobson Steve and Linda Holmes Troy and Sara Holt Steve and Sunny Holtz Holy Spirit Parish Quintin and Mary Honerman Michael and Margaret Hooton Kelly and Ashley Hosek Ronald and Veronica Houston Chris and Robin Houwman Howalt-McDowell Insurance, Marsh & McLennan Wayne and Mary Huber Ryan and Michelle Hulme Brian and Sheila Hurley Dominic and Diane Hurley Will and Joan Hurley HyVee Independent Insurance Agent Infrastructure Design Group, Inc Marion Jackson Tom and Christina Jackson James P and JoNell Jarding Jim and Megan Jarding Matt and Jennifer Jarding Jarding Construction Michael and Robin Jaspers JD’s House of Trophies Chris and Beverly Jessen JJ’s Wine and Spirits Brad and Rebecca Johnson Chad and Wendy Johnson Greg and Meg Johnson Heidi Johnson Michael Johnson Philip and Karen Johnson Johnson & Johnson JOM, Inc Brad and Christine Jones Jason and Stephanie Jones Eric and Jane Juhl

Otto Kaiser Karl’s TV & Appliance, Inc Tony and Katie Kayser Matt and Sarah Kerr Dan and Cathleen Keyes King Law Firm Dan and Arlene Kirby Kevin and Peggy Kirby Steven and Brigetta Klein Kent and Patty Kleinsasser Ben and Kristen Klinkhammer Suzie Klosterman KN Construction, Inc Knights of Columbus - St. Mary Knights of Columbus - Holy Spirit Knights of Columbus - Marquette Council Knights of Columbus - St. Katharine Drexel Darin and Julie Kolbeck Keith and Renee Koletzky Richard and Jenny Konechne Tim and Gloria Koob Rick and Kathy Kooima Kouri Insurance Agency, Inc Cathy Krueger Shawn U and Kathleen Kunkel Friends and Family of Shawn Kunkel Jacob and Amy Kusmak L G Everist, Inc William and Denise Ladwig Mark and Dianne Lamb Roch Lamis Matthew and Jennifer Landry Steve Larson Robert and Tamara Lauer Ryan and Lisa Lemon Christopher and Jackie Lent Lewis Drug Stores Leyva Drywall & Insulation, LLC Liberty National Bank Bryan and Lori Lindner Lindquist & Vennum, LLP Charles and Hilary Longo Allan and Valerie Lonneman Thomas and Penny Lorang Jack Lovett

David and Shirley Lueth Luke and Erin Mack Donald John and Cathy Maguire Mama’s Ladas Joyce Manahan Joseph and Cathy Marsh Micah and Lindsay Mauney May & Johnson Randy and Diana McCloskey McDonald’s Pierce III and Barbara McDowell McDowell Financial Sheila McGreevy-Barry Jeff and Betsy McIntyre Steve and Nancy McLaughlin Michael and Sheila McQuade Troy and Tara Mebius David and Crystal Meek Michael and Andrea Meekins Aaron and Jennifer Mentele Bob and Joyce Merrill Stephen and Leila Messier Cody and Stacey Meyer Jeffry and Robin Meyer John and Lisa Meyer Paul and Margaret Meyer Midco Midcontinent Foundation Anthony and Dana Miller Dominic and Debra Miller Suzanne Miller Minnehaha Country Club Minnwest Bank Friends and Family of Al Miron Riyad and Rima Mohama Tom and Deb Montoya Moonlight Melodies Tim Mulhair Jarrod and Kathryn Muller Daniel and Jean Murphy Myrl & Roy’s Paving, Inc James and Jolene Nasser Ryan and Abby Nelson Curt and Carol Nesbitt

U Denotes deceased

GIFT CLUB LEVELS Silver Club cont. New York Life Foundation Peter Nicholas Chris and Melissa Nielsen Harlan and Julie Nielsen Harriet Norem Aaron and Jill Norman Mike and Melinda North Northwestern Mutual Karl and Kelley Oehlke O’Gorman High School Fund Jeffrey and Maggie Oliver John and Linda Oliver Curtis and Sonja Olson Jon Olson One American Bank Kevin and Patricia Ordalen Orthopaedic Consultants & Alvine Foot & Ankle Center Terese Ortman Doug and Nancy Ortmann Dianne Owens Terry and Michelle Pellman Merrill and Theresa Peltier William and Susan Peters Jerry and Kathryn Phillips Dwane Pins Herman and Marian Plagge Plastic Surgery Associates Poet Tom and Sally Polak Levi and Beth Pole Richard Poley Trent Poscharsky and Christina Lankhorst Pride Neon, Inc Michelle Raasch Ramkota Hotel Joe and Renita Ratzloff Miles and Holli Rausch Richard and Suzanne Rauschenbach Ryon and Linda Reckling Benjamin and Jennifer Reed Jerry and Christy Reisch ReMax Professionals, Inc Jim and Sandy Renczykowski

Jeff and Kelly Rhone Waltrine Richardson Paige Rickert Bradley and Tracy Rickett John and Becky Ridl Daniel and Karen Ripperda John and Renae Robbins James and Connie Roberts Dale and Linda Roemen Steven and Lisa Roers J Pat and Margot Rogers Rogers Appraisal Service, Inc Luis Rojas-Espaillat and Rosalia Jover Britt and Twila Roman Randy and Mary Beth Ronsiek James and Connie Ross Roto - Rooter Kyle and Karen Ruhland Runge Enterprises James and Jodi Rysavy Susan Sabers Sammons Financial Group, Inc Peter and Addie Sanchez Sanford International Sanford Pentagon Leo and Lilibeth Sarmiento Greg and Kathy Satter Justin and Molly Satter Craig and Jennifer Schelske Joseph and Marcia Schmitz Jeffrey and Kathleen Schneekloth Jeanne Schneider School Bus, Inc Jerry and Suzanne Schrier Matthew and Joann Schulte Philip Schulte Richard and Kathy Schulte Dan and Sarah Schumacher Justin and Nissa Schweitzer Randy and Theresa Sehr John and Kelly Seitz Aaron and Kimber Severson Keith, Sr. and Elvira Severson Peter and Angela Shaw

Gail Shlanta-Peasley Showplace Wood Products, Inc Sigaty Dental Sioux Empire Automotive, Inc Sioux Empire Community Theater Sioux Falls Area Chamber of Commerce Sioux Falls Federal Credit Union Sioux Falls School District Sioux Falls Specialty Hospital, LLP Joe and Mindy Skibinski John Smedsrud Cole and Amanda Smith Craig and Peggy Smith John Smith Jon and Karen Smith Henry Smyth Mark and Jodi Sohn Rodney and Becky Sorrell St. Lambert SFO Stan Houston Equipment Co, Inc John and Susan Steele Patrick and Kelly Steffen Sticks & Steel Chuck and Pam Stone Matthew and Jody Stork Paul Strand and Paula Derr Strand Mark and Jenni Struck Lonnie and Lisa Struckman Andrew and Mary Pat Studdert T.R. and Natalie Sturm Jon and Kate Sundvold Richard and Kathleen Sweetman Tak Communications Guy and Carolyn Tam TC’s Referee/Cherry Creek Grill The Barnes DeMore Group The Country Club of Sioux Falls Theratime Gary and Grace Thimsen Thomas and Peggy Thompson Ted Thoms Chris and Kristen Thorkelson Fr. Andrew Thuringer Michael Tobin and Katherine Campbell

Tri-State Garage Door Co Eric and Silvia Trooien Rev. Greg Tschakert William Tunell Dan and Sandra Turgeon Urology Specialists Vance Thompson Vision Ryan and Tara VandenBos Bob and LaVonne Vanderpol Jeff and Nancy Vavra Roger Verhulst Mark and Lisa Viehweg Jerry and Nancy Vogel Rollin Wagner Steve and Brenda Washenberger David and AnitaJean Watson Joe and Betsy Weber Fred and Terri Wehling Thomas and Kristi Weisbecker Joseph and Michelle Weisensee Stephen Weiss Weisser Distributing, Inc Clarence and Colleen Welbig Tom and Terry Welk Weller Brothers Western Commercial Printing Ryan and Brooke White Andrea Whitney Julia Wieseman Bryan and Kimberly Wilcox Richard and Kathy Wilka Thomas Wilka Christopher and Lindsay Willers Robert and Carrie Wilson Wilson Management, LLC Shawn and Tammi Wittry Terry and Michelle Wolf WR Hospitality, LLC Lysbeth Wren Patricia Yamada Dennis and Judy Ziebart Zoup


Gifts of $100 - $499 24/7 Fitness & Tanning Club 26th Street Crossing 3 Degrees 9 Round A & B Business Equipment ABC Rentals Belay Abebe and Meskerem Seifu Micah and Jaclyn Aberson Jeanette Abramowski Glenn and Judy Adler Ad-Star Sales, Inc Robert Agnew Air Madness Boyd and Frances Akins David and Linda Alexander ALK, LLC All American Gymnastics Academy All Animal Pet Hospital Tim and Denise Allex Allex Real Estate Services, Inc Andrew and Julie Alton Jeffry and Sherri Alvey Jeanne Amacher Bill and Catryna Ambroz Tyler and Kelly Andersen Bruce and Catherine Anderson Catharine Anderson Craig and Barbara Anderson Jon and Shelly Anderson Melissa Anderson Tim and Tiffany Anderson Msgr. James Andraschko George and Corinne Angelos Steve and Madeline Angerhofer Leigh and Marlene Anglin Ben and Jessica Aning Ann Flynn-Crowe Counseling Anonymous (9) A-OK Sanitary Service AR Workshop Arbonne Brad Archer

Archery Outfitters George and Julie Archibald Joel and Robin Arends Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. Jason and Tracey Askew Michael Aslin Tim and Kim Audus Steve Auld Thomas and Mary Ann Auld Mary Aulgur Mary Auterman Autoland, Inc. Avera McKennan Fitness Center Avera Medical Group McGreevy Avera Physical Therapy Department Avera Sports Institute Acceleration Training Scott and Joy Backes James and Kathy Bahnson Eric and Ellie Bailey Jay and Ann Bain James and Cele Baker Richard and Rhonda Baker Richard Baker U Todd and Angela Bakke John and Kathleen Baldwin Dan Ballard, DDS Balleraena Dance Studio Ron and Diane Bannwarth John and Linda Barker Douglas and Jodie Barnett James, Jr. and Tina Barnett Max and Nancy Barnett Msgr. Steve Barnett Peter and Donna-Rae Barnett Robert Barnett Dale and Carol Barnhart Barre3 Andrew Bartell Ron and Kim Bartels Cyprian and Pam Barthle Tyler and Katie Bartling Doug and Becky Basche

Jon and Maggie Basche Joe and Joan Bassing Doris Baumgardner Elsie Baye Jordan and Lisa Baye Beal Distributing, Inc Thomas Beatch Anthony and Mary Jo Bechtold Bechtold Jewelry Gerold and Patricia Beck Margie Beeck Scott and Jodi Behan Patricia Behrends Chad and Beth Belitz Bella Rosa James and Danielle Bemis James and Joanne Bemis Joanne Bender Jamie Bendewald Benedictine Sisters Paul and Stephanie Bengford Harry and Mary Bengry Aaron and Lacey Benson Travis and Kelly Benson Nathan and Christie Benz David and Karen Beranek Russ Berg Kelly Bergeson Michael and Kari Bergh Robert and Amy Berthelsen Matt and Tricia Bierema Tom and Patricia Billings Matthew and Trudy Billion Billion Automotive Companies Scott and Christine Bills Angela Binfet Wayne Binfet Robert and Vicki Binstock Luke and Carrie Biondi Brian and Janet Bird Aaron and JoMarie Bjorkman Allen and Sue Blauwet

Kirk and Stacy Bloemendaal Blue Chip Marketing Bob’s Piano Joseph Bock Matthew and Paige Bock Rodney and Debbie Boddicker Darcie Bontje Chad and Beth Bornhoft Sally Bouma Bounce Around Inflatables Shelia Bowar Michael and Lynn Bowers Joe and Kimberly Boyt Barry Bradley and Cheryl Davis James and Linda Breckenridge Dave and Sue Bredlow Robert Breit and Melanie Carpenter Breit Law Offices, PC Brende Meadors, LLP Bill and Rebecca Brennan John and Joni Brennan William and Jean Brennan Jill Brink Matt and Catherine Brockmeier Charles and Jill Brodbeck Todd and Linda Broin Ray Brooks Jarid and Kelly Brose Douglas and Sue Brost James Brown Michael and Kathleen Brown Tim Brown Toby and Joelle Brown Kaitlin Bruggeman Mark and Joli Bruggeman James Bruns Jim and Michelle Bruns Travis and Jenny Brunson James and Michelle Brunz Josh Brunz Robert Buche Lloyd and Kathy Bullerman

U Denotes deceased

GIFT CLUB LEVELS Blue Club cont. Jerry and Mary Bunkers Gary and Kristen Bunt John Burggraff Bryon and Lori Burke James and Bethlee Burke Christopher and Barbara Burnley Timothy Burns Marilyn Buscher Thomas and Anne Buttolph Tim and Carol Byrd Bill and Lynne Byrne Byrne Companies Cactus Hills Country Homes Cadwell, Sanford, Deibert & Garry, LLP Canfield Holding Company, Inc Richard and Kathleen Cappel Carl and Michelle Carlson Greg Carlson Henry and Jess Carlson Jeannine Carlson Matt and Lisa Carlson Joe and Kathryn Carmody Carpenter Bar Brian and Jill Casey Brooks and Amanda Castelluzzo Catering by Marlins Catholic Family Services Dennis Chalus U Steve and Sheila Charron Wade and Stacy Charron Cherry Berry Child’s Play Christ the King Parish Benjamin and Rebecca Christen William and Andrea Christensen CHS Christopher Cinco Chuck Cinco Ray and Del Cinco Citi Bernard and Tillie Clark James and DeAnn Clark Class of 1977 Troy and Mary Lou Claussen Patricia Clifford

CNA Surety Bob and Jenn Cogley John and Diane Cogley Michael and Kim Cogley Color Me Mine Component Manufacturing/ Reaves Building Systems Alex and Mandra Connelly Construction Products & Consultants, Inc Todd and Linda Cook Erwin and Janis Cornelius Bob and Paula Correa Cortrust Bank Mortgage Mary Ann Costello Dale and Joan Cota Richard Cota Mark and Denise Cotter Jodi Cournoyer Adam and Diane Cox Charles Cox Darin and Janet Cox Crisp Construction, LLC Austin and Sarah Crist Crossfit Sioux Falls Crown Packaging CryoRev Joseph and Susan Cudzilo Kevin and Daneen Curley Edward and Bridget Czarnecki Scott and Marie Daggett Travis and Megan Dahle Dakota Chiropractic & Wellness Dakota Dermatology, Ltd Dakota Golf Management, Inc Dakota Riggers & Tool Supply, Inc Dakota Spirit Dakotaland Storage Matt and Julie Dally Greg and Shaun Daniel Tim and Lee Anne Dardis Dardis Financial Strategies, LLC Dash, LLC Chris and Emily Daugaard Davenport, Evans, Hurwitz & Smith, LLP Gerard David and Maria Dequzman

Colleen Davis Gina Davis Daniel and Janet Deal Sandra Delker-Holbert Denny Sanford Premier Center Jeffrey and Julie Derner Christine Derr Jeff and Stacey DeVaney Allen and Beth Devitt DeWitt Designs Mike DeWitte Diamond Mowers, Inc Cory and Janey Diedrich Charles Dingler David and Catherine Dinneen Discount Catholic Products Dizco, Inc Rick and Pat Dobbe Greg and Melanie Doetzel Scott and Susan Doetzel Dog Gaurd SD, LLC Tim and Christin Koel Donohue Jeff and Shirley Donovan Ryan and Jeanine Dorsman Carol Doss Trent and Kristen Dowling Driveline Service, Inc Jeffrey and Anita Drummond Gary Duerst Mark and Susan Duffek Kenneth and Sandra Dunlap James Dunn Dunn Bros Coffee Daniel and Diane Dwire Rachel Dybrig Inez Eastman Dustin and Kelli Ebbesen Donald and Kathleen Edman Austin and Shari Eich Judy Eichacker Christopher Ekstrum Electric Construction Co Elizabeth Gothom Organizing Consultant Jack Ellenbecker Andrew and Nicki Ellerbroek

Mark and Leslie Elliott Elmwood Golf Course EmBe Empire Plastics, Inc Patrick Enderson Dennis and Marcia Engel Chuck and Kathy Engeman Dave and Kathy Englert Theresa English Rick and Marcia Entwistle Brian and Sheri Erickson Dale and Jeanita Erickson Grace Erickson Greg and Teresa Erickson Nancy Erickson Patrick and Lindsay Erickson Scott and Kelly Erickson Clarese Espe Henry and Candace Evans Bill Even Patricia Even Express Produce Adam Fahrendorf Dale and Patsy Fahrendorf Sharon Fahrendorf Louise Faini Faini Designs Jewelry Studio Fair Tax, Inc Fall’s Landing Family Memorials by Gibson Family Wellness Sean and Jennifer Farah Jennifer Fatland William and Patricia Fatland Christopher Faundeen Chris and Angie Felderman Fernson Brewery Jim and Pat Feuerbach Dolores Fiegen Eric and Brittany Fiegen John and Betty Fiegen Lucas Fiegen Filly Flair Jeff and Deborah Finnegan Fireplace Professionals

U Denotes deceased

First Dakota Title Doug and Peggy Fischer Lyle and Mary Ann Fischer Nick and Shelly Fischer Robert and Julie Fischer Roy and Lucille Fisher Jim and Susan Fitzgibbons Michael and Sandy Fitzgibbons Matt and Jessica Flannery Steve and Julie Fleming Scott and Jaleen Flitz Flooring America Flyboy Donuts Adam and Amalia Flynn Form Fitness Studio & Boutique Forte International Exchange Association Jerry and Michelle Foy Thomas and Susan Francis Fred the Fixer Scott and Sandi Frey Fred Frigo Brian and Bonnie Frisbee Michael and Janis Fromknecht Richard and Barbara Funke Furniture Mart G & D Viking Glass Gabe Nelson Financial Charles and Jane Gaetze Galaxy Gaming Patrick and Susanne Gale Games2Go Debbie Gannon Joe and Chelsea Gannon Darrel and Sharon Garry Richard and Mary Garry Thomas and Patricia Garry Tyler and Kathryn Garry Garry Private Wealth Resources Gary Conklin Attorney, PC Marco Garza James and Josie Gaspar Kenneth and LaVonne Gaspar Stan and Jodi Gebhart Leroy and Marisa Geiken Nancy Gellerman

Albert Genetti Michele Gengler George Boom Funeral Home Geotek Engineering & Testing Services, Inc. Paula Geraets Jordan and Laura Gerdes Mark and Nancy Gerdes Chuck and Dawn Gerner Gerry & Kulm Ask Prof, LLC Ryan and Teresa Gevens Meghan Gibbs Betty Gibson Melissa Gibson Jerry and Laree Giovannettone Joseph Glenski Gary and Susie Glissendorf Golden Rule Construction Golden Rule Home Services, LLC Melissa Goodwin Jeff and Annie Gordon Terry and Pamela Gordon Grant and Anne Gormley Adam and Kelly Gorra James and Marie Gossman Mike Gould Paul and Karen Gourley Gourley Properties Lynn and Janice Gouwens Edward and JaNalle Gowlovech Tom and Judy Grady John and Susan Graham Grand Falls Casino Great Bear Ski Lodge Great Plains Brokerage Great Plains Zoo Toby and Susan Green Green Eggs N Ram Bob Greenfield Kathy Gregory Hubert and Jan Grogan Kyle and Maggie Groteluschen Kenneth and Carol Guenther Paul and Pam Gunderson Jared and Kari Gusso Michael and Jayne Gust

Richard and Nancy Gustaf Mark and Michelle Haase Gay Haber Darold and Jerri Haberman John and Danice Hackman Hackman Insurance and Financial Robert and Tracy Haeder Brian and Heidi Hagan Hagan Barron Intermediaries, LLC Sheila Hagan-Waring Paul and April Hagen Hagen Chiropractic Clinic Hagen Commercial Real Estate Bryan Hagg Fr. Shaun Haggerty Halberstadt’s James, Jr. and Betty Halde Courtland and Julianna Hall Sean and Christine Halligan Joseph Halvarson and Heidi Jedlicka Jimmy and Marcia Hamilton Hancock Concrete Products, LLC Hander Plumbing & Heating, Inc Heather Hansen Tedd and Bonnie Hanson Jesse and Breanna Hanssen David and Priscilla Hantz Curtis and Barbara Harris Dave and Jill Harris John Harris Craig and Megan Harskamp Jim Hart Shane and Nancy Hartung Robert Harvey Gregg and Barb Harvison David and Kelly Hasvold Hauff Mid-America Sports Karen Hausman Mary Hausman-May Larry and Anne Hayden HDR Engineering Daniel and Lydia Healy Daryck and Kimberly Hearn Justin and Heidi Heckenlaible John and Gretchen Hedrick

Joe and Noelle Heiberger Heineman Hospitality Clark and Linda Heitkamp Jeff and Judy Helgeson Moe Hellou Gary and Lisa Hembree Greg Hendricks Luke and Jackie Henriksen Dorothy Herbert Heritage Funeral Home Evan and Kristin Hermanson Jeff and Barb Hermanson Brian and Kristin Hermsen Angela Hernandez Mitch and Denise Hertz Steve and Donna Hey John and Valerie Hickner Joe and Angela Hight Michael and Jennifer Hight Steve and Mary Hilbert David Hillberg and Karma Vanlaecken Hillman Properties Hilton Garden Inn Downtown Elmer and Elizabeth Hinricher Shane and Janel Hoffman Tom Hoffman Joseph and Amy Hogue Charles and Sheryl Hohn Bob and Jackie Holm John and Judy Holt Home Field Realty, LLC Jim and Annette Honerman Hood Magazine Randy Hooton Robert Todd and Maria Hopkins Darrell and Valerie Horacek Peter and Arlene Horner Jason and Dawn Horst Houndstooth House Howe Heating and Plumbing, Inc Andree Howenstein Julie Hudak Mona Huegel Mike and Cindy Huether Huhot Mongolian Grill

U Denotes deceased

GIFT CLUB LEVELS Blue Club cont. Kenneth and Beverly Hults Robert and Carolyn Humphreys Adam and Hanna Hurley Jeff and Mandy Hurley Jeff and Renee Hurley Thomas and Diane Iacarella Andrew and Kelly Illikman Bryan and Kaylene Ingalls Nolan Ingebrigtson Stephen and Joan Ingram Jeff and Lisa Irvine Amy Isaacson J & L Harley Davidson Bob and Becky Jacobsen Daryl and Debra Jacobsma Bret and Shauna Jacobson Garry and Dianne Jacobson Gary and Suzy Jaeger Dale and Regina Jahr Greg and Beth Jamison Jamison Company Real Estate Janco Specialized Surfaces Margaret Jarding Sylvia Jaspers Michael and Cheryl Jedlicka Aaron and Cathy Jelinek Dan and Beth Jennings Cheryl Jensen Jensen Masonry, Inc Andy and Lea Johnson Brendan and Jana Johnson Bryan and Jean Johnson Daniel and Jeannie Johnson David and Jeannie Johnson Dorothy Johnson Greg and Deb Johnson Jerry and Roxann Johnson Lynette Johnson Mark Johnson Michele Johnson Paul and Roberta Johnson Richard Johnson Ronald and Shelley Johnson Stephen and Christine Johnson Tamara Johnson Tom Johnson

Jeff and Kendall Jones John Jones Steve and Paula Jones Vince and Kelly Jones Jones Eye Center, PC Jones, Kramer & Haber Joseph and Julie Jordahl Debbie Jorgensen Delores Jorgensen Joseph and Lois Mattecheck Endowment Pat and Jerry Jueneman Julie Prairie Photography Rob and Kathy Junker Ellison and Lauren Kalda Daniel and Jeanne Kangley Mandy Kappel Patrick and Sarah Kappel Robert and Romaine Kappel Ronald and Cheryl Kappenman Ryan Kappenman Greg and Jennifer Kaschmitter Patrick and Elizabeth Kassing Larry and Jackie Kasten Kayser Group, Inc Thomas and Betty Keck Virginia Keller Neil Kelly Jim and Judy Kent Ryan and Katie Kerkvliet David and Anne Marie King Jennifer King Mike and Judy Kirby Shawn and Tiffani Kirkpatrick Douglas and Melanie Kirsch Duane and Donna Kistler Jerome and Jean Klein Josh and Pam Klein Rick and Janet Klinkhammer Wayne Klug Gregory and Pamela Kneip Knights of Columbus - St. Michael’s Koch Hazard Architects Kristen Koehn Shomion Bill and Barbara Kolb James and Myra Kolbeck Kent and Paula Kolsrud

Barbara Konechne Lily Koob Lloyd and Carolyn Koopman Nick and Chelsey Kortan Donald and Francine Kosiak Elizabeth Kosse Russell and Sherena Kost Amanda Kotten Chase and Rachael Kramer Joe and Dorie Kramer Fr. Robert Krantz Krivarchka Family Dentistry, PC Fr. David Krogman Beth Kubista Colleen Kuesel Maricarrol Kueter Michael and Joann Kunkel Tim and Stephanie Kunkel Carol Kuntz Randy and Nichole Kunz Ryan and Cindee Kusser KXRB KKLS KIKN Radio James and Renae Lacasse Luke and Caitlin Lacey Noel and Mary Lais Richard Lamberg and Shirley Murphy Lambert Heating and Air Conditioning Gary and Renae Lamberty Ronald and Sharlene Lamberty Ken and Kimberly Lambrecht Lamfers and Maas, LLP James and Susan Lammers Landshark Scuba & Snorkel Perry and Monica Langston Slade and Stephanie Larscheid Gary and Terri Larson Edison and Lillian Lascano Cullan and Regan Laughlin Michael and Suzie Lawler Lawrence & Schiller, Inc John and Elaine Leander Colleen Lecy Joe and Mary Leedom Legacy Wealth Group Robert and Joanne Leiferman Lillian Leitheiser

Len’s Awnings & Canvas Timothy and Su Lester Ed Lewis Elizabeth Lewis Daniel and Debra Lewison Ian and Connie Libby Lick Ede Split Car Cleanup, Inc Ken and Kerry Lindemann Alan and Lisa Lindgren Dan Lindner Liz Lloyd Val Lockwood Dennis and Vivian Loecker Jackie Loecker Jeremy and Beth Loecker Look’s Meat Market Leo and Rogene Lorang John and Sandra Lown John and Paula Lubeck Thomas Lucas Luken Memorials, Inc Bryan and Patricia Lund Lusting Expressions Dennis Lutgen and Jean Kidd Nick and Alicia Luther Mary Lutz C. Patrick and Mary Lyman Angela Lynch Diane Lyons Magic Mirror Hair Design Mahlanders, Inc John and Joan Mahoney Gordon and Mary Mairose Eric and Michelle Majeres Malloy Electric & Bearing Shop Kelly and Tanya Manning Ashley Marden Carol Maria Patrick and Michelle Marino Earl and Patricia Markley Henry and Ruth Marks Stephen and Sharon Marlow Dan and Wendi Marnach Rob and Kelly Marshall Helen Martinson John and Sherri Matthews

David Maziarz and Robin Gaines Pat and Becky McCabe Patrick McCart McCart Plumbing and Heating, Inc Cole McClung Peter and Kara McCormick Michael and Susan McCoy Patrick and Bonnie McCue Patrick McGinnis McGinnis & Company, LLP Mary McGowan John McGreevy Kevin McGreevy Michael and Katie McInerney Heath and Andrea McIntyre Christy McMillin Joshua McQuade Lance and Nora McQueen Rob and Jacqui Meadors Mike and Terri Mebius Media One Advertising/Marketing Jeff Meinen Mary Merchant Dolores Merges Misti Merriam Jeff and Tracey Merrill Wade Merry Robert and Sandra Meylor Rick and Diane Mickelson Midwest Railcar Repair, Inc Ron Mielke Karen Mikuska Dorothy Clark Miles Kevin and Shannon Miles Amy Miller Brent and Michelle Miller John Miller Robert and Louise Miller Joan Miron Jessica Mitacek Jerald and Michelle Mitzel Duane and Diana Mlady Lory Moe Mark Moeller Renady Mohr Mary Montoya Keith and Kristie Moore

Bernadine Moorhouse Patrick and Laurie Moran Patricia Morris Thomas and Leslie Morrow Kimberley Mortenson Matthew and Rachel Mueller Nathan and Sarah Mueller Keith and Desirae Muirhead Andrew and Elizabeth Mulligan Kevin Murphy Tom and Karla Murphy Murphy Business of Sioux Falls, LLC Nick and Jessica Murray Chuck and Joan Mutchler James and Patricia Myers Jeffrey Myers David Naber Ione Naber Neal and Lisa Nachtigall Robert Nadeau Barry and Teri Nagel Paul and Heidi Nantke Larry and Ann Narum Nathan Nash Mark Nastase National Catholic Society of Foresters Chad and Trish Nelson Chris Nelson Mark and Bonnie Nelson Nelson Property Consultants Michael and Janelle Nerland Joey Nesbitt Mike and Sarah Neufeld Maggie Neumann Daniel and Diane Newell Nichols & Rabuck, PC Paul and Jill Niedringhaus Dean Nielsen Mark and Jyl Nieto Daniel and Lum Njingeh Charles Nolz and Merri Hohn Ryan and Beth Noonan Nordica Warehouses, Inc Emerson Nordmark North Central Insurance Notre Dame Club of South Dakota Nyberg’s Ace, Inc

Diana O Dell Jim and Carol Oakland Oakridge Nursery & Landscaping, Inc Kelly and Kathy Oberbroekling Patrick and Lindsey O’Brien Bob and Kris O’Connell Robert and Karla O’Connor Kenneth and Mary Oehlke Derek and Leah Ohme Cody and Erin Oines Olander Trucking, Inc Mark and Suzanne O’Leary Lyndon and Diane Oleson Mary Olinger Jason and Stephanie Ollerich Jerry and Jean Ollerich Arlene Olson Jim and Joanie Olson Karen Olson Michael and Jill Olson Mark and Gina Opland Terry and Diane Oppold Betty Ordal Eric and Kristy Ortega Jeff and Kym Osterberg Overhead Door Co Frank and Doloris Owens Cyril and Sonia Palen Katherine Palmitier Thad and Jenny Pals Roger and Julia Paluch Michael and Amy Pankratz Gary and Alice Parks Ted and Jayne Parsons Party Bike Sioux Falls, LLC Party Land Jorge Patino and Sandra Peynado Bill and Megan Pederson Michael and Karen Pekas Mike and Jill Pellicotte Larry and Laurie Peltier Thomas and Linda Penisten Perkins Family Restaurant Jason and Deanna Peters David and Bev Petersen Patrice Petersen Steve and Vikki Petersen

Eric and Libby Peterson Gary Peterson Trent and Lisa Peterson Kevin and Emily Petoske James and Pamela Pfeifer Janice Pfeifer Brad and Michele Pfeifle Pickle Barrel, LLC Ryan Pidde Tony and Rhonda Pierce Larry and Catherine Piersol Pillar Insurance, Inc Ted and Beverly Pins Dan and Cheryl Pitzl Bruce and Sherry Plaetz Daniel and Amanda Plaetz Merle and Mary Plucker Plums Cooking Jon and Emily Pociask Jerry and Jackie Pommer Pomp’s Tire Service Jayson and Nicole Poppinga Porta Pros, Inc Chad and Jen Porter Julie Prairie Prairie Green Golf Course Prairie Learning Centers Prairie Repertory Theatre Precious Pets Country Resorts Precision Vision Tom and Pat Price Rosemary Priester Primary Surgical, Inc Principal Financial Group Foundation Dieter and Betty Proehl Jim and RuthAnn Prostrollo Lisa Prusak Lynn and Teri Pudenz Quaintance Law Office Qualified Presort Services R L Drywall Mark and Margaret Raitor Thomas and Patti Ralph John and Jeanne Ranek Dan and Shelly Rausch Dana and Stacy Rausch Dana and Patricia Ray

GIFT CLUB LEVELS Blue Club cont. Raymond’s Jewelers Thomas and Kristin Reaves Jason and Jill Reents Rodney and Cathy Rehfeldt Joseph and Leslee Reiland Tim Reilly Jesse and Cori Reisch Todd Reistroffer and Jennifer Weber Jeff and Karen Reiter Jeff and Annette Rentschler Revolution Justin and Amanda Rey Bill and Christina Rezac David and Carol Reznicek Jana Richey Jerome and Cynthya Richey Robert and Marie Rickel Glenn and Colene Ridder Riddle’s Jewelry Aaron and Karen Riedell Risty Benefits, Inc RL Real Estate Group Derrick and Emily Robinson Brett and Traci Roemen Scott and Deena Rogers Leo and Kay Rokusek Paul Rooney Lavonne Rose Rotary Club Denise Rotert Daniel and Charlene Roth David and Kathleen Rothenberger Jamison and Cathy Rounds Patrick and Michelle Rounds Julie Rue Martin and Brenda Ruppert Randall and Mary Rustad Joseph and Amy Ryan Rose Ann Ryan Charles Ryherd Rob and Michelle Rysavy Ronald and Pamela Rysavy Thomas and Lisa Rysavy Rysavy Appraisal Service Jim and Maureen Sage Mark and Sue Salter

Corey and Britt Samson Sanaa’s 8th St Gourmet Gon and Tiffany Sanchez Susan Sanderson Greg and Pam Sands Sanford Golf Sanford Power Sanford Profile Sanford Wellness Center Nancy Savage Sayre Associates, Inc Kiah Schaefbauer Duane and Adelia Schaeffer Mike and Linda Schaffer Jason and Amy Schander Andrew Schartz Scheel’s IcePlex Thomas and Mary Ann Scheier Chris and Molly Schenkel Jerry and Jaclyn Schley Eric and Robin Schlimgen Anthony and Paula Schmidt Gary and Brittany Schmidt Ronald and Priscilla Schmidt Schmit Greteman Assoc, Inc Chad and Stephanie Schmitz Glen and Alyce Schneider Schoeneman Brothers Company Cletus and Shirley Scholten Fr. Joseph Scholten Mick Scholten Tim and Erin Schons Cindy Schoppert Pickett Schoppert’s Piano Gallery Paul and Cindy Schreter Bobbi Schroeppel Brian and Ellen Schulte Chad and Jessica Schulte Michael Schwab Patrick and Jodi Schwebach David and Julie Schweitzer Daniel Schwenck SCM Business Services Scooters Sea Chiropractic Bill and Susan Sealey

Sealpros, Inc Security National Bank Shane and Jane Sejnoha Dave and Lisa Serck Jack and RoseMary Shafer Michael and Lisa Shea Bess Sheehan Family Lin Shippy Shop Dog Boutique Richard and Renee Siegmann Vance and Sara Siemonsma James and Amanda Sigaty J.A. Silvidi Simply Perfect Clark and Connie Sinclair Sioux Falls Auto Glass Sioux Falls Cardiovascular, PC Sioux Falls City Centre, LLC Sioux Falls Family Vision Sioux Falls Polo Club Sioux Falls Storm Dennis and Judith Sisson Eric and Katherine Sitzman Paul and Julie Skiles Richard and Tracy Skuza Ross and Margo Smith Tracy and Tricia Smith Chad and Dawn Soldatke Scott and Kim Soldatke Jon and Catherine Sommervold Cameron and Nicole Sorensen Jeff and Kelli Sorenson South Dakota Robotics Association South Dakota Trust Co, LLC Gary Spakosky Special Olympics South Dakota Pat and Sue Spillane Splash City, Inc Mike and Janet Sporrer Charles and Donna Squires St. Joseph Cathedral Parish St. Michael Parish Fr. Kevin O’Dell St. Therese Parish Karen Stagl James and Carol Stalzer Christopher and Erin Stanton

Robert and Shelly Starr Mark and Jeanette Steece Dennis and Mary Ann Steele Wayne and Cynthia Steinhauer Joseph and Kathy Stenger Sterling E-Marketing, Inc Fanette Stewart Stewart Title Stewarts School of Hairstyling Stogeez Cigar Lounge Dale and Teresa Stoll Neil and Ellen Stoll Matt and Jennifer Stone Ryan and Heidi Streit Paul Strohfus Jeff and Julie Stroup Eric and Angie Struck Susan Struck SuFuDu, Inc Mike and Jo Sugrue Summit Plumbing, Inc Marlys Sundby Marcia Sunderman Sean and Julie Sundermann Surgical Institute of South Dakota Charles and Valerie Sutton Ashley Swedean Kevin and Wendy Swedean Diane Swenson Mark and Terri Swenson SWI Interiors Renee Swickard TAB Systems, Inc Gregg and Kami Talcott Bill and Alana Tamisiea Jeremy and Nicole Tamisiea LeRoy and Mary Tarbox Nick and Cali Taylor Telephone Systems & Service, Inc Rita Temple Robert and Julie Terrell Scott and Stacey Terveen The Dance Line The Diamond Room The Factory by Jake Blow The Graham Companies

The Kory Davis Experience, LLC The Kula Foundation The Medtronic Foundation The Ramkota Companies, Inc The Rush Bette Theobald Thomas and Tamara Theobald Mary Thoelke Erik Thoen Robert and Mary Thoen Eric and Emily Thomas Lee Anne Thompson Thompson Law, PC Richard and Dawn Thornton Rob Thorsten Steve and Barb Thue Thurman, Comes, Foley & Co, LLP Tiger Corporation Tiger Rock Ronald and Sondra Timmer Tires Plus Jackie Titus Thomas and Frances Tofte Jay and Ryanna Tolsma Casey and Dawn Tomac Gerald Toomey Susan Tornblom Traco Medical Nikole Trader Thanh and Hue Tran Karen Tratensek Charles and Stephanie Trautwein

Aaron and Jessica Tribble George and Rachel Tribble Jason and Kathy Troll Greg Truckenmiller William and Gail Trudeau Grant and Ann Tschetter Mary Tuscher Robert and Barbara Twedt Thomas and Susan Underberg Unique Finishes, LLC United Concrete UnitedHealth Group University of Sioux Falls University of South Dakota Nathan and Sara Unruh Fr. Anthony Urban Cullan and Jayne Valnes Scott and Lindsay Van Meeteren Michael and Kari VanDenHemel Jim VanderWoude Vanessen’s Hair Design Nick and Marie VanLoh Chris and Bobbi Jo VanWassenhove Jeremy and Steph VanWyhe Kevin and Patricia Vaska Vern Eide Motorcars Vernon and Lorraine Pierce Endowment David and Ruth Vickers Kathryn Vogel Gene and Jeanne Vold Jamie and Penny Volin Volin’s Racquet

Rob and Julie Waage Jon and Deborah Waddell Michael and Candice Wagner Walden Carpets David and Tonya Walgenbach John Walker Arthur Wallace Ronald and Verna Wallenberg Cynthia Walsh Del and Carleen Waltner Jeremy and Sarah Wambach Warwick Workouts Washington Pavilion Waterbury Heating & Cooling, Inc Watley Brothers, LLC Christopher and Jean Weber Weber Construction Don and Coryill Weeg Ronald and Judy Weidler David and Kathleen Weissenberger Brian and Janel Welch Mitzi Welk Georgie Weller Randy and Suzanne Welter Ronald and Peggy Wencl Jonathan and Jodi Wendte Wendy’s Shawn and Margaret Werdel Donald and Sarah Wetrich Thomas and Cathy Whalen Kurt and Michele Wheeler Patti White

Richard and Lisa White Darren White and Lana Bauer White Dennis and Valerie Whitney Ted and Linda Wick Steve and Julie Wilka Florence Willis Kevin and Mary Wilson Richard and Sharon Wilson Wings Gymnastics Academy Wingstop Darrell and Teresa Winterton Wireless World Wiswall Endodontics, PC Andrew and Lisa Woelfel Kathleen Wofford Barton and Barbara Workman Workplace Technology Center Bart and Stacie Wuebben Shane Wuebben Brian and Tracee Wuestewald YMCA Thomas and Lori Zagozda David and Susan Zahller Steven and Mary Catherine Zahller Vitaliy and Chris Zdorovtsov James and Cindy Zetah David and Della Zimmerman James Zimmermann Ross and Christy Zwagerman

Matching Gift Companies

Our thanks to the following companies for matching the gifts of their employees who donated to SFCS: American Express Funds Anne McGilvray & Co Aramark Bank of America Bard Davol, Inc Cambia Employee Giving Campaign

CNA Surety Delta Air Lines Foundation First National Bank of Sioux Falls Land O’Lakes Foundation Los Alamos National Security Midcontinent Foundation

Monsanto Fund New York Life Foundation Sammons Financial Group, Inc Starbucks The GE Foundation The Medtronic Foundation

Thrivent Gift Multiplier US Bank Verizon Foundation Wells Fargo Educational Matching Gift Program

SIOUX FALLS CATHOLIC SCHOOLS 2018-2019 STAFF We thank the teachers and staff members of the SFCS for their dedication this past year. Employees receive service awards every five years of employment. Those receiving years of service awards for 2017-2018 are noted below. SFCS Jacki Bosseler Anthony Decker Susanne Gale Rigoberto Garcia Josie Gaspar Chloe Goldade Lisa Greene Kyle Groos (15) Mary Haiar (5) Angie Halter Ashley Herman Kent Huemoeller Sharon Hurley (20) Joe Hurley Angela Kappen Michelle Katen Carrie Keuser (10) Anne Lanoue Angie Markstrom Debbie McEneaney (20) Brenda Mitzel Janelle Nerland Carol Nesbitt Shilo Rouse Jodi Rysavy (5) Lisa Rysavy (15) Ashley Smith Jenni Struck Betsy Weber O’GORMAN HIGH SCHOOL Alex Anderson Phyllis Baartman Stratton Doug Basche Jeffrey Baustian Julie Benson Gloria Black Skye Bork Jane Bradfield Kelly Brose Nancy Carpenter (10) Nolan Cleary Darlene Dunn Teresa Fester (20) Nick Feyerisen Patrick Frankman (10) Jackie Freese Natasha Fuller Rodney Geurtz Jean Gill David Gooley Jeff Gordon

Pam Gordon Art Hagg Fr. Shaun Haggerty (5) Sophia Hermanson (10) Neil Hoogendoorn Patricia Irvine Tara Johanneson Deborah Jorgensen Tracy Kaiser Kelly Kautz Jones Benjamin Keppen Katie Kerkvliet Sue Knight Benjamin Koch Kent Kolsrud (20) Julie Konz Rachael Kramer Steve Krier Tyone Kruse Steve Kueter (40) Chad LeBrun (10) Ken Lindemann Doug Lindner Leo Lorang Angela Lynch Rick Lynch (35) Joan Mahoney Jose Martinez Sheila McQuade (20) Teresa Mead Scott Nelson (25) Rachel Nevin (5) Heather Nohrenberg Beth Odenbach Yuly Padilla Shannon Poppinga Jayson Poppinga Sherry Qualseth Kelly Reagan Crystal Richter Anika Rodig Jane Schnell Mikaela Schnetter Jackie Shotkoski Gary Siska Gwen Skar Deborah Stene Robert Stevens Aaron Strand (10) Marybeth Tarabelsi Lynn Thomason Nicole Wellington Christy Zwagerman

O’GORMAN JR. HIGH Susan Anderson Ryan Beier Deborah Blatchford Ruth Bordewyk Wade Charron Zachary Cole Julie Cullen Lisha Edelen Randy Edwards Jacob Ferdinand Spencer Flakus Kristi Hansen Jody Hatzell (5) Kurt Hoagland Carrie Johnson Doreen Jorgenson Angela Kamps Melanie Kirsch Paulette Klein Patricia Lien Amy Lynch Julie Manning Susan McCoy (5) Amy Muller James Nelson Heather Nelson Mike Neufeld Carol Nichols John Nohr (20) Alison Ohayon Jessica Perkins Kristin Pollema Tom Price Jennifer Rangel Anita Rau Fr. Joseph Scholten Jim Shook Sue Sommervold Lindsey Ussery Michelle Wolf CHRIST THE KING Jody Baruth Katie Dow (10) Kimberly Haffeman Mary Hays-Reichelt Daniel Hughes Julie Kolbeck Mary Lenards Mary Markstrom Shirley Martell Jessica McDonald

Katie Meert Stephanie Meyer Kimberlee Nelson Anthony Nelson Jennifer Quissell (5) Michelle Ratzloff Nicole Renshaw Emily Smith David Widman Jennifer Wrigg ST. LAMBERT Tessa Arechiga Mary Kay Bannwarth (25) Bridget Briggs Maria Conzemius Colleen Davis Susan Ekern (15) Karla Erickson Edwin Fink Valerie Horacek Kimberly Kovash Suzanne Kull Renae Lacasse Tammy Lauer Sonia Lewis Rogene Lorang Katie McInerney Carrie Munsch (5) Chris Nielsen (35) Alyssa Opland Kathy Pulford Sheryl Reeves Nathan Sparks Megan Staebell Nancy Williams Jacqueline Zych ST. MARY Eric Abels Mary Ann Andress Oliver Barnes Becky Basche (30) Catherine Bohms Jordyn Bosseler (5) Amy Caba Jill Casey Jill Chapman Hallee Cronin Joan Deutsch McKenzie Docken (5) Don Dorn (30) Grace Eisenberg

Michelle Estes Mason Faber Jeanice Finnegan Julia Fischer Anna Geier Diane Greene Mary T. Grogan (20) Madelyn Grogan Rosemary Hammond Mary Anne Hexamer Anita Hoffmann Kevin Humke Chris Isaacson Amy Isaacson Cena Keller Ann Krier Sharla Larson Janet Liesinger Sr. Carmella Luke (10) Cathy Lutzvick (5) Donna Matzen Diane McComber Jan McEntee (50) Jennifer Mieras (10) Susan Monick (30) Joan Olson Natalia Paulson Mary Beth Piatt Debra Picasso Jackie Prostrollo Derek Robey Michelle Shields Rosemary Smit Shelly Starr (10) Steve Strouth Lisa Tiensvold Emmanuel Tor Katie Travis Jim Volk (10) HOLY SPIRIT Kristina Antonen (5) Lori Boldt Katie Breckenridge Mary Lou Claussen Jamie Eslinger Stephanie Farwell Laura Fiorello Sally Green Lauren Hammer John Hauck Lisa Helling Jenessa Herman

Corinne High Rebecca Hollaren Nick Howard Shelly Hunt Elizabeth Juarez Robert Keisacker Kathryn Kendall Ross Kruse Diane Laycock Laura Lunder Rachel Maassen Thomas Madigan Regan Manning Deanna Marsh Lisa Mehlhaff Hannah Meidl Whitney Millar Susan Moe Dori Nash Brian Neish Bonnie Nygaard Laurie Pujado Denise Richard Tracy Rickett Morgan Robey Rose Rueb Nancy Seaman Kelly Seitz Dan Sip Margo Smith Kira Stiles Kortney Temple Fran Tofte Kelli Wagner Alexandra Waldner (5) Janelle Wilson ST. MICHAEL Jennifer Arbogast Lana Bauer White Linda DeJong Janey Diedrich Sheila Diercks Iwona Drejer Kirsten Ertman Janet Flynn Katy Gaspar Sarah Gaster (5) Stephanie Genschorck Tatiana Gowlovech JaNalle Gowlovech Taisya Gowlovech Jim Greene (15)

Gina Hickenbotham Ashlyn Hodak Merri Hohn Claire Jansa Margaret Jarding Michelle Jeansonne (5) Lisa Lewis-Huemoeller Teri Nagel Keith Olsen Delphine Olson Carly Osterloo Jeanne Peltier (10) Susan Richards Lloyd Ringrose Leann Schlotterback Lisa Shea (5) Janiece Sheridan Mackenzie Siegling (5) Beth Steenholdt Marlys Sundby Audrey Thompson Barbara Workman Amy Zach (5) Shelly Ziebell Teresa Zimmer ST. KATHARINE DREXEL Stacy Charron Vickie David Jamie Dott Jill Earll (10) Sandy Fitzgibbons (25) Renae Green Jenica Haraldson (10) Angela Harvill Terra Huemoeller Sarah Langin (5) Patricia Lien Makayla Mergen Tracey Merrill Kristal Moneke Ashlynn Muhl Julie Olson Kevin Ordalen Katie Postma Jennifer Sandman Kayla Schmidt Pamela Stobart Jody Stork (5) Katherine Taylor Betty Walter

SIOUX FALLS CATHOLIC SCHOOLS 2018-2019 COMMITTEES BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS COMMITTEE Wade Charron..................... Principal/OGJH Lucas Fiegen........................ Consultant Kyle Groos........................... SFCS President Joe Hurley............................ Director of IT Mike Jaspers........................ Board/St. Katharine Drexel Michelle Katen..................... Foundation Executive Director Steve Kueter........................ Activities Director Anne Lanoue....................... Accountant Joan Mahoney..................... Principal/OGHS Angie Markstrom................. Executive Assistant Mike O’Connor.................... Consultant Lisa Rysavy........................... Director of Finance Jim Soukup.......................... Consultant Bob Winkels......................... Consultant COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE Erin Arends.......................... Holy Spirit Stacy Charron...................... Principal/St. Katharine Drexel Fr. Kristopher Cowles .......... Board/OLGuadalupe Kori Dinges.......................... St. Katharine Drexel Julie Fischer......................... St. Mary Fr. Richard Fox..................... Board/Christ the King Chloe Goldade..................... Marketing Coordinator Kyle Groos........................... SFCS President Jessilyn Healy....................... At-Large Representative Tammy Helsper.................... St. Lambert Dan Johnson........................ Board/St. Lambert Julie Kolbeck........................ Principal/Christ the King Angie Markstrom................. Executive Assistant Andrea McIntyre................. St. Katharine Drexel Carol Nesbitt........................ Community Relations Jill Niedringhaus.................. At-Large Representative Connie Scott........................ OGHS Representative Amanda Sigaty..................... St. Michael Mindy Skibinski................... St. Katharine Drexel Kelly Stocklin....................... Holy Spirit Jenni Struck......................... Admissions Coordinator Mary Theobald.................... St. Mary Michelle Weisensee............ Christ the King Sara Wishard....................... OGJH Representative Fr. Andrew Young................. Board/St. Lambert DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Ed Bloom............................ At-Large Representative Joe Carlson......................... St. Michael Ann Flynn-Crowe................ Christ the King Susanne Gale...................... Director of Development Kyle Groos.......................... SFCS President Angela Hight....................... Holy Spirit Lisa Huemoeller.................. Principal/St. Michael Jeannie Johnson................. OGHS Representative Jeanne Kappenman............ Board/St. Mary Rory Kelly............................ St. Mary Jenny Konechne.................. St. Katharine Drexel

Edith Liu.............................. St. Mary Joan Mahoney.................... Principal, OGHS Angie Markstrom................ Executive Assistant Jarrod Muller...................... Board/Cathedral Jessie Schmidt.................... OGJH Representative Tracy Sorenson................... St. Katharine Drexel Jen Stone............................ St. Lambert Betsy Weber....................... Events Coordinator FINANCE COMMITTEE Wade Charron.................... Principal/OGJH Chuck Cinco........................ St. Katharine Drexel Jennifer Edwards................ Christ the King Susanne Gale...................... Director of Development Gary Gaspar........................ At-Large Representative Kyle Groos.......................... SFCS President Sharon Hurley..................... Director/Human Resources Jim Josten........................... Cathedral of St. Joseph Angie Kappen..................... Accountant Michelle Katen.................... Foundation/Executive Director Brandi Kowalczyk................ Board/SFCS Foundation Anne Lanoue...................... Accountant Angie Markstrom................ Executive Assistant Julie Norton........................ Board/St. Michael Fr. John Rutten.................... St. John Paul II/Harrisburg Jim Rysavy.......................... St. Mary Lisa Rysavy.......................... Director of Finance Jon Schulte......................... St. Michael Mark Shlanta...................... Board/OGHS Representative Barry Solomon.................... Holy Spirit Jenni Struck........................ Admissions Coordinator PLANNING COMMITTEE Jason Cox..............................OGHS Representative Fr. Chuck Cimpl.....................Board/Holy Spirit Denice Dengler.....................Christ the King Bob Dougherty.....................Holy Spirit John Dougherty....................St. Katharine Drexel Shawna Goldammer.............At-Large Representative Kyle Groos............................SFCS President Joe Hurley.............................Director of IT Steve Kueter.........................Activities Director Perry Langson.......................St. Michael Angie Markstrom..................Executive Assistant Regan Manning....................Principal/Holy Spirit Erin McManus......................St. Mary Richard Molseed...................At-Large Representative Fr. Kevin O’Dell.....................Board/St. Therese Lisa Rysavy............................Director of Finance Pat Starr................................St. Lambert Jenni Struck..........................Admissions Coordinator Daryl Thuringer.....................Board/Diocesan Rep. Deb Witte.............................Board/St. Therese Michelle Wolf.......................OGJH Representative

PROGRAMS COMMITTEE Alex Anderson......................Assistant Principal/OGHS Amy Barr...............................St. Lambert Stephanie Bengford..............OGJH Representative Colleen Davis........................Principal/St. Lambert Lance Fredrickson.................Holy Spirit Dan Fritz...............................Board/At-Large Kyle Groos............................SFCS President Ann Henkhaus......................St. Mary Sarah Hillman.......................Christ the King Amy Isaacson........................Achievement Academy Dir. Jeannie Johnson...................OGHS Representative Ben Koch...............................Performing Arts Steve Kueter.........................Activities Director Angie Markstrom..................Executive Assistant Brenda Mitzel.......................Dir. of Instruction & Programs Erin Oines.............................St. Katharine Drexel Cathy Rounds........................St. Michael Fr. Gregory Tschakert............Board/St. Katharine Drexel Fr. Terry Weber.....................Board/St. Michael TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE Bill Bartell............................ University of Sioux Falls Chuck Cinco......................... First Premier Dan Drenkow....................... Augustana University Dave Geiver......................... First Premier Kyle Groos........................... SFCS President Joe Hurley............................ Director of IT Anne Lanoue....................... Accountant Angie Markstrom................. Executive Assistant Brenda Mitzel...................... Director of Instruction & Programs Chad Pew............................. SDN Communications Dean Putnam....................... High Point Networks Lisa Rysavy........................... Director of Finance Brad Schoenfelder............... Board/Sanford Health Michelle Shields.................. Principal/St. Mary Dawn Wolf........................... Catholic Diocese of Sioux Falls SPECIAL EVENT CHAIRS Nikki Ellerbroek................... Bob Burns Dakota Bowl Adam Fahrendorf................ Bob Burns Dakota Bowl Jana Sweetman................... Extravaganza Chair Beth Thornton..................... Extravaganza Chair Brooke White...................... Extravaganza Chair Erin Arends ......................... Extravaganza Co-Chair Traci Boyle........................... Extravaganza Co-Chair Monica Wilde...................... Athletic Boosters Jim Peterson ....................... Band Boosters President Teddi Mueller ..................... President, Choral Boosters Cheryl Kappenman.............. Vice President, Choral Boosters

39th Annual Dakota Bowl


Save or Shave Fundraiser for Julie Benson

First day of school

State Girls Golf Champs

OGJH Robotics Overall Project Champion at National Competition

State Boys Golf Champs

“Senior Prom” at Prince of Peace


Parents and students carve pumpkins at Christ the King School

Homecoming Parade at St. Katharine Drexel School

We love our SFCS Grandparents!


OGJH students “Celebrate Monday” in Science Class

Mayor declares January 8th, 2018 “Miss Mac Day”

SFCS students and staff celebrate Catholic Schools Week with Mass

OGHS students welcome incoming freshmen after 8th grade graduation

Fr. Young hands out St. Lambert School report cards

Students helped “Knight” families as part of Extravaganza 2018

Elementary school nights at OGHS basketball games


St. Michael School cuts the ribbon on its new playground


O’G Theatre Department brings in big crowds with 42nd Street

Making friends at OGJH


A MESSAGE FROM THE SFCS FOUNDATION While preparing the message from the SFCS Foundation, I couldn’t help but see the gentle reminders from one of Sioux Falls Catholic Schools’ biggest champions who passed away this year…. Fr. Al Krzyzopolski. His amazing picture from last year’s Annual Report kept smiling at me, and the reminder for his birthday came up on my calendar. Fr. Al taught at O’Gorman High School in the early years, served at various parishes in Sioux Falls with elementary schools, worked on numerous campaigns and helped form the system that we know today as the Sioux Falls Catholic Schools. I keep hearing his message that he gave while talking with Foundation Members about the efforts to increase our teachers’ salaries. He gave a great history of how his work as a pastor and educator changed through the years as our schools went from mostly the Religious teaching to almost ALL lay people teaching. He wondered why we thought that Catholic school teachers should be paid less when we expect them to do more. His passion for teaching and the importance of infusing Christ in our children’s school day was more than evident. Fr. Al also told me that if he was going to speak about the importance of this topic, he must be willing to support it himself. So, he established the Fr. Al Krzyzopolski Education Endowment in support of our staff. With his typical humor, he asked me not to have him speak at any more events because it cost him too much money! Many of you contributed to his endowment in his memory this year as he left us for a much better place. There is a long list of names of people that were touched by Fr. Al listed in this publication…. and many more things done on his behalf that we will never know about. I am lucky enough to have some of Fr. Al’s thoughts in writing, and so I close with this. One of his messages was how God would speak to us…. but I like to think that this is coming from Fr. Al now. “What a future I have in store for you. I look forward to seeing you one day in my home in heaven. You will be surprised at all that I have waiting for you. Meanwhile, enjoy the earth and think of me often as you journey through life.”

Michelle Katen, Executive Director Jack Hopkins, Foundation Chair



The Sioux Falls Catholic Schools Foundation will provide financial support which will enable the Christ-centered Sioux Falls Catholic Schools to: • provide SFCS educators with compensation which exceeds that of their public school peers • provide tuition assistance so that all who desire a faith-based education through SFCS can afford one • provide and maintain superior facilities and technology

MEMBERS OF THE SFCS FOUNDATION Scott and Patti Abdallah Mark and Amy Arndt Bill and Peg Baker Thad and Nicole  Barnes Miles and Lisa Beacom Bill and Tracee Beck Ken Berger and Molly McCarthy  John and Katy Billion Brian and Janet Bird Joel and Dar Blanchard Michael and Carri Bornitz Greg and Denise Branaugh Kevin and Becky Branick Jim and Kim Burma Fran and Mary Lou Campbell Larry and Mary Canfield Ed and Judy Cannon Thomas and Tina Carson Fr. Charles Cimpl  Paul and Shirley Cink Tom and Mary Cink Jim and Sue Clark Richard and Kari Clark Paul and Mary Ellen Connelly Bob and Paula Correa Dan  and Janet Costello Randy and Ann Cowan Fr. Kristopher Cowles  Ross and Lisa Crist Kevin and Ashley Crouch Tim and Lee Dardis Fr. David Desmond  Dick and Janet Devaney Dan and Laurie Donohue Bob and Kara Dougherty Don and Jo Dougherty Tom and Kareen Dougherty Kevin and Karen Doyle Jeff and Hattie Edman David and Julie Ermer Jeff and Jackie Fiegen Rusty  and Brenda Fiegen Don and Janet Fischer

Dave and Mary Fleck Maureen Flynn Mike and Sue Flynn Fr. Richard Fox  Warren Friessen Dan and Katie Fritz Kevin and Melissa Garry Rich and Mary Garry Gary and Theresa Gaspar Jack and Jayne Gaspari Steve and Kelly Gellerman Kyle  and Theresa Groos Norma Gross Craig and Lisa Hagen Doug and Anne Hajek Bryan and Shelly Hammer Steve and Karen Haney Donald and Julie Hanson Alfred and Linda Hartmann Shane and Nancy Hartung Greg and Phyllis Heineman Evan and Kristi Hermanson Boyd and Dody Hopkins Jack  and Gina Hopkins Tom and Melissa Howes Brian and Sheila Hurley Will and Joan Hurley James P and JoNell Jarding Jim and Megan Jarding George and Clare Johnson Greg and Meg Johnson Phil  and Karen Johnson Audrey Jones Gene, Jr. and Cynthia Jones Scott and Lisa Jones Jeff and Doreen Jorgenson Jim  and Lynn Josten Eric and Jane Juhl Tim and Jeanne Kappenman Mike and Michelle Katen Matt and Ashley Kayser Rob and Nicole Keisacker Kevin and Peggy Kirby

Steve and Susie Kirby Richard and Cindy Koch Rick and Kathy Kooima Don and Shelly Kosiak Lon and Sandy Kouri David and Brandi  Kowalczyk Noel and Mary Lais Pat and Kaye Lawler Tom and Penny Lorang Patrick and Kathy McGreevy Michael and Jean McHale Steve and Nancy McLaughlin Tom and Marilyn Meyer Paul and Michelle  Micka Troy and Jaime Miller Richard Molseed Tom and Cynthia Monnin Fr. James P. Morgan  Dan and Jean Murphy Kevin Murphy Mary Jean Murphy Tom and Karla Murphy Randy and Debbie Nehring Julie Norton Mike and Janice O’Connor Fr. Kevin O’Dell  Steve and Teresa Palmitier Curtis and Janelle Peery Marian and Andrea Petrasko Todd and Patty Pharis Lynn and Teri Pudenz Frank and Barb  Rance David and Liz Reimer Tom and Kris Ripperda Emmet and Mary Gayle Rogers Mike and Mary Runge Jon and Kim Ryckman Keith and Ann Schaefbauer William Schaefbauer and Evie Sautner Jon and Jessie  Schmidt Brad and Teresa Schoenfelder William and Valerie Schroeder Jon  and Nancy Schulte

Terry and Trish Schulte Todd and Terri Schuver Bob and Connie Scott George and Joan Sercl Keith, Jr and Becky Severson Rich and Tracy Skuza Regan Smith  Ben and Trish Solomon Rod and Becky Sorrell Carl and Marietta Soukup Jim and Angie Soukup Al and Judy Spencer Ron and Virginia Staebell Brady and Kelly  Stocklin Bishop Paul Swain  Patrick and Jana Sweetman Tom and Rochelle Sweetman Travis  and Michelle Thie Mike and Chris Thompson Tony and Sandra Tiefenthaler Jerry and Courtney Tielke Matt and Beth Thornton Bill and Teresa Townsend Fr. Gregory Tschakert  Brian and Patricia Vognild Tom, Sr. and Kathy Walsh Roger and Michele  Weber Fr. Terry Weber  Tom and Terry Welk John and Bridget Wenande Hal U and Jane Wick Michael and Monica  Wilde Bob and Debbie Winkels Marlene Winker Matthew and Deborah Witte Fr. Andrew Young  Joe and Kristen Zueger Board of Trustees  Executive Committee  Investment Committee  Institutional Advancement Committee 

At the SFCS Foundation, we are continuing the efforts to make our teachers and staff at the Sioux Falls Catholic Schools a priority by working to increase their salaries to a competitive level. Please join us! Contact the Foundation Members listed here or call the SFCS Foundation Office at 575-3362 if you’d like to get involved.

SFCS FOUNDATION - SUSTAINER MEMBERS This list includes people who made a $1,000 Sustainer gift to the SFCS Foundation during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2018. We thank them for their direct support of the SFCS Foundation Mission & Vision. Jeff and Linda Baka Bill and Peg Baker Thad and Nicole Barnes Miles and Lisa Beacom Bill and Tracee Beck John and Katy Billion Joel and Dar Blanchard Michael and Carri Bornitz Greg and Denise Branaugh Kevin and Rebecca Branick Fran and Mary Lou Campbell James and Sue Clark Richard and Kari Clark Daniel and Janet Costello Randy and Ann Cowan

Ross and Lisa Crist Kevin and Ashley Crouch Mary Sue Donohue Bob and Kara Dougherty Tom and Kareen Dougherty Kevin and Karen Doyle Jeff and Hattie Edman David and Julie Ermer Don and Janet Fischer Warren Friessen Daniel, Jr. and Katie Fritz Gary and Theresa Gaspar Jack and Jayne Gaspari Steve and Kelly Gellerman Norma Gross

Doug and Anne Hajek Steve and Karen Haney Donald and Julie Hanson Alfred and Linda Hartmann Jack and Gina Hopkins Tom and Melissa Howes Brian and Sheila Hurley Will and Joan Hurley James P and JoNell Jarding Jim and Megan Jarding Philip and Karen Johnson Gene, Jr. and Cynthia Jones Scott and Lisa Jones James and Lynn Josten Eric and Jane Juhl Tim and Jeanne Kappenman Rob and Nicole Keisacker Richard and Cindy Koch Donald and Shelly Kosiak Lon and Sandy Kouri Dave and Brandi Kowalczyk Tom and Susan McDowell Patrick and Kathy McGreevy Michael and Jean McHale Steve and Nancy McLaughlin Tom and Marilyn Meyer Thomas and Cynthia Monnin Fr. James Morgan Julie Norton Mike and Janice O’Connor Matthew and Paula Pardy Marian and Andrea Petrasko Judy Radermacher

Thomas and Kristin Ripperda Emmet and Mary Gayle Rogers Mike and Mary Runge Jon and Kim Ryckman Keith and Ann Schaefbauer William Schaefbauer and Evie Sautner Jon and Jessie Schmidt Jon and Nancy Schulte Terry and Trish Schulte Todd and Terri Schuver Keith, Jr. and Becky Severson Jeffery and Lori Skinner Regan Smith Ben and Trish Solomon Carl and Marietta Soukup Jim and Angie Soukup Brady and Kelly Stocklin Tom and Rochelle Sweetman Michael and Chris Thompson Bill and Teresa Townsend Brian and Patricia Vognild Roger and Michele Weber Tom and Terry Welk Hal U and Jane Wick Michael and Monica Wilde Thomas and Lynne Zimmer

U Denotes deceased

ESTATE AND DEFERRED GIFTS - SFCS FOUNDATION LEGACY SOCIETY The Legacy Society recognizes the following friends who have notified the SFCS Foundation and/or the Catholic Community Foundation for Eastern South Dakota that they have included the Sioux Falls Catholic Schools in their estate plans, as well as planned gifts that the SFCS have received in this fiscal year. We honor them for their vision, commitment and inspiration to others. Anonymous (4) Miles and Lisa Beacom Greg and Denise Branaugh Kevin and Rebecca Branick Paul Byorth Bill and Lynne Byrne Terry and Barbara Caster Fr. Chuck Cimpl Bob and Paula Correa Dan and Janet Costello Mary Sue Donohue Yvonne Doss Msgr. James Michael Doyle Mark Eastman David and Julie Elson Dave and Mary Fleck Mike and Sue Flynn Kevin and Melissa Garry Rich and Mary Garry Gary and Theresa Gaspar Kenneth and Lavonne Gaspar Marian Gresslin Ralph and Sylvia Grode JohnU and Norma Gross Craig and Lisa Hagen Greg and Phyllis Heineman Fr. Jerome Holtzman Boyd and Dody Hopkins Jack and Gina Hopkins Tom and Melissa Howes Greg and Meg Johnson Gene, Sr.U and Audrey Jones

Gene, Jr. and Cynthia Jones Jeff and Doreen Jorgenson Rick and Kathy Kooima Kevin and Peggy Kirby Dave and Shirley Lueth Tom and Penny Lorang Gordon and Mary Mairose Thomas and Susan McDowell Tom and Marilyn Meyer Richard Molseed James and Eileen Nawroth Randy and Debbie Nehring Charles and Jody O’Brien Mike and Janice O’Connor Dianne Owens Steve and Teresa Palmitier Todd and Patty Pharis Jerry and Dana Priebe Judy Radermacher Frank and Barb Rance Marlene Rance Thad and Liz Rogers Julie Ronning Rose Ann Ryan Jim and Maureen Sage Bill and Valerie Schroeder Jon and Nancy Schulte George and Joan Sercl Keith, Jr. and Becky Severson Rich and Tracy Skuza John Smedsrud Regan Smith

Scott and Constance Smith Rod and Becky Sorrell Carl and Marietta Soukup Jim and Angie Soukup Alan, Jr. and Judy Spencer Vernon and Alice Staebell Raed Sulaiman and Christiane Maroun Ted Thoms Gerald and Courtney Tielke Bill and Teresa Townsend Rollin Wagner Tom, Sr. and Kathy Walsh John and Bridget Wenande

Donna Weinacht Robert and Deb Winkels JamesU and Marlene Winker

U Denotes deceased

ENDOWED FUNDS - SFCS FOUNDATION LEGACY SOCIETY The Legacy Society includes the following endowment funds which provide permanent support of the mission of the SFCS, whether in the form of teacher compensation, tuition assistance, scholarships, programs, capital improvements, or other support. **Denotes new fund.

FUNDS FOR TEACHER COMPENSATION AND TUITION ASSISTANCE These funds contribute to SFCS Teachers’ Endowment to support salaries and to the SFCS Tuition Assistance Fund. Bishop Robert J. Carlson Endowment Fund Established in 2005 by SFCS Foundation and many contributors from the Diocese of Sioux Falls to honor Bishop Carlson and his 10+ years of service to this diocese. John Gross Memorial Fund Established in 2008 in John’s memory by his family and friends. It is because of the dedication of the teachers in SFCS that this fund will benefit them as well as provide assistance to students pursuing academic achievements at OGHS and those in need of tuition assistance at Christ the King Elementary School. Ruth and Joe Weisbecker and Son, Mike Weisbecker, Family Endowment Fund for Teachers’ Salaries and Tuition for Students in Need Established in 2008 with gifts from their children, family and friends. This fund will support equally SFCS teachers’ salaries and tuition assistance for students in need who participate in co-curricular activities at O’Gorman.

FUNDS FOR TEACHER COMPENSATION Unless otherwise specified, these funds contribute to the SFCS Teachers’ Endowment Fund to support salaries. AVERA Teachers’ Salaries Fund Established in 2010 through the partnership of Avera and SFCS, this endowment provides support for the teachers’ salaries of the Sioux Falls Catholic Schools. Berger-McCarthy Excellence in Education Endowment Established in 2014 to provide support for the teachers’ salaries of the Sioux Falls Catholic Schools. Donna Marie Feyder Brown Endowment Established in 2015 by Thomas Brown in memory of his wife, Donna Marie Feyder Brown. This fund is to provide support for the teachers’ salaries of the Sioux Falls Catholic Schools. Howard R. and Berteale Brown Family Endowment Established in 2005 by Howard in memory of his wife, Berteale Brown. Building On Excellence Teachers’ Endowment Established by Sanford Health in 2008 through the Building On Excellence Campaign to make a difference for the teachers of SFCS. Connelly Family Fund Established in 2011 to provide support for staff salaries of the Sioux Falls Catholic Schools.

”Generosity is love in action.”

Dan and Janet Costello Family Fund Established in 2007 in support of the O’Gorman High School Building On Excellence Campaign by Dan and Janet Costello. This fund will provide financial assistance for staff salaries of the Sioux Falls Catholic School system. DeRuytter Teachers’ Salary Fund** Established in 2017 to provide support for the teachers and staff salaries of the Sioux Falls Catholic Schools. Monsignor James Michael Doyle Endowment Fund Established in 2016 to provide support for the teachers and staff salaries of the Sioux Falls Catholic Schools. Sr. Kathryn Easley OSB Teachers’ Endowment Established in 2016 in honor of Sr. Kathryn’s service to SFCS and her 50th Jubilee celebration. During her years in education, she had a passion for the efforts to pay just salaries for our dedicated Catholic School lay teachers. She was honored to be an advocate for the Teachers and Staff Salary Initiative with this fund. Fostering Their Future – Teachers’ Salary Endowment Fund Established in 2003 by the SFCS Foundation Membership through the Fostering Their Future campaign to make a difference for the teachers of SFCS. Dave and Teri Geiver Endowment Established in 2014 by Dave and Teri Geiver to provide support for the teachers’ salaries of the Sioux Falls Catholic Schools. Gracia and Mike Gillespie Endowment Established in 2014 by Gracia and Mike Gillespie to provide support for the teachers’ salaries of the Sioux Falls Catholic Schools.

Bryan and Shelly Hammer Family Endowment Established in 2016 by Bryan and Shelly (Flanagan) Hammer. Since Shelly is a former educator and they are the parents of a teacher in the SFCS, they have chosen to make a commitment for future generations of teachers by starting this endowment fund to support competitive salaries for the staff of the Sioux Falls Catholic Schools. Fr. Al Krzyzopolski Education Endowment Established in 2016 to provide support for the teachers and staff salaries of the Sioux Falls Catholic Schools. Jay Lavender, Jr. Memorial Fund Established in 2016 to provide support for the teachers and staff salaries of the Sioux Falls Catholic Schools. The Living Stones Endowment Established in 2016 for the Teachers and Staff Salary Initiative to strive for competitive salaries at the Sioux Falls Catholic Schools. Ted and Margeret Lorang Memorial Fund Established in 2001 by the family and friends of Ted and Margeret Lorang in their memory. Dr. Tom Lorang Teachers’ Endowment Established in 2014 by family, friends and Sioux Falls Catholic School Board members as a way to honor Dr. Lorang’s dedication to the Sioux Falls Catholic Schools. Throughout his 36 years of service, he was the first lay Principal of O’Gorman High School and the first Superintendent of the Sioux Falls Catholic School system. Margaret Reardon Fund for Teachers’ Salaries Established in 2007 by Margaret Reardon in support of the O’Gorman High School Building On Excellence Campaign. William and Wilma Reimer Teachers’ Fund Established in 1995 by Dave and Liz Reimer in memory of Dave’s parents. Ozzie and Jane Schock Memorial Fund Established in 2004 by the family of Ozzie and Jane Schock in their memory.

William and Valerie Schroeder Family Fund This fund was established in 2012 by William and Valerie Schroeder to provide additional support to SFCS teachers and staff.

FUNDS FOR TUITION ASSISTANCE Unless otherwise specified, these funds provide annual tuition assistance to SFCS students in need.

SFCS Teachers’ Endowment Fund Established in 2008 by anonymous donors who wish to recognize the outstanding teachers in our schools.

Anonymous Funds Established by anonymous donors for tuition assistance.

Patrick and Jana Sweetman Family Fund** This fund was established in 2017 to provide support for the teachers’ salaries of the Sioux Falls Catholic Schools.

Patrick Baker Endowment Fund Established in 2013 by Barbara Kolb in memory of her brother, Patrick Baker. This fund provides tuition assistance to students attending the Sioux Falls Catholic Schools.

Jack and Pat Townsend Fund for Teachers’ Salaries Established in 2007 by the family and friends of Jack and Pat Townsend in memory of Jack. Unzelman Fund for Teachers’ Salaries Established in 2008 by Myrl and Lois Unzelman through the Building On Excellence Campaign to provide additional support to SFCS Teachers. Roger and Michele Weber Family Fund Established in 2016, this fund is meant to recognize the excellent education delivered within the Sioux Falls Catholic School system and provide additional support for the outstanding teachers and staff. Winkels’ Family Endowment This fund was established in 2012 by Robert and Deb Winkels to provide additional support to SFCS teachers and staff. John and Emilie Yu Family Fund Established in 2008 by the Yu family to support the outstanding teachers of SFCS. Zueger Family Fund Established in 2016, this fund is meant to recognize the excellent education delivered within the Sioux Falls Catholic School system and provide additional support for the outstanding teachers and staff.

Beacom Family Fund Established in 2011 by Miles and Lisa Beacom. This fund provides tuition assistance to students with financial need from St. Lambert Parish. The students can attend St. Lambert’s, O’Gorman Jr. High or O’Gorman High School. Bud and Rose Bechtold Memorial Fund Established in 2000 by the family and friends of Rose Bechtold. This fund provides annual tuition assistance to St. Joseph Cathedral Parish students in need. Vince and Betty Bruggeman Memorial Endowment Established in 2006 by Vince Bruggeman in memory of his wife, Betty. Bob Burns Founders Club Established in 1993 by the Bob Burns Dakota Bowl Committee. Cathedral 8th Grade Assistance Fund Established in 1992 by anonymous donors. This fund provides annual tuition assistance to students in need from Cathedral Parish. This fund awards assistance to incoming freshman students at O’Gorman High School. Chris Christopulos Memorial Scholarship Fund Established in 2002 by friends and family of Chris Christopulos. This fund provides tuition assistance to O’Gorman students who have overcome some type of obstacle and/or have financial need. Tom Connor Memorial Fund Established in 1998 by the family of Tom Connor in his memory.

ENDOWED FUNDS - SFCS FOUNDATION LEGACY SOCIETY Michael and Ila Cunningham Family Fund Established in 2015 to provide tuition assistance to students at O’Gorman Junior High or O’Gorman High School.

James E. Fergen Tuition Assistance Endowment Established in 2014 in memory of James E. Fergen. This fund is used to provide tuition assistance to students with financial need attending O’Gorman High School.

Curren Family Scholarship Established in 1990 by Jerry Curren.

Gertrude A. FitzGibbon Memorial Fund Established in 2008 through an estate gift from Gertrude FitzGibbon.

John Dennis Assistance Fund Established in 1997 by John Dennis. Lawrence C. and Maxine L. Dhaemers Fund for O’Gorman High School Tuition Assistance Established by Lawrence and Maxine Carroll Dhaemers in 2007 because of their strong belief in Catholic education and their love for the Sioux Falls Catholic Schools. Kevin M. Donahoe Memorial Fund Established in 1975 by Dr. John Donahoe in his son’s memory. Dorothy Doohen Memorial Fund Established in 1994 by friends of Dorothy in her memory. Kirby Dougherty Memorial Fund Established in 1993 by classmates and friends of Kirby Dougherty in his memory. Michael Duffy Memorial Fund Established in 1992 by Jim and Doris Duffy in memory of Michael. Louise C. Edblom Endowment Fund Established in 2006 by the Louise C. Edblom estate. This fund provides annual tuition assistance to St. Joseph Cathedral Parish students in need. John and Georgie Ellenbecker Memorial Fund Established in 1993 by Dr. Russ and Jean Orr in memory of the Ellenbeckers.

Maureen Flynn Endowment Established in 2007 by the children of Maureen Flynn as a Christmas gift to honor their mother. Fr. Foley Fund Established in 1992 by Hal and Jane Wick in honor of Fr. Andrew Foley. This fund provides tuition assistance to students from outside of Sioux Falls who attend OGHS. Fostering Their Future - Tuition Assistance Endowment Fund Established in 2003 by the SFCS Foundation Membership through the Fostering Their Future campaign to provide tuition assistance to SFCS families in need.

Edmund and Adeline Garry Memorial Fund Established in 1999 by the family of Ed Garry in his memory. Wally and Cleo Grogan Tuition Assistance Fund Established in 2005 by their children and spouses in memory of Wally and Cleo. Dody Gustaf Endowment Established in 2010 by family and friends in memory of Dody Gustaf. This fund honors Dody’s history of helping SFCS families with tuition by providing annual tuition assistance to the children of SFCS staff members. Alfred and Linda Hartmann Family Fund Endowment Established in 2014 by Alfred and Linda Hartmann to provide tuition assistance to O’Gorman High School students with financial need.

Hartung Family Fund Established in 2014 by Shane and Nancy Hartung. This fund provides assistance to students attending the Sioux Falls Catholic Schools who incur additional tutoring fees through the Achievement Academy/SFCS services. James P. Higgins Sr. Memorial Fund Established in 2009 by Tomasz and Cynthia Stys, son-inlaw and daughter of James P. Higgins, Sr. This fund was established in memory of James and provides tuition assistance to students in need. High School English Fund Established in 1989 by Steve Kirby. This fund provides tuition assistance to students in need who show potential in writing and English at O’Gorman High School. Father Jerome Holtzman OGHS Foreign Language Fund Established in 2006 by Father Jerry Holtzman. This fund provides annual tuition assistance to O’Gorman High School foreign language students in need. William J. and Grace Hurley Family Endowment Established in 2006 by their children and spouses honoring Bill and Grace. This fund provides tuition assistance to students with financial need from St. Lambert Parish. Cliff and Helen Jansa Memorial Fund Established in 1999 by the children of Cliff and Helen Jansa in their honor. Ashley A. Johnson Fund Established in memory of Ashley in 2017 by her mother, this fund provides tuition assistance to students who attend O’Gorman High School. Donald E. and Dorothy L. Johnson Endowment Fund Established in 2006 because of Don and Dorothy’s strong belief in Catholic education and the Sioux Falls Catholic Schools.

Margie E. Johnson Memorial Fund Established in 2014 by the children of Margie Johnson after an initial gift was made in her memory by her brother, Howard R. Brown. This fund shall be used to provide tuition assistance to students with financial need attending the Sioux Falls Catholic Schools. Gene and Audrey Jones Family Endowment Established in 2004 by the family of Gene Jones, Sr. in his memory. Bernard and Adele Josten Memorial Endowment Established in 2008 by Adele Josten in memory of her husband, Bernard. This fund provides tuition assistance to students from St. Joseph Cathedral Parish who attend Sioux Falls Catholic Schools. Henry Klein Scholarship Fund Established in 1991 by Jenni Klein in memory of her husband. David and Brandi Kowalczyk Family Fund Established in 2010 by David and Brandi Kowalczyk. This fund provides tuition assistance to students enrolled in the Sioux Falls Catholic Schools.

George and Francis Luke Memorial Fund Established in 1997 by Chuck Luke in memory of his parents. This fund provides annual tuition assistance to students based on need and academic requirements.

Irene Rotert Family Endowment Fund Established in 2007 by the children of Irene Rotert as a Christmas gift to their mother. This fund provides tuition assistance to single parent SFCS families.

Francis Lynch Endowment Fund Established in 2009 by family and friends of Francis Lynch in his memory.

Patrick and Rose Ann Ryan Endowment Fund Established in 1998 by Rose Ann Ryan along with other family and friends in Pat Ryan’s memory.

Ryan S. Matson Memorial Fund Established in 1992 by friends and family of Ryan Matson. This fund provides tuition assistance to students in need who are involved in athletics.

Colleen Sabers Memorial Fund Established in 1998 by the friends and family of Colleen Sabers in her memory.

Msgr. McEneaney Memorial Fund Established in 2006 through an estate gift from Msgr. John McEneaney. This fund provides tuition assistance for single parent SFCS families. Tom and Nancy Meinen Family Fund** Established in 2012 by the children of Tom and Nancy Meinen to provide tuition assistance to students attending the Sioux Falls Catholic Schools.

Fred and Vi Larson Tuition Assistance Fund Established in 2006 by Vi Larson.

Millette Family Fund in Honor of Lou and Birdie Established in 2000 by Birdie Millette in memory of her husband, Lou Millette. This fund provides tuition assistance to students of the Sioux Falls Catholic Schools.

Laurie Leiferman Assistance Fund Established in 1996 by Bob and Joanne Leiferman in memory of their daughter. This fund provides tuition assistance to students in need who demonstrate potential in chorus at O’Gorman High School.

Rose Clare Josten Norman OGJH Tuition Assistance Endowment Fund Established in 2005 by Sister Julianne Josten, O.P., in memory of her sister, Rose. This fund provides tuition assistance to O’Gorman Junior High students in need.

John and Barbara Lockwood Endowment Established in 2014 as a way to honor Barbara for her years of service as principal, the St. Lambert School Family Organization (SFO) has established the John and Barbara Lockwood Endowment to assist families with tuition needs at St. Lambert School.

O’Gorman High School Memorial Fund Established in 1999 by an anonymous alumni donor. This fund serves as a vehicle for alumni giving in honor or in memory of loved ones. O’Gorman High School Tuition Assistance Fund Established in 2014 through the estate gifts of Dr. John Sall and Paul Vogt to provide tuition assistance to students from O’Gorman High School.

Msgr. Francis Sampson Assistance Fund Established in 1996 by Monsignor’s close friends in his honor. This fund continues the legacy of Msgr. Sampson’s support to young people over the years. David Schmitz Memorial Fund Established in 1976 by Mr. and Mrs. Don Schmitz in David’s memory. Gertrude Schneider Fund Established in 1998 by the family of Gertrude Schneider in her honor. Delores Schwan Endowment Fund Established by Delores Schwan to provide tuition assistance to students with financial need in the Sioux Falls Catholic Schools. Sr. Jeanette Silvis Science Fund Established in 1997 by friends and family of former O’Gorman High School teacher, Sr. Jeanette Silvis. This fund provides tuition assistance to students in need who show potential in the area of science. St. Joseph Cathedral Tuition Assistance in Memory of Mali Anne Farmer** Established in 2018 to provide tuition assistance for St. Joseph Cathedral parishioners attending Sioux Falls Catholic Schools.

ENDOWED FUNDS - SFCS FOUNDATION LEGACY SOCIETY David Stone Family Fund Established in 2010 in memory of David Stone by Rae Ellen Stone and her daughter’s family, Dr. Joseph and Davina Fanciullo. This fund shall be used to provide tuition assistance to students enrolled in the Sioux Falls Catholic Schools. R. S. and Evelyn Sweetman Memorial Fund Established in 1992 by friends and family of R.S. and Evelyn Sweetman. Bud Walsh Memorial Fund Established in 1997 by the friends and family of “Bud” Walsh in his memory. Joseph Wenande Memorial Endowment Established in 2015 to provide tuition assistance to students attending the Sioux Falls Catholic Schools with financial need or special needs. Elizabeth Wilds Memorial Fund Established in 1996 by friends and family of Elizabeth Wilds in her memory. George and Florence Willis Family Endowment Established in 2015 by the family of George and Florence Willis in memory of George. This fund will provide tuition assistance to students who attend Christ the King School.

FUNDS FOR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS/PROGRAMS/ OTHER Winifred M. Anderson Capital Improvement Fund Established in 2007 through an estate gift from Winifred M. Anderson. This fund provides financial support for capital needs on the O’Gorman campus. Michael Barnett Memorial Endowment** Established in 2018 to provide a scholarship each year in memory of Michael Barnett to the O’Gorman High School student who is awarded the Outstanding Speech Team Member.

Mary Becker Memorial Fund Established in 1996 by James Becker, family and friends in memory of Mary Becker. This fund provides financial assistance to the SFCS faculty, staff and administration for reasons of financial hardship or to help defray the expenses incurred in furthering skills and education.

Fostering Their Future - Capital Improvement Endowment Fund Established in 2003 by the SFCS Foundation Membership through the Fostering Their Future campaign to provide financial support for capital needs on the O’Gorman campus.

Tom Breske Memorial Fund Established in 2013 by the Dennis and Marie Breske family in memory of their son, Thomas. This fund provides financial support for the debate program at O’Gorman High School.

Ernest and Eugenia Ignowski Science Endowment Fund Established in 2005 by Jim Ignowski and Mary Ignowski Williamson in memory of their parents. These funds provide annual assistance to support technological advancements in the science field.

Julie Bruggeman Memorial Fund Established in 2008 by Julie’s husband, Mark, through personal and memorial gifts. This fund provides a gift to O’Gorman High School that is used as most needed for that year, as determined by a selection committee.

Tina (Cannon) Johnson Memorial Fund** Established in 2018 in memory of Tina to provide support for the drama and oral interpretation programs at O’Gorman High School.

Warren and Suzanne Dixon Family Endowment for OGJH Teachers** Established in 2018 to provide monetary assistance for continuing education to teachers from O’Gorman Junior High School, especially to those who seek knowledge in better serving students with special learning needs. The Sister Margretta Doyle OSB and Monsignor James Michael Doyle Endowment Fund Established in 2008 through gifts given in honor of the Golden Jubilees of their religious vocations. This fund provides financial assistance for O’Gorman High School faculty spiritual training as well as academic training in the humanities. Gordy and Inez Eastman Family Fund Established in 2008 with gifts from family and friends in memory of Gordy. This fund helps provide financial assistance to the O’Gorman High School kitchen for special needs. The kitchen is near and dear to Inez’ heart as she worked there for more than 30 years.

Ralph and Jane Koch Music Endowment Established in 2015 by Jane Koch in memory of Ralph to provide support for the band program at O’Gorman High School. Herman E. Meyer Capital Improvement Fund Established in 1989 through an estate gift from Herman E. Meyer. This fund provides financial support for capital needs on the O’Gorman campus. Marian and Andrea Petrasko Fund for Math and Science Established in 2007 by Marian and Andrea Petrasko. This fund provides financial support for the math and science programs within the Sioux Falls Catholic Schools. Psalms 149, 150 Endowment Fund** Established in 2013 by Bob and Connie Scott to provide support to the band, orchestra and chorus programs at O’Gorman High School. The Sallie Mae/FNB Partnership Fund Established in 2007 by the First National Bank in Sioux Falls to honor Kevin and Linda Moehn. This fund provides tuition assistance, teacher salaries and benefits, and library needs at Christ the King School and the SFCS system in general.

SFCS K-12 SCHOLARSHIPS 1 Timothy 6:17-19 Scholarship Fund Established in 2013 by Gary and Theresa Gaspar. This fund shall be used to provide tuition assistance to students with financial need from Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish that will attend a SFCS elementary school, O’Gorman Junior High School or O’Gorman High School. Scott and Patti Abdallah Scholarship Fund Established in 2010 by Scott and Patti Abdallah. The distribution from the endowment fund will be used to provide tuition assistance to a high school student with financial need that is involved in both athletic and fine arts activities at O’Gorman High School. Megan Marie Anderson Students For Life Scholarship Fund Established in 2009 by Keith and Ann Schaefbauer, this was named in memory of Megan Marie Anderson, infant daughter of Isaac and Susan Anderson. This fund provides tuition assistance to two junior high students who are active members of the Students for Life group. AVERA Education Fund Established in 2010 through the partnership of Avera and SFCS, this endowment provides tuition assistance to students in need who are interested in the fields of science and math. Bart and Joanne Beacom Fund Established as a Christmas gift in 2007 by the family of Bart and Joanne Beacom to honor their parents. This fund provides tuition assistance to SFCS students from St. Lambert Parish. Chuck and Edie Cannon Scholarship Fund Established in 2013 by the family of Chuck and Edie Cannon in their memory. This fund provides a scholarship that recognizes O’Gorman High School students with financial need.

Deacon John M. Cole Scholarship Established in 2003 by Deacon John Cole. This endowment provides tuition assistance to students from Holy Spirit Parish who attend a SFCS school and have financial need.

James P. and JoNell Jarding Family Endowment Fund Established in 2008 by the children of James and JoNell in honor of their parents. This fund provides tuition assistance to O’Gorman High School student(s) who is involved in school and/or the community and has financial need.

Phil and Connie Donohue Family Memorial The Phil and Connie Donohue family started an endowment fund for the advancement of Catholic education in the Sioux Falls area to honor their parents and in memory of their sisters, Susan and Mary. A scholarship will be established for female students in need and demonstrating academic potential at O’Gorman High School.

Jim and Margaret Jarding Family Scholarship Established in 2014 by Margaret Jarding in memory of Jim and in thanks for the love and support of the Sioux Falls Catholic School community during his battle with cancer. Providing a scholarship for students to attend St. Michael’s School, where faith is a part of the students’ everyday lives, is the Jardings’ way of helping to grow the faith community.

Gary and Cynthia Gaspar Family Endowment Fund Established in 2009 by the Gaspar family. This fund provides tuition assistance to an O’Gorman High School student who is active in Boy Scouts.

Shawn Kunkel Family Scholarship** Established in 2018 in memory of Shawn to provide scholarships to students with financial need attending O’Gorman High School who are involved in activities and maintain a 3.0 GPA or higher and who displays a strong sense of character.

Jim Greenfield Memorial Fund Established in 2007 by Lisa Greenfield and her children in memory of Jim, her husband and their father. This fund provides tuition assistance to an O’Gorman High School student who is actively involved in the O’Gorman community. It is awarded to a student who earns a 3.0 to 3.5 GPA, who shows desire and potential to achieve success, and involved in cross country, track, baseball, football, and/or band.

Jennifer Lynn Leigh Memorial Scholarship Fund Established in 2013 in memory of Jennifer Leigh, a teacher at O’Gorman High School. Since Jen’s mission was to make science fun so that every student could understand and appreciate the world of science, this fund shall be used to provide tuition assistance to an O’Gorman High School student who shows promise in science with financial need.

Hanlon Family Memorial Scholarship Fund Established in 2002 by the family of Jim and Beverly Hanlon in their memory. This fund provides an annual scholarship to an incoming 7th grade OGJH student who demonstrates Christian values and comes from a family with three or more siblings enrolled in SFCS.

Rose Lohr Scholarship Established in 2012, this scholarship recognizes students at O’Gorman High School with financial need who make strong efforts academically and who help themselves by performing work study or having outside employment to support their education.

Irene Huebl Scholarship Established in 2013 by the estate of Irene Huebl. This fund provides tuition assistance to students attending St. Mary School.

Ian Mastel Memorial Scholarship Fund Established in 2007 by the family of Ian Mastel in his memory. This fund provides tuition assistance to OGJH students involved in instrumental or choral music at the school or in the community.

ENDOWED FUNDS - SFCS FOUNDATION LEGACY SOCIETY Earl A. McCabe, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Established in 2016 by Christopher and Erin Stanton as a way to honor Erin’s late uncle who found education and a strong catholic community to be essential factors in the success of his life. The scholarship will provide tuition assistance to students with financial need in kindergarten through sixth grade from St. Mary’s Parish who attend St. Mary’s Elementary School.

shall be used to provide a scholarship to an O’Gorman High School student with financial need.

Steve Metli Scholarship Fund Established through an estate gift by Steve Metli, this fund provides a scholarship to students from minority families with financial need who attend O’Gorman Junior High School.

Danielle E. Price Scholarship Established in 2000 by the parents of Danni Price in her memory, this fund provides tuition assistance to an OGHS student who excels in the areas of Christian lifestyle, academics, participation and respect for others.

Patricia and DW (“Dee”) Meyer Endowment Established in 2014 in memory of Patricia and DW Meyer because of their strong faith and commitment to providing a strong Catholic education for their children. This fund provides a scholarship to students with financial need who attend the Sioux Falls Catholic Schools. Molseed Family Endowment Established in 2013 by Richard Molseed when he continued to give the same amount as the monthly tuition payment after his last daughter graduated from O’Gorman High School. This fund will provide a scholarship for students with financial need who attend the Sioux Falls Catholic Schools. Jeremiah D. and Mary Jean Murphy Fund Established as a memorial fund in 2011 by Emmet and Mary Gayle Rogers in memory of Jeremiah. The Murphy family added to the initial gift to establish a scholarship for students at OGHS that are involved in activities. O’Gorman Junior High Tuition Assistance Fund Established in 1997 by Joe and Amy Cass. This fund provides a scholarship that recognizes an O’Gorman Junior High student with financial need. JP (Jason Aaron) Peters Scholarship Fund Established in 2013 in memory of JP as a way to recognize all of the prayers, help and gifts (both spiritual and financial) his family received. This fund

Truman James Pins Scholarship Established in 2017 by the family of Truman Pins in his memory, this fund provides tuition assistance to a kindergarten through 12th grade student at the Sioux Falls Catholic Schools who has special needs.

Nusier Salem Athletic Fund Established in 1992 by Joe and Sue Salem in memory of Joe’s father, Nusier, this fund provides annual tuition assistance to students involved in athletics and in need of financial support. Sam I Am Bright Future Scholarship Fund Established in 1998 by Jeff and Amy Johnson and their children. This fund provides annual tuition assistance to O’Gorman Junior High students who demonstrate strong leadership and citizenship skills. Steven Schulte Memorial Band Scholarship Fund Established in 2003 by the family of Steven Schulte in his memory. This fund provides tuition assistance to a freshman, sophomore or junior student who is involved in band and has financial need.

Joshua and Jessie Tschetter 8th Grade Scholarship Established in 2010 by the Tschetter Family. This fund provides tuition assistance to 8th grade students at O’Gorman Junior High who demonstrate dedication to their studies, are a Christian witness to other students, and whose family sees the value of a Catholic, Christcentered education. Joseph Viereck Memorial Scholarship Established in 2008 by Jim Viereck and Suzanne Schrier in their son’s memory. This fund provides tuition assistance to an OGHS junior(s) who exemplifies Joseph’s characteristics of humanitarianism and kindness.

COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIPS Leonard & Joanne Dankey Endowment for Seminary Education Established in 2003 by Leonard and Joanne Dankey. This fund provides tuition assistance for a young man studying for the priesthood. Jo and Don Dougherty Scholarship Established in 2002 by Jo and Don Dougherty, this fund provides a four year scholarship to an O’Gorman graduate who will attend a Catholic college or university. Msgr. James Michael Doyle Endowment Fund Established in 2007 by the J.B. and M.K. Pritzker Family Foundation in honor of Msgr. Doyle. This fund provides scholarships for graduating seniors from O’Gorman High School that will attend the University of South Dakota.

Vera and Francis Stanton Memorial Scholarship Fund Established in 2007 by Mary Stanton Bunkers and Peggy Stanton, daughters of Vera and Francis. This fund provides tuition assistance to St. Joseph Cathedral Parish students in need who attend O’Gorman High School.

Heckenlaible Memorial Scholarship Established through the Henry J. Heckenlaible Memorial Trust, this fund provides college scholarships to Catholic male students graduating from high schools in Sioux Falls.

Dean and Mary Kay Thie Scholarship Fund Established in 2001 by the Thie children in memory of their parents, Dean and Mary Kay. This fund provides scholarships to PK-12 SFCS students that have three or more siblings attending SFCS and have financial need.

Helen E. Miller Memorial Scholarship Fund Established in 1992 by anonymous donors in memory of Helen E. Miller. This fund provides a college scholarship to a graduating senior.

ENDOWMENT FUNDS THROUGH THE CATHOLIC COMMUNITY FOUNDATION FOR EASTERN SOUTH DAKOTA (CCFESD) FOR THE BENEFIT OF SFCS Mike and Mary Kay Bannwarth Family Legacy Endowment Established in 2015 to support the Sioux Falls Catholic Schools.

Richard and Dorothy Dougherty Endowment Established in 2004 for the benefit of O’Gorman High School.

David R. and Erika Billion Family Legacy Endowments (2) Established in 2015 for the support of Sioux Falls Catholic Schools for teacher compensation and tuition assistance.

Most Rev. Paul V. Dudley Endowment Established in 2000 for the support of Sioux Falls Catholic Schools.

Bruce and Catherine Bohms Family Endowment Established in 2004 to provide scholarships to students attending St. Mary School.

Warren and Hilda Friessen Endowment Established in 2011 to provide tuition assistance for students attending the Sioux Falls Catholic Schools.

Lori Bullis Legacy Endowment Established in 2015 for the support of St. Katharine Drexel School.

Fred M. and Eleanore Gareb Memorial Endowment Established in 2000 by Mary Margaret Gareb McGinn, in memory of her parents, to provide tuition assistance for St. Joseph Cathedral Parish students.

Burggraff Family Endowment in Memory of Margaret Burggraff and Eugenia Burggraff Established in 1997 for St. Joseph Cathedral Parish students.

Robert J. Gartland Fund Established in 1988, this fund provides support to supplement the bussing expenses for the Sioux Falls Catholic Schools.

Larry and Mary Canfield Family Legacy Endowment Established in 2015 for the support of Sioux Falls Catholic Schools for teacher compensation.

Leo and Fayola Gaspar Endowment Established in 2006 for the benefit of Sioux Falls Catholic Schools.

(C.M.) Mart and Martha Carroll Family Endowment Established in 2001 by Maxine Dhaemers, Charles Carroll, Rev. Howard Carroll, Rev. Roger Carroll and Veronica Kappenman in memory of their parents.

Loretta Hickey Harris Scholarship Endowment Established in 2009 for tuition assistance at St. Michael School.

Rev. Chuck Cimpl Legacy Endowment Established in 2015 for tuition assistance for students attending St. Michael School. Rose M. Counter Endowment Established in 2006 by Deacon Ralph Counter in memory of his wife, Rose, to be used for tuition assistance at St. Lambert School and O’Gorman High School. Curley Family Endowment in Memory of Mary J. Curley Established in 2001 by her husband, Verlyn and children: Kevin, Karen, Mark, Michelle and Jill. To be used for tuition assistance for St. Joseph Cathedral Parish students.

Wilbur and Marjorie Heimerman Endowments (3) Funds established in 1997 to support St. Mary School, the SFCS Foundation and the Sioux Falls Catholic Schools. Tom and Melissa Howes Family Legacy Endowment (2) Established in 2016 to support St. Mary School and O’Gorman Junior High School. Tom and Jean Huegel Family Legacy Endowment Established in 2015 for tuition assistance at O’Gorman High School. Frank and Irene Josten Family Legacy Endowments (2) Established in 2015 for the support of O’Gorman High School and the Sioux Falls Catholic Schools.

Charlotte Kirschman Endowment Established in 1997 for the benefit of OGHS. Rich and Cindy Korman Family Legacy Endowment Established in 2015 to support the Sioux Falls Catholic Schools. Kevin and Mary Kroeze Endowment Established in 2015 to support a St. Lambert parishioner to attend the Sioux Falls Catholic Schools. Raymond Lindner Memorial Endowment Established in 2009 to support tuition assistance for students from St. Therese Parish. Jack and Virginia Lovett Family Endowment Established in 2017 to support tuition assistance for Christ the King parishioners attending OGJH. Joseph and Lois Mattecheck Endowment Established in 2016 for the support of O’Gorman High School. Msgr. John McEneaney Endowment Established in 2006 to provide tuition assistance for single-parent families in the Sioux Falls Catholic Schools. Jeremiah and Mary Jean Murphy Endowment Established in 2012 for the benefit of Sioux Falls Catholic Schools. Ed and Nellie Naughton Endowment Established in 2004 by Elizabeth (Bette) Kathol to benefit the students of St. Joseph Cathedral Parish. James and Eileen Nawroth Endowment Established in 2015 for tuition assistance for students attending St. Lambert School. Petersen Family Legacy Endowment Established in 2015 for the benefit of O’Gorman High School to match funds raised by seniors for charitable purposes as approved by the Principal and President.

ENDOWED FUNDS - CCFESD cont. Vernon and Lorraine Pierce Family Legacy Endowment Established in 2015 to support the Sioux Falls Catholic Schools. The Pins Family Fund Endowment Established in 1997 by Jud and Jeslyn Pins. A portion of the annual contribution may be designated for tuition assistance for those students who could not otherwise attend Sioux Falls Catholic Schools. Larry H. Ritz Endowment Established in 2017 for the benefit of O’Gorman High School. Saints Anne and Joachim Family Legacy Endowment Established in 2015 for the support of St. Mary School. George Schaefer and Cathryn Schaefer Endowments (2) Two funds established in 1996 to help support O’Gorman High School and St. Mary School. Larry and Dianne Schmidt Family Endowment Established in 2015 to support the Sioux Falls Catholic Schools. Delores Schwan Endowment Established in 1997 to support the Sioux Falls Catholic Schools. Michael Anthony Sieverding Advised Endowment Established in 2006 to provide funding for the Spirit of Mike Sieverding Scholarship. This annual award provides tuition assistance for an upcoming senior at O’Gorman. Sioux Falls St. Mary Endowment Established in 2003 for the support of St. Mary School. St. Joseph Cathedral Class of 1950 Established in 2001 by Bob Monahan and Jerry McCabe with a challenge to other CHS alumni to contribute so students with financial need can have the same opportunity for a Catholic education. St. Joseph Cathedral Class of 1951 Established in 2001 by Dan “Fritz” Brown with a challenge to other CHS alumni to contribute so students with financial need can have the same opportunity for a Catholic education.

St. Joseph Cathedral Class of 1953 Established in 2002 by John (Tom) Lalley. He challenged classmates to make contributions to enable children to have the same opportunity for a Catholic education. St. Joseph Cathedral Tuition Assistance Endowment Fund Established in 2000 and supported by hundreds of people who were and are still motivated and guided by the faith and values they learned at Cathedral. St. Lambert Parish Scholarship, In Honor of Rev. James Mason and Rev. Paul King Established in 2014 to provide educational scholarships for youth who attend St. Lambert School. St. Lambert School Endowment Established in 2012 for the support of St. Lambert School. St. Mary Parish “Bless This Child” School Endowment Established in 2004 by anonymous donors to provide scholarships to students attending St. Mary School. St. Michael, St. Gabriel, St. Raphael Endowments (2) Established in 2015 for the support of O’Gorman High School and St. Lambert School. Steve and Julie Statz Family Legacy Endowment Established in 2016 for the support of O’Gorman High School. Bill and Teresa Townsend Family Legacy Endowment Established in 2015 for the support of St. Mary School. Cindy Walsh Legacy Endowment Established in 2015 to support the Sioux Falls Catholic Schools. **Donors have made an additional $4.5 million in future promises to the Catholic Community Foundation for the benefit of Sioux Falls Catholic Schools through bequests, will provisions, charitable gift annuities, charitable trusts and life insurance. To make a contribution to these funds, contact Katie Fritz at kfritz@ccfesd.org or mail directly to: CCFESD, 523 N Duluth Ave, Sioux Falls, SD, 57104.

CUMULATIVE GIVING - SFCS FOUNDATION LEGACY SOCIETY Gifts to SFCS Corporation or SFCS Foundation reflected in this publication were received since 1987 when we purchased software that allowed us to better track donations. Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy. However, due to the vast number of donations made directly to schools and/or churches, there may be some inconsistencies or some donations that may not have been recorded. If there are discrepancies, please accept our apology and bring any errors to our attention so that we may correct our records. Remember, however, that these cumulative gifts only represent the previous 31 years, as we do not have recorded gifts prior to that time. Thank you for your continued support of Sioux Falls Catholic Schools and may God bless you for your generosity!


Bishop Paul J. Swain Bishop Paul J. Swain was born on September 12, 1943 in Newark, NY, as one of six children. He attended Ohio Northern University, earning a degree in history. In 1967 he earned a Masters in political science from the University of Wisconsin. He served in the U.S. Air Force as an Intelligence Officer, including service in Vietnam where he earned a Bronze Star. After military service, he returned to Madison and the University of Wisconsin to complete his studies in law. After earning a law degree in 1975, he practiced law in Madison until becoming involved in the campaign and administration of Wisconsin’s Governor Lee Sherman Dreyfus where he served as legal counsel and director of policy. Near the end of his service to Governor Dreyfus’ gubernatorial administration, the first thoughts of a vocation to the priesthood came to Swain. Since he wasn’t Catholic this seemed unusual, but he took it as a prompting to take his faith more seriously. Private reading and studying and attendance at Mass led to more formal instruction and, ultimately, full reception into the Catholic Church in 1983. The thought of the priesthood remained. Thus to explore his priestly vocation, he began studies for priestly formation at Blessed John XXIII National Seminary in Weston, MA. He was ordained as a priest of the Diocese of Madison on May 27, 1988. Upon his ordination to the priesthood, Father Swain served in a number of parishes in the Diocese of Madison and was also appointed Vocations Director and Vicar General. In 2006, Pope Benedict XVI appointed Paul J. Swain as the eighth bishop of Sioux Falls. The Diocese of Sioux Falls is comprised of the counties in South Dakota east of the Missouri River, some 35,000 square miles of territory. Nearly 120,000 Catholics live among the total population of over 550,000. We are grateful to Bishop Swain for his leadership in our diocese.

Members of the BISHOP LEVEL are honored for their cumulative gifts to the SFCS (since 1987) of $1,000,000 or more. Avera Miles and Lisa Beacom

Herman E. Meyer Estate U Orthopedic Institute

Sanford Health George and Joan Sercl

Carl and Marietta Soukup Thomas and Kathleen Walsh U Denotes deceased


Fr. Kristopher Cowles

Originally from Yankton, Kristopher Cowles said he remembers feeling a call to the priesthood somewhere around 1st grade. However, as he got older, he wanted a ‘normal’ life - to be married and have a family, work as an engineer. He went to the SD School of Mines & Technology to study engineering. While there, he started spending time at the Newman Center. “The odds of meeting a nice Catholic girl are greater there (Newman Center) than in the general SDSMT population. And they had good food there,” he says with a chuckle. But it was there that he really began to discover his faith for the first time. “I went on my first retreat and encountered God in a personal and profound way,” says Fr. Cowles. After that, he spent more time in Bible studies and attending Holy Hours that included adoration along with praise and worship music. He was no longer attending just to meet girls, but because he was being changed. While attending a FOCUS conference in Denver, he prayed that his life would be different that following Lent, and it was. “During Lent, I prayed the rosary every night and the Lord began to change my heart.” At the end of Lent, he visited seminaries and everything felt right. In spite of not feeling worthy to be a priest (a self-described math geek and nerd who read comic books for fun) priest mentors encouraged him. Cowles kept focusing on what he’d be giving up if he became a priest. Finally, someone told him that if that’s where God wanted him to be, he’d find true happiness. “I wanted to be where God wanted me to be because that’s where I would find joy,” says Fr. Cowles. Cowles was ordained in 2011. After serving in Pierre, SD for his first three years as a priest, he was asked to learn Spanish for future ministry. He spent two months in Mexico before a short stint at St Michael’s. In the Spring of 2015, he began serving as pastor of OLG. “My Spanish was horrible,” he confesses. Arriving right after Ash Wednesday, he had to prepare kids for 1st Communion and prepare for Lenten liturgies and Holy Week — about the busiest week in the life of a parish priest. “The people were incredibly patient.” Fr. Cowles is more confident in his Spanish skills now and enjoys the Hispanic community. “They are one of the most warm and loving communities I could imagine. They also have really good food and are always looking for an excuse to gather.” In addition to his work with the OLG parish, Fr. Cowles spends time with the students at St. Lambert School, a number of whom are members of his parish. “If I’m having a horrible day, all I have to do is walk into that building and my day is 100% better.” Cowles says he loves spending time sharing stories and parables from the bible. “When I share those stories, light bulbs go off in their minds. It’s incredible. There’s a high that goes with that.” He also likes to hang with the kids — on the playground or in the gym. He’s been known to participate in the Pacer test. “The moment you play tag with them or run the Pacer test, they realize priests are human, too, and that maybe one day they could become a priest, too.” Thanks for sharing your time and your faith with our families, Fr. Cowles!

Members of the RELIGIOUS LEADER LEVEL are honored for their cumulative gifts to the SFCS since 1987 of $750,000 - $999,999. Gene, Jr. and Cynthia Jones Kevin and Peggy Kirby Pete and Madeline Pederson U

PREMIER Bankcard, Inc./First PREMIER Bank Sioux Falls Specialty Hospital, LLP

Jim and Angie Soukup St. Mary Parish U Denotes deceased


Hal Wick - A Lifetime of Advocacy March 8, 2018, the Sioux Falls Catholic Schools lost one of its biggest cheerleaders and advocates. Hal Wick, who graduated in the very first class at O’Gorman, was a longtime supporter of the Sioux Falls Catholic Schools. He was also a legislator who tirelessly advocated to try to get the State to help students who cannot afford the full cost of a private education. “He was always concerned about Catholic education,” says Hal’s widow, Jane. “He was always planning for the future.” Hal was a numbers kind of guy. He found ways to raise money. He convinced a nun who was an art teacher to paint pictures for a calendar and sold them to raise money for Christ the King School. His daughter says he was always aware of the underdog and those who didn’t have the means to attend. “He wanted to help. What can we do? he’d ask,” says Anne Wick Nelson. “Hal worked so hard for Christ the King School tuition assistance,” says Jane. He helped raise money, but he also gave of his own means. He started the Fr. Foley Fund to help families who live outside of Sioux Falls because of the extra expense of paying for gas. He wanted to keep kids in the Catholic Schools. When SFCS started the Certificate Program (now called the Gift Card Program), he jumped on the bandwagon, finding families in need and directing his rebates to them. “It’s about taking care of kids. Dad was so proud of Christ the King School. He was so interested in what was going on there and the future of the school,” says Anne. And that passion extended to the entire SFCS system. “He wasn’t afraid to ask for anything from anyone if it benefited the Catholic Schools.” As an airline pilot, he flew all around the world and for years, he would make sure to pick up specialty cheeses to auction off at SFCS events. Just one more of the many little things he did to help raise money for our schools. On the legislative end, he worked for decades in hopes of getting statewide school vouchers. While that effort has been unsuccessful to date, some progress was made with the South Dakota Tax Credit Scholarship Program. This is an incredible program that is patterned after many throughout the country where insurance companies can donate to a scholarship granting organization which provides assistance to kids who qualify to attend the school of their choice. The insurance companies receive a tax rebate as a result. Hal was so pleased to see this progress because it helps ALL families have a choice about what school will be the best for their children. Hal and Jane sent all of their children through the Catholic schools here and were able to watch a number of their grandchildren go through the schools and graduate as well. In fact, Hal was very proud of the fact that his eldest granddaughter was likely the first third-generation O’Gorman graduate, and delighted in the fact that, for a time, her picture hung across from his class in the hallway at O’Gorman. Hal’s efforts to promote and support Catholic education and SFCS will be felt for generations. He is no doubt bending someone’s ear in heaven, telling them about the excellent schools and staff we have at SFCS.

Members of the LEGACY LEVEL are honored for their cumulative gifts to the SFCS since 1987 of $500,000 - $749,000. Billion Automotive Companies Paul and Mary Ellen Connelly Don and Jo Dougherty

Greg and Phyllis Heineman TM and Mary Jane Reardon U

Alan, Jr. and Judy Spencer The Gas Stop - Tom and Melissa Howes U Denotes deceased


Stacy Charron

Stacy Charron earned both her BS in Elementary Education (2003) and MA in Education & Administration at Northern State University (2005). Her teaching career began in 2003 at Lincoln Elementary in Aberdeen, SD, where she taught 5th grade for seven years and coached volleyball at the varsity level for Aberdeen Central. In 2010, her husband, Wade, was offered a position at O’Gorman Junior High as principal. The Charrons moved to Sioux Falls, and Stacy was offered a position teaching 6th grade at Christ the King. She also coached volleyball at the freshman level for O’Gorman. Charron says it was an easy transition from Aberdeen to the new community. “The welcome we received by current staff and parish priests was overwhelming. It was apparent from the start that being a part of SFCS was something special and that feeling has never dwindled. Each day I come to work, I am reminded how fortunate I am to be working with families, students and staff dedicated to the education of the whole person, while living out the Gospel values.” In 2015, Stacy accepted a principal position at St. Katharine Drexel Elementary. She says she and her staff work hard to create an environment in their school where students feel safe and where respect is paramount. “We are always striving to improve and be the best we can be academically, socially and spiritually. Our goal is to ‘Be Like a Knight’ each and every day.” Parents whose children attend St. Katharine Drexel appreciate the strong sense of community that Charron has helped build. “Their involvement has been a key component to the success of our students. Our parents’ continued support of the SKD teachers and staff aides in building a consistent atmosphere that fosters student learning and growth. Our teachers and staff excel at creating a culture of learning and respect. Each day they are committed to meeting the SFCS mission. Walking through the halls and rooms, it is evident that students are engaged in the learning process while at the same time being formed spiritually and socially.” Charron says she is very grateful for the support of the people of St. Katharine Drexel Parish as well. “There are countless volunteers who take time to help in various capacities: grandparent program, student assistance, building work/maintenance, grounds keeping, as well as all of the daily prayers offered up for our students and staff.” Stacy and Wade have three active children: Spencer (5th grade), Tanner (3rd) and Brynnley (Kindergarten). We are blessed by their decision to move to Sioux Falls back in 2010!

Members of the PRINCIPAL LEADER LEVEL are honored for their cumulative gifts to the SFCS since 1987 of $250,000 - $499,999. Anonymous Todd and Linda Broin Coca-Cola Bottling Co Daniel and Janet Costello Eide Bailly LLP

Fiegen Construction Co Ronald Fiegen Trust U Gene, Sr. U and Audrey Jones Scott and Lisa Jones Jeff and Doreen Jorgenson

Tim and Jeanne Kappenman Birdie Millette U G F Walsh Family Robert and Deb Winkels

U Denotes deceased


Ross Kruse

Male teachers are not unusual at O’Gorman Jr. High or High School. They are a bit more rare at the elementary level. Ross Kruse has been a teacher in the SFCS for the past seven years, and before that, taught an additional eight years in smaller districts. With a degree from Dakota State, he first decided to become a teacher because he wanted to coach. He taught middle school social studies, language arts, and was head basketball coach in the Hamlin School District for three years and also met his wife, Melissa, there. They moved to his hometown of DeSmet so he could take over for his former basketball coach, who was retiring. “I thought I’d be there forever,” he said. Melissa is a cosmetologist, though, and wanted to move to a larger community, so they moved to Sioux Falls. “I had never even thought of teaching in the Catholic schools.” Because they moved in August, school positions were filled, so he started as a substitute in the public schools. “We looked at parishes and found Holy Spirit and realized that they had a school, too. I checked into subbing there.” When a Holy Spirit teacher got cancer, Ross took a long-term substitute position. Shortly thereafter, Ross applied for a full time position. He got the job and has now been teaching 6th grade for the past five years. “You get that opportunity to prepare them for junior high, making sure they’re ready to go on. We don’t have to keep holding their hands.” Kruse says he loves working with the kids at this fundamental stage. “I love the interaction with them. They love coming to school every day. I take a lot of pride in being part of molding kids into what they could be or what they’re going to be. I feel privileged to be a part of that. You can see the potential in these kids.” Life has changed dramatically since Kruse and his wife started a family. In the beginning of his time with SFCS, he coached at both OGJH and OGHS. Now that they have a 3 year old and 1 year old, coaching has taken a back seat. “I remember getting home late and my wife was telling me what the kids were doing and I had missed it. It just wasn’t working. My kids first steps or first words are too important. When they get older I can go back.” Kruse says he does some limited coaching with jr. high track and would like to eventually get back into it more but not now. “I have friends who’ve coached while their kids were growing up. They all had regrets, missed things. I told my wife I wasn’t going to do that. Is coaching more important than missing your own kids’ games? It’s not the path in life I want to take.” Kruse says what he loves most about teaching in the Catholic schools is incorporating faith into his teaching. “In the public schools you can’t bring faith into the classroom, like how we can pray when something happens.” He says he loves the weekly Masses and morning prayer. “It feels like a family. I am way more invested than when I was teaching in a public school.” Being a male teacher in a predominantly female environment just doesn’t occur to Kruse much. “I just think of myself as part of the team.” Ross, we’re glad you’re on our team!

Members of the EDUCATOR LEVEL are honored for their cumulative gifts to the SFCS since 1987 of $100,000 - $249,999. Jeff and Linda Baka Bill and Peg Baker Stan and Kirsten Biondi Joel and Dar Blanchard Greg and Denise Branaugh Joe and Amy Cass Bob and Paula Correa CorTrust Bank Tom and Rose Costello Dalsin Development Foundation Charitable Gift Fund Leonard and Joanne Dankey Kevin and Karen Doyle

Msgr. James Doyle First National Bank of Sioux Falls Friessen Construction Daniel, Jr. and Katie Fritz Bob and Marge Good Bryan and Shelly Hammer Alfred and Linda Hartmann Boyd and Dody Hopkins Jack and Gina Hopkins Irene Huebl - Estate U Tom U and Jean Huegel Dominic and Diane Hurley Will and Joan Hurley

Interstate Office Products, Inc Jay and Caryn Kappenman Patrick and Kaye Lawler Raymond Lindner Trust U Rose Lohr U Maguire Iron, Inc Michael and Jean McHale Midland National Life Insurance Co Jeremiah U and Mary Jean Murphy Randy and Debbie Nehring Mike and Janice O’Connor O’Connor Company Marian and Andrea Petrasko

Craig and Dawn Pistulka Todd and Patty Pharis - Pizza Ranch Presentation Sisters Central Administration Services JB and MK Pritzker Dave and Liz Reimer Pat U and Rose Ann Ryan John Sall Trust U Keith and Ann Schaefbauer Schoeneman Brothers Company William and Valerie Schroeder Jon and Nancy Schulte Terry and Trish Schulte

Delores Schwan U Showplace Wood Products, Inc Tomasz and Cynthia Stys Richard and Kathleen Sweetman T-Brothers Logistics Bill and Teresa Townsend Bernard and Mary Ann VanWassenhove Kevin and Patricia Vaska Tom and Terry Welk Wells Fargo Wells Fargo Educational Matching Gift Program


Dick Koch ‘73

As a student at O’Gorman, Dick Koch was one of those kids who participated in pretty much everything. He was a member of the student council and editor of the Scroll. He was extremely involved in the music programs at O’Gorman; he accompanied chorus and band groups, sang in chorus and Madrigals, and was also in many theatre productions. He went on to Creighton for undergraduate and dental school and moved back home to start his dental practice. Though busy with his career and raising a family, he made time to be involved in his church and community. He sang at his church, joined the Elks, Jaycees, Knights of Columbus, and led a boy scouts troop. He was also on the boards of the Sioux Falls Community Playhouse and the Sioux Empire Community Theatre. He continues to be involved in theatrical productions and loves it. When he and his wife, Cindy, had their children, Ben ‘04 and Lisa ‘07, there was no question about where they’d go to school. “I don’t think we even had to discuss it. Faith is an important part of our lives. We were members of St Mary’s Parish and loved the school. It’s a whole way of thinking that I see from that school system. There’s a moral, ethical compass that flows from that as well. We’re just big believers in that. I know my kids are better people because they’ve been in the Catholic school system,” says Dick. During the time that Ben and Lisa were students, Dick and Cindy were heavily involved as parents, spending countless hours helping with band, chorus, theatre productions, working concessions to raise money for the band and more. What they got in return was invaluable. “We met so many people through the school system who became our friends. Some of our best friends today are those we made through the Catholic Schools.” Dick truly appreciates the academic excellence in the SFCS and values the opportunity – just as he had – for students to get involved in activities. “In the Catholic schools – you don’t just get the faith education. There are so many areas where a student can excel – academics, sports, music, theatre.” Dick says he attributes the success in large part to the incredible staff. “We have amazing teachers who could easily have made more money elsewhere. The dedication of the staff is pretty impressive when you think about it.” One of the things Dick values most is the sense of community he’s felt from the time he was a student through today, even though his kids graduated years ago. “When I go to a football game or band performance or theatre performance, I still feel like it’s US – we’re part of that community. That’s a cool thing. That’s a unique thing.”

Members of the ALUMNI LEVEL are honored for their cumulative gifts to the SFCS since 1987 of $50,000 - $99,999. Peter and Berit Andreone Anonymous (2) Elizabeth Barto-Smith Ken Berger and Molly McCarthy

David and Erika Billion John and Katy Billion Vince and Betty Bruggeman U Michael and Mary Brzica

Burger King Larry and Mary Canfield Ed and Judy Cannon Century Business Products

U Denotes deceased

Charlotte Kirschman Estate U Christ the King Parish Paul and Shirley Cink Citi CNA Surety Randy and Ann Cowan Creative Surfaces, Inc Edward and Bridget Czarnecki Robert and Jane Denny Deruytter Estate U Phil and Connie Donohue U Bob and Kara Dougherty Dana and LaDawn Dykhouse Susan Evans James Fergen Trust U Don and Janet Fischer Maureen Flynn Mike and Sue Flynn Thomas and Nancy Free Warren and Hilda U Friessen Susette Fujan Richard and Mary Garry Gary and Theresa Gaspar Harold and Kristine Goeden Richard U and Joanne Grasser John U and Norma Gross Richard and Nancy Gustaf Doug and Anne Hajek Steve and Karen Haney Paul and Loretta Harris Trust U Howalt-McDowell Insurance, Marsh & McLennan Brian and Sheila Hurley Don U and Dorothy Johnson Otto and Mary Jo U Kaiser Kraig and Joni Keck Rob and Nicole Keisacker Dan and Arlene Kirby Steve and Susie Kirby Jenni Klein Richard and Cindy Koch

Donald and Shelly Kosiak Fr. David Krogman Noel and Mary Lais David and Connie Landry Doug and Julie Lindner Craig and Pat Lloyd Gene and Joan Loos Thomas and Penny Lorang Lynde Construction Jane Machado Mark and Sandy McClung Patrick and Kathy McGreevy Michael and Katie McInerney Tom and Nancy Meinen Tom and Marilyn Meyer Richard Molseed Thomas and Cynthia Monnin Daniel and Jean Murphy Tom and Karla Murphy N Dean Nasser III Memorial Scholarship Fund New York Life Foundation John and Patty Nohr Kevin and Cindy Olson Steven and Teresa Palmitier Vinod Parameswaran and Sabina Kupershmidt Bruce Prouse and Diane Bottolfson Judy Radermacher Marlene Rance TJ and Gayle Reardon Glenn and Colene Ridder Larry and Beryl Ritz U Emmet and Mary Gayle Rogers Thad and Elizabeth Rogers David and Anlee Rola Mike and Mary Runge Runge Enterprises William Schaefbauer and Evie Sautner Mina Schaefer U SDN Communications John Sherman

Mark and Peggy Shlanta David and Sue Simons Sioux Falls Construction State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co Patrick Steffl Jeff and Reneece Strand Raed Sulaiman and Christiane Maroun Donald and Maureen Szymik The Medtronic Foundation Richard and Michelle VanDemark Paul Vogt - Estate U Dwight and Laurie Vondra Roger and Michele Weber John and Bridget Wenande Western Bank Hal U and Jane Wick George U and Florence Willis James U and Marlene Winker Matthew and Deborah Witte Fr. Andrew Young

U Denotes deceased


John and Katy Billion Since the 1990’s, John and Katy (Dougherty) Billion have had students in the Sioux Falls Catholic Schools. Their ‘roles’ as SFCS parents ended last year with the graduation of their ‘baby’ – Sam ‘17. Unlike some empty nester parents, the Billions continue to stay connected with the SFCS community. “We will still be involved. We’ll still be going to football games and concerts and plays. We believe in the system,” says John. Their connection to the Sioux Falls Catholic Schools actually goes back to their fathers who were both Cathedral graduates (Jack Billion ’57 and Don Dougherty ’48). Both John and Katy are graduates — John in 1984 and Katy in 1983. After they married and started having children of their own, they enrolled them at St. Mary’s and their own adventures as parents began. “We wanted to be involved with the school that our kids were attending. We wanted to support our kids, get to know their friends and their friends’ parents,” says Katy. The Billions helped in the classrooms, worked at the Fall Festival and Donut Days, served as room parents and more. They also made it a point to bring their children to lots of activities on the O’Gorman campus, from football and basketball games to concerts and plays. As their kids got older and started at O’Gorman, the Billions moved into new ways of volunteering. John announced soccer games, served on the Dakota Bowl Committee and also worked with the ‘pit crew’ before the musicals. Katy organized all of the catering for the musical casts and crews with her friend, Teresa Schoenfelder. She also served as nurse and chaperone for many years for the concert choir and interp teams, even including road trips! Katy and John hosted a number of cast parties after the musicals, welcoming hundreds of students and their parents into their home. “Everything she does is because her heart is so pure. She loves bringing joy and appreciation to others,” says director of theatre Teresa Fester, who is incredibly grateful to have had the Billions as some of her best and most dedicated volunteers. In addition to the countless hours John and Katy have spent volunteering, they have supported many of the fundraisers and initiatives for the SFCS. They’ve been Sustainer Members of the SFCS Foundation, supported the music and theatre programs by purchasing booster passes or becoming patrons for the playbill. They’ve attended, supported and volunteered at many Dakota Bowls, Golf Classics, Extravaganzas, Foundation events; they have supported the athletic department, the SFCS Teacher Salary Initiative, used the SFCS Gift Card program and so, so much more. Being super involved was just natural. “We had a lot of fun,” says John. “Now we’re just going to be taking a different approach.” The Billions say engaging in all of this at SFCS was the best way not only for them to know their kids – and who their kids were hanging around with — but an incredible way to meet and get to know lifelong friends. “It is amazing to experience the support and camaraderie the community holds,” says Katy. “Those who don’t volunteer are missing out!” John and Katy, we truly thank you for your gifts of time, talent and treasure to support our students and teachers.

Members of the PATRON LEVEL are honored for their cumulative gifts to the SFCS since 1987 of $25,000 - $49,999. Jeffry and Sherri Alvey Anonymous (6) Wilson and Rose-Marie Asfora Greg and Cindy Assman

Richard and Barbara Auld U Avera McKennan Fitness Center Jack and Elizabeth Babb Don and Kate Barnes

George Louis and Maggie Barnett U James Becker John Becker Val Beckman - Trust U

Jeanne Bendewald Jay and Susan Bentz Steve and Catherine Billion Brian and Janet Bird

Robert and Diane Biver Donald, Sr. and Alice Blumhoff Boen & Associates Donald and Lisa Bonenberger Bill and Cathleen Britton Howard R Brown U Donald and Sylvia Brule Clint and Erin Brunner Jerry and Mary Bunkers Joseph and Christine Burla Butler Machinery Co Bill and Lynne Byrne Fran and Mary Lou Campbell Carl V Carlson Company Brad and Sue Carley Charles Carroll U Matthew and Kristina Casey Terrence R. and Barbara Caster Catholic Aid Association Catholic Community Foundation for Eastern SD Catholic Diocese of Sioux Falls Jason and Amy Chase Fr. Chuck Cimpl Tom and Mary Cink Richard and Kari Clark Mary Lou Conway - Estate U Ross and Lisa Crist Kevin and Ashley Crouch Verlyn Curley Nathan and Mary Dally Marvin Dammann Greg and Shaun Daniel Stan and Elaine Deelstra Steve and Jackie Domm Mark and Anne Donahoe Dan and Laurie Donohue Mary Sue Donohue David and Kelly Dougherty Tom and Kareen Dougherty Don Drake, Drake Orthodontics Woody and Margaret Drey Estate U Mark and Susan Duffek Aaron and Jennifer Dykstra Earl Earley Barbara East David and Julie Elson James, Jr. and Barbara Eppel David and Julie Ermer Phil Everist U

Joseph and Davina Fanciullo Rod and Julie Fieldsend Gertrude FitzGibbon Trust U Gene and Judy Francis Julie Frederick Jared and Chantelle Friedman Gage Brothers Concrete Products, Inc Bill and Mary Kay Garry Kevin and Melissa Garry Thomas and Ann Garry Jack and Jayne Gaspari David and Teri Geiver Michael and Gracia Gillespie Marian Gresslin Ester Gubbrud and Charles Ross Craig and Lisa Hagen Donald and Julie Hanson Patricia Hardie James Heiman James and Deb Heine John and Ann Henkhaus Tony and Erin Hericks Evan and Kristin Hermanson Robert and Tina Hillman Hillman Plumbing & Heating Fr. Jerome Holtzman David and Tonia Honner Hopkins Financial Corporation Jason and Susan Hurd HyVee Thomas and Diane Iacarella James and Julie Ignowski James P and JoNell Jarding Robert and Brenda Jarding John Morrell & Co George and Clare Johnson Jeff and Nancy Johnson Kathy Johnston Troy and Mary Jones James and Lynn Josten Sandi Kant Tim Kant James and Rosemary Kappenman U Mike and Michelle Katen Donald and Carol Kelpin Henry and Christine Knapp Knights of Columbus - Marquette Council John Knudtson and Sadie Dardis-Knudtson Rick and Kathy Kooima

Lon and Sandy Kouri Dave and Brandi Kowalczyk Kevin and Mary Kroeze Fr. Al Krzyzopolski U L G Everist, Inc Fred and Vi Larson U Robert and Joanne Leiferman Lewis Drug Stores Jack and Virginia U Lovett Charles and Mary Luke Edward and Carolyn Mailloux Jack Mallek and Pam Ephgrave Msgr. John McEneaney U McHale Institute Richard McKenna Estate U Mary Dougherty McMullen Curt and Sheri Messler Steve Metli U Midco Kevin and Linda Moehn Ted and Karen Muenster Gary and Beth Neidich Anne Nelson David Nelson NFCG, LLC/ Sunshine Foods Julie Norton Doug and Amy Ode Brad and Lori Olson Curtis and Janelle Peery Michael and Karen Pekas John and Denita Pesicka Mary Ann Peterson - Trust U Tom and Sally Polak Molly Poole Jerry and Dana Priebe Thomas and Patti Ralph Frank and Barbara Rance Richard and Suzanne Rauschenbach Raven Industries, Inc Margaret Reardon Michael Reardon Scott Reardon Dennis and Donna Rensch Republic National Distributing Co Results Radio David and Carol Reznicek Robert and Marie Rickel Kevin and Patricia Ronan Corey and Thalia Rothrock

Richard and Ellie Sabers Joe and Sue Salem Robert and Lori Santella Cathryn Schaefer U Scheels All Sports Jon and Jessie Schmidt Al Schoeneman Greg and Marlene Schroeder Eric and Jaclyn Schuler Todd and Terri Schuver Douglas and Elizabeth Sea Keith, Jr. and Becky Severson Sheldon F Reese Foundation Tim and Jamie Sheridan Anthony and Myriam Sierra Sioux Falls Ford Lincoln Sioux Falls Skyforce Jon and Karen Smith Barry and Carol Solomon Ben and Trish Solomon Rodney and Becky Sorrell Splitrock Landscaping & Nursery, Inc Steve and Julie Statz Mark and Kelly Stearns Paul Strand and Paula Derr Strand Gerald and Mary Pat Sweetman Guy and Carolyn Tam Target Tony and Jane Tatone Travis and Michelle Thie Gary and Grace Thimsen Ted Thoms Thornton Flooring - Matt and Beth Thornton Stuart and Pamela Tiede TSP US Bank US WEST Foundation Brian and Patricia Vognild Tom and Claudia Vucurevich Thomas and Kristi Weisbecker Wells Fargo Education Financial Services Mary Jo Williamson Paul and Beth Windschitl Del Wurtz Terry and Stephanie Yeager Thomas and Lynne Zimmer Todd and Sheila Zimprich

U Denotes deceased


Hope Simon ‘19

Incoming senior Hope Simon wants “to be a good student, good friend, good daughter, good sister and, honestly, a good disciple of Christ.” Hope first came to the Sioux Falls Catholic Schools as a freshman after having been previously homeschooled. When she first came, she attended school part time, taking Latin and playing volleyball. She immediately fell in love with the O’Gorman community. “I love school — I love going to school. I like to make a difference in the day of my teachers and my classmates. I love my teachers!” says Hope. By her sophomore year, Hope was getting more involved in classes and activities. Her favorite? Campus Ministry. “Mr. Konz encouraged me to get involved. I helped with the 8th grade retreat as a small group leader. It was one of my best experiences,” says Hope. She also got involved with something called ‘Perk Up’ — where they work to get kids to come into the Campus Ministry room by offering coffee and hot chocolate. “We do that so that students are comfortable checking out the Campus Ministry program. Hopefully, they’ll get more involved with their faith and some of the activities and other Christian Service opportunities.” Hope treasures the ability to pray at O’Gorman, and especially loves having a chapel right on campus. “I love going to the chapel. It’s the center of O’Gorman which shows its importance. I know it has strengthened my faith. I sometimes go into the chapel for 15 minutes before or after school or I go there for adoration.” Outside of O’Gorman, Hope teaches for the Family Program and lectors at Cathedral, and has traveled to Washington DC for the past two years to be part of the March for Life. Living out her faith extends to the way Hope treats others around the school. She makes it a point to say hello to everyone. She knows the custodians by name. As a work study student during her junior year, Hope worked in the kitchen serving food and cleaning. “I loved it. It would be weird going through the lunch line and not knowing who was serving the food. I know all of them and I love all the people I work with.” In the years she’s been doing work study, she has also waxed floors, cleaned out the wood shop, and helped clean at St. Katharine Drexel. Hope understands that her work study allows her to attend O’Gorman and she not only doesn’t mind doing it, but actually enjoys it, especially because it means she gets to attend O’Gorman where her faith and education can seamlessly be integrated.

Members of the STUDENT LEVEL are honored for their cumulative gifts to the SFCS since 1987 of $10,000 - $24,999. David Aalberg Scott and Patricia Abdallah Brad and Kim Adamson ADwerks, Inc Alan and Patricia Akerson Donald and Mamie Albers AlphaGraphics Msgr. James Andraschko Roberto Anel and Editha Liu Steve and Madeline Angerhofer Anonymous (5) Dave and Kara Arend Beverly Armfield Mark and Amy Arndt Arthur J. Gallagher & Co.

Angela Aschoff U Avera Health Avera Heart Hospital of South Dakota Backyard Broadcasting Bank of America David and Susan Bankers Michael and Mary Kay Bannwarth Ron and Diane Bannwarth Brent and Phanthip Bargmann Thad and Nicole Barnes Don J and Marilyn Barnett Jeff and Jamie Barnett Barnett Vision, Jim and Laura Barnett Barnett-Lewis Funeral Home Daniel Beacom and Ann Roemen

Beal Distributing, Inc Charles and Mary Beatch Clare Becker Gail and Connie Benson David and Karen Beranek Timothy and Mary Berger Cathy Bielen Evelyn Billion U Bruce and Cathy Bohms Todd and Karen Boone Michael and Carri Bornitz Boyce, Greenfield, Pashby & Welk, LLP Jeff and Traci Boyle Brandt, Solomon, & Anderson, LLP Kevin and Rebecca Branick

James and Linda Breckenridge Dianne Breen William and Jean Brennan Rita Briscoe Brooks Construction Thomas Brown U Mark and Joli Bruggeman Maurice Bruggeman Steve Brzica U Patrick and Marcia Burke Jim, Jr. and Kim Burma Canfield Holding Company, Inc James and Donna Cannon CAPITAL Card Services, Inc Archbishop Robert J Carlson

Sharon Carlson Thomas and Tina Carson Richard and Beverly Casey Cell Only - 41st Adam and Molly Christianson Cimarron Label Citigroup Foundation James and Phyllis Clark James and Sue Clark Steven and Catherine Clark Shawn and Julie Cleary Curtis and Julie Clemen Paul and Kathryn Clinton Bob and Juliann Cloyd Deacon John Cole U Steven and Jennifer Condron Mark and Jeanie Conzemius Brooks Cory Dolores Costello Pat and Shawn Costello Costello Property Management Terrence and Shirley Creek Crist & Wenande Orthodontics, LLC Culligan’s Soft Water Service Michael Cunningham Jerry and Betty Curren Dacotah Bank Dakota Beverage Dakota Dental Dakota Kitchen & Bath, Inc Dakota Vision Center Dakotaland Storage James and Rita Daniels Tim and Lee Anne Dardis Davenport, Evans, Hurwitz & Smith, LLP Tom and Leisa Davis Doug and Gail Deibert Allen and Mary Delaney Jerry and Darlene Delker Andrew and Tricia DeMore James and Patricia Dennison Bruce and Susan DeSchepper Carol DeSchepper Jim and Karen DeWitte Lawrence and Maxine Dhaemers - Estate U Cory and Janey Diedrich Dennis and Carol Dingman DLS Cemetery Lettering, Inc Joan Donahoe U Timothy and Amy Donelan Tim and Christin Koel Donohue William Dougherty U

Tim Dougherty and Karen Schreier Dougherty Financial Group, LLC Jeffrey and Anita Drummond Doris Duffy William and Beverly Earley Jeff and Hattie Edman David and Jennifer Edwards Mary Ellen Eggers U Electric Construction Co Jon and Jenny Ellenbecker David and Caron Ellerbusch Mark and Leslie Elliott Milt and Helen Ellis Beverly English Rick and Marcia Entwistle Greg and Teresa Erickson John and Lori Erie Deanna Evans Evans Portrait Gallery Even Law Firm Donn and Patricia Fahrendorf Family Eye Care Center, PC Famous Dave’s John and Cheryl Faundeen Dudley and Laura Feige Jerry and Betty Feldhaus Jeff and Jackie Fiegen Rusty and Brenda Fiegen Mark and Jeanice Finnegan First Data Resources First National Bank South Dakota Geraldine Fitzgerald Bonnie Fitzgibbons U David and Mary Fleck Joe and Elaine Floyd David and Sharon Flynn Patrick and Janet Flynn Flynn Outdoor Advertising Daniel and Lynn Foley Mary Frace Estate U David and Joan Frankman Lawrence and Carolyn Frankman Jerome W and Mary Freeman Don and Becky Freitag Jon and Emily Friedman Don and Chris Garry U Fayola Gaspar Gary and Cynthia Gaspar Kenneth and LaVonne Gaspar Keith and Anna Gauer Steve and Kelly Gellerman Getty Abstract- Midwest Title Co

Scott and Mary Gibson Jorge and Fabyola Gilbert Terry and Pamela Gordon Katherine Greve Jeffrey and Anne Gross Kim and Suzanne Gross Archbishop Thomas Gullickson Doug and Brenda Haber Denton U and Gay Haber Robert and Tracy Haeder Timothy and Carla Haiar Ed U and Nancy Hall Gary and Norma Halstead Keith and Toni Halverson Hander Plumbing & Heating, Inc Tom and Lisa Hanlon Hanson Pipe and Precast Doyle and Donna Hardie Bruce Hartman Shelle Hartman Shane and Nancy Hartung Hauff Mid-America Sports Houston and Judy Haugo Cindy Hayes U Joe and Debbie Hayes Gary Heiberger Wilbur and Marjorie Heimerman U Mike and Susan Heineman John and Molly Heisler Jeff and Judy Helgeson Rex and Jude Henderson Beverly Hendrickson HenkinSchultz, Inc Jerry and Verna Henriksen Jeff and Barb Hermanson Joe and Deb Hickman Casey and Sarah Hillman Holy Spirit Parish Home Federal Bank Robert Todd and Maria Hopkins Kevin Horner Horner Orthodontic Household Card Service Ronald and Veronica Houston David and Marilyn Hoversten Lee and Shirley Hroza Joe and Sharon Hurley William and Grace Hurley U Jeff and Lisa Irvine Mark and Fran Jansa Jim and Megan Jarding Jim U and Margaret Jarding Nancy Jerentowski

Tom and Julie Job Brad and Rebecca Johnson David and Andree Johnson Greg and Meg Johnson Justin and Chrissy Johnson Philip and Karen Johnson Jesse and Chelsea Johnston Jay and Lisa Jorgenson Bernard and Adele Josten - Trust U Sr. Julianne Josten Fr. Paul Josten K & J Trucking Ellison and Lauren Kalda Daniel and Jeanne Kangley Kappenman Dental Clinic Larry and Jackie Kasten Tony and Katie Kayser Charles and Rae Kearns U Rory and Amber Kelly Warren U and Peggy Kemp Raphael Kemper U C Pauline Kennedy U Bishop Donald Kettler Kirby Financial Jerome and Jean Klein Mel and Carol Klein Steven and Brigetta Klein Charles and Judy Kneip Ralph U and Jane Koch Perry and Becky Kolb Richard and Jenny Konechne Tony and Kerri Konshak David and Patricia Kopp Russell and Sherena Kost Bryan and Dana Kouri Kouri Insurance Agency, Inc Matt and Anne Koziara Kreisers, Inc Krier & Blain Heating & Air Co Eric and Stacy Krouse KSFY TV Bill and Joyce Kubat James Kuhle Shawn U and Kathleen Kunkel Steve and Deb Labahn William and Denise Ladwig Gregory and Kaye LaFollette Veronika Lakstigala Gary and Renae Lamberty Ronald and Sharlene Lamberty

U Denotes deceased

CUMULATIVE GIVING - SFCS FOUNDATION LEGACY SOCIETY Student Level cont. Brian Landry Robert and Tamara Lauer John and Natalie Lavender Joe and Mary Leedom Jason Leigh Lithia of Sioux Falls Paul and Machelle Livermore LodgeNet Entertainment Cora Loken U Tom and Lori Loonan Kelly and Jill Loudenslager Robert and Julie Lubke David and Shirley Lueth Steve and Roxanne Lynch Dan and Susan MacRandall Donald John and Cathy Maguire PJ and Kathie Maloney Joyce Manahan Ken and Kathy Martinec Micah and Lindsay Mauney Michael and Susan McCoy John and Jeanne McDowell U Tom and Susan McDowell McDowell Rogers Realtors Dorothy McGinnis James and Chris McGrann Shane and Angela McKay Steve and Nancy McLaughlin Duane and Darlene McMahon McNally’s Phyllis McQuillen U Scott and Lisa Mehlhaff Tom and Judy Meisinger Metro Construction, Inc D.W. U and Patricia Meyer Paul and Michelle Micka Midwestern Mechanical, Inc Anthony and Dana Miller Minnehaha Country Club Minnwest Bank Steven and Brenda Mitzel Riyad and Rima Mohama Mary Montoya Ronald and Joanne Moquist Patrick and Laurie Moran Fr. James Morgan Dennis and Jan Motz Kevin Murphy Murphy, Goldammer & Prendergast, LLP Chuck and Joan Mutchler Harold U and Ione Naber

Neal and Lisa Nachtigall NAI/Commercial Real Estate Dean, Jr. and Carole Nasser Chris and Amy Nelson J Tom and Diane Nelson Todd and Dawn Nelson Michael and Janelle Nerland Curt and Carol Nesbitt Jerry and Karen Noonan Dan and Judy Norman Novak Sanitary Service Wayne U and Connie Novotny Charles and Jody O’Brien Duane O’Connell Kenneth and Diane O’Connell Scott and Kimberly Ohnoutka Mark and Suzanne O’Leary John and Linda Oliver Orion Enterprises Doug and Nancy Ortmann Frank U and Dianne Owens Chris and Barbara Paa Matthew and Paula Pardy Eugene and Ruth Parker Gary and Alice Parks John and Renae Pekas Terry and Michelle Pellman Merrill and Theresa Peltier William and Susan Peters Rodney and Mary Pierce Herman and Marian Plagge Richard Poley Michael Powers In Memory of Danielle Price Vincent and Laurie Price Pride Neon, Inc Lynn and Teri Pudenz Pete and Irene Pulizzi Dan and Shelly Rausch Hazel Reed Lori Reischl Preston and Nicole Renshaw Michael and Suzanne Reuter Reva Rezac John and Lisa Richardson Riddle’s Jewelry James and Linda Rieff Thomas and Kristin Ripperda Joseph Michael Robbie U James and Connie Roberts Steven and Lisa Roers J Pat and Margot Rogers Pat and Teri Rogers

Neil and Breanne Rohe Luis Rojas-Espaillat and Rosalia Jover Rex and Margie Rolfing Gregg and Marsha Ruff Kyle and Karen Ruhland Martin and Brenda Ruppert Jon and Kim Ryckman Susan Sabers Jim and Maureen Sage Sallie Mae Msgr. Francis Sampson U Sanaa’s 8th St Gourmet Jeff and Dana Sandene E.W. U and Kathleen Sanderson Sands Drywall, Inc Sara Lee Baking Group Dean and Donna Schaefers Larry and Bonnie Schafer Ron and Mary Jo Schallenkamp Jeff and Linda Schartz Lucille Schiltz U Robert and Jan Schmall Troy and Canee Schmidt Ozzie and Jane Schock U Cindy Schoppert Pickett Schoppert’s Piano Gallery Alan and Mary Ann Schroeder John and Debra Schulte Rand and Mignonne Schwebach Robert and Connie Scott Josephine Seiler U Gary and Deb Sieverding Sioux Empire Realtors for Kids Jeffery and Lori Skinner Steven and Lisa Small Regan Smith Scott and Constance Smith SoDak Distributing Co Troy Soldatke Matt and Sarah Sorrell South Western Dental Andrew and Sandy Soye Connie Spielmann St. Mary Altar Society St. Michael Cemetery St. Michael Parish St. Michael SFO St. Vincent DePaul Society - Cathedral Christopher and Erin Stanton Margaret (Peggy) Stanton David Starks and Katherine Wang StarMark, Inc David U and Deborah Stene

Brady and Kelly Stocklin Chuck and Pam Stone T.R. and Natalie Sturm Jon and Kate Sundvold Patrick and Jana Sweetman R.S. and Evelyn Sweetman U Tom and Rochelle Sweetman TC’s Referee/Cherry Creek Grill Terin Corp The Country Club of Sioux Falls The Diamond Room The Everist Company The Graham Companies The Ramkota Companies, Inc Bette Theobald Michael and Chris Thompson Thomas and Peggy Thompson Daryl and Anita Thuringer Gerald and Courtney Tielke Robert and Betty Torkildson U Pat Townsend Traditions, Limited Thomas and Barbara Travis Lynal and Ann Tschetter Matthew and Sarah Tschetter William Tunell Myrl and Lois Unzelman Nick and Marie VanLoh Vern Eide Motorcars Jerry and Nancy Vogel Verlynne and Suzanne Volin U Rollin Wagner James and Donna Walden Walmart Jerry and Carol Ward Steve and Brenda Washenberger Keith and Wanda Waterbury Debbie Watson Donna Weinacht David and Kathleen Weissenberger Jerry and Ginnie Wempe Shawn and Margaret Werdel Charles and Cathy Wiese Michael and Monica Wilde Thomas Wilka Woods, Fuller, Shultz & Smith P.C. Xcel Energy John Yu and Emilie Ng John Zimmer - Estate U Joe and Kristen Zueger

U Denotes deceased

Gifts In Memory of... Throughout the year, the SFCS is the recipient of a number of memorial gifts. Some are made to established funds; others are gifts made because of the recent loss of a loved one. We have listed on these pages the names of contributors in the past fiscal year. This does not reflect cash memorial gifts made to the families which are not attributed to a specific donor. Jessi Anderson Keith and Ann Schaefbauer Winifred Anderson Anonymous (2) Dale and Teresa Stoll Richard Baker Michael and Gracia Gillespie Duane O’Connell Dr. Lou and Maggie Barnett Genevieve Ament Anonymous Richard and Rhonda Baker Don J and Marilyn Barnett Max Barnett Max and Nancy Barnett Max, Jr. and April Barnett Richard and Amy Barnett Barnett Vision Clinic, Jim and Laura Barnett Craig and Diane Bauch Lyle Behrends Hilda Berreau Blue Chip Marketing Linda Bolger Denise Boraas Charles and Karen Boyum James and Chris Braun Charles and Jill Brodbeck Robert and Jenny Bye Jodi Casanova Michael Castle Mark and Jeanie Conzemius Erwin and Janis Cornelius Dale and Joan Cota Richard Cota Greg and Shaun Daniel Katie Day Curtis and Kathleen Eide Dorothy Eide Gilbert and Kathleen English David and Julie Ermer Bev Fischer Paulette Fischer

John Fisher Flower Mill Shawn and Stephanie Foy Hubert and Jan Grogan Mary Hausman-May John and Sheila Healy Glenn and Kathleen Helme John and Valerie Hickner Michael and Margaret Hooton Julie Hudak Robert and Michele Jacobson Dave and Becky Jansa Dan and Beth Jennings George and Clare Johnson Philip and Karen Johnson Robert and Loretta Johnston John Jones Jones Eye Center, PC James and Lynn Josten Daniel and Jeanne Kangley Jane Koch Ken and Rhonda Koch Elizabeth Kosse Fr. Robert Krantz Helen Lang Orren and Carole Lee Fred and Dorothy Lust Carol Maria Steven Maria and Carman Ortiz Patrick McCart Patty McElhaney Margaret McGreevy Patrick and Kathy McGreevy Gayle Mulkey Curt and Carol Nesbitt Gregg and Jennifer Olson Ophthalmology, Ltd Scott and Patty Peters Jerome and Cynthya Richey Gail Rogers Rose Ann Ryan Mary Ryrholm Gonzalo and Lois Sanchez Michael and Patricia Schaefer Ron and Mary Jo Schallenkamp

Jerry and Jaclyn Schley Troy Schneider Gary and Deb Sieverding Henry Smyth Marv and Ginny Stadum Michael and Denise Steckler Dale and Teresa Stoll Janice Sutera Curt and Beverly Thompson Carvell and Louise Trudeau Marie Trudeau Michael and LuAnn Trudeau Thomas and Peggy Trudeau Robert and Barbara Twedt Vance Thompson Vision Gene and Jeanne Vold Pat Wehrkamp Jerry and Ginnie Wempe Jane Wick Steve and Julie Wilka David and Susan Zahller

Curt and Carol Nesbitt Harriet Norem Robert and Shelly Starr Dave and Karol Theophilus Mary Vickery

Tom and Dorothy Barnett Curt and Carol Nesbitt

Julie Bruggeman Bea Bruggeman Mark and Joli Bruggeman Barry and Carol Solomon

Bud and Rose Bechtold Anthony and Mary Jo Bechtold Mary Becker James Becker John Becker Kenny Bennet Don and Kate Barnes Fairy Bentz Anonymous Don J and Marilyn Barnett Todd and Linda Broin Gina Bentz Davis Kenneth and Dolores Foley Margaret Jarding Gene, Jr. and Cynthia Jones Darin and Julie Kolbeck Elizabeth Kosse Mick and Lisa Lambert McDowell Financial

Jerry Bollinger Maryalice Searl Thelma Branaugh Lynn and Janice Gouwens Patricia Brekke James Becker Thomas Breske Jeff and Linda Baka Miles and Lisa Beacom Dennis and Marie Breske Nathan and Mary Dally Francis Dale Breuer Phyllis Breuer

Dorothy Bruggeman Maurice Bruggeman Vince and Betty Bruggeman Jeff and Deborah Finnegan Daniel Schwenck Gerald and Jean Bruhn Joe and Kristen Zueger Gerry Bunkers J Pat and Margot Rogers Denny Chalus John and Kathleen Baldwin Don J and Marilyn Barnett Steven and Nancy Bechtold Ann Benson Michael and Gracia Gillespie Luther and Priscilla Glass William and Billie Maniatis

Bob and Linda McDowell Peter Nicholas Mark and Jyl Nieto Diana O’Dell Duane O’Connell Frank and Sherry Richardson Emmet and Mary Gayle Rogers David and Kathleen Rothenberger Gerald and Mary Pat Sweetman Diane Swenson Gary and Grace Thimsen Robert and Mary Thoen Thomas and Cathy Whalen Dennis Clifford Patricia Clifford Frank Conklin and Linda Daty John Dykstra Art and Patricia Handel Steven and Kristine Melloy Duane O’Connell Dorothy Olshove Barbara Taylor Deacon John Cole John and Mary Carroll Duane Cox Bill and Peg Baker Margaret Dalthorp Leonard and Joanne Dankey Dennis and Carol Dingman Christopher Ekstrum Dale and Patsy Fahrendorf Eric Fahrendorf Friends and Family of Duane Cox Grand Prairie Foods, Inc Rosalie Groon Kyle and Maggie Groteluschen Peter and Arlene Horner Linda Jackson Margaret Jarding Matt and Jennifer Jarding Bill and Barbara Kolb Bryan and Dana Kouri Richard Lamberg and Shirley Murphy

Gifts In Memory of... Doug and Julie Lindner Jerry and Jackie Pommer John and Jeanne Ranek R.J. and N.A. Rohla Kenneth and Colleen Schuster Mike and Janet Sporrer Dale and Teresa Stoll Eric Stoll Kevin and Wendy Swedean Mary Thoelke Kathleen Timm David and Ruth Vickers Paul Curtin Steven and Nancy Bechtold Gene and Susan McGowan William Doetzel Miles and Lisa Beacom Steven Donahue Mary Sue Donohue Phil Donohue Rory and Karn Barth Paul Rooney Patti White Bob Earley Grant and Anne Gormley Ron Eastman Duane O’Connell Ashley Evans Andrew and Elizabeth Mulligan Doug Fahrendorf Mary Sue Donohue Lance Fanning Paul and Mary Ellen Connelly Mali Farmer Brian and Kristin Knutson Lysbeth Wren Sue Ellen Fischer Don and Janet Fischer Mark Fleming Mark’s Music Studio Father Foley Hal U and Jane Wick

Hilda Friessen Shelia Bowar

Cliff and Helen Jansa Mark and Fran Jansa

Julie Frigo Fred Frigo

James Jarding Matt and Jennifer Jarding Steven and Brigetta Klein Barry and Carol Solomon

Edmund & Adeline Garry Darrel and Sharon Garry Brad and Emily Laible Jim Greenfield Nathan and Mary Dally Lisa Greenfield Eugene and Ruth Parker Suzanne Grigg Don and Kate Barnes John Gross Jeffrey and Anne Gross Norma Gross Emily Groth Chad and Jen Porter Marilyn Hagan Curt and Carol Nesbitt Donovan Hahne Michael and Sandy Fitzgibbons Mike and Michelle Katen Darin and Julie Kolbeck Regan and Julie Manning Curt and Carol Nesbitt James and Beverly Hanlon Miles and Lisa Beacom Michael Hanlon Tom and Lisa Hanlon Jeff and Betsy McIntyre James and Connie Roberts Geneva Hauck Don and Kate Barnes Curt and Carol Nesbitt James P. Higgins Tomasz and Cynthia Stys William and Grace Hurley Miles and Lisa Beacom Jeff and Renee Hurley Bob Jamison Jim and Donna Cody Philip and Karen Johnson

Marge Johnson Michael Johnson Dorothy Johnson James and Sue Clark Brad and Teresa Schoenfelder Tina (Cannon) Johnson Dave and Becky Andersen Doug and Mary Andersen Anonymous (2) Avera Physical Therapy Department Tim and Teresa Bachman Linda Bade Michael and Mary Kay Bannwarth Pat and Kelly Bartmann Dave and Jane Barz Doug and Becky Basche Troy and Colleen Bassett Lois Bates Adam and Jill Bechen Brian Beck Constance Berg Mike Bess and Lisa Schmidt Stacy Best Steve and Catherine Billion Robert and Vicki Binstock Jean Biteler Leonard and Pam Block Alan and Patricia Bortnem Dianne Breen Allan and Barb Buckmiller Margaret Bull Paul and Lori Bunkers Melissa Burleigh Leon and Judy Cantin Sharon Carlson Kathy Castle Mary Christensen Randy and Ann Cowan Karyn Cox Kathleen Darling Jessica DeGiorgio Rich and Lavonne Dewald

Sherwood and Dolores Doggett Ryan and Laurie Dokken Mary Donley Donald and Patricia Dorn Carol Doss Lois Dravland Mark and Darlene Dunn Ron and Joan Dunn Charles and Joyce Edwards Michael and Donna Edwards Marcella Effertz Steve and Darla Enger Connie English Theresa English Brad and Kim Erickson Gloria Evans Marcia Evans James and Judi Even Sharon Fahrendorf Thomas and Pam Falconer Jane Falor Kathy Falor Nancy Feste Robert and Lela Feuerborn Scott and Cheryl Finanger Donn and Bridget Fischer Michael and Sandy Fitzgibbons James Flemming and Susan Runge Chris and Noriko Forsting Morris and Gloria Forsting Rod and Heather Fortin Jon and Emily Friedman Brian and Bonnie Frisbee Patrick and Susanne Gale Kevin and Melissa Garry Mark and Nancy Gerdes Betty Gibson Scott and Mary Gibson Terry and Pamela Gordon Josh Goslinger Lynn and Rene Griswold Michael and Jayne Gust Mark and Michelle Haase Ritch and Kim Haffeman Bruce and Diane Hanson Jon and Denise Hanson Scott and Mary Jo Hausman Gene and Angie Heine Jim and Laurie Hemmer Tony and Erin Hericks

Mitch and Denise Hertz Steve and Donna Hey Randal and Jacqueline Hill David and Tonia Honner Chris and Robin Houwman LeeDel Howard Dick and Mary Hublou Karen Hudson Mona Huegel David and Sarah Husby Sally Hybertson Mary Ihli Scott and Vanessa Irwin Chris and Val Iwen Bob and Joy Jacobson Garry and Dianne Jacobson Daniel and Diane Johnson David and Jeannie Johnson Doug and Anita Johnson Eric and Anne Johnson Jeff and Alice Johnson Justin and Chrissy Johnson Friends of Tina (Cannon) Johnson Julie Jordald Laura Kallhoff Kelly and Ronda Kantack Steve and Alice Kary Steve and Judy Kaufmann Vicki Kerkvliet Vincent and Betty Ketcham Kenneth and Vicky Kirby Jerome and Jean Klein Josh and Pam Klein Virgil and JoEllen Klein Mimi Klosterman Paul and Kellie Kneip Eugene and Karen Kocer Mark and Kathy Kontz James and Reva Krahn Chase and Rachael Kramer Dave Kriens Jim and Pat Kuchta Colleen Kuesel Cindy LaBerge Patrick and Janet Lalley Mark and Dianne Lamb Tim and Trisha Lamb Andrew and Raekell Lambert Gary and Renae Lamberty James and Susan Lammers

David and Connie Landry Bob and Janet Laufmann Curtis, III and Rochelle Lauret Mickey Lipetzky Lauri Lipponen Timothy and Roxanne Loftesness Allan and Valerie Lonneman Leo and Rogene Lorang Phil and Lisa Loving Paul and Andrea Lundberg Nick and Alicia Luther Donald John and Cathy Maguire John and Joan Mahoney Eric and Michelle Majeres Malloy Electric & Bearing Shop Dan and Wendi Marnach Joel and Katie Mashek Shawn and Erin McCarty Michael McConnell Gary and Marilyn McFarlane Robert and Karen McGuire Ardus Meals Gordon and Debra Meeker Bryan and Patsy Mehlhaff Donald and Alyce Merrill Matt and Jodi Merritt Delwin and Judith Meyer Dan and Linda Mickalowski Kevin and Shannon Miles Sue Miller Rick and Dawn Misar Lory Moe Jerry and Mary Moen John and Cathy Moneke Andrew and Elizabeth Mulligan Diane Nekvinda Scott and Susan Nelson Curt and Carol Nesbitt Lee and Angela Nilles Jerry and Karen Noonan Warren and Karen Oakland Margaret O’Daniels Rich and Carolyn Odens Allan and Deb Olson Mark and Gina Opland Terry and Diane Oppold Kevin and Patricia Ordalen Randy and Donna Page Greg and Paula Parham Frank and Deb Petheram

Terry and Sharon Petheram Tony and Rhonda Pierce Cindy Pischke Larry and Kathleen Pulford Ron and Wanda Rambin Robert and Janet Reierson Verna Reiners Lisa Reiter Jake and Shelley Roemeling Britt and Twila Roman Teri Ronning Shelly Roth Paul and Judy Rud Julie Rue Richard and Joan Saathoff Lunette Sandhoff Donald Schaefer Charles and Terry Schauer Susanne and Audrey Schmitt Tom and Arlene Schorn Dennis and Pat Schotzko Rita Sebert Dennis and Pat Seiner Keith, Sr. and Elvira Severson Gary and Deb Sieverding Ricky and Bonnie Siewert Stephan and Stacey Silvernail James and Deborah Skaff Bill and Barb Slater Michelle Sletten Bette Theobald Mary Thoelke Daryl and Anita Thuringer Lowell and Nete Titze Casey and Dawn Tomac Anthony and Sharon Trautner Ken and Mary Travnick Harold and Pam Tunge Scott and Lindsay Van Meeteren Meghan Vasgaard Joel and Julie Vipond Sharon Voss Donna Warner Tony and Shari Weber Darlene Weis Tom and Terry Welk Terry and Sylvia Wensing Jeff and Angie Westwick Richard and Sharon Wilson Mike Wittrock

Daniel and Janette Wudel Curt and Shelly Ziebell David and Della Zimmerman Joe and Kristen Zueger Sydney Jones Don and Janet Fischer Gene Jones, Sr Miles and Lisa Beacom Audrey Jones Maguire Iron, Inc Carole Kayser Curt and Carol Nesbitt Ian Keisacker Fr. James Morgan Betty Kneip Glenn and Judy Adler Ralph Koch Richard and Cindy Koch Grace Kolb Bill and Barbara Kolb Kathleen Kunkel Francis Konda Dean Nielsen Fr. Al Krzyzpolski Jeffry and Sherri Alvey John and Joanne Anderson Anonymous (2) Beverly Armfield Bill and Peg Baker Don J and Marilyn Barnett Clare Becker James Becker Steve and Karla Bertrand Linda Beulke Joel and Dar Blanchard Darrell and Marjorie Brady Douglas and Sue Brost Jerry and Mary Bunkers Tim and Nancy Burns James and Donna Cannon Larry and Margaret Christopherson Shawn and Julie Cleary Mary Ann Costello Pat and Shawn Costello Lavon and Rebecca Culhane

James and Rita Daniels Leonard and Joanne Dankey Jerry and Darlene Delker Kevin and Karen Doyle Joan Drovdal Kenneth and Sandra Dunlap William and Patricia Fatland Jeff and Jackie Fiegen Rod and Julie Fieldsend Michael and Sandy Fitzgibbons Daniel, Jr. and Katie Fritz William and Eileen Gilles Michael and Gracia Gillespie Tom and Judy Grady Duane and Rita Greenhoff Larry and Suzanne Gunia Laurie Guntren Richard and Nancy Gustaf Alfred and Linda Hartmann Kenneth and Diane Headrick Elmer and Elizabeth Hinricher Carolyn Hobson Charles and Sheryl Hohn Michael and Margaret Hooton Peter and Arlene Horner Dick and Mary Hublou Myron and Mary Hudson Daniel and Betty Irvine Barbara Jackson Margaret Jarding Nancy Jerentowksi George and Clare Johnson Daniel and Jeanne Kangley Tim and Jeanne Kappenman Mike and Michelle Katen Mel and Carol Klein John Knudtson and Sadie Dardis- Knudtson Barry Kolbeck and Mary Dressing Dave Kriens Gregory and Kaye LaFollette Ronald and Sharlene Lamberty David and Connie Landry Rodney and Cheri Limoges Gene and Joan Loos Marlo and Marlene Mahlstedt Patrick and Kathy McGreevy P. J. and Jeanita McKeever Daniel and Jean Murphy Curt and Carol Nesbitt

Mike and Janice O’Connor Michael and Karen Pekas Greg and Pam Petersen Jim and RuthAnn Prostrollo Larry Puthoff John and Jeanne Ranek Jeff and Karen Reiter Greg and Maria Rich David and Kathleen Rothenberger Jim and Maureen Sage Keith and Ann Schaefbauer Mike and Linda Schaffer Ronald and Priscilla Schmidt Joe and Mary Schwebach Jack and RoseMary Shafer Mark and Carolyn Steinbron Alice Stevens Dale and Teresa Stoll Jeff and Julie Stroup Mary Ellen Taylor Thomas and Tamara Theobald Gary and Grace Thimsen Robert and Mary Thoen Lee Anne Thompson Stuart and Pamela Tiede Jamie and Penny Volin Terry and Sylvia Wensing Donald and Sarah Wetrich Steve and Julie Wilka Steven and Mary Catherine Zahller Eleanor Kueter Mike and Michelle Katen Pat and Paulette Klein Regan and Julie Manning Curt and Carol Nesbitt Shawn Kunkel John and Joanne Anderson Anonymous (2) Beverly Armfield Michael and Mary Kay Bannwarth Don and Kate Barnes Thad and Nicole Barnes Don J and Marilyn Barnett Barnett Vision Clinic, Jim and Laura Barnett Ron and Kim Bartels Doug and Patricia Barthel Mick and Jody Baruth Doug and Becky Basche

Gifts In Memory of... Elsie Baye Miles and Lisa Beacom Daniel Beacom and Ann Roemen David and Stacey Bealke Mike and Gale Begeman Chad and Beth Belitz Teresa Bell Lori Bertagnoli John and Deb Billion John and Katy Billion Brian and Janet Bird Kirk and Stacy Bloemendaal Linda Bolger Chad and Beth Bornhoft Sandy Bornhoft Shelia Bowar Charles and Karen Boyum Darrell and Marjorie Brady Patty Brady Kevin and Rebecca Branick James and Linda Breckenridge Robert Breit and Melanie Carpenter Dennis and Marie Breske David and Lynn Brown John and Theresa Bruggeman Peter and Rhonda Bruggeman Pat and Barb Bruhn James Bruns Mark and Laurie Buehler Mike Burkey Jim, Jr. and Kim Burma L S and Cathy Byington Larry and Mary Canfield Leon and Judy Cantin Scott and Julie Carlson Mary Christensen Nadine Christensen William and Andrea Christensen Dorene Cink Troy and Mary Lou Claussen Gary Cone Mark and Jeanie Conzemius Pat and Shawn Costello Mark and Denise Cotter Randy and Ann Cowan Henry and Marge Crotteau Kent or Carolyn Cutler Leonard and Joanne Dankey Tim and Lee Anne Dardis Patricia Darger

Theodore and Roseanne Dargis Kevin and Teresa Davis Jerry and Darlene Delker Whitney DesLauriers Jeff and Stacey DeVaney Stephen and JoDee DeVaney Mike DeWitte Eric and McKenzie Docken Paul and Laurie Dockry Greg and Melanie Doetzel Wade and Barbara Dornbusch John and Cindy Dougherty Tom and Kareen Dougherty Tim and Katie Dow Kenneth and Sandra Dunlap Mark and Darlene Dunn Dean and Marla Dziedzic Jeff and Hattie Edman Kathleen Egglesfield Chuck and Julie Eide Scott and Susan Ekern Bryan and Kami Ellerbroek Rodger and Sheila Ellingson Rick and Marcia Entwistle Adam Fahrendorf Sharon Fahrendorf Rusty and Brenda Fiegen Mark and Jeanice Finnegan Michael and Sandy Fitzgibbons Patrick and Janet Flynn Ryan Folsom Thomas and Susan Francis Daniel, Jr. and Katie Fritz Marilyn Galvin Keith and Anna Gauer Steve and Kelly Gellerman Chuck and Dawn Gerner Lynn Glancey Todd and Julie Goldasich Jeff and Annie Gordon Terry and Pamela Gordon James Groseth Nick and Carol Gusso Robert and Tracy Haeder Art and Cathy Hagg Timothy and Carla Haiar Bryan and Shelly Hammer Jay and Trish Hanisch Jill Harmsen Greg and Jeanne Hassel

Michelle Hauk Joe and Debbie Hayes Joe and Noelle Heiberger John and Molly Heisler Ken and Jackie Hendrix Rich and Barb Hennies Mitch and Denise Hertz Tim and Pam Hilber Randal and Jacqueline Hill Terry and Lori Hilmoe Roger and Marlys Hindbjorgen Scott and Christine Hjellming R J and Sheila Hoffmann Stephen and Anita Hoffmann Pam Hoiland Paul and Patty Holler Pat and Brenda Holzer Steve Honner Jack and Gina Hopkins Darrell and Valerie Horacek Stuart and Amy Horsted Chris and Robin Houwman Will and Joan Hurley Interstate Office Products, Inc Patricia Irvine Greg and Beth Jamison Thomas and Elizabeth Jansa Margaret Jarding Chad and Jill Johnson Dave and Shannon Johnson David and Jeannie Johnson George and Clare Johnson Brad and Christine Jones Troy and Mary Jones Ruth Jorgensen Mike and Michelle Katen Carol Kayser Tony and Katie Kayser Jeffrey and Catherine Kellogg Franklin and Cecelia King Pat and Paulette Klein Steven and Brigetta Klein Michael and Janna Kloth Keith Klutman Gregory and Pamela Kneip Ken Knudtson Todd and Susan Kolb Darin and Julie Kolbeck Gene Kolbeck Kent and Paula Kolsrud

Bryan and Dana Kouri Kimberly Kouri Lon and Sandy Kouri Dave and Brandi Kowalczyk Paul and Pamela Kreber Cathy Krueger Bonnie Kunkel Friends and Family of Shawn Kunkel Tim and Stephanie Kunkel Joe and Bobbie Kunzman Melissa Labahn Gregory and Kaye LaFollette Clarice Lalley Rex Lalley James and Dorothy Lambert David and Connie Landry Sonja Langseth Keith Laudenbach Robert and Tamara Lauer Cullan and Regan Laughlin Patrick and Kaye Lawler Richard and Joan Leafstedt Kory and Kristin LeGrand Robert and Joanne Leiferman John and Molly Lester Marlys Lester Doug and Julie Lindner Richard and Mary Lingberg Jackie Loger Joseph and Gayle Lorang Leo and Rogene Lorang Thomas and Penny Lorang Todd and Joan Magnuson John and Joan Mahoney Regan and Julie Manning Mike and Mary Markstrom Barry and Ann Matthies Shelly McCalla Jan McEntee Michael and Katie McInerney Shane and Angela McKay Dan and Deb Mehlbrech Lori Melemseter Misti Merriam Curt and Sheri Messler Larry and Dorothy Meyer Kelby and Jennifer Mieras Brent and Michelle Miller Patrick and Laurie Moran Jerry and Catherine Muston

Neal and Lisa Nachtigall Barry and Teri Nagel Greg and Maria Neely Chad and Trish Nelson David and Becky Nelson Curt and Carol Nesbitt Paul and Jill Niedringhaus Julie Norton Eileen O’Connor Dennis and Marvia O’Dea O’Gorman Faculty and Staff Jim and Joanie Olson Doug and Nancy Ortmann Arnold and Rebecca Osmundson Lee and Lynn Otis Roger and Julia Paluch Mike Pap John and Renae Pekas JP (Jaye Paul) and Bridget Peterson Mark Powell and Rhonda Lockwood-Powell Larry and Kathleen Pulford Brendan and Tiffany Reilly John and Lisa Richardson Jana Richey Paige Rickert Emmet and Mary Gayle Rogers Gail Rogers Wayne and Karen Rohde Paul and Mary Ronken Randy and Mary Beth Ronsiek Richard and Jane Roth Patrick and Michelle Rounds Nedra Rubendall Donald and Jeanne Runge Mike and Mary Runge James and Jodi Rysavy Mark and Sue Salter Jeff and Dana Sandene William Saunders Keith and Ann Schaefbauer Mark and Diana Scheetz Tony and Tami Schnetter Brad and Teresa Schoenfelder Eric Schulte Shane and Jane Sejnoha Aaron and Kimber Severson Jack and RoseMary Shafer Gilbert and Susan Sharpe Tim and Jamie Sheridan

Richard and Tracy Skuza Regan Smith Tracy and Tricia Smith Chad and Dawn Soldatke Scott and Kim Soldatke Cameron and Nicole Sorensen Karen Stagl Robert and Shelly Starr Steve and Julie Statz Deborah Stene Jason and Erin Sternickle Tim and Lisa Stotz Jayson Strauss Mark and Jenni Struck T.R. and Natalie Sturm Steven Swift Gregg and Kami Talcott The Gas Stop - Tom and Melissa Howes The Welcome Mat Joe and Kari Thie Tracy and Kimberly Thie Travis and Michelle Thie Erik Thoen Larry and Jan Thury Jackie Titus Casey and Dawn Tomac Bill and Teresa Townsend Don and Ann Tripp Nathan and Sara Unruh Tony and Nancy Van Overschelde Jeff and Nancy Vavra Harold and Janet Viereck Jim and Nancy Volk Del and Carleen Waltner Roger and Michele Weber Stephen Weiss Gregg and Judy Welch Mitzi Welk Donald and Sarah Wetrich Dennis and Valerie Whitney Dan and Debbie Wilka Richard and Kathy Wilka Steve and Julie Wilka Becky Williams Matthew and Deborah Witte Terry and Michelle Wolf William Wright and Catherine Bisch Bart and Stacie Wuebben Curt and Shelly Ziebell Paul and Teresa Zimmer Steve and Donna Zimmer Chad and Kristine Zortman

Dorothy Kurvink Grant and Anne Gormley Fred & Vi Larson Kathy Gregory Mary Montoya Jay Lavender Class of 2017 John and Natalie Lavender Virginia Lovett Gordon and Marj Aasen John and Kimberly Apker Don and Kate Barnes James Becker Phillip and Ruth Benedict John and Katy Billion Boen & Associates Todd and Karen Boone Shelia Bowar Mike and Lois Brokerick Rosemary Brooks R. James and Trudy Clifft Mary Cozad Kevin and Daneen Curley Mary Sue Donohue Tim and Katie Dow Elkjer Leasing LLC Jerel and Sandra Erickson Bev Fischer Beverly Haley Barbaralee Hansen Tom and Lori Harbin Greg and Phyllis Heineman Jeff and Judy Helgeson Margaret Jarding Audrey Jones Gene, Jr. and Cynthia Jones Pat and Paulette Klein Ronald and Sharlene Lamberty Doug and Julie Lindner George and Kay Lundberg Thomas and Cynthia Monnin Anne Nelson Curt and Carol Nesbitt Duane O’Connell Gary and Alice Parks Ted and Beverly Pins Dan and Robin Plagge Timothy and Erin Quinn

Richard and Susan Roste Mike and Mary Runge Greg and Kathy Satter Bill and Carlotta Schoemer Phyllis Schwandt Pamela Sessler Jack and RoseMary Shafer Mike and Janet Sporrer Dale and Teresa Stoll Gary and Grace Thimsen Anne Thimsen Mary Thoelke Arnold and Janice Thue Ron and Mary Wuebben Fr. Pius Mardian Keith and Ann Schaefbauer Ian Mastel Miles and Lisa Beacom Don and Janet Fischer Steven and Brigetta Klein Fr. James Morgan Barry and Carol Solomon

Linda Bruce Bonnie Costain Edward and Lorraine Dahlhoff Bev Fischer Michael and Sandy Fitzgibbons Edward Fundalewicz Stephen and Marlene Gannon Laurie Haugan Robert and Tina Hillman George and Clare Johnson Richard and Laura Long Mike and Karen Mahan Steve and Nancy McLaughlin Dennis and Marvia O’Dea Larry and Catherine Piersol Mary Scheier Dewayne and Connie Schmiesing Mark and Catherine Stensrude Andrew and Mary Pat Studdert Randy and Suzanne Welter Florence Willis Thomas and Lori Zagozda

Ryan Matson Duane O’Connell

Al Miron Walter and Jan Bones Friends and Family of Al Miron

Frank Maxwell Nathan and Mary Dally

Marilda Myers Mary Sue Donohue

Duane McMahon Michael and Mary Kay Bannwarth John and Sharon Buss Agnes Fillaus Joseph and Audrey Gillen Loren and Dorothy Haas Russell and Michelle Healy Leroy and Marie Koopman Wayne and Sharon Mitchell Claire and Kathleen Moen James and Nikki Porter Bill and Sharon Smith

Joyce Naber Micah and Jaclyn Aberson Justin and Renee Allen LaVonne Anderson Anonymous Ron and Diane Bannwarth Bobby Bartlett and Anne Pillar Jordan and Lisa Baye Charles and Mary Beatch James and Sandy Beck Doug and Gaye Bell Bernard and Ann Borer Tim and Nancy Burns Steven and Catherine Clark Troy and Mary Lou Claussen Anna Clayton Joseph and Susan Cudzilo Chris and Emily Daugaard Dennis and Carol Dingman Mark and Darlene Dunn Joann Frederick

Patricia & DW (Dee) Meyer Tom and Marilyn Meyer Birdie Millette Kathy Allen Beverly Armfield Charles and Elizabeth Baxter Leon Beckman Scott and Jodi Behan

Terry Gannon Robert and Betty Gednalske Debra Goeser Lauren Hammer Dan and Rita Hardes Robert Harvey Peter and Marilyn Hegg Mike and Cindy Huether E. Maureen Janssen Jerry and Roxann Johnson Jason Knudtson and Tiffany VonWald David and Patricia Kopp Donovan and Vicki Kost Viki Kugler Sharon Kulbel Vincent and Dolores Madsen Jonathan and Jennifer Mammenga Stephen and Sharon Marlow Kimberley Mortenson Thomas and Martha Nelson Mike and Janice O’Connor Ted and Jayne Parsons JP (Jaye Paul) and Bridget Peterson Nancy Plienis Gerald and Bonnie Postma Jim and RuthAnn Prostrollo Nisha Rai Robert and Marie Rickel Jamison and Cathy Rounds Jim and Maureen Sage Mark and Sue Salter James and Vicki Schmitz Barry and Carol Solomon The Gas Stop - Tom and Melissa Howes William Vermulm Michael and Candice Wagner Paul and Dianne Wright Robert Nash Mike and Michelle Katen Regan and Julie Manning Jim Ness Grant and Anne Gormley Frank Owens Dianne Owens Lenore Parry Dennis and Jan Motz Glenn and Colene Ridder

Gifts In Memory of... Madeline Pederson Christopher and Jill Andersen Donna Andreas Anonymous John and Katy Billion Marilyn Buscher Joe and Kathryn Carmody Mark and Jeanie Conzemius Pat and Shawn Costello Karyn Cox Margaret Dalthorp Eide Bailly LLP Bruce and Harveen Gluf Terry and Pamela Gordon Barbaralee Hansen Dennis and Susan Hedge Will and Joan Hurley Scott and Lori Kading James and Janet Larson John and Lori Lems Dan Lindner Leo and Rogene Lorang Thomas and Penny Lorang John and Joan Mahoney Cathy Nielson North Central Commercial James and Sue Olson Richard and Cindy Olson Susan Olson James and Pamela Pfeifer Janice Pfeifer Lisa Prusak Marlene Rance Dennis and Judith Sisson Gregg and Kami Talcott Cynthia Walsh JP Peters Paula Geraets Amy Isaacson Dorcas Pillar Julie Curry Bev Fischer Michael and Gracia Gillespie Carol Lerdal Truman Pins Matthew and Ashley Kayser Jon and Jessie Schmidt

Danielle Price John and Katy Billion Cambia Employee Giving Campaign Bernard and Tillie Clark Dorothy Clark Miles Vincent and Laurie Price Barry and Carol Solomon Jeffry Reetz Mary Sue Donohue Richard Reynolds Kevin and Daneen Curley Larry Ritz Thomas and Patti Ralph Robb Rolfing Barry and Carol Solomon Robert Rossmeisl Kirk and Stacy Bloemendaal Barry Bradley and Cheryl Davis Laura Coome Friends of Ann Erickson Tara Harris Bill and Barbara Kolb Mary Kuper Dennis Lutgen and Jean Kidd Eleanor McMahon Eileen O’Connor Jane Peters William and Beverly Simpson Craig and Reone Ullom Joe and Rhonda Wurtz Irene Rotert Denise Rotert Sr. Marie Sabers Don and Kate Barnes Nusier Salem Duane O’Connell Joe and Sue Salem Kay Widdis R Scott Schoppert Shelia Bowar Daniel Schuknecht Don and Janet Fischer

Michael Sieverding Don and Janet Fischer Steven and Brigetta Klein Barry and Carol Solomon Sr. Jeanette Silvis Christy McMillin Robert and Louise Miller Pearl Stoterau Mike and Michelle Katen Dan Thelen Mike and Michelle Katen Dean and Mary Kay Thie T-Brothers Logistics Kristen Thie Don and Kate Barnes Jack Townsend Miles and Lisa Beacom Tom and Mary Cink Pat Townsend Angela Uhrich George and Clare Johnson John Knudtson and Sadie Dardis- Knudtson Gwendolyn Valkenaar Ron and Kay Christensen Linda Verschoor Gary and Alice Parks Patricia Viehweg Mary Aulgur Joseph Viereck John and Katy Billion Linda Bolger Don and Janet Fischer Amy Isaacson Steven and Brigetta Klein Jerry and Suzanne Schrier Dave Wagner Grant and Anne Gormley Nancy Wallner Anderson Mary Sue Donohue Lorraine Walsh Sheila Olson

Elizabeth Walsh Payson Mary Sue Donohue Joe & Ruth Weisbecker Mary Retka Thomas and Kristi Weisbecker Mike Weisbecker Mary Retka Joseph Wenande John and Bridget Wenande Merle White Gary and Alice Parks Paul White Gary and Alice Parks Hal Wick Rich and Diane Andersen Chad and Amy Anderson Kathleen Castle Paul and Mary Ellen Connelly Mark and Jeanie Conzemius Pat and Shawn Costello Verlyn Curley Joseph and Karen Da Vita Jeff Dixon Kenneth and Sandra Dunlap Ronald and Susan Durkin James Eisenmenger Jennifer Fatland William and Patricia Fatland Daniel, Jr. and Katie Fritz Michael and Gracia Gillespie Greg and Phyllis Heineman Christy Hollinger Carrie Jennings Dan and Beth Jennings Alan and Carol Johnson Greg and Meg Johnson Paul and Roberta Johnson Stephen Johnson Tim and Jeanne Kappenman Sherrey Kellogg Margit Kock Perry and Becky Kolb Noel and Mary Lais Paul and Mary LeMair Douglas and Cynthia Loen Dennis and Margaret Lonski

Thomas Lucas George and Kay Lundberg Roger and Kaye Mack Scott McCart Phyllis McMartin Russell and Julie Moir Loren and Rosemary Mose David and Linda Munson Charles and Kristine Nelson Wesley Nelson Curt and Carol Nesbitt Eileen O’Connor Mark and Suzanne O’Leary Jerry and Jean Ollerich Karen Olson Frank and Doloris Owens Gary and Alice Parks William and Susan Peters Ted and Beverly Pins Mark and Margaret Raitor Frank and Barbara Rance Rodney and Janice Roaldson Jamison and Cathy Rounds Safari Bar & Grill, LLC Jim and Maureen Sage Kenneth and Colleen Schuster Robert and Connie Scott Siouxland Republican Women Eric and Katherine Sitzman Carl and Marietta Soukup Patricia Spader-Edwards James and Carol Stalzer Dale and Teresa Stoll Gary and Grace Thimsen Mary Thoelke Janice Timmermann Charles and Stephanie Trautwein David and Ruth Vickers Jamie and Penny Volin Clare and Carolyn Vollan Ted and Linda Wick Terry Wick Marilyn Zawistowski Karen Wise

SFCS FOUNDATION - GIFTS IN HONOR OF... Throughout the year, the Sioux Falls Catholic Schools is the recipient of a number of gifts in honor of a friend, former teacher or loved one. We have listed on this page the names of contributors under the person they are honoring from the past fiscal year. Don and Kate Barnes Thad and Nicole Barnes

Jerry Bruggeman Mary Sue Donohue

Brian and Renee’ Grogan Hubert and Jan Grogan

Lana Bauer-White Keith and Ann Schaefbauer

Bill Cheslow Regan and Julie Manning Tim Mulhair

Shannon Grogan Hubert and Jan Grogan

Bart and Joanne Beacom Daniel Beacom and Ann Roemen Tom and Lisa Hanlon Lori Reischl James and Connie Ross Jeanne Schneider Pat Townsend Thomas and Susan Underberg James and Mary Becker Kristine Becker Travis and Jenny Brunson Julie Benson John and Ann Henkhaus Jon and Kristin Berry Patrick and Judy Murphy Ruth Bordewyk Daryl and Anita Thuringer Don Boyd Don and Coryill Weeg Kelly Brose Randy and Ann Cowan

Michael Clark James and Phyllis Clark Patrick Clark James and Phyllis Clark McKenzie Docken Sydney Jones Memorial Advised Fund

Laurie Grogan Donohoe Hubert and Jan Grogan Colleen Grogan O’Malley Hubert and Jan Grogan Patricia Grogan Vostad Hubert and Jan Grogan

Denise Linneman Carol Kuntz

Barbara Lockwood Don and Janet Fischer Patrick and Erin Grogan-Goetzinger Steven and Brigetta Klein St. Lambert SFO Hubert and Jan Grogan

Sr. Kathryn Easley Daryl and Anita Thuringer

Bill and Shelia Grogan-Huigens Hubert and Jan Grogan

Kirsten Ertman Daryl and Anita Thuringer

Greg and Phyllis Heineman Phillip and Judy Davis

Teresa Fester Randy and Ann Cowan

Ken Lindemann Jeff and Linda Baka Don and Janet Fischer John and Ann Henkhaus Donald and Shelly Kosiak North Central Commercial Brian and Patricia Vognild Jon and Deborah Waddell

Fr. Jerome Holtzman Mary Sue Donohue

Maureen Flynn Patrick and Janet Flynn

James and JoNell Jarding Julie Norton

Jeff Gordon Jeff and Linda Baka John and Ann Henkhaus Ellen Scholten

Tyone Kruse Jon and Deborah Waddell

Fr. Paul King Steven and Brigetta Klein

Dr Tom and Penny Lorang Larry and Mary Canfield Gene and Joan Loos Daniel and Jean Murphy Curt and Carol Nesbitt Matthew and Deborah Witte Fr. James Mason Steven and Brigetta Klein Marian McWayne Rosalie Groon Mary Osthus Tom and Nancy Meinen Mike and Michelle Katen Jeff Meinen

Kelby and Jennifer Mieras Family Michael and Suzie Lawler Scott Nelson Jeff and Linda Baka Jessica Perkins Jon and Deborah Waddell Kristin Pollema Greg Carlson Crystal Richter Christian and Laurie Pujado Jane Schnell Jack and Jayne Gaspari Brian and Patricia Vognild Shannon Segovia James and Phyllis Clark Isaac Struck Mike and Michelle Katen Con Toohey Mary Margaret Delorenzo Timothy & Katherine Weisensee Flowerama David Winker Marlene Winker


Eide Bailly LLP Maguire Iron

SDN Communications Jim and Angie Soukup

The Gas Stop - Tom and Melissa Howes Thomas and Lynne Zimmer

SFCS FOUNDATION 2018-19 INVESTMENT FUNDS Total Account Value: $17,882,861*

*As of May 31st, 2018

The O’Gorman Foundation Fund was established from the many gifts received through various fund drives to benefit O’Gorman High School prior to the formation of the Sioux Falls Catholic Schools system in 1991. These dollars are to be invested and only a limited percentage of the fund is to be disbursed for use at O’Gorman High School. Balance: $1,036,660 The Teachers’ Endowment Fund was established through a capital campaign drive in 1991, allocating the first $500,000 from the drive toward an endowment to benefit Sioux Falls Catholic Schools teachers’ salaries. Only a limited percentage from this fund is disbursed. Balance: $513,369 The Pooled Funds are defined as those funds established by donors which provide permanent support of the mission of SFCS, whether in the form of teacher compensation, tuition assistance, scholarships, programs, capital improvements or other support. Unless otherwise stipulated by the donor, only a limited percentage from these funds is disbursed. Balance: $10,354,077 The Catholic Community Foundation for Eastern South Dakota represents current balances of endowments established through the CCFESD for the benefit of Sioux Falls Catholic Schools. Balance: $5,978,755

INVESTMENT POLICY Investment decisions are made using the following investment guidelines: • The long term investment objective is to provide reliable and sustainable income for the current needs of stakeholders and perpetuate the resources of the Foundation for future generations of beneficiaries. Therefore, the minimum investment return needs to be sufficient to offset spending and expenses. • Social and moral guidelines will be followed to avoid investing in companies whose activities either generate a profit or promote social change that conflict with teachings of the Catholic Church. As a result of excluding investment in firms that directly carry out immoral activities, it is the explicit intention to encourage those corporations that seek to protect the sanctity of human life and promote the common good. • The target asset allocations for the investment portfolio are set forth in the table below. • To maintain the proper allocation, it is the policy of the Foundation to periodically rebalance the portfolio in the event any asset class allocation differs by more than 20% of the stated target.




(5 Year Period)

$16,090,525 $14,353,754






• A Spending Rate not to exceed 4% of the investment portfolio’s market value each year is appropriate to meet the needs of SFCS. The rate is reviewed periodically in light of evolving trends within the economy. • No more than 10% of an active manager’s portfolio can be invested in any one security. This does not apply to U.S. Government or agency issues. • All fixed income securities will be of investment grade. • Social and moral guidelines will be followed to encourage those corporations that promote the common good, and to avoid investing in companies which flagrantly jeopardize world peace or race relations, flout traditional Catholic ethics or ignore equal opportunities for all people.




PARTNERSHIP WITH A PURPOSE Once a month for the last couple of years, students from Holy Spirit School have journeyed across the school parking lot over to Avera Prince of Peace Retirement Community for lessons that cannot be taught in their classrooms. This partnership brings together students from the school and seniors residing in the assisted living area.

All age ranges from the school have participated, from preschoolers to 6th grade. “Students read stories to the residents, share their writing or artwork or sing or play their band instruments,” says Principal Regan Manning. What this does for the residents and the students is much bigger than a simple show-and-tell opportunity. “The residents light up when the kids arrive. You can see it on their faces and in their eyes. They LOVE to see the kids come with what they’re doing or working on,” says Ruth Kannenberg, activities assistant at Prince of Peace. But the sharing doesn’t end there. The students sit with the residents for juice, cookies and conversation. The seniors get to know more about the

kids and the kids get to know the seniors. “We really look forward to their energy and their talents,” says Kannenberg. “Everyone always mentions how polite they are. It’s something that stands out.” A recent Stanford report shows that when older adults contribute to the wellbeing of youth, it cultivates a sense of purpose and both sides benefit. The seniors, many of whom have enjoyed watching the students play on the school playground over the years, are delighted to be able to interact with the students. “It’s a win-win situation for all of us. Spending time with the students brings back many memories for our residents and they really look forward to the visits. The students come and want to be there — they’re interested in the residents and you can tell it’s genuine. They make our residents feel so important and needed. It puts purpose in their life,” says Kannenberg.

Both Manning and Kannenberg value this intergenerational partnership and look forward to many more gatherings between the groups. We’ll keep you updated!

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Sioux Falls Catholic Schools Corp. 3100 West 41st Street Sioux Falls, SD 57105 www.sfcss.org


Up with people is coming to sFcs!

S u n d ay, S e p t. 1 6 t h 2pm and 6pm - O’Gorman Performing Arts Center 100 - Patron Tickets | $20 - Adults | $10 - Students


Call 605.575.3362 for ticket information Every ticket purchased will benefit the Living Stones Endowment for Teachers’ Salaries. And...ALL proceeds will be matched by a donor! What a fantastic way to support our amazing teachers!

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