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2 Head of School Dr. Dan Glass Director of Admissions Angela Dalfen Director of Development Stacy Youkilis Director of Jewish Learning Debby Arzt-Mor Director of Lower School Jenny Rinn Director of Middle School Dr. Sivan Tarle Director of Special Projects Cameron Yuen-Shore Direct of Technology and Making Nicholas Cole-Farrell Interim Chief Financial Officer Michelle Shanks Message from the Head of School 1 Program Highlights 2 Donor Spotlight: Sanders Family 4 Brandeis 2023 Campaign 5 Message from the Chair of the Board of Trustees 6 2021-2022 Financials 7 Community Giving 8 Medical Advisory Group 15 High School Matriculations 16 Alumni Highlights 17 Volunteers 18 Community Events & Or Hadash Award 19 Faculty & Staff Milestones 20 This annual report is published once a year to recognize pledges and gifts received in the fiscal year. The unaudited financial information set forth in this report is preliminary and subject to adjustments and modifications. We sincerely regret any errors or omissions. If you have any corrections or changes, please contact development at 415-406-1035 or development@sfbrandeis.org. ©2022 The Brandeis School of San Francisco CONTENTS


In her most recent book, United States poet laureate Ada Limón writes “What good / is accuracy amidst the perpetual / scattering that unspools the world.” If the year prior was defined by surprising moments of connection amidst the profound scattering of the pandemic, the 2021-2022 school year was one of return to the rhythms and rituals that ground this community. In reflecting on it, I find myself seeking the accuracy that Limón questions—and so, in the spirit of a powerfully connected, brilliantly successful year here at Brandeis, I offer three moments from the year that I particularly cherished:

1. In December, we had our first in-person holiday event since 2019, as we brought parents, faculty, staff, and kids together on the bluetop to celebrate Hanukkah. I remember crowding around a table with some of our youngest students in the gathering dark, their faces and eyes shining as we lit the fourth night’s candles.

2. In February, the Book Fair made a triumphant return to Brandeis, planned and executed by our wonderful Parents’ Association. I had my usual seat at the “haiku hut,” typing out made-to-order haikus for students and families—and this year, there was another typewriter set up across from me, and I spent several happy hours there listening to the laughter of kids as they tried out the old-fashioned keys, all against the background hum of excitement over new books to read.

3. In late May, as the days lengthened, we hosted an all-school family Shabbat on campus, featuring some wonderfully square pizzas. A highlight for me was hearing a beloved grandparent in the community lead us in the blessings—and I can nearly still taste the earthy warmth of the wine he brought to share.

Each one of these moments was, for me, a reminder of how lucky we are to share this community: one in which the challenge of these past few years has brought us closer, rather than alienating us, and whose shared experiences are a tie that binds. I see the power of that connecting thread in the outcomes of this year, as well: record-breaking participation and fundraising, a wonderful new group of students and families joining the school, more and more alumni staying in touch with each other and Brandeis, and deepening engagement from our entire community.

Thank you, to every one of you, for making this past one a year to remember at Brandeis!





Experiential learning at Brandeis allows our students to make thoughtful and critical engagements with the world and their place in it. These offerings include middle school retreats which culminate in an extraordinary trip to Israel for our eighth grade class as they near graduation. Students are encouraged to grow beyond their comfort zones, challenge themselves, develop trust in each other, and recognize the importance of working together. These experiences are highly anticipated each year and leave a lasting impact on students and our collective community.

In 2021-2022, middle school students were finally able to experience a return to outdoor education retreats which took place at Westminster Woods Camp for fourth graders and Camp Newman for the entire middle school. Students engaged in team building and leadership activities by taking adventurous hikes and bonding through cooperative climbing and physical challenges on an extensive ropes course. Naturalists were on site to help our students connect their learning back to their life at school.

Most notably, the beloved eighth grade class trip to Israel and pinnacle of our student’s experiential education resumed this year after a two-year hiatus. While traveling across Israel, students explored, learned, prayed, and played together while securing the bonds of their friendships on the eve of their graduation. This journey is a defining moment in their education at Brandeis—one in which students become bonded to Israel and deepen their relationships with each other.

Experiential learning contributes to the social and emotional health of our students, giving our students agency to shape their own identities and grow their trust in themselves and in their classmates.

We are so grateful to all of our Brandeis Fund donors whose support ensures that we are able to offer annual programs that foster enthusiasm, curiosity, and the overall well-being of our students.



Israel, as a key subject central to student learning and one of the five pillars of our Enduring Understandings of Jewish Education. Dr. Sivan Zakai, Associate Professor of Jewish Education at Hebrew Union College and Director of the Children’s Learning About Israel Project, facilitated meaningful conversations with faculty and staff about Israel. This included providing support and resources for teachers using a range of developmentally appropriate tools for teachers who are having these pivotal and challenging conversations with students. It included guides and practices on how to share and receive different perspectives and opinions. To broaden understanding and provide context, discussions covered topics about why Israel matters to American Jewish communities and schools and why Israel has become a lightning rod in American communities and schools.

As part of sustaining a Culture of Belonging, the faculty and staff at Brandeis are dedicated to learning and discussing topics that inform their teaching and understanding of each other and our surrounding community. Focusing on a topic that stemmed from our DEI work in 2019-20, this past year the faculty and staff professional development highlighted


Nurturing a culture of life-long learning and investing in our faculty via support of mission-aligned advanced degree work ensures the highest quality of education for our students. It also aligns with our vision to live out and model the process of life-long learning for our students as individual practitioners and experts in their fields. Brandeis teachers are committed to honing their craft and bringing best practices in the field of education to our school. We are extremely proud of our faculty who are advancing their learning through the DeLeT Program, the only Jewish teacher credentialing program on the West Coast.

Teachers who are working toward their credential or have completed the DeLeT Credential Program with Brandeis’ support are: Cassandra Burger, Jonathan Ferris, Doug Pierce, and Eitam Kohen. Teachers who are working toward or have completed the DeLeT Masters Program with Brandeis’ support are Eitam Kohen and Sara Goldrath.

Additionally as part of this work, the organization Resetting the Table, hosted a two-part workshop with a subset of faculty that shared how to build trust, learning, and collaboration when speaking across differences. This work will continue in 2022-2023 with a new group of faculty and will focus on tools and exercises that can be used in our school.

Thank you to all of our donors whose contributions allow for our faculty to bring best practices in the field of education to Brandeis.

Thank you to all of our donors whose contributions allow for investments in our faculty inviting them to grow their skills and expertise, model life-long learning, and continue to stretch, support, and inspire our students.




Is there a recipe for a family to feel engaged and valued as an integral and active part of the Brandeis community? The Sanders family, Lindsy, Jason, Morgan ‘19, and Jessica ‘22, chose some pretty spectacular ingredients during their 12+ years at the school; three parts volunteerism, three parts philanthropy, a dash of humor, and a large helping of gratitude.

Lindsy, a native San Franciscan who grew up in the East Bay, returned to the Bay Area after graduating from Colorado College in 1999. Jason, born in New York but raised in Florida, attended the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, and then moved west from Boston, meeting Lindsy in 2000. An interfaith couple, they were deeply committed to finding a school for their young children where values were embraced, practiced, and deeply ingrained in the identity of the institution. As Lindsy explained, “Having a really solid, values-based view of the world was extremely important to us. One that was focused not just on producing well-educated students, but on raising good-hearted, civic minded young people.” Jason added, “You just have to walk in the lobby and look up at what’s written on the wall to realize that values are an integral part of the Brandeis experience.”

It was clear from the beginning that they had found a home for their family at Brandeis and that being deeply engaged here was essential to their experience. “You commit to Brandeis for a long time, but the journey doesn’t have to look the same for everyone. It certainly evolved during our twelve years, which was reflected in the different ways we participated and gave back.” Lindsy continued, “Parents who participate in the life of the school community have a huge impact, which motivated us to keep showing up.”

Both Jason and Lindsy served on the Parents’ Association, as Treasurer and Secretary respectively, and Lindsy also volunteered as a Room Parent.

Supporting the school philanthropically was also a key element of their involvement with Brandeis. Jason financed his own college education, and understood firsthand the gap that exists between what a school charges for tuition and the full cost of educating each student. Lindsy and Jason’s financial commitment was rooted in an ethics-based vision for our school; “We didn’t want our children to be at a school that only attracts one type of family, because we know that our capacity for learning expands when we are surrounded by different kinds of people. Enabling families from across the financial spectrum to enroll at Brandeis

Jason is an operations consultant for businesses and organizations and Lindsy is the Chief Investment Officer at a management company. Morgan ‘19 is a senior at Drew School and Jessica ‘22 is a freshman in the Visual Arts Department at Ruth Asawa School of the Arts.

ensures that our admissions process reflects our values, and sustains a joyful and diverse community that benefits every one of us.”

After their youngest daughter Jessica graduated in 2022, Lindsy reflected on their family’s time at Brandeis; “In retrospect, the decision to send our kids to Brandeis was one of the best we ever made. Brandeis did a great job preparing our kids for high school, teaching them what’s important, what really matters. Of course there were bumpy parts and tough moments, but it never stopped us from contributing our resources to the school. I look at the whole picture now, my children and who they have become, and I could not have imagined better humans coming out of the eighth grade. Brandeis played such a big part in their journey.”

Thank you Jason and Lindsy for being such involved members of the Brandeis community and for modeling the very best of what engagement and leadership look like at the highest level.



The Brandeis 2023 Campaign represents a significant investment in key areas central to providing a future focused model for teaching and learning for our students and faculty while also ensuring the socio-economic diversity of our community. Thanks to the generosity and commitment of our community members who partnered with our school, we achieved our $1.8 million goal.

Gifts to the Brandeis 2023 Campaign ensure excellence in academic programming by allowing for curriculum evaluation and design across all grades impacting every student’s experience. Spirituality and Jewish ethics and values are foundational in shaping instruction that connects learning and purpose. We have invested in the personal and professional growth of our faculty to support their advanced degree work in mission-aligned subject areas. This models both life-long learning for our students and furthers masterful teaching in our school. Finally, strengthening financial support, our tuition assistance program enriches our entire community, ensures socio-economic diversity at Brandeis, and reinforces our commitment to our mission.

“We have learned firsthand that Brandeis offers a unique and meaningful way to keep Jewish learning and traditions alive for generations to come. So in the spirit of l’dor v’dor, we support our school to ensure its long-term success and to preserve this singular opportunity for future children.”

- Rory & Jamie Weinstein, Parents to Steven ‘23 and Michael ‘21

Thank you to these generous donors whose leadership in giving inspires others to join them.

$500,000+ Erica & Jeffrey Lawson $250,000+ Sue & Michelle Kletter Holly Hagens & Todd Sisitsky $100,000+ Leslie & Alex Gleser Barbara & Ron Kaufman Alicia & Evan Kletter $50,000+ Ellen & David Ginsberg The Koret Foundation Amy & Jon Seff Tahlia & Joseph Tartakovsky Rory & Jamie Weinstein Anonymous $25,000+ Tahlia & Jordan Bliss Jessica & James England Melissa Slivka-Goldstein & Evan Goldstein Jeanne & David z”l Himy Jennifer Saslaw & Max Simkoff
Varma & Jonathan Terdiman


Dear Brandeis Community,

On June 9th, I had the honor of participating in the graduation ceremony for the class of 2022. Karl the Fog took the day off from paying his typical visit to Brotherhood Way, and it was a glorious, warm, sunny morning on the Blue Top. What a treat it was for me to be reminded of all of the joyous noise, the positive energy, and the love that makes Brandeis so special. Can there be anything better than when Dr. Glass administers the “sacred oath” to each rising class? Each group is so proud of what they have accomplished during the year and beyond excited to have earned the next step in their education. Yes, it is a big deal when the kindergartners realize they are now first graders!

Whenever I do have the opportunity to be on campus I am struck that Brandeis is so much more than just a fantastic independent school for our children. To me the school and the community embodies so much more, and plays such a central role in our lives. For this reason alone, staying connected to the school even after my children graduated was an easy decision, and it has given me great pleasure to have an upfront seat to all of the school’s successes and accomplishments. The 2021-2022 school-year was no exception.

Treasurer Ed Schaffer


Abby Porth


Jody Barkin

Tahlia Bliss

Jane Froyd Steven Ganz

Paul Ginocchio

Ellen Ginsberg

Alex Gleser

Hadara Stanton Hersh Ruth Katz

Julie Lewis David Samson

Anat Shiwak-Harry

Rabbi Sarah Shulman

Lynette Stejskal

Jamie Weinstein

Love Weinstock

Parents’ Association Co-Presidents

Amy Cohen

Justine Simpson

With Dr. Glass at the helm, there is great collaboration and harmony among those responsible for the welfare of our school and the students. The academic program at Brandeis remains superb and continues to progress and impress. This past year Brandeis received a coveted grant from The Covenant Foundation to launch the Encountering Democracy Project. The grant will lead to curricular development across all grades to enhance our students’ ability to be the best possible stewards of democracy, and to understand the seminal role that Jews have played and will continue to play in support of American democracy. This work is the true embodiment of the ethos of the oath referenced above, that our students will, “act kindly, with a courageous heart, toward a better world.” School operations continued to run smoothly despite the unpredictability of the pandemic and to a great extent the community was able to decenter the pandemic and focus on other matters. Enrollment and the finances of the school are strong. The Board adopted a strategic financial plan that centers investment in our educators and educational programs, and the ongoing provision of robust tuition assistance, as the school’s top financial priorities.

The school would not see an enormous success in cultivating a culture of philanthropy without a highly engaged community and the partnership of all the enrolled families who contributed toward 100% participation in The Brandeis Fund. A truly remarkable accomplishment! Through any lens, the school is thriving and inspiring and I look forward to more great things in the year ahead.

2021-2022 Board of Trustees Chair Dr. Jonathan Terdiman Vice Chair Michelle Kletter
7 2021–2022 FINANCIALS & GIFT REPORT FISCAL YEAR END JUNE 30, 2022 INCOME 85% Tuition & Fees 7% Total Gifts, Grants & Fundraising Events 1% Rental and Other Income 7% Net Assets Released from Restriction EXPENSES 22% Tuition Assistance 58% Salaries And Benefits 2% Debt Interest 7% Facilities 3% Instructional & Auxiliary Programs 8% General Administrative $265,000 Brandeis 2023 $799,830 Annual Fund $213, 607 Spring Fundraiser $338,262 Tuition Assistance $104,902 Restricted Grants & Major Gifts $15,360 Endowment Gifts ADVANCEMENT TOTALS: $1,736,961


Jewish Community Federation & Endowment Fund

Erica & Jeffrey Lawson


Sue & Michelle Kletter ‘93


Leslie & Alex Gleser

Alicia & Evan Kletter ‘80

The Koret Foundation Tahlia & Joseph Tartakovsky


Rebecca & Shaun Bodington

The Covenant Foundation

The England Family Ellen & David Ginsberg

Melissa Slivka-Goldstein & Evan Goldstein

Amy & Jonathan Seff

Holly Hagens & Todd Sisitsky

Rory & Jamie Weinstein

Lisa & Alex Yakubovich



Tahlia & Jordan Bliss

Mariela & Richard Gerstein

Barbara & Ron Kaufman

Carolyn & Alan z”l Meyer Stacey & Joseph Schliffer


The Barkin Family

Shirley & Curtis Chambers

Miriam & Arthur z”l Gauss

Brittany Bagley & David Gliklich

David Samson Lindsy & Jason Sanders

Jennifer Saslaw & Max Simkoff

Madhulika Varma & Jonathan Terdiman

Joni Trempala


Veronica & Ludo Antonova

Marina Gershberg & Anthony Azevedo

Karen & Jason Brein

Anjali & Peter Cameron

Lynette Stejskal & Russell Cohen

Jacqueline Dolev & Matthew Cooperberg

Marisa & Seth Currie-Rose

Elizabeth Epstein Diamond & Ethan Diamond

The Drummond-Dulberg Family

Louise & Jacob Epstein

Judith Tick & Steven Ganz

Jeanne & David z”l Himy

Jane Froyd & Christopher Kamrath

Danelle James & Edward Kavalerchik

Laura Hauben & Anthony Label Udi & Guy Ledergor

Julie & Ari Lewis

Alyce & Shawn Lichaa

Kathleen Bedford & Andrew Robbins

The Robin Family Kathryn & Avidan Rose

The Rosenblum Family Jaclyn & Dan Safier

Sharon Karlsberg & Craig Sakowitz

Tatiana Goldstein Schaffer & Edward Schaffer

The Veen Firm

Laurie Beijen & Ben Tulchin

United California Anonymous (2)


Nicole Lipman & Michael Ellis Kate & Dr. Dan Glass

Rebecca Berman & Franklin Huang Tanya & Matthew Hurwitz Tam & MacKenzie Huynh

Eva & Richard Klein

Barbara Bona & Piotr Komorowski Jamie & Seth Lasser Sarah & Eric McGill

Laurie Brown & Jason Pollack

Cindy & Gera Shegalov

Kelsey McPherson & Steve Siger Anonymous (2)


Tanya & Mark Bernstein

Aliza Aber & Jonathan Browning

Rita & Charles Baumer

Beacon Pointe Advisors

Victoria & Ashish Chaudhary

Tessa Burns & John Cowan

Shelly Dolev Lindsey & Akiva Felt

The Fox Family

Lindy & Ken Fox

Robert Fox

Inbal & Toby Frankenstein

Adena & Afsal Friedman

Pamela & Paul Ginocchio

Nancy & Leonard Goldberg

Ilysa & Jason Goldblatt

Michelle Sintov & Gary Grossman

Kristi & Gregory Grunberg

Suzanne Schneider & Dov Herbstman

Jodi & Sejo Jahic

Philip N. Kaplan

Andrea Fleischman & Bhavuk Kaul

Beth & Jeff Klugman

Lucy & Aaron Kornblith

Julia & David Kreitzer

Legacy Heritage Foundation

Kate Levis Williamson & Phil Levis

Maya Solo Lieberman & Boris Lieberman

Erin Gordon & Steven Lurie

Suzanne Browne Mead & Max Mead

Mimi & Amnon Mishor

Karen Kaufman Perlman & Brian Perlman

The Perman Family

Amy Goodman & Jesse Purewal

Ruth Katz & Michael Rapaport

Julie & Joseph Ratner

Julie Goldman & Robert Rosner

Maggie & Dave Rothschild

Charlene & Bart Schachter

Liat & Mor Sela

The Shames Family

Anita & Mark Shapiro

Dassi & Alan Shusterman

Sports Basement

Lara Edelbaum Sunshine & Paul Sunshine

Leslie & Stephen Ticktin

Maria Belilovskaya & Gene Vorobyov

Sarah & Daniel Wallis

Fraidy Aber & Nathaniel Weiner

Marla & Robert Weiner

Carolyn & Michael z”l Youkilis

Wendy & Marcus Zachary

Irit Miller Zmora & Yohai Zmora

Anonymous (2)

GIVING Thank you to our Brandeis families, community members, foundations, and businesses for your
in giving through total annual gifts of $1,800 or more to all fundraising campaigns in
the 2021-2022 school year.

The Brandeis Fund

The Brandeis Fund Parent Volunteers


The Brandeis School of San Francisco is grateful to all the incredible parent volunteers who have demonstrated enthusiasm and dedication in growing support for our school.


Changemaker ($20,000+)

Rebecca & Shaun Bodington

Leslie & Alex Gleser*

Sue & Michelle Kletter ‘93

The Koret Foundation

Erica & Jeffrey Lawson Carolyn & Alan z”l Meyer Holly Hagens & Todd Sisitsky Tahlia & Joseph Tartakovsky

Rebecca Berman & Franklin Huang

Tanya & Matthew Hurwitz

Tam & MacKenzie Huynh

Jane Froyd & Christopher Kamrath* Eva & Richard Klein

Udi & Guy Ledergor Sarah & Eric McGill Laurie Brown & Jason Pollack

Kelsey McPherson & Steve Siger

Julie & Joseph Ratner*

Julie Goldman & Robert Rosner*

Maggie & Dave Rothschild

Sharon Karlsberg & Craig Sakowitz

Liat & Mor Sela

The Shames Family

Anita & Mark Shapiro

Dassi & Alan Shusterman*

Sports Basement

Lara Edelbaum Sunshine & Paul Sunshine

Leslie & Stephen Ticktin*

Sarah & Daniel Wallis

Fraidy Aber & Nathaniel Weiner

Maria Belilovskaya & Gene Vorobyov

Carolyn & Michael z”l Youkilis

Irit Miller Zmora & Yohai Zmora Anonymous (2)

Aliza Aber & Jonathan Browning Victoria & Ashish Chaudhary essa Burns & John Cowan* Elizabeth Epstein Diamond &

The Drummond-Dulberg Family* Adena

Partner ($720–$1,799)

Rabbi Katie Mizrahi & Raj Abbasi AmazonSmile Foundation

Darci Rosenblum & David Aufhauser

Beth Cousens & Joel Aufrecht

Shannon Atlas & Howard Caro*

Dani & Adam Cooper

Kelly Kozak & Josh Donald

Claudia & Bob Eshoo

Elizabeth Fishman Elizabeth & Todd Fox

George Frankenstein

The Friedman-Lowenthal Family* Jaime & Tom Geidt

Rowan Gleser ‘22

Nancy & Leonard Goldberg* Michelle Sintov & Gary Grossman

Andrea Fleischman & Bhavuk Kaul

Irina Elman & Steven Gold

Ilysa & Jason Goldblatt*

Dingli & Brian Graham

Natalya Belkin & Aleksandr Gurevich

Olesya Shayduk-Immerman & Igor Immerman

Laura Gasser & Marc Katz*

Danelle James & Edward Kavalerchik

Laura Hauben & Anthony Label*

Wendy & Howard Kleckner*

Barbara Bona & Piotr Komorowski

Yelena & Jordan Koplowicz

Marcia & David Kornblith

Sophi Jacobs & Jonathan Krause

Jane Leventhal

Kate Levis Williamson & Phil Levis

Derek & Lydia Lipman

Martin Lipman

Erin Gordon & Steven Lurie

Rena & Jonathan Mizrahi

Amy Goodman & Jesse Purewal Ruth Katz & Michael Rapaport*

Ian Neale

Donors to The Brandeis Fund strengthen the experience of a Brandeis education, advance our mission, and support the great work of our teachers and students. We are grateful to have the generous support of our community! TOTAL BRANDEIS FUND GIVING: $799K $3.7M IN TUITION ASSISTANCE GRANTS FOR 50%+ OF STUDENTS $46K IN MATCHING GIFTS!

Lindsey & Douglas Pierce

The Pogir-Kaye Family

Alexa & Brandon Pollack

Judith & David Rose

Charlene & Bart Schachter*

Karen Hall & Steven Sherr*

Jennifer Saslaw & Max Simkoff

The Parents of Eben Simpson

Laurie Beijen & Ben Tulchin

Marla & Robert Weiner

Lauren Cappelloni & Keith Welter

Stacy & Scott Youkilis

Wendy & Marcus Zachary

Lisa & Josh Zander

Inna & Stan Zilberleyb Anonymous (3)



Teresa Landry & Joel Berman

Marc & Luxuan Buren

Anjali & Peter Cameron

Aimee Golant Casella & David Casella

The Dalfen Noteware Family

Nancy Donald

Beth Eiselman*

Erica Eshoo

Kristi & Gregory Grunberg

Hadara Stanton Hersh & Jerold Hersh*

Elena & Eugene Ingerman

Denise & Andrew Lefberg

Kathy & Richard Leventhal

Teresa & Dan Newmark

The Peliks Family

Joel Rubinstein & Edward Pertcheck

Jennifer Wegbreit & Matthew Powers

Kerry & Stephen Rodriguez

Mieko & Ian Selsky

Donna & Mark Sisitsky

Emilyn & Adam Werbach* Anonymous (2)



Tristan Seifer & Brian Aubry

Adina & Brian Chaikelson

Renee & Arnold Cinman

Ellyn & Steven Cohen*

Suzanne & Andrew Colvin

Rusty Dalfen

Debra & Stuart Eisendrath

Kfir Elad

Marina Eybelman & Alex Furman

Brian P. Goldman ‘97*

Rebecca & Jason Goodman

Betty Graham

Rivka Greenberg z”l*

Joanne & Willie Greenspan

Joan Keston & Hugh Grindstaff

Cezanne Garcia & David Grossman

Marsha & Ralph Guggenheim

Pam & Nelson Heller

Marty & Cookie z”l Javinsky

Samantha & Jeremy Kamras

Gia Daniller-Katz & Steven Katz

The Kaufman-Hegedus Family

Vicky Keston

Laura Yang & Ethan Klein

Michali & Dean Kolnick

Naomi & Sharky Laguana

Antonia & David Lavine

Melanie Derynck & Etan Lightstone

Mr. & Mrs. William Lopez

Deborah Arzt-Mor & Boaz Mor*

June & Donald Nadler*

Jessica & Alexander Newmark

Ruth Carlton & Lauren Orlick

Sarah Song & Horace Rhee

Andrew Snavely & Jeffrey Rosenfeld

Oren Rubinstein

Polly & Jesse Sapakie

Heather & Sarah Shields

Rabbi Sarah Shulman & Nate Bankier

Andrea & Erik Stafl

Susan & Jonathan Stein

The Summers Family Ellen Tuckman

The Weinstein-Lorenzen Family*

Amy Cohen & David Williams

Julie Landau & Kenneth Young*

Kara & Stephen Yugoff Irina & Avraham Yusupov Anonymous (6)


(up to $359)

Danielle Abecassis*

Madeline Adler

Patrick Alcasabas

Emma Ambler Keren Asayag

Alex Austin*

Jessica Austin*

Kathy & Chad Balch*

Erik Balin

Kasey Balin

Julie Beck*

Bel Beeson

Dirk Beijen

Mollee & Josef Bekele

Robin Braun Belinsky & Gabriel Belinsky

Tamar & Yair Ben-shaanan

Mitzi Berkelhammer

Tila Bibliowicz*

Jillian Lapedus & Andrew Bier

Vida & Ron Bierman

Sandee Bisson*

Diane Goldstein-Block & Ed Block

Dr. Jody & Josh Bloom*

Alla Gershberg & Dale Boutiette*

Natasha Geykhman & Yevgeniy Brusilovskiy

Cassandra Burger

Karen Joffe & Graeme Burke

Nancy & Robert Cappelloni

Dan & Helene Casella

Marsha & Len Charney

Amanda & Paul Charney

Bessie Chekunov ‘06

Carlyann Cheng

Brigitte & Jon Churnin*

May & Gerald z”l Cohen

Laura & Arthur Cohen

Amy & Nicholas Cole-Farrell

Jessica & Mathew Colvin

Bonnie & Mark Cousens

Irit & Finbarr Daly*

Adele & Avron Daniller

Malika Densby*

Nicole Dickson

Whitney Dorman

Larisa Rapoport & Ian Druch*

Olga & Robert Eber*

Faina & Adam Eisendrath

Eleanore Lee & Ronald Elson

Emily Epstein

Andrew Evens

Karen Keith & Anat Feinstein*

Margalit & Gabriel Feinstein

Jacqueline & Jonathan Ferris*

Janet Shalwitz & Burt Feuerstein*

Vicki & Silas Ford

Ariel Ford*

Susan Fox

Julie Frank

Peggy & Dennis Frank Dr. Alison Frank*

Barbara & Dan Freeman* Evelyn & Fred Freeman Rachel Freeman ‘02*

Nancy & Barry Friedman Dena & John Gardi*

The Gatz-Levine Family

Diana Motseniat & Dmitriy Glazer

Jane Salmon & Jerry Gliklich Caterina Glustein

Tiffany Speers & Eugene Gogerman

Maureen Ellis-Goldrath & Marc Goldrath

Sara Goldrath

Rebekah Goldstein*

Deborah Kelman & Rabbi Marvin Goodman

Rebecca Gordon

Hannah Graham

Joanne Green

Kseniya Baronina & Andrey Gromov

The Gunsberg-Pelkey Family

Shannon & Dennis Gutierrez*

Jaffa Dayan-Hall & Stephen Hall

Courtney Beck & Jonathan Harris

Sara & Zach Heller

Naomi Schwartz Hemp Harriet & Stephen Hersh

Katherine Fiester & Ben Hetherington

Jennifer Heyman*

Jennifer Baumer & Adam Hochman*

Simha Hoze*

Sharon & Stanley Jacobson

Sarah Stettler & Robert Javinsky

Jean & Stuart Johnston

Susan & Richard z”l Kaplan

Toby & Stuart Katz*

Rachel & Michael Kesselman*

Rachel Klein*

Jodi Klein ‘75

Caroline & Craig Kleinman Eitam Kohen

Jenny Zitser Koren & Dan Koren

Tamir Korenbrot ‘91

Lisa Perlmutter & Volker Kueffel

Meredith Heller & Blake Kutner

Liron Lahav

Cynthia & Dan Laser*

Anu & James Lazarus

Sharon & Robert z’’l Lefberg Hannah Lesser Simona Lewis ‘17


Nikki Lo

Shira Rutman & Adam Lowy

Annie z”l & Ron Lowy

Denise Lujan

Mollie McLaughlin & Jeff Lyon

Rabbi Batshir Torchio & Dean Macdonald*

Natalie Sacks & John MacGregor*

Madeleine Mackenzie

Jodi & Burt Magen*

The Malka-Arnold Family

Michelle Chodor & Douglas Mandler*

Lisa Pollock Mann & Alex Mann*

Yarden Golan Maor & Yoav Maor Janet & Doug Martinsen

Pam & Michael McCarthy

Aaron McCullough

Diane & Ron McGee

Alexandra & Chanan Menachem*

Joyce Mendoza

Vira Kravtsova & Irakli Mezvrishvili

Ari Micich

Jacqueline Shelton-Miller & Craig Miller*

Patricia & Albert Mizrahi

Corrie Mizusawa*

Sharon Moore

Jude Morris

Jay Moses

Joseph Neyman ‘17

Eloise & David Noteware

Liza Padua

Cerai Peralta

Mira Peretz*

Robert Perez

The Perman Family*

Jane & Rabbi James Perman*

Diane Epstein-Porter & Ken Porter* Ann Ritzma & Elaine Porter*

Abra Castle & Eric Potashner

Meryl Leavitt & Nick Przybyla

Anne & Tim Quaintance*

Katherine Tick & Fred Raker* Rebecca & Stephen Ravel*

Jenny Rinn

Jenia Semyonov & Robert Rintel Kathrine & James Riseman

The Ritz Family

Frances Wittman-Rosenzweig & Carl Rosenzweig*

Auritte Cohen-Ross & Jonathan Ross*

The Rubinstein Family Smadar & Noah Salzman

Anna & Scott Saltzman

Renee Samson*

Jacob Samuels

Priscille Schwarcz-Besson & Fred Schwarcz

Or & Tal Shahar

Marcella Shames

Michelle Shanks

Stephanie Shearer

We achieved an incredible 100% participation from our parent community in 2021-2022. Every family generously contributed and made an invaluable difference in the life of our school and the education of our students. Parents contributed more than $445,000 toward The Brandeis Fund. Thank you for your inspiring support!

Efrat Shoresh & Ofer Shem Tov

Marci & Andy Sherman*

Nancy Shields

Anda Kuo & Michael Shlipak*

Sheila Yturri & Mark Sigal*

Pat & Alan Siger

Evelyn Scalora & Martin Singer*

Diane Shapiro & John Sommerfield

Kristen Beck & Damon Sperber ‘82

Carol Sperber

Evan Spiler

Iryse Ann Starr

Allen Stein

Callie & George Stemerman

Leo Stern*

Marilyn Stettler

Christine Tamez

Dr. Sivan Tarle & Daniel Tarle

Dana Lazarovitz & Scot Thompson

Chloe Ticktin ‘15

Ethan Ticktin ‘17

Jared Ticktin ‘13

Anatoliy Tsibulskiy*

Karla Wargo & Kevin Tuckman

Julie & Mark Ugar*

Kathleen Van Boven

Val & Vlad Varshasky

Alevtina Mokshina & Yakov Volkov

Clare Wadbrook

Abbe Wainwright*

Jennifer Morris & Darlene Weide

Sharon & Joshua Weinberg*

Alisa Weiner

Mairin & Matthew Weiner ‘89

Marilyn Weisberg

Catherine Withrington

Vivian Wong

Adrian & David Worton*

The Wunsh Family

Ella Shubaeva & Max Yagudaev

Cameron Yuen-Shore

Jaysa & Marc Zablatsky

Scott Porter & Laura Zander*

Daniel Zander ‘11

Miriam & Richard Zimmerman

Kate Swanson & Ben Zion Anonymous (10)

Foundations & Corporations


AmazonSmile Foundation

Apple Chevron Corporation

The Covenant Foundation Gap Foundation


Google Jewish Community Federation & Endowment Fund

The Koret Foundation

Legacy Heritage Foundation

Levi Strauss Foundation

Live Ramp Marsh & McLennan

Microsoft NVIDIA Salesforce

Sports Basement

Visa Wells Fargo Foundation

Gifts in Kind

Rebecca & Shaun Bodington

Restricted Gifts

Jaclyn & Dan Safier

Chaim Heller Fund for Travel to Israel

Nancy & Leonard Goldberg

Hadara Stanton Hersh & Jerold Hersh

The Perman Family

Charlene & Bart Schachter

Evelyn Scalora & Martin Singer

Julie & Mark Ugar

The Brandeis School of San Francisco Endowment Fund

Marina Gershberg & Anthony Azevedo

Louise & Benjamin Barrett

Hillary & Pete Blum

Elizabeth Epstein Diamond & Ethan Diamond

The England Family

Ellen & David Ginsberg

Ilysa & Jason Goldblatt

Hadara Stanton Hersh & Jerold Hersh

Jane Froyd & Christopher Kamrath

Julie & Ari Lewis

The Perman Family

Lindsy & Jason Sanders

Tatiana Goldstein Schaffer & Edward Schaffer

Lyn & Adam Werbach


Rita & Charles Baumer

Dirk Beijen

Diane Goldstein-Block & Ed Block

Nancy & Robert Cappelloni

Dan & Helene Casella

Marsha & Len Charney

Renee & Arnold Cinman

Laura & Arthur Cohen May & Gerald z”l Cohen

Suzanne & Andrew Colvin Bonnie & Mark Cousens

Rusty Dalfen

Adele & Avron Daniller

Sharon & Mark Dolev

Nancy Donald Beth Eiselman

Debra & Stuart Eisendrath

Eleanore Lee & Ronald Elson

Louise & Jacob Epstein

Claudia & Bob Eshoo

Margalit & Gabriel Feinstein

Vicki & Silas Ford

Robert Fox

Susan Fox

Peggy & Dennis Frank

George Frankenstein

Evelyn & Fred Freeman

Nancy & Barry Friedman

Jaime & Tom Geidt

Jane Salmon & Jerry Gliklich

Maureen Ellis-Goldrath & Marc Goldrath

Deborah Kelman & Rabbi Marvin Goodman

Betty Graham

Rivka Greenberg z”l

Joanne & Willie Greenspan

Joan Keston & Hugh Grindstaff

Cezanne Garcia & David Grossman

Marsha & Ralph Guggenheim

Pam & Nelson Heller

Harriet & Stephen Hersh

Sharon & Stanley Jacobson Marty & Cookie z”l Javinsky

Jean & Stuart Johnston

Susan & Richard z”l Kaplan

Toby & Stuart Katz

Wendy & Howard Kleckner

Eva & Richard Klein

Marcia & David Kornblith

Sharon & Robert z”l Lefberg

Jane Leventhal

Kathy & Richard Leventhal

Derek & Lydia Lipman

Annie Lowy z”l & Ron Lowy

Pam & Michael McCarthy

Diane & Ron McGee

Carolyn & Alan z”l Meyer

Patricia & Albert Mizrahi

Ian Neale

Jessica & Alexander Newmark

Eloise & David Noteware

Jane & Rabbi James Perman

Judith & David Rose

Marcella Shames

Anita & Mark Shapiro

Nancy Shields

Pat & Alan Siger

Donna & Mark Sisitsky

Carol Sperber

Susan & Jonathan Stein

Marilyn Stettler

Joni Trempala

Ellen Tuckman

Marla & Robert Weiner

Carolyn & Mike z”l Youkilis Miriam & Richard Zimmerman


Faculty & Staff

Madeline Adler

Patrick Alcasabas

Emma Ambler

Deborah Arzt-Mor Keren Asayag

Jennifer Baumer Bel Beeson

Sandee Bisson Dr. Jody Bloom

Cassandra Burger Bessie Chekunov ‘06 Carlyann Cheng Nicholas Cole-Farrell

Angela Dalfen Irit Daly

Malika Densby Nicole Dickson Whitney Dorman

Andrew Evens

Jonathan Ferris Dr. Alison Frank Dr. Dan Glass

Caterina Glustein

Sara Goldrath

Rebekah Goldstein

Hannah Graham Joanne Green

Alissa Gunsberg

Shannon Gutierrez

Simha Hoze

Rachel Klein

Eitam Kohen Liron Lahav Hannah Lesser Martin Lipman

Nikki Lo

Denise Lujan Madeleine Mackenzie Aaron McCullough Alexandra Menachem

of the Brandeis mission is to serve the Bay Area Jewish Community. By donating to Brandeis, and being part of the 100% of parents who contributed, we open up Brandeis to more of that community and then benefit from a wider diversity of students and parents. It has been great to watch the parent participation and generosity grow while I was on the board, and I look forward

-Paul Ginocchio, Trustee and Parent to Gabrielle ‘19, Sloane ‘24, and Gray

Joyce Mendoza

Ari Micich

Corrie Mizusawa

Sharon Moore Jude Morris Liza Padua Cerai Peralta Mira Peretz Robert Perez Douglas Pierce Jenny Rinn

Jacob Samuels

Polly Sapakie Michelle Shanks

Stephanie Shearer

Sarah Song

Damon Sperber ‘82

Evan Spiler Allen Stein Christine Tamez Dr. Sivan Tarle

Anatoliy Tsibulskiy

Clare Wadbrook

Abigail Wainwright

Mairin Weiner

Catherine Withrington

Vivian Wong

David Worton

Stacy Youkilis

Cameron Yuen-Shore Anonymous (2)


Bessie Chekunov ‘06

Rachel Freeman ‘02

Rowan Gleser ‘22

Brian P. Goldman ‘97

Jodi Klein ‘75

Evan Kletter ‘80

Michelle Kletter ‘93

Tamir Korenbrot ‘91

Simona Lewis ‘17

Joseph Neyman ‘17

Alanna Klein ‘76

Damon Sperber ‘82

Chloe Ticktin ‘15

Ethan Ticktin ‘17

to helping it continue.”

a faculty member,

believe it is important to show our parent/guardian body our internal support. The more we give from the inside, the more we receive from the outside.”

Jared Ticktin ‘13

Matthew Weiner ‘89 Daniel Zander ‘11

Parents of Alumni

Danielle Abecassis

Keren Asayag

Tristan Seifer & Brian Aubry

Jessica Austin

Marina Gershberg & Anthony Azevedo

Kathy & Chad Balch

Erik Balin

Kasey Balin

Tila Bibliowicz

Alla Gershberg & Dale Boutiette

Shannon Atlas & Howard Caro

Brigitte & Jon Churnin

Lynette Stejskal & Russell Cohen

Ellyn & Steven Cohen

Irit & Finbarr Daly

Elizabeth Epstein Diamond & Ethan Diamond

Larisa Rapoport & Ian Druch

The Drummond-Dulberg Family

Jacqueline & Jonathan Ferris

Janet Shalwitz & Burt Feuerstein

The Fox Family

Barbara & Dan Freeman

The Friedman-Lowenthal Family

Judith Tick & Steven Ganz

Dena & John Gardi

Miriam & Arthur z”l Gauss

Ellen & David Ginsberg

Nancy & Leonard Goldberg

Ilysa & Jason Goldblatt

Jaffa Dayan-Hall & Stephen Hall

Courtney Beck & Jonathan Harris

Jennifer Heyman

Elena & Eugene Ingerman

Jodi & Sejo Jahic

Laura Gasser & Marc Katz

Rachel & Michael Kesselman

Caroline & Craig Kleinman

Rabbi Batshir Torchio & Dean Macdonald

Natalie Sacks & John MacGregor

Jodi & Burt Magen

Michelle Chodor & Douglas Mandler

Lisa Pollock Mann & Alex Mann

Alexandra & Chanan Menachem

Jacqueline Shelton-Miller & Craig Miller

Deborah Arzt-Mor & Boaz Mor

June & Donald Nadler

Karen Kaufman Perlman & Brian Perlman

The Perman Family

Ann Ritzma & Elaine Porter

Diane Epstein-Porter & Ken Porter

Abra Castle & Eric Potashner

Jennifer Wegbreit & Matthew Powers

Anne & Tim Quaintance

Katherine Tick & Fred Raker

Ruth Katz & Michael Rapaport

Rebecca & Stephen Ravel

Frances Wittman-Rosenzweig & Carl Rosenzweig

Julie Goldman & Robert Rosner

Auritte Cohen-Ross & Jonathan Ross

Efrat Shoresh & Ofer Shem Tov

Marci & Andy Sherman

Karen Hall & Steven Sherr

Anda Kuo & Michael Shlipak

Sheila Yturri & Mark Sigal

Carol Sperber

Madhulika Varma & Jonathan Terdiman

Leslie & Stephen Ticktin

The Weinstein-Lorenzen Family

Lyn & Adam Werbach

Adrian & David Worton

Julie Landau & Kenneth Young

Scott Porter & Laura Zander

Inna & Stan Zilberleyb

Anonymous (2)

Community Members

Rabbi Sarah Shulman & Nate Bankier

Mitzi Berkelhammer

Emily Epstein

Anu & James Lazarus

Jay Moses Kathleen Van Boven Marilyn Weisberg

Lisa & Alex Yakubovich Anonymous

Tribute Gifts

In honor of ... Maddie Adler Jacob Samuels

Emma Ambler Allen Stein

Debby Arzt-Mor

Jonathan & Jacqueline Ferris

Milo Aufrecht ‘28

Bonnie & Mark Cousens

Ilan Azevedo ‘22

Marina Gershberg & Anthony Azevedo

Jacob Barrett ‘21

Louise Greenspan & Benjamin Barrett Bel Beeson

Sandee Bisson

Harold & Harriet Berman

Teresa Landry & Joel Berman

Neal Biskar

Kristen Beck & Damon Sperber ‘82

Sandee Bisson

Mark Fritzel

Ashley Bitton Emma Ambler

Dr. Jody Bloom

Dr. Alison Frank

The Brandeis School of San Francisco Faculty & Staff Renee & Arnold Cinman

Suzanne & Andrew Colvin Maureen & Marc Goldrath

Abra Castle & Family Castle Marsha & Ralph Guggenheim

Adeline Chen-Shore

Dr. Sivan Tarle & Daniel Tarle

Class of 2017

Simona Lewis ‘17

Malika Densby Liza Padua

Herschel Diamond ‘22

Emily Epstein

Elizabeth Epstein Diamond & Ethan Diamond

Isadore Diamond ‘20

Elizabeth Epstein Diamond & Ethan Diamond

Zelig Diamond ‘25

Emily Epstein

Katie Dolev ‘24 Shelly Dolev Asher Ellis ‘23

Lydia & Derek Lipman Josie England ‘21

Jessica & James England Andrew Evens Sara Goldrath

Ittai Keith Feinstein ‘27

Margalit Feinstein

Talya Feinstein ‘22 Margalit Feinstein

Tamar Feinstein ‘25 Margalit Feinstein

Carolina Fox ‘20

Carolyn Meyer & Alan Meyer z”l Will Fox ‘23

Carolyn Meyer & Alan Meyer z”l Zuri Fox ‘24

Robert Fox

Dr. Ali Frank

Dr. Jody Bloom & Josh Bloom

Hadara Stanton Hersh & Jerold Hersh

Gilana Frank ‘23

Peggy & Dennis Frank Jay Moses

Paul Ginocchio

Hadara Stanton Hersh

Ava Ginsberg ‘21

Ellen & David Ginsberg

Nathan Ginsberg

Ellen & David Ginsberg

Dr. Dan Glass

Alla Gershberg & Dale Boutiette

Amy & Nicholas Cole-Farrell

Deborah Arzt-Mor & Boaz Mor

Sonia Glass ‘23

Jacqueline Shelton-Miller & Craig Miller

Alexander Goldberg ‘22

Nancy & Len Goldberg

Carly Goldblatt ‘19

Ilysa & Jason Goldblatt

Rebekah Goldstein

Madeline Adler

Leor Hersh ‘22

Hadara Stanton Hersh & Jerold Hersh

Toby Horwitz

Elizabeth & Todd Fox

Ardath Kirchner

Kristen Beck & Damon Sperber ‘82

Michelle Kletter

Hadara Stanton Hersh

Lucy & Aaron Kornblith

Hadara Stanton Hersh & Jerold Hersh

The Lawson Family

Evelyn & Fred Freeman

Madeline Lazarus ‘20

Rebecca Lazarus

The Leadership Team

Shannon Gutierrez

Sandra Menachem

Jonah Lewis ‘21

Julie & Ari Lewis

Ruby Lewis ‘26

Cheryl & Stephen Eiselman

Alissa Gunsberg & Arik Pelkey

Marty Lipman

Eitam Kohen

Nikki Lo Malika Densby Grady Love

Anatoliy Tsibulskiy

Irit Rutman-Lowy ‘23

Peggy & Dennis Frank Kelsey McPherson

Angie Dalfen

Sandra Menacham

Polly & Jesse Sapakie

Joyce Mendoza

Liza Padua

Lauren Orlick

Angie Dalfen

Liza Padua

Joyce Mendoza

Ezra Pazner

Mira Peretz

Elias Perman ‘20

Sheva Tessler & Daniel Perman

Isabel Perman ‘22

Sheva Tessler & Daniel Perman

Abby Porth

Antonia & David Lavine

Adina Rauchwerger

Angie Dalfen

Eli Recht-Appel

Sydney Recht & Robert Appel

Gabriel Recht-Appel ‘06

Sydney Recht & Robert Appel

Ruby Recht-Appel ‘19

Sydney Recht & Robert Appel

Jenny Rinn

Vivian Wong

Polly & Jesse Sapakie

Ian Neale

Polly Sapakie Bel Beeson

Angie Dalfen Jenny Rinn David Worton

“I give to the Annual Fund because I believe in our Brandeis community and its mission! As
-Sarah Song, Learning Specialist


We would like to celebrate the generosity of our community of donors who helped us achieve matching gift challenges in both the current parent community and separately in the alumni and parent of alumni community on November 19, 2021. Collectively, we raised over $154,000 including the generous matching gifts from Brandeis alumnus, Evan Kletter ‘80 and an anonymous donor. Thank you for helping us meet the match and for your commitment to our students and their education!

Simone Schachter ‘22

Charlene & Bart Schachter

Ed Schaffer

Hadara Stanton Hersh

Stephanie Shearer

Catherine Withrington

Roza Shegalova

Cindy & Gera Shegalov

Adar Shem Tov ‘18

Efrat Shoresh & Ofer Shem Tov

Ilay Shem Tov

Efrat Shoresh & Ofer Shem Tov

Steven Siger

Angie Dalfen

Ethan Sisitsky ‘26

Donna & Mark Sisitsky

Sarah Song

Lindsey & Douglas Pierce

Damon Sperber ‘82

Christine Tamez

Hadara Stanton Hersh

Antonia & David Lavine

Jonathan Terdiman

Julie Goldman & Robert Rosner

Emma Tick-Raker ‘14

Katherine Tick & Fred Raker

Sam Tick-Raker ‘11

Katherine Tick & Fred Raker

Austin Tuckman ‘23 Ellen Tuckman

Logan Tuckman ‘23 Ellen Tuckman

Henry Ugar ‘22

Julie & Mark Ugar

Palani Velloo

Martin Lipman

Abbe Wainwright

Hadara Stanton Hersh & Jerold Hersh

Steven Weinstein ‘23

Jane Leventhal

Kathy & Richard Leventhal

Cathy Wirthington

Stephanie Shearer

Stacy Youkilis

Christine Tamez

Kate & Dr. Dan Glass

Adam Zander ‘19

Laura Zander & Scott Porter

Daniel Marc Zander ‘11

Laura Zander & Scott Porter

Simon Werbach ‘22

Emilyn & Adam Werbach


After two years, we were thrilled to welcome back grandparents and special friends for a special day on campus with our students. It was the biggest gathering our school had hosted since the pandemic began. Over 200 guests joined head of school Dr. Dan Glass in the Shehecheyanu to mark and celebrate this coming together in support of our students. Student Community Board Co-Presidents, Sabra Bliss and Kenneth Lasser reflected on their journey at Brandeis and the important moments that shaped their education, including their roles as mentors to the youngest students in our school and in their work with the seventh grade tzedek project where students engage in a yearlong service learning curriculum. The student band welcomed guests as they arrived and there were musical performances from our incredibly talented Brandeis students. Grandparents then joined their students in the classroom to celebrate Shabbat and take part in activities together. It was a moving day for so many to be able to experience the joy and laughter of our students as they shared their enthusiasm for learning with their grandparents and special friends. All of us at Brandeis are full of gratitude for this special community who come from near and far.

“I always feel welcome at Brandeis when I am there. My grandchildren Jack and Alice have embraced their Judaism with passion, meaning, and relevance. They feel valued, respected, honored, cared for, and listened to by their teachers.”

- Nancy Capelloni, Grandparent

The annual spring event Moonlight Bazaar brought together more than 225 of our community members for a fabulous and festive fundraiser to benefit our tuition assistance program. We shared a wonderful evening of music from the ancient world featuring Eliyahu Sills followed later in the night by dancing with DJ heyLOVE. The video tribute of alumni and their families spanning four decades shared the profound impact that Brandeis had on their lives and the immense gratitude they feel to this day. We are grateful for our community, whose combined contributions and generous sponsorship resulted in more than $318,000 to support tuition assistance and the educational experience of our students.

This event would not be possible without the broad participation of our Brandeis community members who donated auction items and hosted count-me-in events, bought event and raffle tickets, and who gave of their time, talent, and expertise to grow enthusiasm for this critical fundraising event that ensures socio-economic diversity at Brandeis. Thank you for your generosity in supporting our students and our school.

Thank you to our wonderfully supportive volunteers who made this event possible.


Tahlia Bliss

Shelly Dolev Adam Eisendrath Kristi Grunberg Holly Hagens


Rebecca & Shaun Bodington

Lynette Stejskal & Russell Cohen

Marina Eybelman & Alex Furman Dr. Dan Glass


$10,000+ Shirley & Curtis Chambers


Tahlia & Jordan Bliss

Jacqueline Dolev & Matthew Cooperberg Alicia & Evan Kletter ‘80 Laura Hauben & Anthony Label


Beacon Pointe Advisors

The England Family Judith Tick & Steven Ganz Leslie & Alex Gleser


Armanino Foundation

Arthur J. Gallagher & Co.

The Barkin Family

Lynette Stejskal & Russell Cohen

Dani & Adam Cooper

The Dalfen Noteware


Elizabeth Epstein Diamond & Ethan Diamond Shelly Dolev

Jillian Lapedus Julie Lewis

Natasha Ritz Amy Seff Jon Seff

The Lipman Ellis Family

Alicia & Evan Kletter ‘80

Mauna Kea Beach Hotel Holly Hagens & Todd Sisitsky Toscano Reiki

Anat Shiwak-Harry Sarah Stettler Lara Edelbaum Sunshine

Trader Joe’s

Bailey Beijen Tulchin

Laurie Beijen & Ben Tulchin Lyn & Adam Werbach

The Koret Foundation Erica & Jeffrey Lawson

Lindsy & Jason Sanders Amy & Jonathan Seff Holly Hagens & Todd Sisitsky Huyen Thi Nguyen Trang

The Veen Firm PC United California Rory & Jamie Weinstein

Danelle James & Edward Kavalerchik Sue & Michelle Kletter ‘93 Julie & Ari Lewis

The Drummond-Dulberg


Mariela & Richard Gerstein

Kate & Dan Glass Udi & Guy Ledergor

Erin Gordon & Steven Lurie

Charlene & Bart Schachter Dick Seff Jennifer Saslaw & Max Simkoff

The Robin Family Laurie Beijen & Ben Tulchin


Sydney Recht & Robert Appel

The Barkin Family Sandee Bisson

Rebecca & Shaun Bodington

Anjali & Peter Cameron

Lynette Stejskal & Russell Cohen

Marisa & Seth Currie-Rose

Elizabeth Epstein Diamond & Ethan Diamond

The Drummond-Dulberg Family

The England Family

Inbal and Toby Frankenstein

Kate & Dr. Dan Glass

Leslie & Alex Gleser

Tiffany Speers & Eugene Gogerman

Rebecca Gordon

Michelle Sintov & Gary Grossman

Kristi & Gregory Grunberg

Shannon & Dennis Gutierrez

Tam & MacKenzie Huynh

Jane Froyd & Christopher Kamrath

Philip N. Kaplan

Laura Gasser & Marc Katz

Danelle James & Edward Kavalerchik

Alicia & Evan Kletter ‘80

Sue & Michelle Kletter ‘93

The Malka-Arnold Family

Robin Shostack & Will McDonald

Marlene & Stephen Miller Deborah Arzt-Mor & Boaz Mor

The Peliks Family

Meryl Leavitt & Nick Przybyla Julie & Joseph Ratner

Sarah Song & Horace Rhee

Jenny Rinn

Kathleen Bedford & Andrew Robbins

Kathryn & Avidan Rose

Sharon Karlsberg & Craig Sakowitz

Anna & Scott Saltzman

David Samson

Lindsy & Jason Sanders

Stacey & Joseph Schliffer

Priscille Schwarcz-Besson & Fred Schwarcz

Amy & Jonathan Seff

Mieko & Ian Selsky

Cindy & Gera Shegalov

Nancy Shields

Justine Simpson

Holly Hagens & Todd Sisitsky

The Summers Family

Lara Edelbaum Sunshine & Paul Sunshine Sarah & Daniel Wallis Anonymous

Barbara Bona & Piotr Komorowski

Jamie & Seth Lasser

Gail Billings-Beck & Alyce Laviolette

Erica & Jeffrey Lawson

Udi & Guy Ledergor

Kate Levis Williamson & Phil Levis

Julie & Ari Lewis

Melanie Derynck & Etan Lightstone

Madhulika Varma & Jonathan Terdiman Dana Lazarovitz & Scot Thompson

Huyen Thi Nguyen Trang

Marla & Robert Weiner

Rory & Jamie Weinstein

Amy Cohen & David Williams

Stacy & Scott Youkilis

Jaysa & Marc Zablatsky

Wendy & Marcus Zachary Kate Swanson & Ben Zion Anonymous (3)



We are a school that highly values the social, emotional, and physical well-being of our students. During the pandemic our focus extended to include faculty, staff, and all of our families. Brandeis marshaled a variety of resources to enable students and faculty to teach, learn, and play in person and when allowed, for our families to gather in outdoor spaces for celebrations and traditions, like the “Light up the Blue Top” Hanukkah party and eighth grade graduation. A particularly invaluable source of expertise and creative thinking was our Medical Advisory Group, a group of current and former Brandeis parents, all of whom are respected physicians, who advised our Head of School and offered guidance on policies and procedures related to the health and welfare of our community. They hosted many forums to address questions and provide ongoing reassurance, along with a hefty dose of compassion, patience, and good humor. Thank you to the members of the Medical Advisory Group! We are grateful for your dedication to the welfare of our community:

We are also grateful to Dr. Bob Wachter, the Chair of UCSF’s Department of Medicine, who is the father of two Brandeis alumni (Benjamin ‘07 and Doug ‘05). In collaboration with Dr. Wachter, we were able to partner with Mission Wellness, a specialty pharmacy who led the first of two on-site vaccine clinics for 5-11 year olds. These clinics were open to the general public, and we were proud to host these important events on our campus.

“The Brandeis Medical Advisory Community is a fantastic group of individuals working to ensure our Community uses scientific evidence and knowledge AND meets the values of our faculty, staff, families, and children. Our family is grateful to be able to contribute to this vital work as we navigate extraordinary times.”

– Drs. Lucy & Aaron Kornblith, Parents to Judah ’26

Dr. Rebecca Berman, Dr. Matthew Cooperberg, Dr. Erin Gordon, Dr. Louise Greenspan, Dr. Franklin Huang, Dr. Samantha Kamras, Dr. Won Kim, Dr. Aaron Kornblith, Dr. Lucy Kornblith, Dr. Erica Lawson, and Dr. Jonathan Terdiman.

BenNoah Arnold

Ilan Azevedo

Sabra Bliss

Assaf Brajtman

Emma Burke

Jack Froyd-Kamrath

Rowan Gleser


Jessica Sanders Simone Schachter Natalie Schaffer

Tatiana Shvedoff

Analy West County

High School

The Bay School of San Francisco

Branham High School

The Branson School

Convent High School

International High School

Jewish Community High School of the Bay


Lick-Wilmerding High School

Marin Academy

San Domenico School


San Francisco Girls’ School

St. Ignatius College


Stuart Hall High School

Urban School of San Francisco




American University Barrett, The Honors College at Arizona State University

Boston College

Brandeis University

Georgia Institute of Technology

Lehigh University

Northwestern University

Pomona College

Reed College

The University of California, Berkeley

The University of California, San Diego

The University of California, Santa Cruz

Eugenia Shvartsman

Myles Sloan Adrian Stewart

Joya Terdiman

David Vapnek

Zoë Wulfstat

California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Case Western Reserve University

Columbia University & List College of The Jewish Theological Seminary

Dartmouth College Emory University

Rhode Island School of Design

Santa Clara University

Sarah Lawrence College

Sonoma State University

Stanford University

Syracuse University

Trinity College Dublin

Tufts University

Tulane University

The University of Chicago

The University of Oregon

The University of Rochester

The University of San Diego

The University of Southern California

The University of Vermont

The University of Wisconsin–Madison Williams College

Herschel Diamond Evan Eber
Alexander Goldberg Jacob Heller
Hersh Marlowe Hirsch Sasha Jahic Ever Keegstra Talya Keith Feinstein Benjamin Keston Thomas Laguana Kenneth Lasser Theo Martinsen Isabel Perman Zoey Powers
Mila Singer Emmanuel Stern Henry Ugar
Nathaniel Vachal Aleksander Volkov Simon Werbach Aurelia Wunsh
Aubry Kol Bassuk Bradley Berman Max Billick
Josephine Brenner Mikayla Drukman Joshua Ehrlich Noga Ettinger Sean Flom
Samuel Goldberg Cassi Goorin
Caroline Hall-Sherr Elliot Ingerman Esme Kaplan-O’Neill Oona Kaplan-O’Neill Eli Kishinevsky Gabriel Koren Julia Kos Harry Lahn-Schroeder Eva Leavitt Aidan Lee Gabriella Levin-Meer Maurice Lichaa Lyla Maymon Nathan Merin Lydia Milstein Alexander Nealey Gabriel Rogow-Patt Michael Ross
Salzman Jenna Satovsky Jessie Satovsky Mimi Seligman Adar Shem Tov Kaira Shlipak Kyan Shlipak


A Brandeis education champions a life-long journey of service to make the world a better place. Brandeis alumni and their families shared the importance of our school in their lives and echoed this sentiment in two critical fundraising campaigns that support our community and the education of our students, Brandeis Giving Day and the Fund-A-Need for tuition assistance.

Anna Schecter Zigler ‘94, award winning journalist with NBC News, enthusiastically stepped up to support the essential fundraising campaign focused around Brandeis Giving Day. “Brandeis rooted in me values of compassion and giving, setting me on a life path in pursuit of truth, justice, and helping those in need. In the line of work I have the privilege to be in, that manifests itself in giving a voice to those who wouldn’t otherwise have one. Brandeis will always hold a special place in my heart as it provided a warm and nurturing environment in which to grow and learn.”

The much anticipated return to an in-person spring fundraiser, Moonlight Bazaar, was highlighted by the incredible stories of four generations of Brandeis alumni and their parents, who passionately recounted how Brandeis played a pivotal role in their lives. Elyse Green Vaysberg ‘86 and Alex Vaysberg ‘86, Dee-Dee and Yoel Sberlo (parents to Ronen ‘95, Tamar ‘98, Amir ‘01, Edan ‘05) and Polina Melamed Beckerson ‘96 with her parents David and Anna (son Alex ‘97), told remarkable and personal tales, all connected by Brandeis, the faculty, and community. As Polina Beckerson ‘96, now Deputy Public Defender for Santa Clara poignantly stated, “I think one of the things that I got from Brandeis is how important service and giving to the community is. To create an opportunity for different kinds of people from different social and economic backgrounds to be able to come, is the special thing about Brandeis. Brandeis created in me the building blocks of a passion for social justice and community service.”

Thank you beloved alumni and parents of alumni for your positive impact on the world, and for sharing how important Brandeis was in establishing the lasting pursuit of the values of service, justice, and philanthropy.


BRANDEIS CONNECTS! Our quarterly alumni newsletter, BrandeisConnects, is officially one year old and just getting started. Missed an issue? Visit www.sfbrandeis.org/alumni to access archived installments, for all things Brandeis alumni focused.

READY TO NETWORK? Find us on our very own alumni LinkedIn group: The Brandeis School of San Francisco Alumni. This is your chance to connect with fellow alumni, share career opportunities, celebrate milestones, and stay up to date with alumni doing amazing work in the world.

Join today! If you have any questions, or simply want to be in touch, please feel free to email alumni@sfbrandeis.org. We would love to hear from you.

UPDATE YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION: Go to www.sfbrandeis.org/stayconnected to enter your contact information so we can keep you posted on Brandeis news and special events.

SHARE YOUR NEWS: Let us know about any personal or professional milestones in your life so we can add your news to the Class Notes section of our website, at www.sfbrandeis. org/alumni/class-notes, to share the news more widely with our Brandeis community.

PLAN A REUNION: The development department will help plan class reunions— and the first two drinks are on Brandeis! Email us at development@sfbrandeis.org

Anna Schecter Zigler ‘94 Polina Melamed Beckerson ‘96 with her family



The Parents’ Association enriches the school experience for our entire community by offering a variety of activities and events that foster inclusivity and collaboration. From Jewish holiday events to parent education programs dealing with current issues, the support of the PA is critical to fulfilling the mission of our school. The generosity of these dedicated volunteers makes a significant impact that is deeply appreciated.



Amy Cohen

Justine Simpson

Immediate Past Co-President Lynette Stejskal

Secretary Polly Sapakie

Treasurer Amy Cole-Farrell Book Fair Kate Glass Katie Rose Rachel Rosenblum BWear Jaysa Zablatsky

Chesed Jennifer Kaufman

Communications Co-Chairs

Tanya Hurwitz Vicky Keston

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Club

Nadya Cinman

Faculty & Staff Appreciation

Mollee Bekele Maria Belilovskaya Shirley Chambers

Melanie Derynck Lightstone

Rebecca Goodman Anat Shiwak Lynette Stejskal


The Admissions & Outreach Committee is a volunteer committee whose purpose is to support the Admissions Office in recruiting new students to The Brandeis School of San Francisco.


Angela Dalfen, Director of Admissions

Polly Sapakie, Admissions Assistant


Adina Rauchwerger (lower school)

Lauren Orlick (middle school)

Committee Members

Renen Amir

Jody Barkin

Rebecca Berman

Tanya Bernstein

Beth Cousens

Jessica England

Inbal Frankenstein

Toby Frankenstein

Amy Goodman

Rebecca Gordon

Kristi Grunberg

Mackenzie Huynh

Tam Huynh

Edward Kavalerchik

Vicky Keston

Won Kim

Aaron Kornblith

Jamie Lasser

Erica Lawson

Julie Lewis Eric McGill

Sarah McGill

Debbie Mink

Liz Noteware

Liliana Peliks

Jason Pollack

Adina Rauchwerger

Rachel Rosenblum

Lynette Stejskal

Anat Shiwak-Harry

Justine Simpson

Jessica Wallack-Cohen

Honey Sale

Teresa Landry

Amy Seff

Marisa Currie-Rose

Parent Education Fraidy Aber Beth Cousens

Room Parent Coordinator Alanna Klein Kate Swanson Room Parents Aliza Aber Fraidy Aber Karen Brein Laurie Brown Ash Chaudhary Marisa Currie-Rose

Jackie Dolev

Shelly Dolev

Lara Edelbaum Sunshine

Jessica England

Erica Eshoo

Elizabeth Fox

Evan Kletter

Naomi Laguana

Jamie Lasser

Antonia Lavine Meryl Leavitt

Stephany Mass-Heller

Cindy Mazow Adina Rauchwerger

Maggie Rothschild Oren Rubenstein

Charlene Schacter

Suzanne Schneider Amy Seff

Mieko Selsky



Melissa Slivka-Goldstein

Leo Stern

Lyn Werbach

Lisa Zander

Faculty & Staff Snacks

Ariel Ford

Tikkun Olam Club Gia Daniller-Katz




This year’s festivities on the fourth night of Hanukkah were a joyful, raucous, all-ages celebration that included an array of activities and holiday performances. Students engaged in a scavenger hunt, had their faces painted, and played dreidel games before enjoying performances by the Brandeis band and chorus.

Eighth grade families hosted the sweet and savory hanukkah challenge that included prizes for best hanukkah cookie, latke, and sufganiyot among others. The evening closed with a Hanukkah sing-along and allschool candle lighting. As our first Pandemic-era gathering for our community, the event was a wild success and a much needed festival of everything we love about Brandeis.


This year’s book fair kicked off with a festival of fun that featured face-painting, a bake sale, games, and live musical performances by two dad bands who put the “rock” in this year’s event. Each grade hosted creative community building booths that featured delicious treats and activities for the entire family, like the fifth grade succulent potting station. Books, Inc. set up their annual display in the gym with an amazing literary selection for students and parents alike. The festivities concluded with a school visit by Judd Winick, author of the kid-favorite graphic novel: Hilo, The Boy Who Crashed to Earth


We closed out the school year with our traditional family Shabbat community gathering on May 27, 2022, co-hosted by the school and the Parents’ Association. This beautiful event brought families and their children together to welcome in the Shabbat, light candles, say Kiddush and HaMotzi, while enjoying a delicious meal on campus. We shared yummy challah and exchanged stories of gratitude for another joyous year at Brandeis.



The Or Hadash (New Light) Award is presented to a parent volunteer who has given above and beyond and who serves as a model of volunteerism for us all. The recipient of the 2021-2022 award was Lynette Stejskal.

Lynette began her Brandeis volunteer involvement as a room parent when her daughter Sydney ‘15 was in first grade. She continued in a wide variety of volunteer roles including as a valued member of the Admissions and Outreach Committee and served the Parents’ Association in many capacities. In 2019 she joined Julie Lewis as PA Co-President where her leadership helped grow and strengthen the community even through the challenge of the pandemic. Lynette continues to support Brandeis as a current member of the Board of Trustees.

Lynette and her husband, Russell, are the proud parents of Brandeis alumni Sydney ‘15, Joseph 19‘ and current Brandeis student Ethan ‘24.

“Lynette works tirelessly on ALL things Brandeis with the most incredible generosity of spirit. Her level of commitment is so dedicated, it feels devotional and it makes a meaningful impact and ripples into the community in the most beautiful way.”

- Anonymous

“I feel extremely grateful for my time at Brandeis as both the lower school counselor and a parent of three children at the school. The attention, love, and support our teachers provide to our students is unparalleled.”

- Mairin Weiner, Lower School Counselor

After 11 years of service our after school program director David Worton shared his farewell with our community. David has nurtured countless numbers of students over the years making sure they arrived on time to school each day by bus and that their bodies and minds were activated through after-school programs and activities from ukelele to judo.

Additionally, David was able to share his personal passion while teaching middle school electives and sections of social studies that focused on Pueblo Culture and land-use issues that resulted from his studies on

multiple expeditions

to Bears Ears National Monument. His experience at Brandeis was informed by his role as the parent of Ayelet Schrek ‘09. David shared, “Knowing what this community does for families—education, valuebuilding, and support—always kept me focused on my daily work.”

Thank you for your support, dedication, and passion over the past decade, David. Everyone in the Brandeis community will miss you.

THE BRANDEIS FUND: Contributions to our annual fund provide unrestricted funds for our school’s operating budget and help offset the difference between tuition and the actual cost of educating each Brandeis student. Every gift goes to work immediately to ensure we can attract and support excellent faculty, provide funding to academic initiatives and arts and athletic programs, and to address other critical needs of the school.

THE ANNUAL SPRING FUNDRAISER: This community event raises funds for the tuition assistance program which promotes socio-economic diversity in our school by enabling a broad range of families to access a Brandeis education for their children. There are many meaningful ways to participate from event sponsorship and the purchase of tickets to the donation of auction items and experiences.

PLANNED GIVING: Thoughtful estate and charitable gift planning can make a lasting impact on the financial stability and future growth of our school. Gifts can be made by placing Brandeis in your will, designating Brandeis as a beneficiary of a trust, retirement account, or insurance policy, or by making a gift of real estate or other tangible property.

MAKE A GIFT TODAY! MAKE AN IMPACT! OPPORTUNITIES FOR SUPPORTING BRANDEIS FOR MAKING IT ONLINE: give.sfbrandeis.org BY PHONE: 415.294.4843 BY MAIL: Office of Development The Brandeis School of San Francisco 655 Brotherhood Way San Francisco, CA 94132 FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: Stacy Youkilis, Director of Development syoukilis@sfbrandeis.org


The Brandeis School of San Francisco inspires students to lead lives of learning purpose. We provide a challenging academic environment and a welcoming, inclusive community, each deeply enriched by Jewish thought, values, and traditions.

Kindness – Chesed

We treat one another and ourselves with empathy and compassion.

Integrity – Ometz Lev

We act honestly, responsibly, and courageously.

Service – Tikkun Olam

We embrace our collective responsibility to help repair the world.

www.sfbrandeis.org 655 Brotherhood Way San Francisco, CA 94132 415.406.1035

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