Settle College Matters issue 2 December 2013

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Settle College Matters

Newsletter December 2013


The Performing Arts Evening in December, where students in Years 10 to 13 performed their examination pieces, really did show-case the talents of the students at Settle College. The performances were high quality and ranged from musical numbers to very emotional and powerful acting performances. The term ended with two memorable events; The Year 7 and 8 Carol Concert and Senior Prizegiving. Thank you to Richard Howson, CEO of Carillion plc and former Settle College student, for being our guest speaker at Prizegiving and delivering an inspirational address. Miss Moore leaves us in December to have a career break and spend some time with her family. Miss Moore has been Subject Leader for Music at Settle College for the past eight years and has done an amazing job. We will miss her and we wish her well. Miss Garside, Year 11 Learning Manager, is getting married over the Christmas period-we wish her all the best for her big day. We had a Settle College Christmas card competition this year, with the winning design made into our 2013 Christmas card. The entries are displayed on the front cover of the Newsletter. Thank you to all the students and staff who entered. Finally, our Value Added at GCSE continues to put Settle College in the top 25% of schools nationally. This is an excellent achievement and testament to the hard work and dedication of both students and staff. As my first term as Principal draws to a close I would like to thank you all for your support. We wish all students, staff, families and governors a restful and enjoyable Christmas break and we look forward to welcoming the students back on Tuesday 7th January 2014.

The autumn term has been very busy, productive and exciting. As you can see from the articles contained in this Newsletter, the students continue to have access to a wide variety of diverse and interesting activities enabling them to develop a range of skills and put their learning into context. We continue to develop links with the wider community and local businesses for example our Choir performing for Age Concern, increasing links with Settle Rotary through the shoebox appeal and we have had a number of former students visiting Settle College to talk about their experiences and achievements since leaving school. We continue to review our curriculum provision to ensure it is broad, balanced and personalised to meet the needs of our students. This has included gaining recognition for our work in developing Computing at Settle College. In November we were delighted to become a lead school and join the ‘Network of Excellence’ for Computing. Mrs Partridge has been working with our feeder primary schools on developing a Computing curriculum across the cluster of schools. Dr. Williets has delivered Science activities to primary students from our feeder primary schools where they have had the opportunity to work in our Science labs on an exciting range of forensic science activities. Sixth Form students have lead many of the activities working with the primary children. Our Sixth Form students also do volunteering in the Primary Schools as part of their ‘community service’. The Primary Headteachers report that they are doing a fantastic job and are very good ambassadors for the College. Our links with Universities continue to grow and you can read all about Lancaster University’s visit to Settle College in November to deliver a Functional Skills day to students from Years 7 to 13. The students never cease to amaze me with their fantastic talents and positive attitudes.

Merry Christmas!

Ms M Costello Principal




Our Sixth Form Open Evening took place on the 13th of November and generated a great deal of interest. In all we had over 80 prospectuses taken away from the evening and positive messages from parents, visitors and students both new to the school and those currently in Year 11. We have also held talks at Upper Wharfedale School and Aireville School. The last two weeks have seen a round of student interviews taking place to follow up on the Open Evening and to offer support and guidance to students for their next steps in education. We have been very impressed by the students in their interviews. The next key dates in the process are Thursday 16th January when we are holding our Sixth Form Taster Day, followed by the application deadline of Friday the 24th January. We would urge any student to approach staff about subject choices at Post-16 and Mr Murphy and myself are always available to talk to students and parents about their choices.

Students continue to be actively engaged in enrichment activities throughout College and in the wider community as part of their Post-16 education. Students support lower school students through form time as reading buddies and actively engage in other activities such as film club and sporting activities on offer. In the wider community, students are working in the Primary Schools supporting students, and a group of Sixth Form students will be working with Age UK. It is invaluable for those taking part and students lower down the school get the benefit of working with our Sixth Form students, developing a wider community where Sixth Form is an integral part of all students daily life.

MYERSCOUGH COLLEGE Myerscough College came into Settle College to give a presentation to Year 10 and 11 students about Higher Education. The presentation contained subject specific information, details of courses/careers available and answers to common questions such as finance and living arrangements.

LANCASTER UNIVERSITY MENTORING SCHEME Lancaster University are in the process of setting up a target mentoring scheme with some of our Year 12 students. The scheme is aimed at helping our students with all areas of University and consists of four meetings between our students and a mentor from the University. The meetings will cover aspects such as UCAS applications, finance, living arrangements, work-load, time management, part-time work and studies. The students will be given the opportunity to ask questions on any area they feel worried or anxious about. In addition to this, our students will go to Lancaster University for a subject specific taster days, which will provide them with a true insight into studying at university.

After the presentation, Myerscough were then available for an hour to speak to individuals in detail about specific routes or aspects of higher education. The students were very positive about this presentation and felt that they had learnt a lot in terms of opportunities available to them. Discussions with students took place after the presentation and they were very positive about the information that they had received. The day was a great success and we would like to thank Myerscough College. Mr G Whitaker Head of Sixth Form

We are very excited about the programme and know what a great opportunity it will be for our students. Thanks to Lancaster University for working with us on this. 3



We are pleased to announce the October Student of the Month winners : Year 7 – Amber Healing Year 8 – Lizzie Holt Year 9 – Callum Cockett Year 10 – Isaac Wroe Year 11 – Michal Kleban Year 12 – Luke Jeffery Year 13 – Jade Rayner Community Award – Amber Duxbury Technologist Award – Sam Wilcock

Students at Settle College have worked hard to fill shoe boxes with Christmas gifts. The boxes will be sent by the Rotary Club of Settle to people in the most disadvantaged parts of the world. The students and their families have thoroughly enjoyed filling the boxes and it gave them time to reflect on the true spirit of Christmas. We hope that this can become an annual event and that the links developed with Settle Rotary Club go from strength to strength.

Pictured above: Michal Kleban, Callum Cockett, Lizzie Holt, Luke Jeffery and Jade Rayner.

Amber Duxbury Head Girl



Many thanks to our Primary colleagues who joined us for a very productive liaison meeting. The main purpose of the meeting was to adopt uniformity in our approach to calculation strategies, in light of Department of Education changes. Our intention is to produce a booklet of a range of strategies across the key stages. We also plan to deliver parental information events.

Tuesday 3rd December 2013 was deemed ‘National Number Day’ by the NSPCC. Staff and students across Settle College participated in a simple number task, whereby everybody wrote a positive intiger on a piece of paper. The winner was the person who wrote down the smallest number which was chosen by nobody else. Out of 585 entries, the winning number was just 35. Congratulations go to Joe Bryant who won a metre of smarties. Many of our Primary feeder schools joined in too and we awarded a prize across the whole cluster.

Our A level Maths students are looking forward to delivering thinking skills tasks to a selection of Ingleton Primary students in January and other events are sure to follow. Miss S Doyle Assistant Principal

Miss S Doyle Assistant Principal



Settle College governors hold regular meetings where we discuss various strategic matters with Ms Costello, the Principal, as well as ways in which we can further support the College. We held two meetings of the full governing body on September 5th and November 14th, and meetings of the Finance and General Purposes Committee on October 8th and of the Quality and Planning Committee on October 17th. Mrs Rosemary Rees was elected Chair of Governors with Mr Steve Woodrow as the vice-chair, Mr Michael Buswell was elected Chair of the Finance Committee and Mrs Margaret Holgate was elected Chair of the Quality and Planning Committee. Besides these meetings, governors have supported the College in many different ways. Some governors are linked to specific departments and regularly come in to talk to the teachers. Mrs Marshall has come in to see the English department; Mrs Rees, the History department and the Sixth Form; Mrs Bradley, Catering; Mrs Holgate, Art; Mr Woodrow, Sport and Mr Wynne, outdoor pursuits. Mrs Rogers has attended the Global Group and, with Ms Hill, organised dry stone walling up at Tom Lords. Mr Flanagan and Ms Porter have been working with Ms Costello and Ms Doyle on College data. Mrs Holgate, Mrs Bradley and Mr Buswell have conducted mock interviews with all Y11 students in order to prepare them for the real thing. Mrs Holgate reports that ‘We were very impressed with the students, who fully understand their predicted and aspirational grades and had researched career paths prior to the interviews. The students I interviewed were delightful.’ So well done, Y11! Various different governors have attended the open evenings and senior prize-giving. this term. Governors also need to keep themselves up-to-date so that we can support the College as well as possible. Mrs Rees, Mr Woodrow and Mr Lis have attended North Yorkshire County Council’s training events this term. Sometimes governors are invited to join county committees. Mrs Rees is a member of NYCC’s Schools’ Forum, which deals mainly with financial matters for North Yorkshire’s schools. She has also been a member of North Yorkshire’s Commission for School Improvement, which should report before Christmas on a completely new structure for supporting schools. This reflects well on Settle College, and on the high regard county officials have for our governing body. You may have seen us in and around Settle College without really knowing who we were. We are hoping to have our photographs up in reception soon, so you can check us out! Meanwhile, a very Happy Christmas from all the governors to all of you. Mrs Rosemary Rees (Chair of Governors)



On the 20th November, Lancaster University came into College with four students to deliver a series of sessions to our students on topics such as presentation skills, academic writing skills, perception skills, group work and study skills. The day was a huge success and the students from Settle College displayed excellent behaviour and were a credit to us. Below are reports from two students who were involved: Four students and a tutor from Lancaster University came to Settle College to deliver a learning workshop with students from each year. We were split into groups to learn about the media where we did mind maps about social networking exploring different people’s views e.g. students, parents and advertisers. Each group had a student from the University who helped us stretch our learning about media and think about different things. We also had a presentation about ‘presentations’ and how to do them well using all different resources to gather information and we learnt about how to act in front of an audience. By Rosa Bryant (Year 8) We had a talk on presentations and we got lots of useful tips for future life, especially at University because they told us about their personal experiences as well. We then split off into groups of our choice and were presented with a question; our question was ‘should we geo-engineer the plant?’. Our task was to use the skills we learnt to present our conclusion to the group in a few weeks’ time. The session was really fun; the university students were interesting and gave us lots of useful tips for now and the future, even past education. We also played a game of splat as a ‘group bonding’ session which became competitive and everyone enjoyed it. Not only did this opportunity give us life skills, it was a chance to meet new people who you wouldn’t normally talk to. By Connor Hastie (Year 11)



Students studying for the CoPe award have been busy organising events in College this term. Year 12 challenged staff to eat some interesting delicacies on the “I’m a teacher get me out of here” event, including eyeballs, braised heart, cows tongue and dog food. Fortunately for Team A, Mr Hill enjoyed his so much, he was able to finish off seconds! Mr Harrison had no trouble in finishing his plate and along with Ms Turnbull, who managed to swallow her food down with copious amounts of water, they led their team to victory. Rowan Carpenter and George Carr have been cleaning staff cars whilst other students have been running clubs for lower school students. The “Green” club has done a splendid job of collecting waste aluminium cans, plastic bottles and paper with Lower School benefitting enormously from their work. Years 11 and 10 have also been busy. Callum Kelly and Andrew Huck ran a film club for Year 7 students who are desperate for it to continue after Christmas. Comments such as “this was the best club ever, please can we have more films?” were lovely for the boys to receive. Courtney Johnson and Lauren Jackson held a bonfire cake sale and raised £9 for St John’s hospice. They are already planning another charity day to raise more money. A dodge ball contest for Year 8 and 9 students took place over two lunchtimes and again, many students had so much fun and would like a permanent dodge ball club to run. Four students ran a super card/bookmark making club over in Lower School where students produced fabulous cards for birthdays and Christmas. Finally, Year 7 and 8 students will be having a fun-filled lunchtime on the 13th December when members of the CoPE group are putting on a Christmas party. They hope as many students as possible come along and join in the festivities! The CoPE students are doing a fabulous job organising activities for other students and are to be commended for their efforts. Well done all! Mrs R Hill Subject Leader Vocational Subjects 7


(a.k.a. The British Comic Book Awards Young People’s Choice voting group at Skipton Library)

On Friday 22nd November our group attended the Young People’s Choice Award at Leeds Town Hall. The group have been meeting at special Library Lock-ins during October and November, to read, review, discuss and vote on the five books on the British Comic Book Awards short list. The shortlist was impressive and diverse, Playing Out by Jim Medway, Cindy and Biscuit by Dan White, The Sleepwalkers by Viviane Schwarz, The Complete Rainbow Orchid by Garen Ewing, and Hilda and the Bird Machine by Luke Pearson (who sadly couldn’t be there). We were looking forward to hearing what each author had to say, as well as wanting to know who had won the award! Author illustrator Sarah McIntyre was the special guest speaker, getting everyone involved and teaching us all to draw one of her characters, a Sea Monkey from Phillip Reeves’ Oliver and the Seawigs. One of our group (Beth) then blagged the poster that Sarah drew while teaching us! After Sarah’s entertaining talk and drawing workshop the four nominated authors all gave a short talk about how they work. The four totally different approaches to comic drawing have given the Fluffy Ketchups a lot to think about! Since Luke Pearson couldn’t be there his publishers had sent us a gift. Each group was given a mascot, a model of his character Hilda! Finally it was gold envelope time and Adam Cadwell, Chair of the British Comic Awards kept us in suspense before announcing the winner to be The Complete Rainbow Orchid by Garen Ewing. After the announcement and photographs the formal part of the day was over, and we got to meet and chat with the authors, before collecting our pile of free graphic novels from Book Crossing and heading back to the station. It has been brilliant to work with the Fluffy Ketchups, and we all plan to continue as a graphic novel and comics reading group and have Library Lock-ins planned for 2014! Julia Tudor Skipton Library



On the 7th November 2013, AS students took part in a field trip to Bradford. The trip consisted of travelling along one of the main streets in Bradford, Keighley Road, and collecting data on the land use of the different areas from the centre of the city, to the outer suburbs. Our aims were to identify the population structure of the area, and how it affected the types of services, as well as identify how migration has changed the character of Bradford. Throughout our collection of data, we passed various buildings and shops with a variety of ethnic and religious backgrounds, for example, an Eastern European supermarket along with a Halal meat shop nearby. We also encountered a diversity of languages and many travel agencies and language and citizenship agencies, showing the scale of migration that has previously occurred or is occurring in Bradford. This provided valuable information for our coursework and informed us about the various faiths and cultural diversity living in Bradford and the UK.

We also had a couple of stops at Subway and McDonalds due to popular demand from the group! To record our data, we used a map of Bradford and plotted the locations of the land use using a ‘classification scheme’. We also plotted a table of the environmental quality of the areas we visited as we left the centre of the city. Here, we noticed an incline in the quality of housing the more we left the city, showing the ‘gentrification’ (shift in wealthier/poorer property values) of the area. This also provided us with valuable data for our coursework. Also, we used other techniques in which to record data, such as sketches and photos.

Overall, the trip provided us with valuable coursework information as well as an insight on the cultural and religious communities of Bradford. Mrs H Johnson Subject Leader Geography

Mrs H Johnson Subject Leader Geography 9


Our busy lifestyles these days sometimes mean we don’t stop and think of people outside our immediate circle of family and friends. We are so wrapped up in what is going on in our own little world; we forget to think that there is a Global Community out there with very different lifestyles, traditions and values.

Over the last month the members have learnt about    

At Global Group we spend one lunchtime a week to consider such lifestyles. Due to the commitment of Mrs Tayler last year and previously at Settle Middle School, we have strong links with Walasmulla National School in Sri Lanka. We are hoping that a Grant from The British Council will yet again fund a teacher exchange so that Mrs Pursglove can follow in Mrs Tayler’s footsteps.

Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism Diwali, the Hindu “Festival of Light” Hanukkah, the Jewish “Festival of Lights and Feast of Dedication” Thanksgiving, the American and Canadian national holiday celebrating and giving thanks for the blessing of the harvest and of the preceding year. Mrs J Pursglove Teacher, Maths

Last year the focus was on comparing tourism and members of the groups produced excellent travel brochures about Settle and surrounding villages for Mrs Tayler to share with the school children at the school in Walasmulla. This year we are focusing on the economic differences with members of the group researching and comparing Great Britain and Sri Lanka. As well as this research, we spend time learning about different religions and festivals around the world. 10

WORLD CHALLENGE World Challenge Training Expedition – 2-3 November 2013, Dalesbridge Twenty Settle College students have decided to commit themselves to World Challenge. World Challenge provides educational expeditions in the developing world to teach life skills and expand minds outside the classroom.

On the 2nd and 3rd November 2013 the students went to a World Challenge training expedition at Dalebridge. The main purpose of this was to allow the students to: Understand different cultures  Develop budgeting skills  Learn about health and safety  Understand nutrition development / cooking skills  Develop fitness  Learn about equipment checks  Practise skills in camp craft  Enhance leadership and roles. Ben Ashcroft, Joe Bennison, Niamh Benson, Jack Brennand, Joseph Clark, Emily Corns, Amber Duxbury, Katie Handford, Luke Jeffery, William Larmour, Benjamin Lee, Harriet Lindley, Eleanor Lindley, Katie Long, Bretten Lord, John Newhouse, Robert Newhouse, Alex Tarbox and Lonica Williams are the students who have to raise £3195 for the Sri Lanka expedition which lasts for three weeks in the summer. 

Students have been raising the money from charity events such as ‘Auction of Promises’, Car Washes, Casio Nights, Cleaning Bins, Cake Sales, Valentine Day Roses, Balloon Races and much more. The main activities in Sri Lanka will be:      

Linking up with our partner school, teaching Physical Education, English and Maths Decorating classrooms Helping out in a monastery – building and decorating Acclimatisation: Dambulla Caves Adam's Peak / Dalhousie Rest and Relaxation: Negombo

Mr G Paisley Subject Leader PE


SETTLE COLLEGE ACHIEVES NETWORK OF EXCELLENCE RECOGNITION September 2014 heralds a new and exciting beginning for ICT as the whole primary and secondary curriculum is changed in order to prepare students to adapt to the increasing demand for technology. We are enthusiastic about the government changes and have been delivering Computing at Settle College since September 2012. Computing is very different from ICT. ICT is the use of office software, using the internet, editing sound or video files and creating digital products like websites and graphics. Computing includes this but focuses more on how a computer works, how the internet works and how to create and code programs. We need to motivate and enthuse everyone about Computer Science, especially programming. Almost every aspect of our lives has been affected in some way by the digital revolution and it is important that we equip our students with the means to use this to their advantage. We are proud to announce that we have been accepted in to the Computing at School’s Network of Excellence for Computer Science and are now registered as a Lead School. This means that we will be working with other schools to share experiences and expertise. As part of being a Lead School we will be offering training and advice to other schools in the area. To make the change to the Computing curriculum effective, it is vitally important that schools work together to respond to the new requirements. An offer to provide training was quickly snapped up by our local primary schools. The aim was to demystify the new curriculum, link it to some key concepts in Computing and provide suggestions and resources to help them meet the new requirements. There are eighty-four hubs in England where teachers meet to share their experience and resources. We intend to increase that number to eighty-five and become the North Yorkshire hub! Mrs E Partridge Subject Leader ICT



Sam with Robert Scaife, Ellie Sharp, Bretten Lord and Aspen Pattinson (Year 11 students) Sam Boatwright, a former student of Settle College, visited the school on Tuesday 6 November to talk to students in Year 11, 12 and 13 about his ‘Epic Run’. The key message of his inspirational talk was to have high aspirations and that anyone can achieve success if they put their mind to it; are determined enough and are prepared to work hard. Sam also talked about his book ‘Smile Big Run Hard’ which is a personal account of his ‘Epic Run’ where he ran 50 miles in 50 days to raise money for Help for Heroes. Settle College have also supported Sam in fundraising for Help for Heroes. Robert Scaife, Year 11 student, said ‘I think Sam is extremely admirable. He came into school and gave us a great presentation about his amazing challenges. He has not only motivated me, but he’s given the whole school motivation to succeed, just like he has. I found his assembly very helpful and he has encouraged me to work hard and get the best out of myself in whatever I do.’

STEM CLUB The team have been very busy designing the new car and securing some extra funding. We have received a donation of £250 from Vertex Engineering based in Giggleswick and are currently in negotiation with a number of local companies including an international engineering company! So watch this space. The Car is shaping up nicely. Currently we are looking at the steering and the drive train, and the body shape has been finalised. We are looking at constructing the body of the car from carbon fibre with the help of a rather famous manufacturer!! Keep up to date on our website The STEM Team 13


On Monday the 2nd December 2013, Hellifield Year 6 children set off on public transport to enjoy an afternoon of forensic science at Settle college. We worked in groups of two, to crack the case of the biscuit thief. The thief left lots of clues including: hairs and fibres, fingerprints, footprints, ink marks and blood. We had to match samples taken from the scene to the ones we collected. After eliminating the other suspects, we then created a wanted poster depicting the thief and a generous reward. Overall we had a fantastic time and learnt lots of new information! We finally collected enough evidence to show that the thief was John Newhouse. By Tilly and Hannah Hellifield Primary School

INSPIRATIONAL EX-STUDENT On Monday the 11th of October Tomi Tatham, an ex Settle College student, (who is currently ranked 18th in Britain for Light Heavyweight boxing), came into school to give an inspirational talk to the COPE class. His talk involved details about how it all started including going from amateur to professional and all the training he has to do each week to keep fit and healthy. Tomi talked about all the skills involved in boxing and why he loves it so much. His goal is to earn enough money to have a fancy house and flash car and be really good in his sport. Olivia Akrigg thought he was quite inspiring because he dedicates so much of his life into his sport and he is very determined to become the best boxer. Rochelle McKeown said he was very good looking and obviously works very hard to get his toned body. Billy Metcalfe said the talk was really interesting and we found out a lot about how it all started. Mrs Lodge thought it was brilliant to have a student who used to come to Settle College and who is exceeding in his chosen field to come back to give a talk and inspire the students. The whole class really enjoyed the experience which covers the Module 3 work ‘Interview a keen amateur or professional sportsperson and find out about their training programme.’ Mrs J Lodge SENCO 14


Well done to all the Year 8 girls who represented Settle College at Aireville on Thursday 14th November and won!

Well done to all the Year 9 girls who represented Settle College at home on Thursday 28th November.

The girls played exceptionally well in all positions. The defence were strong and worked well together communicating and blocking the opposition entering the attacking third.

Everyone played extremely well together. The communication between the players helped the girls move the ball smoothly across and up the court.

Wings and Centre played well together moving the ball quickly and accurately up and across the court for the shooters to finish off with brilliant shots.

A big well done to all the girls and to Hebe Shepard for being award player of the match. Keep up the good work.

The communication between all players helped the girls towards their win, a special thank you to Georgia Holgate (Year 11) for coaching them and helping to develop their skills.

Hannah Newbold (Year 11)

Congratulations girls and keep up the good work! Hannah Newbold (Year 11) Additional thanks go to Hannah Newbold who umpired the match, displaying excellent knowledge of the game. Hannah was extremely professional throughout and a credit to Settle College. Miss L Round PE teacher




Well done to the Year 11 girls who came second in their tournament at Upper Wharfedale School. It was an outstanding performance from all students that played in particular Hannah Newbold who was the player of the tournament. Team sheet: Olivia Akrigg, Hannah Newbold, Emma Kayley Georgia Holgate, Niamh Benson, Alice Jones.

Settle College first XV had their first rugby game for over a decade and it was against the local Independent School, a very difficult but rewarding challenge for us. Because it was our first game, it showed significantly in our performance in the first half resulting in 4 tries to 1. This was all because of poor structure in defence. However, great tackles from George Carr and Louis Henshaw stopped Giggleswick scoring more. Pedro Quinatas played his first ever rugby game and he was able to use his speed and agility to help the team move forward. Edd Garland was the only try scoring in the first half by smashing through Giggleswick defence and running half of the pitch to touch down under the post. Simon Morphet was Man of the Match during the first half. Determined to prove ourselves in the second half, Settle began with some large tackles from the forwards, breaking up the play and spreading fear into the heart of the Giggleswick players. Settle battled on and after a bad start in the first half restored some pride with a much improved second half performance, this resulted in a 3 tries all in the second half and a 40-20 final score in favour of Giggleswick. The second half consisted of 3 tries each of which was satisfying after a lot of hard work in the first half. Good performances from: Will Booth, George Carr, Simon Morphet and Tristan

Special thanks to Emily Corns and Amy Hird who came to support the girls, plus Jo Bryant and Dan Cockett who coached the team. Miss A Vickery PE Teacher


Just after October half term, the Year 7 team were placed into a 10s competition at Wharfedale to play Ermysteds, South Craven, Airville and Upper Wharfedale. The Year 7 produced some very strong performances against Ermysteds winning 5- 0 and Airville by 20 – 15. However, they lost very heavily against South Craven 20 -0 and just lost out to Wharfedale 10-5. Great tries were scored by Cameron Ogilivie, Oliver Kilburn and Luke Harrison. The Year 8s had a polarised afternoon as their actual performances were better than the other schools, but due to lack of height and strength, other schools were able to

Ward. Try scorers:Jack Brennand- x2, Ed Garlan and Louis Henshaw. After Christmas, the First XV have games against Bingley Grammar, Ermysteds and South Craven. Mr G Paisley Subject Leader PE

capitalise on this and use strong runners to score their tries. Some strong performance from Tom Dean, Ben Bilsborough and Freddie Howarth made sure that other schools did not run riot with the score lines.




At the end of every term here at Settle College we eagerly look forward to identifying our students who have a 100% attendance record. This term we are proud to say that 61% of our students have achieved this. Each of these inspiring students receives a certificate, a letter of congratulations , and 50 house-points are added to their total.

Settle Starlings take their name from a loud and gregarious bird with a fast and direct flight, and our routines aim to replicate this in every way possible. The main purpose of the squad is to devise a short two and a half minute routine consisting of cheers, motions, dance, jumps, gymnastics and stunts for the British Cheerleading Association’s Northern School Championship in May 2014. We are also very keen to spread team spirit and college unity by supporting the schools various teams at fixtures, and we are currently in the process of developing cheers to encourage the school’s finest sporting stars to go the extra mile and win! Settle Starlings meet every Thursday afterschool in the upper school gym until 4.30pm, if you would like to learn how to FLY and join, then please turn up in full P.E kit. Miss R Ronchetti Chemistry and General Science Teacher

Attending school on a regular basis is the starting point for ensuring a reliable approach to turning up to work. Colleges and some employers when asking for references always ask school to comment on attendance. In this time of limited career opportunities a good attendance report may be the difference between employment or not. Mrs G Lambert Year 9 & 10 Pastoral Officer

ALICE IN WONDERLAND This year’s school production is “ Alice”. Based on “Alice in Wonderland and Alice Through the Looking Glass”, the show is presented by Year 12 and 13 A level Performing Arts students and involves every year group in the school ranging from acting and dancing to set and design. Choreography is by Helen Howard. The dates for the production are Monday the 10th to Thursday 13th February and all start at 7pm. Niamh Forster (Year 12)



On the 12th of November 2013 we went to Liverpool to go to the Slavery Museum and the World Museum. At the World Museum there were lots of different sections with different things. We looked at the masks, the aquarium and the Egyptian section and sketched some things that would help us in our Art lessons. We have mainly been focusing on masks, so the trip to the Museum helped give us an idea about what to do. Katherine Tarbox 8W Slavery Museum The Slavery Museum was really interesting because we discovered many things about slavery. We learnt about how slaves were captured, what life was like on the ship, racism and lots of other interesting facts. It was a really fun day out and we learnt a lot too! Harry Wilson 8R

KNIT AND NATTER Plenty of nattering and even some knitting takes place every Thursday lunchtime in 'Knit and Natter Club'. The term got off to a fairly frantic start when we were joined by thirty-one recruits, of whom twenty-five had never knitted before. Many thanks to Mrs Bryson, Mrs Tarbox, Miss Newhouse and Reverend Young for their continued support. We hope to embark on more ambitious projects in the future, but in the meantime many novice knitters are mastering squares to donate to the African 'Squillion Squares Challenge'. New members are always welcome to join and donations of wool or needles are also gratefully received. Miss S Doyle Assistant Principal 18

READY…….STEADY……..COOK The GCSE Catering classes have been working extremely well on their controlled assessment. Chefs use a wide variety of fruit and vegetables to add colour, flavour and texture to their menus. The students had to use fruit and vegetables to produce and serve four interesting dishes that would be popular with customers. The food created would give Heston Blumenthal a run for his money! The Catering department have been very impressed with the practical skills, use of equipment and attention to detail when preparing the dishes. A very big well done to all the students involved and thank you to parents for supporting the practice at home and providing the shopping lists to allow the students to develop their catering skills. Mrs R Mason Catering Teacher

Mrs J Lodge SENCO

Food by Katie MacKenzie Year 11

Food by Ben Graham Year 10

Food by Jules Thompson Year11



Year 7 and 8 students, parents and members of the community were treated to a fantastic Carol Concert on Tuesday the 10th December, held at St Akeldas Church, Giggleswick. There was a vast collection of talent displayed by students from Year 7-9. The College Choir sang an arrangement of songs including traditional carols and popular Christmas songs. We also had the pleasure of hearing some fantastic vocal performances from Eliza Cooper, Molly Cannon, Sophie Armitage and Rosa Bryant. Throughout this term, the Year 7 students have completed a topic on rap music. A group of four boys: Oliver Nash, John-Jo Cummings, Jack Moon and Nathan Bullock, worked so hard writing their ‘Christmas Rhapsody’, they were also asked to perform it at the concert. We had five fantastic readers from Year 8 and several students performing solo pieces on a range of different instruments from accordions to trumpet. Well done to everyone involved, it was a fantastic concert!

CHRISTMAS CHOIR The Year 7 and 8 choir had a busy few weeks of rehearsals and performances. As well as the Carol Concert they were given the opportunity to perform at The Courtyard on Thursday 12th December and at Settle Community Centre for members of Age Concern on Friday the 13th December.

BINGLEY MUSIC FESTIVAL Three Year 9 students performed at the Bingley Music Festival on the 23rd November. Rosie Mellin, Jessica Davis and James Chapman gained some fantastic comments from the adjudicator after playing two songs: 8 days a week and Mozart’s sonata. They came in at a brilliant second place for their class. Rosie and Jessica (pictured) collected their trophy in school. Mrs K Moore Subject Leader Music


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