3rd International Workshop for Young Composers AntiquaNova 2018

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3rd International Workshop for


Selected composers, in two categories, active and auditing students, will be chosen through a Call for Scores and Recordings. The activities during the workshop will be:

Active composers: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Writing of a new piece for string quartet (max. duration 10 minutes). Rehearsals and Premiere in concert of all writen pieces. Individual and collective classes with the guest composer. Individual presentations given by all selected composers about their own music. 5. Free entrance to all concerts and rehearsals at the Distat Terra Festival.

Musica AntiquaNova Foundation announces the Third International Workshop for Young Composers AntiquaNova 2018, to take place in Choele Choel and Luis BeltrĂĄn (RĂ­o Negro, Argentina) from December 15th through 22th, 2018. The Workshop, to be held as part of the third edition of the Distat Terra Festival, is open to composers of any nationality. The Workshop will be leaded by guest composer Natalia Solomonoff (Argentina) and the Quartetto Maurice (Italy) as ensemble in residence.

Auditing composers: 1. Individual and collective classes with the guest composer. 2. Individual presentations given by all selected composers about their own music. 3. Free entrance to all concerts and rehearsals at the Distat Terra Festival. The fee (see details in the next page) for taking part in the Workshop includes accomodation and certain meals, from December 15th (check-in) through December 22 (check-out) of 2018, in Choele Choel. Selected composers are responsible for their own travel expenses to Argentina and Choele Choel, with arrival on December 15th, 2018.

Interested participants should send to info@fundacionmusicaantiquanova.org all requested materials, as follows: 1. Short CV in English or Spanish. 2. Score and recording of two pieces by the applicant, as attached files or as links for downloading in case of big files (please, without deadline for downloading). 3. Indicate if you want to participate in the selection process as Active or Auditing composer. 4. In case of not being selected as an active composer please also indicate if you would like to participate in the selection process as auditing composer. 5. Indicate in the body of the E-mail: full name, telephone number, nationality, contact E-mail and website (optional).

Fees Active composers U$S 500 (U.S. Dollars)

Auditing composers U$S 350 (three hundred and fifty U.S. Dollars).

Further questions: info@fundacionmusicaantiquanova.org

Deadline for application:

August 20th, 2018 Results will be annOunced by

August 24th, 2018 Selected active composers must send the score and parts of his/her new piece for string quartet before

October 18th, 2018

More info: facebook.com/fundacionmusicaantiquanova

Quartetto Maurice: www.quartettomaurice.com

Natalia Solomonoff: nataliasolomonoff.blogspot.com



guest composer


Born in Rosario, Argentina in 1968. First composition studies with Diana Rud and Jorge Horst. She continued her studies with Nicolaus A. Huber at the Folkwang Hochschule Essen (Germany). She attended aditional composition and analysis courses with Mathias Spahlinger at the Institut für Neue Musik Freiburg on a new grant of the DAAD. She participated in several composition courses with Mariano Etkin, Graciela Paraskevaídis, Coriún Aharonián, also with Gerardo Gandini, Francisco Kröpfl and Julio Viera in Buenos Aires on a scholarship from Fundación Antorchas.

Winner of the XXXV Music Critics Award “Franco Abbiati” in 2015 dedicated to Piero Farulli, and of the best interpreters’ award at 48 Ferienkurse fur Neue Musik in Darmstadt in 2016, the Maurice Quartet focuses its artistic experience on XX century and contemporary music.

She has received numerous composition prizes and awards including the Premio de Composición Juan Carlos Paz - Fondo Nacional de las Artes-, the Subsidio a la creación de la Fundación Antorchas, the 2º Premio 70º aniversario de Sadaic- Concurso Latinoamericano de Composición de Obras Sinfónicas “Guillermo Graetzer”, Premio de Composición de la Asociación EDITAR, Premio de Composición de la Sinfonietta Omega, Subsidio a la creación artística de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral-Proyectos CREAR, other scholarships and awards from the Centro Mexicano para la Música y las Artes Sonoras (CMMAS), Subsecretaría de Cultura de la Provincia de Santa Fe, Ministerio de Educación y Cultura de la Nación, Camping Musical Bariloche. Her music has been played in numerous concerts and festivals in Europe and America. Natalia Solomonoff has received invitations and commissions from international festivals, ensembles and orchestras from Europe and Latin America. She has published in specialized magazines and books from several publishers of Cuba, Germany, Mexico, Argentina, Spain, etc. Since 2014 works at the Instituto Superior de Música de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral in Santa Fe where she teaches composition and at the Instituto Superior del Profesorado de Música in Rosario where she teaches musical analysis and in which she is in charge of a workshop about musical experimentation.

The Quartet was founded in 2002, after a brilliant course of studies at the Scuola di Musica di Fiesole and the String Quartet Academy. During these years, they have engaged with the traditional repertoire for string quartet under the guidance of the best teachers of chamber music on the international scene (Hatto Beyerle, Christophe Giovaninetti, Piero Farulli, Andras Keller and Andrea Nannoni among others). The Maurice Quartet has then continued to delve in today’s music, together with the most important musicians active in the contemporary sector: Helmut Lachenmann, Philippe Manoury, Irvine Arditti, Lucas Fels, Graeme Jennings, Francesco Dillon, Gyorgy Kurtag and Marta, Roham de Saram, Franck Chevalier. Maurice Quartet has developed a deeper understanding of the twentieth century’s musical language through the study of XX century and contemporary repertoire, performing works by Ligeti, Xenakis, Bartok, Shostakovich, Schnittke, Lachenmann, Scelsi and Fedele among others. A special project, “4 + 1”, in collaboration with the italian composer Andrea Agostini, is meant to deepen the relationship with electronic music and the exploration of the new possibilities it offers to the string quartet. The Quartet has performed through Italy, Spain, France, Holland, Austria, USA, Israel, Iran, Argentina and abroad. Georgia Privitera, violin Laura Bertolino, violin Francesco Vernero, alto Aline Privitera, cello

STAFF Artistic Director


SOFIA JALLINSKY General and Technical Assitance



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