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JULY 2016


SINCE 1980 — VolUME 36 • NUMBER 7



Manage & Prevent Further Complications Metabolic Syndrome is not exactly a rare disease, but it is something to be concerned about. Metabolic Syndrome is a cluster of three or more risk factors that can lead to the development of diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

Metabolic Syndrome Risk Factors:

1) Glucose level above 110 2) High blood pressure (Systolic above 130, Diastolic above 85) 3) Triglycerides (type of fat) above 150 4) HDL cholesterol below 40 in men, and below 50 in women 5) Abnormal obesity (large waist >40 inches in men, and >37 inches in women)



guilt and debt


Lifestyle choices and habits can have significant implications for your health. Continuous unhealthy diets consisting of large amounts of fats, carbohydrates, and sugars can accelerate the risks. As weight gain and total body fat increases, the body becomes resistant to the effect of insulin. A person who is overweight or obese is most likely to have metabolic syndrome. Prevalence also increases with age and is as high as 40 percent and greater in those older than 60 years.1 “Older people are very prone to have metabolic syndrome. While each component of metabolic syndrome increases risk by itself, when combined, they represent an even greater risk for developing heart disease, diabetes, and stroke,” said Kerry Stewart, Ed.D., professor of medicine and director of See FUCOIDAN, Page 11

Healthy Body Dental

A Natural Approach to Dental Care The incorporation of the holistic approach is gaining momentum among healthcare providers as science confirms the health of the entire body is integral as relates to individual bodily functions. Such cognizant recognition is provided by some of our nation’s leading surgeons, medical doctors, dentists, therapists, researchers, scholars, dietitians and more. The professionals tasked with maintaining our health are often coming together to integrate care to improve patient health. The evidence is irrefutable. A healthy body as a whole leads to longer, healthier lives. Perhaps one of the most contributing factors to our overall health (but often overlooked by patients and non-medical personnel alike) is our oral health. A direct correlation exists between the state of our oral health and multiple risk factors with certain diseases and other debilitating conditions. According to the government’s National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) “...the pathogenesis of periodontal diseases is more complex than the presence of virulent microorganisms.” What this means is susceptibility to periodontal disease can differ greatly between patients. This is but one of multiple reasons a specified treatment plan tailored to the overall and integrated approach among health care providers is becoming more necessary than ever. While a small (but growing) percent of providers See DENTAL, Page 10

By Bill Stone

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Senior Voice America

JULY 2016

letter to THE EDITOR


Disrespect Toward Senior Citizens Dining Out

Easy Grilling Ideas for Summer

What is up with waitresses who think it is nice to treat senior citizens as though they were children again, rather than as mature adults who intend to pay for their food and behave themselves? Last Sunday I dined with another 80+ friend in a small Zephyrhills restaurant, where one of us was greeted as “honey” and the other as “sweetie.” When I said that I did not like being addressed that way, things got even worse. She said, “I’m sorry, Mama.” Needless to say, that will be my last time eating there! Were I her mama, she would have been one hell of a lot better looking, that is for sure. Both my friend and I have completed graduate school and probably each have twice the IQ of that waitress, yet the woman talked down to us as though we had reverted back to childhood, which I assure you neither of us have. We are both safe drivers, and we maintain our homes, are active in our communities, do not spill our food or urinate on furniture, and do not have even a hint of dementia. Our only flaw is age and the accompanying wrinkles one bears, namely, arthritis for me and a hearing aid for my friend. Living longer than most people does not make us second-class citizens, and no senior deserves to be treated as such. When entering a restaurant, we should be addressed as “Madame” or “ Sir,” or however staff addresses any other adult. Let the “honey” and “sweetie” nonsense be lavished on small children, where it belongs. Please do not drip all that sugar on me! I neither need it nor want it. Adele Ida Walter (Writer and Former English Teacher) Tampa, FL

Summer was made for entertain-

ing -- from casual dinner parties to impromptu get-togethers. And what’s better than centering the entertainment on the grill? Beyond the standard burgers and hot dogs, there is an array of appetizers, main courses and even desserts that are all grill-friendly and easy to make.

“Summer cooking is all about great, fresh flavors and keeping things simple and

unfussy,” says Erin Madsen, executive editor of, an entertaining resource that offers recipes, how-tos, and test-kitchen tips.

This summer, the experts at Betty Crocker are focused on quick dinners on the

grill that require very little cleanup. You can cut down on mess, they say, with foil pack recipes that use an indirect-heating method to cook the food.

For instance, this flavorful recipe for Green Chile Cheddar Burgers, brings together

classic cheeseburgers, a zip of green chiles and craveable corn salsa.


• 1 lb extra-lean (at least 90 percent) ground beef

• 2 cans (4.5 oz each) Old El Paso chopped green chiles

• 2 teaspoons chili powder

• 1 1/2 teaspoons ground cumin

• 1 teaspoon salt

• 1 1/2 cups shredded Cheddar cheese

• 1 1/2 cups frozen whole kernel sweet corn, thawed

• 2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro

• 4 lime wedges


• Heat gas or charcoal grill. Cut 4 (18x12-inch) sheets of heavy duty foil. Spray w i t h cooking spray. • In medium bowl, mix beef, 1 can green chiles, chili powder, 1 teaspoon of the cumin, 3/4 teaspoon of the salt and 1 cup of the cheese until blended. Form into four patties about 1/2-inch thick. In small bowl, mix corn, remaining can of green chiles, remaining 1/2 teaspoon cumin and remaining 1/4 teaspoon salt. • Place beef patty on center of each sheet of foil. Scoop about 1/3 cup of corn mixture on top of each patty. • Bring up two sides of foil so edges meet. Seal edges, making tight 1/2-inch fold; fold again, allowing space for heat circulation and expansion. Fold other sides to seal. • Place packs on grill over medium heat. Cover grill; cook eight minutes. Rotate packs 1/2 turn; cook seven to nine minutes longer or until patties are no longer pink in center and meat thermometer inserted in center of patties reads 160 degrees. Remove packs from grill. Cut large X across top of each pack. Carefully fold back foil. Top each patty with 2 tablespoons cheese; garnish with cilantro and a lime wedge.

More great summer recipes and tips can be found at


This summer, go above and beyond by seeking out recipes for the grill that are easy

to execute, but full on flavor. (StatePoint Media)

JULY 2016

Senior Voice America

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Health Roundup

How food can help heal common ailments When you’re not feeling well, conventional wisdom says you should reach for over-the-counter or prescription remedies. But many experts point out that foods have healing properties that can be complementary in helping to treat common ailments and prevent illness. “The concept of using food as medicine isn’t a new one; however, the evolution of society and science has moved us further from this concept,” says Grand Master Nan Lu, OMD, one of the country’s foremost teachers and practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and author of the new book “Digesting the Universe: A Revolutionary Framework for Healthy Metabolism Function.” “In my view, we are missing some of the most powerful and supportive steps we can take to remain well and prevent disease and illness.” Lu says the teachings of TCM can help patients deal with the root cause of their problems, rather than just eliminate the symptoms. While complex, he is offering a few quick insights into the subject of food as medicine.

• Nutritionists today base their work on the physical and chemical properties of food alone, but this is just half the picture. “There are many immaterial things contained within food as well,” says Lu, who cites Qi, or vital energy, as a key aspect of food you can’t see. • The “right” foods won’t necessarily protect your health by virtue of their properties alone. Good organ function is also necessary for your body to process and digest what you eat. However, foods can help restore balance to an ailing organ system. • Listen to your body, not cultural beliefs about what is good or bad for you. Lu offers the example of a woman craving sugar or salt during her menstrual cycle. “Assuming she listens to the wisdom of her body and satisfies her craving, she’ll have some chocolate or eat some potato chips. This woman is doing something natural.” • You may have heard of the adage, “you are what you eat.” Lu says to also consider the phrase, “you are what you think,” and avoid a steady diet of negative emotions, which you then must digest and process. Your thoughts impact your body and health, he says. • The next time your stomach is upset, consider reaching for something natural. Ginger can be eaten or used topically to deal with stomach discomfort, reduce inflammation and even lower pain from arthritis. More information about TCM and “Digesting the Universe” can be found at While modern science has offered us groundbreaking medications and treatments, traditional healing systems can help patients recognize the root cause of physical conditions for a healthier, more balanced life. (StatePoint Media)

EXAMPLES OF FOODS THAT CURE COMMON AILMENTS 1. Banana - Cure for stress or anxiety. Low in calories and 14 g of sugar, a medium banana fills you up, provides a mild blood sugar boost, and has 30 percent of the day’s vitamin B6, helping the brain produce mellowing serotonin, getting you through a crisis peacefully. 2. Raisins - Cure for high blood pressure. A handful of raisins contain 1 g of fiber and 212 mg of potassium, both recommended as part of a diet to lower hypertension. The polyphenols in grape-derived foods such as raisins, wine, and juice are effective in maintaining cardiovascular health, including bringing down blood pressure. 3. Yogurt - Cure for constipation or gas. One and a half cups of live-culture yogurt helps to push food more efficiently through the gastrointestinal tract and improves digestion thus preventing gasses. 4. Apricots - Cure for prevention of kidney stones. Low in sodium and high in fiber and potassium, this fruit prevents minerals from accumulating in the urine which would be the cause of formation of kidney stones. Recommended dose, 8 dried apricots. 5. Ginger Tea - Cure for nausea from motion sickness or pregnancy. Safe and with no side effects.


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JULY 2016



Senior Voice America, Inc. P.O. BOX 1379 Lutz, FL 33548-1379 Phone (813) 444-1011 • Fax (813) 422-7966 Staff Publisher: Evan Gold Managing Editor/Broadcast Producer: Deb Goldman Editor: Lauren Potts Creative Director: Lourdes M. Sáenz

Be Careful What People Tell You... A few weeks ago I watched part of the marathon called the Ali Memorial Service. Muhammad Ali was an interesting character, to say the least. I was raised to believe he was anti-Semitic and a separatist who believed interracial marriage to be a mortal sin. So let’s look at the second part first. Many of the professionals he relied upon, Angelo Dundee, Howard Cosell, etc etc, were white. And his existential “little brother” was a white Jewish comedian named Billy Crystal. Yet Billy spoke wonderfully about Ali. How he stood up against racism of all forms. One of the most interesting stories consisted of a time Ali asked Crystal to go for a run on a local golf course. When Crystal told Ali it would be impossible for him to do this since this was a course that excluded Jews, Ali never ran again on that course. So was he anti-Semitic? During his early life, absolutely. But as he aged and maybe moved away from “racist” individuals it seemed he changed. He softened his views on Israel and Zionists. And maybe this is why we should not look at athletes as role models in our everyday life. On the field of play: yes. But in everyday life they are no different than the rest of us (except they have a bit more of a platform). Ali had his upside and he had his downside. An incredible boxer, a wordsmith, a self-promoter, an icon and so much more. And in his private life and thoughts, probably not that different than most of us: a dichotomy of thoughts and beliefs. And over time he evolved (unlike some of us who devolve). May he rest in peace and hopefully his children will carry on Ali’s thoughts in his later years. And while all the Ali band-wagoners come out of the woodwork, I will tell you I was always a George Foreman fan. And no, I don’t own a George foreman grill.

Evan Gold


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Contributors Jean Mlincek • Steve & Jeanne Wolfe Carolyn Shockey • Mary Gynn • Glenn Pav Ruth Fanovich • Bill Stone • Eric Olsen Would you like to write for Senior Voice America? Please email

Senior Voice is a Proud Member of Better Living for Seniors The Guardian Association of Pinellas County The Florida Assisted Living Association Senior Voice America is published monthly and is distributed free of charge, courtesy of its advertisers. Distribution area includes Pinellas, Hillsborough,

There is a man on the corner who, four weeks ago, had a watch repair shop and a little flat above it. Two weeks ago, the city remembered him. Now he has no shop and no home. He sits in front of his rubble. Every wrist that passes him by is a missed watch, a missed fix, a missed meal. On his right, another man, another pile of rubble. On his left, a third man, livelihood and living space intact—this man is a member of the Party. There is a man in the academy who, years ago, was marked as a rising star by the system. This man was a member of the Party. Some years after that, he came to know the Man who made the stars. The system then seemed impossible—he severed ties, switched loyalties. In response, the system swallowed his job and his future. Ostracized and impoverished, he had to start again from scratch—this man was no longer a member of the Party. There is a man behind the podium, who, months ago, provided thoughtful answers to difficult questions. He took his audience seriously, and he acknowledged the issues they brought to light. One week later, the story was disseminated by the national press. Absent were the questions and most of the answers. Things he did not say were published as headlines. He might have wished it otherwise, but he has no choice—this man’s voice must be the voice of the Party. Three stories among China’s 1.4 billion. Three people among Shanghai’s 24 million. Certainly, these realities may not be representative; they may be extreme; they may be similar to some stories in the United States. I make no claims and no generalizations. I know that America has made massive mistakes, that there are many who have suffered injustice here, that our media outlets often spin stories according to their respective views. I also know the shock of meeting these people and attempting to come to grips with these realities as I lived and worked in Shanghai this summer. I don’t know what it is like to lose everything in a heartbeat because my city has decided to “clean up the streets.” I don’t know what it is like to be a citizen at the arbitrary mercy of a system where disagreeing means disempowerment, disenfranchisement, and destruction. I don’t know what it is like to live in a world where I can only hear one voice teaching me one way of digesting one reality. Whatever you think of Trump, whatever you think of Clinton, whether you watch Fox or MSNBC or the BBC, whether you think we are headed in the right direction or for Armageddon—America is a country worth loving. Take the time to think about the issues facing her. Cherish the ability to hear a cacophony of voices holding every opinion under the sun. Invest in the future you are free to imagine without fear of reprisal. There is so much here to celebrate. Wishing you and yours a wonderful Fourth.

Pasco, Sarasota and Manatee counties. Articles and advertising contained in this issue do not necessarily reflect the opinion or endorsement of the publisher, who does not verify advertiser claims and reserves the right to refuse or discontinue any advertising.


Lauren Potts

In the SVA June issue’s article on Dining Out, there was a spelling error in the name of the restaurant and its owners. The correct name of the restaurant is Taziki’s Mediterranean Cafe and the owners are Robin Muller and Penny Bachmann.

JULY 2016

Senior Voice America

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project sugar

Teaching for Health Series (Vol. 2 No. 13)

Diabetes and Kidney Disease — A Dreaded Combination Diabetes is the leading cause of kidney disease in the United States. The type of kidney disease associated with diabetes is called diabetic nephropathy. It is caused by elevated blood glucose levels over time. It is unknown how many years of high blood glucose levels it takes or how high these levels must be to cause nephropathy in a given person. There is evidence that factors other than blood glucose control contribute to kidney disease. High blood pressure and obesity are risk factors, as is having African-American or Hispanic ancestry, although obese Caucasians are also at high risk. The primary functions of the kidneys are to regulate body fluids and eliminate waste products. They also play a role in maintaining the proper balance of sodium and potassium in the body, producing important hormones. Approximately one million filters called “nephrons” in the kidney are responsible for filtering the blood, retaining the water the body needs, and rejecting waste products by producing urine for excretion. Because of the heavy workload the nephrons have, there are a lot of blood vessels in the kidneys to support them. Therefore, good blood flow and normal blood pressure are important both to deliver blood for filtration and to support the nephrons in performing the filtration process. The good news is that if diabetes-related nephropathy is detected in its early stages, it can be managed. That’s why diabetics should have their kidney functions assessed regularly. There are usually no symptoms associated with early kidney disease. As the functions of the kidneys deteriorate, fluid imbalance can result in weight gain, swollen hands, ankles and feet or a problem with blood pressure. People with kidney disease will have an abnormal amount of protein in the urine as it is wasted as a result of improper filtration rather than kept in the body. Also, if the kidneys are not working properly, creatinine, a waste product, begins to build up in the bloodstream. A more specific measure of kidney function and its filtering adequacy is the GFR, which is measured using laboratory tests. It can also determine what stage of kidney disease a person has. There are five defined stages of kidney disease. Stage 1, or early kidney disease, is diagnosed when the GFR (a laboratory acronym for glomerular filtration rate) is still fairly high but no longer in the normal stage. Stage 5 is diagnosed when the GFR is extremely low and dialysis may be required. If kidney disease already exists, diet management is essential to treatment. Research has shown that, in the early stages of kidney disease, the pace of damage may be slowed by changing the patient’s diet. These changes may include modifications for weight loss and/or restriction of sodium, potassium, protein, phosphorus, and even fluids. The American Diabetes Association recommends that diabetics consume no more than 1500 milligrams of sodium per day to prevent the progression of kidney disease. Examples of high-sodium processed foods include canned and dry packaged soups, macaroni and rice mixes, frozen entrees, canned meats and fish,

By Mary Gynn, RN, BSN, MSN/ MS, Diabetes Edicator

packaged sandwich meats, slated snack foods, and pickled and cured items. To find lower-sodium food choices at the store, read the labels before buying. Other restrictions to consider are restricting potassium, protein, phosphorus, fluids and then getting individualized dietary help in addition to discussing treatment options with health-care providers. Also, information about kidney disease and its care can be obtained from the National Kidney Foundation, the National Kidney Disease Education Program, and the National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney Disorders. These organizations provide fact sheets, newsletters, educational materials and kidney-friendly recipes and cookbooks. Appropriate action must be taken by the diabetic to improve both health and kidney function.

By Mary Gynn, RN, diabetes educator, member of the AADE (American

Association of Diabetes Educators), Patient Advocate. Contact at (727) 8429300 or

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Senior Voice America

JULY 2016

self help

Stone Soup By Carolyn Shockey There are several versions of the 1500s-era “Stone Soup” fable. In one version, a weary traveler comes to a village besieged by famine. All of the townspeople discourage him from staying, fearing that he wanted to be fed when they barely had enough for themselves. The traveler denounced their concerns and made a fire over which he placed a cauldron of water, all in the middle of the village square. He then added a stone. The villagers were intrigued by this man stirring the pot, bragging about the soup, saying how good it was, and how it would be better if it just had a little cabbage. A villager went home and brought back some cabbage to add to the soup. Then one by one, villagers brought carrots, potatoes and onions, etc. The traveler continued on until he did indeed have a nourishing soup that then fed the entire village. There is a similar story in the Bible of Jesus feeding the masses with a loaf of bread and three fish. We see the scenario playing out in our daily lives. Some share what they have, eagerly, without hesitation. Others hoard what they have for fear of running out or not having enough. The idea of sharing and bringing people together for a common good goes further than just food. Today’s ‘version of the story could be potluck events at your clubhouse, church, place of employment, or a big family dinners where attendees share the burden of community by everyone contributing what they can. The traveler in the story understood the villagers’ meager means, yet he also had an understanding of how to get people to participate for the common good. There is much to be said for the ability to appreciate others’ cooking and learn about food authenticity from other areas. The camaraderie and getting to know and support people in your community is as important as sharing a meal, perhaps even more so. In writing this, I’m reminded of what happened in my community when the residents refused to support our cafe, clubhouse, and activities. Once a place for everyone to gather for socialization, an affordable meal, parties, bingo or cards, it became an empty, lifeless shell of a place. A handful of people once had hoped to try and save it, but realized that, without community support, it was doomed. They could not do it alone. So the clubhouse was sold, and our community is without its once-thriving hub. The sad thing about it is that few have seemed to notice. Are we so caught up in ourselves these days that looking at the bigger picture is no longer important? Where will our support systems be when we need them?

JULY 2016

Senior Voice America

around the home


Homebuyers: Beware of Unexpected Repair Costs

By Steve & Jeanne Wolfe

Dear Gardening Folks,

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Since our last article was way back in November 2015 and now it is

May/June 2016, let me give you a brief explanation. I (Steve) was hospitalized twice at the VA hospital for extreme swelling, which contributed to a condition called AFIB (Atrial Fibrillation) and Tachycardia (abnormal rapid heart rate). As I was unable to eliminate liquid properly, they hospitalized me. Prayers began to go up and healing began to come down. I lost 22 pounds of liquid weight. My heart rate is now normal (in rhythm) after three electrical cardioversions. Thank God that Jesus provided for my healing. I was able to come home!

Now, the hard part was changing my diet. God bless my wife, who al-

ways thought of me when I was a hardhead. Yes, people can change. Thanks to all who sent us suggestions for anti-inflammatory foods. We have been enjoying onions and beets all through winter and spring. The peach trees are full of baby peaches, but they need rain to make them nice and big. It’s a daily chore to water a section at a time on our property because of low

If you’re buying a home, there are additional expenses you may want

to budget for beyond the down payment and monthly mortgage. Home projects, even small ones, can really add up.

water pressure. Since Jeanne and I have revived the Garden Connect meet-

ings, we are excited to have our guests come and enjoy again, learning from

place, reveals that 75 percent of homebuyers will face a costly emergency

the generous and knowledgeable speakers who share with us on a volun-

within the first 12 months of moving into a new home. From unplanned

teer basis. There is no charge for anyone or paying a speaker, but we do pass the hat to help defer the gas expenses.

Please feel free to share with us your recipes and gardening experienc-

Recent data from HomeAdvisor, a leading home services market-

projects to unexpected emergencies, most homebuyers reported spending more time and money on projects than they initially anticipated.

es. Life is too short, so practice the Golden Rule. We were highly encour-

aged over at the VA hospital when we viewed many examples of the Golden

the first year of owning a new home included blocked toilets and pipes, a

Rule. It’s from the Good Book: “Do unto others as you would have them do

clogged drain, a broken heating or cooling system and water leaks. These

unto you” (Matthew, chapter 7, verse 12).

Up Northeast, I hear that they are experiencing rain. A little thunder-

cloud reminded us this week that soon we will be blessed with rain. Water

The most frequent emergency projects reported by homebuyers in

unexpected projects can cost homeowners anywhere from $199 to fix a clogged drain to $2,068 to repair water damage, according to HomeAd-

is so necessary to life in nature and for people. We will put out more gar-

visor’s True Cost Guide.

bage cans to catch the rain for storage. The three we have now we have

been using as storage water that we scoop out with empty plastic contain-

to spend 1 percent of their home purchase price on repairs and emergen-

ers to water the pots that dry out quickly. They are down really low now. Jeanne cut two drainage downspouts and put the cans under them, and we put those mosquito-deterrent donuts in them. They last a long time. One lady drapes a piece of material over the can and ties it so that rainwater can go in and mosquitoes can’t lay their eggs. We hope that this information helps to answer some of your questions. Happy gardening!

“To help prepare for these unexpected costs, homebuyers should plan

cies each year,” said Marianne Cusato, special housing advisor to HomeAdvisor.

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Senior Voice America

s ’ t Le


JULY 2016

Dented Pride By Nurse Ruth Fanovich

Recently I went to the eye doctor for a simple recheck, and I’m glad to say that everything checked out fine. My self-esteem, however, was dented. I think, in today’s world, it seems easier to just treat everyone the same way. Add their name to a list, take a number, refer to a form for direction. In doing so, one doesn’t have to take the time to look, I mean REALLY look at the person. Just look at the number, what’s on the form or whoever is next in line. Why is it assumed by so many that, because someone is over the age of 55 or 60, they may be compromised, less intelligent, less productive or less inactive? A fine example of this is my recent trip to the eye doctor. I signed the form. Without looking at me, the receptionist asked if I brought my list of medications with me, not if I took any medications. I responded with, “What makes you think I have a list of medications? I don’t take any!” She seemed puzzled by this. It was off the grid of the form she was referring to, I suppose. I know I’m not a rare breed; many of my clients and people I know in their 70s, 80s, and even some in their 90s don’t take medication. Over-the-counter vitamins and keeping active helps keep them and their brain cells healthy. But that’s another article in and of itself. I thought to myself, I’d better go look in a mirror (and put my glasses on), because today, when I left my home, I thought I looked pretty darned good (if I do say so myself). I was then told I needed to have an eye exam. No, I said. I just had one two weeks ago when I was here; I’m here today for a simple recheck. Simple, my eye! (Pun intended.) She insisted I needed to have one. We almost had an argument over this; I think she was struggling with how to put that down on her form. I insisted I did not need an eye exam and offered to take full responsibility if the doctor “scolded” her. Only then did she go on to the next item on the list. Then, in my already-too-long appointment, I was asked who drove me to the appointment. OK, now I’m looking around for my walker. (Of course, I drove myself!) When asked why she thought someone drove me, she replied, “The question is on the form.” I wanted to yell, “Would you please just look at me and talk to me instead of just asking questions from a standard form?” I really was feeling very insignificant by this time. I do realize there are those forms with set questions, but what happened to making a judgment call? When did we get reduced to a form, a number? Fortunately, my nurse brain kicked in (yes, it still functions), and I realized that, like so many other businesses, health care is just that—a business with mass production. Get as many patients/clients in as possible and use a general form; we don’t have time for conversation or individual relationships. I hope I don’t sound harsh, but I’d like to think that I’m not treated or squeezed into a slot that I don’t fit into. I think it’s sad we can’t balance the profession with the business. I want (as should you) individual attention, and, if needed, a personalized care plan for to my specific needs. Sometimes, we may need to demand to be looked at for who we are. It’s OK that we’re all together, but know that we’re not all the same. Put the forms aside, and “Let’s Talk.” Provided by Ruth Fanovich, RN, LHRM, Owner, Care Placement Home Health Agency, Inc. and RMF Care Management, Inc.

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Senior Voice America

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CABLE: Not Exactly a Bundle of Joy Who would ever have imagined that the old expression, “It’s going to cost you a bundle,” would turn out to be eerily prophetic of the cable industry? I recently moved and was hoping to pull the plug on cable service. My apartment building has Wi-Fi, so I really had no need for internet service. I also moved into the 21st century and got a smart phone “with unlimited data, talk, and text,” so no need for a land line, either. I also didn’t need 500 channels. I mean, I know people with 500 channels, and, trust me, I can buy a CD of “Home Alone” for $14.99 and play it 5,000 times on my own versus paying $140 a month for the same experience. I mourn the passing of analog TV. For years, we used to get the three broadcast stations for FREE! Hey, if I could watch NBC, ABC, and CBS while eating my pastrami sandwich, I’d be in heaven. I don’t require a lot of choices; I grew up when the only breakfast cereals were oatmeal or corn flakes. Life was better then. Anyway, a new acquaintance at my apartment told me about an offer that seemed too good to be true: Basic TV for $10 a month. We even went to the provider’s webpage to verify the legitimacy of the offer. All seemed right with the world once again. Until we contacted customer service. After being on the phone for three hours, having my credit checked, verifying that my departed grandmother owned her home and was not a Republican, I was told my request could not be processed unless I “added something.” Oh, I wanted to add something, alright—like a string of curse words that would more than power K-Mart’s blue light special. I was fuming. In order to get the $10 local channel package, I was told I would have to “bundle” with at least one other service. Come on, cable! I just explained that I don’t NEED internet, yet you want me to add it so I can get a $10 deal for $70?? That would be pretty stoo-pid of me, now wouldn’t it? My friend interceded for me. “Look—not to be disrespectful to my new neighbor, but she’s a little old lady with just ONE TV. She goes to the library to use their computer...” The customer service rep interrupted. “Just ONE TV?!” “Yes,” replied my friend. “One TV in ONE room of the apartment.” We both could hear a gasp on the other end of the line. The customer service rep responded as if he were dealing with Wilma Flintstone. I know people think I still live in the Dark Ages, but, really, I don’t give a hoot about Fios, ninos, or adios, for that matter. I just want to watch a couple of TV programs in the comfort of my abode. Then I was told that if I bundled—so I could get the $10 local-channel deal—I could always call to cancel the unwanted part of the bundle. Oh, sure—just like Brer Rabbit was able to get unstuck from Tar Baby. When I heard that one, I jess laugh and laugh ‘cuz dat was jess too funny. Speaking of rabbit, I finally opted to buy a rabbit-ears antenna for $12.50. And, guess what? I get about 18 channels. And it’s truly wonderful not having to spend 20 percent of my income on cable. As for cable carriers in general, they can sell their bundles of joy to someone else!

By Jean Mlincek

Jean Mlincek is a freelance writer who resides in St. Petersburg, Fla.

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Senior Voice America

JULY 2016


Why Choose a Subspecialty Practice? The Eye Institute of West Florida has been guided by one vision in its 40-year history: to provide expert eye care for any eye disease with the focus always being on the patient. As one of Tampa Bay’s first ophthalmic surgeons, Stephen M. Weinstock, MD, F.A.C.S. founded The Eye Institute of West Florida with this vision in mind. What began as a practice with one cataract surgeon has expanded to a subspecialty ophthalmic practice with nine fellowship-trained specialty ophthalmologists, three general ophthalmologists, five optometrists and a cataract and refractive cataract surgery fellow. The practice has four locations across the Tampa Bay area in Largo, St. Petersburg, Clearwater and South Tampa. Each time a physician or employee joins The Eye Institute they are first made aware of the vision that began in 1974 and holds true today. But how does that vision set The Eye Institute of West Florida apart from any other eye doctor? “Our physicians are accomplished ophthalmologists with subspecialty training in all major areas of ophthalmology,” Dr. Weinstock says. The Eye Institute has a specialist for all of the different ocular conditions, including cataracts; refractive treatments, such as LASIK or a Clear Lens Exchange; glaucoma; retinal diseases, including macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy; and oculoplastic procedures, such as blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery. Each specialist is an ophthalmologist (medical eye doctor) who has completed additional fellowship training for surgery related to a specific ocular disease or condition, making them an expert in that area of ophthalmology. “This is different from the general ophthalmologist, who has to try to diagnose and treat every eye disease until it gets to where he or she has to refer patients to a practice like ours,” Dr. Weinstock explains. Rather than seeing a general ophthalmologist and being referred to a specialist at a different practice, The Eye Institute of West Florida offers all services in one place. “When a new patient comes in, the examining physician will quickly determine why it is he or she can’t see the way they like. If it’s just a simple matter of prescribing glasses [or contacts], we can do that. But if there is a disease process, we have a specialist who can address and appropriately manage or treat the problem,” Dr. Weinstock continues. We rely on our eyesight for so many aspects

of life, and eye diseases threatening that dependency can be frightening. It is essential to ensure that your eye care needs are in the hands of an expert because many conditions if caught early enough are treatable. In our ever-evolving technological world, you must also consider how advanced the practice you’re visiting is. Is the technology current enough to detect and properly treat each specific disease? To determine this, it is best to research where you are going and ask questions at your visit. The Eye Institute of West Florida was one of the first facilities in the world to offer their patients a femtosecond laser procedure to perform cataract surgery, a revolution at its time. “We have really led the way in technology, between LASIK for refractive correction and retinal procedures for macular degeneration, and now with advanced cataract surgery,” Robert Weinstock, M.D., son of Dr. Stephen Weinstock and a board-certified, fellowship-trained cataract, refractive and LASIK surgeon explains. Dr. Robert Weinstock is the Director of Cataract and Refractive Surgery at The Eye Institute of West Florida and a world renowned surgeon, recognized as the pioneer of micro-incisional cataract surgery. “We are one of the few practices in the country that has all of the state-of-the-art equipment for cataract surgery,” Dr. Robert continues, including the “femtosecond laser, which enables patients to eliminate glasses for most situations after cataract procedures.” In addition to the femtosecond laser, The Eye Institute of West Florida is the only center with two more lasers allowing the surgeon to customize each patient’s procedure to their specific needs and goals. The experience and technology offered at The Eye Institute of West Florida is proof that the vision of “providing expert eye care for any eye disease with the focus always being on the patient” is still the driving force. The Eye Institute of West Florida hosts educational seminars throughout the year. Call (727) 456-8804 or visit to find out more and register for one of our seminars today! The Eye Institute of West Florida | 727.456.8804

From DENTAL Page 1

may claim a holistic oral approach these days, how many are meritorious, deserving of such a claim? Fortunately, patients are taking a proactive approach, committing to performing the research necessary in finding the proper care provider. For many, their search ends with Dr. Anthony J. Adams DDS PA of Clearwater. A dentist for 40 years and in private practice for 34, Dr. Adams’ expertise and vision in holistic dentistry are but a few reasons he is fielding inquiries not only from patients around the country. Medical doctors and other healthcare clinicians are seeking his knowledge, devotion, and skill in the holistic dental approach. Dr. Adams creates a less toxic oral and systemic environment. Dr. Adams seeks and uses more biocompatible materials with minimally invasive protocols. Dr. Adams is using a more biomimetic approach striving to “first do no harm.” Dr. Adams can restore function and beauty without as much destruction of the remaining tissue. The approach strives to treat weak, fractured, or decayed teeth, sealing and protecting against bacteria invasion and infection without the need for crowns. New technology allows the use of a persons own extracted tooth rather than cadaver bone or synthetic bone as a matrix for bone graft. While about half the dentists in the country are practicing mercury-free techniques, only a minute number may be considered mercury-safe dentists. A mercury-free dentist will not use mercury fillings but a mercury-safe dentist like Dr. Adams, adheres to strict protocols, for example, in regard to removal of mercury fillings, mitigating patient risk. Techniques for minimizing the vapors of mercury (so as not to breathe in particles), protective equipment to cover the skin, prevent swallowing mercury-laden saliva, precision-targeted suction are but a few of many methods implemented to protect the patient. Dr. Adams’ patient approach plays an integral role to his status of being such a sought-after expert in his field. Dr. Adams believes patient education is paramount to achieving optimum health and as such, conducts a confidential interview-type process, taking time to not only listen to patient expectations and answer questions but educate on all aspects of treatment. New patient thorough exams consist of a head and neck evaluation in addition to the latest technology including an intra oral camera, eliminating the need for the traditional poking and prodding. The patient views exactly what the doctor sees as he explains each step of the evaluation, guiding them through various treatment options. Such a vigilant approach allows Dr. Adams to “see it, correct it and watch it.” This carefully cultivated patient-doctor relationship coincides with Dr. Adams and staff’s caring and compassionate approach. This attentive and individualized dynamic is the doctor-patient relationship foundation and distinguishes Dr. Adams as an esteemed practitioner among his patients and colleagues alike. Dr. Adams is a member of the American Dental Association (ADA), Holistic Dental Association (HDA), International Academy of Oral Medicine & Toxicology (IAOMT), International Association of Mercury Safe Dentists (IAMSD), International Academy of Biological Dentists (IABDM), Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation and the Holistic Network of Florida. Dr. Anthony J. Adams DDS, PA Healthy Body Dental 25877 US Highway 19 N Cypress Point Center Clearwater, Fl 33763 727-799-3123 or

JULY 2016

Senior Voice America

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MEDICAL UPDA E From FUCOIDAN Page 1 clinical exercise physiology and heart health programs at The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and its Heart Institute.2 Older people with elevated blood pressure (BP) often have metabolic syndrome, a clustering of central obesity, insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, and hypertension.3 Insulin resistance is central in the development of metabolic syndrome, and increasing insulin resistance is associated with a higher risk for chronic kidney disease (CKD). People aged 65 years and older with metabolic syndrome are at greater risk of developing CKD, and those with increasing insulin resistance alone risk rapid loss of renal function and CKD, based on a study in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. 1

How to Manage Metabolic Syndrome There is no easy way to reverse the body back to normal. A lot of people believe that over the counter or prescription drugs will manage all their risk factors. In fact, the use of medication for a long period of time has its own risks and consequences. What needs to be done is much more time consuming and “inconvenient.” Adapt a habit of healthy eating and daily exercise! Researchers at Johns Hopkins have determined that in people age 55 to 75, a moderate program of physical exercise can significantly offset the potentially deadly mix of risk factors for heart disease and diabetes.2 Additional support from natural supplementation will also help manage the risks of metabolic syndrome.

Therapeutic Effect of Fucoidan from Brown Seaweeds Fucoidan from brown seaweeds such as mozuku, mekabu and wakame hold tremendous promise in disrupting the processes that lead to metabolic syndrome and its cardiovascular consequences.4 Fucoidan’s anti-diabetic properties works by stabilizing and slowing the digestion of starch from processed carbohydrates, which may reduce the likelihood of dangerous postprandial glucose and insulin spikes. Fucoidan breaks down fats in the liver through enzyme stimulation to lower triglyceride levels. Professor Daizuke Tachikawa, Vice Principal of Matsuzako Memorial Hospital in Japan and one of the world’s foremost experts on fucoidan. Green tea contains catechins which reduce cholesterol levels from two main effects. First, they promote the removal of plasma LDL in the liver by increasing the number of binding sites on the liver for LDL. Secondly, they inhibit the absorption and re-absorption of cholesterol in our intestines. Barley leaves and brewer yeast contain vitamin B9 (folic acid) and vitamin B complex that helps prevent the blockage of arteries and lower blood pressure.5

References 1. Laidman, J., & Lie, D., MD. (2012, March 14). Older Adults With Metabolic Syndrome at Risk for CKD. Retrieved June 8, 2016, from 2. Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions. (2005, January 17). Exercise Combats Metabolic Syndrome In Older Adults. ScienceDaily. Retrieved June 8, 2016 from 3. Stewart KJ1, Bacher AC, Turner K, Lim JG, Hees PS, Shapiro EP, Tayback M, Ouyang P., Exercise and risk factors associated with metabolic syndrome in older adults. 4. Teas J, Baldeon ME, Chiriboga DE, Davis JR, Sarries AJ, Braverman LE. Could dietary seaweed reverse the metabolic syndrome? Asia Pac J Clin Nutr. 2009;18(2):145-54. 5. Huo Y, Li J, Qin X, Yuang Y, Wang X, Gottesman R, et al. Efficacy of Folic Acid Therapy in Primary Prevention of Stroke Among Adults With Hypertension in Chin. JAMA. 2015.

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Senior Voice America

JULY 2016

Senior Happenings mission. 9:30 a.m. Tickets: $24.95, $22.95 seniors, $19.95 hour. 9:00 p.m. Free. ages 3-12, 2 and younger free. Event location is 615 Second Ave. N, St. Petersburg, FL. The FL Aquarium is located at 701 Channelside Drive, 4th of July Events in Sarasota Tampa, FL.


Pasco, Hillsborough and Pinellas Counties July

Call to enter a fun filled Tennis League playing in 3 counties. (Pasco-Hillsborough and Pinellas) You play (Men’s or Women’s League) matches home and away. Team play divisions are 2.0,3.0, 3.5, 4.0 and 4.5 open. Call Walt Bockmiller 813-527-8211 for more details. Summer Nights

Busch Gardens Jun3 24 - July 22

Busch Gardens celebrates the arrival of summer with extended hours, the Kinetix rock-fueled acrobatic show, fireworks and DJ dancing. Hours are 9:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Sunday through Thursday and 9:30 a.m. to midnight Friday and Saturday. Included with regular daily admission. Tickets: $99, $79 for ages 3-9. Busch Gardens celebrates July 4th with a fireworks display and extended hours until 9:00 p.m. Busch Gardens is located at 3605 Bougainvillea Ave., Tampa, FL. For more information (888) 800-5447. Gulfport’s Fourth of July

Gulfport July 4

The day starts early with a kids fishing derby casting off from the sea wall adjacent to the recreation center at 8 a.m. Plan on sticking around the beach for the sand sculpting contest (10 a.m.-noon). Parents can take the children to unwind in the Kidzone (noon-5 p.m.). A craft area opens at 2:00 p.m., and the event’s official live music kicks off at 5:00 p.m. Clear the street for a parade on Beach Boulevard at 6:00 p.m., but stick around the area for the fireworks finale at 9:00 p.m. Times are tentative, please check for updates. Free. Event location is Beach Boulevard, Gulfport, FL. For more information (727) 893-1118. High Point Community’s Fourth of July Parade

High Point Community Center July 4

Lineup starts at 8:30 a.m. at the bus stop opposite the guard house. Parade ends at the community center, where there will be a flag raising ceremony with American Legion Post 186. Awards presented in several categories. Complimentary refreshments served. 9:00 a.m. Free. Parade’s location is 12249 Club House Road, High Point, FL. Fourth of July at SeaWorld

SeaWorld July 4

SeaWorld adds to their usual fun with concerts by Lee Greenwood (Sat. and Sun. only), extended holiday hours and a fireworks display accompanied by the 13th Army Band and the National Guard (Mon. only). Included with admission. 9:00 a.m. Event covered with admission ticket: $99, $94 ages 3-9. SeaWorld is located at 7007 SeaWorld Drive (Interstate 4, Exit 71), Orlando, FL. Fourth of July at the Aquarium

Florida Aquarium July 4

Safety Harbor Fourth of July Parade

July 4

July 4

Tarpon Springs Sponge Docks

Sarasota: Fireworks Spectacular over Sarasota Bay. Safety Harbor Main Street Viewing is free from anywhere downtown including BayJuly 4 front Park and Island Park or even better, from a boat anWear your red, white and blue and join the American chored on Sarasota Bay. Starts at dusk or around 9:00 p.m. Legion Auxilliary for a 50 unit parade down Main Street. Parade route is along Main Street and Second Avenue N, Sarasota: Enjoy an All American Barbecue and IndeSafety Harbor, FL. 10:00 a.m. Free. pendence Day Celebration on the grounds of Selby Gardens. Four premier barbecue pit master vendors, live Temple Terrace Fourth of July Parade and Fireworks music from the Lauren Mitchell Band and family activities. Enjoy the fireworks over Sarasota Bay from Selby Temple Terrace Elementary School Garden’s bay front location. 6:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. (Food July 4 Temple Terrace’s hometown parade salutes our country and drink are available for purchase). $30 members, $35 with numerous units including bands, firetrucks, police non-members, 11 and under are free. $150 VIP Ticket cars, horse units, rescue dogs, floats and marching units. It available. Selby Gardens, 900 S. Palm Ave,. Sarasota. Click all starts at the corner of Whiteway Drive and Gillette Ave- here for more details. nue, moves south to Druid Hills, west to Ridgedale and Siesta Key: The 26th Annual 4th of July Fireworks south to the Temple Terrace Little League Field. Free hot Display is set to go according to the Siesta Key Chamber. dogs will be served up at Christ Our Redeemer Lutheran Fireworks over Siesta Key are blasted off just north of the Church during the parade. Evening festivities kick-off 6:00 p.m. on the first fairway of the Temple Terrace golf course volleyball courts, so viewing is good from anywhere south and along Crescent Beach (south of Siesta Public Beach), with fireworks at 9:15 p.m. Free. Temple Terrace Elem. School is located at 124 Flotto out on the Gulf, or from the Intracoastal waterway. Ave., Temple Terrace, FL. For more information (813) 506Venice: The Venice area fireworks are fired from the 6400. south Venice Jetty in the Venice Beach area and there are a number of good vantage points: anywhere along Venice 4th of July Celebration in Bartow Beach, Nokomis Beach, or from a boat on the Gulf of MexBartow ico or anchored on the Intracoastal waterway, northeast of July 4 the Jetty on the water. Fireworks go up after sunset. ArThe celebration will begin with a patriotic concert from rive early as thousands line the beaches, jetty and surthe Bartow Adult Concert Band at the Bartow Civic Center rounding waterways. from 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. Admission is free and seats are first come, first served. The annual 4th of July Celebration will NEW BEADING CLASS be held at Mosaic Park, beginning at 4:00 p.m. Guests will Tampa JCC & Federation enjoy live music, food vendors, games, and much more. July 5 Fireworks will begin at 9:30 p.m. Please come and join us for a new beading class startMosaic Park is located at 2250 S. Floral Ave , Bartow, ing on July 5th from 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. The class will FL. For more information (863) 533-7125. be taught by Ernestine Marshall who is a certified jewelry making instructor. She teaches beginner and advance Clearwater Celebrates America: Fourth of July classes and specializes in bead stringing, wire wrapping, Coachman Park and seed bead designs. Creating and teaching others how July 4 to make one-of-a-kind pieces is one of her passions. In her The city’s annual Independence Day celebration fea- classes, you will learn basic jewelry making and design tures children’s activities, mascot meet and greet parade, skills. You will also learn about tools that are used to crelive music and the “Spark the Sky” fireworks display (9:30 ate each piece. The cost for a 4-week session is $35 per p.m.). Free. member/$45 per non-member. You will also need to purEvent location is 301 Drew St., Clearwater, FL. chase your bead kit. The cost per kit ranges from $10 $35. Plant City Fourth of July The JCC is located at 13009 Community Camps Drive, Plant City Stadium & Randy Larson Softball Tampa, FL. For more information and to RSVP, please Four-Plex contact Marissa Rosenthal at 813-769-4724 or marissa. July 4 Plant City’s family style Fourth of July celebration feaBig Buck Expo tures games, a rock climbing wall, bungee jumps, airbrushing, balloon art, bounce houses, military salute, food The Lakeland Center vendors, a drawing, live music by the Daniel Sprouse and Jul 8 -10 the Barrel Band and a fireworks finale. 6:00 p.m. Free, $5 The Big Buck Expo will feature over 200 exhibitors parking. from the following industries: archery equipment, land Plant City Stadium is located at 1810 E. Park Road, management, treestands and blinds, outdoor lifestyle, Plant City, FL. hunting accessories and outfitters. Bring your trophy deer to be officially scored and then displayed for everyone to Treasure Island Rockin’ Red Glare: Fourth of July see at the contest. Shoot at the ranges, see monster bucks, Treasure Island Beach Trail Park win door prizes, attend seminars, shop at a wide variety of July 4 exhibitors, seminars including 32 educational presentaCome out to the beach and join Treasure Island’s salute tions and so much more. Fri. 2:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., Sat. to the holiday with a giant fireworks extravaganza. 9:00 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and Sun. 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Complete details about tickets, including a $3.00 Off p.m. Free. Event location is 10400 Gulf Blvd., Treasure Island, FL. Admission coupon, can be found at ticketing. Fourth of July in Downtown St. Petersburg Night in the Islands Spa Beach at the Pier approach

July 9 This year’s “Fireworks Across the Bay” is set to go off at A recreation of the Greek Islands with Greek dancing, The aquarium offers extended hours and a front row 9 p.m. and can be seen from most of the city’s waterfront seat for the fireworks, family entertainment and all-Ameri- parks. Weather conditions may bump the start time for music and dining at area restaurants. Free Greek dance can themed dinner options for purchase. Included with ad- fireworks up to 30 minutes or delay the start time up to one lessons from 6:00 -7:00 p.m. Free.

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Senior Voice America

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Senior Happenings Sponge Docds is located at 20 Dodecanese Blvd., Tarpon Springs, FL. ReptiDay

Sarasota County Fairgrounds July 9

ReptiDay is back! It’s the Sarasota Reptile and Exotic Animal Show. The event features vendors offering reptile pets, supplies and other related merchandise plus live animal seminars, raffles for prizes and more. 10:00 a.m - 5:00 p.m. (VIP early entry 9:30 a.m.). General admission: $10 (Adult), $5 (Ages 5-12), ages 4 and under are free. VIP Early admission: $12 (Adult), $5 (Ages 5-12), ages 4 and under are free. The Sarasota County Fairgrounds are located at Potter Building, 3000 Ringling Blvd., Sarasota, FL. Dig The Beach

Siesta Key July 9 - 10

Can you dig it? A this favorite beach event, the Siesta Key Volley Ball Classic returns for another weekend of fun. Competition starts at 8:30 a.m. so great volleyball action is guaranteed all day. Siesta Key public beach volleyball courts. Free spectator admission. Mid-Florida Summer Home Show & Taste of Plant City

Strawberry Festival Expo Building July 9 & 10

More than 100 home improvement vendors will be on hand with tips for interior and exterior home improvement, redecorating and landscaping. Bring your camera for photos with NASCAR’s Cody Lane from the Camping World Truck Series. 10:00 a.m. Free.The Taste of Plant City event runs in conjunction with the Mid-Summer Home Show and features live entertainment and food from area restaurants. Try as many as you can and vote for your favorite. Tickets: $5, children free (per day or pay Saturday and get in free Sunday). The Strawberry Fest. Expo is located at 2301 W Oak Ave., Plant City, FL. Shark-Con

Florida Aquarium July 9 - 10

Look out, it’s SharkCon! If events like Shark Week get you pumped up and the epic vastness of the ocean inspires you, head to SharkCon. It hosts a variety of educational presentations and seminars from leading aquatic life experts, water sports clinics, film screenings, over 80 exhibitors and vendors, activities for children and more. The event helps raise awareness about ocean conservation and unites shark enthusiasts and their advocates for two days of fun, enriching festivities. 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. The Florida Aquarium is located at 4800 US Hwy 301 N., Tampa, FL. Festival of Chariots

Tampa (TBD) July 10

The Festival of the Chariots is sometimes referred to as Ratha Yatra, literally meaning Chariot Festival. Ratha Yatra originated 5,000 years ago in India, on the East Coast state of Orrisa, in a city called Jagannatha Puri.The Festival celebrates Lord Krishna’s return to Vrindaban and is held annually in the months of June-July to honor Lord Jagannatha, which means Lord of the Universe. For the festivities; there are three chariots, one for each of the three deities; Lord Jagannatha, Lord Balarama and Lady Subhadra. The canopied chariots are decorated with flowers and balloons and are pulled with long, thick ropes by hundreds of people. The chariots are accompanied by a procession of devotees who dance and chant. Free. For more information

exhibitors and more than 25 psychics. Hear free lecturers and see psychics, healers and vendors of many kinds. Admission: $7 for one day or $10 for both days. 12 & under are free. Saturday 11:00 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. Sunday: 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. The Sarasota Municipal Auditorium is located at 801 N. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, FL.


Bring an instrument or just your voice, along with an ice cream topping for the home-made ice cream. Camp chair is recommended. 6:30 p.m. Price: $3/vehicle park entrance fee, $2 bicyclist or walk-in, or annual park pass. Dade Battlefield is located at 7200 County Road 603, Bushnell, FL.

Tampa Convention Center July 21 - 24

The focus of Metrocon is anime, the style of flashy Japanese animation and artwork familiar to anyone who has seen Speed Racer or Sailor Moon. But the event covers all elements of pop culture that have been influenced by anime, from video games to pop music to games like Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh! Also includes an anime human chess match, formal Fantasy Masquerade, stunt show, a rave dance and fire show. Thurs.,10:00 a.m. ,Fri., 12:00 p.m. Tickets: $10-$150. The Tampa Convention Ctr. is located at 333 S. Franklin St., Tampa, FL. For more information (813) 517-1171 or Christmas in July

Venice July 22 - 23

Historic downtown Venice brings back Christmas in July, with sales promotions, a visit from Santa and Mrs. Claus. Participating stores will offer entry forms for a competition to win one of six gift baskets donated by various member merchants. There will also be big sales and prizes to win with over 50 downtown stores and sponsors participating. 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Free Christmas Trolley rides throughout downtown. Tampa Bay Home Show

Tropicana Field July 22 - 24

The largest home show in Florida’s west coast brings the area’s top home improvement experts, along with more than 500 exhibits with everything related to Florida homes, home improvement, home entertainment and landscaping. 10:00 a.m. Free. Tropicana Field is located at 1 Tropicana Drive, St. Petersburg, FL. Mystic Faire

Sarasota Municipal Auditorium July 23 - 24

The 6th Annual Mystic Faire returns to Sarasota, featuring everything metaphysical. Billed as the largest psychic fair in southwest Florida it will feature over 75

Ice Cream Music Jam

Dade Battlefield Historic State Park July 24

Caladium Festival

Stuart Park July 29

Browse the craft and vendors, enjoy entertainment and food for sale, with displays on the area’s grape-growing and wine industry, art competition. Then take in the wide array of caladiums in an array of hues and types at festival that celebrates the colorful, leafed plants. 9:00 a.m. Free admission; $10 bus tour of caladium fields. Stuart Park is located at 18 N. Oak Ave., Lake Placid, FL. Margarita Wars

TPepin’s Hospitality Centre July 29 Sample margaritas from more than 15 of Tampa Bay’s best mixologists as they compete to create Tampa Bay’s best margarita, and vote for your favorite while enjoying Mexican-inspired food. Upgrade to VIP for an extra hour of line-free sampling, Margarita Wars swag and two beers. 7:00 p.m. Tickets: $50 advance, $60 day of (general); $75 advance, $85 day of (VIP).

TPepin Hosp. Ctr. is located at 4121 N 50th St., Tampa, FL.

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The Deadline for the July Issue is July 10th

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Senior Voice America

JULY 2016


Five Essential Things to Know Before Visiting a National Park This Summer This year, the National Park Service celebrates 100 years of encouraging adventure and preserving the great outdoors, making it the perfect time to get out and explore. The untouched wonders, not to mention the clear skies and sunny days of summer, make a beautiful backdrop for the all-American family road trip. And while grand adventure awaits, so does the unexpected. Before you lace up your hiking boots and pack up the car, take some time to plan ahead.

Prepare for the Unexpected As thrilling as it is to spot wildlife, the last thing you’d like to encounter after a long hike is a car that’s been ransacked or damaged by Mother Nature’s hungry creatures. Store food in a bear canister or sealed plastic bag and hang it in a tree rather than storing in your car. This makes the scent harder for animals to detect. For extra protection when leaving your vehicle, keep unattended cars shielded with tarps and bungee cords. At some national parks, vultures love to pick at the rubber around windshields, sunroofs and windshield wipers.

Check Vehicle Vitals

Ensure your vehicle is in tiptop shape. At the least, tires should have ample tread; tire pressure set at the correct level for your load; oil changed; and your spare tire inflated. If taking to the road in an RV, routine maintenance is necessary to avoid mishaps. Conduct a walk-around, pre-departure check. Also, know its exact size so you can quickly determine where you’ll be able to park. You may need to get familiar with “RV boondocking,” or camping off-grid, since many parks won’t have full-hookups. You’ll need to understand how your RV works when it isn’t connected -- then practice extreme water conservation and propane use. Take this opportunity to review your

auto insurance policy to make sure you’re protected in case of unexpected incidents or accidents. Some insurance companies, like Erie Insurance, even go beyond standard coverage to provide extra features covering things like windshields, wipers and airbags.

Look for a Sign Obey all traffic signs. Most national park roads have a speed limit of 45 miles per hour or less. While this may seem slow, keep in mind this exists to protect you and surrounding wildlife. In addition to potential vehicle damage or possibly harming an unsuspecting victim, speeding can result in a federal ticket or even land you in federal court. Keep an eye out for falling rock or mudslide warning signs, too.

Steer Clear of Bad Weather Each national park lists road closures due to weather, construction or damage to help you plan ahead and stay safe. And don’t think you’re out of the woods just because it’s summertime. There may not be snow and ice covering the roads, but there could be flooding or forest fires, among other hazards.

Stow a Survival Kit Emergency items like a flashlight, first-aid kit, batteries, jumper cables, blankets, water and snacks are musts. Pack extra protection like sunscreen and portable chargers and keep a GPS device like a phone handy for added security. Once your car is in prime condition and you’re prepared, pack your bags and buckle up. You’ll be able to explore the great outdoors worry-free and take in the bountiful sights our country and its national parks have to offer -- from sea to shining sea. (StatePoint Media)

National Park Camping Safety Tips

Camping is a great way to discover the untouched beauty of our national parks. But is is important to remember that while camping by the coast, up on the mountains, or in our great forests, there are many things to consider before heading out. Keeping your family and yourself safe will make your vacation more enjoyable. • Use only designated camping areas within the national parks. These ares change from park to park, so check ahead of time. Camping is usually restricted to within the boundaries of a campground, for conservation purposes, your safety, and the enjoyment of our parks for all visitors. • Follow all fire safety information during total fire bans and only light fires in designated fireplaces or stoves and ensure you completely extinguish all fires before leaving an area or sleeping. • To protect the land, avoid camping on low or poorly drained areas where soil or vegetation may be easily damaged; look for harder ground or sandier soils. Use tents which don’t require trenches and which are self-supporting. • Important safety regarding camp food: Never leave food lying out; never dump food scraps or other smelly stuff near your camping area; never bring food in your tent; lock food, trash, and scented items in a vehicle when not in use. • Keep a safe distance from all wildlife. Never feed wild animals! Always keep pets on a leash.

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Guilt and Debt By Eric Olsen

Recently, after months of skipping medicine and meals in order to make payments to a debt consolidation company, a senior citizen called me for help. She was scared, overwhelmed, and running out of macaroni and cheese. Four hundred dollars a month taken from a fixed income leaves a big dent. I counseled this senior about the state and federal laws protecting social security, pensions, disability, VA benefits and other forms of retirement income. She understood this meant she did not need to pay the old debt. When I asked if this helped relieve her stress, however, she admitted she didn’t feel right letting the law protect her, specifically. Why? She felt guilty. The law defines guilt as moral culpability for an intentionally committed or premeditated act. Hopefully, our choices are guided by principles beyond the law, but it is good to recognize the original intent of this concept. Life does not always wind its way around the path of our intentions. The recession of 2008 forced many senior citizens to lose their jobs and retire early. Carefully planned retirement funds evaporated. Home values, seeming bedrocks of financial security, dropped until equity was lost and forgotten. Today, nearly half of American senior citizens live within 200 percent of the poverty line. The death of a spouse, illness or any other unexpected calamity can push through this cushion pretty quickly. What’s left is a series of unpleasant decisions. Add old debt to this mix, and the choice between basic needs and debt repayment gets increasingly difficult. Americans do not want the elderly to suffer. Elected lawmakers on federal and state levels have repeatedly passed legislation protecting the income resources of senior citizens. Courts have ruled in favor of cases affirming the protected nature of senior citizens’ income. Furthermore, while the constitution expressly disfavors an entanglement of government with religion, our country was founded on Judeo-Christian principles. Passages regarding the forgiveness of debt riddle the Old Testament. “Open thy mouth and plead the cause of the poor and needy,” reads Proverbs 31, verse 9. A senior citizen is not a “bad person” because he or she cannot afford to repay old debt. Lenders are businesses. Lenders know there may be circumstances when debtors cannot repay loans. When lenders loan money or give credit to consumers, they attach an interest rate to the loan. This interest rate exists not only to generate revenue for the business, but to protect lenders from possible risks. They know there may be circumstances when debtors cannot repay loans. While many lenders seek to capitalize on guilt to instigate repayment, loans are contracts made with the implied understanding that performance – repayment of the loan – is objectively possible. Failure to repay outstanding credit or old debt is never a crime. Enforcement of these loans may only be sought through the civil courts. When the debtor is a senior citizen with minimal and/or exempt assets who has protected retirement income, any court judgment for collection of money owed is effectively powerless. Debt collectors will never inform senior citizens about the laws protecting their incomes. Harassment does happen. Some collectors will say just about anything to intimidate and terrify senior citizens into depleting their limited resources. Attempts to collect debts can feel like the gnashing teeth of hungry predators, but the law affords senior citizens some effective weapons for self-defense. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act limits what collection measures a debt collector can take. It also requires a termination of written and telephonic contact from debt collectors once a “cease-and-desist letter” is dispatched. A template cease-and-desist letter can be downloaded from the internet, including from our website ( for free. Guilt over unpaid debt is an understandable struggle. Many of us have a hard time affording ourselves the same compassion we would grant to others. Some things, however, are objectively impossible. Even if I were offered a million dollars for completing it, I could not run an ultramarathon tomorrow. The humility gained by recognizing that not everything is within our control can become an invaluable tool for self-forgiveness. As Helen Keller said, “failures become victories if they make us wise-hearted.” Eric Olsen is the executive director of HELPS nonprofit law firm (501c).

What to Do if You See a Pet in a Hot Car

It happens every summer. Pets left in vehicles with no owner in sight. Unfortunately, it doesn’t take long for this circumstance to be dangerous or even deadly. Even on a temperate day, the greenhouse effect of rolled-up windows can heat up a car to 116 degrees F within an hour, according to the Humane Society. If you see a pet in a hot car, act quickly to try to locate the owner. He or she is likely in a nearby establishment. Talk to the proprietors of nearby stores and ask them to make an announcement to customers. Then, call the non-emergency number of your local police department or animal control. Stay on site until help arrives. While most pet owners have the best intentions, many are unaware of the danger of leaving a pet in a hot car. You can help spread the word. Free online resources, available at, offer tips, advice and important information on keeping pets safe. This summer, be a hero to a pet in need. (StatePoint Media)

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Senior Voice America

JULY 2016

Entertainment South Pacific

Palladium July 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10

“There is Nothing Like a Dame,” especially on an enchanted Pacific Island. Rodgers and Hammerstein created the adorable Nellie Forbush, who falls for the painter Emmile DeBecque, only to have their love tested by her intolerant upbringing. A young lieutenant is captivated by a native woman and both he and Nellie have to unlearn the racial prejudice they were taught in order to find happiness. One of the most beloved musicals of all time, South Pacific captures ‘island magic’ in a memorable score that will have you feeling “Younger Than Springtime.”Tickets: $22, $37, $52, $67. Group Rates Available. Tickets available only through St. Petersburg Opera. For information, show times and tickets (727) 823-2040.

a capella thrown in, the series has something for all musical tastes. Reflections of Patsy Cline/Johnny Cash: Performed by Leanne Williams and Keith Coleman. 8:00 p.m. Tickets: $20, $15 advance. Pinellas Park Performing Arts Center is located at 4951 78th Ave. N, Pinellas Park, FL. Proud to Be an American

John Timpanelli’s Tin Pan Alley Theatre July 10

Enjoy dessert and coffee as you watch this musical salute to America and the USO. 2:00 p.m. Tickets: $15. The John Timpanelly Theatre is located at 10337 U.S. 19, Port Richey, FL. The Wizard of Oz

Carol Morsani Hall July 12 - 17 This new production of The Wizard of Oz is an enchanting adaptation of the all-time classic, totally Boy George and Culture Club reconceived for the stage. Developed from the ever Mahaffey Theater popular MGM screenplay, this production contains July 6 the beloved songs from the Oscar®-winning movie With worldwide hits in the ‘80s including Karma score, all the favorite characters and iconic moments, Chameleon, Do You Really Want To Hurt Me and plus a few surprises along the way, including new Miss Me Blind, the iconic pop band has reunited its songs by Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber. Tickoriginal lineup of Mikey Craig, Roy Hay, Jon Moss ets: $32.50-$75.50 and flamboyant frontman Boy George. 7:30 p.m. Tickets: $69.50-$129.50. The Light in the Piazza

Freefall Theatre July 7 -10

This romantic contemporary musical follows Margaret and her daughter Clara on their visit to Florence in the summer of 1953. When Clara meets a handsome Florentine, Margaret attempts to shield her from the outside world and it becomes clear, not everything is as it seems. Through July 10. 7:00 p.m. Tickets: $20-$48. Freefall Theater is located at 6099 Central Ave., St. Petersburg, FL. Sunset Beach Concert Series: Trop Rock Junkies

Sunset Beach July 7

A variety of musicians perform on the first Thursday of each month. Trop Rock Junkies: A St. Petersburg-based six piece trop rock band inspired by Jimmy Buffett. 7:00 p.m. Free. Sunset Beach is located at 1800 Gulf Road, Tarpon Springs, FL. Les Miserables

TECO Theater - Straz Center July 7, 9 & 10 The Patel Conservatory presents the school edition of the uplifting story featuring students in grades eight through twelve. 7:00 p.m. Tickets: $20.

TECO is located at 1010 N MacInnes Place, Tampa, FL. Summer Concert Series: Reflections of Patsy Cline/Johnny Cash

98 Degrees

MidFlorida Credit Union Amphitheatre July 15 Nick Lachey and his trio team up with O-Town, Dream and Ryan Cabrera for the MY2K Tour, taking fans back to the ‘90s. 7:00 p.m. Tickets: $29-$79. Becca McCoy and La Lucha

Palladium Theater July 15 The St. Petersburg vocalist and jazz band present, An Evening of Rosemary Clooney. 8:00 p.m. Tickets: $24, $18 advance; $32 reserved.

Palladium Theater is located at 253 Fifth Ave. N, St. Petersburg, FL. Classic Albums Live

The Lakeland Center July 15

Naples Beach Hotel is located at 851 Gulf Shore Blvd. N, Naples, Fl. Live at the Gardens-Summer Music Series: Big Chill Band

Bok Tower Gardens July 16

The 15th annual series bring a mix of folk, Latin jazz, oldies, Dixieland jazz, Irish and contemporary music in the comfort of the air conditioned Visitor Center. 7:30 p.m. Tickets: $22.50.

The Bok Tower Gardens are located at 1151 Tower Blvd., Lake Wales, FL. Jon Lovitz

Improv Comedy Theater July 14 - 16

For the last twenty years, Jon Lovitz has been one of the best known comedians in the universe…well, according to his cats. After an unfruitful year in New York, he returned to Los Angeles and at the advice of Tony Barr, he began concentrating solely on comedy. He began taking classes at the famous improv comedy group, “The Groundlings” in 1982. A year later, after being accepted into “The Sunday Company”, Jon got his first job as an actor for two weeks on the television show “The Paper Chase: the Second Year”. Thinking he was on his way, he promptly quit his job at the clothing store…and became a messenger.He was nominated for an Emmy his first two years on Saturday Night Live. He became known for many characters, including “Tommy Flanagan of Pathological Liars Anonymous” (“Yeah, that’s the ticket!”), “Master Thespian”, “Hannukuh Harry” and “the Devil”. He has appeared in over thirty movies, including “Big”, “A League of Their Own”, “The Wedding Singer”, “High School High”, “Small Time Crooks”, and “Rat Race”. 7:30 p.m. Tickets: $30. Improv Comedy Theater is located at 1600 E. Eighth Ave., Tampa, FL. For show times and information Beres Hammond

Mahaffey Theater July 21

Classic Albums Live and Max 98.3 FM are back with another series of iconic album performances . This month enjoy The Allman Brothers Band Greatest Hits. All performances begin at 8:00 p.m. Each artist featured on the Classic Albums Live Summer Series III has been listed in the 100 Greatest Albums of All Time and have earned gold+ record status. The series features a wide array of music from over three decades of rock history providing true fans with the ability to experience some of the greatest hits ever – performed live on stage. All performances will feature a special pre-show with Eric Michaels and Mike Lee from the popular Max 98.3 FM morning show.

Beres Hammond’s rich, soulful baritone made him a shining star in both lovers rock (romantic) and dancehall (club dance) reggae styles. Since his classic solo debut,1976’s Soul Reggae, Hammond has been one of reggae’s most innovative and successful performers, with hits including “One Step Ahead,” “Is This a Sign,” “Tempting to Touch,” “Picking Up the Pieces” and the Maxi Priest duet “How Can We Ease the Pain.”Hammond’s was nominated for a Grammy Award in 2012. In 2014, the Jamaican government awarded him the Order of Jamaica, in recognition of his “exceptional and dedicated contribution to the Jamaican music industry.” 7:30 p.m. Tickets: $37.50 - $67.50.

SummerJazz on the Gulf Concert Series: Vodkanauts

DeRay Davis

Naples Beach Hotel & Golf Club July 16 This will mark the 31st consecutive year of the From Elton John to beach music, to the country family-friendly concert series, which combines festive sounds of Patsy Cline, and Johnny Cash with a bit of Jazz entertainment of the Vodkanauts: the five-piece Pinellas Park Performing Arts Center July 9

band blends jazz and rock ‘n’ roll and with views of the Gulf of Mexico. 6:30 p.m. Free.

Improv Comedy Theater July 24 - 27

Born and raised on the south side of Chicago, comedian-turned-actor DeRay Davis can most recently be “scene” and heard in the blockbuster mega hit 21

JULY 2016

Senior Voice America

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Entertainment Jump Street, Jumping the Broom, and his wildly successful Showtime one hour comedy special, DeRay Davis: Power Play. He lends his voice and writing talent to countless characters on Kanye Wests’ albums The Boondocks and currently on Adult Swim’s Black Dynamite! DeRay, developed and honed a hip, sardonic, streetwise mentality at an early age and parlayed it smoothly and efficiently into the comedy-club circuit. Davis achieved his career breakthrough at the Laffapalooza Festival in Atlanta, GA, then scored a triple whammy by winning the Comedy Central Laugh Riots competition and landing covetable spots in the Montreal Just for Laughs festival and the Cedric the Entertainer festival. Throughout, the comic wove vulgar and droll, yet also telling and deeply personal, routines around the subjects of race, poverty, and his challenging experiences growing up in the Windy City projects with a dysfunctional African-American family. Tickets: $40. Improv Comedy Theater is located at 1600 E. Eighth Ave., Tampa, FL. For show times and information 9 to 5: The Musical

Carrollwood Cultural Center July 22 - 31

Based on the 20th Century Fox Picture and book which follows three female co-works as they concoct a plan to get even with their sexist boss. Through July 31. 8:00 p.m. Tickets: $20-$22 advance, $24-$26 day of show. Carrollwood Cult. Ctr. is located at 4537 Lowell Road, Tampa, FL. Ted Nugent

Ruth Eckerd Hall July 23

Ted Nugent has carved a permanent place in rock & roll history as the ultimate guitar-shredding showman. He was named Detroit’s Greatest Guitar Player of All Time by readers of MLive, and his no-holds-barred career spans five decades of multi-platinum hits. From the ground-breaking Amboy Dukes’ hit Journey to the Center of the Mind, to classics like Stranglehold, Cat Scratch Fever, Damn Yankees chartbuster High Enoughy and cult classic Fred Bear. For millions of passionate music lovers everywhere, Ted delivers the Ultimate Life Soundtrack. A Ted Nugent show is not just a performance — it’s a firebreathing celebration! 8:00 p.m. Tickets are $33.25 - *$125. *$125 Dinner Package includes a premium seat, pre-show dinner and a voucher for free valet parking. Valet service be-

gins 15 minutes before pre-show dinner doors open. Artist does not appear at dinner. Enjoy a sumptuous buffet prior to the performance for only $25 per person (includes tax). Doors open two hours prior to the performance. Due to limited seating, we suggest advance purchase.

Join us for our FREE outdoor concert series Friday Fest with Jah Movement! Reggae band Jah Movement is fronted by hometown hero and vocalist will be bringing you some of the top 40 Funk, Soul, R&B and Calypso Dance music by some of the best artists

Ruth Eckerd Hall July 24

worldwide. Don’t miss out, “The Move-

Masters of Magic Summer Series: Erick Olson

The Magic Emporium July 24

A family friendly show featuring some of America’s leading entertainers. 7:00 p.m. Tickets: $12-$15, $40 family four pack; $90-$112 season pass.

ment” is sure to get you dancing! 5:00 p.m. Laughter Without Profanity

Palladium Theater July 31 Shirley




“Christian Comedy Showdown and Praise.” This performance will be a live DVD recording. 7:00 p.m. Tickets: $25-$40. Palladium Theater is located at 253 Fifth Ave. N., St. Petersburg, FL. Pro Comm Theatre Troupe-American Heartbeat

Shimberg Playhouse August 5 - 7 A powerful musical that asks - what is indestructible between people? Honor? Laughter? Heart? Love? Its 1992, Jarvis, a Viet Nam Marine Vet with PTSD, meets Marco, an illegal immigrant, a hopeful spirit. Jarvis, once the work site boss, now competes with ille-

The Magic Emporium is located at 4429 gals for the same jobs. They fight, Gunn Highway, Tampa, FL. Friday Fest : Jah Movement

Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall July 29

Jah Movement: the reggae band brings top 40 funk, soul, R&B and calypso dance music to this outdoor summer concert on Bayside Lawn. Bring blankets and chairs and enjoy food and beverage from local vendors. 5:00 p.m.Free. Guns N’ Roses

Camping World Stadium July 29

Welcome to the Jungle’s Axl Rose, Slash and Duff McKagan reunite to embark on the Not In This Lifetime Tour. 8:00 p.m. Tickets: $60.50-$250. Camping World Stadium is located at 1610 W Church St., Orlando, FL. FRIDAY FEST CONCERT SERIES

Ven Wezel Perf. Arts Hall July 29

Sarasota Opera House 61 N. Pineapple Ave., Sarasota FL (941) 328-1300

extraordinaire Shantel Norman, they

Leon Russell

Perhaps the most accomplished and versatile musician in the history of rock and roll, music legend Leon Russell returns to the Capitol Theatre on Sunday, July 24 at 7:30 pm. Hailing from Tusla, Oklahoma, Leon has been performing gospel-infused southern boogie piano rock, blues and country music for more than 50 years. His songwriting credits include A Song For You, Delta Lady, Hummingbird, Lady Blue, Back To The Island, Tight Rope and This Masquerade.Leon became part of an elite group of studio musicians called the Wrecking Crew and played on hundreds of hit records in the 1960s. 7:30 p.m. Tickets: $32.50 $49.50.


laugh, pray, sing! Wives come in

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Midflorida Credit Union Amphitheatre 4802 N. US Highway 301 Tampa, FL 33610 Telephone: (813) 740-2446. The Historic Capitol Theatre 405 Cleveland Street Clearwater, FL 33755 Telephone: (727) 791-7400. The Lakeland Center — 701 W. Lime St. Lakeland, FL 33815. Telephone: (863) 834-8100 The Mahaffey Theater — 400 1st. St. South, St. Petersburg, FL 33701. Telephone: (727) 892-5798. Ruth Eckerd Hall — 1111 McMullen Booth Rd. Clearwater, FL 33759. Telephone: (727) 791-7400. The Straz Center — 1010 North Macinnes Place, Tampa, FL 33602. Telephone: (813) 229-7827. Amelie Arena 401 Channelside Dr. Tampa, FL 33602. Telephone: (813) 301-6500. American Stage Theatre 163 3rd Street North St. Petersburg, FL 33701 Telephone: (727)823-7529 Van Wezel Perf. Arts Hall 777 N. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, FL 34236 (941) 953-3368

inside the lives of invisible heros!

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Page 18

Senior Voice America

JULY 2016

Senior to Senior Woman Seeking Man S W F NS ND looking for M NS 58-65, likes to walk, flea markets, dining, relaxing at home. Only sincere reply, I’m 55+, 5’3”, 125 lbs., LTR. Has an answering machine, leave a message. Pasco County (813) 395-6129. Retired lady, widow, late 70s, I like dancing, tennis, dining out, theater & movies, have a dog. I seek someone with same interests who is honest and nice. New Port Richey (727) 848-7948. Attractive lady, NS W WD, enjoys dining, cruising ISO friend plus romance. Largo (727) 588-2627. Hola, como estas? Middle age, D W F, NS ND. ISO someone who is understand, kind and appreciates life. Lonely, looking for someone to talk to. If that’s you, give me a call. Tampa (813) 802-5640. S C W F, 70s, 5’5”, 130 lbs., NS ND, retired, ISO gentleman for LTR, some travel, beach, fishing, dancing, church, Baptist, picnics, life is passing by, lets meet. Largo (727) 247-9253. D W F NS, 5’2”, light brown hair, blue eyes, young looking, likes movies, dining in or out, long walks, reading mysteries. ISO W M Christian, NS, 62-70 for LTR. Tampa (813) 362-2427. 5’5” blonde, blue eyes, 70, wants to meet a regular man for regular activities, movies, beaches, dinners, also want a Christian, church is important. St. Pete (727) 345-5146. Enjoy philosophy and culture. Prefer professional man; blue- or medium level white-collar. Spiritual but not new age or dogmatic. Write to 4604 49th Street N., Box 2, St. Pete 33709. W WD NS ND C. I am a very attractive woman, looking for a man between 65-75, must be a gentleman. Good conversationalist, active, loving, I am kind hearted and loving. Largo 1(727) 530-5008. S B F ISO LTR with someone who has plenty of positive love to give. Loves music, wknd getaways, movies etc. Widowers welcome. Largo (917) 376- 2667. Attractive S W F C 56, retired ISO S-D-W W M NS No beard, no mustaches. I am a degreed-masters-chemical, quiet, young at heart, sing-karaoke, dance, dining, travel. Send info and photo to

man Seeking WOMan S W M, 64, NS, 5’11” slim, fit, blue eyes, salt & pepper hair, exercise regularly but like to stay in to watch movies, sports, more, ISO woman with good qualities, similar interests. New Port Richey (727) 365-7585. My name is Shelly. I love sports and animals. I’m 70 yrs. old. I don’t smoke, & drink socially. I want to meet someone that’s real. Brandon (813) 399-6928. M D ND NS 75YY Graduate level engineering professional. Highly self educated @ self health-care using Yoga and Meditation. Consequently I feel and look much younger. ISO all for mutual help as a group. Age/gender no matter. Largo (630) 201-5862. FUN GUY in Brandon, looking for a friend & companion that is open to new ideas for her pleasure that is friendly and loves family, and enjoys all that life gives. Brandon (813) 684-4100. I am a retired active consultant, looking for a

Senior to Senior Abbreviations M: Male F: Female S: Single D: Divorced WD: Widowed W: White B: Black H: Hispanic J: Jewish

Meet that Someone Special with a FREE listing in Senior to Senior

C: Christian ISO: In Search Of LTR: Long Term Relationship NS: Non-Smoker ND: Non-Drinker SD: Social Drinker SOH: Sense of Humor

Nice looking male, 5’6”, in good shape, likes to travel, dine out and dance. Looking for slim S F in 60s, NS. Prefer St. Pete (727) 398-3034. D W M 62 romantic, NS 6’ 230 lbs. Race not an issue. Enjoys the beach, sunsets, sunrises, weekend getaways, oldies, smooth jazz, cuddling up. Lets see where it goes, tired of being alone. Hudson (407) 963-3539. D W M C NS ND SOH, 67, ISO LTR. Religion, race, age don’t matter. Weight height proportionate. I’m 5’10”, 185lbs., easy going, have a dog, 1 woman man. Tampa (813) 633-3352. Retired C W M 6’ HWP, fit and healthy, NS ND ISO C W F. Retired, no pets. Enjoys travel to scenic attractions, I love road trips. US Army Vet. For more info, write to PO Box 86373, Madeira Beach, FL 33738. D W M NS SD 70s, 5’10”, 208 lbs. Active, attractive and fun, caring and sharing, SOH and positive outlook. Loves travel, dining, dancing, and romance. New Port Richey (727) 645-6740.

friend Seeking friend lady who likes romance and making love. If interested, please call. Largo (727) 585-6285. S W M looking for S F for friend and house keepW M D C NS SD ISO LTR, 69, very active, 6’, 190 er, for room and board and small pay. Pinellas Park lbs. Ex-police, romantic, hand holder, cuddler. Seeks (727) 460-4113. compatible, proportionate lady to spend time and life Older white male seeking friend to share 7 with. Serious inquiries only. PO Box 1055, Palm Harbor, day cruise to Caribbean. Call 12-5 pm. St. Pete FL 34682. (727) 329-8185. Retired law officer, 57 NS SOH Italian, seeks Looking for a friend or more to enjoy life honest, compatible female for LTR. Likes motorcycles, with. Talk, movies, dinner and the beach. St. Pete classic cars, antiques, estate sales, karaoke, music, home (727) 798-2438. owner. Port Richey (727) 342-9195. S W M young 63, old school, who knows how to love and respect women. Hugs and kisses, not drugs Mail to: Senior Voice America and empty wishes. Boating, P.O. BOX 1379, Lutz, FL 33548-1379 fishing, weekend getaways. Palm Harbor (727) 742Email: 4801. Fax: (813) 422-7966 Black playmate for daytime fun. Age open. Handsome W M, 67, ready to play, at your call. Tampa (813) 277-8748. S W M 60s young, seeking lady to share special times, no drugs, LTR NS SD SOH. Lets have fun again, its never too late. Pinellas Park (727) 460-4113.

Senior to Senior™


JULY 2016

Senior Voice America

Page 19

in the community

PRESS RELEASE A new acting troupe – Senior Actors Guild & Education Services (SAGES) - brings humorous plays with a positive message about aging to senior communities. Two presentations of the comedy play “Get in the Game” will be performed on stage at the TBI Social Hall, 1685 S Belcher Rd, Clearwater. “Don’t let age hold you back from going after what you want,” said SAGES President, Linda Goldman and Artistic Director, Stephan Alpert, both 70, on ABC TV Tampa Bay Morning Blend’s May 26th show. Saturday, July 30th at 7:30 p.m. Evening Performance $20 Hors d’oeuvres, tea, pastries with piano musical overture Sunday, July 31st at 2:00 p.m. Matinee Performance $15 Tea & pastries Contact Linda Goldman at 727-536-7076 or email for tickets or information. Audiences have said, “It was a pleasure to spend a Sunday afternoon watching the production of a light-hearted comedy that contained a message for all.”

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Right: (from Grandma Goes off Her Rocker) Rose defends her traditions.

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Senior Voice America

JULY 2016

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