Brandbook Sencure

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Identity Manual

In this document, you’ll find the guidelines about how we use our logo, typography, colours, pictures and files


All of Sencure’s brand features are proprietary.

If you opt to use any trademarks, logos, designs and/or other brand features, you acknowledge your acceptance of the terms in the brand guidelines.

Table of Contents

Brand Guideline V1.1. Logo Typography Colours Pictures File Management 1
2 3 4

Sencure Logo

This chapter maps the Sencure logo and variations of the Sencure logo. Use the logo only how it is indicated in this chapter.

01 01

02a. Sencure Logo

The logo of this page is the main logo and will and should be used at all times. If for some reasons this logo cannot be used adequately, another logo version may be used, described only in this brandbook.

Primary logo

The logotype to the right is our main logo.


This is the unique and modern brandmark which represents Sencure. This will often used for social media.


02a. Safe Zone

The safe zone is the distance the logo must handle with respect to other object that are placed around it. It ensures that the logo is never placed too close to the edge of a document.

Primary logo Safezone

The logotype to the right is the main logo and is never placed too close to the edge of a document.


This brandmark to the right is never placed too close to the edge of a document.


02a. Colour background

Full colour logo on white

Every logo has a background, and most of the time, it’s white or transparant. It’s also possible to use the Sencure logo on a dark background like navy blue or black.

Full colour logo on navy blue

black/gray logo on white

black/gray logo on black

white logo on navy blue

white logo on black


02a. Wrong colour background

Full colour logo on navy blue

The logo must be used as described on the previous page and cannot be used as described on this page.

Full colour logo on pink

Color other than our identity

Full colour logo on black

white logo on white / light gray

black/gray logo on dark gray


02a. Picture background

When you are using the logo for a picture. Make sure you are using the right colours based on if it has a dark or light background.

Dark background on full colour white logo

Dark background on gray white logo

White background on full colour logo

Light background on full colour logo

Light background on gray white logo

Navy blue background on full colour logo


02a. Wrong picture background

When you are using the logo for a picture. Make sure you are using the right colours based on a dark or light background.

Dark background on full colour white logo

Pink background on full colour logo

Dark background on black/gray letters

White background on white logo letters

Logo not aligned in corner of the background

Logo is transformed wrong (out of proportion)


Typography 02

We use different fonts for the branding of Sencure. Cambay (headings), MultiDisplay (sub headings) and Open Sans (body) are the established fonts.


Our main typeface is Cambay for both presentation and print

Cambay Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ± ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) { } [ ] < > ? : “ ‘ | \ 02. Global Font
A B C 1 2 A B C 1 2 A B C 1 2 A B C 1 2 A B C 1 2 A B C 1 2 A B C 1 2 A B C 1 2 A B C 1 2 A B C 1 2 A B C 1 2 A B C 1 2 12

02. Font offline application


Cambay - Bold

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


MultiDisplay - Medium

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

Body type for a few lines

Open Sans - Medium

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

This section applies only to offline applications, such as flyers, product briefs, and other printed promotional materials.

Cambay Bold

MultiDisplay Medium

Open Sans Medium - Sencure is a start-up based in Kennispark Enschede, the Netherlands.

Open Sans Regular - We believe that using advanced chip technology Sencure can improve the quality of medical wearable devices, increase the speed of development of medical devices and reduce the size of such devices.

Body type for documents

Open Sans - Regular

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


02. Weight & Style Print


Body (few lines)

This section contains the visual look of how to use the different font types in papers, flyers, product briefs and other printed promotional materials.


Body (document)


03. Font online application

Titles (H1)

Cambay - Bold

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

Subtitles (H2)

MultiDisplay - Medium

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

Body type (alinea)

Open Sans - Medium

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

This section applies only to online communication, such as social media content, blogs and other online or cloud based documents.

Cambay Bold

MultiDisplay Medium

Open Sans Medium - Sencure is a start-up based in Kennispark Enschede, the Netherlands.

Accent type (buttons + CTA)


The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


We are live!

Meet our SNCE-8xx IC

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum


This section contains the visual look of how to use and apply the different font types for online use.


03. Weight & Style Online

02b. Tagline + Font

Our tagline should always be in MultiDisplay Medium while using it as a headline, including spacing and caps lock. Do not use versions of the tagline other than those indicated in this document

I N T E G R A T E D B I O S E N S O R T E C H N O L O G Y 17
MultiDisplay Medium

Colours 03

This chapter maps the colours which are part of the corporate identity of Sencure.


Primary Colors

Wild Berry Navy Blue Cadmium Violet Hex Hex Hex #e22786 #2c275c #753a8d 226,39,134 44,39,92 117,58,141 0%, 83%, 41%, 11% 52%, 58%, 0%, 64% 17%, 59%, 0%, 45% RGB RGB RGB CMYK CMYK CMYK 19

Bluish Purple

Mexican Pink

215, 10, 132 0%, 95%, 39%, 16% Hex RGB CMYK secondary colour #5f5fb8
95,95,184 71%, 96%, 0%, 0% Hex RGB CMYK tertiary colour #ad7ac4
173,122,196 34%, 58%, 0%, 0% Hex secondary colour RGB CMYK Black supporting colour #000000 Hex 0,0,0 0%, 0%, 0%, 100% RGB CMYK
supporting colour #bfc1c2 191,193,194 2%, 1%, 0%, 24% Hex RGB CMYK White Hex RGB CMYK supporting colour 100,100,100 0%, 0%, 0%, 0% #ffffff 20
Silver Sand

03. Colour grading

When you want to use a gradient for presentations, documents and design tasks, always use those colours. For the exact CMYK codes, see the previous documents

purple pink
Hex: #d70a84
Hex: #51127f
Hex: #d70a84 Hex: #2f2f81 blue purple Hex: #51127f Hex: #2f2f81 blue

Pictures 04

This chapter maps examples of how photography and stock footage should be used.


04. Correct usage

As mock-up

Use the following examples of photography for expressions of Sencure.

As background picture

As own photography


04. Wrong usage


Visable competitor products

Do not use the following examples of photography for expressions of Sencure.

Low resolution


04. Picture Guidelines


To ensure that images remain unambiguous and appropriate to Sencure, this section explains what images may be used. Furthermore, the images in our communications must comply with three rules of thumb:

1. Photos should always have a message

2. Photos must have support

3. Photos must be realistic

Do not use abstract photos that have no link between text and image. these guidelines in mind when using images and footage for Sencure. 25

File Management 05 05

This chapter maps out how we manage our files and what different file formats we are using.

05. What’s the file format?

Used for PRINT Used for DIGITAL

Adobe Illustrator (.ai)

Vector-based original, editable, working file


Scalable Vector Graphics (.svg)

Our tagline should always be in MultiDisplay Medium while using it as a headline. If possible with spacing and caps lock. AI

Vector image that can be used online


Encapsulated Postscript (.eps)

Vector file that can be modified in Illustrator


Portable Network Graphics (.png)

Uncompresed, raster image that can be used in any software

BMP 27

Portable Document Format (.pdf)

Vector or raster format that can be universally viewerd

Joint Photographic Group (.jpg)

Compressed raster image with reduced file size while maintaining high image quality. JPG
Bitmap (.bmp)
Native bitmap format of Windows and is used to store virtually any type of bpm data


This Brand Book was created to provide unity of communication, style, and identity. So that Sencure is stronger and more recognizable as a brand.

Therefore, consider this Brand Book as a tool to make easier choices that have already been made.

Do you have a question or comment about certain things in this brand book?

Then please contact Ronald on Slack or send an email to:



All of Sencure’s brand features are proprietary. If you opt to use any trademarks, logos, designs and/or other brand features, you acknowledge your acceptance of the terms in the brand guidelines.

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