Seesaw’s Alignment to OECD Future of Education and Skills 2030 Conceptual Learning Framework
Student Agency for 2030
Seesaw’s Learning Experience Platform supports OECD Future of Education and Skills 2030 Conceptual Learning Framework from the Student Agency for 2030. Seesaw’s suite of award-winning tools, resources, and curriculum promote deeper learning, support student and collective well-being, and prepare students to thrive in the 21st century.
Student Agency
• Intuitive and open-ended multimodal learning tools put student voice and choice first, encourage creative expression, and allow students to engage with the same concept through multiple mediums in a safe environment
• Digital portfolios prompt students to self-assess, reflect on their growth, and make connections between their work and learning objectives
Co-Agency with Peers, Teachers, Parents, and Community
• Teachers, family members, and classmates can leave text or voice comments on student work to support the learning process providing an authentic audience
• Lessons invite students to connect and practice their skills with real-world application prompts and activities both in class, and at home
• Two-way communication features enable teachers to communicate with families, with translation options available in over 100 languages.
Address Foundational Skills

The Seesaw Library contains thousands of ready-to-teach, standards-aligned Reception-Year 6 lessons designed to fit into what teachers are already doing, provide multiple methods of practice, and address foundational skills.
• Early Literacy
• Numeracy
• Computing and Digital Citizenship
• Social Emotional Skills
• Motor Development
*OECD Source: