R SEATTLESCHILD.COM INSIDE EnrichYourguidetoafter-schoolactivities OCTOBERSEPTEMBER/2022 FREE YOUR GUIDE TO A KID-FRIENDLY CITY Move over dull lunch fare on a tray, make way for tikka masala and tamales on a RevolutionLunchSchoolsSeattleplate! RISING oneTHEREMEMBERINGGUNAGAINSTUPVIOLENCELUNCHMAN:personcanmakeallthedifference t he BUILD Ultimate Citizens: a game, a counselor, a movie ROMP Apple Harvest: an adventure with history SHOP withoutBack-to-schoolbreakingthe bank

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Foundation Grades 2-8 Middle School Grades 6-9 Morningside Academy 206.709.9500 901 Lenora St, www.morningsideacademy.orgSeattle 4 SEATTLE’S CHILD September/October 2022 >> Contents Seattle’sChild „ Find us online at seattleschild.com Cover photo by JOSHUA HUSTON September/October 2022 // Issue 495 seattleschild.com/directories Your Guide to andAfter-SchoolWeekend Activities p.29 WHAT PARENTS ARE TALKING ABOUT 5 DAD NEXT DOOR 7 TOOLBOX 9 BUILD ......................................... 11 ROMP 15 SHOP 17 MEET THE SCHOOL 19 FEATURE SEATTLE SCHOOLS LUNCH REVOLUTION 22 ENRICH....................................29 ENRICH ADVERTISINGSPECIALSECTION ANN BERGMAN Publisher, Founder abergman@seattleschild.com JASMIN THANKACHEN Associate Publisher jasmin@seattleschild.com KATHRYN HOLLOWAY Art Director CHERYL MURFIN Managing Editor cheryl@seattleschild.com JULIE HANSON Website Editor jhanson@seattleschild.com JOSHUA HUSTON Photographer JEFF LEE, MD Columnist NILS JASMINDEBBIESUSANDAHLGRENHAUSERMCDONALDKEVINSCHOFIELDTHANKACHEN Contributors ADVERTISING JULANN HILL Senior Account Manager julann@seattleschild.com206-724-2453 AMBER ELBON Ad Production Manager amber@seattleschild.com Seattle’s Child has provided useful information to parents since 1979. In addition to our magazine, look for our special themed publications — Everything Family, School and SummerTime — distributed free throughout the Puget Sound area. Seattle’s Child is published every other month.

„ Find more local news for families on seattleschild.com Don’t miss these stories on seattleschild.com It’s fair time! Evergreen State and Puyallup are on for fall 2022 American Academy of Pediatrics updates helmet use advice 1 2 Author profile: The day I followed Nina Laden 3
ending gun
September/October 2022 SEATTLE’S CHILD 5 Buffalo, Laguna Woods, Uvalde. These are names we will remember — at least for a while. Sadly, most of the names of cities where mass shootings (defined as four or more people shot) or other gun violence occur we do not remember. We never even hear them. One or more mass shootings have occurred every single day in this country in 2022. Here in Washington, there have been 10 mass shootings in the past 12 years. Despite ranking ninth in the country for the strength of our gun laws, our state is sixth when it comes to the frequency of these devastating mass events. Only California, Texas, Florida, Ohio and Illinois rank higher according to Everytown for Gun Safety, the nation’s largest gun-violence prevention organization.Butthecountry’s gun violence crisis reaches far beyond mass shooting events.
I know too well how this unending Education, health, development and more Parents Are Talking About
RISEing up
A mother and grandmother talk about violence by DEBBIE MCDONALD photo by JOSHUA HUSTON
On average, 321 people are shot every day in the U.S. Of those, 42 are murdered and 65 die by suicide. Yes, 210 survive; but their lives and the lives of those around them are changed forever. Too often, violence begets violence.Asamother and grandmother, I am hor rified by this uniquely American epidemic. I grieve for those killed and their families. I worry about my own seven grandbabies, but at a deeper level, I am mad as hell.
Debbie McDonald (left) and Lynniah Grayson (right) fight to take meaningful action to stop gun violence.

There’s no other organization that is provid ing the support that we are providing, which is why I’m now thinking of ways to develop a curriculum, a framework, that we can offer around the Motherscountry.andchildren are often under represented, overlooked or completely for gotten. To get different results, you have to do something you’ve never done before – and we’ve never stopped and pivoted to focus on the mother and small children impacted by gunIfviolence.wefocus on the mom, the head of the household now, because the father’s re moved, and focus on the children, they won’t become high-risk youth who are picking up guns, activated in a different way that does not serve society.
Lynniah Grayson: My 2011 high school class has been cut down to half due to the impacts of gun violence. Either folks are in cemeteries or they are in the penitentiary. I lost my 5-year-old daughter’s father to gun violence. On February 6, 2021 Terrence was shot in a mass shooting at a nightclub. He died instantly.
Debbie McDonald: What has been your personal experience with gun violence?
A lot of the mothers are in survival mode. When a woman is falling, when every thing’s falling apart for her, who keeps her together? She needs support. By helping the mothers to recover and helping them to get sustainable incomes and careers, their children are helped as well.
«What Parents Are Talking About CONTINUED

McDonald: What was most helpful to you in your Grayson:grief?There was nowhere for my family to turn that was culturally specific, that was safe, that was sacred. There were no resources. There was nothing. What was most helpful for me was to put a system in place, develop a curriculum to support the mothers and children as a whole and to create a place for families to go when tragedy strikes. What’s been most rewarding is connecting those dots and connecting therapists and mental health specialists directly with families and children. If we don’t connect those dots, children and their families will continue to suffer. Traumatic grief, all grief, isolates you. We want to prevent that isolation. We want to provide opportunities for families to be in community. There’s so much power that comes from being in community with one another.
No, there is not.
We know the reality. Children and youth exposed to chronic trauma can experi ence inhibited brain development. If we can intervene and support them with different outlets, educate them, talk to them, allow them to speak and to express themselves, they can move forward and recover from childhood trauma. If unaddressed, typically due to lack of resources, childhood mental health problems will likely continue to grow and this will show up in all areas of chil dren’s lives. Then they end up at high risk for experiencing or perpetrating gun violence later in Keeplife.in mind that our community and our country has unaddressed generational and historical trauma on top of trauma inflicted by social conditions, adverse childhood experiences and so much more. To add the direct impact of gun violence, it all becomes a recipe for disaster, disease, disability and death. What we have found in working with families is that it wasn’t just the child who lost their father. The mother also lost the father to gun violence or her brother or her uncle. Oftentimes, with the disproportion of Black and African American people (impact ed by gun violence), trauma is intergenera tional.
McDonald: What is RISE?
McDonald: Tell me more about how lack of support following gun violence impacts a Grayson:child?
McDonald: Is there anybody else in the coun try doing your Grayson:work?
Grayson: RISE provides tools to assist in trauma recovery, healing-centered engage ment, positive identity, professional develop ment and grief support for families impacted by gun violence. It offers a holistic approach, looking at a person’s mind, body and spirit. What does this individual need in order to recover? And then to sustain that recovery.Amajority of our children are infants to 7 years of age. It’s import ant to do multiple levels of preven tion and intervention early on to prevent the children from becoming high-risk or at-risk youth.
“Mothers and children are often underrepresented, overlooked or completely forgotten. You have to do something you’ve never done before.”
6 SEATTLE’S CHILD September/October 2022 stream of shootings can lead to hopeless ness, apathy and the fear that nothing can be done about it, so we needn’t try. That is why I am so grateful to know that we can do something to stop this madness. We can take meaningful action. I am also deeply heartened when I meet people in our local community who are taking a stand — my colleagues at Grandmothers Against Gun Violence, for example, and mothers like LynniahGraysonGrayson.isthe founder of Resilient in Sustaining Empowerment (rise4us.org), a Seattle-based organization committed to ending intergenerational gun violence by supporting those directly impacted by it: vulnerable children, mothers and families. Grayson, who along with her young daughter was personally impacted by gun death, says such support — including 8-week facilitated grief-support groups — can keep young victims from growing into future victims or perpetrators of gun violence. I am a grandmother. Grayson is a mother. There is power in these roles, perhaps the greatest power. It is time for all of us to act. It is essential that we not just stay the course, but up our game. Here are excerpts from my recent con versation with this trailblazing activist:
September/October 2022 SEATTLE’S CHILD 7
by JEFF LEE, MD Not a Drill we fooling ourselves that we are protecting them?
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In 1951, a short public service film called “Duck and Cover” debuted in schools all over the country. It instructed children what to do in case of a nuclear war. The star was an ani mated turtle named Bert, who wore a jaunty civil defense helmet and pranced across the screen to this catchy jingle: There was a turtle by the name of AndBertBert the Turtle was very alert When danger threatened him he never got hurt He knew just what to do He’d duck and cover, duck and cover He’d hide his head and tail and four little feet He’d duck and cover! The narrator went on to explain that the first sign of a nuclear attack would be a bright flash of light, and that stu dents should respond immediately by dropping to the ground, underneath or next to some sturdy furniture or wall, roll up into a ball and cover their heads with their arms. I have to assume that even back then, based on the still fresh memory of Nagasaki and Hiroshima alone, no one in charge of civil defense actually believed this was an effective response to a nuclear bomb. And yet, duck and cover drills lasted well into the 1980’s. I remember ducking and covering under my desk in elementary school. This was different from the fire drills, when we were told to go out to the blacktop and gather under the basketball hoop. I recall wondering what we should do if a nuclear bomb fell on the school and started a fire. This seemed like an obviously ambiguous situation that they’d failed to address, but I never got a satisfactory answer.
„ Read all of Jeff Lee’s columns on seattleschild.com

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Looking back, I think these drills stuck around for so long because people needed to believe they could do something. Anything. Nuclear war was a constant, imminent threat, and acknowledging our complete helpless ness in the face of it would have result ed in either widespread hysteria or a sudden, massive demand for collective sanity. Our leaders at the time didn’t think they could handle either, so they gave us Bert instead.
Fast forward to 2022, and duck and cover drills are a thing of the past (at least for now--looking at you, Mr. Putin), but we find that 95% of Ameri can schools have now instituted active shooter drills. Most of these involve locking the classroom door, cramming the kids into a supply closet, and hoping that the guy with full body armor, two assault weapons and 200 rounds of ammunition will jiggle the doorknob, get frustrated and just go away. Though possibly more rational than hiding under your desk from a nuclear bomb, this seems unlikely to be much more successful. So far, real life experience bears that out. At Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, » encouragement from across the fence
This is
Dad Next Door A little

(206) 627-0528 8 Boston Street, Suite 2 Seattle, Washington, 98109 www.glassonlegal.com A family-oriented estate planning, real estate, and business law firm. 8 SEATTLE’S CHILD September/October 2022 «DadNextDoor

Just like our old buddy Bert the Turtle, active shooter drills are popular because they give us the illusion that we’re doing some thing. They let us make-believe that we’re protecting our kids-but I don’t think many children are fooled. When we crowd them into a dark supply closet, close the door and tell them to practice being very, very quiet so the shooter won’t hear them, do you think they feel protected? Do you think they feel safe? I’ve written columns about guns and shootings before. I remember thinking, after the massacre at Sandy Hook Ele mentary, that the children had paid the ultimate price, but that now our collective march toward sanity would finally begin. That was a decade ago. Today, even as I type these words, I wonder if I’m just doing some kind of pointless drill of my own. What evidence do I have that writing this column will get us any closer to taking the guns out of the hands of our children’s murderers? None. But what else can I do? What will all of usOurdo?children are terrified, sit ting in the dark, being told to keep quiet. But we who are supposed to protect them are still ducking and covering. We can’t pretend this isn’t happening — the flash of light is here and it’s blindingly bright. What are we waiting for?
ABOUT OUR COLUMNIST Jeff Lee lives and writes in Seattle, WA. Active shooter drills are popular because they give us the illusion that we’re doing something.
Texas, they had done plenty of active shooter drills. Not just the students and teachers, mind you, but the school district’s dedicated police force, and the city police’s SWAT team, too. They even had an armed guard posted at the door. In the end, none of that stopped a man from walking in and killing 17 children and two teachers, and wounding 19 others.
Appropriate content: This changes with the age and developmental stage of your child. It is perfectly OK to be firm about not viewing content that is not age-appropriate and has too much sex, drugs, violence and so on. Ratings can be helpful, but you may need to watch with your child to see if it is at the right level. Trust me, I know this can be difficult. I recently had to turn off a very popular show that my children wanted to watch, but it was simply too scary. You can imagine this led to a lot of discussion.
The value of screen-free times: I really recommend building in nonnegotiable, screen-free times. This can be during meals, after a certain hour in the evening or even a weekend day. It is amazing how (after a little bit of complaining) kids will find something else to do and it is often unexpected and creative. Games, puzzles, art projects and field sports all start to happen when screens are turned off.
Spruce Street School
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Not all screen time is bad: The digital space is how we learn, do creative activities and commu nicate. Unfortunately, there are a lot of unknowns and some real downsides. Excessive screen time has health impacts on fitness, sleep, anxiety and depression.Advertisers have certainly noticed those hours on media and now target kids by embedding product advertisements in video games and influencer videos. Other risks include virtual-reality en counters with strangers and even calls to action.While our pre-pandemic rules about screen time feel antiquated, we still need to find a way to balance the benefits of digital media with health and safety. While I do not have all the answers (sorry, I really wish I did), I know it is important to have family conversations about being thoughtful media users and the value of screenfreeThetime.point of a family media plan is to create a framework to which everyone agrees. The plan is a great way to set limits and teach children to use media in a healthy way. It is important to take into consideration the age and devel opmental stage of your child. While each family plan will be different, the goal is to encourage mindful media use. Regardless of the age of your child, the first steps involve family conversations. Here are some helpful suggestions to start off your family media conversation: Online safety: Review rules about how to be safe online. Remind children never to share photos or information on where they live or go to school. There is no way to control who sees or reshares this information and unfortunately it stays online for a very long time. Digital citizenship: Promote the idea of being good “digital citizens.” This includes checking in to see if your child has been the victim of cyberbul lying and talking to them about never posting unkind comments. Simply hav ing this conversation raises awareness, and this is good. It is also important to make sure kids of all ages know it is not OK to send or receive pictures of people without clothing or with sexy messages.
Spruce Street School is a K-5 elementary school that serves a wide-range of learners. Our dedicated faculty is highly skilled at meeting each student where they are, knowing when a student needs to be challenged and when they need to be supported. Our multiage classrooms promote leadership and celebrate diversity of all kinds. Students graduate from our program knowing who they are as learners and are active community members who excel at critical thinking and collaborating.
September/October 2022 SEATTLE’S CHILD 9

What every parent needs to have on hand
Sleep disruption: Children need by DR. SUSANNA BLOCK of KAISER PERMANENTE

Creating a Family Media Plan

To find out more information on Children’s Trust and child abuse prevention in Washington State visit: community/community-engagementwww.dcyf.wa.gov/about/governmentor visit the Department of Health to order your own Heirloom Birth Certificate.
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Targeted advertisements: Depending on the age of your child, I suspect you will have a very interesting conversation about targeted advertising. See if your kids recognize when products are being advertised during games and shows. This is a good way to teach kids how to be smart media consumers and how to recognize that advertising and marketing are geared toward getting them to buy things.

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• This official birth certificate is personally signed by the Governor and State Registrar.

10 SEATTLE’S CHILD September/October 2022

Set healthy limits based on age and development: The Amer ican Academy of Pediatricians has the following guidelines: 3Under 18 months: no screen time 318-24 months: occasional, high-quality programming watched with caregiver 33-5 years old: no more than 1 hour per day 3School age and teenager: no more than 2 hours per day
A family media plan is not just good for kids. As adults we need to rethink the role that screens play in our own lives: 50% of teens report having a difficult time talking to their parents because parents are on their phones.There is a lot to talk about when creating a family media plan and there’s a good chance this will take several conversa tions and revisions. I recommend that when you come up with some concrete rules, everyone agrees to write them down and post them in an easy-to-see spot. It also makes sense to check in periodically and see how well it is working and whether adjust ments need to be discussed.
A portion of the proceeds from each birth certificate benefits the Children’s Trust Fund of Washington, administered by the Washington State Department of Children, Youth & Families Strengthening Families Program.
CONTINUED between 10 and 12 hours of sleep a night. Screens in the bedroom and screen viewing within an hour of sleeping are known to have a negative impact on sleep. Check in with your kids and come up with a plan about when screens should be put away for the night.
• Certificate is 8 1/2 x 11 and includes the name, date and place of birth, as well as the name and birthplace of the parent(s).

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ABOUT OUR COLUMNIST Dr. Susanna Block, MD, MPH, is a pediatrician with Kaiser Permanente in Seattle and lives with her family in Queen Anne.
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Ultimate Citizens
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“At a time when many people in Seattle and across the country are feeling left out,” she says, “this is an ‘everyone story’ of belonging and acceptance that we can all relateTheto.”film tracks Khajavi and the Ultimate Frisbee (generally referred to as just Ulti mate) team from Hazel Wolf over the course of a school year. It reveals their struggles, growth and triumphs on and off the field. As Khajavi puts it: “Sport not only brings out the best in us, it also exposes issues we often have trouble dealing with.” Which is why he is the first to clarify that he is a counselor, not a coach. His mission has been to use the game as a means to connect with at-risk students and help them develop important life skills. His mix of empathy, curiosity and humor has allowed him to get to know and understand where his students and their families are coming from. Through competition they learn resilience, self-awareness and emotional intelligence.Thatcompetition is often against the
September/October 2022 SEATTLE’S CHILD 11
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A game, a counselor, a winning team, a movie by NILS DAHLGREN Jamshid Khajavi, a school counselor and the coach of Hazel Wolf K-8 School’s ultimate frisbee team.

Creating communities where kids flourish
Strickwerda says she began working on the project after learning about the Hazel Wolf teams and Khajavi because the story felt like a ray of light.
They are refugees from war. They are homeless. Their parents work multiple jobs and still can’t keep up withTheybills.are champions. Ultimate Citizens, the new documentary from local, award-winning filmmaker Fran cine Strickwerda, captures the improbable young Ultimate Frisbee stars of Seattle’s Hazel Wolf K-8 School and their remarkable counselor, Jamshid Khajavi.

The Seattle School Board says it is looking to this inaugural class of student

“Feeling not only safe but comfortable in an environment where you’re supposed to be learning will be helpful to so many of our students.”
According to the policy, the students are non-voting members and are expected to contribute to board discussions “by pro viding student insight and perspective, ad vocating their positions on district issues or needs, and serving as a liaison between the board and students.” Student board members are appoint ed for one year, following the academic calendar. This year’s inaugural class was nominated by a student-led committee in May, and was approved by the board in June. Student board member terms run August 1 through July 31 of the following year.Crone-Barón is a preparatoryWashington,allaboutgent.queerwhoColombian-Americanfirst-generationidentifiesastrans,andneurodiverSheispassionatestorytellinginforms,worksatamovietheater,writespoetry,anddescribesherselfasa“theaternerd.”HassanisAfricanAmericanandMuslim.SheparticipatesintheSTEMsubprogramattheUniversityofacollegeprogram, and is active in advocating for mental healthYuanawareness.hasattended Seattle Public Schools since she immigrated to the Unit ed States her kindergarten year. She is a cross-country runner and participates in Key Club, the National Honor Society and the Asian Students Association. All three students stress that safety is paramount to learning. According to Hassan, addressing safety requires ensur ing that students feel comfortable in the school environment and that school envi ronments are free from discrimination.
Students join Seattle School Board by KEVIN SCHOFIELD JAI (JENNA)LIYUAN

Taking their seats
Confident Minds Compassionate Hearts Infinite Possibilities CMYCYMYCMYMCK ai166077392511_Seattle's Child_8-17-22.pdf 1 8/17/22 3:05 PM guideYourtoakid-friendlycity deliv ed to y rinb » seattleschild.com/ subscribe 12 SEATTLE’S CHILD September/October 2022 Campus safety is the top concern for students in Seattle Schools according to the three teens ap pointed to represent them on the Seattle Public Schools School Board this year. “A safer campus will allow students to learn without fear and for teachers to teach without fears,” says Jai Li (Jenna) Yuan, a senior at Franklin High School and one of the first students ever to take a seat on the district’s board of directors. “Even just within my own friend group I have heard many complaints about not feeling safe around our campus.”aroundneighborhoodschoolandtheschoolLunaCrone-Barón, a junior at The Cen ter School and incoming board member, says protection against COVID and adher ence to guidelines remains a chief safety concern among students. “We were told that all students were going to be seated at desks, facing one way to try to direct airflow to reduce the spread of COVID. That absolutely did not happen.”Starting this fall, Yuan, Crone-Barón and Nassira Hassan, a senior at Chief Sealth International High School, will be the new est – and youngest – faces sitting around the table during Seattle School Board meet ings. The three student board positions are the result of a policy adopted by the board in March 2021, after student advocacy groups lobbied for Black, Indiginous and people/students of color (BIPOC) to have a stronger voice in school policy decisions.
“Feeling not only safe but comfortable in an environment where you’re supposed to be learning will be helpful to so many of our students,” says Hassan. Yuan also hopes to raise issues of transparency within the school district: “After a lockdown, it would be nice at least to know the vague reason behind why it happened if exact details can’t be revealed.”Keeping channels of communication open with the district’s 47,000 students will be a big challenge for the student board members, especially with stu dents enrolled in elementary and middle schools.“The three of us are really aware of our duty of community outreach,” says Crone-Barón. They plan to use existing communication resources like newslet ters, morning school announcements, and student body organizations. They are also thinking through a possible social media strategy.“Ialso think it would be pretty cool if we could do school visits like the super intendent does,” Yuan says. “This would definitely help us to better represent elementary and middle schoolers.”

To help them get there, Khajavi taps into a deep well of empathy and curiosity to learn about the lives and diverse cultural backgrounds of his students. He makes everyone feel that they belong, that they have value on the team, in their classes and in their communities. But Khajavi is not to be mistaken merely as a “high-fives and participation trophies” cheerleader on the sidelines. He is also an ultra-endurance athlete who has completed multiple 100-mile runs and long-distance bike rides. He swam the English Channel and set a record as the fastest American to swim the Strait of Gibraltar. He is competi tive and he wants to see the Hazel Wolf play ers be successful in their tournaments. And yet, for all his individual and coach ing accomplishments, he will most certainly be best remembered for all the students and families whose lives he has touched. “The whole world is a cornucopia of beauty,” he explained recently, while recov ering from a serious crash he suffered on a training ride in San Diego. “The diversity makes our world so much more beautiful. Coming together to work together is possi ble and powerful. That is what I would like audiences to take away from this film.” More information about Ultimate Citizens can be found at 3ultimatecitizens. com.
The nature of Ultimate (non-contact and often played between co-ed teams) intrigued him. But it was the “Spirit of the Game” (the organizing principle at the center of the sport) that fit so well with how he tries to help his students learn.

« Ultimate Citizens CONTINUED FROM PAGE 11 « Students CONTINUED FROM PAGE 12

September/October 2022 SEATTLE’S CHILD 13 members to help shape the role and set appropriate expectations for future student seats. While the positions are non-voting, all three said they would like to see that change eventually.
“I feel that we should [have a vote], but we also understand that this is just a step in the right direction,” says Crone-BarónHassan.takesa more forceful stance: “I will push, throughout this coming year, for the next group of student mem bers to get a vote because I think it’s really important that students [have a voice equal to that of] district higher-ups.” All three admit they are feeling at least some pressure to perform –and create change – as the first set of student board members. Hassan says it’s important to take the long view of their role as they enter the first year of a new program. “It’s making a base for every one and in the years to come after that, something they can build upon,” she says. “It’s not necessar ily about making the biggest tower right now.” most established and well-funded Ultimate programs in the country. Spring Reign, the annual tournament in Burlington, WA, is the world’s largest youth Ultimate event, and the team from Hazel Wolf is its most improbable success story. Like many of his players, Khajavi’s story is an immigrant’s story. Originally from Iran, he began his work as a counselor in the Seattle Public Schools in 1994. It was in 1996 that he began using Ultimate – or flat ball as he often refers to the disc – as part of his “adventure counseling” approach of reaching kids through play rather than “talking at” them.
Ultimate matches are played without referees, so it is this organizing principle through which opposing teams settle rule disputes. Players must gain the skills to re solve disagreements and manage emotions in the heat of the competition in order for games to continue. Khajavi discovered that players who began the season combative and argumentative – even with teammates – adopted a more positive attitude as they became more confident in resolving dis putes. The season becomes as much about healing as it is winning, and the Hazel Wolf stars do plenty of each.
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The Free Youth Transit Pass will impact nearly 329,000 students enrolled in public and private schools in King County. Free ridership ends on a teen’s 19th birthday. The program, says King County Executive Dow Constantine, does more than expose kids to “the freedom of transit.”“Knowing the ease of
September/October 2022
Chris Reykdahl announced a plan that will make it easier for all students in Washington to get school graduation credit for paid employment starting in the 2023-24 school year. Free rides for kids
for“That’sConstantine.muters,”transittomorrow’syouthmeansgettransitridingtoaroundtoday’swillbecomsaysgoodtraffic,the economy and the environment. Transportation is our biggest source of climate emissions locally, and choosing clean, efficient transit is good for you and the Localplanet.”transportation systems hope the new program will dramatically increase child and youth ridership. The program also makes King County eligible for an estimated $31.7 million boost from the Washington State Department of Transportation. King County Council mem ber Dave Upthegrove expects the program to open up work, extracurricular and education doors for teens. School credit for work Free transportation will certainly help teens get to and from jobs outside of school. Superintendent Reykdal pointed to statewide surveys that show many students must work outside of school to financially support their families in times of economic upheaval. The new school credit for employment program would replace a program already in use but which Reykdal says puts too many barriers in front of students.Asingle credit in Washing ton public high schools’ credit system equals one year of class. To graduate and receive a high school diploma, students must complete 24 credits. Of the 24 credits, seven are elective and 17 are for core academic subjects (for example English, math and science). The new plan would give one elective credit for 360 hours of work for students who have reached the legal work age (16). One half credit will be applied to 180 hours of work. Washington business leaders applaud the plan. Dave Mastin, a vice president of the Association of Washington Business, told Clark County To day: “Giving students the oppor tunity to earn elective credits for their after-school and summer jobs validates the important role that work plays in their growth andLearndevelopment.”moreabout transit passes at 3freeyouthtransit pass.com. For more details on Reykdal’s plan read the article “OSPI announces plan to give elective credit for student employ ment” at 3seattleschild.com.
Seattle students won big over the summer. First, Metro, Sound Transit and other regional transporta tion systems decided in July to allow all students ages 6-18 to ride for free on buses, light rail and water taxis all year round — not just during the school year. The new free Youth Tran sit Pass pro gram dentSuperintentonWashinginSeptemberstarts1.Then,August,StateofPublic
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Apple Harvest
In my family the best part about the fall season isn’t the over whelming arrival of every thing pumpkin spice. It’s about the start of a new school year, the family gatherings to come, the changing leaves and, most important, the fall harvest.
September/October 2022 SEATTLE’S CHILD 15 »Romp „ Subscribe to the Romp newsletter seattleschild.com/newsletter

Each year, warm sunshine mixed with the brisk cool tones of September and October announce it’s time to harvest potatoes, corn, pumpkin, fall berries ... and Washington’s most famous crop, apples. Apple picking is the perfect way to introduce kids to the fun, beauty and bounty of harvest season. Apples are an easy snack, eaten plain, or baked into a pie, dipped into peanut butter or given to a beloved teacher as a gift of Theythanks.have also been a part of Washington State history for nearly 200 years, intertwining stories of pioneering and indus trial development. Couple a little CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE >
Harvest Prints Choose a fall fruit or veggie (fallen apples make great prints) during a visit to a local farm (Stocker, Craven and Berringer farms are three good ones). Slice the fruit or vegetable in half. Use fabric paint to color the halves and print onto paper, a t-shirt, bag or dress. Nature-framed Art Collect pine cones, sticks, leaves and rocks to create an abstract piece of art. Arrange on a hard surface (sidewalk, driveway or porch). Frame your art with long sticks or cut out a frame from cardboard. Take a photo, print and display. Rock Painting This is an art project for all seasons. Take a walk and pick up stones. This fall, use acrylic paints to make autumninspired artwork, then go to your favorite park or walk around your neighborhood and hide them for others to find.
An adventure with a rich state history by JASMIN THANKACHEN / photo by JOSHUA HUSTON
PaintbrushesNature’s Gather small branches, leaves, dried needles, fall flowers or long pieces of grass. Bind each of these natural elements separately in a bundle around the end of a stick. Tape or tightly tie string around each bundle and stick to make a unique paintbrush. Dip in paint and create. Making Mandalas Mandalas are geometric art circles. Collect leaves in different colors. Lay leaves out by color in a concentric circles pattern around a center rock. Each circle represents the full life of the plant that bore its leaves.
— Jasmin Thankachen
1 2 3 4 5 5 things to do Combine Art and Outdoorsthe
Right under your nose! Kangaroos, wallabies, joeys and more! Don’t leave the country to visit these soft-coated, friendly marsupials. Hop over to Fall City Wallaby Ranch or The Outback Kangaroo Farm in Arlington to learn more about creatures most associated with Australia. Feed, pet, lounge around and wait for a kangaroo kiss at one of these farms. — Jasmin Thankachen 3wallabyranch.org 3wildlifeparkarlingtonwa.com
Duke picking apples at Skipley Farm in Snohomish.
Things to do with kids

Bellewood Farms - Lynden Take the bin train to the orchard and pick your favorite apple. Stay a while for a snack from the bakery or lunch at the cafe. Adults try a flight of farm-made liquors, while the little ones enjoy free farm tunes, in concert.
Visitors can pay hom age to the stump at Old Apple Tree Park and visit the historic apple orchard by taking the Land Bridge Trail from the Fort Van couver historic site (1501 E. Evergreen Blvd. Vancouver 98661). According to park rangers, the trees at the orchard don’t produce fruit every year, but when they do, visitors can get a taste of history. Don’t pick from the trees though. Instead, feel free to collect any fruit that falls to the ground.
Travel 200 miles east of Seattle and discover another world in Grand Coulee, an ancient river bed and National Natural Landmark that stretches for about 60 desertlike miles from Grand Coulee Dam to Soap Lake. Steeped in geologic history, the land was carved by the Missoula Floods more than 18,000 years ago. Stop at the visitor center for a history lesson, scavenger hunt, free public tour and laser-light show. Camp at Steamboat State Park and hike around or up the 800-foot basalt mesa that sits in Banks Lake.

An apple a day: U-pick farms you can’t miss Now that you know a little about apple country, get to pickin’ at these local farms.
Stutzman Ranch - Wenatchee Started in 1907, apples aren’t the only fruit you can harvest at this ranch. Collect a cornucopia of grapes, peaches, nectarines, pears and pluots, too.
Escape from Seattle! Grand Coulee
There are a lot of fun and interesting details to discover as you tour through the state’s apple orchards and history. For instance, Washington’s first apple tree, named the Old Apple Tree, is nothing but a stump

For a complete list of u-pick farms check out the article “8 farms where your family can enjoy apple picking” on 3Seattleschild.com
VancouverappleandApplerangersinyearsmanyThetoday.treeweatheredstormsoverits200andeventuallydied2020.ArboristsandparkcultivatedtheOldTree’slivingshootsreplantedtheminanorchardneartheForthistoricsite (nps.gov/fova)

Skipley Farm - Snohomish Visit this organic farm for a unique u-pick experience. Donate $5.00/person and graze your way around the orchard, sampling over 150 varieties of apples. Meet the pet pig, Reggie and visit the nursery.
Come discover Seattle's K 5 independent Jewish day school, located in the heart of the Green Lake neighborhood. Where Curiosity, Confidence and Kindness Grow! www.sjcs.net The MontessoriSammamishSchoolInRedmond www.sammamishmontessori.com • 425-883-3271 Call 425-883-3271 for a tour. • Child-centered, joyful atmosphere with strong academic focus • Experienced, Montessori-certified teachers • Preschool, kindergarten, and STEAM Enrichment • Family owned and operated since 1977 • Summer, before & after school programs • Prep Program, (starting ages 2 1/2-3) Now Enrolling 16 SEATTLE’S CHILD September/October 2022 history lesson with a family road trip to a local farm and you’ve got a terrific fall day or weekend adventure. A lot of history wrapped up in that tiny seed Pick up an apple at any grocery store and it’s likely from a local farm. And why wouldn’t it be? Washington State grows more than 65 percent of apples consumed in the U.S. and a large portion of apples consumed around the Washington’sworld. applegrowing history began in the 1800s when once-wild apple seeds migrated from Kazakhstan moving along the Silk Road trade routes to Europe. They eventually made their way onto a Hud son’s Bay Company ship leaving from London, and headed to Fort Vancouver in the Western territories of fledgling America. The first seeds were planted in the employee village at Fort Vancouver, producing tart green apples. Admiring the apple tree’s hearty nature, farm ers began planting, graft ing and growing the fruit. Eventually, orchardists headed east to Wenatchee and the Yakima Valley when the railroad and in dustrial expansion arrived, making it easier to deliver apples across the country. At its peak world.halfworld.”“TheWenatcheeproduction,claimedtobeapplecapitaloftheToday,Chinagrowstheapplesforthe Visit the “Old Apple Tree”


A sustainable approach to shopping for students by CHERYL MURFIN / photos by JOSHUA HUSTON
If you could say one thing to your kids’ teachers as they head back to school, what would it be?
September/October 2022 SEATTLE’S CHILD 17 „ More shopping local on seattleschild.com »Shop
Lively + locally made Back-to-school without breaking the bank
Sending kids back to school in style and with the right supplies does not have to cost an arm and a leg. Seattle and surrounding cities have long championed recycling and reuse. For more and more kids and families, that makes consignment and thrift shopping a badge of honor. At the same time, neighbor hood- and community-based sharing programs offer an abundance of useful items, including gently used clothes, unused school or art supplies for Thriftfree. stores and kids’ con signment shops not only help your budget, they are also good for the environment and local businesses. Shops all over the region offer low-cost, high-qual ity clothing, backpacks and other
Q&A Dr. Sunita Iyer, ND, LM is an assistant teaching professor at the University of Washington Bothell School of Nursing & Health Studies

Melissa Welch, owner of Kym’s Kiddy Corner in Seattle.


Thank you. I trust you. I know you are so good at what you do and that you love these kids and this work, or else you might not be here. I am really happy that you are here, that my son gets to learn with you, and that you get to do great work together.
Although the Space Needle is the first image that comes to mind for a lot of people when they think of Seattle, for those of us who live here, especially kids, the whimsical art of Ryan Henry Ward is a Things we love BringHomeHenry
Signing with the moniker “Henry,” Ward has painted nearly 300 murals in the city – on backdrops and surfaces including school walls, houses, restaurant exteriors, garages, cars and signs. Filled with fantastical nature elements, wide-eyed fish, animals and mythical creatures in eyepopping color, Henry art is a reflection of childhood: playful and imaginative. For a fun family art experience, check out the new wooden Henry puzzles at Ward’s website: 3ItsAHenry.com. Put them together, glue them down and hang one of Seattle’s most beloved artists in your home.
18 SEATTLE’S CHILD September/October 2022 items, often with minimal signs of Herewear.aresome re-use places we love: Goodwill and Thrift Stores
My Three Little Birds Shoppers will find gently used clothing (Hatley, Tea, Janie and Jack), shoes, accessories and toys at this adorable West Seattle store. It also sells consignment items online. Or you can fill out a wish list for the type of pieces you’re seeking.

36959 California Ave. SW, Seattle 98116 3mythreelittlebirds.net Lollipops Consignment Shop Located in the same 1920s Burien building since 1977, Lollipops offers kids’ toys, children’s clothing, wom en’s clothes and maternity clothes. So dress yourself and the kids! 32038 SW 152nd St., Seattle 98166 3Letsgotolollipops.com
3 Shopfacebook.com/Chrysantheme
36701 Greenwood Ave. N, Seattle 98103 3kymskiddycorner.com
CONTINUED small space. 32709 E Madison St., Seattle 98112 3sugarlumpshop.com Chrysanthemum Children’s Vintage & Resale Located in Columbia City, Chry santhemum stocks new and sec ondhand clothing and specializes in vintage clothing and clothing handmade by local moms. 34820 Rainier Ave. S, Seattle 98118
The Buy Nothing Project of fers people a way to give, receive, share and lend clothing, supplies, household goods – just about any thing – among neighbors. Families are invited to join their local group via FaceBook or the Buy Nothing app. To give, you simply post to your local network. Need something? Just put out an ask. If someone has what you need, they’ll let you know. 3Buynoth ingproject.org Offer Up and Craigslist are both great options for finding low-cost or free clothing, school supplies and other useful items to keep you on budget through out the school year. Go online to 3offerup.com or 3craigslist.org to get connected to local lists. Both also offer apps for easy phone searching. School supply drives Most schools are ready to help families get kids to school with the supplies they need to thrive in class. Contact your child’s school to ask about a list of local orga nizations collecting and distrib uting free school supplies for the coming school year.
39776 Holman Rd NW, Seattle 98117 3childishresale.com Kym’s Kiddy Korner Kym’s has been serving fam ilies since 1984 and is usually filled to the brim with a wide range of used kid clothes and other useful back-to-school items, toys and all things baby.
Let’s recognize this re-use behemoth, launched in 1902, for what it is: The Mothership of recycled clothing, supplies, computers and more. There are 17 Goodwill stores in and around King County. Find a store near you at 3evergreen goodwill.org. Thrift stores operated by Salvation Army (Bellevue, De Moines, Renton, Seattle, Shoreline, Tukwila), Deseret Industries (Shoreline), St. Vincent De Paul (Auburn, Burien, Kenmore, Kent, Rent on, Seattle) and Value Village (Burien, Issaquah, Kent, Lyn nwood, Tukwila, Woodenville) also offer inexpensive clothing and other items for back-toschool. Google locations for any of these stores to find your local spot. Childish Things This Greenwood-area shop stands out for its consistent stock of high-end brands like Tea and Petit Bateau (sellers take note).
Neighborhood/local sharing
Sugarlump This Madison Park spot packs a lot of higher-end kids’ cloth ing — think North Face, Hanna Andersson, Crew Cuts — into a

Find hidden treasures, soak in a hot spring, biketo a winery, create a backyard wildlife sanctuary,and the list goes on. . . . In Washington, every weekof the year holds a new outdoor adventure!
cswsplay.org 9450 22nd Ave SW, Seattle 98106
There are so many fun, interesting and/or challenging things to discover in Washington State’s great out doors. But gathering informa tion about them and choosing which direction to go can be daunting work. Do you and your kids bathe in the forest this weekend?
Take a closer look at these schools!
Lauren Bradenis an outdoors and travel writerwhose work has been featuredin Washington Trails, ParentMapOutdoors NW, the Seattle Timesand the Seattle PI. She lives inWest Seattle.

What kids love... What parents love... Preschoolers love directing their own activities! CSWS students create daily plans and teachers support by providing environments and materials needed. Parents love when their kids are seen and loved. CSWS professional educators are skilled in individualizing approaches for each student.
52 TOWAYS NATURE WASHINGTON Braden 52 WAYS WASHINGTONTO YOUR SEASONAL GUIDETO A Wilder YEAR Lauren Braden with ACTIVITY JOURNAL PROMPTS 52Ways_FullCover_Final.indd 1 AdvanceReaderCopyNotForSale CopyrightMountaineersBooks 52 Ways to Nature Washington: Your Seasonal Guide to a Wilder Year
The Community School of West Seattle anchors our program on the core belief that play, exploration and creativity are how children learn. We believe that if a child’s first experience at school is joyful and relevant, if their curiosity is validated and honored, then learning will become a lifelong pursuit.


Community School of West Seattle
School meet the
Saddle up and ride in the wild somewhere in the Evergreen State? Hunt for mushrooms not far from home? And for any of these great ideas, where do you go? What do you need to know? Seattle author Lauren Bra den has made the task of finding and choosing awesome outdoor adventures easier with her new book “52 Ways to Nature Washington: Your Seasonal Guide to a Wilder Year.” Published by Seattle-based The Mountaineers and Skipstone Books, the book is a colorful, hot(bikefamiliesandadventure.pointsasbookperspective,estingEach“Be“GoHavenlight”“Findforofreferenceinformation-packed,easy-to-read,253-pagethatoffersafullyearfuninnatureandsomethingeveryoneinthefamily.IdeasrunthegamutfromRazorClamsbyMoon(Winter)to“CreateaforWildlife”(Spring)toStargazing”(Summer)toaLighthouseKeeper”(Fall).entryisdottedwithinterhistoryandBraden’sownwhichmaketheanenjoyablereadaswellagoodflip-and-goguide.Thefallseason,Bradenout,isfullofoutdoorInSeptember,OctoberNovembershesuggestslooktothemountainsonone),rain(hikeinit),springs(soakandfloat despite the cold) and forest floors (hunt for mushrooms and weird residentsNorthwestThegeology).Pacificoffersduring the fall months, Braden writes: “Our senses compete for the delights of fall — the brilliant hues of fall foliage, the tart crunch of a fresh-picked apple, the woodsy warmth of a crack ling campfire. This is why we must save some vacation days. “ After reading this book, I made a reservation for a fall time, close-to-home, seaview adventure on Vashon Island. We will be taking up residence in the Point Robinson Lighthouse in late October this year, check ing off a big bucket list item for both my daughter and me. How to use the book is there in the title. There are 52 weeks in a year. There are 52 adven tures in these pages. Follow this guide seasonally, weekend to weekend, for a full year of fabulous nature-filled days and nights in Washington State.
— Cheryl Murfin
With ocean beaches,and snowy mountains,State is so rich withit can be hard to Organized by season,Washington offersportunities, rangingat a nearby park toExplore the desertWatch for whalesin summer. Find geologicalforage for mushroomsor razor clammingEach activity includesdestinations, writingfor creative inspiration,make the most of everyhow easy it is to trybring more nature
September/October 2022
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22 SEATTLE’S CHILD September/October 2022

September/October 2022 SEATTLE’S CHILD 23

Aaron Smith is ready to hit the reset button. Coming into his job as direc tor of nutrition services for Seat tle Public Schools almost four years ago, the trained chef had ambitious plans for nour ishing its nearly 55,000 students. His idea to make each child feel welcome in the cafeteria, especially immigrant children accustomed to a different way of eating, had some peo ple scratching their heads. They wondered if Smith’s plans might violate federal regulations for food service and lunch reimbursement. But community leaders of diverse neigh borhoods welcomed him and even shared recipes. Taste testings and DIY soup bars in schools were a huge hit with students. Smith was on a roll. We all know the next part of the story: COVID-19 and Supply-chainlockdown.issuesforced Smith to scram ble and innovate in search of ingredients and equipment; communication with and out reach to students, their parents and commu nity leaders were put on hold. Smith had to revise his plan to slice the district into five cultural regions, serving meals made from scratch and representative of the diverse cul tures among students.
Chefs Aaron Smith and Emme Ribeiro Collins are bringing a world of food and the city’s many cultures to Seattle Schools
Revolution in the lunchroom And yet, as he moves into the 2022-23 school year, Smith is buoyant. If there is anything this Le Cordon Bleu-trained chef knows, it is how to make lemonade when handed lemons.With his “trial by fire” behind him and the start of the 2022-23 school year just around the corner, he is upbeat and ambitious when it comes to the future of meals in Seattle’s public“Theschools.pastthree years have been fun,” he says, with no hint of irony. “It’s forced us to think way out-of-the-box, to be more creative. It’s forced us to push ourselves to the limit and see what we can do. And I think overall it better prepared us for the normal year to come.”
The idea of the lunchtime feast Collins thinks back to when she first expe rienced a school-lunch corn dog. She was 6 years old and a newly arrived immigrant when she first stepped into a Seattle elemen tary school. She stared down at the yellow ish cylinder impaled on a stick and found herself homesick for the lunchtime feasts she enjoyed in Brazil. “Our lunch back home was so different,” she says. “The lunch experience here was not a great experience. So now it’s full circle to be the person in charge of what to serve in school lunches in Seattle, and especially for immigrant children who are coming from different cultures to this American lunch experience.”
A return to ... Let’s call it the new normal. Because Smith’s idea of normal is not about getting back to boring old school lunches, mystery meat and reheated frozen vegetables. It’s about getting back to his plan to revolutionize cafeteria fare. He’s confident he’ll reach his goal of healthy, home-cooked school dining, espe cially with Chef Emme Ribeiro Collins at his side. Collins was named as district chef in September 2019 and became a household name on September14, 2021, when she won the Food Network’s “Chopped” competition. Born in Brazil, Collins is not only helping to shoulder the myriad responsibilities of nu trition services, she is all in on Smith’s vision of seeing school meals reflect the diversity of Seattle students. At the same time, this dynamic food duo wants to lead the district away from “kids’ menus” – the idea that kids need to eat differently than adults – despite some initial resistance from veteran staff members.“Youknow,” says Collins, who is also the mother of Jade, 6, Quincy, 7, and Denise, 14, “the United States is the only place in the world where there’s this kids’ menu idea, where kids have to eat this specialized menu of food. We get used to that and so any type of change ruffles people’s feathers.”
24 SEATTLE’S CHILD September/October 2022
Seattle Public Schools
The School Lunch Revolution “To say we’ll have five different menus for next year would be an unrealistic goal. Rather than five menus, I’m working on 100 different menus!” —AARON
Aaron Smith, director of nutrition services for Seattle Public Schools and Chef Emme Ribeiro Collins. photo by JOSHUA HUSTON SMITH Director of Services for
Stirring the melting pot Diverse cultures in Seattle made a huge im pression on Smith after his arrival here from Chattanooga, Tennessee, where he was the assistant director of nutrition services at the Hamilton County Department of Education. Before that, he was nutrition services depart ment manager at Rockford, Illinois Public Schools, just northwest of his hometown of Chicago.Smith says Seattle struck him as a true melting pot, compared with Chicago, where he says various cultures didn’t always mix.

— Susan Hauser 1 2 3 4 5
5 Tips for Packing
“Rather than five menus, I’m working on 100 different menus!” Smith says. By that he means that the district’s 106 schools will be given more leeway in custom izing menu options. Doing so, he believes, will satisfy the tastes of more students. Last year Seattle Schools served 4.58 million meals including breakfasts and lunches. “If we know that we’re going to have, for example, chicken wings on the menu, we’ll give the schools the flexibility to pick what type of sauce or style they’re going to make them.”

September/October 2022 SEATTLE’S CHILD 25
The reality Smith was hired for his big-change energy and quickly announced a plan to divide the school district into five regions, each focus ing on the cuisine of the dominant culture in that region. Over the last three years, however, he’s learned that the only constant is change.“Tosay we’ll have five different menus for next year would be an unrealistic goal,” he says.What is realistic?
Soups, stews, rice dishes, casseroles are a great leftover meal. This saves you money and time in the kitchen and you know you are packing something that your kids will eat. Kid participation!
Chef Emme Collins’ a ActuallyWillEat
Lunch They
Repurpose leftovers from dinner
“Chicago is a very diverse city but it’s a very segregated city,” explains Smith. “Peo ple just stick to their own neighborhoods. Here it’s really blended and it’s a different set of cultures. You can go to a school and see different cultures and people speaking different languages. I’d never seen it before.”
Follow a basic formula Protein, fruit, veggie and carb (this is similar to our federal meal pattern we have to follow in the national school lunch program). Pack ahead of time! As a busy mom of three, I know how hectic school mornings are. So packing lunch the night before really does make life a little easier for parents.
As a mom I have noticed that when I include my kids in meal planning or prepping, they are more likely to eat the meal. This also goes for my job at SPS: I am always wanting to go out to the schools and get students’ suggestions and feedback. Keep hot food hot and cold food cold As a chef, food safety is always on my mind. Keep in mind that when you are packing school lunch or serving school lunch, that you are keeping foods at the correct temperature. Buy fun little ice packs and a thermos to help you with this.
3. Add the remaining ingredients and simmer over medium heat for 30 minutes.
New ideas need new kitchens
If not, he says, “I may have to write a let ter to the director of whatever that school is: ‘I don’t want to be that parent, but look, this ain’t workin’! Don’t tell me about the USDA rules. I know them. You can do this!’”
Try Chef Emme Collins’ easy lunch recipe!
The pandemic interrupted his practice of meeting with students, their parents and community leaders to learn about their tra ditional cuisines. Until lockdown occurred, he and Collins regularly met with parents and community members to learn more about different cultures in the region. Along the way, they gathered a sizable collection of prized family recipes from many cultures and had conducted numerous taste testings. He cut his community outreach teeth with Americorps in Chicago. “I was going door to door, talking to neighbors and youth organizations,” he says. “What I really learned from people was, ‘I just don’t want to hear talk, I need action.’ So I make sure that I try to act as quickly as I can.”
Looking several years into the future, Smith says he hopes whatever school his now 3-year-old daughter, Cataleya Sky, attends has by then stepped up its game.
As the new year rolls into action, Smith is al ready planning ahead to the 2023-24 school year, when the district’s new central kitchen will be completed. After that, he believes his plans can be more easily realized. With about the same square footage as the current kitch en, the new facility will include an array of top-end cooking equipment, about 10 times more equipment than is being used now. “Chef Emme and I designed it,” says Smith. “We can do a variety of things, from sautéing
Chicken & Chickpea Tikka Masala 1 tbsp vegetable oil ½ onion, diced 1 tsp ginger, minced 1 tsp garlic, minced 1 tbsp tomato paste 1 14.5 oz can diced tomato 1 tsp garam masala 1 cup of cooked chicken, diced or shredded 1 15.5oz can of chickpea ¼ cup unsweetened coconut milk 4 cups of water ¼ cup cilantro, chopped Black pepper, to taste Salt, to taste
— Chef Emme Ribeiro Collins
1. Heat oil in a saucepan over medium heat. Add onions and cook until it begins to soften and become translucent.
In contrast, Seattle students will find things like tamales, arroz con pollo, salmon chowder, chicken banh mi, duck spring rolls, Eritrean lentil stew with injera (sourdough flatbread) and chicken and chickpea tikka masala on their plates. And yes, starting this year meals will be served on plates – just like they are in most homes – not trays. Although all kids in Seattle Schools were offered free meals during the 2021-22 school year, in this coming year families will need to prove eligibility for free or reduced-price lunches. However, at schools where 40% or more of students qualify, meals are free to the entire student body through the federal Community Eligibility Provision. According to the district’s spokesperson, meals in 52 schools and programs will remain free to all students for the 2022-23 school year.
By the Numbers Seattle Public Schools Food Facts 49,500 SeattlestudentsisWashington’slargestschooldistrict. 3.4M SeattleNumberlunchesoflunchesPublicSchoolsservedlastyear. 14M publicallNumberlunchesoflunchesofKingCounty’sschooldistrictsservedlastyear. The School Lunch Revolution $8.8M ingredientsSeattlePublicSchools’foodbudgetin2022.
Community into meals
2. Add ginger and garlic and cook until it becomes fragrant, about 30 seconds.
26 SEATTLE’S CHILD September/October 2022
So far, so good As Smith and Collins find new ways to march the revolution forward, immigrant children and parents say they are already happy to see their tastes and cultures represented in school meals. They are also happy to see dishes made from scratch from fresh, healthy ingredients as the rule rather than the exception. Despite pandemic hurdles, Smith and Collins are delivering what Smith first promised them back in that other age –that time in pre-pandemic 2018 when he first set foot in Seattle Public Schools. A national inspiration Dr. Katie Wilson has been admiring Smith and Collins and their teams at Seattle Public Schools from afar. Wilson is the executive director of the Urban School Food Alliance, a Washington, D.C. nonprofit that was created by school food-service professionals in 2012 to address the needs of the nation’s largest school districts. She said the Seattle schools’ ambitious food program so impressed her and her colleagues around the country that they actively recruited Seattle to become a member of the alliance in 2021. “I think what they’re doing should be showcased,” says Wilson, a former deputy un dersecretary of the USDA during the Obama Administration. “They have stepped up and said, ‘This is important for these children to have a successful experience in education and we want to be a big part of that.’ We’re reallyWilsonimpressed.”lauded Smith, Collins and their team for their bravery in bucking a system mired in bureaucratic red tape. “I think the entire crew in Seattle has to be celebrated,” Wilsan says. “But I tell you what, everything that has come out of that district lately is the most beautiful food I’ve seen.” What’s on the table for 2022-23 Continuing on the same diverse foods path, 2022-23 menus in Seattle schools will be a far cry from the corn dogs and chicken nuggets that remain on the menus of many districts around King County. Along with those perennial school lunch items, a survey of last year’s and some upcoming menus in other districts showed a largely all-American fare: pizza, hamburgers, spaghetti, some times salads or salad bars. Several districts contacted for this article regarding possible innovations in their meal programs did not return contacts before presstime.
Changing perceptions “I think we’ve done a lot to change the perception of school food, especially here in Seattle, with the restau rant-quality dishes we’ve put out there,” says Collins. “As we change the perception, we get a lot more applicants from people who work in restaurants who want to come and work for us.” Even so, there’s work to be done.
“There’s still a lot of people who, when they think of school lunch, they think of chicken nuggets,” Collins says.

SeattleWaterfront.org E XP L O R E E AT P L AY SH O P Enj o y a d a y a t t h e Get up to 3 hours free parking in Pike Garage with purchase on water front HOW ABOUT SOME for just a year! Give yourself or a friend the gift of the magazine and all of our guides! FUN MAIL?FUN MAIL? Get deliv ed $12 seattleschild.com/subscribe September/October 2022 SEATTLE’S CHILD 27 to smoking, steaming -- any type of cooking technique. We will be able to do it in a large batch, where it’s consistent. We want to be able to cover everything, including smoked barbecue that has a real southern taste to it.” The new facility will also have a butcher room, so they’ll be able to process more meat, even break down whole carcasses. Versatile tilting skil lets will replace steam kettles. Farm to Table Collins points to another silver lining on the supply-chain problems that have plagued the last few years. The pivots they necessitated, in addition to a Farm to School grant from the Washington State Department of Agri culture, paved the way to relationships with new suppliers. For example, when she needs seafood, she heads straight for the docks to buy fresh salmon from the Muckleshoot Tribe. A recent delivery of ground beef was more personal than previous deliveries from food distributors U.S. Foods and Cisco. “We bought about 800 pounds of ground beef from a rancher on the east side of Washington, and she drove across the pass with her truck and delivered the ground beef to us,” says Collins. “She called and said, ‘I’m on my way, I’m going across the pass right now!’ It literally came directly from the ranch straight to school.” Both Smith and Collins have restaurant experience and both would like to see more restaurant cooks and culinary school graduates look toward a career of preparing wonderful food for school children.


There is one other thing I remember about my first grade in Renton.Halfway through the year, our teacher, Mrs. Evans, had a heart attack during a math les son and died in front of my class. The room filled with police men and medics. We students were ushered into the cafeteria. Most of the kids didn’t quite understand what had happened. They were joyful to be out of class. But I was in the front row when Mrs. Evans died and I was devastated. She had been very kind to me. The principal gave us color ing pages and crayons and the lunch ladies brought out choco late pudding. I sat hiccupping in my Mr.corner.Park came out of the kitchen and made a beeline to me. He put his arm around me and consoled me. The rules on hugging a sad child were looser then.“Let it out. You let that out,” he whispered gently. “It will all be A-OK.”Eventually I stopped crying. A new teacher arrived. The routine returned. Going to lunch with my special ticket to highfive Mr. Park became my favor ite part of the day. I am not sure if the school meals then were healthy by today’s standards. I assume the ingredients had too much fat and salt and sugar. I’ll never know if the meat was actually meat. Looking at the Renton School District’s recent menus, I still see the pizza and chicken nuggets, fish sticks and spaghetti I was served, now bolstered by a daily “Fruit and Vegetable Garden Bar” as well as alternative milk choices. But I do know those meals filled me up and gave me the energy I needed to get through the day until dinner. I was a good student and grew into a healthy adult. I also know that the lunch man nourished me in ways that continue to benefit and sustain me and my children today.
But by first grade I was already forming the belief that income level equaled one’s worth. I became the ever-embarrassed girl who sat in the last seat at the last table at the back of the cafeteria, trying to become invisible.ButMr. Park saw me. Every now and then he’d pop out of the lunch line, high-five kids around the large hall and race back to his place in line to the delight of teachers and stu dents alike. He never forgot me in the corner. If I was extra shy and kept my hand down, he’d lift it up, reminding me: “Happy is a two-way street! I need your encouragement!” One day, I snuck my card to him under my milk. There was no need to hide it. By then I had figured out that if I was the last in line, nobody would see it. He gave me a knowing look and then reached into his pocket and pulled out his surprise.widenedticket.”mycard.profferingcospiratorilly,is,”what“Youwallet.knowthatheaskeda“That’sfree-lunchMyeyesin“Andyou know what that means? That means I am so special and so valuable that the whole gov ernment of the US of A wants to make sure I have the best food ever.” The three lunch ladies lined up beside him pulled out cards as well, smiling and nodding.“Looks like they think you are awfully special too,” Mr. Park said. “Be proud!” They could have pulled their driver’s licenses from their pockets for all I knew. But I beamed all the way to my faraway table. I glowed like a star. I got up and moved a few tables closer to my classmates. And thus I made my way through first grade, eating bright-orange mac and cheese, wiggly jello squares, “mystery meat” with gravy, drinking notquite-cold milk from cartons and inching toward community.
I was a shy one when I entered first grade at my publicneighborhoodschoolin Renton. I don’t remember the name of the school. It’s been nearly 50 years and those records have long been lost. But I know I didn’t go there long – just that one year. My stepfather was in the military and that meant we moved a lot. But I do remember the lunch man. I’ll call him Mr. Park since his name too has been con sumed by the fog of years and the 14 different school cafeterias of my childhood. He was the lone man in a line of lunch ladies that manned the dishing counter. Every day he stood ready with his ladle, his broad and twinkling smile and a word of encouragement for ev ery child – whether they thought they needed it or not.“Keep your chin up!” to the boy two trays ahead who ig nored him and rushed him my freelunch card, trying to hide it from other kids. I had overheard my parents fighting about how my mom was embarrassed we were so poor we needed free food. “Those kids would starve without the freebies,” my mother had cried. I hold only compassion today. I can’t imag ine the struggle she faced trying to keep four children nourished on an enlisted military salary.
28 SEATTLE’S CHILD September/October 2022 The School Lunch Revolution
I also know that the lunch man nourished me in ways that continue to benefit and sustain me and my children today.
ABOUT OUR WRITER Cheryl Murfin in the managing editor of Seattle’s Child and owner of NestingInstinctsSeattle.com
Rseattleschild.com/directories Your Guide toandAfter-SchoolWeekend Activities

30 SEATTLE’S CHILD September/October 2022 FULLHIBULBPAGE 6410 23rd Ave NE Tulalip, WA 98271 info@HibulbCulturalCenter360-716-2600.org HibulbCulturalCenter.org thehistory and culture of the Tulalip Tribes FIELD TRIPS Guided or self-guided tours, interactive demonstrations, group rates, private rentals and more available.

Russian School of Mathematics Grades K-12 Multiple locations in Bellevue and Redmond mathschool.com RSM is an after-school K–12 math enrichment program with locations in 11 states and a virtual classroom. Recently featured on NPR and in “Atlantic” magazine as one of the key players in the “Math Revolution,” and ranked one of the best schools in the world by the Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth, RSM helps children of all levels build a solid math foundation and develop their critical-thinking and problem-solving skills.
September/October 2022 SEATTLE’S CHILD 31 »Enrich Your guide to after-school activities and beyond AdvertisingSpecialSection „ For our mobile-friendly, totally searchable, frequently updated calendar go to seattleschild.com Looking for classes? Visit our online directory to find new enrichment opportunities. It’s searchable by organization, activity, age of child and location. » seattleschild.com/directories Whether it’s the arts, science or technology, there’s something to spark the interest of every young learner! Check out these aroundenrichmentamazingofferingsourcity: Academic Support ...................... 31 Arts & Crafts ................................. 31 BeforeChildcare:&After-school ................ 31 Family Resources ....................... 32 Multi-activity .............................. 32 Museums .......................................34 Nature and the Outdoors ........34 Performing Arts: Drama, Dance & Music ............ 35 Schools ........................................... 37 S.T.E.M. ........................................... 37 Sports & Wellness ...................... 39ISTOCK

Hamlin Robinson School Grades 1–8 1701 20th Ave. S, Seattle 98144 206-763-1167, info@hamlinrobinson.org hamlinrobinson.org Hamlin Robinson School is the only school in the state of Washington exclusively serving the unique academic, social, and emotional needs of students with dyslexia or other language-based learning differences. Students discover the joy of learning, build positive self-esteem, explore creative potential and acquire the specific language skills necessary for success.
CHILDCARE: BEFORE & AFTER-SCHOOL Samena Swim & Recreation Club Preschool Ages 2.5–4, Before & After Care: Ages 5–12 15231 Lake Hills Blvd., Bellevue 98007 425-746-1160, info@samena.com samena.com Samena Preschool is a play-based curriculum addressing social and motor skills, art, STEM and swimming. Samena Before & After Care is a state-licensed program

ARTS & CRAFTS Gage Academy of Art Ages 6 and older 1501 10th Ave. E, Ste. 101, Seattle 98102 206-323-4243, info@gageacademy.org gageacademy.org Comic artists, animators, game designers and graphic artists all start somewhere! With our roster of top-notch youth instructors, Gage Academy of Art offers both in-person and online youth programs to fit your family’s needs. From traditional painting and drawing to digital storytelling and character creation, your child will have the opportunity to thrive in a Gage Youth Program!

The Jewish Federation is here to help your family figure out how Jewish works for you–from PJ Library (ages 0-8) and PJ Our Way (ages 9-12) Jewish-themed books mailed directly to your home to singing songs together. Every Jewish family has a home with Federation. MULTI-ACTIVITY J Kids at the Stroum Jewish Community Center Ages 3–12 3801 East Mercer Way Mercer Island, WA 98040 info@sjcc.org sjcc.org The Stroum Jewish Community Center’s J Kids program has something for kids at all stages during every season of the year. J Kids includes J Camps (including our popular Summer J Camp and School’s Out J Camp), Kidstown After-School Care program, After-School Enrichment Classes (K-5th grade), Early Childhood Enrichment Classes (ages 3-4), group swim lessons (ages 3-12), youth sports leagues (like Dinky Dunkers), and special event programs. Everyone is welcome! KidsQuest Children’s Museum Ages Newborn-10 1116 108th Ave. NE, Bellevue 98004 425-637-8100, kidsquestmuseum.orginfo@ kidsquestmuseum.org »Enrich
Department of Children, Youth & Families |
Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle and PJ Library® & PJ Our Way™ Ages Newborn-12 info@jewishinseattle.org206-443-5400 jewishinseattle.org
32 SEATTLE’S CHILD September/October 2022 for children ages 5-12, with fun and safe activities from art and games to swimming. FAMILY RESOURCES


Strengthening Families WA Ages Prenatal–5 years 1110 Jefferson St. SE, Olympia 98501 strengtheningfamilies@DCYF.wa.gov360-480-9640 child-development-supports/sfwadcyf.wa.gov/services/ Strengthening Families Washington is a program within the Department of Children, Youth & Families whose main focus is helping families become stronger together through a variety of tactics, including home visiting, community outreach and partnerships, and funding opportunities with local organizations. In addition, we assist with several public-awareness campaigns, including Speak Up When You’re Down, Have A Plan: Shaken Baby Syndrome, and Safe Sleep.

the parent(s). • Frameable keepsake. • For each $45 purchase of an Heirloom Birth Certificate, $20 is tax deductible. To buy a certificate, visit the Department of Health or order online at: HeirloomBirthCertificates’BirthDeathMarriageandDivorce/OrderCertificates/www.doh.wa.gov/LicensesPermitsandCertificates/ To find out more information on Children’s Trust, child abuse prevention and the DCYF Strengthening Families Program visit: supports/sfwachild-development-www.dcyf.wa.gov/services/

Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle and PJ Library® & PJ Our Way™ Ages Newborn-12 info@jewishinseattle.org206.443.5400 jewishinseattle.org
Young Women Empowered Ages 13-26 5623 Rainier Ave. S, Seattle 98118 206-519-2426, info@y-we.org y-we.org Young Women Empowered (Y-WE) is a nonprofit that serves young women, trans, and non-binary people ages 13-26. We host after-school programs, events and summer camps that focus on leadership development, skill building, creativity and mentorship. birthplace of
Samena Swim & Recreation Club Preschool Ages Before2.5–4&After Care: Ages 5–12 15231 Lake Hills Blvd., Bellevue 98007 425-746-1160, info@samena.com samena.com Samena Preschool is a play-based curriculum addressing social and motor skills, art, STEM and swimming. Samena Before & After Care is a state-licensed program for children ages 5-12, with fun and safe activities from art and games to swimming.
Oxbow Farm & Conservation Center All ages 10819 Carnation-Duvall Road NE, Carnation 98014 425-788-1134, thedirt@oxbow.org oxbow.org Oxbow’s Education programs connect you to the magic of Oxbow and bring science topics to life in a safe and meaningful way. Choose to book a Family Adventure alongside an educator, attend Oxbow’s events and camps, or stop by for some free exploration of our kid-friendly farm fields, forests and wetlands that set the stage for families to play in, learn about and connect to the Earth in a safe and inclusive setting.
The Jewish Federation is here to help your family figure out how Jewish works for you–from PJ Library (ages 0-8) and PJ Our Way (ages 9-12) Jewish-themed books mailed directly to your home to singing songs together. Every Jewish family has a home with Federation.

425.746.1160 USDA SNACKS PROVIDED | SWIMMING HOMEWORK CLUB | GUIDED ACTIVITIES PRIVATE & DSHS WELCOMESAMENA NOW ENROLLING 425-746-1160 | SAMENA.COM BEFORE & AFTER CARE SAMENA.COM It’s so much more than a gift! Washington State Heirloom Birth Certificate DCYF FS_0016 (09-19) A portion of the proceeds from each birth certificate benefits the Children’s Trust Fund of Washington, administered by the Washington State Department of Children, Youth & Families (DCYF) Strengthening Families Program. • This official birth certificate is personally signed by the Governor and State Registrar. • Certificate is 8 1/2 x 11 and includes the name, date and place of birth, as well as the name and

September/October 2022 SEATTLE’S CHILD 33

KidsQuest Children’s Museum is all about providing hands-on learning opportunities for children and their families. As an educational institution, we offer on-site classes, on-site field trips, and our Field Trips to Go program, where the KidsQuest staff comes to your child’s school. From stepping into your child’s classroom with a special lesson plan, to KidsQuest classes, to special events, all of which are full of joy, learning and enrichment—at KidsQuest, your child will learn and thrive!

NATURE AND THE OUTDOORS Wilderness Awareness School Ages 4–18 PO Box 219, PMB 137 Duvall 98019 wasnet@wildernessawareness.org425-788-1301 wildernessawareness.org Monthly and weekly school year nature programs create a strong connection to the outdoor world, as facilitated by highly experienced nature mentors. Opportunities are available in five convenient locations (Seattle, Kenmore, Issaquah, Carnation and Duvall) and are offered for kids ages 4-18. With over 35 years of experience mentoring in nature, Wilderness Awareness School is an internationally recognized leader in outdoor education. Our mission is to help children and adults cultivate healthy relationships with nature, community and self. music class 8 & the ups them! www.sunshinemusictogether.com 206.281.1111

KidsQuest Children’s Museum Ages Newborn-10 1116 108th Ave. NE, Bellevue 98004 info@kidsquestmuseum.org425-637-8100 kidsquestmuseum.org KidsQuest Children’s Museum is all about providing hands-on learning opportunities for children and their families. As an educational institution, we offer on-site classes, on-site field trips, and our Field Trips to Go program, where the KidsQuest staff comes to your child’s school. From stepping into your child’s classroom with a special lesson plan, to KidsQuest classes, to special events, all of which are full of joy, learning and enrichment—at KidsQuest, your child will learn and thrive!

Enrich Weekly

34 SEATTLE’S CHILD September/October 2022 Our goal is to create a community of belonging where young people can be their authentic selves.

MUSEUMS Hibulb Cultural Center & Natural History Preserve All ages 6410 23rd Ave. NE, Tulalip 98271 info@hibulbculturalcenter.org360-716-2600 hibulbculturalcenter.org The Hibulb Cultural Center and Natural History Preserve is a place to learn about the cultural values and history of the Tulalip Tribes. Interactive displays give you a historic perspective of the connectedness of the Tulalip Tribes. Celebrate the traditional, usual and accustomed territories of Tulalip that serve as a constant reminder of the tribes’ historic connection to the land. Check our website for more information.
who LOVE

Queen Anne Green Lake Magnolia West Seattle
for children birth to age

Sunshine Music Together Ages Newborn–8 Multiple Locations 206-281-1111 info@sunshinemusictogether.com sunshinemusictogether.com Music Together is an innovative, inter nationally recognized, research-based music and movement program for children, their parents and caregiv Hamlin Robinson School Igniting the academic and creative potential of students with dyslexia and other language-based learning differences. Learn more at www.hamlinrobinson.org for just year! our

The Creative Dance Center nurtures creativity and learning through joyful dance experiences. Year-round class es include Nurturing Baby, Caregiver/ Child, Creative Dance, Modern, Ballet, Hip Hop and Jazz. There are classes for the whole family--early childhood, elementary ages, middle school, high school and adult. The Creative Dance Center is where dance and brain de velopment play together!
Creative Dance Center Ages 2 months–adult 12577 Densmore Ave. N, Seattle 98133 206-363-7281 info@creativedance.org creativedance.org

Drama Kids of North, South and East King County Ages 4–18 1717 Maple Valley Hwy., Renton 98057 425-654-0699 dramakidsinternational.wa3@gmail. com kent-wadramakids.com/rention-issaquahAt Drama Kids, we focus on the pos itive development of critical life skills like public speaking, creative think ing, leadership and social/emotional learning. Participating in our program has been shown to improve a stu dent’s self-confidence, empathy and academic achievement. Our curricu lum has been vetted by hundreds of thousands of kids around the world since the 1980s. We provide our class es at schools and community cen ters throughout the community, so if we’re not in your school or neighbor hood, please ask for us.

Chickadee Music Together Ages Newborn–5 (mixed-age classes) Locations in Ballard, Phinney Ridge and northeast Seattle 206-334-8002 chickadeemt@gmail.com chickadeemusic.com Sing, dance, play and learn! Chicka dee Music Together offers engaging, research-based family music classes for children ages newborn through five and the grownups who love them. The songs in our nine collec tions span a rich variety of tonalities, meters and musical styles. Indoor and outdoor classes in Ballard, Phinney Ridge and northeast Seattle.
guides! FUN MAIL?FUN MAIL? Get deliv ed $12 seattleschild.com/subscribe Everything Family SeattlesChild GET OUT AND GO Your guide to this summer seattleschild.com/directories FREE

Give yourself or a friend the gift of the magazine and all of

September/October 2022 SEATTLE’S CHILD 35
36 SEATTLE’S CHILD September/October 2022 Chickadee Music Together chickadeemusic.com (206) 334-8002 Music and movement classes for children birth through five and the grown-ups who love them! Join our musical community! Phinney Ridge • NE Seattle • Ballard Indoor and Outdoor Classes Home of the BrainDance Nurturing Baby • Caregiver-Child Family Dance • Creative Dance • Ballet Modern • Jazz • Hip Hop Adaptive BrainDance Enroll Now for Fall creativedance.orgClasses! Your guide to a kid-friendly city Subscribe to our e-newsletters for family fun around the Puget Sound! seattleschild.com/subscribe deliv ed to y r inb ! SKILLS FOR THEATRE... SKILLS FOR LIFE THEATRE CLASSES ISSAQUAH & EVERETT STARTING SEP 17, 2022 FALL INTO FUN WITH KIDSTAGE Visit: VillageTheatre.org/YouthEducation Call: (425) 392-1942 or Email: KIDSTAGE@VillageTheatre.org REGISTER TODAY!

September/October 2022 SEATTLE’S CHILD 37 1/2H 7.375" x 4.875"

Young Women Empowered (Y-WE) is a nonprofit that serves young women, trans and non-binary people ages 13-26. We host after-school programs, events and summer camps that focus on leadership development, skill building, creativity and mentorship. Our goal is to create a community of belonging, where young people can be their authentic selves. Y-WE provides young people with the tools to reach their full potential. We center BIPOC and LGBTQ+ youth, and our mentors and staff are reflective of the youth we serve. We do everything we can to set up the next generation of leaders in our community for success! y-we.org 5623 Rainier Ave. S, Seattle 98118 206-519-2426 info@y-we.org dramakids.com/wa3 425-654-0699 • dramakidsinternational.wa3@gmail.com

Drama Kids International believes that children should have the opportunity to develop their oral and presentation skills, and to express themselves through fun, creative activities. We’re committed to providing all students with an extraordinary experience in developing their confidence and skills via the use of exciting, fast-paced drama techniques developed over 25 years in multiple countries.Ifyouwould like to bring our exciting after-school enrichment programs to your King County school, please contact us at 425-654-0699 or email dramakidsinternational.wa3@gmail.com.
Take a closer look at these local businesses!
ers. It is based on the understanding that all children are inherently musical. We offer Rhythm Kids for children ages 5-8 and Babies classes for newborn-8 months. Class sessions run in fall, winter, spring and summer, with locations in Queen Anne, Magnolia, West Seattle, Green Lake and Capitol Hill. Both in-person and online classes are available.
Rock Solid Science Grades K–6 Mobile programs and field trips 206-715-2556, info@rocksolidscience. com rocksolidscience.com

Young Women Empowered Drama Kids
Village Theatre KIDSTAGE Ages 5-20 120 Front St. N, Issaquah 98027 KIDSTAGE@villagetheatre.org425-740-5035
Make lifelong memories at KIDSTAGE this fall. Come sing, dance, act and use your imagination in our fall classes, where you will build confidence, meet new friends, and develop your creativity. Village Theatre KIDSTAGE offers classes for students of all experience levtels, Kindergarten to age 20. Registration is open and classes run through November 19th. We can’t wait to see you there!

Rock Solid Science is an outreach partner offering fun geology programs at your school. Explore rocks, minerals and earth science concepts

Samena Swim & Recreation Club Preschool Ages Before2.5–4&After Care: Ages 5–12 15231 Lake Hills Blvd., Bellevue 98007 425-746-1160, info@samena.com samena.com
BusinessMEET THE

Hamlin Robinson School Grades 1–8 1701 20th Ave. S, Seattle 98144 206-763-1167, info@hamlinrobinson.org hamlinrobinson.org Hamlin Robinson School is the only school in the state of Washington exclusively serving the unique academic, social, and emotional needs of students with dyslexia or other language-based learning differences. Students discover the joy of learning, build positive self-esteem, explore creative potential and acquire the specific language skills necessary for success.
Samena Preschool is a play-based curriculum addressing social and motor skills, art, STEM and swimming. Samena Before & After Care is a state-licensed program for children ages 5-12, with fun and safe activities from art and games to swimming. S.T.E.M. KidsQuest Children’s Museum Ages Newborn-10 1116 108th Ave. NE, Bellevue 98004 425-637-8100, kidsquestmuseum.orginfo@ kidsquestmuseum.org KidsQuest Children’s Museum is all about providing hands-on learning opportunities for children and their families. As an educational institution, we offer on-site classes, on-site field trips, and our Field Trips to Go program, where the KidsQuest staff comes to your child’s school. From stepping into your child’s classroom with a special lesson plan, to KidsQuest classes, to special events, all of which are full of joy, learning and enrichment—at KidsQuest, your child will learn and thrive!
38 SEATTLE’S CHILD September/October 2022 The Russian School of Mathematics is an award-winning, afterschool math enrichment program. We use the rigorous study of mathematics as a vehicle to develop our students’ math fluency, intellect, and character, empowering them for life. Schedule a FREE Math Evaluation! Fall Classes NowRedmondEnrolling! (425) 616-3511 Factoria (425) 230-6452 Bellevue (425) 518-6114 3 Locations in WA RussianSchool.com Classes Now Enrolling for the Fall


September/October 2022 SEATTLE’S CHILD 39 that make connections and pique interest in STEM subjects. For more information, please visit us online.

Learn to Skate Learn to Play PartiesPublic Skating For all ages Ages 4 & up SNOQUALMIE ~ RENTON ~

Multiple locations in Bellevue and Redmond mathschool.com RSM is an after-school K–12 math enrichment program with locations in 11 states and a virtual classroom. Recently featured on NPR and in “Atlantic” magazine as one of the key players in the “Math Revolution,” and ranked one of the best schools in the world by the Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth, RSM helps children of all levels build a solid math foundation and develop their critical-thinking and problem-solving skills.
Sno-King Ice Arenas Ages 3-adult Locations in Kirkland, Renton and Snoqualmie 425-425-8750, office@snokingice.com snokingicearenas.com Sno-King Ice Arena is an ice sports community recreation facility off ering programs for ages 3 and older, including Learn to Skate, Learn to Play, birthday parties, public skating, group parties and youth and adult hockey leagues. Sno-King operates three locations on Seattle’s Eastside based out of Kirkland, Renton and Snoqualmie.

Young Women Empowered (Y-WE) is a nonprofit that serves young women, trans, and non-binary people ages 13-26. We host after-school programs, events and summer camps that focus on leadership development, skill building, creativity and mentorship. Our goal is to create a community of belonging where young people can be their authentic selves.
Young Women Empowered Ages 13-26 5623 Rainier Ave. S, Seattle 98118 206-519-2426, info@y-we.org y-we.org
Russian School of Mathematics Grades K-12

SPORTS & WELLNESS Rain City Fencing Center Ages 8-adult 1776 136th Place NE, Bellevue 98005 info@raincityfencing.com425-747-6300 raincityfencing.com How do you score touches on your opponent without getting hit yourself? It takes fast thinking, dynamic footwork and a good strategy. The Olympic sport of fencing is safe, exciting and fun! We have classes and summer camps for ages 8 through adult. All fencing equipment is provided. Think. Fast. Fencing.

PoisonsPotions, Pumpkins!& Find out more at kidsquestmuseum.org and venomous snakes and their medicinal properties, or smash a pumpkin with a hammer! This event is Halloween fun for the whole family! $15 per child, $8 per non-member adult, member adults are free. Wear a costume to double the fun! Spooky Kooky Workshops: THU, OCT 27, 2022, 5:30 7pm FRI, OCT 28, 2022, 5:30 - 7pm Virtual Spooky Kooky Workshop: Kits are available for purchase OCT 1 - 26, and will ship to your home by OCT 28. Pumpkins at KidsQuest Children’s Museum’s annual learn about poisonous plants 4:30pm •