CER July 2013

Page 7

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Georgia, USA: Where the World Does Business Georgia is home and birthplace to the likes of the Coca Cola Company, Gone with the Wind, James Brown, the world’s largest aquarium and Martin Luther King, Jr. Georgia is also known for having a world-class logistics infrastructure, moderate climate, exciting tourism destinations, probusiness environment and talented workforce. With its low cost of doing business and attractive quality of life, Georgia welcomes investment from Chinese companies. Located at the heart of the southeastern United States, one of the fastest growing and most populous regions of the country, companies can reach 80 percent of the U.S. via a two-day drive or a two-hour flight. In Georgia, the world’s busiest, most efficient passenger airport, as well as the fastest-growing port in the U.S., offers global access. Delta Air Lines has multiple one-connection daily flights from Atlanta to Beijing and Shanghai, and the Georgia Ports Authority (GPA) has an established relationship with nine port cities in China. Chinese companies will find Georgia’s business climate thriving and its global community vibrant. More than 75 percent of the Fortune 500 companies

have operations in the capital city of Atlanta and the state is home to 16 Fortune 500 headquarters, the third largest concentration in the U.S. More than 70 international governments have a presence in Georgia, and 3,000 facilities from 60 countries, including China, operate throughout the state. Businesses in Georgia are fueled by skilled and knowledgeable employees. Georgia’s workforce is young, productive and growing rapidly, more than half the population is between ages 20-54. One of the largest public university systems in the U.S., the University System of Georgia, encompasses a total of 31 public colleges and universities. Every student in Georgia who graduates from high school with above average marks is eligible for a HOPE scholarship, a nationally recognized program which provides tuition assistance to any college, university or technical school in the state. Georgia is also home to the acclaimed Georgia Quick Start program, ranked first in the nation for workforce training. Quick Start provides free, comprehensive workforce solutions for new and expanding companies.

The state continues to grow while sustaining a gracious style of living, a beautiful natural setting and a cultured atmosphere for living and working. Georgia is recognized for its business-friendly attitude, logistics and communications infrastructure, and modest costs of living and doing business – the ideal environment for companies, their executives, and their employees to thrive. “We are a diverse state geographically and are blessed with an abundance of natural resources and a temperate climate. We have the right business environment to help make companies successful, favorable regulations and tax structure, and a great consortium of government, business and academic communities. We have the world’s busiest and most efficient airport and the fastest growing port in the U.S., which have helped us attract international businesses. Our global reach is expanding every day,� said Governor Nathan Deal. To learn more about Georgia, USA, contact Seth Jacobs, Georgia’s investment representative based in Qingdao, at sjacobs@georgia.org or visit Georgia.org.


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