Kids Direct Liverpool - Winter 2012

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Free! Winter 2012 R

Win! Family tickets to see Sleeping Beauty at the Echo Arena Big Top.

Interview with Julia Donaldson

Win! A guitar from Dawsons.

All the local information Liverpool parents really need!

Kids Direct Liverpool

Education & Childcare

Winter 2012


Kids Direct Liverpool

Editors Note

Hello and welcome to our 2ⁿ� issue of Kids Direct Liverpool. Our launch copy in the summer went down very well. Thank you to our readers, schools and advertisers for your positive feedback. We will keep up the good work just for you. In this issue we have some great competitions for you. Win family tickets to see the fabulous Sleeping Beauty panto in the Waterfront Big Top at the Echo Arena (pg 24) . Win a Redwood junior electric guitar with Dawsons music (pg 12). Underwater street (pg 13) have family tickets to give away in their great competition, Camp Cupcake are giving you the opportunity to win a lovely Camp Cupcake Decorating party for 5 people (pg 15), A months family pass can be won at David Lloyd leisure with free day passes for all that enter (pg 26) and you can win a mountain bike with .uk (pg 31). So make sure you enter to be in with a chance of winning. We went to meet the inspirational children's laureate Julia Donaldson author of “The Gruffalo” and another 120 books many of which I’m sure you may know off by heart.

Winter 2012

We also have a very interesting article on Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and Irlen’s with lots of detailed information and practical suggestions for parents and teachers. All that is left to say now is have a wonderful Christmas and very happy new year and we will see you in the spring with our next issue. Best wishes,

Dyslexia -The low down! page 4

See pages 10 &11 for our interview with author of The Gruffalo, Julia Donaldson. Try our quick Christmas Scones recipe on pg 26 courtesy of @kids_direct

Kids Direct is owned by Megan Kneale. Registered trademark no. 1468409. Kids Direct Liverpool is a franchise owned, operated & published under licence by Anna Taylor. We believe all information to be correct but do not endorse any products or services. The views expressed in Kids Direct are not necessarily those of the publisher. The publisher cannot be held responsible for any breach of copyright arising from artwork supplied by its contributors and clients. Reproduction, in whole or in part, of any of the text, illustrations or photography without the express permission of the publisher is strictly forbidden. Competitions: Prize winners will be drawn at random, no cash alternatives will be offered. Personal information will not be shared with organisations external to Kids Direct unless a third party is issuing the prize.

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Kids Direct Liverpool


Winter 2012

Dyslexia… I knew very little about conditions such as Dyslexia and Dyspraxia when I was a newly qualified teacher back in 1995, mainly because lectures at teacher training college barely touched on these. So when a mother of one of my student’s, named Paul, who presented with early reading failure, very poor self esteem and confidence and a weak knowledge of phonics, approached me and asked whether I thought it was dyslexia, I straight away denied it. I then realised that I didn’t have a clue what it was and everyone I approached in school treated it as a taboo subject; it seemed everyone was in denial because the LEA didn’t recognise the condition. Paul’s parents paid for a private assessment for dyslexia, dysgraphia and Irlen Syndrome. It was then that I started to take on board how to help all children with literacy ‘differences’ and Paul helped me see that he had a preferred learning style. Armed with intervention tips for Paul, I got to grips with working with a visual and auditory learner. Everything was taught in a multi-sensory way and thankfully, he started to thrive. Little did I know then that I would be using these skills to identify problems with both of my sons. After being assessed by the Educational Psychologist, Occupational Therapist and Pediatrician (all arranged through school), my eldest son was labelled SpLD as he presented with overlapping problems: bits of dyslexia, dysgraphia and dyspraxia. My younger son had identical issues as my elder, but had also been diagnosed with Autism. I am currently completing my Masters in Dyslexia and I hope to test my boys for Irlen’s syndrome in March next when I qualify as a screener. This tests for scotopic sensitivity and up to 80% of dyslexics can also have tracking problems where the print seems to jump about or the words move place or come off the line. They struggle when copying from the white board as words get lost in transition and they have problems with depth perception. The screening test will identify if they suffer from this and identify which coloured overlays/tinted glasses are needed for writing. Changing the colour on their computer screen may help so the white glare doesn’t physically drain them and the words stop jumping. A coloured overlay can improve a child’s reading instantly by 6 months and help them to stay focused for longer periods. Common symptoms of a learner with dyslexia: Throughout their schooling, a learner with dyslexia may: * Appear bright, have areas in which they excel but can't get thoughts down * Be clumsy, have poor attention and retention. Struggle to remember rhymes, times tables and lines for plays and songs * Act as the class clown to mask their academic failure * Become withdrawn and isolated with poor self esteem * Only able to do one thing or follow one instruction at a time * Look 'glazed', 'switched off' and frustrated * Go home exhausted after “over-learning” and their brain having to put so much more effort in * Have a poor sense of direction and confuses left and right * Have phonological deficit and difficulty in saying multi-syllabic words * Have no interest or poor motivation in reading and spellings and pronounced reading difficulties * Have difficulty tying shoelaces and getting dressed * Have language discrepancies, short term memory limitations and poor be articulators * Muddle, omit or repeat words and lines * Reverse letters and sometimes numbers and have messy writing which is deliberately formed (dyscalculia) * Have a disparity between spoken and written language. Family history is significant as dyslexia is often inherited but parents may not be aware of their own dyslexia. Dyslexia cannot be cured, as it is a lifelong difficulty, but with specialist teaching and a willingness to learn, it can help them to gain automaticity and to achieve their full potential.


Kids Direct Liverpool


Winter 2012

Things you can do to help your child to get the support he/she needs: * Keep a diary of events and when developmental landmarks are achieved. * Talk to the SENCO or the member of staff allocated to dyslexic informal screening. Express your concerns regarding your child’s language/literacy difficulties if they are not making the expected 2 sublevels of progress year on year or you see that they are lacking in self esteem. Ask if they can make any pupil premium funding available. * If your child is on the Special Needs register, please seek advice from the Teacher to see what extra help they can apply for in order to get the best from your child during formal tests. These can include things such as: 25 % extra time, use of mind mapping technology and ICT, breaks for the loo and rest breaks, a room where your child can read aloud or be less distracted, ask for someone to scribe his or her answers, sloping desks, special pens, ask for a reader for Maths (we are not assessing their literacy here) as it will pace them to answer more questions, hand and brain exercises before and during the tests and most importantly time prompts using big timers/hour glass. These all help your child to relax and not only reduces anxiety levels but can also de-clutter a busy brain and gives them 'thinking' time. However, schools will need to prove that this is normal procedure for your child before they apply. * At home, play sequencing games and use aids to master the alphabet and dictionary work. * Use ICT as much as you can and encourage school to lighten the load. Play games such as Wordshark and Numbershark etc. There are lots of apps on the Ipad such as Dragon Dictate, Dragon Speaks, Ibooks, Typ-O, My homework, Evernote, Martha Speaks, Spell That and Web Reader to help with reading, spellings, study skills, mind mapping and organising their timetable. * Over-learning phonemes, graphemes and diagraphs. Do so in a multisensory fashion so 2-3 modalities are being used at once and more opportunities are created to remember it. E.g. Say the blend as they trace it (kineasthetic), say it aloud (auditory) and see it (visual). Use sand, sandpaper letters, play dough, magnetic letters, and baking letters and blends. Get them to join their blends and words fluently as joined up handwriting helps aid their spelling brains. * Working memory training-strategies and mindfulness techniques to empty a cluttered brain. Teach them what to do if they forget something. * Use mnemonics, alliterations, spoonerism activities and visual aids such as knuckles for months of the year or fingers for their 9 x tables to take the work load off them or tracing words on their thigh to help them remember. * Look at alternatives such as Music therapy or seeing a chiropractor. Music therapists can work out which notes turn a child’s brain off and which keep it switched on. They will then design some bespoke pieces of music for your child to play on their ipod whilst working or studying so that they are just listening to the notes that keep them focused. A chiropractor can work on your child’s skull, spine and pelvis to spot misalignments and to work on poor muscle tone. Working on the nervous system is relaxing but also allows messages to travel more freely along the neural pathways. * Ask a private tutor with an interest or qualification in dyslexia to assess your child to come up with targets and a general view of where they are. Pay for a one off consultation like those available with Face2Face Tuition where they will provide you with dyslexic strategies and materials needed for your child to work on at home. * Build on your child’s positives and less on their weakness i.e. lots of praise and incentives. Learn 3 positive affirmations a week. * A good diet with a fish oil supplement may help to keep your child focused. * Don’t compare your child to others with parents at the school gate. Walk away from these discussions, as parents gloating will cause unnecessary anxiety. I found with my son that he caught up or even steamed ahead of these children by time he sat his SATS in Year 6. Useful Contacts: With special thanks to Barbara McCoy for writing this article. Barbara McCoy 0781 4044390 The Dyspraxia Foundation 01462 454986 Parent Partnership Service to give carers support in the LEA. for disability allowance. ** Kathleen Phillips & Sylvia Phillips - Teaching Literacy to Learners with Dyslexia. A multi-sensory Approach. 2011 SAGE London

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Kids Direct Liverpool

Education & Childcare

Winter 2012

Jean Robb and Hilary Letts are experts in helping children. Parents worldwide have found their ‘Creating Kids Who Can’ books invaluable. Teachers and lecturers have found their style, ideas and holistic approach stimulating and inspirational and children have found their methods supportive and successful. With vast experience of teaching all ages and abilities Jean and Hilary provide a service to parents and children that is unique and powerful. At Successful Learning Jean and Hilary’s knowledge and analytical approach enables them to assess constantly where a child’s strengths and weaknesses are and provide parents with up to the minute feedback about their child’s progress. Children recover quickly from setbacks, develop new skills and discover the delight of their previously unrecognised strengths and potential. Contact 0151 625 2619.

In our city there are around 800 babies, children and teenagers, who for many reasons are unable to live with their birth families. Liverpool City Council is appealing for readers to spend five minutes considering the future of these children. Are you currently considering fostering? If you have ever considered fostering, now might be the time to find out more – phone the council’s dedicated team on 0151 515 0000 to talk through any questions you may have or arrange to receive an information pack. Could you help us find foster carers? If fostering is not for you, or not for you right now, why not display one of the council’s posters in a nearby centre or school? Email to ask for copies of the eye catching posters to be sent to you. Are you part of a local community group who could help? Lastly, if you belong to a local community group and you would like the team to come along and talk about the role of fostering then please get in touch. Will you spend a few minutes of your time to help? The council are seeking foster carers from all sections of the community. Foster carers can be single, partnered, married, gay or lesbian with or without birth children of their own. There is a particular need for foster carers with more than one spare room to help keep brothers and sisters together and for foster carers interested in offering short break support to the families of children with disabilities.


Kids Direct Liverpool

Education & Childcare

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Winter 2012


Kids Direct Liverpool

Education & Childcare

Winter 2012

Kiddy Academy Day Nurseries are a family owned business of mum and 2 daughters who collectively have an extensive childcare background. They are passionate about delivering a quality service to suit individual family needs, whilst creating an environment that gives parents complete confidence that their child is happy, secure and well cared for. All their staff are fully qualified, very experienced and friendly. At Kiddy Academy your child's development is very important to them, so they appoint a key-person to your child who nurtures and monitors their development and also becomes your point of contact. They also do school pick ups and after school clubs. Contact Kelly on 0151 345 0029 or visit their website


Kids Direct Liverpool

Just For Fun

Winter 2012

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Kids Direct Liverpool


Kids Direct meets children’s laureate Julia Donaldson There can’t be many families that don’t have at least one Julia Donaldson book on their shelf, and it’s usually one that you will know quite a lot off by heart. Julia is the author of over 120 books including the famous “Gruffalo” of the “terrible tusks, terrible claws and terrible teeth in his terrrible jaws”. Now if you hadn’t guessed, Julia usually writes in rhyme, which is one of the reasons children adore her stories and that both tiny tots and their parents can recite whole chunks of her books. Julia Donaldson was appointed as the new Children’s laureate in 2011, a post she will keep for two years. The children’s laureate is a post that was dreamed up by Ted Hughes, then poet laureate and his friend Michael Morpurgo, to mark a lifetime’s contribution to children’s literature and to highlight the importance of children’s books. The first laureate was Quentin Blake, illustrator of Roald Dahl’s books (among others) in 1999 and previous laureates include Jaqueline Wilson, Ann Fine and Michael Morpurgo himself. Julia plans to promote music, drama and libraries as these are very close to her heart. She regularly acts out her stories often accompanied by her husband Malcolm who plays along on his guitar and was with her on her recent visit to Bromborough Library where Kids Direct met up with her. “Libraries are very close to my heart, and so is performance. This tour is my way of bringing the two together. I want it to be a huge celebration of libraries.”

Winter 2012

Julia started out working in educational publishing and wrote songs and poems. “As a student I went busking in Paris, and began writing my own songs for adults and children. When I sent a tape of songs to the BBC they started to use them on children’s television programmes. It was only when the words of one of my songs, “A Squash and a Squeeze” were made into a book in 1993 that I turned my hand to book-writing. Now I often write songs to go with the books, and these are included in the audio and Big Book versions.” What comes first the rhyme or the story? “Oh the storyline comes first, or sometimes a setting or a character. I had a eureka moment with the character for “The Snail and the Whale” and also for “Running in the Cracks” which is one of my teenage books.” What’s the best thing about writing for children? “One of the best things is knowing how pleasurable it is reading to children, when a parent tells me they love reading to their child at bedtime because it’s one of my books, I love contributing to that relationship between parents and children.” During her visit to Wirral, Julia and her husband Malcolm watched a performance of “The Stick Man” by pupils at St Andrew’s Primary School, which she was thrilled by. She then entertained children from ten local schools with interactive plays of a number of her stories, with children joining in enthusiastically. This was particularly relevant to Julia who has a website called picture book plays where she, in her role as laureate, wants to encourage children to act out picture-book stories, either as a classroom activity or as a performance to an audience (or both!). “ I’m really keen to encourage this kind of drama. As well as being fun it increases children’s confidence and stimulates their imaginations, and for many it can be a route into books and reading.” Sue Rowe, Children’s librarian tell us that “we have had brilliant feedback from the schools who took part in Julia Donaldson’s visit, they have reported a lasting effect on children’s reading and writing and it was an experience they will remember forever.” When Julia was appointed children’s laureate her predecessor , Anthony Browne, left her an open letter urging: “Do everything you can to support libraries - God knows, they need every bit of help they can get nowadays. Everyone will pay the price in the long term.”


Kids Direct Liverpool


Julia has enthusiastically taken up the challenge and has just finished a national tour visiting libraries to highlight their importance to communities especially in these times of budget cuts which are closing many libraries across the country. Julia has also written an open letter to the culture secretary Maria Millar, published in the Independent On Sunday, citing a recent survey by the website Public Libraries News, which suggests nearly 250 libraries are currently under threat of closure, have been closed or have left local authority control. She states "I am particularly concerned about the effect the cuts and closures are having on children's reading. Today many towns have no bookshops. If they also have no library, where are children to find books?” Kids Direct asked “Why are you passionate about libraries? “Libraries are a place where you can borrow loads of books without having to pay for them, they are an invaluable resource for everyone, and if you want to keep them- use them, write to your MP, find a local campaign group, sign a petition and make your voice heard!” Kids Direct asked children’s librarian, Sue Rowe, what’s on offer in our libraries and hopefully we’ll have space to do justice to all the fantastic services they have! “We provide a service from babies right through all the different age groups. Starting from baby bounce and rhyme, to under 5’s storytime to children’s reading groups. We work with schools who do class visits to libraries and librarians visit schools.” “The summer reading challenge has been shown in research to prevent the reading age drop during the summer holidays .“In fact, issues of books to children are going up year by year, with family use very high.” Sue tell us, “We also administer the Bookstart scheme which is run by Booktrust and librarians work with health visitors, preschool settings and nurseries to deliver books to preschool children and encourage a love of reading from the earliest age”.

Winter 2012

“Children’s librarians help get the right book to the right child at the right time” thus ensuring they keep reading.” Here are some of the questions that the children asked Julia- they asked all the really good one’s so we at KD thought we’d use them! St Paul’s Primary : “Why do you use rhythm and rhyme in your stories?” JD: “I used to write songs for children’s TV so when I started writing books I still used it”. Poulton Lancelyn : “Who was your favourite author when you were a child?” JD: Richmal Crompton (Just William books) and E Nesbitt who wrote magical stories.” St Werbergs: “Where do you get your ideas for your characters from?” JD: “Well with Monkey Puzzle I wanted to have a story in the jungle and I thought a monkey is a nice appealing character, and I thought of a butterfly, as butterfly babies are very different from their mothers.” Townfield Primary : “How did you manage to write all those books?” JD: “ I have written a lot of books but some of them are quite short though some are quite long and I’m quite proud of myself for writing them.” Gilbrook Primary : “which book is your son’s favourite?” JD: “ My new one, Superworm, which I have dedicated to him.” Resources: The Library Campaign

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Kids Direct Liverpool Music, Drama & Dance

Winter 2012

It might sound like a bit of a quaint clichĂŠ but the giving gift of music at Christmas time is more than just a romantic notion. Musical instruments are amongst the very few fun things you could buy your children this Christmas, that could help their personal development or even change their lives. The ability to play a musical instrument can increase confidence, self discipline and creativity in a child and can also improve communication skills and self expression. It is also a lot of fun of course and it is far more affordable than many parents realise. Deciding which musical instrument is right for your child might seem a bit daunting but at Dawsons Music they have years of experience of helping to get children started. So take advantage of their unrivalled expertise and visit your nearest Dawsons Music store, where they will happily offer you useful, easy-tounderstand, jargon-free advice to help you make the right decision. They also also stock lots of Christmas Music Books and gift ideas for musicians of all ages, which makes their stores the perfect destination when trying to decide what to get the musician in your life. If you still can't decide then don't worry, they also sell gift-vouchers! Dawsons Music Liverpool store is Moving! During the run-up to Christmas you will find their Liverpool store on Ranelagh Street but in the New Year they will be moving to a bigger and better location on Williamson Street in the heart of the city centre so watch this space! Contact the Liverpool store on 0151 709 1455 or To find other Dawsons Music stores and to keep up to date visit by following on Twitter (@dawsonsmusic) and Facebook (


Kids Direct Liverpool Music, Drama & Dance

Winter 2012

Little Actors Theatre Company is a social enterprise offering performing arts activities for children aged 2½-11. A grant from the John Thaw Foundation enables them to offer discounts to low income families. In L15 they are offering DramaTots for pre-school children and their parent/carers with singing, dance and drama and Theatre Club for ages 511 with two hours of drama and musical theatre. All facilitators are professionally trained and experienced actors. Participating in the performing arts improves health and well being and also builds children’s confidence, communication skills and self-esteem. For details contact Samantha Giblin on 0151 336 4302, or visit

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Kids Direct Liverpool


Winter 2012

Children are so creative and what better way to help them spend their birthday, than with a fabulous jewellery making party with gems and jewels. Lasting for 1 ½ hours,. It’s the perfect way to let your child have a great time with their friends who can take home their own individual pieces of handmade jewellery. With two party packages. "gems" for girls from 510 years old and "jewels" for older girls. The girls will make a memory bracelet or a charm bracelet, choosing their own beads and charms, from have lots of different shapes, colours and materials. They can then make earrings, bookmarks, keyrings, bag charms and DS phone charms. At the end of the party, all girls will receive a gift bag to keep their jewellery in. Contact Mel: 07547

710 738 Would you like a FUN packed memorable party? The Creepy Crawly Show is enjoyable for all ages and great for Home Parties, Children's Birthdays, Christenings, Holy Communions and other family celebrations . Everyone can join in from Toddlers to Teens and the adults are entertained too. From party games and music to ‘Get Me Out of Here’ style challenges and don’t forget the animals, with snakes, tarantula, scorpion, lizards, giant African snails, hissing cockroaches, turtles and many more. It offers great photo opportunities and is all presented by their comical Explorer style entertainer who’ll ensure your occasion is a fun and memorable one. Available throughout Cheshire, Merseyside and Wirral. Book your adventure now: 0151 327 5888


Kids Direct Liverpool


There’s always something to celebrate at Camp Cupcake! Why not celebrate your child's birthday with a fabulous Cupcake Decorating Party? Camp Cupcake love a party and encourage all children to have fun and make as much mess as they like! Parties are adjusted to suit age groups and are held in Camp Cupcakes private party room. Each party lasts 1½ hours where children will learn how to dye and mix buttercream and sugarpaste. They will use cutters, moulds and tools to create their very own decorations. They will learn how to prepare and use a piping bag and the different types of swirls and effects that can be achieved from different types of nozzles. Children will then dress cupcakes using the decorations they have made and can use

Winter 2012

glitter and sparkly stuff to make their cupcakes fabulous, whilst making as much mess as possible! Party package includes drinks and nibbles, goody bags and invitations. On request, Camp Cupcake can also provide a giant cupcake for singing happy birthday with. Camp Cupcake love to bake and decorate cakes, cupcakes, and giant cupcakes for all your occasions. They also provide partyware, personalised banners, helium balloons and balloon clusters. For all your cake needs or to book a party tel: 07525 065642 or email:

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Kids Direct Calendar 3�� Nov- 24�� Dec Christmas Grotto Rapid 4�� Floor. Formerly of Lewis’s this famous grotto is a must for children wishing to see Santa. Admission £5, includes entry, Santa visit and gift. Tickets available from Rapid’s 3�� floor Christmas department. 0151 708 2000. 7�� Nov - 13�� Jan, Ice Festival visitors to Liverpool ONE can experience the UK’s largest real Ice Slide plus a stunning ice gallery with crafted sculptures leading to Santa’s Grotto. What’s more, there will be a fantastic outdoor Alpine Ice Rink. Booking advised for Santa's grottos. 0151 232 3100. Fri 22ⁿ� Nov- 20�� Dec. Liverpool Christmas Village. Williamson Square. Free festive entertainment with the Liverpool Bandstand in a Christmas village setting. Santa’s reindeer will be stopping by every Thursday from Nov 29�� from 4pm-7pm. Tues 27 Nov to Sun 23�� Dec. Underwater street. Lots of Christmas fun £9.95 per child +2 adults, includes visit to see Santa and a gift. See our competition on page 13. Fri 30�� Nov to Sat 19�� Jan Jack and the Beanstalk, The legendary Rock and Roll Panto at The Playhouse Theatre For all the family. See page 25 for more details Sat 1�� - 9�� Dec. Victorian Christmas weekends at Speke Hall. Lots of festive frolicking going on here from making traditional sugar mice, listening to carols, enjoying Christmas tales of old to visiting

Santa. 0151 427 7231 Sat 1��, Sun 2ⁿ�, Sat 8�� & Sun 9�� Dec. See Santa and enjoy Spaceport. Santa will be joined by his loyal elves, as well as Wallace & Gromit who will be helping him out this year. There is a DISCOUNTED event admission rate by pre-booking, call 0151 330 1444 or visit Sat 1�� Dec 11am-1pm Waterstone’s Liverpool One. Join their craft session to make your very own advent calendar. Further details: 0151 709 9820 or visit Free. Sat 1st until Christmas Eve, Cheshire Reindeer Lodge. Free admission to the see the reindeer and view the Christmas tree farm. Tickets to see Santa in his new luxury Grotto are £6.50 per child (with wrapped present). Grotto Tickets can be purchased on the day of entry or pre-booked for guaranteed entrance online: Sun 2ⁿ� Dec. Santa Dash in Liverpool City Centre, Join with 10,000 other Santa's as the 5K Liverpool Santa Dash 2012 attempts to win back the World's Biggest Santa Dash record! Sun 2ⁿ� ,9�� 16�� and 23rd Dec. Christmas Crafternoons Museum of Liverpool. Make traditional Christmas decorations to take home and find out about Christmas in Liverpool’s past. 2-4.30 pm. FREE

Kids Direct Calendar Tues 4��‐Sat 22ⁿ� Dec. The Gingerbread man at The Liverpool Actors Studio Theatre will provide you with magic, mayhem and delicious fun (see page 24). Tickets £5 for preview performances on 4�� & 5�� Dec & £10 for all others. For details call 0151 709 9034 or visit Tues 4�� Dec. Wildflower walk for Health Willow Weaving. National Wildflower Centre, Knowsley. Free. Short walk in and around Court Hey Park ending with a willow weaving session. Meet at 11am at the Cafe. 0151 443 3114 Dec 5th 7-9pm ‘Action For Children’ Christmas carol concert. Enjoy the true spirit of Christmas in the beautiful setting of Liverpool Anglican Cathedral, featuring choirs and bands from Liverpool Primary Schools. Every penny raised will support the charity's work at their Liverpool Junior Mentoring Project which delivers a transformational service to children aged 5-11 who are experiencing severe difficulties in their lives. Tickets from £5. 4�� Dec - 12�� Jan. Hansel and Gretel at The Unity Theatre, Liverpool Family pantomime. For more details call 0844 873 2888 or visit

& 23. Tickets can be booked on 0151 666 0000 or by visiting Fri 14�� Dec - 6�� Jan, Sleeping Beauty at the Echo Arena in the Big Top at the waterfront. Box office 0844 8000 400. Win family tickets to see Sleeping Beauty in our competition, see page 24 for more details. Fri 14�� Dec for 3 weeks, running alongside the Echo Arena’s Sleeping Beauty is the first Liverpool Christmas Family Festival on the Kings’s Dock site,adjacent to the BT convention centre and Echo Arena. With traditional children’s fun fair rides, festive entertainers, Santa’s Grotto, Christmas market stalls. Festival prices are £5. Sleeping Beauty panto ticket holders can enter the festival for free on the same day as their panto ticket. Sat 15�� Dec 1pm -3pm Christmas Craft at the National Wildflower Centre, Knowsley. Contact 0151 443 3114 Sat 15�� -23�� Dec visit Santa’s A-maze-ing grotto at Active adventures Liverpool. Take a tour through their winter maze to find Santa and his Elves. More details on pg 27. To book call 0151 494 3044 or book online

Fri 7�� Dec -6�� Jan 2012 Cinderella, Epstein Theatre with a great cast and lots of fun for all the family. Call box office 0844 888 4411 or visit

Sat 15�� Dec 11am-1pm. Join Waterstone’s at Liverpool one to make Christmas cards for all your loved ones, with lots of help from their little elves. For further details contact 0151 709 9820 Free.

Thurs 13�� Dec - 6�� Jan. Peter Pan at The Floral Pavilion, New Brighton. See pages 22

Sat 15��, Sat 22ⁿ�, and Sat 29�� Dec, 10am4pm Prepare for Panto at the Walker Art

Kids Direct Calendar Gallery. Are you off to the panto? Visit their Big Art gallery to create your very own panto accessory to take with you. For children 3 & over. FREE Wed 19�� Dec - Sun 6�� Jan. Goldilocks and the 3 bears at Southport Little Theatre. With stunning sets and costumes, along with hilarious comedy routines and great song and dance. Call 01704 530521 or visit their website Fri 21��, Sat 22ⁿ� and Sun 23�� Dec Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra Family Concert; Frosty and Friends Philharmonic Hall, Liverpool, Christmas magic for families! Join Santa and his merry band, in this hour-long Christmas sing along for the whole family.

Sat 22ⁿ� Dec 10am -11.30am, Breakfast with Santa at David Lloyd Leisure Speke. Santa will be bringing presents with his little helpers who will be providing lots of fun and games. Booking essential 0151 494 4000. Price £6. Non members welcome. Sun 23�� Dec 1pm-4pm Fossil Fun, World Museum Liverpool, create your own plaster fossil to take home. FREE. Tues 25�� Dec. Merry Christmas from all of us at Kids Direct. We hope you have a lovely time with your family and friends.

Thurs 27�� Dec - Sat 5�� Jan, Tate Liverpool, Family Figure Drawing Workshops. Experiment in the studio with artist Jim Medway and create fantastic drawings of your family. This event is related to the exhibition Tracing the Century. FREE. Tues 1�� Dec 2013. Happy New Year!!! Sat 2ⁿ� & Sun 3�� Feb 2013, The UK Baby & Toddler Show, Echo Arena. Advice, Shopping, entertainment and offers for expecting parents and toddlers. Tickets £12. Under 16’s free. Box office 0844 8000 400 Tues 26�� Feb - 3�� Mar 2013, Disney on Ice presents Let’s Party at the Echo Arena. A colossal party on ice with all your Disney friends. Call 0844 8000 400 or book online 11�� March 2013 Spring issue of Kids Direct due out. To advertise please email or call 07980 304998.

Please Note: Whilst every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, details may change. Please phone the venue concerned or visit their website to check dates, times, prices and if booking is required before setting out.

Kids Direct Liverpool


Winter 2012



For lots of fun in a safe environment, where parents can relax whilst the kids can safely run wild, visit Funtown. They offer a whole range of indoor play activities for children from 0 to 12 with something for everyone! There are fabulous slides, a ball pool, specially constructed climbing areas, and even a dedicated toddler area where your little ones can play safely. There is seating for around 100 people in the cafe which has been awarded 5 stars for food hygiene by the local council, so you can eat with confidence! The cafe offers everything from a quick snack to a hearty hot meal and overlooks the play area so parents can relax and enjoy a cuppa whilst keeping an eye on their children. Their inhouse team of chefs prepare delicious and healthy food on the premises so you can rest assured that your family is eating good food of the highest quality. Funtown is available for children's parties and their venue can cater for up to 45 children at a time. As well as the play time fun and the great food and drink, the children can be greeted by one of Funtown's many great characters who will ensure everyone is enjoying the party. A party for 10 children costs as little as ÂŁ75 and Christmas party bookings are now being taken. Funtown is open every day from 9.30am until 6pm. So, for guaranteed fun for children and grown-ups alike, pay a visit to Funtown - you'll never want to leave! Visit or call 0844 567 9677.

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Kids Direct Liverpool


The All Star Wrestling School offers tremendous opportunities for new recruits to follow in the footsteps of today's WWE superstars such as Sheamus, Dave Finlay, William Regal, Drew McIntyre, Wade Barrett, Daniel Bryant and Mason Ryan who all came through the ranks to first make their mark in All Star rings. While taking part the WWE's November UK tour, Sheamus O'Shaunessey went on record saying just how much he owes to the early experience when campaigning for All Star a few years back to fulfill his WWE ambitions - and before returning to WWE after a June spell here, 'Belfast Bruiser' Finlay visited the All Star School's Merseyside base and said the operation had restored his faith in the future of British wrestling!

Winter 2012

Letitia, daughter of All Star managing director Brian Dixon and his wife, former ‘Queen of the Ring’ Mitzi Mueller, looking after the administrative side. A string of All Star school trainees from Merseyside and the Wirral have graduated into the professional ranks in the last few years, among them Liverpool's 'Ringo' Ryan Ambrose and Carl Curtis; Birkenhead trio Luke Hardy and brothers Simon and Adam Davies; Andy Anderson from Ellesmere Port, plus Andy Rowntree and Tyson Taylor from Cheshire. The Wrestling School also runs popular children's parties at Bebington Civic Centre with two hours of non-stop fun, food provided, visits by guest wrestling stars and use a 16ft square inflatable ring. For details of parties and training sessions call 07738 330 316.

Now in its sixth year, the All Star School operates every Saturday between 10am and 4pm at Bebington Civic Centre with boys and girls aged from eight years upwards offered the chance to start living their dream with personal training in a 16 square foot ring from some of Britain's best-known wrestling talent. Head trainer is Wirral-based fans' favourite Dean Alllmark who said: 'The school welcomes trainees of all ages but there is a growing demand from younger children and thanks to links with local Primary Schools we are now welcoming youngsters from eight upwards for fully supervised tuition with recent guest trainers including British champion Robbie Dynamite, American globetrotter Sam Adonis and masked ace El Ligero.' The Wrestling School is very much a family affair with Dean Allmark's wife


Kids Direct Liverpool

Festive Favourites

Toys“R”Us, UK announces it’s 2012 ‘Terrific Twenty’ List of Hot Christmas Toys. Angry Birds, Monsters and Spiders feature alongside a second generation of touch screen tablets to be among the hottest items on kids’ wish lists this Christmas season, according to Britain’s biggest toy retailer, Toys“R”Us, UK. Their ‘Terrific Twenty’ takes into account what consumers are requesting and the latest trends in new products. Technology and Games The LeapPad 2 Explorer from LeapFrog, Inno Tab 2 from VTech and the latest 7” Android Childpad Tablet are all featured in the toy giant’s 2012 ‘Terrific Twenty’ lineup of hot toys. Also on the ‘Toys“R”Us Terrific Twenty’ is Skylanders Giants (Activision), the sequel to the successful Skylanders Spyro’s Adventure, popular with games players for its combination of toy and technology onscreen. The latest Monopoly Millionaire board game hits their Terrific Twenty, bringing luxury limos, diamonds and movie premieres to the family Christmas table. Meanwhile, the popular digital app Angry Birds is making its appearance on the list in the format of an exciting skill and action board game with the Angry Birds Mega Smash game. Favourite Friends There are some great classic toys on the Toys“R”Us Terrific Twenty list. Predictions include Barbie with her Fetch ‘n Fun Pup Doll, the reappearance of the cute and lovable, interactive Furby (Hasbro), this time more responsive, more intelligent and interacts with an accompanying ipad, iphone and ipod touch application. For pre-schoolers, the list features characters from popular TV series: Mike the Knight, a young

Winter 2012

knight in-training in his animated fantasy medieval world appears with his Glendragon Castle, the cuddly and curious Baby Jake with his Neverlands Pirate Ship (Fisher-Price) and the adorable LalaLoopsy rag dolls (MGA Entertainment) are expected to be in demand. Also featured on the list is the funky and spooky, but fashionable Monster High Werecat twins Meowlody and Purrsephone (Mattel) and the highly popular Moshi Monsters (Spin Master), featuring collectibles characters with their My Moshi Home. Action T’oys Toddlers will also be in awe of the new Audi R8, the 6v battery controlled cabriolet that will put them at the top of the ‘cool’ list. Combat Attacknids (Wow Stuff) are six legged radio controlled robots with the ability to battle, move in all directions and fire weapons from their rotating turret. These battling robots set a spider theme alongside scurrying little Hexbug Warriors, the battling creatures in a tiny, micro format that use the physics of vibration to propel forward and challenge their competitors. TV inspired character toy SpiderMan is expected to do well and reflects upon the popularity of recent movie as the Web-shooting Spider-Man Action Figure with his infamous abilities joins this year’s list. Construction toys from the Imaginext line bringing Batman into the limelight with the Imaginext Batcave, and the popular all-time favourite LEGO with their Ninjago Epic Dragon Battle will be in great demand. Older kids are likely to ask for the latest Nerf Blaster from Hasbro. The new Nerf Elite Hail-fire Blaster answers kids’ demands with its incredible high capacity to fire off 144 darts in rapid succession.

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Kids Direct Liverpool


Deck the halls with boughs of holly, fa la la la la, la la la la… Briar Rose as the Echo Arena‘s Sleeping Beauty

‘Tis that great time of the year

when so many of our senses are tickled! Fabulous sights, wonderful gags, harmonious (and not so harmonious) singing and endless laughing. And don’t forget the nibbles and drinks in the interval. Yes we are talking pantomime season. “Oh no you’re not” I hear you say in true pantomime tradition, “OH YES WE ARE!”.

With our children surrounded more and more by televisions, games consoles, computers and smart phones, how nice it is to be able to gather them up and share a live show Dan and Smee together. A pantomime is not just for kids. It’s from the Florals’ Peter entertainment for all the Pan family and wonderfully unites the generations. Even, our teenagers that we “drag” along, won’t admit it, but they too enjoy a pantomime, both laughing and cringing when they remember where they are. Whether you’re watching a rags to riches story such as Cinderella or the story of a girl who waits 100 years for true love, panto has something for everyone. It’s a great time to come together, relax and

Winter 2012

immerse in a couple of hours of fun and madness. It’s always delightful to see a

child magically captivated by the story on stage, screaming at the baddies and giggling with the goodies - and it’s one of the few times they get full licence to be as loud as they like! Of course no pantomime would be complete without “us” the audience. How we love the underdog and a happy ending and when good is battling evil it’s so hard not to get involved. Full audience participation is a must to really enjoy a pantomime. So come on Liverpool, lets go and have fun with our families! After all it wouldn’t be Christmas without a panto!

Competition !!! Fancy winning some free tickets? Then enter our competition (see page 24) to win 1 of 3 family tickets to see Sleeping Beauty at the Echo Arena in a heated big top on the waterfront. This show runs from Fri 14�� December to Sun 6�� January with tickets starting at £8. Tickets to the pantomime allow same day free entry to the first Liverpool Family Christmas festival being held at the waterfront see for details.


Kids Direct Liverpool


Winter 2012

awash with swash and Kids Direct Guide to Local buckle. Running from 13�� Shows this Christmas and New December until 6�� Year. January this is going to be If you fancy some Rock and Roll a great show brough to with your pantomime then Jack the theatre by UK and the Beanstalk at the productions and will have Playhouse Theatre is the something for all the family. pantomime for you see (page For more details, and tickets 25). Guaranteed to shake rattle visit and roll and suitable for all ages, or call 0151 666 0000. this pantomime will have you rocking and rolling in your seats. Panto Jokes to get you in The Gingerbread man at The the mood: Liverpool Actors Studio Theatre Why was Cinderella such a poor (see page 24) will provide you football player ? with magic , mayhem and She had a pumpkin for a coach! delicious fun. The Gingerbread man will be ‘running’ from What's beautiful, grey and wears Tuesday 4th to Saturday 24th glass slippers ? December to Tickets priced at Cinderellephant! £10. www.theliverpoolactorsstudio. What's the scariest pantomime? com. Ghouldilocks and the three bears ! Panto returns to the Epstein On which side of the house did theatre in Liverpool with a Jack's beanstalk grow ? spectacular production of Cinderellla, starring Liverpool’s The outside! own pop legend Sonia. Full of What's a ghosts favourite fun and magic, this panto will Christmas entertainment ? not disappoint, with something for all the family and they even A phantomime ! have Shetland ponies. Also starring Philip Olivier (Brooksides Tin Head) and big brothers Nikki Grahame. For more details visit their website: The Floral Pavilion has announced the cast for their magical pantomime, Peter Pan, To advertise please which is guaranteed to be email

The Playhouse dame!

Andrew Lancel in Sleeping Beauty


Kids Direct Liverpool

Great Days Out

Winter 2012

The Liverpool Actors Studio Theatre presents The Gingerbread Man. One Christmas eve, Mrs Muffin has finished her baking and places a spicy seasonal treat in her oven before going to bed. Her fairy godmother hears her wish for company and with a touch of magic, a slice of mayhem and a recipe no one expected, she brings to life the Gingerbread man! Join Mrs Muffin, Fairy Nuff, Mr Fox and of course the Gingerbread Man for a fun filled adventure with an upbeat pop sound track that is a treat for all the family. Tickets are ÂŁ10. Performances from 4th to 22nd December at 7.30pm each night and matinees at 2pm on Thursdays and Saturdays. For information or to buy tickets, call 0151 709 9034 or visit


Kids Direct Liverpool

Great Days Out

It’s time to twist and sprout as the Rock ‘n’ Roll panto returns to The Playhouse with Jack and the Beanstalk. Dust off your spandex party pants and break out the glitter as the legendary Rock ‘n’ Roll panto will shake, rattle and roll at the Playhouse this year. Unlike any other panto in the city, the multi-talented cast sing, dance, entertain, and play music guaranteeing to make Jack and the Beanstalk a giant night out. Great fun for all ages, this year’s Rock ‘n’ Roll panto promises music, mayhem, a sprinkling of water and some magic beans as regular writers Sarah A. Nixon and Mark Chatterton conjure up a world of fairies, beanstalks and giants. Last year’s Rock ‘n’ Roll panto included the theatres’ first ever autism friendly/relaxed performance, one of the first of its type

Winter 2012

outside London, which was a roaring success and will be repeated for Jack and the Beanstalk on Tuesday 15 January at 5.30pm. This year performance times will be slightly earlier, 1.30pm for matinées and 7pm for evenings. Also, following the success of their twilight performances earlier in the spring, there will be three performances of Jack and the Beanstalk at the earlier start time of 5.30pm. Running from Fri 30th November to Sat 19th January 2013. For full details visit or call the box office on 0151 709 4776. Tickets from £10. Show is suitable for Ages 3+

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Kids Direct Liverpool

Fun & Frolics

Winter 2012

Hours of fun is a fantastic new online store, selling essential craft supplies and goodies, offering help and advice – no project is too small! By bringing crafts to all ages, Hours of Fun inspire people to get crafting, with make your own kits and packs and equipment. Visit for all your craft and haberdashery supplies.


Kids Direct Liverpool

Fun & Frolics

Winter 2012

Active Adventures – Liverpool’s most exciting new adventure park! Situated on Otterspool Promenade along the banks of the River Mersey, Active Adventures is Liverpool’s newest, bravest and most unique outdoor centre for both children and adults alike. Comprising 6 core elements, a 50 ft climbing and abseil tower, one of the UK’s largest dual level high ropes course, Powerfan – a 15 metre freefall jump, a dual zip wire, military obstacle course and finally a 170 sqm wooden maze. Active adventures boast a variety of activities for all ages and abilities for an exciting day out. Another great feature at Active Adventures is the on site Otters café, serving only the best home cooked foods and cakes; it’s a great place to relax after a thrilling day of adventure. Keen to appeal to families all year round, Active Adventures run a number of events, most recently Ottersghoul, a Halloween themed spooky maze that won rave reviews and for Christmas a winter wonderland will be created for “Santa’s A-maze-ing Grotto”. Adding a bit more excitement to the standard Santa’s grotto, children have to seek out Santa’s secret hiding place within the maze by solving puzzles and meeting the odd elf along the way. The grotto will run from the 15�� – 23rd December and is sure to be a sellout. To book tickets go online at or for more information call 0151 494 3044. Keep up to date with the goings on at Active Adventures by following them on twitter @AcAdLiverpool and searching Active Adventures on Facebook.

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Kids Direct Liverpool 0-4 Years

Book Review

Winter 2012

The Night Before Christmas by Clement C. Moore A Timeless classic that gets the whole family excited for Christmas. Beautifully illustrated and a story that never fails to warm the heart. You know it’s Christmas when you hear it. Also includes an audio story disk, to play while the little ones fall asleep.

Noisy Peekaboo Roar! Roar! by Dorling Kindersley A fun, colourful, interactive book filled with lots of animals to find under the lift up flaps. The voices of the animals come to life from cute and cuddly to slippery and slimy, hear them roooooaaaaarrrr!!!!! This is the perfect book for the younger child, who loves bright vibrant colours and funny noises.

5-8 Years Pirates Love Underpants by Claire Freedman and Ben Cort A brilliant book. It will have you giggling for hours. With Loveable characters and great pictures. Find Big Knickers Bay, Hoist up the Black Bloomer’s sail and find the solid gold treasure surprise.”Avast me Hearties!! Ere be an Adventure!!!”. Superworm by Julia Donaldson A new book written by the acclaimed children’s author of the Gruffalo. “Here is Superworm, he is super-awesome, he’s super-long and super-strong. Watch him wiggle, see him squirm, hip hip hooray for Superworm!”.

8-11 Years Emerald Star by Jacqueline Wilson This is the finale story in the Hetty Feather Trilogy. Full of adventure, excitement and tragedy. After the loss of her mother she finds herself on a quest to find her long lost father. Hetty realises that as she dives deeper into her adventures the more alone she feels. Skulduggery Pleasant Kingdom of the Wicked, by Derek Landy A cold blooded thriller. Across the land, people are infected by a rare strain of magic. Unknowingly endangering the lives of not only themselves but others around them. Packed with dark adventures and twists and turns, it’s up to a new kind of evil to save the day. Book review by Melissa McClean, Waterstones Liverpool One


Kids Direct Liverpool

For Parents

Winter 2012

Busy Bees Maid Service is a professional Domestic Cleaning Company run by Karen and Brian Tattum. They have 3 boys, aged 15, 7 and 5. Having three children and balancing work was a constant struggle so they decided to do something that meant they had more flexibility with their children while also providing a reliable income. Running their own business has meant that as a team, they can always put their children first while maintaining a professionally run and successful business. Running a busy household, Karen and Brian understand how important their service is, and have developed a consistently reliable, high quality service. Busy Bees ensures its customers’ needs are met by remaining flexible and listening to them, making every clean bespoke for every customer. Their service is based on the philosophy that using a cleaning company should be a positive experience that enriches your life. Busy Bees caters for a wide variety of customers from all walks of life and have an enviable reputation for consistency and reliability, backed by being the only cleaning company in the area with Safe Trader status from Trading Standards. They fully train and check all of their staff and monitor their progress, while also encouraging their customers feedback. A clean and tidy home is a healthier and happier home. Busy Bees are happy to help you free your time to spend with your family, rather than doing the cleaning. For more information, call Busy Bees on 0151 639 6399 to discuss your requirements, without obligation. .

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Kids Direct Liverpool

For Parents

Winter 2012

Kids Fashion Mart is a designer Kidswear Shop located in the heart of Bolton and online. They offer designer clothes, footwear and accessories for boys and girls from 0-15, with everything from underwear to outerwear as well as baby carriers, foot-muffs and toys. Available online & in-store are designer brands like Sarah Louise, Dani, Olive & Moss, Fore!! Axel & Hudson, Country Kids Tights, Chipmunks Footwear, Fabric Flavours, Raindrops Swimwear and Mumbo Jumbo Toys. Design and quality are found throughout their ranges and they aim to help parents make the right decisions for their children's clothing needs with fashionable & comfortable clothing. kidsfashionmart. Tel: 01204 848995

Kids Direct Review PhotoJos A warm friendly smile greets you when you arrive at the studio of PhotoJos in central Liverpool. Jocelyn Conway is passionate about taking photo’s that capture special moments, from pregnancy, newborns, babies, portraits, and so much more. After having been a midwife for 21 years, Jocelyn retrained and followed her other passion of photography and PhotoJos has now been established since 2007. Jocelyn uses her vast experience as a midwife to capture truly magical moments in your newborns and babies lives. She knows how to handle them and can position them even whilst they are asleep. Her understanding of babies ensures the experience of

photographing a baby is a relaxed and pleasant experience for the parents too. Kids Direct met Jocelyn on a recent shoot and we found her to be delightful. Being a mother of 5, Jocelyn knew exactly how to interact and make the children feel at ease and with no pressure to perform, they soon forgot there was a camera in front of them. Jocelyn also has many celebrity clients such as Colleen and Wayne Rooney, who always return for more photo sessions. Call 0151 203 6439 or visit


Kids Direct Liverpool


Winter 2012

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