Kids Direct Liverpool Summer 2014

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Summer 2014 R

Win a great day out at the Albert Dock! 5 of the best beaches for families. Should children do chores?

Kids Direct Liverpool


Learning is all around us – you just need to know where to look - that’s what Children’s University is all about, getting involved in fun activities and learning something new at the same time! Children aged 5 to 14 years old can join Liverpool and Wirral Children’s University, which signposts exciting learning activities taking place outside the normal school day and celebrates the achievements of its members! How can I join? Firstly, ask your school if they subscribe to Children’s University. If they don’t, it could be for a number of reasons. It may be that they don’t know about Children’s University and the wonderful benefits Children’s University brings – so please tell them! Children who live in Liverpool or Wirral are also welcome to join Open Children’s University with an individual annual membership.


Summer 2014

To join, or for more details, visit Members will receive a Passport to Learning and access to the E-Passport: this is where you can keep track of all your CU credits, find out what CU activities there are and it will give you access to news and events, even your countdown to graduation! Get involved! Get your Passport to Learning stamped at your activities and you’ll be able to keep track of your credits via the EPassport and share what activities you’ve been taking part in as well! Spread the word! We hope you enjoy being a part of Open Children’s University - and don’t forgot tell your friends!

Kids Direct Liverpool

Editors Note

Summer 2014

It’s here at last! Long awaited hot weather (fingers crossed), yummy barbecues’s, exciting days out and good old summertime fun! Our lovely friends at the Albert Dock have another fabulous competition prize for you. One lucky family can win a lunch at What’s Cooking, Tickets for the Beatles story and Tate Liverpool all topped off with free milkshakes - a great day out so enter now! (page 24). If it’s a day at the races you fancy, then enter our competition on page 22 to win 4 open-course tickets to the MBNA family funday at Chester racecourse on Sunday 3rd August! For those that would like to get organised for September take a look at Easy2name on page 26, who are offering 10% discount off their labels and one lucky reader can win one of their Off to School Sets too. Many thanks to our schools, nurseries & libraries for distributing Kids Direct and remember, if you have any events you would like us to publicise, do get in touch, we’ll be happy to add you to our calendar for free.

Find out about this years summer reading challenge (page 5).

Read our interview with the one and only Frank Cottrell Boyce! (pages 8 & 9).

If you’re heading to the beach this summer, read what Colin the coastguard has to say to keep you safe. (pages 20 & 21) Fancy working from home to fit in with your family commitments? Why not join us at Kids Direct? (page 29)

On behalf of all of us at Kids Direct, Happy Summer!!! x


Kids Direct is owned by Megan Kneale. Registered trademark no. 1468409. Kids Direct Liverpool is a franchise owned, operated & published under licence by Anna Taylor. We believe all information to be correct but do not endorse any products or services. The views expressed in Kids Direct are not necessarily those of the publisher. The publisher cannot be held responsible for any breach of copyright arising from artwork supplied by its contributors and clients. Reproduction, in whole or in part, of any of the text, illustrations or photography without the express permission of the publisher is strictly forbidden. Competitions: Prize winners will be drawn at random, no cash alternatives will be offered. Personal information will not be shared with organisations external to Kids Direct unless a third party is issuing the prize.

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Liverpool libraries share a few of their favourite children’s books with us: The Hueys in None the Number by Oliver Jeffers. The Hueys are discovering numbers, 0 to 10. They are having lots of fun on the way! This book really is a counting adventure! It is a great introduction to numbers. 0 is explained really well to children and at the end of the book there is a note for parents, which is informative and interesting. The illustrations and little captions are quirky and the Hueys are adorable! This book will encourage children to have fun with numbers. Reviewed by Lesley Mitchell, Croxteth Library.

Grendel: A Cautionary Tale About Chocolate by David Lucas Grendel, a chocolate loving monster is delighted one day to receive 3 wishes inside a chocolate egg. Disaster follows as his first two wishes are fulfilled. Fortunately, he still has his last wish left. Can he use it wisely or risk losing everything he really loves? A thought-provoking tale delightfully illustrated, adding weight to the old adage to “be careful what you wish for!” Reviewed by Stella Swindell, Childwall Library.

Rooftoppers by Katherine Rundell. A beautifully magical tale about a young girl called Sophie, who as a baby, is shipwrecked, then rescued and taken in by Charles Maxim, an unlikely guardian. Sophie believes that her mum survived the shipwreck and Charles, who encourages her never to ignore life’s possibilities, decide to go and find her when Social Worker, Miss Eliot, tries to take Sophie to an orphanage. Both Sophie and Charles escape to Paris, where they meet the Rooftoppers who try to search for her lost mum. A fast paced book that will keep readers hanging on till the cliff hanger at the end of the book. Reviewed by Helen Vincent, West Derby Library.

The Killer Underpants by Michael Lawrence. A hysterically funny story about Jiggy McCue who always wears the same underpants, which become smelly and holey. His mum finally decides to buy him a pair of y-front underpants. He hates them, but when he puts them on, they will not come off!!! In fact, they have a mind of their own. The Killer Underpants squeeze him and hold him in like glue every time he tries to take them off. They get tighter and tighter and get him into all sorts of trouble. Will he find a way to get them off? A book that will leave parents and children laughing out loud. Hysterically funny! Reviewed by Helen Vincent, West Derby Library.

Summer Reading Challenge Inspiring children to read in the summer holidays. This year’s theme is Mythical Maze and it challenges children aged four to eleven to find their way around a labyrinth that introduces them to fantastical creatures, collecting stickers of each character along the way. Each year the Summer Reading Challenge to children is simple. Children are encouraged to read six or more books of their choice – fact books, joke books, picture books, audio books just as long as they are borrowed from the library – during the holidays. There are collectable incentives and rewards, plus a certificate for every child who completes the challenge. Children can sign up at their local library from the end of June onwards and all materials are absolutely free. ▪ Head to your local library during the summer holidays and enrol. It's completely free and anybody can take part. ▪ If you're a parent or carer then take a look at their Family Leaflet to find out more or join them on their Facebook page for all the latest news. ▪ Children can chat, get reading recommendations and enter competitions on our Summer Reading Challenge website. ▪ If you're a teacher take a look at their resources to help you support children's reading for pleasure. Anne Sarrag, Summer Reading Challenge director for The Reading Agency, says: “Mythical Maze is all free fun, which is top news for parents. So mums, dads and carers, pop down to your local library and find out more about what's happening locally, and help your children discover a love of stories this summer whilst they maintain and develop their reading skills over the summer holidays. ” So are you ready for a fantastical world of legend and mythology that will keep children reading throughout the school summer holidays? Mythical Maze, the 2014 Summer Reading Challenge™ run by independent charity The Reading Agency.

Kids Direct Liverpool



Summer 2014

Kids Direct Liverpool


Summer 2014

Jean Robb and Hilary Letts, the acclaimed authors of the Creating Kids Who Can series, offer tutoring with a difference. At Successful Learning parents and children find the support they need to develop their potential and get the most from school and family life. Using methods developed over forty years of teaching, Jean and Hilary achieve amazing results with: ● helping children learn how to learn. ● changing children who feel they can't into children who know they can! ● creating an environment where children learn more effectively. ● creating confident parents.

From pre-school to secondary, their methods work with all children including those diagnosed as having dyslexia, dyscalculia, dyspraxia, ADD and ADHD, Asperger's Syndrome and Autism. Summer School dates: Thursday 28��, Friday 29�� and Saturday 30�� August.

Little Actors Theatre Company is a Registered Charity offering performing arts activities for children aged 2 ½ - 11. A grant from the John Thaw Foundation enables them to offer discounts for low income families. In L15 they are offering DramaTots for pre-school children and their parents/carers which is a class of singing, dance and drama. Theatre Club Liverpool is for 5-11 years and offers two hours of drama and musical theatre. All facilitators are professionally trained and experienced actors. Participating in the performing arts improves health and wellbeing. It is also a great way of building children’s confidence, self-esteem and communication skills; as well as having fun. Contact Samantha Giblin on 0151 336 4302, or To advertise in Kids Direct Liverpool email:


Kids Direct Liverpool


Kids Direct meet with…

Frank Cottrell Boyce Frank Cottrell Boyce is the award winning children’s writer of Millions, Cosmic and Framed, as well as a new series of sequels to Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. You may also know he wrote the script to the amazing opening ceremony of the Olympics and that he’s from Liverpool… Kids Direct went to meet him when he visited Leasowe library back in March to read and talk about his children’s books at an event organised by The Reader Organisation (see p10) of which Frank is a patron. Frank is also famous as a script writer and in fact the children’s book Millions was originally written as a film script and was made into a film by Danny Boyle (who also created the 2012 London Olympics Opening Ceremony). Can you see a pattern there? How did you get started in your writing career? “I started out on Brookie because they were just taking anybody with a Liverpool address! It was quite easy to get on but difficult to stay.” How did you start filmmaking? “I met someone who wanted to make films who was an editor at Thames, that’s the thing about making films you need to be in a band! If there’s two of you it’s quite powerful, you’re sort of 4 times as


Summer 2014 strong as one. He was called Michael (Winterbottom) and we made loads of films together.” How come you’ve managed to stay living on Merseyside and not moved to Hollywood? “I think it’s sort of exciting when I go to London, I’ve got that extra spring in my step and at the same time people hesitate about bringing you in for a meeting as they’ve got to pay your train fare”. Also, film is so international now.”

Films or books? “Oh books x 10, it’s much harder to write a book than a film script but much easier to get a book published than a film made.” Kids or Grownups? “Kids” Millions is a book about a boy who sees saints and asks them for advice, lots of them are forgotten now, why did want to bring them back? “It just sort of came out of the story that he would like saints and when I started to look in the dictionary of saints, there were these names that were very familiar, as we name streets and hospitals and schools and blood disorders after saints but we’ve forgotten the stories. They are fantastic stories - when we say saint we mean someone who’s really good, but of course that’s not who becomes a saint, crazy people become saints and they’re all brilliant, brilliant stories, so that was like my bag of cash really”. What did you think when you got the Olympic Ceremony Job? “When I got the job, well, everyone said it was going to be rubbish and don’t do it, and I did it for friendship without any particular expectation that it was going to be good, and it’s all forgotten now but all the press thought it was going to be a disaster so it, well it taught me to ignore the press because it was brilliant! I just did it because I’m really good friends with

Kids Direct Liverpool


Danny (Boyle) and he wanted friends around him and it was going to be really tough”. Did you come up with the Queen jumping out of the helicopter? No I didn’t, a guy called Mark, in our team of 5, and he designs things and figures out how to build things. Everyone just said, well we can’t do that they’ll never agree, and it stayed on the wall for months and no one could think of anything better so we asked and they said yes! Do you play computer games and do you think they can be a good guide to life, like for Liam in Cosmic? “I don’t think there’s anything wrong with playing games, anything you do well is useful isn’t it? I do a lot of things that are game versions of teaching you something useful like Spanish vocabulary”. You’ve got seven children: what’s your best “Dadly” quote, - something you say a lot like Liam in Cosmic who says “I’ll speak to you later..” - “We’ll have to agree to disagree”. What’s your next project? “I’m just about to do an episode of Dr Who so that’s quite good. It’s so greedy, Dr Who so you need loads of ideas for one episode as it’s so fast and the Dr can be so many things at once”.

Summer 2014

Books by Frank Cottrell-Boyce: When a bag full of money falls out of the sky 8 year old Damian and 11 year old Anthony suddenly find themselves very rich, but as England is about to swap to the Euro they only have 17 days to spend it. Damien wants to save the world, but Anthony wants to spend, spend spend! “Funny, direct and often moving it’s hard to imagine the person who wouldn’t enjoy it”. The Sootsman Dylan is the only boy living in the tiny Welsh town of Manod. This story is inspired by real events in WWII, when pictures in London's National Gallery were stored in Welsh mines. Once a month, a masterpiece would be unveiled in the village and then returned to London for viewing. This is a funny and touching exploration of how Art touches the life of one little boy and a very small town. Liam is too big for his boots, for his football strip, and for his school blazer. Very tall Liam makes a giant leap for boy-kind by competing with a group of adults for the chance to go into space. “Frank Cottrell Boyce has a wonderful ear for dialogue and is a master of comic pathos. The off-the-wall humour and comic language he employs here makes this a very funny book” Carnegie Award Judges Two refugee brothers from Mongolia are determined to fit in with their Liverpool schoolmates, but bring so much of Mongolia to Bootle that their new friend Julie, is hard-pressed to know truth from fantasy. This magical and compelling story is enriched by stunning photos. When Mr Tooting loses his job he embarks on an exciting new project to restore a broken down VW camper van. Adding a racing car engine the van – with the family inside – are soon off on a trip of a life time! First in a trilogy.

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Kids Direct Liverpool


Summer 2014

How schools are building a reading revolution! ‘When Patrick reads it’s like we’re in the words. I can hear them all in my head and in the room. I understand it more.’ Pupil from St Anne’s Primary School on Reader in Residence Patrick Fisher It has been shown that reading for pleasure improves educational outcomes and promotes emotional well being for young people. Sacred Heart Primary School in Moreton, Wirral commissioned a reader in residence and are one of the many primary schools in the UK who have used a Reader in Residence from The Reader Organisation; charitable social enterprise whose aim is to build a reading revolution and instil a love of reading for pleasure in children and young people. “I cannot speak highly enough of The Reader in Residence, or the impact that this project had in enabling the child she worked with to realise his true potential. The child was enthused and engaged and it led to him showing a real interest in reading and regaining his enthusiasm for his other work. At the end of the year, the child secured a Level 4 in both the reading test and teacher assessment. I have no doubt that the project and The Reader in Residence’s caring approach had a huge part to play in this child’s achievement. If


we are serious about narrowing the gap between disadvantaged children and those more fortunate, then this is the type of project which should be developed more widely.” Mr Freeman, Sacred Heart School, Moreton, Wirral. St Anne’s Primary School, Glasgow, commissioned Patrick Fisher, their Reader in Residence in 2012 and continue to re-commission the project each year having seen the vast benefits this approach to shared reading has had to pupil’s well being, confidence and improvements to their work across the curriculum. ‘We notice the improvement in the classrooms both in their written work and oral contributions and how the children leave each session smiling. My staff and I who are in offices nearby are often all sat listening in to the stories! The impact of the project has been outstanding and we are determined to continue this project well beyond the third year.’ Louise Hamilton, Head Teacher, St Anne’s Primary School. “I have never seen boys reading in the lunch queue before. That’s the effect of Patrick’s work with our Primary 7's; children want to and it’s now seen as ‘cool’ to be reading.”

Kids Direct Liverpool


Specific aims for the St Anne’s Project: ▪ To develop and deliver Get Into Reading groups in schools within one Learning Community in Glasgow. ▪ To be flexible about which young people they are working with. ▪ To raise staff awareness of the importance of reading for pleasure. ▪ To deliver and promote a range of reading events beyond regular Reader in Residence groups. ▪ To provide an adult reading group for parents. ▪ To train and support senior pupils to deliver a ‘Reading Buddy’ system Spending one day a week in St Anne’s, Patrick utilises a variety of stories and poems to engage with children at the school, working across age groups in both group and 1:1 sessions and beneficiaries were chosen after consultation with both senior staff and subject specific teachers. During the academic year over 500 individual sessions with 300 young people have taken place. Young people, parents, teaching and support staff have been very positive about being involved in this project. “The combined effect on children's progress of reading books often, going to the library regularly and reading newspapers at 16 was four times greater than the advantage children gained from having a parent with a degree.” Dr Alice Sullivan, Institute of Education Study 2013. In addition to clear educational benefits, Reader in Residence sessions have provided children with an opportunity to experience reading as a way to boost confidence that they can develop further themselves. Reading has also been a way for young people to safely exercise their imaginations, make sense of their own lives and better understand those around them.

Summer 2014

‘This is a beautiful project. My daughter brings home poems to me even though I cannot speak English and she helps me to understand. I cannot help her get any better with English now she has grown up and I am so happy that she has people like you to help her enjoy reading and get better at school.’ Parent of student at St Mungo’s Academy who had read in group in St Anne’s Primary School the previous year.

Educational Showcase Liverpool If you’d like to find out more about how schools in Liverpool have been utilising a Reader in Residence, The Reader Organisation will be holding an educational showcase at Calderstones Mansion, Liverpool on the 8th July 4.30pm to 6.30pm. A chance to ask questions, hear from some Readers in Residence and explore different options they can offer you and the potential benefits these opportunities can have for your school and wider community, you might even get the chance to enjoy a shared reading session. Call Emily Crawford or 0151 724 5000 or email If you’d like to find out how The Reader Organisation can work with your school contact Katie McAllister, Development Manager, or call 0151 724 5000.

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Kids Direct Liverpool


Summer 2014

Sugar and Spice offer fantastic themed parties in their brand new party venue conveniently located in Anfield. You will have sole use of the venue for the duration of the party including a first class party crew to pamper and entertain your children and a party bag for each child. There is also a cocktail bar and a buffet of party food. Themes include Teddy Heaven, Hollywood Oscar Party, Neon Theme, Beach Theme, Talent Shows and many more. You name it, they can theme it, so why not hire Sugar and Spice for your child’s party! Ideal for children aged from 4 -12 years, and with a minimum number of 10 children. Contact: 07903 067421 or visit:

Take the stress and hassle out of your Birthday Party arrangements and enjoy a party to be proud of at Bubbles’ World of Play. Choose from their underwater, jungle or African savannah themed party booths, each of which creates a fantastic party atmosphere where the children eat together and sing happy birthday. Their parties last 2 hours and include 80 minutes of play and 40 minutes in their dedicated party area with a choice of hot and cold buffet or toddler lunch boxes. Also, choose from a range of party extras available including party bags or a visit from Bubbles the Panda. All parties include invites and a party host to ensure you too have a great time on your child’s magical day. 0151 691 6030


Kids Direct Liverpool


Summer 2014

The Creepy Crawly Show is a fun packed party roadshow that’s great for children’s parties of all ages … and the adults are entertained too! Their shows are filled with comedy, games, music, challenges and not forgetting the awesome animals, with snakes, tarantulas, lizards, scorpions, turtles, hissing cockroaches and many more. Their comical Rangers are experienced children’s entertainers and ensure that your occasion is an exciting, fun and very memorable one. There are no restrictions on party sizes or guest numbers and their shows work equally as well on the large stages of Butlins and BBC events as they do in the comfort of your own living room. Your guests can just sit back, watch and laugh or get hands on with lots of amazing creatures which makes for great photo opportunities. They are available 7 days a week and travel throughout the North West and North Wales for birthday parties, communions, christenings, weddings, 40��’s, fetes, fairs, school shows and more. If you would like The Creepy Crawly Show to come and set up camp at your party or event give them a call on 01244 646045 or email

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Summer Calendar July 2014 Sat 5�� July, 12pm, Meet Darren Shan, Waterstone’s Liverpool One. Meet the fantastically popular and best-selling teen author Darren Shan as he signs copies of his book Zom-B Chronicles. For more details call 0151 709 9820. Sat 5�� & Sun 6�� July, 11-4pm, Scarecrow Festival, National Wildflower Centre, Court Hey Park. Meet the scarecrows. Entry to the Centre will be free with free workshops for you to enjoy and selection of vintage and craft stalls for you to browse around before taking a break in their Cornflower Café to enjoy a cup of tea and a tasty piece of homemade cake. For more information call 0151 738 1913 or email Free Event. 5�� July to 26�� October. The 8th Liverpool Biennial Exhibition bringing contemporary art to the city, entitled ‘A Needle Walks into a Haystack’, will take place in various venues across the city. For lots more information visit 11�� July to 7�� September 2014, Daily 10am to 8pm, Tickle the Ivories. Musicmakers and performers of all kinds are invited to book free time slots to perform with and around pianos placed on the streets of Liverpool ONE at the Tickle the Ivories festival this summer. For more info and to book 0151 478 4550 or email

Sat 12�� July, 2pm, Family Bike Ride with Pedal Away, National Wildflower Centre, Court Hey Park. Join Pedal Away for a ride around the Park and enjoy the Great Outdoors. Don't worry if you haven't got a bike. There will be some bikes available to use free of charge - availability will be on a first come first served basis. For more information please call 0151 738 1913 or email 12�� and 13�� July, 10.30am to 5.30pm, Stalls in the City, Thomas Steers Way (next to John Lewis and Hilton). An open air market showcasing craft and design creations by local entrepreneurs and artists. Featuring unique homewares, original prints and photography, handmade beauty products, glassware, upcycled accessories, textiles, candles, jewellery, stationery and much more! Visit for more details. Sun 13�� July, 12-4pm, Dogs Trust Merseyside Open Day and Fun Dog Show. Fun for all the family, two legged and four. Enter their Fun Dog Show, Doggy Dash or Have a Go Agility with your canine pal. Have a go at the games, paint a pottery dog or bounce on the castle in their children's area. There will also be a BBQ, homemade cakes, Grand Raffle, Tombola and lots of stalls. All proceeds go to the dogs in their care raising Pounds for Hounds. £1 adults, 50p children, Dogs FREE! Dogs Trust, Whiston Lane, Huyton, Liverpool, Contact telephone: 0151 949 5518


Summer Calendar Sat 19�� & Sun 20�� July, 1-4pm, Egyptian Coffins, World Museum, Discover why Ancient Egyptian people believed in a life after death and create your own Egyptian style coffin to take home. Free drop in event, no need to book. For more details visit: Sat 19�� & Sun 20�� July, 11-5pm, Speke Hall Vintage Festival, Speke Hall, Garden and Estate. See beautiful veteran and classic cars, grab a bargain in their fabulous vintage market and listen to some retro music. For more Information: call 0151 427 7231 23�� to 27�� July, Giant Spectacular, Memories of 1914. The giants are back to help commemorate the role of Liverpudlians in the Great War. Visit for more information. Sat 26�� & Sun 27�� July, 1-4pm, Egyptian Hieroglyphs, World Museum,q Find out why the ancient Egyptian people used little pictures called hieroglyphs to write down the sounds of their language. Free drop in event. No booking required. Visit: 29�� July to 31�� August, Summer Family Fun, Speke Hall, Garden and Estate. A different activity every day that they're open. Try den building, crafts, outdoor games, fun family tours and lots more. For more Information visit their website


www.nationaltrust.o or call 0151 427 7231. Free event (normal admission charges apply).

August Sat 2ⁿ� & Sun 3�� August, 1-4pm, Fossils, World Museum. Make your own fossil while finding out more about trilobites, ammonites and shark teeth fossils. Free drop in event. Booking not required. For further details visit: Sun 3�� August, 11-5pm, Knowsley Flower Show is the largest FREE horticultural Show in the North West and is set in the grounds of Court Hey Park - home of National Wildflower Centre. With a giant floral marquee ablaze with colour and housing over 400 exhibits - there will be a fantastic array of entertainment and attractions on offer. Free event and free entry to the National Wildflower Centre. Contact telephone: 0151 738 1913 Sat 9�� & Sun 10�� August, 1-4pm, Ancient Greek Patterns, World Museum. Find out more about the fantastic patterns on Greek pottery from hundreds of years ago. Copy some of the patterns to make a card souvenir to take home with you. Free drop in event. Booking not required.

Summer Calendar Tues 12��, Wed 13�� & Thurs 14�� August, Hansel and Gretel, Croxteth Hall (in the walled gardens). Booking essential. £5 for adults, £4 for children under the age of 12. Box office 07894 866 432. 14�� to 17�� August, Southport Flower Show, Victoria Park. Featuring stunning show gardens, the finest flower and vegetable displays, specialist foods and books, celebrity guests and much more. Tickets at the gate £22, Tickets bought in advance £17 and children under 16 Free. Lots more details available at 15�� to 30�� August, Liverpool International Music Festival, Sefton Park. Over 200 acts will represent 20 countries and playing a total of 150 hours of live music. Visit for details and full line up. Sat 16�� August, Walton Farmers’ Market, Walton Church Grounds. A community event with a variety of stalls for all ages local butchers, fruit & veg shop, fresh flowers, bagel bar, Artisan Breads, Cupcake stall and much more. Free event open to the public with a variety of stalls for all the family. Contact 07933 991747 Sat 16�� & Sun 17�� August, 1-4pm, North African Dancing, World Museum. Ya Raqs are a traditional Arabic dance troupe. They will be performing a range of dance styles from Egypt and North Africa and running short workshops for

anyone who would like to have a go! Free drop in event. Booking not required. Visit website for more details: 23�� and 24�� August, 10.30am to 5.30pm, Stalls in the City, Thomas Steers Way (next to John Lewis and Hilton) An open air market showcasing craft and design creations by local entrepreneurs and artists. Featuring unique homewares, original prints and photography, handmade beauty products, glassware, upcycled accessories, textiles, candles, jewellery, stationery and much more! Visit for more details. Sat 30�� August, Red Bull Harbour Reach, Albert Dock. Watch some of the world’s most elite athletes in Wakeboarding, compete with each other. For more details visit Sat 30�� & Sun 31�� August, 1-4pm, Viking Brooches, World Museum. Learn how to recognise a Viking from their brooch and make one of your own to take home. Free drop in event. Booking not required, just turn up. Visit

September Sat 6�� & Sun 7�� September, 1-4pm, Dinosaur Masks, World Museum. Discover lots of facts about dinosaurs and ancient reptiles and make your own dinosaur mask to take home. Free drop


Summer Calendar in event. Booking not required. Sun 7�� September, Liverpool will be the 'Grand Depart' city for this year's renowned Tour of Britain race. Stage One will start and finish on The Strand, taking in the world-famous backdrop of the Three Graces and will consist of ten laps of a 13-kilometre circuit. Sat 13�� and Sun 14�� September, 14pm, DNA bracelets at the World Museum. An introduction to DNA and make your own DNA bracelet using 4 different coloured beads to represent the some of the DNA code for a human, animal or plant. Free drop in event. Booking not required. Fri 19��, Sat 20�� and Sun 21�� September, Liverpool Food and Drink Festival, Sefton Park. A delicious weekend of great food, drink, cooking demo’s and entertainment. There will also be a ‘chocolate area’, an ‘edible garden’ a ‘children’s zone’, dedicated to family entertainment, as well as a whole programme of masterclasses and celebrity chef demonstrations. 20�� & 21�� September 2014. Southport Air Show. Southport Beach. 2 days of packed entertainment for the entire family. Tickets from £7 if bought in advance, children under 5 go free. To book and to see ticket prices visit


21�� September 12am- 6pm, Vintage Fair, Sefton Park Palm House. A great a mix of stalls selling men and women’s vintage/retro clothing, recustomised vintage/retro fashions, jewellery, accessories, homeware /collectables and retro inspired cakes and bakes. For lots more details visit: Sat 27�� & Sun 28�� September, 1-4pm, World Museum. Be inspired to create your very own animal mask. Free drop in event. Booking not required.

Keep up to date: For lots more family friendly events, services, competitions and of course oodles of fun, come along and join us on our facebook page: Please note: Whilst every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, details may change. Please phone the venue concerned or visit their website to check dates, times, prices and if booking is required before setting out.

Kids Direct Liverpool

Great Days Out

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Summer 2014


Kids Direct Liverpool

Great Days Out

Summer 2014

Bubbles' World of Play is the ultimate their children are safe and secure thanks Children's Entertainment Centre offering a whole new concept of play that is both fun, educational and fitness enhancing. Housing one of the largest play frames in the UK (if not the largest), children are encouraged to learn and explore over 30 different countries and zones, from the Sydney Harbour Bridge to their city role play area comprising of a police station, vets and shop to name a few. With interactive projectors, their very own talking penguin maze, ball cannon zone and numerous time challenge games; Bubbles' World of Play is the most innovative play centre around. Parents can relax in the comfortable seating areas enjoying quality food and drink and free WIFI whilst knowing that


to their extensive CCTV system, alarms on all exit doors and secure check in/check out processes. Parents can also explore the play frames with their children. Babies and toddlers are also well catered for with a large baby sensory area, separate secure baby feeding room with bottle making facilities and passcode access, baby change facilities on both floors and plenty of high chairs. Toddlers have the benefit of their own Toddler frame and a 'New York' themed play area. Located in Marine Point, New Brighton, it has its very own 90 space car park and a further 600 parking spaces within the Marine Point complex and just a 5 minute walk from New Brighton train station.

Kids Direct Liverpool

Great Days Out

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Summer 2014


Kids Direct Liverpool

Great Days Out

Summer 2014

Albert Dock Competition! Albert Dock Liverpool are offering one lucky family of four a fantastic prize! Lunch at What’s Cooking, tickets for the Beatles Story and Tate Liverpool, plus complimentary milkshakes courtesy of the fabulous Funky Shake Bar! Name the famous artist whose works will take centre stage during Tate Liverpool’s summer 2014 Exhibition? Email your answer to by Thursday 17th July. Terms and conditions apply. The prize is for two adults and two children under the age of 16, is non transferable, cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotion, and no cash alternatives will be given. The prize must be taken by 9th December 2014.

Albert Dock Liverpool is proud to unveil a fantastic programme of fun-packed, free summer events that will entertain visitors of all ages! The summer season highlights include:● Tate Liverpool’s summer exhibition, Mondrian and his Studios (June 6October 5) ● The Dazzle Ship in dry dock (from June 12) ● International Mersey River Festival (June 13-15) ● Liverpool Biennial at Tate Liverpool (July 5-October 26) ● Brouhaha carnival parade (July 11) ● Red Bull Harbour Reach (August 30) ● Liverpool Pirate Festival (September 13-14) There will also be continued free activity at Merseyside Maritime Museum, such as the ever-popular, Titanic and Liverpool: the


untold story exhibition (running until the end of 2017), The Brutal Exposure: the Congo exhibition at the International Slavery Museum (until September 7), not to mention the fab Beatles Story. There will also be plenty of enticing offers at the Dock’s popular bars and restaurants, plus regular outdoor musical performances from the likes of the famous Merseycats. Look out for the new pop up Albert Dock Welcome Centre which will showcase the Dock’s many attractions, restaurants, bars, shops and cafes. Another new family attraction for 2014, is the arrival of the Magical Mystery Tours booking office, now located in Anchor Courtyard, and the gateway to a fabulous two-hour tour of the places linked to the Fab Four. For lots more details about events and offers visit

Kids Direct Liverpool

Great Days Out

Summer 2014

Robots join Time Travellers at Spaceport! exhibition! Go and see some of your favourite Venture to Spaceport to see the brand new Robots exhibition featuring Wall-E, the terrifying Terminator, Futurama’s Bender, Westworld Robot Gunfighter Yul Brynner and many more. The Robots are joining the existing Time Travellers exhibition so you can still see all your favourites including batman, Cybermen, life-sized Daleks and K9. Intrepid space explorers can also enjoy unlimited simulator rides & take a virtual journey through space in the 360 degree space dome theatre, venture through the themed galleries, interactive hands-on exhibits and exciting audio. Visual experiences then if you’re feeling peckish refuel at the cafe and play area at Seacombe terminal.

costume characters including Silurian Warrior, Scarecrow and Sycorax on the following dates:

SAT 19TH JULY SAT 6TH SEPTEMBER SAT 8TH NOVEMBER SAT 21ST FEBRUARY 2015 SAT 16TH MAY 2015 Make a day of it with a trip on the iconic Mersey Ferry, with great value family prices combination tickets available for River Explorer cruise and Spaceport.

COSTUME CHARACTER VISITS Spaceport will be invaded with costume characters as part of their Time Traveller To advertise in Kids Direct Liverpool email:


Kids Direct Liverpool

For Parents

Summer 2014

Easy2name will solve all your labelling problems. With waterproof stickers for A fantastic competition courtesylabelling of: shoes, lunchboxes and equipment and a choice of clothing labels, including Stick-Easy clothing labels - the no sew, no iron option, lost property will be a thing of the past. Their "Off to school" set is great value as it includes stickers, iron on labels, a shoe bag and bag tag and you can choose from red, blue or lilac sets. Their innovative range of labels can be used on every single item of children's belongings from socks and shoes to stationary, sports kit and mobile phones. Easy2name give 10% discount to Kids Direct Readers - simply enter the code KD2014 at the checkout and you will automatically get 10% off. For a chance to win an Off to school set please tell us what colours they come in? Email your answers along with your name, address and child's age to




Kids Direct Liverpool

For Parents

Summer 2014

Newborn and baby photography Family and Children portraits Maternity sessions Cake smash sessions

Call Claire on 07852 924451

Email: InSight Images offers a high quality and professional service throughout Liverpool, Wirral and the Merseyside area. Claire is the photographer behind InSight Images and undertakes all areas of portraiture including Newborn and Children's portrait sessions. She provides mobile studio and location sessions throughout Merseyside all year round. Her aim is to capture beautiful, timeless images that capture your child's personality and create lasting memories of such a p r e c i o u s time. There are a number of p a c k a g e s available that

have been designed to suit all budgets. Packages include prints and products as well as a selection of digital images ensuring you have a collection of stunning high quality images for years to come and currently there is 25% off their discount package, now ÂŁ150. Another very popular package they offer includes 3 sessions: Bump, Newborn and Baby's 1st Birthday, which beautifully documents the special milestones during your baby's first year. They are also happy to price up any bespoke requests that you may have. Contact Claire on 07852 924451 or email

To advertise in Kids Direct Liverpool email:


Kids Direct Liverpool

For Parents

Summer 2014

FOR SALE KIDS DIRECT MERSEYSIDE Ever dreamt of owning your own business? You must be: ● ● ● ●

Self disciplined Able to sell Have good computer skills Able to deal with people easily


Benefits include: ● ● ● ● ● ●

Flexible Hours No need to work during school holidays Work from home Fits in around the children and family commitments Small investment Minimum capital equipment needed

It is normal to want to spend as much time as you can get with your children, but it can be difficult balancing family life with work. Getting a job with flexible hours can be a real challenge and we often don’t know where to begin to get the most out of our work/life balance. ‘I always struggled with childcare. School pick ups and the holidays were a major problem for me. Becoming my own boss was the best thing I could have done. I have the flexibility and rewards of a part-time job and play hard during the school holidays with my family.’

The perfect job for mums with children of school age is a part-time work-from-home job that allows for school holidays. Running your own business can give you the flexibility to fit a job and business around your family. The home is the work place. For some mums, buying a small franchise is a good option and Kids Direct has both

Call 07980 304998 or email for further details.

‘If one of my children was off sick, I used to have to take a day off work too. Now I just work round it and don’t ever feel guilty.’

existing franchises for sale and also exciting new opportunities in the North West. Kids Direct is a thrice yearly publication aimed at families with children under the age of 12. The magazine is published just before the three main school holidays; Easter, Summer and Christmas and provides valuable information to the local community, whilst working from home. The work load is such, that most of it happens during school term time, so this means you have most of the holidays free to spend with your family. Why not contact us at Kids Direct with absolutely no obligation? You will be surprised at how reasonable the cost is to buy your own business.

To advertise in Kids Direct Liverpool email:


Kids Direct Liverpool

Sporting Fun

First Lesson Free!

Train with the best!

Liverpool Tae Kwon Do Tues & Thurs Juniors 6-7 pm, Seniors 7-8 pm Kensington Community Sports Centre, Jubilee Drive, Kensington, Liverpool L7 8SJ

Saturdays Tots Kwon Do 12.30-1.15 pm

(toddlers aged 2-4 years) Childwall Sports & Science Academy, Fiveways, Queens Drive, Liverpool, L15 6XZ


Summer 2014

Think you have what it takes to be the next Tae Kwon Do champion? Or looking to get fit in a friendly club then look no further. Juniors and Seniors can train with multiple World and European champion Roger Lawrence also a former team Scotland coach. He has won unprecedented success that led Scotland to be ranked number 3 in the World. Call Roger on 07973 195 301 or email Also, Liverpool Tots Kwon Do for toddlers aged 2 to 4, use merit badges to mark your child’s progress. Tots Kwon Do can improve balance, coordination and give your child confidence in the art of learning, whilst having fun. Parental participation is required! So go along and have some fun. Friendly female instructor. For bookings or for further details call Claire on 07507 720 040 or email

Kids Direct Liverpool

Sporting Fun

Summer 2014

Airborn Academy is a state of the art urban sport centre based close to Liverpool City centre on Boundary Street, in the Liverpool Film Studios Complex and less than 10 minutes walk from Sandhills railway station. This unique and exciting new venue is the first of its kind in the UK and unites an array of urban sports under one roof; freerunning, cheerleading, trampolining, tumbling, break dancing, aerial skills and martial arts. Their facilities include an urban obstacle training space, competition size cheerleading floor, aerial equipment, dance studio and innovative raise training zone with freerunning bar space, sunken trampolines and fast track, all leading to the central foam landing pit. Their professional and fully qualified coaches offer the highest quality of instruction in a safe and inspiring environment. Regardless of age, ability, or fitness level, Airborn Academy has something for everyone and is the perfect place to get active, explore the progression of movement, participate in upcoming, exciting urban sports and also meet some awesome people in the process. Open every weekday evening and from 10:00am -9.30pm at weekends, classes are offered for complete beginners right through to those with a high level of skill and experience. Parties and private bookings can also be accommodated and keep a check on their website for extra daytime activities during school holidays. For lots more details visit: To advertise in Kids Direct Liverpool email:


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