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Both : The book we are about to talk about is Saving Sweetness Steven : Made by : Diane Stanley Lillian : Illustrated By : G. Brian Karas. The story starts out in a town in the middle of a hot n’ dusty summer day with a mean old woman named Mrs.Sump who owned an orphanage. Who was so mean she made the orphans scrub the floor with toothbrushes. Steven : Hey don’t do all the talking. Lillian: Fine (in a whisper voice: crybaby) Steven : Hey I can hear you. Anyways, there was a little girl named Sweetness. She got

tired of the mean old Mrs. Sump and ran away. Lillian: I would too if Mrs. Sump made ME do that Steven : So the sheriff has to find her . If you want to find out what happens next. Lillian: Read the book to find out what happens!

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