Shark's Life

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of Contents Pages

1…………….. The map and the environment 2&3 ………… A illustration 4&5…………. A chart and a ​ paragraph 6…………….. Is two life cycles 7…………….. A chart and a paragraph 8……………. A whole page about Algae 9……………. A whole page about Algae 10……………. The food chain of the ocean 11……………. the food web of ocean 12…………...what would happen without sharks

Sharks are cold blooded ,but they adapt to their environment. Sharks live in most of the 5 oceans (Arctic, Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, and Southern) seas of the world, some live in freshwater, others prefer salty water. studies showing around 70% of the oceans are shark free. The oceans are found almost everywhere in the world 70% of the Earth is the ocean and lucky for sharks that is where they live. The ocean is made out of salty water. Studies show there are 440 types of sharks in the world. The pacific ocean is surrounded by the pacific ring of fire which is a ring of volcanoes. The ocean is dark colored like sharks so its hard to see. The average temperature in all the oceans are 30Ëš ,but the climates of the area around land are very different . The climate of tropical areas are are nice and warm. Arctic areas are very cold causing the water to be cold there. The sun only heats the surface of the water ,so underwater is still dark and cold.Â

Their favorite food are Sea Otters. Sharks have many qualities making it comfortable to its environment .Each body structure helps the sharks live in the oceans.


The food and his Sharks body structure has no bones surprisingly it is made of cartilage. Sharks actually don’t mean to attack anyone. The reason they eat people is because they mistake us for Sea Otters. The reason we are scared of them is because they are scary looking and if you've seen Jaws(movie) you would know why. Sharks grow back there and they have unlimited amount of teeth just in case they lose one they can grow it back and eat.

Name of of animals

body body structures covering

body color


gills fins rough skin eyes skin teeth tails swimmers

gray white blue


fin gills tail


all sort of colors


8 legs 2 arms

smooth skin


4Â Â


they also have ink

Shark and octopuses are different and the same at the same time. These are the same things that are about these animals and, here they are that each animal has a color that helps itself blend in with their surroundings and they also live in every ocean in the world. Now here are the different things about these animals is that the octopi change colors to blend in, while the shark is one color to blend in with the ocean itself. Another thing that is different about these animals is that the octopi have 8 arms and 2 tentacles. Sharks and fish are different and the same at the same time. Now here is what is different about these animals, fish have scales, but sharks have rough skin. Now here is the same things about these animals, is that they both have gills and they both have fins. ​ 5Â


This is a picture of a water bug life cycle.This is a life cycle of a Cockroach. They Are Different Because They are Both Incomplete Metamorphosis

​ Here are some ways these insects are different because they are different insects. Now here are some same things about these animals, they both are incomplete metamorphosis and they both have eggs, nymphs, and adults.


Inherited Traits

Learned Traits

Skin Color

Know how to hunt

Eye Color



Killing his food The inherited traits help the hem see and have skin and the swimming is so they can get to places. The learned traits like know how to hunt is a way of living. They will dive some of the time. They need to know how to kill their food because if they don’t know how they can’t be able to eat anything. 7

This is a plant called algae and right up above is a life cycle of algae. Now here are some things that helps the algae live. Here they are phytoplankton. 8

The algae plant has a progress called Photosynthesis and it helps the plant eat and here is the progress. One of them is phytoplankton and phytoplankton is very small so they blend into water. algae needs carbon dioxide. algae can power planes and grow hundreds of feet. the amount of oxygen commonly produced by algae is 30 to 50 algae grows 40 times faster than normal crops. instead of carbon dioxide algae takes in CO2 and still produces oxygen. 9

Here is the energy in the ocean and the food chain of the ocean also.


Here is the flow of energy in the ocean and it is the food web of the ocean also. 11

If sharks cannot adapt to their environment due to pollution and buildings then they will slowly die off and become extinct. They might have to find and adapted to a new location. If we get rid of sharks we will have no one to eat all of the fish and reefs will be flooded with fish. sharks prevent global warming.


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