A Time to Give Thanks 2023

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A Time to Give Thanks From: Bilateral Safety Corridor Coalition Combating Human Trafficking in the Americas

”A time to give thanks — a time to let you know how you are

making a difference”

To all our funders: In this message, we give you the warmest thank you for helping BSCC in its commitment to making a difference in our fight against human trafficking. Thanks to your gracious and generous funding, we have been able to serve hundreds of clients for more than 20 years. Thanks to your funding, we have been able to help clients through our model: victims, survivor, thriver. With the sincere appreciation, Anne Hoiberg, President. Marisa Ugarte, Executive Director

How we guide our clients: We Encourage: When clients are brought in, most times their confidence is crushed. They have been beaten, both physically and mentally to the point where the fight has been crushed from them. While we work to evaluate needs, and provide the immediate help a client needs, we also recognize the importance of human interactions. Persons who have been trafficked have been conditioned to believe they have no human value except to provide their handler with income. We speak to their human need for caring and personal interaction. Clients at BSCC have not fallen into an impersonal system, they have been adopted by a caring family that truly will encourage them to recognize their worth.

Excellence: Our clients achieve excellence. We have college graduates, and women accepted to advanced degree studies and thriving in business. We have seen women go on to help others. Some have even returned to their home country to help others who have experienced what they have overcome. We have seen women reunited with their families, raising their children in safety and security, reclaiming their lives, and achieving their dreams.

Empower: When a client has been trafficked, all their personal power has been taken from them. They often feel lost and have no idea where to begin to rebuild their life. At BSCC, we teach them the steps and give them the power to take those steps with confidence, knowing that we will be with them every step of the way as they learn and grow. No one is ever alone and left to figure it out. We are with them, letting them take steps, while supporting them through every new step they take.

A success story E.S., a remarkable human trafficking survivor, initially faced serious mental health challenges because of the physical and emotional abuse she suffered. In just one year, our collaboration and her resilience have led to significant positive changes in her life. We successfully secured housing, and vital public benefits for E.S., including medical assistance, food stamps, and cash aid, enabling her to address pressing medical issues and establish a financial safety net. Additionally, we assisted her in connecting with pro bono attorneys to initiate her T visa process, and she is now on track to receive her green card—an uplifting milestone representing newfound security and freedom. Beyond overcoming adversity, E.S. has embraced education, pursued computer studies, and discovered her innate healing abilities, becoming a Reiki Master. E.S.'s journey serves as a powerful reminder that with determination and assistance, one can not only survive but truly thrive.

A Success story J.A., a survivor of human trafficking with a traumatic past, joined BSCC's program in October 2023. Trafficked by her own mother at the tender age of 6, J.A. grappled with addiction, suicide attempts, harmful relationships, loss of child custody, and a year-long coma due to a horrific accident. After experiencing incarceration in Nevada, she relocated to San Diego, where her former intimate partner subjected her to further victimization. Upon entering BSCC, J.A.'s progress became evident within the first month. In this brief period, BSCC has provided crucial support for J.A., connecting her with mental health professionals, securing public benefits for vital healthcare services and food, and addressing the lasting medical impacts of substance use. Additional services have assisted in her reintegration, encompassing vocational aid, emotional support, and more. Despite the early stage of her journey, J.A.'s resilience and proactive goal-setting are guiding her towards a new chapter in her life called thriving.

A Success Story In the current year, four of our clients have successfully initiated the T visa application process. Through our connections with pro bono legal services, we've paved the way for them to achieve both freedom and legal status, offering them the opportunity to work and thrive in newfound security. Remarkably, one of them has already progressed beyond this initial stage and is now just a few steps away from securing her permanent residence. In the current year, four of our clients have successfully initiated the T visa application process. Through our connections with pro bono legal services, we've paved the way for them to achieve both freedom and legal status, offering them the opportunity to work and thrive in newfound security. Remarkably, one of them has already progressed beyond this initial stage and is now just a few steps away from securing her permanent residence.

As We Look Forward to the New Year Our Goals for 2024 BSCC will continue to advocate for Survivors and launch our new campaign to promote awareness of the dangers of labor trafficking and all forms of human trafficking. BSCC will provide direct services to victims to become Thrivers living independently, free from fear, and looking forward to a new life. BSCC will continue to provide our emergency services, we have the only emergency shelter in SD; we plan to increase transitional housing and, implement innovative projects empowering Survivors.

Your Support has helped BSCC in 2023 The BSCC 24/7 Hotline received 422 calls. We provided 30 victims with temporary hotel stays. We provided transportation through the Case Manager and Uber to appointments, employment, and schools. 34 Survivors were able to return to their city of origin. 46 clients received direct services to build skills, and self-esteem and begin their journey of healing. BSCC: We now offer ESL classes at our office.

Bilateral Safety Corridor Coalition “Combating Human Trafficking in the Americas” Emergency Trafficking Hotline (619) 666-275 121 E31st Street, Suite A National City, CA. 91950 Phone: (619) 336-0770 E-Mail: info@bsccinfo.org Website: www.bsccoalition.org

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