Inside Out Issue 24

Page 8

“My LUNCH !! “ Star turned towards Tippy the Troll “Is the answer “Lunch and Dinner?” “Oh! You are clever” said Tippy. “You are correct and may cross my bridge”. Cheering they all ran across the bridge. Star remembering that Tippy the Troll was always hungry, and Said “If you can tell me how many apples you can put in an empty box, I’ll give you that many apples”. “Well then” said Tippy “I would like one apple, because after you put one apple in the empty box, the box isn’t empty anymore”. “Very good” said Star “ Here is an apple, and thank you for letting us use your bridge”. Soon the six children found Concobar and the entrance to his cave. He was sitting on a tree stump scratching his pointy ears. Star explained what had happened to her woggle and asked if they could look in his cave for it. “Yes you may” he said “but before you enter the Cave , I have a few items to help you if you want them? A matchbox containing one match, an oil lamp, and a candle.


“That would be very kind of you” said Moon “No Problem”, Said the old elf with a twinkle in his eye “However, you can only have them if you can tell me which one you’ll light first? Think carefully as you’ll only get one guess”. This time Star knew the answer straight away, and she whispered it into Concobar’s ear. “Yes” he said “Star you are too good for my puzzles. You may take the items. Try looking in my bedroom, because something bounced off my ear and woke me up when I was having my afternoon nap”. “Thanks” said Star. “What was the answer?” asked Moon “the candle?” “Nope” said star picking up the match box “to light any of them you need to light the match first”. Using the oil lamp and candle they found Star’s woggle in Concobar’s bedroom just as he said. Star was very happy to have found her lost woggle. “What an adventure we’ve had” she said as they all began to walk home. “I wonder what’s for dinner” said Spike, and they all began to laugh and giggle.

Star’s Favourite Game

Scouter Zone

Last Match

Understanding Learning Objectives

Required: Box of wooden matches Instructions: Beaver Scouts in Lodges. Lay out a number of matches in a number of piles, as long as there is at least 2 matches in 2 piles. Each beaver scout takes a turn removing any number of matches from one pile. The beaver scout that is forced to remove the last match is out. The rest of the lodge continue to play. Repeat until there is only one lodge left. Alternative: The beaver scout that removes the last match is the winner of 1 point for their lodge.

What is a learning Objective ? A learning objective is a statement outlining the challenge within the SPICES so that we can encourage each youth member to achieve the aims of the association. Where did they come from. ? The Learning objectives came from RAP ( Renewed Approach to Programme) August 2004 - Educational Proposal – ascertained the needs and aspirations of young people in Ireland. The goals of Scouting Ireland were examined. October 2004 – Educational Trails - The Educational Trails Document was developed in respect of each of the areas of personal growth outlined in the aim of the Association, building on the Educational Proposal.

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