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Saginaw County Medical Society

Winter 2023 | Volume 81 | No 1



“Finding B alance”

p. 7




p. 16-17

Facing the Facts About Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD) & Venous Insufficiency


• 12 million Americans have PVD, yet only about 25% are treated due to low awareness.

• Approximately 40% of the population suffers from venous insufficiency.


• Cramps, tiredness or pain in the legs, thighs or buttocks that occurs while walking and subsides during rest?

• Foot or toe pain at rest that often disturbs sleep?

• Foot or toe wounds that will not heal or heal very slowly?

• A marked decrease in the lower leg/foot temperature, particularly compared to the other leg or rest of the body?

• Leg swelling or skin discoloration?


Your patients may be at risk for Peripheral Vascular Disease or venous insufficiency. PVD causes leg arteries to harden and clog, reducing blood flow to the feet and legs and raising the risk of leg amputation and even death. Venous insufficiency can cause aggressive edema, skin discoloration and chronic ulcers/wounds. Getting a diagnosis and treatment earlier can improve their overall prognosis – helping them avoid the serious consequences of these diseases.


Please call Covenant Medical Group Cardiology at 989.583.4700.

Bashar Al Jayyousi, MD, FACC, FSCAI

Cardiac and Peripheral Interventionalist

• Non-healing wounds

• Claudication

• Critical limb ischemia

Umesh Badami, MD, FACC, FSCAI

Cardiac and Peripheral Interventionalist

• PVD with claudication

Manoj Sharma, MD, FACC, FSCAI

Cardiac and Peripheral Interventionalist

• PVD with claudication

Anwar Zaitoun, MD, FACC, FSCAI, RPVI

Cardiac and Peripheral Interventionalist

• Non-healing vascular wounds

• Claudication

• Critical limb ischemia

• Chronic venous insufficiency

• Carotid arterial disease

©2022 Covenant HealthCare. All rights reserved. Bus. Dev. (AQ/RF) Rev. 12/22 15075

Saginaw County Medical Society


President Tiffany K. Kim MD

President-Elect Mark G. Greenwell MD

Past President Anthony M. Zacharek MD

Secretary Caroline G.M. Scott MD

Treasurer Miriam T. Schteingart MD

Board of Directors

Christopher J. Allen MD

Furhut R. Janssen DO

Mary J. McKuen MD

Kai Anderson MD

Jennifer M. Romeu MD

Elizabeth M. Marshall MD

Bulletin Editor Louis L. Constan MD

Retiree Representative

Caroline G.M. Scott MD

Resident Representatives

Jessica H. Faris MD (OB)

Mohammed A. Saiyed MD (FM)

Yuri J. Kim MD (IM)

Medical Student Representatives

Ann Sobell, MD Candidate, Class of 2023

Mary Galuska MA, MD Candidate, Class of 2024

MSMS Delegates

Elvira M. Dawis MD

Anthony M. Zacharek MD

Christopher J. Allen MD

Miriam T. Schteingart MD

Kala K. Ramasamy MD

Jennifer M. Romeu MD

Karensa L. Franklin MD

Judy V. Blebea MD

Elizabeth M. Marshall MD

MSMS Alternate Delegates

Caroline G.M. Scott MD

Waheed Akbar MD

Mohammad Yahya Khan MD

Nicholas E. Haddad MD

Mary J. McKuen MD

Kai Anderson MD

Claudia C. Zacharek MD

Cecilia E. Kraus-Horbal DO Peer Review Ethics Committee

Waheed Akbar MD, Chair

Caroline G.M. Scott MD

James R. Hines MD

MSMS Region 7 Representative

Mildred J. Willy MD

MSMS President

Thomas J. Veverka MD Executive

Joan M. Cramer Administrative Assistant

Keri L. Benkert

under the Bulletin tab.



Louis L. Constan, MD


Joan M. Cramer


Lori Krygier


Saginaw County Medical Society

350 St. Andrews Rd., Ste. 242, Saginaw, MI 48638-5988

Telephone (989) 790-3590 | Fax (989) 331-6720

Cell (989) 284-8884 |

Hours By Appointment |

All statements or comments in the Bulletin are those of the writers, and not necessarily the opinion of the Saginaw County Medical Society. Contributions are welcome. We publish committee reports, letters to the editor, Alliance reports, public health activities of the members, and some personal items (birthdays, weddings, graduations and like events). The Editor determines which are accepted. Advertisements are accepted as space is available at our going rates. Members may advertise office information, professional services, skills, and procedures, also at our going rates. We do not accept advertisements from nonmembers, or non-Saginaw hospitals.

The Bulletin is mailed free of charge to SCMS members as part of their membership. Complimentary copies are sent to various other parties. Others may subscribe at the rate of $50 per year.

The Bulletin | Winter 2023 3
The Bulletin can be viewed online at
Service Representative
5 Happy Doctors’ Day! 7 Register Now for 4/18/23 Meeting & Calendar of Meetings and Events for 2023 9 Nominations for 2023 Health Angel Award 10 Proposed Amendment to SCMS Bylaws 11 SCMS Mission, Vision and Values 12 Thankful 13 Legislative Committee Members Needed 16-17 Gun Violence Prevention Legislation Update 22 CMU Tele-Mental Health Symposium 23 Nursing Scholarship and Medical Student Loan Applications 4 President’s Letter 5 Office Space for Sale or Lease 5 Retirees Meet for Lunch 6 From the Editor 8 Barb Smith SRRN 9 The Resident Lounge 13 Guest Writers Welcome 14 CMU College of Medicine CMU Health • Behavioral Medicine Dedication • Congratulations • Tele-Mental Health Symposium • Pulse3 18 MSMS • State of MSMS Address • MSMS Survey on Staffing Shortages • Updated Medical Records Policy • Scope of Practice Update 19 Applications for Membership 19 Caduceus Meeting for Recovering Health Care Professionals 20 Covenant HealthCare 24 Ascension St. Mary’s 26 GLBHC Accepting Adult Outpatient Psychiatry Referrals 27 In Memory • Patricia Perea • Reynold J. Baumstark DDS 29 Thank You Advertisers! 30 Birthdays – Belated February, March and April 30 Advertiser Index 32 Key Providers 32 Calendar of Meetings and Events for 2023
MSMS Member
Heather L. Foster (517) 336-5719

Finding Joy

As I started putting my Christmas decorations away, I realized how much joy they brought me. Despite all the work it takes to put up my tree and set out all the decorations, with the help of my mom, the final product is so beautiful and brings about such a feeling of peace and relaxation that I realize all the work is worth it.

As physicians, we have realized the work we have put in over many years of education and training are definitely worth it. Unfortunately, as we have discussed before, many things in medicine pull us apart from our joy. The long hours, EHR requirements with the never ending clicking of boxes, and the ever-increasing expectations from the administration. We are healers and that should bring us joy! At least that is what we recited at graduation: “May I always act so as to preserve the finest traditions of my calling, and may I long experience the JOY of healing those who seek my help” - excerpted from the Hippocratic Oath. But to know how to preserve our joy through all the negativity we need to understand what joy truly is. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, joy is to experience great pleasure or

delight : REJOICE. The word joy refers to the emotion evoked by well-being, success or good fortune, and is typically associated with feelings of intense, long lasting happiness.

If joy is the experiencing of great pleasure, then what is happiness? Many use the terms interchangeably but I feel there is a significant difference. It is also difficult to pin down a definition for happiness. According to Oxford English Dictionary, the definition of happy is “Feeling or showing pleasure or contentment.” So, in my mind I see happiness as a temporary emotion based on circumstance or situation versus joy which is more consistent, internal and spiritual.

C.S. Lewis once denoted the differences between happiness, pleasure and joy: "I sometimes wonder whether all pleasures are not substitutes for Joy," and "I call it Joy, which is here a technical term and must be sharply distinguished both from Happiness and Pleasure.” Joy (in my sense) has indeed one characteristic, and one only, in common with them; the fact that anyone who has experienced it will want it again... I doubt whether anyone who has tasted it would ever, if both were in his power, exchange it for all the

pleasures in the world. But then Joy is never in our power and Pleasure often is."

Sarah Kristenson wrote an article in the Happier Human that I feel makes important distinctions between joy and happiness. Here are a few:

1. “Joy is about selflessness, and happiness involves pleasing oneself: Being selfless can mean ignoring your own feelings to benefit someone else. Although this can be a challenge, you can gain plenty of joy, meaning and purpose from it.”

2. “Joy involves trials and hardships, while happiness is easier to achieve”: working hard brings better opportunities for joy ( i.e. volunteering, a purposeful career).

3. “Joy is transformative and happiness can hold you back: Joyful experiences can be life-changing. In particular, you can get married and have a family or have spiritual or religious experiences (such as praying every day, attending church services regularly, etc.) and gain a new depth.”

4. “Joy connects people to each other, while happiness consists of

continued on page 5

4 The Bulletin | Winter 2023 PRESIDENT'S LETTER
“May I always act so as to preserve the finest traditions of my calling, and may I long experience the JOY of healing those who seek my help.”
— excerpted from the Hippocratic Oath

continued from page 4

momentary connections”: Caring for patients and having a strong doctor-patient relationship.

5. “Joy can be present where difficulties exist, but happiness can't live in this space: Namely, you could feel intensely alone and empty, but having spiritual beliefs at this time could make you profoundly joyful. However, the feeling of loneliness can be so intense that it makes it impossible to be happy.”

So many people reading might be asking why is this so important? Not only is the distinction important in our personal lives, but it is hugely important in our professional lives. If we are to have joy in our work, we need to understand what we are setting out to find but also once we find it, how do we protect it. If we focus on the joy in medicine, then my hope is it can help curb the feelings associated with burnout. Here are a few strategies I found that can help us get started:

1. Establishing and maintaining the physician-patient relationship. It has been documented over and over that we get fulfillment out of this relationship by nurturing and educating patients to be participants in their own health.

2. Practicing gratitude toward our colleagues: By acknowledging the hard work one is doing allows for an opportunity for our colleagues to feel joy.

3. Allowing for balance in our lives: Whether it is taking a leap into private practice as I recently did, or simply taking a walk around the block. Being strategic on how and when we work and play encourages less stress which in turn allows us to enjoy our calling.

My hope for the physicians in our community is that they always find the joy in medicine and maintain the resilience it takes to do our jobs well.


Retired physicians meet for lunch every Wednesday at 12 noon at IHOP, 2255 Tittabawassee Road in Saginaw. Those attending are responsible for their own lunch, and the informal gathering lasts about an hour. Join your retired colleagues whenever you like!

THE GROUP ALWAYS MEETS IN THE BACK ROOM. If you are told no one from the group is there, please go directly to the back room and check for yourself!

If you have questions, please contact Joan Cramer at (989) 284-8884 or Dr. Caroline Scott at (989) 295-2721.

All statements or comments in The Bulletin are those of the writer, and not necessarily the opinion of the Saginaw County Medical Society (SCMS).

The Bulletin is made available electronically for members as an informational service. Reliance on any such information is at the user's own judgment.

The SCMS, its officers and employees, cannot guarantee the accuracy, reliability, completeness or timeliness of any information, and may not be held liable for any individual’s reliance on our web or print publications. For questions or the latest information, please contact Joan Cramer of the SCMS at (989) 284-8884 or

The Bulletin | Winter 2023 5
Medical Arts Building I 4705 Towne Centre Road, Suite 204 Saginaw, Michigan 48604 2,450 square feet Call for details (989) 284-2659 OFFICE SPACE FOR SALE OR LEASE
Thank You for Being a Member And Serving the Residents of Saginaw County for 120 Years! | Cell (989) 284-8884 HAPPY DOCTORS’ DAY!


My first experience with suicide was early in my career. A few months after starting medical school, one of the students in my class killed himself. In our small class of only 70 students, you’d think that there’d be some fallout over this. But we were a highly competitive school where some of us were expected to “flunk out,” and we were each too focused on our own survival to dwell overmuch on the struggles of other students. No one in authority ever acknowledged his death. They quietly removed his name from the roster, never to mention him again.

My second experience was in residency when several of my resident-colleagues developed “personal” problems. That was all anyone would say about what we would now undoubtedly call depression/ anxiety. Fortunately, the faculty were enlightened enough to get all of us into counseling before it was too late.

Later, during my early practice years (at the height of the malpractice insurance crisis), there were plenty of colleagues who showed signs of mental distress. Such “weaknesses” were considered a sign of unprofessionalism and only whispered about. Nevertheless, no one could hide the steady stream of self-destructive behavior such as drug use and mysterious deaths (suicides?). Rumors circulated around each incident, but since no

one in a position of leadership ever acknowledged that there was a problem or discussed it openly, these doctors suffered in silence and left us.

Of course, my own patients suffered as well. The first one had postpartum depression and killed her child prior to unsuccessfully trying to kill herself. A psychiatrist friend explained that such behavior was not uncommon. A suicidal mother does not want her child to be an orphan. I totally missed the warning signs that might have prevented this.

The second was a young man who came to see me after an ER visit. The ER doctor, and I, provided excellent stateof-the-art care for his sprained ankle. What we missed was the fact that he had sprained his ankle while trying to hang himself. Later he tried again—and succeeded—using a stronger rope. This time two doctors, his ER doctor and his Family Physician, both, missed the diagnosis.

The third one was a middle-aged single man, a regular patient who came in for a blood pressure check. He looked, I thought, lonely, so I decided to socialize a bit. When I asked what he’d been doing with himself, he reluctantly admitted that he’d been looking at the Zilwaukee Bridge and had plans to go up there and jump off. I managed to talk him out of it and get help. A win for he and I…finally.

Friends and family were not immune. At one high school reunion, I chatted briefly with an old acquaintance. A few years later he confessed that he had intended to kill himself after getting home that night…but was inspired to go on living on account of the friendship we had rekindled. A win, or a near-miss?

My own hypercompetitive sevenyear-old daughter once told my wife she “didn’t deserve to live” after getting only a B on a test. What do you do? Try to reassure her? Of course. But what else? We didn’t know. Years later, the same daughter (then living in another state) developed signs of post-partum depression. Remembering my previous suicidal postpartum patient, I called her husband and ALL of the local friends I knew of. Perhaps an overreaction, which did not sit well with her. But she came through it.

Other friends, other relatives, other friends-of-friends—the body count (and near misses) has been adding up over the years. Every single one was unforgettable. The guilt, the angst and the soul-searching of their doctors, their friends and their families just go on and on.

Can we do better? Can we ever learn what we need to learn and take the actions we need to take to prevent suicides like these?

continued on page 7

6 The Bulletin | Winter 2023
Rumors circulated around each incident, but since no one in a position of leadership ever acknowledged that there was a problem or discussed it openly, these doctors suffered in silence and left us.

continued from page 6

Of late, it has been easier to talk about suicide and there are much better support systems for these struggling individuals. But we must remember that the incidence of depression/ suicide is steadily increasing. This is no time for resting on our laurels. We must step up our game. Over these years, I have come to believe that we must make four major steps if we’re ever going to make a dent in these tragedies:

1. Discuss suicide whenever given the opportunity to do so. Use the word. Explain to incredulous laypeople that depression and its aftermath are real, common and deadly.

2. Consider the possibility of suicide in everyone we encounter who has any hint at all of stress, either economic or mental stress.

3. Ask about feelings of self-harm…as I did with the fellow who wanted to jump off that bridge.

4. Memorize the relevant numbers: Phone 988, or text 741741.

I wish I could move past those lost lives and the disastrous effects on their families. I cannot. In a way that is good, because it motivates me to do better at recognizing and preventing such terrible loss to mankind.

If you find it difficult to communicate with your doctor; if you find it hard to get personal attention from an 'impersonal healthcare industry'; if you don't understand all those insurance-company rules; if you don't know how to change your bad health habits; if you think you may be on unnecessary medications; if you are perplexed by those annoying health-product advertisements; and if you'd like to know which are your greatest health risks - you'll appreciate this Family Doctor's advice, gleaned from 44 years of practice.

Each chapter is illustrated with real-life examples from his and other doctors' practices. Each chapter ends with 'bonus' essays written by the author and published in newspapers and magazines giving the doctor's viewpoint. This will give you a unique perspective and allow you to 'get into the mind' of a doctor. Sweet!

Available on Kindle (different cover but same book) and paperback.

Available on Amazon by clicking HERE



Tuesday, April 18, 2023 - Horizons Conference Center, 6200 State Street, Saginaw Board Meeting – 5:30 p.m.

Membership Meeting – Social (cash bar) at 6:30 p.m., followed by dinner, meeting and program at 7 p.m.

Topic – “Finding Balance” Inspirational TED Talks by SCMS members

Email meeting notices will be sent in early April

Online reservations are required

or scan the QR Code

Saturday-Sunday, April 22-23, 2023 - The Henry in Dearborn, 158th Annual MSMS House of Delegates

Tuesday, May 16, 2023 - Horizons Conference Center, 6200 State Street, Saginaw Board Meeting – 5:30 p.m.

Annual SCMS and SCMS Foundation Membership Meetings

Social (cash bar) at 6:30 p.m., followed by dinner, meetings and program at 7 p.m.

Email meeting notices will be sent in early May

Online reservations are required

Tuesday, June 20, 2023 - CMU College of Medicine, 1632 Stone Street, Saginaw Board Meeting – 5:30 p.m.

There is no Membership Meeting in June There are no Board or Membership Meetings in July or August

12th Annual SCMS Foundation Golf Outing – date TBD

Tuesday, September 19, 2023 - Horizons Conference Center, 6200 State Street, Saginaw Board Meeting – 5:30 p.m.

Membership Meeting Joint with the Saginaw County Dental Society and Saginaw Valley Osteopathic Society –Social (cash bar) at 6:30 p.m., followed by dinner, meeting and program at 7 p.m.

Speakers – Monica Lamble DDS and Nishtha Sareen MD

Topic – "The Link Between Oral, Cardiac and Systemic Health"

Online reservations are required

Tuesday, October 17, 2023 - Horizons Conference Center, 6200 State Street, Saginaw Board Meeting – 5:30 p.m.

Membership Meeting – Social (cash bar) at 6:30 p.m., followed by dinner, meeting and program at 7 p.m.

Speakers – TBD

Topic – TBD

Online reservations are required

Tuesday, November 21, 2023 - CMU College of Medicine, 1632 Stone Street, Saginaw Board Meeting – 5:30 p.m.

There is no Membership Meeting in November

There is no Board or Membership Meeting in December

*Subject to change Read previous issues of The Bulletin at under the Bulletin tab

Mission: To prevent suicide through education, connection to resources, and support for those impacted by suicide.

Talk Today... Hope for Tomorrow

Lead with SPIRIT

CMU Medical students partnered with the Saginaw SPIRIT, CAN Council and the Barb Smith Suicide Resource & Response Network (Network) to host Lead with SPIRIT on Saturday, February 4th at the Dow Event Center in Saginaw. Over 230 students in grades 4-10 and school staff from multiple Saginaw County schools had the privilege of learning about sexual abuse from the CAN Council, opioids from CMU medical students, and suicide prevention from the Network Brian Pruitt and Charles Lewis (contestant on American Idol) brought a lot of energy through music and messages to end the leadership section of the event. The students wrapped up the day watching the SPIRIT Hockey team play in the arena. The purpose was to teach these students to be the eyes and ears of their peers, and to be leaders when they returned to their schools. We would like to give special thanks to Dr. Steve Vance and Angie Appold of CMU for arranging for the CMU medical students to participate in the event.

WNEM Mental Health Phone Bank

In conjunction with the upcoming Talk Today… Hope for Tomorrow Mental Health Awareness Night at the Saginaw SPIRIT, the Network partnered with local community mental health workers and WNEM to host a mental health phone bank on Thursday, February 9th. Twenty-six people in the listening area reached out to get resources and connect to care.

tables in the Red Room, over 4,200 SPIRIT fans hearing messages of hope, many survivors of suicide loss participating and countless caring volunteers. Awareness, hope and light were shared throughout the game. Thank you to our sponsors and all those involved in helping us to destigmatize mental health and suicide.

Recent Trainings

Below are a few of the trainings the Network facilitated in the last six weeks:


The Network hosted a two-day ASIST Training (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) on January 30-31 at Bay Arenac ISD. Six CMU College of Medicine students participated in the training.

Yellow Ribbon

Nithya Gandham MD and Swetha Kondaveeti MD, CMU PGY-2 Psychiatry residents, joined Barb Smith in speaking with 200 students and staff from Nouvel Catholic Central High School on February 6th. They presented the Yellow Ribbon youth suicide prevention program. Words of encouragement and hope were shared from both Drs. Gandham and Kondaveeti to encourage our youth to reach out and ask for help for themselves or their friends if there was ever a need for mental health or thoughts of suicide. An important message was shared and heard!

Mental Health Awareness Night at the Saginaw SPIRIT Hockey Game

Talk Today... Hope for Tomorrow Mental Health Awareness Night at the SPIRIT Hockey Game held on Saturday, February 11th was hosted by the Network and shared with many community partners. There were 22 resource


On February 23rd, the Network had the privilege of facilitating three sessions of START trainings for a total of 104 CMU College of Medicine first year medical students. Thank you to MPHI for providing the training links, and to all the students willing to learn this life saving skill.

8 The Bulletin | Winter 2023 continued on page 18
Pictured (Back L-R) Margaret Muter-Devericks, Behavioral Health Manager at Great Lakes Bay Health Centers; Katrina Brock, Clinical Director at List Psychological Services, PLC; and Nancy Johnson, Supervisor at Saginaw County Community Mental Health (Front L-R) Barb Smith; Shannah Beach, Community Mental Health for Central Michigan; and Jisselly Salcedo MD, PGY-4 Psychiatry Resident Photo courtesy of the Saginaw Spirit

January 2023: A Time for


January is the best time for goal setting. It is a time to forget about any struggles of last year and plan for a successful and productive new year. It is even more exciting for first-year residents because it is a marker of reaching half way through their first academic year. It is truly quite a milestone and a time to celebrate!

Goal setting is an important practice in medicine. It allows us the opportunity to identify growth opportunities in ourselves and build a plan to develop them. It can also be an opportunity to identify personal strengths and resolve to continue to embrace them in our professional lives.

I’m sure many of the interns had goals similar to mine when they first started residency in July: Pretty much just survive and try to acclimate to the stresses and changes of residency. With us now having more than six months of training and experience, it is time to start shaping our goals more specifically so we can become the physicians that we aspire to be.

Here are some of my personal goals for 2023:

1. Identify specific areas for academic growth

2. Grow my medical knowledge by learning from residents in my own and other specialties

3. Work on my personal stamina

4. Develop an improved work-life balance

5. Pass Step 3

Whether you are one to share your resolutions publicly or not, it is undeniable that setting goals is vital and keeping them visible in your daily life is important for their success. The goals I set for myself in July 2022 look quite different than the ones I am setting for the 2023 year. It truly shows how far we have come, but also how much I still have to grow.

Cheers to a happy, healthy and productive 2023!

Whether you are one to share your resolutions publicly or not, it is undeniable that setting goals is vital and keeping them visible in your daily life is important for their success.

Nominations for 2023 Health Angel Award

Nominations are now being accepted for the Saginaw County Medical Society Health Angel Award. Established in 2009 by Dr. Debasish Mridha, the Health Angel Award is awarded to a non-physician who lives and/or works in Saginaw County and has added to the improvement of the health care field in Saginaw County. Nominations will be accepted from SCMS members only.

Consideration will be given to all listed below:

• A member (or group of members) from a company, institution, organization or agency that has reached beyond its normal sphere of business to implement a response to a community health problem.

• A volunteer who devotes time, skills, and/or resources to assisting others and/or contributing to the betterment of healthcare.

• An individual that is not a direct provider of patient care that has demonstrated the desire and willingness to use his or her knowledge and abilities to improve the health of the local community.

• A non-physician who may be a direct provider of healthcare (nurse, physician assistant, dentist, pharmacist, midwife, social worker, paramedic, physical therapist, etc.) who personifies the ideals of their profession and has repeatedly demonstrated activities that have gone “above and beyond,” contributing in significant ways to the betterment of healthcare locally.

The deadline for nominations is Friday, April 14, 2023 The winner will be presented the award and a check to their favorite charity at the Tuesday, May 16, 2023, SCMS Annual Membership Meeting.

Selection guidelines state that consideration will be given based on the nominee’s involvement, initiative and the need for their service. In addition, consideration will be given to the nominee’s affiliations, accomplishments, leadership, effectiveness and generosity of time and spirit.

Click HERE for the Nomination Form

The Bulletin | Winter 2023 9 THE RESIDENT LOUNGE

Proposed Amendment to SCMS Bylaws

Delegate and Alternate Delegate Voting Privileges

In March 2022, the Nominating Committee consisting of Dr. Millie Willy, Past President as Chair, Dr. Tony Zacharek as President and Dr. Tiffany Kim as President-Elect, asked the SCMS Board to consider amending the Bylaws to allow all delegates and alternates to have a vote. It was the Nominating Committee’s opinion that if we have active and retired members giving of their time and serving the SCMS, they should be entitled to a vote. New members to the Board generally start as an alternate delegate as they learn the Board process. Past presidents serving as alternate delegates offer a wealth of history and experience on SCMS issues.

Per the Bylaws, officers and directors have voting privileges. Each June, the officers and directors vote for three delegates who are not already serving in a voting position as an officer or director to be voting members of the Board. Any additional delegates and alternate delegates do not have a vote. Alternate delegates include past presidents who want to stay involved on the Board. SCMS quorum is one-third of voting Board members.

After thoughtful consideration, the Board voted at the September 18, 2022, Meeting to approve an Amendment to the Bylaws. The relevant sections of the Bylaws follow, with text to be removed in red-strikethrough, and text to be added highlighted yellow:



The delegates, and in their absence or disability, the alternate delegates, shall attend and faithfully represent the members of this Society in the House of Delegates of the Michigan State Medical Society, and shall make a report of the proceedings of the House of Delegates at the next following regular meeting

of this Society. To be eligible for election as a delegate or an alternate, the member must have been an active member of this Society for at least two years.


Section 1. The Board of Directors shall consist of the president, president-elect, the immediate past president, the secretary, the treasurer, the editor of the Bulletin, six directors to be elected from among the membership, and three members which shall be elected from the pool of MSMS Delegates the duly elected delegates and alternate delegates. The current president shall act as chair of the Board. The secretary of this Society shall act as secretary of the Board. The Past President will remain on the SCMS Board whether s/ he retires or remains in active practice. The Board will appoint a retiree representative to the Board to serve a one (1) year term. The Board of Directors shall have the power to appoint resident representative(s) and medical student(s) for terms to be determined at their discretion to serve on the Board. The resident representative(s) and medical student(s) shall not be subject to Section 2 of Chapter XIV herein requiring attendance at fifty percent (50%) of Board meetings, but the resident representative(s) and medical student(s) shall make every effort to attend as many meetings as possible so as to effectively represent their peers. The retiree representative, resident representative(s) and medical student(s) will be non-voting members of the Board.

In accordance with the Bylaws and SCMS policy, the proposed Bylaws Amendment will be published in two issues of The Bulletin, and brought before the membership for a vote to approve at the next occurring Membership Meeting on Tuesday, April 18, 2023.

If any member has questions or concerns about the proposed Bylaws Amendment, please email Joan Cramer at by April 10, 2023.

10 The Bulletin | Winter 2023

SCMS Mission, Vision and Values

The SCMS Board of Directors formed an Ad Hoc Committee of Drs. Chris Allen, Lou Constan, Tiffany Kim, Miriam Schteingart and Tony Zacharek to develop the Mission, Vision and Values Statements of the SCMS. The Committee met on Tuesday, August 16, 2022, via Zoom.

The purpose of the Committee was to establish the Mission, Vision and Values Statements of the SCMS based on prior Board discussion.

• The MISSION STATEMENT communicates the purpose of the organization.

• The VISION STATEMENT provides insight into what the organization hopes to achieve or become in the future.

• The VALUES STATEMENT reflects the organization’s core principles and ethics.

The Committee’s recommendations were approved by the SCMS Board of Directors at their meeting on Tuesday, September 18, 2022.


• Bringing physicians together for the common good


• We aim to improve the lives of physicians and the patients we serve


In accordance with SCMS policy, the proposed Mission, Vision and Values Statements will be published in two issues of The Bulletin, and then brought before the membership for a vote to approve at the next occurring Membership Meeting on Tuesday, April 18, 2023.

If any member has questions or concerns about the proposed Mission, Vision and Values Statements, please email Joan Cramer at by April 10, 2023.

The Bulletin | Winter 2023 11 120 Years of Serving the Residents of Saginaw County!
Service Advocacy Genuine Health Inclusive Networking Always Learning We Lead


Editor’s Note: The following remarks were made by SCMS member, Michael J. Wolohan MD, as he received the “Physician of the Year” award from the Covenant Medical Staff at their annual Christmas party. It is an inspiring speech we should remember as we continue our vital work.

Good Evening Everyone,

As we gather for this festive Holiday Banquet, we have much to be thankful for.

Marcia and I are very appreciative and humbled to have had the opportunity to be part of this amazing medical community. It has been an honor and a privilege for us to participate in the care of our patients in our hometown.

To our partners, colleagues, coworkers, Covenant Medical Staff Team members, Administration, Covenant Board and Foundation members, we are grateful for each and every one of you.

These past three years have been challenging beyond imagination... a once-in-one-hundred-year pandemic, staff shortages, supply chain issues, and many other challenges. Thank you for showing up, stepping up, and being present in the midst of profound suffering.

With your help, leadership, skill and compassion, every day at Covenant,

• a newborn lets out his or her first cry and takes a first breath,

• a child sleeps comfortably,

• an adolescent’s fears are overcome,

• an airway is cleared,

• a heart beats regularly,

• a surgery happens painlessly,

• wounds heal, tumors shrink, pain resolves, crippled people walk again,

• infections lose their grip, seizures cease,

• bleeding stops, vital signs stabilize, blood sugars normalize,

• addictions are treated and the mourning are comforted. Thanks to your allowing God's Healing Grace to shine through YOU.

Fear subsides, joy returns, love prevails, wellness resumes, and hope springs eternal!

We appreciate you beyond measure, take care of yourselves and each other! Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, thank you and God Bless you All!

12 The Bulletin | Winter 2023

Legislative Committee Members

A brief explanation of the function of the SCMS Legislative Committee

The SCMS Legislative Committee provides its members with direct access to lawmakers. Its members are the face of the SCMS and Michigan State Medical Society (MSMS). One of the functions of the SCMS Legislative Committee is to support the advocacy efforts of MSMS. Therefore, we work closely with MSMS and to the extent possible, try to present a unified front when discussing pending legislation with lawmakers. The topics being discussed have already been reviewed and discussed at other committees through MSMS. This does not mean that members of the SCMS Legislative Committee are not allowed to have their own opinions. However, to be effective in promoting legislation for physicians, we want to be unified as a society when we are in a discussion with local lawmakers.

The MSMS Committee on State Legislation and Regulations (comprised of physicians) along with the MSMS Board of Directors (comprised of physicians) determines what legislation MSMS supports or opposes. The SCMS Legislative Committee attempts to support MSMS’ position and when possible, lend physicians voices to the effort in advocating for physicians to local legislators.

If you would like to have more input on which issues MSMS supports or opposes, consider joining the SCMS Legislative Committee. We are planning to start quarterly meetings this summer/early fall, so please contact Joan Cramer at the SCMS at no later than June 1, 2023, to be added to the Committee or if you have any questions.

Other avenues to voice opinions on MSMS actions or inactions would be the MSMS House of Delegates or MSMS Quarterly Membership Update Zoom Meetings.

The Bulletin | Winter 2023 13
We produce customized medications specially suited to meet the patient’s needs; thus, allowing limitless prescribing opportunities. continued on page 13 Commercial medications not meeting the needs of your patients? • Liquid solutions • Discontinued medications • Topical medications • Human Identical Hormone Replacement for men and women • Sugar free/dye free medications • Non narcotic pain medications Key Provider to the SCMS Healthway Compounding Pharmacy 2544 McLeod Dr. N. | Saginaw, MI 48604 | 989.791.1691 | GUEST WRITERS WELCOME! If you would like to write an article of interest to your colleagues for publication in a future issue of The Bulletin, please contact Joan Cramer at for further information. Articles are not designed for self-promotion, but rather as information for members.

Dedication of CMU Behavioral Medicine and Therapy Lobby

In late January, CMU Health had a successful dedication of the CMU Health Behavioral Medicine and Therapy Lobby in honor of Dr. M. Jafferany whose generosity helped to establish this important community asset and resource.

This location has expert psychiatrist faculty physicians and behavioral health therapists (MSW's and licensed counselors) who are available to see patients. In addition, this location is an important training site that will train physicians to become psychiatrists (CMU residents), psychiatrists to become specialists in child and adolescent psychiatry (CMU fellows), and will serve as a part of the required medical school curriculum in addition to their experiences at HealthSource. The CMU Behavioral Medicine office is located at 3201 Hallmark Court, Saginaw, MI 48603, phone 989.790.5990. Courtesy of Dr. Sam Shaheen

Congratulations to Excellence in Teaching in Medical Sciences Award recipient Dr. Wendy Biggs, CMU professor of family medicine and CMU Health physician. Dr. Biggs demonstrates immense leadership capacity and an innate desire for teaching medical students in the Year 3 CCC as the CCC Clerkship director. Students gravitate toward her and she has been a truly effective and admirable leader at CMU.

Congratulations Are In Order!

Congratulations to Excellence in Teaching as a Community Educator Award recipient Dr. Angel Bermudez, clinical assistant professor and Ascension St. Mary’s orthopedic sports medicine physician. Dr. Bermudez goes above and beyond to foster mentorship, community involvement and scholarly development in sports medicine at the CMU College of Medicine. He was integral in establishing the Saginaw campus National Branch of the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine Student Interest Group. From high school football coverage to training room clinic exposure, to sports physicals for local athletes and coverage of mass events, Dr. Bermudez is always there to support students

Congratulations to Excellence in Teaching as a Community Educator Award recipient Dr. Michael Fiore, clinical assistant professor of pediatrics and Covenant HealthCare medical director of pediatric intensive care. Dr. Fiore provides students the opportunity to interact with pediatric intensivists in the management of complex cases and the experience of working on interprofessional teams. Students value his patience and dedication in seeking out learning opportunities.

continued on page 15

14 The Bulletin | Winter 2023
Information courtesy of CMU College of Medicine and CMU Health

continued from page 14

Congratulations to Excellence in Teaching in Surgical Sciences Award recipient Dr. Derek Schaller, CMU associate professor of emergency medicine and Covenant HealthCare emergency medicine physician. Dr. Schaller’s dedication to excellence is evidenced by his strong commitment to teaching medical students, improving the clerkship curriculum and the delivery of medical education. His emergency medicine clerkship is consistently ranked among the best in the nation and a highlight for CMU medical students.

Tele-Mental Health Symposium Series 2023

Pulse3 Endowment for Community Cardiovascular Health

In 2007, the physicians at Michigan CardioVascular Institute reorganized its foundation - the MCVI Foundation - from one that solely performed medical research to one focused on providing public education, prevention and treatment programs to improve cardiac health in the communities served by the practice.

In June 2013, the MCVI Foundation announced a new name and an important change to its status as a charitable organization. Pulse3 Foundation (pronounced “pulse three”) was born, and the foundation changed from a private foundation to a public charity, as defined by the Internal Revenue Service.

This new name focused on the “power of three.” The average human heart beats about three billion times in a lifetime. There are three areas that Pulse3 built its efforts around: Living, learning and lifesaving. There are three communities – Bay, Midland and Saginaw, as well as, the entire Great Lakes Bay Region – that are coming together in unity to address a health issue that affects us all.

In 2022, Pulse3 once again recognized the need for change. Facing difficult financial headwinds fostered by the pandemic, a change in structure was needed to ensure sustainability and long-term mission success. The organization gifted its remaining assets to the Central Michigan University College of Medicine and, in so doing, created the Pulse3 Endowment for Cardiovascular Health at CMU.

The Pulse3 funding event, the 15th Annual Shocks & Saves Charity Hockey Event was held on Saturday, January 28, 2023, at the Dow Event Center prior to the Saginaw Spirit game.

Click HERE to see photos from the event

Click HERE to read more about the Shocks & Saves Charity Game

Click HERE to make a donation

The Bulletin | Winter 2023 15
CMU Health congratulates Drs. Cowling, Pruitt and Wolohan on their accomplishments at Covenant HealthCare!
CMU Jan-Feb-March Winter 2023 Bulletin

Gun Violence Prevention Legislative Update

The follow is courtesy of Angie Kemppainen, CAE, Executive Director of Ingham and Washtenaw County Medical Societies

The following gun violence prevention bills were introduced on Thursday, February 16, 2023:

SB 76 by Kevin Hertel (D-St. Clair/Macomb/Wayne)

• Require license or background check for purchase of firearms

SB 77 by Jeremy Moss (D-Oakland/Wayne)

• Update references to pistol in penal code

SB 78 by Mary Cavanagh (D-Oakland/Wayne)

• Update references in sentencing guidelines

SB 79 by Rosemary Bayer (D-Oakland/Wayne)

• Provide for penalties for storing or leaving a firearm where it may be accessed by a minor

SB 80 by Kristen McDonald Rivet (D-Bay/Midland/ Saginaw)

• Update sentencing guidelines reference

SB 81 by Jeff Irwin (D-Washtenaw/Lenawee)

• Exempt firearm safety devices from sales tax

SB 82 by Stephanie Chang (D-Oakland/Macomb/ Wayne)

• Exempt firearm safety devices from use tax

SB 83 by Mallory McMorrow (D-Oakland/Wayne)

• Enact extreme risk protection order act

SB 84 by Dayna Polehanki (D-Wayne)

• Prohibit purchase of firearms if individual has an extreme risk protection order

SB 85 by Sarah Anthony (D-Ingham/Eaton)

• Enact sentencing guidelines for making a false statement in support of an extreme risk protection order

SB 86 by Sam Singh (D-Ingham/Clinton/Shiawassee)


As one of the main causes of intentional and unintentional injuries and deaths, the Michigan State Medical Society recognizes that firearms are a serious public health problem in our state and country. On February 13th, this crisis hit close to home as the campus of Michigan State University and the greater East Lansing community was devastated by a mass shooting. This horror played out just a few miles from our MSMS East Lansing offices, leaving three young college students dead and five more critically injured. This tragedy is on the heels of another school shooting at Oxford High School in Oakland County on November 30, 2021, which saw four high school students killed and seven others injured.

Bills have been introduced in the House and in the Senate, with committee hearings expected in both in the coming weeks. Michigan has the chance to make positive change and physicians can help the push to get there.

MSMS hosted a press conference in Lansing on Thursday, March 9, 2023. MSMS physicians, including President, Dr. Tom Veverka, spoke in support of the legislative package addressing gun violence prevention. Click HERE for coverage from

Now is the time to act. SCAN THE QR CODE or CLICK HERE to contact your legislator and urge them to support common sense gun safety reforms.

• Provide for and waive court fees for service of process for extreme risk protection order actions

MSMS Firearm Safety Policies

Following the tragic incident at Michigan State University, I have been asked by several members, “Does MSMS have a position on firearm safety?” and “Will we be involved with the crafting of firearm safety legislation in Lansing?” The answer to both questions is “Yes!”

continued on page 17

16 The Bulletin | Winter 2023
L-R Drs. Lia Gaggino, Richard Honicky, Brian Stork, Sonya Lewis, James Mitchiner, Walter Whitehouse, Tom Veverka

continued from page 16

As most members know, the policies and positions of MSMS are debated and adopted at our annual House of Delegates (HOD). The MSMS HOD is comprised of representatives from our county medical societies, specialty societies and membership sections. The HOD has been meeting and crafting MSMS policies for 157 years. Firearm safety has been a recurring topic at the HOD with multiple resolutions being adopted by the delegation over the last three decades. As a result, MSMS has extensive and thoughtful policy on the subject.

The resolutions range from supporting a ban on look-alike toy guns (adopted prior to 1990), to supporting evidencebased research on gun related injuries and death (2018), to a resolution reaffirming support for gun safety education at last year’s HOD. Here, you can find a summary list of MSMS firearm safety policies.

The fact that MSMS's member physicians had the foresight to discuss, debate, and develop these policies is a working example of the value this decision-making process serves and how it has positioned MSMS.

In fact, because of the hard work and passion of countless physicians who have served in the HOD over the years, MSMS has an extensive library of policies covering a wide array of issues that have been vetted and adopted. This makes my job and that of our government affairs staff clear. When confronted with an issue or question, we consult our policy manual for guidance.

Moreover, because the HOD meets annually, it has the ability to reaffirm, modify, or adopt new positions as warranted by the changing conditions in society and in our practices. So, when we were contacted by Michigan's legislative leadership asking for our assistance in crafting firearm safety legislation, we were confidently able to share our positions and answer in the affirmative that we stand ready to work with them in the process.

We cannot know what the issues of tomorrow will be. Current events, public sentiment, elections and other factors combine to bring issues to the forefront of the public’s consciousness. You can help MSMS prepare for the future by participating in the HOD as an elected representative and bringing your views and experience forward. You're able to help illuminate our policies so when the time comes, we can best represent the physicians of Michigan.

If you are interested in taking action and urge your legislator to support sensible gun safety legislation, please do so.

Legislative Leadership Contact Information

Joe Tate (Speaker of the House) Email:

Phone: (517) 373-0857

Winnie Brinks (Senate Majority Leader) Email:

Phone: (517) 373-1801

Angela Witwer (Chair, House Appropriations) Email:

Phone: (517) 373-0822

Sarah Anthony (Chair, Senate Appropriations) Email:

Phone: (517) 373-6960

Julie Rogers (Chair, House Health Policy) Email:

Phone: (517) 373-1783

Kevin Hertel (Chair, Senate Health Policy) Email:

Phone: (517) 373-7315

Christen Morse (Chair, House DHHS Subcommittee) Email:

Phone: (517) 373-8670

Sylvia Santana (Chair, Senate DHHS Subcommittee) Email:

Phone: (517) 373-0990

How to contact your legislator: The simplest way to identify your area legislators is by using the “find your legislator” function on the Michigan House and Senate websites. You can also visit the MSMS Engage page to find your legislator.

The Michigan Doctors’ Political Action Committee (MDPAC) is a bipartisan political action committee made up of physicians, their families, residents, medical students and others interested in making a positive contribution to the medical profession through the political process. Established by the Michigan State Medical Society, MDPAC supports pro-medicine candidates running for the State legislature, Michigan Supreme Court and other statewide positions. Click HERE to join now!

Update! Firearm Reform Bills Clear House and Senate Committees

The House Judiciary Committee successfully passed House Bills 4138-4148 on Wednesday, March 8 and the Senate Civil Rights, Judiciary and Public Safety Committee successfully passed Senate Bills 76-86 on Thursday, March 9. Leadership from both chambers say they plan to move as quickly as possible on the legislation and a vote in the Senate could come as early as next week.

Gun Safety Action Alert

The Bulletin | Winter 2023 17

State of MSMS Address

On January 11, 2023, Thomas M. George, MD, Interim CEO delivered the “State of MSMS Address” to members via Zoom. Click HERE to view the presentation

MSMS Survey on Staffing Shortages

A new legislative session is underway in Lansing and, with that, a new opportunity to shape the future of medicine in Michigan. MSMS is seeking your input about the current state of independent practices and its workforce. Our goal is to better understand the challenges you’re facing as you work to provide the highest level of care to your patients.

Please take a few minutes to answer some questions regarding workforce issues, so we can advocate for policies that will truly help to fill in the gaps.


Updated Medical Records Policy Legal Alert

The Michigan Public Health Code (“Code”) requires a physician or other health professional who is either applying for an initial Michigan health professional license, or applying to renew a license, to provide the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (“Department”) with an

Barb Smith Suicide Resource & Response Network continued from page 8


Mark your calendar now to join us for our 21st Annual Walk for Hope…Depression and Suicide Awareness Event on Sunday, August 6th at Saginaw Valley State University. There will be over 25 resource/activity booths, raffles, live music and guest speakers. The 5K walk/run or one mile walk will be untimed on paved walks throughout the SVSU campus. Support this event by:

• Starting or joining a team in memory of someone who has died by suicide or in honor of someone who struggles with their mental health

• Walking individually

• Financial support

• Volunteering

• Sharing your message along with photos on social media to help bring awareness to this event

For more information, to start a team or donate, click HERE.

affidavit (provided on the license application or renewal form) stating that he or she has a written policy for:

1) Protecting, maintaining, and providing access to his or her medical records in accordance with Section 16213 of the Code; and

2) Complying with Section 16213 of the Code in the event that the applicant or licensee sells or closes his or her practice, retires from practice, or otherwise ceases practice in Michigan. Section 16177(4) of the Code requires an applicant or licensee to make the written policy available to the Department upon request.

Scope of Practice Update

The MSMS Government Relations team continues to hear that legislation to expand scope of practice of nurse practitioners will be introduced in the Senate soon by Senator Jeff Irwin of Ann Arbor. MSMS and the MiACCT coalition will continue opposing this legislation in addition to seeking support of legislation that would require NPs to practice as part of a physician-led care team. To support this effort, MSMS is also seeking a third round of funding support from the AMA’s Scope of Practice Partnership (SOPP) grant program which provides assistance to state medical societies engaged in scope-related advocacy.

18 The Bulletin | Winter 2023
Our Network trains individuals in evidence-based suicide prevention with the hope of destigmatizing suicide, increasing help-seeking behaviors, and caring for those impacted by suicide.
To request trainings or resources, contact I I 989.781.5260 safety network for our community Creating a
Our goal is to save lives through prevention, intervention, and aftercare.



Applications for membership for second reading at the March 21, 2023, Board Meeting:

Vasil Mamaladze, MD (Saginaw Anesthesiology Services, LLC at Covenant)

Specialty: Anesthesiology – Board Certified 2011

National Board of Advanced Perioperative TEE, Board Certified 2013

Medical School: Tbilisi State Medical University, Tbilisi, Georgia, 1992

Internship: Albert Einstein College of Medicine/Montefiore

Medical Center, NY, Surgery, 2005-06

Residency: Western Pennsylvania Hospital/Temple University, Pittsburgh, PA, Anesthesiology, 2006-09

Fellowship: Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cardiothoracic

Anesthesiology, 2009-10

Sponsors: Doctors Danielle C. Duncan and Anthony M. Zacharek

Houman Nourkeyhani, MD (Covenant Cancer Care Center)


Internal Medicine – Board Certified 2014

Medical Oncology – Board Certified 2017

Hematology – Board Certified 2018

Medical School: Ross University School of Medicine, Dominica, West Indies, 2010

Internship: Albany Medical College, Albany, NY, Anatomic and Clinical Pathology, 2010-11

Residency: Albany Medical College, Internal Medicine, 2011-14

Fellowship: Roswell Park Cancer Institute/University of Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, Hematology and Medical Oncology, 2014-17

Sponsors: Doctors Syed Hassan and Binu Malhotra

Caduceus Meeting for Recovering Health Care Professionals

Third Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. Zion Lutheran Church 545 7th Street, Freeland, Michigan

(Behind Pat’s Grocery Store on Midland Road in Freeland) Caduceus meetings are available to health care industry professionals, and have adopted many of the principles of 12-Step programs.

Caduceus meetings are “closed” meetings for recovering health care professionals including, but not limited to, nurses, doctors, dentists and pharmacists.

We engage in group discussions where members may want to speak up, ask questions or share thoughts with fellow members.

Michael J. Opperman, MD (CMU Health – Psychiatry)

Specialty: Psychiatry – Board Eligible

Medical School: Michigan State University – College of Human Medicine, 2018

Residency: Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN, 2018-22

Sponsors: Doctors Kai Anderson and Furhut Janssen

Nishtha Sareen, MD (Ascension St. Mary’s Riverfront Cardiology/ MCVI)


Cardiology – Board Certified 2015

Interventional Cardiology – Board Certified 2016

Medical School: Rabindra Nath Tagore Medical College, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India, 2007

Residency: North Shore LI Health System, Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY, Internal Medicine, 2012-15

Fellowship: St. Joseph Mercy Oakland Hospital, Pontiac, MI, General Cardiology, 2015

Fellowship: Mount Sinai Medical College, Icahn School of Medicine, New York, NY, Interventional Cardiology, 2016

Master’s in Public Health: University of Nevada-Reno, Reno, NV, 2020

Sponsors: Doctors Sarosh Anwar and Vipin Khetarpal

The Bulletin | Winter 2023 19

Covenant Regional Thumb Network (CRTN) Announces a New Name and Cuts Ribbon on the New Covenant Cancer Care Center in the Thumb

The Covenant Cancer Care Center team providing care at the new facility includes medical oncologist Houman Nourkeyhani, MD, radiation oncologists James A. Fugazzi, MD and Mark A. Zaki, MD, and nurse practitioner Jessica Belill.

All six independent hospitals, Deckerville Community Hospital, Harbor Beach Community Hospital, Hills & Dales Healthcare, Marlette Regional Hospital, and Scheurer Health, assisted Covenant HealthCare's efforts to bring this extraordinary service to the Thumb.

A community-wide open house is being scheduled for the spring.

About CRTN Health

The Covenant Regional Thumb Network (CRTN), a collaborative of five independent Thumb hospitals and Covenant HealthCare in Saginaw, have announced a new name for the network, CRTN Health, and the expansion of Covenant Medical Center's Radiation Oncology Service through the opening of a new Covenant HealthCare cancer center on the campus of Marlette Regional Hospital to be called the CRTN Cancer Care Center.

A ribbon-cutting for the new center took place on Friday, February 17, 2023, in Marlette.

With Covenant extending cancer care through the opening of the CRTN Cancer Care Center, much needed oncology services will be immediately available to patients living in Michigan's "Thumb.”

“Covenant’s CRTN Cancer Care Center is another great step toward making sure patients never have to leave the Thumb for exceptional care. We are honored to be working with the five other independent CRTN hospitals to continuously improve the quality of health in the communities we serve,” states Angie McConnachie, Chief Executive Officer, United Healthcare Partners. The 16,260 square foot facility will provide a full range of cancer care for patients including medical oncology, chemotherapy infusion and radiation oncology.

The Center is seeing medical oncology patients, and opened seven infusion chairs in the newly renovated Center. A stateof-the-art Elekta Versa HD linear accelerator will come online in the first quarter of 2023 to provide radiation oncology service for patients from throughout the Thumb.

“We are so honored to be working together to help patients challenged by cancer, and excited to be able to open such a beautiful facility in the Thumb that makes it so convenient for patients to receive the care they need,” stated Sandy Johnson, Director of the Covenant Cancer Care Center.

Formerly known as the Covenant Regional Thumb Network, CRTN Health is a network of six independent hospitals, five critical access hospitals located throughout Michigan's Thumb area including Deckerville Community Hospital, Harbor Beach Community Hospital, Hills & Dales Healthcare, Marlette Regional Hospital and Scheurer Health, and Covenant HealthCare, located in Saginaw.

While the network was officially formed in 2018, the hospitals have been working together to ensure high quality medical care is available to people they serve in the Thumb for two decades. The affiliation relationship of CRTN Health ensures that Thumb communities have an independent hospital close to home that they can continue to depend on for high quality care, and the assurance that should the need arise for more advanced procedures, extraordinary care is delivered through the highly coordinated relationship the Thumb hospitals have with Covenant.

Covenant Medical Group Welcomes

Dr. Khalid Al-Efraij and Dr. Shahzad Manawar Join Covenant Pulmonology

Covenant HealthCare welcomes Khalid Al-Efraij, MD and Shahzad Manawar, MD as members of the Covenant Medical Group. They join the Covenant Pulmonology team. The office is located at 125 Colony Drive North, Saginaw, MI 48638, and the team can be reached at 989.583.7380.

Medical Staff Leaders Announced

The Covenant Medical Executive Committee ratified the slate of Medical Staff officers and leaders for 2023-2024. Congratulations to the following elected Medical Staff leaders. Many thanks to those who served 2021-2022 for their leadership, participation, and direction for the Covenant Medical Staff.

20 The Bulletin | Winter 2023
Ribbon-cutting event for the CRTN Cancer Care Center in Marlette on February 17 Khalid Al-Efraij, MD Shahzad Manawar, MD continued on page 21

continued on page 20

Medical Staff Officers

Chief of Staff - Sanjay J. Talati, MD

Vice Chief of Staff - Mayar Jundi, MD

Secretary/Treasurer - Nicole Sinclair, MD

Past Chief of Staff - Kathleen M. Cowling, DO


Christa Persyn, MD and Rania Esteitie, MD


Maternal/Family Care Department

Department Chairman - Franchesca Garcia-Robles, MD

Family Medicine Section Chief - Olivia L. Bolen, MD

Pediatrics Section Chief - Franchesca Garcia-Robles, MD

OB/GYN Section Chief - Mary E. Oatey, DO

Medicine Department

Department Chairman - Rakesh S. Chokshi, MD

Cardiology Section Chief - Bashar B. Al Jayyousi, MD

General Medicine Section Chief - Muhammad U. Khan, MD

Surgery Department

Department Chairman - Todd G. Richardson, MD

Orthopedics Section Chief - Jeffrey D. Osborne, MD

General Surgery Section Chief - Ryan J. Kim, MD

Clinical Services Department

Department Chairman - Peter Morden, MD

Anesthesia Section Chief - Cole Lati, MD (added 11/22)

Emergency Medicine Section Chief - Matthew D. Deibel, MD

Pathology Section Chief - Shane Starr, MD

Radiology Section Chief - Peter C. Morden, MD

Hospital Medicine Section Chief - Abdo A. Alward, MD

Committee Chairs

Medical Staff Quality Improvement - Matthew D. Deibel, MD

Cancer - Sussan M. Bays, MD

Pharmacy & Therapeutics - Andrew M. Bazakis, MD

Investigational Review Board - Andrew S. Wagner, MD

2023 Pediatric Symposium | May 19

This program offers up-to-date research and care guidelines for chronic constipation, bed wetting, dermatologic conditions, infant and child nutrition, childhood obesity and bariatric surgery, palliative care, and social media and children’s mental health. We welcome physicians, nurses and allied health professionals involved in the care of pediatric patients.

Register online at: Cost for physicians is $100 and non-physicians $75. The event will take place at Saginaw Valley State University with registration and breakfast from 7:30-8 a.m., and presentations from 8 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. For more information, contact 989.583.4426 or


What is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy?

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is the administration of 100% oxygen in a pressurized environment. Diffusing oxygen throughout the body promotes angiogenesis, allowing a chronic wound to get the nutrient and oxygen rich blood it needs to heal. Specialized wound care, including HBOT, is often necessary for optimal treatment of chronic wounds. HBOT is an effective adjunctive therapy used in conjunction with advanced wound care. Along with proper attention to nutrition and other underlying medical problems, we achieve greater healing results. HBOT is a proven treatment for:

• Chronic Refractory Osteomyelitis

• Lower Extremity Diabetic Ulcers

• Radiation Cystitis/Proctitis or Radiation Necrosis

Covenant Wound Healing Center

“There are approximately 6.5 million patients in the U.S. suffering from chronic wounds (e.g. diabetic foot ulcers and pressure ulcers) and approximately 140,000 patients are hospitalized every year with new wounds. Currently, over 23 million people have been diagnosed with diabetes.”*

Covenant Wound Healing & Hyperbaric Medicine Center has a team of experts trained to evaluate your patient’s wound and develop a treatment plan. Using the most advanced technology and research, our wound care team can work with you and your patients to heal wounds quickly.

The Bulletin | Winter 2023 21
*https://WWW.NCBI.NLM.NIH.GOV, article PMC6161627 • © 2021 Covenant HealthCare. All rights reserved. PK 5/21 13958 COVENANT WOUND HEALING & HYPERBARIC MEDICINE CENTER 900 Cooper, Saginaw, Michigan 989.583.4401 •
David Gustavison, DO Medical Director Anthony de Bari, MD, CWSP Mark Bullock, DPM Khalid Malik, MD Scott Byron, DPM, FAAPSM

Tele Ment al Health Sym posium Series 2023

Knowledge. Resources. Connections.


Learn about two state models providing innovative health services for school communities including their techniques for behavioral health support services, education, training, tele health, and more.

Target Audience: primary, intermediate and secondary school administrators, primary care and behavioral health service providers, physicians, PAs, nurses, social workers, counselors, public and interdisciplinary health professionals, educators, students and community.


Tuesday, April 11, 2023

N oon – 2:00 pm (ES T)

Keynote Speakers:

• D Dr Jennifer Rojas-McWhinney, Managing Director within the Department of Psychiatry at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center and J Jeff Carr, MS, Senior Program Director for Education and Outreach, will share the Campus Alliance for Tele Health Resources, services, training, and Project ECHO.

• S Scott Hutchins, School Mental Health and Medicaid Consultant for the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) in the Office of Health and Nutrition Services will provide an update on Michigan’s 31n School-Based Mental Health Services Program.


Register Online:

Registration Deadline: April 9, 2023


• Kai Anderson, M.D., Associate Director, Psychiatry Residency, Assistant Professor/Director of Psychotherapy Training Director, Ambulatory Behavioral Health Services, Central Michigan University College of Medicine, CMU Medical Education Partners

• Furhut Janssen DO, FACN, Director of Community Behavioral Health Initiatives, Central Michigan University Medical Education Partners, Vice Chair, Board of Osteopathic Specialists,/American Osteopathic Association

• Abishek Bala, MD MPH, Fellow, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Central Michigan University Medical Education Partners

Central Michigan University College of Medicine is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians

CMU College of Medicine designates this live activity for a maximum of 2.0 AMAPRACategory1CreditTM. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity

The Central Michigan University Social Work Program, an accredited social work education program authorized by the Michigan Licensure Law Administrative Rule 338.2965 to award Michigan social work continuing education contact hours. For this program, 2 CE hour(s) will be awarded.

Disclosure: Planners and speakers have no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies.

CMU, an AA/EO institution, strongly and actively strives to increase diversity and provide equal opportunity for all individual s, irrespective of gender identity or sexual orientation and including but not limited to minorities, females, veterans and individuals with disabiliti es.

MGX 20082 (3/21)

22 The Bulletin | Winter 2023


The SCMS Alliance and SCMS Foundation provide $500 nursing scholarships to Saginaw County residents.

Requirements for consideration:

• Must be a permanent resident of Saginaw County; AND

• Currently enrolled in a nursing program or beginning nursing clinical core courses for award year; AND

• Overall college GPA no lower than 2.79.

Application packet MUST be complete for consideration. Incomplete applications will be denied. All applications must include a one page essay describing your nursing career goals and how this scholarship would help you financially in completing your nursing degree.

Two letters of recommendation from past or current professors must be included.

NOTE: Prior award recipients must complete a new application packet with new letters of recommendation. This scholarship is not for graduating high school seniors.

Applications may be downloaded from the SCMS website under the “Nursing Scholarships” tab. Deadline for applications is March 31, 2023.


Do you know of a medical student (with ties to the Saginaw area) in need of a loan?

The SCMS Foundation may be able to help. The intent is to encourage physicians to return to Saginaw County to practice medicine.

The terms of these loans are generous. No interest is charged while the student is in medical school, simple interest is charged at a rate of four percent per annum during a residency program, and interest is charged at a rate of eight percent per annum upon the completion of a residency program.

If the loan recipient returns to Saginaw to practice upon completion of their residency and they are a dues paying member of the SCMS/MSMS, 25 percent of the principal balance will be forgiven at the end of each year they are practicing in Saginaw County, with a maximum of $5,000 per year forgiven.

The Foundation Board generally considers students who are past their first year of medical school, and among other things, according to:

• Strength of connection to Saginaw

• Financial need

• Scholastic performance

• Community service/extracurricular activities

The intent of the Foundation loans are to assist and encourage students to return to Saginaw to practice medicine.

Only applicants enrolled in a United States medical school will be considered.

If any SCMS member knows of a medical student in need (with an interest in the Saginaw area), please encourage him or her to apply. Applications may be downloaded from the SCMS website under the “Medical Student Loans” tab. Deadline for applications is March 31, 2023.

Thank You Key Providers!

The SCMS would like to thank our dedicated Key Providers, old and new, for continuing to provide support for SCMS Membership Meetings. When you have a need for a service, please consider our Key Providers!

The Bulletin | Winter 2023 23

Ascension St. Mary’s Hospital Opens New Cardiac Catheterization and Electrophysiology Labs

Ascension St. Mary’s Hospital has a new cardiac catheterization laboratory (cath lab) and electrophysiology laboratory (EP lab) to enhance services for heart patients. Physicians and associates participated in a blessing ceremony of the $6.1 million investment that includes newly expanded space and state-of-the-art technology.

The newest cardiac cath lab at Ascension St. Mary’s Hospital features advanced angiography equipment–innovative technology to diagnose cardiovascular disease and evaluate how well blood is flowing through the heart.

“We pride ourselves on delivering state-of-the-art cardiovascular care to our patients,” said John F. Collins, MD, interventional cardiologist and medical director of cardiac cath labs at Ascension St. Mary’s Hospital. “This advanced technology reduces risks and improves patient outcomes, enabling our cardiology team to provide quality care more effectively and efficiently.”

The new EP lab increases capacity for complex heart rhythm procedures. Advanced technology provides imaging capabilities at ultra-low radiation dose levels, enabling physicians to conduct more complex procedures with greater precision to assess and repair the heart’s electrical system.

“With increasing patient volume and case-complexity, the ability to more effectively identify and treat cardiac conditions is elevated by the evolution in electrophysiology technology,” said Asim Yunus, MD, electrophysiologist and medical director of the EP program at Ascension St. Mary’s Hospital. “The new EP suite provides innovative advancements for how we treat arrhythmias such as ventricular tachycardia, and perform faster ablations for atrial fibrillation with less radiation to the patient and care team. We also perform device implants including pacemakers and defibrillators, and advanced technologies such as leadless pacemakers and subcutaneous defibrillators. We are well positioned for future advancements in the field of electrophysiology.”

Ascension Michigan Physician Receives Award from Michigan Chapter of the American College of Cardiology

Peter G. Fattal, MD, cardiologist at Ascension St. Mary’s Riverfront Cardiology/ MCVI Surgical Division, received the Alice Betz Distinguished Service Award at the Michigan Chapter of the American College of Cardiology (ACC) Conference recently held in Novi. Dr. Fattal has served as an at-large representative on the Michigan ACC Chapter Board from 2011-2013, an Advocacy Chair 2014 to present, and three years on the ACC PAC Advisory Council. He has also attended 12 ACC legislative conferences. Congratulations Dr. Fattal!

Dr. Stephanie Duggan Recognized by Becker's Hospital Review

More than two dozen women CEOs of hospitals and health systems in the United States were recently honored by Becker's Hospital Review. Among the 26 women executives recognized was Saginaw's own Stephanie J. Duggan, MD, FACEP, FAAPL, CPE, Regional President & CEO, Mid/North Region, Ascension Michigan. Dr. Duggan oversees four hospitals in Ascension Michigan's mid and northern regions including Ascension St. Mary's, Ascension Standish, Ascension St. Joseph and Ascension Genesys. She is responsible for strategic growth, business partnerships and clinical program development, talent development and retention, quality and fiscal outcomes, and community reputation, engagement and advocacy. She has been instrumental in recent growth initiatives including the expansion of the Emergency Care Center at Ascension St. Mary’s Hospital. Dr. Duggan also serves as a board member for several organizations, including the American Association of Physician Leadership, the Saginaw County Board of Public Health, Saginaw Chamber of Commerce and Saginaw Promise. Congratulations Dr. Duggan!

Ascension St. Mary’s Hospital Performs its First Tricuspid Valve Clipping

Safwan Kassas, MD, conducted the first tricuspid valve clip in mid-January at Ascension St. Mary's Hospital. Symptomatic severe tricuspid valve regurgitation is a common valvular disease that has a significant adverse outcome with decreased survival and progressive heart failure symptoms. Tricuspid TEER is a low-risk, minimally invasive, non-surgical treatment option for

24 The Bulletin | Winter 2023 continued on page 26

Stroke care can’t wait

Get advanced care at Ascension St. Mary’s ERs and stroke center

When you experience signs of a stroke, it’s important to call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room. Ascension St. Mary’s emergency rooms provide early stroke intervention, and all of our ERs are connected to specialists at our Comprehensive Stroke Center, recognized for excellence in the care of stroke patients. Through the latest technology, our team of stroke specialists collaborate on diagnosing your stroke in as little as seconds and deliver the care that’s right for you. We’re beside you from the ER through recovery and rehabilitation.

Find your closest ER location at

If you are experiencing a life-threatening emergency or difficulty breathing, go directly to the ER or dial 911.

© Ascension 2022. All rights reserved.

continued from page 24

symptomatic patients with severe tricuspid regurgitation. These patients are at high risk for surgery and are not seeing improvement from medical therapy alone. Tricuspid TEER is currently provided through research in a limited number of hospitals nationally. To refer a patient or for more information, please call (989) 907-4198.

Ascension St. Mary’s Hospital Reaccredited as Comprehensive Stroke Center

Ascension St. Mary’s Hospital has been re-accredited by The Joint Commission as a Comprehensive Stroke Center (CSC), the highest recognition of its kind which distinguishes hospitals that have specific abilities to receive and treat the most complex stroke cases. This two-year designation confirms they have the resources, staff and training to provide the very best in state-of-the-art stroke care.

The Joint Commission recently conducted a rigorous review of more than 130 elements of performance, including quality measurements and guidelines, before recertifying Ascension St. Mary’s Hospital as a CSC, which they first earned in 2020. Ascension St. Mary’s is the only hospital north of Flint, and one of only 13 hospitals in Michigan, to earn this designation. There are currently fewer than 300 hospitals in the United States that have achieved CSC certification.

"Our recertification is an example of our dedication to provide the highest level of stroke care to our community and surrounding areas of northern and the thumb region of Michigan," says Eric Maher, BSN, RN, CNRN, SCRN, Regional Manager, Neuroscience Service Line, Mid/North Region, Ascension Michigan. “Ascension St. Mary’s Hospital has a legacy of being a center of excellence for stroke and neuroscience care. We are proud that we continue to raise the bar for stroke care excellence, and this designation demonstrates we are providing clinical care that meets or surpasses national standards of excellence.”

To earn this certification, hospitals must demonstrate compliance with stroke-related standards expected of primary stroke centers, and meet additional requirements, including volume of complex stroke and cerebrovascular patients, quality of care and outcome, advanced imaging capabilities, 24/7 availability of specialized treatments, and providing staff with the unique education and experience to care for complex stroke patients.

Ascension St. Mary’s is one of three other Ascension Michigan hospitals that have earned comprehensive stroke center certification - Ascension Providence Hospital in Novi, Ascension St. John Hospital in Detroit, and Ascension Borgess Hospital in Kalamazoo.

Now accepting referrals! Adult Outpatient Psychiatry

Medicaid welcome!

GLBHC priority is to serve the underserved, uninsured, and underinsured. We offer transportation along with multiple other integrated services to address your patients’ needs like dental, laboratory and on-site pharmacy, and community health workers to address social disparities. This is our priority population and we do well serving them!

Who: Adults with mild to moderate mental health conditions

What: Outpatient psychiatry services

When: Now!

Where: Davenport Location Bay City South Location 3023 Davenport Ave 690 S Trumbull St Saginaw, MI 48602 Bay City, 48708

How: To learn more about our new referral process, please contact Amra Bader, Behavioral Health Supervisor at (989) 9072765 or

Of Special Note:

GLBHC is not a crisis intervention program. If patient is currently suicidal/homicidal/danger to self or others please seek emergency intervention for them by contacting your local Community Mental Health or sending to the Emergency Room

*Saginaw Community Health Mental Health Authority (800) 233-0022

*Bay Arenac Behavioral Health (800) 327-4693

26 The Bulletin | Winter 2023
5161 Cardinal Park Drive, Saginaw, MI 48604 1601 Marquette, Suite 1, Bay City, MI 48706 • Custom Lasek Surgery • No-Stitch Cataract Surgery • Macular Degeneration Treatment • Oculoplastic Surgery • Cornea Treatment • Low Vision • Optical Boutique • Retinal Surgery “Come See The Difference !” 989.797.2400

Patricia Fair (Manning) Perea


17, 1942 – February 3, 2023

Wife of Manuel M. Perea, MD

Pat was born in Detroit to Dr. J. Edward and Catherine Foster Manning. Upon the cessation of WWII, the family moved to Saginaw where her father joined the surgical staff at Saginaw General Hospital. Pat graduated from Arthur Hill High School in 1960 and attended Ferris State College. On a visit home from college, her dad set her up on a blind date with Dr. Manuel M. Perea. Manny and Pat married on June 20, 1964. After briefly living in Portland, OR and Columbia, MO they returned to Saginaw.

Pat became involved in MANY organizations and groups in Saginaw including the Voluntary Action Center, The Junior League, P.E.O. chapter A.S., Garden Club, Gandy Dancers, the Saginaw Club, First Congregational Church and later Second Presbyterian Church. She also volunteered for many events with the schools. Pat and a dear friend ran a catering service for many years, bringing her excellent cooking to many others. She also was an avid canner, making jams, jellies, soups and other treats. This included picking thousands of pounds of fruit over the years. Pat had a heart for helping others and frequently brought homemade meals and goodies to friends.

In addition to her husband Manny, Pat is survived by two wonderful daughters, Heather (John) Beering, Chesterfield, MO and Julie Perea, Houston, TX and two beloved grandchildren, Andrew Manuel Beering and Catherine Fair Beering. She is also survived by a niece, Catherine (Chris) Craven and two nephews, Richard (Jennifer) Craven and Dr. Edward (Molly) Craven and five great-nieces/nephews. Pat was predeceased by her parents and her sister, Holly Manning Craven.

Pat was unequivocal in her support of sports teams and events close to her family, cheering loudly at dance recitals and many ball games. Very recently Pat and Manny moved to St. Louis, MO where Pat's bright personality continued to shine. Pat was a kidney transplant recipient and had recently overcome several health obstacles, including COVID twice. She was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in January.

A memorial service will be planned to be held in Saginaw. Memorials could be made in Pat's name to the National Kidney Foundation, or to Second Presbyerian Church 2665 Midland Road, Saginaw, MI 48603.

Reynold J. Baumstark DDS

October 26, 1937 – February 5, 2023

Passed away on Sunday, February 5, 2023 at Medilodge of Midland at the age of 85. Reynold Joseph Baumstark was born on October 26, 1937, in Johnstown, PA to the late George Anthony and Mary Honora (Parent) Baumstark. He married Jeanine Druzba on August 27, 1960, in Boston, MA.

Reynold attended Archbishop Stepinac High School in White Plains, NY and continued his education at Holy Cross College in Worchester, MA where he earned his bachelor’s degree. He held the New York State Regents-Scholarship for Dentistry from 1959-1963, thus earning his Doctor of Dental Surgery and his certificate of Oral Surgery from Columbia University in New York, NY. Reynold served as Chief of Oral Surgery at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit for four years and then opened his own practice in Saginaw in 1976, retiring in 2017.

He was a member of the Sierra Club of Saginaw, Exchange Club of Tarrytown, NY, past president Western Westchester Dental Society, charter member of 1852 Society, Columbia University School of Dentistry and Oral Surgery, Saginaw Country Club, and the Renaissance Club in Detroit for many years. Dr. Baumstark was an affiliate member of the Saginaw County Medical Society for 25 years.

Reynold loved history, especially military history. He also enjoyed traveling all over the world with his wife, Jeanine. He was a voracious reader and an excellent Bridge player. Reynold was an avid fan of the New York Giants and the New York Jets. He will be remembered as being very knowledgeable, generous, and always wanting to use his medical skills to help others.

Surviving are his three children, Jennifer (Tom) Murphy, James (Patricia) Baumstark and Eric (Heather) Baumstark; one grandchild, Sean Murphy; siblings, George Baron (Martha) Baumstark, Charles (Barbara) Baumstark, and Anthony (Lyn) Baumstark, and many nieces and nephews. Reynold was preceded in death by his wife, Jeanine Baumstark.

Funeral Services took place on February 14, 2023, at St. Dominic Parish – St. Stephens Catholic Church, followed by committal service at Mt. Olivet Cemetery. Those planning an expression of sympathy may wish to consider memorials to the Wounded Warrior Project

The Bulletin | Winter 2023 27 IN MEMORY
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the writer,
the opinion of the Saginaw County Medical Society.
are those of
and not necessarily


800 COOPER AVENUE, SUITE 8, SAGINAW, MI 989.752.1177




800 COOPER, SUITE 11, SAGINAW, MI 989.583.7090


3400 N CENTER RD, SUITE 500, SAGINAW, MI 989.583.3150

Neuroscience COVENANT
Rhonda Pobanz, MSN, FNP-BC Nurse Practitioner Marc Thompson, PA-C Physician Assistant Frank Schinco, MD, FACS Board Certified Neurosurgeon Chief of Neurosurgery David Udehn, MD, FACS Board Certified Neurosurgeon David Gill, DO Board Certified Neurologist Medical Director Covenant Stroke Program Stephanie Wajer, MSN, FNP-C Nurse Practitioner Joel Beltran, DO Board Certified Neurologist Alison Funka, DNP, AGNP-C Nurse Practitioner Erich Richter, MD, FAANS Board Certified Neurosurgeon Jessica Herek, DNP, AGACNP-BC Nurse Practitioner
© 2023 Covenant HealthCare. All rights reserved. PK 1/23 13443
Angala Borders-Robinson, DO Board Certified Neurologist


The SCMS would like to thank our dedicated advertisers, old and new, for continuing to support publication of The Bulletin. When you have a need for a service, please consider our advertisers first!

All Seasons Skin and Surgery Center

Andersen Eye Associates

Ascension St. Mary’s Hospital

Barb Smith Suicide Resource & Response Network

Covenant HealthCare

Covenant Wound Healing Center

Jan Hauck – Century 21

Healthway Compounding Pharmacy

Lori Krygier Graphic Designer

Melissa Morse - Bricks Real Estate

Shields Chiropractic

Wellspring Lutheran Services Home Health & Hospice

The Bulletin | Winter 2023 29 Lori Krygier | Graphic Designer 989.239.1056 | Healthcare Marketing & Helping practices create and design a wide range of professional visual materials for healthcare marketing initiatives LOGOS & BRAND ASSETS | PRINT MATERIALS FORMS/PATIENT FOLDERS | PRESENTATIONS TRADESHOW & PROMOTION MATERIALS DIGITAL AD GRAPHICS | WEBSITE DESIGN Proud to be the Designer for the Saginaw County Medical Society Put creativity to work for your practice!



Jose V.B. Mangune, MD

Happy Special Birthday!

Adeel Ahmed MD

George F. Ascherl, Jr. MD

Chad C. Bambrick MD

Anirudha Bhandiwad MD

Dennis A. Boysen MD

Scott E. Cheney MD

Andrew H. Cohen DPM

John F. Collins MD

Joseph P. Contino MD

Kathleen M. Cowling DO

Ashley L. Dean Student

Fred C. Dunham MD

Michal Dusza MD

Franchesca Garcia-Robles MD

Anu R. Gollapudi MD

Ryan Guthrie MD

Richard P. Heuschele MD

Johnathan Todd Howard DMD

Charles E. Jessup DO

Jose Mari G. Jurado MD

K.P. Karunakaran MD

Yuri J. Kim MD

Lawrence L. LaLonde MD

Kevin J. Lawson MD

Renato S. Lee MD

George Mathew MD

Elizabeth McIntyre MD

Dale L. Moliterno DO

Debasish Mridha MD

Michael A. Navarro DPM

John M. O'Grady MD

Kennedy J. Oliphant Student

Matthew Petruso DO

Meena Ramani MD

Arup Sarkar MD

Biren R. Shah MD

Yousif K. Tawadros DO

Manisha Verma Student

Madison L. Waddell Student

David A. Wiersema DO

Anthony M. Zacharek MD


Faith Abbott DO

Happy Special Birthday!

Robert P. Ainsworth MD

Batool AlQanber MD

Joseph N. Aquilina MD

Jaspreet K. Batth MD

Edward S. Bernreuter MD

Lauren Bootzin Student

Aditya D. Bulusu MD

Louis F. Byrne MD

Adriana E. Calderon Student

Brenda M. Coughlin MD

Jeffrey Cruz Student

Jonathon P. Deibel MD

Stephanie J. Duggan MD

Danielle C. Duncan MD

Jessica H. Ledyard Faris MD

Maher Ghanem MD

Katherine A. Grayden Student

Timothy R. Hackett MD

Derrek Humphries MD

Pramod K. Kalagara MD

Timothy H. Kaufman MD

Asif H. Khan MD

Andrew M. LaFleur MD

James R. LaFleur MD

Veronica E. Lorenzo MD

Lauren E. Lowes DO

Omar N. Marar MD

Luigi Maresca MD

Kurt A. Menapace MD

Alec Merlington Student

Sally T. Nagia Student

Nobou Nakagawa MD

Sajeda Nusrat MD

Kelsey Perry Student

A. O. Rajagopal MD

Conchita D. Riparip MD

Jennifer R. Schmidt DO

Maxim Shaydakov MD

Alexa M. Shepherd MD

Michael J. Slavin MD

Wael A. Solh MD

Kristine K. Spence DO

Eric (Dax) Spencer DO

Maya Takagi Student

Kyla Walworth MD

Xia Wang MD

Scott C. Woodbury MD

Harvey K. Yee MD

Yong C. Yoon MD

Asim Yunus MD


James McCourt, MD

Happy Special Birthday!

Sheikh Jibran Ajaz MD

Lauren Aiello Student

Meshal M. Alsulami MD

H. Joseph Blair MD

Samuel Borer Student

David W.T. Chen MD

Raymond Chung MD

Lindsay A. Davis DO

Brian C. deBeaubien MD

Peter G. Fattal MD

E. Malcolm Field MD

Natalia E. Fretes Oviedo MD

Joseph Haddad MD

Theodore B. Hennig DDS

Chelsea P. Houthoofd MD

Michael Huber Student

Mohamed K. Hussein MD

M. Sohail Jilani MD

Min H. Kim MD

Narendra R. Kumar MD

H.F. Labsan MD

Phillip W. Lambert MD

Peter A. Lassing MD

Matthew Lee Student

Toby C.J. Long MD

Bapineedu Maganti MD

Khalid M. Malik MD

Joseph F. Marshall MD

Robert M. McNier MD

Matthew S. McRae MD

Faizan Memon MD

Anthony J. Mufarreh Student

Kathryn A. O'Malley DO

Felipe A. Pacheco Granda MD

Anirudh V. Penumetcha DO

Zachary J. Pierson DPM

Aida B. Ponce MD

Vasantha Rajagopal MD

Sundhar R. Ramasamy MD

Clinton E. Rogers MD

Miriam T. Schteingart MD

Caroline G.M. Scott MD

Constance L. Scott DO

Timothy A. Smith MD

Jung K. Suhr MD

Robert D. Thill MD

Aiden M. Van Loo Student

Laina M. Weinman MD

Michael J. Wolohan MD

30 The Bulletin | Winter 2023 ADVERTISER INDEX When you have a need for a service, please consider our dedicated advertisers first! All Seasons Skin and Surgery Center 19 Andersen Eye Associates 26 Ascension St. Mary’s Hospital 25,31 Barb Smith Suicide Resource & Response Network 18 Covenant Health Care 2,28 Covenant Wound Healing Center 21 Jan Hauck – Century 21 12 Healthway Compounding Pharmacy 13 Lori Krygier Graphic Designer 29 Melissa Morse – Bricks Real Estate 10 Shields Chiropractic 11 Wellspring Lutheran Services Home Health 29 & Hospice
Read previous issues of The Bulletin at under the Bulletin tab

Caring for you on and off the field

Ascension Michigan sports medicine care teams provide care to competitive athletes, active youth, and adults of all ages.

Our sports medicine doctors and athletic trainers deliver the compassionate, personalized care you need to help you safely recover from injury or illness and improve your athletic performance. Whether you’re in the stands or on the field, we’re here for all of your care needs, close to home.

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Tuesday, April 18, 2023 - Horizons Conference Center, 6200 State Street, Saginaw

Board Meeting – 5:30 p.m.

Membership Meeting – Social (cash bar) at 6:30 p.m., followed by dinner, meeting and program at 7 p.m.

Topic – “Finding Balance” Inspirational TED Talks by SCMS members

Email meeting notices will be sent in early April

Online reservations are required CLICK HERE TO MAKE A RESERVATION or scan the QR Code

Saturday-Sunday, April 22-23, 2023 - The Henry in Dearborn, 158th Annual MSMS House of Delegates

Tuesday, May 16, 2023 - Horizons Conference Center, 6200 State Street, Saginaw

Board Meeting – 5:30 p.m.

Annual SCMS and SCMS Foundation Membership Meetings

Social (cash bar) at 6:30 p.m., followed by dinner, meetings and program at 7 p.m.

Email meeting notices will be sent in early May

Online reservations are required

Tuesday, June 20, 2023 - CMU College of Medicine, 1632 Stone Street, Saginaw

Board Meeting – 5:30 p.m.

There is no Membership Meeting in June

There are no Board or Membership Meetings in July or August

12th Annual SCMS Foundation Golf Outing – date TBD

Tuesday, September 19, 2023 - Horizons Conference Center, 6200 State Street, Saginaw Board Meeting – 5:30 p.m.

Membership Meeting Joint with the Saginaw County Dental Society and Saginaw Valley Osteopathic Society –Social (cash bar) at 6:30 p.m., followed by dinner, meeting and program at 7 p.m.

Speakers – Monica Lamble DDS and Nishtha Sareen MD

Topic – "The Link Between Oral, Cardiac and Systemic Health" Online reservations are required

Tuesday, October 17, 2023 - Horizons Conference Center, 6200 State Street, Saginaw Board Meeting – 5:30 p.m.

Membership Meeting – Social (cash bar) at 6:30 p.m., followed by dinner, meeting and program at 7 p.m.

Speakers – TBD

Topic – TBD

Online reservations are required

Tuesday, November 21, 2023 - CMU College of Medicine, 1632 Stone Street, Saginaw

Board Meeting – 5:30 p.m.

There is no Membership Meeting in November

There is no Board or Membership Meeting in December

*Subject to change

350 ST. ANDREWS ROAD | SUITE 242 SAGINAW, MI 48638-5988
These Area Businesses Support Saginaw County Medical Society Membership Meetings. When you have a need for a service, please consider our Key Providers.
Joan Cramer/SCMS | Office 790-3590 | Fax 331-6720 | Cell 284-8884 | jmcramer@sbcglobal net |

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