Subtle Energies: Orbs, Trinity, Wisdom, Light

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et Science to Sage take you on a scienti c and mystical journey where the sciences, spirituality, world philosophies, and ancient wisdom fuse.

Explore with leading-edge scientists, innovative thinkers, mathematicians, mystics and artists from around the world.

What sets Science to Sage apart? Our rich visual weave and imagery makes complex ideas accessible. Each edition is themed, and likened to the renaissance, we bridge disciplines so you can witnesses the interconnections of ALL things. Imagine the Creator as a scientist and his/her toolbox is the physical elements. They include water, earth, air, and re. In modern science, they nd form in liquids, solids, gases, and plasma. They are expressions of the same things. These elements are the building blocks of universes, from minuscule interatomic distances to the vastness of galactic arrays. ALL, including us, are made from stardust. Within this cyclical weave of elements is a connected tapestry which evolves geometry, chemistry, biology, and physics — this is our living matrix and the byproduct is the beauty we see. Rediscover the our human story. It has been hidden in plane view. Science to Sage lifted the veil. Editor, Researcher, and Graphic Designer




Karen Elkins

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