Science to Sage - Laser Phototherapy in Wellness

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Illuminating Nature's Wisdom

Laser Phototherapy in Healthcare


t Science to Sage take you on a scientific and mystical journey where the sciences, spirituality, world philosophies, and ancient wisdom fuse.

with leading-edge scientists, innovative thinkers, mathematicians,

Our rich visual weave and imagery makes complex ideas accessible. Each edition is themed, and likened to the renaissance, we bridge disciplines so you can witnesses the interconnections of ALL things.

Imagine the Creator as a scientist and his/her toolbox is the physical elements.

They include water, earth, air, and fire. In modern science, they find form in liquids, solids, gases, and plasma. They are expressions of the same things.

These elements are the building blocks of universes, from minuscule interatomic ALL, including us, are made from Within this cyclical weave of elements is a connected tapestry which evolves geometry, chemistry, biology, and physics — this is our living matrix and the Rediscover the our human story. It has been hidden in plane view. Science to

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To deliver the most efficacious personal care products and tools that enhance personal well-being and assist in becoming ever more aware of the ever-present consciousness that we are.

Navigating the Quantum Realm: Rick Bergen's Journey at pureVibranz

In the labyrinthine corridors of wellness technology, Rick Bergen emerges not just as a leader but as a beacon of innovation, guided by a profound understanding of ZeroPoint™ energetics and the symphony of human frequencies. His narrative is one of collaboration, discovery, and a profound connection to the universe's whispers.

For over two decade, Rick has delved into the depths of ZeroPoint™ energetics and EMF protection, forging alliances with luminaries from NASA, Arizona State University, and a cadre of scientific and clinical specialists. Their collaborative symphony harmonized the realms of Sports Medicine, Biomechanics, Herbalism, and Quantum Physics, crafting a tapestry of knowledge that underpins pureVibranz’s groundbreaking technologies.


Driven by an insatiable curiosity, Rick immersed himself in the intricacies of the human energetic body and the enigmatic realm of human blueprint frequencies. He navigated the esoteric landscape where science meets intuition, deciphering the codes that govern balance and healing. Through this journey, he unearthed technologies rooted in the profound wisdom of quantum physics, poised to realign the frequencies of body and soul.

But Rick's journey transcends the confines of laboratories and academic institutions. He listens not only to the whispers of science but also to the cosmic murmurs that echo through the universe. In the quietude of intuition, he discerns truths that elude the grasp of empirical inquiry, weaving threads of inspiration into the fabric of innovation.

At the heart of pureVibranz lies Rick's unwavering commitment to harnessing the symphony of human frequencies for holistic well-being. His vision extends beyond the realm of technology; it's a quest to unlock the latent potential within each individual, to resonate in harmony with the universe's grand design.

In Rick Bergen, pureVibranz finds not just a CEO but a custodian of possibility—a sage who navigates the quantum realms with grace and purpose. As the journey unfolds, Rick's guiding light illuminates pathways to a future where science and intuition dance in harmonious union, where technology becomes the instrument of transcendence.

In the grand tapestry of innovation, Rick Bergen's narrative resonates as a testament to the power of collaboration, intuition, and a profound reverence for the mysteries that lie beyond. As pureVibranz charts new territories and unlocks new dimensions of wellness, Rick's presence serves as a reminder: in the symphony of life, every note carries the potential for healing, every whisper a revelation waiting to be heard.

pureVibranzisaclose-knitgroupofwellnesspractitionersand provenentrepreneurswhorecognizetheprofoundhealthand wellnessbenefitsofZeroPoint™Technologyaswellasthe seriousmentalandphysicaltollthatenvironmentalpollution, toxicity,andEMF/ELFwavesareexactingonour population.



In the quest for holistic healing modalities, the convergence of infrared laser therapy and vibrational medicine draws inspiration from the pioneering works of figures like Royal Rife and Nikola Tesla. This synthesis of cutting-edge technology and ancient wisdom seeks to harness the power of light and vibration to promote wellness at the cellular level.

Rediscovering Vibrational Medicine:

Vibrational medicine posits that the body is inherently influenced by various frequencies and energies, both internal and external. Proponents of this approach, including Royal Rife and Nikola Tesla, explored the profound impact of vibrational frequencies on human health and well-being.

Nikola Tesla's Visionary Insights:

Nikola Tesla, renowned for his groundbreaking work in electricity and magnetism, envisioned a world where energy, frequency, and vibration held the key to healing. Tesla's experiments with resonant frequencies and harmonic oscillations hinted at the interconnectedness of all living organisms and the subtle energies that govern life itself.

Royal Rife's Resonant Frequencies:

Royal Rife, a brilliant scientist and inventor, delved into the concept of resonant frequencies as a means of healing. His research suggested that specific frequencies could target and eliminate pathogens, restore cellular balance, and promote overall health. Rife's groundbreaking discoveries laid the foundation for modern vibrational medicine.

Integration with Infrared Laser Therapy:

Infrared laser therapy represents a modern manifestation of the principles espoused by Rife and Tesla. By delivering targeted wavelengths of light to the body's tissues, infrared lasers stimulate cellular function and promote balance at the molecular level. This approach aligns with the fundamental tenets of vibrational medicine, where harmonizing the body's energetic field is paramount.

The Healing Power of Vibration:

At its core, vibrational medicine recognizes that every cell, tissue, and organ in the body emits its own unique frequency. Disruptions in these frequencies can manifest as illness or disease. Infrared laser therapy, guided by the principles of vibrational medicine, seeks to restore equilibrium by reintroducing coherent light frequencies that resonate with the body's innate healing mechanisms.

Synergy of Light and Sound:


The marriage of infrared laser therapy and vibrational medicine represents a synergistic blend of light and sound, working in harmony to promote wellness. Just as sound waves can influence cellular behavior and resonance, so too can light frequencies modulate physiological processes and catalyze healing responses.

Embracing the Future of Holistic Wellness:

As we stand on the cusp of a new era in healthcare, the integration of infrared laser therapy and vibrational medicine offers a glimpse into the transformative potential of synergistic modalities. By embracing the timeless wisdom of vibrational healing alongside cutting-edge technologies, we embark on a journey towards holistic wellness that honors the intricate interplay of mind, body, and spirit.

In conclusion, the integration of infrared laser therapy with the principles of vibrational medicine represents a convergence of ancient wisdom and modern science. Inspired by visionaries like Royal Rife and Nikola Tesla, this holistic approach to healing invites us to explore the profound connections between light, sound, and human consciousness. As we continue to unlock the mysteries of vibrational medicine, we pave the way for a future where healing is not merely a restoration of physical health, but a harmonious alignment of body, mind, and soul.

“Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies.”
-Albert Einstein

Unlocking the Mysteries of the Electromagnetic Body: A Journey Beyond Einstein's Vision

Few individuals in the annals of human history stand as tall as physicist Albert Einstein. Revered as a pioneer of modern physics, his brilliance transcended his era, laying foundations upon which subsequent generations of scientists and inventors would build. Even now, more than a century since his birth, his name resonates as a symbol of intellectual prowess and visionary insight.

Yet, amidst Einstein's profound contributions to our understanding of the universe, lies a realm still shrouded in mystery—the electromagnetic field of energy that envelops every living being. Unlike the ubiquitous awareness of the digital streams of information flowing through our devices, the invisible cloud of energy surrounding and permeating our bodies remains largely overlooked.

In essence, we are electric beings inhabiting an electric universe. This notion, however, remains largely absent from mainstream discourse, particularly in the Western medical paradigm, which predominantly operates within a biochemical model of healing. While this model, rooted in the reductionist principles of molecular biology, has its merits, it falls short of capturing the intricacies of human existence.

Enter the realm of quantum mechanics and quantum biology, where the boundaries between science and mysticism blur. Here, the wisdom of Einstein resonates: "All religions, arts, and sciences are branches of the same tree." It is within this interdisciplinary tapestry that we find the seeds of a new paradigm—the medicine of frequencies.

The electromagnetic body, teeming with information about our lives, health, and well-being, emerges as a focal point of exploration. From Nikola Tesla's enigmatic Violet ray to the prophetic insights of Edgar Cayce, echoes of a deeper understanding reverberate through history. These visionaries glimpsed the interconnectedness of all things, foreshadowing a future where healing transcends the confines of the material realm.

iIntegral to this emerging paradigm is the recognition of the interconnectedness between mind, body, and spirit—a holistic understanding that eludes the confines of reductionism. As Einstein aptly observed, "Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies." In embracing this vision, we embark on a journey towards wholeness, embracing the vibrational essence that defines our existence.

In the tapestry of life, the electromagnetic body emerges as a thread weaving together disparate realms of knowledge. As we unravel its mysteries, we awaken to the profound interconnectedness that binds us to the cosmos. Beyond the confines of conventional wisdom lies a universe brimming with possibilities—a universe where the dance of energy shapes the fabric of reality.

In the quest for understanding, we transcend the limitations of dogma and embrace the boundless potential of the human spirit. Through the lens of integrative biophysics, we glimpse a future where healing becomes an art, guided by the symphony of frequencies that animate the universe.

As we stand on the precipice of a new era, let us heed the wisdom of those who came before us. In the words of Einstein, let us dare to envision a world where the invisible becomes visible, where the mysteries of the electromagnetic body unfold before our eyes. For in the journey towards enlightenment, we discover the true essence of our humanity—the eternal dance of energy that unites us all.


Laser Phototherapy Introduction

Illuminating Nature's Wisdom:

Multicolor Laser Phototherapy in Healthcare

Multicolor laser phototherapy represents a paradigm shift in healthcare, offering targeted solutions for a myriad of health and skincare challenges. From promoting wound healing and reducing inflammation to rejuvenating aging skin and combating microbial infections, the therapeutic potential of red, green, and violet-blue light is poised to transform the landscape of modern medicine and beauty.

At its core, multicolor laser phototherapy mimics nature's intricate balance and harmonious interplay of light and life. Just as sunlight encompasses a spectrum of colors, each with its unique healing properties, multicolor laser therapy harnesses the diverse wavelengths of red, green, and violet-blue light to evoke natural processes of regeneration and renewal within the body.


Embracing the Purifying Essence of Twilight

Violet light, reminiscent of the ethereal hues of twilight, possesses potent antimicrobial properties that cleanse and purify the skin. It banishes acne-causing bacteria, clears blemishes, and promotes clarity and balance. Like the cleansing rains that wash away impurities, violet-blue laser therapy rejuvenates the skin, revealing its inherent radiance and beauty.



Green light, akin to the lush foliage of a tranquil forest, targets vascular lesions and skin imperfections with precision and grace. Its calming presence soothes inflamed blood vessels, reducing redness and restoring skin's natural balance. Like the tranquil hues of nature, green laser therapy offers a sense of serenity and renewal, harmonizing the skin's complexion with the rhythms of the earth.


Red light, reminiscent of the gentle glow of dawn, penetrates deep into tissues, igniting cellular processes that promote healing and vitality. Much like the sun's nurturing warmth, red laser therapy stimulates collagen production, accelerates wound repair, and soothes inflamed tissues. It's a beacon of hope for those seeking rejuvenation and renewal, offering a gentle touch of healing light.

As we venture into this exciting realm of possibilities, the journey towards holistic health and radiant skin awaits, guided by the illuminating power of multicolor laser phototherapy. Like the dawning of a new day, each session brings renewed hope and vitality, echoing the timeless rhythms of nature's healing embrace.

This multicolor laser phototherapy are not merely a technological advancement; it is a testament to nature's wisdom and the profound connection between light and life.

As we bask in the gentle glow of red, green, and violet light, let us embrace the transformative potential of multicolor laser therapy, embarking on a journey of healing, rejuvenation, and holistic well-being.



Nature’s Healing Rhythms



Photobiomodulation and its application through laser therapy bear striking resemblances to photosynthesis, the fundamental process through which plants harness light energy to synthesize nutrients and sustain life. Just as plants absorb sunlight through specialized pigments like chlorophyll, human cells possess photoacceptors that absorb specific wavelengths of light, particularly in the red and near-infrared spectrum.

In photosynthesis, light energy is converted into chemical energy, driving the synthesis of carbohydrates and oxygen production. Similarly, in Photobiomodulation, light energy penetrates the skin and is absorbed by cellular components, particularly the mitochondria. This absorption triggers biochemical reactions, including the activation of mitochondrial respiratory chain components, which ultimately lead to the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the energy currency of cells.

The parallels between photosynthesis and Photobiomodulation extend to their reliance on specific wavelengths of light and their ability to initiate complex biological processes. Just as sunlight fuels the growth and vitality of plants, light therapy stimulates cellular function and promotes healing within the body.

Moreover, like plants adapting to varying light conditions, human cells exhibit sensitivity to different wavelengths of light, each with its own therapeutic effects.

The intricate interplay between light and cellular processes in both photosynthesis and Photobiomodulation underscores the profound influence of light on biological systems.

In essence, Photobiomodulation echoes the principles of photosynthesis, highlighting the universal significance of light as a source of energy and vitality across diverse life forms. By drawing inspiration from nature's own mechanisms, laser therapy exemplifies humanity's quest to unlock the healing potential of light in the pursuit of optimal health and well-being.



"Low-energy photon irradiation by light in the far-red to near-IR spectral range with low-energy (LLLT) lasers or LED arrays has been found to modulate various biological processes in cell culture and animal models. This phenomenon of photobiomodulation has been applied clinically in the treatment of soft tissue injuries and the acceleration of wound healing. The mechanism of photobiomodulation by red to near-IR light at the cellular level has been ascribed to the activation of mitochondrial respiratory chain components, resulting in initiation of a signaling cascade that promotes cellular proliferation and cytoprotection."

"A growing body of evidence suggests that cytochrome oxidase is a key photoacceptor of light in the far-red to near-IR spectral range. Cytochrome oxidase is an integral membrane protein that contains four redox active metal centers and has a strong absorbency in the far-red to near-IR spectral range detectable in vivo by near-IR spectroscopy."

"Moreover, 660-680 nm of irradiation has been shown to increase electron transfer in purified cytochrome OXidase, increase mitochondrial respiration and ATP synthesis in isolated mitochondria, and up-regulate cytochrome oxidase activity in cultured neuronal cells."

"LED photostimulation induces a cascade of Signaling events initiated by the initial absorption of light by cytochrome oxidase. These signaling events may include the activation of immediate early genes, transcription factors, cytochrome oxidase subunit gene expression, and a host of other enzymes and pathways related to increased oxidative metabolism."

"In addition to increased oxidative metabolism, red to near-IR light stimulation of mitochondrial electron transfer is known to increase the generation of reactive oxygen species. These mitochondrially generated reactive oxygen species may function as Signaling molecules to provide communication between mitochondria and the cysts and nucleus."

Therapeutic photobiomodulation for methanol-induced retinal toxicity. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2003 MarlS; 100(6): 3439-44. Epub 2003 Mar 07.

NASA‘s Evidence

Mitochondrial Activation and the Power of Light

How Infrared Laser Therapy Enhances Cellular Function

In the realm of modern medicine, the application of infrared laser therapy has emerged as a modality for addressing various health conditions. This non-invasive treatment method harnesses the power of light to stimulate cellular processes, promote healing, and enhance overall well-being. Understanding the intricate mechanism of action behind infrared laser therapy sheds light on its therapeutic benefits and potential applications.

Mitochondrial Activation:

Mitochondria, often referred to as the powerhouse of cells, play a pivotal role in cellular metabolism and energy production. The photons emitted by the infrared laser are absorbed by mitochondrial chromophores, initiating a cascade of biological responses within the cell.

Unveiling the Mechanism of Infrared Laser Therapy:

Infrared laser therapy operates on the principle of photobiomodulation (explained in more detail in the coming pages)hotobiomodulation, often known as low-level laser (LLL) therapy, is a cutting-edge technique harnessing the power of low-level laser light or light emitting diodes (LEDs) to elicit beneficial effects by stimulating cellular function.

Enhanced Cellular Function:

The absorption of photons by mitochondrial chromophores triggers electron transport, a fundamental process in cellular respiration. This, in turn, leads to the increased production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the primary source of energy for cellular activities.

Nitric Oxide Release and Blood Flow:

In addition to ATP production, infrared laser therapy promotes the release of nitric oxide, a vasodilator that helps relax blood vessels and improve blood flow. Enhanced blood circulation facilitates the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to tissues, supporting the body's natural healing processes.

Activation of Signaling Pathways:

The interaction between photons and cellular components activates diverse signaling pathways within the cell. These pathways play crucial roles in regulating cellular functions such as proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis.

Stem Cell Activation and Tissue Repair:


One of the remarkable outcomes of infrared laser therapy is the activation of stem cells within the treated tissues. Stem cells possess the unique ability to differentiate into various cell types and contribute to tissue repair and regeneration. By activating stem cells, infrared laser therapy accelerates the healing process and enhances tissue repair.

Clinical Implications and Potential Applications:

The therapeutic effects of infrared laser therapy have farreaching implications across various medical disciplines. From wound healing and tissue repair to pain management and rehabilitation, infrared laser therapy offers a noninvasive and effective treatment option for a wide range of conditions.

Difference Between Laser VS LED




Let's explore the distinction between laser light amplification with coherent waves in phase .

While both laser and LED lights are utilized in therapeutic applications, they differ significantly in their fundamental characteristics. Laser light, characterized by its coherence and amplification through stimulated emission of radiation, operates with waves in phase. In contrast, LED lights, Light Emitting Diodes, emit non-coherent light.


In the realm of medical applications, infrared lasers have been utilized extensively for years due to their precise targeting and therapeutic potential. However, it's essential to distinguish between lasers and Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs), as they operate on different principles despite sharing similarities in their applications.

Lasers emit coherent light, meaning the photons are all in phase with each other, creating a highly focused and intense beam of light. This coherence allows laser light to travel in a straight line and maintain its strength over long distances. In medical settings, infrared lasers are prized for their ability to deliver controlled energy to specific tissues or targets within the body, making them ideal for procedures such as surgery, tissue ablation, and phototherapy.

On the other hand, LEDs emit incoherent light, where the photons are not synchronized and do not travel in a single direction. While LEDs lack the intense focus of lasers, they offer versatility and are often used in medical devices for applications such as wound healing, pain management, and skin rejuvenation. LEDs are valued for their safety, affordability, and ability to cover larger surface areas, making them suitable for a wide range of therapeutic purposes.

Regarding the differences in light amplification, lasers typically operate at much higher Radio Frequencies (RF) compared to LEDs. For instance, a laser with coherent waves in phase delivers intense and precise energy, making it suitable for intricate medical procedures requiring pinpoint accuracy. In contrast, LEDs operate at lower RF values, providing gentle yet effective light therapy for various conditions without the risk of tissue damage associated with higher-powered lasers.





The foundation of Violet-Blue ReVitaLazer is rooted in extensive research conducted on the GDV Pro System—a medical-grade technology from Russia. Developed by a team of visionaries led by Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, including biophysicists, scientists, and researchers, the GDV Pro System delves into the unseen aspects of living beings and water. This exploration of energy field properties forms the basis for understanding the profound effects of Red and Violet-Blue ReVitaLazer.

LINK TO VIDEO Baseline Red-Infrared Laser Violet-Blue Laser Drinking lasered water bathes every cell ENHANCED


Before After

Energy Field is smoother showing rejuvenation in cellular flow, note pshyco-emotional field shifts


When you infuse your "drink" with the transformative properties of Violet-Blue ReVitaLazer water, a remarkable cascade of effects ensues within the body's intricate cellular framework. Each sip becomes an opportunity for cellular rejuvenation and microbial defense, as the potent antimicrobial properties of the VioletBlue ReVitaLazer, resonating at a wavelength of 390nM - 495nM, infuse the water with its protective essence. This laser's unique wavelength targets a broad spectrum of pathogens, including fungi, viruses, and bacteria, disrupting their molecular structures and bolstering the body's immune response.

consume your infused beverage, the red laser's penetrating energy penetrates deep into tissues, stimulating mitochondrial activity and promoting the synthesis of ATP—the cellular energy currency—resulting in accelerated reduced inflammation, and heightened cellular Moreover, the infusion process catalyzes a fundamental transformation within the water itself, restructuring its molecular arrangement into a coherent and harmonious configuration. This structured water, now imbued with the energetic imprint of the lasers, exhibits enhanced bioavailability and cellular compatibility, optimizing its capacity to support vital physiological processes within the body.

With each mindful sip, you invite the convergence of cutting-edge science and holistic principles into your body, nurturing a harmonious interplay between light, water, and cellular vitality.

Enhancing water with the pureVibranz Violet-Blue Revitalazer & pureVibranz Red Infrared Revitalazer makes a particularly powerful tonic.

The fusion of Red Infrared and VioletBlue ReVitaLazer:

Tonic Power:

Combine pureVibranz Violet-Blue ReVitaLaser with pureVibranz Red Infrared ReVitaLaser for a potent tonic with enhanced benefits.

Cellular Healing


Experience accelerated cellular healing and communication by combining Red Infrared and Violet-Blue ReVitaLaser, leveraging their unique qualities.




Blood work - Live blood conditions are observed in a drop of blood from the capillary level (smallest vessel where oxygen and nutrients are delivered, and carbon dioxide and waste products taken out). The drop is placed on a slide and viewed on a high-powered microscope. Healthy red blood cells are round, individual and dark in the center (filled with hemoglobin). The plasma (liquid cells float in) should be clear with no back up or debris. White blood cells are also visible and should be in an appropriate ratio, healthy and moving. From here, effects of digestion, nutrients, immunity, bacteria and fungus may be observed.

Note the round, separate and dark red blood cells. As well as clear plasma.

Healthy blood = homeostasis or balance

Broadview of a subject after fasting (no food) but had been drinking water.

Note the “stickiness” of the cells. Very few are separate, therefore they cannot do their delivery (oxygen and nutrients) or pick up (carbon dioxide and waste) job well. Sticky blood = imbalance

Note: Example Subject used the pureVibranz Red Infared ReVitalazer for 3 minutes, then blood sample was retaken approximately 10 minutes later. Note how it separated the red cells = better circulation, nutrient and oxygen delivery, and carbon dioxide and waste removal

ZOOMED in view of the sample to the left. The Sticky cells cannot do their exchange job well. Note: the debris in the plasma, indicating other imbalances



Sirius Infinity Ionizer:

Negative ions, those elusive molecules, are the unsung heroes of nature, present in the crisp air of mountains, the mist of waterfalls, and the breeze of beaches. They're invisible, tasteless, and odorless, yet they wield incredible influence. Once they enter our bloodstream, they ignite biochemical reactions that elevate serotonin levels, combating depression, easing stress, and fueling daytime vitality.

From the radiant glow of the sun to the enigmatic dance of the Earth's ionosphere, ions permeate our world, shaping its essence. In their ionic state, atoms reveal vibrant hues, tinting gemstones with their unique character. Enter the Sirius Infinity Ionizer, a marvel infused with 25,000 negative ions and the exclusive Human BlueprintTM Frequencies, nestled within semi-precious stones. These frequencies harmonize the body, restoring balance and vitality.

More than just a device, the Sirius Infinity Ionizer is a beacon of intent-driven energy, harnessing directional frequencies to optimize well-being.

Experience the benefits firsthand:

Alleviate discomfort

Restore bodily equilibrium

Loosen tense muscles

Awaken Chakra centers

Enhance lymphatic flow

“ As a Licensed Massage Therapist, I find the Sirius Infinity Ionizer the most versatile and valuable tool I have. I keep it hanging on my belt loop so it is always conveniently handy. The Sirius Infinity Pointer saves me hand effort, as I use it as an extension of my hand on the whole body. It saves me time since it accelerates muscle balance, and gives the client more massage for their money. It also creates more rescheduled business! I can use the tool as a trigger point, by placing my thumb at the top side of the Sirius Infinity Pointer and not having to use nearly as much pressure to get relief. As one client stated on her problematic area, it was as if the muscle just melted away.”



Take charge of your wellness from the comfort of your homes

By harnessing the power of light and resonance, PureVibranz products deliver natural and non-invasive treatments that promote holistic well-being. With its innovative technology and user-friendly design, PureVibranz laser therapy empowers individuals to take charge of their health from the comfort of their homes, offering a cost-effective alternative to traditional medical interventions.


Less is more.

Best to use for 3-5 minutes (or less each time, repeat as needed.

Ideally use no more than 2-3 x’s a day

Leave at least 90 minutes between treatment times


After just 2 minutes of ReVitaLazer use

NOTE: Violet light image from the laser appear dimmer in daylight compared to the red or green laser light, due to the Violet light spectrum. It is NOT DEFECTIVE BY ANY MEANS.It can be seen better in darker location

“I have had a place on my elbow for many years that doesn’t seem to heal completely, and when it opens into a full open sore, I usually use some black salve on it and it will heal mostly, and then later open up again.

I started using the pureVibranz Violet laser on it about 3 minutes most days about 6 weeks ago instead of the black salve, and it has closed up and is looking really good. The scar tissue that has built up is getting smaller.”

— Joe B.

Professionals Healthcare

Many professionals such as Chiropractors, Sports Medicine doctors and pain centers are now using Laser technology to treat their clients and patients.

In today's dynamic landscape of healthcare, laser technology has emerged as a transformative force embraced by professionals across various disciplines. From chiropractors to veterinarians, and from sports medicine doctors to pain centers, the adoption of laser therapy is expanding rapidly, unveiling new pathways to address diverse health concerns.

The integration of laser technology into diverse treatment protocols underscores its remarkable versatility and efficacy in promoting holistic well-being. By harnessing the precise application and targeted wavelengths of laser therapy, healthcare professionals are witnessing profound advancements in therapeutic approaches, offering non-invasive and effective solutions for a wide spectrum of conditions.

As professionals continue to explore the myriad applications and benefits of laser therapy, it stands resolutely at the forefront of modern healthcare, heralding a new era of healing and rejuvenation. In this ever-evolving landscape, laser technology illuminates the path towards enhanced well-being, empowering individuals to embrace a future where healing is comprehensive, transformative, and deeply impactful.

ADD/ADHD and Learning Dysfunctions:

Red ReVitaLazer, when directed around the ear lobes and specific auricular points, and along the mid-line of the head, shows promise in mitigating symptoms associated with ADD/ADHD and related learning and brain dysfunctions.

Addictions and Detoxification:

Targeting the edges of the ear with Red ReVitaLazer, particularly below the top back curve, aids in addiction management and detoxification processes.

Respiratory Issues:

For asthma or bronchitis relief, directing the Red ReVitaLazer directly on the chest helps alleviate discomfort and promote respiratory health.

Targeted Anti-Aging:

Direct the laser at the skin for purification and stimulation of fibroblasts, embracing the path to timeless beauty.

Spinal Alignment and Pain Management:

Guiding the Red ReVitaLazer across the hips and spine assists in spinal alignment and provides relief from back pain.

Blood Cleansing and Energizing:

By focusing the Red ReVitaLazer just below the navel, blood cleansing and energizing effects can be achieved, fostering overall vitality.

Ear Infections and Ear Candling:

Utilizing Red ReVitaLazer around the earlobes, mastoid bone, and Eustachian tube aids in managing ear infections and optimizing the ear candling process.

Hormonal Balance and Stimulation:

Stimulating the hypothalamus and pituitary glands can be achieved by targeting the middle bottom of the large toes with Red ReVitaLazer

Injury Recovery and Wound Healing:

The Red ReVitaLazer facilitates wound closure and reduces bruising when applied to injured body parts.

Libido Enhancement and Nausea Relief:

Balancing libido and alleviating nausea can be achieved by focusing the Red ReVitaLazer on specific areas like the upper ear and acupressure points.

Sinus Health and Toxic Material Exposure:

Red ReVitaLazer application on the third eye area and beneath the nose helps manage sinus issues, while exposure to toxic materials can be addressed by targeted laser therapy on specific body points.

Pet Health and Well-being:

The benefits of Red ReVitaLazer extend to pets, offering accelerated healing and cellular regeneration without tissue damage, thereby enhancing their overall health and vitality.

Jet Lag and Travel Fatigue:

Combating jet lag is made easier with the application of Red ReVitaLazer on the back of the knees upon arrival.

This information has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to treat disease, support human life, or to prevent impairment of human health. This information is for frequency, self-education and research purposes only. Please seek professional help with health issues. The products are not sold for these purposes. They are only sold to assist in bringing the energy field and centers into a greater sense of balance and coherence and any resulting physical results are anecdotal at best.

WaveLength: 660nM-870nM

• Laser Power: maximum < 5 mW

• Meets LaserClassII & III

• Type:Diode111blaser product

• Complies with 21CFRpart 1040 10 and 1040 11 class111A laserproduct

• 2AAAbatteriesincluded


BEFORE: Results show some sticky blood cells, some doughnut-shaped cells (yeast from sugar), some misshapen cells, and some debris in the serum next to white blood cells.

AFTER: Live blood microscopy of the same 51 year old male 5 minutes after drinking one sip of a glass of water which was lasered for 10 seconds with a pureVibranz Red ReVitalazer. Results show perfect quality red blood cells and perfectly clean blood serum


“I was smacking my shoe on wall to get the sand out. I forgot that is where the wasps are… I got stung right in the face… These guys sting really hard. A pain shot down through the whole side of my face immediately, my jaw felt tight… It brought me to tears, and the whole side of my face was swollen and very red — even my nose, up to my forehead. I used the pureVibranz Red ReVitalazer for a few minutes, on and off for a few hours. My coworker, who thought I would be like that for a day or two, could not believe how much the swelling and redness went down so fast!“

“My son wrenched his back and hurt his hip very badly trying to get his mother-inlaw in and out of her wheelchair. The next morning he was in so much pain. I used the pureVibranz Red Infrared ReVitaLazer all over the area, returned in the afternoon and did the same thing. He hadn’t slept at all the night before but told me the next day he had a fabulous sleep and was up doing laundry at 7:30am. So when I came over he hugged me so tight because he couldn’t believe he was in so much pain and that it went away so quickly.” — Sharon


Low level lasers, with their non-invasive nature and ability to promote bodily balance, offer a myriad of applications due to their unique approach to assisting the body's equilibrium. Unlike high-powered surgical lasers, low level laser therapy (LLLT) operates at a low intensity that avoids tissue damage, making it a safe alternative to pharmaceuticals with a track record spanning over 40 years devoid of known side effects. Through the delivery of natural red laser light directly through the skin, LLLT addresses various prevalent conditions such as chronic arthritis, tendonitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, fibromyalgia, and sports injuries.

Professional Athletes SimpleRecovery

Professional athletes frequently utilize LLLT to expedite their recovery process, enabling them to return to their sport up to three times faster without resorting to drugs and with reduced risk of re-injury. This same technology benefits countless others by reducing reliance on pain medications, circumventing invasive surgeries, managing or eliminating pain, and facilitating a return to a healthier lifestyle. Indeed, LLLT stands as a beacon of hope for individuals seeking safe and effective alternatives for their well-being, offering a holistic approach that aligns with the body's natural healing mechanisms.

Treat Veterinary Industry

With a growing demand for quality care and heightened concerns regarding the side effects of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), pet owners, particularly those with valuable animals, seek alternatives that are non-pharmaceutical and gentle.

Low Level Laser therapy stands out as an exceptionally effective alternative, validated by over 30 years of successful treatment in humans. As research continues to affirm its effectiveness, veterinarians are increasingly recognizing the remarkable advantages of integrating Low Level Laser therapy into their treatment protocols for both competitive and companion animals.

The application of Cold Laser therapy in veterinary practice is straightforward and accessible to veterinarians and private pet owners alike. Unlike X-rays, lasers emit no harmful radiation and do not inflict tissue damage. Cold lasers, with their unique ability to penetrate tissue up to 4cm or more, stimulate cellular regeneration without adverse effects. Studies have demonstrated that Cold Laser therapy accelerates healing by up to three times faster than conventional methods, offering profound balancing benefits to tissue without causing harm. This gentle yet powerful modality is transforming the landscape of veterinary care, providing animals with a safe and effective pathway to healing and well-being.

Therapeutic applications include treatment for:

•Pain Relief

•Reduce Swelling

•Control Inflammation & Speed Healing

•Acute Tissue Damage & Open Wound Healing

•Arthritis Pain & Inflammation

•Lameness due to Joint Problems (Fetlock, Knee, Hock, Stifle), Arthritis, Nerve Damage, Tendon/Ligament Injury

•Bone Healing

•Acupuncture Points

•Sore Backs

•Enhanced Lymphatic Drainage

•Releases Tight Muscles

•Soft tissue injuries including strains & windpuffs

•Nerve Regeneration


•Musculoskeletal Pain & injuries

•Myofascial Pain

•Strengthening the immune system response

PUREVIBRANZ • 3111 SOUTH VALLEY VIEW BLVD., SUITE Y102, LAS VEGAS, NV 89102 PUREVIBRANZ.COM • PHONE: 800-356-7935 Who is pureVibranz? pureVibranz is a close-knit group of wellness practitioners and proven entrepreneurs who recognize the profound health and wellness benefits of ZeroPoint™ Technology as well as the serious mental and physical toll that environmental pollution, toxicity, and EMF/ELF waves are exacting on our population. They are a Unique and Tested Difference!



Red Infrared ReVitaLazer is a red cold-laser light laser with proprietary Human Blueprint™ Frequencies infused into the light by ZeroPoint™ Technology. These frequencies help bring the body into balance and energetic homeostasis.


Green ReVitaLazer is a green cold-laser light laser with proprietary Human Blueprint™ Frequencies infused into the light by ZeroPoint™ Technology. These frequencies help bring the body into balance and energetic homeostasis.

Violet-Blue ReVitaLazer infused into the light by ZeroPoint™ Technology. These frequencies help bring the body into balance and energetic homeostasis.

Red Green Violet-Blue

Human Blueprint™

Harmonizing your physiological, energetic, and spiritual

Elevate your well-being to new heights with Human Blueprint™ —a breakthrough fusion of frequencies meticulously crafted to resonate with your body's natural rhythm. Delve into a realm where physiological, energetic, and spiritual frequencies converge, guiding you towards holistic harmony. Unleash the power of frequency and embark on a journey to unlock your body's innate potential for vitality and balance.

Why Class II Cold Coherent Light?


Class II cold coherent light, along with red, green, and violet hues, introduces a unique dimension with its precision and temperature characteristics. The cold nature of this light aligns seamlessly with the precision of red, green, and violet laser technology, creating a harmonious blend that enhances the transformative potential of the focused light energy. In the symphony of precision, spectrum, and radiance, the integration of Class II cold coherent light alongside red, green, and violet wavelength metamorphic orchestration for holistic wellness. PureVibranz has emerged with its innovative products, integrating ZeroPoint™ Technology to enhance human health through resonance and energy alignment. This radiant catalyst, working alongside red, green, and violet laser precision and focused light energy, adds a luminous quality to cellular cycles, fostering vitality, healing, and movement. As ongoing research and testimonials shed light on the intricate dance of nature-inspired technologies, individuals are invited to explore this transformation journey. Seeking professional guidance and scientific validation is paramount for a comprehensive understanding of the potential efficacy of this symphony a promise of a brighter, healthier future for holistic well-being.

Technology Technology

A Deep Dive into Quantum Energetics and Human Health

In recent years, the intersection of quantum physics and holistic health has sparked intriguing discussions about the body's inherent vibrational frequencies and their connection to overall well-being. Among the pioneers in this field, pureVibranz has emerged with its innovative products, integrating ZeroPoint™ Technology to enhance human health through resonance and energy alignment.

At the core of pureVibranz's philosophy lies the recognition that cells within the body oscillate at distinct frequencies, indicative of their health status. Drawing from this principle, pureVibranz has identified specific frequencies, known as Human Blueprint™ Frequencies, which correspond to the optimal functioning of various organs and systems within the body.

When individuals consume or apply pureVibranz products, a fascinating phenomenon known as Sympathetic Resonance occurs. This process involves the body attuning itself to the frequencies present in the products, akin to tuning forks vibrating in harmony when placed near each other. Additionally, exposure to light triggers Bio-photonic Entrainment, further aligning the body's energy with the frequencies emitted by pureVibranz formulations.

The fundamental premise underlying pureVibranz's approach is the restoration of balance within the body. By harmonizing with the Human Blueprint™ Frequencies, the organs and systems regain their equilibrium, empowering the body's innate capacity to heal and protect itself. Central to this paradigm is the concept of the Bovis Scale, a tool devised by French Physician Anton Bovis in the early 20th century.


By harmonizing with the Human Blueprint™ Frequencies, the organ regain their equilibrium, empowering the body's innate capacity to heal and protect itself. Central to this paradigm is the concept of the Bovis Scale, a tool devised by French Physician Anton Bovis in the early 20th century.

The Bovis Scale, also known as the Biometer, serves as a quantitative measure of Life Force energy levels and vitality across various entities, including people, objects, and nutrition. Expressed in Bovis units (BE), this scale provides insights into the vibrational frequencies present within different aspects of existence.

PureVibranz has incorporated the Bovis Scale into its methodology, offering a simplified means of assessing Quantum Energetics across its product range.

ZeroPoint™ Energy, a cornerstone of pureVibranz's technology, originates from the theoretical framework of quantum physics. It posits the existence of an infinite wellspring of energy within the vacuum of space, transcending conventional notions of energy conservation. In the context of PureVibranz's Green ReVitaLazer, ZeroPoint™ Technology harnesses this boundless energy reserve to imbue laser light with frequencies aligned with the Human Blueprint™.

By leveraging ZeroPoint™ Technology, pureVibranz endeavors to catalyze holistic transformations in human health and vitality. Through the synergy of quantum principles and bioresonance, pureVibranz products aspire to recalibrate the body's energy fields, fostering a state of optimal well-being and equilibrium.

Geometry nature reflected

The pureVibranz lasers utilize the geometry which creates our sacred life

Imbedded within the octagon shape with a Tesla coil, the sacred geometry principle transcends mere symbolism to affirm that life is inherently sacred, emerging from the prism of light. The incorporation of the octagonal Tesla coil alongside the sacred geometrical elements— such as the prism and pyramid—amplifies this profound notion.

Within the pureVibranz lasers, the essence of sacred geometry is harnessed to reflect the inherent harmony of the universe, echoing the intricate fractal patterns that constitute the very fabric of existence—the divine fingerprint of God, if you will. This meticulously crafted design harmonizes seamlessly with the primal source of light, enriching the therapeutic potential of the emitted rays.

By integrating sacred geometry, especially in the form of fractals, these lasers attune themselves to the natural frequencies of the human body, fostering resonance and coherence on a profound level. This harmonious interplay between sacred geometry and the Human Blueprint™ frequencies engenders a transformative healing environment, where profound shifts in health and well-being unfold synergistically.


Red Infrared ReVitaLazer

Red Light Therapy: Illuminating the Path to Wellness

Harmonizing Healing: Exploring the Convergence of Red Light Therapy and Focus Beam Technology

In the dynamic world of holistic well-being, where nature's influence on health has been a timeless wisdom, emerges a cutting-edge technology known as red light therapy. Recognized for its ability to mimic the positive effects of sunlight, this transformative approach integrates a focus beam of light, combining specific wavelengths of class 2 red laser light. In this comprehensive exploration, we unravel the layered benefits of red light therapy and the harmonious interplay of focused light, aiming to elevate cellular energy, expedite healing, and enhance overall bodily movement.

A.Skin Health and Vitality:

pureVibranz Red-Infrared ReVitiLazer becomes a beacon for skin health by promoting collagen production, reducing wrinkles, and expediting wound healing. This technology infuses 1645 Human Blueprint Frequencies, fostering a complex waveform with coherent information that triggers self-healing responses. The precise application of this red laser technology, penetrating up to 3 inches into the body, initiates a photochemical response, activating cellular repair mechanisms and promoting tissue healing.

Photobiomodulation Mechanism:

The interaction of photons with mitochondrial chromophores in skin cells stimulates electron transport, ATP production, nitric oxide release, and diverse signaling pathways. This cascade of responses activates stem cells, allowing increased tissue repair and healing.

Versatile Applications of Laser Therapy:

Laser therapy showcases versatility in treating various conditions, including chronic pain, soft tissue injuries, skin issues, and even hair loss. It provides an effective, non-invasive treatment while strengthening the immune system.

B.Pain Management and Inflammation Reduction:

Research indicates that red light therapy contributes to analgesic effects, offering relief from pain and inflammation. Athletes explore its potential to reduce muscle soreness and joint pain, contributing significantly to improved recovery.

C.Mood Enhancement and Sleep Regulation:

Influencing the body's circadian rhythm and melatonin production, red light therapy mimics the sun's role in regulating sleep-wake cycles. This non-invasive approach provides a holistic solution for addressing sleep disorders and moodrelated conditions.

D.Muscle Recovery and Performance Boost:

Athletes and fitness enthusiasts turn to red light therapy to enhance muscle recovery and boost performance. The therapy's ability to reduce muscle fatigue, inflammation, and oxidative stress contributes to better athletic outcomes.

E.Hair Growth Stimulation:

Preliminary studies suggest that red light therapy stimulates hair growth and combats hair loss by promoting blood flow to hair follicles and enhancing cellular activity.

"I was moving some flagstones which were big and heavy rocks and as I was moving one, my finger got in between 2 of them and I really smashed my finger busting open. Immediately the blood came out and started throbbing and was hurting big time. I grabbed the red laser and ran it up and down my finger and within a matter of few seconds to less than a minute the throbbing went away and the blood stopped. It was still very sore to the touch but the pain went away and no more bleeding. I was very excited to get some relief in that short time and was glad to have my red laser around. The products are absolutely amazing. I have never seen a product in my 30 + yrs experience in this industry where you can get instant gratification." —- Mike, TX


A.Mitochondrial Stimulation and Cellular Energy:

Red light therapy mirrors sunlight's benefits by stimulating mitochondria in cells, a process known as photobiomodulation. This stimulation enhances cellular energy production, fostering overall cellular function and healing.

B.Circadian Rhythm Regulation:

Strategic application of red light therapy regulates the circadian rhythm, mimicking sunlight's influence on sleep-wake cycles. Morning exposure signals wakefulness, while evening exposure aids in the natural winding down process.

C.Anti-Inflammatory Effects:

Both sunlight and red light therapy exhibit antiinflammatory effects at the cellular level. Red light modulates inflammatory responses, potentially reducing inflammation without harmful UV components.

D.Mood Enhancement and Neurotransmitter Production:

Sunlight's impact on serotonin and melatonin production finds a counterpart in red light therapy, positively affecting these neurotransmitters. This promotes mental wellbeing and stress reduction.

E. Wound Healing and Blood Circulation:

Red light therapy accelerates wound healing, mirroring sunlight's benefits. It enhances collagen production, blood circulation, and nitric oxide production, contributing to improved cardiovascular health.


In the ever-evolving landscape of holistic wellbeing, a marriage of cutting-edge technologies and cellular-level interventions gives rise to transformative approaches. The focus beam of light takes center stage, incorporating specific wavelengths like purple and green, aiming to enhance cellular energy production, facilitate chemical reactions, and contribute to accelerated healing and improved bodily movement.

A. Human BlueprintTM Frequency


The focus beam infuses 1645 Human BlueprintTM Frequencies, creating a symphony of frequencies that up-regulates gene expression and builds healthier proteins. This is fundamental for the structure and function of the body.

B. Stem Cell Stimulation and Telomere Lengthening:

The focus beam stimulates stem cell production and may contribute to lengthening telomeres, crucial for cellular longevity.


Discomfort reduction

Body alignment

Reduce Swelling

Alleviate dental issues — teeth or gums

Enhanced lymphatic drainage

Strengthen immune system response

Reduce muscle discomfort

Mediate menstrual cramps

Changes the polarity of food/beverages to be more balanced.

• Wave Length: 660nM-870 nM

• Laser Power: maximum < 5 mW

Meets LaserClass II&III

• Type:Diode 111b laser product

Complies with 21CFRpart 1040 10and 104011 class 111Alaser product

• 2AAAbatteriesincluded

Violet-Blue ReVitaLazer


Unveiling the Power of Violet-Blue ReVitaLazer: Enhancing Well-Being through Light Therapy

In the realm of cutting-edge light therapy, Violet-Blue ReVitaLazer emerges as a beacon of holistic well-being, seamlessly infused with ZeroPoint™ Technology. This revolutionary advancement in light therapy aims to bring the body into balance and energetic homeostasis, offering a multitude of benefits supported by groundbreaking research.


Anti-Microbial Power:

Combat viruses, bacteria, and fungi with the potent anti-microbial properties of Violet-Blue ReVitaLazer.

Immune Boost:

Strengthen your immune system, enhancing your body's ability to ward off illnesses.

Holistic Healing:

Experience overall health improvement and address concerns such as cuts, sores, aches, pains, skin rashes, sore gums, sore mouth, and sinus issues.

Sympathetic Nervous System Stimulation:

Ignite your sympathetic nervous system, promoting a balanced and responsive physiological state.

Cellular Healing:

Trigger a quick healing response within cell nuclei through the photochemical reactions induced by the laser.

Mitochondrial Enhancement:

Increase mitochondria in cells, contributing to improved cellular energy production.

Microcirculation Improvement:

Enhance microcirculation by releasing nitric oxide, expediting the healing of wounds.

Immune System Fortification:

Stimulate and strengthen the immune system for heightened resilience.

Anti-Aging Effects:

Promote cell regeneration, contributing to an anti-aging effect.

I wasn’t feeling well. My sinuses and ears were congested. I cold smell nothing and had a lot of pressure. My friend Kathy had me come over that evening, and she used the Violet NaturaLaser on my face, neck and ears. By the next morning, all my congestion and pressure were gone.”


Applications of laser therapy for conditions such as back pains, arthritis, muscle strains, fibromyalgia, bursitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, neck and shoulder pains, plantar fasciitis, skin rashes, and even tennis

elbow.Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) Treatment: Address depression associated with dreary winter weather through effective treatment with Violet-Blue ReVitaLazer.


“ I’ve had severe sensitivity on my lower gums for years. For 2 months now I have been using the violet laser on my lower gums 3 times a day for 3 minutes each use. I noticed a significant change after the first week of use. After the first month about 80% of the pain was gone. Now, after 2 months of continual use the pain is completely gone! I will continue to use the violet laser once a day to keep the pain away. It’s amazing. Thank you for the wonderful product!” — Rhonda S.

“ After a great outdoor trip doing qigong, labyrinth and meditation, with the cooler temperatures and wind kicking up dust and pollen in the desert, my sinuses were acting up during the evening. I went to bed, but woke up at 2 am stuffed up and not breathing well. Did the netti pot with sea salt and Violet NaturaLasered the hot water for 3 minutes. I was so stuffy, that I had to do it twice. Wow! Results were amazing. I’ve done the netti pot before, however, this time, the passages were so opened and clear, I could really breathe deeply and fully! I was surprised at how open my nasal passages were. Fell back asleep quickly and all through the next day, passages were open and I could take a full breath from both nostrils. No runny nose, no sneezing or feeling of cotton in the head! I also had a glass of water in the morning that I used the Violet NaturaLaser for 3 minutes. Great feeling of well being and energy! Would have loved to havebeen tested on the machine that records your energy field before and after!! Truly impressed! — Love, gratitude and blessings.” — Harriet Y., NV

“ I wasn’t feeling well. My sinuses and ears were congested. I cold smell nothing and had a lot of pressure. My friend Kathy had me come over that evening, and she used the Violet NaturaLaser on my face, neck and ears. By the next morning, all my congestion and pressure were gone.” — Lisa P., NV

•WaveLength:390nM-495nM (typically405nM)

• LaserPower:maximum<5mW

• MeetsLaserClassII&III


• Complieswith21CFRpart104010and 104011class111Alaserproduct

• 2AAAbatteriesincluded,withStorage

Green ReVitaLazer

Green Revitalized introduces a transformative therapy that brings the body into a state of harmonious balance and energetic homeostasis, marking a new era in holistic well-being. This transformation is embodied in Green ReVitaLazer, which signifies the dawn of a revolutionary green cold-laser light. Infused with proprietary Human Blueprint™ Frequencies and harnessed by cutting-edge ZeroPoint™ Technology, it heralds a paradigm shift in wellness practices.


Immerse yourself in the symphony of healing energies offered by Green ReVitaLazer, embracing a holistic approach to wellness. Witness the following benefits that the green spectrum of light bestows upon the body and mind:

Chromotherapy Bliss:

Green light, known for its soothing properties, facilitates relaxation and stress reduction, promoting a sense of calm.

Nature's Healing Touch:

Aligned with the rejuvenating essence of nature, the green spectrum aids in discomfort reduction, offering relief to the body.

Balancing Act:

Green light harmonizes the body, promoting balance and alignment for improved posture and overall well-being.

Vitality Infusion:

Enhance hydration levels within the body, rejuvenating cells and contributing to overall vitality.

Neural Harmony:

The green spectrum supports nerve regeneration, fostering neural harmony and optimal nervous system function.

Immunological Fortress:

Strengthen the immune system response with the healing influence of green light, bolstering the body's defenses.

Detoxification Elevation:

Assist the body in its detoxification process, promoting optimal health from within.

Polarity Shift:

Alter the polarity of food and beverages, making them more absorbable and aligning with the body's natural energy flow.

System-Specific Balance: Point the light at the specified area for approximately one minute in each specified area to bring a specific system into balance.


Targeted Discomfort Reduction:

Direct the green laser at the area of discomfort for three minutes to bring balance and relief.

Energizing Food and Drinks:

Infuse energy into drinks or food by pointing the laser directly for approximately 20-30 seconds.

System-Specific Balance:

Point the light at the specified area for approximately one minute in each specified area to bring a specific system into balance.







pureVibranz Vision:

Creating an ever-increasing global awareness of our connection through consciousness that gives human beings the ability to be sovereign in self, not live-in fear with the knowing of the powerful beings that we are!

Product Line - Click Here


A story about US!

pureVibranz was conceived from our passionate desire to increase awareness of alternative healing and preventative wellness solutions, with the life-enhancing benefits of pureVibranz products. And increase awareness of the dangers that our environment poses to the health and well-being of all industrialized populations.

On going research into the environment’s worsening effects on our body’s natural energy field is becoming more conclusive by the day. Thousands of people are reporting the astounding results that the pureVibranz System is delivering.

The pureVibranz Mission

To deliver the most efficacious personal care products and tools that enhance personal well-being and assist in becoming ever more aware of the ever-present consciousness that we are.

The pureVibranz Vision

Creating an ever-increasing global awareness of our connection through consciousness that gives human beings the ability to be Sovereign in self, not live-in fear with the knowing of the powerful beings that we are!

Team with A Purpose

pureVibranz is a close-knit group of wellness practitioners and proven entrepreneurs who recognize the profound health and wellness benefits of ZeroPoint™ Technology as well as the serious mental and physical toll that environmental pollution, toxicity, and EMF/ELF waves are exacting on our population.

We encourage you to perform your own due diligence and research, as none of this information have been approved by the FDA. Nevertheless, it is our strong belief that you will come to the same conclusions as we have; that pureVibranz with ZeroPoint™ Technology is an immensely promising wellness solution that everyone can benefit from.

To learn how you can get involved with pureVibranz, contact the person who referred you to us

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