Year 4 Curriculum Information

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Learning at home:

Year 4 Curriculum Information 2023 - 2024

Organisational Information

The first priority is always reading (because, once you can read well, you are then able to access all other learning). All children will read individually to an adult at least once per fortnight. The book that they have read, along with its page numbers, will be recorded in your child’s school diary on that day’s date. Your child will be given the opportunity to change their reading book regularly. We encourage children to read at home every day. Children must ensure that their reading book and school diary are in school every day.

The next two priorities are to ensure spellings and times tables are learnt each week. Spelling shed, MyMaths and TT Rockstars should be used to support learning. To further consolidate and improve learning at home, all KS2 pupils have access to Century. This provides personalised pathways for your child (based upon online assessments they complete) for all aspects of English, maths and science.

The next priority is to choose 4 activities from the termly homework grid (see the newsletter at the start of each term) These activities support and deepen ‘Discovery’ learning, and pupils can choose whether to ‘Make it, Find Out About it, Create it or Present it’. By providing flexibility and choice, we hope this will enable pupils and families to select activities that suit them, depending upon the amount of time you have, the equipment and resources you have at home or the amount of help that is available, etc

Each week, the newsletter will include 2 questions for each class – these are entitled ‘Ladybridge Learning Conversations’, and are to support learning conversations at home. Any additional conversations/activities about learning at school are encouraged and will, through recall or retrieval, support long-term memory.

PE: PE will take place every Wednesday. Your child should come into school wearing their PE kit on this day.

Navy blue shorts

White round-necked tee-shirt

Trainers for outside

Plain, dark tracksuit if outside

Class Assembly Date: Friday 26th April 2024 9.05am

4L Teacher – Mrs Widdowson Teaching Assistant – Mrs Watson 4B Teacher – Mrs Duckers

If you want to keep up to date with what is happening with our curriculum, please keep viewing our school website:; the site works best on 'Google chrome'. Any questions regarding the curriculum should be discussed with your child’s class teacher. Please be aware that curriculum specifics remain flexible, therefore, the information overleaf is subject to change.

Year 4 Long term plan

Autumn One






Science The Digestive System

Living things, Habitats & Food chains

States of Matter Rivers Compariso n Local Study Art Sculpture Ancient Egypt

Vikings Chromatic Sketchbooks

Monochro -matic Perspectiv e DT Operation Board Games

Sewing Anglo Saxon Purses

Food Technology


How do festivals and worship show what matters most to a Muslim?

How do festivals and family life show what matters most to Jewish people?

(God/Torah/T he People)

Why do Christians call the day Jesus died ‘Good Friday’?


How and why do people mark the significant events of life?

Energy (sustainability)
History Ancient Egypt Anglo Saxons &
Deforestation (sustainability) Titanic Geography Land Use/climate change Settlements

Computing Repetition shape Repetition in game Photo editing Audio Editing The internet Data collection

Glockenspiel Stage 2

focus Mamma Mia

PE Gymnastics 7-12

Revision of colours from Year 3

Dance (Carnival & The Twist)

Dodgeball Hockey




Body Parts and adjectives to describe Similarities and differences between French and English –asking for French translation

Zoo animals

Family Members and pets


Revision of numbers 0-10

New numbers 11-30

Revision of hobbies and learn how to play popular French game

Weather/ Clothes items for packing a suitcase

Music Pop
Reflect, Rewind and Replay Classical
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