Schreiner University SCENE Magazine Summer 2017

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here is an old saying:

“Timing is everything.” I have come to know the truth of that statement this spring at Schreiner—my first spring semester as president. In the pages that follow, you will read about the many accomplishments that Schreiner realized over the past few months: a conference championship in men’s basketball, a new academic center for the study of resilience, and the successful completion of the University’s five-year, $50 million campaign. While I get to write the letter introducing all of these accomplishments, they were fundamentally achieved before I ever became president. All the glory; very little of the work. That’s pretty good timing from my perspective. But it is also the case that even had I been president for many years, I still could not claim these accomplishments as my own. In truth, they are the efforts of many, many people—students who strive for excellence, faculty who apply their scholarship to the



problems that cry out for a solution, and staff who are committed to making the Schreiner of tomorrow better than the Schreiner of today. I am learning, too, that these accomplishments have been achieved by thousands of friends, donors, and alumni of Schreiner University. The length of the list of people who care enough about Schreiner to invest their time, treasure, and talent to her continuing success simply stuns me. Because you have taken such good care of Schreiner, the University is not just surviving but thriving. I thank you for this commitment, and I hope you see the impact of your efforts in the pages that follow. Give yourself a congratulatory pat on the back as you read through this issue, and at the end, remember that—once again—we are about to be on our way. Continue to walk this journey with us.

Charlie McCormick, Ph.D. President

in this issue

A Promise Fulfilled With the help of many of you, the five-year, $50 million “Fulfilling the Promise” campaign concluded successfully in May, six weeks early and more than $2 million over its goal. In this issue we say “thank you” to those who made possible this effort to provide students an outstanding university experience for decades to come.


4 Mountaineer Talk

Making Connections While Helping To Rebuild Homes

10 Our Faculty Shine 2017 Awards

12 The Class of 2017 Leaving with Achievement and Plans for the Future

16 A Promise Fulfilled $50 Million Campaign Success




6 oncampus 7 socialmedia

20 varsityprograms

22 mountaineersports 24 classnotes

32 inmemoriam

Schreiner University


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Making Connections While Helping To Rebuild Homes BY JOHN SNIFFEN

“Mona invited us into her home as a group of workers, and bid us farewell as her new children. Her house was barely livable when we arrived, but she made every effort to make us feel comfortable …”



n August 2016, heavy, prolonged rainfall in southern Louisiana resulted in catastrophic flooding that submerged thousands of houses and businesses and resulted in 13 deaths. To help with the recovery effort, Schreiner University Purposeful Lives Coordinator Kelsey Penn planned an Alternative Spring Break in coordination with the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Program. “We do a mission trip at spring break each year, alternating between serving a need in the US one year, with serving a location outside of the country the next,” says Penn. Nine Schreiner students volunteered to spend spring break helping four Louisiana families rebuild their homes. Aine O’Reilly, a contractor who suspended her business to serve through the United Way of Acadia, supervised as the students installed dry wall, flooring, insulation, and trim, and caulked and painted. At the end of each day, they showered in a trailer brought in for that purpose, and slept on air mattresses on the floors of Sunday school rooms at First Presbyterian Church of Lafayette, La. In addition to providing 1,260 hours of labor, the students learned about other people, about the meaning of service, and about themselves. In their own words, three Mountaineers share what they


witnessed. The “Mona” they mention is the mother of a family of five mostly grown children who lives in one of the houses on which they worked.

Kaitlin Beetner,

junior biochemistry major, who wants to be a pharmacist. After hurricane Katrina I heard stories about college kids spending spring break helping with recovery. I told my mom that’s what I wanted to do one day. When this trip was announced, I jumped at the opportunity. I was lucky enough to work with a great group and a great family. Mona took us under her wing, guiding us like a mother. She and her husband were so amazing and so giving to those around them. Even though we were there to help them, they always made time to help the other families in their neighborhood.

<<< GROUP PHOTO: From top left, Josh Woodhull, Kaitlin Beettner, Zoe Whitworth, Patty Arias, Maggie Otero, Esperanza Flores. Bottom left, Rayne Bermea, Aine O’Reilly, Destiny Alarcon, Kelsey Penn and a homeowner.

The experience enabled me to develop better people skills and a love for Louisiana. I’m even thinking about pursuing my future education there. I love to travel and Schreiner has given me amazing opportunities to do so. We also found a stray dog, we called her Lou for Louisiana, which now has a home with me here in Texas.

Esperanza Flores, senior history major, who plans to attend seminary and earn a dual master’s degree in divinity and social work. I signed up for the trip because I am very passionate about volunteering and helping those in need. I eventually want to work with a non-profit organization that assists with volunteer services. The main coordinator for this trip, Aine O’Reilly, has been helping people fix houses for a long time. She cares about the work she is doing and the volunteers that help her. She is truly an amazing person to work with. Mona’s family’s house was ruined by the flooding, but she did not lose hope and she was happy that we were able to help her rebuild. Some students who went on the trip have been at Schreiner as long as I have. Before this trip I would see them around campus, but did not know who

they were. During this trip I connected with some of them, and found out that we have a lot in common.

Zoe Whitworth, a senior public health major with an interest in medical ethics and nonprofit work I signed up for the spring break trip because I was interested in the opportunity to serve beyond my immediate community. Miss Mona invited us into her home as a group of workers, and bid us farewell as her new children. Her house was barely livable when we arrived, but she made every effort to make us feel comfortable while she worked alongside us. She had the best attitude. She and her daughter cooked for us, gave us motherly advice, and taught us how to (badly) dance zydeco! The experience drove home the importance of having a stable home, something very frequently discussed in public health. Seeing the shift over time in the family’s ability to return to school and work as their home was rebuilt gave tangible meaning to abstract concepts that so many of us are privileged to never consider. After this trip I felt closer to existing friends who went with me, and came away with new friends, both from Schreiner and from the town where we worked.

Current students interested in submitting a first-person essay, artwork, photography or poetry for consideration, please email

marketing@ or call 830-792-7212.



Schreiner Opening

El Paso

First Year Campuses Across Texas I

f you can’t come to Schreiner University, Schreiner University will come to you.

For more information about the first year campuses in Mission, Brownsville and El Paso, contact the Admissions and Enrollment Office at 800-343-4919 or email admissions@ Shall we provide a link to the web page:



That’s what the university is telling potential college freshmen in Brownsville, Mission and El Paso. Next August, 20 to 25 students in each of those Texas border cities will start college without leaving home. Called first year campuses, these regional extensions of Schreiner University will offer enrollees a full year of higher education. They will take full course loads of 15 hours per semester, six hours of which will be taught by a member of the Schreiner faculty who is serving as site coordinator. The other nine hours will be delivered via online instruction from Kerrville. After the freshman year, the students will attend classes in Kerrville. University officials have noted that Schreiner’s brand is strong in the Rio Grande Valley, with many students making inquiries, but fewer applying for enrollment. “There are real and perceived reasons for that,” says President Dr. Charlie McCormick. “Some feel that Kerrville is too far from home and others think they can’t afford Schreiner.” Those are two problems the university can solve. “By opening first year campuses in their hometowns or nearby, we can go where they are,” says Dr. McCormick. “By bringing the cost down, we make it affordable.” “The goal is to help students—who otherwise didn’t see one—find a pathway to attend college.” The cost is approximately $8,000 for the full year. Most of those enrolling are eligible for grants that will reduce the out-of-pocket cost to about $2,000, says Dr. Larry Cantu, vice president for Enrollment Services. For that cost, they will receive much more than just classroom time. University staff will visit the campus and work with the students and their families. “We want to help alleviate parents’ stresses about


their son/daughter’s transition to the Kerrville campus,” says Dr. Cantu. “We are offering financial literacy classes to help parents gain a better perspective for handling the financial commitments, including how to finance a college education, and the impact that selection of a major has on time it takes to pay back loans.” The students will also have prepared a four-year degree plan. Sites for the campuses have been selected in all three cities, and the site coordinators/instructors have been hired. They understand the challenges and opportunities facing the students and their families, says Dr. McCormick. Twice each semester the student cohorts will visit the Kerrville campus—at no extra cost—for special events: Opening Convocation and pre-registration in the fall, and the Academic Showcase and one other event in the spring. The students will also be included in the Schreiner Experience. There will be opportunities for internships and job shadowing (Meaningful Work), for community volunteer service (Purposeful Lives) and contact with international visitors and cultural celebrations (Changing Global Society). Representatives from Schreiner’s career development, financial aid, and technology offices will visit the learning centers to share their knowledge. “Although they will be studying away from the campus, the students will know us, and we will know them quite well,” says Dr. McCormick. “When they come to Kerrville, they should have zero debt due to college education, 30 hours of course credit, and made a start to earning certifications for the Schreiner Experience.” At Schreiner’s request, counselors and school officials in the three locations are helping identify students who need this type of program. The process of application and approval is being accelerated for these applicants and the university hopes to have enrollment set by March 1 for the year that starts next fall.


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What’s happening on campus?





he formal inauguration of Dr. Charlie McCormick as Schreiner University’s sixth president will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 20, in the Athletic and Event Center.

The Inauguration Steering Committee, chaired by Advancement staff member Lisa Turner, is assembling a slate of events for Inaugural Weekend that will include a luncheon, as well as several student-run events. More information will be available on the Schreiner website ( and social media as plans are finalized. Dr. McCormick started his duties as president on

Jan. 1, 2017. He had been provost and vice president for academic affairs at Schreiner since 2009, and served Cabrini College in Pennsylvania as dean of academic affairs prior to that. A native of Snyder, Texas, he holds a Ph.D. in folklore and folklife from the University of Pennsylvania, a master’s degree in anthropology from Texas A&M University, and a bachelor’s degree in English from Abilene Christian University. Previous Schreiner presidents were James Delaney (1923-1950), Andrew Edington (1950-1971), Sam Junkin (1971-1996 and 2000-2001), J. Thompson Biggers (1996-2000) and Tim Summerlin (2001-2016).

Clanton Follows Camfield as Alumni Director


Tammi Clanton ’98, Director of Alumni


ammi Clanton ’98, is the new director of Alumni, succeeding Paul Camfield, who resigned effective May 31. Clanton started working for Schreiner in 2005 as director of Event Services, then became director of Auxiliary Services in 2013. She oversaw conferences and events, the print shop, the mail center, dining services, housing services and meal plans. Prior to joining the Schreiner staff, she was assistant director of the Texas Arts and Crafts Educational Foundation Inc. of Kerrville for two years. Clanton holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology and is in the process of earning an MBA from Schreiner. The daughter of bookstore manager Peggy Clanton, she literally grew up on the campus. She even finished her high school education at Schreiner through the PACE program. She is an ambassador and board member for the Kerrville Chamber of Commerce, a board member of the Association of Collegiate Conference and Events Directors-International,


and volunteers at the Hill Country Arts Foundation. Camfield, who served the alumni program for 10-and-a-half years, moved to the mountains of western North Carolina. During his tenure, the Schreiner Former Students Association (SFSA) transformed from a separate not-for-profit organization into a department of the university. One of the results was the establishment of the SFSA Endowed Scholarship, which is available to “legacy” students. In five years the scholarship has grown to over $180,000. “Paul’s ability to meet people and build relationships with our alumni was his greatest skill,” said Mark Tuschak, vice president for Advancement. “Those with whom he came in contact knew instantaneously how much he cared for them.” In a letter to his “campus family” he wrote, “My time at Schreiner transcended a job and became a career beyond what I could have imagined. I met so many wonderful people, had so many wonderful memories. I consider myself one of the lucky ones to have found this special place and I will always keep you close.”

Grief and Resilience Center to Open in Fall


he Soaring Spirits Resilience Center—a first-of-its-kind facility focusing primarily on grief and resilience, based on research conducted with widowed people— will open on campus in the fall.

A partnership with Soaring Spirits International (SSI), the center will be located in the Social Sciences Lab. An official dedication ceremony will be held in late October. SSI was established in May 2008 to provide a unique peer-based support community for grieving people. Dr. Carrie West, Schreiner assistant professor of communication studies, approached SSI about conducting a research project which involved collecting data from widowed people attending Soaring Spirits’ Camp Widow® program. West’s research led to other research projects, and was useful to SSI in developing and improving the Camp Widow® weekend, as well as other SSI peer-support programs. SSI officials and West began exploring the idea of developing practical tools based on the valuable research they’d already collected with a goal of making them available to a larger population of widowed people. This evolved into the idea for developing a full-time Resilience Center that would be a resource for not only those grieving, but also for students. “The resources available through the Center will ultimately benefit a variety of grieving populations, while also offering resources and tools for building resilience through any of life’s challenges to the Schreiner student body and the wider community,” said Michele Neff Hernandez, executive director for Soaring Spirits International. “The Soaring Spirits Resilience Center will give us another opportunity to understand and apply resilience in the human experience,” said Schreiner President Dr. Charlie McCormick. “We look forward to a long partnership with Soaring Spirits International.”

Music Foundation Turns 30 D

r. Kathleen Hudson established the Texas Heritage Music Foundation in July 1987 to preserve Texas music traditions and provide free educational programming in the Kerrville area.

The music journalist and Schreiner professor of English realized an inspiration to share music traditions after working with Rod Kennedy and his songwriting foundation during 1984-85. And she wanted a home for the Jimmie Rodgers Tribute that she had created. Three decades later, the THMF is going strong, having grown far beyond what Hudson imagined. It has initiated, produced, and successfully sustained a wide variety of community education programs that are guided by her credo—music and storytelling bring together a culturally and ethnically diverse community. “I have been inspired along the way to keep sharing the power of stories and songs in ways other than the classroom,” says Hudson, who started teaching part time at Schreiner in 1985. “Teaching was my first love and commitment. I love the sharing! Then I saw the possibility for expanding into education (the Bard Project), into health care (Music Connection in nursing homes), the Veterans Administration, and various programs at Schreiner. I was moved to take action.” “What we have today is not the result of a long-term plan, but rather the result of an ongoing mission statement that stories and songs make a difference in the world.” The foundation’s 30th anniversary season begins Sept. 8 with a Jimmie Rodgers birthday celebration featuring Jimmie Dale Gilmore at the Blue Sage Hall in Ingram. The Schreiner campus part of the celebration starts Sept. 20 with the first Texas Music Coffeehouse in the Lion’s Den. It will be a tribute to Bob Dylan featuring Michael Martin and George Batista. The annual Texas Heritage Music Day, on campus the morning of Sept. 29, will feature Stephanie Urbina Jones and Florin Sanchez playing a tribute to Hispanic heritage. As with past Music Days, a variety of musicians and living history re-enactors will entertain school children and the public gathered around the Robbins-Lewis Pavilion. That evening, Terri Hendrix and Lloyd Maines will return to perform in the CCAC Ballroom in a free concert sponsored by HEB. Ever-popular musician Max Baca will return to campus in October for a Texas Music Coffeehouse in the Lion’s Den. Hudson has decided to step down as volunteer director of the THMF at the end of 2017. In addition to more time for teaching, she plans produce music programs at Schreiner, and do more writing and speaking. THMF will move its headquarters off campus and continue producing the nonSchreiner portion of its programming. Schreiner University will take over sponsorship of the Texas Music Coffeehouse (funded by the English department) and the Texas Heritage Music Day. For more information and a schedule, please visit




Faculty Honors 2016-17 Barry Shaw 1 Dr. Margaret Hosler Award for Excellence in Teaching

>>> Dr. Barry Shaw, marshal for the academic processions before May’s baccalaureate service and commencement ceremony, paid tribute to the late Dr. Ron Zarychta’s commitment to the Schreiner community by wearing Zarychta’s gown and hood as he led the processions.


The award honoring a teacher who makes a difference in the life of a student, was presented to Dr. Shaw by Dr. Charlie McCormick, university president. While it is voted by a faculty committee, he was nominated by students. “The award isn’t for someone who gives students the opportunity to be different, but to someone who makes the difference,” said Dr. McCormick. “Believing in students is central to this work.” Dr. McCormick noted that Shaw provides opportunities for students to apply and practice their knowledge. “Most of these require long van rides, sometimes 14-hour trips. But he does the work. And from a student’s perspective, to be able to say you’ve worked the Final Four or the Super Bowl, that’s incredible. It deeply matters to them that someone will take the time to care so much.”

Carrie West 2 Dr. Award for Outstanding Service to the University





Dr. West, assistant professor for communication studies, received the Outstanding Service Award because, according one nominator, “She serves the university to serve the university, not to get credit for each extra commitment she takes on.” Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Diana Comuzzie noted that West has assumed a myriad of responsibilities—leading search committees, sponsoring student groups, and more—and steps up to serve the campus community in many more ways. “Carrie is always keeping university service in mind, educating her students and the campus community about initiatives such as Soaring Spirits International and Expanding Your Horizons,” said Comuzzie.

Clark Elliston 3 Dr. Award for Excellence in Research, Scholarship and Creativity

6 10


Dr. Ellison, assistant professor of religion and philosophy, received his award in recognition of his scholarly work over the last year. He published a manuscript, “Dietrich Bonhoeffer and the Ethical Self: Christology, Ethics, and Formation,” and co-authored another, “Theology and the Films of Terrence Malick.” Also, he received a two-year research grant from the Issachar Fund for his project, “Christian Flourishing in a Technological World.” While doing all of this, he continued to teach a full load of classes, serve on campus committees and engage in university service.

“I don’t know where he finds the time to make it happen between teaching and directing the honors program, but Clark has been publishing up a storm and deserves to be recognized for that scholarly activity,” said one nominator.

Julie Lunsford 4 Dr. Harriet Garrett Award for Teaching Excellence For the second year in a row, Dr. Lunsford, assistant professor of nursing, received the Harriet Garrett Award, which is voted on by the students. “It is humbling to receive this award because it requires that a lot of students think you are the best, and that is quite a feat,” said Dr. Comuzzie. “Last year, Julie won as a first-year faculty member. That was really unusual—to be well enough known, and good enough, to be selected in just one year.”

Lenard 5 Marty Elmore Whitehurst Award for Creative Teaching

The Whitehurst Creative Teaching Award is annually given to a faculty member who has proposed a project that will allow them to explore a new avenue of teaching. A committee composed of persons from outside the university reads proposals and selects the one they find most promising. Lenard, who served this year as an adjunct member of the music faculty and will be fulltime in the fall, will use the award’s stipend to implement Project Jumpstart, a lecture series designed to inform students about the variety of careers possible in music.

Hannay 6 Sally Nancy and Cecil Atkisson Professorship Hannay, a professor of English, plans to use the Atkisson Professorship to pursue a threeyear project to write a collection of 60 sestinas (a fixed verse form) and a children’s book in verse. The professorship provides the time and financial support to such pursuits. “It is an endorsement that her work as a poet is good and valuable,” said Dr. Comuzzie. Those nominating Hannay described her as “a wonderful teacher in the classroom, a capable advisor, intelligent, passionate, and deeply spiritual. A mentor and a cherished friend.”

Four Schreiner Faculty Veterans Retire Four veteran faculty members—with a total of 74 years Schreiner teaching experience—retired in May: Dr. Steve Ellers, associate professor of Political Science, Dr. John D. Huddleston, professor of History; Dr. Margaret “Meg” Huddleston, professor of Mathematics; and Dr. Lydia Kualapai, professor of English.

John Huddleston, who also served as a coordinator for the

Texas Studies minor, joined the faculty in 1982 during the transition to four-year institution. He was dean of the School of Liberal Arts and chaired the Social Sciences Department. “After spending one year as a visiting, assistant professor in the history department at Texas A&M, I wanted to find a permanent job at a smaller, private institution,” he says. “When the opportunity came to join the Schreiner College faculty, I gladly signed on.” “Schreiner provided me the opportunity to grow both as a person and as a professional. I had the opportunity to interact and personally get to know a great number of dedicated faculty, staff, and administrators.”

Meg Huddleston started teaching full-time in August

2000, after teaching part-time for seven years. She held an MS in theoretical mathematics from UTSA and a Ph.D. in mathematics education from University of Incarnate Word. She hopes to be remembered as “a valued colleague, and a good teacher and mentor.”

Steve Ellers, who also served as pre-law advisor and faculty representative to the Southern Collegiate Athletic Conference, started teaching here in August 2000. “I came to Schreiner for two main reasons,” he says. “First, it was a university which emphasized teaching and working with students. Second, Schreiner gave me an opportunity to do something very few can claim—to begin a new area of study at a university. The opportunity to create and nurture a program is a very rare opportunity. “Being able to help the athletic program grow as it entered in to the NCAA era and to be a small part of its development has been rewarding,” he says.

John & Meg Huddleston

steve ellers

Lydia Kualapai, who is also a Fulbright Scholar and was

chair of the English and World Languages Department, joined the faculty in August 2002. She taught the first African-American Literature and Art course, the first LGBTQ Studies course, and the first Introduction to Film Studies course; and promoted undergraduate research as the first chair of the Undergraduate Research Committee. “Our Academic Affairs Committee and administration will take the risk if you bring them a sound idea for a new course that benefits the students,” she adds. “That would never happen at a larger school.”

lydia kualapai




A Window on the

Class of 2017 Leaving with Achievement (and Plans for the Future)



iplomas in hand, members of the Class of 2017 walked out of the Athletic and Event Center and into their futures on a sunny May afternoon. While enjoying the well wishes of family, friends and faculty, four of them had a chance to reflect on where they’d been and where they are going.

Shayla George of Springtown, west

of Fort Worth, plans to work six months with Child Protective Services, earn a master’s degree in social work, then work her way through law school. She was Student Government Association president her senior year, and served on the SGA most of her time at Schreiner. She volunteered in numerous capacities during the past four years, including with the Boys and Girls Club of Kerrville and the Humane Society.

Jenny Pinson came to Schreiner from Austin after concluding that the impersonal nature of a large public university was not for her. The granddaughter of immigrant farm workers, first in her family to go to college, and a single working mother, she earned a nursing degree at Schreiner and was accepted into the surgical nurse residency program at Seton Medical Center in Austin— the only hospital in Central Texas that performs heart transplants.

Isaac Carpenter

was at loose ends after serving 10 years as a medic with the U.S. Army in Germany and Iraq. A back injury had left him in pain

and he was sometimes immobilized with anxiety. After four years at Schreiner, he leaves with a degree in management, and plans to open a restaurant with his wife after she completes culinary school later this year.

Alexandra Roane

of Pleasanton didn’t just graduate, she graduated in three years with a 4.0 GPA with a double major in communication studies and religion. She’s taking a gap year to volunteer with Young Life, a Christian ministry aimed at high school students, and to be a nanny. After that, she wants to enter fulltime Christian mission work. Shayla’s drive to work with children comes from growing up the next-toyoungest of 11 children in a family without a lot of resources. “We were not even middle-class, we were a poor family,” she says. “The one thing we could do was educate ourselves in order to improve our situation.” “I have dyslexia and ADHD. My siblings were really invested in me learning and becoming a well-taught kid, and formulating my own opinions. There’s so much more out there, and you need to realize it for yourself.” That’s what she wants to share with

children. “I want them to have the capability to go and formulate their own opinions because that’s what my family always did. The showed us both sides, then let us form our own opinions.” “That’s one thing that kids don’t really do anymore. They just see one story and run with it. They don’t go out and do more research. They don’t become invested in what’s going on around them.”

Shayla George Jenny credits a required Schreiner summer service learning trip to Costa Rica for encouraging further her ambition to serve as a nurse.


Alexandra Roane

“I hated [Dr. Elliston] when he made me give a speech for Christian abortion, and when I was assigned to write for New Atheism, but he knew what he was doing. He went above and beyond just being my professor and advisor.” “It was life changing,” says Jenny. “We went into homes and assessed families to find those in most need of medical attention. We set up a clinic space, with a physician we examined the patients, and worked with a pharmacist to provide donated medications to patients if needed.” “It was also very special to be able to use my Spanish in a real-world setting. Some of the assessments and conversations I had with patients I will remember for the rest of my life.” Working and travelling with Dr. Maureen Russo Rodriguez to Barranquilla, Colombia, also had a positive effect on Jenny. 14


Jenny Pinson “She taught me so much about academic research and writing. She changed the way I examined my own background, which allowed me to find a profound respect for cultural, geographic and linguistic diversity,” says Jenny. “I have learned so much from her, and I have a friend for life.” Isaac says he had “no idea” what he wanted to do after retiring as a U.S. Army master sergeant. He moved back to Texas because he had a sister-inlaw in San Antonio. A place to live became available in Kerrville, so he and his wife moved here, and he started at Schreiner on the GI Bill in 2014. A less-than-wonderful dining experience at a German restaurant left the Isaac’s feeling that they could produce better food. He had started at Schreiner studying both information technology and management, but dropped IT to focus on management so he could run a restaurant. As a part of Dr. Daniel Coleman’s entrepreneurship class, Isaac had to prepare a business plan. “It was the second or third time I’d used a restaurant as my model for a business plan. This time, however, I went into detail on equipment, location, pricing, insurance and more information than I had done before. It was an eye-opening experience. I really enjoyed it.” While attending Schreiner, Isaac was matched through Veterans Assistance Dogs of Texas with Gunner, a Labrador. “When Gunner came into my life, suddenly I didn’t feel as though people were looking at me, but at him. I still

found myself panicking in crowds at Walmart and HEB, but Gunner would scoot up close to my leg and just stand there to let me know I wasn’t alone.” Gunner, who was with Isaac as he received his diploma, was also partly responsible for starting a business venture. “Steve Volkman at VA Dogs of Texas liked the leads I had made for Gunner, so I made three for them,” says Isaac. “Then they ordered 125 more.” His lead-making business, Centurion Crafting, has a page on Facebook where he takes orders. There was not much time for production during the spring semester, but he hopes to have more time for it while waiting for his wife to finish culinary school. Alexandra says her time at Schreiner, especially the religion classes, forced her to address viewpoints different from those she brought with her. “My favorite course was philosophy of religion with Dr. Clark Elliston. It was by far the hardest class I took in my three years at Schreiner, but it was a small class—only seven of us— so we had plenty of opportunities to discuss the readings and develop our thoughts. The course pushed me to examine my own standpoints on theological issues, and forced me to look at topics from other perspectives. It helped me to grow, not only as a student of religion, but also as a person who needed to learn the importance of considering all viewpoints.” She adds that Dr. Elliston always pushed her to better herself. “I hated him when he made me give a speech

Isaac Carpenter with his dog Gunner and fellow veteran and Professor Bob Kluting for Christian abortion, and when I was assigned to write for New Atheism, but he knew what he was doing. He went above and beyond just being my professor and advisor,” says Alexandra. Elliston was likewise impressed with his student. “In my five years of teaching, only a handful of students have possessed her intellectual tools. Lexie’s drive and intellectual curiosity made her a phenomenal student to teach. She is the rare student who combines work ethic with a keen intellect; she can develop and defend sophisticated arguments. I have the utmost confidence that whatever she does she will do exceedingly well.” That respect between professors and students was true for the other graduates too. Shayla was partial to courses taught by Dr. Jude Gallik, assistant professor of psychology. “Basically they are impossible to fail. If you do the work, you have a good idea what’s coming on the test. And if you need help, she will help you.” She also notes Gallik’s connections within the Kerrville area are a bonus for her students. “For criminal psychology we interviewed law enforcement officials, lawyers and other professionals. We had to put ourselves out there. For introduction to counseling, we had to attend AA and similar meetings. Her connections in Kerrville with people willing to help students is amazing.” “When I first met Shayla,” says Gallik, “she was the Mountaineer Mentor for my IDST 1301 Freshman Studies class. I was immediately struck by her determination. I had her in a

psychology class every semester for the next few years, and I discovered that her determination was supported by a strong work ethic and a thirst for knowledge.” “Shayla exemplifies what’s known as the hardy personality: she is committed to her goals, she is resilient, and she interprets obstacles as challenges. These qualities will get her anywhere she wants to go,” adds Gallik. Jenney says that in addition to being her nursing professor, Dr. Julie Lunsford was “a counselor, mentor, and friend, who had a never-ending supply of chocolate. She embodied the Schreiner spirit and her door was always open.” Lunsford, assistant professor of nursing, says Jenny “was an exceptional student and highly motivated to learn. Jenny acts on problem issues, instead of just reacting to situations. She has the knowledge, people skills and personality to reach for the stars. It would not surprise me to see Jenny obtain her nurse practitioner license and become active in policy—at state and/or national levels—for the future of professional nurses.” As a military veteran, Isaac found the presence of veterans on the faculty very supportive. “Dr. [Mark] Woodhull and Mr. [Robert] Kluting are both Air Force veterans. That was a real benefit for me. It was easier to connect with other veterans. In fact, Schreiner has the most veteran-friendly people I have dealt with since coming back from Germany.” Dr. Coleman, who is not a veteran, also impressed him. “He was very upfront and honest about everything. He advised me that he did not grade easy and that I might want to wait and take a class from another professor. I told him that’s why I wanted to take it from him. And I got A’s in every one of his classes.” Isaac’s professors tout his leadership skills. “Isaac was a team leader on our major project in Introduction to Business and a general leader in the class,” says Kluting, an instructor of business management. “He was always prepared for whatever the assignment was, and was generous to help others who might need some guidance. His answers and comments are always well thought out.” What these four Mountaineers—and the other members of the Class of 2017—will achieve in the years to come is exciting to contemplate. As the sign at the front gate predicted, they “left with achievement,” carrying new hopes into their futures.

Anything for a Commitment Shayla George ’17

didn’t intend to enroll at Schreiner. It was too far from her North Texas home. Her sophomore year at Springtown High School, she was required to attend the local college fair, so she made the rounds of all the exhibits. Representing Schreiner University was Caleb Ambrose ‘11. “He sounded so enthusiastic. I said, ‘Wow, this person has a really big passion for this school. Maybe I should give it a look,’” recalls Shayla. Fast forward two years, and Shayla came to Schreiner for a campus visit along with a busload of high school seniors. It was a long, dreary, four-hour ride in the rain from Springtown, which is located west of Fort Worth. “It was a bad ride, a set-up for failure,” she says. But as the riders disembarked, the rain stopped, the clouds cleared, and the sun shone—there was even a rainbow. “OK, God, I’m hearing you,” Shayla said to herself. What we want to know is how Jake Crawley ‘14, who was Shayla’s ambassador that day, arranged a rainbow.




“We can never thank enough the multitude of folks who believe in Schreiner, and who made this possible.” BY KAREN DAVIS KILGORE

nderstanding that President Tim Summerlin nurtured a vision for Schreiner that would require significant additional resources, in June, 2012, the Board of Trustees launched a five-year comprehensive campaign, “Fulfilling the Promise.” The goal? $50,000,000

The hope? That Schreiner University’s friends would join the trustees to meet this challenge before Dr. Tim Summerlin’s retirement on May 31, 2017. We are pleased to report that the campaign met its goal six weeks early and received $53,296,153 from all sources. “The Board of Trustees sends a huge thank you to our donors for supporting and encouraging and investing in the growth of Schreiner University,” said William Harrison of San Antonio, who, as board chairman, guided much of the campaign. “A strong future means providing an outstanding university experience for students,” added Harrison. “Thus, the campaign addressed current and future needs, focusing especially on students and faculty.” Many gifts and pledges made success possible, but Chip and Jenny Chase of Kerrville made a $3.29 million planned gift that put the campaign over the top. They have no personal connection to the university, but they believe in the positive effect Schreiner makes on the community they live in. “When you make a donation, it’s not always easy to identify which donations will

do the most good,” said Chip Chase. “We have been impressed with everyone we have met who is associated with Schreiner, and really enjoy the energy and enthusiasm of the students. Educating enthusiastic young people pays some very big dividends in the future.” President Charlie McCormick was provost and vice president for academic affairs when the campaign started five years ago, but he observed the whole effort. He noted the various phases. “I am struck by how different the campaign’s beginning is from its conclusion,” said Dr. McCormick. “At the start, the campaign was very much an intellectual exercise that existed in the mind. It became manifest through rational planning. Here at the end, though, the campaign became almost entirely a matter of the heart.” “Watching friends of Schreiner give— and give again—in order to secure the university’s future; experiencing the collective joy that radiates from our community when a new building is opened; feeling that most delightful burden of being a steward of so much generosity. All of these things the mind cannot know but the heart helps us manage here at the end.”


Here are the campaign’s major outcomes.


Schreiner will increase student access and retention by strengthening annual and endowed support for scholarships.

RESULT: Schreiner’s loyal donors provided $29,914,212 for current and endowed scholarships. Supporters of the Hill Country College Fund, benefitting students from Kerr and surrounding counties, provided $9.2 million of this amount. These scholarships will help students like 2012 graduate Dr. Luke Berry, M.D., achieve their goals. “Schreiner helped me reach my full potential under the guidance of many caring faculty members,” said Dr. Berry, who is completing his residency at The Hofstra Northwell School of Medicine in New Hyde Park, N.Y. “I’m immersed in a challenging Emergency Medicine residency in New York. If SU had not believed in me, pushed me, and awarded financial aid, I am certain I would not be where I am today. Schreiner University challenged me to set my goals beyond mediocrity.”

photo: Luke and his wife, Patrice,’14, met in biology class. They are pictured here with their daughter, Charlotte Eve and their son, Luke Burden Berry, II (“Burdy”).


Schreiner’s facilities and campus ambience will support student life and reflect our commitment to creating and maintaining a premier place of learning.

RESULT: Gifts from our friends enabled us to invest $14,097,053 in building new and repurposing existing buildings for new uses. Finished projects are the Gena and Neil Griffin Arts Center, which refurbished the Hanszen Fine Arts Building and created the Summerlin Music Education Hall. The Junkin Worship Center will be completed by fall, 2018. In addition, abundant landscaping, all xeriscaped for our region, welcomes students and visitors throughout the campus. “The Fulfilling the Promise campaign was envisioned to elevate Schreiner to be a premier place of learning—a learning community with fabulous facilities, great teachers, opportunities to study away, and the basic opportunity to attend college for those who might not be able to afford college,” said Mark C. Tuschak, vice president for Advancement. “Our donors have made possible scholarships and academic endowments, as well as new class rooms, rehearsal halls, gyms and locker rooms. Our generous friends are helping us create places to worship, gather and interact with people who will help our students accomplish their dreams. I am proud, humbled, and grateful.” 18


PHOTOS: left to right, the late Demmie G. Mayfield, M.D. Trustee and Alumnus, Dr. Tim Summerlin President (2001-2016); Chancellor (through May 2017), Dr. Sam M. Junkin,President (1971-1996; 2000-2001)


Schreiner’s reputation will be widely known through the strength of our faculty and high-impact practices that enrich the student experience on every level.

RESULT: Generous gifts, both current and planned, have funded $8,706,152 in programs, including the establishment of three academic positions. These include the Demmie G. Mayfield Endowed Chair in Science and Undergraduate Research, the Sam M. Junkin Endowed Chair in the Humanities, and the Tim Summerlin Artist-in-Residence Endowed Chair. The namesake of that last endowment was obviously pleased with the outcome. “This campaign had three fronts—scholarships, facilities and academic endowments,” said Dr. Summerlin. “Our success in addressing each of those needs was remarkable. We have enhanced our ability to attract students and then serve them when they arrive.” “We can never thank enough the multitude of folks who believe in Schreiner, and who made this possible.”

“I must confess. I agreed to chair this comprehensive campaign because I knew it was vital to Schreiner’s future. But sometimes I awoke in the middle of the night and asked myself, ‘Where in the heck are we going to find that much money?’” — Richard Cree ‘67, Alumnus and Trustee

By the Numbers


Gifts of $1 Million or More



Religious Organizations

New Endowed Scholarships





Planned Gifts

Current and Former Parents


Charitable Foundations




New Donors


Alumni & Former Students

3,621 Total Donors $10,935,029 from Former Trustees $11,572,795 from Current Trustees


Hill Country Donors

Grand Result


photo: From left: Vice President for Advancement Mark Tuschak, President Charlie McCormick, Retiring Chairman of the Board of Trustees Bill Harrison, donors Jenny and Chip Chase, student government president Dalton Reed, past president Tim Summerlin and Campaign Chairman Richard Cree.




Sets National Record



>>> Members of the Schreiner Shooting Sports team with their trophies from the ACUI championship are, from left, bottom row— Logan McLendon, Colt McBee, Melissa Barringer, Rachel Barringer, Remington McBee, and Mason Wilks; top row— Key Strickland, Jacob Follmer, and Ian Hyde.

For more information about the Varsity Programs, contact Cindy Becker at 830-792-7310 or email cabecker@


The Mountaineers captured two team

titles, finished second in three others, and third in one. Individual shooters won eight events, placed second in three others, and were third in one. Competing for Schreiner were Melissa Barringer, Rachel Barringer, Jacob Follmer, Brendan Graff, Ian Hyde, Colt McBee, Remington McBee, Logan McLendon, Key Strickland, and Mason Wilks. As a team, Schreiner set the national record in American skeet with 497/500. They placed first in international skeet; second in American trap, international trap, and five stand; and third in sporting clays. Melissa Barringer won the Women’s National Clay Target Championship HOA Award, hitting 507 birds out of 550. She placed first in American trap women’s open; five stand women’s open; combined American events women’s open; and combined five


stand/sporting clays women’s open. She was second in American skeet women’s open. Remington McBee was first in international skeet men’s open and combined international events. He placed second in the international skeet invitational and earned a spot on the collegiate USA shooting squad. He was also second in combined skeet events. First-place medals also went to Rachel Barringer in American skeet women’s open, and Jacob Follmer in international skeet A-class. Colt McBee placed third in combined international events. During competition at the National Shooting Complex, the Schreiner team totaled 2,235 birds (targets hit) out of 2,350. Lindenwood University hit 2,289 and Hillsdale College hit 2,244. The 2016-17 team was coached by Bill Thomas of Hunt, and assisted by volunteer coach and manager Cindy Becker.

Varsity Programs Expands Competition Choices



Schreiner University’s





Shooting Sports Team has given students with a background in that activity a competitive outlet during their college years. Starting in Fall 2018—through the new Varsity Programs— Mountaineers will be able to compete against other colleges and universities in six more fields. In addition to the Shooting Sports team, new competitive groups will be formed for band, cheerleading, equestrian, mariachi band, choir, eGaming, and wrestling. Cindy Becker, former executive assistant to the president, will direct the Varsity Programs while maintaining her coach position with the Shooting Sports team. The program seeks to broaden Schreiner students’ choices for intercollegiate competition, and to help them further develop their skills in these disciplines. Each discipline will have a paid coach and coordinator. Students are already being recruited for the startup next year. As with Shooting Sports, Schreiner will align with national associations that sanction competition in each discipline. Competition will range from within Texas to the national level.



>>> Team photo:

Left to right, sitting—Preston Bigley, Erick McCollum, Luis Mancillas, Nathan Robbins, Bo Molina, Gabriel ReichertBlume, Jodan Hafley, and Jalin Holden; standing— Andrew Logan, Paul Wells, Keenan Gumbs, Brandon Warbrick, Dustin Bercutt, Phillip Kee, Blake Kelley, Wes Miller, Steven Garcia and Jared Thompson

MEN’S BASKETBALL WINS SCAC; KUYKENDALL HONORED The first conference championship banner in

the new Stephens Family Arena belongs to the 2016-17 men’s basketball team, which won the Southern Collegiate Athletic Conference regular season title with a 11-3 record. In a remarkable turnaround from the previous season, the team finished with a 15-12 overall record and just one win short of qualifying for the NCAA D3 playoffs. Thirdyear head coach Connor Kuykendall led a squad composed mostly of the same players from a team which finished 5-9 in SCAC in 2015-16. In recognition of this achievement, Kuykendall was a near-unanimous choice as the SCAC’s Coach of the Year, and the Texas Association of Basketball Coaches awarded



him its Small College Coach of the Year award. Five Mountaineers were named to All-SCAC honor teams. Junior Keenan Gumbs, who was named All-SCAC first team, led the Mountaineers in scoring at 14 points per game. He was 10th in the league in field goal percentage (.474) and 11th in assists (2.7/game). Junior Blake Kelley was named All-SCAC second team after averaging nearly 13 points in conference games. On the All-SCAC Third Team was senior Phillip Kee, who had his best year yet, averaging 11 points in SCAC games. Seniors Jared Thompson and Wes Miller were named honorable mention All-SCAC. Congratulations, Coach Kuykendall and players!

Sports Recap


After starting the year 7-7, the team struggled in conference play, ending with a 4-14 SCAC record and 13-27 overall. Junior Sam Pistrui ended the season with a .338 batting average and was named second team All-SCAC. Freshman Reece Hohhertz batted .330. Junior transfer Jonas Garcia broke the school’s single-season stolen base record with 27. SU’s top pitcher was freshman Robert Baker, who was 3-2 with a 3.82 ERA. Senior Connor Ver Schuur was nominated for the SCAC’s Man of the Year Award.

WOMEN’S BASKETBALL The Mountaineers compiled a winning 8-6 record in the SCAC, and made it to the conference tournament semifinals. Senior Sabriyyah Fennell was named All-SCAC second team, and led the team in scoring with 13.2 points per game. Two players, junior Jordyn Villa and senior Cassandra Aleman, were named honorable mention All-SCAC. Villa tied with Fennell for the team rebounding lead with 5.8 per game. Coach Temaine Wright announced his resignation in March. Over four seasons his teams compiled a record of 36-20 in the SCAC, and he was named SCAC Coach of the Year in 2015-16. The women will be coached next season by Samantha “Sam” Davidson, who was the assistant women’s basketball coach at Rhodes College in Memphis, TN, for the past two seasons.

SOFTBALL Schreiner ended the year 21-19 overall with a 12-12 SCAC record, good for a third place tie. Sophomore Alyssa Maki was an offensive force, batting .414 with eight home runs, 32 RBI and five triples. She finished the regular season ranked third in the league in batting average, first in slugging percentage, seventh in on-base percentage, first in runs scored, second in hits, fourth in RBI, first in triples, first in home runs and first in total bases. Sophomore Kaycee Govett was second on the team in hitting with a .338 average. The team broke the school record for triples with 16 and stolen bases with 72.

MEN’S TENNIS The Mountaineers had a very strong regular season, going 14-8 overall and 2-2 in the conference. After defeating Colorado College in the first round of the SCAC Tournament (avenging a loss the previous year), the men dropped consecutive matches to nationally ranked Trinity and to Austin College to place fourth. Sophomore Hoanh Le was particularly impressive in the win over Colorado. Three members earned AllSCAC honors: freshman John Christie was named first team, while sophomore Le and freshman Nathan Torres were named honorable mention.

WOMEN’S GOLF Senior Kaycee Bankert had another

very strong year, ending up ranked in the national top 50 players. She had the second-lowest scoring average in program history (79.25) and placed first team All-SCAC after her runner-up finish at the conference tournament. For the second consecutive year she was named to the All-West Region team by the Women’s Golf Coaches Association. Sophomore Piper Gleadhill also earned first team All-SCAC honors for her fifth place finish at the conference tournament. SU was just two shots out of the lead heading into the final nine holes, but finished second to Trinity. Sophomore Lauren Leslie had the second-lowest scoring average on the team at 81.75.

MEN’S GOLF The Mountaineers were tied for the lead at the SCAC Championships after 2-1/2 rounds, but ended up finishing fourth. It was a disappointing finish, but there are two reasons to feel great about the future—freshmen Joseph Wolcik and Blake Hartford, who ranked among the nation’s top freshmen. Wolcik was named SCAC co-golfer of the year, and Hartford earned SCAC Freshman of the Year honors. Both broke the SU freshman scoring record, and Hartford had a strong chance to make the NCAA Championship Tournament as an individual. Wolcik won a spring tournament by five shots, and also earned first team All-SCAC along with sophomore Jason Lopez.

WOMEN’S TENNIS Injuries negatively impacted the team as the Schreiner women went 9-10 overall

and 2-2 in the SCAC. Schreiner overcame adversity to place fifth in the SCAC, defeating Texas Lutheran 5-2. Sophomore Kara Miller won two big points in the season finale to pace the team. Senior Camila Anguiano was named honorable mention All-SCAC. Freshman standout Lauren Stanley broke a bone in her hand, and played a good portion of the spring in a cast.





Memories Abound at RECALL 2017 Class reunions

for 1967 and 1992, a special gathering of Schreiner high school football alumni of the 1950s and ‘60s, dedication of the baseball field in memory of the late Coach Bob Henry, and the honoring four alumni for life achievements were the highlights this year. Among those reliving their Schreiner days during the Friday night reception were men who played for Schreiner Institute’s high school teams from 1950 to 1972. The Rebels never achieved better than a break-even season during those years, but they had lots of interesting stories to share. Prior to a SCAC game against the University of Dallas, Schreiner’s baseball field was dedicated in memory of Coach Henry, who is credited with creating the Mountaineer’s modern varsity program, and literally building the facility where they play. Former players, co-workers, fans and members of Henry’s family were on hand, including former Texas Ranger outfielder David Hulse, whose uniform number was retired by the Mountaineers. Coach Henry’s number was also retired. Former president Tim Summerlin was the focus of two activities. Saturday afternoon, the University Choir and alumni serenaded Chancellor Summerlin and other guests in the newly refurbished Summerlin Music Education Hall (formerly the Rex Kelly Pavilion). Also, a collection of Summerlin’s doodles was featured in an exhibit in the Floyd and Kathleen Cailloux Campus Activity Center. New this year was the Charles and Carrie Torti Memorial Toast at the Cree Tennis Courts, honoring the former Schreiner business professor and his wife, who died in a private plane crash in May 2016.



Mark Your Calendar for next year’s

RECALL April 20-22

For more photos visit


Schreiner’s Newest Alumni Class of 2017 classnotes

May 2017 Master’s Betsy Castro Hannah Evans Jennifer Flores Asenat Gonzalez Yvette Grimm Richard Laurin III Holly Molenaar Oksana Ryno Hannah Schleyer Karyn Claire Swink

For more photos visit



Bachelor’s Jonathan Adcock Lisa Aguirre Aisha Al-Rafati Camila Anguiano Rachel Arias Kaycee Bankert Rebecca Barnett Ryan Barnett Samuel Berg Desiree Bermudez Ian Bernard Denea Bertles Nolan Besetzny Kelley Bradley Whitney Brown Courtney Campbell Chelsea Cantu Isaac Carpenter Henry Cortez Charley Curd Quintin Curry Giovanny Datiz Ariana DeLeon Robert Dinkins Lauren Drake Mykel Easely Amanda Esser Hannah Evans Taelyr Evans Tyla Evans


Anthoney Farmer-Guerra Alliona Fay Anthony Felan Beatriz Fernandez Jesse Fernandez Hagen Fryrear Amy Garces Nicholas Gardner Alexander Garza Jordan George Shayla George Daniel Gonzales David Gonzales Briana Gonzalez Brendon Graff Ethan Gregory Erin Grohman Roy Guzardo Elizabeth Hall Lauren Hardin Brittany Harris Stephen Harty Ryan Hernandez Samantha Hernandez Mary Huerta Christonna Jones Earl Ceave Justice Phillip Kee Kathryn Kirby Evan Klaff Janie Klinksiek Kaitlyn Laymon Jessica Lesley Claire Lewis Jacquelyn Lewis Selina Lewis Brian Lindsey Ty Lofstrom Leslie Longoria Lisa Lopez Symantha Lopez Olivia Lott Kristen Madsen

Luis Mancillas Lucas Martin Joe Martinez Jonathon Martinez Frederick McCollum Thomas McGill Brittnee McKinney Dallas Meadows Noah Mishael Alexis Morales Natalie Moreno Brandon Morris Kelly Morrison Caitlin Mortimore Alma Munoz Martin Olivares Eric Osborne Audrey Oswalt Dalton Paris Tawny Parker Christina Patton Sara Paulin Juan Perez Hayli Phillips Jennifer Pinson Daisy Ramirez Elizabeth Ramirez Gracien Ramos Cheryl Reed Connie Reinhardt September Richter Alexandra Roane Nicole Roberts Laura Rojas Christina Romero Aaron Ruiz Evangelyna Ruiz-Lujan Cody Schneider Kelsi Schneider Nichole Schoenherr Jennifer Scozzari Brooke Segner Rachel Shaw

Codi Simmons Chase Smith Dalyn Smith Kathy Sorola Mason Soward Brittany Stolicki Heather Stude Casey Sweaney Alyssa Torres Brooke Tuck Coby Velez Connor Ver Schuur Katrina Walker Alexandra Wheeler Ashley Wheeler Skylar White Ashley Wilson Sarah Worrell Heather Young Julian Zamudio Michael Zarro

December 2016 Master’s Lauren Albarran Rachel Butler Bachelor’s Destiney Alarcon Felicia Anderson Brittany Arenivas Nathaniel Aubin Andrea Auyon Jose Azores John Barber Matthew Bauer Brady Baughman Jose Bernal Robert Blackwell Eunji Cho Conner Christensen SueZanne Conley Adam Cruz John Cummings

Joshua Davis Patrick Easley Jaqueline Fidone Cole Finch Egla Garcia Cathleen Garczynski Meagan Godfrey Shanna Goetsch Angela Gutierrez Denise Hawkins Sarah Helms Kyle Hodyc Angelica Hogan Samantha Jackson Nathaniel Johnston Taylor Jones Megan Kester Caryn Ketay Jacquelyn Lacefield Shannon Lawson Savannah Leonard Gloria Lodato Laura Lopez Veronica Mace Daniel Mamani Hannah Martin Peninah Mbogo Marshall McFadden Jessica Mejia Olivia Molina Randel O’Bryant Jessalie Ornelas Landalynn Ramirez Susan Reagan Courtney Reopelle Natalie Requenez Corin Reyes Jordan Ricketts Alejandro Roman Blake Rowan Alyssa Salcido Dominique Sandoval Caleb Schmerbeck Katherine Schmidt

Kelsey Schwind Samantha Scudder Stephani Shumaker Alayna Stanley Philip Stewart Ray Trevino Carryl Vasquez Charlette Wells Nathan Wood

August 2016 Master’s Eric Browne Courtney Crickard Timothy Forster Amanda Hardwick Kelsi Hoyle Colton Mendenhall Jeremiah Parsons Diane Shoultz Lauren Warren-Fields Bachelor’s Miguel Barragan Valerie Baughn Jessica Briones Liezl DeLeon Javier Gutierrez Jessica Henderson Dana Johnson Ashley Kneupper Danielle LeBlanc Juanita Lopez Julianne Newkirk Jefryn Sellers Enyioma Stephen Taylea Truitt Analise Vaughn Sheryll Wilson Dustie Wiser Does not include names of graduates who requested no publicity.

Honoring Our Own DISTINGUISHED ALUMNUS, ATHLETIC HALL OF HONOR AND SFSA DISTINGUISHED SERVICE Schreiner alumni never fail to amaze, and those honored during Recall 2017 are no exception. One has been part of the inner workings of Texas and U.S. politics, another was a successful businessman in the ever-evolving telecommunications industry, and a third established new standards for training and caring for athletes. The fourth? She gave her heart and soul back to the university that gave her an education.

DISTINGUISHED ALUMNUS Richard E. Cree ’67, a graduate of Schreiner’s high school program, founded several successful telecommunication and banking companies, and is managing partner of Cree Oil Properties. His career also includes building and managing both private and public companies involved in commercial real estate, automotive, and oil and gas. The Pampa, Texas, native has served two terms on the Schreiner University Board of Trustees. He chaired the campaign that raised $52,000,000 for student scholarships, facilities and endowment. The Cree family also donated the George and Frances Cree Tennis Complex in memory of his parents. Richard was supposed to attend only the ninth grade at Schreiner, then transfer to his father’s alma mater. But Cree found Schreiner to his liking, and never transferred. “There was a lot camaraderie,” he recalls about his freshman class of about 30 boys. “We were all thrown in the same bucket together. We relied on each other, we had a lot of friendships. It was a pretty good crew,” which the Schreiner instructors taught “the art of growing up.”

DISTINGUISHED ALUMNUS Michael Pate ’71, retired in 2016 from the Bracewell legal firm in Washington, D.C., where since 1986 he had

worked primarily in the legislative arena, specializing in tax, energy and corporate issues, and was managing partner from 1997 to 2010. Best Lawyers in America selected him as one of the nation’s top attorneys in government relations, and American Lawyer Media and Martindale-Hubbell named him a top-rated lawyer in taxation law. Mike moved to the nation’s capital in 1979 to become U.S. Sen. Lloyd Bentsen’s legislative director. Prior to that he had served as a legal counsel to Texas Lt. Gov. Bill Hobby, and worked for Texas state senator Max Sherman, a former Schreiner trustee. In 1999 he was elected to the Schreiner Board of Trustees, and served as chairman from 2011 to 2015. Between his board service and his two years as a student, he knew five of the university’s six presidents: Dr. Andy Edington, Dr. Sam Junkin, Dr. J. Thompson Biggers, Dr. Tim Summerlin, and Dr. Charlie McCormick. “I have been greatly blessed as a result of his service,” says Dr. Summerlin. “Mike loves Schreiner. He never hesitated to work hard and give generously, and to provide sound guidance to help the university.”

ATHLETIC HALL OF HONOR Ken Murray ’66, served as student trainer for the Mountaineer athletic teams, foreshadowing a notable career in

the same field. For 17 years he served at Texas Tech University’s head athletic trainer, then another seven years as an administrator in Tech’s athletics department. Ken was a pioneer in athletic training, developing a program that went beyond physical training and treating injuries. He also cared for athletes’ emotional, mental and social health. His was the first program of its kind recognized by the National Athletic Trainers Association as a curriculum for future athletic trainers. As the student trainer at Schreiner in the mid-60s, he was involved in many tasks. In addition to tending to injuries, Ken did laundry, swept the gym, and drove the bus to away games and meets. “I even babysat for faculty members,” says Ken. “I had a ball and enjoyed every minute of it,” he adds. “We were like family.” Dick Harben, Schreiner’s basketball coach then, remembers Ken “as a very happy young man, who worked hard and was trustworthy. He set an excellent example to the other young men through his honesty and diligence.”

SCHREINER FORMER STUDENT’S ASSOCIATION DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARD Lea Seibold Nye ’92, became involved in the Schreiner Former Students Association almost immediately after graduation. She has served as president, vice president and secretary, and helped lead the SFSA through changes to make it a more active and effective body. The semester after she graduated—and started teaching school—Nye came back to the campus and said, “What do you need from me. … I had received a scholarship to attend Schreiner—and later received a Hatton Sumners scholarship. People provided for me. I learned at Schreiner that you give what you get. I immediately wanted to be involved.” She says one of her biggest joys was when she and Kyle were able to endow a scholarship. “Because of that, I know that someone else is receiving the same benefit that I once received.” In 2010, Nye was asked to be part of the Schreiner University Board of Trustees, and currently serves Schreiner in that capacity. “Schreiner is still my happy place,” says Nye. “We go there whenever we can.” For more about these special Mountaineers, go to



class notes Your fellow alumni would love to know where you are and what you’ve been up to. Submitting a class note is easy: just visit or contact us at 830-792-7298 or

1940s Billy Vaughn ’48 writes, “Still working and have no plans to retire. Have great memories of Schreiner, and was very blessed to have been a student. Graduated from high school in 1948 and attended first year of college there in 1949 and 50.”

2017. I was in Florida in May attending my granddaughter Jacey’s high school and university graduations. That is right, both and she just turned 18 in February. She next

attends a school of divinity in California.”

1970s Rosie Garza ’74 serves as director of tennis/ head pro at Courtyard

1950s Don Adams ’57 was recognized by the University of Texas Friends of the Daily Texan for his work toward transparency in government, which earned him the Freedom of Information Foundation’s James Madison Award.

1960s Roy Goodwin III, ’65 writes “I had a great time visiting with the Smith Brothers, Bubba Deer and a few others during Recall 28

Larry Lemmerman ’68 writes, “I was a second-year

college student at Schreiner Institute during 196768. I have had two main occupations. First, I was a sales promotion manager with Wm. B. Reily & Co. of New Orleans (coffee/tea, food, and other products). Then, I taught mainly chemistry in Fort Worth ISD, the last 10 years at Arlington Heights High School. I retired last year. I am single with two grown kids, and enjoying retirement in Benbrook.

Fun memory: Some students briefly had a bogus radio station, KRAP, that broadcast a short distance around campus. One newscast had the North Vietnamese invading the campus, but the ROTC turned them back.”


Tennis and Swim Club. She has been there for 20 years and instructs tennis lessons and directs programs at the club. She has won four national doubles titles and has been a finalist in four more. Rosie writes, “There are so many memories from being with the team and having fun, whether on the road or back on campus. We could drive Coach Roger Dudley (rip) crazy because we were all so young and immature, but somehow he handled it well. I will never forget my time there.”

1990s Noel Putnam ’98 writes, “I have been happily employed at Hexco Academic, a publishing company for competitive academics, for the past seven years. My daughter, Madelyn (10), and I moved to Hunt a little over four years ago and have immersed ourselves in our tiny community; I currently serve as a trustee on the Hunt ISD school board. In addition to raising an amazing daughter, I enjoy spending my evenings and weekends swimming and kayaking on the Guadalupe. We are happy to have stayed in the area, and are always pleased to have company whenever

my former Schreiner classmates come to town for a visit!”

2000s Dani (Griffith) Traweek ’00 of Pueblo, Colo., has been named executive director of the Colorado Ag Leadership Program. She was formerly marketing director and interim general manager of the Colorado State Fair. With her husband Nick, she owns Blue Collar Cleaning, a commercial and residential cleaning service. In addition to her BBA from Schreiner, she holds a master’s degree in agriculture from Colorado State University. Jennifer King ’06 writes, “While working on my MBA at Schreiner, I have enjoyed supporting the growth of a 30-year academic company via marketing and new product development. Since my time of employment, we have more than doubled historical sales and added four additional employees—all of whom are Schreiner graduates! Volunteering for the Schreiner music department alongside my husband, Dr. Donald Crandall, over the past few years has also been a worthwhile journey, and we were elated to see the new

Geoff Stoner ’74 and his wife, Kathi, moved back to Texas last year and live in a pine forest canyon in southwest Bastrop County. Semi-retired from professional fishing, Geoff is a ride-share driver, working for six companies. He is enjoying his family, flying and golf.

Tim Summerlin Music Education Hall become a reality.” Robert McAshan ‘06 has opened a new business, Source Gaming, in Denton. Source sets the precedent for a new wave of consumers to engage in video games, or what McAshan calls “a community for gaming.” He graduated with a BA in general studies from Schreiner, then completed a BS degree in mechanical engineering and technology, then a master’s degree from the University of North Texas in 2014. Throughout his college career, he also worked

at Daniel Measurement & Control, an oil and gas company in Houston. Patty Martinez ’07 writes, “On Dec. 13, 2014, I married Ray Martinez Jr. (‘09). We are both high school teachers in San Antonio. Ray teaches science and I teach mathematics. We welcomed the birth of our first child, Aubree, on Aug. 4, 2016.

2010s Capt. Andrew De Haan ’11 is a low altitude air defense officer with the U.S. Marine Corp, serving a 10-month combat

deployment in the Middle East. He was promoted to captain in December 2015 and assigned to Marine Information Support Operations, nicknamed “Psyops” in Quantico, Va. He was married in June 2015 to AnneMarie DeRobertis of Manalapan, N.J. As a Schreiner freshman he participated in the Greystone Program, and remained at Schreiner to earn his degree. If you would like to correspond with him, his address is Capt. Andrew J. De Haan, USMC, SPMAGTF 17.1 CE, Unit 89033, FPO AP 96610. Jeff Simpson ’11 writes, “I got married in 2011 to my wonderful wife, Tiffany. We have a 4-year-old son, Lucas, and a 9-month-old daughter, Ellington. I have been a high school math teacher and soccer coach most of these last six years within the Keller ISD, the school district. What I am most excited about as of late are the multiple small businesses that I have been able to help start and be an integral part of over the last year. My wife and I started an online boutique, ‘Love, Ellie Boutique.’ With a coaching friend I started a soccer skills training academy, which has been able to partner with Keller’s Recreational Soccer

Association. Last but not least, I am helping to secure financing for and aid in the strategic planning of an up-andcoming wood baseball bat manufacturing company, SR Bats. My time at Schreiner taught me many things, but one that still sticks out today is the reminder to enter with hope into whatever adventure is next on the horizon.”

Keisha Bedwell ’13 writes, “Since graduating, I’ve served as editor and researcher for Hexco, a publishing company nestled in the Texas Hill Country. We specialize in competitive academics and create products to help students excel in the National Spelling Bee, National Geographic Bee, UIL, and more. I primarily work with writing

Scott Speck ’93, writes, “Buenas Amigos! October 1 last year my oldest brother and I left our good jobs, sold everything and jumped on a oneway flight to Costa Rica to chase a dream. We started a company, Vacation Pura Vida, dealing in vacation bookings, property management and real estate. We are located on Playa Bejuco, Puntarenas, one of the most beautiful beaches between Jaco and Quepos on the Pacific. So far, so good as we learn the different nuances of doing business in a foreign country. Please visit our website vacationpuravida. com and like our Facebook page. If you are looking for a vacation spot, place to retire or investment property, please give us a call. I’ll give you that extra special Schreiner treatment!”


classnotes in June. I’m busy, but happy to be working with education and a fun work family! During my downtime, I enjoy traveling or spending time at the river with friends and my Australian Shepherd, Indie.”

Eddie Davis ’93,

writes, “I’m still living in Hawaii, working at Enterprise Rent A Car Co. at the Honolulu Airport. Toward the end of last year, I picked up Frankie Banali from the metal band Quiet Riot. I didn’t recognize him at first. It was mindblowing to have him on my shuttle. Also last year I picked up Grace Park. We had a lovely conversation. I picked her up the year before, but I don’t believe she recognized me the second time around. It is truly an honor and privilege to work for this company. Aloha.” and social studiesrelated contests, and have also developed and direct a coaching program for National History Bee contestants centered on a book I co-authored, History Essentials. This year, each of my students placed in the top eight at their regional finals across the U.S., and will be competing at the national finals 30

Beth Mader ’15 writes, “After graduating from Schreiner, I started at Hexco Academic in February 2017. At Hexco, we write and publish study material for students who

compete in academic competitions. Not only do I get to continue my passion for writing, but I also get to be a part of an amazing company that values academics as much as I do. Our intelligent team of women at the office also happens to be mostly comprised of Schreiner graduates. When not at the office I enjoy horseback riding, spending time with family and friends, and taking in the beautiful Texas Hill Country.”

Brad (‘05, ‘07) and Donna (‘10) Golden, write,

“We finally accomplished a three-year goal, bouncing around Colorado, and are living in the mountains of Colorado. We purchased a home a year ago in Howard, a small town in the Arkansas River Valley. Brad works at the Chaffee County Department of Human Services as an investigator/ caseworker in Child Welfare. Donna is a family specialist for our Family Youth Initiatives program. We wake every day surrounded by snow-capped mountains and cool mountain breezes. At times we long for Texas, but feel this is where we will spend the rest of our days. We have our own little farm now with three horses, three goats, 21 chickens, two dogs and one elderly cat. If you are ever in our area, look us up.”

Brandi Sullivan ’08, writes, “I am in my eighth year

as a Dallas police officer. I have been a detective in the Youth Operations Unit for 1 1/2 years. I have been married to my soul mate, Danny, who is also a Dallas officer, for six years and we have two beautiful girls, Sophia (3) and Emma (4 mos). We love getting down to tube the Frio River in Concan as much as we can, and spending time with our babies. I’m so happy to hear about all the wonderful changes and improvements to Schreiner.”


Spencer L. Key ’09 of Jourdanton writes, “In the

past year, I began teaching Spanish full time at St. Philip’s College. I also gave birth to my first child, a beautiful baby girl named Hedy David Galvan.

From left to right Andrew Arnold ’16, Jasmyn

Rosser ’16, Lily Zavala ’16, Shelby Spenrath ’16, Allison Ogle ’11, and Caitlin Magargee ’16

graduated with their Master of Biomedical Science degrees from the University of the Incarnate Word in Spring 2017. Spenrath, Ogle, and Magargee will be members of the inaugural class of the UIW’s School of Osteopathic Medicine in Fall 2017. They are proud to represent the Mountaineers! Rachel Butler ’17 writes, “This has got to be one of my biggest years in life. At 43, married for almost 17 years and with two school-aged children, I embarked on a new career and life here in the wonderful Hill

Country. Graduating from Schreiner with an M.Ed (4.0 GPA), I’ve secured myself a fifthgrade science teacher position, presented at the TALE 2017 conference, and gained US citizenship. Life couldn’t be better!”



Alisha (Johnson) Woodall ’06 writes,”I graduated from Schreiner in December

2006 with a BA in Graphic Design, and I truly have my dream job as the director of Creative Outreach at FirstLook Pregnancy Help Clinic. My husband, Cameron, and I recently adopted our first child, and it is quite the miraculous story of what God has done in our life through adoption and the beautiful plan He has for our lives. I wrote our story, ‘Selah on Adoption,’ and designed the layout for a local magazine, so I wanted to share a part of our story with you as well. After begging God for years to allow us to become parents, on Jan. 27, 2017, exactly a year after the date of our first attorney phone consultation, our daughter was finally placed in my arms, all wrapped up in a pink blanket. She never cried, but just stared right back at me, like she knew exactly who I was. My arms and my heart have never been so full. In that moment, I knew God had been planning her to be a part of our family since before the creation of the world. Each day, Selah Jewel causes us to pause and carefully weigh God’s faithfulness to do immeasurably more than all we could ask or imagine. ‘In God we have boasted continually, and we will give thanks to Your name forever. Selah’ Psalm 44:8”



In Memoriam THEY MADE THE WORLD BETTER Among those we have lost were a son of the campus who became a noted music educator, and two beloved faculty members whose legacies are their students.

FRED H. JUNKIN Fred H. Junkin, high school ’44, died March 10 in Victoria. During 30 years

as band director at Victoria High School, and after retirement in 1985, he was a clinician and adjudicator throughout the nation. He was selected for membership in the prestigious American Bandmasters Association, and in 1984 he was named Texas Bandmaster of the Year. Fred grew up on the Schreiner campus, the son of Frederick H. Junkin, the school’s registrar and business manager from 1927 to 1967. Survivors include his wife of 63 years, Don Beth; a son, Jerry, who is director of bands at the University of Texas at Austin; and two brothers, Schreiner President Emeritus Samuel M. Junkin ’51 and Edward D. Junkin ’56.

DR. JOE BAULCH Dr. Joe Baulch, emeritus professor of history, died Dec. 20, 2016, in Austin at age 84. He was deeply interested in Texas history, and south Texas politics in particular. Joe published a history, “Schreiner Institute and College, 1923-1998,” and championed the acquisition of Texas historian Ernest Wallace’s library to the William Logan Library. Survivors include his wife, Sarah Nell; sons Clay Elliott of Quemado, and Joel David of Pearland; daughters Sally Annice Rhoden of Austin, and Amy Helen Mackie of Carlsbad, CA; five grandchildren; a brother, Michael of Copeville; and a sister, Emma Kathleen of Dallas.

DR. RONALD ZARYCHTA Dr. Ronald Zarychta, emeritus professor of history, died March 29 at age 73 following an extended illness. He arrived at Schreiner in 1977 and had a distinguished career here through retirement in 2009. He studied at Oxford University and was a scholar of European history. He received the Harriet Garrett Award for outstanding teaching on multiple occasions, and was also respected for his roles as advisor and philosophy instructor. Outside of the classroom, Ron had great interest in classical music and was an avid traveler.



Former Students Mr. Max Barron Jr. ’53 Jan. 13, 2010 Lake Orion, Mich. Mr. Bob Bartlett ’45 Feb. 1, 2012 Pflugerville Mr. Bobby Beaver ’77 Dec. 27, 2016 Ingram Mr. Billy Bell ’48 Nov. 10, 2016 Weslaco Mr. Robert Bush Jr ’61 Sept. 4, 2016 Gulf Shores, Ala. Mr. William Canavan ’60 Oct. 6, 2016 Boerne Ms. Josephine Carter ’56 Sept. 29, 2016 San Antonio

Mr. Richard Irwin ’60 April 11, 2007 Fredericksburg

Mr. Reuben Sublett Jr. ’65 Jan. 18, 2017 Sterling, Alaska

Mr. Robert Jacobs ’55 Jan. 30, 2017 Tyler

Mr. Tracy Tevis ’72 April 28, 2005 Perryton

Mr. Alan Jennings ’60 Aug. 21, 2014 Houston

Mr. Russel Ward ’78 April 1, 2017 Kerrville

Ms. Naomi Johnson ’15 Oct. 23, 2016 Scurry

Dr. Stephen Ware Jr. ’42 March 11, 2017 Corpus Christi

Mr. Al Johnson ’49 Aug. 27, 2011 Fredericksburg Mr. Charles Juneman ’53 Nov. 14, 1982 San Marcos Mr. Frederick Junkin Jr. ’46 March 10, 2017 Victoria Mr. Karlos Kothman ’58 Aug. 25, 2013 Mason

Lt. Col. John Wilder ’60 Sept. 13, 2007 San Antonio

Former Faculty Dr. Joe Baulch Dec. 20, 2016 Austin Mrs. June Gibbons Jan. 17, 2017 Mesa, Ariz.

Mr. Frederick Denker ’57 Sept. 26, 2000 Fort Worth

Mr. Gregory Lakovich ’64 Sept. 11, 2010 Texas City

Mr. Charles Fairchild ’17 March 22, 2017 Kerrville

Mrs. Rosa Meek ’50 Oct. 23, 2016 Kerrville

Mr. Joseph Gough Jr ’58 Aug. 14, 2009 Houston

Mr. Donald Moore ’51 Nov. 3, 2016 Honolulu, Hawaii

Dr. Roy Harrell Jr ’54 Jan. 16, 2017 Ozona

The Rev. Dr. Charles Morris ’52 Dec. 26, 2016 O Fallon, Mo.

Mr. Hugh Haynes Jr ’61 Aug. 28, 2016 San Antonio

Mr. Verne Philips ’38 May 5, 2017 Austin

Mr. Sam Houston IV ’47 March 10, 2017 Katy

Mr. Robert Rooke Jr. ’44 Jan. 21, 2017 Woodsboro

Mr. Steven Huster ’70 July 17, 1991 San Antonio

Ms. Harriet Saunders ’82 Dec. 2, 2016 Kerrville

Mr. James Hutchinson ’74 July 9, 2012 Lubbock

Mr. John Scoggin ’67 Oct. 9, 2005 Tulsa, Okla.

Former Trustees

Mrs. Nell Hutzler ’93 Dec. 31, 2016 Kerrville

Mr. George W. Smith ’69 May 25, 2016 Austin

Mr. Gibson Gayle Sept. 16, 2016 Houston

Mr. Robert Inglish ’51 Nov. 12, 2016 Bellville

Mr. Dan Sowards Jr. ’68 March 29, 2017 Austin

Mr. Walter Workman March 16, 2017 Kerrville

Mr. Ray Walls Aug. 4, 2016 Boerne Dr. Ronald Zarychta March 29, 2017 Kerrville

Schreiner Oaks Society Mrs. Ann Marshall Feb. 27, 2017 San Antonio Mrs. Mary Ransleben Nov. 21, 2016 Fredericksburg Dr. Stanley Woodward July 24, 2004 New Braunfels


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It might be quieter elsewhere on campus,

but summer is a busy season in the Community Garden. Here we find Dr. Ruth Grubesic, Joel Nerios and Brittnee McKinney tending to one of the nine raised beds used for educational purposes or for community service. In the former category, public health students learn how to develop research for community collaboration, biology students research entomology, and chemistry students conduct analysis to determine optimal soil health. 34




SCENEMagazine editor

Lane Tait Vice President for Marketing

art direction and design

Stephanie Lopez Keller senior graphic artist


John Sniffen public information specialist

contributing writer

Karen Davis Kilgore senior planned giving officer


Ryan Brisbin sports information director


Dr. Charlie McCormick board chairman

William Harrison sfsa board president

Kenneth Bethune SCENE is a publication of the Office of Marketing and is distributed twice a year free of charge to Schreiner former students, current students, faculty, parents and friends. An online version is available at Want to be included on the SCENE mailing list? Send your name and address to Susan Carver, Schreiner University, CMB 6253, 2100 Memorial Blvd., Kerrville, TX 78028, or email Change of address? Call the Office of Advancement at 830-792-7201. Schreiner University is an independent liberal arts institution related by covenant and choice to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Schreiner University does not discriminate in admissions, educational programs, extra-curricular programs or employment against any individual on the basis of that individual’s race, color, sex, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability, veteran status or ethnic origin. Inquiries/complaints should be forwarded to the Director of Human Resources, at 830-792-7375.


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Whether you were a serious student or danced until dawn—or did a bit of both— send us your best photos of Schreiner life and we’ll share them in SCENE.

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