Panorama | Spring 2020

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Spring 2020

Ruby-throated Hummingbird Page 4

Forest Succession Page 7

Audubon Babies Page 10


Welcome to spring, when lively animals scurry through the Center’s habitats and our illustrious plants are beginning to bloom. What a wonderful time to ponder the intricacies of nature! In this issue of Panorama, you will discover how plant communities are formed in a process called forest succession. See reasons for the different styles of forest management between urban forests and those found in less disturbed areas based on this process. Learn about the majestic Peregrine Falcon, a top aerial predator that is the fastest animal on the planet. Discover the Ruby-throated Hummingbird, and learn how to attract this spring and summer favorite to your yard. Also, learn about our Audubon Babies program to see how parents and young ones connect through experiencing nature together. This issue highlights two new land projects that demonstrate how this season’s planting programs work to fulfill our conservation needs. Last year, we completed the construction phase on the Stormwater Wetland & Ravine Restoration Project. This season, we will be planting native species throughout the restored area to support the new land structures while creating habitat. We will also plant native species in our hardwood swamp area in order to increase diversity while supporting wildlife. Our goals include restoring native plant communities, maintaining the health of sensitive ecosystems, and implementing green infrastructure while enhancing viewing experiences and educational opportunities. Be sure to visit the Center to witness the wonders of spring first hand. If you’re interested in birds or botany, this is a must-visit time of year. Seasonal programming opportunities include hikes to experience the colorful warblers that inhabit the Center for a brief spring migration window, or the chance to hone your spring wildflower identification skills in a two-morning workshop. Spring is also a great time for families to experience Mystery Lake from a canoe, as well as take part in citizen science. Consider signing up for one of our community science projects, such as bat or monarch larva monitoring. Also, this year, celebrate the 50th anniversary of Earth Day by working on projects to improve the environment. As you explore the trails, pause for a moment to climb the updated stairs of our Observation Tower and enjoy the view. All of the wooden steps have new metal support brackets. This was a joint project between Center staff and volunteers from the Ray Team, who drilled the nearly 500 holes in the steel brackets and painted them. This cooperative effort will ensure the tower’s longevity and is just one example of the important work our volunteers do. When you’re ready to head in from the trails, celebrate the season through the many festive happenings occurring at the Center during the spring months: From Flight Night—a unique opportunity to sip craft beer in the company of a Bald Eagle and other birds of prey, to our Annual Gala, to our first-ever Father’s Day Feast.

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Officers Aliah Berman President John Grunau Past President Benjamin T. Pavlik Treasurer Meg Kinney Secretary Jane B. Bell VP-Development Mark Siler VP-Governance Board Shane Delsman Heidi Dondlinger John E. 'Jack' Gebhardt Timothy J. Gerend Amy Giuffre Matt Haas Margarete R. Harvey Debra Katz Diane O'Connor Sanderson S. ‘Andy’ Read Benjamin F. Rikkers John Schaub Carol Wolcott Past Presidents John H. Kopmeier, Jr. Philip R. Smith Dennis L. Fisher Terrence K. Knudsen Thomas J. McCutcheon Thomas B. Fitzgerald Randolph H. Dean Stephen F. Geimer Thomas J. Drought David K. Hoover John S. McGregor Margarete R. Harvey Director Emeritus Dorothy K. Vallier (1910-2013)

As members, your support makes everything we do possible! I sincerely hope you take time out during this special season to enjoy the magic of Schlitz Audubon Nature Center in spring.

Early Birding Hours Grounds open every day at 7:00am Monday, April 20–Friday, June 5 2

Spring 2020 |

Schlitz Audubon is an independent, locally supported partner of the National Audubon Society.


ABOVE: Spring beauty BELOW: Green frog:

Visit the Center and discover the beauty of spring! CASSIE RINCON Naturalist

April showers bring May flowers, but here at the Center we know that they also bring many other kinds of life. During these spring months, a lot of our favorite beings are stirring awake as the rain falls. At first glance, there are plenty of plants and animals to enjoy, but pause to look closer and find many more hidden treasures. One of the first animals that are swimming beneath the water at Teal Pond and Boardwalk Pond are the fairy shrimp. With their legs moving effortlessly in a wave-like motion, they are one of the easier to spot macroinvertebrates from the water surface. If you lie on your stomach on the boardwalk and gaze further down into the ponds, you will begin to see other creatures swimming about! You might find tiny crawling water beetles with their silver bubble on their abdomen, or spot the very relaxed soldier fly larva. And of course, you can potentially find salamander larva and tadpoles. In the beginning of the season, it might look like it’s just a carpet of green leaves and brown soil, but if you hike the trails in early May, you will notice the spring ephemeral flowers beginning to bloom. The first of many greens include the wild leeks whose large leaves drape along the sides of the ravines. The other large woodland flora is the mayapple, their umbrella-like leaves covering a small white flower. Underneath the canopy of mayapples, hidden on the forest floor, are spring beauties with little white and pink flowers and bloodroot sporting a

dazzling single bloom and peculiar leaves. As the month goes on, additional plants will begin to cover the soil and provide shelter and a food source for animals. By the time June rolls around, the different habitats at the Center have had their fill of rain. Fortunately for us, that means that Mystery Lake is filled not only with water, but also wildlife! One of our more noticeable residents is the painted turtle. Find fallen trees in the water and count how many turtles can fit on a log! Look closer for hidden creatures peering out from the blue-flag iris and the lily pads. These clusters of plants make a great hiding spot for green frogs. If you get too close to them, you’ll hear a loud chirp as they hop away to safety under the water. Spring is the perfect time to head out on the trails at the Center, surrounded by all of the wonderful plants and animals this season. Take time on your hike to discover your favorites!

Spring 2020 |


BIRDS OF WISCONSIN Average weight 3 grams, the same as a single penny!

Slightly downcurved bill for drinking nectar.

2 eggs per clutch is typical. Eggs are pale, and average 13mm in length. That’s the size of a jellybean!

Actual Size

Distinctive iridescent ruby throat of a male. Male, Actual Size

Lichen covers the exterior of the nest

Nests are constructed in 6-10 days solely by the female and measure 45-50mm wide.

Average length 3-3.5 inches (76-88mm)

Archilochus colubris

Illustrated by Zoe Finney

The Ruby-throated Hummingbird is beloved by many, from birders, to gardeners, to the very young, and nature enthusiasts in between. They captivate us with their bold ruby throats and incredible flight maneuvers, while charming us with their tiny size. Keep reading to learn all about their species, as well as tips on how to attract these bright, agile flyers to your yard!

Migration & Range


Ruby-throated Hummingbirds migrate around 1,000 miles round trip every year, beginning their journey in Central America in early spring. They make their way north to their breeding grounds in the United States, reaching into Canada. Before beginning migration, they put on more weight to fuel their journey. Most Ruby-throated Hummingbird migration routes include flying directly over the Gulf of Mexico. Their journey back south to their wintering grounds is triggered by shortening daylight periods as well as the search for abundant food sources. Distribution in Wisconsin




Sources Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Birds of North America Peterson Field Guide to Birds of Eastern North America Sibley Guide to Bird Life and Behavior

Able to hover while drinking nectar.

Strictly limited to flying due to small feet. Can occasionally shuffle along a perch.

Feeding Hummingbirds

Females lack a ruby throat. Instead, their throat is pale.

Putting up a nectar feeder from late April through September is a simple way to bring hummingbirds to your yard. Hummingbird feeders are bright red, and come in different varieties: saucers like the one illustrated here or bottles. Hang the feeder in a shady spot at least 4 feet above the ground, and at least 10 feet from windows to prevent window collisions. Hummingbirds return to Milwaukee as early as the last week in April, so hang your feeder around that time!

Nectar Recipe Making your own nectar takes 5 minutes or less! 1 Cup of White Cane Sugar 4 Cups of Warm Water Completely dissolve the sugar into the water. Fill your feeder, and store the rest in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.

TIPS Switch out nectar every 3-5 days, or every 1-2 days if it is steadily 85° or above Replace nectar if it becomes cloudy, or if insects get into the nectar Clean feeder with warm dish soap & water between each filling

Males may appear to have a dark or even black gorget (throat) depending on the direction of the sun, & how light is being refracted. If the angle is perfect though, their feathers will appear to shimmer & glow like rubies!

Hummingbirds can be quite territorial so “fights” may break out at your feeder, with birds being chased away. If you have space, setting out multiple feeders around your yard can help!

Do not add red dye or any fruit juice to the mixture, as they are unnecessary and can be harmful to the birds.

Flight Facts Ruby-throated Hummingbirds are incredible flyers. Besides their ability to hover mid-air, their normal flight speed is around 30mph and their wings beat an average of 53 beats per second! The resting heart rate of a hummingbird is 250 beats per minute, but can soar to 1200bpm when feeding. For comparison, the resting heart rate of an average human is 60-100bpm.

Diet & Native Plants

A Ruby-throated Hummingbird’s diet mainly consists of floral nectar, and small insects including bees, spiders, mosquitoes, and gnats. So planting tubular, native flowers is a great way to attract these birds to your yard. Hummingbirds are attracted to bright orange and red flowers. Butterfly weed, wild bergamot, cardinal flower, royal catchfly and spotted jewelweed are native to our region and can be incorporated in a hummingbird garden. Not only will you attract hummingbirds, you will provide habitat for other native pollinators and native wildlife as well!

Wild Bergamot Monarda fistulosa

Butterfly Weed Asclepias tuberosa

Cardinal Flower Lobelia cardinalis


Spring Restoration at the Center

Wild Bergamot, a native wildflower that will support native pollinators.

DREW SHUSTER Resource Ecologist

The conservation team has two large-scale projects planned for this year. Between them, we’ll be planting a total of 47,150 native trees, shrubs and herbaceous plugs, helping with conservation efforts in our newly restored North Ravine as well as our hardwood swamp area, located on the northern edge of the property.

Because tops of the berms are much drier than the other sections in this planting area, they will hold flowering plants. In addition to their pleasant aesthetic, flowers provide pollen and nectar for pollinators, including rusty patched bumble bee, the only federally endangered species found in Milwaukee County. By planting species like Culver’s root and wild bergamot, we hope that our Last summer, as part of the Stormwater Wetland and Ravine Res- pollinator populations at the Center will flourish. toration Project, a series of berms and ponds were constructed in order to protect the North Ravine from severe erosion. Funding Another planting project is the Hardwood Swamp Restoration, from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation is helping us re- to be done in partnership with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. store these areas to encourage long-term success. The berms and The goal of this project is to turn part of the property dominatponds were restored last fall with a variety of native plants, de- ed by invasive reed canary grass, which is growing underneath a signed to hold the berms together, absorb water, assist in reduc- canopy of dying ash trees, into a diverse area that supports many ing erosion, and prevent non-native invasive plant species from wildlife species. establishing the area. In order to do this, we will start at the top and work down. First, we This spring we’ll continue the planting in this area, which has are cutting down dying ash trees and replacing them with wetland been broken down into 17 sections. Each section was assigned a trees, like red maple and hackberry. In addition to the canopy trees, plant community based on sunlight exposure and amount of wa- we are improving the shrub layer by planting shrubs that produce ter in the soil. At the pond edges, plantings include marsh species their flowers in spring, which are essential for pollinators. Once that like to grow in permanent bodies of water, like rushes and that is complete, we will enhance the sedge-dominated ground pickerel weed, which provide a suitable habitat and shelter for layer with a smattering of flowering plants, chosen so at least one turtles and amphibians. species is blooming throughout the growing season to ensure pollinators always have a food source. The wet sections at the base of the berms will contain two different communities of plants, dominated by grasses and grass-like In addition to furthering our conservation goals, these projects will sedges, called graminoids. Though graminoids do not produce enhance the floristic quality of our land and improve visitors’ expeflowers, they are essential to all restoration plantings, providing riences by providing bright-colored foliage for visitors to enjoy. If the structure that holds up top-heavy plants and preventing them you are interested in helping with our restoration projects, please from falling over. email for more information! 6

Spring 2020 |


CRAIG MATTSON | Communications Specialist With contributions from MICHELLE ALLISON, DON QUINTENZ, and MARC WHITE

Spring 2020 |


FEATURE Wisconsin has millions of acres of forests, divided into two main areas based on soil types and climate. The line of separation is called the Tension Zone, which stretches from northwest to southeast Wisconsin in an S-shape, and delineates vegetative growth separating northern mixed forest communities from southern broadleaf forest communities. The north is home to mixed deciduous-coniferous forests, which retains a higher percentage of forest cover as a consequence of climate and the land being less suited to agriculture. Southern communities have traditionally consisted of broad-leaved deciduous forests, oak savanna, tamarack swamp, prairies, and open wetlands that have changed greatly in the last 150 years, largely due to agricultural value and human development. Taken in total, of Wisconsin’s 35 million acres of land, 17 million acres are forest. Of these, 1.7 million acres (4.7 percent of Wisconsin’s land area) are urban forests. Southeastern Wisconsin possesses much of this urban forest, which includes the one you find at Schlitz Audubon. These forests are always changing. They are shaped by their environment, which can affect what grows. The composition of trees and understory plants is based partly on the history of the land, ecological processes, and available moisture, as well as some measure of unpredictability. Forests are also a competitive environment, with tree species vying for light and space, waiting for an opening in a developed canopy for the chance to grow. This process is governed by the principle of forest succession. THE WAYS OF FOREST SUCCESSION Succession determines which community of plants is likely to replace another community of plants as an ecosystem matures following disturbance. There are two main types of forest succession, primary and secondary. Primary succession happens when there is sterile substrate, or a lack of soil, in the ground layer. This was the original condition of much of Wisconsin after the last glacier retreated. Plants don’t grow readily in these conditions. The development of soil and soil fertility is a gradual process related to increases in organic matter and biodiversity, and leads to predictable growth stages, called seres. The process begins on bare ground, without soil. In Wisconsin, lichens and mosses appeared, leading to grasses and sedges (graminoids) and annual flowering plants, and later, graminoids and perennial flowering plants. These make way for shrubs, followed by shade intolerant trees, and finally shade tolerant trees. GROWTH PATTERNS: HOW SECONDARY SUCCESSION WORKS Secondary succession tales place when there is viable soil in the ground. This is a natural process that occurs in an orderly fashion. Compared to primary forest succession,


the stages of secondary succession are more compressed in time and the transitions between stages are less distinct. Secondary forest succession begins when a forest has been cut, or when a forest clearing is caused by a natural disturbance, such as a fire, storm, ice, or disease. These events set the stage for regeneration. Pioneer species, the plants that are first to populate an area, begin to grow. Weeds, grasses, and flowers anchor the soil. This paves the way for shrubs to establish and increase in dominance, promoting shade and allowing the soil to retain moisture. In this young canopy-less area, light-loving pioneer tree species may sprout, such as aspen and ash. As time passes, these trees grow and block the light for other shade intolerant trees. That’s when shade-tolerant trees like maple and basswood may become established and eventually dominate, propelling the forest towards maturity and eventually forming a climax community, which can perpetuate itself indefinitely without a disturbance. With each disturbance, the forest must heal. This is a textbook version of succession that doesn’t necessarily happen in urban and suburban areas in Southeastern Wisconsin. Smaller forests proceed through the phases of succession a bit differently. Isolation, fragmentation, and non-native invasive species alter the natural process of succession. In altered communities like an urban forest environment, as we have at the Center, we use the model of natural succession to inform how we manage the forest. We can’t rely on succession to occur naturally. DISTURBED FORESTS AND INVASIVE SPECIES When there is a disturbance in the Center’s forest, pioneer species become established in the new light-exposed territory, including gray dogwood, green ash, and wild strawberry. Also to contend with are buckthorn, dame’s rocket, and garlic mustard, which are aggressive non-native invasive species that must be managed or they will quickly dominate the land. One reason that invasive species establish successfully is because they lack natural predators to keep them in check. That’s why our conservation team and land steward volunteers work hard to keep them from becoming established. FOREST STAGES AT THE CENTER Prior to European settlement, the forest community at the Center was different from a traditional climax community due to our heavy clay soils. The predominant species were red oak and basswood instead of sugar maple. Currently, paper birch, basswood, and green ash are our dominant

Spring 2020 |

FEATURE species. But green ash, white ash, and black ash are being decimated by emerald ash borer, causing a disturbance in the forest and leaving large openings in the canopy. This means we are losing 40-50 years of succession. In smaller urban forests like ours, there are also edge effects, which are forest disturbances that occur near the perimeter of the forest and have an impact on the whole. Bigger forests have a larger ratio of interior to edge, so these effects aren’t as significant. Other factors that influence forest growth are geographic location, moisture, and hydrology. All of these conditions must be taken into account by our conservation department when it manages our stands of forest. We also consider conditions that will be prevalent in the future, including conditions caused by climate change. For several reasons, the Center’s conservation department is working to establish an oak savanna in ash-colonized former agricultural fields at the Center.

is being placed on establishing and restoring regionally native species that can be expected to survive and reproduce to form self-sustaining populations and species assemblages. Still, the Center possesses the highest quality forest in the area. It presents an incredible opportunity for people to learn about conservation. Woodland habitats are home to great diversity in both urban forests and in northern forests. Wisconsin woodland habitats have a population of nearly 1,800 species of native plants and 657 species of vertebrates, which doesn’t include nonvascular plants and invertebrates. You’ll find a lot of that wildlife at the Center, making our forest conservation and management programs so important. Schlitz Audubon is a living laboratory for developing effective ways to manage land and wildlife that visitors can see when hiking the trails and learn about by participating in our programs.

To learn about different aspects of the forest, consider attending one of the Center’s upcoming programs about them. Nature Book Club | April 15 We’ll consider tree communication when we discuss Peter Wohlleben’s book The Hidden Life of Trees. Spirituality of Trees | April 19 Explore spirituality as it relates to the trees of Schlitz Audubon in an interactive program. Shinrin Yoku: Guided Forest Bathing | May 31 or June 28 Learn how to harness the power of the forest to promote wellbeing. See our calendar for more details.

The direct restoration of former agricultural fields to dominant pre-settlement forest communities is not feasible because of expected changes to regional climate, and the effects of invasive species on key dominant tree genera. Emphasis

Spring 2020 |



Sharing Nature with the Very Young LISA RANDERSON Nature Preschool Teacher

If you’ve ever been drawn to share nature experiences with your littlest ones, look no further than our Audubon Babies program. It is a place where babies and their adults can foster a sense of wonder by participating in sensory-rich nature experiences together in the supportive and educational environment of Schlitz Audubon.

fluid with the change in season and weather. In spring, hikes focus on themes such as welcoming spring, spring flowers, or even maple sugar, in which we taste and touch maple sap/syrup from our patch of maple trees. We might take a short hike around the porch to sit and observe the birds eating at the feeders, or a medium-length hike through the woodland loop to feel leaves, hug a tree, look for animal tracks and wildflowers, or even reach into the earth to find and hold worms and slugs. We often spend more time outdoors by hiking on the boardwalk to look at a pond. If on the way to our destination we happen to discover mud puddles to splash in, that becomes the best part of our hike!

This program meets the developmental needs of babies 6-24 months of age, and also helps build new bridges between parents and their children. Connecting with your child through nature-themed exploration and play can be a magical experience! Audubon Babies, a program offered by our Nature Preschool teachers, helps nurture a love of the natural world in the very young, but it also helps their adults by providing opportunities for parents to Hikes are important for providing opportunities to develop large develop new relationships with each other. motor skills. Children are not only learning how to walk, they are figuring out how to walk on uneven terrain, tree roots, ice, surfacSessions begin indoors in a relaxed environment, with participants es hidden by leaves, or through mud. Some children may want to being welcomed and invited to explore board books and sensory explore independently on the hikes. Others need the security and materials such as wooden “tree cookies,” rocks, feathers, leaves, guidance of their caring adult to model how to explore nature in a stuffed song birds, and more. Once everyone is settled, we sing our curious and thoughtful way. Nature Time song and play before we introduce ourselves. Audubon Babies will be a nurturing experience for parents and Live animals often come and visit, and we learn about these ani- children who enjoy exploring the world together. Hikes are flexible, mals before we prepare for our outdoor hike. As weather permits, so both adult and their baby will enjoy them. Introducing nature we spend about half an hour outside. If the temperature is too cold to children at Schlitz Audubon will provide an educational experito go out, we will bring the outside indoors by engaging with a tub of ence tailor-made for the littlest ones while encouraging adults to snow or ice along with other materials to enhance our experience. view the natural world through the wondrous experiences of their children. Mother Nature tells us what to experience on our hikes. They are 10

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Spring 2020 |



A Peregrine Falcon nest box on top of a We Energies building.

Peregrine Falcon: Symbol of Survival LIZ ALAGNA Raptor Educator

Peregrine Falcons have long been revered for their impressive speed and aerial skills. After being threatened for decades, they have reinvented themselves into the kings of the urban jungle with a spectacular recovery across cityscapes. Today, they are a conservation symbol for one of North America’s recovering endangered species. The success of the Peregrine Falcon as a top aerial predator comes from some incredible physical adaptations. Truly a bird built for speed, the Peregrine sports sharply-pointed wings lined with stiff feathers, remarkable eyesight that can pinpoint prey mid-flight, and a very efficient respiratory system allowing them to breathe effortlessly even at speeds three times as fast as a cheetah. These adaptations allow them to claim a top diving speed of an incredible Peregrine Falcon chicks, hatched in a nest box and banded at We Energies. 240 miles per hour, making them the fastest member of the animal kingdom. birdwatcher Lorrie Otto, and students like UW-Madison’s Joseph Hickey, leading the way for Wisconsin to be the first in the nation With all of these special aerial adaptations, Peregrine Falcons have to ban it. The Peregrine Falcon was placed on the Federal Endanno problem consuming a diet that consists primarily of birds. Per- gered Species list in 1973. Conservation efforts since then have egrine Falcons are one of the largest falcon species, weighing in at brought these birds back from the brink of extinction. an average of 2.5 pounds with a 3.5-foot wingspan. Peregrines prefer wide-open habitats with areas of high elevation where they can Federally, the Peregrine Falcon was taken off of the endangered nest. While they are found throughout the world, they primarily species list in 1999, but in Wisconsin, they are still considered an gather along coastlines, mountain ranges, and in cities. Along the endangered species. But, because of the integral implementation coasts they prey upon birds such as ducks and gulls, but in cities of nest boxes across the state, we have significantly increased their they perch on top of skyscrapers scanning for Rock Pigeons and population. European Starlings. To learn more about this species, meet Cutright, Schlitz Audubon’s resident Peregrine Falcon, at one of the Companies like We Energies have supported Peregrine Falcon Center’s Raptor Program events. populations by building nest boxes in their power plants which act as ideal nesting sites due to their tall structures. We Energies Despite being a fierce hunter, they faced a grave challenge against began their program to help Peregrines in the early 1990s, and toa deadly pesticide, known as DDT, back in the mid-20th centu- day their nest sites have produced 380 of these birds. In 2019, there ry. DDT significantly weakened Peregrine’s eggshells, leading to were 110 young hatched at 37 successful nest sites across the state, multiple failed breeding seasons and causing their population with five of them hatching in Milwaukee. to decline rapidly. The correlation between DDT and weakened eggshells was discovered and the pesticide was banned in the The next time you are spending time in downtown Milwaukee or on United States in 1972, with citizen activists, including Bayside the shores of Lake Michigan, you may be lucky enough to see that flash of slate grey feathers barreling through the sky after its prey. 12

Spring 2020 |

CALENDAR Adult Program Family Program Preschool Program Wheelchair Accessible Member Price Non-Member Price Registration Required

Payment is due at time of registration.

Spirituality of Trees*

Refunds will only be given to those who cancel 14 or more days before a program. If Schlitz Audubon cancels a program, refunds will be given.

Sunday, April 19 | 9:00am-12:00pm

Register online at Spring Hand-in-Hand*

Thursday, April 2 | Frogs and Toads Thursday, April 16 | A Nest Full of Eggs Thursday, May 7 | Wake Up Pond Session 1 | 9:00am-10:15am Session 2 | 10:30am-11:45am

Explore nature hand-in-hand with your little one. This program is designed for children ages 2-3 and their adult.

M: $15 per pair | NM: $20 per pair

Audubon Babies*

Thursday, April 2 | 10:00am-11:15am Thursday, April 16 | 10:00am-11:15am Thursday, May 7 | 10:00am-11:15am Friday, June 19 | 10:00am-11:15am

Children are never too young to enjoy the wonders of nature. Joins us for a guided hike filled with sensory explorations! For 6-24 months with an adult.

M: $12 per pair | NM: $17 per pair

Charles Hagner, Author of The American Birding Association Field Guide to Birds of Wisconsin* Thursday, April 2 | 7:00pm-8:30pm

Join us for a presentation by Charles Hagner, state director of Bird City Wisconsin, who will discuss his new field guide. Presented with Boswell Book Company.

M: Free | NM: $8

Raptor Saturday

Saturday, April 4 | 1:00pm-2:00pm Saturday, May 2 | 1:00pm-2:00pm Saturday, June 6 | 1:00pm-2:00pm

The auditorium transforms into an educational aviary. Come learn about and meet our feathered friends.

Free with membership or admission. Sponsored by:

Bird Club*

Wednesday, April 8 | 6:30pm-8:00pm Wednesday, May 13 | 6:30pm-8:00pm Wednesday, June 10 | 6:30pm-8:00pm

Dan Panetti will lead a seasonal bird hike.

Free to all.

Explore the nature of spirituality as it relates to the trees of Schlitz Audubon in this interactive program.


Thursday, April 9 | 10:00am-11:30pm Tuesday, April 14 | 1:00pm-2:30pm Tuesday, May 12 | 1:00pm-2:30pm Thursday, May 14 | 10:00am-11:30pm Tuesday, June 9 | 1:00pm-2:30pm Thursday, June 11 | 10:00am-11:30pm

This program is designed for both people experiencing cognitive changes and their care partners. SPARK! celebrates how the simple beauty found in nature enriches our lives.

Free to participants and caregivers.


Thursdays, April 9–June 18 | 7:00pm-8:00pm No class April 30 and June 4

This nine-week flow style yoga class is created for beginners to intermediate levels, based on breath and how to be in the present moment.

M: $90 | NM: $110

Nature Book Club* Wednesday, April 15 | 6:00pm-7:30pm

Join us for a lively discussion of books related to nature, conservation, and the environment. Our first selection is The Hidden Life of Trees by Peter Wohlleben.

Free to all.

M: $30 | NM: $45

Spring Astronomy: The Milky Way Galaxy* Monday, April 20 | 7:30pm-9:00pm

Astronomers have made many discoveries about the Milky Way in the last few years. Jim Hahn will guide us on an exploration through the galaxy we call home.

M: $15 | N: $20

Nature Discovery Hike*

Tuesday, April 21 | 1:00pm-2:30pm Friday, May 8 | 7:30am-9:00am Wednesday, June 10 | 9:00am-10:30am

Don Quintenz will lead a hike to the seasonal events that stir our sense of beauty and imagination.

M: $15 | NM: $20

Warbler Identification*

Tuesday, April 21 | 6:30pm-8:00pm

In this engaging presentation, Tom Schultz will teach us a variety of tips and tricks for identifying warblers in the field.

M: $15 | N: $20

Earth Day Work Day* Saturday, April 25 | 10:00am-12:00pm

Honor the 50th anniversary of Earth Day by working with Naturalists on projects to improve the Center’s land, shoreline, and wetlands.

Free to all.

Saturday, April 18 | 9:30am-12:00pm

Spring Wildflowers and Ephemerals Identification*

Join us in this two-day workshop to discover the beauty of the forest floor in spring and learn the specialized adaptations and identifying features of our spring wildflowers and ephemerals.

Nature Inspired Art: Waves*

Visit Lake Michigan to learn about the science of waves. Then view Katsushika Hokusai’s “The Great Wave” to inspire your own artwork. For families with children ages 7+. An adult must accompany children. M: $12 | NM: $15

Tai Chi Fundamentals: Animal Forms*

Sundays, April 26 & May 3 9:00am-12:00pm

M: $40 | NM: $50

Saturdays, April 18 – June 6 10:00am-11:00am

Tai Chi*

Eight-week series of Sun style Tai Chi classes, led by Alice Kuramoto. Classes will be outside weather permitting.

Explore the core principles of Tai Chi through this eight-week series. M: $80 | NM: $95

Photo Club*

Saturday, April 18 | 4:00pm-5:00pm Saturday, June 20 | 4:00pm-5:00pm

Participate in a community of photographers taking a hike to explore the season at the Center and photograph the nature we discover.

Free to all. Spring 2020 |

Wednesdays, April 29–June 17 4:00pm-5:00pm

M: $80 | NM: $100

Flight Night*

Thursday, April 30 | 6:00pm-9:00pm

Spend an evening with local breweries and our birds of prey.

$60 per person 13

CALENDAR Spring Migration Bird Hike

meadows; sheer limestone cliffs and romantic lighthouses; and sand, cobble, bedrock, and coral reef beaches.

Expert birder Paul Boyer will lead a guided hike in search of migrating birds. We’ll meet in the parking lot.

Sunday, May 31 | 8:00am-10:00am Sunday, June 28 | 8:00am-10:00am

Saturday, May 2 | 7:30am-9:00am Saturday, May 9 | 7:30am-9:00am Saturday, May 16 | 7:30am-9:00am

Free to all.

Saturday Hand-in-Hand* Saturday, May 9 | 9:00am-10:30am

This program is designed for children ages 2-3 and their adult. We’ll explore what is happening in nature, combined with developmentally appropriate practices.

M: $15 per pair | NM: $20 per pair

World Migratory Bird Day Saturday, May 9 | 10:00am–2:00pm

Join us in celebrating the annual spring migration of our feathered friends. Visitors of all ages can meet a bird of prey from our Raptor Program and join in migration-themed activities.

Free with membership or admission.

Schlitz Audubon Art Fair Sunday, May 10 | 10:00am-4:00pm

M: $578 | NM: $660 Add $120 for single room.

Shinrin Yoku: Guided Forest Bathing* Learn this Japanese form of nature therapy and discover how to experience the outdoors with a sensory approach to improve physical and mental wellbeing.

M: $20 | NM: $30

Citizen Science: Bat Monitoring Training*

Wednesday, June 3 | 8:00pm-9:00pm Wednesday, June 17 | 8:00pm-9:00pm

Learn about the importance of bats in our ecosystem and how you can help Schlitz Audubon monitor bats for the Wisconsin DNR.

M: Free | NM: $10

Citizen Science: Monarch Larval Monitoring*

Thursday, June 4 | 4:00pm-5:30pm

At this training, we’ll learn to identify larval stages of the monarch butterfly, and the types of milkweed they depend on.

Imagination and creativity abound at the Schlitz Audubon Art Fair. Meet local artists featuring their nature-themed art, available for M: Free | NM: $10 purchase. Family Canoe Day* Free with membership or admission.

Saturday, June 6 | 10:00am–12:00pm

Horicon Marsh Birding Trip*

Tuesday, May 12 | 1:00pm-8:30pm

Discover this Wetland of International Importance with Don Quintenz and expert birder Marc Zuelsdorf. The day ends with a two-hour sunset excursion of the Marsh by pontoon.

Members: $75 | Non-Members: $90

Family Naturalist: Spring Wildflowers* Saturday, May 23 | 10:00am-12:00pm

Join us to discover what makes spring wildflowers special and how we can identify them. Then we’ll make a flower of our own to take home.

M: $10 | NM: $15


Sunday, May 24 | 9:30am-10:30am Sunday, June 14 | 9:30am-10:30am

Start your day off mindfully with a guided meditation session based on the Thai Forest tradition of Theravada Buddhism.

M: $10 | NM: $12

Door County Getaway*

Tuesday, May 26-Friday, May 29

Join us as we explore Door County’s treasure trove of natural wonders including oldgrowth forests, vast wetlands, and wildflower


The sun is shining so it’s time to break out those paddles. Come join Schlitz Audubon staff on the shores of Mystery Lake for some canoeing fun!

M: $30 per canoe | NM: $45 per canoe

Summer Hand-in-Hand*

Friends in the Earth | June 8, 9, 10, June 11 | 9:30am-11:00am Friends in the Forest | June 22, 23, 24, 25 | 9:30am-11:00am

Select the morning that works best for you and explore nature hand in hand with your little one ages 2-3 year-old.

M: $18 per pair | NM: $23 per pair

Saturday Audubon Babies* Saturday, June 13 | 10:00am-11:15 am

Children are never too young to enjoy the wonders of nature. Join us for a guided hike filled with sensory explorations on this special Saturday version of our Audubon Babies program! For 6-24 months with an adult.

M: $12 per pair | NM: $17 per pair

Totally Turtles!* Saturday, June 20 | 10:00am-12:00pm

Learn about our turtle ambassadors. Meet, hold, feed, and learn about turtles. Then go on a hike and make a turtle craft to take home. For families with children up to age 7. An adult must accompany children; the adult attends free.

M: $12 | NM: $17

Father’s Day Feast*

Sunday, June 21 | 8:30am-12:00pm Early Bird Breakfast begins at 8:30am Mid-Morning Brunch begins at 10:30am

Join us for a Father’s Day Feast. Enjoy a meal and a variety of outdoor nature activities throughout the morning, as well as indoor festivities to celebrate dad.

Adults $39 | Youth (ages 4-12) $19 3 and under: free

Environmental Film Screening*

Nature Watercolor*

Tuesday, June 23 | 6:30pm-8:30pm

Explore the basics of watercolor painting and find inspiration in nature in this five-week course.

Saturdays, June 6–July 11 10:30am-12:30pm (No class July 4)

M: $75 | NM: $95

Native Plant Sale Sunday, June 7 | 9:00am-2:00pm

Learn about the benefits of gardening with native plants and purchase for your own yard!

Free with membership or admission.

Crepuscular Creatures* Friday, June 12 | 7:00pm-8:30pm

Find animals that thrive during twilight hours. Meet Amelia, the Southern Flying Squirrel, and then hike to find who’s awake at dusk.

M: $10 | NM: $15

Join us for another environmental film screening, presented with Outpost Natural Foods. Visit our website for movie details.

Weekend Guided Hike

Every Saturday and Sunday 11:00am and 2:00pm

Learn more about the plants and animals found out on the trails. Meet in the Great Hall for a 45-minute guided hike, led by our Weekend Naturalist or Nature Ambassadors.

Free with membership or admission.

Word with a Bird

Saturdays and Sundays | 1:00pm-2:00pm

Join us in the Great Hall to meet a live bird of prey from our Raptor Program! We will talk about the specific skills, traits, and adaptations that are unique to that bird.

Spring 2020 |

$5 for all.

Free with membership or admission.

THANK YOU THANK YOU In Memory Of Donald and Evelyn (Nuzum) Brocher Terri and Mark Chelmowski Andrew Peterson

Dr. Umesh Kumar Saxena Nina Bonnelycke Kanak K. Shah

Richard Buchman Richard and Sandy Buchman

Stanley Haskel Shepard Christa Morris

Andrea Carroll Jack Carroll

Martha Siders Taha and Abigail Siders

Tom Drought Kathie and Tony Asmuth David and Susan Bednar Frank Boesel Joseph and Michele Brown Russ and Nan Clark Thomas Davison Randolph and Kathleen Dean Ardys and Daniel Fiebig Tom and Mousie Fitzgerald Bonnie and Paul Gordon Harry and Karen Groth Sandy Heitz Dave and Keri Hoffman Patricia Johnson Linda Kraft Janice and Ben Levy Jeanne Maxon Glenn W. Maybauer Naomi H. Mayer Mr. David G. Meissner Mary E. Morton Diane K. O’Connor and Richard A. Sachs, Jr. Jane Reckmeyer Katie Reinhart Mary Reinhart Imy and Sally Schley Fred and Anne Stratton Winona J. Wilson Steve Zellmer

Dorothy Singer Catherine Singer

Esther Kolowith Anita Fleisch Sandra and Dennis Haven Ann and Peter Murphy Margaret Ann Krentz Kathryn McDermott Marti Laubach Margarete and David Harvey Molly Malone Danielle Bailey and Katelyn Nye Susan Jost Lowlands Group Dawn and John Malone Gary and Linda Ordway Lance Miyasaki Ruthann Schindler


FREE admission to Members Adults: $8 | Youth: $5 (ages 3 — 17) 1111 East Brown Deer Road | Milwaukee, WI 414-352-2880 |

Olga Uihlein Beneke Wendy Beneke

Myra Van Uxem Jean Downie Jacqui Weber Marjorie Sutton Martin Wenzel Chloe Chuiminatto Carol Wolcott Coleen Golomski Lowell Yerex Emily Mason

Eunice Wiest Pat Bakula Mary Haberman

Raptor Sponsorships

Edwin (Ted) Wiley William Biff Kummer

In Honor of Alisha Burkhalter Nick Burkhalter

In Honor Of

Baron von Screech – Eastern Screech Owl

Harry Banzhaf H. Spencer Banzhaf Carrie Becker Barbara and Stephen Becker Georgia Cashman Jade and George Cashman Kellie Liacopoulos Jaclyn and David Ness Milo and Aszure DeLorenzo-Molitor Bill and Bev Molitor Dayle Dieffenbach Ken and Bess Dieffenbach Bridgette and Sloane Groh Zachary and Karin Groh Christopher Interdonato Anthony Interdonato

Athena – American Barn Owl

Mary and Pat Goebel

In Honor of Sandra Gregorius Nicole Gregorius In Honor of Mila Patten Rachel Chelstowski

Cutright – Peregrine Falcon

In Honor of Alexander Jakubowski Eric Jakubowski and Angela Tonozzi

Malary – American Kestrel Sue Holcomb

In Honor of Sarah Starrett Scott and Mary Sullivan

Orion – Barred Owl

In Memory of Gail Seefeldt Gwynne Kennedy and John Diclemente

Margaret Layde Joseph and Barbara Layde

Tskili – Great Horned Owl

Joan Mortl Mike and Babs Mortl

Chad and Krista Pankop

In Honor of Debra Motto Nicole Gregorius

Dr. Noah’s Ark Veterinary Clinic Victoria Cybela Steve Schultz FPZ, Inc. Sue Schiller James Motz Natalie Tonkin and Marc Beltmann Janice Wesoloski


Open 7 days a week 9:00am - 5:00pm Summer Hours | June 1 – August 28 Monday-Thursday | 9:00am - 8:00pm

Spring 2020 |

Credits for Panorama | Spring 2020 Director of Marketing & Communications Nancy Quinn Design | Illustration | Photography Zoe Finney Editing | Select Writing Craig Mattson


Schlitz Audubon Nature Center 1111 East Brown Deer Road Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53217


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