Panorama | Winter 2020

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Winter 2020

Neighborhood Owl Page 4

Beneath the Snow Page 7

Winter Waterfowl Page 10


Winter has arrived and the Center has become an ever-changing landscape of ice and snow. Many animals are taking shelter for the season while others are busy hunting and gathering food to survive the cold. In this issue of Panorama, read about the activity of animals who spend the winter beneath the snow, as well as the many other ways animals adapt during the cold winter months. Encounter the Great Horned Owl, an adept hunter who is often found living in local green spaces and neighborhoods, and learn some of the reasons why this owl is the most common in Wisconsin. Discover Snapshot Wisconsin, a Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources program that features a network of trail cameras, including here at the Center. Find out about the kinds of animals the camera captures here and what we do with these images. Also, learn about WiNBECA, a group created for leaders in nature-based early childhood education. Winter brings a pause in our Stormwater Wetland & Ravine Restoration Project. I’m happy to share that we’ve completed the construction phase that started this past summer. With a footprint of more than 20 acres, the project will minimize the threats of stormwater on vulnerable Center habitats, protect Lake Michigan by adding more than seven million gallons of annual stormwater storage capacity, and stabilize 2.5 acres of steep ravine slope. The project includes two new retention ponds and a forward-thinking cascade design system, called regenerative stormwater conveyance, that gradually releases water into the ravine. Restoration has already begun throughout the project area and will continue through 2020. More than 25,000 native seedlings, shrubs, and trees will be planted to enhance floristic quality and biodiversity. A Blanding’s Turtle breeding mound will flank one of the new wetlands, Eastern Milk Snakes will be introduced into a new hibernaculum, and we anticipate that Leopard Frogs, Fairy Shrimp, and many benthic invertebrates will flourish in the new aquatic habitats. Part of our mission is to provide meaningful experiences and environmental education for all, and access for all visitors is a critical next step. Generous donations from the donor community will help us build the Water Path, comprised of crushed granite trail, boardwalks, and teaching decks that will give visitors unparalleled access to these enhanced habitats. Thank you to vital partners throughout the Greater Milwaukee community and beyond who rallied to support conservation by funding the Stormwater Wetland & Ravine Restoration project. If you would like to learn more about or support our forthcoming Water Path, please let me know. As we work to expand our accessible trail network through these restored habitats, there are still many other winter sites to explore at the Center. Warm up in the building and visit the mezzanine for an exhibit of captivating winter images by the Center’s photographer, Zoe Finney, or head outside to view the current winter landscape.

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Officers Aliah Berman President John Grunau Past President Benjamin T. Pavlik Treasurer Meg Kinney Secretary Jane B. Bell VP-Development Mark Siler VP-Governance Board Shane Delsman Heidi Dondlinger John E. 'Jack' Gebhardt Timothy J. Gerend Amy Giuffre Matt Haas Margarete R. Harvey Kevin J. Kane Debra Katz Diane O'Connor Sanderson S. ‘Andy’ Read Benjamin F. Rikkers John Schaub Terence Siau Carol Wolcott Past Presidents John H. Kopmeier, Jr. Philip R. Smith Dennis L. Fisher Terrence K. Knudsen Thomas J. McCutcheon Thomas B. Fitzgerald Randolph H. Dean Stephen F. Geimer Thomas J. Drought David K. Hoover John S. McGregor Margarete R. Harvey Director Emeritus Dorothy K. Vallier (1910-2013)

Preschool Applications Now Available Summer Camp calendar will be posted online mid-January!


Winter 2020 |

Schlitz Audubon is an independent, locally supported partner of the National Audubon Society.


Paper thin ice sheets, creating interesting patterns at the Center's ponds.

Visit the Center and discover the beauty of ice! JESSY KNOX School Programs Manager

The wonder of winter is found in bright white snow reflecting sparkles of sunshine back up at us. In order to have shimmering snow we need cold and sunshine. One might even say that cold is the main ingredient of snow, or at least a necessary condition. Without the freezing cold we wouldn’t have another favorite winter obsession, ice! Ice requires us to slow down and take it easy. It invites us to gaze at the ground in suspended animation while life awaits the promise of coming spring. At Schlitz Audubon, we have so many varieties of ice materializations, you can easily become immersed in admiring them. Here are some descriptions of our favorites so that you too can go out to find them, or discover new variations of ice formations at the Center. Near the wetland closest to the Pavilion, paper-thin ice sheets develop above and around the remains of emergent aquatic vegetation. These intricate and delicate features form when conditions fluctuate between above freezing, below freezing, and way below freezing. The melting, thawing, and refreezing create an assortment of these ice sheets to admire. The ice-covered Mystery Lake is a good place to look for the incessant activity of muskrats. There are often messy triangular cattail huts peeking out of the ponds. You might also see the underwater paths they keep open with their life-demanding busyness. Another

winter phenomenon found at Mystery Lake is the formation of ice bubbles, which are spheres consisting of small and medium-sized bubbles caught and suspended in ice. They can get quite large, or can be so small they look like a thin, hazy layer spread like little points throughout the frozen water. The most exciting ice escapade is venturing down to Great Lake Michigan after sub-zero weather. The temperature must be far below freezing, into the negatives, in order to see the lunar-like landscape left behind by waves freezing while splashing and retreating. Our shoreline is taken over by ice structures in the shape of volcanoes, complete with a hollow core that erupts with crashing waves out of the top. The colder it gets, the better the features become. Take care on your hike down to the lake and make sure you have someone go with you. Always explore ice with the greatest degree of caution, respect, and safety. Like most of nature, these ice formations are ephemeral. You may consider taking photographs to capture and save their beauty. When doing so, be careful not to damage these formations so that others may enjoy them. For mammals like us, winter isn’t a time to migrate and hibernate. It’s a time to activate! So bundle up and come visit the Center on the coldest days of the year. You’ll experience sights unavailable anywhere else and barely believable.

Winter 2020 |



IAN DORNEY Raptor Educator

In winter, wildlife’s unspoken goal is to outlast. But when other life seems to enter a holding pattern, the Great Horned Owl thrives. A variety of physical and behavioral adaptations allow the Great Horned Owl to be an effective hunter and Wisconsin’s most common year-round raptor resident. Like most other owls, Great Horned Owls are most active after sundown. Their proportionally large eyes and precise hearing allow them to perch and locate prey under brush or snow. In a swooping flight, a flexible neck allows owls to monitor their meal’s movement until the moment comes for a talons-first dive. After a night of successful hunting, Great Horned Owls will perch for a day of rest, blending into their surroundings to avoid unwanted attention.


These birds’ stealthy dispositions are complemented by dense barring and mottling across their whole body. If you see one in Wisconsin, it will appear tawny. Great Horned Owls are a nationwide bird found in a wide range of habitats: from desert to tundra, evergreen to broadleaf, and wild forest to suburban parks and even your neighborhood.

competition from migratory raptors. With enough prey available, mates can nest in surprisingly small woodlots within their two miles of territory. They rarely go farther than one mile from their nest. Once they find a mate, Great Horned Owls will settle in the empty nests of migrant hawks, tree crags, or hollows that they line with pellets and feathers.

Their success as a top predator is also related to their size. They are the second largest owl in the state, just smaller than the Snowy Owl, weighing in at 2-3.5 lbs. and boasting up to a four-and-a-halffoot wingspan. Their size affords them opportunities for hunting that a smaller Eastern Screech Owl or Barred Owl doesn’t have. Whatever fits under their talons may be on the dinner plate: small rodents, rabbits, nesting birds, and even animals the size of a skunk! You can often find the signs of a Great Horned Owl’s hunt in winter by wing marks spread across fresh Wisconsin snow.

Once the Great Horned Owls have laid their one to five eggs, both males and females will incubate them for up to five weeks. As chicks hatch and develop, adults may continue to provide care and protection into July! But they don’t remain sociable for long. When care is no longer needed, parents and offspring form new, tighter territories. Their potential density and ability to use many habitats and diets makes Great Horned Owls common even in suburban green spaces. Roosting near humans can offer an owl a steady supply of rodents, though it also exposes the bird to inherent risk.

Winter marks the time when Great Horned Owls begin to announce themselves with gusto, though they are generally quiet and avoidant of humans. The male booms a low, stuttering series of hoots that garners a higher-pitched response from a nearby female. Breeding season can begin as early as December for these birds, allowing them to lay, incubate, and hatch chicks without

The next time you’re hiking on the Center’s trails, look up if you hear their distinctive “hooting” sound, as you will often find Great Horned Owls close by. During the mating season, you might even see them nesting in the hollow of a nearby tree. You can also see Tskili, our resident Great Horned Owl, when she appears at one of the Center’s Raptor Program events.

Winter 2020 |


Winter 2020 |



Snapshot Wisconsin CORINNE PALMER Environmental Educator

Snapshot Wisconsin is a statewide network of trail cameras and volunteers that the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources uses to monitor Wisconsin wildlife year-round. The project launched in 2016, and in the same year, the Center applied to join the program. The DNR provided our staff with training, and in June 2016, our camera went live. The camera was installed by our conservation department in the Reptile and Amphibian Conservation Area, a unique high-value habitat. Trail cameras are attached to a tree or post, and the camera is triggered by motion. The photos are sent to the Wisconsin DNR to filter out blank photos or any photos with people in them. After filtering the photos, they send the remaining images back to us to classify, for which we enlist the help of our volunteers and interns. Snapshot Wisconsin now has trail cameras in every county, and the Wisconsin DNR is able to use the knowledge gained from these trail cameras to inform land management decisions. Volunteers from all over can help classify photos, and the information they gather is utilized by the DNR to track behavioral patterns, such as when animals are active, population dynamics, and more. The program has over 35 million photos to work with, and is a wonderful example of how citizen science can help with natural resource management. People can participate in the project by going to the Snapshot Wisconsin project in

ABOVE Great Horned Owl captured on the trail cam at night. BELOW A fawn and adult. Trail cameras help monitor deer populations.

in their environment. There were photos of the wildlife we expected to see, such as songbirds, squirrels, turkeys, and rabbits. We were also excited to capture images of Eastern Screech Owls, Wood Ducks, Great Horned Owls, opossums, and coyotes.

Our conservation department primarily uses the photos to monitor deer population, giving us an idea of changes in deer breeding behavior. The trail camera’s images give us an estimate of how many fawns have been born and if they are surviving. We are hoping to use the photos to track life-cycle dates across years (when fawns are first seen, when bucks start growOur trail camera is used for education in addition to conserva- ing antlers, when they shed them). The camera is also a fun and tion. We use images from the camera to teach our homeschool easy way to watch coyotes, which are not often seen by people students and secondary students about wildlife, demonstrating at the Center. to them how many species can utilize one piece of habitat. It’s a great introduction to citizen science, showing students how Snapshot Wisconsin demonstrates how the Center is able to easy it can be to get involved with a project. work with wildlife conservation here that also has relevance across the state, as well as for education at Schlitz Audubon. It The camera has already photographed an abundance of wildlife also shows a way for people to get involved in natural resource at the Center. White-tailed Deer were the first to notice it. We management by learning how to participate in citizen science at found many close-ups of them investigating the foreign object the Center and beyond. 6

Winter 2020 |



FEATURE nimals’ lifestyles are transformed by the accumulation of snow, and winter is often filled with animal activity that we can’t see. One place this happens is beneath the snow, where myriad animal relationships occur within the space of an ecology altered by weather conditions. This place is called the subnivean zone.


“Sub” means beneath, and “niv” translates from Latin as snow. The subnivean zone is an opening beneath the snow where small mammals live during winter, with connecting tunnels made by them to travel through, hunt prey, and gather plant material. In snow of six inches or more, the subnivean zone maintains a temperature at the ground surface around 32 degrees Fahrenheit, regardless of the air temperature above the snow. These zones mostly occur in prairies, and if you know where to look, you can often see traces of invisible lives hidden in plain sight in the form of ventilation holes, tunnel openings, and animal tracks.

How the Subnivean Zone Forms

A couple of processes can create a subnivean zone. One is snow build-up near a rock, shrub, or tall prairie grasses. Snow falls and accumulates, partially melts and then re-freezes, creating a harder layer. Often, a space exists under or beside the rock, shrub, or dead grasses where the snow has

Snowy Owl


frozen. This open area will be preserved by the new snow. More snow may fall, freezing and creating more layers while leaving the open space intact. Another method is through sublimation. Near the earth, it’s a little warmer than the ambient temperature, so when snow falls and accumulates, a small cavity at the earth’s surface is created. Here, the snow can transform directly into a gas. This gaseous water will rise and refreeze at the top of the cavity formed by the melted snow, making a hard layer on the inside of it.

Inside the Subnivean Zone

Meadow voles and other mice live in the open spaces beneath the snow, subsisting on grasses, the bark of shrubs, and autumn seeds. The vole does very well by taking advantage of the niche made by the subnivean zone. Voles will actually create complete underground quarters with an eating room, bathroom, and sleeping room. They are successful because they can reproduce at any time of the year. Within the subnivean zone, weasels and shrews are the main predators. Weasels hunt voles and mice in the tunnels leading to the living spaces, doing so with a narrow body that can slide easily through small openings. Long-tailed and Shorttailed Shrews, who are in constant motion, also hunt in the subnivean zone, also eating voles and deer mice.

FEATURE Outside the Subnivean Zone

For some animals, snow can present a barrier to mobility and finding food. Raccoons will stay home if they have enough fat, though smaller ones will need to come out and hunt. Wolves follow each other’s footprints in the snow to help them move using less energy, assisting them through otherwise impassable terrain. Deer congregate under certain conditions to form deeryards in the forest, where there is not as much snow and food is plentiful. Owls, foxes, and coyotes, are able to take advantage of These animals survive, but don’t thrive in the snow. subnivean inhabitants by hunting from above. The ability of owls to hear, including irrupting Snowy Owls, is Without the Snow much greater than ours. They listen for activity beneath Animals have adaptions for normal seasonal changes. the snow and swoop in to capture prey when they sense Unpredictable weather patterns due to climate change movement. Foxes and coyotes, with their acute hearing, can mean difficulty for some subnivean animals. When also listen for prey as well as sniff them out, pouncing on snow melts quickly or too soon, voles are vulnerable to unsuspecting mice as they traverse through their tunnels. being flooded out of their winter homes. Yet, if there is a Foxes and coyotes are primarily nocturnal, and are able winter without snow, voles can live a normal existence to hunt at dusk because of their incredible eyesight. In in the prairie. Weasels’ seasonal camouflage is based on winter, they grow longer, thicker coats that allow them to day length, so they develop their white winter coat at hunt even in the coldest weather. the same time each year even if there isn’t snow, making them more vulnerable to predators. While weasels hunt within the subnivean zone, they spend much time outside it and wear a winter camou- The subnivean zone is an invisible place for the most part, flage. They turn white, except for a dark spot at the tip of populated with creatures living out of view. Even though their tail. This black spot lures predators away from their it goes mostly unnoticed by humans, this zone is crucial body, preventing them from being caught. for a variety of animals to survive winter; those within the zone, and those on top of the snow. Eastern Gray Squirrels survive winter by relying on accumulated body fat, as well as storing nuts in small caches. Visit the Center on a snow-filled day to find animal tracks, They find their food through memory and a keen sense of traces to tunnel entrances, and discover clues to these smell, able to detect their cache under snow up to a foot hidden homes beneath the snow. deep. These squirrels live in insulated stick nests found in the forks of tree branches or in dens in living trees. Other animals exist on the surface of the snow, in the supernivean layer. These snow loving animals, known as chionophiles, have special adaptations that allow them to thrive in harsh winters. White-footed Mice have large feet, which allow them to travel on top of the snow at times, although they sometimes cache their food in the subnivean zone.

Long-tailed Weasel Red Fox

White-footed Mouse

Meadow Vole

Long-tailed Shrew




Winter 2020 |


When most people think about fall migration they envision birds flying south out of Wisconsin’s winter weather toward warmer and more food-filled climates. However, some birds fly south to Wisconsin. Many diving ducks that nest in Canada, Alaska, and further north spend their winters in the frigid but open water of Lake Michigan and the other Great Lakes. As water in the north freezes and cuts off their food supply, ducks fly south, but often only far enough to find open water. The Great Lakes, which rarely freeze, provide this open water, as well as plenty of food. Here they dine on aquatic invertebrates, clams, small fish, and plant material. Schlitz Audubon is part of the Ozaukee Bight Lakeshore Migration Corridor, which stretches from Port Washington to the Center. This bight, or inlet, has been designated an Important Bird Area in part because it is a beneficial habitat for ducks in winter, and therefore is one of the places to witness a huge concentration of migrant diving ducks. These waterfowl can dive underwater from 25 seconds to over a minute.

BUFFLEHEAD At only 13 inches, Bufflehead are one of our smaller winter ducks. The male Bufflehead’s has a large, dark head with a white patch toward the back. When the sun hits Bufflehead males at the perfect angle, their head appears iridescent green and purple, but can be rare to see. Its back is also dark, with white chest and sides. Female Bufflehead are an all-over brown color with a white patch behind her eye. Bufflehead are fun to watch take flight on Lake Michigan. They run a short distance on the surface of the lake before lifting off!

From November through April, Greater Scaup, Common Goldeneye, Bufflehead, Red-breasted Mergansers, and a few other species are regularly seen in large rafts from our beach. GREATER SCAUP The medium-sized male Greater Scaup shows a dark round head, chest and rear that contrasts with its white sides and gray back. The greenish iridescence on the scaup’s head is rarely visible. The white facial patch on the otherwise brownish colored female Greater Scaup makes her easy to identify.

Greater Scaup Male & Female

There is another species of scaup found in winter called the Lesser Scaup. They can be difficult to differentiate, but a key field mark is an egg-shaped head, and slightly smaller in overall size.

COMMON GOLDENEYE Another medium-sized duck, the Common Goldeneye, has a triangular head and a sloping bill. The male’s nearly all white body displays a dark back and the head is an iridescent green (although it often looks black) with a white spot near the eponymous “golden” eye. The females are grayish-brown with a darker, warm brown head, sporting a black bill with a yellow tip. The female's eye is usually a paler shade of yellow compared to the male's bright golden eye.

Common Goldeneye Male & Female

Red-breasted Merganser Male & Female

Bufflehead Male & Female

RED-BREASTED MERGANSER In contrast to the petite Bufflehead, the Red-breasted Merganser measures 23 inches in length. As their name suggests, the male sports a reddish breast on a gray body. The merganser has a white ring around its neck a green head with a shaggy crest at the rear and an orange bill in front. The merganser’s long and thin bill has a serrated edge—an adaptation for catching fish. The female is mostly gray with a reddish head bearing the same shaggy crest and serrated bill as the male.

Although the food supply is abundant, the temperature of the water hovers just above freezing. How do the ducks stay warm? Ducks, like most birds, are equipped with an oil filled preen gland at the base of their tail. The birds rub their beak into the oil, spreading it all over their feathers, effectively making them waterproof. Secondly, a duck’s feet have a special counter-current heat exchange system between the arteries and veins in their legs. Warm arterial blood flowing to the feet passes close to the cold venous blood returning from the feet. This keeps their feet just warm enough to avoid frostbite. Besides the four common species you read about here, scoters, loons, grebes, and other merganser species are also possible to see in smaller numbers from our shoreline. Since all of these species can stay underwater for quite some time, be prepared to see these ducks dive in one place and then pop up a fair distance from where they originally went under. It can even be turned into a game! So grab your binoculars or scope, and visit the Center’s lakeshore this winter to see how many species you can find.

Winter 2020 |



The Winter Lake December 15 — February 29

Schlitz Audubon is a leader in hands-on nature-based education. To support early childhood educators, we launched a regional organization to serve as a resource for those in eastern Wisconsin working in nature-based education or hoping to start their own programs. To accomplish this, Catherine Koons-Hubbard, the Center’s Preschool Director, gathered together a group of early childhood educators who created the Wisconsin Nature-based Early Childhood Association, or WiNBECA. The initial members included representatives from Schlitz Audubon Nature Preschool and the Urban Ecology Center, both in Milwaukee; Woodside Elementary School in Sussex; The Ridges Sanctuary in Door County; Riveredge Nature Center in Saukville; and Aldo Leopold Nature Center in Baraboo.

Our goal is to inspire and support educational programs that meet the developmental needs of all children, while encouraging joyful and lasting connections to nature. This group offers several services for members, including co-hosting professional development workshops for teachers, as well as getting together to exchange ideas and offer support. Some of the topics early childhood educators face when it comes to nature-based education are unique to the field. These include how to best meet licensing regulations intended for indoor programs, how to create a nature-based curriculum that is also supportive of young children’s development, and how to be a stronger voice for nature-based education in early childhood when so many schools are cutting out recess to allocate time for math and reading.

In June of 2019, WiNBECA and the NorthWiNBECA’s statement of purpose details ern Illinois Nature Preschool Associationits focus area in early childhood educa- co-hosted the annual Midwest Early Childtion. hood Educator Symposium at the Morton Arboretum. This symposium is a one-day We believe that all children have the right conference aimed at traditional early childto play and engage with natural environ- hood educators, but which has nature-based ments. We believe that connecting with na- education as its focus. ture in childhood strengthens community, improves critical thinking, supports phys- Next May, we will be co-hosting the Sympoical and emotional well-being, and fosters sium here at Schlitz Audubon. The theme stewardship of the earth. will be Get Outside Your Comfort Zone. We are hoping to attract a combination of tradiWiNBECA hopes to provide re- tional early childhood educators, as well as sources for those looking to start nature-based educators. their own nature-based programs, as well as for those wishing to Even though WiNBECA is still very new, we incorporate more nature into their exist- hope to present a determined voice for the ing curricula. We strive to meet best prac- benefits of nature in early childhood. And tices in environmental education and ear- that voice can only be stronger the more we ly-childhood education, and to promote speak it together. evidence-based research in our field. 12

Winter 2020 |

Winter is an incredible time of year on Lake Michigan. The lakefront transforms to an ephemeral, otherworldly landscape of ice and snow. This winter, the Schlitz Audubon Gallery will feature photos of this stunning time of year by Zoe Finney, Creative Lead and Photographer at Schlitz Audubon. No matter the conditions, and especially on the coldest days, Zoe treks down to Lake Michigan to capture the light colors and dramatic landscape. Join for a gallery opening at 6:30pm on Thursday, January 23. Light refreshments will be served. The Schlitz Audubon Gallery is open during the Center's regular business hours, and located on the second floor mezzanine, which is wheelchair accessible via the elevator. Photographs will be for sale with all proceeds benefitting the Center.

CALENDAR Adult Program Family Program Preschool Program Wheelchair Accessible Member Price Non-Member Price Registration Required

Payment is due at time of registration. Refunds will only be given to those who cancel 14 or more days before a program. If Schlitz Audubon cancels a program, refunds will be given.

Register online at Raptor Saturday

Saturday, January 4 | 1:00pm-2:00pm Saturday, February 1 | 1:00pm-2:00pm Saturday, March 7 | 1:00pm-2:00pm

The auditorium transforms into an educational aviary. Come learn about and meet our feathered friends.

Free with membership or admission. Sponsored by:

Saturday Hand-in-Hand*

Saturday, January 11 | 9:00am-10:30am Saturday, February 8 | 9:00am-10:30am Saturday, March 14 | 9:00am-10:30am

Rediscover your sense of wonder through the eyes of your little one. We will base our themes on what is happening seasonally in nature, combined with developmentally appropriate early childhood practices. This program is designed for children ages 2-3 and their adult.

Totally Turtles!*

Sunday, January 5 | 10:00am-12:00pm

Learn about the world of our turtle ambassadors. Meet, hold, and feed turtles. Then make a turtle craft souvenir to take home. This program is designed for families with children up to age 7. An adult must accompany children; the adult attends free.

M: $12 | NM: $17

Ice Safety Hike*

Tuesday, January 7 | 1:00pm-2:00pm

Learn how to test if ice is safe, what conditions are a red flag for danger, and why Lake Michigan ice is always dangerous.

M: $10 | NM: $15

Bird Club*

Wednesday, January 8 | 6:30pm-8:00pm Wednesday, February 12 | 6:30pm-8:00pm Wednesday, March 11 | 6:30pm-8:00pm

Join us for a topical presentation and discussion about birds, their habitat, and conservation. See our website for details and to register. Co-hosted by Dan Panetti, owner of Wild Birds Unlimited in Mequon.

Free to all.


Thursday January 9 | 10:00am-11:30am Tuesday, January 14 | 1:00pm-2:30pm Tuesday, February 11 | 1:00pm-2:30pm Thursday February 13 | 10:00am-11:30am Tuesday, March 10 | 1:00pm-2:30pm Thursday March 12 | 10:00am-11:30am

This program is designed for both people experiencing cognitive changes and their care partners. SPARK! celebrates how the simple beauty found in nature enriches our lives.

Free to participants and caregivers.

M: $15 | NM: $20

Winter Full Moon Hikes*

Audubon Babies* Thursday, Thursday, Thursday, Thursday, Thursday,

January 16 | 10:00am-11:15am February 6 | 10:00am-11:15am February 20 | 10:00am-11:15am March 5 | 10:00am-11:15am March 19 | 10:00am-11:15am

Children are never too young to enjoy the wonders of nature. We will start inside then head outside to take a guided hike on the trails filled with sensory explorations. Dress for the weather, but if the weather is not appropriate to go outside, we will explore indoors. This program is for babies 6-24 months with their adult and priced per pair.

M: $12 per pair | NM: $17 per pair

Nature Preschool Open House* Saturday, January 18 | 9:00am-11:30am

Tour our award winning Nature Preschool at this child-friendly drop-in event. Meet the teachers and ask questions! Registration for the 2020-21 school year is open to children who will be 3-to-5 years old by September 1, 2020.

Free to all.

Friday, January 10 | 5:30pm-7:00pm Sunday, February 9 | 5:00pm-6:30pm Sunday, March 8 | 7:30pm-9:00pm

Tai Chi Fundamentals: Animal Forms*

Lunar lovers will enjoy this full moon hike. Afterward, we’ll warm up by the fire with s’mores!

Explore the core principles of Tai Chi through this ten-week series focused on the Crane form and Bear form.

M: $10 | NM: $15

Saturdays, January 18 – March 21 10:00am-11:00am

M: $100 | NM: $120

Shinrin Yoku: Guided Winter Forest Bathing*

Wandering Naturalists*

Learn this Japanese form of nature therapy and discover how to experience forests in the winter with a sensory approach to improve overall wellbeing.

Each month, one of Wisconsin’s premiere naturalists will share their knowledge on a seasonal hike at Schlitz Audubon. You’ll learn many in-depth details about plants, animals, nature and ecological processes.

Sunday, January 12 | 8:00am-10:00am Sunday, March 22 | 8:00am-10:00am

M: $20 | NM: $30

I Ching: The Way of Natural Harmony* Wednesday, January 15 | 6:00pm-7:30pm

As part of our Spiritual World of Nature Series, Ron Moor will offer an introduction into the I Ching, a profound book of Chinese wisdom.

M: $15 | NM: $20


Thursday, January 16 | Owl Babies Thursday, February 6 | Red Like a Cardinal Thursday, February 20 | Beauty of Winter Thursday, March 5 | Maple Sugaring Thursday, March 19 | Splish and Splash Session 1 | 9:00am-10:15am Session 2 | 10:30am-11:45am

Saturday, January 18 | 9:00am-10:30 am Saturday, February 15 | 9:00am-10:30 am Saturday, March 21 | 9:00am-10:30 am

M: $15 | NM: $20

Winter Tree Identification

Saturday, January 18 and January 25 12:00pm-3:00pm

In this two-week course, you’ll learn about the most essential inhabitants of our woods and how to identify them at the best time of year – winter!

M: $60 | NM $80

Meditation* Sunday, Sunday, Sunday, Sunday, Sunday, Sunday,

January 19 | 9:30am-10:30am February 2 | 9:30am-10:30am February 16 | 9:30am-10:30am March 1 | 9:30am-10:30am March 15 | 9:30am-10:30am March 29 | 9:30am-10:30am

Explore nature hand-in-hand with your little one. This program is designed for children ages 2-3, and their adult.

Start your day off mindfully with a guided meditation session based on the Thai Forest tradition of Theravada Buddhism.

M: $15 | NM: $20

Winter 2020 |

M: $10 | NM: $12


CALENDAR National Squirrel Day!

Tuesday, January 21 | 4:30pm-6:00pm

Meet Amelia, the Southern Flying Squirrel, learn about all the different kinds of squirrels in Wisconsin, and then join a family-friendly citizen science project.

M: $10 | NM: $15

Tai Chi Basics I*

Tuesdays, January 21 – March 31 6:30pm-7:30pm

This course introduces the basic principles and practices of Cheng Man Ching’s Yang style taijiquan.

M: $110 | NM: $135

Gallery Opening: The Winter Lake

Thursday, January 23 | 6:30pm-8:00pm

Zoe Finney, our staff photographer and Creative Lead, will have photos on display in the mezzanine showcasing the beauty of Lake Michigan in winter. Light refreshments served.

Free to all.

Nature Knowledge Trivia Night*

Thursday, January 23 | 7:00pm-9:00pm Thursday March 5 | 7:00pm-9:00pm

Join us for a light-hearted evening of intriguing nature–based trivia. You’ll meet some of our animal ambassadors while testing your knowledge of fascinating wild facts.

$15 per person

Family Trail Trekking* Saturday, February 1 | 10:00am-12:00pm

Join us for a seasonal hike to see what winter has brought us. Be prepared to snowshoe, explore Lake Michigan ice formations, or even do some animal tracking!

M: $10 | NM: $15

Native American Energy Healing* Sunday, February 2 | 2:00pm-3:30pm

Learn about a powerful healing method seldom seen off the reservation through Dennis King. Dennis comes from a lineage of healers and now he continues their legacy.

M: $15 | NM: $20

Snow Lovers Hike

Thursday, February 6 | 1:00pm-2:00pm

We’ll explore how snow can hinder or help different species, and look at some animals that never venture out of the snow.

M: $10 | NM: $15

Creatures of the Night: Winter Wildlife*

Winter Concert Series

Sunday, February 9 | The Kitchen Boys Sunday, February 16 | Joey Leal Sunday, February 23 | John Stano Sunday, March 1 | The Ukuladies Sunday, March 8 | Milwaukee Classical Guitar Society Orchestra 2:00pm-3:00pm

Stroll along the shore of our Great Lake to learn about its geology and the beautiful and diverse rocks on its shore.

M: $15 | NM: $20

It’s Maple Sugar Time!*

Here comes the melting snow and maple sugar! Bring your boots and sweet tooth and we’ll do the rest. Begin inside with a story about maple sugaring. Then head outside to go through the stages of making maple syrup, from tapping trees to visiting the sugar farmer at the evaporator. Top the program off with real maple syrup over silver dollar size pancakes.

Free with membership or admission.

Animal Signs Hike Tuesday, February 11 | 1:00pm-2:00pm

This is the one season where the ramblings of animals are clearly left behind, providing a unique opportunity to learn their ecology firsthand.

M: $10 | NM: $15

Winter Astronomy: The Near Sky* Monday, February 17 | 7:00pm-8:30pm

Learn about some the fascinating phenomena of the near sky, such as meteors, satellites, auroras and more!

M: $15 | NM: $20

Citizen Science: FrogWatch USA Training*

Wednesday, February 26 | 3:30pm-6:30pm

Learn about Wisconsin’s frogs and how you can help monitor them here at the Center or in your neighborhood.

M: Free | NM: $10

Hootenanny* Friday February 28 | 6:00pm-8:00pm

Join us for our annual Hootenanny, complete with live music, dancing, and visits from our resident owls!

M: $10 | NM: $15

Citizen Science: Wetland Monitoring Orientation*

Saturday, February 29 | 9:00am–11:00am

Learn all about the salamanders, frogs, and crayfish that spring brings to our wetlands and how you can help monitor them here at the Center!

M: Free | NM: $10

Discovering Birds and Bird Songs* Sunday, March 8 | 10:00pm-12:00pm

Join our Center’s Naturalists to discover our fascinating feathered friends! Through activities and a short hike, we will identify common birds and their songs.

M: $10 | NM: $15

Experience nightlife at the Center! Meet Amelia, the Southern Flying Squirrel, and then hike to find winter’s active nightlife.


Wednesday, March 11 | 1:00pm-2:30pm

Join us on Sunday afternoons for live music in our auditorium!

Friday, February 7 | 5:30pm-7:00pm

Lake Michigan Geology Hike*

M: $10 | NM: $15 Winter 2020 |

Saturday, March 14 10:00am-12:00pm and 1:00-3:00pm

M: $10 | NM: $15

Home Prairie Planting & Maintenance*

Thursday, March 26 | 6:00pm-7:30pm

We'll discuss preparation, soil, planting/seeding, maintenance, and aggressively spreading species, as well as the benefits of native plants. We'll end with a discussion session to address questions or comments.

M: $15 | NM: $20

Weekend Guided Hike

Every Saturday and Sunday 11:00am and 2:00pm

Learn more about the plants and animals found out on the trails. Meet in the Great Hall for a 45-minute guided hike, led by our Weekend Naturalist or Nature Ambassadors.

Free with membership or admission.

Word with a Bird

Every Saturday and Sunday 1:00pm-2:00pm

Join us in the Great Hall to meet a live bird of prey from our Raptor Program! We will talk about the specific skills, traits, and adaptations that are unique to that bird.

Free with membership or admission.

THANK YOU THANK YOU In Memory Of John Ames Geri and Marvin Olson Rita Crocco Bernatovich John and Connie Kittleson Jackson Bruce Arthur and Nancy Laskin Tom Drought Steve and Susie Bell Joyce Broan Melissa Buller Molly Bussie Dr. and Mrs. Harry Easom Carol and Bill Gehl Margarete and David Harvey James and Nancy Hawkins Robert and Joan Johnson Terry and Carole Knudsen Missy and Bill Levit Alice “Lloyd” Lewis Mr. Frederick Luedke Ann Ross MacIver Pauline and Lee Nathanson Geri and Marvin Olson Dick and Kathy Pawlak Dr. and Mrs. James Rater Paula Scott Johan and Jane Segerdahl Barbara Stover Andrew Suvalsky Jane and Mike Townsley

Raptor Sponsorships Molly Malone Danielle Bailey and Katelyn Nye Annette Egan Carole Grgich Michael Rossi Sylvia Pasch Geri and Marvin Olson

Malary – American Kestrel Sue Holcomb

Glory – Bald Eagle

In Honor of Patty Peters Mark and Sarah Wendling

Sky Walker – Red-tailed Hawk Dorothy Zajac

Bernard Wetter Geri and Marvin Olson

In Honor Of Emily Bolton and Alex Marsh Wedding Tree Ceremony Samantha Chadwick and Michael Drolet Pete and Linda Chadwick Jessica Ertl and Kristopher Sardina Wedding Tree Ceremony John Franzini Quarles & Brady Cassidy Mac Vicar Anonymous Corinne Palmer and Shelly Rollins Dave Schober

Arnold Eugene “Gene” Elkin Geri and Marvin Olson Joseph and Emma Goyette & Lavonne and Carl Falk Dan Goyette and Kathy Falk Esther Kolowith Nancy Chalifour Michelle Kopp Lynn and S.R. Orczyk Era Arline (Bower) Krubsack Geri and Marvin Olson

Join us on social media! Admission

FREE admission to Members Adults: $8 | Youth $5 (ages 3 — 17)


Open 7 days a week 9:00am - 5:00pm

1111 East Brown Deer Road | Milwaukee, WI 414-352-2880 |

Credits for Panorama | Winter 2020 Director of Marketing Nancy Quinn Design | Illustration | Photography Zoe Finney Editing | Select Writing Craig Mattson

Winter 2020 |


Schlitz Audubon Nature Center 1111 East Brown Deer Road Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53217


Spend a winter evening at Schlitz Audubon with our birds of prey while tasting wines from around the globe. Featuring expert wine consultants from AVA Wine.

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